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ProvlviowO. By3Avs of Ch*tk-Ya-GImn Vadel People I s GOMM=. UWAS I= Tr JMAWMq pars, 66kal Mdryo 10 Arddvass VAbI by 6WIft Ans pa 7~f s7Y ima SRI Tin -AAltN-('IWJ.ty on Artificiall sateliltes, 4 rp. " pP--.IpLvlLtDt,. Sakai E;buhos 26 cc ,MPAE.Vlam t 1> 6oo4th Pass Tr 3R =,603-5'11 Sel - Spava Rea Dec 57 , ~ ~, / 1~1 V jf-5 1,1. tjj~~ Qldon P.C' rjn c L. M -0 4. _r-ae~TZ7 JAPAMaI3, pin-?blet, seh2l Sh 2 2..>; nov 1957. 6oo4-,,.-h Am Tr M 5656-5-l' USSR Pol. -~~ D:;c 57 cc Material Shortage and Countermeazures. I Full Tr JAPAMRSE, vk per., Selmi Shubo, 8 Jun 195T, PP 30-33. *&)02D. Tr S-3B (unnilt6bered) FE - Japan :5 - s ~? 7 Econ. /4~ Aug 57 Skientific and Tocbtiologicral Trad. nDig in Variotl:-D; ult ; ~- i c a j, I I p . UE Cl L. A 5 9 1 F 10 JFAIWESE, -per, Sakmi Shubo 21 D%. c 1957. 6oo4th Ams Tr iR 5688-57 PS Japw Soc. Feb 58 by 1~a~ixO iZUZ0l;c&"p 14, I~P- JAPASMi NO-3,; - X963., VP 57-U;- (CaU NO ? E~g -, Arwj MxV ServLoa ril - jelpm Boca ]Doe 63 4~f6 Infra.-Mad Cmara. JAPAMSE,, pm2phlat. said Mzzo yakitouke Sochi 190 0 &mlqu.. ptibl by To 3Vrj"30 Iftr 1957, 17 pp. (ac 6Wttb x-mis Tr 8-3B 27B7 Sol '07 A Comparo%,~,;Yal Study Clf 11-1frDred P117 JAPATISSR; pampbletj Sakigaisen Ad~=tu no Hi'Aaku Rpt Ho ill, T-e-cEiMFal Pi-iseexcb Institute. 6oo4th AIW Tr a-3B-244 (EDC 22 Nov 1957) Sci Blectronics V/ '-/.144 Dec 57 Rmlotance to Air Mw Tbzvugh B=w Laydra, 'by J.%mtmvt 1"Idap Htmmlr shIMISUP JAMMSES, Am*- a"- S, SeibWtm W. Wuki Tviko,, Part, I- CIA 03396 - car" of awl ftW lee & raimafrost Tip do set .. Owvbve Nhr o,;9 # 56 (UC-3817) Ordinance of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No 4 of 1959: 3 PP- FM WMIAL ;;E OnY 11MONMIAN, paupblet., Penetapan Presiden No 6 Tabun 1959., 19551.,-p-p 37-44. JPF6 3831' FE - Indonesia cc G- H-T Pol - Regional Sep 60 # 56 (DC-3817) Onlinahce of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Vo 5 of 1959,9 5 P-%)* FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY 100NESmi., pimphict., P .2.kjWjeneta e~n -Presiden no 6 Tabun 1959, 1959 pp 45--55. JMS 3837' FE - Indonesia Pol - Regional COMIGHT 3- 1A Sep 60 Ordimance of the Minister of Intorml Affairs and y 6 pp. DaerWAftog2%j of 1959 INDORSIAN., Pamph, et,, jeWtar PewUpan Presiden VO 6_10ummm-a 3.502 pp JPM 3837 VE - Indonesia COPMAW Pol - Reg;Loml S ep 60 Bloexaphie.- Information on Indanesiran Figurea Duririg th(~ Joprinese Occupfition iind .2 the Revolut-Lou.. by Sidik Kertnpati,, 111 pp. UINCIASSEFIED IND01IMSIA19, rpt., Rak.Sekitor Prqklamaul 1.7 Augustus 19451 Emel to Deap 1'10-5~13',--Amrmbasuy, D~almrta. 16 Dec 1953. Dept of State Blog Feb 6o Yamaji, T. THE EFFE," M OF SULML COMPOLNDS ON THE DECOMPOSITION OF TETRALIN MDROPEROXIDE. 7 1 '~' 6 2 1 ~tp. Drder frcrr- A TS $ i 3. ' 0 A-M-S6P58J 1'rans. of Sehyu Gitkltrd Shl (ja,-An) 1960, v. 3, no. Z P- AL6-1,11). DF-SCRIFfORS: 'Hydroperoxides, Decompofiftion, *Sulfur compounds. (12- 12-809 1. Ywraji, T. If. kTv,-56PS8j Ill. Associated Tezhnical Services, lrx. . East Orange, N. (Chemistry- -Organic. 77. v. 7, no. 11) Offic, of T*ch,ical So-1-a Estimation of Solid Puraffins Contained in Asphalts, by E. Nishike-me. JAPAIIESE., per, Sekiyu Gakkai-Slai, Vol 3, No 7, 1960, P.P 51-547~--- GB/3 Sci. - Jul 67 334,996 Studies of FItjid Cataky-tic Cracking. 11. '11irmijirt-Put Capacity of an Installation, by T. Yzimagimid, illpiwasE, per" S-ek' Gakkai Shii, Vol 111, 140 Ssi 1D60" PP b W* ATS &T-29413 sci-IlIvs ftt 66 313,006 Y.imit-,vchl, T. CA-1-ALYST RE.GENURATION AND 01-17IMM1 CATA- I.Y3'J* PARTICLU -SIZE DisTitIBUTION. Pt. 5 of littdies [on] Fluid Catalytic Cracking. 119611 llp~ Order frum ATS S17. 75 AI*S-87N55J Tr~ars. ckf Seklyu Gakkal Shl (Japan) 1961, v. 4, no. 1. 1). 29-33. DESCRIMY)JIS: *Cal~dysts, Particles, Petroleum. 61-25706 1. Yamaguchi. T. It. Title: StWics ... 111. ATS-671455J IV. Assoc tat ed Teclinical Se-vlccs. Inc. East Orange. ei' (E~ngl neering- -Chemical. TT. v. 6. no. 12) 01ft'. f T-6i.." 6"'.. 61-22015 Yamaguchi. T. MMES ON FWID CATALYTIC CRACKIM IL 1. Petrolewn- -Processing 77fROUGHPLIT CAPACITV OP AN INSTALLATION). 2. Catalysts- -Applications 1961) lop. , 1 1. Yamaguchi. T. Order frcwn ATS $18.60 ATS-WN48j 11. Title: nra*bput... Ill. ATS-30N48) Trans. of kt" -Ch, Uapsn) 196% v. "m 8. IV. Assodated Technical p. 636- Services. Inc., East Orange. N. J. omm of Techolod swv%.* (Engirteering--Chemical. TT. Y. 3, no, 12) Kanesaki, K., Okada, T. and others. STUDIES ON 'ME ADHESIVE PROPERTIES OF AS- PHALT. [1962] 9p. Order from A TS $12. 00 ATS- 17P66j Trans. of SekAyu Gakkal SW (Japan) 1961, v. 4, no. 11, p. DESCRIPTORS: *Asphalt, Organic materials, IvAdhesion. 63-12847 1. Kanesaki, K. U. 04da. T. Ill. ATS-17P66j IV. Associated Technical Services. Inc., East Orange, N. J. A-Ts (Materials, TT, v. 9. no. 8) Mike 01 ir.A." sonk. Kanesaki. K. and Takenjuchl, Y. GUM FORMATION IN CATALN'TICALLY CRACKP13 GASOLINE ON STORAGE. [19631 13P. Order irom ATS $12.25 ATS-2(X,681 Trans. ot Sekiya G-3k):al Slit (Japan) 1962, v. 5, no. 4, p. 238-24r.' 013SClUfrfoiLS: *Gasohne, Catalysis, Decomposition, Storage, *Colloids. 63-17147 1. Kanesaki, K. 11. Tal-enuu-Iji, Y. Ill. ATS-2LK,)(-.Sj IV. Associated Technical sen*ices' Inc., East Orange, N. 75 (Materials-ruels. TT. v. 10, no. I) Ofr" of tedmicW Services lijima, K., Izume, V. and others. MD19S OF REFORhUM REACTIONS. Fr. 2: HYDRODFICYCLIZAMON OF MMIYLCYCOPHNTANH AND BHNZSN13 IN THE PRESENCE OF A REFORM- ING CATALYST. [1962114p. Order from ATS $19.75 ATS-SM51 Trans. of Seklyu Cakkal Shi (japar) 1962, v. 5, no. 4, p. 243-24K----- DESCRIPTOR$: Hydrocarbons, Chemical reactiona, DecompDaLtion, *CycbVentanes, %enzenes, *Catalysts. /~ r. 'i _ _J ~ - "~. ~ -2 63-12631 1. Title: Reforming process (Chemistry) I .I)JIM0, K_ it. Izunte, Y. III. Title: Hydrodecycl- Ization ... M ATS-87P65] V. Associated Technical Services. by-, East Orange. N. (Chemistry --Organic, TT, Y. 9. no. 7) anks d Tackkal Safte, 63-20006 Nak,Lmura, Manambu and Gunji, Koki. STIJDEES ON SYNTMESIS AND X-RAY SPECTRA OF 1. Nakamura, M. ETHYLENE-P,U,LADIUM CHLORIDE COMPLEX. 11. Gunji. K. 119631 It7p] 9rels Order from SLA $1.60 63-20005 Trans. of Seki)v Gakkal Shl (Japan) 1962, v. 5, p. 20- 724. .11-.111 It ~~ . ...... - . DESCRIPTORS: 'Complex compotmds, *Ethylenes. *Palladiam COMPDunds, 'Chlorides, Synthesis (Chenils- Ery), X-ray diffraction analysis, Acetaldehydes, Vinyl radicala, Acetptas, Acetals, *Catalysts. *Organic solvents. An ethylene- pa fl,idt um. chloride complex was easily formed by direct rvaction uthylClIL' IN it;) PdI!L-iI"11_11 chloride in a r4ii-polar solvent system, such as n- heptarne, carbon te,:rechloride, benzene or P_ X)711;n,! (CbemIEary--0rjjanic, TT, v. 10, no. ;2) (ov! r) 0M.'a 6 10~bri_31 se-" Determtnation of Gaseous A:Lr Pollutants, by S. Sugano. JAPANESE, per, Seldyu Gakkaishi, Vol 7, No 2, 1964, pp 92-96. NTG-71-11956-07B Nov 71 Rger.tuents In Bit= OU Fielft, by Kp Kaka%,-am, 10 vp, JAPAWMI, par# _ " 4Mkn *.Iglbl Ealcli, Vol 12 1:0 2', 1950.- IV ).98- - = -Oac-2j c-cl // f am 60 //70 TO]. M.0 ft 5 Mtrrakami. Kellebi and Tanaka. Hirobwnl. 1. Mura 63-16119 STUDY OF CAL.CIM( SULFATE PRODUCED AS A Vami, K. BY-PRODUCT FROM THE MANUFACTURE OF H. Tanaka, Ii. PHOSPHORIC ACID- [1963116p. 5 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 63-16119 Trans. orSekko to Rek3al (Japan) [1955, no. 18) p. 841-945. DESCRIPTORS: *Calcimn compounds. *Sulfates. Phosphoric acida, Hydration, Cypeum. Phosphates, Decompooltion, Sulfuric acid. The transition curve. between CaSO4. 1/2 H20 and CsS04. 21120 In *sphoric acid was determined by Nordengrea and his co-vmrkera In 1930 (U. S. Patent 1. 776,595). Later Investigators have shown this curve to be Inaccurate. This work confirms the curve pro- ducod by the later viorkers by the following results: (Chemistry- -Inorpm1c. TT, v. 10, no. 7) (over) 01fte W Tecbakal Umiat Stt,dy or 03Tmum QtLtalned ez a By-product ja the pbosphor2prcei3o. Part Z 2. Cnl3tal Size and Bass of FiltrationA by T. Unda I j1jr-AEME., par, 110 2-6, 1957, pp 1269-1275- ATS TJ-3903 S*i-Chalm Dm-r: 63 Sttadien on tha W-ut:nzct=c ov Aciid b3r the leluidlzation MatbDd(-Prelivii- awry Itaiport). Crystmlizmtion of Gypo=., by 'T. YCLMda) See. :w-oamaj pur,*SekkO to Oahbai, 30 ZT, 1957, Pi~ 1315-1318. ATS JJ--30POl 1,Y 11.2