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SttmUes on the Gen= Leamdum Smv%6 IV. Msterla3A to a Ylmopaph of Us Brown Bc&Uj, lAamlum coml - a Morebal I me ) (sm4tem). CodepLafts ~-44 )p by Z. Mwwkis 63 PP- PMM,p pw,~ Ammam 000.10 vW. Ivi, no 9# 29580 pp M4W- -/r?7797---~ 00 6040kk &A -- Kol ;2,10, Sep 62 32actric Pover - ru Macao,, I p. PIZ=j, per Anmrto Commerc.1m I-IdmulavAp Mum 539- 1-1-1-----~- acs Tr A u - mst~o 44 S r7J ;10 XCOOMIC eel - slectrustr S-1125/64 Mechanisms of Action of Radioprotectants, by J. M.xKx Kirnnann FRENCH. per, Ann7e Biologique, Vol I, No 11-12, 2, pp 571-584. ,91PRS/NY-9431/SPECIAL Sci - Biol & Med Oct 64 q'13 Pril'-or, A. 196:~; A stwl~y of certain aspects of sem'. proteins in fish (Ftude des proteknes 36rinues uas poi-,sorz) Annfie *., lologlaue, :L (11-12): %~52 -662 -In :Tencl.. 'I'rar4l. b,- Tmi al. '~er-rices, Dept.. of ~Isheries wid 7orestry, Utta,m, 071tarlo ."or -7"iG -:allra~. Labomtor" ., -allfax, 1970, as Series No. 141C!, 35P. , t~-PesariPt- Avail. on Loar, - 'iCF, Wash, D.C. Original Afticle Ctiecked. Bourdon, 13. INFLUENCE OF CENTRIFUGAL FORCE ON THE PERCEPTION OF TI-IE VERTICAL (Influence de In Force Centrifuge sur )a Perception de la Verticale). 1196111151p. 4 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 61-14688 Trans. of I'Annee P-sychollogiquel (France) 1906. v. 12. p. 84-44. DESCRIPTORS: 'Positioning reactions, "Vertical per- ception, OProprioception. *Head, Rotation, Motion. Torque, 'Ear, Deafness. 61-1468b 1. Bourdon, B. (Unannounced) Wfic. of 61-1471-4 Bourdon, B. RESEARCHES ON THE PERCEPTION OF RECTI- 1. Bourdon, B. LINEAR MOVEMENTS OF THE WHOLE BODY (Recherches sur la Perception des Mouvements Recti- lignes de Tout 1e Corps). f196111201p. 3 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 61-14714 Trans. of I*Annep Psyc!iqljVquej (France) 1914, v. 20, p. 1- 16. DESCRIPTORS: *Proprioception, *Positioning Motion, Body, Reaction (Psychology). (Unannounced) Offt- f T--).I..l Swvi-. '17-61-14574 Bourdcm B. SOME EXPERD".WS ON ALMrrORY SPATIAL t. Bourdon. B. FERCEMONS (Q%o0ques Experiences sur des Percep- tione Sint'sles AudMwes). Op. Ordurp, I SLAS1.30 Tr-61-14574 Trans. at I'Annam France) 1925, V. 26, p. I (BiaWcal Scleaces-physiology, Tr. v. 12, no. 5) Oftim of T~hnlcal Se-l- 1-r-61-14575 Bourdon. a. APIPAXATUS FOR THE DEMONSTRATION OF THE 1. Bourdon, B. CONDMONS FOR, AUDITORY MEDIAN AND LATERAL IJ=LlZA'nON (Dispoettif potor Is Demanstradon des CON"MM dS IS LaCmIlMdon AUNCiVe Madidne et I.Atuale). 6p Ints. Ordw from SLA $1. 10 TT-61-14575 Troomm. ti I'Amom (Fran=) 1926. v. 27, P. 203- . (Blakocal Sclemom--PbymlokWf, TT. v. 12, no. 5) 17 0-, ~E Psyc"Mool OA V37 PSO-67 vJ0 70-23,195 Intorfie"neez Caused by Intermittent Stimuli In UP Envapbaloamph of Wnj by, 9. Goldvans, J4. soplp 10 IRV* Vol M.MV121v 1937o VP ATM F-TS-95%/V THE COLtADOROICH OF VOM AND THE 1. Ismodwky. P. SrAM $EMU W SPAML PZ=MrrK= (LA COH&bmvsm 4k,ja Vm a do am Ismadjow am las polp"aft, SOMMASOL 3946 - - TT-K44MO Tnm acr.-..e- CFCMMO 190/41. APPOSE, V. 4R/4M LISM 7EYIP6 DRSCRNTOR& *V&dO*. forcer&& - I pebaylocal sdmm--ftycbdw. Tr. V. 11. am 30 New w TvChftd I Nony, C. [DELINQUENCY AND INFERIORITY OF INTELLI- GENCE) (Delinquance et laferiorItS de I"Inteltigence). 119631 123p) 36refs Order from SLA $ ?- 60 TT-64-10018 I que (France) 1949. v. 51. Trans. of ftkL.Ps ,&k" p. 35-52. - t DESCRWrORS: *Criminology. *Intelligence tests. Behavior. Envi ent, Sociology. Adjustment (Psychology). TT-64-10018 1. Title: Delinquency 1. Nony. C. (Behavioral Sciences-Psychology, TT. v. It. no. 5) ofte d Techakla S=Vkn TT-64-10337 Fraisse, Paul. HE INFLUENCE OF ATTTMDES AND PERSONALM 1. Fralase. P. N PERCEMON (L'influence des Attitudes et de Is ersonnalite our Is PerceptkoiO. [19631122p] 22refs rder trom SLA $2.60 TT-64-10337 ,runs. of AmAe Psychologigue (France) 1949. v. 51. 237-248. )RS: OPerceltion. *Personality. *Attitudem. (Physiology), Behavior. Scienoes-Psychology. Tr. Y. 11, no. 9) Offl- ~f T-hnlc.l S.M." Marchand, L. 'ME INHIBITING ACTION OF CERTAIN AFFECTIVE STATES ON EPILEPTIC SEIZURES (De I'Action Inhibitrice de Cerrains Etars Affeclifs sur lea Accidents Epilepliques). !19631 43p) 10refe Order from SLA $1.60 TT-64-10022 Trans. of Ann6e PsycIiologique (France) 1951. v. 50, p. 705-711. DESCRIPTORS- "Epilepsy, Inhibition. Mental dis- orders, Psychoses, Stress (Psychology), Reaction (Psychology), (Biological Sciences- -Neurology and Psychiatry, TT, v. t 1, no. 5) TT-64-10022 1. Marchand. L. Win of Tachnical services Color VIOL-offty by J. Seguas 15 V- IM=., parp VOIL InP 31610 PP M-135- GTA 50-=6T sci - NO 60 . / a t?. w2 ae.? Val 9p no 12 ~? Tie2m~ TcIiOw~,ima rjy 6. Larcebeaup 20 P. FRMU, ver,.~I'Apmtjn EMbologiQue-P 1953-, Val MIT, No 2.. VP 553-W- - STA 159-2M68 Sol Faiy 60 VcLL go* No 22 1619 /f 7 The SWtUa Pw%Wp tW C*cae A33drioMp 15 P- JRRMP V41*0 41$A=" in abolagwAss 1956, vcA tovx, 110 9" 10 14:13-4w. SIA 59-20389 Sol *7 ISO /j,6, 70/ Vol ~v no:4 60-16636 Rosenzweig. Mark A. SMIXES ON WORD ASSOCIATiON (Etude$ our 1. Verbal behavior--Test I 'Association des Mate). 11960111 Sip. 7 refs. results Order from SLA mi$2.40, pN3.30 M-18636 1. RosenzweI& M. R. Trans. of I'Anrke Payftloglqtic (Frame) 1957, Y. 1571 p. 13-32. 137 (Behavioral Sciences- -Psychology, 71% v. 5. no. 4) Vurpillor, gliane and Broult. Henrlette. 61-W439 EXPERIMENTAL STUDY CONCERNIJ4G THE FORMA- 1. VurpilIDE, E. TION OF EMPIRICAL SCHEMATA (Etude Expirtmen- 11. Broult, ii. tale sur Is Formation des Schl~rnea Empirique). 11961) 124)p. 4 refs. Order from SLA $2-60 61-2D439 Trans. of ~Annee F8ycb010WAw__MXAMC9L1959. v. 59. p. 351-394, OESCRIPMRS: PsycbDIogy. Genetics. *Attitudes. Re- action (Psychology) *Age. OPerception. *Tests. Chil- dren, Photographs. Various familiar. solid objects: houses. dolls, cups. were preseked on d routing plateau. After seeing the object from every angle, the child chose from smoapt 8 photographs, the one moot like the modal. Tbe pho- (Behavioral: Sciences --Psychology. TT. v. 7, no. 4) Offi~ of Te"mi S-1ces (over) m -, - ~ / , ~j " -)~ 'C Belgian CartoEraphy Society I - C FRENCE7 np., Annexe au Moniteur BE!!Ee, 14 Sep 1957. ,V I i. i,pproximate Values of Some of the Par ;ers Used -- 4~ on Flie~it Cccputations, 5 pp. --, r,REMB, rpt, lonvexe de In loitre Sagem No 1608T. ,----CIA/FM XX-T95 nm MjiiAS;&i TO FCMRIGN NATIOMM SCI - Engr mar 6o Cm a Theory of Fast StnLctured Pulsations oi the Earth's Magnetic Field, by R. Gendrin. M-EXH, per* Annls G221�y-s Vol Is), 1963, PI) 1-18. MDOC/T.10479 Vol 17# No 3, 1969 July 69 38S-181 Action of Wind on Buildings and Structures. Preparation and Mounting of Models in the Wind-Tunnel, by M. Pris. FRENCH, per Annis. Inst. tech. Batim. Vol. 15, No. 170 1962, pp 194-208 CSIRO/No-7511 Sci - Aug 67 339-492 Mzternal Lesions Observed on Ticks Kept Under Laboratory Conditions, by 3. Oswald. FRMICH, per, Annls Parasit. hum. comp. Vol. 16, 1938, Pp 151-152 CSIRPINo- 7945 Sci - Aug 67 337-108 North-South Multi-Lobe System, by E. Blum. FRENCH, per. Anns Astroplo, Vol. 24, No. 4 1961, PP 359-366 CSIW/ No - 7937 Sci - Aug 67 337-357 j-1622/63 Financial Information on industrial Enterprises ly"gv. FpMCH, yearbook, Amuaire Desfasses Mft Vol IT, 1963., 10 PP. 4-~Y-S/S-PECI AL/SF-295 0 WEUx - France Econ Dec 63 lsoIj*p-j Map.s ant Charts, by Edvard Imhof$ 25 pp. GEM r &!Ld~ Carl!_ , Ptj4�V-.lUW;M 961 pp 615-A ID 22p4014164 EE4 m Germany Geog Oct 64 2,68,370 From Depth to.Height, by Francois de DainvlUe, 10 pp. F H A-MuAlm Internaktional de Cartographle, RENC P 1962, pp l5r-139.~ ax* :: 1-4616 AC_% ID 6014864 22 WElir -French, OU1,64 268,371 Characteristics and M"ds of Cartographic Represent- atlok by A. Hemmer Al >2:/~rnational de Cartographie, ACSIII-4616.~A ED n&014964 The Arrangement of NameB In Maps, by E. Imhof G Internallonal de Carto a e, lS9=63,i* 3&. ".., .....................I............. AC4 I:F-4616-B WZP41 4 HEur - Germany Geog Aug 264,969 The ~LeTlslan of Maps,, by H. ShwA GER ,~.JAN, e Internadortal de Chiographle, 64' "44-W-4 ml tampm A-11:46 6 'S-C 4 64 E901- Germany Gebg Aug!64 264,970 Black Selenium. 111. The Molecular Size of Amaxphovs Block Selenium. by H. Dabs, W. Morsch., GERMAN,O per,, LWM. Ala Chen, Vol 263 ~.-19SO, pp 30S.9. ATS 1215-GJ sci - mat Aug. 67 338,287 Amj&o aud Nitrldes. Il. -liltrLdevi, by R. Juzu., 7 pp. -JOYAYdR GAN I seP9cqrR,g =RON-,Y,lncwgm4c' Chm"strys 1939-3-946a Vp 64-71- - A.S.R.M. Ruve2l Llb Tr 650 ftl - cbeautry jbmb 57 CoAm I 14-,et, * ~P;~ Ituricbment of Uranium Inatopez by the Method of Gam Cmpmtrat1po, by W. Grath,, Konrad Beyerle., 0", xhlot Alexabier NameWwff Zrieh He=,, 73 WON, U0. nach IMIX-3193' C., 3 1,~ Pei 7 110v 30 1 62-32032 DESIGN AND CONS7RUCTION OF A FACILITY FOR AIR-WATER MIXING AND SEPARATION EXPERIMEN Special report no. 1. 11962] 87p. A-r!L;aldo LAB/STU 1416. Order from OTS or SLA $8. 10 EURAEC-49 Trans. of a rept. from Ansaldo S. p..~k_ Genoa (Italy) 10 June 60. DESCRIPMRS: Offeat e=hangers. Design, Construc- tion. *Reactor coolants. Air. Water. Mixtures. Sep- n. !~Juid flow, VelDcitY. Pipes, Instruments, paratio Pitor tubes, Capacitors. 1. Ansaldo LAB/STU-1416 11. EURAEC-49 Ill. EURATOM (Belgium) (Nuclear Physics- -Nuclear Engineering. Tr, v. 9. no. Offics of Tecbdcji Sw*n 62-32162 AIR-WATER SEPARATION EXPERIMENTS: AL RESULTS. Quarterly report, 16 Oct 60-15 NFIN~61 1 1. Ansaido LAB/STU- 1451 lar CAN-1 Contract; PL A of Technical report. f19602f4orp 11. EURAEC-99 Ansaldo LAB/STU 145t. Ill. EURATOM (Belgium) Order from OTS or SLA $4.60 EURAEC-99 IV. Title: CAN-1 Trans. of a rept. from Ansaldo S. p. A., Genw (Italy) 25 Mar 61. DESCRIPTORS: *Air, *Water, Separation, Pressure, *Gas flow, *Fluid flow. High pressure research, in- strumentation, Centrifuge separation, Flowmeters. A detailed description of the high-pressure loop and its instrumentation is given. (Author) (Nuclear Physics- -Nuclear Engineering. TT. v. 9, am= of Irsda" Sooku no. 2) 1 62-33163 Vella. S. and Zavattarelli. R. FINAL RESULTS OF STEAM-WATER MIXING AND 1. Vella, S. SEPARATION EXPERIMEWM- PHASES DISTRIBUTION 11. Zavartarelli, R. AND SEPARATION EFFICIENCY. Final rept. 15 July- 111. Title- Phases..'. 15 Sep 61. 119621 107p. Ansaldo LAB/STU 1469. IV. Ansaldo LAB/STU- 1469 Order from OTS or SLA $9. 10 FURAEC-2D9 V .EURAF-C-209 Vt. EURATOM (Belgiurn) Trans. of a repL from Ansaldo S. p. A.. Genoa (Italy) 15 Oct 61. DESCRIPTORS- *Stem. *Water, Mixtures, Separation, *Gasflcrw. "Fluitiflow. Cooling. Pressure, Phase studies. Tests, Entbalpy. Temperature. The tests were perfortned at a test pressure of 49 Kg/Cm2 *be. at rn&SB Velocities Ot 150, 200, 250,and 300 g/cm2ser- and *tewn qualities of 20 30 40 and 60 %. 'Me met tube was a steel tube 1;;~. 42 rnm I D. The injection velocity of the water was (Nuclear Physics--Nuclear 1314aneering, TT. v. 9. Wim d T luykn no. 4 (o e Atul"a ~!Z~ ~-zOletzj, I)Y 36 r4 .;,~~ R " ~Xrk Il -01,11-11 I_url M'11-10-10 per, Ann. rz-adja--Jac-tri(~jt -~.701 9, 36, 1954, W, 193~2-0-8-;-2-13=T-0- j~ T, ,.,c::L- HE 12893 Sc--L/;hysio:, aarj 70 Vie Systma of Overcomentrated Neutral Varnish Resinsp by 9- 1. Sabeiberp MURp S*it(On- QMXWj p"s Anstricb321ttelp VIA LVU# NO -12jp 1955P pp 1010-3-017 - ATS 263-W Sai Nov 59 -Metb,odology Of the Applical;Ion of Micro- .sc~opy for tbe zxamimticai of Chocolatep by R. Hanasens 20 pp. GERM, per, Amtricbmsittelp Vol LVIII# 1956,p pp SIA 3253 scl 71 Aug 58 , JW "I* oil-la 70-23723 -M Orim r, saw The Cavity Tube for the Protosynebrotron of the CZRN at Y.*yrly.- 3 PP. ITALUNO pw,, LAuftuas MW i957,, p 220. WMTA Tr 935 Sel - Nloctrooles '6~5 --- - I DC- 22930 23 Apr 69 sF Antennas for Soundina Plockets by Polobert., monogmPho Bratilpy Frend4 Los Antemoss pokir fusses Somans., Bmwjkpw (Clearin*wmse u&mmmn date etc. Special Tno"B"Manslatior's draft plus ~ imo dw- do not lUti]At*., Trunulati-on of Two Chapters From Russian Mowpmoph an Amtesnas for Nola-Line Short;.- wave Rhab 3.04 p1) Gamma, 10=0j, N*WMW-4LMG#WM_tgM_MEkh Koruen;YMOM Biggrumv, 1948. VOMMA: 3.6%15 23 ftp 63. r"liatt"My now for tho Usia"Ll, Sivisteft at %M "MR4 of Falmm** by Amud" AwkeUme totbat 46Paws"(Salstift 46 DIVA*" do cSogratiss ftt*" C*kd" ~tsoo so to M4,p C~WAIAUM smsism, py I-Slwl'~ WAIMMI wIll "Sol 1~" as Q*J4 pun I fl"" 6AVO %it". both Lit k%,11" Owl^ as Ad hod! aw :010400 WON" Imm" North Germans, Frenchman and Italians in a Morphognostic Comparison of Pairs, by Friedrich Keiter, 21 pp. GERMAN, rpt, Anthopolog Gesltschft. Mitteilugen, Vien 90, 1960, pp 55-67. NIH 11-14-63 Sci - Biol & Med Feb 64 Physical Anthropology of Irullans of the ~'UldCan Itagion of Ecuador, by Dr. Aix-tonto Santlana, 13 pp. SPANISII, bk, Anthrovologia Eitugtolana, IL9609 pp 63-70. JIPRS coo LA-Ecuador soc Mir 65 2760618 Agency: ACSI P..O..#: J-5909-C it-9966-D 9 mecember 1968 Title: Anthropology of South&ast Asia ,,L,Etude &nthropologique drs Chinois Hak-ka de Ja province do M=4y (Tonkin)," source:. XXX (1921)) pp. 83-109 (17 pp) Author-Maillant Laaguage: - FXIGUCh Instructions: Please translate and type 1 copy single- spaced. Doement may be cut. Agency: ACSI P. 0. J.!!5909-E R-99OU-D Tit I* Anl~~10V 01 SOUthOaSt Asia 9 Dec. 1968 "Captributions a 1016tude des populations dioy du Iang Long (ftavime du KouL Tcheou meridimnal QUO, Author: tkx*r*ILM* 80=8: 6jAbRqMO SM (1931), pp. 35-53 (19pp) u0sez. 'French Lotructlaw; Plemm trandlato sad type I copy single- *paced. DocuawA way be cut. mc.LUWj*Uc Polpwsbm Rowsuvh. by Thwas 59- 3,964,, FASC 5-69 PPO ACSI J-3M ~2200X?6? Soo 6? 33NOW I'lie:13an'tu People of Southuestern by Cbzwlp.s Fetermams 48 v. per, Ant'hMos, va 59, i-o 1-2., 1964., PP all 49-56m 65-739 jpM 28Qo Sao Fe~ 65 275s435 Tho Wandasba Fleople of Tartg!Lnqikaj, by -~-athvx GrelprUat 70 pp. 8W3$3, perv Ag!jEMOsj Vol 59s X"O 1-2s 1964., pp.165-217. YPW.' 28620 Sao Feb 275,.436 The lbviri: Arvelopwnt Mato a Hation and Self-w Ameartim or the rmmmu of a Top (ft-Bxitish ThgawA) Pe*lep by Ham W. Doibn=wr, 40 vp Gumap I?,Imp Vbl 591 Faw 3-4.9 1964a mow 65 Laboratory Tests and Their Applications in The Daily Wactice of Antibiatherapy., by Y. A. Chabbert., Moderator.. 51pp DUTCH., pery Antibiatica et Chemotherapia., Vol 11., 1963., Pp 194-228 sL& TT-64-1869B Sci - Biol may 67 326.,607 The Use of ftogramaed Digital Computers for the Solution of Speciai thomother-apeutic Pro- blems by E. I(Jmsar-Thicmer, GM04,, pu, Antibiot Chowther (Basel) Vol Xlls,,19640 p~ 2S9:=: IM-11-MY11-7-27-66 scil"04H J~n 67 316*946 ARU#gbmWAUU SA UUM, ANW106P 17 JWIM Jo" Amnaot *Psi Anwifte, tests&.. 1963- to AMW zoo momwki, to Anti-.Ucrube Txoatwnt for 'Wbxircitilosis, by E. imeik, .41, Jaucikova., ot al. 18-5 pp. Mai., bk, intivikrobialni lAcba Tuberliulozy. sboulik Pra,c-x, lZkRge v Brno 1964. Sop 66 ItterpwWtion Concerning tbu P&AWmimtUm at ReGiGbOWO: t0 Fire bV tbmls Of RUPWre- Rip*lztmrxe Calcu3stims, JV, JkLLvat4xre CUOMO IVJJMP pms nowd4o e M~lone civuep va 8,.,so got im 361-372* AACSI J- saw 3i3fi4o vith Antiblotfts =d Sultodb"Lu in &Mawr-- AX""twt*A VOL 6p lout ZMZAN 7- TT-65-12347 Field 6M Beyrna Thoe Kingmu, F. H. Van. CONCERNING SOME FORUS OF VERTICILLIUM DAHLIAE 1. Beyma Tboe Kingma, KLEBAHN (Ueber Einige Fortnen von Verticillium Dahliae F. H. Van Klebahn). 18p. Order from SLA: $1.60 as TT-65-12347 Trans. of A tonte of (Netherlands) v6 n1 1939/40. SIR 631 - CultmalPhams and Acculturadon col-die-Titunucumacrue, Becvmn the TrOes, by Protaski Fr*eL FotL"C;UBSBP Part AnmwlmLas No 16,14ov 1961. *Dept at NlkVY/MC WE soc AUS 65 The Omeaudspe (VUw). The TimnoWmed, by by ProMd*. FXlbk 24 Xi. PORIMMMver. AMMWAlb No 17, Doe 1961, of Navy IV4216/NMv. M1137 Sci - a &M Atgl (15 284*324 T40 Tirlyo, by Protasto Frikell'32 pp. PORTUGUEM, rpts Antropologla, Boletim do Museu Pat*ense EmIUo Goeldi. Brazil, No 9, Feb 1960. Nav y 3962/XNMS 912 Fiebil(35 274,196 SF- 3630 25 iliarch 65 un.~~Uistlc Anthropolwy of Aj,,a-?wda, - p J.-_313', AntropoliogLa LingAsticz, do la Amazonia, Lim,,1964 Spanish 92,50vft Publialt in T=dUtions on Intin. Anerica,C50 )42Wj, extra mopy for JM; I 41). 7 Apr 65 for adv, copyor completed report., PaMblet- do not mAilate, Anthropological- Study- of tb,-e-- of Moncay Province (Tonkin), FRENCH, per, L'Anthropologie, 1920, pp 83-109. ACSI J-S909 ID 2204019268 Far East Sot May 69 Bak-ka- Chinese- by Vaillant. Vol 30, 380,868 Contribution to the Study of the Dioy Populations of Lang-Loug (Province of Koui Tcheou, Southern China) by Doutreligne. FRENCH, per, Authropos, Vol 26, 1931, pp 35-53. ACSI J-S909 ID i204019268 Par East Soc May 69 380,870 Ajnmg tb 71pp J? 1 3 PP' 25 35 AFkICA- jtdl,64 BabMk- a, by 8-vol XX3=, 1938, 264.027 11MI. 6W& Totem-le SyW)OIS of the Nzema Peoples in Guana, by Vinigi L. Grottanallig 11 ppo ITALIM,, per, Authropos, Vol LVII, 1962. Lip 498-508. JPRS 27973 Africa-Ghana sm Feb 65 -74s,294 2 Chieftaincy Structure Among the Kouroumba of Louroum in Northern Upper Volta, by Wilhelm Staude, 28 pp. FRENCH, peT, Anthropos. Vol LVII, Fasc 3-6, 1962, pp 757-778. JPRS 27,850 Africa-Lipper Volta Pol Feb 65 2720498 The Ovimba of Caluquembe Traditions, Custmm and Rites of the Royal Families of C-alumembe of the Ovinbundu Tribe in Angola, by A Haixenxtedm, 75 PP FMMC:H., mag., Antbropos Vol 589 Issues 1-2, Breiburg, Switzerland,, and '70-120. JFRS 27614 Econ 272,191 Social Role of Hunting Among the Bongo People, by A. and 1q. Kronenberg, 18 pp- FRENCH, per.. Anthropos, Vol LVIII, Fasc 3-4, 1963, pp 507-519. ' JPRS 27,850 Africa-Sudan Soc Feb 65 272,497 62-10337 Tripod, J.. Neipp, L. and others. EXPERIMENTAL RELATIONS BETWEEN THE CURA- 1. Tripod, J. TIVE ACTION AND BLOOD LEVFI_S OF SULFA- H. Neipp, L. MMM. IN PARTICULAR SULFAPHENAZOL (Re- Istions Expertmentales Entre I'Action Cursthwe et les taux Sanguine do Sulfamides, en Partculier du Sulfa- ph6nazoa). fi9611 il 17 refs. Order from SLA $1. 62-10337 Trans. of Antiblot[ical cc Cbemotherlapfal (Switzer- land) 1960, v. 8. p. 17-31. i DESCRIPTORS: *SuU&wldes, *Dossp, Therapy, Ef- fectiveisass, 08traptococcus infectlons, *Blood. in the mount Infected by Streptococcus hemolyticusi 38, the curative efrftt of different doses, single and rt,- pe*ted, during a 24 hour period of daily for 6 dayc was determined for sullaphenazol. suffachlorpyrida- zinc, nufasomidtac and fanno-sulfathLazol. Within (Dialolical Sciences--Pharmscology, 'IT, v. 7, no. 11) (ove;") ET CHE"OTHERAPIA 961 3-144 70-20668 1963 VII 40136-1*7 70-200189 --;00-20360 C*), --Ps ot Q, k*Axacrobui Treatumt of Twberculools , btr E. Janoikw 16 javolkov&6 235 PP, CZEMI,, bko ABudbm"Ald '1-185 1964. pp noomw FTD-ie-"-365 Scl-D and N Apr 68 352909? Indergra=d Antve:rpt by H. ODozmm, 9 iv. pm.. JU1 3,960., pp 80-85. (can q==j, perj, Mftw io UP iC3246.,--t~%x ANS \"W oo AAtMWAp leo far 61 .1 oqed&~ 20 Reply to the Questionnaire by Ely, McCarty, and Duncan With Regard to Dutch New Guinea, by Sa., 4 pp. DUTCH, bk, van El ZI Mccarty and Duncan m.b.t. Nederlands-Niew-Guinea, pp 1-3- FW/X-3P-66 NE/A - Dutch New Guinea Econ - Mining Jan 1959 TM Braw,24ar, mauli2g Pxoblem-.-F=t I =11 the Proftoti= of 1;50pOOO andL 1: LOO,, 000 ftva, pw 1960,, iv 59-75- AWJ lb 0672, ;A2' gal*-]kr.8L-l a 00%an jbv 66 313#93a C.S cy IS 3 174%alr# Calkral do JbIhkIrraphic lararmation), pej Sjra4A*l V~.rpo Us original trwplatt*p ?1n% tme c",y. Ple-a-flext I-stun A-Dare** The Rmca3,vpt emd the Steel Industry, by L. Osse. .SPMISR, per arloo Prasilcdro do Swuomia FLovestal 90 1957jp pp - - C83M 3814 LA 1. Spain Avg 62 '2 a 71 "?, C.2- a Statistics on Labor, Production and Consumption, and Property in Mocambique, 65 pp. PORTUGUESE, bk 11 Anuario Estatistico, (1963) Lourenco i%larques,-~-lo-c-am-b-i-qu-e-,-r9-Tf~-pp 205-301. DC-12822 R-138/67 NNI 66 Dec 66 314,769 Lav for the Protection and Renovation of the Spanish Merchant Fleet of 12 May 19562 UCL. SPANISH., per,1W92-1' J- ~'390-396, 432, chapter V11j. 9 -19m %-Manol, 11=erptu f 9 _1959 k35-438. Rmy Tr 2619/0K 782 VB - Spain Mil Sep 60 Ila 7, 144S 0 .'~V. N tDc -,-;-7,,. Ttanmlatloa and Gloesary of Albonjon Ststisticel Yearbook, 1955, 91 3M. Atuari statistikor I R. pe SR.p Tirana, J-90-Vw- 3) Albwls Econ wt 59 -Mull (Pd- 37a, Translation and Glossary of the Albanian Statistical Yearbook 1959, POW. ALBAIUIAN, bk, Anuari Statistikor, I Republikes Popullore , ~e qe, 9 pi"IS C 7 B&ir - Albania Econ 14~!Apr 6o 29 *w 66 St4ttstAcs co LabormproomtUin ukd ConwavUot am IQ rrmperty in m4abLipol "All UbUm Lu v0 US & va (Iv 9051pi3mQl-* loursom Ylampeop 1964 Pat"=". Tnmaatw*a droft A" me 30 nor* air figs"Wo b" t"woUbim shwU be kW" to *vftUWI tsbUGsol T.D* $ Dep 66 book. I)* tot n*UUUN R-1855 (DC-1777) Excerpts From: Mmantan Statistical Yearbook., 193T- 1938t" 6 ppi. ummAmirim. HUMOX", annual, Anuarul Statistir. &I Rammmiei 1937 fllj~ios vidba2v MIN US JM/DC..L-561 Mur - Rummila statistics (FDD 31-363) Statistical Ywxbook of the Rumanian People's Republict 1957, 994 PP. EMWUMj, bk_, Am 1251 publ 5::241. by Ed1tum Stiintificaj, Bucharest,, 1957, Vp CIA/FIM Tr 705 EXur - Rumania 61 Icon; Soc Feb 58 AWlication of t1w Pmblew ior Moab-bM%MItA4sj* - (39=Vt), by 7. obeirbaftiqwx id. *0=0 go pp. Kup r"ot trmma =t Vta LY) ot O"Ik 04 %Rft=s-v~ AM JO~JMM Sol: - lb" Apr so I P Hipp 1111E~ R11111111b Has Appllcatiax 66 the Wculaticni 1,L-Vtod Ijaggrart t7y C. 0, Wtuioke. GBIWA.U., rpt,, Anwonduaen der klo3ollraclinM& "Da maiel 1,Lv 1964* * ~ 0 L-tx%-IS12. sci/Nucuar Sci Daim.'66 Use of the Spot Method, According to Kraf t in Plant Breeding for Nicotine Determination in Green Tobacco Kbe 11 e, 8 pp. GERMM, rpt) Anvendung der Tupfelmethode Wach Kraft in der Pflanzenzuchtung zur Nikotinbestimmung in Grunen Tabak-Piflanzen. Dept of Modern Languages North Carolina State College sc-I Feb 64 vDa Ul ~XVI). -,Us P* ~ Translated from the Russian origiml. 1952. fur ,~p -; DISIR 534-321.9:.541.1 J/1, , Lending Ub Unit G. 114122 I Use of Indicators for Detection of Poisonous Gazes a-ad Vapors. GERMAN, rpt, Die Anwendung von Indikatoren Zur ErkS!~un ftiger Gaze und Dampfe, 1936,7~FT8_92. _g Gi *NTIS/TVA TT 71-55027 Available TVA Only I May 71