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62-16523 (tMIBUTION ON -ME MEASUREMENT or AIR 1. Bachmann, H. FLOW. 11962][63]p. 14 refs. H. Darmstadt U. Order from SLA $6.60 62-16523 (West Germany) Trans. of mono, (dissertation) submitted to Darmstadt U., 191.1, pub. HejdcILw,-rg, 1912. DESCRIM'ORS: *Gasflow. Compressedair, Measure- menE, FlowmetcrS, *Fluid mechanics, Nozzles, Tests. (Nicchamcs, 17, v. 9, no. 9) Ofts ot Yedmksl Swks. TT-65-12155 Field 13H J Bachmann, K. is- 1. Bachmann, K. ; INCREASING THE CAPACITY OF DRAWING DIES (La turigsateigerung bel Diamant-Ziehsteinen). 15p, (forelp i text Included). I Order from SLA- $1.60 as TT-65-12155 I Trins.. of Driht (West Germany) 05 n9 p632-5 1964. MR 626 (NY-643u) P RObLEMS OF CONCENTRAT I ON DY K. DACHMANN 12 PP. I N' OUR FOOD I MD~STRY ( I GE-RMAN; PER., DIE LEBEI,,151,IITTEL-11-11-DUSTRIE) VOL Vill; 11, PP 331-334. JPRS 13554 EEUR-- ~',ERMAINY ECOj~;,, t-Ay b2 EE (m,-6430) PROBLEMS OF CONCENTRATION IN I I ), BY K. BACI-114ANN., 6 pp. GERMAH, PER, DIE LEBE143MITTEL-iNDUSTR1E,, NO 12) 1')61 ) PP 374-376. OUR FOOD 1:'IDUSTRY, VOL Vill, J P R's 1 Ek.'UR - kGERI-ANY w'y --,)2 El' 1 2) ~'112 i ~Y-b N 6430) PROLLE OF ICOH--NETRATION INI OUR FOOD 1'~OUSTRYJ I I I ), BY K. BACHMAl,;H, 3 PP - I- fl:'R'4AHlj PER, DIF- LECr-_'~,!SiiITTEL-lt,IDUSTI?.IE; VOL IX, HD Ij 1~0'2) PP 13-15, JPRS 13-`:154 EEUR GERMANY E CON' PAY 62 E.E Epidemiology and Incubation of Interstitial Pneumonia in Early Childhoods by K. Bachmannv 16 pp. MMUls pers Meqbu fuer Kinbrbp Vol LXWj, No 2v 23 Jan 1954.. PP 133-140- MM Scientific - Medicine CLB 70/-Tul 55 BochmiLng L and Sitte P. THE DIR-miRATiom 6F Tim Ttacmss ULTREMN SECTION ErY THE TOLANSKY' ME7ECD. (19611 [301p. 41 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 61-2D099 Trans. of Miltrosco;de (Austria) 1959, Y. 13. p. 289-304. DESCRarrORS: OElectronmicroscopes, Thickness. Determinaion. Interference. Colors, *E:e=on beams, Focusing. Ughttranamission. Photographic materials, vMatilms, Production, Reflection. UIrrathin sections floated an a water surface show in rcflcct:.*d U& interference colors which depend on their thicknoss, Th& series of Intni'erence colors ap- pearing in sections of increasing thicbess has beeu determined. The corresponding thlc~mesz his been (Physics- -Optics, TT, v. 7. no. 4) foyer) 0 61-2002 1. Tit' e- Tolansky imthod 2. Title: Reurdft substances 1. Bachtn2tm. L. U. Sitte. P. 044~ *I T~WcJ S-Mma ThA Submicroscopic Structmv of Active Nsgueflium Qddeo, by L. Bwbmana. UncL QMW, per,. Udex RwAsaba% No 3o 1957o imp Utz 564-577. DSM 3"/CT Wl -- Cbem Mar 59 (FDD 2-4954) Antimol3y 14ining in Baot gwringia (Germany)., by V=fred rvM4AM33,, 21 pp. aMAU,,: mo per* Z. fuer Embe"u und Ustailhuet- terivesen Vol V1170 no I., stuttoorto Jan 1955, pp CIA/IMD/U-7165 EMir Germany F,Ct)n ore mining Jul 55 jwmt x4porasoln of the Uvw., by X. D. tjtap 7 pp. 4MRW,, pwj, AreMv tow - - ARbOdf md Phystologiss Val Ow==p 19% pp Iss-" JU 8-1"3 (LO=) Isel - Kol & Red so 63 ,3~~ 33~~ 63-16294 Bachmmn. R. PREPARATION PROBLEMS OF THE GERMAN 1. Bach- R. POTASS[UM DMMY. [1963) 1* (figs. mkmo. Order hmm SLA $1.60 63-1M4 Trans. of [Zeitsclaift flir Fxzbergbau ukid M=U- hfktenwcsm (West Germany) 1955, v. 8. p. B109-8114~ DESCIWYrORS: *Powdum compomb, Uwds, OFlotation (Separatior4, Solutions, Chen-dcal industry. (EnginecTi%-Cheadcal. TT, v. 10,'no. 11) w" w Ted*m swom, 61-12849 onclonann, a. VUM POLYMERS AND COPOLYMERS IN TICd 1. Paints- -Materials PAW FIELD. M Feb 61. Z Vinyl polymem-PropertJoa Order from TTIS 1. Bachmann, R. U. Translation and Todated Trans. of Deutsche Parbon-Zeitachrift (West Gornmwy) Information Services 1960, r. 14. June, p. 229-23& Wt. Brit. ) OWs of TwImIcel W-dwm (mat-Uls-Paints. TT. v. S. ro. 8) 12 .'Ibrterbuchbibliographien 1162.. .B-achmann7 Vlaltler ;",.-.,-,'-Iisch'e-Fachw6rterbflcher# (Lehrbriefe I'Ur das Fernstudium der Bergaka-d-emie Freiberg-. - Buchausgabe.) 19591 144 S- DLI 5 - 80 Niemcypr, lialle Transport:and Distribution of Labelled AssiaLlate 6. The Distribution of Labelled Assinilate in a Long-Te= Bxprimints by Rachofen" H. womr. GEP419,10 per,, 5dweLsovisdie Botauisdo Gesellsehaft Berichtes Val IMIIv 19620 pp 272-279. M/T.S20 Sci-Engr , -? ;e -'/ .6 16- Transport and Distribution of Labelled Assimilate 11, by H. Wanner, R, Ischoten. GERNW,O pero Plmta* Vol LVII, :1%1, pp 531-S42. NU/T 49S Set-wSe Jun 63 13V145.9 F. Cn. NI KO L I V ANOVI C V4VI LO V ( I I / 26 / 18 1, 7 - 8 /22) 19 4 2) TO HIS 70TH BIR11MAY (Nikoiaj ~"Ailavlc vavilov 1912) zu se:ncm 70. Geburtatag). i961 j 1,23jp. 3 r0h. 4)rdL-:- from SLA $2. 60 61 -20428 rr,ias. of JL:~ Zucmer (Germany) 1956, v. 28, D-,SK-_ RIPTORS: *.Scicn',if1c personnel, *Agriculture, I?lantr, Icenetic'i. 61-20428 1. Bachiccv. F. C. 11. Vayllov. N. 1. .1 r 1.9 2 :(Agriculture- -Plant Cultivation, Tr, Y. 7, no. 7) (Dc,4133) lAbor In a Gulded Denoormay, by ftahtiar Salim Nalohol 5 pp. nDMSIAX,, npl Suem YArb"u,, Val I., No 35., t2h Dec 195gj p.6. JM 6462 f~-9 - Indonesia Pol IS7154sy Jan 61 Zme Dy=Ic Characterietics of an Are pischarge Between Tungsten Electrodes in Nitrogen, by I P. Bachtiger, 66pp. ------- GLTW,, per, Relv fts Acta,, 111, No 5/6, 15 Oct 1930., pp 335-390. ---- BIA Tr 57-1571 Sci - Electricity '.~ -, ~ /" , el ~' f Oct 57 ~-actim --rwitch for Zo-Centiwor zrave, -iT aaauria. 10 plie "ry"Q'Eka- As tru'raziewskay a "twerv at or iya, Problems of Profitability of lufts-trial Haterprises, by A. Bachurin 7 PP. . ~j F08SIM, per, Voyrosy Ekou, No 111 1959, Pp 71-84. Interntl Arts and Sci Press Problem of Economics Vol III NO n 138SR Jun 60 Swrim ot WbAMSU Priem wA ftru ProbUft lboory.. tw A- ahalowtvi. 19 VD* - PWIM* pwo I hapa . ~p ?b ls~ 19.62j, po 144A. j m. 3a,,366. c- ~ 4 ic /,~,) MR ftw (~Ct 65 29DAN Vast 11.;Wiu~a for SO. 0.1 iiau:)v by A, i;, i;achurin, - OZ~SIMS, part IzveatUa Kank!za Astrofii Vol M11j, IRA# pr,, 187-191, MT7h-o!i-Isa!i - L lac k. AJ ! I i~~ (I'TI-3120). Al'fred 14~,.kolayovych Olmner (6o, q Birthday), by G. F. Bachurina, 4 pp. RUSSIAR, pcr, Ul~rainskyy Botanichn~-j Maur, 140 3, 19561, pp 93-100. MIS -L -1106 -1 ~` Sci - misc Jan 60 ~1, M the Bryoilora of the Yenisiy River Baula, by P. Bachurina. UNCIASSMED '~!;SSIAN, per, Botanical Institute of the Acadpmy Sciencee of the USSR, Vol XXIII,, No 311 1939., ATIC F4 71 Sir_ ;Ckl,t C - Georhys ks Liu)? 5y CTS !;-~Wbility of the Antibactee-al Actlv-4ty of Oo,-merclal Therapeutic Forms and Solutions of Cryst"ne PeniciUin,0'1) by V. G. :Be ~,h~iml *-pp; RTjW=., per, Antibiotiki, Vol IV, No 4, 3.959, yp 3.13-1A. OB ly, Bel ja=Uco Riee P2gat Dloomi by Bach van Thaip 5 ppt 5 L, vnrpjm" nps sm RN u Juto 1966o, Pq 20 JPBS 36360 FS-vietmm SOO jai 66 306,857 J-1-096 /(10 . - V , wm~m (1) ( .. 5-C. ( (I ) - Breathe of Life, by M. Bach' lene, - V.U RUSSIAN, np., Sovetskaya Litva, 16 Feb 191-11 1) 1) - *JFRS USSE Soc. 2)1 1.,mal, Cl (Wa6W)) cflgm 0v casion a TM Orm so MINA LEVEL, BY MW W" BKICj W FF* CROAT I ANt PERs 8 1 LTM $4 p t I;r VNE UMVE I PRIVRMEj NO 6# 1196ii~-* EEUR YUGOSLAVIA ECON FEs 62 (BY-6"0) lr,dustrial Associations, the Rights and Duties of Opaina Peoylals Councils Forming Trade Associations and' In lxwcle~~ Control Over the Legality of L3ft trial Assoeiation Autivities, W Hevoje _BmqIq--jL-23 pp. MOATIO, per, Bilten %a Pitenjo Javm L)prave I Frivrede, No 11,, 19611 pp 413- 4P-9. Xgur - yveoslavia JM 13W Econ AVr 62 The Acquisition and Use of Resources of Buiness Associations, by Mwje,Bacic., 6 pp. CIRCLATIPull. N=a Admin-7--trac-Ija, Tol TX, No 1, 19a, PP* 49-52- im 3393 mur - YugoalavicL 61 Noon Jim 61 2he Stricture of WatAW $md WOW Solut4owl by Almt= atatnerp Iva Bode, 9 Of CladW, per., FamacoutiOd OlwmA) Vol Wj. ;9(*: PJ? 119-M. AM Tr-51a6 SA - Cbmm *ag 6g List 71 206o083 Certain Aspects and ReSQts of Ilormoae 1-1 Therapy in Oacology,, by G. Bacigalupo; 7 pp. RUSSLU, per, Voprosy 0*010611, V01 v. No 8, 1959, pp 171-177. PP Sci Aug 60 /X 411 :~772 The Joyful Prospects of Rxrther Development, by Ba .~jc I. ~le_ CZECH, per, Pravda, 2 May 1960. FBIS Revolutionary Cbanges in the Life of the Slovak People, by Bacilek. CZECH, np, Rude Pravo, 28 Apr ig6o. FBIS Measures ~-,~ich Correspond to the People's Most Proper Interests, by Bacilek. JCIZECH, np, Pravda, 29 Apr 1960. FBIS IV ma Sp4ach., by B&CUMIL- oo~ (MWRO mys PmvOA# 3 Doc 3.9594 FSED Da4ly ftvi*w Ita - Czech fti DOC 59 lol;2. ?7a UuWlng P604 of RbVanyt b7 SkcPmk,~. WNW# zq3,p Pvwftj, 98 Avg 1959, "to las"'Y' ftaft um %I ftp 59 ~74 .2 8/ , - !I- i -'0 I.,; Diviolable by Bacilek. mp, llravaa, 12 D~c 1961. FBIS dirc. P02. I "3 Feb 62 Speec-li at alovak-goviet 7rlenUblp Pallyr by ~~i~t4ek~ MEM, m4, Pr5yea, 7 Ryir 170, MD DMW RevieU M - Cseeb uss Goo P-31. 6-,2_-~- Zov 59 Report on speech by Karol -%cilek, member of Go-immu-iist P-~rty of Czechosl-777Ia, at Juraj Di-..ii't'rov Che-ical 'Jorks in Bratislava on 14 p1arch 1963 'on p9ople's cori~'~rol Cuictions Bratislava, Yrayda, It 15 Pja'rch 1963 Czecl-,oslovakia Daily "Peport USM .:1C ~'-,ast Europe No 55, ilk 20 '~~r 63 Report an spesch by Karol IkdJag n=Omr of rrealdim of Cme-~haslovak G~st Party Cc Comdtteep at 2mUslava useting honoring FobnvLv-. -uprising Bratislava, Pray& Ix 26 rebru&:7 1963 z FrH Daily Report UWR 4 r"t swrope No 4,6 $ Ikr 63 (DC-6~)~5) I . Politburo W-mber Report on CPSU Slovak Congress, Meeting of Czechoslovak Part-j's Gentral Coamittee, by Karol Bacilek, 30 PP. RUSSIM, Pf up,, Pmvda, 19 Dec 1961. JM 11~83 MSX HE= - Czech 711 POI 'Tan 6P (N Dc-fq6468) Speech by Karol Bacilek, XXII CPSU Congress, ) PP. CZECH, np, Rude Fravc, 1961. jpRs 11685 Jan 62 D17VELOPMENT OF SOCIALIST SLOVAKIA) BY KAROL BAC I LEK) 6o pp. RIJSSIAN,, NP,, PRAVDA, 24 Nov 1962,. jPRS 167-12 EEUR - SOV IBLOC ECON , DEC 62 218,475 RFB-De-6 (DC-11125) Tasks of tha Slovak National Organc in the Present Stage of Social Development, by Karol B~qx'ek'_ 19 pp. .1 CZECH, per, Nova Mysl, 17o 6, ig6o,.PP 590-6o4. jpRs 6= : il EBur - Czechoslovakia / 110 911, OP, 441 Pol Nutritional Requirements of S. Flemeri Bacilli. II. Growth Factors and Antigenic Structure of S. Flexneri.Dacilli 8 pp. POLISH ., per, Archivum Immunologiae et .Therapi~e-*erimentalis~ Vol XI, No k,.1963, pp 541-548. oTs 63-ii4lo/4 PL-48o Sci jun 64 261,461 Msai=s and Armapeat of the ArMored Corriar, by Ante BseWep 4 pp. cRaLmIAN, np, Vojni Glunik; -No lly pp 41-46. AMI B-9537 ID 21TO490 -4/ REur - Yuipalavia /~~, -31-~ IvAil 111 Sep 61 Ibusearch Activities of tho 1"thuto of, Meteorology :Lit ;~Uwnia. Isy DwItm Tistem, Dtwitru 3=1nSchi'm UW%A'IAA, per, lidrotalmica Gospodartrea Apolor, Aitooralogia,, Vol IXO No 80 1,3640 pp 439.059 JPRS 271666 ~.'ct-f,urtii 3cionces Aotrowzy ho 65 Dimsurmmt- and laterswetation of Cqataft AnalAw of shter on P%pw; by So Dwks Do Lmdin.9 12 ppe EMMIGHp per,, Svewk Paomtldniki Vol LY j, NO P-0.) 19551 VC15146 mA Tr WS - CO.N%, / 90' 7 fici - Engiusering '/'C/OI " ) kPr 1957 / xal .j ~ ef Fibrous MatarialpParticuIQ-trly Dr,ing lit I papers '~%, F,. L. Back.. K,.,B. Steienberg; end TK, Abcrg, pp. pat,~-& vo 148' 15 Fc-b 33,555- unism, e SIA 57 -29(P- 3C.-L 7,1 '9 Hou to Overcom Piteb TroublAO Ln Sulphite Blewhi" Mntj~,O by~ft=t'j~~ U pp. SWMISH, per, Ovensk Pappers-Maing, Vol LIj, No 24t IMP pp 905-910. SL& 59-10153 sci - Chem Sep 59 Vol 2~ goal Saw Viewpoints on the Of win in A4 OrA VOOdP - bX X9W k ~ X--*j - 7 PP W4Z.-A-"F,- bul"r-al! bv MOMO ramt Prod=ts 1,00ratoryl C.-2 1957. MA 59-10252 Sci - chmmis a" 59 Nbl 13 1.. NO 2 Ph.Daph-onitrile C=poundc. Peft 1. Phenyl Darlya- tt.vas of Triphosphmitrile Cblorid*p by He Bode-and so-vackp 11 pp. GIMOp per$ Cbew Berg Vol LIVO No 3,9 19h2v pp. 21.5-226. AW-30M S~.A A' Lg 58 SlAz Reactions to Basic Opm-Roarth FUmce,, by R'. Back. ,;,;Sul 04. Bison# VOI LIj, No A 1931# VP 31T-3" 824 3 1 'T--3 5-1 T. SMabor No 30 ~77 A-P The Slag Test of the Opm-starth. pracesel, by Ast-abl =d 21seup Vbl UTO 19,00, pp 9k540. BroUbar No 31 6411*0tifte - minAmall $7.90 7 4 111prommto in Playmi"a atbawoey) by Abd I DWJM., 15 pp, AUMNLANj, per.. Mmmla Pqpalme., Vol VI, No 3p mw/mm 19591 PP 3847- Stur - AlbanU Wzwou - Ocoaral; P3-nin MA Mwtbodoloa JE: Sep 59 ~?W// "47 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DelarMIMUM We IW tIn Mat kkefMofty PIORWI:2,: Cuo Varletles In J&va In IMO, IW, C.A.Backer pwp Agg adds cmvoo SCJL - jw~y 1967 33369(4 The Purification of Pteroylglutamic Acid (F3 thetic Foll.ic Acid), by H. Backer, A. Ifoutmn,.4 IM MINCH,, per, Bee TYTLv Chimp Vol LXX, 1951, i)p- '(30- 732- SLA Tr 2907 SCI - Chemistry 58 Cbemistry and Biochomistry.of the Hop. by Us Do Backers GBRIMM, per, Mededlingen Vlaamse Chomische* Vareniging- is$ Vol XXII, 19600 pp 135-16S. CSIRO/No S747 Sci Fab 65 _~jgk=,H. J.. Strating, J., and Kool, a N, H. 63-14120 SO1VM CYCLIC SULFONS FOPMED BY THFADDI- I. Backer, H. J. WIN OF SULFUROUS ANHYDRIDE TO BUTADIENES 11. Stratiq& J. [1%531 6p. 12 refr- M. KooL C_ M. H. Onler from SLA $1. 10 63-14120 Trims. of Recuell Ides) Travaux CWm[1qucs des Pays- Baal (Nether"s) 1939. v. 58, p. 778-784. 'DE3CRUTORS: OSLdfones, *Sulfur comp-ws, ODicaddes, *Butadienes, Chemical reactims (Ch,-rnistry- -Organic. TT, v. 10. no. 3) Ofte 0 Todmkol twykes 63-14121 D4clmr, H. Stevens. W. , and Bij. J. & Van der. FII~MMLS OF p-MMIM ACMPHENON AND 1. BICIMr. IL 3.4-1)1-p-TOLYLI-MOPRENE SLIT-FOM [19631 9p. U. Stevens. W. ftigs. tables omitted) 14 refa. M. 81J. J. R. V. der Order from SLA $1. 10 63-141Z Trans. of Recuen [des] Travaux Cbkqiques deo Pays- Bas] (Netherlands) 194D, Y. 59, p. 1141-1155. DESCRUYMRS: *Wabylradiads. O&hyl *Caycals. *Acetophenones, *BMyL36 471i=n OSulfboes. CrystaHography. Reduction(OwdemA Chemical reactions, TempexatuM Molocularassocia- tion, Oxklatior6 Hydrogewtion Reducton af-l-tolyl methyketone (p-meth3d acew- phenone); crystallographic prqxxtie- of pinacol 136- 1370; reduction with the aid of aluminwn MW mercuric chloride-, rOuction with cmric (cuprom. copper- colored) zinc ana acetic acid; prqxration of p1mODIS 01 TKWCA 1&*" (Cbendstry-Organic, IT, v. 1(~ no. 3) (over) 62-10100 1'. 1. and Khascis, 11. A. ~STF.RS OF TETBATHMRTHOSILICIC 1. B.,cker, H- 11, 41, 1 1p. 12 refi. 11. Klums, H. A. Cr.: ~ frO L-ii SLA $ I - 60 62-10100 3( j'%ee[acil des) Travfaux] Ohim[lqaes des Pay-!~4is] (Nm%crlanJs) 1942. v. 61. p. SDO-512. DESCA17MRS: *SdIcIc acids, Acids, *Ekters, Synthesis, Thiols. Preparation. (Chernistry-Inorgazt1c. IT, v. 7. no. 7) T.W-i 11-4- Substituted Trichloroacetamidines,, by_~._J~ Backer, W. L. Wamnaker, 12 p. IYJTCH, Partial Trans, (p 638-643) of Recueil des Travaux Chimiques des Pays-Bas, 1951, Vol L)CX, No 8. pp 638-646. SLA 59-17771 S:!i Jan 6o Vol 2, No 8 'Weapons Damelopmut (VI) Arj=d Personnel Vebitles (3:1).. 1W J. D. Badszr~, 5 PP. M=2 perp De XMtalm SpectatAr., pp 43M41. A= S4W ID a63975 WOE= - me - lip?t 73 q Mil 4 Apr 62 oiad T~er&wmel Cant= bil TI. van Pelt,, J. D. BICIx"Mr2 J-1 pp. j.11,U'.TIf!,.Z; :wr, Do FAIlte-Ixe Spectator, No T., 1959; TFI) ACBI; B-4970 Me Effect of Heat TTeatment oa thCA DevelopMent of 'arbides in Mromium."denum Steolop by L. . ~~~ e. t IFRENCH, per, Mem Sal Rev get, JUI 1W, IPP 527--534 - BISI 1918 Sci - Rngr Doe 6o j Lo Effect of Stability of a 8.5% Cr-0.5% Mo Steel on the Rupture-Time Curveat 500 C, by L. Backer. no '15uss Jun. GEMAN, 196o., 24., 25 BISI 1914 sci - Min/met oct 6o DatermImtIon of Oxtdes In Stwls,, by L._ Bm!~Fp " I . Herzog. FRENOY pwj. sew" Me- L"Sirgis WOMOLM sclasife v ,Ifupesp Vol MIR &1 19600 Pr 493-499. Bin 190 Sti - CMWM I lt~ I YMY 61 rl"sd Studies on the Value of Hematological-Control in Persons Exposed to Radiation, by 0. G. Backer. ------------ DANIRII, 1958, Copenhagen. *AEC S~i- Med Si~P 58 OZI C~' w 1 4. . V !ICU i3:~ "110 VU.6-a-- Of HAV~-A';Q Cai;er, of M-onic -Radiatio-ri &poaurci, by Ole G. Backer., 52 PP- Thar,,Ic; mfomitted to Univ- Of COPenb-ngcn, 1958. A R 0 /AM" - L i.~ / Tr a n s - Scl - Mod V~Lr 59 The ProbUa of VoutUation in lorngftn Road Turnole,, by T. Bwkero jumlo'g letterm 2 ibs Igo.* Oslo. D*S.I.R*/emo fts - Noraq - 6 f 51 sccm - ROW COWUMUOU -~4 / Ap! 57 M/ftx Bebavior of lfydm~m in Steel bhking.. by 2. Piper, H. Hagedarn., H. FAckes GERMAN., per., SUM und-KUen., Vol Ito 13,p C 1 90131 PP 817-825i Brutebar Tr 3235 // Liz/ Price $14.60 61 14994 Tlarkhaus. Erich. INI'ufrwi, OF 1111: WSMON 1, Backhaus, E. Of.' Till-l' IIHIAD IN A SPECIAL CASE OV TIM SENSATION OF POSITION (6ber den Ei"fluss der Kol- fjj~ilt king lw-,l Einviii Resmideren Fall der I,qucmpfindung~. [19611 j351p. 19 re(H. Ort er from SLA 53. 00 61 - 14994 -rr,^. n ,. of 7. Icii Nch ri ft I IfUr I 01ollol; 1v I (Gvrmany) 1920, v. 10, T', (6-94. 21711-1. I)L;C]klr1'oRS: Vertical rwi-ceixion. Srvice rwreeption, (L 1i a nnomcc,l) T-~.1-1 t-d- The EconoBy of Air Commerce as a Basic Require. ment in the Design of Co mme raial Aircraft, by George Backhmis CEPRM,,.bk,. Jahrlrack der Deutschan Lurtahrtforr.- chung) 1959; 9y 6-13. 96TO304 ATIO MM,."Il 0" L.' al 61 The Somdf teld of the Circular Platon Membrane,, by H. Begidaust 26 VPO GOWNp per, Ano.der Pbplks Wl Vv SerUs 5., No 1,9 1930j. --pp 1-35. 3,14 33-d B. LA. No 1W19% scieetific - ftsics The Directioma Effect of Piston D:Lspbmg=p by R. Backhausm F. Trendelesburgs 16 pp. ORM, per, Z .Tech Pbys, V01 VIL 19261 pp 63o-635- SIA 57-2085 sci may 58 1 ~ '? 2 J-F- SmekbouL IL twumimm ON um ELEcrluc OONCM 1. Backlum. K. ZIVIX 'OF SONS MM MATERULS, BMPA AND THRR M=;M FOR M PRODUMON OP OMMUMM MATERML FOR MJWnW HEATIM UNM abtftwdwogm fter die Elakftiodw Ldt- md&ft Ckvndmtdh). Bindamittel und iticre MlKtW ZW.- fur EMU. 11891 vftelp tw WdUA4 OzAd swr IMA $1. 63-Mo TOM d (pummay) i9a [Y. 91 FA 106 P. z44 DEMWIDIM omecaud cm&nuw% Nodm6 WhIMS16 osl~Mk bwdmda4 (BromorbW-Mectrica% Tr, Y. 10, =6 ICI w To**a Backiel, Tudeusz, and Roman Jych. Resorption and 3paiminrr 1.~irhs in the 3calc',; Trutt-7, L. in Polish 1~.Tatcvs. pOLI,3~.,4 .1 B z.-,er, Rcczniki Tau~-. RaIniczych., 73, J' ImIo&tc.-hniczna, Zeszyt 2: PP- 119-'58- *n 480 OT3 bov _pm WOMAN" slaw. AA 4MVP The Flaatlo DebarLour of Lim Uortar., by A. Backnne. , UML . .. ...... . GMIM,p perp ZMmut-galk-Giva', so 100 1959., pp 449-456. =I 1500 (1-5 151546.) 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