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'rT-61-14483 -Lmer, Pierre and Carc2sacguw, P. ,verthL IN i.FGA,J) 'R) WMICAL Tj,EAThMNT OF PEr.1- 1. Nverthelmer, P. MIE-AL FACIM, PA-ALYSIS. 119(118p Acts cArcogsonne. F. Ort3er fr(mit -9-A $ 1. 10 TT-61-14483 Trans. of Lynn Cliliurgical_(Franoe) 1931. v. 28, p, 560-57(y, -1 * ' -_ DESCi,IVMi.S: 'Pa4alysls, *11cad. Skin, *Nerves. Therapy, Surgery (Dioloocal Scl-ences --Surgery. TT. v. 11. m 3) Orloff, G. A. THE tNFLUUNCE OF HOVOCAM BLAXK ON 7WE CURE OF FROZEN IMES (EXPERVAENTS). 119611 10p (figs. ornItted) Order from SLA $1. 10 'TT-6t-14494 Trans. of L yM~ghtcmrgW4j(Frawe) 1937. v. 34. p. 2D- 26. DESCRIMRS: *Local *wsdwdcs. Ti (Biology), Frostbite. Wervoto system TT-61-14494 Orloff. G. A. (Biological Sciences- -PharowscokW. 7T. v. It. no. 3) Olks d Tockftil Grabert -Duvernay. 1. aM Herbert 1. J. STELLEGITJMY MR TIIE ACLrM'AS*htMATIC STATE. 1196117p. Available on loan from SLA 61-20246 Trans. of Lyw Chirurgical (Prance) 1938. v. 35. p. 353-359. DESCRIPMRS: Surgery, Asthma, Oulds, Stellate ganglia. Nerws. 61-20246 1. Title: Stellectomy 1. Graber-t-Duver-nav. H. Herberi, J. J. (Unannourwed) Offl- .1 T-W-1 61-16494 L-eclerc, Frederic P. CERVICO-1110RAGO-11RACHIAL AWIA WnH 1. Leclerc, P. P. ANGINOUS CRISES: CURE BY STELLATE INPILTRATION. 119-13) 2p. Available an loan tram U.A 61-16494 Partial trant. e( Lym atrurglcal (Prance) 1941. Y. 37, p. 37-30. DMRIPMRS, *Ampuntlon itumps, *Mn. *Procalrdk *Neural&. 7berepy. Ommesvessures, OStellate '6 (Blologic&I Sclonces-Mourology. rr, Y. 6. m 4) Symphiss and Vasollarom. A NEW CASE OF RADIAL PARALYMS CURED ff STELLATE MILTRATION. 1196112p. Order from S" mij 1. 90, 04 1. 90 61-14493 Trans. of four 1"] (France) 1941, v. 37. p. 61-144M 1. Radio! nerve --Pathology 2. Procalne--Therapettic effects 3 Title: Stellate infiltration 1: Synephlas a. Vasollarom i 51889 (Biological Sciences-Nmolop. Yr. w. 3. no. 12) 9m. On Loss of PrmtUm and SUpImtion Nbvemmts, by Destot. MCLASS Pare -LYM--NWL Vca. CO=.- IM pp 61-63. ' Nov V06/X= W Sci - Madiaba Nky 61 15v, im-2- 7 - coxvi(o-Biludda lauxuWas twomdated With Saytum of Cowlea Disks., by P. F. Mrawl., rdoaxii.. Outz,. Drab , .9 IM. FROMp %or,, lwm HOU I Vbl CMUP 1948.0 vp 53-~~- - - jcm ze-e3-6o 11 Bel - W. 1A f, 6 !~3 m QL '110 P. ih Y( A M1( IMA JA liT (i ! it I.Ali'M I Nflli 1 -111 ..() (I I -'I;- I P] "), k I 1 2 6 2 - I A ~1~I i ranct 1167, N. h1l, (flioltypical .14-wm-c, 17, N. S, im. h) 04ft- f T-1.i..1 S-i- Me Antidiabetic Sulfonamides and their Derivatives in the Treatment of Diabetes blellitus, by P. Croizat. EUROPEAN, per,Lyon Hedicalp Vol 190, 1958, pp 79-84. NTC-70-12871-060 Fub 72 I'llL. ~11CC)'JINE VE!:1 IN POIAUiUA AND I'MY01P SIA F1YNDS0,VI;,1'. 1190:11 l7p. Cjr,~cr fi,o,,i K.-I I ~n. :!r, I.-][ &,;9Q-b A 39, 61-101" Cier, j - F. , Traeger, J. and others. EXPERIIIENTS ON VASCUt.AR EFFECTS OF HY, 1, Cler, J, F, PERTE.1,151N. CLINICAL TKAJL ON MEDICAL a - Tru"mr. RESUSCITATION (Lttxk EKliftimenrale des Effete Vasculsites de L'hypez enstDc. P-mmal d'Utillmarlom Cljniqae en R&Wmation Medlicale). 119611 115)p- (2 tip. ornitted) 9 refs. Order from SLA $ I - 60 61-108" Trans. of MfidirAl (France) 1060. po. 11. p 1687-71)7r DESCItip,rORS: 'Hyperteneft. ITYauntedc shock. *Hypoterisiom, Vesmactordnism. *10muscitsdom. 010W of TOAMW (Blolvcal Sclerms- -Fhwmec*Mv. rr. W. 6. go. 1) I =~Iffw- I--- 61.1c T)Ivlixub"t of Acuto L 11,;4 6~00 'io C!* ItAil, Clar, A. NUURO-h(USCXILAR VATIGUE AND "REPARATIVE" 1. Oer. A. DRUGS. [196119P. Order frorn SLA $1. 10 Trans. of L Phartn(aceutique](Prance) 1960, v. 9, Oct. p. 3-19", DESCRIPTORS: *Fatlflue (Phs)iology). 'Nervous eye- 1". thlugulops. SdrfAilatim *Drugs 61-20256 (Sloloocal Ubmccii-Phernucology, TT. v. 7, no. IN OFfi- f T-h.l-l S-i Ccxxtomirr CAK)sinog by Re Pit-atels at~ ale FMICHO per,, kop &M 9 9t403-4109 196.9. Dqo; tMg IUH 8-19-65 scip"U01 & ~W' oat 0 2W0300 2#4t-mko-n-of -anlon-Cloudin the sar-t-h-s -Hagoetic Field, by Dr. Pilipp. 186 pp, GMMM, rpts Un-PARAcxtraterr-28.., pp 1-190. NASA Iff F-12,745 Sci-Pbom Jul 70 Expariencoo With Oat4o,3r Model Tesite in Aydraulic Baginetwing Projectap by N. K=usbmki; 5 pp. FIRNMI, per, man-45 Nos -- tojilp 4., PY 50-54- (cau 30 =V 3&WWO lag TO ANS E" - Am6wering Iftr 61 , / -,/, 2 , : P- 9 -7 V, Geef;t I'MrI3 /M'd sal z4: -,:amme iida t ions on Sprinkling for Agri culture, by G.F. Makkink. SiEDISH, per, Maandbl. Landbvoorlk. Vol No. 11, 19 1'. pp "38-44 GB12, Sci - -?-?5- Aug 67 -.=- 274 ............ .... . codr- cc Cbdl Sal"Oox~, 5 pp. MLARM per MawAlblad vow de Lanftoop- I -, I nBto Ul 19, ND 12. 1952, pp 454-455. SLA 63-16tTS7 SOo-Agrl Wkreh 64 252,056 rr-61-26P,02 Schnute-n. T. A, M. RESEARCH PROBLEMS %T Research- 1. Sch,,men. oblemen in Ztindwtjk 16p. MOF-VI) 663 r. 11 N't) Wl F. e I r fr om OTS or F T(, U. 60 TT-63-26802 Ill. Excerpra MoJic3 - e or ide? Gmeeste Volk Trans of bfioyindWad vo Foun.lation. Am~ter,lan) N h . ~s -J-s) IV. , no. 7 /8, p. J~ ~7 2 g g , ,zandhe4d (Nethergn no. 7 ~18 et erl3nJl) ( DF-SCRIlyrORS: PsychUrry. Children. Medical exami nation. Psychology, *Criminology. (Biological Sci"ces-Nourology and Psychiatry, TT. v. 12, no. 5) 1-0~. c-- - . ~ 1 .1 1: - 7 il!- ~ - .. -- -- ~ - - i -.- - -- - -------- - - - - - - - - _ i, - 11 - , - - - 11 - - - I i . - - . I . I - I ll~ 0 -Mop ww- -Romtold B-intarlor Aracbnltis., by P. J, Bo"-n, 4 pp. MME., per., Kamidschrift "m klatergenwmiumde, val m,., ro'4, 1951,, pp ihi-jL44. Nn 6-944 /,/0-9,// Sol - Md Do* &L of BliwkiasB In rilubarcular e 'd.. vi:in Zaben, H. Verbient, u pp. RdCli, per, Maandschrj4n 19571p pp -Orgg!p~sisk, Vol Mc 7-23 Sel - Med sw.n 58 '79 Ataxia, by C'. E. van ;Ier llocg, DWCH, jx~r, Kinder,~cnecskunde, Vol XXVII, N. 1, 1959, PP 2 -3 Nin 4-23-6o Sci - Medicine //X, itu, 6o I/ Uirorimoincj "itudy in lyphw L)c,,,.rejwrativu.-, iL-i- stelodawnio (Ve, Lango's Ssyndroij)), by ~:. ~~tmlolw, ut al, IUMA, peT& Aamdsdir Idnderj-,ppe(Lsk, Vol XW, No ?,, 1963s pp 248-258 sci-uii: j up. 6 7 alS,177 .irepAxomit cif Patkilts vittli I'lianyllLetcliuria (frow thc priActiec of Pediatrics),t by F. J. Van Spreing, ot al, PLITCH, I,cr flattimischr Kindorgenm!k, Vol KUM, 19641S. -,,, ILOSS. .L.-ci-411H I Jun 67 316,938 i -.- J. Vaik ~kcll Ousclis ot alo D~rrci i, pori, !,~amdschr Unde-r-encesl- Vol 5.1, III(A. pis 354-S7.3. idill 6-35-(Z !;Ci/u,lP I Ju 1 6.15 283,727 'll TOY L4g. 10y UIT01, per, ihandschr -Voor Ki-ndarlponeesk, Vol 37, 1964, 374 SciAw! Jul (15 283,6S6 Rival Planninlgr in t",je Netherlands, by Pa-vid Wiiala, h-, ITPIISH, Maaamittaun, Vol T-4XIII, 1-')5(,,, -XUS JPRS WE,J- rietherlsaidr GeoG - Maj,:'Ping Feb 15,;"1 Over-ldl Plannino of Official FLnnis'.. Projects, by Rafael E. Relin, ~, t0t, Mammittaus, Vol TaI BlIrISIT F p. 4o-r-9. *us JPIIS Finland Geog - Mappin.- Pet 51) The 1-1al,"pi-ilgr of Syria, Mammittaus, Vol =CIII, 1~52, ---------- *US JPRS Geog Mapping Feb 5) The Use of Airpbotoo for Small Scale Maps-at the Survey OfM92 by V. Brola, rommaj, pwo *MmIttamaj, Ito :L-4,p xgw.,Pp 59-64. UmU No QB 2M 4M.- - - -- - ANS scl - raw* .1hm 61 /.rly. -~-36 V b7 i C:75 .11,111 ;Jun L a7 X V I (C~Ill No 'JEL"T7 a -o S c R156/63 Are Nev Maps of Finland Needed In Addition to the Existing General Maps?,, b R. E. Rehn, qW. Vol XXXTII, Helsinki., 1963Y pp 1-7. 'QM1:;/DC-86o4 W Bur - Finland Geog - blapping May 63 t Em,7 Tr) TD."[ Nov Land Survey - Lang Survey Office Report, 42 pp. FEMSH.. bk,, Nuumitt"s - Hmml ttausbaU I-ft"Mmuj.~~p ""TO-M-W U66-10-5- ftS Tr) Army Mmp Service! IMur - VInland Geog mov 63 ax # .24f 3 9y A took at the Goofttle MoUtate I a PAtIvitlest 'by V., makawas 9 pp. J-1 --d YZEMM-P I W-v --- P -- %cmrit Va~Lvat, lb 5/6p 2969# jr W-Mme - tuaLL no TFOUL 0 ULL I AnW MW IMVWI" fki w Ge"Oh" ion fis 0 --j C./ / e ~r Collab:)---aLion Within the Private E,ectO~', -'Y 0 SUE HtIk;gsI;I,oIfl, !. pp. FINNISH, per, I.Imniinittaus-Tnsinociri, 19o2, Pp 358-359. (Call N., '." EnjL Tr) A.,my Map Service WEu-- - Finldn Econ Fol may 6 14&-.:. -, V %~ CI-I'll-Cki IV~p List, '-4 p:p. 7IIA-MI&H, I-X, ismarmittausbaUltukonjrart- -I;uJ),u,ttao siaki, 1966. (call No. li~6004 Fng Tr) Amw map soxvice Ploll't IlAubar., Provincial Moctric Power 6 covillany, DU9-1959, licir, Maastricht, 1959, i;p 4-7, 14-10, 11PI-20. *.U;31 I-C-43I)o Id 2204(112665 UE-alethorlands licall i-smy 65 Prop'.~Tt'- cif Z.W-,x Scil 1e livefts, lr!j*,,jjltrnr-o (If kp,., oqzaloud TutkiwUskcsik F, rpt, 4% No 69, 1059-#' pp 17. URC/R*-.': C-4049 Par., I m pi, 16 .' NLtAA Sci-A,TA May 63 -1 ,) .- 6,16., R Statistics on Trazde Between Corvimnist China and Macao. PORTUTUESE, blats, I-lacao -- Comercio Externo 1958, 195), pq) 11-l-, 22-23; Comercio Eyterno 1)061, l,',,-2, pp 46-5~ , *jHts/Dc-8618 Fe- Mina Econ, ForeiVi Trade mav 6q , 4: - ., m I!,.f ma: A 11171,f--,~-esii :fcr Strls-~: k S-.,.ettla . I'I'A"Llij, per., V:1 )U-ii, 1~--; 195E, PP UW-1199- - --. -, - :Br.sy 2i4o 8ai -, aw / .)-9f7 fp-~-,F ,7~jm 61. Benden, P. IPRACMCA4 APPLJCATION OF THE ELECTRO EROSION FOR THS MANUFACTURE OF T10OLS AND DUPUCATE PtECE& [1961124p. Order from M $1 S. 00 Srr-175-190 Trans. of hi&cchtne (Imly) 1%0 [V. 131 Dec. P. ID97- 1107. DESCRUrfORS.- "'roolm, Manufacturing mAdbods, OElectroarcelvt m"bddn& 61-2M68 1. Bendan. F. Il. STr-175-100 M. SCIENTEC2i. Scientificand Technical -ra-1-tims. Cleveland. Ohio (MwbInery-ManufacturinS. 7T. v. 7, m 2) Figini. Glatifranco. IMPROVEMEN17S OF ELECTRICAL DRIVES FOR MACHINE TOOLS. 11961J 28p. Order from STT $22. 00 STr-i86-ifil Trans. of bjjEEhine Italy) 1960 Iv. 151 Dec, p. IL29-1147. L DESCRIPTURS: *Machine too1r. OEILctrical equipment, 'Electioniagm-tic dii%-v,. 61-25674 1. Figini, G. 11. STT-186-181 Ill. SCIENTECH, Scientific and Technical Translations. Clevviand, Ohio (Engineering- Electrical, T`T, v. 7. no. 1) Impact Extrusion of Copper. ITALIAN, per, Madchine, 1962, pp, 1417-1421, ((3B,/!,9/110 2091 ) Sci - Aug 67 339,939 -iloCOTI ~;t4[!Cj ,Xr! 0 0 .LA:-11taly sci/li~-qm"i -!111 65 2 F-2,43 I 1 lbruAwture and MXpart of Itichive Toas in libe Grfllj toy R. 1401".. 3 yp. OMMAN., pwj Machinmobauftchmaj, Vol Xlp so 'I, 1961~j- W-341-- , iMI5471 Zftw - Mrn*M E"I Oc- L 62 Em Aerodynamic Im3nping of Compressor Blade VL'brations, by H. Killer. RESSIDW GEFOW, per, Maebinenbautechnik, No 10, 1962, PP 536-541. *FTD-TT-63-288 Sci - Phys 8 Mar 63 The MeAsuroment of Photoelasticity, by A. Barat, 191 FRM,Nper Machines de Metaux, Vol XXXI, 1947, pp 30-3 , 341. 9694633 X)DG iiiAIC-244 Set - phys Sep 64 267,046 and 1.11nit1% of SurTacen, I:)- Ailc!- SLA 50-17198 Sol It' A ftv 2**ftA4Me Of ftrfieft JbMU N Int Sm SoM CMted VIM a lkv UOUVOWtS The Iftl- tl%LU muwmcopev "r pp. IRSMA pos Za lb*hS= Ybdarimp 1956s pp 6 MA Tr 57-eC4 preglclh Teakwiqu* of Cemnlc Cuttllk,.. Tools , by Clionp L. Nrrin., 7 PP- Of PRIMIS.4 *Iblxw NA,,o.12 (Aug 1957)- AM :9CL T 213 sai - NNW ftb 59 liartinin, h1l. A. GEAR DRIVES FOR 01-111--it SPACE. 119611 111). Ord(~ ( N WTI SI-1, 56. Oft "7-146-30S Trans. of MaVILint. Mode t nt:- (Francv) 1960 (~. 541 Feb, 1). 4f--i~. DESC RtrrL)ItS: *Space flight, Spuct, navigation, *GQars. 62- 12193 1. llartman, N1. A. If. S-TT-146-M1.5 Ill. SCIENIFEC11, Scivntific and Tochnical Trans- lations, Clewland. Ohio (Enginceritig--Act-t)n~iutic.11, 'IT. v, 7. no. 5) 62-12183 DRILLING, KLLING AND BORING UNIT WITIi TAPE CONTROL DRIVC AND AUTOMATIC TOOL CHANGE. 1195113p. Order frdm STT $1. OU STT- 122-97 Trans. of Machine Moderne (Prance) 1960 [v. 541 Dec. p. 24*.'- "'-- DESCRIMRS: *Drilling machines. * Mi I ling 111dC111 11L'~, Machines, De&ign, Automation. (Machinery, Pabrications " Accessary Eqtdpment. TT. Y. 7. no. 6) STT-122-97 SCIENTECH, Scientific and Technical Trans!atlonF, Cleveland. Ohio offi.. .17-4-1-1 &-,1... Tabla of Contents of "Kawledge of ~~cliirhcry, " by Hann 2.1cluitadt, 9 pp. UNCIASSIFIED. ' I - * el t , , rr~llltnkuv~ 0 GMIMMAELml te)'AT 1-912-542 llql, IMAMS, 2 J~m 1954. Av 624695 MI. - cm / 71 V 9?0 Ecr,p=-tis: - "'~er machinery CIA B-38266 TndDis trialigati= L i rrml 4 44 aut4c'n and Improve- mmt or Ummeacutring Methods] ct Products,, by U- amiu'vi. .10 pp. FRWRp parp LgL Iftablae Outll ftw=Imp no 169p 29rAip ipp i ---------- ACSI I-OXa 3W M9152D WON= - ftimm Be= 18 Alw 62 11-tichirrz OuLil k- ran C i 1 F;?Z~ - pp TTJ 2Jj4'j,-4'; 'ki-la Amtormobile Ijidui3trW in ic!ru'*Ua-.i Puiov,,-~.. 6 pp. per, La pp AcEm i-:L485 Ic ID 2198552 WeEk"-' 4~ FXQ~12Ce Ecoll 3.1 aj% 62 Uie Compressioti of a Geis i1en 11-1 is Appl:led "Suddenly at a Eigh Level, by P. Vemotte, i 14 wxxwDg / I ~,j FMICE, per, La Machine-Outil Francanise, No 1.03 Dec 1963, I-T 79, 81, '03 - *iPl~S/SMCIAL/DC-10297 Sci - Client Fcb 64 R-2519 (DC-3269). UsMI lbarth-MvIng Squipaut and JWU~Ive Cramall, lU mp. yn=.g.. tkp jail, psabiwe at Is Shterial sovj,otd ar Ma'am Hou"LA, Iwo JMS L-2018-D )igLr 7,.Ic rcaagH.j:Lc_ S.-Ituatim In 'Llic C%-v.D.LO ipa',IA60., by (.',* BASUGn., .17 PP* r~,JMJJC' .1, per, 2hLa ~_ - IL-inziat etc Gooj~raphie, JIM-4ill 1963, PP* 61-02* JP FS 323k~5 AfeLca sciall Out 65 239,723 1. imo A . r- r U m .'mi cration of " rtli n f rl czu Labor, Ij - per, I-Ltjklireb 'llay-Jime 1964, pt.) 38- 45. MIRS 28217 Africa Icon, Soc Rar 6.5 275,847 Develojment of Tourism In magbrlb ;:.tates, 19 pp. FRENCH,$ rpto ftft& Paris, Soptwoct 1968, pp 26- 35- JM 4M4 AF-I b SUt" Fab kbM 3?4,486 - -- -ii --- --- ---- -.- - -.- , ---- - ---- .-- -- - ; I i- ~ , , - I I - . I ~: 1! : .1 i i i utoo-~ ~-#* An 1040 .41m,pe -btww-ArrA"o AIT Sao* ohm 710 .1 1 E ~ 1 - - .1 . - ~ I . I I O-AigoiAa Eoca -a"" 70 NVIS APF1 ICA I ION OF RESINS PRIAXICED FRUAI ITRVA AND I-'0lWAl DEIIYDE; FREAIMEN I' FOR MAKIN(; (,-1 0-111 CKUSII MESIST-ANT. liquil qp. (llablv~irr-1)11 tcf, o0vt f",m 'I A mi $1. All. j431. go W- 1029~1 Vran%. o(L4.11ZI ivti;!j Italy) 1037. V. IQ, P. U)I-V)S 1. U1,14"timildOwde Applic.illwi, -p- v"i"'- ltwm It. Molimiti AV ~L v, -- j'V,kr 11141~bd.-UL IX4UKtrJrp W -1 - -:;a, *VI~ar k4IMA"be Illadarw, I _: 1.15 ppm os"I-X: Sd-Illbse L;I* 60 Magnetism. Novel Method of Measuring the Energy of Bloch W&Ils, by Louis Neel, 7 PP. GOVET&IMM USE ONLY FMOCH, rpt, Msgnetisme. Nouvelle Methode de Mesure IlEnergledes Parois de Bloch, Academie des Sciences, Meeting of April 16, 1962, pp 2891-2896. A04/FSTC/IIT-23-1243-71 Jan 72 MWetism and Gravitation. An Essay on Celestial Medumics, by J. LApden. GERMAN, bk, - tionus urd Gravitation. Eine De*schrift 11 ~Pn~ mMt~I-MI962-. - 11 11- . ~ - i.. z- ..; - Sci - phys Mar &4 U.S. GOVERNMENT ONLY 251,934 Ilke Magwto-q;tic Kerr Effect auid the Electron Theory of the Magnetic Kerr Effect, by W. Voigt. GWOM, Per, lilazieto-und L-lakt=ltik 1908 - =.- 9 Ch. 60 pp 262-288; Ch. 7, pp Z89-3Z4. 9233480 AEC NP-tr-1390 Sci/liluctranics Aug 66 a 306,324 On tho Mapetobydrostatic Theor:f of Surg"spots, by W. Delmer. GERMAN, bk, Zur Magneto-Hydrostatischen Theorle der &xnnenflecken, Munich, 1963. NASA TT P-8727 Sci-Plays May 64 U.S. COVERWENT ONLY 257,496 Of 114--' llun.,arien Dim-etory.. bv " otv,--, T 1711INGAIMAII, Kqaarorrmag Cintoxe, 1961, I)p 1-632 FDD Sim, 3216 ERur - Hungary Ecan Oct 61 Ecrinolvic Geography of Hungary's by Gyorgy Markos, 1045 V. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY HUNGARIAN, bks M&gyarorazag Gazdasagi Foldrajza, Budo.post, 1962. -1. - ---- JPRM GUO: 436 EE-Ilungary Ecov Geog Oct A 267,513 OMD 2603) ApIcultural Geogmpby of gungary, by Dr Laszlo Game, 951 UMMARIM, l6wWwtat bk Nex-Osesda"go It MffiL ewsm Tr 52D 3/j 'r 6 .3 Sam - AVIcatum Natural Geo =aphy of Hungffy 557 pp. GO NT USE (SNLY by Bela Bulla, HUNCIARLAN, bk, gor udittieS4 1962, p% _:,q,.S.,T"pszeti Foldraiza, OIIW'dIJO: 363 Y Egur - Hungary 264,960 Geog Aug 64 Somip Current Problems In Cell Regulation, by Bela Faludi, Tawas Frey, et al, 133 pp. HUNGARIAN, per A Ma.0var Akademia Bioiogw .Tudow 08~z~~4~ o&i&nyef.-V-oTV1I. No jpa.4 26558 Scl - B & M Oct 64 267,2900 r, Of Jr. IaLdar ~;c I'llu c! 0:. por "o'--lemenai, Vol XXIX, A,;- 14, T JIIP~3 jci --Aui The Q.9evair, by Dr Jazeef Rwvdry,, 13 Vp. MWATITANj, parp MRW~T ALUtorwOuck I&Wap jano"741b 1M. -,-, ACSIv R--IT64 Sci - lied Jul 59 o 02, A 14EW STAGE IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE HUNGARIAN ANIMAL HEALTH ADMINISTRATION., BY LASZLO VARNAGY, 5 PP. HUNGARIAV) PER.. MAGYAR ALLATORVOSOK LAPJA, VOL XVII, NO 3, U03 PP 11) JPRS 1844o SCI - SIOL-NED SCI APR 03 225,,-,2 Coperibtions and Achievemenzts at the State Vaccine Prodmcing Institute, by Miklos Snent-lvanyl, 6 pp. RN HUNGARUN, per, Magyar K11atorvosok Lapja, No 10, 1964, pp 451r 452. JPP,S:.28178 Sci-a/m Feb 65 2731,149 4(UCHL-Tran5-10.54-4) 5INVESTIGATIONS OF THE CJIAIt.~t(."]'Flil$T](,SOFI)I'NA,NIICAL)SOIIPTION. gliles,Vendul. Truntilitted by Z. St.-Gallay for Univ. of California Lawrence Radiation Lab., Livermore, from 16~lugy. Asvanyulaj Foldgaz Kiserl. Intez, Kladv.-, No. 233, 22-6(1961)- 2022p. 4L%ep. NTIS. 25 ,schemistry (physical); tra"Sl""0118 2-071) ,,hlN--l qP NSA Woblems of the Extraction of Carbon Black in the Partial Oxidation of Methane, by A. Laazlo, A. Nemet;a, 6pp EERiNG&RIAN, per, Magyar Asvaziyolaj es Fol~gaz Userleti Intezet Kozlemenyei, Vol 3, 19b2., pp 17-188 arA TT-64-30308 Sci - R14r may -07 327,397 lrl Investigation of Carbon Black Formed in the Parital Oxidation of Methane., by k. llemeth G. Losoxmzy., 13PP HUNGARIAN., per., I.Uuqw ABvanycilaj es Fol&az Kiserleti Intezet, Kozlemenyei, Vol 3, 1962j, pp 189-197 = iT-64-30307 Scl - Eag may 67 327,4oi Data cccce=ina the ucod f3uppiy or the Bous mmo-z of t1u.- Dog I a Femr, by P. Gabor, B. MI-haly, 6 pp. IVN(bWms per) !!E~ belormal Arcuv= so 4) 19512 ip 2D-23- NIH 10-34 Scleut=c - HeUcLue 4