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, --a ibspiratzzy Devices for Rascua Opezaticn-, or rtammtly PL-Acead in Service in the I-Ines of Avstria md fluagary, by H. Schmrber. 33 pp. Vol 32, FA'Waij perp Gaide aLvil 1897-1898j, pp --b9-361- M-15A TT I-L-12a,838 sciAaand n, IW 70 406,930 The Present State of the, TheMy and Practice of Ckmentationg by L. Guillete FRMM, pert LO GenLe CLVLI. VC-1 59. 1911. pp 158-163. *CFSn TT 70-59231 Sci-Pbys June 70 1919 v -ftli P209-212 t929 V w7. P158-159 *9- IV31 V90 Idl? JN26-429 0 iY32, 466 H3 Pbg- 10 U"-17934 0 1936 V114 N21 P#4b-448 bO-14590 40> 0 - A938 VA,l i N22 POti"%?S - '60-145 90 0 1.9b2 V129 P390-39k 70-21040 OR= FRM ETC Wd 'd IS V, Ps' -J' A() SAALINARI'M )1.1-~VD~10 Reswwch Conceruirg the Menudering of Stream, by S=. FEMMS per,, le Genle ClvVL, Vol IMLIV,, No 34,, pp P-22-21% 15-J&r-17990-L9'-j-'-V'-oA IMENs No 3.2,, pp 233-234j, 22 M6r 1919. OCR Tr 45-7 Scl - Ragimering 30, 7-? Y The Adjustment Temperature of Industrial Gages, by, Albert Perard, 22 pp. FRENCH, per, Le Genie Civil., Vol XC, Jun 1927, pp 621-624. 9226571 ABC-UCRL-Tr-1142 (L) Scl-Phys Jan 65 271,830 Photmelasticity Applications an I Methods, by G. Delanghe, 24 pp. FRENCH, per, Le Geuie Civil, Vol XCI, 1927, p pp 243-249. 9692935 DDC RSIC-191 OT4; 7-7-6~/-//Pj V Sci - Phys Jul 64 262,9976 The Temperaure Setdng of Industrial Standardds, C=S, and Mechaideal Parts, by L. Graux, 14 ppo F Hj, per, Le Genie Civil, Vol XCI, 10 Sep 1927, pp 250-2-52. 9226376 AEC.-UCRL-Tr-1143 (L) SCI-Phys Jan 65 271,819 the ftvperti" of IAH&d by 811&t -b","t-Ioas of 2U and Cod-Ims, by J. Cou=otj, 13 pp. YR=CHP parp G=U C:LvU# Vol Im" 14 ftr 3.900 pa albow:-377 "- 5~4'8 Bel Jul 58 SIA Tr 57 -22W ,~,p Y, a 0 z V Progreso Made in Mechanical and Graphical Calculatim in the ]Aot Fifty Years,, TO-W.. 8, uby. * D'Oeavlo v VID 0 m6thris n00, Vers Owls CIv1Ij 1930S PP 8-.U& SLA 57-3319 SCI Aug 58 U-q Bl!r C..p ?Hinta 7E. 9"'; i - PU-- I.Fj Akly 59 Zirconium Ores and Its Use., by V. Charrin, I p . j, per, TA Gonle Civil, Vol LV, No 21, 1934s, PP Dept moterlar 787 B57 NO 337 Sol - MOW" ifty Q /Y-f f56- j The Self-Propelling Iftrine Dre64;er "Victor GuMom" In the Fort of Rouen. MAs-CMvJ2j. Vo% CUT, No 3P FRMM# perp j~ 0 15 Jsa 1938., PP 53-57. OCZ Tr Ito 39-21 scientific - Engineering Jam 55 CM/DZX "0 -5-7s 0?q t- F-,,,r 1,~etholf of Ave-lysiq : I-Phia Chrumstogm-rhic by A. Z'7atarics 10 pp. - ,vMnCI.E.. per$ a Ang 19.39, PP 178-18 13 - SIA Tr 57-14oo Sci - Mmintry ~ 0-2 --? ll~--b 58 Calfas, P. 62-16802 EXTRUSION OF METALS ON IME FREW. 19621 8 1. Calfas, P. (refs. tip. omitted). Order from SLA $1. 10 62_ 16802 Trans. of le Genie Civil (France) 1943, v. 12D. no. Ill, p. 205-207. DE5CRIPTORS: 'Metal forming presses, Metals. Alloys, *Extrusion. *Machinetools, Plasticity. Deformatiun (Metallurgy, TT, v. 9, no. 1) Ofte of Tedakal Semkes Balltolalts and ita Application iLl- E. Lamairs, 4 pp. Full translation. FRMR.. per.. lonis C=, Val CM:, No 19-20, 19"t p 156. S.L.A. So:L=tific - Bogimering 4z 0 -TUI 55 W4~] P. Use Of' SiLlphitic Liquid to peducc; tho p,0E!jFtenC& Of Qumrtzame Rocks to Drilling, by F'. Lemaira,, 6 pp. FV11 translation. FRME., Pvrv 9MAO C=, Vol CUI, 1944, PP 33--34. S.L*Av Jul 55 Study of Girders With Skew Val). Alyplication to SprbWr Bea of Comdds.. by L. Habn. n=M., Wj, Owde CiVILLs 1916, pp 327-329. oci - Sw Aug 62 "?,//" .2--7.P Now Deneimater for the Rapid Meam-rrement. of the Denoi of Solid Bodies, 5 pp. Full translation. FEME.. per., Le Geww 2=, No 23, Dee 1947. --lils"m ...... . S.L.A* J3;~,,`- Scimtiftc - Hathuntloo o~7 1JPZ Jul 55 Devic fn-zl Rapid Teat An Situ of the Bein'st ~L of Foundstlica Groundsp by It. Deguil 0-1pee, 7 PP- PIWICH, per, Canle Civil, Vol CM, No 2.. 15 Jan 1948 j, pp 30-32". STA 3328 sci Aug 58 1711-4-dS DetersAuatic.--i of thz~ Anjela o-t thv~-- Xnt:2rEtl frictlen and of than Cobeelon of Soila In Situ by Ii-lians of Dynamic Drillins,, by A. Ctyaard,, 10 pp. FrMH,, per, Genic C~vk 1948, P0472--474- %, TcMe 125,- No A v BIA 3347 scl -Sul 58 ~ sr q;7s Buxxites of West Afrizap by V. Charrin,, I p. FMWH., per, genie V.Iivil, Vol GMIT' , go 5, 1950., p 94. - - --- 2mm" MA Tr 2276 sat - wnerau/mtau Oct 57 d /I The Role of Mineralogy In the Conotruction of Damp by S. Ce.=Iere., F. Mmut,, 10 pp, FmWHJ, Ono _g flant Vol annis -no lap & -a G&Vb SOP lMo VP 345-34T- S.L.A. 3 861out1fic - Ha-sd=qsrIzS CTS SSIUW 35 07-03 z4f 067/0- Spillways with Suction Slots.,-by L. Escande. FMCH.p per., Le genie Cly , Vol CE=, AW -4- I ~ ~ U No 8j, Apr 1052-.-P-P-i 5-1 j Vol cxm, No 9, X&Y 1952,, Pp IA -167. OCE 53-12 Scl - Engineering 6,Oj 9,547 Herrera. FmIll . So I L Yr-64-16%0 DISCOVIMY AND POSSMUMIES OF AMWOTION. Herrera. E. nm marmc Dom lop IL Tftle: Pbotonic ... Order from SIA $1. 10 71T-64-165 Trans. o. flc)C!6Au-QXU (Franm) 1956, v. 133 [no. I I p. 7-10. (Nuclea.r Physics and Nuclear Cherrustry, TT affix of v. 12, no. 3) 1 The Hi-hest Cable Railway in the World, by L. De Francisco. FRENCH, per, Genie Civil, Apr 1957. NZDXIA Sci Dec 62 NEW CORROSION RESISTANT CONCRETE FOR CANAUZATION. Jan 64. 320Dwords Order from L.SA $32.35 Trans. of el rk&c Civil ( rance) 1960. v. 137. I Nov, V. 453-457. DESCRWrORS: OConcrete, OC"roslon labIbitlan. *InIsDd waterways, TT-64-12324 1. Title: Covalizalan 1. Literature Service Associates, Botmd Rrook. N. J. (Engin"wing- -Civil, TT.Y. 11. no. 10) Office of Technical Somices ji!*~,oliirL-icml cp-' Zlzic---ic ~~xactian in tLz A Y. perp La (5qnic_ Clv-llj Hwma Gan=l~ duo. Tccbniquos- a Ro 240 15, Dac 1958., PP 501- Acsl,, H-3072 U&SR Econ Sci - Eloctrm Mr 59 1 63-14933 BUT OF FORMATION OF NICXHL CARBOWYE- 1. Reldwr, I- T. 11963111*6 2 rddkL Ordw hm SLA $L 60 63-14833 TX=16 DESCROTOM *NbckeloxVamdd6 OC&rbmyl radicaIM6 orkaefft aum OKYP26 cAwbtmdm (chmbuy-pbral-L 7T. V. 10, am 4 1 Ifte it Todmkg Sovion -T-1309/63 The Pekingese In Italy Do Not Bitre) by Mario Zanelli. -w- MALIAN, per., Gente.. 2 Aug 1963., pp 60-63. A~/SF-2851 Far East - Min w Lur - Italy Pol Oct 63 bk.$ Ganu VaIgm, 1-5, p 965e365. ATIC DIM (529/2. Sol Med JIM 63. The Accumey ot the R-lative bbawremants of Gravity carried Oat, WM the NoWoot Torsion PaUnce., by Oltay. GERM. bk,.Dle A&qlt der ult der Zotme Spb= Drebwaam Sclitiark- ACIC SCA - Earth Sai Nov 63 Altitude Zmes and Alpine Vegetation in Australia* T"mmia. and Now Zoalsindl, by H. Walter, GERM.p bk. C*obotsRischG"nnJhftlp - Llo~~-W-190.1960- MIA Set-Agri --a " g:5 IP Jun 63 ;?3 V, Ir 5 7 Experimental Study of Diffusion of He in NaCl and in a Sylvin Mixture., by W. Gentner. GEM,, perv Geochimica Coamot,him4ca Acta, Vol 6, 1954,, pp 261-267. *NTIS/MS TT 71-53101 Available IMS Only June 71 NA VON 65 or t-! ORDER FROM NrC cants aad FindinTz. of Study of PBndcn activity in Natural Wabam, by G. Jurain. 51 14.)- rka~i, pear, ciac~,~6 CosmodAm. Acta~ Vol 20 1960'r 1-Y 51-82. .t= tr 7042 cFs2I sci/earth 3ci oat 69 394g,332 (AEC-tL,--7206) REPORT ON THE GEOCHEMISTRY OF CHROMIUM. Froehlich, F. Translated from Geochim. Cosm-ochim. Acta; 20: 215-40OL960). 40p. chemistry (inorganic); translations ND-4 P RC Unlimited 0 Inclusion of Boron in Detritic Clay Minerals: Ex- periments to Explain the 2MK Boron Content in Clsy_.*S,_-ajnents, by H. Harder, l2pp GEEMN, per, Geochimica et Cosmochimics. Actaj_ Vol 21, 1961, pp 284-294 TC357 Sci - ES june 67 329,435 Argon Determinations on Potassium' Minerals - DI Measurements for. the Various Types of Argon Diffusion, by H. Fechtig, W. Gentner, et al. GERMAN per Geochimica et Cosm chimica Acta, No 25* 1961, pp ~W7-910. NZDIA Sci - Chem Feb 64 2.50,489 Argon Determinations in Potassium MLnerals - VHI. An Appradmation Method for Solving Difflasion Problems, by H. 0. Wrage. GERMAN, p", Geochimica et Cosmodbilmica Acta, Vol XXVI, 1962, pp 61-66. NZDIA Sci - Chem Feb 64 250,122 Argon Determination In Potassic Minerals. Experiments Vath'Votasslum-Argon Dating of Fossils. by H. J. Lippolt, W. Cwjdner. GEPJAM per Geor-himIca et Cosmochimica Acta, XDV61 1M, f962, pp 1247-125;.1 NZDIA Sci - Cham Apr 64 4154,593 Sulfur Isotope Investigations in the Meggen/Lenne (Gemany) Pyrite-SphaleTite-Barite Deposit and in Different Dovonian Evaporates, by F. BuscJiendorf, If. Nielson, et al. GERM, per, Geochim Cosmochim Acta, Vol 2S, 1963t, PP 501-523: ABC-tT-6943 Sci-Ear Sci August 68 357,546 english title urjknc;-ni, by Peiner Goguel. GEWAN, PER, Ceodiijdca et Cc)wDchirdca Acta, Vol 27, No 2,-n-6TI--PP 155--9=1 M. *NASA Tr F 13,070 may 70 4(ABC-tr-7234) jSOME GEOCHE141CAL INVESTI- GATIONS ON PERMIAN AND TRIASSIC SANDSTONES. Hart- mann, Martin. loTranslated from "QEocbim. Cosmochim. Acta; 27: 459-99(1963)- 2054p. 2,,Dep. NTIS. 26geology 2108G 28MN-51 qP NSA 0 mc/T MM-68-31 R-9485-D 5 june 68 Se~bwefel-Xsotopen-Uhtersuchmgea am Pyrit-Sphalerit- Baryt."Gler NegeaD/Leafte (Dwtsobland) und and verobjeaciten Devm.!,Zv&potjtAa BY: X w , et 81 Frcul: Geodb1m. Coomodbim. Acta 27, 1963:501-23 23 PP Germ= - eat for vdB: Meuw.~ tr=slate. (do not ta-awlate tables or Abbildung 6, Do aot translate bib3lograpby) Meese type double-Waced. Stratospheric Tritium, by1f. vai Buttlar, 14 pp. GERMM per Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Vol iRR 19&, pp 741-7591. AEJRE-HarweU-Tr-988 sel-Nud Sci Jun 64 260,9145 LAthlum Comeraration and Isotopic A 061UM In SMS NkMeOTIMS, by ID. KrarkDWdCY,, 0- MUROr- GEMAN, peri CagwidwIca et SgKr ca jgmL_ ACta- Val 28, No U, pp 1625-16301, 1964 MCNP-Tr-m 9229789 A L, C ~,j P .. )"n. j ~- t/ ~-, "Cl-ES&A Nor 66 291,986 LAY IL" Ygm2las GacclieUstry o-f isotopes, by t4itoni Polanski, 392 lip. POIX3111, bk, Gaochmda Izotopow. 1901, '592 pp. tfi'S 61-31327 sci-alea Jul 65 263#596 Geochemie Seltener. und nur in Spuren Vorbandener Chemischer Elemente im 1954p by A. P. Winogradov. Translated from the Russian editions 1950- DsrR 631.4 Lending Lib Urdt G. 12320 Rydrograstatic LevallLug Over Store Bw1t, by N. z. moriundo 26 pp. NOMMUN,, per, Geodaetlak lost Skrifterk, 6p ------ Vol =a so SIA 57-*017 may C /4 r9 4 ea, I~ydroatmtic Leveling Ower Oresund, by N. E. V ljorlund, 11 pp. IMMMIM., perk Geoduettak lost Skrifter,, Vol 111, No 8. 19460 SUL 57..2oi6 14ay 58 The Geodetic ble-thods c>f LunsLr Para*llaxj by K. Leedersteger, 9 pp. UNCLAWIFIM GLR=I, l4ondparallaze, date unlmon, p AFCIN-lUp Vienna. Ar i154638 Sci - Astro~mW Feb 58 :1.1 .1 -1-.- .1. 0r: " r,~ Rar-m-, an., I ~c S=Inm and Wkst Is it DoIngs borL. A. OmIlp 7 PV- DUTCSI, pw GoodeSIM., 1963.. pp 209-=- (WI NO ?., aL9 V$ - -.-, - . AWW )UP aw-vim W&W - Notherlanda .2 -7d--z7j 0!I-0 . I- amos. Dee 63 What is the dU CBL and What Does it do?, by L. A. KK Gan., 10 pp. DUTCM;.I~er, desia, Vol V, No 9,1963, pp 246-251. (C4W No QB275:-%'!It,'Yjl 5, No 9, a Eng Tr) Army Map Service Sri - Earth Sci & Ast Feb 64 250,100 City Renewal, 12 pp. IXJTCII, per, Geodezia. (Call No QB275 G28 Vol Army Map Service WRur - Netherlands Econ Jan 65 Vol Vl, No 6,1964, pp 141-145. 6, No 6, Eng Tr) 2700846 What Is the Geodetic Service of --- and What Does I It Do *j DUTCH, per, Geodesia Genootschap voor Land- meetkunde, No 5, 1962, pp 141-143. 'AACSI I-254o-A ID 2232456 WE~n- - Netheolands Geog 7 may 63 Wbat is tbe Survey Division of the Tppographic Service and Wbat Does It Doo by C.W. van der I-Inde, 7 pp. DIUM., per 03odools- amootseban voor 19r*j VP 3.77-IW-- A= 1-2540-B ID 92391+56 W33W - Natbwlands 11~?X1,7i6 Geog a,= 63 The Survey Division of the Department of PuIblic Works in Ensebede, by W.J. de Bruin, DEUTCII, per, Geodesia Genootschap Voor Landmeet- k-unde, No 7, 8) 1962, pp 214, M 215- *ACSI I-254o-c A ID 2232456 WL'ur - Netherlands Geog 7 may 63 What Is the Survey Service :k of the Provincial Department of Public Works of Utrecht and What Does -It Do'~, by H. Gerritsen.) 0 DUTCH, per, G-odesia GenootschELp Ifoor Landmeet- kunde, No V- 1962, pp 266, 267. AACSI I-2,4o-D .5 ID 2232456 WTur - Netherlands Geog 7 May 63 Mcp Re~woduotlon 1, by N.J.,T. Pl Ink, 9 R.Y. MM, per, G.OdcGAA QMWIISUM-200r, Landmeetl=det No 10., 1962p im M-307- ACBI 1-2540-9 ID 2232456 fa," - Nefterlan" Goog a -?~ Jun 63 Of k" " ~? I bkp Reproductlon l1,, by M.J.J. Plink.. 5 pp. MUM., per, ToQdonla-ftmootselitp voor Landmeetktmde, Igo U.. i96P-, PP 329-336. ACOX 1-2540-F ID 2232456 Wgur - Netherlan" Gc*s Jun 63 'f Broz, Frantisek. Chudobs, Vratistav and others. GEODESY IN THE USSR, 23 July 60, 163p. (I fig. omitted) 95 refs. JPRS: R-164-N. Order from OTS or SLA $12. 00 60-4102!, Trans. of mono. Geodesie v SSSR, Prague, 1953. 11 DESCRUITORS: *Geodesics. *Geodetic astronomy, Mapping, Geophysical prospecting, Education. Contents: The significance of geodetic work for the progress of the Soviet Union The organization of geodetic work and of geodetic education in the USSR Basic geodetic work in the USSR Triangulation Geodetic astronomy (Earth Sciences- -Geodesy, TT, v. 7, no. 6) (ovc 60-4MV-, 1. Broz, F. 11. Chudoba, V. Hl. JPRS-R-164-N IV. joint Publications Research SLrvicc, New York 2-13-62 Offi-f T-h.1.0 5-ic.. POLISH, bk, Geodesy, Vol. II: Le-velling (Geodezja, Tom II: Nivelacja), 1952, q'PI p/w, *PL 480 oTs 61-11320 jan 62 Geodetic Manual, by Josef Ryswvy, 132 pp. CZECH, bk, eadetIckq_Prirucka,_ Ist Ed.. Chapters. Mv, XV8, XIX, l96Uj.-- ' ACSI 1-5713 ID 2.~04045964 EEur - Czechoslovakia Geog Der, 64 269,243 R-3111/62 (a) Topographic Mapping (Military Maps), (b) Organization of the Surveying and Cartographic Service in Czechoslovakia, by J. Rysavy, F. Cach, et al, OUO. CZECH, bkj Geodeticka Priruckaj 1960, PP 197-199, 673-684. /'* m SIA, EE - Czechoslovakia Geog 7 Sep 62 COPYRIGHT (DC-5435) Soil Reporting am JkPping -Prof.-Odure in, the Gemisr, am,. by #Wilmir Ptmlu3lt., 4 pp. CUCH., Pftrp G*WQt,-t9ky-a-- gaftqpof a or, Vol 3., no 6$ 19578 pp Jm 8305 Sol - Bagr Apr 61 Mw Interuational Geophysical Yeur 195"t-56 and th;-- Slovak Adv&Dc*d Technical School,# by Jan Krajci, Val III/xI* Jil 1957,, VP iR1124. US JMS/DC-'L-778 SCI - Geophys SeP 58 9r,31 Recommudation.fw latitudinal Surveying Within the Re4lm of the Internationul Geophysical Yenrk by Jan Rasboux*k, 21-ppi =CHp per# Geodgtlc ky._ A, KarlxWaf ickv Ob4gr Vol lit/)(I*, -!W'I- - 124-130o Pragues Itl 1957f PR us JPRB/DC-,L-779 scl --Geoft Sep 58; 9' 14 R. -1781 Orf -1407) o Pmatical Trainiag at the Ybscow Geodetic Xas ratute v by Hi2an Bursa 8, 9 pp - parj, Oeodetic)g A _Jrjw_tq&raf-L0Qr-Obzorq Vol nflXlk, VO-11; 1&)v 1957, pp 201- 204. UB JMAIT-L-322 USSR oeogmpkw R-1781 (NY-1407). Tize. Cument Status of Phato~metry in C2tchoSIOVSkla and the Directions of its r=ther Bmuouic Dwmlopmut.. by Josef Kjobouce% 9 PP. CZWR# J~ #9r, Geodetic* a KOF~Qdrufipky Cbwr,, VOIL rITInk, NO!i;;' 195-1, PP 2(AA 207. US JPBS/lIr-L-303 IfR= C7.CChOSUnMUa- Rep Geography R-1781. (NY-1407) Regulations for Topographic Mapping in the GM, 5 PP, CZM, mo perp Geodeticky a KutograricRy obzorv Vol AX/n*p N(-A"*'l9WV pp 220w-- 221. Us Jmfipf-L-3a =1W - Czechoslovakia NCO - Geogmphy 7-6~ 0 A/ 4 D =ILOIDO 0~0 ~ 1766) Development of CzechoslvWk Geodesy and Cartoo.~aphy Under Conditions of the Building ef -Sociollem, 16 pp, by Jewoslav Prusap UICL4SSIFIED. CZECH, mo pear, G-eodeticky a KartcsraficU Obzc)r Vol IV/XLVIY No 2,, Prague,.Feb 1958, pp 21-2b. US JHS/DC-L-6oi EHur t, Czechoslovakia ECO Oeo-Cawtomgmpby object! -t~a and nesul";;3 Of tbie Wor-'.z 01, thi2 VZV.T.- ii4 pragr.c! Fr.ettisek pp . IlrC:-AS-C-2LvlF-Tl Z CZ, a C C~, 14, C =, 11 ')bz .0 .TV/xLlrr, No 2, Prague. Feb 19513. vp 27, 2b- W JTR3 /DC-L-602 EEur - Czechuslovalde Eco 7 S Geo-Cextorpmphy R-1900 (W-1766) Work of the G&OLI&tlc sM Topowspble ImUtute in Prague$ by Mlos2:va.Stejskalo 6 pp. uwLwip CUM$ to pw v 9t&SENU A-MCMEWSM M-M. - Vol IV/nvi, Wd-7i"Prows Fob 19,55j, pp 2B-30- w 4PRIlbo-I.-.6m Mar - czedboolovelda Be* & 1? 1 -5- '? ov Geo - Cwtqpapbar B-1900 (DC-1766) Present Resulte and the Perspecti-we Developmeut in the o= in wagu,--,, by Bobmd:L voistk,, 6 pp. UICUMBly . CM=,, mo p*r., G*odessu a M=EWLU Obsoe, Vol. IVIKLVI# ito"E Feb W.M. PP 30-32. UB JMI/DC-L-604 EMw - Czechoslovakia Eco Geo - Cartoawm&y R-1900 (Dc-1766) Os the Question of Using TopogmWc Ymps in Plarmit* Coustructionsp by Jem Xbrda., 9 pp.. t=LASS3:P czmm.. MO pwa ae0aeticlor a Eartan Aaar Vol IV/ IV/nVT. No 2, Piagm, Feb 1958, 1y-' ,p 32-35. to im;/IDC-L-605 HEmr Czechoslovakia NCO s- I e0 Geo Certogmphy Zleventh geneml, Assembly of tht International GeWetic and GeoplWaical. Union., by F. Broz, 13 pp. UVGLAb3VMD am=, mo pbr, qecdettoW-&Aw . VOL Iwo 0 he 10, 8s pp T4-7T. 0008MVh1a - aeadegyp cuot-09MOW 11~ ~~ ;FAI, -S- -7 7 (2219-N,ia) Misfures Takao by Us Cautna AdmlU*UutLQn of GOOMW "a -111110 In POMMUR tbs ROODUMM at this Xlwwoatkk Owasse. of the swi, ,Oy On"Duv ftwet 28 pp. =00 vwl 90041MUS)w a A-W" peftft V03, IV. so 9'"if"R. IM.-W IM;3M.- Boon Not 59 9r princip1rao a," TL.,alm oZ Lona-Rompe Piann-Dia i-a Czedhoolovak C-ecdosy and Ca'-",;OfPMjhY, by Bkldriah Mmatils -k ~,- 14 pp. CRHMj per., (R~odaticky,a Xurtograficlzr Crozor. Vol IV, no A _vp ~Z ~(-172 JM 3277 -N Boon Mar 55 (2516-D) 1100 14mg-Rump PMWPWUVG of sc:lontlftc asseareh WoxR in the Cmtral AAminlatmtAon of Goodow wA Carbogmftp by J&roal&v tw&&p 12 ppe CUMI'l paro, owdoucky A XLTt4DMXStlCIW Cbzqr# No 9p pmwuo Nmr (M-2608) With tba BovIst Umlm Forevers ~ ppo, CZM WP agoqo~d&u A P&MAY ObSors Vol 4/46.5*50 21.0 ftesn't 1, 'o vp S-M-M. PXU~ W S SM,, ~ -asyl~ - JPHS L-IL52k-D -MLW- FbI kar 59 ya,, 4,1? (ghgo-M) Appmaching faske In Gtogm].kyj, by Jerve2av Prwp-, 5 pp. cmxp pwo A m - Obsors no J.J, ll:p ~ . A.. T4 To 9r Ipp Is 2. 0 2e SM 2477-N Maw - CW*cb UND - 9606"Or fty 59 F619, 4 I'al Setee (N.Y-?527). Five Yeui!s of Activity of the Geodetic, Topographic, and CartograpUc Facieurch Institute, by Dr Engr Frantlaek Broz, 15 Op. C7-=, per., Rpo Nartograficky .Obzar'.jVol No 2J.Pmgue,, 1959, pp 21-26. im 16Tl-N ZEur- Cmechoolovakia Geoa- geodetic, topographiej, cartographic Jun 59 -,- operations S1111,1171 B-900 (NY-2527). Yap Yaking, in the Cartographic and Reproduction ImAitute 1.6 Prague, by Karol, Fecka., 13 pp. bUCH) per, Goodeat9M a Nartograricler Obzor, Volvo Do ;2' Two pp .7m i6n.N NEur - Czechialavakia GeD - Map Making Activity Jun 59 vy a // 16--thi.-Ay by Stw2lzlav Jax-ca., 114% per, graficky Obrar, Vol 1~' 2-75 io T4, 5�, 99 72 MW IMur Czec:bc3lo'mXlu. Econ Claos Duc Consty.-oction of a Geodel-lic Cbl3CrVELtOry at FtClly, [Czecharilovald963, by I& Wittinger. C.'MCH, per, qq24*ttcky a Mnwb3grsficlw- Ob-zor., PraGual Jul 19510;. P.P FM. Sum 2379 Egur - Czechoslovakia Econ - Geography NOV 59 sm =.I (NY-3078.). I.s.atbods of Mapping on Large Scales, oy Vaclem 14orch, Ladislav TAludal,, 13 PP- C72CH, por, G29deticky a Kartograficky 0ozor, 9 9) pp 141-144. No 8, Prague, 1 JPRS-2089-.N EEur - Czechoslovakia Geographic - lUpping Dee 59 The Fo~-Sibi:UH.14 Of TISISIN; 8.3 " Fh1)tuO9rr--T'I-!~tri(' BPEC. th,-~- .".2.1.3,000 Map for Scales of 1:1010M and 10~=) lay Vaclawr P-Jeblik, 14 pp. MIR OYFICIA-1, USE MY CZ =-j 1mr, Geodeti. -a aficky Obzor; ncs 3.2,, 1959Y prafa~mw-, P-M 4. JPTIS =Lr- OcographIc Happing PI J~in 60