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II P TR S-73) SCIENTIFICAND APPLIED PHOTO- GRAPHI'4 DC-NNEIMITOGRAPHYP i Kirlean, S. D.; Kirlean, V. Kh! rXInslitI F[itoin Zh..Nauch. Prikl. Fotogr. Kinema- I togr.;fi:~F~69611 P1, physic.; U 311~tllil-. ND-21 1) I~C of TIM and Intl6w'dty of an ELectron MC-I =4 MR- upe Fhotosraodc Platea ddp,~byle A. Fcalm K- 8- DDSM101M. w I Ar* Fptoarpni i -494 ~ol Vp I j 293 nu M 89-TI, Ph 3,~ lave Of ~tbte. Prociess of Dwelopnent of Color ]n in ~pwftlqp~rs WiLth V=IOU PH valuess AV I. ariuvro 20 IaWAx I Prik IMAogmf I Memtog, Vol ------------- 'MA/M XX-1240 TO FORXM NATICK4W v so, Aug 62 UOIR C by L IMMrdne:-natog, L AS P.- I "of =en ncel,f thL- Amount of ReduIced Silve- in a f t10 ell !Ied sibin U.~on the pH Value of Developer, q~ ~1611, Sio w F e N.~ N.Ahishkina., 5 PP. miss 7 p- Zhur Nauch i Prik Fotq_Ep~af Kin e ramt - ~hu ogr, D111 VIIII No 1., ~9621 pp 2642 29. CIA/FDD XX-1-293 RTUMRA REIGN NATIONAIZ scil Nov'16', USIB 1 Tm,.,~ USE ONLY -IOTOG' , ~T I IJ OF ~ELECTROPI RAPHIC It 3ES IN M By S. I i. A. I V DEI L~OPERS, -0 D J5,-- ui C162, P7 -35. 30 C I A/FDD XX41 195 ~11 TRELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS SC 11 1~ JUN us E3I TEffi~ L USE ONLY .Act 1k "-a voi NOT Aug!Q' 33 y2i ~of 11!herml DeMr of Latwt Boage 3imetam lof +&e ftdxor of Atomaj, by A. L. PRO Me-gh i Prik Aybogmf i Ktnemtog, ,/Imp xx-1A-L UMBAM TO rCHMN RMONAW ONLY bl. fill Developing Dle6tro-photographlic some 1~ -a y1 e~q byC14.1 Vinogradov, 2vo. Nauch -1 Prih~FotoG=zaf i KLncrato;- R s us v "i962,J pp ~59-060, Da T~c CLk/FDD 192 p RPMEASkME TO FOREIGN NATIONALS uri USIB I p US )E ONLY T 'o Developed Silve-r Diqjerid nr- Chwig Imo _nt of P, ai a -to Davel nun' -id UI)o, u oin al, p y Sil si 'ina 3 p HUSSI, po~ I2gli, 1.1': .,,ouoi7i-af' i I-Cineriato- V8-i Vill pj~ 61-662. GIA/r. DD -cc-:L;?33 T I IPdMWABU, TO FORKEGIII I~A,,101~.ALS sci AuUj 16 USIB 1 I-MP L ME ONLY 20J, Cpn c Sc ams1prepared on a YhotoDmphic Film c.ons s ing ff~ ILh, Y t 1111 o Le. ers, by K. R. Yanson, 2 pp. RUSS P-r ur auc Vol, i Ic iqk~ 64'. pp CL~/FDD V,(-:-:lcl)3 r RMEA-SA TO FOREIGN NATIONALS sci I Y" jur. 2 I'B TEI i s USE ONLY u bristles D"~Veen tAke Photogmphic )f 6 z6t&az&*t4br*zo)Le DerivatAves and beli 66 Cal aaeom QM:Ln Bmrfwep bV B. M. lox Llmuch i fta Mx*W i Kinevatog, b1 vp CWM XX-1242 OT Ir E P R I IT X TO FOREMM: NATIOMS I I II Fin o1 tAL It AFOI~~ 1,'EASURING SPLCTRAL A13SORPTIO14 OF E1.111ILSION F. Vi MEYKLYAR, M. t. PESKOVA, 4 PP. Russ il F ZHUR NAUCH I PRIK~ FOTOCRAF I Kll,'~'~'AT~Gy VOL W Ij i,902jl pp'66-67. h CIA/FDD ),X..LL'7 N( RELEASABLE TO FORE., GN NAT I ONALS scl 29! :7 06 usiB 1: IJTEMI-~ L U~E 014LY Test, ir)AI D. ap~ic Materials fcr MLeroreproduction, Phot gr by Ei. R, i Buk'' n., 1 5 RUSS Zhurl Nqucb-x-prjk-.~p~pgraf i pe Kinema 6 a~ IVol I VII.1 No 1, ic 62,, pp 9. all" CIA/FDD XX-1294 N REMASABLE TO FOREE"M NATIONALS Sci Nov 6 -'s USIB irli ERM ]'I-r's I -~G, 1~- law Tj D-!6nferencs_- on Scii'm,tizic )J I botogrt~p~b 'by V. 1. U 5 pu, ~i 1:3 Ai :pp - Vol. VII No 1. Adsor ion r~e"'s on ~illver Hallde, Part II. b~so'r; tlonld Dy~s From Agbr Surface, by S. M. Solov ev, r I.I~Rodionova, 6 pp. RUSE Pei ?4g-jj~uch i Prik Fotograf i ematl Kin' gral Vol 81 85. C~A/FDD Xy,-1295 IIM,EASABLE, TO FOREI:GN NATIO14ALS Nov '2 3E ONLY I tiob of Very Fina-Gimin llt(accir Tzmalclons PriL Fi~lrtctgrL, Vul VI a "n-, M I T-bf 5628.4 3..963 (10 34)) Oct c Olon ~rds ~for Graininess Measurements, by OM qL wi~-Oplll mer 5 P~P - ~R5 Pp * N 7, pe -J-Prilc Fotograf i ~ rr~~ K"iUn"emrq%graf Vol i VII.,l No 2, 1�6~-jFp V~J, ~Vj cTA/FDD xx-lL> 6 11 ABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS MF sci Nov 62 USIB l.UWX' VArUV ~SE ONLY -~2 Them a ROi 10nihip ~of Photogxlq5hiC DeVelopmouto I 1 11 1 by V. I sti 1) 'x V. Vendv)vskiy, 13 pp. ra"Ve pmgl PVJ Muir HeIuch i PrikIsA Foto i Kinowtoo Vol Ali N6 2,--MWI-,,, CIAIFDD XX-1364 No Poluip Dissem sci mw 63 usi BI A:z9., 119 ie Upon Aerial Color W!IC ~'D 3p~eric~ Ha Phot I-~Bogachkov., 17 PP. y RU Zhu~, N 01 gra ol~ VII No 2, 1962, pp U2-120 Kine F,7~ - 7"17- 16, IF CWFDD XX-1297 7 146" RWi~ TO FORMIN NATIONAM sci tit, Nov 62 USIB 113 N MAT USE ViLY Diu, Sale I" iumlElectrophot-c~phic Layers., by lor ~is n., Yl~- Ao I Chorkagmp: 109 ppe i Ld RuipilA, MwIlaunh I Prik TakWaf i Memtog, Vol' CIA/FM XX-L'43 I aA= TO FORMON RMCNALS I.,A Ll ~v\ Sa u8n Mlr~%~z bmY o ge o ibLti6n id) t c 6a gr4p me fe nan A' A ii~ the Sensiti,vity of the Photo- for Recording Radiation, by Yu. A. ~Iak, 0 pp. RUS pet Zhur Nauch i Prik Poto raf i sw Kii 128-132. VII No 2, 19 2, pp CIA/FDD XX-12298 ~C RLMZASAME tTO FOREIGN NATIONALS I Sci I No* usi LL, USE ONLY 1, 0 10, rolachito Evaluatiiag Sensitivity in ~App P~ ot o 16 pl Lph.-jl~ a!hd Television., by S, B. Gurevich, A pp. P, Zh~x Nauch i Prik lPotograf i RU, Kin Vol vif No C:EA/FD]A XX-1299 RIMIXAS" *-TA-FORREG?"ATIONALS Sci; NOV d USIB nITERNA us~ ony 'ut tb~ 1416atoumphic ~>roccss Oil Vl.~11! it, Pmlnibns b y V. 1. '~ibbnratov. -~Ucb i Prik Fbtog i Kinamatog, I VK 3: R, J~ 5B28.4 1(;YJ3 (10 353) E3 O(t 63 OU (10 3514 Lccai ,1:, tir ~,Pll I;. 17R kl,prt of 47,0:to in A catkolt,. 'by J~U- ~,V T i I ri 1. NO rd mil R: ClAn thale MiXtUM, of und Pq~lkx- in Qj YROr. K, I ..CU 11 713:1, ld-~ 112, 0- S6con Dcielli~ific`,.Te6hnical Conference on Electro- 1 1 11 1 111 graph5ri by B. Dra~in) 7 PP RUS~ Zliar Rauch i Prik Fotograf i pp 15-'t-160. Kine kU" No 2-,[-962- me CIA/FDD XX-1-300 11C RMYASA33LE TO FORKIGN MMONALS Sci 16' oVi N USE ME ONLY )n 16 0d ~of ftr&ning F-=tlsion S.! Livi, Yuo' 6. Vilovokii, pp n's Pot NO CIA/FUD KI-13,66 ]NO Forelp Dissafm pty~ Ics, 6i t B I~njl~fj. 2al0 May f 1,~ 1 F.ff,b of 11 tion Abso , 1. 2-ne'. III aln E. ~.Jiiri ws~ 10, p Kine Liggr Sci f hys; MAy 6 511 usli fi .631 1 1 ~ stir. Deformkion on the Spectral S Iver'Impurity Centers in a Ivet Chloride EmulsLon,, by i v. A. B.,! Goltdanberg, 7 pp, Zh"r HmuckA-PyjU Foto r i T"Q P~Pr -M. 01 V116; No 3. CIAMD XX-1368 No Foreign Di use Only OF1 h m ~e Depandenco of PhotogUP udyi 0 per tu h cj*val ;66ri,,, IX. The Activation Energy ap tho 50 al''66tlof inherent Defifects in ivei a ideal. rrstals An Phic Layan, I I i tl~ I i *1 nDv A S Kheirmul" 8 pp. V~. h 1,p a CT4 ur .-Fata"Xina, Vol V11p CU/FDD XX-1379 NO FOREIGN DISSIEN r ID rul (I e only ~dlrovlch. 1. and i 'OM F Ol TT-64-12757 dkin,~ V. 14 I1113-6PROCirry LAW IN 1. Adiravich. E. 1. -ECTRO RAF W -CIMMROCImy ILA t A I I -der fi ~M'$l 1. 70M I ANb THE StiAFE OF THE It. Fridlin. V. M. 119641 9p Ill. ATS-97Q73B ~J~LM~ES. ATS-97Q73R IV. Associated Technical i ,ans. 1w 11 la[ 11 afft xogrf I t K 66mat Services, Inc., oil Priklladnot! East OI-ange, N. raftil (USSR) 1962, v. 7, no. 3, 187 9 1 4 'T-hi..1 S-1- laterials -~~ot a ph, TT, v* 11, 12) ;j Tr-64-14779 1 Levi, 0. azan. S. M.. and Peiuakh~v, V. IL i I i 1 1. izvi, S. M. EW METH OF 0 T NOE ULSION AND 11. Tovetkov, G. M. UXIIAAAY lLj ER yL FLEXIVLE~ BASES. [1964) 111. Khazan. S. M. , i f Z7pl. ~7ref I i IV. Peimathov, V. 1. -IM rder fro Im SL6. o I r ETC $2-60 TT-64-14779 rans. o~ lnernato a ii (LJSSP,) 9 6'), v.~ 7, no~ 3. p. 2D9-',18. , I's-aviii n ~t ~le on loan from SLA as 4-63-,'0b7 P. Materials ?b togra I C Tr, v. 11, no. 11) I , ~ Ottit. .1 T.chnlcal $*-Ices ~ asura 011t or bIgUOL-NOI.So KatLon ~In Moto- I. Br~ida~ G.6 A. pp". SSIAN erg- r hauch Prikl*4 Fait i dIA/FDD XX-,. 1367 4;~, Por~olgv Dissent ty 63 D ;1B xn;~tA~ al, U~q Only sifl UCtux, 1. 0 of Adi~ixture Absorption Spectrum iliff, r Haiideli~, by K, V,. Chibisov, 10 pp~ T- Npmich Pr ~c Foto Kine, Vol V11, m P il lCIA/FUD XX-1380 MG FOREIGN DISSEM 63' n. Mt.=al U~e only o41 63-17121 1 Gr~:nishi S . G. a 'hC1,, :nstyv, ]Yu. A. THFiCUR T FIq J US 01 F.Lf.-cTRO PHOT)OGRAPI 1Y 1. Grenishin, S. G. 11961 i6p 1i 1 i II. Cherkasav, Yu. A. Order 6-o: TS $21 8 ATS-28Q68R 111. ATS-28Q68R IV. Associated Technical Trans.:fjf Z1. Irnall Lich )i i Prikl[adnoij So-, rvices, Inc.. v. 7, Fast Orange. N. 3, P. 2,11 239, DESCR!111 op 0 ograpliy. (hiaterx,al! )0t1v, V. 10, no. p fic 'I Dffkt at Terinkif Servien ri the Sharpness of a d etermining, N e i0 ic !'u t o -Lich pp Nci FORT. i Si !I-,. inte~Tnal USe 0111Y Borj'J A I-, INVES-11C x c ME C6N, H R SITI7AJ1C 141 i(196 Order firoi i is $I 71' Lai Tran!~. :6f i T-t 01 gr1afli I ii M? V.. and ot'heru. PE ',I~Ac-roks lNFL.UENC[NG I E-F-17"ECT IN C)Frl-ICAI- SEN-, ATS-77i'6511 .11:1 hQ16i) i PrIkIladaoll Im- I a, U.~SHYTTKT -v-.7 110. h raphic ennuloions. Sensitivity. '11c)-o 1: 11 h C~r 9 a 63-12604 1. Dorin. A. V. I1. Logak, P. 1. Ill. AT-o-77P65R IV. Associated Technical Services, Inc. , East Orange, N. WITH Trans! c [afil)-i K DESCRIf c6icis. graphic 4 Warciia ya. ?k- anti M OF THE Al ICALRY1 COU XNdl, TO NA IT. J?~96216p. TS sIb ED URI I I ~va. T- A. ION SPECTNIUM:OF ;IL~ER HALIDE ~ OF THE CEWERS ATS-79P65R lklfadnoil Fotogr-~ I kU,'A'jK) LY09. V.: /. no. 4, Halides, Color -y. Absorption spectrum, *Ph(ao- i1c, T`17, v. 9. no. 6) 63-12635 1. Nesterovskaya, F. A. 11. Nechaeva, T. A. Ill. ATS-79P65R IV. Assmiated Technical Services. Inc.. East Orange, N. Ofte of Ucbk3d Seryket ~Th 10 1 P, n r~ i liesidul of. Development on the e1' N Pi e of ~'yer, by N. N. Shishk1na, .17 RU No er, Naiich'.iP Fot Kinema4 Vol V11, No 96 poi ClAik D XX-1493 No j~bl M11GN DISSEM h 211 1 Isel M 641' 1'. u se Y.! 252,248 Tr-64-221W a] I. Z. 1 RIMCS OF SEWMED I Levim, F. A. ELEL-r'RO FMC LIAYEM [,Apr 641 6p D Playina. 1. Z. Oxdg~r ir~ al Al-S-98Q731t ' M. Al-S-"Q73R i 1 ~ W. Aswxixted TechnJcal Tran~. 7-b -rr- 6111 PrUdladmil Fatlogrfaill) c,4 Services, Inc., East I Kinertiato' iftil 'R) 1962. Y. 7. no. 4. p. 262,N~,. Orange. N. 1. no. 2) R fS k? T. -J, Ir. --t PatormiTling th~~ 6;-, -7~t, ~4auch iPri~,~ Coto Kirio. Vol VLX~ r p Cl ik/ FDD XX-, 1, '1177 NO FOREIGN DISSEM Use olkly i LIS ct: o. lciotywluvicil. ki I lati I~ol VII, ~',Io it 1!)62, J 46..A ys- c i1 OlefiniiJon of a I'lioto-raphic dy 63 u, 10 c thod for A'A)taillillo 3m.lild"Iry Curve's TIT) I lohhov3l,di I V1 c r ziltur ""luell Prik Pot v I. I 19 6 2. 1) 0 - 0 XX-1430 U III-tornal Use C'~' I Iy --l 16 1 1 1 ye I: -J, Ifl-62, Sc.; 1 A I 0c"!!. I is W." REACM LAR BRO, Ordw*;m 63-12466 apt evkmv, 1. 1 Lt MRS IZING~ DYES~ WITH MOLECU- I Natanson, S. V. 6 1106 11. s6.1 A'11-78P65R 111. AT-S-78P65R L IV. AsaDclatetlTechnical .J.11 I MkIfadnoll Services, Inc., emafWrafflT.'j-U&9Ur9W v. 7, Esin Orange, N. J. 01 -Pht, phic recording medig, Color S sensidi' Cherfilcal ivactions, ~Ih I7a c N. 9, no. 5) C. sit' cla, v or I 0 )e 6i the Kocioi.-ociV., F~dlurc w Procoss ca 1 VII, NO 4, Orl Sl14--.iul' Repo s On Iaten't P~otographic Mmge and Optical Se~s iza~.c!a Presented at the International Coil~ ~iula'' Scientific Photography in Zurich, by ;v 11'4eil P. ;7 pp. RUSS auch i,Prik_Eq_~_qgrgii i e x ii, !Vol ivi PP 311-315. K inen 09h I No 4, CIA FD))-XX-1334 NO FOREICA4 DISSE24 6 Kar i 6$ USiB 11 IFM'~ ~L USE ONLY 223,990 I i Ai i Cc of AjiBr drains as a Function of the nu tionlof the Starting Solutions, by 5 f Ly", 1 Ikov N~l M. Voronkova, 10 pp~ $JAN r, zh mauO,1,4. Prik_.Foto-i. Kine, ii~ N 1962, pp 353-340- CIAIPDD Xy,-JLSBI f1O FOREIGN DESSEM 14", knell Use Only 77mol ~111 inve.-l"i 01 th Of Ia a processes Caging and lt S abilizu"t'lon Ph~togi'aphic Layarst IV,,, by I ~~hi ~!lrs~' 11 pp, SSIAN, Dr,; 12 Nauch' Prik Foto Une, IP rtu v1 vil, ?1 507 pp CIA/FDD~XX1382 NO PDRUM INDISISDI J~l 63 M T6t4 illnI Y 3 L., B'#Oln I -Vyi 5 1 631 IB 14 bliftal in f the GsreTsl zid O:r ~ ;~ L a) v I otogr2phi~ of Ught and Heat, 'by ppl~ ~pt!.) Kine, 1~962,41 pp 354-58 iCIA/FDD,XX-1378 ~NO FOREIGN DISSR-m i 10 Oilly ;V - ma I rasil oguting ~the Photometric eqi4n sp 8 aracteristics~of an riall -'i i Is c6 by' A,,!N,, Vishnyakov, 21 pp. r SSIA~N I VH 210 pp 3S9-368, ICIAJFDD XX-1383 NOTOREIGN DISSEM 1B I '11 l l j~ 1 63-17374 1 1 Vifain fi ~ ' . K. " 'ro ov * ;k N. ' " "i. Yu -Ft E ~CT M n Nl~ =0 - BLACK-AND- 1. Vilanskii, Yu. K. S , , ~ b , wim T !IT 1' I, JCR's C! PROM ON PHYSICAL If. Gorokhovskii, Yu. N. SIU\kl'~H! . I't. 2.1 ,k 1 ~ tj~ 6C 11'. Title: Investigation... the "'Yalcal 1Wfcsti~a Sharp'ness pi, )e llhtx' ' , raphi6 Image. [19631 11P. IV ATS-65Q68R li frcq - Or, i'3 $I "i i ATS-6SQ081V V. Associated Technical Services, Inc., Trans. a 711 j r Eat urnal I a n-11 .nL-- Inc I p tK;hniciij i Prik!Laqftoij rast Orange, N. J. I '~ P 1962, v. 7, T- ~a- i ~ ~ l ' , DESCRI f t -s. 017 aphi. imag hotograptdc processor i0togri Y- emce d Tv.*dcm &erw'cn (Materizills ogia~,htxc, 171~ V. 11). 110. 5) 1 t f f h, alstirring on thi; Prop*rtias of T H-a'ifl.v ~):Jspersed P110togrnphie EMU 1 4 0113 by !pp. 5 11 AN., Yo ~I 1 5 i, 1962. pp 381-383~ dA/FDD U-IM NO FOPTIGN DISSEM j'uij 3 Lis B! int .11va lose Only ~P ic, Develop6ent on Gold Nuclei, by priltp 3 pp.~ iR S 'I Zh.~ Nmwhn...i-hAkl-.,Fotogr A ogi. Vol VIX, No 5, 1962, pp 384-38S~ XX-1385 NO FOREIGN DISSEM Julia 63 USIO In, 1~ a IU:5e On ly attire s of lo 1.1,1 Belous, 4 RUE, S.TA por ~llurl Naxidma ~ J -trjl~ ]PotoV i Kjae., V01 V1. i962, 386-3W-, C~A/rm lu-1441 6' Oct 13 USIB Use oni, I n~ ku s:.,i.AN No'! I Sc ju~ 1d3 10 fl! lin of Structuxal Factors on the Stabilizing f P~~trjmes, by Ya, A~ Levin, V. k Xukhtin;~ Zhur Naucli. . P ri k Fot o Kin e, Vo I VI I , p I CIA/FDD XX-1:586 NO FOREIGN D:rSSEM Q Li Co 1a]. !!Use only ~TaphoL I IYI ~.ethpd of DetemIning tilt! II I II 4r armlot I H 0' Contiast Function c4 , I 111 1 hoto r ic govials, by G, G, GrIlbakint Ip USSI or,, Vol VIIO 9 91, aA/FDD XX-1387 NO FOREIGN DISISEM u1 Oi 619 in Ima: ~~v Only ell th~ I fj f m-. 168' c0 Of Pbotometric Eqjtdvalont ID~ I I . I I I I Dn th6 Bf acken g 6ansity of the Photographic n Pyalsotskaya, K, V. Vandrovskiy, USSIM h Naia Prik Fow Kino, Vol VII,, o 5 ii 162 pp 192- 3:. CIAIFEID XX-1388 NO 120FUNCU DISSEN "IVY MFXK At ~ 6sr 13 fn:~, Ila 1 11 (b Oh 1y Icr lliiliu~Chl PhOLO,-raphic Pro - Ilisi c 11 5.1; 0 S1)), 'r.1 1- cbe stov, 20 p-i I pe~-, Z-hur llvillaul Foto ll'illu".iat, Nol 5, 11) f, 2 ,Tp 394-40-2. 'Disser! 01,11'al U!w ('1111), ri llbstliHl[~ ~,ritio~n of ~ them colo -01'd-iiiates D - ic Balabuk~la, Llr c 0 Zh. nauch. i -prik. f0to n e Irl. 61 7 1962, lic) PP 17 I vi 158, ~i ll~ri (12022) U-j Acs~ Li&dit 1 ILI i i : 1 111,11 st!i t M, of the Sensitivity of tlia mms 01 tgl~~ -K ahd Rpentge-n-XX Toward Elections, lintsev, ~V, V,, SlAniov, 6 pp,, SI~l pstr!, ZhAauch Prik.Foto Kine, Vol V11, 4 o p !CIAIFDD XX-1389 NO FORSIM -DISSEM 631 4 mal US6 Only Net, C I IG' L I10"I'd-ri 611d C Ll dr(ocl-- Readi 11 t L:: I SJ 1'2~ers Tu. li,.,,-,.iov I 1 0 Dy RUSSIA I 17,11LA, cluChP I il dFOW ;':iIIC1.Mt Vol V1 C 1.962, pp 447-4S3. i CIA/FDD XX--1,1,16 ATO sci Oct 6. USID I ~tOrM I u. 0111 I ji I t~ I ~im i on :of Dyes With thel Aid of a aph!ic mayor, by N, M, Zyuskiz, 3 pp~ iar,,,,~~.Nauoh PrIk Foto Kine, Vol VIIO Pi 962, pp 460 CIA/FDD XX-1393 NO FOREIGN DISSEM 3 G/ at rl of Blue Dyes in Color Film Containing ogo a 11, lih, VIC, Grachko, 13 pp. I I b4! per)" Zh!Nau-ch i P# =0 Poto i j pp 461-462. CZA/FDD U-1390 NO FORB11N. DISSEM a 3G/ 6.39 J 631 L 3 -4Fc;mQ3 usc:only e N~tu* f 1~ in'duction lPeriod In the Deveiop nt Pro 0 j. P V"lA. Veidenbakh pp. SSIANi I Na4ch Pjih Foto Kine Vo I Vi 1 61, 1192 p CIA/FDD XX-1.391 NO FOREIGN DISSEM 1 a :6 IB Int I cl~ly Of eniitization ~f a Uppmanov a Pro i old!S 0 u1sion P,, Mellnichuj, Zh, L. Broun, 3 pp, I SSIAN or chnii Prikl Poto i Kine, h ZI Na~ .I vfik ;,t -9620' pp"ISS14M' 'CIA/FDD XX-1392 NO FOREIGN DISSEM 1 63! 1B Int al,~~53 Only I., of Stallflous Chloride oli ljj~ bv K. 11. J, )JA~l iwr, -11ur ;,illic'm ;111-Ul o"o Vi o 1 1,4 AQ0 Scl 63 n1a IUso ('1111 V. Did si6l of LiC~it-'N1.'qnsit3dvJ.ty Criterion for plu am~S,)c111hterials of General Um, by ~tc:~ Y~. G6' ioVr31UY., 1'J* $- OVOIDWds., 7 PP- r, Muchn Prik Foto Kinc, Val VII, 1,96 ppl, h,~2-474. CIA/FDD xx-i444 1qo Foraign Diu-sem scl ph~ Cs W. Int)p *TW. 1U cilly -A, A --S ILI Py jis ',S 1 1 im of Comcponents ~niir-g SbUitions Into Photographic b~ L B Blya-umbeirg,, pcir, ZhuT Ilauch Pril, _17o---* ra~~z 44 .Wii V1 11 140 1, 1963, Rai': SPI28,t 1963 (10,416) MOATO 07 invi6lit tio Of tbe. Coloi~ camt;: by D. x. Biaabukba,, i 1 1 19 PPO RUB yal 112=~ Smeh I PrIk Fcft L Xi=.. Vol VUI., NO I ~jo Fw'olgu Dise~im SOL Doe 63 UsEi Role! IT" I odi iil~ tjlc~ [)I-ocess of Thysical ui~~ _rhuis,~ oils, by K. S. Lyalyll-ov, I I n 7 K. RUSS1 4 jP01, ~Zhu~ Nauch i Pril. Fpto i Kine, Vul V111, (Loan) 828.4 1963 (10,4.~. k., -r7- Feb 64 Tr-64-12431 ~L OF TTIE RF-CMOCrrY 1. Title: RL-ciprcydiv law 1 ELECT"ROMOTOGRAMUC 1. FrLdW4 V. K 6618 ~i i D. ATS-7DQ7ZR r= 13. ATS-70Q72R M. Aowxiated TacbMcal Serytem bic-, a I Mu ~b~[ci) I Prilegadncil Poto- East Orang% N. I K R) 1963, Y. 8, m 1. VMRS- lphy offim of T-AA-1 S.-I... t 1. 11, 10) Aght Fltm IncicLent on For, In bf SUver*Hahde L 9. Kirillov, lo rik Votog i Kinematog, 252,109 1~ (A keCip'Vocity Law i., 0:1 wers ''f Zinc iDixide! 0 avi Iii si VOL Ml I'jG' to, I by -;j. 57 Si~ C06 k. Cboai~al and Plly4ical D--volop"niants, 1,,..!V. Chibisov., 6 1~,?. Z aux. Nauch Pril Foto lUna, "lol V-!I;, L CIA/.FM XX-11155 No'Pioi~egin Dinceva IV L L C'-: ?hy rr, s T~ Oct us A LIW Ll A Uime OLAY nu` e F tvi r_'. o-4' Radian."t N'Tt CITB~' 6 1C ctaixetr-' -c J-", Is' oni cnd "noon 0, U. .1 a 'x a C601 III T .-H 'I ZY Kheinmai V. P. I DESENSIT CONCENT Order ftlor Trans.. 0; f KineMat~ ,9 DESCRRIIT tivity" *01 Photolir4k An invelitt; nine dyel, coy Ity (interIL light lien's] IS., IN litlinison., S, V.,,,and Donatova. I t t i ING Epp ECT OF SUPER-OFT13" DYE r. 10MS1 11;9631,5p. 12 'refs. TT-63-18785 I ?4a c mat FPrIkIqdnol Fptograftil W~~ ~.I. , ... , 8, no. 1, p. 69-70. II: 'Ph6 a Icemu a crmns *PhDtD!;Cnl3l- Ph ~,oloi I u fac'e pr Irtlea, Adsorption, I r liters Ihi nineB, 0c of )II wall ~nf de effect of a thlacarbocya- i~ght Be] 6fMty (nurface~ and light seinsittv.. 'I $Y usiii, _li.he wilit of differentiation of ~ l. (au ftcj): and I light s6naltiVity (Internal'i. ,j I that I senslilvity~(surf6ce) and light' n irnal 11h, reaseld by the same),mount lixogI a C~ Tt, v. i, no. I (over) TT- 63-18785 1. Kheinman, A. S. 11. Natanson. S. V. Ill. Kornarova, V. P. Off" M Tecks),W Senicts Method or ftneral smisitamstric I'l r r NaterigLao by 0. & &ainwv DI I Ina i rbo -no ~2 pp, USSiAks P mr-Haleb -1 -Prik roto i Kim$ Val Vill., JL' LS rA/pw XI-3,467 g a 77? R4 3);A?l 1,46C E i STI, C Ninetration c,--P Colimu.-i-1---nts c~f -,roc e s -L I rlictlo-.L.-ciphic Emml3ion., b-,, T.1 V M " 4 Zllu~: Nalich Pril.. Votozraf K2 n1. T,). -C),1. 3. 17,61 VIII., I.To 2 62, Aus e, J~ 1. S.~ I't, rnov !Vanchlkova, A. P. , Koir S~ N. ! ~ i ;1. LAW. S. AL -MG c EFFA OF WEI -AGENTS 11. Sadmov, a C DA774G A P Od IC IE%fLTL.SIC)N. ~ 119631 Ul. hawlikoTa, A. P. I I r-M!" I 1~ 1 11 1 1 n~- x0chwo. S. N. r SLAI $L6D 63-18533 k I 3. of, Zhuinal Nauc I Prikladniod~Fotogranl I na VZO. A ORS: rftb ra C~em~lsiousll -P A L) hotol- I !~, , active substances! (j Lj ac Chet .4 Osur a t )rpdc6 i 8, 6 s. Thlo radcals, Succiatc Prco J" Sob um coinpottods, Asorption P. the kinetlcu ot adsorption acid 'e ter UUM inic4cidaevictliethe al esti illosuc ntc~ acid and the eatirs of )roqi(~u~ a8lcl'~ lpasa, t (in openlal wue When x1als.1- rapid ',I Photog, V. 10. r'& 10) (over) W. .1 Tb.,,w &.v. Inte I S eo J,lotion Picture Exposure and Projpc ion., by P.1 Ivanov, L. Aldmak-ina. RUSSIA, IN Auch i Pri~ Totograf i Ki ff V61 VIII, No 2, 1963, p p~9 1-197.'~I' N L RL- 5828.4 1964 (10,510) (loan) n6 X X - M a y 17110 AO Of ht the Fornintion Rp -cc of Ph A I 3..~iisiyns f idIlO.,nnt \rT. T. I "n 2 190 101-D5. y CU~/I,Flll XX-- I - 15 1 Ict For;.ign Disscl;l G 65 e e f th h E Effect Irt Electrophotography,, ov 1,16r. a ~U Nau&MPJTik Foto Kine~, Vol VHl, 63; lod I j CIA/ DD 0 jFdRE N N ~GN DMSEM i I Ts' 4 71 - 9 ar Us' ohly '252,263 'N p Ellectr4lictographic Paper, by z- vi h, 4 PA P !pAIC, Nauth'i Prik,.FqXo i Kine. Vol VIII? CIA/FDD XX-1403 USIB Internal Use Only 17. n,aIj Use, i0nly i 7 t W Pot"si6 Thiocyanate on the Formation ri 6'1 Ij state's ~in a Meso-Ethylichiacarbocyanin ate Adsoipti~n Layer, by M. K.., Grechko, 5 pp. M ZhurAaudh IPrik Poto i Kino, Vol VIII, pp dA/FDD XX-1404 LISM Xnternal Use Only d6 P31 0 InIx al,Use ',On 1y pment Peii Ici. ill the Kinetics of the. Develo, CL S' Pro L. Zh. broun. c l:%,u8s1 p Ii Zhur Nauch i Pri~,Fotograf i E oil r '63, pp 140-1,12 Kine V61 VIII). No 2, 1) - LV f: 5828.4 1964 (10,306) (loan) Nlak 5) L Lo bw NO F ~-qe, Photographic in'. I's by 1~' )J Foto, i Kine, Vol VIH, 252,260 A of Color Develop- ~Ig ilk ioto i Kine, Vol VM,, If I, I, 't,~ '.1 1 ~ ;I -tinp Theory to Shakirov donper, 1z: tile coct t bv al vi 1 (;. 1q. Tsvethov. It, i3 dr,'~!,,hur,~,Nlauch Prik Futoga7af iE Mato' ill- 1 V'o 1. 1 V K34 V IIIJ No 2,1 1963, 14LL I f:~ 2. S.11904 (10,S27) (I oan coi y) S ~:L Aull L 0!~Ic c, Pola rographY of Some Developing-, A~ell,tl J, bille if. 14. GoT!okhovskiy, 14. M. Kuzovenko. RUSb j~ 'r, Zhur Nlauch i Prik Fotograf i illA-iog~ Viil, No 2# 1963, pp 149-151. ~~'L L~~f: 581-814 1964 (10,517) (loati) May De' 01 )f Type-R '&,('uclear Emulsions in L. 1'c odid zerl, by~D. A. Swiloilovich, V. Tara wrikov. flu")z? i -b Zhur Nauch i Prik- Fotoi,,raf i Kihci,l~ 091"di VO'l VIII*, No 2, 1963, 'pp 151-152. f: 58281~4 1964 (10,518) (loan) A ay T ir, Fr; 01 a I e,~. by Ox-posing Pmfl-sions D t6 'h: (~i M. I ~ne 6f ra-i Iiffra:~cd Region by L! Faermmi. G. p c Og Nauch Prir, :Fotograft KincimtcTraf V61 111 1; 0 6. 2 9 63, pi) 153-3,5 r2 lc?~P~ (10,,r,2,9) .(loan copy) 7- A-as mlit er;123 014 3 ili 1 arapid Development, 0 ~k. Vie trov, 9 PP. I~a ~,Ai j~6to I Kine, h'i 911 CIA/FIII'D'rI503 an DISSEM IF9 )p y 252.v258 Soil"' u r,,.' ce'Alctive LL-rivatives of ISO- e ceni s 'uc'cinic Acids, b% 0. K. Smirnov. Rul i.IIvN a, 11 rp ZhurliNauch i Pro,,,', Futograf i Kin ~,J~ 6tog,:,,~ vol ~,Vlrl * No 3, 196.3, pl) 165-16,6. f- '5828.4 1963 (10,515) (loan) N L L~ 1e Mz v 63-2DD20 A~mk 01 K~~ Vilemkil, 1. KhDdchmko. A. N. 'erCPv'F E WF PR TD4, C14 AL RIPEMG 11. Gnxhko, A Y- THE Cks 11 CZA or WASIONS. Ill. VflenakU, Yu. IL IV. Al-parovick M. A. er CTS or SL 63-2W20 Zbm i prim-lwi (U!SS 11663.jv. 8, no6'3. v, 41. trlUWjuli'!KvaflAl, fram(ATS$1.'0DjtS -41Q71 D=RIFT( Iftic emiLdalmis; AgWg terialaN, qPdr Senaiiivity, Dyes, ver c660aAiW~ all 01won'spactrum. tuvesilptl M~L P. apldc emulelme at '~~ouo kaIa with respect to r cmapaom~n ~bejr4~'~ ltlz~6 th'dyes vllh ~i to A'': ttloi dudng' absoIrption on Office c4 Tedmkxf I-rvices atertals '-PI 'I qP , i~ 10, 10) (over) 11 the Structura Of Silver Brc u~lc I.Lr Uby' L. Ya. Kra-uch, L. P. Lyncnl-o, 23 r?] ch i Prik. Foto i Kinc, r~ ~hur I-au V02 lik 10 31 19-6-3, iD 174-INI - CIA/FDD v or, olm ial,,- TJSI In t~ al IJ,:;c all-a 25"~, C-33 o T nclitiollis. c)f D~!-.,elcpmenlll' on the Curtre of 1.14on-Sensitiziod Drzals on by 11. R. ova, r, ITYLU, llat~ch Prik "ooto a-P KinematcSraf Vol P,P 185-1B0 191!,11 (10,53-31) (loa-n copy) 7T 6 I 'B SeM. QijAraTATrNrc JT~O~HE f OF! loi,,F4, LIME POWDEkS ~ ~l PHCrT, 'RAail" 11 1%. OA! r fr6m M-if $8. iq ui-wj I fcdj~ emat 1,961 S. A. composi - 1. PraLhots'lAi. Yu. ISCLATED U. Bhk- S. A. S 10 NS [Apr 641 5p ILU. AT'-q-BBR74R A7S-83R74R ITV. AssociarcdTc-cllniLxI Senices. Inc.. East I Priltl~ja&olj FoMrfafll~ I Orange, -193. v, 8~ no. 3, P. 189