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lao=xUan PartainIM to Bma3 L Ams or Ammmition Pivaucum (fttes,, Dealmew-cmi, abc.). Only ftrtlmemr~ Wiqms Date Is FftWLradq 7 PP- UWL MWO=rMj, pwo Pabrlk GanavW~a a*& Magdu,,. 29 Alw IM-*Jivi- I P, !IV' (Btwt,;uw point) - 32M mr En ID 9232M 61 -i7 Passjiv~ tufrared Detectian Devlce, P pp. JAPP~RM 'per, Pachibu,, No 6, 1964, pp 1-18. ACS1 114'5~w 269,059 Ans: Tepbuical: Co=ctl Measure w 6-66 E Ukhed: to.Raise the Quality of Te 16 Produ cts, 5 P.P. KOF 1EAN. pex, Pangjik Kongop, No 2# 1964, pp 026 F)R, Corea Ec~k Jun 261,028 Proavft" or US AnW Mmml on-m 24 pp. (ID SU9782) VOOMOM ots r8o A=# R-49A Wu DOC Lairs on Security and Counter-Espionare, 113 PP. nR OFFICIAL USE OTTLY CIMMSE, peatValet, .Pao-mi FanG-tieh Fi-ling, pmxJAY 107 IT - j-pRs/Dc-6922 YT - China Pol Aug 62 200.11 -TO .1 - Irrvestir:ptaLona of the Finse oR Hardwood. 1. Mractlomtlou of the Finsa of Oak., I lroobilcazu M- * rmtsuhiko auidap a IPP 0 JAPAMWP Tars'-p MUND L Vol XMP 190 2., 1959.. VP SLA 60~-14235 smi Vol IV., 360 5 MW 62 BeatiW Studies an Pulps Com;riaixig t WhIled Fibers ZZ. Ctozpa In RdT PzopwUes by Machard.ml Pretroattwni by Ommu Kamgataj, Xte-bibal Suzald k 0 1.5 pp. JAPAN=# porp PaMl Mud Kom Zafar- Vol X=v no 50 1959p PP 301i;Wv, MA 60-14666 Vol IT't so 5 Pbr 62 61-20010 Oyarna, Sigco, blatuo, Ryukiti, and Nakaba. Yukio. ON 'ME MiXED-BEATING OF VINYLON FIBRE AND 1. Title: Vinylon PULP. Pt. I of Studies on the Manufacture of Synthetic- 1. Oyama, S. fibre Papvr. 11961) 7p. (3 figs. omitted) 8 refs. 11. Matuo, R. Order from SLA $1. 10 61-20010 111. Nakaba, Y. IV. Title: Studies ... Trans. of 111arupuXami Kogyo Zasshi I (Japan) 1960, v. 14, p. 166-169. DESCRIPTORS: *11oper, *Synthetic fibers, -Processing. 'Wood pulp fibers, *Paper industry, Ball mills, *Vinyl radicals, *Acc!aw~. Mechanical properties, *Rayon fj bers. Prior to the mixed -beating of bleached kraft pulp and Vinylon, Vinylon fibre was beaten In a mortar and a ball-mill, and the possibility of fibrilation of vinyl fibre was ascertained. An observation of the behav- lour in the beater of mixed samples or bleached kraft (Matcrials--Paper, TT, v. 7, no. 7) (over) offi.. of T.A.1.01 S"- Table of Contents, 9 ppe JAMMIMs rpt, Putsukeningu Neakan 1963. AU51 I-7B77 ID 2204040065 Sci-Misc Oull 66 2940141 CVZ the DC'Partr.4wt Of Youth and st."41wrta, o"U"d camlittee a the Indowsian Camunlst Fwrty- ~i i aoc D~qwxtmmmt P=tal sbaixas ~"altm magulaiwaj a_ts' re FE - X14ormim4a Pol J-67/61 Worldmg Guiae of the Department of Youth and Students, Central Committee of the Indonesian Communist Party, INDONESIAN, document, Pedoman Kerdja Departemen Pemuda Dan Pel,ad&~r, Comite Central Partai Komunis 95 FE - Indonesia Pol 23 Jan 61 Guift for POL Pzo&wft~, 63L pp. IBM mon2mm2l me P'NW 1616 Vwt V - )PP A1-447P W-ap., put vu - vp IS-172 ftft, V1336- vp 1.77-Ma ftrt U - vp gizts ua to 0461--ft. AM N-TM 3m MV0,97 72 - ludousid& ik=- A z~~ .~ .1 ( ( -5r- - / 3 -3 J"' Public Health and Midwifery in InBonesia., by M. Joedono., INTDONU,SLUi,, per, Pedoman Minggu,, 9 Oct 1960., P 3- FE - Indonesia /~JPRS Econ 21 Dee 60 (SF-1364) A Tour ot Tndcmaian Navy TnOtallatiOns In &=abaYa, by A. M. Rsr(%rj, 5 po - nwMsnX, perp pedomn ?UrAgw, 6 Nov 1960., pp 1-2.p 13 licYv 190.p P JPXB WLT Jul Aug 61 Gulft r= the upe at a riem squip"Uti, w UK%" BMW AD*mtmn Duat.. 23 pp. Lm )WW~- r okanq A -P-L-, nDamrm, Nwv __ _-Ue P ACOX 2-7VA D 9236"7 ps am ml mw 6L '.0 7cg .3 Guide for the Use of Organiz~ltional u-nd Frielul 0,quipment, by Yarlias Besar Angkaten Darat. lJNC IA S SIT, M 2 !ITDGlfj,,-SIAII;, Peaoman PemakaiEm Alat P.P.L. *ACSI H-7938 ID 2136o97 FE - Indonesia Uil Jan 61 1958, liho Tec-,-' on -t-lc %rc- 121v-, rm, ftrong, 8 1-P. by pe-*.,.,.jl 941R~-j=o, i3o 48j, L:9 Vov '0 -.560. Au---C=,Gcn., Routs K=s Soleaticus YEW, V-LiLm via-Inleala xUaj, P-41 28 Lxo inn (%,I 0-76/64 Tourist Handbook tc 2-~X-e- eo"Y- CHINESE, monograph, Peipingp Feb 1963, FE-Chlzm Soc,, Econ MEq 64 C PeiPin4R~ /,-.2 f Pei-ching Chlu-pan-she, pp 1-230. ZM-I/SPE- CIALA7-31.72 CIpech co/1-0 4FAT 7- GR-1-9/0"o Economic and Cultural Construction Achievements o.'~' the Chinese Peoplest Republic, Group 1, Ind,,:stry, Agriculti,,re and Commimication and Transportation, j CHIIME. pamphlets, Pei-ching Huan-teng Chih-plien- ch ' ang. FE - China Econ 18 Mar 1960 GR-19160 Economic wid Cultural Wnstruction Achievements of the Chinese Peoples' Republic, Group 2. Education, Science, and Life of the People.. CEMTESE. pamphlets, Pei-ching Euan-teng Chih-plien- chlang. FE China Econ. 18 miar 196o GE - 19 /U U Econcmic and Cultural Construction Achievements of the Chinese Peoples' Republic, Industr~~ CBMESE, pamphlets, Pei-ching Ruan-teng Chih-plien- c I i leang. FE - China Econ 18 mar I.0,60n GR-19/60 C - j r-e Brilliant Achievements of the First Five--lear PI China's Hydro-electric Construction, CIMMESE, pamphlets, Pei-ching Ruan-tenr, Chih-plien- all I ang. *VPIO_ FE - China Econ 18 Mar 1960 GR-ig/6o -3 Ce Brilliant AcLI-evements of the First Five-Year Plan, China's Iron and Steel Industry, CHINESE, pamphlets, Pei-ching Ruan-teng Chih-plien- ch I ang. FE ClLtna Econ 18 mar 196o GR-19/6o Brilliant Achievements of the First Five-Year Plan., Coal Indust2T Past and Present, CHM'SE, pamphlets, Pei-ching Huan-teng Chih-pliben- chlang. V= FE China Econ 18 Mar ig6o GR-ig/6o (Ide -.360/) An Zitroduction to the Native Converter Steel Refining Process, CHINESE: pamphlets, Pei-ching Huan-teng Chih-plien- ch I ang. FE - China Econ is liar 1060 GR-19/60 Brilliant Achievements of the First Five-Year Pltzi, Rapidly Developing Raibmys, CHDTESE, pamphlets, Pei-ching Huan-teng Chih-plien- chleng, FE - China Econ 18 mar 196o GR--.Lo,/6o Brilliant Achievements of the Fi::-st Five-Year Plan, Petrole-,un Thaustry Achievements, CHMESE, pamphlets, Pei-ching Hum-teng Chih-plien- FE - China Econ 18 i,%r ig6o ENERGETICALLY STUDY ADVANCED SCIENCE KNFROM SOVIET SPECIALISTS, BY SHEN CHII-1, 5 PP. CHINESE., PER,, PEI-CHING HUNG-YEH_TA-_HaUEH HSUIEH-PAO, VOL IV, NO 10 1958, PP 1-2. JPRS 17188 FE - CHINA soc JAN 63 220,177 CMAttoget Names Ccmtinne Stnulop 3 pp~- GOWMNNW Un OJU c 4 polro ftl=WM Jlh-vago PikIng. GUO 3MI FS- ~ Cmm Chtia I Fol Jul 69 -4-wS. elf-r% coavleta 0aim UP 921 PP* CM33M=j, Us, Wme-owevi4a;7 pokiuS epweata eni -f~J-IeWp- b shib Cbjeh-bsla" pp ljgr. jims 'am Fit . Chi a** - .217; 61Y Vw 69 (DO 7A=ing th* Twty'd SaU=tlcDG3 Alai, by RuaM chi.. 18 pplo ., per Petwebum sbdh-ts xGueb-pao" No 1., 1959.. rip 1:14,-- ....... .... .. .. -2 - , MM-M-D ra - chi= so-:~, Sep V la 71 -) d -2 - , Repwt. o= lwqmt:tca ot Ti=tain MLIf-Wrk H&lf- study SkA=U, by Lin Chlb-itop 14 pp. rR - Cblm S& &~o ftp (DO-3510/1). Survey c!f Red and Rqmrt Ccmmm UnIveraitlea In Honan., by U VvAng-ebib;, 12 pp. CHMNIO per Poloebing Mdb-ta Houeb-Tsoj No 1,p 19" 37 n . cbua am &-P 59 ~Cbftx. aft-nn. CE"AIN FSATUUM OF 7lURMnJW ECCHANGE IN MW GROUND 1AYER'DUESM WDWM IN PZXW. tr. by X IL H& 63 1 7raft B-T-Cb-63-7. Cbmact AFPIM=l - Order ftm MS or SIA $1.60 63-24103 Trft& at P& Oft 7W HOM H*bb PISM TWA $0 K'o HsHeh v. 2. 4. P~'&9-M. S-* 0AUMMOSOMIC =CtlM *OMMC*16 trmdwt Edarad TwAntsomm. MMW*V. axodacosm 63-24M 3. emoollbol-lb ZTM43-7 Xmmmm3FlCWM Rommoml &MWWVCNOW. moomm, MMML IV. Cbema AV 1"W4M Aj~-L Iv, -4 M" pvw dools prinaray "0l a oonvmdm of -um foutunm et fte qT~gqnt exchange c9 do_pmwd e d3& , I , Cogrocim land beat an - "" Nktm Is PW&* no A we Comr. Pared amd discussed. &Mmems on I~& tormalb 801m d TstkkW Swvku am ka do qvwxu Anbod Riot PaiWtuda 'And VeLootty DJstxXb;,,,,Itort in Elakollaill. ri9.mmvxlm mas 30 Wr 19~j IV *6W4 S-3B-2XIM) Oat 58 X-my bweausation or tale stluclolazI clawleas of on A.%-Za (7AO)-W (1-47% j Alloy &nlnc Lmr Tes*erature AVDQ%nlanU~Z (1),, by CWM9 I?itu%t-cj vids (lTJB 35M 3*7), Ch'ueh Cil*iug- Vims eg67 723o iol6). and ctu nei-keun 24N)., 7 PP CUOMO' Fw, Pel:9~4m Th-Imah Ilmigh-poo Vi:)-,L X~, fro 2,9 MW 1964.p pp-o JPIPS 31961 Sclch"ll S"t 65 2592h6D DC.01110 . iv of the stimamml Chmgeo of an AI-3% (7-49 Tooft*04 4(1047 po"WA)AI-Itey 46,04 &t a tow 41316 1w chme t'sn"WAMP cho"b choiftep-Tes" Cho ftlA*mnp po 169-368 Vol."Iot Towbv*& ftw*mqm*,s Vol its W* :20 r84VII& Nw 19" ChIMSO err I & to, ov"" vi PIWIO Is 5 & T *Ott" *ttb 6106 wasim* P46HANd reperk. ?."t OW be Thg. Shich-cheng. THE INFLUENCE OF 7MRMAL STRA71FICATION AND WIND VELOMY ON THE WIND PROFILE IN 711H GROUND LILYM tr. by N. K Ng. ?&y 63 [20p1 17j-,Ji Enirminvvl C4,11. Research Larqviage CA-nteT Research Trans. B-T-Ch-63-6. TT-63-24057 1. TIM Mich-cheng 11. STCH-63-6 M. Emmanuel Coll. Ruseat-ch Languago Cvmci-, lik'sto-1, Mla'~. Order frotri OT,% SIA or ETC $1.60 TT-63-24057 IV. Cont-,'i,'t AF 10(604)S.505~ Trans. of Pei ChLrg Ta lislieh HsCleh Pao; Mzu Jan K'o Msueh (chnjev#-Pdbv1g't'1*publtc) 19S8. v. 4, no. 3. p. 305-313. (Abstract evaltalble) DESCREF11ORS: "Atmouphertc motim Mind, Velocity OStratificition, I-Inat transfer, Temperature tnvers1cm, Equations, Mathematical analysis, The paper deals primarily with finding a geive-ral. expressim for the wind profile In the ground layer and approzinisite expressions for the cases RI < I Ric and Rj'zz Ric; It also studios the influence of thermal Oft* 0 T..Wc.1 S-1- (Harth Sciences- -Meteorology, 711~ v. 11, no. 3Xovt!r) U-rave.-rsitylr. Golossal Acbieveiz~nt Duvln6 -bhe Past Demde and Clarrent Task, by Lu Fliul-, J-3 por., Pei-ching Tn-lumeh Bluuch--~ao, !10 1959. VuUn Research Service 110 Waterloo Rtopad --IZw3=u, Hong Tka XVIII, 11326 FE (:hinA Econ Apr 6o The React-lan-ary Natum of 14a Yin-ch'u's TheOrtY On by th Ch'un, 18 pp. %I.. CM32-Nf,.IjU,,, por;, Pei-ching Ta-bsueh :asueh-p--O, NO 5, JPA-W 247 8 rcon n,.y 6o 6~i-15756 FEKINC; UNIVLR~;V~ V JOURNAL, NA-FURAL SCILNCE,! 1. l'itic: Cilinvs~, ll;~fi, 2, NO. ' JANDI 19-571, VOL. 3, 11. Fill UnsvJoIll-I NOS. 1---, 4: C.-F C,0\--rLN7S AND SELECT'ED ITT. AR~'MUWI'S, 'r. byN. 1". Ng. Chiiic,;~~(Mavnland) Langll,lgc Cemc:'. Scit!m,Q I'vanslaied'rakle of (m s. C-)IIItIll', Unl%'tl'SllY ItUrIVI) 1, On Cuim,aa JV . C,,mi,ict AF AF 11)(011'I'SEU-~- b2 131,jp~ EmmanmIl Coll. lk,~- s,~arch I-,`ipjagu ro[n. no- Unw. jou! . 1. 01 tic r I I on-, C.1 F S or S ( ~k $ 3. 00 6 3 - IS 75 6 lraii~. of tablu ~,[ ai,,J abstraa, Of FIclWC hmi! 'l-a-13,0vii I lwk-hAlaw Tzu jan K'o ll.~Ilch v. 3, nos. 1 -21, 4. DESCRIFYOM,': I'vric,dic-Ils, 'Chma, Aty- stract,', Nu-mbur theory, FuncLions, polynollml, , Foul iur allalyi~, Real variables, Algcliraictop~)Io~;y, am" of TecW~m Smi- (MathUnlilLiC.-. V 10, no. 5) (owl.) Cei-tain -Tmeturcs of Tuxbulent E~~:change in the Ground Layer During, Winter in Poking, by Chao Ber-lin, 15 PP- CFIN.-1,PSE, per, Pei-ching Ta-bsueh 111sueh-pao: Tzu-jan K'o-bsueh, Val II, No 4, 1956, pp 479-48a. 9213311 &unanuel Coll. Res Lang Ctr 2-T-Cb-63-7 Sci - Eartb Sci F-- Ast Nov 63 The WXumce of Miarml StratWication and Wind Velocity on the Wad Plvf a* lim the arc=d laye-z,, t7 Tlus WAQb-cb"*v IT CMPMp M-cbUg Ts-hweb Sausb-pao.- T=- 440 X'O--hsmbp -M-Mi - U-1 "1 90 s VP 3W-31-3- ammm"I Cbll an Laos Ctr B-T-Oh-63-6 77) 1q63 (to," SOL - RWth 84 & ASt Ril 3.,,4ff2- Doa 63 REQuEsr DUP CHECK FOR INFO ONLY b 16 (-h -) IAT -t- ~ FTD(TDBDR-1) 5-27-66 ExperiToents with Bennett radio-frequency (RF) mass spectrometer Charg, Chleng-Tso; Chang, 6hao4isianv: Jen, Rua-S,.m; Tefun-an. Poi-obing ta. haueh Pisneh Pao Tv, ~an klo hs-eh - 10 -7- 2 106b pp~lAq--'Lpn ftlplMls ClUstev tV Chno Ttiou-,yao and, ZRO lba-r&4 HL ppo c3il:lmjp tky gelcsihaw.-tl chgbw-- P64dngt um J" 11 % 3AW Scii. ES/k &e 65 2869712 (DC-6263; PEIPING POST OFFICES, 20 pp. 0RUMSE, Fu=~lrcctory, Pet-ching -Ilien-hua Flau-pu 196o, y)p BjL-83. - - - - -, -- irRs lo6e4 ASIA - Chlma /7-:~- y S" i-iB5/6o (DC-3644) Oppose the MrAlple of Treedomp on axtrom DebOMUmatlont 012 AbsolUtesqumalty, by Mao Toe--tunaj, 5 Pp. CIWMaj p*r, ptk-"~N_sbo, i aftr i959, vp 1-7. ins 6igk TE Pol J, oat 60 J-185/6D (DC-,,j6") On Several Problem Concerning Leadership Mothodsp by Wo-Tse-tuag, ; PP6 CMXM# per,, Pei4wing Map 1 Mar 1959p pp 1-119 -.... 1- -.- am 6124 FE - ChILUM Pbl Oct 60 / -.-P // , e A ~ / U. Stadles oa the Bloeking Situations of the Nortbern ITetiduphere-Winter Season., AMEW& by Vow Shlh-Y'en.' Yang Chien-cblus at al., PP* CHUM# bk# -Pal min TO AU- Vbj mallm"' Being-abLb-ti -Te&~u, ~pt~eri I-IV, pp 1-1350 mw~. ACSI 1.284!; ID 223" FE- ChLM yo~~- yas OeOg Oct 63 THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MENTAL AND PHYSICAL WORK BY YU YU-SUNG., 25 PP. CHINESE., PER, PEIPOING K'UANG-YEH HSUEHK-YUAN HSUEH-PAO PEIPING, NO 1: 19 1 59. PP JPRS 17188 FE - CHINA SOC, JAN 63 220,165 Felping-ftwSbal Jispwwtoe Products rj**mde Fair ReVOrb 1956. JAPIUMM.. U., POIZIM lm)pm abobill Itn joka 4 3 P9 50fth M! Gp Tr 95975 IPB am- na,, Japan Reco Doc 57 (Et-4961) Damlo~mut In Xodonesim, by Xr. S. Dipakuau=, 35 pp. MXMSUZt bkj, - .L5, Jun 1960, Vp II-ly. im 5"7 IFIN - X64000als 300a 1,4 -reielll fte 60 , .j # 56 (1r, -3817) Regional Goverment in Indonesia., 12'f pp. FOR OFFICM USE ONLY IYMGMI"j bk L~~qrah di Indonesia, 1958, PP v-vtii~ 1-031 265-275*--- JPRS 3337 VE - Indonesia Pol - Regional S,dp 60 COPYRIGHT k3F-2269) DDiOCRATIZATION OF NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT, BY F. RUNTURAMBI, 62 PP. INDONESIAN.. BOOKLET., PENDEMOKRASIAN PEMBANGUNAN NASIONAL, 20 AUG 1961-,77R-3-66. JPRS 14574 FE - IND014ESIA ECON 205,586 Constibitim of the Veterans Legion of tha Republie of lu~ncsiu. (go Didomalmn Preso surveyi 44). nMbMSIEAN, per, Peneraugan Rakjat., No 4, 5, 7s. 8j. S=Wa, C3:A/FDD Sum 2058 FE - lzdamasla Pol to LUW Jan 59 /157 / 0'.' e~~7 # 56 (DC-3817) Decision of the President of the Republic of Indonesia No 6 of' 1959, 12 pp. PDR OMCIAL LEE ONLY MOMESIM pamphlet, ?=.CS#MXI un I Tentaq~ Pemerintah tnaor!j gptv4 (Disenpur"nakan , 1959j, pp 1-29. 3837 YZ - Indonesia COPYRIGHT IbI - Regional Sep 60 Table of Contents and Partial Translation only of the book: The Deviation That Endangers the State, 5 PP. UNCIASSIFIED INDONESIAN., bk, Penjelewengan Janc; Membahajakan N.egara,, Apr 1956,- -Encl to R-353-50, OArmA, Indonesia. ID 2037393-C FE 1- Indonesia 900ct 58 Ministerial Decree Establishing the Organization of the Ministry of Veterans Jkffairs. (Monthly Indonesian Press Survey). FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY INDOWEIAN, per, Pentja, Vol VII2 No 17/18, 5 Dec 1957. FE - Indonesia Pol - Government Jan 59 in: TO BE DONE BY BF AND PUBLISHED IN ~10NTHLY InMNESIAN PRESS',-SUNWEY) (EW -1173) TWO PrOlams of HalWoua Instruotion In the Public SobmU of lodoccolop by 8, MDh. Ammw Garj6hadibrato, 7 PP, MQMMN,. Wrp Penuutum, Vel Xilp No 5/6j, 16-18j, 9E.--- Sao partAsun Warfexa (Indonesia)# b3r H. H. Bahmddinj 79 vp - BOOMSIM., lptmohletp r-0,250MIUCA Djakartm,, 1954Y pp 5-92. - =L =V= xT 665 also J=li, G-8793 FE - DAMBOU 6-6- ~zl-~7 mu - OrtarrLum Memo 30757 19U Barracks Remilaticeep boole, ArzW a bjtj~~ Corjp,, 17 Koesw=3do.. 6 MUM, tka Paxetwm UD. 3-M.0 Sp 1-6 tommu-na wqA=wtjow and Tabu of COMUCAS) QM ou Pr*Vlao=t A3MW FAVBICla MMIMUCM R0901&tiOms (M (.TD gntVft) Wo rpts Madan Aushat= ID. mat gamtsm X6- **ken-rafto Mann ACUO II-wo D" (ap-1335m) Ustowy ot the lndmmlm Skmpr Whotry Beora and After W=ld War n wA Ito RoUtialabip to the 9=31holders Ot~Mmr loduBtryp by lbobardje Sutrodihard, ImDmqm Pftladmi Vol Xlp No 4-5p 196G., PR - IPAMM*la H= am ,iomra acma., amary TP woLy stfia nom ,Irlqmmsmrm nwo,ml, SIM, aa, 3S;at, 7 JWO 1958. MMWAD.o I.VD uo M - TrAonme" Fol mul 90 Y'al op,-040 Wide: to '[7pas of Vagetatica irk T--vpi=l Coun=I-Ics ca AIT %,n,bccv 29 pp~ EWZ-.SViH*, For.. Mt-jap Pa.)x reveroxfMin P"as Fbi-.ret tfrlem., AMS Ilb W, NOV Ubt(AwAr of laosp b7 Hiba SSU, Vigavar4p llo'7 PV. T" ,qpw )-7q , 7TIV ",=N=O Up PhOM 'Sol. 31 Out !w "M.fiaoi TaOt Vol It .1%7., U3 JMS/FY-712. (Cwt mr-op Aks) 7 ~3, Cutow w2d lbbits of the MM Tribeas 38 YP- VnMgMs bko am Pbmg-tF-~Tlp-v~=-~l ~Ilm (Ba-to-quaiw-M&W. -yp-zi--Vf. A= I-a331 ID. 2LSOA6 Im - vietum &M 1 W6 62 21)506& Proiress Repwt for Fiscal Ye~x 1962,19 pp. 7,UA't ;-~ 133- 10~- VmA 55-6~;~ 136,,158, ACS ,1,-5858 ID.2;950DI064 (]MY-a23) Report or the AeUvltfts of the Utlemal Geographic SeavvLee ot the RqpubUe of VLetmw for IM and 1960. VUTUMMM RmD-Tft2-a Roat Dmg Cua 0 ~ mama Da Qw*4Ua JPW'lo(LB6 ASIA - Vlor .9 7 oat U PEI --- --------- Mn DaterwInation to SumWe and Step Up SocUdist on' WorOnlji Movement in tle North, by an 7 pp. 'a IV TXA=P.', IBM Per&_Pku_Nu -Viet Nwn. Nov 1963. (TaMe Gf Con- tents) JPRS 23098 FE-Vietnam. Vol' Febi 64 248,171 Soc Feb 64 Out StruZoelng Spirit Tol'Speed Up the SOciaUst 4 the Women's Movement in the North, by 14., 6 0 30 per Phu Nu Viet Nam,, Ho 11, 1963, pp 3-5. 'We Conten JPRS 22973 248,169 How to Raise Cup (Cyprinus C4LrpJLo Lime), by Le Van D=g, V pp! VIETNAMSEl, Us Phuung- ap Nuoi Ca Ch!E,,(1964, pp 1-35. ACSI J-0210 ID 2204033666 Sci-Agri Sept 66 3090670 Electrical and Magnetic Propex-ties of Dilute Alloys of Transition Metals in Coppery Gold and Hych-agenated Palladium., by E. Daniel., l8pp ENUMH,, perj, F"sicu and Chemistry of Solida., Vol 23., 1962., PP 975-983 mA TT-64-18345 Sci - Pay May 67 326.,497 (DC-3477). Speeches of D. N. Aidit, Indonesian Communist Party Leadei~, INDONESIAN, bk, Pilihan Tulisan, Vol I, Djakarta, 1959. SEE AISO D. N. AidLt - Pili-han Tulisan e Apr 00 D. U* AlElit I o Seleeted Works o. LN - nEOMIAN., bkj PLIUM Tuli6w.- 1959, r-Tai t Its of -~-'ki'aud Preface Complete TaF publ by Jajasan Fembanzaa, Djakarta. Vic,ludmesim Press Sarvey CIA/FM &M 2437 POI Jan 60 (DC-3477) The Seleetea Works or D. X. Aiilit, Icdowaian Cmumiat Pkrty 1AM66r, 386 pp.. IMOMIU, bkp D. S. Aldit, -.1111han Tmilvia-A Volume In lq~%, VI 6.400 42-64 i iZ--[5 T7-432, 118-las X70-175,s 177-181v 183-197, 199-205, 274-M.O: -311i 313-322, 352-354, 356-359, 36i-3Wj.;.rlv "0 41-46o, 5oa-532. JM 6551 PS - indo'bavia pal - ("~Mmldm an ~61 , 0tudum an c Circiastum in the Wybeze $ad the Zffoct of Ocki ActAvity Im Atoosibftic Civaubwwo 6 ppe 'COMM, nMogftbjp P!*np,-ILutmvlang ft-chil dd To sic-b= tul TA-chil to Lou 1" 1964. 3304b V04~bw fti-ft/A Dft 65 2920362 S-204/66 Dc-13.684 24 sop 65 TrausUtion of Prefwe WA Tialm of Coftents of Chl se Coormlst Monograph cm Aerospace Sclerme.. PP 4 Pling-liu-teeleng Tz-ch-li-hmn-llu chi TI&I-yang HOo-tung U7 Ta-chll Run-,Ilu 'llng-holang te yen- Chlu'v Pelvin& Fab Chly, $a CYB/Sci-Aero- To be pubLished in Chian SO series. extra copy of pubLished *spWrIVto JMC pp-o.k. -to wALlmte 10 PP 1/57/62 Duties and Functions of the Public Procurator's Organs in North Korea, by Kim Chong-il, (DC-8065) KOREAN, monograph, Piphak Nonmun Chip, 1958, pp 17-50. *JPRS Far East - Korea Pol - Law 5 Sep 1962 (FDD 11~5193) -Attitude of the MI Towards Acoma (Indoncniav)2 pp. INIXXMIO, vemimD per., MUaWla.-Yol is No 17t Djakarta,, 20 Dec 1952,, p 1539 3 FE - Indonesia Politica.1 - Attitude DICK CHLY /0 CMD 195~4) .ActivitUm of the Purwokerto a6C PKI (Indonacle)p MOMBLU1, semimo per.. P)a Wc~t~in Vol II,, No lp Djakarta, 20 Jan 1953m p CL-k/FVD/U-5345 FE - Indonesia Political - (FDD 119595 ) The Colombo and TCA Plans fiwonasia), 2 pp. MDMSIMQ, semim per, PU Bulatin, Vol II, No 2, Djalwrta, 10 Feb 1953., Pp Il't it)-.- CIAADD/U-5346 FE - Indonesia C;~~ A 9, Tollticdl - p3zna (m) 195C.16) Ameedotem ConcernIng the FXX Tluvmabout ladoneein, 15 pp. - 1IMSESIMP, semi= VIA M Suletini, Val M, No T, DjuMrtaj 10 Apr IMP PP T7-83- CXA/FDD/U-5hc.* PS - ladonesta / Oj - 7 -? (C:, Political Fab 54