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Ralat cua~ INO AMU and ChrMla 14Ukbftd&s- ameer, by As Go Flum: "Fecu4t- arl ai 6k t~i a In Remapoleals In Aauz#- by Z. A. Ghm d Sp- Rmwij par,*.11 PrabloW 3ewtaloaU, I Fftel Kravi,, Vol' ljjp~ I ~R* 60, ~ 19%., Vp 23-28. Pergma Press SA i,~d I I !! ~ i. ~I - ing of Nitron Fibers by Betaic Oryes; by E. S r3ki A A~ Kharkharov,, A. L. Sl~qkkavy 5 pp. RUSSIANS! -perp Zhur Prik Khim, Vol MXII., No 7, 1959, 1560-3-574. CB Sci Aug 6o iontifid Research and. Design in the Shore tabliabb~jat iby D. abapirovukiy, 8 pp. ssm, ~#rp pb"koy Fiot: Fo lop Oct 61, 20-M* JPRS 12489 .62 MARINE h, L EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICA . BY R. GADC141Y,EV 014 SHAPIROVSKlY 46 pp. RUSSIAN., bK:i MXRSKAYA GEOFIZICHESKAYA BAKU, 119 pp 2-156. JPRS 177c11 SCI - OEOPHYS I- MAR 63ii M. RAZVEDKA., 223o956 striiiisation of Bulgaria over Tuo 6idewed, lw Petr ShApkarev. 15 pp. !Per, B03-RaILLa No 5, IW 1964, P~, JPR$ $28 -7)- S" 67 ,up, 3ns960 Frobl~~'~ the Dbtboacl* df/10oumic Indexee in of 116 pp. UDOWS)YIED lfttur by BULGARMWs bk, Po Vupoolte za Yetodologlyata na It MW~6~lchvs`klte Thdakei u Me, Sofla, 1955, PP I- US JEW/bC-L-303 Scon - gtatl6ticf; may 58 Shapicin,I M., Dorolfeyuk, S. K. , and Sborovskii. A. K. 'ASSENGHI( NIOTOR SHIP "NIETEOR" WITII UNDER- VATERWII~G~~[AND]JIREDUcTION OF VIBRATION N SHIPS B-~ C6NSTRU1',Tf-ING OPEN RECESSES IN ME BOTTOMI OF THE I HULL ABOVE TYIE SCREWS. 1961] [91p-~ [DSIR LI-101 N1. .3038. )rder from ars or S11 $1.10 61-27570 ,"rans. of Sudostrocnic (USSR) 1960 [v. 261 no. 5. 0.1-3 and 6-9- )RS: *Ships, USSR, Design, Tests, Vibra- 'tio~i, Countermeasures, *Wings, Ship hulls. (Enginecring-1-Ship B6,ilding, T'I', v. 6, no. 9) 61-27570 I Title: Meteor (Ships) 2. Title: Underwater wings I Shapkin, 1. M. 11 Dorofcyuk, S. K. III Sborovskii, A K. IV Title: Reduction... V . DS R LLIJ M. 3038 Wfi- f S-1- !II :1, MthcA of Investigation of Water a Content Dwing Swji'ace BoJlirig of a tigaids l~by P. 0. Poletavkinj H. A. Shapkin'. RUSSIM, Vow., TrkWy Vees Raw*.b Takh Jr-ouf pri6man' R dioakblv L SUbil Izatopoir i tniuchbaiii v Ilarod Khoz i SalAe, 1957, Vol IV., ~ 1 19A, pp 16-20, ABC Tr-4206 scl - EmaT P-4 lipeb 61 1 1 1 it mt I~ftlafer In Surfs= Be Or Vattar, by PL G.~ polotafaImp N. A PkIn 2 pp. R~Gsr% V, 1958, MC/AM Ub 2r 81-3 Sal - Flip billy 59 9 oj taz, a ripai Sue."O'.:ct ~~u utj Ul We i; ev, '~iy 0. P letaifkia, ly. A. RTjSjsyjLTi,. Vril V. 1't i-, 4, S. 3 ARM M I-o -1-1., y 4.0a lz~ Xy w rv M. lrofoii 'Oasaensav craft RWSTAR~, per, IC31xdof;bro3rF?rjdyC, VCLI C31 -N:O.T, 13 22. ML m 3391-117 scl A. mqljkvaftvJ, e.*,. zip Of V 9 t Rws:mli, per veo 51-56- ivol Vo 3. 1-90 - - aTjRS Med jul '61 11he bjLecIbanipal Properties of Special Ster--,f, ar 'bU .a A'jjr,3;Z; I;A&"r High jj~rdj:OStatil- by V.' 't. sh,~POClnkin, 3 Pp. RUSS."UL~J) per., Fiz Metal i ~Latall.ov, Vol U., no 21196c:, PP 303-305- PP Sci The:,P~obl.Ob of Friction and Diailocations at High i CO, at Pressures, by V4 F, Vj9,'.SjIv-HAGIN? V~ A. S N:j, YE. V. ZUBOVA, 4 pi) - RUSSIM4 per., FIz Mletal i 1.ot&:Llov,, Vol X, No 1, 196o, PP Set Aug 61 The E~ff6ct. ot I ostsit.-in pre'astwe UL, Rell,il3t9ACe tA) gbeax in Solido~ by L. V - A, sl~ar--ebkin., A 6 pp- ............ RWSIAV) perk Flz Meta L gotallov, Vol ly,~ No 2; 1960) pp 258-264. pp Sci ,Tun ; 6:L d A two-jr1smiDiepwaing Systesi Wlth an Iuterm,,Oilato ftrv~r,o 2 pp. ' by A. -!bn- FULI t liwt~ lm*$ blao per, Iz Ak Nmuk S~i FIZ$ Vol xlx.. No lo 1955.- IV (3e*83- = c U53 muois meob Tr 3ewI7 ow ~61 cm/&= Improving the Qulity of Luminaas Coatings in nuarpeceA lm*s (A), by B - M. Gugel, I M. M. Mapb,e'hnik' 3 pp. RUSSIO., per, 1u Ak rlauk SMj, Ser rix, Vol XXI;, 190 5l, ~1957p VP 705. Maw3bi& Teeb Scl Pb3m Aug APf" Mocht Ial"Icai ~~Gntact Resistance olF VK-Type Ilard Moys, 6y, Li F. Vqroshcliagin, V,.A,, Shi!p2!~!kin, 4 pp. RUS pjb'T,, Zhur Telch Piz,, Vol XXMI, Nlo 2, 196 1 top 4~3-2370 Alp Sov Phys - Tech Phys 110 1 VI 18 N o '41 Sci 211-372 62 Vttb ilwkkxmd Pmwill -.,jaQwuw* of pbomylk"W"dap b7 Go A. Ipp, Tv JdLY &W* Op c~ L qro~rtb of I~aeteris on lkttu,&l Rubbers by 11 1 ;4 .~ mumpohmikw. AN . , jor , -, Azi, Vol. 21, No. 2 19. ' 5" 146-191 '~~`y7v, GS !, 123T 0 1034 - V. N. Sba-poshnikov I AU0, 67 3 3 & - .3jLG4 Shapo~hnilrbv, A. P. Grovtb and Influence on Crop Yiel~s Df Tree IPIii-tiltions for.:53rlosid-li Cotitrol in the Central F~)rest iteppe. HEBREW', bk, Nauchri- Otchet VniLilmi '-!-q, I-All-4-- 140scowl, 1946. pp. 82-90. *PL 480 om 6o--,A,-c-f' 1961 (IfY -5 230) Klystroo vith Electron Beam Controlled by Tw"avelir'ue Electric Field, by V. S. Yargakov, A 1 JLkJDVj, 18 pp- RU6SLQI'~, per,, Iz Vyosh:Lkh Ucheb Beved, Ser RuAiokili., Vol III, so 6', 1960. im set /S77 jm~12 61 1 Ui` all cx--r~: hn-lty TIE X., ci-;ln 6:2 60-SiOO7 3n 11L A P. 7- l JAM OF* ANTIEROSIONAL FORES T L Sh P 1 . ~ apof.in ov, & . . INGS IN 'ME CENl-RAL FOREST-STUPH PLAN 11. A~r (60-51007) M-4131-ME1 R I NFLUENCE ON CROPS ( Rost i Ill. National' &-lence Foun- VII)aInic na Uxozhal Prot I voc roz lonnyiLh U-fin),Lh d2tion. Washington, D. C. T5cntraI'noI Le&ostcp1). I Dc~ 611 1 Co. PL-4n() ASr. Orde ,r from OTS $0. 50 60-SiW7 Trav~ s. of I Vnesoyti7myt Nauchno- Inaledovatcl'fikli I -atut Agrolcuoinelloratsil 1. Nail, iMN 1 0!, 1., 1 ( k 1941,42, p. z,2-90. i r 2 DE'S" 'RIVVO'.~S: 'Erosion, 617orestry, Growth, *&)iln. Phiej Grasiie.&. Rye. OPlanis. Five years o[observation at thv Novoall' expcrimenEa 1 ulat ion, Indicate that forest planting in worth ess 1;1111~ washout areas. b-,sides representing a rational ui i - (Agilculture-Plant Cultivation, 7T, v. 7, no. 5) .4 (ovel Shapo,*,,,~ TIM GROWTH PLAN~I , *GS IN AND tnIEIR [Nf VlIyaj~.,lejna Uroi]i Nalsaihikiiii Ts'e'r' Ordeilfr6m OTSI Trans'. of I Vwsc Inatitut Agrolesid'' 19402, p. 62-~, Pine, Grhi Five veari (Agriculture- of ob~eivation P. ANTIEROSIONAL FOREST E CENTRAL FOREST-STEPPE UENCE ON CROPS( Rost 1 Protivoerozionnykh Leanykh al'noi Lesoatepi). I Dec 611 lop. .50 60-51007 iznyi Nauchno-Iseledovatel'skil -Itoratell]. Nawnnyi 01clicl (L S.Sit iflon, *Porestry, Growth. *Solls, 'Plants. at the Novosil' experiments ite that forest planting in worthless sides representing a rational uti - it Cultivation. TT. v. 7. no. 5) (over) 60-51007 1. Shaposhnikov. A. P. 11. PL-4bO Agr (60-51007) 111. National Science Foun- dation, Washington, D. C. Office of Technical Se-icas 1 11 i I I111- pzarti of 7~~oscou I I-, I L.. ,till ~1. ~~icjn3l c, -. ~l -L - '')," 5 pp. pex, Vent mon"rov U, s", -Am'C'r Geograf Soc The P,6culiarlties in the bfimr-rmlogima itiO'! 0 C=PDF,l n f the Tavrida FormatioL t-d' t-114E., Crime6p by D. P. ShaposbnikDvp k pp, MWL~fi, per, Dok Ak Vauk 890, Vol C7j"VIII, 110 2) ~ 1959~t PP 379-382. AM Jur. 61 A Mantl aclea ot Aphis (Homqy'uerao Aq~ddld;Ae Cp~oawxgter., by G. Kh. Shapwhall~OY2 4 pp. IWI, peir., latcmlcg Cboz,, Vol XDMM2 No 1, ip PP 156-159,, AM Sal - ,Sim 61 Mai tMatiQn --nd ENrolutl on a,: toc Charu r-ad .0j.'apa"e in Pl=t Lice (Aphidddaa) Jn the I G Couric of the RIP-ptation 11-o the lm-.u--l yeler, of e r by G. Kh. chaposhniJzov, 2.8 Th i Host Plants F. tomol og oFooz) Vol '~707jjjj NO 3, RUS)SYal 195% Pi., W3-50)t- 31 jcm 6! A' IN bui6~60 6n ~the Ahpljficatjon~.~ -s! b nl , r1 j4 Aii 7,61'XIX 5 19h9. T -AF;1!2 D086 ... cts On tbel*erdml~ of ST)in-SDin Rel=,-,.",,ion T14.= '-I- Para- P-11 by T. 0. SlapozlijI.Ifloll Ru sr, t p P, r, Tz Ak ITrtu k S'S S, R,, F7 No -U, 1956~ ~pp 1255-1257. Sci - Pbyaj.ci; Jan 58 Comtrlbtitloi~j to the Phenomenological 02eory of I ' 1 11 Parmign,eti lRelwmtion Lu Parallel Fields, by N. K. Belous"q~a,, G. Shaposbuikov 5 PP Pei, Zhur Ekspar i Teoret Piz, Val XXX3:ljo No 1, 1957, !)P P-3&242. SCI -~ Ph , "ics May 5.B AMBI' IUSt Of PhYB Sov Phys-JEW Vol vio NO 1 .7heory of Barsaaaace I-ara- magneulc~.Rotation, by L, M. Tainil'nikova; T, Gl. 4 pp, F-USSLIDIj mo Tz -Ak Nank SSISR, Ser FIT 'vcd 11, RP 125"1 1. 217 4 5-0 Coli.m'bia 'j.-ech ~4Z Towar~sjl a G~vlnlerai Theory of Rela-ystion "henomenn, by A. S. Mitnetsov, 1~ nssJA% no; per, Iz Ak Ilauk SSSR, Ser Fiz, Vol X'X SCi PllynICB Columbia Tech The affect -of targe-Scale Turbulence on th-- Arpliifclzti~'i of Bound in a Turbulent Wediums : a ~ by 14.~ 6df~tvov, 7. 0. SbapoobjAkew, 10 pp. RM14.0 pwOp Zbur Tekb ne, voi mp so go ig4gs, p AP 200086 Scientific Physics 41'/ MA 493145? T Ymax i 1~3 nciplec UndarlyIng Xathmla for Y h~ Swplies of Plur-Bcarii3S Auim3j3 -b E Uo a&' Them Into NevAreas,, by L. V. 08 rs Tram Centr Lab Biol aud Game ridus r~r,' I t 01 0 5,t zagotZhivauirle't bbscov 1941., (For referenceas see Tr 1~6) pp 129 1, RM IAN., W Dept of Interior Tr NO 134 usm ac,iferstupic - Biology Doc 54 cm Life rcle~ Aphl" -A,phididse) in Relation to the BIOCI of 7heir Primary and ft,ats, by G.K. ShiLpoohnikov, E-1. Miseev. seciw4ry l6r,1 RUBBI*', 1 .0 zool zhurj, No. 2., 1961, pp 189-192 NRC/let. C~d56- JUIY 19,67 334-431, f Specljricit~rand Appearance of MaptatiOn to New HOsts Of A~~idi (3=cptemjv k3hld:Ldae) During the Procelas of lu.tu;4i Sai,~ction.(R~iperlmental Zavesti&ttion), by G.K. Oalmikov. . I , !~Mv 1, SUSSIMp -pea.. Eatcool. Obozrenl2o voi. 4o, so. 4, ig6i, t4 ~n 1! pp -76 ; F-- C Sci Jml,V 1967 334-433) 1~ Aphl& vltj3'' 4% Contracted Life Cycle and vith Sumer- Win ftk3*usev by G.K. Sbapoolmikov. I wli;i ck, hbtimir r I tbiO lAm pp /V 0 1, Scl ady 1067 334-432 -F=Nftwbg AnimaA in the 4g TOIL XMV no 52 mall; 191j,650 k Nm7,, Data on Establicbment, of the Nutria in the Mbr.,~ by IL. RUS~MXO perp ptia soc mt movcM# voi xLviii., NO' 1., 3 )-,~39P pp 65-7S. Dept of Interior Tr go 216 ic - Bioldgy Doe 54 CM 10 66 t .mm IM )i,Iderstiona in and Mirthods for Intro- Skmik (Mphitte Mephitis Schreb) Into ff-.p !by L. V. ShaposhnUmv. part Trano Centr Lab Biol and G= No 5j, Zagotzhivoub, 'e, Xoocowj, ip,~ 2D7-2U. (For ref4newee,, see Tr 138) 61entific Biology I h Dept, of InUrlor Tr NO 136 Doc 54 CTB The Effbct of Aolds on the G:)rrosion of Met&ls, b,yi-3. Hal Allbitskaya, H. A. i~~~Sh4kova., 4 Pp- RUSS-TAUP per.9 Akrobiologiya, Vol XM, No 5. iq~O., pp 725-730. AIBS Sci imi I Wchawical Testing of Metals, by H. A. ShapoehnW 3~ pp. talX~i$ publ by State Scientific Technical g BDuse of PAchine Construction LiterW'6wep Moscov/1eningred., 1951, CIA D 1~7060 ATIC F-W-6572/1 Sci - Dfinemls/Netals Host Specificity and Adaptation AphiIds (1-1o,moptera, Aphidoidea) Natural Selection (Experimental L 11 ~ G.,Kh. Shaposhnikov, 5 pp. RUSSIAIN,,per, Entomlogichesko)-e No 41, 196,10 pp 739-762. AIBS Sci Sep �2 to New Hosts in Ln the Process of Research), by Obozreniye, 2-11,711 Inurratimal Syr4icjsium un Problaias of tile C-Olludr.~at4on Of Naturas ,told ill tile kicvuun VoL"entlev, Ows~IAN. bk, Ukhranaw Prirody i Zapavdanoc valc bullating No 4, 1960. 9063481 61-31054 PL-4UO AL AOV! 42 I$ST. 424 -inb6r by Ll To ampoobaft M& to. ink, JM92tM W106 ro. Ace -matization of Fur-Bearing Animals in C6nneiption With Problems of Preservation Luid Fihrichw~nt of the U,S,S,R. fauna, by L, V. 1, A . Shaposimikov, 12 pp. RVSSI~#~v bk. Okhrium Primly i Zaq)ovednoe Delo ~,SS~A Bulletin, No 4, 1960, 9068481 01%j 61-51054 R: PL-480 215 302 Bath for Exercise In WateT and trr~crvkter Shouer-Massageg by P, X-, Sha- ;! ~ I~,, VP Yu, KO Mirotvortsev p s Mi. o 0 F1 sslArlri m0 per'. voyel-a-lo Med Zhur, NO 1 Mio scoll!, Jan 1960~, p 87 US JPRS 26,~!-N S J'uxi 60 On CalcUlation of Latitude From Ubservations Accordill~ to.1the Pevtsov Method., by V. Shaposhnikov, 9 pp RUSSIAN! per Geodezist, No 2-3) 19-D, PP 30-39. CIA FDD/X 43'T, Sci-Astron 9 Aug 60 Tranfilstorised Translator for Lntegrating Device, b,r 11. S. Itikolayeako, V. B. Shiiposhnikov, 3 PP RUSSIO) per, Priborostroyanlye, No 11, 1960, PP 16P 19. Taylor & Franclua Set 0- / 57:111 iu:a C., I Stu4 of' Phospharus kletaboll-an of the Gyvu. Maotos~nth6plzing Sulfur Pacterium in Relation to Garban b,ioxdda 11Imaticn, by V; R, Shapoz-buil- 1CO VL D. Fadorav, Qi~,pp 7 RUSSTAN, psjvp Biokhims) Vol Mg lie 3v 1960~ pp LI, 0 P. Bel- Frab 611 Biosyntbesisl,of Vitamin B by Actinomyces Olivaceus k 'i, . 11 in a ~Synthbtic Medium in Ige Presence of 5,6- Dime th~', ibe~z`imidazo I e, by V. M. -shaposhnikov ~ i~ ~ ii I I . V. onovA. 6 pp. RUSSIAM., pei, Mikrobiologiya, Vol XXXII, No 4, 1963, pp 598 1602. CB Sci May 64 259,700 Green ~act6ria Utirlzin, (X,'-anic- bY V. M. Sha~oshiiikov, E. N. Kondrat'eva, E. N. Krasil'- 3 13P- RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSBR, Vol CXXLK, No u. 1959, 1424-- SO - jLa 6o Amer Inst, of Diol Sci The Bios)rnthesis of Vitamin B and Free Porphyrins by a~Cultiire of Nocardia ErytAiopolis, by V. kov T. V. Finogenova, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Mikrobiologiya, Vol XXXII, No 3, 1963, pp 391-395. CB Sci Apr 64 25S,033 Coin arztive -Riysiology of Strai.,as Staphy-1-c.cocciis it, Ous I2C9R. Resistant of Sansitiv- 11c '0 1 V. 1-1. Shwposhnikov, V. K. Plahi-uia-v,, r) i)i-!. IRL~SM4; per, DOk Ak Nauk SISSR, (Biological Sciences Section), Vol CXLVIII, .-,c 2, 191"' ppi CL sc~i Apil. 64 lor -won, $y VOL M"4 '71 .17 Devel6pnient of the Parpl,2 Sul',jr Vinosum at Variaus Ii[),iL. L-,Lf--n- Sities by V. 117. Mlaposhailsov, L. K. 5 mn RUSSIAll., per, Mikrobiolcgiya, Vol C,LX, -,c, 1961, I)P 925-832. JJBJ jul 62 Ftx,tialpfation of Acid. V-:Lno;3i.= Ambo.Usm,, by lf~ oanitaLmyal V. I. Chudlmy 9p. RIJS,13lfLff.v per_, lillaobioloAvaj, -Vo -2p 104- 60 Ilip, Pousibility of Regulating the -rcct:i;s or Aulirlit.l. iotl!r'-~ Production ':~q Actinomynces vilulAceus Ini 10 V.!it anikovp M. R. BeWfAmreva..., 0. A. 11 4 lie Doh Ah NAtuls. .1255B.,, Vul 1959 pp 196-2.011, s,ei 10 B10 Oct, 59 Jbdium for the sym.t)Wticli i BLosyntheois of 1 11 (~ I Owy,U,tracycLUw (TerraWeLa) b~y Act RLwaus Culture T. N. ShW-44nikorvv 2. M. Zaitseva,, N. V,. va RMVJj. perp DOU Ak Nauk SM, Vol CMp So 21, 19561 pp 166.,. Ametr Inst ckf Biol 5cl Sc I Ided A C0121 of V21 ;i6n to tba Study of Green Sulfur Bacteria Im, chlbrooiUm" or V. H.. 8hspcmbnikov,# . jlts~ a yevaj V. D. Fedorwro 7 YP- par,, pp 529--535-' MIkrooI*1., V*1 MR11, No !.,Q581 Auer Imt of Biol Sal sci - Biol 1 Y 7,,?,-110, may 59j I on the Grow'dl C,'-" Tha EM-Ct Of f7rrOle CQ[aPalmda by V- T. B -Zan G. Poltava, 3 R-D, Ftussmp perp Dck Ak Nulk SSSR, VO.L I . I lio 4,, 195.9p pp 84o. Amer In-vt C;f Sci j;um 6o (Fi)~ 2534''5) ~Relstlmshlp of the Processes of Hnimigy aid Cwstructive f-letqbixliam in Ba~tlerlii,'~ b V. N. ShapobhnflvN, V. A. sme, movc 2 X PPS RUSSWI, ibimo per,, Mrobial, Vol XV11.1, No 2, Mciseaw,, Igor/Apr 1949, pp 106-118. CIA/FDD/U-7624 Sell'- BibloWO microb:Lolow V/ 6,~-3 OTO 75P;-~e 55 uta of Source bly ~Clllo pho-clolf~-l L oy mat-fluln lfilloslml; Car). %,Iil,-,I,cb jCJ_0~7 pp Al 3s SPA Dec lon Betueen the Momical Carzposlticn InUrre-lat. : F~mctions end the Production of , . 01 sixi I , by~ V, 4--~I "Doahnikov, T. R. Kaman IOP:Y&~IPW- Russ rer, Dot Ak VaUk SM, Vol mm" Mki pp 3-U7-- Amer 1wt of Biol Sai. Ila 1 7K~ (;rv*th of Baeteria on Natural Rubber, by V.Z,ShaVosbnikov- RUSSIM, per XIkrcbioloxL)%, Vol. 21, No. 2 , I! 195?), pp 14-64~4 GW 5T/1237 s t' / r c' t" sci - Aug 67 338-364 OF i MIRO OF OM21 If N3 THE LAOM 004 WITH THE AID Of 1.9m on 4= t fit 10MMVIs ST S. SLUTSKIYP pro ~~= ME,$ pr 13"n$ im 140% - ------- -- Now ~' 61-19650 Shaposhnikov, Ye; A . USE 0 A. KROTOWS APPARA-n3s FOR 1- 7We: Krotov's apparanis BA RI I LIANALYSIS ON THE AIR IN 1. Shaposhnnmv, Ye. A. URSA RA S RTATION CONVEYANCES 11. Tmm-V-1659 (Premene~lye' Appardia Yu. A. Krotova d1ya Bakterialokic~h'eskog~lissiedovaniya Vozdukha na. Gorodskorn Transpoi-te). 8 Mar 61, 2p. Trans. V- 1659. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-19650 j Trans. of Laboratornoye Dela (USSR) 1960, v. 6. no. 2, p. 53-54. DESCRUITORS: *Bacterial aerosols. OUrban areas, *Air, *Passenger vehicles --Microbiology, TT, v. 6, no. 2) ~W~m for. Obtaining Soap-Sud3s, by Yu. C. -bapo&nij.-ov N up per. Vwanno 'od Zhur, tio 1, s, Jan 191,98, pp 86 u.,,) jpnsPry 4o6 Sol - Mdiciua aw 58 1 , g -/, ,;, of, the metboal' by yu~ ic- -bY e. 7NP 'al Ln Z:rjjj~r A69-B74. JPI'~3 2c,2" Chem 60 Fhyai6Obhe3dAwa Properdes of Dilltwrophosphorio Acid, ~y AG!8.1 Lsr~jkjyt A. D. ShapoabnJkm,, 7 pp. RLOSIANt parl; Zhur Prik Xhim, V00. mv, No 4, 19620 1 pp %Nt ,7680 OB F ob 63; '7 12- Btu6lyj of tba Developmeat of gs Chroi%,~)Bpheric Flares on the Suji',~, by A. B. Severnvi, IL. F. Shaposhnikova, Roa ppla RUSSM,,. pi~rp Iz Krymakoy Astrofiz Observ,, fio 12,, 195 'j. pp 3!~-32- American Mateorol Sm for Geopbysico Res Dir, ASTIA Scl -iAutrououW Zt 17~ 3 Study of theli,Development of Chrom.ospheric Flares an the Suni,, by 41. B. Severnyi, E. F. Shaposhbikova, 58 PP. EUSSIJIIIT~, perils Iz Krymskoy Astrofiz Observ, No 12, 1954, PP 3-32i. v-1518557 American ~Ie-teroci Soc for Geophysics Res Dir, :.STI Sci -114stronomy 44,344 The Origin Q~JCOmd*ftatl= MuCleip by M. S, Sml=ov,, I .jj . I W. 11#2 TMtavft;j It I* ffimpoobn1kavar 7 PP. RWSUN~l per.,li is Ak Nauk SM,, Sm- GeafU,, so Assoc Tecia Serv iJul 58 I ~ I, Inf-lulencelof Mineral Nutrition and Plant Population on',the Dybamics of Nutrients in Flne Clay Icxm Cherzozems and the Requirements of Corn for ii Ii 1 11 ~ a 6 Them,: by~ L M. Sh v pp. RLUSW,,per., Pochvcrvedeniye., No 7, 1963, Pp Scripta Technica S.ci Oct 64 268k,153 (',l UA. ,!s Lc- tnnc c o b it sl~ay- -oer, Chan ~iwi:Wg*eitimne to Acetylene in Gaseous Dis- the Electrolytic KLectrodeg by G. S. v p N. A. Shaposhnikovap- 5 PP. RUSS~N io perx Zbur PrIk Kh:ba Vol XXVII No 129 Dec' 19542 cm c Loi55- i26~-lW4. Consultento lhweau Sal Chenjutry JUN -1~56 q~x I The Ro ttoniMethod of X-Ray Therapy for Very AdAninial F!pplls of Cancer of the Female Se7, Organo by hapcohniKova, I I. Ruderman, P. E. S - YU ~.Ka,rib, 0*v, 7 PP - RTJSS~A,,T,, -Ecj:,, Voprosy Onkoloraii, Vol -110', i4c 4.60 475. Perpmon Press Sol jen 6o 0 CFO ~z il 14y - -4 5 12. 1 Thal Pext4pubility of tha HeeDrito-Enceplialle -Barrier a~ud the Sorption CharacteritAlico of WAIn Tlt~ujme in Ibc7arlmental Thyrotaxicosisv by Fr. r., Shapoohnikova. 6 pp.. Rlle~lmu~~ gar, Problery )3m3olm!in i Garmonoterapii, vol. Vi., tro 3, 1960, pp 91-94., imt a.4-mal. in the Faimy Avic. ~- Cl-=ir-,a_, by 19. (1. MappwaAkavz~,, MIN P=j) Batcmacg Vol rAwal.7 No j" The ~Conq)#P-tivc SiCpificance of 2N%) iicy~; of Food-c exit Trarwfe~: into the ii.Lve (u.1 the I~ad- aria in the Crop) in the Fecrultint; I ctivity 0- H=62rbee~, by 1-1. G. Shaposhnilarx., 6 1,-,) mw?ltal) per, Entcmolor, Obon, Vol =,-.VII-T, ".0 195% m) 523416-- EBS Sci -yen 61 The lnflt~enwof Parenteral, Adminiistration of i'%mUcin C~a thol Development of Maamry Gland I~u M16a, by A. N. Dbabalmikiy, nmallqios!i~~,Va, 3 PP* Rissuip, per., !Vloprosy Onko-iog, Vol VrI.- No 3, 1961. ROM 4 Roger Scl ~ar 62 M=hmuiiam of the Paste= Nfloact', by V. S. Shapot, 7 pp. -rier., BiokhLud- In J-945. .va, Vol X. 140 4c; .,~3; ~PP-10423 IMB Sci ~iol.AAed Sci Sup TT-63-24482 s4qr~ Y.~ S' 140C kmms~rihr OF CANCE, [1963] 125p] (I fig. I omitted) I FASEB Alantikilpt no. S-221-3. 11 ~ ASER - S - 221 Order frpni~OtI3, SL~, or LITC $2.60 Tr-63-2448:) M. Federation of American fig. 1 aval3able an lrA3Ln from OlS Societies for Experimental i Biology. Washington, D. C. Trans. of P :ri~'.d. (IjMi) 1962, v. 51, no. 12, p. 19-25. IV. Scripts Technics. Inc., Wasldngton. D. C. DESCI.IPTOLIS: *CflnC*,t *Biochemistry, Neoplasms. Growdl, reseiir~k Cell.(BUgy), Gen.11ca, Mutations, Desoxydbbnucleic acids. (Biological Schmccs - -Pathology, 77, v. 11, no. 5) orimt of Irchmud Seroul chemisiry at the Sth international Cancer Conffmi3v V. S, ~hatot pp. 6 RUSSIANO perl. Biolchimiyaq Vol ~=13, No 6, :)ep-Oct 1962, CB sci Aug 6.3