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-SLII -s6RF'-S POLAROGRAPHIOUFq r- -TA mb ~ sclietmav;i I-indil:a d1valVvehisleniva Iculatioll Rulc~z f 'I ~ie betermination of the Izesull., of Xle-t I,tirement!,;). hp~ 3refL-,.: IkS-Xl\l 30. rder frorn OT4. I-Tc n- ('NRS So. c~(' !-F-t,2 284 'rmls. in Fruntli of ~'.-av~klskava Lil-ral,r i\ i N Y'R 056, V.22, us ,lo, .11 -.7-12. ~)NSCR 11M)PS: llfdarorr;iphic ;iw )k - i ~4 11. ('%P~ ulat )si~ior of Liquid Rff?ggm~llfaof Icaa-r-SpecifleP!taCon'st-.ss3.on Maximurn in ~ 1 19~ the Visible Spectrum,, by D. P. Shcherbov, 3 PP. RTUSSIA~~', per, Zhur Fiz Ehim, No 2, 1962, ulp 353-357. Cleaver-Eurie Pre-,s Ltd. Sci iiov 62 216) 4oo 'I i I: A CdIrpisrat-A-ve Investigation of I'lliotometuric by D. Up Zavod Lab, Vol TMV, lio 0', 10,56, pp 66;'~-673'O' Instru So--. of tmer A or 60 and lAquLa mr;"A X":Utcra., by G. 1. Do P. lihcbetbov., 3 pp. [T- I I L IS ISILAL HZavrod lab, Vol XY,111, lj~ pp Inr't'ru SOC -)f Ion o~ T--,~Llur` by F. .3hcherbov L:~nd FUS's ~Fjl ZXV06. lab. Vol Ll scl Apr xm r~-Bsad Liquid Light -.-,,:.1'e r:--i -c t~e VS."Pible Region of the Spectrum, by P. S~a~~Tj?qy and V. A. MXrkin, 3 PP. 01.0~ EMSX~N, per., Zavod IAb, Vol XYVI, No 10, :06061 IPP 1159-1161, 7) A J!un 6.1 A SimjAifie4 Fluommeter vith an. FNU-Iq 1, ~ I Ezoto er., by D. P. Shcharbov, A. Fmoma:~enko 3 pp - MMIM., pprp Zavad La-b., Vol XXVI, No 9~ pp ISA sci Jul 63, (IiY-6708) The 8 ?~Vyhyalctle Use of Cy-stein- a~dne, hnd 40tamime in Acute Radiation ~Sidkmsss, V. A. Razorencva, Ye. N AdbeA~~, 7 pp. R933M per,, *cUt ftaol, Vol- Tr, F,16 3, 1461., .rpm u242 Be! - D03d 7 De~ 61 113R Bar o"). 61 -20824 Scherzer,'01ttol. SPHERIC.~4~AND CPROMATIC CORRECTION OF 1. Scherzer, 0. ELECTRON' JLENSES. ~ [1961118p. 9 refs. '' SLA $1.',60 Order from 61-20824 i I Trans. of, un~identlfted German language mono. sent in by The South'German'' Laboratory in Mosbach. n. d. DESCRIYMRS, *Elec~tron lenses, Electron -nicro- scopes, Elee Itron opiics, optical equipment. Tlit~ usefultietis of tht! clectron rnicroscoN at lugli magnificailonti is affected by aperture errors and chromaticta6erration'. Both errors are unavoidable as long as the image fo~, ,ming fields are rotation sym- rnett'ic 1:a I mind constant in time. The present study de-mmitratea ffiat the elimination of nny of rt)-- three conziW&~s snfM,ei; to pave the way to spherici~l Pnd chrom-;itic reaulttnF, Uri a A3rthw'1!1e lztersc~tion!Between Columbium Carbiide and Cobalt, 'I by S. Alb WM Abehetaliza, 1. N. Chaparovu., RUSSIAVS, Pei Metal Term Obra Vletallov,, No 62 195go pp 1943. BB sci - c6em Apr &L Tiel bill u, A, P. Bhohetilia. Yc!- A. .12ayr,t!sltr;l'7-. 6 pp. 'USSMNI perk Vout Ak lqaulz Kaznkb F3fo !;,'o Il (188)., .96o0 pp Itili -100 im 1000-0 'ci - 61 in a Traillol)prt Allcraft, POW by P. S. Miaheti-n-c-, 5 pp. HUMIAN, par., Veat Voz Flota., ik) 61 1963.. 96T2a64 FTD--ST-&-5 /dF/, .17, 7,P f i6teuAiFlug vw Vft'tUc A4pluBt Radio l6tek~i-;Uce, -- i . j! by A. McbetIALU. RI ~ -.-- Wo R"lop no 12J. 3955j, pp 271-1~1 ;e.,O " Trans Scb Tr 266 1&.06. oa? 6,flr pcl - ElectrMics y (NY&30w) WN OF THE OWMMKR 70 OVM" RON AWD AMMTIONIS, BY I N* 3 FPO Mal !pop NM *W MZAM# ND to IA.0 im 1429 sa siloaT 201s,.961 61c'ulation of flame Propagatian in Turbul- ent~~Oiow;,,~by Ye. S. Shchetinkov, 71 pp. RLI,SSIAN,'bk, Goraniye v Turbutentnom Potoke 19519~,, ppS-,50, 81-87. 9678099 FrD-W-61-131 Sci Engr Sep 61 209j713 gv.:I;h si I by Ii i 17 ; 1 1 11 i ITMIAN., kif I* i* t 1 S ai i .%Yr! 6i r-ST ~ 196 83 1 ; ~ 1, ) -"g2 p 195TP 3/6 11. ~ !Model, Systesm: -L:LoeF x lagwit 4 and 0 ~8104 -NS~SiOh.p 47 JR. A. Tbropovs, 1. L. afichebAkam, i imaim nmr Newg xhim., vca n. No 1957.. PC i0 85 u~ Ipptd,L 41itho An cow Ud. 1950 X, or measuring -the Temparst=e in vivaFleae., by N. ff. Sobolev 27 PP - Vol 20., No 4, Mmeum Lib So 5~10466 7-q 9 of MmiMLator M4ut AftItteme., 6 pp. !rT~j MA&trOMM'. lb 11, 1961. AIM 1*20 I ~11" Of Structural Tertums emA gwfaco ~rtleliiplw the Fad=eUm by Froth -Plotmtion of DUng" Mfflcult to FIcat., by Z. A. Aziflmova, : H It. Olziai0takiyj L 1. plaksin, A. S. shchoveleva, fiW5jMv;,Kw* DoX Ak Nauk SM. Voll -11; 19~61''PP~ �61-.963- cdmultcm BUMU Bel Chem mw 59 (my-6720,, ~f,,,Stll-tss Of' irradle-m-cm Of alibin Radqic~! lllrlor!~Io Strwing in the MDtlacd, by R, M, :~Parezlna, 0. 1. Sheh,~b ~-stj H. t. Ramvzhikovu, 5--i7p. J~Mzftlfj per, Vol K, Po 3, Mosamirl. i961, pp 46146p, P Y hu;la~J'U-44 ~pzrl, Bicfis, Vol l.. Z-~o L"-50. P-P All" 4'"ryM get Picil 7 by fl. V. limrtiluyv, Ve. V. is no-tontsbAn rAcanisation activators., by G. A. i i .~i 9 Blokb &d ZC:O I. Shchichkop p 5 TWSSIAH~ par. Knuchuk i Razina., Vol M, No 7., 1962., np RA M- set 331 Jul 63 62-2OD96 "Cill POP SAVINU~L GAS DURING Pb,MS CU`TnNG. 1. Schierhorn. W. 1196, 5 Orde" fit Si~" $1. 10 62-20D96 0xide~ued trs..L of Schwetsfftechnik (Gerrnany) 1955, v. 5 jr;o. 61 p. 76-178. DIMSCRIPTORS:j~-Fuels, 'Games, *Cutting torches, Ec6ivoinIcs, Oxygen, *Acetylenes, *Hydrogen, Opiradon. J I'l (Wcldnery--h~nufacrurlng. IT, Y. 9, no. 12) IMMM of Tocbkd 8.*w ~,ie~tl~,'loilllls rl'.ci~~ the Productim o*f Dichloro- ,~ I li III t~l ,tharii 1, AAI~. k. Dobrpmkl$,, F. A. Gutner, 1~i.J~ph!~~lsksyas 17 PP, RUSSIANp Trudy Gosudantvemwgo. Ini3tituta Prii lkhllmi~1701 XXIVP N 3-935.p PJP 21-31- Sai Trwo Center RT-2L576 1.1-if--atific Chemistry Dee 54 CTS/M / 1~1 6 5- ~ "F 7 Prodwtion~of Chlorinated Derivatives From Cracked dase's' i~ !~ by If. -Dobrtawldy., R. A. Gutne--,, 1A.. K. as. 14 pp RUMW4, pdr'. Zhur Prik RhIm., Val VI., 193-3p pp Sai Tx=is Center PM-1577 C) Se:Eemt~xic ChemistX7 Dee 54 CTSIDEY. Mimi Mr~mnr, ol~ Fitraboratc 'by 1~ I ~Gunzhint:tWra, 120 p-, F -1 Blfx,io per., Zhux r-maj. Lblim VCl IT11., Tio 1 19fi,2;1 pp IUI J, ' 239-30Q. S'Cie'Aific - Chemistry CTS/7,.= jubabitatjive Detemlwtim of Boric Acidb Iran, j1461nmJ6~lts Wben All Are nsaBeirt 8iMJ.tEUlOCrUSl.Y, Di ishobigal, N. B. fit Bw-ochinakwo,' 6 pp. .7 ,Mlm* Y=, zbur Ama lad-mo Vol XIS, No lt %6/~nb 1956s, pp lo6-no. CM 542769 c. reel 4. ConadUmts Bureau Bel i - CbOdstry ."r7syd IV 4is ~:L956 Prqpei~tleigi of the LUalates of di- ard tri-valewt, 'by H. B. Shchigol Iron., 6 pp. RLISSTAN) perj, Zhw Kdorgan K=i, Vol VI.? No 2~ 1961; -UP 13,7-348' CIAA%qIr-1hMe PrCOG Sci Fab (a lop-ell or-lap tiie Prbsence of PhOSPhStess Sulfttes, collates, Salic~llatesx and Smavy Motels, by M. B. ShaUgol, py- OR h4UNTPJ# per# zhur Im Ewan., Vol =v Ito 41 3~57, pp 4&-4a. Conwiatants Bureau Jim I -perties o' the Salicyla-c,--- Soij,,el Pro u 7 o fTL-rvalent Iron, by M. B. Sh.ciiiL ul RUSSIAN, 1)e---,-, ~hur NeorE;a1i,lalim, -131 'a. 6i lq,-').Ll pp 1204-12c~Q jul 62 6 of Cobalt and Nicket Borates, by ~L. B. 5 pp. I ;SIAN, per, Zhur Neorgan AhLm, Nu 12, 1961, 693-2703. Cleaver-Hume Press Ltd Sci Oct 62 MZRI '1-~ ~ ',~)37 PropeIrties'iof Aluminium Borates, by M. B. Shchigoll, N. B.IBurc,Iiinskaya, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, ler, Zhur Neorgan Khirn, No 11, 1961, P, I pp 2504-25~11. Cleaver 4iume Press sci Oct 62 213,pi4 The Fi-,essi~re of Dissociation a-rid Sublimm-tion of I Ruthenimi I-Prichloride, by S. A. Td lc?~ -g-rey i &:i~~ C~ 111. 1. Kolbin, T)T) Ruscs:1 per, Zhur Neorganii,aiini, vol iii, No 1958~ PP 3.721-1726. jkE c -, -L, - -25 PL-10) Sci Jun 62 P,S) T 3~7 8 2 0 0, 1 :1 17AI pc.~'~ Zavodukaya Laboratariya, Vol V., 1949 oell~ ~0310 Sci M", a L-.Ib No 50/2863 c -Chemictry t~~tidm'etx~lq DeterminatiOn of Milorldes in an maniacal Wdjum When Brcmidea arLd Iodides are e. by B . Shchigol 'jo 11 pp wjWia..~ ~jper;,,~ X ZtLvod Liby Vol Y,,V;p 110 5,. 1949p pp 5231-~51-28- CIA/nD/!A(-1279 Scientific -Zhemistry Lab, Vol `~Jl , -ci ry I '7c'n-pan.-Irlon and instability corlstavtv Q!, Smnr- Compowids of .5il-ver, by A. "B. shzhigol; pr, Full translation mo.,,De-L,,, Zhtu, Obshch Vol )M110 VO 5, PI) 72-1-729. -- - , - I/ 7 Corizult,n-nt~; Bureau '13 C-T6 Arial From an Artdclo by M. B. 6pd ff., D ~=inslop Entitled "The iati4c' Determitation of TrIvalent Iron 9 44etraborate"s 2 pp, Zuur Anal KbIms, Vol IXII Vo 4a .,U! I J, pp 248-249. CTA D 1,51241 4, cowatmto Bureau idien Chemistry, Mar '55 CTS/M APPRoictiAi'E CALCULAMN OF AN EPHEMERISS IN UNPE~jkIijuRBrDj!ELL1MC MOTION, tr. by F. T' Srwt)L r-eb 63 [61p. 2 refs. Avaluble' fr~cn A 1AA In Its Journal, v. 1, tKk 7, ~5. 00 I Trans. of Moscow U. Vestnik. Seriya hlatenmdki, Mekbanild, Astroudini.1, Fiziid. k1dMil WS R) 11958, V. 131 no, 41, p. 45-'~6. Also avat file frvtn~LC or SLA mi$Z 70, ph$4. 80 as 60-13018, kund T-ft% 9 6--t 59 f261p~ DESCRlIr-I-011S. 4 F-Mpdcnl orbit trajectories, Plarbev~ *jQcstW n~,ochanlc*6: 63-17234 1. 7171da Two-bodyprubhnm I. Shchigoley, rL M- 13. American lnw- of Acromirdes and AsErvimurics, New York Nmerical analysis, *F-quadoiLs of motion, BcdIes of; revolutio% Partial differendal equalons For almtrui'l tiecTudiniml Translations 3, 474, 1960. (Ast:ronon-iy--Astrqhysicz, Tr, v. 10, no. 1) OfIke d Techakal Smicts by B,~~ S. h. I,-IV, 22 p FIUSBXAIU~ '7Q t C.TA lw tzo SLOIT& jam I6o ate C~Iculntiom of C-n ~.n Elliptic Motioup by If- Sbcb-Ig-)IOv. RUSGIAU perj Veat Mo3kov U.. ';Dr Ifatemat, Mekli, i , .1 *a JU'trqn,, FIn,- Xbf , no 41 1953, pp 45-56. GICb4W+5-i RM Corp T-118 Fkm to Y;~ Nov 59 It ectrobrigbtening of bbtali3p stijs on b~, 7. V-. A. D. Tomashovg 6 f f Dok Ak Nauk SUR, Vol C., 110 2., ~p P0,11 3n-330- : BrutrJaer Tr No 3502 cil~ntoie KID/Wtiao May 55 M J , --xi- Aacc Tteatmant of 1 95157 -,T. s . . I1' 11 ~ V:LocDr'i"4 o-, Starch by sil4hinill-l'ov", 6 pp. tr ZTIJIM~Ilj.'r, bl.2o Sc:~ chmiatry Sap 56 CTS tition! ItOgropble.Separation of Sodium and &*DIM Burlv" oGUWG PJAIP161, by It. K. Shchipaim, saw M. M. serprfil.' PPO SIANY per, Zhur AnSI KhJ a, Vol OCIT, NO 1, 1957j, 70-77. Consultants ft-reau L - Chen 58 Flbw 021 ~a Vibto-Plastic EWy In sin Annulw Space B8t-0ei6'Tv6 b6axW Tuboa., by P, K. Shchipanov, 4 pp. RUSSXAIM~ per~~ -W IIE? Vol XIX2 No 10.. 1949., pp 12U713214 Scl bko Lib go 54/1377 aclentiilc ftyalca Aug 54 as Af Lc SC4 n Ll Q QOf Flux Cmipasition or, tht P4d--ii4t-jn al 8, ilia and Maqpwae During tb~G Aui~cxmtic v IMId BteOle by -M. D.- 3hCh1x)1C1Wv LP~T-, w6l,A RUSSIAN ~Var.,, i8q,, 10,57.., Trudy L.P.I. Welding IndUf;try., PP- DSIH LLU (loan) low of the voldlas of litm 6b Its Al" by ftlaDge by tow &Rd me 0. shdipL"t ot per. !g~ttsl*stvo "Uko 1964. 2979744 pUrcii.4 arw-Up--Rolms With flollow Chu' e6$ ,n iby ff. S. ShahireWw, at al RUSS IM 13M. ibtcLUurg., 'Vol Is No 3m 79 1060 Brutchor go 3834. $3.90 46 bm~6 56 b1S =tt,,t Devl;6a' far Mm4g Torque Mmummts 'S 0 by A. S. ShWxenkoj et al. sum rp tavod Lop No 4, 19511~ pp 491-492. pe Imfoseareb Ltd. eia 59 A/a Work~i parf6noo of a NMI Type Bxwdan Diatuxibutor, by: 66~irqnko, Poloirchenko,, V. P. Dobr6l RLW- WIj, paF., Btal,, No 12P 19581 pp lu66-iu,ji. DBIR LLU (10an) H-493 A~C- Sep 4;l od-Vascular Ca4-,o---,- nen o.,C~~Strjated ~bjscleB Assoaiated vith Hyp.grtropby., by K. G. Shchitb;)v) 4 pp. RUSSIM; _ner,, Dok Ak Hauk SSSR, Vol CXXX, No .1, ig6o., pp 636, AIBS Sol: Febi6l 1,3 a~l 411,2 m 2 0 (FDD A Manua~l ofiComparative Phyviology, by A. L. Ko~,i--n, UX L4 I. sh~hitovp 7 pp. Fusslltu~, pau~phlet, Praktikum po 'Bravnitel'no-1 Moscolf~~ 1949, Pp 3, 4. CIA/I-'DD./U-771-- USSR Scl - Medicine, phyeiology Ili!) r6 J Dplairdc; CIII-ar,%cteristics of t1lo powel- 5jure:c- in Automatic rnert-Gas-Shieldect WeIcLinap bi,, v0 ilall R S11,611itovap 1. Ya. Rabiriovich. RUSSLAN,, 1jar, Avtomat Svarktx,, Vol XI. t4o I 1 1 19'81,1 pp 44i..47. HB 6034 Nov 6~ 44 1~ jY 3 j I , A Hent Gyvaiasis Method of C-14 Labeled R-Aminobeazoic Acid~and Pl'm~parution of the C1-4 Labeled Anesthetics Novocaine emd Cocaine, by Yu. V. Haftarvas L. ff. Zenkova, M. N. Shchkina, 11 PP. FUItranslation. Imsx"s mo er., Zhin- Obsbch Kftimj Vol M,, No 7. 1951:~, '13?3.1386. pp. CTA C IeD51 Consultants I?Ajmaa S j /- a 6 1, Cheadstry j j~,:Ksct~pn Ujoroscope In-trestigatiOn of ttiFi Oxidation iu6ts Of ?,t6, by T-, If ~ Zimikina, V. ~'- Shchmele-,I, HOIS-STAD per,, Fimllm Tverdogo T(51a, Vol T'r, h'o 7~ ATP Sin, Ph:Tc-Sol~!~ St-atc Vol TT, lib 7 Feb 61 F-,61bilit~rin a System Consisting of Sodium and L-~ad ;L-on4des iind Chlorides.. by I. I. ll',,,,a--ov, G. G. A. G. Bergmn, 6 pp. MOSIO., pEw,, 2bir Neorg KUm., Vol 11, No Q, 1957, PI) PM-tr-4059 PL-480 Sai A% 61 PST The Ce, CIOI, --h 20 Binary by A. jhchiraval, A. A. Zinov ev; 3 pi, -RUSS.TA,*,i,', per, Zhur lleor- Kh -10 1 pp 3ci Jul Experf-,mi:-mtal DYT~~sluirr,7tf -,n om fffmt Exchanz-a cf, thi- 0 f "~~j C- In c r t 1-.,-r V, I-,. 3b chit nik.--v. *!JD Sci 64, (NY47w5) .0 PLAN IN KISHIMN-o BY N. A. .1 !55 PP. 1, ;,", m I i ~RM FM HOUDOVEIMSKE - POVEST IRE 4ALs ig6im, Pp aW13. JPRS 10;61 Nky I I I ~ ~ I 16 iw~ 197j330 ~71 MT. r -i lmimil ti rlusmpl),~ par~~ rwehem-&-mo ftz 2jau-, Voi V:C, la-C) '71 i963) v0 f- tyMs 22715 Jan o"II& sh"rev, C. J;k and Semenov, 0. A. ARW M HYAWRAnON OF HAPNM DIOMI (0b li*i=U Miak#l G~Mya) F. W. WoA tr. 21 64 tm bduded) 3r*fs olim.ilfiiaim or RIC $1. 10 7T-64-1511.1 ~jm Vylobft Udobsykb 7avadmil. Thas 4( ~bMtl Mind* i Mml6mkap Td*ooWle MM) 1962 TT-64-15131 L Rr-bWmm. C A. IL Sanewr. 0. A. M Departmew of ft ban1w. a r- Off%* of To*M" be . Trmi. tMairl W. By ev, 0- 1 !X am Semenov. C. A. 0 RVAPORA71ON OF HAFNM DJOXMS Inu okiabill Gdoys) P. W. W04 tr. ,2p 11 lptmbdWW)3rWo n cw RIM $1. 10 W-64-13191 btrostty Vrobftk UcbeboyM Za IL Xblml:~~ Tddm*Wya AM) 1962 Q% P6 TT-64-15131 L Rbebuka". C A. IL Smewv, 0. A. IM Depmnmx of the koniar, washlopm. a Q ow~ of To."ma ewwm. :12 ution ot t tit "44 The 119 e~'! of Stable O-Kides Paired b7 the Metals bor il-o'; TA"n I Pa -~Jodjs of tha Ptiricclic Syrt= p by A*~~;* . L 15 pp - -rev 1061M.. Ve'r, Zhurr ObBhch lzhijP,, Vol IGH, 0 31 1956,1 PP ConsultanU Bin-eau Sci cbeall PAY Z L% I 1j, 17, ~11.7 tud- ' w Of' th"-'~ ElvaPOratiOn c T Call iun, Indii-mi, an6 nailiul wi m Ch the Aid of the Mass: SpectromGter,, by S,,Ac ~11iWiiilq~Irev 6,A. Semenov, I,A. !,atIk0Ir,,',kiY2 5P!~, TJTSSIAN~ petip Zhur Prih- Khiyn.., Vol PEW pp 1145h-1458. No 1962, Sci 0v I May 63 i.orrla~tiou of, Compow.etv of Stroatiua et!.;, Ant.1morLy, !I P. jjo-.Oz:,va" X'sh ac-in, b:.,- C, MA. Zbur Obitch 70. 1957 p pP )-737-1739- conat&-izata Pmrt-D-,~ scl The ~Sffectj of Thin Vlerauxy Filmin an the StmWh Of i6isi o44~ CryvUasp by Vt N~ Rozh=ski-, N, Peiksov, E. D. Mwbiklas P. A. Rabinaer, 4 pp, MOSTAN.9,Mw per, Dok Ak No& SSSR., Vol CXVI, E,,% 5, 195711 Amer Inst of Phys Sov 13bys - "Dokladyel 'Vol TI . NO 5 Sc:E phypics Jun 58 Synt~-tep$~a cif 'Scmue DerivativeFt ol'6 by.To 10. 61cheva, 1. V. Lebedeve, T, Kh. Tr"49) Shahtlikinaj. 6 P.P. t Mw Obsbuch Mim, Vel XMI, Vo 8,, per Bel - (,lm Oct 58, (FDD 18~94) Viold"kid M iSurface Plows, by JI.V. Shchucbk1up 78 pp USSR Econ i bbscow" 01&/FW/U-5287 Jan T14S U)"n ~n~ of Gbzvxdo Anbydride and yftift, by S. M. Arlya, A. A. 0t rlbti. so, per* zhur mwhch ndim, va man, No4k~119511iPPOWW", OUD1523W coumatafts Bv"Ru s i'in al =I' Chunditry P 1,11~jr 0`:~hc)j CB Smirnopra. EL IL and others. AEOMNI HALFY OF, FORMAMON OF TANTALUM PENTAct LORIDE: IAND PMTABROMIDIL 119621 (8b. 17 ref Order 1 07-S or MA $1. 10 63-13400 Trans., oflLemIngrid U..VestrAk (LISSR) 1960. v. tS, 00. 16, Sertlyal PNIkal I OdmIU] am 3. p. 113-119. 1 1, DMSC~VWRS: "alpy. OTasml&nn compounds. *Chloclde,6. Brcnal~vo, Ificut CC bwmadogN Hydrolysis. Hestotrelaction. CPhyW---7b--od Imumics. TT. V. 9. sm 12) 63-13400 1. Sbchukarev. S. & Fl. SwAruma. EL IL M. Trousladow. Nvw Yost son d Tat" brAm The ' 0 a Ioul- z-' D. 1. bftmdaleyev as the ac~ prt CIPle 'Of MOu--Q Chemistry) by 5, A, MS.M.., jp'erj. Zhur Obshab Mda.., Vol 19.54.. pp .:~'.-.ODOC-TM3 Sal ~ i I icc~modynwdc lavestigation of the !An.--r H I ~ 1, ~ ~ LISARmv mptAdl Chlorides y by S. I,,.. Mieb G. 1. llv~vl X 17. V. Andreyeva, 36- -pp. RU86LUG,'~ perp Leaingrad U - Notaik, Vol Mi X-TV; X~ 6r-iya FiZIM I Kbudlp go ll~ 1-9519) sidt 6o -i677o 8el Vol' 4, 4D 10 May 4 On the,Investiption of Uatable Complex Compounde fl'il . if ~ in Solutiorm' by Their Absorption Spectra, by S. 1. Shc6klarevll A. 0. Lobanovs, 6 pp. R( per, Dok Ak Nsuk SSSR, Vol CV, No 4, 1955, pp 7 1-743, SLA R-1774 On'14"attotAg Unstable Ccoylex CoVour4o In sdlution~ I-kW TbeIr Abl"lon Ofeeta., by SM '__vp 0. As Lotammat 7 PP. RM UXp jjoer., Dok Ak Swk Mit Vol CV.. 1955 fti, P*S:Lcs AZC Tr 206