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ITM Calmi3atim of the Rogim of the ovamll S*MWing at Caqd= Co2ums* bV S. A. ftpt=ov. 1036W# mo pup lhb I To* logivap so 7, M6* Tech and CQm Tr 4112 1411 Sol. etxy Divial; Lquipment (A visktal aid fur Trairtinj in Shallovr bivin,;, by otal I C, Rl;l;SlA!,., bkj Kislorddiiyv Vodolanyy Skafandr UcliCI)r,#-)Yc Posobiye dl lyadnoyc va oTuMicniya, 1-25. FiR-13631 499/67 t%',arch 67 320)916 Series Resistance of Gemanium Diodes, by V. S. Bagayev, A. A. Zberebtsove., et al,, 4 pp. - RUSSIAN, per, RE2iotelda i Elelftron, No 12, 1961. .PJM Sci jui 62 205,4oDS An InvesUgation Into the OraInIneso of Devoloped PbDtO9Mph:LC BMUIBIOVBo Ul* Ifflitt Of tb* COMPO- aftlon of Us De"IoW mg of Ue Bousitcatric Standards of Dovelopkent Upon amidnesel, tw 4011,10. aj!r~ Yu. N. Garokbovsklys 9. M. lovenberg, 20 pp. R;BSXAN,l perp UBpkh IbUCh FbtWOp Vol Vp 19550 pit 241462. CIA/= IX-51.5 Im RUAAUXB TO FOMMN XATMUM B;'-l - Physics Oat 58 Vic INMMUVAL USS Owr ZY ., 0-5--7 jmvqatjjptj()U of a Nov. W~my of iXtractIng Ollp by the "lUrmo-Uft* *tbWs, by J6 N. AllzWep $. A. BaaUayt A. A. Ruul=&, D. L Nfttievo 5 PP. ON= - -' RUSSIANs port Dak Ak Ikuk V Axerb"UMMtW 509 No 2# 1959* Ipp IU-U4. %-~~ LW Tr D4 Avg 1959 MW Aug 59 q glation of Toluene Study of the Condition f Alk vith Ethylevis by- A. V. Sondarenkoj..!~. I.-Bagdanov, and it, I. Fal~berov.' 7 P"'jr' *' . S RUSSIM, per, Zhuf Vol =, ficM, 1957; PP 781-786- Consultants Bureau Sci - Chem Aug 58 A MItIchenuel ftles ljoight Analy"r With a Loprithmic, Characteristic, by L. S. Bagdwariez, V. It. Kharlto~ov. RMSIM,, par, PrIbory i Tokb Mmpery no 11 1195% pp 70-72- Internatl Physical Index Blectrwies 1wees Vol 31~ NO J. Bel - Slectroolu 16,4 -4'~P 7 NOV 59 (NY-7*) UE SiGNlf ICAKE W 8W NAMM TRUOMIONS IN THE UUIMW W MIATION WIPM10WOF OMT0011 111S* IPP# BY A. A. WMAUMV, Q. V. MARAM. IKINIANi PERo MM toLm* VOL V1 It ND at 1,00 M- 68-71. im MY 62 197.p355 (2247-N) %he ftbiew ar oloasumftum or mood wboututeal by A. As Da~W", 6 pp. ~ttuk SM, Vb3. X=., So 4.. HMMAN.. per.. Test Ak 113d. lq%~j pp JM 1373-3 Sci - Wed APr: 59 31 The StudY Of the P90P.-rdin WGUm Of the Body, by & I, L. Chirtkov, L..Aija R. A. MbeMp 0. avAndmkhp 5 pp- RMSM, Pao "]mw Gamtolvy, Figi KrOV12 Vo3. ino No 2o M8j PP 3-7- - sci~ - Ned Sept 59 Anti-leucocyte Antibcdia in By"laistia Annemitt a:d Chronic, lbdiatico ;4948 0 by At A __ N* DmUltsbyd48W"#' F* L ps 3 Adnshtei% 6 #p. Wmaza, per, Prd"w Gmtologir %*L MrOVL.. VIA m.. No 4., *54 vp io-i5. ,?wpm= Press Sci - Ked 07.A- SaPt 59 A statlatica Auslyals at the lm*aqmlwo by A. A. RMIIANi pvt PCOL6W Val 140 No 60 1900 pp NOW Bel - *d -Z2/ Sep 59 7 49o Evidlinco of HoMotherapY In BWr EMMUOU 109PItAlo by A. A. bigdasarov, No 3, Dulltalu,, 2 pp. RU3,13IMp mo per,, Klin I Val xxj,xo 78, 1020 ..Wd-v pp 27-35- Sci Tftno Center ET-176 Ms"a Scbeatific - !Wdeins Reports Dealing With Hematological Works (Experiments) of Soviet Authors, by A. A. gs&~~ ~. 14. AllperLnl Anshevits,, Rodinal Dullstin., LOrieO at-all 12 pp. RUSSIMv bk,, Referaty Gematolog Rabot Sovets Avtorov,. publ by Institute of HematolcW and TranihRon of Blood, Moscow, CIA 563539 ACS, 1, 0-7595 Sci - Medicine 6- Jan 57 CTS The Classification and Desigae-ion of Contemporary Blood Substitutes., by A. A. Bagdamrov, A. A. Vish- nevskiy, S. A. RuBanov, 4 pi'. mo yer, Voyemo-Med. Zhur, No 0', Moscow, I jun 1957, pp 20-22. t91 JPRS/DC-L-~'515 The Use of Leukocyte Mass in the Therapy of Chronic Radiation Sickneas,*by A. A*.BWasaro'vrp- F. P. Vinograd-Finkell, 0. V. Aksenova,,__W.__P_. Bogoyavlenskaya, Ga M. Boldyqheva,, R. I. Rodinaj S. B. Skopina, 11 pp. UNCLA68IFIED ]RUSSM, mo per, Klin Ned vol xxxiu, mo 6, Moscow, Jun 1955, pp 28-3 =:tA US JPM/Nr-32 363 (NY..1285) Be i -Ned May *0 58 The Basic Reoulte of Selentific Remorch In the Flel.. of &= ology and BlDod Tnuefuslou lu the VMp bY A. At Sag~&vaaw, 19 pp. UNCLASSVIED IRMIU,, zo per,, Twimpefticbeekly Arkbiv, Vol MCIXp 110 10, MOSCM2 Us JNS/bC-L-3W Scl - Mad Jun 58 B. 1 Queations of Mood Mmzwftalon. Preparation of Blood Vitbmt Stabillm MA of Lqujw" )kss tr *aw of CktIoD.4hwhaged Adwrbmtg- fbr Tranmftiden In =do,, by A. A. 3~~~ ,_..u R. k. wat entgaft, V. A. loonteviAt So Be SkIMIMp Go X& Abdkillmyev, n pp. RWSUI, ftcWLw Nodal I PorkUv%*4, xrofto so 3* IWO-* SrA "MIGIM JAs 57 cU Bone Marrow Transplantation in Asplastic (HYPOPlastic) Anaemias and Acute Leukaemia, by A. A. Bagdasarov, M. S. Dul%sin, 10 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Problemy Gematologii i Perelivaniya Krovi, Vol VI, No 2, 1961, pp 73-082. PP Sci jun 62 193,742 (MC-4371) .1 Sme Current PrdbIms In UN Devolop"t of Boriet a pp. Semtolow, by A. A. Sagd"aravp Malm.. ver), ProbloW QuotoWl i Porelivanip troy$ Vol vp No 6. ig6o, PP 34- im 6o34 Sai - Ned oat 6o s-3i/6o OY-3430). The Properdin System in Acute Radiation Sicimess; by A. A. Ba&dssarovp 1. L. Chertkors M. 0. Rausahedball-, -N-.-L. 814mylina, Z. 1. Sheremet, U r"p. :RUSSMM,j per, Modit Radiolog, Val IV, No 4, 1959, .pp 3-9. JPRS 2592 3al - Med may 60 11715-17 Innuence of Various Dextram Preparatioas on the Survivability of Mice DurjM the Acute Radiation By A. A. Bood v -1. L,, Chertkov. pp. 10 _~~!a ro . RUSSIAN, per, RadiobiolozVa, Vol 11, No I.- 1!?62., 9208799 Sai ABC-Tr-5428 jio. 63 (ri-Toig') The Use of PolySlucln In the Tmatimmt of pattento Kith Zd=as by A. A, BagdanarW., P. Mo Allpwln., . YO* jwTa7avAoJv 4 pp. =SrM,. pw., Min Wd,, Vol IL, No lo pp 91-93., 1962. JM 13402 1 7 Apr 62 Thc of Acute Radiation Sid"MOS With rIntucicts) Vwt, A. A. Y~Wa-orqy~ M. n.,u S7 B. 1.7. Bely-&-yam. -lerel-lvTmiya ProbIrmy Gematolo, U I I 8p 1955% 7d -31-7- Ylargow'On P"Illdfnient3l Pers-pecti-ms or the 'euture DevvloD. OIOEZr ca o.1 Tran,4v:Oasion in. '3311) y A. A Bagdasaror the b, 5 pp - !~Mslxf~ PC.1-7 Pr obiLeV, Gematologli I Perell- ,iranlya iLrovi, Vol 17, No Is 1959) -i,'P .3-7- Perearmon Prea3 Sci Jun 60 S-5519 IN I - ~R ) - Certain Clini-CrJ ami Tlhol'!-~MLLIJAC I'f Acute lladllatioit Sjokmeot; iii ;~IL'alwy-, Ly A. A. Bagdasarov, M. 0. Raushenbal-di, G. V. Sakyas~ma, G. M. AbdtLllayev, 14. N. Novikova, ' - , V - Ya. Lagutina, 14. L. Samoylina, G. A. Chernov, 14 pp. liz!r, Ee t Radiol, NO 9, i959, PP 17-24- JPRS-L -1150-N Sci - M"al Jan '00 3 J-5228 (NY-2638) Signs of Certain Functiorw2 Deviations Found in WoVkera of Roentgen Ine.tItutIons) by A. A. Paoasarov, P. U. Allperin, Ye. V. fteatkin) r. r roarma, 12 pp. HU56,10.9 per, Klin Hed, No 4, Moscow, 1~~59, pp 1.9-25. Sci - Iftd, Radiology Jhn 59 The ~bia Problwm o2 RkUatiaa TruW. by A. A. 2aaAmm pp. iWSMS per Vent Ak Ned Nm* MR.. Vol x1lo No hj. 1,957.). pp 39 5. ABC Tr 3610 bei- *d DIV 59 The Use of Lumdneseent Microscopy to Determine the Via- bility of Stored Leacocytes and Their Survival After Transfusion, by A, A. B . ',Agdas=v, F. R. Vinogrid-Finkel, R. I. Rodina, 8 PP'. T.155TA119 per) Problewl Gamatologii i Nrelivaniya Krovis Vol V, No 4, 19609 pp 34-39 Pergamon Press Sci Nov 60 Ach-1--Ven-ento in tha Develoj=nt of Soldet RE09- toloL",I~ by A. A. Bagdasarovt 7 pp. perj Prablazy Cmatolog-IY i PCO01 ~--ovi, Vol 11, No 5o 1957,r !IP 3-10- SOP 58 Alkali-Pagmatitea of' the Afrikand Musif) by R. A. lagdas=v. RUSSIAF,, perp zaplaki Vsezoy Mineralog Obshchp Vol LTDMII, !NO 3t 1959o pp 261-ZT4. DSIR LW RTS 1339 Eict - GeolAys /o2 %sep 6o Cortain Directions of Development of the Teduiology in the Electric Equipment Industry, by G. RMdasarov.0 S. PP - RUSSIAN, per, Promyshlennostf Armanii, No. 6, Jun 64, EP 6-81 JPRS 278347 USSR Econ jwx 65 271v507 Use of the lYlxftwlorlmcUr for DateminatUn of the Solubility Prodact of Tharium Hydrmdde,, by. P. N. lbvaUnko . K. H. Bagdaearov, 5 pp. RUSSIAN., parj, 7,bur Prix Mxim., Vol XXXIV) Ho 4; 1961 -OP V9-793- CB sci Feb 62 IZ4.,6P~~7 I ~Ms SclWAUty of Urnam Wradas by IN No KOVSIIWWO I* No lefda$UW# 3 PP* 11US&UNO pwo mar Nearpn DIP# Val via ]I* XO 1"10 ipp )34-538* Clomw4=* be&* Ltd 3A jKW 62 1"03" 61-15M5 _~Bqgdasarov. YC.,,A. ALKALI-PEGMATITES OF THE *~WRIKANDA MASSIF 1. Pegmatites--Theorv ' (Sh(:.-helechnyye Pegmatity Massiv. Afriknd.). Nov 60 2. Pagmatites- -USSR 1241p. 6 refs. RTS 1339. 1. Bagdasarov, Ye. A. Order from LC or SLA mi$2.70, ph5.1 80 61-1-5005 11. RTS-1339 Ill. Department of Scientific Trpns. of Vsesoymoye MineralogJcheokoye and Industrial Racirch Obibchestvo. Zapiski (USSR) 1959, v. 88, no. 3, (Gt. Brit.) % -274. '?61 p A close spatial and generic link was established be- tween the alkali Ngmatites of the Alrik-anda, cspo- cia.(Iy their early types, and the rocks or t tic first two intrusive stages. All these formations belong to a sin- gle genetic group, the ultrabasic alkali rocks. In the prccess of crystallization of the main roA-s of the i ii trxision (pyroxenites) loss of the strong bases, accom- pariled by acute undersaturation of the magma with reitpect to St02, caused a considerable part of the Fv, Ti, Na, K. Ca and A] to pass over from the main to the residual phase of crystallization. The alkali (Earth Scl ences - -Mineralogy. TT, v~ 5, no, Uover) The Appox:bMite BolutIM of TWO-IMW PrObluw Of HoafttlmW RW CO&IOtimp- 1W M Ye- ~a w 2 VY. ~W~ M=Un,p pws, Init uwn*-Plsldwddy M""%W v Vol vio NO 9,,p 1963. im g3W6 sci ftb A 02 4- f Nr ~ - . A . . . . I Itil smum To Tmdafjy at owwo ftedo cc Aostviashm UkKkbU*,o by ~L 14 WA volex3moms QW69WA IODI 6 j9S7 7>4Y3. ,arc A. M. Bagdesarova Al Bel Qct 66 Som Result's of a Detailed Study of the Seismicity o:,~ the Sourth Kuril Islands, by S. A. Fedotov, V. N. krer'yanova) Ax M. Baossarova, 8 pp. RLBSIAN.,per., IZ AK Hauk SWR? Ser Geofiz., 110 5., 1961) pp 633-642. .AGU oct 61 Oa the Stratigrephic Division of the Lowr C.--mboniferaim Terrigencus D"malts in the Southern 0:ection of-. tbg FAxelovdq ftotno by M. V. ftg~mr_p.". !. P. OrmAilova, 1. B. Ubaftvaj at als 3 pp# FMSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SM,, Vol CK=,, No 3) 3,960, pp 649,~61, AGI 2 Y_5~ "al 61 Olf"YOM 10 TO MWIDS Or ATTWAIW.Am VIMM omits Or POLIGMITIS vim" r4gam" CNM"lg so OML A~ Nooft -W a& A sea W.* Lo &GVMICM# Go Aq a MWIPAS Poll V~ Vm Vis 0 Is 19610 pp 14AR 5j, 6 a, f!77 gw'brwWaw -at Bovelp W"w DTJ4PUQR nelds in the VoUamWeUtls MomMdity, ~ by Q* A. RMZWR a pw, mar WArdMa 49dod" I ImmadbUls, Vbl =aL No R* 1961p SrA aM62 SDOPM ii,~ 11-luttar oi a qlia6rical Sholl ia a -~r25011cra 0-i u -'Lai;mutic Fields, tky jqb"-,4my" wort. V,.." A. 17(2,. 5 Owe Ll O-A- On the Study of the Mol~lusc= Fw-ULs Of the Chokrak Pbritm of Gaorgia.* by K. 0. u=o 3 P.P* Bag"r RMIM, por,.Dok Ak Nauk SM,, V*l CXMII) No 5.. 1959s pp 101&1019. AGI sci j~m 61 /51K 6 -3,9 v Bajdasar'yan, Kh. 1 1. Bagdas PtiOrrOPOLYMERIZA71ON OF VINYL ACETAIS. ar'yan, Kh. (196i 17p. 13 refs. Or&r from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-1817 Trans. of Acta Phyalcochlmica U. R. S. S.. 1944. v. 1~1, p. 266-285. DESCRIP17ORS: *Acetates, *Vinytradicals, Photo- chemistry, Polymerization. The 1khotopolymerization of vinyl acetate In rnixtures withethyl acetate and bertzene has been inveattgated. The rate of photopolymerization of pure vlnyl acetate ared In animute with ethyl acetate to proportional to the squ&te root of the intensity of Incident light. A peculiar relation ta established between the ratio V/ifi~ and the concentration of vinyl acetate. The temperature de- pewknce of the rate of polymerization corresponds to an scavation energy of 6.3 kg cal. 71'he length of the offi- tuole(-ular chain Is shown to be proportional to the (Chen flarry- -Physical. IT, v. 6, no. 7) (over) Photopolywitation of Vinyl MR40polymortgati= of May] S. ang4mmoyau. JRUSSIANg per, Zb. Pis. Map 19490 pp 1181-11910 NLL Same film) tei - Phys Sispt 67 S40,363 luternational SymposiLm on the Chemistry of Micromolecules -Y ., by A. A. At-eat akubovich, Ka. S. R--$dasaryan, 5 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Kinetika i Kataliz, Vol 1, No 4, iq6o~ pp 627-6.4, cB Scl oc i, 61 - , ... ,%~ -1 ., . - I .'- . : ~ 1: . " --- -,"', -'q -.1, , ; ; . - . - I .. I . .: I -I . :.' - ,,. ~,; . ;, A ~'- -,- L~, 140 Two-ktuantum Photochanistry, Proof that a ~ lecule in the Second Triplet 8tate Takes Part in the Raactioup Oy 1~1- S. lla~~a~,Iv . Z. A. Sinitsyna et al., 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Naul: SSSR, Physical Memistry Section, Vol CLIII, No 2. 1963# Vp 374-376, CPI 65 280#268 Relative ReautlvitY Of Radicals, by Kh. 8, Bagdasar'yw~ 3 PP- RUSSIAP,11, per., zhur Fi? xhim, vol mIV, No 7., 1960, pp 15171-1523- CIcmvmr-Hi=e PreSs scl: / ~~3 ,j jun 61 The n-oblem o Ab"luts TOUMW Of ReFictlons, by'kctolhSes -mew-mmsmwmwb 12 pp. RUNIIARp pert Our nxo sun., Vol vt l9kif pp 4049. OLA R-29k7 Jul 59 The Addition of Carbon INtrachloride tc Vinyl Pither Under the Action of o~-radiatiorj, by T. S. NI-kitinas K. S. Bagdasarlyan, 10 pp. RUSSIM, per# Zhur Fiz Khimj, Vol XXXIf 1957.r pp 704- 7W. sLA/R-2674 sei Apr ~q Bibliography of the Studies of the Karpov P_bysical-Chemical Institute for t Ard 1934 to 1943s by Bagdasaryan., 8B pp. RUSSIM, per,, Zhur Fiz'Khimp Vol XVII, 1943, PP-424-445- SLA R-2268 ad Aug 58 7,~2,, /" The Relative Reactivity of Vinyl Monomers Towards the Benzoyloxy Radical, by Kh. S. Bagda5arlyan, V. A. Borovkova, 3 pp. - RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Fiz Khim, Vol XXXV, No 10., 1961, pp 2306-2310. Cleaver-Hume Press Sci 210,541 Sep 62 Phe Tranzfer of E=itatlon rj2,--r&v and the Sensitization of MAMical Reactions During the Rwllolysis of Solutims of organic Dim"ideso ty V. A. Mrong=., Xh. S. B&Ax~~arjy4u, 4 pp. RUSSIAN,, per, Dok Ak Nauk BSSR~ 'Vo). CXXXJJ~ 5,- 1W) pp 1136-ii3q. Apr 61 N~bjtjoa and the Strotwe of Inhibitorsa Me, NAbited Polyoorlsatiodat Vinyl Acetatojo 'by Z, A. Siuitspaq Kh. B. )~.!& 3 vp, RUBSTM,, per, Zhur riz Xhimp Vol XMV.9 No ig6o., pp mo-nIM6. G3a&Yar-Z=e I~rems sai j:m reb 61 The Activation Theory of Reaction of Radicalop by U, S. Bamd aryan., 19 pp. RUBSIM) per,, Ypkxvey Kblmi F(eakti Sposoba Plmd Nsuk BM,, Vol L. 1955p S.L.A. Tr JA B-389 Sci - Cbemistry Apr 57 : A Study of aref t IWomulzaUcm lu D-radiated . Toaf Ions bV Z. A. SWtjVna.. Yu. D. 719"tkvro Eh, S. Dagdwargy=j V. V. vomodakiyo 4 pp. MWTM.. par.. Dok Ak Nk* SM., Vol = , No 3,, 195.9$ pp 631-634. OB Sol oat Oo /,3 0'/ 6 5"9 M* Iva"rer or fwtv ftrile.: r--t ~~Is of DKMA Xh. S, Baskou". Feroside pu, 6 ppi, MWIAIij,.r:,To Dok Ak NWk SWp V01 =To NO IPF", V2, aw-W. The Phttochemical Effect in the Transfer of of Excitation Energy in Three-Component Sys- tem I by V. A. Krongauz and Hh. S. Bagdasar- YlLn) 4 pp RUSSIM, per) Dok Ak Nauk WSR,, Vol CXVI) No 5) 1957) PP 817-819- Consultants bureau c i - CAA,,~ Aug 58 The riffect of the Nature of the Alkali Hetal and Solvent an the ilbsolute [late Constants Durim, the Anionic Polywrization of Styrone, by A. lo 10i, S, Baydasarlyan.,_S pp. RUSSUN', per, Kinetika i Katalizi Vol TV, No 2. 1963, pp 193403. C11 Sci hy 64 258-730 InvestleAtions of the Dmalu of ReAlcal Reactioa Mechanism. Ill. DeamTosition of Deazoyl Peroxide and Its p,plDimetoxy- Derivatives in Bcmzene and Nitrobenzene, byI MilyushinakaA. Xh- 8- ftgaasarly=- RUSSIANp per, Zhur Pit Wn.. ;oj. xxvin, xo 1954., YP T97-&)O. DSIR LLU M.1514 (icHM) Sci - Chem oat 6o 11-lie, 111heory of Radical Reactivity I. A New Iater- pretation of the Polar Mect During Copolymerization, by 110i. S. Faw~~'YaA.. 7 PP- 2MISIM per, Kinetiks i Katalit, Vol 1, No 4,. pp 503-509. CB 7~.4-f 17-2, J oct 61 The '10myortiomlity at the the *-VAemdml lieviations Prm Additivity and DonjWtlo Vwgleaj by lb. S. BasbA&r,ylmp 9.04 low.Tmj pars Z-bur 3tiz.W-, '%fol =1 No 2s 3.956A. PP 470-473. SFA MFa 226808 om 60 Vol Ills No 5 Aelationship Betveen the Structure of Vinyl Com. -pounds az~ thoUr AbIlity to Polymerize, by Mi. S. 'BaCdasar ~an,'21 pp. 'Zlnw Piz MAm, Vol XXIII., Ho lip 1949p RUSSIAB, per, pp 1375-1384 CIA/FDD/ X-1132 Scientific - Cbem-istry CTS /D= ~W? 61-22232 Bagdasar*yan, Kh. S. THE PROBLEM OF THE RELA71VE REACIIVITY 1. Free radicals- -Chemical OF RADICALS. (196118p. reactions Order from ATS $13.30 ATS-48M47R I . Bagdasar'yan, Kh. S. 11 . ATS-48M47R Trwiis. of *Zhudnall Fizlicheskoy) Khirnliij (USSR) III . Associated Technical 1961), v. 34, no. 7, p. 1517-1523. Services, Inc., East Orange, N. Office of T*cWcA Sovi-s (Chemistry- -Physical, TT, v. 5, no. 12) Paf-es From the History of Our Nat-Lon's Surgery., by S. Bagdasar'Lian_ R U SS I A.N.9 i-.,o per., VQLeAqg_~d Zhur No 109 moscowo uct 19579 pp 94-96 (;s jPRS Rpt 287 Sc-i - Med ,3 Feb 58 .~ tbo-ftufts"MAJ010 ~: tow at the ODOR# 1w 96 MIS ;~~ --- -U I've ~ RMOV amauddembim ABC- ~ 95%, we "- Irbso X xv-SMOL Una ow MW 65 9643a 63-12297 Ragdgaarygn- S. S. tEMPI-RATIURE DEPENDENCE OF HEAT OF VA- 1. Bagdaearyan_& S. PORIZiTION AND SURFACE TENSION Oil LIMIDS. 11. ATS-98P64R (19621 5p. Ill. Assocfaw,,, Technical Order from ATS $6. 25 A-S-98P64R Services, Inc., East Trans. of Akadlemiyal Nauk Azerblaidzhau.-tkot SSR, Orarge. 14. J. Baku]. Dokll-ady) 1961, Y. 17, no. 9, p. 773-777. DESC R I PTO RS: Tt! In PC t-a t U R', -ni,,, r n iod vn a i n i cI lea t. 'Vaporization, OSurface rension, *Uquida. (Physics- -Thurmodynamics, 17, v. 9, no. 2) Wke of T"Wcsi Senka Ozonidee of Sodium, Plubidium, &M Cesium, by G. P. N'Lkol'skiyL_Z. &~_p"any0yano 1e A, ra-zar-novskiy.. 9 pp. MEMO; Per, Dok AL Nauk BWR, 1951, Vol LXXVIIp No 1., pp 69-72. BIA 59-15504 Sol Oat 59 7 0511 Vol 2,, No 3 Rownwee in Forwd NmWmar kaWAtiow of I-mina Anisotropic MxdWU&s by Z12. ye. V. Me. clmmqq 10 PRO MIBMMj, perp Iz AR Sar Pis Jbtamt xmk Vol 196i't pp 43--ot ;9w FTD-22-U-M sci - Pbp AP4, .2 ;C-4- 2 mar 6e of a tia-ac-i.Ayer -Ahotropic ~Aate A ';Upersordc 'an Flow, by Zh, "'Ale, ~.hi-jasaryari, lki6 per$ Af~ 'Ite.atichosUkh Val 1 i4b P-13 ZI ~N tyr- 356,324 Blood Platelets in Cncer and Peptic Ulcer, by A. Jk. Bagdaftorovi. R. 1. flodiney E. G. Gefeny 12 9P. JIUMIJAN, per, Klin Ned# V01 =11s 1950., VP 39-45. AEC Tr 3173 Scl: - Had may 58 7-7- W-5042) Pressure PanetratLon Into thsBady of a Compressible Nonhmpneoua Fluid,, by A., 0. BagLoyer,j 3.1 pp. RMSW) perp Veat Mookov U,, Ber jktewt,, wkh~ Astrany Vt2, RhImp So 2p IM,, pp 45-50. an T, 44 Dee 6o : Dateriduatlan af Presswe in the Vicinity of a Pront, by Aa 0. Bagdoev, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Is Ak Naak SSSR$ Bar Geofiss No 6p 1960, pp 865-667. AM s0i Fab 81 / .3 f, i-A . . . . . . . . . . . a Uquide by A. G. 84-dayev, 13 pp, 1"ussinst rpts, No" of cbe !S~ of of t.110 Artauldi !50"allst RVII, 30 N's Max, of Navy 43rJ/Uil Tr 202"0 J tz U~ 294j,4V ~,M~ty ef I t 0 a Gas FWWp ;r =. M. L. ww'm we 322M almd" lr= m 196% VPW*Moo cu'pvp 71 I.,- ~kl .ptis D44Y 00 Ful", OMCIAL USE ONLY MAU apatUa fim-StAtima7 Notic-w of Solid MocUun With Shook Wavess by A. 0. 8800y",j 284 RUSSIMS bk., Pm -Tawtvmlp NatatsioMolne DvItb=iyG 801031moy Sr## 0 MMYRI VWMW# 1961. 9201572 se - pbp 6 mar 63 (nc-6247) Penetration of Arbitruy ftwoure lato a Compressible nuld in the Isentropla Cue.. by A. G. Amftw.- I. H. Niarattlym, 5 Pr. R=rM, per, Dot,Ak 1wX SSaRj Vol MWIII No 4., pp 8D7-809. jMw Oct 61 (Ily-4763) ka Trweatigatiou of the Penetration of Pressure Bl~lm) the Surface of a- clompreasible Vluifl.. by A.o G. 3 13 PP. RiSS!", perp Yeat Mookor Up A Bar Motho., Makh; A.stron, Fix i Xhim, No 1, 1957., Py 23-29. JM "49 Dov 60 1.3 J- 3 lberml COO&CtIV11W of T*Uur:L=o by lb. 1. .yr, Me A. gwblspv, 3 pp. Atirkbmv, 0. Be ~!" Imsr"s p"s D*k Ak auk smv vol amj No 6,, 1957) pp 953-955. Pmer lut of Pbys Bov Mp "DqklW' Vol 31, 310 6 Bel - pb7sits j" 58 17 Anlootropy of Merml *Condactivity in a x4noar tai of 9allurium., by Kh. I. Amirkbomov., 0. B. V.0 3 EMBIAM"t. gerp Dok Ak NwA BBS;Rp Vol CXM, No 3# pq Awr Ust of Php Boy Php - DokUdy Vol IT., 10 1 8-1 Phys Measurement of the Scattered Electron Intensity and Elimiastion of the Background in Electron Diffraction Studies,, by G. 0. Bagdyklyautep A. G. AlekeeYev, 3 PJP- ........ RUSSIM, per., I7AAk Nauk SSR, Ser Fiz, Vol XXIIIp i,,r, 6. 19501 PP 773-776. Columbia Tech Sai S 2 -~, Mg 60 - 0. per, usp-Ah n?. ntmis Vol. T,X:.:YT" n W7 Tbe Sector Method in glectronograpby, by G. 0. Bi 4 pp. ~!!22s~ MUSIM., mo per, Iz Ak Nauk 8WR, Ser Piz, Vol XX.. Ro 7, 1956,, PP 838--8W.--- Columbia Tech sci - Pbp rxtp 57 T~te Question of an Oriented Structure in Glass, G. 0. 2 pp. RUSSIAN, 10k, Proceedings of a Conference on -the SI;r,(c'kIure of Glass, Academy o-j"' Sciences USSR Press, Moscow-LeninErad 23-21~ Nov 19513, pp 216-',U8. go4P311 CD Sci - Chem 0 c t 51 S-1. :Electronogimpldc Qntable Gla6sem., Imat4ption of Chemicully byG. 0. BaGw4q=ts* 4 PPO - ----------------, :WWVW, mo per, Btekla i lCdr=ikm# ~.No 4,. Apr 19%1' iv 9# me 'ilie PT?iysIc4 AtIaN of Heisidd BarLd" - Tac Cartueraphit 'suchnique of tho Oldest ul"~Iutic J~'twld Atlas, by Gerhavu, vlu~;CICAM* 7 Intimidtional Yearbook oi Y. pp 1-7171 1 -2,014 011: i i4