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An ISMOUPtLM at 11 1 1 by this Notbod IoMq*civdgip by A* 16 Ile (6 Dommao !uk Mex lut'lip vp 77 AM TV 2M as* IM CTS 63-16755 Kuftyxvtwv. M T. CALISECS FOR THS FORMATICIN OF SK*JGY MIC 1. Titic 4m" ziw Vric" 0brizuramiya Gubcbuykb Omadkm Toluke m 1. Kudrpvtsw, x T. Kamm). I1"31 9p. to rub6 order fr*m OrS or SLA $1. 10 63-16M1 "~D~~ Trans. of Akad[waiyvl N:Lau~k 193D. Y. 72 DESCRUTOR& wZbw. fftmdytn, OAMdvolh Electr*~, Cadwdm. C%,Mdcw. Blocuvdqpoddfm (Cbemrdmtrr-PhyafCa4 7T. V. 10. V" 9) Offics of Todo" Serwku 'Testing tht, Characteristics of S.:>u auTpac acials by Spectrophotometry, by M. M. Kononmm, N. P. Belchikova.p 7 Pp- RUMIAN, per, R2k ~Ak ~M&=- B, Vol LXXII, No 1, 1950j. pp 125-1M. SIA 59-22352 Sci OM, Vol 111, wo 6 6ep 60 N OAdation-Red.,action Potential of the R Viruleut Group of the qlbbacca Mazaic Virus, by P. Agatov,, 6 pp. PLUSIUAINIJ P--,x, 1-01"U A~ gg;', Vol 1950.. pp 145--148. SIA B-1037 Sci - Biology 6o 6XH Mar 5 8 I Influence of Itzperature Conditions on the Damage Inflicted by Ultraviolet Rays cra Bacilli Coli Cells (Bacterium Con Comamne).. by E. Ya. Grayevskiy., 8 pp. RUSSIU, thrice-mo perj, R2h Ak MWLh%Qd�j6- Val LXXII, No Ij, MGcovo 1 Ifty 1950# pp 149-152. CIA/FDDIU-74 72 UWR Scl - Biology# microbiology 9 C- l.C !S jr, =-J U-%.;; P" A~ JC AcM,. bj Ll. 1. 1:at-wev. rMS31"U., p.,-r.. Dok Ak Muk SSSR.. Vol IX',!-T,, I 17hy 2950,p USDA Trava 275 USSR Econanic - I~Ulculttzre,, 6mwth vubst;arces Scientific - BiolojW, Groqtb subatumes 1~:cn i c Trem, at, ~"OG of Dride-mic Fil -f L,-Or-E., Da-tvml, by I. I. Bogolepova. RUSSIAN, pe-l-, Dah Ak- Nauk SSSR, Vol LMI, 'No 1, 1950, pp 229-232. *Vir�ginia Inst of Marine Science, Gloucester Point, Virginia Sci Sept 6h Ruppenett, K. V. SAMENDRUKKING VAN EEN CYLINDER TUSSEN TWEE RLRYE STARRE PLATEN' (Compression of a Cylinder Between two Rou Rigid Plates). Sp. 2 refs. hMVL: 354. (text in Di 0. Order from OTS or ErC $1.55 61-17597 ~155-YiYdf,- 1950, Trans. of ~~demiva NLauk SS�K,, v. 72, no. 2, p. 2-17-20U. DESCRIPTORS: Cylindrical bodies, Pressure, *Materials, *Plasticity, *Deformation, Theory. 61-17597 1. Ruppenett, K. V. 11. NMVL-354 111. Stichting Nloeilijk ToeFankelijke Wetenschap- pelijke Literatuur Offi-I 7.6.1-1 S-1... :L ion of the Co=na and !,Uri Sigu:L-Vicanco~ 3 31. F6kelner, RBHXMDMM 4xmwl M 3 LUZ Dak AL, Nauk SWR., WL 72., No P-y pp P-55-3 Sci Maeum Lib No 513/3861 London Sci 4-E c 7-,,e- 5 K A-74wo e Ur "r r t Tr~Zf7, cf Z 7" Ana,,~,L-r r 219" l 44N ch,nt the n~f of r a I . llv~ Alf, of Cirmrth OZ i"he Ta, -(~i D u, r i i i Z t h c: I v, c i, lv~ :,mj i I Di~ C; Ilet Solution,, by B. Y. Lyubov. per, Dok Xic Fauk SStLTI, Vol Kro 1950j, -M. -.!T3-zM -* - MIR LLU 14-1070 (loan) Fab 6o Vathslitern. F. M. and Turovskit, G.Ya. ONDERZOEK VAN HET MECHANISME DER OXYDA- TIE VAN CO OP MnO.) VOLGENS DE ISOTOPEN- METIME (Isotopic Atudy of the mechanism of oxidation of carbon monoxide on m~,vanese dioxide), tr. bv (;. 1. hi. Yritscbv. 7 p. 5 refs. MTWL. 484. (Texi in butch) 1. Carbon rnonoxide-Oxidatwj~ 2. ManganesedJoxide 3. Isotopes- Application, 1 .Valoshtelh. F.M. 11. Turcrvskit, G,V:i. rderj qm_Lgj~ or ETC $0. 80 61-17(XI4 Ill. MIVL-484 TV . Stichting Moeilijl~ 'I oeganke ~kadomi- SSSR. ~qad~vjUssr~ IQ5 lijke Wetenschappelijke Lite- Tr rfi~N~auk 0. v.72, p.247-299. ratuur I V 6-9 Thermombamistvy cC the Time-Marluence, by E. B. Tatsiml 7 pro. RMLMI# tbvloe-m_Rg# Dok Ak MUN SM. Val LMM,, 19.50# pp 307-310. AEC Tr 1&a Salantifto - Chumistry .ittxAc OxIffatiaa ar MUU With MiTereatu Sv--Taco by G. S. VozdvUhaml-:i:L. yun traus-latloa- RMSTAN., tbrice-w per, Doh Alc Muk -315M. V03. 1=, No 2,, IZOp IV 3U-M. Rmtcher Tmma No 3055 Scientific - M=r&1v/mmtDu oop 53 CM 43-30 wlze 4iavastltr-tim of the Mamptiou of Gasen by Active Ch=omUj, by M. Ah Dubiulti &W E. D. Zaverina, MICUM IMMMAN., DokAk Mrak SM# IZOj, Irol M 72,, Ilo 2s, pp 319-3220 Sai Mw M No 52/2M ScletitUU 25 Oeftber 3L952 Tl lm j?h3rvleo-ebwdesl bosis of the wtion. of air- entrainfts aftluttmes In conemwj, IW VO V. Odlulkov, -Ak NW* G.Mp PP 331-4, Be HMO= Ub No 51/1-746 London fte Wakfordt ZWS. Ites. Sta,.,t 31ft., Ites. Llb. Co==. go 537, 11 Possible MetbAs of Aooelmtlm the Natuml Processes of the Farmition Sod Amunt'dation of Utive ftafar, by P. X..*wnq?vp 7 *.Yp. RIMUS,* thrloo-m vari, Dak Ak Neak SMj, Vol U=Ip No 2.p 1950.. VP A3-MXY fti Irems comter Boo % 028/m It3otopic. c=position of oxygesi in organic compoturm,la of vagetative origin., by Taic j, Be V. r 7 P. LIUSSU39 w., Doklvdy Akad Bank SMR,, Vol 72j. No 23 1950, PP - SIA Tr U98 sel inn 58 ~ //, R -~Pd J :p 14 / ? 2- T 'Cit- DEC 1950 (nD 27149) e Solution of the Probldme of DM.Vactim of Spherical 11 - - Vavw Frcm a Parmbolcdd of Revolutim or Moflafte Diummelms,, by Ro G., Mlrlmonow,, 5 vy. RMWO Urim-so VMS I" Ak Ikwk ~Wj Vol TZO No, 3j, Weems 1,WP PV 3 CLA/MD/ty-7936 Um 5Y3 OCA - tv im; VbWsl= Eav orthavilUatas of calcium sW sodLuap by-24, A. Ttropov.. and D. 1. Aratmlpn,, a Vk td, EMUS pers Dak Ak *u9t SMiL 1951)j,,, 72j -(2) 11 ~b, pp '4651 oci NMWM LI-0 -No 51A747 , Landon See Watfwd: Bldg. fts. Stm.,p Blft. Rev* Lfb. Ca=tzmo Ito 538. The Px~Axk -aC Us AdU ad." CarotcwoUb in PWta67at-hmd5 tar Do, 34o. SqoxuUwvstto &t Lovatkino amimllo. tbdopm pwo Be Ak Nak 2& va L= 136 VP M 4115* AMC Tr IM Dn 2m CTS Scvc New Pata on the Mechanism of PenatIrstion aild Migration of Cerearise in the 'Tissues of the Host. by T. A. Ginetsunskaia,, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok P Vol IXXII, No 2, _4- 1950, pp 433-4,B---- Navy Tr 3034fim 650 Sci - kwa Peb 62 Of the -a~vacrr cb L .1 of Ccccnd CT r LEffemitial CYperators also Icnnslated as Cm- ceniLing ii'm Theory of a Dif femential Cperator of tl*ie Seccnd Orcbr, by V. A. llat~% 14JSST.M, pere, 24Saa& Akad. Naik SSS Vol 72, No 3, 1-950, pp 457-460. IN&SA TF.V F 13t299 sci/jr.-W. I Oct 70 The bk%nitule of the Dark ConductWity as a Criterion or the Steady and RelamtIon Chamateristics of the Photoconductivity, by D. B. GurevIch and N. A. Tolstoy, 8 pp. RUBBIAN., DOk Ak Muk SSM., Vol 72, IMOo Yp 473-476. Sci ftseum No 51/2740 sclantiric - ("bambstI7 TI-w D.UYw;* Soatterl% of X-RWa at Smal I Angles., by ,V. A. POrw'T-KbsUt8j, i,%L. G. SOlw3xwp tbrice-'Inn par. Dok Ak Houk SSSR. Vol IMM~ Russr" T-S-ffiEW-Av No .;,, IMj py .77-4W - ICILILIM mr-p- ralmr Remeazah Ingutube 9 A 11ov Motho& of Crystal BmUng for X-FAV ImeatiSp, tiong Wlth Boat Crystal Spactrographop by Borovshly,, 1. B. RWSW9I-Mx-Dok Ak Nack =Mtj, Vol LXM,, 1950.p vp 485-10r.. /--5- r05, REM3Z F. R. I* So 25 Scl Ihimeum LO i0 52/0542 Salentine - Phylles r- The Course of the Addition Reaftion of Iodine with Di%rlrWI, by A. A. Petrov, 4 pp. RUSSIMI, Per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, 1950, Vol. LXXE1, 1,10' 3J-1- tit~-515-51-7--- GIA 551-15347 Sal Oct 59 Val 2, Ito 3 Pal~pwrizatlou of Ipl-dichlorelkyllene in f~lolutioua of MmIaVyIM Agerft Under the! &feet of a Wato.-- Soluble Peroxide (the Heabamim of Euxle.-Ifou P04- marlmatimp by 0. V. Dadhenkoj F. M. KhmUm"kiyj, RUSSUNs tbr:Lot--iw pwjp Dok AX "Umm AWPJ Vol LXKIIp NO -Ims pp 543-5W- 937,14,47 ftt TV, 593 Sal Owmistry F,-zg % =Idsi , , , - i ~ I ; ; I I , , I , r 1 . ! I , - t : , 1: ill -! , Fro-bUrng of BoDdIng Solutions of of B-lectrolytea Pravailir~g in Doiler lia~uez-s, by N. 0. Foserko., 6 pp. EMSIM, Dok Ak Mauk SSSR, Vol 72, Fo 3, 1950, pp 547-550. Sci Mulaeum Lib go 51/0567 - London Sci- Nodificatimi of the Fundajwntal Piropertlem of Cement MArtar " Conawte Uider the Tmf'Luencs of Adaixtures of Surface-Active Agents, 6 pp, by SATAUaR, A. V., KOLILMOVA, X. B. RUSSUI,p no pw,, Dok Ak Nwk SWR. Vol IrMaI. No 3, PP 561-.,CA r British Sel, Unwas 110 52//1633 Bldg Poo Sta Llb Mot No 539 Z- A A nVout W." SoU Holsturo Under Different Mrition Canditious on the Intensity of Pbotocynthemis '-n Smgmr Boot, by Le So LyWwakegral 6 pp. RUMUNg, thrice-mo perp Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol LIX11t Zt~ 3a 19509 Pp Sol Tr (hater R5-2095 Scllmtiftc - D102047 Apr 55 WS The Cavitation Factor of Rydrod~mauic w'citur Tunnels,, bw K. K. Shalrqev,, 5 pp. RUSSTAfij, thrice-mo perp DA Ak Val Y=Iio 1950, pp 645-6ig. CIA/FDD/Z-238 Sci - Engimering Jul 1956 CAmervation of the Corona of the UnecUpsed Sun by Infrared Lights by A* A* Phliniak. RUSSIAllp tbrice-mo per Dok Ak Nauk S-c;,Mg Vol L=.. No k 1950, pp Ul - 662. Sci Info Centrep DIM Ganadap T5!;R AR-00- - cl DOC- 3 PP- via LIM no lb* Ak awk 1.950.0 By Wa 30 - an; F.S*Dgw/,v Apr t4o~ w1--150 CL,, Dielectric Breakdown In Suspensloas of Motals in Liquid DIal*ctrics., by L. 0. GiWln, ZA L. He Nwoz., 1. N. putalovaj, Ta. L. Frenkel., O,w A. ShpwaaUyap nussum,p thrice' Rpk AX lk SSSR Vol I=I,, No hj 1950F pp 6,-a'Xj*' CUAMA-1-390 Scientific - Phpics Jul 54 MS 116 00, Do k A-4 Ifla, w Saua,Tsis Of tho p;,occese-3 oi, Inttild Hicating, and SeLd..-CarbonIzation of Fuel err-VJ.f:le,-k, by "cf. Ch-WuwGv, 4 pp. Rmsia, Vol xo 4 1R5o) pp 657-9. Dok Fk Nauk 65S Sci Museum Lib .51/.(4641 - London Sci- chemlotry Z- 'r x //, -o-, A(, 7.5 --:. F X,~;r s , otll~~--, -8 -A W~ 'op "-r -7-L ez~~ 4 r?l I; f I I i V I 132 Mp JW A*& aid SMJPMW# B-P A* V* At Xs* ssW6 =06 1b 4 X1500 pp 70T-709 sluuan botmw ?ban vlam or an AUDY am Its lbom wtuwir to comensm - - - wrotdwr "Sump- ro 270go 112'as socondEiry M Leo CO-c~ouvido iato '0 S, EPmeticin, Of ccr~msporldirzg, NotomOO b_v " rp MMUSSIVILD per,. Dot A-k Naut E68RI, Val LXAIJ, Wo -'rP 711-71.2. Gcl Tr Center UT-1033 SciuLt~_'Sllc - Cbc~dstry ? The Ifeat of Forwtion of Potassim 0-wonide, and the Blectron Affialty of the Ozone Molecule, by G. P.. Nikca,'Okly.. at al. R=X=, per,, Dok Ak Nauk WER, Vol LMCII, No 4, 1950,, pp 713-115. A26 RJ-1600 90 Bel - Chm Jul 59 R101 Zf6-1'" Kargin, V. A. and Malinakil, U. M. THE WLUENCE OF MOLECULAR WEIGIAT ON TEMPERATURES OF POLYVDiYL-CHLORIDE TRANSITIONS. [19631 6p 7refs Order from OTS, SLA, or ErrC $1. 10 TT-63-20518 Trans. of [Akademlys NaUk,=R.1,Pok1sJyj 1950, v. 72. no. 4. p. 725-'718:; ", DESCRWrORS.- *Polyvinyl cbloride, Temperature. Molecular wedght, Mee stu&ee. T'r-63-20518 1. Kargin. V. A. It. Mallasku. U. M. (NUterials-Plastics, TT, v. 11, tio. Ofts of Techalcal Servicti Solubility of NjUvan in Liquid Chr(ataup bar Ve A. nagwMp JL A. samrinp 6 pp. RMBIAXj, thrice-so per Dok Ak Nauk SM Val ATIC IP-T-84919/V Brutchn So 2637 $2.20 Bel - mmintry Avg 19% ~ - ! I I z t, - I!, - 11z" owl Soud Troat=ent VU12 on Ylclfllif) arn-," Biochemical Procescen in SuLmr Beata,, by ex, Al Darullovat Rus's-vaT., POlt Mt vauk ssm, 1701 Lmal" I Jun 19508 pp 60.L-zC)p,,f,#5LL-P444A UM% Tr,= 278 usm Eccu=Ic - Aericultwep groath stbetancea ScientsiXic, - BldloMr,* gromth oubstemcau Uffect-of the Golw of Illundmtion on the C~jw_uga in the Structure cc 113autida,, by V. A. Undelakis 7 PP- MMIAMs, thrice-m per Dak Ak Ikuk SSOR Vol LXM.P NO 49 MOP PP 633:*.15. =L-.!: Sci Tr Cemimr PT-3942 7 Aug 1956 On the AstembOUlty at Mrou-Cmb= AUqyup by Ke P+ buu$np N. M. DIMW "Obowwoll HMSXMS thrloo-qw pw* Dot Ak Ikuk BWRp Vol go 50 IMP pp M9,p Brababor lb 2587 $2.20 um SclantWft - XLu9r&U/*wtas fiC.(~- (LTCRL-Trans-10647) RATE OF EVOLUTION OF VOLATILE SUBSTANCES IN THE THERMAL DECOMPOSITION OF THE ORGANIC MASS OF COAL. Shapatina, E. A.; Kalyu- zhnyi, V. V.; Chukhanov, Z. F. Translated for Univ. of Cali- fornia, Lawrence Livermore Lab., Livermore, from Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR; 72: No. 5. 869-72(1950). 7p. Dep. NTfg-.I cherustry (organic); translations 07C MN-4 P NSA REVISED CARD 0 JS Kargis. V. A. and hislinoHl. U. LIL THE WIAJE14CH OF MOLBCULAR WMGHr CH TEWERATURES CP POLYSM13NE TRANSMMI& 119631 [6p] 2reft OrdOr froin CrrS. SLA. or UM $1. 10 Tr-63-2DSt7 Travs. at lAknemnlya Nauk SW v. 72, m DESCRWMRS: *Styrmepkedca, polymms, MM hblecularwdgte, Fbawsudlo& 7T-63-20517 1. A. 11. MIUMM. U. bL i 77- ~~ "tertals-Pbstice. 77~ v. it, am lp MIN d Tecww %wwm Photooenaltizatlon Wfect of MwtbVlene Blue on YVoaln.. by V. A. MWllhardt, N. S. Demyanovskaya.t T. V. Venkstern, 9 3m. Rmrm am .. pnly-Ddr--~~~ p vol u=, No 5, 1930, pp ge3-926. MA 60-23192 Sci Val rv, NO A3X 62 On the Webunism of the Tectonic Leasing or Rocks, by A* A* Sorskiy, 7 ppe RUBBVJ., ttrlae-mo per, Dok A.k 11muk SWRs Vol LUlls NO 5, 1950.. PP 937-939* MA R-1204 may 58 6 S' q-?S 61-16556 Chernciva, 1. D. THE EXPERIMENTAL-t[ISTOLA)GICAL INVESTIGA- 1. Chernows. 1. D. TION OF 7M CROSS-SrRIATED MUSCLES OF IM BIRD IRIS (SMN(-.-I-I:R AND DILATATOR OF mi.: PUPIL). (10611 ep. (~ figs. omirted) 10 rtfs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-16556 i - Trans. of 1950. v. 72, no. 5, p. 957-%0. 1 . 47i DESCJUffORS: *Mascles, *E~e. *111irds. Offtm of Tedakd Sw4cat (Biological Sciences-Zoology. TT. v. 6. no. 5) --:1 4-1n, I Of 3ciencc of jacL,~,.-Lrtho-Ir)Gy 1~0-,, A!: j Vol 1,TUCII, 7 10 5, Jan Vmlrilf., 11, L* KMIL"ICIKMJ., V. A. n Sopwamdo Lderfwuwtor Wth a %W3AM Wa"- RgSSMM Dok Ak Nauk SSSRw Val =rr, go 6A 195D# pp 1037-2039. AM Mr 577 Ivantawro G. 1. OOklad,Y Aka4esdi Nank Sam, T(a. 72, - 1950, No. 6, pp, 1051.403; 4 rigures, 15oo wDrds. On the CrYstallization of Cast Iron idth Nodular Graphitm. Bratc*Ami4- Ordar 116. 2573L0 $2.85 I! ;.;19 If 11 4 ~ F f I P 1 i "I I 0-riOlItudd A(JE; Orbtiba Of -Salts on -Cc)llaVn, by A. L. ZWOUG, Pull trmis3atAiou. =Mr,)(per, Dck' Ak Tinuk _SWR Vca. LM=, Eo 6, ic,150:. pp -1061. Am Tr. 14o6 mm Scientitic - dhemiertry., salts,, collapa Ott 52: =Am Ivan3v. V.I. and Zakharov, B.A. DE VERHOUDING TUSSEN DE MOLECULAIRE GEWI,-HTEN VAN CELLULA)SEPRODUCTEN, I BEPA,db VOLGENS DE VLSCOSfTErrS- EN VOLGENS 11 DE SEDIMENTATIE- EN DIFFUSIE-SNELHEIDSME- III THODE (Ratio of molecular weights of celNIose IV products, calculated from viscosity and from the rates of sedimentation and diffusion). 8 p. 6 refs. MTWL- 443 (Text in Dutch). Orde: from OTS or ETC $1.65 61-17049 Trans. of A kademiya Nauk SSSR. Doklady, 1950, Y. 72, no. 6. p. 1063-1065. DESCRiPrORS- *Molecular weight, *Cellulose. Visco,fry, Sedimentation, Diffusion. 61-17040 Ivanov, V.I, Zakharov, B.A. MTWL-443 Stichting Moellijk TWe ankelijke Wetenschap- Yke Literatuur. Offi-f Uci.1-1 S-k.. KORN11OV, 1. 1. Doklady Akademii Nauk Sssr, vol. 72, 1950, no. 6, pp. 1067-1070; 1 figurE!, 2 tables, 1900 words. Rule for Temperature Dependence of solubility of Metals in Iron. Bratcher Trans, Order No. 2628, OP3.80 vA.unaly --r Surface vairiaticl= in raichcl "ataiyatso N. P. KeYer. AUSSW,, per, Doj~ Ak. Hauk SSSRg Vol LXXII,, No 6. 2-950p pp 1071-1074. CIA D. 1513(,05 Res Inro Sv R.'rO9 Sci - Chemistry Jan 1956/M, 110 77 30 oo 53 Nassau St., Now York# N.Tv Biomyn-Lhe.-sic of Carnosine,# by 11. A. Macv, 9 pp. R0.1 tranalation. RMCUNp mthrice-mo per,, Dok Ak Dal* SSSR.. Vol Lulls lqo 6.,, ig5oj pp iogg-lim. --.- - - , CMA/FM/X-4357 Scientific - Biology* biocbemistry Jim 53 CTS uc,~ ar 1.1--,tribolic Cjtbaaators in PrcZue- by 1A. A. Plen!3er. 11"USSLkE., p,",r,, 221'. Vol LL".111., 21 Jun 19500 pp llh3-1146. -..- - =A Tmrm 277 'USS.11 I;cvamBic - Aalculturep growth mibsta=08 S~~O S Scieutific - 33ioloay., growth aubutances The Minimal Sizes of Mature IDdividuals of Marine Invertebrates., by V. V. Kuzuetscrr, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, thrice-mo per,, Dok Ak Fauk SMR,. vol immj, so 6, pp Sci Trans Conter W-3250 SC!L - Biology 3,;Z., 411'4 mar 56 -t)-:5k Ak Nao.1c. VA i-xyull a 4y, "I, T -7-713 tN ':D aOU JAN 2 1951 537os-.z, 1~ I III In.mmi -I>ok AIC NOLuk Sc,-~K Vol L_YY-111 0_Tmf'5-0) -to 2- '"D Milo par k *tr- Cv" 4aa~ 61 t" I,fferki'm, LawArev, Rudemko JAN 2 1951 6c ,c. W" Dietributiou of Brightness oP Night SIW Infl-arsd Rad1wtion Ovor the Celestial Arch, b7 E. ff. Paviam, 6 ppe RUSSIAS j, tbricew= parp Dok Ak Vol =11, To I., 1950t pp 69-72., 73 ATIC IF-TS-8706/ln Scientific - AstronouV Nov 53 CTS/mx .5 on the Crystal Structure and the Particle Size of, the Carbide Photo In Tempered Stwel# by M. P. Arbusov. MUSSIMS Vero k A suk.SSSRg 1 -111 1Vol 1=110 No 1# 1"0# PAW-g-" - am Tr 9612 scientific - Physics $2.90 / ;? 11.01; d The Queation o-A the Enarmd of Fomation of the K=Lel of DEartcasite, by G. V. Mirdy=v, 0. P. Mkaimova, 5 pp. RUSSIAN., thrice-mo per., Rok Alc Nauk SS5H,, Vol IMMI, lm,p pp 95-93'. X12 Harvell 11/3/5/366 Scientific - Mineral0ketals D A AV" cxlv cs .7. SpucJLal. Cuee of a Direct Miathod of X-raq Structure Ana2yela, by V. V. Sanadze and G. $. Zhdancy, 4 pp RLUSIAN., Dok Ak Nauk WSR, Vol 73, 1950, pp M-122. Sci Awe= No 5V27118 ScIffirtific : physics Rapid Thermal Analysis., by L. G. Berg, 1. S. RasoonokaYa, 3 PP, RUMIAN, perj, Dok Ak Du* SWR. Vol 73, No 1, IM, PP 113-1X5. Sci ftwom Llb No 51/2339 M Lib com no 556 ScL - Chemistry DL', S~,S'R, '..'ov--,,-a Serija vol '70 tll%-*-3turc-. of the iearer Asia Lcru-Pressure Recio-,)" by T. A. Sax-msakov et alii Proji 9636 SR 'T -- 295-291 1 Q50 DA',,I SSSR Vol LXXII13 Ijo 2 -1 "Deterrrdning the Electrical Characteristics of the Deep Layers of the Earth's Crust", A. N. Tikhonov, 75T22 1 7- L OL--,~- Upharol-dization, ana Oraphitiration) ft Silicon Steal During Tezipering, by B. Z. Bokahteyu. RUM10, tbrftce mo porp Dok A Nauk S=p Val No 2j, IW* VP M-Ak- Bratebar Tr No 2616 StlentiM - Miu/MetaU 43-20 Al S -S S R Db: Soboravskii, L.Z., Zinov'ev, Yu.M. and E Ii n NI.A OBTENTIO14 DES COMPOSES PHOSPHORO ORWANIOUE PAR LA REACTION DU TRICHLORURE DE PHOSPHO- RE ET DF L'OXYGNE SUR LES I Pf QROCA RBURES, LEURS DNtVES C14LORES ET LES ETHERS SIMPLES (Poluchenie Fosfororganiccheskikh Soedinenii Pri Reak- tsii Trekhkhloristogo Fosfora i Kisloroda s U I odo ~ ev rodaml, 1kh Khl.:)rproizvodnymi I a Prostym fira (Preparation of Phospho-organic Compounds by a Reac- ti on of Phosphorus TrIchlorlde and Oxygen with Hydro- carbons and Their Halogen Derivates and with Ethers) 14p. (Foreign text included) 3refs. CNRS-VIII his 547 Order from OTS, ETC or CNRS $0.80 TT-62-28277 Trans~ in Frenchlof Akademiya Nauk SSSq'62kWZ 1950, v7PS,-n_o.T, p.3T3_-_336-.------- A translation in DuM is available from OTS or ETC $1.55 as 61-17076. DESCRIPTORS: Chemical reactions, Oxygen, *Phos- pborus compounds, Chlorides, *Organic compounds, Synthesis (Chemistry)p Ethers (Chemistry--Organle, T`T; v. 11, no. 6) TT-62-282_77 1. Soborovskii, L. Z. 11. Zignov'ev, Yu.M. Ill. E lin, M.A. IV. C'1n'9S-VIII his 547 V. Centre National de la Recher- che Scientifique, Paris ON... ~1 T-h.~l S.-w., E-".. C- I t I I .. A I " I Ir ll..Imu~ bbA-N 5,0 1 W3 S'S'- (ar COUS Ir, the Wlw;~r el rizto I)Iet,,p by it. V. aienin.* 8 pp. akAkAhp'-k- RVSMMj, lbtloe-w VWt D Vol ZMMP Ila a., Imi. pp 3*-3Ee. U1 Tr Owtor W-38%8 Sol? =/a= Diroative 'Variation of YeTmmtutive ftwerties of Yeasts Under the M212v*nee or Mbct~ or Related Specleaj, by K. V. MMM Moo U=,, DIMUSSIMM =SIANt Dcdc Ah Muk $=a Vol Th Ifo 2s pp Sci am m ft P/Amp gm Scientifte 23 Ocr~ 1952 Berim, N.G. and Edelman. N.M. METHODEN VOOR FIET OVERWINNTEN VAN DE PHYSIOLOGISCUIE REStSTENTIE VAN INSECTEN TEGEN Dl(:[iLOORI-)IPIiENYI.TRICIILOORAETtlAAN DDT) EN [11-.XACIII..OC))tC'%'('[.OlIEXAAN (I-ICCII) thods for conquering the physiologic-al resistance C of insectraltainst 2,2-bi9(p-chlorophMI)-l, 1,1- trichloroeth"o (DDT) and hexachlorocyclobexane (HCCH) ). 7 13. 2 refs. MWL: 452. (1 ext in Dutch). Order from OTS or H TC $1.55 61-17041 Trans. of Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Doklady, 1950, v. 73, no. 2, p. 475-428. DESCRivroRs: *insects, *Resistance, Physiology, *l-lexachlorocyclohexanes, *DDT. 61-17G41 1. Berim. N.G. 11. Edelman, N.M. 111. N'r]VL-452 TV. Stichting Moeilijk TGegankelijke Wetenrchap- pelifte Literavaur. Offi- f T..1-1-1 S-i... LX X\) o, 3 1_sz Arrc C- -Fri r), C -D D C-AA ,5S 1310AILt~ z4rcoutum DIfwIde in MUlte Retimetorlec.. by . ft-"--= D. S &W-soul." v V. V. lapin. T m=w, ttwko-w.-wr- Wk & "uk M- Vol U=U,, m 2, :1560# Im At6?46--9-".P' wutaw Mr NO M3 scientult - cbm"atry ~ 42-50 1 q,,VA / D4 A NoLAkk 5 5 s Vo~ I-mol No.362-, loo (Z D p -7 0 If ,,,/A4e,4