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M'I 111111..-IILPMZ ~ t the Foxm of the Cr6ss-Section of amwid. of~the Light Distribution elli Ccur~cy of Measuremeitts vith a s ralu , *iCELI Wedge., by S. A. Anisimov., uip per..! Zhuinal flauchnoi i Trikladnoi 1; 1 K-ineiaat-6graf ii., Vol 6), No 3,, ! 1193-199.1 T~r 64~-2bO85~- sic.s 322,683 ;7 fib, U,t Action of-oro-6 llie-c~ h- 4-~ri6lzao (2,3, 4-!) Pyrim' cl-line il n n cti, Olip ct:L, With th6 Hciirht of ;Its Oscillo- gra hic rt, L' 0'~-r Des'por _ption, ty V. M. GcrCtJiosl-.cv--'i. U'' ~r, 2hur~ Nauch Prilt Fotog-.af 110 1'6~3 205-2o6. ~1- 1-964' (10, 5 25 (1 Oan c op. t C, 14; Tr-64-1446 S= ,pRd~ 1 114. il yu HAME pmmu- 1. P*vb%lmmcl4 Yti. A& GRAM~. Hj~QRAIM OF LAW NATED tt., 11901 *, 7nb s $1,10 Tr44-1"45 P~ 2w-20L DBSC30MRS c*Mhumb. *&Uvmr "in fd T $K*n S C6,111 ati i Dc,ve loper in the Form of Dry pow e 1q. V. Polyakova. lzu~4",i, 11 Zi"lur . N~aucli i Prik., Fotograf i Kill T14 togrl Vol VIII,, No 3j 1963p pp 206-209. ILL f: 5828~4 196,; (10,511) (loazi) ,May 4. A Stu~i of ryipg Emulsions in -Vacuun bv He'at Ilul.Ic,!L -Ujl,~ bN. AN. Son) Ov. y RUSS 11 'hur Nauch i Prik I-otograf i Kinei ogra~-,, Vol VIII, No 3, 1963, pp 209-210. IqLLII f: 5828.4 1964 (10,307) (loan) Aak a'1 i~ Se' zal I B~ffect of Some Polyethylene Glycols, byl Rus i, Zhur Nauch i Prik lotograf i 'P Kineid, togr f Vol VIII, No 3, 1963, PI"i Z 212 LLI t- 5328 4 1964 (10,S03) (loan) !Iay t X,rr)blt:!c To in- if 'he Mechaiii sm of thc Ac w:60 olyethyleheglycol in a I~icitol-- aphic poll by in. Chuayeva, 17. ~ !. Oi~~ver:;tov. V. Pj L , i r,. Uhur Wauch P-ril: Fcitograf K nelma-taLgraf 11c, 3j 19-53; p.-p 212-2-'14. NILL (~-f j 1 J82,9. 4- ic)64 (10,524) (loan cop~y-) ,sci E4~ V t ters ot ttlel I --jago by I a, -is ov, V: WACil U I,: fol VJJT, 3, 1,~)` 21. 1wr -i' of t s rit ~iCh, and the Reproduction of IC~l ;~i ~,De-V, 113 6f a n~ Op~iCal Tmalge by Pho'O,,ra))hic "nal Zm'ii ions (Davnd 01"'. it. Frieo,~rlz Wor'-'-.), by p a. 2! 022 pP. RUS r 3 z1hur ~Ilaucli i Prilc Foto i IL, nc) V61 li T ID 3 igL,5.,3, 216-2,,?3. CIVI'DD XX-1537 i 110 FOIMIGN I[DISS112vi lnL~y tT,sc Oi-0 3r 2 5 0 I o all, llipcnling~of Silver Hrxlidc! Photographic I or cmeding! to~ Pabliaht~d ~Zatcrials of 11~ c Y(I 11 11 c M. I-111-oldli ts]A y, 28 Zhur''IIIXI.Ich i Pri-It Fotuo I lane, Vol V-I P 2.-:,'0 - 2 'CIA/FDD )M-3-558 110 POMIGN DISS&I sci - IS ~,~iy 6, UbT-1 U c 0111 Ir 25 7,035 Z. 1., on the Dye Solution "'rice 'Nsawe of H 06nters, T11 'F e, to F6 i Z6. Vol vm' 4, 249 ; ~ivb' 2 A510 POW' b EM ISS M se0 252,257 t izal,-~ S a i n Mechanism of Beniothiazolotetrazole De H. V, t ve jin ilhotograohic Emulsions, by ti B.i 1 vand YU. 1%~ V:Llenskiy.'. I RUSS I ~' 115~1 Zj~jur tj~aucl~i i, Prik., Futograf i Kinle tog~i f, V61 VTII,~No 4, 1963, pp 1-53-261. tLL f: 5~328.14~1964 (10,516) (loan) May H h~~i se isiti~zat of Nuclear Emulsions hzi~h b i,,, y L. Kartuzhanskiy, R US' I~ich i Prik Fotograf i iSIA 1, po KinIe.aUgrIa'h Vol VIII, No 4, 1963, pp It LL 5~ 828.11 1964 (10,514) (loan) Mmy~ 6 ob.'-F il --)f Inc el!sillr, theA ex I zlotlorrrliphic Selenilma LnyL-r to the l S.'A. T,-,ur ~.,itene. tLO, pelr, Zli Nliauch PriRl Futagr I rr),:L :;C,, 41, 1~~63, m) -PD-2f)7 -7 o 1 T Gg: -3 1337 3315, -3 Ob Fili'la''t E~?atial Frequenciec for pr, Ope 6all ~tics of Photogra.-pliz, by hllh E-'. A Sto--ha3 a, 10 707 'I'ry , 11ta i i,.9 T', , A i FO-U0 i 2--i lie, SS it k- ZImr au Vol Ni 1-6 4ji 1963 PP 293--1102. CIA/IMD XX-1543 "'0 FOM IIS=l UGIT I I.PhYZ m~y t - ILI jf~c ()ill3r 251,036 thai laridne and r 10 0~ ie 1[~,C) On t 0 Li j,,ht Sensitivity VROIII L~I Dichr6mai, by M. R lul S" Vl;,I~-~ r, J4iur~Nauch Prik K'xiTea, toll f, Vol VIII', No 4, i LII"f:IIA2,S.4 196.4 (10,530) sci Org4nic of Gel.-itin Layers 'K. Ke-rutskie. Fotograf 1963, pp 303-304. (loan copy) ~~t- m 'ic Ainhy(ilride Copolymer Derviations as I Yell6l Pol le r 6uplers, by G. 14. Lapshin. lic ri, Z4,ur NI'auch i Prik Fotograf i Kine a f' V 1 1 VI I I No -:1 1963, pp 304-305. op'l. p 9 ~LL 11 F: 5828.4 1963 (10,*;09) (loan) ~.4 May COTIL~.Ll,~~~Ol '~Urfz'ice band Ima c e 7'Afli!d 1))!, Physizal ~D t tly~ Y RUSS I Iq , Zhur ,,,aucli i Kine og fl Val VIII, No ILL 11 p 5,328.14 1964 May Internil Latent Development, Prik Fatograf i 4 pi) 309-310. to A i (10,513) (loan) 'llie i~ 1 R ationsilip of tile Serlsitivity of Ph'o 6, rapli c' Emlulsi6ns to Electrons, b)' BI 61olov, 1. A. Foininc.. Izusc p ~p :r, Zhur Nauch i Prik 1--otograf i Kib f V61 VIII, No d, 1963, pp 311-312. WJ~ if: 5328. 4 1964 (10,5 12) (loan) 14a J~6 T21 RUSS A a T Ocj A-x 1 ahf~,, the Sii al "104 Se + ap hic !c,. I Ur T al ~auch PrikTotc-..-,,,.a-f I Vol! lrj:,:T, 0,5321' (loan copy) -N e aranieters of Eleictrophotograpme e tic~l Density ~ of the DeveloDed A' Cher'KELSOV. nauch. rikl. 1--bto-,r. Kincm 3, 19 3, PP 314-315 TT-64-10410 mcivf~ 0 M. 1 Aver~kt6 K. 0. Iccc S . N. 1. SmirmN, 0. K. N li? sCT OF WL-rTING-AGENTS H. Levi. S. W- IATB4G I ~t TOG , MC EMU1,S .IONS. VL THE M. Averbakh. K. 0. r -CO,Nlq tIc 7~ TrIv OF MERS OF -SLTLP 0- IV. Kochneva, S. N. ON I t 5 , Am EIR PFFECT ON KINETIC V. Title: And-Cornet... [19~1 12~ivft; fr6r~ S f z SLAI ~-rc 1. ()a IT-64-10410 ikl ~l F fU I i P d o m x r, otogra At SSR)j V. A, nm ~5, p. ~ 321-326. 0",- T*cb""" 5""C- rials ~-p6m6' rapidE, 7 g T-r, 1 12, 2) IS 9, A c cqurac~ Of Ile-nro&tction in ~Zrohy' 1. 1 ~hotyanovic~i, c 076r, ~o rlr 15 P-P. by S. Hu, S L r, Zhurl Elauch- i Prik t Foto i I ! Noi 141 vo~ jlfIll,~ i ~5;il%3,, PI 327-334- C:rA/r-DD r,1-1-53c) iTo riommu 'DIS'M!!.,l usi 5~ ntb: cLI Uca Ordy 2 1038 Tr-64.i44a r- V~ 1. WNW V. W. H AND LUMOCEWJWC ,RAO"C mm or IMSAAmm a. cmumv, K. V. it 19631~7~ lloti -.1 ~. )xam,fi~mtrs 161 Tr-64-14442 rN 7 Craw, Z. NA I I.,Pdk omce, bryka owxtm. rr,!,v. it w, 7) Offlom ol 7oda" Swvkw Iss JF D- it -st; L.A. ~Wwementa fOr QU&UMdVe c plowA~~Mw a wing wo V. MirdTi% 9 pp. 280j,438 s bed in Silver and Gold Solutions., a 4 pp- 14 Zhur Ilauch i Prik' Foto i Kine la6~~ IOP 342-346. b"DI'D XX-15).2 1-10 F013EIGN DI.%M, VI InterlIFAl Ut~,e 0 nily 268,059 ion of ~'Surface Relief, C) I)g r~ I c Iteproduct b~ Lj s Yll illn. R S Nq I or, Zhurl Nauch Prik. lotograf Ki i~ 1 iat 1"Elf,,i,Vol.iVIH, No 5, 1963, pp 348-3S2. NlUjj Zefv 3281.4 1~64 (10,539) (loan copy) 0 's TT s v A L L~,y4 In m' t ing the Y inishinG ar 11-Type a-] 11 ioru b D. Id. Samol 1 ovi::~h, I. V. Arclashov, y RU S11. LAXTJ,11~ per, Zhur, ImUch i Prik Foi-lo i Kinc, _~o 19,53j PP 359-:361a, CIA/FDD XX-1511~0 110 FOM-IGIT DISSM-4 I PC ' P) rfi'_t~ TT Tj! n- M n I !j e y 25F; 03'9, be 0j):, Ij!j Pr perties of lfydr,Dx), ~e lp~ allol, by A. S. Xh~aikin. 9 1., 1 Zhur Nauch Prik Fotograf idmemato)1raf, Vo 11 L o 5, 1963, pp 375=376. IqLL Ref 5828.4 1964 (10,537) C~oan copy) sc ALI 64 MID 3.11 ~ f A.-ing of~ Infrar6d MiralrAons, by - 1 4- 1'1 n -an V. . P. Donatoya, b D lip Nallch i pri-k Foto i Kinc; !Zhur r , Vol, I ) , 51, 1963;TP 376-378- ' C 4 MADD a-i15 2 110 F 01MIGN DISSM' ~c I! 1 mj~ 1 , 4 U. Ijr;c 0111" 1 P-5 037 1c, 1~~ , f 4,10 0 Ren6lvihc Power or the size of -t or Jh lide Grains am Affectcd by the Dcvclo%~er, %r. V. lu-=da-cTanov, 5 pp. l~ L~'A r IT pw~ ~Zllu auch Prih F oto i lanc -VOIT Il ro 1963; !)P 379-J80- CI:A/IMD Xx..15111 _0 FOMIGI.T DISSM Af R, 8c TT- s 13 Intic lal U130 Only 251; 04.0 1I;coi tbll~t ocy of .4w "d T40trAdsorption IL ;T.D.Aybrdkova, *u CO I r1k Fto Kine, Vol VIII, fIr ri /6 Ek DMEM ,--4q -jqqI-1kI 252,252 t",q (I C), z ) cer 1. r. Celtain Peculiar-! tie.,; in the Electric o f, irect D.,Irren', Flasratvon, by V. Ya. lya SiA I ell Mielch. Tet"chn. B'iz. No. R 148 53 i ;1 3471 t g 67 3 9 -8 61 Elm L Jid PlaniAcizing Mect of Water- in 11c 11 !~ bill -1,blamim Esters, by r no," L--.vi, pp. c Zhurillauch i Pritr~ IT, ot i Nine,, 0 '101~ III lo 6, 19~3,~ ka 401-1104- cu/rw XX-1544 DISM 14 a1,10 FOIE-IG14 U~U,11' Tnte:: al Use Only 25y, 041 rapp] Prope 'ie Ot. L rt s of Dist; thiacarbocyanine 1 11 t ii Yryl Cis-- T- 6 i S ol -me rsi by M. A. Al 'perovich, IId I I i dre pl~ U. I I., Zl*r Nauch i Prlk Foto i Xmix Kine, vik i 11 61 1963) pp 41o-415- 1~ -3 CIA/r.DD XX-1593 110 FOREIGN DISM4 Sci Oct USIB, ntel~,,,,,al U6e Only 268)00,-0 M~ 6h 11 sm the' Sta'bi-lizing Effect of Bi Al +1 atives on Photographic ia2,c L-tA--t-razole'Deriv I~Hdi if- om Lo' F.~iA wieriko, Yu. B. Vilenskiy., 14 i p- RUSS 1, r auc 1k.1,Foto i lane, voi 1 1, z) 6.2 63, pp 419-42;. ciA/r.DD XX-15911 140 FOIMIGN DISIM Sci OAt us 13 1 ute:n all Ur:"e OLY 268,o61 ga~ of ~, ~,Kineties of Re&iction of silv4sk fi~ ate by p-Hydrioxypheirriglycine, by Ya., M.' ep si ~t pp. P n sov~ 7 zbiir IkIbLueb i Prik Foto i Kine, RUSS III Pe Vol!! (51 l963 pp 434-437 ~i CIA/FM XX-1595 NO FOBEIGN' DISMI sci:; Oct 41, i usil~, i1pir ern~L Use~ Only 268,o62 )ro I: TT - 0 4 - 41 11 1 '"; I i, ~ N* u 41 FIDE, S L 4: 1 uhi E' I' C, 64 b; oi u -liar a,' ti, 4,'7-4+ r.. Fai-111rc Within the J~tutz of av i~lC1,;j SPoctral Razion, by uv. Ya Rlu 1 Hau C" i lane, 'o 61 190-3, Pp ]P~6-449. CIA/FDD XX-152,5 '~O 1--~O-TMIGI,l MEiY 6 uk; tnte Ona Y 25b,042 111b~ lile 11IM11tocanducli-Ilive La-ycra With a Lon[; Do h Daz -1.; Pe,iod'for SIS=facc~Char,,~c, b~ A. L3141 mtov, Yli. A~ Clio glov, Ic", T)O. Zhur it'auch i Pril, Iloto i Kinc, Vo 6! 1953, 7 1., 0 Fv 0 M Rlt 1DIS'r =': "c' c III P11, Maji S lrltxt~ -11'al -,izc Onl.-j 25~ Dis OL11 Solne Problems of Preparing Silver L~ HaviL ine Stracture in Absorption nit A. ET. Latyshev, 13 21-D. a [I, Zb c i PriJz' ur Hau h RUSIS j I . Foto i Kine, V0.1- .ri 6 i9631 Pp 454-4,--j. -7 ff". 0,0 Oct~ 41. USII~B terrA Ude Orily 268)057 E l Characternitlic I) --f ',:icrol c:,.roducti on ! m L I a.02 I by E. A. in, f 1; IZ12.ul. 7-Tau Ch ~O p"r, 42-470. CIA1FDD TU-1546 NO FOMI,11.37N DI~"Edi-M-1, Sc Pi us'. T17,1 c Only 25t, 045 S, Stme musical Methods of Infrafed Photo- p by V1. N.~ Sintsov., 1'2.P-D. h: fLIT Zhurnal Nauchnoi i w oi Fotografii i Kinarmtofrafii, i k I 1963,, pp 471-1174. I kl !60h;2oc,036. terials L 11 Pffectloi Lal on p~ of i~ Deve~lopraexit on thO SDe ctral r~. ~ensit e oP Doft-Sensitized.Phatographic L-13 1 11 P l b l l V 3.0 , c o . . . ova,, yar, p0 go 12 pp., Ss -T er r -Nauch J Prild i Moto Kine, ' 101 VII To , 3-85-189. 196 3 pp . ~ ciA/FDD )x-1627 1,10 FOREIGN DIGSM-1 Pei SIB In-NX- nal , ~se Only 269,,S93 Erf~c f tuige Cc6teiit of Ekiasims on the S" Owrtogripble Prqpw~Ues of Type-B N= il j~ bY A. Ramnorlmlwwajo K. i;.1 CIV. v-f ~Zh~~fiuuib iPrU Fab i Kinemt, voi lio i 1964,p- pp 6-3.1. L 5 Sci,L; 401 PO ,593 ~~,e#ptip of 21,4-Disulfobenzeldellyde rpl~,vin acetal iwith Gelat:Ln,., by D. A. I!;a`siiei~ N. A. Petr~ova,, Yu. B. Vilenskii, ~,~-pp RUSSIAN per, Zhurrml Naucim,oi i Prikladnoi lo. bgrplm 11 Kinematografii., Vol No 1, [61, 2oo8 3,. 3) 7 5c lahemistry r 6'~ , 9~1 of;~ilver La n the Fitine ,in yers o Abslorptioii~S'pectru~i, by A. N. Latykshev, RUSS t 11 e Zhur Nauch i Prih Poto i Kine, ~ I I) i;I Vol 1~,64, ~p 18-pi c H NOYOREIGH DISIM-1 scl 0c, it us hter Lil "I u e 0 y 268; 056 P.1~0-berlles~~A:C Fide-Grain Nuclear Emusions D2pending upl~ p lancii the~Temperature of EmLlsification caid Fir's I-Den G~ by V. I. Zakharav, N. R. Novikova, 14 p RUSSA a rZhur Nauch i Prik Foto i Kine, Vol 1K, o i NO FOBEUmi DISIM1 Sc be us~ w7 266,o54 'es, 'Fatibn of the Rate cf Fhysical el ~pentl with p-Hydroyyphenylgl~,c ine I , I -e1 )er) by Ya. M. Veprik) V. 1-1. Syntsov, I P.11 Paenn=, 8pp. pe'r 7 -nal- Nauchnoi i , Zhm in' k oi Foto~zaf ii i Kir,ematograf ii., 11, o I., 19~4,,? pp 27- 31. - IPT 64:-20091. 14~ 322)641 b. IG [,at~i-ls 0~ tile Ittelationohip Between Spectral ,vi. d ~LqpuFity Spectrai Absorptixon of" alo-i...'i 2 Rnu,1siorls;, by Zh. L. Broun, ~arsl Ell er,l. 18 D-Di -ilciFoto i Kine. hur Ifauch i Px N 0 1, iSi64, pp 38-`6- 0 CIA/YDD XX-15aS NOTOREIGN DISIM Lter,~El U~e Only 268,053 U tis Inve gal 1 0 f* them Kinetics u-,,d tho Mechanism I ~1 11 1 1 of I. Ii to g,r Dhie Development 1. Kinetics , 11 ! 1 11 j 6 f, Ise jular 3ro,.-$,th of- Silver Nu(:lci in Develonmcnt I V. i pro~i "I I I. Sheberstov. RUSS1, QN, pa-r, 7hur Nauchnoi i Priklandoi i Kinematogr-af-ii-,- Tol IX, No 1, 1964, 6 0 S L! AIj 64-1 Apr 6 323 , 1 C) 1 LYIJ,i, RUSEJDUI~ -~k o1 I ~ ip V i~r Hardening of limasions, 14' Ko'chneva, ~6 i) diur Nauch i F~vill: Foto i nue, i~964)~ m) 51-53. CT~/FDD XX-1588 NO FO'.REIGN MISSM-14 LP 2- 6) 0 Use~Only 268,055 i bris 1)Acrninin~~ tho Powc:: c 01? 0 llut*-,riziLln by G. G. Griball-in, iG A. R Tlf~ C), Zhti,7, "auch i 1.~mik Fci-'L-,O Kinc, ~v d DC 1,1,1 TI) 57-59~0 cifv'rDD XC-155:" 110 FOMIGH DIS=.'A 1- T- D-J JA Ir., C. Mal Use Onl-,, 2 Di Ic13ilia l, I Al of Heavy Ions in"liuclear &rLLIsions, by IP C Lcheiv, Ol. V4 Lozhkixi, 16 pp. RUSS A Zhur Nauch i Prik Foto i Kkne, Vol IX, I Ii 6 J~ 8,,3-90. No! 2 CIA/r-DD XX-1585 NO FORD, IG14 DISIM I 7T Sri Oct USIB L Leii-IUs e Only 2iq~c268)052 rho g ~ ap ap I ~ Pro, per~ieri of Oxacarbocyanines With L I a Ii Ii a ~ql I h I Id a-Thienyl Groups ill 5, 5' Positions, b! J~fli 1. 1 erolvicli, M.' K. Grechho 5 PP. Ru6s ITO ~21 W 6 Zl~r 114,auch i Prik Floto i Ydne, Vol IX, go-gp 0 -. CIA/FDD XZ-15N- FOI;ZIGN DISEM-1 NO C" Sc Oc~ TJBM : 1 eXm. use 0111 y 267,71-1 In e t i 1" 11ti on of Hethods of Pxocessing of ',IIK]71 BR-Tyi I:SionTellicles Cc Twe E-1.111 mented on Glass, by 'r I K r, tovidkova, 11. 1--1. Uvarova. '!A e r, i Zhu:n R U! 3! N 1 ial Nauclinoi i 'iia AN Fotografii i Kineniatografii, v0 iix, 0 2 ~1964 pp 92-95. SL. -120103 Sc ,pri J7 32.3,162 RelllaL h~~ Between! the Speed, RcsOlvillg :1 s 1-1 Polvle~, nd G ain Size] of 11hotografphic Emulsion5 J, I by X. i \1 droxiskii, I Z. llaku5hko. RUSS IlAhjl' )ee~' Zll~rlial -N-au~clinoi Prildadnoi F a 'q i E-n-b-m-a-To'grafti, Vol IX, No $42, PI) 96,-102. S Ul~ TT' ~Lll Apr 6~ L Mi:lti ~i'oll ILS I !of ~he Formation of Azine Dyes :u caor Development, by V. Alelmandrov, tal -IL il Yu Al racluslAziri, 13 PI). LAI Ru er, lZhur Nauch i Pr: 10 0 1 ne, 110 2 11964j pl) 102-10; C-IA/PD XX-11500 NO YOMIGN DIESSU-1 Oc,G !L4 us Int E,., 1, al 268) 067 IC Phci a I de olor Cent rs Formed at Low Teimeraturexs in sill E-1 iilr Me 11nusions Includiiig Gola Imiurity, by Al GwI 3~ukjl T. Ya. Sera., 7 -fjP- RUSS pe-, Prur Naucn i Prik F,Dto i lane, Vol DC., EJ 110 21 64) 1 108--Lu. CIA/FDD XYL-1632 1,10 r- OBRIGN XDISSMA Sci USIBi E~Inli' UselOnly i 269,608 ~ I ~. Indrea bis"cri~in6,ting rw-.r k)of Ifuclear e ional Intens if ication., by A. F, 01, 7 PP RUSS 1i Per Zxhl~r Rauch i Prik JFoto i Kine., Vol 0 1964, pp! i I I -lilt. CIA/FDD XX-1633 NO INMIM DISM-1 7"_r6, -~'CM6 USIBI useloal~ 269,687 apji~c P~lt Of N7 P~p dwit-1 'Oporatiqj ~b V, I *~ (kirnovj, Ii., per, Zhur blawcl,~ 4t4'~~rd Val IX3, i4 Ilysi id IY-mwssos by I'loving Pictul'a S, Doubovik, 7 pp. Priklad Foton-af 9227849 289,072 Ef t: t ol~eth~lehe Glycol.on the Induction .pe tlk! BU sequent Opef6d of Photographic 1~d I)y A., M. Churaevii, V. I. Shebers tov, 5 ku 2*p r tau 1 10,0 1 ne Vo 2~ 19064 pp 122-124. ciA/r.DD xx-1,599 NO FOREIGN DISSE14 ~C& 6C1( 1~ 1i ~In~,XMllal,!Use Oal y 268 0 L, Z.1 --maell 1 )GO c Propdrties of ll'~wreign Photogmphic ia~msiillo_, K,. l1r. Venchovsldy, 17 -,)P- r~ zhu:~ Nauch i Pril. Foto i Kine, 2, -,,190-41, Pp 142-151- TA/~DD XX-IA,5c.)- c 140 FOBEIGN DIBM.1 ntl! al Use Only I titI Cko Sti-Ill III'A ;dc~ i,ay'cr,~ xad:Their Information, aty,~~ by 1.4cydd. 5 pp. Zilur Vauch i Vrikl to,i raf3l, lApl' IT, 11110 2, 19611, -2 94 6 investigation of Ylvctuat-i ons in an -~Jplllized Plasina-Jet, by A. 1.I. TroUan. I lssll~~ ,~er, Zli, Prikl. M-21ch, Tellm, _F,-'-,. No. 1964, lb~ 34 r 33,~,-667 E~ 1C~ ~rorl i~',,tome~,ter ~With a Casse tute, Eq~dpped ,~,taitj &~d Automatic! Modulator of :10$Lrei; I')y I. A. Foraina, IC.. S. Bogomolov , 1-1 -r)I). ~S114 zhurillauch i Prik Foto i Kine, RU Z v 1 Bill 34, -189. a :I X j'N ~j' i964j pp, 1L CIA/FDD XX-1597 IqQ FOIM# IGN DISSM-1 U~ Z;el iil 'Use O~ly' 268,o64 '1~ivitly 0i- d4jonill7il zt~rorwdc~, ilaldnskas~l, ot id i Prj],~, 4' ~V~ tit Vol IX, 140 1064, i)p c I' lio Ld 15 Abso 0 Peettuni of Emulsion,,Grains, by M4 s k 0 pp. RUSS Zh~pr lia~uch i Rrik -Foto i Kine, 1964, PP 197-201. V811 CIA/FDD :XX-16063 1,10 FOREI"I'li DISSEN sci; Janj651 USI'B er I Use! Only 271:438 M'-UL~onl D~velopable in'Aqueous Alkaline so ke"n a. iu~ M. Vep"Icik.. I. A. Guseva, 5 pp. RUSSB U ? :Zhur Naucb~ i Prik FDto i Kine, Vol M, No 9641~ ~.p 267 268. ciA/FDD xK-1661 140 FMIGN DLSSEM Jan !6, USIB Tin ~rm Use, OnIV 271, 44o A$i' i c I I cesi, six KlnQ I I'DI ~IA6 OIZI US I I on 6f Thiourea in Photographic I i b~, V. iR. Sintsov, 15 pp. r! Zhur Mauch Id Prik FOtO i ,PC- ix,~ t~o 3) 1964) pp,231-236. 16 9 3 N DiSSEH mal Use ~Only 277,806 44. ~~ ` Dii ni 2 Mterial From an Aqueous Solution in! tin" Gel, 1 by ~5fti. M. Dav',yd1d n, 13 PP - RUSS Zhur Nauch i Prik Foto i Kine v01 N;I 1"64, ~pp 241-248. C.TA/FDV XX-1657 NO FOREIGN DISSEM Scl* Tn" j axi Ugh I ter1j, We OnJy 271,444 Jan, wl:B ence of the tid~ction Pekod of Development he ~6f D'evelopers, by V~. A. Veydenbal-li, p Levi 14 IQ, Mur ~auch I Fril: FOto i Kine, 16~ 1~64, 248-254., Plo ciA/FDD xx-165" NO FORE1 GN DMS= ra. te nus e~ Onl Y Z71,445 li~~,-Lstil,,Ilation of them Idnetic;; or- Super-Iligh 11)" le'loplmenti, b~, R. V. Dimitrov, I R ~,S .1 p~r, Zlitir lqa'ucii i Prik Foto i KineP MI 1964, 254-2S9. I ci, I.", -1694 -1, IOIZLIIIICI '1l DiS*SE,14~ Ap !65 us jlni n~l!Use~Only 277,80S , o the Mech ism of Hardening. a tibn f ana 1~estigation ~lof Shrinkage Strains r:L 'G6iati~ and Triacetate Films, d ,JD I Ost T. P. Dukhina, 8 pp. rikov, S 1 R ssiA~ pei, Zhur Nauch i Prik Foto i A' e 1~';'l IX, No 4, 1964, pl? 259-261. C FDE '-1721 CT' KV FOU I N DISSEM B Use Only 281,695 Photo h.mica De~tru6tion~ of Centers Responsible for e I r,,, n" tr~cture in Tjnpurii~y Absorption Sp&ct ud of Iver Halide, by A. N. Iaytyshev, 6 pp Rms! Zhur Nauch A 11rik I~oto i IUne., p 0 Vol N 196,4, pp 263-266. C-TA/F.DD xx-1662 IqO FOREIGh DISSE24 Sci an J 61, WS I B n erra., Use' Only 271,439 Ef f6 cof N( diffusih 1 n g Masking Co or Couplers 6ens'': izi~ on th g Effect of Dye.-, by E. B. 11f81 ts, T. M. Lazareva, :21 pp. Ti RUSS 6A Miur Nauch i Prik Fato i Kine, Vol No 1, 1964.9 PIP 266-276. cm/m cK-166o NO FORERIN DISSEM Sci JEU, 611 USIB t jerith" Use OnjLy 271,441 ~f the Dispeirsity o]," Latent in7a--:cs r k Actiorl ox", Lii:~lt akl loniziiiL, d a L.~ t"Irtul'.hal-sidy, 41~ Zl-, rnal ;'lauqm. f !Irilli. 1.,Ut ;I'. lKill pA op,, 1, I'Voll jX,j NoA, 1964i 2T~--262. oml a 0, r 21p, d~ bo' L p aT e s a vl~ Kill V~ tol CIM-1 6 X "~O Fb~ L G sci f Dispeisity of thel Latent Image glit~ and Ionizing eB~ffccis of Liii I I I 'I y Al, L. Kartuzlianskiy, IS ppo r, ~liurj\lauch i Prik Foto i 146 4,1J964, pp 275-282. 1 697 ~) is. s E M 277,804 I Us'el Only L i f 76 t a ll~rc illlinlary~Etcliinp,,~of Emulsion Layers on and Lateim Image, by A itAaya,, M. S. Potiova, 7 Di). f 1tvq ur, ~,Zliui Natich i Pr'll, Foto I Kine, 1"Oll lik ~11 4) ~196411 pp 283-285. CI -DD X. '-16D6 -N,p kE- I DI S~El I St USI-iint ial Use Only 277,803 Ch "' J-c~ter'istilcs. 10 f Formaition of the Latent Im'a'ie''in!E-le~tro-Pliotogr'aphic Layers from zi Oxi~e with Paper Sdpport, byllu4 Cherkdsov. RU per . Zhur Nauch i Priklad Foto i Kill matograf, Vol IX, No 4, 1964, pp 98-3100. Ei WXX-1784 tic Elec I'l b 300,532 us 1~ I intIernal Use Only E. ct Pollyetli'ylene Glycols on Nuclear ;Ph o-r'. ic Umulsimis, by At; P. Zhdanov, r uzhanskly, 5 pp. 12'sail'C' )er, Zliur Nauch i Prik i Voto i lalic, v 1 Ix, 4b 4,1 1964, pp 300-302. C A FDL dl-1~92 I! Di SSEM AII r 65 III al, Usc~ Only 277,307 L,V r, in Procosses Id col.. c ati Isions'o by s.ayya 13 1 - 11 '1 i Ip oil: Au Jklauch i~~Prik Foto RD 32 1.0 till hys lis1 Ily 281,6S1 Diff,~Lon~l of Mateiial Froi'n Waver Solution Unt Gelatin Gel,,,,by I. M,, Davydkin, 13 pp. ~I ius& , 0ier,~thur Nauch i Prik Foto i P, ~oi JX, No,5, 1964, pp 327-332. D ~V,~A XX-1720 10 FMLGN~ DISSEM s lun 6' B tern'al Use~Only 281,696 US' lm~,ti`loll 01 1~~ dW~=Provortios aIts IV v' cls~~ Vi Abr'it'alin. u :vrik 1--oto por, 4ur, 4U01 i ~ioll X., 156 1964ii MS 6. ~Fol ll,(41 1"ASSW, i I fis 51, 6 It *71al Use Only 281p652 IL Sujjqr~ 14 Processing o vlq 311 Picture mad Ph6tt~gr2phic b, rit 11 te'll B III R, V, Dimitrov r axich,i ~'Prilt F. 2~IUT N oto 10, Tro S I ISFIJ: P ei o5 xilal. IIS6 oll"ly 281,,053 J ~~dlcros nsdt'bmetiicA Investigation of ~,~Jjtj~'ij ' ; ~01 '~ Photograpl~--lc Materials, a , ye r or bjr, Yu,l Go'rokhovskiy, Z. S. Shcherbakovskiy, Yu,, 2 24 pp" TE, Lul 5 1per, Zhur Nauch i Prik Foto i 1~"Pe i~~, I 10 P~ D D~ i~, ip 1'~ IX-,, No~ 5, ~1964 pp 341-351. i Icl' I FDD ~ #-1112 lb" FORhIGN DiSSE-l',l r Juri 6 tO ", I Int n1af, Use~Only 281,704 ~Recd ~IISS RRne ACIA F ng Riciodensitomet0r, by in~evic'h K. V. Veh,drovskiy, 14 pp. ppr, Zhurl Nauch i Prik Foto i ol 'IX,, No 5, 1964, p 352-357. P D XX-1719 ~GN~DISSEM L4 vernal Use Only 281,697 15pect al bepollilrization Curves of Silver 61or' ~ e cr' s ta' by V. F. Kiselev, Y is, V4,0 p6lov! 6 pp. 11, s ~ I SIi per, Zhur'~Nauch i~'Prik Foto i ~ k~';,nsel~ 01 iXj 1~6 5, 196 I)p 357-359. A F,' IXX41708 NO FO EIGNDISSE4 -7 tin6 'I Ule Only IB It ma s 281,654 ic4it Oi lt"~~Of Photolytic Uto Auow 411*mu~,iio;i~s by tlk,~, Activation a 1~1; 66th6l~t ably A 4 IYP K) 13~.r. Zhur llauch Prih roto i n *1 - 0 01 19 4 360=3630 61. "'I nmall Use Only otophission From~Silver Centers and the P 'Ive'r ~,bilo"ride~.Stimulated~Luminescence S r4enom non,~by~~t. M. Belous, 15 pp. R8SW~ pet, Zhur Nauch i Prik Foto i R "~n' e, ~~ 1~11 ix, No S. 1964, p1? 363-367. CIA FD IXX-1718 CTA7 FOI IJGN DISS51 3(~ u1 6.5 5 B In- enial Use Only 281,698 emson~ for the Accelerated Growth of ,-rkins' baring th'e Ripening of Photographic ~ ILI i~ I II1 .11 Isip by,K. S. Lyalikov, 9 pp. RU$SIAN perk, Mir Nauch i Prik Foto i k'-' 6, 1 X, No'5, 1964, pp 396-398. ;fi~~ v CWFDP ~X-1717 141FORB GN DISSEM 0 (j 65 I,' nal Use, Only 281,699 1 61, n ep porties bf DeveloperS With Ind K bY Le !V, rasnyi-Admoni, Y, .1 z deAber~, 10 pp. R.S 11 er Zfi6r Nauch pllik Foto i vi ix,~ o 6 ic A FD -1716 1 19640, ~TO-1--404. RE DI~SEM Ju 1" 65 US E Intl 3~hal !Use 'Only 281,700 el opment 0 Conditliu,~s oll Itic 1'00110to,*~!etric 0 Photograplije teriaj~-, by arLido. T~l- s LV Pel' Zlh. nauell. PP 13 11678 6'1 ReldliL'ibil'~ty 6~f S Jilv~e~i Chloride, Silver r~' ii' ',,.I ed Silver' Salt of 5-Methyl-7- liydl oxy-1 5,4-,TriAzaindo1izin(.%, by F an M. ~1.' Faynshte.1m, 9 pp. AN 17 TO ~Zhur Nauch i Prik Foto i I I~S e V6?7X,1No 6, 1964, pp 436-440. ~I I ~' L17i I I IDD H NO I,-)RE Ck DISSEM Sc- Au US Into ial Use Only 287,612 it627/70 25 Feb 70 SF Luo The DOW FdI4W Of tbO 60iii PhotoLMWAC Proceft bi :L priklmanay vologo uo.63, ILq(-A,*-vOAO-"7s (June) sm.!