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us var al Klinssr Pam! 59 Inftuencing the Coking Properties of Bitutminous Coal Tax Pitch by Condensation Reactions,, by H. Bruckner, G. Huber, 3 Py - GERMp pers Gag us Wasperfach., Vol )WIls No- 5s March 19511 pp 53, SIA Tr 57-1921 Sci Jun 58 6.3-~ 9-?;7 The Oxygen Slaa~l Generator, 'by Fftm Subel C* GFRMNp pers Ow md-immac-bil Ira lpo NO 19A 3.951, -Z-6r.4 S.T..A. Tr Pool Scientific - suonewins CTSAM / dl 3 A at- 63-16226 Wurz, Fritz. GENEMATOR WIN RCTARY-ROLL GRATH AND 1. Wun, F. ALrI0MhIlC SLAG-REMOVAL. [196316p. (tip. tow omitted). Order from SLA $1.10 63-16226 Trans. o( GWP Was Gas- und W""r0schl_(West _ nVM_.v_._9_3_. `oo_.V.-p-. MS-=. DESCRIPrOR& *Gas-Swerating systems, Vurnaces, Automatic, Map. Disposal. Des4p, Operation. P&chlnery. Fabrications and Accessory Equipment, TT. v. 10. no. 4 Gas ft-am Ron-doldna Coals,, by Rubigas Tzsemkner ~g c Ommo imr., Laa-Ed-waa82EWhv Vol. 19~mp no 190 1952. S.L.A. Tr pool Scieumic - ruals CTS/m / 4z soW tv #I* Potentialities ancl Idmits for the Removal of El~y~ogen Sulfide in Ammonia Scrubbing, by Wilhelm zanu 0 GMM, per.,Das Gas und Wasserfach, 1953., vol. 94., DO-7., PP- 1~8-180. sLA-TT.64-2o368 ft 66 307,,683 wnll COt b~y UNAM O,iMV.W, or Gae u Waisserfachs ROV 1953, VP Beltish iron and Staul Ind (no nmrber givenl J~ I S - C, 0 N5?(5 Sol. - MWO riD Observations Concerning Analytical Methods for 0& Knowledge of the Coking Property of Coals, by ". mrieb.. 11 pp. GREW=.. perjp XCM, No 17j, 1 Sep 1955, Pi-559-562. s.L,A. Tr 57-20 Bel - mwn"rIng Agpr 57 -44;~ ffo;/ Ivoeuctica of Brat-bovia aw V'r owification of ell %YPQO of FMI Acoottiql to Kogpwm-Tataokj. 13 pp. amms Mars chow Vad Wassernigbo Vckl =Vlj, lb 23, IL955.9 VV 9kd TCLI 17g HD 31 Am 62 Ga SomM Sewage Acraltion, by L., Schliegler. GEP-Iklf6'4,v per$ Gas und Wasserfacb -Vol XCVU., no 20 1956. i6mEs ~,.VHRZM~236. D.S.I*11./27916 scl . Zm6lqoerU*j, CbtmU" Apr ~7 CTS/d" Modern House Instanation., by B. Grove. GM40j, per, Gaa-und Wasserfach: Vol CXv3:1, 3-91,--6.. pp 560--561F. C.9rRO Wfaw - germuW 7 HCOU Aua 62 --) //' --F-2 / 26 pp. per, Gas ry 7r-- -) ~ SLI 59-1:50511- Dec! 59 Vol. 5 Further Immstigmt1=s and CbservatIms on the FZfeat or p3muc PIPM an the Bacterial counts Of DrInkIng Water, by C.B.F. AJUvnso C. Walther ada an& 8iciprt, 6 Iwo MWXAN per., Gas und Wasserfach, Vol XMIX, so z AM3A&&5G 72- G*Z- Sai am 62 yi-alds liz. uild W-arserfach, Vol 2-C45 -1953, p_ 8LA 59-10852 Sel Doc 59 Vol 2, 110 5 M ) 73 all"Mil pov* GAD a 7f 1~5,5.,.- py. DISI 1449 (15 sup Apr 60 flusmann. Wilhe IT and hlalz. Pranz. BIOLMICAL PURIFICATION OF Sl--'N%AGE ON AN AEROBIC THERMOPHIUC BASIS. 2 June 61, 12p. (8 figs. omitted). Order from SLA $1.00 6- ----- Trans. of Gas- ujnJj Wasserfach (West Cermany) t959, v. 100, p. DV SCRIM'ORS: *Purification. Ranitary cnglij~crlng. *Wilci filit-rs, Phenols, IX!compo3ition, *Tvmp~rilure. NitrogLrn, Ammonia, Nitratefi. 'Acrobiology. Microorganisms. -bichcatil.try. As far as the practical applications of activated Mudge. method for purification of waste water at higher tem- per Iturea are concerned, experiments Indicate that in coritrast to the trickling filters, maximum activity is ohqLryed only UnL!er the meRophilic conditions. From (Engineering-Sanitation, TT. v. 6, no. 12) (over) 61-18812 1. Husmann, W. 11. MaIz. F. ~57 I offi-I T-W..1 oxidation of Lump Coals for Propertiee, by Vea Fritz Ulrich. =W, perp.GaB j=-Wgaaerfachj Vol C, No 13, 1959s pp 309-317. Dept of Interior TN7, E57, No 334 Sci - Fuels oct 6o The "Peak" Problem in Gas Production,, by H. Weittenhillera GM31", per$ Gaw-und Wanaerfach Vol C., No 33,, 14 Aug NO A. V36o Sci Aug 61 gj,yy,~- List No 41 Immatigations on the Reactiviiy and c asion StMOM of Coke gui a runction Of thO ODk0 Strwtme,, by B. Tmweo, W. Raven. GMM., VMS p Vol C, So 391, lJ99;T-3FMp-P993- Brdm RM Prop.Co Ltd &A - Mtn/Nat C-i AOF 62 orewde sauur in Tom ami IL DrWim of the Literatume's bly Ve OIFWS 100~11- ma - I - - VbL ca No 490 mrwk low*-pp I=-]= . at 3 i% v W s0% - am sop 6L The Activated Sludge Ditech at Grossduengen, by K. Viehl. GERMX.N, per, Das Gas und lVasserfach,'No 19, Apr 1960. NZUIA Sci Dec 62 RMusat Treatment at the Karlortibe At=lc Researeb ContrOp bY Be EMOVOOklip A PP- MMNO part am n"A Pbs Val CIS 1960p pr 909414, XVWL.A"2m AM VP Tr-557 a" - VAC pbp jow 61 /S-P 360 Domestic Refri&--rators and Cooling Cabinut" With HcatirZ by I-leans of Town Gas, Uquid Gas and Natural Gas) by W. Schirp. GMLKV, !)Crjl Gw-L. (Gas und Wasscrfach), Vol 101, HO 45, 1,-,)60, pp 1166-1170. - GB/l47/F'u.u-iaza Sci - -.-z4 Jul 07 Boviet'Technical Advaoms In the Wnstruction of Gas lpipaUneFs., by A. K. Kartunav, 30 amw,, West (CaU ND "M ms v I%# ib 47 is Mr) std VU~ AM Oct 61 OVEN OPERATION AND AROMATICS CONTENT, BY H. BERGE," W. KIRCHNER. GERMANj, PER.. GAS-UND-WASSERFACHp VOL CIIp 24 NOV 1961, PP ;288-i2go. BISI 2950 SCI ENGR OCT 62 LIST 153 214$819 Natural Gas Versus Coal., Part I, by A, Rivet, GERMANs pars -99~ Vol XXVII. 1962, pp 689-M. HZDIA Sci-pools July 63 ,fk a j 0 Posiltion of Public and Private Water Supplies in the Water Legislation of the G*rmma Fadoration and Provinces, by F,, Dinsing., GBRMAN, par, Gas -und WasserfaiA, No 32, 1%.2, P".. NZDIA SCI-mist :i 3-1'1~~ Ifty 63 Usc of Elactrmic CoWaters for the invost- igations of the Conditims of Sexially Polluted Irmter Counas wid Economical iik%asurea for Keeping WW Them Clean,, by H. Dietrich. GERDWI, per, Gas -und Wasserfach, No 34, 19621, PP 896-902. ' -- MZDIA 73 -~j / b 7 Sci-Siol Fedora" LegAslatLan About PipFaine conztruction ia Siritzerl=d, by H. E. VoSQ1, 7 pp?. GERON., lper,, Me .1953, pq 44, 45. ((!P-u mo ? Eng -wy- - , A=W VAI? ftrvlce scl - Enpx )%Y, 63 ~f 51 -n-) 6 (? ~v .Lvi~ Ag Hm-dinwg-Ilarbura Be-Mery.. lay W. van Ozz, W ,~ao und Wasuerfach., CIIF,, No 4., 3 pp = .963., `W oat 63 Special Metliods in Canal Construction. GOWAN, per, Gas Wasserfach, Vol 105, 1964, Pp 533-539, ORNL-tr-2091 July 69 385-952 The Calculation of Frictional Losses in Sludge, by 0. Annen. GERMAN,:'per, Gas und Wasserfacb, I.Ro 12, 1963, pp, 342-346. NZDIA Feb 64 250,496 62-18241 Pdschmann, V. INFRA-RED HEAT RADIATION AND rrS INDUSTRIAL 1. p6schmann. V. EXPLjOrrATION. [19621 10p. (figs. formulae tables refs. omitted). Order from SLA $ 1. 10 62-18241 Trans. ofGas, Wasser, Wdrme (Austria) 1948, v. no. 7, p. 143-149-. " 1"' DESCRIPTORS: *Infrared radiazion. Heaters, *Radiant heating panels, *Driers (Apparatus), Heat transfer, Dehydrators. (Engineering- -Macha nical, TT, v. 9, no. 5) Offkt o1 Teck*xf Sgrvkes Contributions to the Bioloj7 of Phenol-splitting Mimmorg=imol, by P. Lieb,, 12 pp. Fun tm-analatiort. GEM".. per, gjg- yM=- 13=p vol My No 6v Jum 1949, Pp 101-M------- S*L&A* Scientific - Biologima -Tul 55 Colm Dast (Frm Article "Coal Met Becom Even More of a Paw HateriAl"), by F. stiers, 3 PP* GommA var., am, Nasser warmep Vol VIA No 11., 19523. p M.* A - S.L.P- Tr JM Saj - EnglWaring .4,1 ;7 Apr " / g,?,y Industrial Waste-Water Problems, by W. Husmann. ORNO, per, Gas Wass Wgj=, Vol X1j, 1957, pp 124- 130. ------ DSIR/31321/CT 101-Y ~? '?/ EZ - Germany Econ wr 58 Theoretical Equilibrium Compositions on CraclcinZ Of Methane-steam Mixtures, by G. Rumler. GEMM, per, Gas Wass Warme, Vol 14, No 12, 1960 pp 9-243 CRL/T. 2442 Sci - Sep 67 34o.245 TT-65-12321 Field 13B Kopecky. J. EXPERIENCES IN THE OZONIZATION OF DRINKING 1. Kopecky, J. WATER. 5p. Order tmm SLA: $1.10 as TT-65-12321 I Trans. of qjm-WAmu_Waerra Arla) v17 n6 pl3l 1963. 9-(Aur MR 630 Special Nothods in Canal Ernst Kuntze. 19 pp. GERMAN, per, Gas Wasser, pp 533-539. AE-C/SC/Tr-69-1013 Sci/Afech May 69 Construction, by Vol 105(20), 1964, 377,474 The Present Status. and Prospects for Heat ring Development in Poland, by E d Mas=zynild, 8 I)V. PO ipori Gas Vbda'I Technika aitarna, No 2, 196 4*1.i P!F P' 56!.59. JPR"S 24659 Graf, Otto. 61-18941 GAS CONCRETE, FOAMED CONCRETF, LIGHT- 1. Graf. 0. WEIGHT LIME CONCRETE. [19611 [1271p. 60 refs. Order from SLA $10. 10 61-18%1 ,Trans. of mono. Gasbeton Schaumbeton Uchtkalkbeton. -Stuttgart, 1949. DESCRIPTORS: 00*wretA Materials. Test methods. Comews. Mechanical properties, Moisture content. Insulating materials. Sand, Mortar. Hydrogen com- pounds. Oxides, Calcite, Stesm, Temperature, Heat trestmew. Poems, Howing. Gases, Peroxides, cal- clum compounds. (Materials.. TZ V. C M 10) OM".F T.AW..i S.Mc.. Stress In Perlon MamntiOX iu Cold- Drawings by D. Natug., R. Bauer, x. wenaerothp 6 pp. GMM* per., iftobdko- Vol Vo lb 10.9 1,955p IPVP -434- XM-70mm Scd lim's dp.? f mw 62 VCLI TV$ lb 2 Order on Formation of the OrSmUzatlon of Volunteer Air Raid Protection Belpers,, - 3 pp. UNCLASSIFIMD GHR%Wp Irreg parj, Gmwtxb2att der Dautacben De=D- kratlack 31bil W7 M" p us am/bc-L-W6' AE - -Gerimmy Soc - Civil Defeum Jun 58 ,601e q Tr&ckml Amphibious Vehicles* 16 pp. POLLSH rpr, Gasierdpowe wozZ pi pp ejg:,id., ACM 1-5W B ID 2MO5%64 EEixr - PoIaW MR ; itm 65 1: 281,638 .t Gas bbsIL in the Service of 11ke Workers Frotection., by Bi, Neitzel, GMM.v voi iy,, No 6j, 1933a PV Dept of mat w Bur of Mims Centzal Impar aft PIttG-9 F&- ?r 13B Bel a &2V MOP, AM 59 7C KOA Dort-. 0!, Tnterior W B= of DUMB Central RWrimeut Stetiml Fittj;Ziar6a j, ra * Tr 93. (;;' 7, 5- K--y 59 New Pr*be--+AvL- no= Aamter. GEM=j pwo Oasmskik Vol V12, Mb 1; 1934,9 Vp - - I p i A n; - D"& Cie mob M Nor 0t Wme owmia Swir Su Pitts-* Ea- 'Er 139 sel . ftw (7c?- 6 0*/ a t7-,# Jkm 59 11 Ma2k in. thay- SarTico of the tbfw-r, b-c' Es. mwms pers Vol YM, PP .33-44- Dept or lubmior 90 Bur of Rinw cmuvi 24mrimmt staticu Plttabur&, Pa. 2r 8B Bel - AW fty 59 TGAIMS CKr UlDt FJaterBj, 1XY Oo leum=. Glam. 1proqnMeWas WL V=8 No 3v 19361p pp (0-70. Dq~t at alt ~ go am at 34u" oduumt x3wr ota Pittelbs 74& Ir so Sol - 2w aft 59 fov XO 0 1) Of ity -7. Die Vol T--,. LOV !3P 13~7-140- ua Bull of -za " ?a. T.- MY 59 Health Hazards in Paint-- Spraying, by ff. Weidner, 12 pp. c ~ Om", per . . Vol X, 19313, pp 1.20-127. siA 6o-10756 SOL 0m, voi ni, No 6 Nep 66 - '/Op- 61 g-~ 7 Dust and-7ama In the Slect4ron KicroscOP8p bY 3- Mess,, 16 go Willer, O=tl,, Perm QSSMGM VoIlls, 1939# VP 1-9- Dq~t or Icrt ve am or in cont"I Aper 9t& PLtte.0 I%. ver as act - -5-W ion 59 Accideut Camaed by Technioal Fropme,, by W. laueffroy. GSWAXj, pery Dielaamazke, 7ol IX., 1939; pp 69-72- Dept of' Interlor US Bar of Mines Central Experiment Statioxi Pittaburloip Pa. Tr 13 F-7 -,5-f 7 MW 59 TIW %" MFA; by W. amomis, per,, Gasachut und Laftschutz., Vol IV,, 3-9:-~40 pp DRt of Int, us Dw of Wdues Centml Rq)er M -' P:Lttasy Pa. Tr 13T Bel - Ew im 5 9 V"g az.14-0,0, jfl-~ /J 7 -/ w SIA%W: In 7 ORUMS of Ecdamu and B"cmtlo spmj, by VI, Oublerl 16 P_%. GMUN., par, Gain, Vol L=Kil 3.9338 pp 257-Mo,-''- NM 32-33 Bet - Md Fob 59 les 1711:ti Synantomrtic, bprue oy RcIf Uebelb-irt -op. (Dxccri)ts only). GaIIFAN, per, Gnstroenterologiti, Vol LXXXI. 1954 pp 3-9- ffm 2-313 c 7's -5- ~F - A4 2311 Sci - Med. Mr, r 59 Th~\'Vlllutwic Dqy'~. in the Mirror of Acid Seer-et"Lonj by fl.. schm-ldt-Xesamip 10 pp. - GMYAN, per., Gantroente Vol AM�;6 1955s PP 177-186. 3 NIH 334 Scientific - Medicine c~f the Mochar m f CoUc-pze in .1c'Lvtc of the L%,,tr M. ?,f, VoreU, 31 y-a. Vol. LW~W, WUI 2-2.7-60 I-led kv:, OU Histophysiologic Examination on the Epitbe-lium of the Intestins" Tract During Digestion, by U. Bitter, 42 pp and 2 Atch. GERMAN, per, Gamtroentergl-o-gLaj Vol !X=II, 1957, pp .133-171. NM li-42-6j. /'7 5 Sci - Mod jau 6z ON ANTIBODIES AGAINST NUCLEAR AND CYTOPLASMIIC CELL COMPONENTS INLUPUS ERYTHEMATOSUS, DISSEMINATUS AND SOME OTHER DISEASESo BY H. DEICHER,, H. R. HOLMAN, 4 pp. GERMAN, PREj, GASTROENTEROLOGIAo VOL XCVjp 1959, pp 270-276. N I H 5m-2"2 SCI MED 207..912 AUG'6z - --- ------ Tests on Implantation of Lactic Dacilli in the Colon by Pyxigraphy, by R. Lasserre. CZECH, per, Gastroenterologia Vol lo3, No 3, 1965 P.P 5-171 GB 69 Sci - Aug 67 336,475 Pxotection of Metal-Recup-erators Against Overheating, : by S6. Hand. I GE4M^ per,j~g~n!~e, Vol V, No 1, 1956, pp B!'43. j B151:3563 Sri -w M/M Apr 64 255,164 ambu; cm -iuw ~ zwotiatism ~ Ge. as$" saubtes at "w4v Iftlwatu v"wit, 4" tow URVORW*1 Of 7=2000 UstsUatAgap YJ7 We UM46 "w# GMANMb IMs vt- 3b8-Xa,.- s L A 41.-,)0 4 u Irs"m 200, A* st"L U4106 set a Alw to 3U-044: . low 59 12.2, On the Wddatloa of Ircm 12 B20-11.,--Ar and V02-DD-Ar lUxtures in the liustitel-lv~,, by H. J* Yoch. QMWI j per., Ga9varm Vol x. 1961, IT 31'4-359- BISI 3M sel.-Mbm Apr 65 278..736 InvestiLgati on into the Heating of Yaltu Kilns b- b,y A. Kneis-sel. y Gas, GM-W-71 per, Gasvanne, Vol. 12, 1963, pi) 103-110. GFC Sci - july 1967 334-586 Scaing 4uld ix-caxburisatitni of bteel ill Purmacm Atmospheres With lar Ratios of Frow 0#45 to 1,,10 at Toqxtratures from 9500 to 1250% by Ra Myer, Iho Sdimidt. GOEMaMer, Gaswaxwop VoR 13, Oct 1964, pl) $87-3960 RISI 4252 Oct 65 M,294 Conversion Problems in the Gas Grid. by C. Brecht. GERIMN, per Gas Warme, Vol. 12, No. 12, 1964, pp 467-474 aB 280/114 Sci - Aug 67 339-385 I Die Gsavermessumgp eine direkbe rjo>cbmais he Methode Zur brdolerk=dung, 1955P by V. A. Sokolov. Translated from the Russian Elitionp 1947- DSIR 553-98 ImAlng Lib Unit G. 113V/b Bbodqftomm Speolm- linw4aml"j, bar H. 4-Ift. GMGNP Oto Xe ftk~m &M J10ft 1956, pa 81-134. , NIC 6q,-iu2T-oo6c S*1/BW MY 69 386s555 (FDD 27870) "'be Gausslan iuid Geographic Cocwdluates an tUe x Ellipsoid of by V. K. HrIstau., 242 pp. GERMM, bk PP CIAA?DD Tr 607 Scl - Geophysicss geodesy 1955,o (copyRimu-) Theoretical Basir. of Petrographic PreparpLtion of Coal Charge.. by W. Krause., I. Ciezevska. POLISH, per, Gaz, Vol VI, No 4, P.P 134-140. *FL-480 oTs 63-11385 Sci jan 63 "I Sorption of Meth- 1 and Water XIQOM Vapour on Petrographic Varieties of Bituminous Coals, by A. Korta,.T. Laskowski, M. Lason, M. Zyla. POLISH, per, vii, No 1, pp 1-6. ~'Vol om 63-11385 Sci ion 63 Ho*vayoU In Aqmwuo Solutloon, b7 V. Hermwv:Lcs, W. Dosanska PLISRS, pwf~ Vo& I Teah Banit, Vol I 's llo~ eah NO 9s 19499 to ~~~ _ Asma Tech Sy PX-479 $20." Sol - oboulaftT Jft 57 M -15~kv 14 f Mz,o=togMfta Deftndn&tUm at Rtbr2sw ln coa fts# 'by A. TarWiskas imRzwwxiuwlg D. Jadr=jialWk. asm"m w as Wftft I amnItams. 8 Oa- val X=s so .1 3-90'r ip 2~~ 0/242 *d-Fum" Fab 63 '07 Q -~, 0 f6 TT-63-20924 Daniec. Eugealusz. Naczynaki, Jerzy, and Regulska, Hanna. 1. Daniec, E. THE REMOVAL OF NAPTHALENE DEPOSM FROM IL Naczynski. J. GAS LINES Wrr*t THE AID OF SOLVENTS (Usuwanle 111. Regulska. H. Osidow Naftalenowych z PrzewodDw Gazowych przy Ponvocy Rozpusz=ltdkovv). (19631 [27p1 (forelp text included) 15refs Order from SLA $2.60 Tr-63-2D924 Trans. of Gaz wodsA-Tech-i1,p SanItarna (Poland) 1957. v. 3T; -no. B. P. 297-293. (Bugineering-Chemical, TT. v. 112, no. 2) 0111- *1 T-h"1-1 S-i- %e ptrmpecu od UMn to the Dwrolopwat of Noturga Gas U&Wtry In Poasnij, by MOM knady*2&w X020014P Zblozlew Obucbmicso JMws dirsojolskit 13 0- pmm,p lori, ago$ va" I Todo"s soldtarmas Vbl Xo=-. Poo No= FWAI.- po"ry Datum, ow IW Aug 59 R-900 5 'm W-2919). Tecbnica Progress in Mmicipal Gas 3hdustry rrom 1939-1958j, by Jadv4p Szpakmaka.. 12 pp- PCLI=j, per x_Qa%,A-Xada- 4-1%clmi ka - SuAltAr=s Vol ]=:Ent no 6, wareav, 1959., in) 252-254. JPHS-1931-3 K&W - poland. Soon - rmla and Power., 14mialpa Oas Oct 59 Metboft fW the cc Pute2g=ft lu VOW SIA OnvOl by J. lbv&Wds 23 no PMwp zgw., an Waft 21wmdkik suite=) Vol IS* 9p 1.9591 JW-360-3630 9mgw- AW-W-tt-U*9 ft:L Chgan Jan A V4, Yto Z- 62-26433 Bakowaid. C. INSTALLATIONS POUR LE CRACKING CATALYTIQUE 1. Title: Onia-Gegi system DES HYDROCARBURES. -SYSTME 0MA-GEGL 1. Rakowski, C. (Installations for the Catalytic Cracktng of "ydrocar- It. FX-788 bons- System Onla-Gegi). 8p. FX-788. Ill. Centre National de la Order from OM ETC or CNRS W. 80 62-26433 Recherche Scientifique (France) Trans. in French of GszJYo& I Technika Sanitarna (Poland) 9W v. 34, -p~- 192-- F M. DESCRIPTOR& Ollydrocarbons, ODecompositiov6 Catalysts. (Cbemiscry-Orgautc, IT. v. 1% no. 7) Ofts of TedvAul Serilm TT-62-26389 KuNzok, A. EMPLOI DE TLNAIJX ENI AMIANTE-CMENT POUR 1. Kupczok, A. LA DISTRIBUMON DU GAZ A BASSE PRFSSION DANS 11. CNRS-XXV 556 LES VILLES (Application of A sbestos -Cement Pipes 111. Centre National de la Recher- for Distribution of Low Pressure Car, in Towns) 10p. che Scientifique, Paris CNRS-XXV 556. Order from OTS, ETC or CNRS $1. 10 TT-62-26389 Tranz;. in French of Gaz-Woda i Technik-a Sanitarna (PoIandj_IQ0ff,_v_.3-1, iTo.8, DE3CIUM'ORS: Gases. Distribution, *Pipes, Pres-qur( *Asbcsto.,, Cernents, Carbon dioxide, Bonding. (Engineering--Civil, TT. v. 11, no. 8) T..d~. C~ Water &Wply and Sewerage Systems in the Tovn of Varna,;by Henryk Jun sewaki. 6pp PQLIM,r part ftw-Woft 1--TeebuLca-S,=Ltsrnaj 19&L, Vp 42-44.. Call No. W4, ", V35-,--Yo 2. AM BMW - Poland soon Aug 61 /9 3, 0 /~ I (iff-6766) Radioactivity of Extrenal Medium in the Environs of Greater WarGav and Swierk, by W. Hermanowiez, C. Sikorowskj:8, W. Dozanaka, et al, 24 pp. ~p F=BH,,.,-*r LftqZ,41~961, Y~P34M-3"87- JFHS '11623 Sai 4 Chem jan 62 (Dc"& 26oo) TRENDS OF DEVELOPMENT IN THE GAS INDUSTRY OF POLAND IN THE YEARS 1965-198o, BY ANTONI BALCZEWSKI, 6 pp. POLISH, PER, GAZ. WODA I TECHNIK SANITARNA, NO 5, 1962, P-P1624-164. JPRS 14579 EEEUR - POLAND ECON AUG 62 205,733 SEWAGE PROBLEMS IN LODZ (POLAND)p BY JAN BUDASZEWSKI, 8 PP. POLISH, PER GAZ, WODA I TECHNIKA SANITARNA, NO lq~~, pp JPRS 20340 EEUR POLAND ECON .J OL ~63 237.,472- Sanitation and Hygienic Conditions of Public Water Supply Systems in Cities and Settlements, by J. Just$ C. Sikorowska, 8 pp. POLISH, per, Gaz,1 Woda i Technika Sanitarna, Vol XXXVII, No 1964, pp ZiO---222~. JPRS 27,250 EE-Poland Econ Jan 6S 271,748 The _-~aJDoln~:', conferenc,-- C.f., S~at-- Flu-,~-i-, by Gabor SlMai-PUSZINKO MMARTAMN dazd al k66 as ol III,, No 1.9 'Tu-da5iis--~Tpp 75-82 U'S JPRS 1694-ii 19E/A - Babylcmia 1,5,57 7/7 Econ 7 (1-d-4Y22) A Few 00matious on the Ecou=lc Evalumtion of Cattle lattening, by W& LU.0 V. KralovauszlQr, 12 rp. WAGARM,, Verp Gandalkodsojo Vol IVjp No 2j, BWapest, 1.960., Vp 21-29. i= 5904 & '7 Icon Nov 60 (m -4722) Operatfonal -Problems of Rice Production, by Karoly Kies, 7 VP- MMMUN., per,, GazdalkWas, Vok XVp No 2, Budapestp J= i965-# -VP31-3t, JM 5965 zkw - Rungary Bean 13 Nov 6o (NY-68) INTERRELATIONS BETWEEN THE INPUT PER CADASTRAL YOKE ADN THE PRODUCTION AND UNIT COSTS IN CERTAIN BkAi'lCH-ES OF CROP PRODUCTION, BY IMRE HASZNOS, 9 PP. HUNGARIAN, PER,_.~A~ VOL V, No 4, DEC 1961, PP 57-64. JPRS 13855 EEUR - HUNGARY ECON , mAy 62 (NY-68) A STUDY OF THE ECONOMY OF IRRIGATION FARMING, 6 Y KORNEL KALLAY, 22 PP. HUNGARIAN, PER,-GAZDALODAS DEC ig6i, PP 65-8o. , VOL V, No 4, JPRS 13855 EEUR - HUNGAR ECON ~ MAY 62 197,373 HEAT AND MILK PRODUCTION, BY LORAND NAGYI, 10 PP. HUNGARIAN, PER, GAZDALKODAS, VOL Vil, HO JU14 1"6 -4 P P 39~ 7. J PRS 21341 EE-HUNGARY ECON OCT 6n A-,,755 63-14983 Dobrzycid. J-- CONTRIDEMON TO THE THEORY OP COWIMOUS 1. Dobrzycid, BOUXRS. 1957. Up. (figs. otnitted). Otder from SLA $1.60 63-14983 Tram of Gazeta Cukrownicza (Pbland) 1955, v. 57. p. 1,57-10-1 DESCRU'TORS: *BoHers, *Sucrose, Crystal growth. Manutacturing methods. Statistical analysis, Industrial . Theory. Carbohydrates. PJachtnery-Manufacturing, 7T. v. 10. no. 4) $WAS 21 T~Cbdcd So Apparatus for. the Gotwting of Sugar by Anon. CZ=H., -parp Cezata CukrqsfnLcLzaj VC11 110 1956.P p 51. C.S.I*R.O. Sci may 6o // 7,el:,.:~ (NY-2700) THE LIQUIDATION OF ABOVE-NORM INVENTORIES IN THE LOCAL ECONOMY, 6 pp. 2 PER F"RUMANIANY'10, GIAZETA FINANTELOR, VOL X, NO 465, 6 )4JUN 19-6~2,PP I JPRS 14697 EEUR - X=8&KM RUMANIA ECON - AUG 62 205,94o (NY-644o) PLANNING AND COLLECTING STATE REVENUESP BY 1. BITULEANU, 4 PP. RUMANIAN PER; GAZETA FINANTEL&R, VOL Xj, No 456, 4 APR i-962-,-PP 1, 5. JPRS 14093 EEUR - RUMANIA ECON , JUN 62 199,190 DmInatarr Pzob]Am In 06 21OX Swtarp X9630 by ,Xlftm-ss-~# .1 W, mWimms 7 assaft nmdaiars va x. No 419.p 29 awt WSJIMVWTM;-~~- ~- me 26OW New - Rogow* sm lbr 69 tolil, 5*1/ INCR'EASED BANKCONTROL OVER UNSPECIF1 M INVESTMENTSp BY:~V ALERIAN VLADESCU, 5 PP- *7 GAZETA FINANTELORj, YOL X1, M4K,XRUMA,N I ANs PERJ,. NO.,515P 4 :MAY,196~p P lp 3. JPRS 20234 DEVE.LOPMENT OF C14ONSUMER COOPERMVES, 5 PP RUM I AN 7 ,.i:PERY-GAZETA FINANTELOR,, VOL 11, NO 51.;?, 19 JUN 63 P 3. ~JPRS 20953 EE-RUMA141A ECON sEP 6 .3 343,721