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Mortap of 'E=UzS M.-w=S-1 in %UbOrmU~Oeis' Sanstorla, by 0.. Lu~., 31 pp. FMOHp perp BoU World Umith Vol X77 No I'S' 1-951) pp -139. Uk. 5v VII-99 6101 -, Md'icinn -- - C%r-v .jov 5r, It Air -Radio-ictirlty and the Wind Direction, by E. *,xe, 13 pp - - GERMAN to MMMI, per, Atomkernonergle, Vol 1, 19560 P"t-' 393-396. Reverse Trunal-itibn CFA-Tr.A.3TS Jun 59 Contribution to the Theory of Heavy Atomic Nuclei. 'r'r. Lowring> of the Gawv Peak in Excitation of the At=J-c Nuclei, by Erlch.~~a 22 PP. GMIMU., per, Am PhPik, Vol =111, 1938, PP 389403- AEC NP Tr-361 sci - Nuc PbYs may 6o I/ ?~' V -N lomim for the fllel,*=tlopl% cc lootoms in the 004 amop bw Mob Lvaoil loirt Lutz=., et all, 1 7j, alum, patent E-4 3,0AW's, 10 zw 1q.&J. stw Nuaeor Resewro by B- %Wv c------ m .6 p.- K. DUb= * 1. 0~8 ~& www"s, mi~* ~' I=-8ToT ,F. -/341 Je-, gei.pmm 306j163 ja ~c Now TYP5 of War G"605, by H. P. Tap. DMMMI- prj Archty for Pb3rMWi Chami, Vol LVIIIs so 9 , P~rj, DamrTtA, 1* 2M.251. AW TV 1389 IdlU - Dan=k SeWntifte - chwatry Kilitary - War ftaveg Oat 52 =ill= it., Z,'-PcZ7TlM; uud ;~~-Ullfdart PT.".4 i0v 105 -kots at tho "'Veell 0 ~~AUUOA CeOtll"ht rot j, a u I. ~j Is ci n Vro L -., * ~260 t ~~J4 ~-4,ieldlng Experimats at tho 1-tactow 'Autim ~ostLtaclit, Annual ~vbpurt, 1964, ?.)v i,. Mv,~~o. rPt, (4a,.AUgA.- U."77,777,,-, .ocil,'luclear ici penhatrem tc 0~- ItasIbIlIty of a gnlqw Z-Ray Btrw~c AnAlVala by mwmaim 1. ftpauslozk Ot OeutmMmmatrIal FLidto XMG DLG=bUUQM# by Re HDIGWMj So L B&OW omwl,, Nor A*tA eap Vol v8 lyx; IV CSIRO jvn 62 po *-- ia-Waorr In a r,co,.Cod River f,p) LTD Tejo WLUW camative Uft A" Ibm Strictlyp by N- - RWSIMp per; Vent Von Flato lio 8p 1959P PP 33-35. 653797 A= Sol , //01, // V Apr 6o The Possibility of Developing an Alternatl)i~, F---cld r',-,tbcd for Detennining the Perromagnotic Campos-It'll-cr) ,,)f Rock5 bY V. I- Bagin-, 5 PP M7~',S-7104- per . ".z Ak Nauk SSSR Ser Giac.,fia NO 11, Lqrj2 pp 1622-1629- AIGU Sci a 1- .1, 2,47 J'6 1/ Rematito as a Napetically Stable ftap=enty by vI. 1. 0, Bagin, 4 pp. AIMBIAN, per Iz Ak Nm* SSOR, Bar Geoflz,, go 9, 1961, pp Z'M393 - AM sci /", 1449 Feb 62 ficinforced Concrete Supports for Overiwad Lima., by H. Ka. Bacin, 43 PP. fUSBUN,, bk &eim9tgi2R= Opory vozdg~aw Linil 195-3s 'PP- 13-19; 26-27 abi 34-65. JPf-43 40533 USSR Ifici-lAcci-, Ind. Rngr. ll~ar (""I _320, 9)6 F rna Lin,,, ic, al of DevelopLr, an ~Al 0 ~r De'crmini-r~ 'ne Fe-romarmetic Comoc,--dtion V I, i;aC:',-n, PIn Go o 11., Iz A~ uk ;oA Y)n, -.-622--1620(5 (BY-Wio) Quality and FLIM 110 by W184alav BegLuski,l 6 pp. PO=., W: ZrAe Gwpodsr= p No 4T., 19 Wv 1A,, P 7- JM 13067 : EAW - 1w wo Floon APF" I~VF Nor 62 (FDD 25048) The Violation of the by the Imperialistic Bag .,~Pnnp 3-17 PP Principle of Nonintervention States (UMR# by K. A. RUSSIAN.9 photostat VW"j, Numbs" Imperial- isticheskimi gosuiG-sivM, piia-s--i- pa, neymes stva crA/FDD Tr 477 USSR Pol International relations CTS 72/Sep 55 1~4 m Bagir , A. K 14OW ORGANIZATIONAL MMODS OF FRMGff 1. BROM, A. hL l iANDLING ON AZERDAYDZHAN LIKIL 119621 * order frm arS or SLA $1. 10 63-1M59 Trans. o( Zholezroadoro2hnyl TrawpM (LMF4 1962 jV. 44. : DESCRIFMRS: *R&Uroa&. H=dUv4g. It," can, Idanag- i p - angluenizq. *Cmrv% A 2 2 lMachiwr/--TranWM Tr, v. 10. am 51 00m d Todoled --' TT-65-31959 Field 61, Bagirov. B. MEDICAL RESEARCH AND EQUIPMENT. 9 Aug 65. 1. Joint Publications Research lip. JPRS-31463. Service. Washington. D. C. Order Jlrom CFsT1, SLA, or ETC: HC$1.00, blF$0.50 as TT-65-31959 -1 Trans from MedttaLnskaya Gazeta (USSR) v28 pY Apr 6 1965. I~lk Adi"', - 77 . 7 5 c o ~.* 0 i1. o I' Tu rp c nt'm 0 1, n FRes. by 1. N~ Rum-Tyomtscv.. 1, S. B-Agiroy, G. A. Askerav PLUSSYAN, mao per, 'Voyeuuo Med Zhur,' Moscow, July 1961, pp 76-77 /1 ~73, ~~;7 US JPRS-. /0 0 V J~/ SpeedL of Formtioa of the Main Ma=el of a Umg Spark in a Flo&-Plad Gapq by X. A. BSOMV 5 pp. IWBSIM.. perp Z h= Tekh Fizj, Vol XXVI., No 4j, Apr 19%,# PP 755-7%--` Amer 3kkst of FDTB Soviet Phys-Tech Pb,7s va i:, no. 4 Sci - Physics Aug 57 Ba A, M.A., Vechkhaizer, G.V. and *Fa-rly, Ch. M ; TUDE'SUR LA ~~SIBILIT9 DU TRAITWENT FJECT OTHERMIQUE DES COUCHES PETROLI- 110; WPUISEES (Issledavanie Vozmozhmosti Elek- troter,.micheskogoVozdeistviya na Istoshcbennye Neftenosnye Plasty) (Investigation of the Electrother- mal T-_~eatrnent of Exhausted Oil Formation). 14p. (foreign text Included) 4refs. CNRS-XXV 459, -- Order from OTS, ETC or CNRS $1.15 TT-62-264 Trans. In French of Neftyanoe Khozyaistvo (USSR), S7---.T 1959, v. , no , p.38-42. DESCRIPTORS: *Petroleum. *Mining engineering, .Electricity, Heat treatment. (Materials--Fuels, '17,v. 'it, no. 6) TT-62-26402 I Ragirov, M.A. II: Vechkhalzer, G.V, 111. Dzhuvarly, Ch.M. IV. CNRS-XXV 459 V. Centre National de la Recher- che Scientifique, Paris E-p- luvectiWulon of the Speed 09 MMIMM- DeveUrmeat of a 14ng Oparkj by 1. G. Stekolullmv., PL A.-:~~-- 6 pp. NMIAW., porp Zlmrimxw I-Tee"t, ViFj Vol um, 1954.0 pp 189497 AN Tr 260 L, d 17, 56 s ~7 1MOIR07.0 71.6 Do On the MUM Ot the lbVem Imt. at ','hwidinm ana cKC the POIJ shaml mmottnt BV,soian itate To MCLASSr.,= . ...... . Nov 3.950 M, 62-34277 F. M. CIIA~-N-1111-- PROPLIME.S OF C.RUDI- 011-S 1. Bagir-Zade, F. M. AS 1, FMC]ION' 01" G"OLOGICAL AND Gl--'C)- It. ATS-66P62ii CHEMICAL CONINTIONS OF THE 0111GIN OF 'ME 111. Assoc~atcd'I'ecIlllicaI 011- 11003-s~ [1962)6p. Surviccs, Inc., East 01-LIL I I r0l!~ AT(; S9. -J-) ATS - 6 6116 2 R Orange, N. llall-~ "d 'Vitjk'~hikh NOV t (,~w (I~SSR) 196-~, v. -), n,,. :1, 3-8. DESCRIFIORS: *-Mjm2ral oik, OLh, *Pctrolcuon, 44 fK TT, v. no. 11) Ofil" f T.A.1-1 S-1c.. Erfect of -bot Druning and Rocyt Treatment Vith -flotorftu:dn or. tba GraLrM ot Pine, tq -~,. '"I* Baglais 3 ppo M TI SIIIAT jport LaW 50) p M 3RUAI&M, ITO 1 3'962, np V-39- C'I'S'll I "i ~60-50395 353t320 dan 69 //~ o,,., %','~?rmaniu-m Lllis3clutlon in i'O-"Inc and lodine golutiono, by L. 74inDor, R. A. 7 -wr. Vest leningrad Univ) &!r -0 Pi ,-T'him TIXIO P. MY M-134 9093005 3ci 332 tlr-~Is in, -;Or. b-~ G. Bahzinoy L 1 U S S.- N, ma o z n r Voyenno Med Zhnr, 'No 7, 1-vioscovv. Aily 1961, pp 53-56 /07 US X-PRS., (DO-4400/15) The Idea of "C)A,08 Peace' and CaVitaliOt Reality, by M._Baglay. 11 pp. RUSUAN, per, Kawmistg No 6, Apr 1961., pp 3M 82-90. Jm 8533 USSR Fol /yj/ 7 r7 Jul 61 , .u=tjci3 of Gemenium Diasolutim in Aqueous 33,Mine gnd lodIM SO= a0lutims$ by B. L. miunerp N. A. Bnglayi.-7 yp. RUSSIAN, perp Vest LOU U., Sar PLZ I MAMI NO 4~ 19600 PP NEP 14-134 Sal - xLa 61 3 F-P dc knplifier With Conversion for an Extended Frequency Range, by R. D. B.~&lai, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Avtomat i Telemekh, Vol XXIV, No 10, 1963, pp 1387-1396. ISA Sci -Apr 64 2S6,008 ,j,be 4wld Cdwiv got$ bty Eo Le E%gliettoo yl 4,Wqslis pwo W99a #4 N* 343# ja 1w, IPP rx-mo Acic TC-1401 E. E. BO-~l I*e- tto sal/Ew Sai .tu'-l 68 %1*203 61-14749 Baglin, A. ON THE PROPAGATION OF WAVES IN A PARTLY 1. Baglin, A. IONIZZD MEDIUM. (196115p. I ref. Order from SLA $1. 10 61-14749 Trans. of Academie des Sciences [Paris]. Comptes Rendus (France) 1960, v. 251. no. 5, p. 694-685. DESCRIPTORS: Sound, *Propagation. 'Magnetohydro- dynarnics, Mathematical analysis, Velocity, Damping, Particles. The VTopagation equation of planewaves Is described in the rAise where the magnelic field is longitudinal'Then the transverse and longitudinal modes are disconnected.j. They are studied in succession for law frequencies. Their propagation velocity and their damping coefficient are determined. (Author) (Physics- -Alave Propagation, TT, v. 6, no. 1) Bloprepantions *ft on a Fft-WdrOIYfAQ )bdi=) by A4 Go DNPM!. wmwji,"rj, 2mdY 00ma NQuabnowNbutmi mot vat Prqpamtavj, Vol Us 1956P VP 194-197- CIA 9038%5 Bel - Biology Apr 59 At= or the BONN" MOP" owyl"v ty'T. Cwte.ft appmu: F5 W. 'Pt, Agger an gwwUm *Iepbaniquo MM, r I an &=ma,, i9de. ((bu ito s& m W53) AM *V OWVMM Afrfts - ONW49a New im 63 iq J067 12 , ap'l 12l cc On the Precipitation of Nickel Hydroxide by Mixturea of Sodium Hydroxide and Sodium Carbonatep by Odette Bagno, 3 PP- --mm"MM FRENM., per,, Comptes Rendus, Vol CCXKMJ, May 1953j PP 1275-YMO $.L.A. 6cientific - Chemistry CTS 64/07an 55 X'iaduced Toxicity of in ASsociation With OlUtaida AC:Ldp IV P~ Oadzeuplos, r. Gioriao R. Bagmdas 14 pp. ITALIAN, per, Bon Boo - Ital Biol Sparg Vol EM j go .10 13 91 5;R;;A9m4 1901 pp 34-41. N331 14E~Oientifio - MMUNIM malogy - ~kr 55 OTS W-54w) Steel beams and Supplarts lu HoprisuNiwov bY p4menc Bwj, 11 pp. EMARIMp perp Bwow*gti IA&P*S, VOI XClUi, AD 8; 1*$ pp 512-517. ,tw goo as= - 2=8=7 . 'P A/ j x noon mity 61 Fab mom The Rate of ftII of Maremy Dr~B in a Vis- cous I*dium, by F. A. Bagot 0ay-a. RMSTAN, per, Zhur Via RhImt Vol XM' 1950, pp 3-9. mi m. 4288 Set -.Cbent . / ~.? I ~Ie y Apr 62 of tlue 'wxtruw-on 6t Ataw:Cd -8ydrogL4.::L .~r, the Muet-ics of Ite Electrochemical Emlutlou, 'by 1. A,.ZWtsku^ Lo Do Kovbal A. 1. Oahe, 4 ppi RUSSV%X, per, Enur Fiz Khimp Vol XW-Vp No 7, .191,60~ pp i5o8-15i6. Cleaver-Ifume Preca Sci ) 57S~3151- 4!~ j;un 61 Investiption of the luf1mace of DMused 10dropm on tbe- Potentlal of Iroa. In Alke3i ftlUtloasp bW I* A. BWtakeyal Eussim,, thru,*-w per, Dok A Vol cvns, 1956) PP 8434i6-. ABC Tr *3 Scl - Fbp:icsl miu/mt&U CC,7-- I ~~ -77 APr 57 =/dim Diffusion in a Liquid vith Turbulent Agitation,, -L A& Bagotskaya,, 9 pp, RUSSIAN,, thrice.= per.. D)k Ak Vauk sssa Vol LXXXVo No pp 7- 7. ~~i Mi Lib It No 54/2517 Scientific Physic~~, I;lmmmmm~ .1 , C The Influeum of the BtGU o! an Yxm Memk=e on the Rate Electrolytic Wdrogmp by 1. Y,avbaj 14 pp. the D~fwion Side of X oC DiMmion of I A. Dmpt L. D. - RUBBIANs perp Dck Ak Nauk BSMj Vol MM=j mo 4,, 196D., pp ('62-W. CB sci ///?, /f 4v Alr 61 x Zfxoect of Surface-Active Compounds-Upon the Dirrualon of Wdrogeti Into Iron and the Recbanism _A..B&gots"YP and af Eydrogen OvervaLtage,_Pyj~, A. 13. Frumklu* UN"OLASSOM .%UB5VM,(,~per,, X Dok Ak Neuk SSSII,, vol XCII., No 5., ~. Q .L.~53P PP M-982-f---- B=tchor Tr 3253 9~'Y7 price $3.90 Tr-62-11746 Bagmakfl. V, S. And Maw. a L, REVERMLE OXYGEN ELECTP ODE BAsED ON I 'ftmotl[UL V. S., WRCIJRY IN ALKALI SOLEMONS AND THE I., MECHANISM OF CATHODIC RI UUCTION OF M APL)IM-TG-230-T318 OXYGEN FV: Applied Phyalcm LALb., IL W. Kuvshinoff, tr. 24 Jul 62. 7p 5rfjfg k. Idma Hopkine UnIv., AFL /jHU-TG-23D-T3I8. sil"W sprLre. Md. Cwtract NOw-62-0604-c V. Contract NOw-62-0606-c Oider tmn M P. 50 TT-62-11746 1).an. of Abdemiya Nauk SSSR. Doklady, 19A Y. 71, no. 3, p. 501-5U. DESCRVMR& MearocherrAstry, *Ox)zm Reduc- tion (Cherr"n-A Reaction Line Us. Baces OwmistryL MOdrOUS, *MaYMMY, *Pb)Ar*=Pl4CSnfily8tl Q---A"dstrY--FbywlcaL TT. Y. 'Lt. no. 7) f T-kk.1 S~l. Direct Conversion of Chadcal Energy into Electrical Euerg~j by V. 3._B~t ts '~ A. N. Frumkia, 32 pp. MJSSIM, per,, VeA Ak Nauk SSM,, No 7: 1962, pp. -19-32~ JM 15257 Sci - Eleatricily 7- 7. oc t. 6 2 R17-VERSIBLE OXYGEN ELECTRODE BASED ON MERCURY IN ALKALI SOLUTIONS AND THE MECHANI.SM OF CATHOIDIC REDUCTION OF OXYGEN, BY V. S. BAGOTSKIYj D. L. MOTOV, 7 PP. RUSSIAN, PER, DOK AK NAUK SSSRI VOL LXX, NO 3) 1950) PP 501-504. NAVY TR 3231/APL T-318 SC I - CHEM s Ep 62 P-11,851 The Awdic PaMmatiou of ZJ= in A' k*l 4 Solutimsp tgr S, 1. Popm, V, S. bwy%*~ kK B. N. Mabmoyv RUSSIANj perp D*.Ak Nmik SM., Vol No 3,, 1960, pp 1539-012. CB sel /V?, / Apr 61 v Equilibrim Cond:L04m at, a Ziua Electrode In A' W4 &Autdaw SatunUd With meatev by E. A, Nimdzb ita%iyj V. S.B 4 PP. IMW,p pa,. Dot; Ak xm =a, val cwuz., 110 1.8 19590 A CB Sel .oct 6o is"y ?A2-- OPQMt Wa CJ.L' Forwd l;Woru,~.&jppjy Systemo by lo G. Gummi 17 pp. lnzlwnorao Fir, Z*Vaw, V01 VIP VTO j.9634 ms IC!C1. jen A .;'aE-.tuv*s of the Catho&ic Re6uction of Chrr*lc Aal-d at a Carbon Electrode, by G. V. Shteinborg and V. S. BagotBkiy, 4 pp, RUSSLAN, per, Bak A.R. Nat SSSR, 'Vol ~~7, Tio 3, 1957) -.OP 5:58-- Clansial,tants Burmi.u ThA Equilibriva Potan-blal of the SYStem OV9en/ Hydrogen Peroxides, by 1. E. Yablokow) V. S. PAV 4 pp. . MWIAM IFIE D FUSSM . thrice-mo per., Dok A Wauk [-;SSR, Vol I.XW No 3j 1952., pp 599-602. M~vy Tr 8!18/NFL 451 USSR 5 7 Scientific Chemistry Oct 53 U19, The Road to Nowhere, (On the Spiritual Crisis of the Ideologists of Anti-Co=mnism.) by E- ~~amo~v, 3 Pp. RUSSIA11, np, Pravda, 28 jan 1962, P 5 CIA/FDD X-4953 USSR Soc Ju-I 62 202,997 The woria on the Tt"shold at the sixties., by L. Bagmmovj, V. GuMnIms S. Datlins 26 I?P. RUSSUN; Pero MITMW& MMC=Ika I MezbAunaroduye Otuashealpl, No 1, 1961j, (Special SgPlement so 9).- DBUY Review of BOV"Let Freae vol mo %r ig6i POI mar 61 CaINS ia rk..Mcmio GCOPOUtlonv qhci LOZ of tho LBJI k y a 0 r WL M,?,, b 7 L B 9 9# 1959, pp U2-123. interati Pxt3 mud Sai Press Problem of Econmian Vol 11, No 7 Or 7, Boca 74b 60 Improving 'the Corrmian Fatigue Strength of Pump Rods (by Surfa6e ffardening], by H, M. Raskin, H. A. RUSSIAN, rer, Metal Tem i Obra Wtallor, so 12, 1959.. PP 33-38. BB 5007 Se if. Aug 61 26 Calculatins or EstImUng the Stability Of the Camm of Pump Rods$ by R. 14. Raskin, HO Ao Eagremov. RMUN,, per,, Neft Khozo Vol X=It Do 9#' Ilech and Cam Tmm- ~68.60 USSR Scl - Engineering,, ftels 73 Opecch at Conference for the Drprovement of Daily LLle of the IlTopps) by-DaCraWano -n1), Krasnaya Zvczda, 5 jun 1962. 'TIS 'd 2-L 13 jim 619 The Combat Readines3 of the Mot-or Vehicle Drives -- , UP to the Level of Contemporary Requirements, by Bagrwqan. RUSSIP011, np, Kxasnaya zvezda., 20 Jul 1961. FBIS 'dire USSE 11111i1 .Aug 61 A, Faithful Guardian or our Motherland, by Bagramyan. RUSSIAN., np, Economic Gazette, 23 Feb 1961. FBIS mire USSR m9w Pol mar 61 Bagranyan Article: The Sentinels of Peace RUSSIAN, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Feb 23, 196o FBID Daily Review mir 6o Let Us Give Fatherlike Care to the Soviet Soldiers, byBagramyan- RUSSIAN, np, Krasnaya Zvelda) 1 June. FBIS Wire USSR PCIitical 2 -j:Jun 60 :7 77 Ir:sulin InaciAvating Properties of the Liver of' Irracliated Rats, by E. R. Bagramyan, . 8 pp. RLISSM, per, Radiobiologiya, Vol I,, No 4, 1961., p1, 497-502. 920256o AEC-Tr-5425 Sci IlLr 63 224)677 Tua mfect of the somatotropic Hormoug of the 4paph-PIS on the Proteia CG*Orijtjon of Blood Berm =1 the D=ummtory Frmeas Lu IrradUted Animls., by S, A. 6 pp. .1 RMSIM,, -per., Prob"W Sa&*XIa I GomOWUMpli~ -Va) IM, 6, lt*V-D= 1961, 1& 43A6- V V C Sai - Red mar 6e B-554/60 (NY-4571) The Effect of Ionizing Radiations on the Adrenocoiticotrophic Activity of the Peripheral Blood of Rats) by E. R. Ragramyan, 10 pp, RUSSIAN, per, Frablemy Endokrinolog J GormonoUrap, Vol V1, No 3, 1960, pp 27-.31- JPRS 5466 Sci - Mel ( ENTY-13k,33 tie Course of the ExudatiVe ?base of Dif 2-PUff Z"t, Ion i1i Lrradiated Jmimals;, by B. -R. Bagram-ml. 8 pp. J32101,; Medit Radiologjp Vol IV, No 8j. 1959 - 1 R JFRS 2705 S, 2 i Aedicina G'a t' BagrDmyan, E. R. REACTION OF THE ADREIAL GLANDS OF UYPO- PHYSECTOMIZED RATS TO UNILATERAL ADRENALECTOMY, ADMUISTRATION OF EFI- NEPHFINE, ANDIRRADIATION. Jan/Feb64. 5p l7refs Order.frorn V ASEE $2. 00 Iq Federation Proceedings Translation Supplement, 1964, v. 23, no. I (p. T189-TI93) Trans,. of ArkhJv Patologif ftJSSR) 1963. v. 25, no. 2, P6 Wt DESCRIPTORS: *Adrenalglands, Excision, Secretion, 41PIndlary gland, Epinephrine, *Ra&atloQ effects. IT-64-12,541-1 (p T189-TI93) 1. Bagramiyan, E. R. Il. Federation ot American Societies for Experi- mental Biology, Ivashlr*on, D. C. 2 8 0 (Biological Sciences -Radiobiology, 77, v. 11, no. 10) (U42") pr4itntlys I'MA VOCOPMAIC xrx"t of l"Nows on timp Actida of IMMU RWASIM ga-AGAMIO UA Roane by 1. R. Mapawmat-I 18 oft IMUMp par# Prab2aw 266alrlw3vos I Garmso- tonvilip Vol two lb to Ims pp US-M. Apr 59 OA5-3) lie PropUvlwt~c aad Thmpoufte AatIm of s=atakmpic Mm= In MIA 'on Atftatlmg by Di, L c1b A. te. Rsbklrao_"* U= pwp cormwtemill, Vol Ivs No ho *memo 3.90., 1-3-7 US JM IM7-N Vob 59 ]Reflexes Fn.a the Upper Respiratory Passages,, in Experimental Dtfluem of Ferretm~ by S., R. 6 pp. MMIAN.. pert Wal Meyer Biol I Mea, Vol =., So 51 May 1956t pi, 3~--~- Consultants, amea ft-i - WdicMe .44 r, 1?600" ft 57 inIle I;jn~ng of Irrigation Canals) bY G- A- BaSMMY~tllp 7 .jI rj G,d i 14eliorat) Vol VII,? 1958~ pp 20 ,,Mj) pL 1 ors W-2nob p-f 486 Sr, i-C.Cup.,lyt; '73 Aug, 6o A, Tacnera Scaborioum,t Pz~; by I - BRMMMD 7"'"Y -Ctea Po3ltLw~L.Trsnsl- OR; Soviet JcurnaU MWIMj 18 x yr p4r., Kcmml Ots NO 21 HOSCOWO 58., Pp USSR Pol "The Wheial of History Cannot Be Turned Back, 11 by Mar STI I. Ih. Bagramyan (hailing Bulgarian I'liberation" date) - %-~ Sofia,, jnrodna_~~, Daily Report USSR & East Europe A)b -,-,15 may 63 Ihe Thermal Stability of Paraffinic Hydrocarbons, kly S. 0. Gavrilovp L, B, Bagratian; 2 pp. IOSSUN., per, Zhur Obahch KUmj Vol )=j No 6p Irun 1956, pp 3.586-1587. Cotmultants Bureau Sci - Chemistry J'ul 57 CAMMO in spbagidal Cooftsy* by 640 ,Go Ve bagratUds 303. pp, WSSIANg, bkq IW= SforquitholLt GOQ"Iii4 IM, pp I.2S;t. P=134667-v. a FTO MT 64-300 ~ . L) 1 )3 al~ )a. sci may 67 3240969 BAgrjtML'G' V. M-THE ACCURACY OF DISTANCES AND AZI- MLTI`711'; OBTAINED FROM THE SOLUTION OF THE INVERSE GEODETIC PROBLEM. (1961] [91p. (3 figs. omittaKi) 8 refs. AERDL T-iost, RIS E-7L2. Order f roin UrS or SLA St. W 61-28941 Trans. of [lueetiya Vysshikh Uchobnykh Zavedenil. Geode2tya i Aerofotoo"emka) (USSR) 1959,no. 3,P.79- Ajso available from RIS $15. DO an RIS E-712. DESCRIPTORS: *Geodeeics, Geodetic dam. *Azimudi. Ellipsoids, Errors. Earth. 61-28941 1. Bagratunt, G. V. If. AERDL T-1081 111. RIS E-712 IV. Army Engineer Research and Development Labs., Fort Belvoir, Va. V. Research Information Service, New York C iw (Ear thSc ienc es - -Geodesy, Tr, v. 8. no. 5) T-Wc.l on 'the Derivatioii.of Formulae for Solving the Inverse Problem for the Oauss-Krupr Projection, by G. V- Bagrat=J,. RUL'551U, per., Trudy Mookow Inst Inzheneroy Geodezii, Aerofotosly&~kiv i Kertogram, so 24, 1957, pp 57-59. AGIC Ucl - Phys J&a 62 Yttatruction nod Tabies f or the Solution of the Direct and Invene Frobje= of Osodesy at Signif icaul Distances by the ForvuUe of A. M. Vlrovetej by G. V. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Teentral Nauch-lesled Inst Gpodezii, Aerofotoolyemkly L KartOgrefil, No 93., 1952. ACIC Szi /90" 7xj Jan 62 Tho Non-Logarithmic Computation of Geodetic Coordinates of Points.zft in the First-Order Tr:Langulation of 'the USSR$ by Go V. ~~gi~at RU3 )SLkli,, per; Truly Moskov Inst Inthenerm Geodezii., Ael-ofotoslyemki, i Kartografiip No 29j 19571 PP:27--2. Sci ACIC Yeb 62 -gxminlug of Eagi=--riar" studmtc in tho !~e:-,artmernlt ~)f the H=CM 10.8titute of Geodesy Aerial Ebotosmmmimy sucl CartogmPhY, by V. ?-.,Irl.-atuQY3 ppa V~.scca, 3.058, P-E) 60-.64. CaU N3 Q232-i 5, U.), sov Antamum or hGaoun CWW4 1w now 'or slectroaft mawimser lockwoLows 1w S. P. ft"Fas 06 xmm~ pri i L 1,091091, k va 35* DD7.* 1964, ap 14~ --- - a& M-M 0. 3060= Extractim ar lo4ioactive Cesium with Mixed Reavy WtAl ?ez7oqani&s, by V. v. Fusumvp L. D. Skrylarp V. F. BWestsovs 4 pp. XWIMj per) Zhur FrIk lblmp Vol ==), No 10 1960, _vp 81-94. Sal. CB reb 61 Sorption cl' Pdcroamo=ts of Strontium and Cesium on Biotitc, 'by V. P. Bagretsov, Mx V.'M. Nikolayev, 6 pp. RUSSIAN ., per, Raaiokhim, Vol II, kTo 6, i~'6o, a 734-733. AEC-tr-I*R 4573 PL-118o sc.i Au-'r '02 D 2o6,393 PST 570- 11he Literaction of Half-Calcined Doloidte and Strontium Ions in Aqueous Solutions, by V. F. Begretsov, 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, 72-.ur Neorgan MAm, Vol 1, 110 1, 1956, pp 179-i3T. AM-tr-4582 PL-48o Sci Au,lr , 62 2o6;374 PST 571 Inwraction of Semi-Bwned Dolomite With Strontium Ims in Aqueous Solutions,, by S. A. Vonesenskiy. Vs, F, Bagretsov, RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan Mis, Vol ill, No 12,, 19581 pp 269-. AEC-tT-4460 PL-480 Sci Aug 62 PST-382 20909167 Sad-Cvlcin e (Pa-le Divero Elernerit's oc -roj,v.,jjt dn'm. ...], :Lcf, solutlon:3 11. V. LUZ rov, 11D p"'. ~,o lic-v'GrOul Irp 816 13AGRETSOV V. F., PUSHKAREV interaction between semi-calcined dolomite and various elements in microconcentration in aqueous solution Interaction entre la dolomite semi-calcin6e et diff6rents L516ments se trouvant en solution aqueuse en microconcentration Radiokhimiya, 2, No. 4, 446-450 (1960) Commissariat A 11 Energle Atomique, Saclay- French E u r a t o m Kinetics of Ion Uchaaga an Temlaulite By V~' ma Nikolgav, V, F'o-DA&DAM PP, 5 RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Prik Dim. Vol XXV. No u, 196z, PP, 2414 .:!419 OB , SOL . I *2~ 0 -9 96 oci 63 - latenouca a NMI Ilk- valoodu with lboattto Ims in Aqmmo br 11, A. V. P. Dogrator.0 5 pp. awm Ed* v& Wt ]b Us 1! Pp AM-tr-WI60 P&J,% all low 6,2 PIPT 3ft 195080 Sorption of Radioactive Isotopes by Alumimun Hydroxide, by B. A. Vozaeseaskly., V. V. Pushkarev, V. F. Bagretpoy, 8 1?~- RUSSIANj perj 2hur Neorg= lMlmj Vol In, No 1, 1958, PP 235-- Am-tr-4449 Pi,-48o sci p~ dq jan 62 PST 371