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(IqY-3000) Report on the Great Bdustrial Cbemical Develop- ment, by N. go I = 4 pp. ge w- A, RUSSIM, nP, ZarYs Vostoka, 23 I&W 19161- JPBS 104& Ussil / 7-3, -5--r ~ Econ 17ov 61 (26' 25 -D) Prospwts for the Development of Ferrous Uet.aLluxgy in the Georgian BOR, by N. 0. Gome 8 pp. RMIM, per, 3tal, So t;p Noscow, Jvn 1958p pp 486-M8. JM lo-1618-D USSR &on - Technologleal - ferrous setallur& Apr 59 Salt Water, an Ion-Oiarged Medium, by C. Gonella. -1-T- " LN11KNOWN, Terres et Eaux, Vol XXXII, pp 6-23. CSIRO/No 5747 sci Feb 63 I , - "' . ,' I. jfn~ (it lat"115111211) ),;I;.,tllilu"v;lr;"WR.w~itm,p=v.:~f$-,~--",.,.,.,."~.,~"-..... ... cor-Luldum in the rllq~rftture longft Fm It 100 to 90& C', by K. Z. Wmelgkiy, 8 pp. R=UN,, per, Zhur ?is Khlmj, Vol XXXIIIi, 30 8, 1958, pp 1859-1862. sci - Chemistry Jun 59 Dept of Commmm (1i;tl Bar of stwmuuds ',Dr Henr7 Bimbmm -S Z Electrouic-RHydraulic Automatic Regulator Mada, By the 'Tqplo&vtcmt' Factory, by Yu. S. Gouiel'skiy, V. M. Gorokhor, 3 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Pribaroatroywlye, No 6. 1960, pp 18-19. Taylor & Francio set 1'411~ '~-" mar 61 i M, -:~ , , . -a" -,-- r Increasing the Reliability of Radio Equipment., by G. 1. Gomer 3 pp. -.1 RUSSIAN., per, Veattdk Bvyazi, No 8, 1960. im 5919 sci may 611 ~) ITP & -'ro S-505./6.-.) OU-4500) The First ColCr Sterc-OSCOPic T!Dl!~.71isic-2-- Installation, by G. I. Gomer, 4 pD. RUSSIAN, per, Vestnik Svyazi, No 5; 1960, p 12. JM 5350 92ci - Electron Aug 6o' 3pr,c: "-rr of b7 pt~-, lrfcrz I., I SCMAIP Inveatigations An the Sphere of Cwpowde Lsbeled Wltb C14 and 111% -Camunication IV. A ftw Method of Invedtigating Dual Reactivity and Tautomrim. 1. Investigation of Tria- zine ~Diazoamine) 8"tems, by M., H. Sbowyakin,, V. 1. Maitind,, E- Gemeso 7 PP- RUSSIM, per, Zhur Obahcb Kh:Lm,, Vol W"jv Pto 7. 1957, 9P 16k2-1 M . Conmatants Bureau Sal - Chem Oat 58 -~O;mndP Lifoelod 'Vith C S-P-11 n'~I- t -IV holf,10 or flay" CoqynAmJujp by V, I. Mlmi-&A, B. V. ToJatravp S. C-0-nor P 0. wovim; K. M. Ermolayev, M. M. x, per, Zhur Mobeb Milm, Vol LXVI.. ITO 7t -Tul 1956t pp 1962-1966. concultnau Bn-,-au nov 57 Pork In Hurine Leprosy, by J. K. Gomesp 2 pp. PMTUGUWE, per, An ftul Md Cir, Vol XLI11, 3.9420 pp 409-413- SIA Tr 57-1665 Sci a Jun 58 4 '/' '~ air DEVEWHO" IN ammmw A"loviliwwo ".v Govoomoff un anx WM184 Wo EL OAMOtWo, 3 t" LA CAUMBIA OR 63 Report on the., Cooperature Production ana Conaumption of Kestj by A. C-=er,,r H. Lora and r,. is. aardama,, 9 pp - SPANISH. ~4~ manuscript, SIA 57-2-9,47 Sei Aug 58 '71,,2 4('o Observations Concerning tbe Determination Of' Histidine by Pauly's Reaction, by WNW4 C. J. Gom , A. D. marenzi., 46 pp. SPANISH, per,, Publicaciows del Ustituto de investigaciones uderoquiedcasp Val XVII, 1953j, pp 87-93.o 94-103s 170-19v Sci - Chemistry SLA Tr 1591 /%!~7 APr 1957 -11e~ll /,/ r of Patioritz; ;a Gynecologic Wards, by F. Gonez, C. Eoifanio., 2 pp. - ~#.Iift SPANISH, p~-,rj floja.Tisiologica, Vol X1, Nlo 2, jur, 1951, IYP 134-138- GLA 2522 Sci - Medicine cr e7 AO 140V 5'( How the Problem of ?imuciel AU to TubercUouo Patients his been solved in Uniguavj, by P..-ggwn"- 8 pp. SPANISH, per, Hoja Tisiologica, Vol VII, Bo 2, Jun 1947, pp 69-73. STA Tr 2521 Sci - Medicine ,(-7, 0;2 'C/Z Jan 58 Oraanizc~tion of Co=tnity-Wide Survaya cand Tbeir Yi~ld in the Tuberculosis Control Program, by F. -Qcmez, 54 pp. No jatwma cited (M-mmscript) MA Tr 2519 -~z Sci - hediciae 'zq -?/ Zen 58 atudy in the Therr-,Al ProW F"Lleato at wouparz-ozic speeds,. Atting Private Communicat ions,, by ~O j r8llgamicT SPAZIBI-91 rpt,. Jul 1958. TIL 4948 Set - Aero JNM 59 601, =MUM - aW ElmlatQ mmbistriml lwbLussuan spwdsb IUNOWSM Pwiad4sol - jU Y" )~'o w . Am - . m adl Af WM6 An "A 0m -~ D ,, , " /4 Irrigation by Seavater, by I. Gomez. FPMCH, Cehiers des Ingerdeurs Agronomes, no. 160, 1961, pp 21-27. NM 70-17001-02C i~Qv -pf ~ , " - - , -~ y , . 6,)~ t Towarliz the 12~fi2 Vatlowa minist Party of Ob-11 . by Congmas of tbe (Xm- Manucl,G=zn.20 pp. uAN,sH,, perp principiar.) uo e4, tuG 196.L.. pp 7-14. JPM LA - Chile poi Feb 62 T~;-,,-dux-tiaa of 13-32 r,~-Om I liTzdJ--t.c-d Tet;m2lbAoride: by bi. Barruehim, RIMSMIj, rpt,, C=fe==e onn Prectical Igglic-utiour. cf Maet-ld-fe rladloisotopca Prmhaced in Mall Reaecrwuh Baactms,, Vlema., NDv- 5-9 19,622, q=i,4Lk:)!) AEC-5"r-5752 sci - pual Sail jixi 63 H. 1-.Iejia, 0. A. 921RU4 CE al. .SP,mNISFI, pcr, Revista Ar de gedL21ogj Vol XMV, 1957, Vp 187-195. NIASA TT F-8536 ;5vi - a & W, sci May 64 U.S. GOVERNM WT ONLY 258,6412 52- 22 W6 Ollero Qgu=z, A. and Paneque Guerrero, A. DETERMINATION OF CATALASE IN TOBACCOS. 1. ('!i f19621 21p. 11. Paneque Guerrero, A. Order from K-li $26. 25 K-H 5258-b 111. K-H-52-,9-b IV. Kre8ge-flooker Science Trans. of Sociedad EspaAola de Fisica y Quinnica. Library Associales, A11111, ~ (Sj1'!L0') v. 52B [no. I I p. 51-62. Detroit, Mich. DESCRIPTORS: 'Quantitative *Tobacco, Smokes, Nicotine, Cigarettes. C (Chemistry- -Analytical. Tr.v. 8. no. 9) offi- .1 T-K-0 - r "** shm waft" Ain to FWd Moto by 00$00 1 SPAN04116 Ray, I VO 19K 9 & IM 2300 LA-GdNL Be= mtr " 214 1W - I gumctw* de KNOW"% vabuAdAMM: bdamw -d 00 AISOMM NGdWM-QR am 40 S" QWWM-* IM46MC-a AIK First Clinical Results with a flew Preparation vith Antiepilzptic Actions, (~brideu)j, b. 0. Gooirutop F, garosr-erop T, Gwnas 17 pp. ITALVW, perjp Gazz Wd Ital, 001 MMs AM 1954, pp 159-163% SIA 3055 Jul 58 17 40 1 6 S- r cvmtomk, S. COW*MMON AU MSAGE FMAROGRAPMQUE DU 1. Gomw,*. a. PLMO nkM LES MDIRRAIS D6 RARYUM ET 17. cod1v Afttlowl db In FRODUnS DE FLMTATION (The ftbroVmok ROC%~Tcbv Sct&NMWG Decerminatice ot Lead ts Barite Ores and emir Fbmktbm ftod=s). Up. 10 refiL Order ftvm OTS. 9W or CMtS $D. 90 62-26M Tram. in Prewh cl Rudersko Metalewold Zbormik (CmwAmbookla) 19S7. rMWRWrORS: 08arium cowpotmWW, obagerals. Fkxaugu. opolaropapucanstywas. *L664 *one OActal 9-rcm). (cbeinistrY-Amolytkol. IT. v. 10, no. 1% Who id TockdCA Awpim "xolytical Cham~stry of Arsenic, Antimmy avvl CoMar In Steels and-ircm Oras, by S. Gonda-.-L- -.... ... - .1 CZECH, per, Padaroko-Metalurski Zbornlk, VU, 1 X959: lip 51-62., RB 5113 Sci - Chem 1151~' 4 Lo 7 -Tun 61 j _Mhydrosarccmycin and -Ralatued Co=a-,ir~x, ,p Y A. D. Arenlianuki B. I. I A. Gca;z~lzh, Nd. Ya. Kaxyel ukiy, L. i r~ . Skolcl nov, N. V. Maij.- nova, II.Q. Khorlin and 17. K. Y-ochatizov, 139 - per, ?lrr Obahch llubim, 14"a1 7XVI-A's l7o 5., 1957, pp 1=-1317. Sci - Chem Sc-:a oduc-ion of Ag_Z-rO9ltl) by Petre- Goajcidscu- Constr"ct' Alor 3i LAr, . p ructiiy No 2, 1960, pp 65-71- ,4.t.ria-icior de Con5t -FDD sum 2609, r.u- co-,I-ConotructiOll jun 60 f-ieodetic- Comd ee Syxposjum on pol-irl--, C c CULL jel-aY 6 pp. OFmCiAL usE, ony ,3LISH, per, Geadezja i Kartografirm, Vol IX., 130 314, COMMA? 'ci - Geo" lay 61 Grp-ia. , by H. 1. comolyalLf:0, VIOZATIFIAJI, p-,r, Mikrobiol Zhurnal, Vi~01- XV.. PIN) 2,, 1953, pp 72-80. USDA 6T sc Lmineacence and Light Absorption of Diomnd,, by G. 0.-Gamon. RUSSUN,, tbrice-so per,, Dok Ak Neuk 8813R,, Vol CV, no 4; 1955., pp 713-715. Co -Op Trans Bch Tr 294 &l.46. Sci - Pbysics V- :9, f 6-,/) Feb 1957 CM/dex Tm PMOLAN - I"T TO 00 WITH THE Qwj~ BY A. SAVKIIIO, V ALt 6 PP. RMI AN,. W'r "Umm amlfm~ la $p 1030, P 1e. . . JFRS WJ09 t= ECM WC 63 ovm 6.3-20474 Gomonet, Edouard. ROLE OF THE VACULMI TMIMIQUE IN T! M- 1. Title: Getters INDUSTRY OF LUMINESCENT TUBES. [1963] 13p I. Gomonat. E. (fi.-S omitted) Order from SLA $1.60 6~-2047_4___ Trans. of le Vide [Technique, Applications] (France) 1948, v. 3, p..487-495. DESCRWMRS: *Luminescence, 6DIscluarge tubes,- Lowpressurerescarch, Cases, Unpurities, Fluores- cen e, Mercurylamps, Neon, Xneon. B,videru. Mricum compounds, L - loctron tubes). ~oddcs, Cathodes (E Although the gas pressure Inside luminescent Eubcs may he several millimeters of mercury, It Is neces- sary before Introducing the desired gas, to create a vacuum In these tL0es an in radio tubes. In fact, the least trace of foreign gas. can grearly impair the appearance arxi life of the tube. (Audior) Offici Df UWcal knic~ (Engineering- -Electronic, IT, v. 10, no. 12) Some - ProVerties- of -Small-Sigmak- Trans ient- -- Characteristics of Transistors, by K. Ya. Sematorov., A. I. Gomocova, 17 PP. RUBSIM, per, Radiotekh 1, Zlektron,, Vol IV, No 7.t 1959v pp 1153-1163. pp Sti oct 6o / C a / -//// Dianhum Ge o"Mac Ts"No 14 wow ~ww"dft~, b NASA Tr "110 sa-ma & was UO.GGVBRNMMMR.Y Mom ......... .. .. The 19" Psift PUft RepAstim In,, an br Go= & == 11 maq V! m 0 kM V4 11 KM* I AWS 64 2W744 The Effect of BlectrCms M"ticaliy Beflected rrm vaxious Types or SuppQht an secondary Electron ft"I slon from 2b:Ln NaC1 FlImp by M. B. Gamoyunovas 0. A. IvamoVs 3.0 pp. RUSSIM., per.. FIz Tverdqgo Mala, V61M~v No 21 19W,, PP 319-330. AIP Sav P"-Solid State Sci Secondary Electron F-mission of K-Br Films, bY M. V. GomoyLmova, 5 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Fizi-ka Tverdogo Tela, Vol V, 110 9, 1963, pp 2538-2543- Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Solid State Vol V, No 9 Sci Apr 64 254,546 on the inclination of Mobile Tower Crenes, by 1. ya. Kog an, 1., 14. G omozuv., 8 PI). V... Vol X, 11USSIANi, per, Mekb Strultel'stva No 7, 1953, pp 3-6. Scl pius Lib 55/2154 Sci - Engjrecring T111 e ~Ibeory of Formation of Ifeat-Besistant Alloys, by L. I. Gomozov, 17 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Trudy Inst Metallurg imeni A. A. Paikova, 110 3, 10153- oTs 6o-51087 PL-480 Sci jun 62 197, 64 9 PST 386 tulomozova. V. G. and othem STMY OF THE PROPER71ES OF SEED SOLS AND TrrAMMI HYDROXIDE OffrAINIED BY nlE SUL- PHURIC ACID MTMOD. Mar 64 Order from TM $14. 00 TM NS 178 Trwa. of I -w-h-m sochnye Mulerftly I Ikh Primenadel QJSSR) 1%,% m 1, p. 26-n IT-N-12811 1. Gomozopro. V. 0. U - rnS-N'S- 178 M . Tranalation and Technicul Infortnation Serdess. 3 5 (MatertaU--Poi- 7T, Y. 11, m 11) Tohkw grvs- TT-65-14037 field 7C XGo e R _E%,, r RONSOF THE AZOLE SERIES. VL THE Gt-' 1. Title: Course COURSE OF THE QUATER141ZA71ON OF I-SUBSTITUTED 4- AND 5-PHEN-YL-1,2,3-TRIAZOLES. 4p, 6refs. Order from SLA. $1.10 as TT-65-14037 Partial trans. (p. 382-384) of Cbernische Bertchte (West Germany) v90 n3 p382-6 1957. NIF 671 Reactionz of Acid Amide Acyl Halide Adductrnj Prurara- tion of Substituted Am-dine., and 11-midrazowu, 11allmut. Bviidereck-. Gomppe-r, Kurt If- inz Remp-er, 20 pp. 1 -.1. GIWIM,, perg, Chem Ber, Vol XCIIO 1959,- PP 837-81-3. C IA/FDD -M 701 NOFM Sci ls~essag,e to I-liruschev and Brezlulev, by Gomulka, Zawadzld., et al. Russmi,, np, Pravda, i Aug 1962. FBIS Wire USSR Pol 27 Aug 62 , -1 -- Com-,ulha. ZSCIC-001 Of -,'.hC 1), n-D, Pravda, 5 '-,~ay 1962. Fi3I3 lilac USSR Soc 22 i,ia~y 62 The Greatest Factor of World Development by Gomulka. RUSSIAN, np, Pravda, 5 Nov 1962. FBIS WIRES USSR Pol Nov 62 fie-UltieEl iU 'bieot %"Srket ":Ina ],~Olasul!,36 C=rcnt Dif IAw- ijecesea--y to OvercOK&B Tuala". by Gowkdha.-, 18 Or4- 0 Ludup 1959- j~Bn) Daily 'tievien; Oct 59 -the you-~h fo-,. of a thc-m in ~b lj_ .Zcl- ',5j- V7,A*fJ-U;7.kq' GUMMU, 7 n-) ),'T, j"a"rat Pedagog, 170 12, PD 92-.lc6. Artm snd Sai Proua -T,3i :i, wo 4 V, SS R sot! &6r, 59 vers o: i ~)f eech -I' E Li 4-e-.(- Central t 11 - Trybuna 1,12,c'ai, 1 oland i~u Aco,, jD'aily Ra.,ort -J-33R Iz ~:a~+ 2 y W. Go,,,iull:a, XIV ~TRP Congress, Speech b- 10 -OP. 11,011GOLIAIT, np, Unen, 7/11 Jul JPRS 115-~2 .j Jan 62 S-peecl, by I -glay Gomialka, at the Polish Friendshi~ -MeetinC, -21 pp. MONGOLIAN, np, Unen, 14 Jul 1',-161,. pp 7-11. JPRS 118111 Asia - Mongolia Pol Jan 62 -.-4,16-A -a syntAeals of Us AW;&Us of 3#6- WWWA, A- hs6j,-dlal-3,p8 md ft DI(I-E4dvQxfQ"Xq"*t7& JMt"i7=-Is3 ad 2mir C"arUe cap b,v A. L NbwddeUp Go No GoaMbno 5 jym RtWZkg* pmp, Zhur Obah& Nkfxp Vbl M014 No 60 1961* PY 1838-]A9- J%m 62 wlp"3 Synthesis and Cata3,vtia Rydropuntion of the Acetate of b7 A. 1. No r1ou, 919 Gowdoev 4pp. ?Ull trawletion. RUS-SUll, mo per. Zhur (Ybsbeb XhIm, Vol wN, Ifo 1, Tan 1955, pp n4m-U&. OWD 1-51342 Consultants DWOM 3cientiric - Chemlstr7 J~m 55 Benzy1idene Dnrivaltivaa, Containing 1,3-Dio=1--ne Iffingq, of the hydraze Yorm of CL-Keto -Alcohols p by T. I. Temnikova,q B. A_Gonareva'L4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Ikuk SSM,, Vol CXII, No 3, 19516. PP 445- Consultarits Bureau Sol - Chemistry Jul 58 First Phase of Casein Decomposition, by S... G. Gonashvili, 13 pp. RIJSSIO, per,, Dok Vaes Ak Seluskokh Nauk imeni V. I. Lenina, Vol XIII, No 5, 1948, pp W 8-13. Sci Tr Center RT-2653 Scientific - Biology Dee 55 CTS/I= Contributiort-to Ithe WamulaBion of Triogtoza by 11te!fx und Associated Problem of Zmmwity IT.. by F. Pmenbasch, R. Gonazlez. r--- MM4N, per, Arch1v fur Prcrtletankw2dw, Vol :6, NO 3,, 1925, py 19;93-485, So 2, 300-320. CSXRO 4649 "I Sci - Ned Ang 6a smffimfi~-- fa Chow P&V*N;od on Does * - --- - - - =10, - I . fiSIM F. fiff PORIUMM Mmay 'ORZ% a Tel NASA Sd-B&Mgd kay " U.& GOVERDOAMff GMT 254 owl Approximation of Continuous Functions by Harmonic Functions, by A. A. Goncar, 5 pp. RUSSIAN '9 per, Dok Ak- Nauk SSSR, Sov Math, Vol CLIV., No 3, 1964, pp 503-506. Amer Math Soc Sov Math - Dok Vol V, No 1 Sci Jun 64 259,831 on Series of RMCOM Fumtions., by A, As a0lacarp 4 PD. RUSSIM, per, Dok Ak NmA SSMp Vol MMs No 5s 1962Y PP 1W-3.249. Amer math SOO Sov bImth - Dok ]EX Vol ms NO 2 Sci - math Z//, .6e'fa sAip 6a On tho Field of Coubinatmy Analysis,, by V,, L. Omcarov. RUSSIMs per, I Iz Ak Neuk SSSR, Meriya Matemat, Vol VIII, 1944, pp 3-48, Amor Math Soc Sci-math 4v .2 171P Sep 63 :?q J Ou tha Chaestion of Ano~aar and Spatial Distrlbu- -vLon of Fmr~Oes In the r4dir-tion Delty by B. V. aorebakovp 14. V. Tonumakeya. 1WETf-AS., per,, 0--cmagnat i Aaron., Vol X, Ho 61 1961,, PP 897-901. IIAM %T L7-8196 8 ~ -, f., i - -:5 Jun 6-2.2 iig_ CITTIM UM ONLY Quaslanalytic Continuation ot Anajyt~'40 Functions.. by A. A. Gonchar., 3 P-0. RMUN., per, Dok Ak Nm* S=.. Vol cxlj., !961, yp 12B7-1289. Amer Umth Sm Sei '2- L') 49 0. 9kr JUU 62 Ovemomergen-ce of Be-quezwes o-P Ratiowl Functimal, by A. A. Gowliar, 4 pp. RMSTJUTp parp D* Ak Mauk SWE, Vol CM10 1961., pp ioig-im. Amer Hath Soo Sai ;2 tOO,, .9-7,? jun 62 (DCAB83) on the improvenent of the Control of Technolosical Processes in the CouatTuction Materials Industry, by P. D. Gonchar, 8 pp. RUSSIAS, por,, Zhur Wee Miim Obahch Imni D. 1. NerAe2zyevj, Vol Vj No 2j 1960, pp 223, 229. JM 1-204 USEM /j -~ per on the, Ae:~ ng ai lilloyi, liaf Ivence. of Cop of Aluminium T.,,'ith Migneuium and Unc, 'by V. N. Gonchar.- Uvdy L--ninjgad R-Albc-Mi Tnst, 1959, No MOM 202; - - - w,.L m.4341. Sci --Min/&t ilpr 62 in the Squi=nt of 4L%e R.~"tv~hf.:ig Stpar-d of the Hm%-j-Section by IS. ^T. pl~ctasov' ZjV, V. P. Nblebaikov, A. 7. -Sikoral%ly, V. V. Cloachar, V. E. StaAmov, L. 1. Boldyrov, 5 P-D- WSSIAH., per, Ifietcalurg, 140 10, 1958, Fil? 2546- Consultant's rlunmaol Ir- Jun 59 Two-Cryst-al S ctrometer and Its Use for Investiga- ting the (p,yrReaction, by Yu. P. Antuf'yev, V. Yu. Gonchar. 3 PP. RUSSIAIN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz, Vol XXV, No 2j c TIT Sci 200,345 jun 62 t i immls of K43- by meam of the ;~,on of the maction., by- A. K. Tallterp Tu. F. Antutflyevp V. Yu. Gonchar RUSSM, perp Is Ak Nauk SMp Ser Fis,, Vol MELVp NO 7, 1960.- pp SM-80. mV Sci sep Q Investigation of Ue LeveU of C3L35p by Tu. P. AnWt"vp A. K. Vallter; V. YU a ~~ et a'.. 7 pp. RUSSIAN,, pw,, Is Ak Nauk SSM,, Ser Fla,, Vol May., No T., 39W., pP MA83. cm / 7d,, sci Sep 61 Investigation of the Low-Lying Level!:-. of c133 by Means of the s32(p,y)cj33 Reaction, by A. K. Vallter, V. Yu. Gonchar, A. 11. L'vov, S. P. Trytkq, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz, Vol X)aII,, No 7. 1959, pp 835--$38- Columbia Tech Sci A Oct 60 Invostigation of Gamma-rayo Emitted Am PTotan Boa4--,-,dmje;, OZ a Targot C"Zaiallag pa2op by A, K. Vallters, V-'Tu. Goncbar# A. N.Vvvr, S. P. Tsytko, 6 pp. RU3810j, pars, Is Ak HauX SM# Bar Flz Vol MCIllp NO 2: 1959., pp 228-234. colwabla Toob Sci Apr 6o meamrement of mutron spectra wA Y-fty Voctm ," In StIlboxis Uslj* Cal (Tl)'&M ftl (TI) " by If. 0. Aftmslyev, T. Yu. Gooch& VP RUSSIMj, per, Atom Raw& Vol I-vo No 30 IWO " 289-292 sci - NUCIAW Phys Fft 59 SId" Remote Remote Con-".-rul, by A. Goncharenko, 2 pp. RUSSIAN, np, K--asnaya Zvezda, 28. Oct 1'~-,62 (abrddged). The Daily Rgview Vol VIII.. No 271 (22i6) - Thursday, November 15, 1c"'02 Sci - Electron Dec 62 B. The Floca Wbere Nev--Substan4ces ou sorza/pby A. Gombaremko., 3 OP- (ID 2213775) RMIM# Pm nP# KT*=Wa Zves"t 13 WY IL958- ACUO ]S- 2SO um lean Aug 59 !Ffr 6? "I /V I tu- LIA f-V ie t A&-,,-Quau W, by A. Gcuaha--znkz, pp. RUBSTAN, np., Kmamys Zver4a., No M.- 25 Nov 1954j, p 11, B=l to Report so IR-l2D2-56,, AFOIR-Ul,, 7 Mar 1956. CIA D 418836 AT 'a75A3 33916 7 acienUric - Aemmutlas mw 56 am/= Laser Action in mi Unbounded Planct.-Parallel *:'Jab, by 1% 1. '~`.tcpanov, A. ?I. Concharmko, 6 pp. RUSSIX", per, Iz AL, I'lau). SSSR, Ser Piz, Vol XXVII, ,-Zo 4, 1963, Ini 462-467. (Irr Sci Apr 64 256,021 top by A. li-~ B. A. Wlmlcty. Var, Dck Ah 'Favuh. I TSR, Vat VI, blo 196er pq FaV Tr 31536/M 370 sai - sa-p 63 Blectrwagnatic Pleld of a Flzne-Pm,%Ual nate Und Self-ImItatIm, ly B. A. BotWdyl A. U. - RUSIM,p qw, Dak Ak Nw* MW, Vol VI, No 50 1962.t IV 99T-300, ROV Tr 3W,/APL 807 Sol - slectrm Aug 63 VY By A. S,-acQ;baxv_nko pp,. 6 RUSSI,Ul,, perk Zhur Prik KhLm. Vol. W, lb ILI,, 1962,, pp -- 2449 - 2453 CB sci Oct 63 214 !,affect of Potassium and Sodium Chloride and Sulfate Concentrations on t'ae Rate o~ deposition of Vanadium Compounds, by A. S. Gonchar-enko, 4 pp. RUSSILT., per, Zhur Prik Khim, Vol CGCIV~ NO 7.1 11061; '~)P 1515-1518. CD, Sci Yay 62 Electrolytic Separation of Vanadium Prom Phosphorua, by A. S. Goachsrenko, 0. A. Suvorava, 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per,, Zhw Prik Kh4m, Vol XXXIIX, No T, 1960, vp 16T2-16T3- CB sci Aug 61 Cathodle Llberatlon of Vanadlt= Compounds, by A. S. Goncharenko . 4 pp. j 0. A. Suvorova:. RMIAN, Dwe Zhur Prik M4n,, Vol XXMX, No 4, 1960, pp av)~V;9. CB sel / -e-0 .4617 9z Apr 61 7 / Concerning Some Peculiarities of the Behavior of the Indices of Refraction and the Coefficitnt of Absorption of Absorbing Crystals: by A. M. _Qqmqbqrjni~koj 5 pp- RUSSIAN, per, Kristallograftya, Vol IV, ITO 5, 1959, pp 727-731. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys-Crystal Sci-Phys jun 6o Surf,mee of Retmetion and Absorytion of Abaorbon't I-Ionoclimic arA TrIclinic Crystalq., by A. M. Goncb-nzvnkD# 6 pp. Russia.. per, wataLlogmtUas Vol XVP No 3v 1959# PP 393-398- A=r Imt of Phys &M Php- crystia Vol Iffs go 3 Sci Apr 60 Ow, Schoa and Chastl in Officer Training, by D. Goach=arenko 1. maksi=v, 4 9p. '. _ RUSSU.5, mp, Krasnaym Zvezda, A Axxg 2961, p 2. JFRS 12300 Mil 5-3,1 AF~2 7 Feb 62 Field, by B. G. Safmnov,, V. P. Gonchnn7mko'. D, IL G pp. RUS21p.jI. Mz: K v0proGy 0 M . tnom Pole, !960. qo~c)JP,'-',%9 -rni AIC Tr-14~(22 I/ /' Sci - 41.3hy a D'.ac (SI