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T he I~~'.,Lajp~r of Alrormetion of Zinc Phoap:Ade Zn3~, b YSl:~ A. Sb uk=evo G. Grwsmaxi.,, M. P. Morozovav 2 pp. IRUSSIAIlg pq~,per,, Zour ObshLi Khjn, SSSR Vol XXVJ, No 4 119551P P"63-3. -CIA C 3S500 Consultants Bureau Sciav~jric - Chemistry NOV 55, Cvs/ng, Ad iGdi by 5 of 'tha Per -13 v e V Ol r,:ITI ll I V,- 5 -5 Heats of SolutIon of the Hexah-3drat-5 of Cobalt arad nickel Per~hloratea, by S. A. Mchu"rev, Z. U. Bax--Isovs., G. M. Orlovu, 3 PP M-S~N, per Zhur Obohch Khim, Vol XXX, No 3, 1960. 3. pp 1053Y CB S Ie L Apr, 61 The IWI=tIft UUU816 in the 7hormody. a of Metals In the First Sub- pu-i of the Fourth Period or D. 1. Xende4v.8 *~16. At ach3kamp K. A. Oranskaya., 11 pp. per, Zhur Obahch Dim, Vol x-Y-T-v, No 12 1954~ IN AO-21186 CIA 5427(LO Cm reel 3. 331,619, cmnatants Eumm t Sol ChOMAG CT5' EzI2thall:Ipy of Formation of Df' I'n c With the Element:, of th-2 Vain S I'b= p of the Vuh Group D7' Pel-J.D'-;jC a ~le, by S. A. Shchulcarev Mi. P. Ova'7 4 pp. " I - RUSSIM, , per, Zhur Obslicla 140iij.., Vol 6 ' 6, !961, 1)p 1773-1776 S c j. 62 cc lUm Satn=ted 'WWor Fmawm of M3UlL= Cbdd- 81, i. Owbubwev, 0. A. Smwov, 3 pp- BWIMj POV. ZbW ObWWh Sh"Od IfOl =a, No 7a CB 23 J114 'i~12 200.583 Study 8f ~~,,olybdenum Halides. 1. Varcr Prr---,o=e and MSSOAC~~iori pressure of Molybdenim Pentac~dorjde, by I ~ ! ;I So A. r?I~I~bulk~ev, 1. v. iaoilkova, D. N, Sba-rup-in, 6 pp. RUSSURp, mo per., Zhur Obsbah QbD~ Vol ~XVr, I.To 8, 19A,:P~ 20991.2o96. Connultants Bureau Sci Cbem Y 9 Dee 5T tablUlty of OVW Bgldoa,, tw S. A. 8 S. V. Orknomwp 10 pp. Rwomol! WD PWt MW 20 Obabob Mdmjj Vol MaVv go Up Barmu 7~a 'Me of FamMm of L:Ltblum SUbids,, by A-~ 2, voum :K. P. Mwozamp 2 pp, DW.* OW ChOdh MA84 V02. Ma7a go UO an A~ 71 7 3 ftsb:Uity of Cobalt wd Nickel B. A. ShWmk&m,, T. A. Tal%whavar FULIL tr ~~m*lqwj, Ow OMb*bLM"# Vol XMP so EM-2108, OTA. i542762.- Ot r"OA 3. Omsultants D=ew 3;7) I A Case of Surgical Treatment of a Solitary bte-L"t"" is of Carcinoma of Recti-m in the b per . Yoprosy Onkol, Vol -n, No 10: 86-90. 19~0; pp scli JT 61 >--t-rr- -~ r try r. , T Shobuks~ejj.%h~ zhur xbjm ?r=., Vol XvIll No IgN ftl Tr canter 7 got Bep cm*/a= he, q~haip~ 'p undr. Of'r;6d- r Fbrmation. of C= o T vLivm i~rith Phosphorus Aw2anic and Antimny, by 3 ~I (j I it. Morozova., M. V1. A. ~aiah* PP RM IIAIJI Zhur Obabeh NhIn., Vol xxvlll~ Do 12J 31958t pp 3 42',0 - 3 2 9 1 CoponAtanta Buranu i, if A VcWa;tj3.-e Iffigber CW.Orid%# of rhxthenitm; -Oy so Iki 8hckjtjj~jwq 3. Y - X01bila, A. fl. Ftlmbov, ,p r,, Zhur Heorg ;Khim) Irat j-.Vp 110 3-959~4 Cltmver-Hume Press Ltd. London Sol hum tTmn ~E 1pies of Formation of Ccmpoands of Zinc with Asit~monyjp by S. A. Shchukarev, M. P. M OS I aw YU. P. sapozhakovo 4 pp. Full tr RMSMn', so pw, Zhur Obahch Rhin., Vol xm,, ~612v 1�56.. PP 304-306. CIA 9007072 C,, Reel no 64; 0013sultsiAs Bureau DQ~,,' 56 M? ~s colorimetric Determination of IS Alcobols in the Utravioletp by **D"vp S. N. Andreyov.. 1. I. A. Ostrovskaya, per Zhur Ana MLilemgj Vol IX.9 no 6j, c~-'Dec 19;4, ~; 35a: M CIA D 3.51315 q Consultants Bureau at, a - Chemistry ON. O/My 55 di ilk z- zr--Vd- A 12 7- 1'~ t~lj 4d -i 4.) 21 2 4A. Li%lltiom CS "3910 ty =111-thamv, ot al. 1xv Vx','Z Khit- i ihi:; 5: 77" (.91-t"J're Ski ulli Idbrouidej, lky ns~tf, of De ty ev W.Y S. pp. 0. V. 8&T 12*-mr Asal Ehim? Vol 3x; pp 193-195. ex :,L951 CmaUltwitri Bure-M, Mar 515 cri/M, An Ifivest g~ation of t I I 1 11 An,'I:jr,sio in the Ultra S. Andkeev., 12 pp. Possibility of Colorimetric olet, tgr S. A. Shchukarevp UNCUkSS;IFtEv-.--,---- RLTSS*o per, Zhur Anal KhImp Vol VIII, No 1, 1953, pp 22-32 Consulitants Bureau / Scie~atiftc - Cbeadstry HydrrflyBis And enthalpy of formaUon of Oxido triebiorlde, by 5,, A, Shc~,ukm r-iv - 2 ppo n-lotylum E v, - Sim,, RUSSIAN. jxpr.. Zhur Neorgan 1(hipi, No 6, 1962, es sci rt p r Themal Di2sociation of Gold Ch-loridee, by S-A, ShA~rbv4 M.A, Oranslmyac 7 pp~ perp Zhur N&organ Iffilm, Vol I. No RT"~6W*p4 881.686,- p AEG-Tr-4586 Api. 63 h6rmodyna-a*c Xnvestipation of Certain Chlorine Devi- ata-~66 of itunrrsten. by S- A--Qbzbuke-.rev. G. I. avika~. 6 pr. RUSSXAII. p6r,, Zhur qeorFnn Xhim, V-A 1. vo 1. 1954, PPO AFX,'?r-L,-584 Sci 9 kPr Erit~ialpy -of formation of nloblum OxaAe tribromida, t~y 3, A Fh,-,hukarev, F pp", RTUSSWC, per Zbwr Neorgan Khlm, Rs 6, 1962, Pp Cs Sol Apr; 63 Ide rif Trivalent lfrcnl,..,m; ny A. I. Efimov~ 6 M, per, niur Heorg Xhim., PPI It .6 06. FL-480 clei 87 Vcd n, No 10; '19157ji .118 pe? io L&V of D. I. YAndel4v ae a' Basic Concopt MOaft-n d1je6istry. (On the 851l AwAvereary of the 11, It i : "~jm Lav) p b7 S. A. OS)hchukarev 9 10 PP 9 1806T OT17 OJ -6'anuldtdon. 10 4 Sm MO Lis erp Zhur Obohah Xhinp Vol XnTj L D 15131+7 GonmdtAints Bureau -Scientilric - Chomiatry WfOdt ~ CKC the CCUC=trRtIM Of SGIUtiOW of Acids on tt Be" ~f Tgt~ir Resetice with Zln.- and Bwium Rydj~e., L. S. Lilich, V. A. Latysheve, by S. P.P. RWSTAN op 1 perp Zb= Obahch Kbla, Vol XXV No 8j, Zg 1i'955,p pp U4-1h47. CTA C 423-56: ConsUtents Bureau S i Cheiketry SHCHU V iS. A. 1i T Missi~g" Per'lissads and Artiads that have No Stable Odd uSel6m"'ents* (* Read at a meeting of the L.eningmr~ad ,e',ction of tho D. I. Neneleyev All-Un I 1 161 . Chemh ocie y on 25 "liar 1948.) ZhurkObsshch~ Khim Vol XIX No 3, 19.10 ("Jar), Consiut,anb 1! Bureau Translation 17/ 11 Higher Barium Phosphides. by S. A 9 Shc1ralmrev.. 11. Momzov !a. E.,~A. Proko PP FuU tr~uw]Atlon. ~W>Sljal,, mo per, zh= Obj3hch M-LM., Vol ,.XIVV UO 8j, I ~ I - 195~j. pp 1277-12-(8. CIA C 41477 Consulta:atG Bureau 3cientific .- Cbemiatry .kPr 56 ~ ms/am SrHCH AMV.1 ~S. A., Chair of Gen and Inorg Ch--mj, Univ6r,slit IIIILeningrad y iqf So7calledii.nomalies and Degenerated anomalies of Elem'~A't W,omic) Eleigfits* (*Presented Feb 6, 19!'17 at a meeting~of the Chemical 6ociety in Commmoration of the' 40t1h Anniversary of the death of T). I. IMen- de 1eyE v ,h Vol XIX,, No J, 19!!P (M'ar), 7p j29- ur Obshch Khimy J35 Consultants Bureau Translation SHCHUKARE.' T~e IIISIonai : 1 1 '; Stable S-Lil Pd r- I s p ad:EV, Ldni I I; rad .C6nsWtants S- A. bon Rule and the Apportionment of the I elements between the Artiads and the (-*Read before a scientific meeting of !tate University on January 9.,.15147.) So Vol XIX,, No 1. 191-,9 (Mar), rp - Khim Bureau Translation Tbf~ fte'ato :6f Formation of U02C'-,,?aq~ U02C2.2 '31401 o v M Dro mra. pp 4 1 The oci Cbcn jan chemistry of S01-16 ili. ThC.' "Thermo bj ana t 13 tion P, V. pp 3'-', Irlic 1-11cc.-c-1. SCj. Chub jail Chr~a!" Pliudde - fteperatlonj Propertieos and E=of i FormtUmp by 8, M. ArLya j S. A. ive St oluomom, 6 vve RUSSIXOp m~ iperl, Zhur Obahch Khlmj, Vol XXM,* lb 8.p 1953.4 iP'P- cAo cormiltants aweau , 1/ 3 SO` M'=Ic i t. - Chemastry Dec 511 CTS/MX I ~~s - of , , syotmwtr:Lc study oA qmniAs6,ZI=dd*O. by S. A. Simhularev., 0. A. per,* Dok Ak Nauk SUR, Vol M, No 5, 1958, comultects Bureau Set - Chm X L? / Ll 19~ jimi 59 7 0 ~!Ot* ccaltel!, orary olel,,4stry oi Cooridilla- v Co)iljlj,6LmI(Ls, by' wid L. S. ~~I, T A14 jlbk, Pr6bleLjy_ Sovroixonoi ~jdldi i j 66 0.#Iicbl a4Id Tensimetric ~cudies of the Chlorine , I t N M-rivutivvs of v-axwmj at Tunp-ten, bjF S. A. 6iwhW-,axc-:v G. 101 16 yy Hwr)~ AJ. ber, 7-w he=amu H~dx') V01- !:U.- HO 12, 1958P .30-01641, e TA80 z May, PST The iDispropor-tionation of Uranium '., ric-h-I o-.-irie. by 3.~ 11~ -hcibukarev 1. V. Vasil5kova, 6 -ol-, IRUSSIAL, ~per, Zhur Peorgan D.-Imx, Vol f , t c, .12, 19,5~, pp~2652-2656. AEC-Tr-4593 PI-4PO sci mzr 63 Shchukaia%~~-. A. , Andreev, S. N. , and Balich(-va, INFRARED SPECTRA OF PERCHLORIC ACID AND ITS SOLLMONS IN TH E R EGION .3700- 2300 C?,I. - 1. 119621 121,). 25 refs. Order frcim OTS or SLA $1. 60 62 - 20 164 Trans. of Leningrad U. Vestnik (USSR) 1962 Iv. 171 no., 4 (Scriya Fivika i Khimii no. 11 p. 128-134. DESCRIPTORS: 'Perchloric acid, Gases, Water, Solu- tions, Orianic solvents, *Spectra (Infrared), Ab9orp- tion spectra. A study i-c4 made of vibrational frequencies of aquf--)us IICI04 in ~ broad range of its concentrations, and of the vibrational spectra of this acid in gas phase and in organic, non polar solutions. 62-20164 1. Shchukarev, S. A. 11. Andreev, S. N. 111. Wilicheva, T. G. (ChemisLty--PhvsicaI, TT, v. 1), no. 11) afts of Tttkw-2[ Urdc" t af, So.r. Vlbr6tjom:Ll~ Spect~A-tj of the Wat-ei' Of Clryst'a- LIZA-tioll !~ j ~ I n'10nocrystals of NiSO4 1171120. 1 '6u, uso), o, cascil- P-T'20 r near the fthdamental of the O-H Valerace Vibration, ~ I ~ 11 S, ff. yevp S., A. Shchulm-rev, T. G. Balicheva, inrsstp.~~, pOi., Zhur Strukluurmy Min, Vol 1~ 11o 2, 1960~ jvp 10 -188, CB I 812pt 01 ftso Spectromatric I*tWA for the Studv of the gvs~o~atjc6~ of Sllght3,v Volatile Substawes, bQr S. A. 0. A. Semmov.. 7 law. IMSIMP pb,r, 2hur Neorg mdm,, vol zit so 6., 195T., Ap AM-tr-4o56 sai PL-4-80 Allm-71 1171 Aw 61 m NO 83 o" ion jstt~15 LIZ .Ilctl u5 Wdein ~ Inoripac amcd stry in the Light of the Ideas of I. M~~eyer., b7 S. A. Sbehukarev, 10 pp. missim., Imm"'j, Zhw Nearg Dim., Vol 11, No 4, 195T., pp 71-37-71U ff~M-4054 Sci Apr 61 PST IN6 81 k A Po6knible: #kAlcatlori of the Lambert-Buer Lev ~d, the ~ Study of O"cous Systum in a Wide Teu,,,mritm-411F.&Wv by S. A. Skmbukwevs 0. 1. NOVI -.ca 7 pop RMS Zhur UL,