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Kmmareva, L. K. Spatial Structure of Temperatwe Fluctuations in'the Sea, 8 PP IMMMA I GIDFd=I_YA, W-scow, No 7, 1973# 55-60. MRS 6 0164 * )) Pq N 11 k1i S ~ -~z - ~,- I . Davitaya F a F Scmel Gaps in the Development of Wdrometeoro- logical Sdience. 3-1 Vp Mr�MRIiOG,-YA LGIDROUDGIYA, Moscow. No 7. 1973. pp 67-960 jpRs 6oi64 Dyubk:ln, 1. A. Automation of the Processes of Gathering and krimary Processing of Scientific InforTation on the &peditions of the Arctic and Antarctic Scientific Research Institute. 13 pp kWBOROLOGIYA I GIDROIA)GIYA, Moscow, No 7, 1973,,~ PP 97-103- im 0164 A11,56 35- M I I i Voikreseh6kiy, K. P. Hydrologic Research in Represnutative and Experi- me4il Fdver Basins, 7. Op 11 W YA I GIRROIMIYA, Moscow. No 7, 1973, NROIWj pp =-3-15- ym~ 60164~ I I BadykiD, M. 1. Hoder'n Climate Variations. t ~ I 13 1* WrBOROLOGIYA. I GIDROLOGIYA, Moscow, No qv 19730 PP 3-130 JPRS 60787 ftg6syan, in. P. Some Chara6terlstle Features of Wind Cyclicity in the Bqualtorial Stratosphere. 15 PP WBOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, Moticaw, No 9, 1973, pp 14-,26. iliRs 60787 Ye Mov, V~i A. Process of Determination of a Solution in Long Range'Numerical Integration kA' the E4u&tions of Flanletary Dynamics of the Atmosphere, 16 pp ~ METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLCGIYA, Moscow, No 9, 1973, pp.~7-~39- ins 60787 Ud~e"xyukl, V. M. Some Problems of Solar-Atmosphexdc Relations. 9;pp MrEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, Moiscow, No 9, 1973, PP 40,47 - JFJIS 60787 Frokabheval, Vo Go Possibility of Mapping the Ice Situation on Large Lakis~ by Photographs From Artifteial Earth sit"tesi 9pip MTBDROLOGlYA I GIDROIDGIYAL Moucow, No 9, 1973, p]~ JPR$ 60787: Snitkovokiy, A. I. Additional~Data for Short-Range Weather Fore- casiing. 5 Pp: m YA I GIDROLOGIYA, Moscow, No 9, 1973, 7ip 66-68. . Ypp~ ~'60787~ Sithikov Go Hydrodynan;ic Studies of Tropical Atmospheric C.4,.r- CiLution ahd lAw-IAtitude Numerical Forecasting. pp M-EDROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA. Moscow, No 9, 1973, W80-92-: ipm 07p 1011*iOv. S. P. Solat Cycles wrid Climate. 23 ~Pp~ MET92ROLOM i"~ A I GIDRCIMIYA, bk)scowg No 9, 19739 pp: _no*, jpRs i; 6o78? BiDldyrGV G. Book Review: Issled rodnoy Sred S 2ma&-e pi-3 I PIlotinjewkh Orbit.&I'aykh Stamts:IX ( Study of the Natural Environment From ftirmed Orbital Stations. 5 P* WEDROLOGM I GIDROLOGIYA, B)scow, No 9, 1973, pp~~3.14-316. JPRS 60787 Yimkovskiy, 1. A. Conferences, Meetings and Seminars. 7 pp N&FLOLOGIYA I GIDROLWIYA, Mcoscow, No 9,, 1973, pp ~49-123. JnS ~ 60787 I : I I i Sokb1ov, A. A. The All-Union Hydrologic Congresses. 9.pp METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, Moscow, No 10, 1973, pp vam -3 -- / /';7L JPRS 60954 Kand.ra'tlyev, Ya. The Sdviet-American 'Bering' D~periiment. u pp METOOROLWIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, Moscow, 140 11, 1973, pp 3-10- JPRS a249 Pinu:s,, N. ze Certain Statistical Characteristics of a Wind Field in the Troposphere amd Stratospher- and the Simulation of large-Scale atmospheric Processes. 14 pp 1,MEOR01WIYA I GIDROWGIYA, Moscow, No 11, 1973, pp 1-1-.!21. JFRS 61249 Gru za, G. V. On Using the Principle of Analogy to Study the Predictability of Atmospheric Processes and Solve I 14eather Forecasting Problems. 16 pp 1.=.--OROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, RI-oscow, No 11, 1973, pp 22-31- JPP,,' .61249 Gubin, V. 1. Cn the Foripulation and Solution of the Initial- Value. Problem for iiydrodynamic iquations. 7 PP METEMOLOGIYA I GIDROMIYA, Mloscow, No 11, 19173, pp 32-37. jm&L249 Belinskiy, 0. N. On Certain Structural Peculiarities in the Quasi- Biennial '-',jcle in the Equatorial Aratosphere. 12 P~p MEfEYJROUXi'IY-4 I GIDROLOGIYA, Moscow, 140 11, 1973, PP 39-45- im 61A.9 Nemirovskaya, L. G. The Hature of the Circulation in the E4uatorial Stratosphere With Prevailing -Westerlies and Esterlies, 12 pp , ME ,TL,OROLCGIYA I GIDTIOLOGIYA, Moscow, No 1i, 1973, PP 46-r53. jpRs 6124.9 Ivanav, G. S. The Variability of Marine Hydrological Ilements and the Calculation of the Discreteness of Obser- vations, 9 pp YXr WROLCIIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, Moscow, No 11, 1973, PP 54-59. im 61249 "" ~- ".& - 4W.4F-.F-M a.& z X A -K - 9- - ft -W - ~F- .9~~ Kalatskiy, V. I. A Two-Layer Model for Computing the Thickness of an Isotherwic Laypr in the Ocean. 12 pp k2SWROWAYA I GIDROLOGIYA, 1,10,90(w, E0 11, 1973, pp 6o-68. JPRS 61249 I'--midov, V~ 14. One-Dimensional fVdrodynaiaic Models of (herland Runoff. 10 pp~ XErEOROUGM I GIDROLa,-IyA, 1.,,O.,3cow, Vo 11, 1973, pp 69-76. - jpRs 61249 V. P. Computer Calculation of the gydrological Regime of Soil as a A"Iethod of kpplying the Results of lysimeter Obser-vations to Field Conditions. 6 pp , FaTIMROLOMA I GIDROLOGIYA, Mmscow, N"o 11, 1973, PP 77-30. MRS 61249 Kulik, M. S. On the Possibility of Improving the Accuracy With Which Average Oblast Yields of karicultural Crops are Predicted. 12 PP XETEOROLOG11A I GIDROLOGIYA, 1-16scow, No 11, 1973, jp 91-8 . j.pRs 61249 Bugayeva, L. A. Stratospherle Warmlng In January-February 19?3. 17 pp METEYJROL(Y'xIYA I GIEIROLOGIYA. Moscow, 140 11, 1973, pp 90-93. JFR3-.61249 Burltitskiy. R. F. On the Problem of the Peripheral Fronts of Occulded C-jclones. 5 PP n'TEOROLOGIYA I ~XIDROLOGIYA, Moscow, 110 11, 1973, pp 94-9050 jpRs 61249 Tav.4rtkiladze, X. A. Determining the Coefficient of Atmospheric Aerosol Turbidity. 5 PP IMETEOROLCGIYA I GID.ROLCGIYA, Moscow, No 11, 19739 pp 96-98. JPRS 6!249 But, 1. V. On the Power of the Effect of Corpuscular Radiation Fluxes or, Circulation Conditions in the Lower layers of the Atmosphere. 10 pp METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, Moscow, No 11, 1973, pp 99-103. JFFUI) 61249~ Meleshko, V. P. The System of Observations for the nrst World- wide Garp Dcpariment. 12 ppp .MBTF;OROLCGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, kk)scow, No 11, 1973, pp'108-114* JPRS 61249 Petrov, L. S. Conferences, Meetings, and Seminars. y pp I. YOTEL)ROMIYA I GIDROLOrYIYA, Moscow, No 1.1, 1973, pp 'Eq 120. jpRs 61249 . I I . : ldkhliyloV, A. N. T.'ie 40th Anniversary of Gidrometeoizdat. . 8 pp ~ 'OM ~a-tCWGIYA 1 C-I.-DRCLOGIYA, Mcscow, No 2,1974, i PP 3-~8. jPR8 61869 Marchuk, G. 1. Basic and Conjugate Equations of Atmospheric and Oceaniac Dynamics. 31 PP MEOROLOGRA I GIDROLOGIYA, MOSCOW, No 2, 1974, '.Pp 9-37. J-PR~ 61869 Zhukovskiy, Ye. Ye. Comparison of Various Ways of.Using Meteorological Information in Economic Decision-Eaking. 13:.Pp MMOROWUYA I GIDROLOGIYA, Moscow, No 2, 19-~',, PP 39Z8. ja5 61869 I Semenov, Ye. K. On the Aeroclimatology of E4uatorial Westerly Winds of the Lower Troposphere. 14 pp, ~WWROLQOIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, Moscow, No 2, 1974, pp 49-59- jfm 61869 14artazinova, V. F. Centers of Atmospheric Action and the Stability of the Field. of Anomalies of Mean Monthly Air Tem- peraturesin the Northem HemisFhere. 10 PP AhTEOROLOGIYA I GIDRQLOGIYA, Moscow, No 2, 1974, pp 6o-67- ins 61869 Nezhikhovs.kiy, R. A. Freezing of Rdvers and Types of Ice jams. 9 PP ba-TEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, Moscaw, No 2, 1974, np 68-77. jpRs CL369 Kogan, F. N. Assessmcnt of Agroclimatic Condition According to Earvest Anorrialies. 8 P~ METBOROL05tIYA I GIDROLQGIYA, I-loscm, No 2, 1974, pp 75:80. J,-ms 61869 Bukin, V., M. Special Postcards for Gathering Information kbout 0 Surface Currents in Water Bodies. 5 pp I-MEOROIDGIYA I GTDROLOGIYA, Moscow, No 2, 19'14, PP 82-85- ipm 61869 Konstantinov, L. K. Influence of Various Spring Ferr;ilization Time on Growth and Developmsnt of ltlinte:~ Viheat 1,dth Con- a'-deration of Soil Water Runoff, 5 ppp METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, hoscow, No 2, 1974, pp 68-90. jpRs 61869 Budyko, 14. 1. Cliinate Plodification Techniques. 13 pp METWROLoGjYA 1 GIDROLWIYA, Ybsomi, No 2, 1974, pp 91-97. JPRS 61869 Kuzenkov, A, F. Analysis of the Temperature Data on Radio Jounding of the 9 pp 14ETBDROLCGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, PP 9B-103- jl,Rs 61869 ProTile According to 0 Atmosphere. Moscow, No 2, 1974, Osechkj.n, V. V. On the Possibilities of Investigating the Spatial Distribution of Atmospheric Ozone With An Airborne Ozonometer. 7 pp ; 1W2F,0ROLOG1YA I GIDROLOGIYA, Moscow, No 2, 197h., PP 103-107. jpRs 61869 Terziyev, F. S, Experience of the Yvarimansk LUPLI; in Servicing the Elerchant Marines and Fishing Fleet in the North Seas,and North Atlantic. 10 PP kMEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, Moscaw, No 2,, 1974, pp IM-113. jPRs 61869 &.0hkovich, S. A. Symppsiur~ on Difference and Spectral Methods.of Soliving Atmospheric and Oceanic Dynamics Problems. 6 Pp bIETEOROIDGIYA I GIDROIMIYA. bloscaw, No 2, 1974, PP 118-1216 JPRS 61869- i I Gandin, Lo So . Global Atmospheric Research Program (GARF) 6 pp 0 kiETWROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, Moscow, No 2, 1974, pp~121-15. jpRs 61869 4-~~ Ii A th er A , 0j': 'TT: ~:r 660 , vo : Btlgiyev, V. A. Meteorological Observations Station, pIP: MUTEORCLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, pp ~8414. JM ~62306 A on the Salyut Orbital Mc,Bcows No 4. 1974t ~-io V"i IN 2 p p IT:, 29 Vin, ovi, BO Ve CW916 Ink Cloud Shadows When SimmLating a Space Surv~ey' of 'the Earthts Surface. ;&XA I GIDRff_,OGIXA, Moscow, Vo 4, 1974, Vimogradav', B. V. Effect of Clouds on Recognition of the Baxth's Surface During Visual Observations and Photography Froil Spapef, i8 pp MEMOROUGUA-1 GIDROLOGIXA, Ho.3cowe No 49 lq-t4, pp 43~-50- iFRs 6z3o6 C- V6 A. =ay!DV Irdtia Fbase of e Tropical. From the Soyuz-q Spacecraft. I ~, 5 pp, MUP Z-(r-IY I GIOM^,.IYA, LO A pp~ 51-~54- , JA6 62306~ Cyc*Lone by a Photograph I-I'loscowt No 4. 19749 W r t13 tO at IAP~tov, V Be Detiction and Evolution of Dust and Sandstorms Over NorthliAfrica by FhotographE; From Earth moteot! 010gical satemtes. 5 PP METEOkOLOGIU I GIDROLOGIYA, Moscow, No 4, 1974, pp 7&80. JfW' 62306 -rT F (S6'(( Zakbarov, M. Appiiqation': of Laser Location For Det6rnirang Certain At-miospheric Characteristics. 9 pp MEOROLOGIYA I GIR&0=11A, Moscow, No 4, 1974, '~83. P JPP40623o6 A -r-, Dobryshrun Ye. X. Synoptic Scale Process Research Subprogram in the.Garp Atlantic Tropical Experiment (Gate). 10 PPI M9MROIWIYA I GIDP.QIMIM, Moveow, No 4, 1974, P,b 106-1u. im 623o6 IA -( T f is Pi S v Finus" No Z* System cf Effectiveness Indexes of ScienttEc Researua W~rk in the Meteorologi.eid Profile. 18 PP. N&BOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGM, Moscow, No 4, 1974, JPRS 62306 ,w N j~s IN 1-7 r- 3 N0004' t4d tilqn.. oplea exp rl.u iweat er-': a"n-d'."3 Gandin, L.ISM I ConsItructibn of a System for Objective Analysis of Hfiteroigeneb~us Data Based on the Method of Optimal int6rpolation and Optimal Agreement. 11 pp. . I DETEOROLOGIYA I GIDROII)GIYA, Moscow, No 5, 1974. pp 3-'10. -JPRS~~62559 Perionko, v. v. A!14ethod of,Objective Analysis of Meteorological Elerhebt FUlds on a Sphere. 19 pp =WROLWIYA I GIDROLOGILA, Moscow, No 5, 19'/4, pp :Ll-?3. JPRS 62559 Conwetion Conditions in the Intratropical Zone of -Conv6rgenc'e Over the Eastern Atlantic. 16 Op ME)DROL(ZIYA I G-.DRCLOGIYA, Moscow, No 5, 1974, pp 9:33. S 62559 Tslv'pr~avia G. Relittion L~etwsen the Altitude of the Lower Cloud Boundfary a~d the Meteorolog ical Range of Visibility. 9 pp MTBOROIA)GIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, Iloscow, No 5, 1974, p V 59~ Treshnikov, A. F. Winter Operations in Antarctica in 1973. 19 PP l,fLTW,R2j&gZYA I GIDROLWIYA, Moscow, No 59 1974, PP 40-530 ja~ 62559~ I Nalimov, YU. V. Albedo Values for the Snow and Ice Cover in the Lower Reaches and Estuaries of Arctic Rivers. 8 pp HErWROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, DiDscaw, No 5, 1974, pp 64-68. JPRS 62-559 Smoidyrevj A. Ye. lbrdr6logic Sarvicing of Geological &pIoration on the Sea Shelf. 8 pp I-ffiTEORCLOGIYA I GT-DROLOGIYA, P'Loscow, No 5, 1974, pp 6P3. iPRs 62,559 Murzin, A." 1. Determining the Information Relation Between the Pressure P-olds of the AtmospiLiere and the lee Drift in th6 Arctic Seas (In the EKample of the laptev Sea). 9 pp MD20LOGRA I GIDROLOGIYA, Moscow, No 5, 1974, jp 74-79. JFRS 62550, Sofi3~an, As Fe Proba'bility Calculations of the Depth of the Snow Cover,Considering the Territorial Nonuniforndty of Q;ccurrence. 9, PP EETEOROIAMA I GIDROLCGIYA, Boscow, No 5, 1974, PP 60~- 5- aRs~ 62559 Koroliin, A. I 4f-flect of llaght and Temperature During the Fall on the, and Hai-vest of Mnter Crops. 12 ~pp' NETEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOG-IYA, Zloscmr, No,.',;, 19741 PP 8~-93,1 JPRS '62559~ J T. Osdillatigns Ath Vaisala F~~uency in a Geo- strophic.Current Field. 6. op IQ=ORCLOGIYA I GIDRPLCGIYA, Moscow, No 5, 1974, PP94-97- . - JPFZ 62559 Kuzh~,tsov,~ 0. A. Effect of an, Oil Slick on the Sea Surface on Turbulenne~and The Iayer of the Atmosphere Next to ~he water. pp MLTWROLOGIYA I GIDROLCGIYA, Moscow, NO 5, 1974, 1~0 97-11-996' ' ~~ iFRs 62559 BondArev A. Constructing a Model of the Opening Rivera. 5 ~ pp '14MEOROUGIYA I GIDROLCGIYA, Mo s c wt pp 0-101. JPRS 62559 Up os large 1,10 >t 1974p Ryaboir, A. K. PowerFormlas for Riverbeds A-lh a High Degree of Roughness. 5 pp YATEOPOLOGIYA I GIDROLCGIYA, Moscow, No 5, 19?4, pp 102-104. im. ~ 62-559~ i lefremov, V. 1. Calculating the Velocity Profil,a of Mudflows. 8 pp IIIETEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, Moscow, No 5, 1974, PP 104-1071.~ JFRS 62559 i Kor6lev , 'I. I. Observations of Avalanche Movement. 4 pp . DSTDOROUGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, Zoscour, No 5, 1974, pp ~0-,~-108t iFR.c,, 625rg i Konstantinov, R. A. Patbs of Developm6nt of Agrc~,,--teorolo&y and Agro- climatology. 10 pp METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGTU, lio:3cow, 140 5, 1974, PF log-1130 ims 6251-59 Kondraitlyev, K. la. Book Review: Rasteniye I Sointim (Vegetation and the.Sun) by I. A. Shullgin. Gicii-ometeoizdat, Leningrad, 10,73. 5 pp EETFOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOrTlIA, Mloscow, No 5, 1974, pp 114-1115;-; ipm 625591 Vin6gradov, A. P. Alek56y Fedorovich Treshnikov (Sixtieth Birthday). ,~ pp ~ w ,gm'TB040LWIYA ! GIDROLCGIYA, ldo:5cow, ho 5, 1974, pp 126-i1.7"0 afts 62559 i Zakbaiov, V. !N. Main Administration of the lbrdrometeorological Service. 2 pp KETECRULCGIYA I GIDROIX)GlYA, Mbscow, NO 5, 1.974, PP 117-118,1 JPPS 62559 Bezuglaya,,& Yu. Conferences, 1~-eetings and Seminars. 9 pp kWBDzjOLCGjYA I GIDIROLOGIYA, hox;cow, No c, 1974, pp 118 122. JFRS (;)Z69 I I I Silkin, B. 1. Abrciad. 3 PO b&lPBOROLWTYA I GIDROLOGIYA, hoz:cow., No 5, 19.74. .pp 122-123. JPRS 62559 i i Viktor Antonovich Bugayev, (19W-1974). I. 4 pp MITMROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, Moscow, No 5, 1974, 1"' pp 123-124~ .i JM 012559- J, Zakharov, 1~. M. -Weather and Agrometeorological l'orecasts for the First Half of the Summer of 1974- (1-1 May to 30 June)* 14 pp METEOR01,MIYA I GI-T)ROLOGIYA, hoscoi, NO 5, 1974, ~P' -125-LRK~ JPRS 62559 Gruza, G. V. Letter to the Bditors. I P, ~ 1-16TgOROLWIYA I GIDROU)GIYA, iiiUcOwt NO 5p 19741 pp 126. JPRS 62559 I f i Khrkian, A., Kh. USSR Academy of Sciences and Science of~the Atmosphere. 6 pp, MKEOROLOGIYA I GIDROWGIYA. PP 34- jpRs 6?-864 the Development of the hoscow, Vo 1~ ' ")74 Vasil 'yev, 'A. S. Possibility of Determining Cartaln Characteristics of the Intratropical Zone of Convergence by the Radon Distribution in the Troposphere. 8 PP METEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, Moscow, No 6, 1974, PP 8-13- jpRs 62864 Kostyukov, V. V. Variation Eatching of the Geopotential, 'Wind and Temperature Fields WLthin the Framework of the Geotrophic and Static Approximations. 10 Pp bWEUROIMIYA I GIDRGLOGIYA, Mascow, No 6, 1974, pp 14-21. ipp-9 62864 hitnik, L. X. Estimating the Total Mss of Water Vapor in the Atmosphere by Satellite MeasiLrements of the Rad-:Lo- thermal Emission of the Earth or. a 0.8 cm Wave. 5 Pp M FIT.&ROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, 140scow, No 6, 1974, F pp 22-25, JPRS 62864 I Ordanovich, A. Ye. Problem of Parameterization of the Turbulent Dc- change in the Ekman Boundary Iayer. 9 pp METBDROLOGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, Moscow, No 6, 1974, 77P 26-32- JPRS 62864 Pokrcvskiy, 0. M. Assi,-dlation of the Data From. Direct and Indirect Measurements in the Statistical Analysis of Meteorological Fields. 9 pp, k%TEORQL.OGIYA I GIDROLOGIYA, hoscow, No 6, 19749 pp 33-39. JPRs 62864 Buykov., M, Some Problems of Statistical and hconomic Evaluation of the Results of Experiments in Augmenting Pre- cipitation. .9 pp MErEOROIDGIU I GIDRGLOGIYA, Moscow, No 6, 1974, pp 40-46. jpRs 62864 Kevllshvillf, T. F. Study of lagrange Characteristics'of Suspension- Bearing Stream Turbulence. 9 pp MEMOROIXIYA I GIDROLOC-IYA, Moscaw, No 0', 1974, pp 47-53. JPRS 62864 Ugreninov, G. N. Estimating the Recurrence Rate of Various Versions of Forecasting Water Inflow (In the Fxample of . the Kama Resarvoir)o 6 pp - MKEOROLOGIYA I GIDROLCrIl&, Mo;Fcaw, No, 6, 1974, 7P 59-62. jpRs 62864 Gendellmans M. M. Consideration of Planned Channel. Deformations in the Technical and i!~conomic Substantiation of Border- ing. 7 pp - METEOROLOGM. I GlDROIMIYA, hoscow, No 6, 19?4, pp 6943. __ im 62864 Parshin, V. N. fffect of Weather Conditions on the Grain Crop Harvest. 10 Pp IWEOROL.OGIYA I GIDROI.OGIYA, llo.-,cow, No 6, 1974, pp 74~-81. JPRS 62864