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prohou a ti)o limejaysis Of ""ater, h ~or V~ A* a~ i -.- . , ~' -A. FVbMwrhki, I 0 I I' H i C ~ ~~ I ~ , . . . ,rum .The,~Radiition Memlistx7 of Aqueous Solutions, by V'. A. III Sharpatyi . 18 pp. RUWIAN,~per, Uspekh Khim., Vol XXX, No 5, ~6i, PPI1645-678. 1 9 Cleaver-Hume Press Sci AugO -,I Bosom n ftnmtwl- me lImt &at= atraft ft Xi mausp am I" Was Ila Emo IT" 's 1, IWA"& tb-- .1bdiolytIC CI-nv-2:'.r2icn of Sodl= miilr'ete in Aqwjoue Alksline Solutions, I i ,by ~T, A. I-Ma 1, V. D. OreklDv, P. A. ProuKniTnin, ... ..... ~.Il I - Tpilt 'alp. ~LRdiatia:l an pla, Attioll of ttlv'~~ th~ -~Morg~mic and Organic ;S~vst' q ~'ioqcr-' 19" ABC 33139 The Vqnvei~ion of Oxidative RoUtiolysio Compments in the jktrat,64ater Vystcm_j by M, A. Prosttumin~ V. A. 1. Mdr==,, 3 p1). i,IAN DDk Am Nm* WMj Vbl C==o Ik 21 0~ I , Fr. L pp 10-413. sai CB Alw 6 AM -h UK IN .7 ~ .- 10 z; - 71 10HIMdOe )VQ&WW a tile Iludiolvois of 11 1, mulu flin umrpat77s~ ~, 6 A * b$ . A. - 1 ! -0.r = M 3,53. The Spectra of Paramagnetic Electron Reso'nance and the Kinetics of the Accumulation of Radimils Fomed During the Irradiation of Frozen Aqueous Solutions of Sodium Nitrate by Mist Electrons, by Yu. N. Molin, V. A. ~?rpaty, , N. Ya. Buben, It pp. RUSSM, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Val OXXVIII, No 6, 1959, pp 1.224-1227. Consultants Bureau Sepi 60 Radioly#c Reduction of Acluemm Smium patra-cc- solatlons saturated with Hydn)gen, by V. A. Sba~pat~i, V. D. Orckhov, 3 p;?. PCLIM, ]per, NwUeon:um, Vcki IV, 1960, Yp 487-4-59, Tr -42:L Se i .- phys io Irov 66 s. t U ' 45 j ( IIY,3432 ). Sffc4t of loniZing R.AiatJLOD on the Body With ~il Orawa on of DiVueut (OwzUtLea of ~~. i: in the Food, by A. 3C. Sharpenak, 0 - A. ~qz li3ll p Lo A*# 6 pys pa~r,p MmUt W:Lologil Vol Vs No 6., 1959. JFRS 2773 Sci biedicina Oct; ~6o A9 T61 it Netyms Excitatim In the Fumtion 'Of "0 A*11* Sharponak. ta jj~=L 7 pp Vol 7, No St 1963, It z4, E7, N, Oci 66 509,496 Okid-oky crfj FarUele Poewaing, It u Uzea::- uts a t-oP of TVais-imme !up. LC)C, 7 Dgi 830 lcm 9o33-14"-, tu, Oiua vi, i;141~4;40tf 2 1V Lii,~ niji MrdliFoc46ing in Linear Electron Accolerators.. by~ N;~. 16tepenov, A. A. Sharshanorv, 8 pp. FWSUN, ~pers Zbur Tekh Fin.. 'Vol XXVII, No 8, pp i8634869. Amer Inst of Pbve Sov Flbys-Tech Phys Vol Its ED 8 Sol - Pbym AM 158 6,~t ;7~ Stripag-g,ocusing in Linear Electron Accelerators, byN..N. Stepanov,. A,.A, Sharsizanovi, 3 Pp. PX~SIA19, per., Atomaya Energ:Lyn.. Vol II, 11o 2, 1907, PO~ 178- Consultants Bureau set - Me Mys Zmi 58 StabiTity of Charged-Particle Motion in a Stellarator, by AA~. Shalx~shanovj, 5 pp. RMIA ppir, Zhur Tekh Fizj Vol MII, No 4. 196213 PP 39~,-401- vw sci &A e t- i4'62~~ 5 0 u pA vc 214,916 On the llropa&tlon of Electromagnetic Waves in Almst~4~ri6dic Wwreguidea, by A. A. Sharshamv., 9-t"Opang"V, 8 pp. i Russwrl :V~ Zhur Tekh Piz, Vol :,.=M, No 7, 1957~ pp 14744M,, Amer Inst of .'Fayu, So-%r Phys-Tech Fbvrs Vol 11, No 7 Sci May 58 of the Cvrbide 02' Lov- stractme abd ComroBitg"Ou I l~ Termpern Stpely by Yu. A -Skakov, A. V. SUpbatkina;. SVat pml, Dok Ak Nauli~. S-L3SRY -Vul C-:Tr-~` pp Amer Sas'.,. of rnys _90v FLr,-F, .- Doklady ,ral 117 , No I s ci - yays Jul 59 ~71 Ul eat Win Between Twisted Cimults in Rl&4rcqpezicy Cabl*s of Symrbrical Construc- ~y V~ Sh-amrtamn., 13 PP.. tion, rt=Zop PWj, IMWctrozry= Ilo S., 1960., PP 65-43- UMIA Tr 1198 Sol - fuLectrou Sep 61 yt a bills ;F~Iragoc nv rj, r, lit% VT -Kit Ecapar B101 .1 Vtd, %0--, L4-7, RUM W7 3, 195a, vi) u7-69 Consultants, Dureaix .. 1 11 1 ,11 ~ Acld-~Issic P~opertieis of IMetaUurgic Cind'er, by '~. r~pznn, 1. T, Tomilln. L. A. S 'a ~ pev Unpekh KhIm, Vol X,~vl, Wo 5, P57: RUSS.IANP 4 Sci - Chem APx' 58 Tech arid Com i Effect of t6 Tumor Extracts on the Catalaze and Coen ii3a ~A of the Liver of Normal Nice, by A. H. Kh'in'j. K.6 I,Sharukhova (Sharouhov), 1. A. Chudinova RUSSIM, Pop '.Riokbi p Vol XX, 1.955, pp 126-128. AM Tr 31W Sci - i4ed i may ~Study 0i- 11.1,01ylj~~'qnum Halides. 1. Vap-cr Presnme c-nd bissoCuLt~on ~r'essure of Molybdenimi Pentachloride, by Oulml~lbv.~ 1. V. Vasilkova, D. 11. 101~mTin,, 'S. P-- ~6 pp* RUSSIAN; mo per', Zhur Obsbch Xhim, Vol MI, No ..1 19561 Pi~ ~M 096. Coastil.tants Bureau isci - cbem Lf 9 Y IDec 57 mbamu JDf. the FL-slatance cif Hi& P-mity IPA A BAIL TmpeMturet,*., bj V. B. Lemov; 5 pp. RIM R tumm s pOr Zhirr Bkopper i Tec='^ F! z, Val am ~ 0 1939., pp 1038-1045~ p scrv Mys - imEr- 91--e I)ep'endence of the Penetratim Dapth of the Nagnetic Yield in a Superconductor oa ~'Iie Magni-t-1AC-, of the Magnetic Field., by Yu. V. S1=-v11n.X V. F. Gantua~her, 7 P.P. i RUISSBUI, per,, U= Eksper i Teoret iftz, Vol X)aa, ITO 5 . NO)r 960., PP .1242-1250. Interntl Physical Index Physics Express Vol III, No 7 Oa 75- 41 Sci - phys JIM & M-aasm-en,ant, SvxfRce Tsusloyi- Sul7n. r i,., pir. ulf, ld-wv and [1c.,- an I Frhac ct, ; b:; '-I i. Shzrvirl' ct I I ~, IY 5 RD. RUSSIAN ' pers, ZI-wx Kwpcr I Teorir~ Fiz Vol =M11, Nlo 19~7, rr; 13"41,1'146- Amer Inst of Phya ci Irrys'al AmI3 58 Sov- Phys -.-jM 5(33' -no 6 Anlso~,brqpy of Gurface Te-asion at" the Bound-ary Bct-A~,acri he Supercmducting and Norml I cc nf Tin~ bY Y'a - V t aaar,r,in) V. p1p, RUSSM. per't niur Piltzpar I Taorct ?12; Vol :-~1XV-E,-"T" No 5j~ JA~05-1470- AIP Sov mays-M& D-ac 60 61 11 ifII~a' the Intermediate State a Super- conductorn b B. H. B%Iashovu . Yu. V. Marvin,, 6 PP RWBIU,l mo per,, Zhur Nepar i Tmoret rig,,- Vol ~md."1110 1, 1-gw,- pp '*-44. Amar Iwt of Pbysicc Soviet Physica., JW Vol IV, -no I Sol Pk*ICB Apr 57 CTS I .~ 111 11 1~ !i I II Thelli i6te State of Superccmductors) by E. M. Lifs I~Y~. Full trtibblation. IMSW,i;thri ~I'e-w per., Dok Ak Natik.1.28SR, Vol =X., 1951) p ABC Tr 1180 I sci pby1s1ica A 4, Apr 52 CTS e De nc6l6f Penetration Depth of a Magnetic ie 1. P11111 to:a. $ercbikucto~r,on the Strength of a Magnetic i .~' I Yu. I i eldp . rvin. 11 traubliation. Fiz Vol SSVJ.p, mo pe'' PM EkspSr i Teo et #n p~ ABC Tr 1183 :L Ice Apr 52 CTS r-ependence of the Depth of Penetration of tne Yagnett6 Field in a Superconductor on the 1&4heticl Field Strength, by Yu. V. Sharvin, V-1. Gm''ntmakher, 7 PP. HOSSIAN1, per., Zhur Ekqper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XXXI7 i I N015 (11). 196o, pp 1242-1250. AIP SovIet Phys - JUJT VOI X-11, No 5 soi 5- 71, 6 Vy Jul 61 on the! Structure of SL~perconductorr. In the Intermediate State., by Yh. V. Sharvin and i, B. M. i-liadbOva, 15 RU331ANO per Zhur SUper I Teozet I?iz,. Vol xxins NO PO), 19529 PP 222-22fl- SITA Tr B-1947 Sci 3)21 58 ; ~ tj 11 1, 1~ ~1 1 , . OXFOU.. of Hydrocarbow by Atmospheric Oxygen UDder tl inItlatlog Action of Chlorlne,, by N. ~15 0. A. Prib, and X.. Ya. Sharyj&ina. b"pp. r. Zhur Obsbch Ebims Vol'xxrl, No 10, iq~2~ 1772. Scientifid. Cbemistry Consviltarite Bureau f -S Thtiva,t lo t--. Airs Wi 2.2 - A. AL Akw rdid Od Iehe moign Principlm ,P10.190 Mrilmers With 10- pp. 100 Lot J-PtRova.j Yubtleynn^ 133-,13.4o. 9&16N.=l Octroll of WItIstage RroadLmid aad covewation, by Vt P. -W- Fo rh-.,Ta Rozhalami~m-, A- S Seacipt, Mwcowj 100: FW-W-61 -245 Ll An Awbotransformer CirevAt for the 1 1 !1 , Compewation of Resistance-coupled by P. 968herin., 11 pp RMSILM3 pert Radiotakh, Vol XIV, PP 13426 kden-frequency Tube.AmplifierB, No 11, 1959, PP a0i Apr CO AUoise naUtutibn of Alminum 0- G- A - V. M=hins 2C, 3SUN;,~ per;, idets.2luraj, Vol Xrl# M) 4# 1937p SIA R-25W 59 The Ef'f6cts'of Alloying Elements i on the Mechanical ;; I ~ I Properties of Welded Joints in Ty]e 18-8 Steel Duxing Long 6e~vi '' -6500C, by D. * Mj]~Rs~ : 1 -66 at 350 , 7 PP. RUSSDW., per, Avtomat Byarka, No 11, 1961, 27~-3,4. sai oct 62 TJ N- . YU Pa I 'chalc, 6 T)p RUES) LUI prn--, G~;arach Pro!-. I.T Aug t,N:) Ollaic~I~Anq. of Twenty-eight 'Theep Cell Tumourg of the'O~nry,''Iby M. M. Shna4jp pp RUS5TM,Jper,:'VOprOGy Onkologiy, Vol IV, NO 2, 1958, pp 187489. Parpmon Tnit Sel - Mad Jun 59 ii , i~:Strwm I=reX by Shcrt Pftnlng,, by M. T&. I li.; ~,J 16 W. RMUMP! pwj! iNna I w... ra fts atsums .1 NO it I-Mo.up, ftner lkmtchar sa - t"t so " R4~, /) 7,;;f 'k 11 : r S -J'n-liardened Layer Produced b", Shot ~Deptb- or tra ~b ~Pc-* -I' Y vTf."va., M. Ya. Shashin. F-wSSU-N., imo per, Vast blaGhinostroy, Vol Kxxvj, MIOSCOW, -1956, PP 47-50- Bru-beber Tr 4OP-4 #3. S,10 Sci - tr4n/Yet ~Jan 56 or t! f the Iratique curve ror Btreseca Mastic LWt. by 11. Ya. Shashin,, Zhw Tekh Fix;, Vol Xxills no 3,, 51, 65o6. Co-op.Tv Sclis C7-S iio fty 55 CTS Standar'als for Comparison of Strzin-Hardenlr4g Conditions in Shot-Peening Machines, by M, Ya Shap.h1up et als r M -333M., Pk-~T, VLast Mash, Vol XXXY, No 10, 1,055, PP 37-~41- Hn 4824 Scl - Dlin/igetals .kug 6'L lbo W-016", Strength at I**Ma smimm unktstrio~"s ExceOUe the ratign Llzdt; by MW j eat Mob, Vca XMnp No 2.9521, k , V pp bmtebar No 3145 $3.90 on the I~P' of Separate Dotermination of Uraniuln d i~iorium an tho Basis of Data from Mon- .. I ~, H ;_, I 0 : re C-mama Enission Spectra of their Or6s In Pla", by So. G, Troitskiyo kin# PP ftUSSIM,.jj)er,jIj~tvm Energ. Vol XII, No la 1962* plj70- ~ii I ; 174 CB Sci 213o252 Aug 62 it 11151;rurputaiil' wwa Emission Spectra of Infinite I! C. Urqniu6~~6rc trata, by 5, G, Troittskii, V. L. Shishkiiii 4 jv~, ,p, RUSSIAN peril Atom linarg, Vol XIl,, *,.Io 1, 1962, pp Sci 211,251 Aug 62 I !I I. I I Unilsed Production Reserves [IriaduquatkIe Filling of Carburizing Boxes], by B. 1. 6hasUin. RUSSIAS per, Metal I Term Obra mFtai3ov, No n, 19,5,9P P! 50'. M3 5161 Scit - Kin/metals Aug 61 Hz-bhod of ALsaying Solu-uionz In the M Presence of lonium; by R'. N. yer, Atamaia Eaergiya, Vol 21, No 4, 1901, 392-jili.393. pp Sel - HAn/M t 0002 Dept of interior 2A M B57 Eo C~ n chow O'k, Bodatim of at PaLudivia Msctrodo.,~no tuiuvwwdca Roolatim Of XUUIWV&p A. V. Mumhkinas WSBIAi~#i ~pa~l 21M Fix Mdj4 Vol '=Vt No 5a C:6ftVw%--Hmo Ltd fti JEW 6Z Gasif-leation of Cut Peat in a SiWneled State, by S. !A. Spg Qloa,. Xg 18 pp. ,,_pb HMSTAVI,, per, Kislorod., No 2,, 19443 Pp 29-37. Bel Trans Center RT-2809 APr 56 !I I ~ . 11 1 Shash klm~',IN. N. , 62-32146 RKMUM MIC METHOD OF ASSAYING SOIAMONS 1. Shashkina, N. N. FOR URAMUM IN THE PRESENCE OF IONIUM II. Geological Survey. (Radlometricheskil Metod Opredeleniya Kontsentrataii Denver, (,olo. Urana v R~st'yorakh,j*erzhashchilth lonii) tr. by Ivan Mittin. 11962 [5b. 2 refs. Order from 6'1S orSLA $1. 10 62-32146 Trans., of #Xtornaaya Lnergiya (LWR) 196t. v. 10. no. 4, p. 392-393. DESCRIPTORS: -Umpium, Solution, Determination, *T'horiumi 0 kadioc hei'm lorry. Radioactivity, Scintillation clounters'~. (Nuclear Physics anti Nuclear Chemistry, TT, v. 9, ofte 01 1MjMkw senices no. I I I (X-3boo) (DC-2800/2). ExpandICorr6spondence Training of Gfficers~ by i I Sr Tech-Lt V. Shashkin, RUSSIAI~, np, Sovetskaya Aviatsiya, Moscow, 17 Deci p8. 4bs JF 110 USSR mil Feb 55) M-2thodr. cC, Analysis V. Ilussarai. Wc- SCOW -03562 AF,C/tr no 545E~ aeetronics MEX 61 . .1 1. . I Quantitative HadlometrIc Measurewnt of Radio- .ac Ave:66s In the Natural Occurrence, VA, RTJs8VXj, per Atomaya ftergiya, Vol 11., NOlp Consultants Bureau 6c 11 - Ndc. ft" ibli 5a QuantititivOIRsdiometric Wasureirents of Radio- active! 6res'in~ Natural Deposits, Part 11 by v. L.*shiin. 6Y pp. ~...... I I.k - - RUSSIANI per., AtoMnaya Energlya, Vol II, No 2, 1954m P~ l5t-462. 7 Consultants Bureau Sci - Nuc Phya Jun Detern-d-nation of the Adsorption of an Organic com~onen:!+, From the Liquid Phase, by A. V. Sha~hkin~a., 1. 1. Kulakova, 4 pp. RLWII0I,,, per, Zhur Flz Khim, Vol Y-XXV, 110 L961., pp ic346-1852. Cleaver-11me Press Sci Jul 62 ~A 94d aectrochemical Rciduction o,L' Organic ~at a PaLl-p-dium ElecU,oda. I. Reduction lind :,;.'-Cfct-voahmalc&l Reduct-ion of Acroleij,, by ShnsalikIna 1. 1. lWlakovu, 5 PP. -par, Zhur PIZ nirn, Vol Cleaver-Hume Pres-s of Mft=l alai umbodw V, by n3smip bk~ Notody AWIIU BetwitV007M ZLOMW*W# 1961j, 152 pp. AN --W- 3458 60i i Mlneralc~a of Weathered Basalt, Crust In West Volymya, V. P. I "hidI~94 15 PP MMIM.,I per, Mneralog Sbornik Vmv Goologich Obshch, No 13,~ ~'959, VP 190-2U- Interntl Goaqmr Review An= Geologic6L lastitute Vol Mo go 5 aeog Jun 61 ~UllIbies':'aud Precipitation Districts of i7irl. ~N '.' ic .mnr3 of Nortbeastern Herions of tern SUSMiu akstapl'i,kby kbaz f;l&,t Irmi V. I V4 xi 9-6-401 w 3, 20 AU. USDA Trans 237 id Aclr~culturep pbenology 3103.09ya pbeudlOGY Riaskol4skznya,~ M. P.11am rirta., I. A. EL=ED'!~ACCLEM~ IN PHYRCS MI'll ANSWERS. IV of mono. [N)oriAk lzljraniiyldi Zadacb po hlasclou',, 1959,1207p]. IUYMRS-11 *Pfiyai~s, 7boory, Statter, hlcxjmWcs. TT, Y. 10, no. 12) 63-22626 1. R'liask-ol'skayn, Nt P. 11. Ll'tBin. 1. A. M. Pcr.,,aiKni Prefiz, Inc., Nov.- York 611.)1. M=I d Tutsm3d krmts C-enemtion of Dislocations in the Fropa.L--,ation ancL COalesce,nee of Cx-aclw in Ionic Cx~TstL--Js) bv asimilskaya., Wang Yen-wen, et l, C~ '0"0. RUSSIP-1,1, per, KristzIlografiya, VID1 V!, 1,:o 4, 1,a61, pp 605-613- AIP Sov Ph.-,-r, - Ci-y::,tc-U Vol VI) ".,o 4 Sci 23 jul 62 : I ;~ I I!I ! I Elementai-y Ph'-sics Problems, b,: Y. I El'ts in. ~ RUSSIAN, bk, 16c) pp - *Pero-axlon Dist U Jun 59 PraDaaUrs tar Vtmmtlcn of HiEfh- idus by A. G- fflwr;~W=s 0- 1- Yasvlwz~ et alp, 27 mwamq=o-rlsA mw, V02, V,. 11D 1; qM46 2.966.;, *315-u.9. T xrvamm ent sp=me Iz a DO Circult Conzisting of inIbbMi-I i 11681staMe wA a Tter=ftor, by 11mv 7 P RXMT~N,, ".rv Avtcmt I Tolmebhp Vol XX, Wo I.-11959pr PP 23-30- Instru Soc: of Amer Sol Apr 60 //a Y71 w $D0 ,Jw at VO!, A, Ila PAWINNICH OMMA I&Ivalfil am$ m #118 JPRB fg5to I" ire I A Said ctor Vacuxm Gages by A. V- D'Ulyaaj, , i Aw I G+ Shad4mvv 12s pp. I ~ ", RUSSU-I's jx~,r, Inshen-Fis Zhura Ifol Vlq NO 12,p 1 0, 1 JM) 4-0730 Isci I Tar 6) 4 ~ i 253W6 OL ID14rams of ~~-aSuraments of Paramters how,%~~vjlth the 1141p of ThwftA3tars, pp, 91AN axna-plailrkeskix zhurnaly , or, laalmn pp 1MT WS:40329 324098U The Force A6.1tion of a Jet Upon a Vaae in Pacumtic . 'I 1 1, - and Hydraulic Control Blermnts of the Nozzle-Veme Tyle;- 1~y V.'!N. Dmitriev, A. G. Shasbko 1-1 pp. HUSSIALqj no-jperv Avtomst i Telemekh, voi xvii., w J~xn 19~6, PIP 559-569- Conzatanto Bamau Sai - x Mysies I SeP 57 Experience in the Work of the VNIIA:VTOGEN Central riment~d WeAding Shops in the Ught of the De- on Of !the June Plenary Session of the Central M C itteelof t~e Cammmist Party of the Soviet I qnion., by ~A. N. ShFsbkqy, K. P. VOS)2chanov, 7 PP - RUSSIAN, per, Svaroch Proiz, No 11, 1959, pp 1, 2. British Weldtng Res Assoc sci. T'11- Weldability of Special Steels, by A. P~ RMSISIP11", per, Avto Delo, Vol XII, No 6, B.S.A. Res Group OT/1313 Sci Engineering, 3~)I!) F5, Opotirio for the Waidirg, of, '(111cy ha cd 4 U abIzov, S. Y,.& A"cGln-scv, Vol &*utcbv.r T.Bi No 2-191 co; 450 Treat',,--entu of metalloeraphic para f 2.n Trar.1-:. 3 n e r Flfa---- h~eat'n-Tqt ir. 1,01,59-1-965, v, RUSSIANj pox- ravaroch IZC* (DC - 1102) A Rise In'theiProductivity and the Automatization of he Opeia~londl!of an Acetylene Filling Station, by A. N. Shagjhkq'~, 1. 1. Strizhvskiy,, V. F. 01'kovskiy, . y No No krt*eyey, 14 pp. UNGLA88jF3:Ea) i RUSSIAN dght~-x-yr per, 1955.P1 pp ~22-M. Khim Prom, No 4, Moscow, US im/DC-L-2219 gai - Chelnistr.~r .1197 Iding RogIneerIng In T-psmalax-I by N. N. a., i . I I T pp. Vka#~, A. N. p"Obovil I I I ZMIA* perp Svuvah Ptoiz,, No 30 1960p ~pi 41A. I VAM $61 AlO &L /S,:~ V76- NY-3120). A., IL *'os-ucov (6M Bi.-rthd--.'i)j 2 Lfyp, per;, Svaroduio,)-c 13~ -oi zNo2-9 53, p ~P - sea 60 The effecto of the alloying elements on the carrosion- I I i resistancelof welded joints in I.KhlgNgT steel heated ",or ic~ag 6riods at 350-6500C., by D, H, Shasnin and p l~ N" Yali Pal','chuk, 7 PP- RUSSTA'N,, p9r, Avtomat Svarka, No 3, 3.962, PP 32-39 Sol Feb 63 .23Y 0 3 i;- oys in the tIM EleCtAiMl P41,~iSdVity Of 3ome All Ii I, olIkov, ;L.Pg S shkov. 6 pp. Liciu:-U Stat6~1 by A,M. Kor _Jig Russi peri, z ilk tWk SSSR, Otlel Tekh 111'aulm ia Matall, iIT ji'vo, No 1. 19620 pp 34-88, sic Sci Aug 62 213,685 Tp . 11 ;1 ~~ 11 1 he Opj6mtf6a of the VK44 End ESWtches, TDy- G. Shash- RUSSTANP P VOIlt VOE FlOta~ WO 1s 1955P P 90, ATcc F-Ts-87i6/iii USSR 4-IL 4t l7p3,~ Feb 1957 M/DEX Maiutbnan6e of Aircraft Fuel S3vtmm im WintGr 'I'~bag'Wmv,q .3 pp. P 'Jota, No ly 1955p 'USSM.. . m ,p poll, Vest Voz r PP 6~-690 CrA D 322222 4- 7 Enal to IRi-1082-55. AF 692347 E)SS-R: Military - Aviation Dec 55 MS Y21 'I' d C6nditlozw Umder F al p by G. 0. _.ghazhLmx~ 3 PP. i i RUSSLq,v ~ per., Vest Voz Flota., No 6 p 1958., pp 53,, 54. CIA Imc: IBei . *O=tica Dee 58 7 71 7 7-~ ,eservat*!*on a I If Aircraft Pngines, by pp. TSSlh'pl. mo per., Vestnik llozdushnor-o s --)w, ,5' PP ~~4, 65. 1.43 5-1 SR i Aeronauti(-i - 1!alfuriotioninpr, iI- IV ja L. .Apparatud to Gzaw cryiita v I i an .Eii-air,p by D. A. Petra d 1. PIP - 4N Z~ 'P iel Te',-.'~ ALI' p4aull, ~"S'zl,~ Ot pp 102P 103. ST'A Aug 58 17el " 7 ( BY -5289) Obsorrina Completion Dates Accorcling to the Plan ToEr llimii,Iad Capital InveotmMs, by lvan i BRAWL% per,, Finan"i i Krcaito :90 7, 1960, 29-~5 JM 7731 fur^ - magaria Fab 61 10 705 GE-l Yu. M. SEIASHKOVI 1. P. AIUMCHENKO Diffusion of lithiuin into silicium Die Difiusion volh,Lithium in Silizium 128, 937-939 (1959) riaus der Sowjetumon, 2, No. 3, 342 - Ger Euratom Device fm, D#ect Growing of Crystqls from High- React,i-OiV MM~al Powders, by D. A, Petrrm, Y". M~ RUSSIM, iYar, Iz Alc Ifauk SSSR, Otclal Tekh. lhuk, I p No 5., May 1957., pp 102 -103. ,Apr Bnu-Wiex Tr I-LW:+ $i 1 90 SLA. TL- 13-15&~ TP 9: SHASHKOV Y'U. M. The metallu4ry of semiconductors i Russian monograph:"Metallurgiya poluprovodril-kov". 1960 11 E u r a t o rn 11 ) n a S can Carbide Fx)m the Gu5 by~' No Shashkov. V. V. Rothdostiveaskoyao iii A Nauk SSSR, lustitut XAStallo- 1 Vol 4. 1%4, pp If M-I.- Sci NI~Sic is Mg,47b l,let-hc,C.1 of 1%1,'p as it-rin- ".'I ~uctrf c Cj- Ou(---t lLv It S 1 a y Yu. M. Slh~~iohl4ov. BUSS I' N, A.1 S r- i