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CbromtograptW vikthout a 0mrierp-Gas,, by A.A. ZhWdmitakii., 11-M- al. 5 PP- RMIM, pwr Zwiod LEdab, Vol XM,, No lo., 1963j, PP 1162-1165. ISA sci May 64 256,918 Sopuratud Steps Chramtograpby, by A. A. Zhx~tskii, mm. M. -5aimv-t"14 5 pp. RUBW.3p por) Zavod Loub, Vol Z=q go 1, *63.9 pp 14-17. lak , Sai m 7 1141, lim 63 -1 1 f. in ROCOn't; by V. V, "i-*l:;!,C,-) l"i"a H, !Yuke,1 '7 flaol nftj (Wsp.~, jbi xio 8, Tech sarv 2SZIR Accuracy ot the Determinabion of a Mxturc Composition With Different Methods cC Iatarp:ep- tine CbrMatograw., by V. M._M=Ul!lWbj V, T- SheoWatenkmn, N. A. P&IAMMTbuk) =6 L. A. xachmem., 6 iv. RUSSIAN: Wj, Zwmd Lab, Vol XVI, No 10, 1960o pp 10T5-1079. ISA sci jun 61 Separation of Hydrocarbon Mixtures by the Chromathermographic Mathoa, by N. M. Turkelltaub. RLWIMO mo perp Zhur Fiz Ehims Vol XXMq 1953 o PP .1827-183~ - Scientific - Chemistry CTS 73/Oct 1955 Assoc Tech Sv RJ-223 $18.00 A Im Motbad of Cl Istagropmo An"Y" a IW A. A* its an Mira=# 00 Vo XMXAMA& Ve A, 309OUN9 I, X9 TMMITAt$# thrice-m per* pok Ak Ikuk Vol MMs go 36 195U oet 1.9% A Now Method of 'Awa7ide by'k~ A*' wovitn 00, To V. A, Sokalov$ N, N, vhwkAltaubg PPO RUSSIAN thrIce-smo per# Dok Ak lakulc semm V ~, Vol mmn,, NO 3s, 1951- Ar 36o4o? Sci - Plr.)rsicx ia Aelmmttoggraphic Ann; y3.'G Ccusci. Snparati! it, by A. I,- pp. v ..-abt VC-1. 'i"ll"Tv. 'N'.. .70-1 Ll 5-ho Ltcz-gi, '10 the 11=-'t a lzeaL P'ai-,2i;, by G. Rab-,yuui, R. 5 PP. RUSSIMI, par., Kholadil Tek-hl No 6, 19591 T)p 17-19. I'Lu Tr Bui Mlay 60 Lici - iiucleur Aip 6o In Accordance with the New Order, by V. Turkestauskiy, 12 pp. UNCLASSIFID RUBSIAN, per, Grazhdansimya Avlatslya, No. 1., 1958, PP 5-7 - MC F4B.976o/v Sci - Aero Jun 59 On Forecasting the Pressure Fields for 2-3 rxV8, by Ye. L. Nrkettil 24 pp. FMIM; per, Trudy Teentral IW Inatitut irogmzov~ lio 73*j 1956j, pp 57-72. 9U 60-19979 Sci 26 Mxy 62 9y, val IV t n ATLAM Of TH9 i DIUMIAL OftITIM W AIR 'foom"m IN TIC IJAW4 Uf Vo & FW# L L* ANOTIo 17 If, An" Oftwom afti" " VMW V MA, UWIMD's 1900 " toll. im 1"7 S&I a MGM mc 4 ti8lp*r The Construction of Forecasts of the Pressure for Two-Three Days, by Z. L. Turkettiy 0. M. Yakusheva. FORIAN, per. DSIR LLU M-1536 (loan) Sci - Geophys oct 6o , 7j';7 Unbod cr Fo2wi-st1W Seesowl Air S paltme Anw,Ues AmoldIng to their Sftivlow :W the Am~ V=tbso by D. A. Padvi, t. L Tatfttti. AMIANI, per,, Uat. 132, 19Q, vp 75-92. xwg(ao" 305 sci - ,Avg 61 335,9780 The Synthesis of Derivatives of Thiazolidone which have Biological Interest. XVI. The Influence or' Substituents in the Thiazolidone Ring on the Ultra-Violet Absorption Spectra, by N. M. Turkevich, Yu. M. Pashkevich, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XXXI, No 11, 1961, pp 3718-3720. CB Sci 213)156 Aun 62 0 Swithesis o -, TIdazolidone Derivatives of Biological 3~terest. XIV. Thiazolidone Derivatives with a Con- r1ensed ImVazole RiM and Their Hydrolysis, by 11. M. Turkevich, 0. F. Lymirs. ppo RUIS'11.41', per, Zhur Obshch Xhim, Vol XXXT, "lo 5 1961., pp --16* - -*feij CB Sci Anr 62 Retriew of Certain Pharmaeutical Journals, by m. M. Turkevich 1. R. M. Finyazko, I. R. GnIdetGJ% T ipP. -t~~ UFJUa'ffTNA, per., FwmtcevticImyy Zhuro Vol XV., No 1. 196n JPRS 4783 Aug 61 Synthesis of Thiazolidone Derivatives of DiologicalInterest. IV. Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra of p-Aceteminobenzy- Xjo~j lidene Derivatives by M. M._rP4,--- kevich and E. V. Vladimirskaya;-5-iii.7- ]RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Obshch Kbim, Vol )MVII? No 5, 1957, PP 1348-1352- Consultants Bureau Sci - Chem f 6~-/- (NY-7127) CHEMISTRY OF NEW HYPOTENSIVE AGENTS, BY NIKOLAY MIKHAYLOVICH TURKEVICHL 234 pp. RUSSIAN) R BK, KHIMIYA NOVYKH GIPOTENSIVNYKH SREDSTV, KIEV, ig6i, PP XX 1-207. JPRS 1467o SCI - CHEM JUL 06? 205,637 Synthesis of Thiazolidone Derivatives of Biological. Interest XI. Rhodanine-3-Acetic Acid and Ita Derivatives, by N. M. Turkevich) M. 1. Ganitkevich.- 3 PP. RUSSIMI, per, Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol MX, No 5, 1959, PP 1699-1702. Consultants Bureau Sci -ui 6o - - ~-- +' I ,.-qcrdL; uf TI'dazol-4-clone 40--rivativC2 of BiclCGlar, IL:ftuer~int- X11 o Tho Effoct olo Cortain Substituonto in the Yo-lacul", of' Rhodanine Derivatives on the Ult.Va- ,j~ulleL AIL;u--ptiua Spactra-3, by m. 1. Ganitu-kovich, -wr m).,;hrb KbAr,3 vol, xxfx, '-o 6,. ltan ~s Bu i-ea u Sci Charaztry ".1,1=tIonal Peaturce (a UO v4poyb7gla MA Nervwn owystm in Nice of the Hi&- ard Lov-Cawar Liiaez,, by- rt. Y~. Kavatany, N. Y. Tokevi0k; 6 pp WSSIM., par# Vagrozy QWwIogII,* Val V.- No 3., 1959P PP 2T5-280 Bel vab 60 Aa -,3'~ r=--tloua! Changes of the Nervous &jetem Daring the Neoplastic Process., by N, M, TvAevich, T pp. HMIMp bk,, OpukhaeW Protaws I NervwWa Slotema, Chapter Vn.. 1W. ow 6D.mB6o PLJM Sci - Med Aw 61 1461 M No 2D3 The DaveloFmt of the Heoplautic Process Dming Functional Chuges of the Higber Part of the Nervous Systera, by N. M.-Turkevich., 1T PP. RMIANp bko Opjkbolevyy Protsese I NerwwWa Sistem, Chapter 11., 1958. ow 6o.zLW PL4w &I - Ned 1q.6, ;L 7 Apr & Pff No 203 Bismuth Aminesp Their Structure and Formation In Aqueous Solutions. by N. M.. Turkevicho 4 PP- RUSSIU, mo perp Zbur Obghch KUm. vol xxiv, so 6, Jun 1954, pp W8-962. CIA C 40406 Consultants Bureau 8cientiffc - Chemistry Jan 56 cm/M j ), / ~- - -6 _*~~ Functiond Analltiod Oroup for. Irou and Bimftj, by 1. K. Turkovichs 3 bUw RMSIAN;Avp Zbur Anal Vol X0 NO is V8SRp An-Fob -1 ft 105o 'PP CIA D 15133); rU23. traWlAtolono DMVM Scientific - chemistry Fomation of Basic and Acid 319mth Citrates Upon Thermal Decompoultion of Amalum Citrobiszvtbate,,-,~q n. N. Turkevicb, 6 pp. OSSM, mo perp Zhur Obahch Xhimp Vol Xnl,, No 11jo 2-9520 pp 1930-1933. Consultunts Bureau Scientific - Cbemistry Huy CTS/DEX Derivativen Q9 Rho"uim and 2-Thio4"utaiu as He- __a_ is. IV % oputs for Analp p X. I. Virkovich 4;", "'w ve P. ich; F"Ipp. RUBBWO bim per, Zhur Anal Dim, Vol XII So 21 VAr/APr 10P VP 169-lM- CIA 9001W C., Mal No 55 Cmultafts Bweau SOL - CMmLotZy 04~F 4rsd Orsanic Cocw3ax Canpounda With tlu-- Atom Binuxtb in the Ani , b7 N. -6-34 PP - 01 7 RUSSIAN,t MD PWS Uopekh Dim, Vol XXV, No 2p 19560 pp 242-248. Tech and Cmm Tr 377 d "n Sai - Obadstry / 0;- Auc 56 MO/tax ol: lillalAzolidoa.: Df--i~~,,4:Nrsu of IACO.oofta~ 11, Derivatives Ov 'I'lidizollidinedioua-22 drazone-20 abtalneA From Thibono., by F. V. .,n2a2z-imiras,!myaj, N. 14. T, Atli til, rcel Consubtantu Bimau -I AUL-LA CTIS syntbasis of Ziamaidons Derivativea cC Biologiml :Enterest. VII. 8ynthesia of M- 920danine Derivativee StartW fro& Thio0yanoscifttess by V~ G# Zubonkoj, A. M. Turkovie#.P, 3 ~P- RUSSUNs, perp Zbw Mahch lhfts Val =Mp No 32,v lMm iv 3275-3M. bavau sci - Chem Jftr 59 F 0 spthmis or IdWe Daivativa With RLWA91:' ~.o al Tat~* I', owam" mal=d ho -shown@ w'A by mrt=e Obl=) &OVS, byN. X 2. V., VUfiximdrsbaas 4 pp. You tr =Nmp pw ~*w moba w- 414 Va =vp so 310, ig.** vv Vmac, ram 3. M_ link IIIIII., &d . mmixtry I I Jr 71 Avg 0 = SypfthesiB of Th-'szolldone Derivatives Heving Biological Interest. Vnj. of Sow Wicals of O:co-C=poaddm by Others in thc MaeculeG of Derivatives of Thiazolidinediow- 2, 4-Hydrazone-2 by YS. *. T=kcvich, 2. V. Vladzimirzkoya, i Vp MUM., per, Zhur Obsbeb Khlmq 'Vol XXVT.II; Fo 5) 1958; pp 1W54207. . Cmsul-tanta Bum= Sci - Chem Jul 59 Effect of A=onium andl Potassium ft1ta on the Stability and Viscosity of Solutions and Rennot Casein, by N. M. Turkevich,, 5 PP. RUSSIATTp mo per, Zhur Prik Vol xxv, 30 is, USSHi Jan 1952, pp 104-109. 2!!!p Consultants Bureau Vol 25, Bo 1, Jan 1952 USSR Scientific - Chemistry, aunonium, potassium salts., rennet easein 7r- 62-28276 Turklam. E.Ya. vrm~-' DIABSORPTION DIT GAZ CARBONIQUF PAR 1. Turkhan, R.Ya. LES SOLUTIONS D'HYDROXYDES (OSkorosti Absorb- 11. CNRS-Vlll his 574 t,,ii Uglck-i.,;h)go Gaza Rasvorami Gldrovk1sel)(Veloci- 111. Centre National & ]a Rucher- tv of Ah,~rwptinn of Carkon Dioxide by I lydroxide So- cheScientifique, Paris 16tions) 24p. (Foreign text included)-Sr6fs. CNRS-Vill bis S74 (Wer from OFS, ETC or CNRS $0.90 17-62-28276 Trans. in French of Zhurml Prikladnol Kbimii (USSR) II)AR, v.21, no.9, p.927-()36. DESCRI11FIRS: *SWium compount1s, *Hydroxides, So- ILItions, *Carbon doixide, Absorption, Velocity, (CherniscrN-Physical, 7r, v. 11. no, 6) EO N I IT- -C- Concerning the Rate of Absorption of Carbon Dioxide by Solutions of Carbonates, by Turkhan, E. Ya. RUSSIAN, per) Zhurnal Prikladnoy Khimii, 1950, Val 23, pp 225-229. Sci Museum Lib No 52/0422 TURMAN, E. Y. THE RATE OF ABSORPTION OF CARBON DIOXIDE BY SOLUTIONS OF CARBONATES 5 Pages RUSSIAN, Zhur Prik Khim., Vol XXIII,, No 3., Mar 1950. Consultants Bureau Translation m (lyK-6 0 Vq) OpmtionAl Rtperie= of Aubmtic loong Dletance Telephme ZdAstims S. N. Kuuataav; 1. A. TavtLna$ it PP* W=DJ, per, YesUlk OV781d) No 3p 1961- JM 9833 //o 00, a'q 0 Bel Sep 61 (XI t7,c D,2~,-,ction Of Froquelacy ModiLlated Oscillatlons, V. K. Tark-in) 5 pl), G. A. Levin. RUSSIAITI, pcx~ I'ladiotekli i Inektron No U-2 Au,- ' 2o,(, o6 L (NY-5231/6) PmbabiUt;y of FaUe Ala= and ProbabiUty of Correct DaUction, by V. L Turkino V. H. KLaelevp 8 pp. .-,. I -- RUSSIAH,, per, Iz Vysshikb Ucbeb Urved, Ser Radlotekb,v Vol 133, ito 6., 196o. JPRB 7383 AuG 61 RUM4 Vf pf# ="&V-~ K*,v Runnuror- UoutptAs RW= (D*) Aced 3ci$ MMS Vol LUS ND I pp57--60* IM Mw Corzftnastl= of a Diagram for Frequemq of OvAl- lation IRL 177 4y ~. V. Ud Ho v9 skq-rkimp 6 Ivo RUSSM pery F:Lziol Pa&Uniyp Vol VnI., no 6, 1961, TT 6','9-M- ADS Sol '? 'I L- %G .Tzn 0~, Respiration of condotive TimmouNd the )b"mm* or Sum", br 1. L. Xmmum, N. T. Turklm, 10 pp, RWSUK# pix tbrice-4a pwi Dak A lauk 8=9 Vol U=s No 31 1"21 pp 649-652* Sai Tr COUWr RT-2162 salmurio - slolow Apr 55 M The Transformation of Sucrose in the Fibrovascular Bundles of Sugar Beet,, by M. V, Turkina 10 pp. 2~~ RMSSIAN, per, Fiz Rasteniy, Vol VIq No 61 1959o pp 7og-718. Amer Inst of Biol Sci Sci 60 concerning tha ipirst Cutohydrates Formed, Dnoing Photosyritbasies by X. V. Turkinao 4 pp. RUSSIAN# per# Dok Ak Nauk SSSHp vol CV., No 6. 19579 pp 1142- ConsultAtnts Bureau Sci - Blolopj MAY 58 YF7 Imestiption of the MecbwAam of Homolytia Reactions inSolution by Meansjof rsotopes and Mass Spectrwatry In. TherrAl Decomposition of Benzoyl Parmdde and Photolysis of Iodobenze , iv r.i?. aragemv wA M. Y& Ismums 6 Iv. MSIMj, per, Zb= Obsbeb Kh' Vol xxxnI., Bo 6, 1963, IvI674-1goo. CD Sci ftb64 TMe13ti8BtiOrL Of the N V%ATd SM Of RM01yUC Ramet In Solutions, by Masw of Isotopes and Russ gpoft Spectromtry. IV. Reactions of loibbusew vith A Magnesium and Sodium., bV I.P. Gragumm mA K.Ya. _n!Eicina, 6 pp. RMSIM, per,, Mw ObWwh Khim,* voi xx)=.. No 6,, 1963., pp m-19o6. CB Bel 64 Lweatiption of the Macbanium of the HomlyUc Reactions inSolution by Means of rootopes and Mass Spectrometry. Vr. Photolysis of Diphevjlmercury, Methylioide, and Ethyl Iodide, by T.P. Graverov and M. Ya. 1~~ 5 Yp'. HUSSIM, per, Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol Xl=, No 6, 1963, 1910-1914. CB Sci may 64 3 Y46 Jr,Ot,OPJC EXCh&nM iD DOMiXMWlatiOn Of DGUt40ratod Bentoic AcMp by 0. A* Smanov, 14. Ya. Tmid=p B.. V. ShiryaMv 5 pp. RUM= Pat pp ~iN- MW Obsbah WAS Vol =j) Ito, 2,9 19619 CB gar 62 of V. A. Ditkit and P. 1. Z=notoov'c 'Ibulbook upmtiowl Calculw I"# tri V. K. 5vidn.9 5 pp., Dbxov* Aua 1953L., 110 m P=, 92-vet RIO no CU/r-M/U-3661 Ufic - Mathmt1cop MICUIUS Tramlocation of Sugars In Grafted Plants, by A. L. KurBanov, M. Kh. Cbaylakbyan, 0. A. Pavlimova, 14 t R, - V- Tur im) M. 7 . Brmrchen'~o, 11 !m RMSUN, per,, F:Lz Rasteniy, Vol V, No lp '1958, pp 3-15. Awr last of Bial Sci Sci - Biol Jul 59 Dircut DeterrItuation of the Deuteri= Content in Deutcriobenzcno by AIIQans of a Imas SpectXczeter, by G. A. Sr!nrcnov, M. Ya. Turkim,, 3 PP- RUSS-MiM, p~.,~rj Zavod Laby Vol XXIV; No 9,, 1958, p~ 1034-, 1085- Inatru Soo of A=r sci Apr 60 113,1~ S7.7 tb~,- R.,-perience of Ope-rating semLnutom;ttic 11-Y N. A. T\XTkina I~d ves'alik svyazi) 110 JPRS 18331 "Pr 03 229.00) Phase Softoning in tkluminitus-Coppor- Lithium Alloys (abridgement), by Z#A& Sviderskuya, ~.I* Turkina, 4 pp. MIANO pers Iz Ak WaW; SSSRO Otdel Tokh Nauk-,, m Metall i Toplivo, No 1, 1962,, pp 151-155b sic Sci 215$680 AU.(;, 6.) 8ptbcxi3 of Biolcgi"lly lutarosting Thiazolidons Derivatives. X . Synthm In aW Proyerties of 341etkWlrhodanine and ZU Derivativaep by M. I. Ganitheylobj, N. M. Turksvicla# RUSSIAN,, per., Zbw Obahch Xhim., Vol XXIXp No 2., 1959P pp 515-518. ConsultavU Bureau Sci Apr 6o 8-93/60 (Mr-3%0)- go ftlo"tUn of CU=dco Va" BeWatl" SUWA Islatopes I by V. L ra*xft) msuat per., lamb U* V*sd M- XUA i Khft T&tbt No 2p 1956p I* im 059 Sai - ohm Apr 6o On the Distribifton of Iwo In the P2mm of an Arc Disobarge,, by M. N. Twko.. 14 3?P- Husam's pal Is -- --- WWntya Ak 11wk sm,, so 6.. pp 144M. 9667360 rm-M-W-m Bcd - Pbp Jan 63 ~ / 9 I (NY-30W) An <c=tic Line for Yachirdng Gears, by G. A. Tarkov, 7 pp, RUSUAR, per, NeWgi Avtomt Proiz, Jan 1962, pp 4-6. JM 13424 UWR 1~?a" ?.Z ('-q- Econ Apr 62 D*vaoywnt of Soft Wh"t Seedlings Frou Therml- neutron Irradiated Seedos V. V. Khvosto"O ff. L. Delone , 0. N. Smkl:ikVi. L. Wrkov a. P. Tsehzhchav~ K T. c na, PPO 13 so ParjeakwL Mofis, Vol III r No 40 IW# K*472. Foxwm Sci - Biol Apr 59 Form of GaIcUm in the BeedLbv of Woody Plants,, by A. P. ffacherbelov$ K. s. Taipm. 6 rp. mr-S= p=, nz ftateniy.. Vol vnj. No up 1960~ PP ~39-W7 - Sci - W 61 AnS 14~45-5" TURKOVA, N. S. Plant growth regulators. - Nauch.DokI.vyssh.Shk.bio1.Nauk. (1):123-42 (1962)- (NLL/RTS 5434 229. 6d. ) - .1 Relationships Between Enzymological and Other Soil Biological Tests on theSame SZ Site, by V. Turkova, M. Srogl. UNKNOWN, per, Rostlinns Vyroba, Vol VI(mm, No 10, 196o. NZDIA Sci Aug 62 Swou-M pt L IL IL me-v wiri-fb* xwwt mw (a Formation of Alkyl (or Aryl) Chlorosllanes by the Direct Reaction of Alkyl (or Aryl) Chlorides with Silicon, Communication 2., Effect of Hydrogen Chloride on the Process Leading to the Formation of Chloroothylsilanes By K. A. Andrianov, R. A, -Tu'r9t.4kaja t/16 hUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SOSSR. Otdel Khim. Kauc, uo io~ 1962, pp. 1785-1794 Sci Aug 63 1MVIGATIOM OF TM RUCTIONS OF ftOM RVICALS INS =WICK BY AN ISDTOPE " MW Ic mn~wo BY 1, P. WAGMp M. YA. INN= 7=1 Ns, 4 PP. MMIANV Mp ON AK NMX $Wjq VOL CXLO ND 60 ig6i,t w 1317-1320 ca scl im 62 ZA An P.P~ Cid-MI&WOD of vw 7MVAUW cc vibmums #Ad the Distoruca at we lattue Jmv a Vona ?air in =13, IV S. 1. wrlwtatfas 1o 3# two"* UP nowi SWO -, --- am. "KIIAIM IV-tltwt 23 1b eTv"64 994wo ~7 -- 40 suirza C~' 7-L,- r 98066 3002 METALS INDUSTRY IN THE KRAKOW REGION, BY STANISLAW TURLEJ) 9 PP. POLISH) PER, PRZEGLAD MECHANICZNY, VOL XXI, NO 9/10, MAY 1962, PP 260-263. JPRS 15119 EEUR - POLAND ECON OCT 62 212~952 AmIlestion of the Metbod of KryWwv and Zhuldiovitakii to the Maaxmwvant of the Self-Difftsion Coefficient of SR in SrTiO33, by P. Turlier. PIMM, per, Oqwt Rimd. Vol 2509 196ot pp i049-165o. *NM/Mg TT 71:552"17 " Available NBS Only 'P, -TLA. iz L ', e- k- JUY 71 Blower-Agpirator of Increased Paimr, by Paul T~mlvr, 3 Pp. FRMMI patent no 394089. Dept of Cmmerce Patent Office Scl Llb (g:L:rt) Sci - Engr j -02 17 ~? F, Sep 57 I D 2 2" 117 Lzazruriz~j Latural Electric Currents in the SMI by S. Turlvvir, M. Karelim.. 22 pp. ~L~~ F,U66IMi., photoatata of unknoier. bource, py 133-147. cLk/r,rD/,'u-65C6 USSR I)ci - Physics; Electricity j q, &perimental Data on the Effects of an Electric Current of Industrial brequency amd Higb Tension on the GaUvormp by S. S. Tvr3,y&jna,, D. V. VershizakLy. 3 pp. BUSSIO.-per,, Biofisika., Vol Mp No 1,, 19%11 pp 116-117- Pargemon. bat Sci - Jkd Doc 58 Mmve in'Plaut Respiratory Processes ?I-OdUced U2W the lzkfluem* of the ftIl Newtoft, WA., S. Turlygim, 2 pp. RMSIANO Wo DOk A U* WMI Vol CVp So 6j 1957, pp =- A= lafft iu B161 W1 Bel - Nbd MAY 58 6 ~ J-Od-, Aypileation of the OMP-3 Oas Aralrer to the AWY of the %9 snbwp in SollAy by 3.1 pp 6 a RMVJP p"$ Rodawavedenses No 22,, 19%,p pp 73-75- MA R-3(95 sel Aug 59 0*1 &- 7.;~. 15 41~ 111,~v 1~,Awe of Ou wd Vapor Tkawfer iu Soil iftterUU by I. A9 Tkxrlym, 20 pp. "Uib.jAm's Wp PWkMftd=iy-0j, BD qj- 1956p gp 89-1.W, Ang I - jan 63. / ~,v ,~ Z;~ -~- s Ix and Chandwl Ane2yuio o9 Soil Agpagatenv by M. Q. jtr~PpaAo; 4 pp, :ZLI* PWR POQbVOVSl9ViYO* MD 120 3,9589 Ipp 7~b-,U4 o sa 4. Jan Ol JS 7 --2 1~6 The Thoory of Ou Exchanp in Soils., by 1. A. Turl-yuni, 13 pp. MICL RtMw) POahvOvedouirp No 7p 1957P PP 22o30- Bat Km Ub 58/1541 80 1 - Bial bur 59 ,,,/S ~ (HY-3189 1, Me Biwic Ftmd of the YaftUurgiczl Industry in onchoolovskiep by 2dowk Mwwako $Wan S97L4.1 is pp. I . CZEM per Nova wal" so lo., proami, 1959.. pp r4& .1 im-2206-N Mar - Czeahcolovokla /,o 7f 74Z Boca - min/*t rob 6o More Effective Agricultural Use of Peat Soils in the Non-Chernozem Zone of the USSR, by P. A Turnas 7 PP - RUSSIAN; _p:~-e'-r~.Pochvovedeniye., No 7: 1963., pp 10-190 Scripta Technics. Sci oct 64 268,15o On the lkstio=atlam in Mirror Spectrometers; by M. Czernyj A. P. Turmer ; 7 pp. GMWN., per, Z Pkwik, Vol LXI.- 1930, PP 792-797. AEG f& SQ-T-329 Iq E Sai Phys 2o oct 6o lq~ U -Ta Influence of Antibodies and Temperature on the course of Virus infection of Wls in T-4saue Cultures, by Ba Hoizman, To Bo Tuxnars, 13 Ppr, RUSSIM, pers, Vopri, Virvao1j, Vol Vp No 5j, 1960.. pp 540-50. pp 5- Sci Aug 61 62-2Z8 13 _~URLINGPAL NERVE AS A SENSORY NERVE OF Tim 1. Turnsbekov, B. TONGUE. 1196219p. I It. K-11-.5225-b Order from K-11 Sli. 25 K-11 5225 111. Kresge-ttooker Library Associates, Detroit, Trans. of [Byuliezen' EUperimentai'noi Biologil i Mich. Sleditsiny)(USSR) 1955, v. 39. no. 5, p. 32-35. DESCRIPTORS. *Nerves, *Tongue, *Taste, Anatomy. C 2 92 7 7 6.9 (Biological Sciences- -Anatomy, Tr, v. 9, no. 4) Ofts o1 Teckdesl linfus MIC Sulf?Ate by V. V. sterldr-, up r,,U...3shAIN$ pzr 2,hur T>r:U4L 1211m Vol Mil ~Kjh Tio 10; J-95;, 571:t4812-'1089. C!"', C t,2.1'17j-' Connultants Bureau &-l-ntific - L lp to, 3 Rahs- The off"t Of the C4009trsml yopwv 14f ~bs a* DISUOaum ot .1saftie tinva withtu tt, 'IS-" ft"IU4 MW PAU ftt4 IbI =10 No. 2s Tab 1951. oommiumts ears" Trao"tim Current Efficiency and Cathode Potentials in the Electro2ysis of Zinc Sulfate Solutions in the Presence of Ions of Metals More Blec- tropositive. than Zinc, by U, F. Turgm-onina,; V. V. 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