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internal Convarsion Bleatron Study of the 1-owe-r Excited Levjis of u235, -oy E. r. -.-,et, a!zo,-, o. i. GrIshuk, L. L. Gol4din, 6 pp. RUSSIAN,, per., Zhur Bkoper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XX-,,;Wr No 4P. 1958, pp ;60256t- ?//- P,2 o Amer Inzt of Phys, sov 17hya - J=, Vol VII (34), Zio-4 Lei - rivai Nov 58 17 X Toroid'Al B -spactrc=ter for Invas ing the Conversion lbOlation Which Accamp=i0a a -DecaY, by S. F. Trat'yakov, L. L. Gol'dia., G. I. Grishuhx pp. RVSG,.W,, par) OrY i Tekh EkaPer,, ao 6, 195T.. pp 22-3D, AEC tr-3935 Sci, - Phyn Apr 6o 7 Influence of the DweU Time of Wetev -ia -.-a AcciumLlator Tank on the Efficiency of Oxygen Separation, by I. K. Grishukp et al. RUSSIM, per, Teploenergetika, No 10, 1958, .P.P 51-53. Dsin LLu RTs 1545 Sci - CbLem,, Rugr oct 6o Toxicity of Trichloroewlems tv R. Grislert R. GGUIM. ' ""'w TrALUN lxw l4edielm del IAvoro Vol 47., iq-5~0 ;; Q~~. ~~- IMA TT-66-Wo ,~L-k "R - Sel-BUt ibm 66 303,P880 ~j: *,~ oil of tllia --il, During ?Ainstor= in thm Pnria 111~tgicn and Total Rain 11, by H. Grisall--L, '.R. jche,;ariz~wi, rrr=,.In, rgt, Hydrotaclnic Socioty of Tranco-, Journal of tha th-Ird syr*osium on hydraulica, AlSdern, 12-14 APril 1954, PP 178-181- WIR 34001/cT 8ci - GeophVics Mir 59 1, -.J , q 0 q Preperation of Mat-sUic Plutmim on a Gram Scale, by F. ft"alin, P. Nugerasp E. Okluon~, 14 pp. MBLT,, per.. Compt Rendj, Vol CCMI, 1956, -pp 1996- )-W.~ SEA 58-598 Sai Aug 59 575' 40 q 1-11 Le Cycle Da Combustible Dans Les Reacteurs A Neutrons Rapides, by E. 2F~s0n; J. Gaussens, *2 7 r-71 FRENCH, Irpt, Colloque de La Societe Europeenne de, ' l1energie Atomique Sur les "Cycles des Combustibles pour lea Reacteurs de Puissance" Baden-Baden, September 1963, (23 pages). C/2.zoy~ 7 4~ -T-r - t, z :?, _~ Sci Nov 63 The I%d Cod* U fts lihmm Reactom bw E. cbdow, Jg Guaws4- ot s4 n IML Famm rDt. WW 46TOG lbr P~ Rewmv~ DkU, 0, *am as M. A*r0-_-Ti;w Sd-mw ag N*V 44 252,=7 Plutonium aad Its VAtallurgy, by R. QE~jon, 22 pp. FRENM,, per,, Mom Sci Rev Yet,, Vol LMI, 1961, pp 1-10. Aso Tr-4176o sci / 7/ .9 1(,~- Oct 61 Lut 59 Results of Investigations of Ionospheric Irregulari and Their Drifts, Obtained at Soviet Stations Durin the TM, by L. V. Griabkovich, V. D. Gusev, Yu. V. Kusbmravskiy, aV%0fJ6-'(l I' me-i'CrEW, -Lf;-A-'-k-j'4A'Alj4L 1: MESIAN, per,, 1960. Amr Xetwa-a Soc AF Combridam Res Center Sel - Geogbys mw 61 1500 LLf-r ;s 7-NPW Biological Det- ormi nation of Preparatiom of Sporna of Bacillus Thuemgiensiaj, BerUnerp by An'toine Bonnefoij, Albortus Burgerjony Pierre Grison, 5 P. FRMIls p*rp CmWteia RerAw Acad des Scip 1958., Vol CCXLVn,,No 17,. pp :L4:L8-JU20. MA 59 -15410 Sei, Har 60 Vol 2, No II Greiss, J. 1961 operaticnal e3qjerionoes -odth stern trawlers. HANSA-.'~chiffahrt-Sohiffbau-41afaz, 98(23). In German. Tranalltion by F. A. Tallantire, Doe. 1962, in translation (4 papers) entitled "Construction and running -oT stern-trawlers', 174c22p., processed, available Dept. of Agrio. and Fisheries for Sootland, Marine Laboratory, Aberdeen, as Tranal. 613. Loan Biol. lab., RCF, Seattle, Vtaxh. Original Article Checked .......... Fam - . to do ftra" =" . Q*b"y . UOM 0-M. P. a 10w a IL r W 9weAsrunm 1$1 No 6. 19K 3 _-l" 9 r maxwo ZAP tim :m 2ft" Analyals of the Data From Ageing in Operation of the Stator Insulation of a Large Turbo-Generator., by A. V. Gristeako, G. 1. Lysakovskly. - -------- R=- IA1q, perv Mek Stanteii., No 4, 1960, pp, 82-85. NM H. 3334 sat - EW /,~?/ " 9.,P- .2- Apr 62 White Tbise Croastalk Meter Type FD 692, by R. Grit, G. XMM LevaiUant, 27 pp. FFMCK, per, Annales de Radioelec, Vol XIV, No 56, Apr 1959, pp 142-185. vmm. sc 87/6o sai --Electxon I'V'd Oct 61 A-gw, '/" '-~- ~/ Incol-Ijoratior, of New Apparatus Into Sur- [,,ical Y'~,rcticc, by Yu. Yn. Gritaman'. 5 ?P- RUSSIAN, per, Sovot Zdravoo?hraneniye, , , a, i~-j6i., P-P 43-47- zin s n651 Sal. - Mod / . I/zlr~ ~ inn 62 kA%2bm Dmft V'w IL CXtWkMbD6 ..0"m 5 aw-wis Pon" ~ k=ft""M .Ps~ ~ ft ormamd" "Dam, SOK vp so-" spikswv swa - 8 & a 3044 267AX 41- Fba AM 2w Guam" camd by!rmpn lot um N. Pena NWOnb*Dy jrwww~~ at umaborm UOMV, IVK Vp 3-316 Sft 8060 267An larbc-Trilaltim of the Aqc of Ficsion Acct.&dj~.-qs to thc; Ovin-7Fu in T&zil Av~ze- 0Z cj~, Z.2..95 + 1%95 pyi- tj- y C, h 9 pp. A/A(!.82/G/l,.84j', 1-962. lkd-w 6*3 W UJ IN IFIC WUVWA~.L &AWX W THE ATWMM AM IN ATOOPOIC PMIPITATMt (W V, 00 Wvt" 1, 0. ORITUdMo L. 1. 6 pp. r4=) AN& MA ATM CMDWIV VOL X I It ho I't I DWI, MtTeQA16 10 JUL 62 Neuil.,nnr, by Argon aad Crypiton, by V. P, Yu. 6ritg, D. 1.2. aule-liaze, '( pp. R~7-3-';TAN, '-PoliZ;e Sechmiya lb-sx-eyaniye, Byot.,J--- Vc-,tronov ArEpnom i Rriptonm, hy 1,60. 00~,33,c~(! AEC U-"Pi, T-r-634 Sci .11- Fiva .P,e c 61 GRITSAENKO, G.S. and others. Polydymite from the nov aidyrlinsk deposit. Zap.vseross.n)iner.Obshch. 75(4):285-92 (1946) (CRL/D. 873) The Rewulte of Malaria Control in tht Ukrainiao SSR During 40 Years of Soviet Poverf by M. K. Gritsal, A, K. Shewbanko. UNCLASSITIND RWSIAN,O per,, Ned Parazital i Paraziter Bol., V4 XXVIT-TP No 5j, 1959,p PP 523-527t Mel to ICATO Circular A-3&. Intervatiftwl Cooperation Administration act - Red oct 6o / Z3 j j ~J ~j )I& kan fil Tbex WPM' -.1" t pp cat, *9 , - -.. a9Temvw*uwO L'Ifea cn de calbode ;-',urtr;~, U(j4jt:LV4 r*CjqU&tjW at MeWlic L ow3eara, by Griumu-4 A. ?-A. ImAskko". to w LIEMSIAN rf thur Piz Kwa)o Vol XXD., 19.:~% CIAPTNID X.-I 670 17- 1,4A OF FICLIL, L, USE GINLY Efato w Ebe CztIA!d-- iVwt.-,r a! Maaltic &PoviJms6 by C. N. Gritsan, ,~. 1A. GqAvimts, M yp. Sulii"ISW~ per, -ebtw FIZ "mv Val )~Xxxf IT--50 pp tS()- 411'. CIPADD phys FOR UFFtCAAL USE OININ -bfo CftLjX)&- 1;4.UT Powdiu*o4m IMW4 by L% N. GrImA, ,!. m. aulpim". is pp- rwaliN Z-hur Fix Khft Vol XXVIU, MAP, 99 337-34r- .Scl - 111/1'A ug 65 op o I; ul cin. 1. u5c, om-y Rlectrol.ytuic Formation of Oompact Lead D--.T Deposits From ATaeous Nitrate Solutions, by D. '-,. (xvitsan, D. S. Shun, 4 pp. RUISSILi, per, :711ur Prik lGibin, Vol QaIV, 19,61, n) 1523-1532. CB Sci I-lay ~12 M,lectrolytic Cagper P-liating of Iron in en Acid Mectr by D. N. Grlt;~, D. S. Slim, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Prik Khim, Voll =11, No 6, 1959, pp i4ol-14o3. CB sci IT01 60 teny They Ware Groui0ea,, by Lip;--a; If. Gritmanj k ppo TIMA np, F-ovet Aviatsiya, 21 Feb 1959, AF IZ55770 umm XLl Ju'a CZ9 A Use Of WU Ode by Sod oking Of Cherodiban OoAl for rlotAtIon at Im Ores# by 0. A. Bekhtle., A, I, Wtooseabols et &is --9, BJSSXMp yerp Zhur Prik Xhftp Vol )M=,, go 10j, 1961P ry 2332-e=. 0 206,761 Sci Avg 62 (BY-54891, New Somrce of Galenical Preparations COntRining Alkaloias of the Troparm Group., by Ye. S. GriteVeva, A. S. Prozorovskiyo 8 pp. RUSSTAN, per, A"echnaye Delo, Vol IX, No 5, 1960, pp 6-8. JPRS T351 Set - Chen -yam 61 rim of M:-VlloviA3G the A#W;:-CL=t vp by f0d-MEME&LOL 5 per,, twilb Nx~ )LZX-A",pp 1-3- MEN RRM5 ME Ewa Apr Cej Mj,003 Frearium-but' tWelding of Alumiau3'-m%&MaG:Lum Al-LOY CoWpoa-ants With a Cross Section of up to lOsOOO a" mm " by A. F. Gritzenkol A, 1. Sbestskov, 3 PP~ RMSIM, per, Sva--och Proizr, No 7, 1960, w- 30-3~3~ Sci / 6 5;~ -? 'Y,6 Oct 61 Q Fever in the Chits Oblast,, by T. A. Bekte- alrov, PX.FX-Telenkov, L. I. aislitsina and A. M. Gritsonko, 3 PP- FMSXU., per, Zhur Kikroblol, Spidemiol i lumanoblol., vol mMIq lRo 6, 1957, Pp 25-28. Pergawn Institute Sci- Had Jul 58 ijy A. Ni. Gritsscul~o, ot al. LWSIM. per, Uchoauyyc Zapiski, Akadeuiya A~ditsinskikh MuR SS4l, 6 Ilistitut l5gli. I wilmlot-o Mpil.-I pp 15-26. A'slil 11-66-64 (Loan) r i Aug 16 Rul-l"LAIN, b1n, --::nyia pc: ~Fl~ 1 J i n i ke Fionotia~.-Anovc.-c, R:7,,d, V,-~, lq~;8. r L I`cb 62 PST 22U BynthesA--) of 3-Morodiphenyi=inc, by F). V. A. H. Griteen~~c, -'-' ;~2- RUSSIM: per, Zhur Pr1k Khlrn,. Vol X)r)rf, No 11, 19c8, pp 661j662. comn"at-M.nts Bt--rea.-I Sel - Chem 59 perp Zhur Obahch "ri, 1957~, PP 1665-1671- 'a a u Uprr,pionyl Derivatives Of by A. N. Gritscrim, S. V'. rp -vizv, 'Op per, Mar Goshch Khim, Vol XXX, No 8, 1960, 2610-2645. CB CA 6i Syntheids in the Phenothiazine Series. 1. The Synthesis of Dialkylcminoacyl-2-chloro- phenotblazinesp by S. V. Zhuravlev, A. U. GritsqMm-1 4 pp. MWIM., mo per, Zhur Obshch Xhimp Vol MM, 190 129 1956* Im 3385-3387- Cmsultan%'-,s Bureau Sci - Chemiatry JU1 58 A Netbod of Measuring the Densities of A Siquid and Its Vapow at Rigb Temperatures aud Pressures, by A. P. Oriteenko. RWSIAN# per., Z&vod Lab, No 2, 1958., pp 188p 189. Infosearch Ltd - Sal - Fbys Sep 59 S~~ B-5300 (!;-f --n73), Repetition In the Process of Davelopmwnt, 1. 1. Gritseako, 19 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Voprosy Filosofil, NO 81 1958, pp 3-13. ORS-L-974-1i Sai - Med F,7 -gel" 59 ( BCI-6615) P-roaucing v:L-LLijozx,. Bacteria -bo clont-TIA th-21 Water Vole (Arv-icola Texmotrio L.),, by Ve I. Fatevp 1. H. Gritaenbop 18 j7po MSSIANj, perl :Ez Slblrskoso ObIP-1 Ah Hank ss-SR., No 6,p 1.961., jTq9q.-IO5. OM 13W4 Sui - NiL-d 1,961,f (0 Apr 6P. Certain Remdts of the Application of the Frinciplz-Li '~f Y, 1,, Kashln an6l M. V. Gritsenko in Forecasting the Emempuce of Caspian Cyclon6mq by V, S. Arti-mavq K. P. Baranov, Z. M. ~Imkhovarp 4 pp. RUSSIMp bim per,, Met i Gids no 6. leningxadj Nov/bee 1955P PP 34P 35- CIA/FDD U-8282 USSR 'Tr rf -~, Scl - Geopbysice c"Al Q W"F57 -dvactior. of D=,zreat la,~trz of t;hc2 ~~geat cd ii Atwapherm on the Navemeat o7 Rrk Cyalcaec cmd by K. I. isaiL, M. -V.. ariu.-nkr'. ROSIA19,. per, kht I GJA, Wo 2, .11-959, pi) 30-35. JMS-L-1065-.� 59 -R-CV�Lqr rod, the pfju~cia .... .. C Surf me" by K. 1. - Kashin and M. V. Gritsenkoo b",r 'N HOMMIOV., 4 RUSSIANP blmo perP Yet I Gids No 6p laningrad, NOTIDM IMP PP 59P 60- CIA/FDD U-8n9 um 3' 5 ~'.z sci - Geophysics- 6j VAy 56/der, PAKTICAL-ownwrloo W Savorific,67WNCAL WILT113* W & ", 1.3 M, RMIX4 "n W" Tw $=4 No 14, 1.4~r.30 Vp W. im MY* SGI*030L & m o"'. 43 *00 in Sanitary C, Pygcnte--y, by V. TIUSSTAIJ,, nio Fier., Vo-jetino 1~13~1 11 -c - 19 61, p 7 6 A '7 i:~ US TPRS. Selectionof Operating Conditions for Vibrating Conveyers to Lift Dry Powdery Materials, by Yu. G. Gritsenko 6 pp. RUSSIM,, per, Tsvetnye Metally, Vol IV, No 2, 1963, pp 56-61. PS Sci jun 64 261, 364 Use of the Han Current for InvestigatIon of Car,Aer Scattering in Semiconductors, ty V. N. Dobrovollakly and Yu. 1. Oritsenko. pp . ...............I RUSMN,r per, Pis Tvardogo Tela, Vol 17, No 10, 1962, pp 2?60-2?69. Amer Inat of Piro Sov Pbys - Solid Stato Vol IV$ No 10 sot Jun 63 Motatudoweence and Current Carrier Recombination In Comer Oxid Cryst&Uv by 1. S. Gorbaa,. Yu. I. OnItaeukos, 5 PV- WWXMj, perp JU Tvwd*V "las va in, no 7, 1961s pp 21W-M53- AM Saw TO.Nv - S03 'd State ftl M, No 7 2M,,675 scl J= 62 'Stal specimen8 of Cllprula-7~ Preparation of Sinale-Cry O,d.da, by 1u. 6 pp. fijTSST,4,j!., rer, T7. Ak- Fauk SSSR, Ser Fiv, Vol TOCT, 1957P !)P 153-157- Columbia Tech Sci Apr 5-B Rubber solos., by L A* Gritsoakos, B, A, Safray., at *4,. 9 ppa RUSSIAMi, per., Kathemne-Obuyna tv P-1-a PramhIMMOS N-0 PD f-13. AGSJI 1-893" 10 220406646S 0 Scl. MM Jul 66 304,226 -:,ace .or YUSSDO, per,, Veterimriya,, Vol No -~f-lsan!T, 1,958, m) 19-23, CIA 903J~16 MDA Sc:i F1011 Im W Visit- of Had-zhLia ed Din allf~ml=is (Director Of the Tecbnical Institute, General Director of Daija:*' 4mat of Veterinary Madicine of Iraq) ia the USSR, by K.t.,G-ritsenyuk. RUISOMM., yer, Veterinariyu,, Vol XXXVII., Ito 1, 1960, PP 95, 96. CIA 9o48330 USDA 10 /A - Ir a a- SOC AT) r 6 o pill R jil'OHNII 1111MMR mty-Ff~ve Years of Hongolian Veterinary. Science, 1. A. Gritzunyuk,.U. H. Dorosbaev, 6 pp. I traumlation. M, per, Vater4w Lya, Vol ZXMI Ro 2, 1950s, PP 4-7- USDA Tr - Idiscellanems Aug 53 CWI/=- V77-2., - -1 -- - -- - -- I - - -62-141(12- N. D. and sarmins, Z. V. AM.-CHM&CAL AND COWMRCIAL CHARAC- 1. Grftsev. N. D. TEPJMCS OF THE OIL FROM COAL XMM- U! Barmina. 7- V. KAWK AUGM. 11961121p Order hum 073 or SLA $1. 10 62-14102 Abm= u=s. or Voswchmaya Ndt' (USSR) 1940. T. 2. m 7/k p. 33-39. Also av&IUUs hvm 073 or SLA $1.60 In 61-20% 11961] 1* DRSCRWMRS: o0up, Vatrolcum. Gasoline. Keramm. Phyakd peopas es. Cbeadc4l Wop-U-. AbKr&M. - oAo*dalo--Fuab, Tr. Y. 10, no. 10) ad TO." lerrim 11 ,12arcoal. Adsorption Mothod of G;asolina Productiont by 11. D. Gritze-,.., A,5 2 pp RUSSIAN, bk,, publ by Gostoptcikhi7.('i--,:L~ 1.950, Pp 41-69,, 77-82/ C;D~ D 3206,504 Rnal to AFOIP-lAl. AF 6844-93 Scientific - Fuels , petroleiz-r, USSR - Economic - Petrole=, production Nov 55 '=/DEX ,Cm.1ttlor. of Eltmiuztion of Petroleum From Efflwnts by Filtration Through Wood Shavings, by 11. D. GrLI~qnv,,,,,,V. 0. Synkov. U=L RUSSIAN. DSIR LLU(Loan) M,375 Sci, - Enar Jul 59 /6e Ou the (:4rcinogeuic Activity of Tobacco 11'ar,, I)y L. A. Gritsiut--) A. I. Fdroumu, 9 pp~ RUSST-'~If, per, Voprosy Onkol, Vol VI, No 8, !.~)(,O, -.rI 25-33- PP SC'A ,~Pr 61 Via* Trammvl="tion of Adencestrous Lun_g_ ZMmuv In Mines, by L. A. OrlUiuta) 19 PP. RmUml, I or., Voprwy OakologLy. Vol IV.. 11,01 39- qS Forpmon Z"t Scl. Rtd AW 59 A Short Sima-mmary- of Studies of Inf ectious of NazurpL,' Focal Occurrence in the Belorussian SSR - II. Tularaemi% Brucellosiss Trichiniasisg by V.I. Votlakov2 A.V, Gritske-v?ic,,h,., V.N. Korzenko, V.P. Pashchuk.2 IF;GT-RtbmW6-vaj T.T. Senabuk, E.I.,, i. pp. , Zhur Mikrobiol Epidmlol lmrmv-nobiol~ par. Vol XXXI, No 2; 1960j, pp 65-68,, pp Sci .3 an 61 foci of LeptospirosiF., In Belomasla.- 1. Infection of" DLmest:lc mioe with Le-p-lospira by A. P..Krasillnikov, A. V. Gritskevica, 5 PP. BE FRUSUAR, per, Zhur Mikrobiol Epidendol T=a=blal, val xrxi3 Yo 6, 196o, pp i28-13.*L. pp -S- 17 M-v 61 Pro&%&Acm of c.f. KaFm Witbout Pretwistings b7 1. V. &Itu!WV. MISBYAN# parj, XUm Vaokmp So 1# 1962# pp 8-9. ju 1w: 5M.4 i9ft (20054) (LOW) Bel ~ ja 63 l7.5,oP,?7X RAISINO TH9 PRICE OF WLAT AND MILK Pfh'AXXTS W VITALLY WASUMO OY 14. GRITSWO lo PP. AUSSIN42 POV KOWWISTg ND 9p 1A20 rp 4o.45. im 1~314 unt XON OCT 69 215IC40 -- - - toy#!LU NEM&W WAS= , BY H. ~RITVW, RMIANS FEVRS Vas"ISTjo ND 9p 1962s, PP ". .m i Wo UNR Ecom JUL 62 .1 2006" I- I- .1. I PolymmrimtIm of Styrom in the Emmuce of Ci-l tmulsifliws op-10 and Fluroolo F-689 bg 1. Ae Gritakovao RMUN, pwp lZglkgm&l" Sped" Val 69 il* 109 L9%s PP IMO-10me M RJ-"35 Scd-Mat Fab 69 3?39?56 Sepairation- o.-L =- Forearm Articulmition an-3 Fittln-- With a Prosthania, by D. 1. Gritokyericb., 2 pp. Full translation. Russmij, TeentraInZI-Itauchnov-isetedovatelskii 1138titut Protezirovaniin :1 Protezostrealls, Moucov., UXT�73' Vol I-III, P 125. CIA/FDD/X-83JL USSR Scientific - Mdiciw MY 53 CTS (NY-5641) On the Nature of Incompatibility in the Transplantation of Organs, by Yu. Ya. Gritsmans 6 PP. - RUSSUN, per., Vast Ak Mad Hauk SSSR, Vol XV, No ii., 196o, pp 63-66. JPRS 7871 act - Yed mar 61 6 11;rj (I'lla) ~ul i 4111C PI-DOLOT-a Yu a Gurbovitskiy$ U pp. Ilul V) Atlz 150 Reanans for Bending of Sides and Folding of Bloam-B during Hollings by N. F. Gritsuk, S. V. Merekin, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, perj Matallurg, Vo 10j, 1960, pp. 24-26, ur Acta MetmU.,r ,,,*ca Sci "- K-1 ~,/ 6 9, a e, ~? Timands in the Dwmlopment of RoUing, IUU Guides,, by V* P. Fedia., 1. F. Prikhod'Itol N. F. Grltsuk. RWSM, per, VetaUurg, Vol V., Fo 3., 1960., _W 17-22. MT 122 H. do 0. ToUe=xche The Old Rectory L--Amaw, OXCF. Scl. - Engr De-- 6o of Roll Eat-zing, by M" N, Gritauk, 6 ppe NOWTAOp per, bhtallurg,, No 1,, 19,958, pp 23 Consultants Burosu Sol - Dwt"t DOD 58 Calclun CQrbonste au a Filler, by V. R. Gritsul:yak. UNCL Vol 2ul, wissuY part zmmzhnnya From,/No 8, 19543, pp 12 -14. DSM LW RTS n75 5s. M. Sol - Chem Sep 59 ~VUW 61103't-Lived Isomers Nd140m, 1~al4lrap L--ul46ia *wd Gdlss;z s bY V* Va Remayev, V. T. GritSpla. Ot al, 6 PP. HU.'iSIM', per, Zhur 1!'Sjvr i Toorot Fiz, Vol XL11, No 2, 1962, pp 408-415. Al 11 Svu Mays - JETP Vol XVp No 2 Sci Sol) 62 210P%2 . . . . . . .. . . CM: the Number off Neurrcma Emittea by U~~D Passicm Frmgmems, by V. F. Apalln, Yu. IN. G-dLsyl*, ct a], 12 RUSSIAN't per, Zhur Ekspex i Tearct 1,17, Vol XAMVP 19(12~ pp M' Sx. AEC-Tr-6254 SCI-NUCI SCL mar 64 pp. 252.220 fll~t45MPW at Dnk~~ Out! IkuUat"cu Adeamm, '*,y 7 MUMAUp per., V Vowi~ Vp Lis! aij. S ', Felt-10.4 I;lk%2r 65 "T -,, 35 The Wlimace of Ionizing Radiation on the Induction )f Y-;kml3 Ademms In Mice by I*aas of Urethane, by L. A - Gi~itsytxtes 5 PP - ,AU3,9TJMj. porp Voprosy Onkolog,, Vol Vn., No 3., 1961- Roy= & Rqpr sci If-4?, p I/ mar 62 Dmu%Uva wA Dicloo a: Tlaits, tV K. !~mselz, 1. Or-,tt-.e- omamt. Dw raltogbrift Am luv;Lglton~~.- VO-W. 36 2-95,3. lip %46-$3 alw/0055-15 1-. 6- K / 1-7 /y e- /~- 2201 -o AUZ 67 Brecdlng and Bioloa o:~ Ticko, IXY 1. G 47 I)P. 2:-Ittner , K. M040 & ,r =o par,, Z. .,0. Pv---qqiteml=de Vol xvi; 1953., pp 5643. C-L'. NM Tr 'Liu 32-28 Sci - Biolomr 44,6, ~o 0 z r'6b 1957 M/dex 7 Ennymtic of Ribopal-ynucleotiden, by M. ,r. nrtwi,~, f!n 11 pp ; P,USBtM,, perp Biothimi, Vol XXIII.. No 2, 1958, pi? 307-317. cobsultante ;-:=Oau Sol - Chem An 5$# JIve-d-icted S'Dread of Agricultural Pest!3 and 'Plunt Diseaaes in the Southeast Zone in 19611, - 11 -)y ~. F. Grivarov, It pp. .BMSTAN, per, Sel'skoye n1oz Povolzh'ya, 170 5, VP 53-55. MRS 10132 USSR 1,72 1; Ll Fo 0 a o c t 6 ORGANIZATION OF THE REVENUE SERVICE IN HTE PEOPLE'S COUNICILS, BY VASIL GRIYCEV, 10 PP. CROATIAN, PER., KO.MUNA, VOL IX, NO 7-8, 1962, pp 9-A. JPRS 164"17 EEUR YUGOSLAVIA ECON DEC 62 218,i4a tc, L131 Jap 7t~ 4UO, Jj~i Yeasts Deparaffin Petroleum, Increase Its Value and Yield Froteiae,, by Jean qjive, 7 PP. FMICH, rpt, Science Progres, Mar 19631 PP 107-113- ACS1 1-2T00 ID 2235125 Sci - Blol & Mad Bei Aug 63 .3 :5r y ecm-onedop Francisco Grival., liernin'Av. b-'nXiCIO., 000;;N73108 ltactitut--, DarArtment of bulletin Zo 1~, ymxleo.. 1937. 7- UVY 2031/T-45 reb 59 //q A hew Puthematical Ocdcl of the Llectrmlic Uns, by 11. Grivet. FREW., tier, Jrkl. phys. et kadiw., Vol 13, tulill. W 2, 1952, pp IA-9A. ;ef: 5828.4F (12931) (f, 6 (?~ (,v e Sci-Phys Eair 69 376.810 A MI-S).Ser for 117;uclear Yagnetic Rasorzsncc~ 'by Henri BenoiAt, Pierre Grivet, Henri Ottavi. 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