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OM3. om~w 1whi) opezates Strictly Ac- ,r&i4g to Pollcy~ by Pu Sheng, 6 pp. hine' : r; Lac~._ o 5, 1963, pp 22-24. pp N-~~ IPR qRvas Econ: 265;8470 .mgRiump"Awpupt-Ag SAFEWIN-ELECTRIC POWER CONSUMM"ION IN AGRICULTURE, BY S.HEN CHtI4-HSIN, 6 pp. CHINE$E, PER,, LAO TUNG,, NO 5j, 1963., PP 27-29 JPRS 21848 FE-CHINA ECON i "ov 63. 242,148 Detettraning ~Persomel Nornm in Industi.-W Enterprises, by La.' ang+.O, Uan H s pp. c E, perj Lao-tung, No 6, 1963, pp 16-19. JPRS.23157 ECOA Feb 64 248,939 I I .. Loe4j.Abor Power PIsinning, by Ma Ya-kung, 9 pp. CBWIS5E, per, Lao-tun& No 7, 18 Jul 1963, pp 29-33. JR0 25458 FE~Chlm Ecm~' ita 64 i 262,852 Furth~r E,~oAomy of Labor Power, by Wang Klo, Ippi. I.I.Per, L ao-tmg, N o 9. 18 5 ep 196 3, pp 10- 13. 262,854 H-253/64 Translations on Commmist Chin I s Management, Trade, and PInance: Some Problem of Management of Temporary Workers, by Yu Miu-lin. (SF-3220) CHIMME, per, Lao-tung, No 10, 1963, PP 31-33. *JPRS FE-China Econ itn 64 w -!' and Timeliness ctf Labor Wage a cu tical MaterIM, by Hsu Habing-mou,-6 pp. IE$E, per,$ Lao-umg, No 110, 18 Nov 1963i pp 1-4. cm FE CbIna 7 Jul 64 259,473 ---------- LaWwbg Qhbtk Standard, by Swffift. Liang-an, 10 ppo 'S Aug 1964, pp 6-11. cf~dkper, 7,ao-nuq6 No 8, IL TP Z453 '162,853 Apply Cormat Working Mathoa to Cauplete the Task of Boup-T Bestaratim.. by Li cbe-min (2621 orm 016) and Ckdautt Tallal-4m (3068 2033t 1103) 6 pp. CHIM=, per., Lw-tung,, No 9., 131Sep a, pp. :L4-16. JPFS 301a IM411blua FICCO rwj 6 5 2T9,913 Boiler nzawtratiou work iA Yang-chou.. 6 pp. CMUM.. I*rp Lw-lMp No 9, 18 Wp 64.. Pp- 17-19- JPRS ;1010f FS-Mim R4xm I&W AAI 1 279*93.4 rlrtem ZveftU~a Yeam At the Shill-CAng-Sh9m Iron ana Steel oorporation., 6 pp. cunm,, pors, Lao,-ILM_Z zo lo, 18 oct 64, pp- 13-15- ipas 3M39 M-axim gem ww 63 279,962 rob ent.0 TemporM Workexa, sr yt~ yerj,~p~-nm No 10, RE Oct 1964, pp 131-33. Aug 3,64,175 (knPatim 1w1he Fix8a N=ber Or St&redores For Inland Port'.0j,,, by Ift Cb*ao-ch*un (632D 6-33.9 5023), 7 PP- CMEM.. ve:r.. Lso- so 11, 13 nov 64, pp. 21-23- afs 301.v VS-Chdna Be= xv 65 27,)0961 Survey orn Laotian Sm-SU and Vedlum Enterpricea and Dawelopwnt Plano JAFAISS3;, _qam;4IAt,, Laos- It Okewu Chusho Kisyo Mkusur.u Mom., I"aA- 1959i$ TJSAM"AC,. PD Igo JEA 0 PZ javin Roan SWI 91., Security Situation in Indonesia in 1954, INDONESIANS bk, Laporan Keamqnan Seluruh Indonesia, 1954, publ. 1955,--Er-i-61-ti5--'CL-~-LT~~2469-.-'- CIA/FDD Sum 736 FE - Indonesia Political; Military (DC-3365) - Annual Report of the Indonesian Maistry of Sbipping for 1958., 160 pp. q?O=q M%hun 1958t MOMIU.t rpt,,-,,L p, 1959j, pv 5-162. JPRS .1696 FE - Indonesia Boon S060 Report on Inspection Tour of National Roads. INBONCSIM, rpt, in Penimlauan Djaian Negara Diaumtrag 1955~;JWO 28M2 AbB lib Tr Unit rrAonesla Geog Jun 58 Laporan Tahunan, P. N. Bio Farma, 1964, 8 pp. INDONESIAN,, rpt, Laporan Tahunan, P. N. Bio Farma, 1964. pp 83-69. "ACS1 1-9825 - ID 2204027966 Sci-B&M Apr 66 Report on Changes in the Party Comtitution, by M.-H. Lulumn. INDONESIAN, bk, Lap2r!i~ Tentang Pe rubahan Konstitusi Partai, 1959Y PP 3-54. "'-JPRI-"- FE IncloneadL Pol 5 oct 6o Genaisal. Asport of the 50331 Neulonal Ccruacil to the TUrd SaOSI National Congreegi, 66 pi?. MOMIANS hOOklOts, Y490ran Um= Dawan Nasional TO-M-T- Part pp mw 7456 P7 9' 143r 61 Radar, by T-lao Wang-pling CHINESE, PAMPHIET, Lei-ta, Oct 1957, 41 pp Cent tD N9 MI Bn by EF 7 Oct 58 for exploitation Goverment Regulation agxllxg No llp 1955 on Establisbmeut and Functions of Vhe Indonesian Joint Chiefs of Staffi, 3 PV# official, doe* INDONESIANi, =gu1zUwP Lembamn-Nep= Republik Indonesiaj, No 14,p 1955,p R&U-167-Flit-176 R-M-55g 30 Jun 1955 CIA D-2jrA59. ID 24.4M32 FB - ladonesia Political Military Oct 95 C79 J-559/6j. ( I ) C- - G- 0 16 ) - Government Ordinance 1,To 5 of 1060 Amending the 15,21 Stamp Tax Regulation, 11MONESIATT, leaflet, Lembaran NeVira Republik Indouesia, No 21, 1960, PP 1-3. ip-PS S P--,ic IAL F tig~ - Indonesia Econ 2,c May 6! J-559/611 C: C! I Government Ordinance Ivo 14 of 1960 Amending the 1~55,j International Postage 2egulation, IND01IFFES)IM, leaflet, Lembarah Negara Republik Indonesia No 36, lc,6>D, pp 1, 2. *JPRS,ISPECIkL U - Indonesia Econ 29 may 61 Presidential Ordinance No.. ---I- of 1960 Concerning the Uniforms and Insignia of Chiefs and D---puty Chiefs of Daerahs 1., 4 pp. UNCL INDDIMIAJI, per, jL~e ~bara~nll ~Republik Indonesia, No 58, 1960, PP 1-7. jpRs Dc-6o16 COPMGET FE - Indonesia Econ, Pol Se I -p bl ~0 / / ~'j 0/,~ / Governnen" Ordinance No 9 oll' !96o, Amending the 1921 Stamp Tax Regulation, 3 PP. UMU, 11MMSIMI, leaflet, L2nj~ ~an 1~qe.,ara RepLlblik Indonesia, No 21, 1960, Pp 1-3. jpRs Da.-6o16 COPYRj&i4T FE - Indonesia Econ Sep 61 nmo= Z=barmn. tropro TWInTA-1957, IAH %8 ror text or im) N o 9898 r0 1458 for BXD2"utcwv xmwun&ml). cWm) a= 2D58 FS m job t0"p- IVIdual 0. ra~ Ratica ps--tQ (Coll"mmliar, tlaalci ProblaW Of ladivj&wl Ratic'n (Ilk Ymro ftp-u ou Can chila.ap 185). SLID 2.957, ITO 8., 25 MAIG c7,,i/vm. s= 3.6,-P6 e7 Boon 'Ten The Orain Question in the Countryeitle Is Fairay Ideological Oacotion, = 3 PP. CHIM-M, pero Mang Ehih,, No 8,, 25 Aug 1957. Dept of State, AwrCorfien Rong Kong, IbM from China Mainland bbg, No IOA -3e ]ROv 1957 FE - China Feb 58. The important Significance of Reatricting Salee in the Unifled lurchase and Unified ealea of Grain, by Ciiang Chien, pp. M,lNr-,SE,, per,, IMWI Idang Shlh, 'go 8,, 25 Aug 2-957- Dapt of State, Amer%^.OrAGen Hong Kongj Ext from China Hainland Nag, Wo 107 L? Nov 1957 FE - China d- rol /V Feb 158- Some of the "Skke Up Short tuge by Plenty" Policy, by Hou Chien-chung!, Z- 3 P-P- MINESR., v;,r, Liang Shih, Wo 8, 25 10, -Sep 1957 - Dept of State, Aim-rCorPien Hong Kong, Mtt from 0 China Min.3=ad Mg., No 101 I& NOV 1951' FE - Mina Pol Feb 58. LIAO-NING PROVINCE DURING THE LAST DECADE, BY LIAO-MING JEN-MIN CHIU-PAN SHOi 334 pp. CHINESE, BK.. LIAO-NING SHIH-NIEN SHEN-YANGy JUN ig6o, PP-1-172. JPRS 17182 FE - CHINA ECON JAN 63 220,111 (DC-5878) A Htstory aC Banol, North Vietvam, by Trem Huy Lival Ilgayan luong Bich., Mai Henhp et elp ",a pp. MISAME, Up Lich Sa Thu Do RS-11016- Chapters 6.0 4M 86,92 FH - vletma I=., rol, am Aug i 6L (HY-6591), Hanox, tjie Capital of frorth Vielmam, since 1954, 129 pp. "I THAMD, bk, Chapters VI.-M. ry 265-335- JMS 10133 Asruk VISAM= gcc% 1W." Boa, Geogrej*la On the P.Une Pat-ent-ial Flow Past; A of C d-Um Cazcadca,, by Lin 7trU-chi,, 16 pp. Dam. MMMEZ, Icr.2 Li-haueh Hcuch-pac)~p Vol 1, No 2, -41 ~wj 1957., PP 1 =-5 irm 1114 If 3ci - iluth P0, jan 6p On Wo Vmi-iutionul Principles for t-,Lo iiatuxul Vibratimu of Elastic Bodlea, I-rf Hu Hai-eb Weg, 19 PP. a CHINESE., perp Li-hauch JIsuoh-pmDj vol 1, 110 2'11 Maj, 3-957.? PP I ipm u48o Sci - P111yo /PO,, oq~/ ion 62 J., Manematleal Analysis ckf the Marxist Theoxy of Rep.,mduction., 'by Ho T-m-hoin, Lo Ching-paq, Il rp~ i CBX,,EM, per; -U--4Gueli MM II.-ueh-pao, Voll 11 No 2., lkw 1957P PP im Sai - Dlmt.U Jain 6- a- (DC-55-A-Q) .Lte Effect of Mear Defoinxtion on the Wbratimn r of FJcu;tic 'Thin-Walled Beam., by ilu Hai-ch lazig., ClmnG Wan-lm;leh., 16 pp. CHUMM., per., I-by 19571 W. i.932'- H Vol 1, No 2j Sol - Yath Jan 62 (DC -55-1-0) Large Def leation of a Circulex Cjxz~pca 1,2-atc unaev 0. LJ3v--ax9,y Varylwgp Lmd, by Plan Li-cholu., 36-1~p~, CMEKS. p-mr: Id-h=cjL.jW3;Q ),z~ , 2, , 1:,rl _o,, Vol 1, 1:10 May 3.95-f., IV ipm 3a43) Sci - Mth /p0, 0.97 Jan 6?- notes *n tb* 1pirst at4cm, coaftranoo On McbRaits NeU to P*kWv 1937A By I illy 1; u4muo Vol 1, No 2j. powrt* aw 00 DO-1300 Sol - 3w oet 58 7yo f'r-Y (M-5:7w) On the Variatia=3 Principles of R Elasto-Pla--t:lc Xt Bodies, and Zaeir AppIleations, by C=eh ro-min., 25 pp" CMM- SE, parp Li-houeli Rsueb-pp-o, Vol 1.~ No 3., Alw, 3-95T., Pj? 256;~26f- ipm 114W Sai .- Pbyr. jan 62 (W-552-0 55--leoratical and Exparimn4al Invastigation of the Stresses at the Fdm of a Ilainforced Circu2=- Role in a. 71.&L Stalp Under Tousion> by Wang 27 pp. CHB=-, per, LI-bsueh Rsuch-jiso., Vca 1, .111o 3, AuG 1957.. -w 2 JPM 11400 Sci .. FIVS 'Tan &" or;cillpatinE; Alrfoll in BUIT PaTellel Strcz=is py an Interface, by Lo Sjd:1-6nua; 34 M? per., Li-lisuch lisucl,-Pao, Vol 1, i- u I-S',57P P-P 4LO 'fLryi; 1,pe" a -f -3/ On lrnprvr-b~C a System of AutoraVW.c Cmtz%,I. of 'r 1-2 ,R~Izw lamuts., bY 'M'oi-r Illenc: 30 MKIii.11L -por." Li-hmtah Vol 11 ylo 31j. A-LIT, 1,957.- :,?r -'UX-j~;67. an Oeisraol 19 C-v,ZMSE,. per Li-hauel, llsueli-iiao, Vol 1, ll.-.) _ X Aug 1957j~ lm 337-3 JPR3 UWC, Sol - Ebv;r Jon 62 Dw-.a-wst---1-LAx f~str.:=utics, -Oy Ctitien ~,'suali-olaen, 15 CIE =.- V;11 1957, PP 35:4-j~b. im LLh&, Sol .. Astx= J.-M, 62 ll'A,:e Wfectz; of S=facc Curvatun! on Laminar Bmnilaxy.-Tayer Flow., by Plan ldxmG-ju., 20 ppo aue-,---cvc " Vo2 pOr.,ji-1zwh F 3 A ) . i:,, wo 4:, IM1957: iv Sal. - pi"Y11 Jan 62 ilar ped-DOgeill imisota, Pic R~ct-=O m-anz I-a-f on, =20MAPEN. 15 !?2. 1, Iva L,,cm 1957, pp 379-3900 UlkcD IOU - Pl~ym 12pa, 0,,P/ J00-L a-) A 311W-1VIed flet:-~;d for the Ca7"nalatical of td,u i, =f Tactica Problems, by Cgwnr, -W f Cunt=-, pew, Li"bsueh i I ~h.clj Vol 13 N:-. 41 licri, 1957;r P-n IV ipma -1148o Sai - ?bym Jon 62 (NY-5966) TWO Dimensional Problems of Settlement of Clay IaWers Due to Consolldation and Secondary Tim Effects, by Chien Toung-chi, 15 pp. 'SM, per, Li-houah Isueh-psO, Vol 110 NO 1, 19582 -VP 1A0- im 9336 Se-1. - ftgr /3- ju 61 (MY-5966. Pawl Vibration in the Presence of a Fluid, by Cheng Che-nin., 8 pp. CUM=s per, LI-hoveh Houeh-paos Vol 11, No is 1958s pp 11-15.- JM 93 3 6 ita 61 7 I~r (NY-5966 Clampea Rage ReotaqMlar Plates on an Elastic PowgstUm, by Chang Fo-faimp 15 pp. CHIMME, per* LI-boveh Hewh-pao., Vol II, go 15 19580 PP JPM 9336 Sei - Bw ,, 0 7 J6 ja 61 j,57 7 (NY-5966) 'Tbe -Solution cxr Telcomils-ftmation for a Transouic Jartjj by Plan Yea4mety 19 pp. CEOOW# pw LIL _m0,, Vol n, NO 1, 1958a PP 2932-7-1- JPRO 9336 sai - sagr jui 6:L 15- ;7 0 c 7 ( Plastic Stress-strain Relations of an A- Bmaj by Yang flen-ohengp 50 pp. CHnum., perp Tdwlhmvth HauOhTmqq_&, Vol n) no 1'. 3L9580 pp 43-65. j 93W 301 - IIWD Jul 61 W/0197 A-..- WY 59&/b) 6 on the tudinal Stabi2lty ct Continuoun abin-walud Seem m by - Hu Hmi-ch lang,, 4 pp. CBMM.r perA Ila Ip 3%958S y~p~ Vol 11., JIM 9386 Sol - PIVS iw. 6L (NY-066/b) 5 On & Varlatimol Piluclliu iu tae mie-ory of V37MMIQUI stwauty cc Eleatic sys Ha IM.-Ohlonsp 17 pp. CHMM,s Verp -tA-hgLwh Rsmhlwpwk Vol =1 No 10 3$55p pp-Zq;7-7. JPM 9386 got - Pbys Yo o ju 61 IL ,ZKO qheM, or the obliqw.AngUd Antitotropic pl&te and Its Use cm Imallmd Widgeop by Ll 1010-kW# w ppe alma , 0 . ollmmb R58v8h--p4Q!-Jr-vol n, no IV 29!wo IV "a im 9386 ft:L #t 13kr.1 JU 61 A Study of the FquMbrium Bstvv~m Hf-H20 Gas and Slagm. of the C&O-CaF-2 and Csu-3ic2-CaF2 systsm, b:r Ft. 4ftri-sun. CIIIHIBEO per, Agm Mah.-Sid ~L' Vol 7. No 1. 19&0 pp 24-31. *131si 3M0 Sol-s-l'ut Oct 67 30.842 (NY-5952/b.) Plotting the Solutim of the ricablem of Subm-ItIoul F-I(w around tho Pler ot a Brimej. ljqr Ta Hams 21 pp. d CMNM., perp 4--bgueh -b-pap. vol n, No 3, I Jul 2.9%2 pf 2M-254. Jm 9721 3,,-1 - ig;f"/ /e/ &"" Aw'O 6 1 (NY-5952/b) j,jathemt:Lcaj Analysis ot the Mar:dot 7aeory of Ftepwoduction (M)., by 110 Tgo-Islu., 50 pp. CMNM., per L:L--qbsueh U%Wh!--,VaO# Val IIj. no 3, JmX 197KW~,55~:2,75- am W1.1 ftl -:Mm Mth /~'4/ Akl~m 61 - / 3 1-& Solution Diagrws for Solving Sam Special Maear FrOgrammlM Fmblew, by Ch'en Pal- :P I Ing, 15 pp - MUM, Pori voi n, NO, 31 Z Jual JPM 9TXL el '3 7 Sol zw Aug 61 (?ff -6olo) Strive for a Great leap Forvard to the Fleid of Mftbanics,, by Chlien Reueb-eens 35 Pp. CEMM" POKI.. 4mmh No Vol 11, Ito 4, Oct 19 0 !rAl:m1b 15681 - - ~ - im 91& sci - SW / 57 ;211.1 6 2 0 Oul 6 1 -zCc1uw Analogy Aralusta of Wati-.Cell Rigid Frames, by Ruang Tu~ubuup 16 PPS CSIMM'I var., - "t Vol III NO 40 Oct m8s' pp 9%-*3r. ""~ am 91ft ftt - Sagr /5-7 10~ 0 7/ .%161 (NY-6010) Therml. Stress In Sbells of Revolution With Variabit Rlsetic Properties In Axially B.-puetric Fields With Constant Tmperutwe Oradlent# 'by Chao Rui-yusn, 23 PP. CRIMM porp Vol 11, No 4j, Out 795"60 VVIM-3w."', im 9184 set - Ever Jul, 61 (a-6010) A Series of Manvels in a Water xopervio= IALyer Of Fluite Depthg by TIM Nuo-oh"LauSp 15 pp. CM3=2i per, L14muth gaueh-Wo Vol Ili No 41, Oct 19581 -vP43h-3heT--- an gift sat - ftv Jul 61 - / T ;7, () 6 15 (NY-6010) A Study sd on the Flow Towards a Completed Sion of Undereround Water In a Permeable Stratum With a Permnability Varyleg Sharply In the Horizontal Diracrbioa,o by Liu TxQu-chtuns, lj~ pp. CBMSE Ver,.14 JU Roush-paoo Vol II, No Oct IR, pp 344-3P. im 91% Sal - gagr 04& zul 61 on the Problem or Stability or a Compreevaed Rod Under Creep Conditions., by Huang Klo-chih; 10 pp. ON x0ftTX$* Val IIIP No I# Jm :M9# e9-36. MRS 9324 S41 - Sna zia 61 A Simple Method for Desiguirg a High-Speed lVopeller-Form Turbine of Buie-11-Types. by Cheng 11OU-MeLp 18 pp. ("fflm= s Pw I - RenetL-ng~ Vol nX p Ito is M9, PP 37-M - im 9:24 Iscl 4. UP 19e,-? ja 61 (NY-5964) Deterod,mation of the Packing Tactor for Absolute Maxinum Froductivitr and of the Ratio of Forces Duriug the Operation of a BsU Mill,, by Liu Noten-C121h., 55 pp. CEIMB I pft., 14-hough Ho"n, Val Ill.. Ito IV 1659P vv 45:m-. JM3 9324 S-;~' Sci ; EMP Jul I (NY-5964) Investigation of tbo Flow of Subterraneen Water Toward an Incomplete Woll Through a Homogenoous Abi6otropic Porms Medium,, by Liu Tzlu.chlun, 9 pp. (MIMIN't perp T.1-holleb lnuah--~PLQO Vol 1114 NO 10 1"92 pp BI-%. JPR; 9324 Scl '971 41V1 ;241~ W,'-5gb4 Use of a Isyw of Brittle Paint to Investigate the Proble-a of Stress Concentration of a Flat Plate Ubder Tension vith a Circular Holes by A. K. Pu-lai-esuo Wang Cb=g-cb*lu, Wu iObi-chals ttt al_, 14 p)?. CM30SHI, Vol III, No 2., A 1w M9.9 WA*M= VP 87-95 - im Sci - Emgr ja 61 (BY-5964) Vibration of Cantllevw Beam Placed Against RZ Water vith Pree Surface,, by Chong Cho-min., Ma Toung4luels 22 pp. CB7=9# per Vol III, So 2, X Apr 3.959., pp M-119. JFM 9324 sci - up 9,6.4 Xul 61 (MY-510610 The Majitic Streard arA Def orMALtiMnU Frodu-msd In a Seod-Influite Bolid by Tangential Traction i~~ Xts Pree Surftea . by L:Lu Iliden-ehih, 30PP - CHXMSBJ; per LI-bsueh--Hvueh-,.mQ-t Vol M" Ito 2,, Apr IZ9j pp LV-143 - MPM 9324 Oct 19 10 Jul I (BY -5c,t64 ')' On the UrsIca of NOU-HolMencoua Anlactropic Elutic CyLindero, by Obno Val--yuaa, 18 pp. CMMM,, per, Li4mueh Haueh-lao.. Vol III, No 2: Apr 3$5f#--PP-lTRb7- JM 9324 set - slasr Jul 61 (BY-5964) Commentary of the Mpebamica a.F Elasticity; by Hu Ra:L-cbamgj 8 pp. (',Ia=Z, pw Li-haveh FAuth-pac, Vol. III,, 21 A JPW 9324 Sol 9 mw Jul I 0Yz5956/a) A=h-Dm Aldel TeStUS TeCIMIque For Dyn=1a Forces, by 2 Tuallen, 47 ppe enmim., rare u-bough jwwbpa--Q,. va in., 1.10 3., Jul M9. vp aTme35. JPW 96og Sol - MhSr Aug 61 (BY-5956/a) gie Elastia Stresses and Defomatims Prodwed In a Beml.-Wiuite Elastic Solid by a PoInt Source of Iftat bmwath Its PWe Suxface,, by ULu RGICn-QU1h,t 39 ]?P- Curms., per Uobouah 11sueb-PSOA Vol in.. 140 3.- Oul j 9609 Sel -, Rnj= Aug 61-- (.UY-5956/a) MLtrix Method for Analysis or JQM Mati- storied Proms., by Lu Tzerhuc-t., 25 pp. MMOM, per, LI-hpuGh 11suebf1wal Vol =IS HO 3., JU 3.9f9,p pp -2N-2680 ipw 960S, Ams 61 0 M of I (INI-5956/b) simiLurity structure or vortteity Fluctuation and the 'Dwory of Turbulence., by Chou Plei-juany 349.9. CHUIESE., pex,, Li-hpuch ETn4!RPA4. voi iiij, w 4., x Oct 1959,1 vp 261-M. MIS 963.S) Sci - Phyi; Aug GL /~ 2j 20,6 (14Y-5956/b) on Uja Problem of N=-Liuear Creep.. by ma r't-.-u-,t,ru T 19 pp. CHMSE, per LI-haueb Rvueb-Ws Vol Mp UO 4$ Ocat, ILI ipw q6:Lq Aug 61 (HY-5956/b) The Creep of Circular., 4mmetrical. Flat Plate and Cylindrical ShelJL-,, by Mang Kle-chib, 28 pp. CSIMMI., per, Li-baueb sough-Tq2.tJol ni, EO 4, Wt *59s IV 335-351- jPlW 963~9 Sai - fto 1e ?j'70 9 Aus 61 (NY-5956/b) ftpezliwntal Verification of amral Onep VX-Wiea b7 Creep Wats on DO 45 Steeli by Wo Mm-ahlwm,, Lu Hoi-mienj Li $w-qp.F 23. P.p. M=ms Pe - Td-hfu2ab Reuelmn-vol M4 So 4, Out X9~9, w 35-9~-- jM q6.'Lg Ovs 16,2,207 Me Develoment of Mechanics in Cl-iina in the Past Decade, 7 PP. CBIHHSE, per, Vol III, No 4, Peiping, 1959, pp 277-2d0. JPRS 3496 Sci - Eng oct. 6o "MY-59131' Roc"mguUr plates With Froo ZNges on El"ti-c t Fwjmd&UOU4s bY WOO Shu-I *&*# 22 PP- CMIM, per., V01 IV# NO 1j, .......... . 1960j. yp 23-35*. JM 7881 Sci . ?by$ wy 61 (NY-5913) The 19ffeat or zartbquakag cm D"19j, by Kuo Ran-y*n., Wn Noun-shup 21 Vp. Clam= I" per U-Imush Enuoh-pacip Vol jV., No 1, 1960p pp JPRS 7881 Sci - Fby 'V~ Ifty 61 15-Q 7 (NI -59131' Probles on the UODU4 Btabillt)l Of BOOM With Variable Coofficientsp by Cbmas Bzu-yiugj, 15 Pp. CMMWI,* jar, LI-homb Zsueh-fat) VOI IN, SO 1, 1960., vp SCL- pb;vm my 61. --(NI-5913) On the Efficiency af the Water Irmel (From the Point -at Vlev Of m"rvlym"),. by Meng fto-welp In Nai-chlamgp Llu Shili-niag, Liu Atun-tup 29 ova twrj* lA-bwWb 141su""W"Oft Vol lvp NO is 1960p pp 55 jpmis,p)l SOL - phys .0 e~5-~ fty (IIY-5913) Use of a Direct Method to Detendoe tkw Stresses and-DispUcemats Zntrodum* by a 7bod Constant point-Tne Mat Bowe* an a Suriface With Beni-WIldto ZUwttcltyp by Lia Aslen-chlbj, 23 Ipp. canm.0 nor LL-bsuft Imb-pwoo Vol ZVI No is 1960). vp:,Wg - Set - )by 61