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it An 341 t r.~ 70 A St*~ Of W parfowum" 011~ EMS= -)two ~~ (m AltwwtU~,,- Curewt W4sr "Utle and (50, AMODI'O 'WUtIMIS40 4Y A' V- 5V)&LWM# L. A. PWAMOId.,?* 7 we 0"108 PWI 'Iris Wvmadl ftut4kA- rdabanUm, 0 -.- - - -- - - -em mgi~ CO: 1, ~ I ;. msamA2al!mmz no 2,5 19- W-S 39 2". 14V :. Fob 73 Ath C L ~ - -~e- L es e o 'The Dyradca of the Stimulation Throshold and its 8ignificance for the Construction of CAxdiac Pz~ ~ and Electrodest by V. Peleska EUROMUO per$ Elektromedizin, Vol Mj 14o 59 19691 pp 177-181 ,-,TC 71-15333-06B r= 72 baah kirian lf,ew r oflomde systorl, ),,y "16 11"21(lVi."I anv` V'. ?IP"Iform-F, 5 pp. per, ~~icllqqkznyq J, 45. to t",1,-! X i~.av!7 I.!. PelcArima, Yr -Is In b.: , 29 -1. -A. 12 7 72 AssortumL and Cuality of Taxtil", Muct Ee L--.- proved, by V. M. P.-Aa-vimp 'I ppe -A ilma ,I)ESSiMp per, Z*stl St, so. lip 33V IXT-), -PP- 1-7- JPW 4a)47 7,c -in Apr Ul 321s 170 ~ftft or aneft"A ad aG*AdmA' lwwuos of plooDu rum* Is nah. 1w Vo Po Pft"Vmv. 4 Is ftlaws POSSM per, Ufts- thas Val ble 3~ 19trj?o WIF A,5466 -Nqt 0t lAstur lft~ of QMWA"w nsbwtos sveaft of 4#66P riabo4od ~P Md A. I. Peleyev Jan apad ~;tmtml Tootbig cd i mvidry tl43udU,-4rj yroaact.-I by C. paillcm 0, ". !)obQ7ivdk. rpto intayatiovel I iio 13,, & N" 39- 6 5 0, L-~ L IY gle Growth Of IkAwuo am in nake Gimute Cast Iml as a F=Mm or suputaft-i" BAU of ftglass by C. Paftn- 0 GOW, W) (406403 HO 24* 19671 pp 445452. ~ MI Ber: (68/19) C. PELV,9fj mar 69 376p941 D"awds of the 8100-80VIet C=flicto by XlebeU Pella:d# 9 JV- mwmp per'. camilgaiffift o"M]Lf-u Vol vn, So 3, Mr 1966p pp. W-146. JM 35336 ~!~ f,Q~ ~ C JC fE f ('Q q A//' um POI way 66 300..1w CMrA=l IMatmnts Plan Alat bD FUUMOdo / ? by Coml Felipwit 10 pp. Al joi adchwastt RUWilkil pwo Ling 9m" oet 10,68. pp 13-20# J?RS 47*IY~ . -,r ~- t grad &. -IMMMA& Eew Jan 69 N4364 Ike FormtIon of "hosphev Castings 9n iron and steels tly cv. c1pri; J, 3* pitlika., CIMOv pur'N Vol 190 'No GN 1"5#' pp pft,: 7~ SOP 71 Camlesion Roports oti 109-1969 Csoftdmk POUWMI 1*44"s OfiabWAUtatlonsto by Jlri ftM=4 48 pp. WUW4 port W- - vionnal Do 2539 PP 1-wo 383-W3. JRiS 4~3W ~7j eel ks-ccoch Fol Sept, 70 t ),IaM(!d uevelopron*. anii Narke6 Ralatiowj, by Pavel Polikano 15 P-7), Gov?.aMplyme USE: (Mi Vol Not 1. Jun 2.)07p iT. (57-73- JE-. Z GUG 2.J20 r,R-cnecil .Apr U17 32 1 005b mxwbm Modpft of as POPAUUM IW ic"r Paulwas 16 pp. Omm"N t= wx a-W-W--j ammo pwp va ml 713T-V--~ Asa"" So 8p Avg 0 2W6 im Ow Josef ~-cli~-an = 0 --~- ftr 66 WOW Autocorrdation Propwtim ~~srtdn Types of Binary Soqmcesv by H. I. Pelokhatyyq Yet At Golubev, LL pp, PUSSIM9 pert kr~ezz Anvdaeld-Informstoli. MOSCOW, Vol at No Is 1972,, PP 92-00 JiT,s 55940 rAY 7 2 ,14an and tutomfule Nwhinas,, by V, Pelijvylto., 3 Pp. Y RUSSM, per,, HaWa i TeY.-adka 110 7.- JAY 10, ppp 10-120 JPrS 375W V' 6DEI-IPF~K~' UOUR Pe on oct 66 312,,571 by .5um V,- Situation in Portu~~mose-African Military Literature Discuased, by Ticne '~ellzsier, 26 pp. pero Revue Fisancaise d'Etudes Politiques Aff-C %rls, Me'-72-, B7 pp PRS 55565 72 . J41 71, . . irmah lager ~)urveyv Itugtim in ifnis by A i1twolers 10 Pipe Pwo A-AM69 s 24 ;-,ct 1967g, p 7; 25 AtI9679 J ki;:5 43599 kr.-,pan .,'i. A9 POI ion 68 T.le z1ationalist 'am--marreat in -Iixmic~i Africn,, by Reai2 P-oliazler, 21.1, 1pp, F' EM11, par, lo- Nois on Afrio.-ic tit, M 1)66, 72-9c. 7 47 J, jpiz 1? A ~-~aut Lj 43 Difficulties on Road to 4anish Guine-kin Indepeadencet by Pew Pellssierp 5 FiM,Wfl, per,. Le Mois en AfrWIM) NO 2r-.4 oct 1967,, pp, 13-rl- JPFS 4,495 kc~, ,z Pf- ,v Africa-Spanish Guinea pol Jan W 346,521 pacts of tjo L A s, - PrOdIctim in P:)!Wid,, by Ada Fib,~. PoiWix 1-1) i'OLIS!" M 5, 'BaY 3-5)~ ,"Opt '-;l' W"A Fix J Cast" and L6brey Against :ArxjsmwjAmLijst), -Amlel ~'oUecorq 12 pp. eream", !a Paz* 14 jan 196-3, pp 31 10; 16 illn 3. 7- jil,~~ 47485 6-9 Active Circulatorss Ly r-, ftljcgrini. ITALIA!,'. pEr. Alta t.rcqut,*nza, Vel 36, .N'Ll, Poll' 9022.El (?476) /0,/ Adventure in tbe Sahara# iV L, foUeorinio ~7 P,-Pg U.kLTA-,i# -pars L-tjgLUpp No 3Dv Jum I~Y)?, IV 14-33. ijlA 15-j's ia/,jec i-ar i~, 351095 I by ent and Fxetva-c :)- i-Alle-girAp 51 i~,Rznf usF- MY ITA10 _W fill, per, 7-33- jp!iS CAP.) 2-,,'f)u J~!l 35 ,;Cc 'NO'S CSO i'l-C 1-20~5 Col, 11C I R~-ji 67 I,", Sim 06, 1-, 17-2' , 16, BqxL,,t of Missim to " FivmOi Pacific Testing Center, 27 jum - 4 Ju4 1.)65o ty Ame , Andm Colinp Yvan CMIO du Foy"to Ff1jM. and FOM, ftdat4, 21 pp. GOVEROM UES MX FfMCHp wvagrw,-j Ererlicile session Minaire do 10?- pr(ges- verbal do 14 Semace du 21 fXtoter 110 1b.. pp- 3:5p 3-31- JFRS cuo 1054 AW rc,~~c A-Frence U11 reb 66 2950M ,,~.rmoh Trade llnior. nfflolal ::I-veo Accoup't OT^ ~Aq Vidt to :,024-h IVIIAXW'.. lrj PattllAte 5 pp, np, 5-tihnn-nito. 4 kept 1961~% !% T 7- Ic- ?-'Ez In't 3 55 P Dual Infection Froalcytosegalovirus and. Adozovirus -Type 3v Wilthi. Ultus . Lothalis In aPruature Infautg, by P., Pellerp OSMAN per# full& 09 kundas Vol I 197tv PP 228-23.6. -0 NTC 72-11515 June 72 Garrmn Commist vartyla liftnm in 1%8o by , MaCois ~,W"rlnq 8 PP* l.RAh.;ii, I?rA* 11A '4k.QalrA'* t~laq 1.15 :ar 196-), IT 6.9. J --fis Wi72. I e .kr,r 6-9 379,252 SASA r1 F ~vw magwnw, as ~BSCAIIW &V COMON loisi~rtw #M 'U&V PUD'USW'~M FOR 'TiV MWA T" ~a ok cot R=Ma Z PAPER .AUG 46 mg7 / ) /, "'), , ", I nuorlmatric Determination of Citzic Acids Use in Autonatic Azal7ais, by M. V. Pallet, FRENCH$ per,, Pathol2gie Ot molot"409 Vol I,?, 1969, pp .009-914. 1ITC-71-12473-M ITOY 71 Idenuftcation of ubenuom W Itallm Party Pouticso ,1w Nichdo muicwi., U pp. rnLlm,, per.. 221gav2pim- PPI Vol vris so 21 pp. ipm 34923 pol Apr 66- 2991CID 'Unified Party em.1 I-luxism Gf , by Ilichole Polli- cani, j pp, ITAL.10, np, 1"aLtIl.) 13 Jan Uilt N 3. JPIZ Im / C, /~- z VVE-Italy itallan Urdfiod 3ocd"t Varty Vl_c~.A.Vis arxisi, by ficliele Pollicimil. 7 PP- ITAnk-';, nor Ondo Clorsio, '.rol 41~, i)ec 19(/i. PP: _Y~)V MR3 39971 -I tai y ~bl I Ar 319.WQ Fmo-ol, Me wdnw Ave" ahwum 14 - 11 10111ION by 16, z$" J6 ftw-t4afts S. bow", VA 12v Yo U* nump NW# 9 M. Pelliccioni =0944 Jul 67 o~ tilto Around the Tar,;cts Co~ 1"rasc-.,ti Lini~)ar Accelerator, p . elliccivid, 10 r~)tf Lir-bo/14. UnboTatori "'CiPhY S77,11i 4 Sme Results of Astra-Gravinetric Levelin.,- in the USSR by Pellinen, L. P., 8 pp 11)"ODEZIYA I KARTOGRAFIYA, No 6, 1972, rp 4-S. G Mar 73 :-Ictilwds of Analyzinv, the Earth's 6ravity Fielcl in Sperical iiara~oaic!~, by Pullinea 1966, 7", 36-02. i'll'iSINN!, per, Trudy Tse a ','-I Instituta Ccodezii Aerws"yomli i K;;rto.,.~rarii, No 171, 1()6(.). *AC I c Aprii 72 On tho Omiput4tim of PImbLi4c Laleatloas ca4l Heigbft in -'Mw&-dr-S, Iv L. P. PeIlln-M., mmwl; J"Aw. sm4Z a2taaik 1SUled. GeodeZ. I zero li,:~ AOIC TC-.1;L-;7 ISCI/Lar Sci w DGmn Pap r -nk 1 Jcdiit Aejustmmt of Gravimtric and S-I-Atellitc Data in the Determination of 'U'ie i..lartil's Cravitaticnal Field, by L. P. Pelliner rj EUSGIAIN, per. Byulleten' Statsiv Opticneskorlo 75-, ~) 7-5 - -57 -7 VET F fq- b, ACIC-TC-1650 Prospects of the Uork of the Central Sci- entific Research Institute of Goodesy, Aeyial Survey and Cartography in the Field of 'theoretical Geodesy, by L. P. Pallinen. RU551AN, per, Goodezia i jar~ografiya, No 7, I-M, pp 7-10. *ACIC-TC-.1524 Sci-Ear Sci Apr 69 ~l '15- Future Hm=h at TsUlrAlK In the held of 23mmUcal Cwidewp !)Y & P. Paul=). WSSIMP Wo 2!2ft 1 Kulgagpo NO TO 19A, PP 7-10- AA M-IL L , A P- L L,'&',E N) t Sa/Uir Sai Doc 63 Vill'. :-'trart~L Amzb3;V of tho int=staom! hmiodatimp by L. P. SoMmi, pcv,,l u I aawam Jum 1960 I-pp Oet 6~ ult a tonvenieut Transforoatiou of ~Ioloden- skiy's Formulas for Calculatluz QuAsigOOld 6101-hts and Plumbline Deflections, by L. P. Pellinan. GERMAN, per, Studia Geophysica et Goo- daetica, v.0 1 Tj ~.' 0; -6T,-p-p-l 2 -47 --1 7 . W-Iff RI-I 149 4 Sci-Lar June 69 Averaging of Anomulies and GI Corrections in Calculating the Characteristics of the Gravity Field frou Holodeaskiy's Foraulas, by L. P. Pallinen. GMAkI, per, Studio GOOPhys ce at Goo- d a 0 t i C a , V 0 1 E) , 14 tT 2 _'_ _1_9_6.5 -I, _jp 1-5 0,_. 1-9.4 PCR_T C- 1 4V 3 Julio 60 Applicittiat of Fint Iffroximtion Formim for 21 the Qqmtinuou of floracteristics of the L-arth9s Gravitatiaml Fieldip by L* P. Pellinom. RUSSIms Figira, Tnwy HaucW16as-sladavate'Itsk 70 likstLtuta QpiN Ong TI .1 1 L gaftogn - No 197j, 1919,0 100. ACIC TC-10125 Sci-Our Jun 66 303,653 pp Sintering of (U,Pu) 02 Pellots, by G, Wan, C. Pellou, et at. FRENCH,, rpt,, Report No. CEA-R-2727 EUR 2222f Dounreay Translation No. 212 AEC Sci/Nuclear Sci May 66 301'0S? Antiaommnist 'Theory of Dis-ldeolorlzatiou, by Samot Pollumbip 34 pp, ALFAMIATT, per, Rruga, a ftrtise, TiraMy Mar 72s PP 53-t4# J?Rs 56273 'Tun ?2 j-.2i3g/66 The Lenin Way To CLv=igm.. by A. Ya. Pel 'she, (Dc-l,,)44o). RUSSIAN, ap, Izvestiya, Moscov., 8 June 1966~ P 3- ~~RS r , _-~ ~k-y USSR 6 t~ Pol Jul 66 %A* ru ~,e ii) . n i~uai,,iaion at w1 Aroltray i4Aviltiall by 1.~L~aiol Pvolticrs Doo, J;~Li 71 Tli~3 Launcaing of the il;sro I!/Iris Satellite as seen frdi Redu, by J. Le. Peltier. rPEWICII, iper, Earo/Eldo Rullatin, hug 2 1968, 33. ~3A X-60875 Also available CF.S'el 1.)y ,")ci & rccq Info Facility Jan 69 373,4,65 Paitical zcomx~jl ami ldeolot;3r., by Catti "'elt i -man., 15 t i)t 0., np,, ~~qnsmn UutWe-tj 1.9 uc 2'.) Oct I p- 5; and PI ~Xlt ATT "Cal b b gcraont iyaten In Tirwiporation ~bllcyo ww by ArwItonin Poltran, 10 pp. ~;.;.'01, par, iio 4 Anr IA7S J?Rs 41105.) Jun 67 The Scaes Facilities of the Retail Trade in Yugoolavis, by Straten PelevIcs 3.1 pp* ,vemU A perp JugomVx Lr Wle d no. U, um 1966, pp.-VlY-416* JPM 40403 MA-yugost-mia ,tpr 67 ~93#322 Aug 72 Nov Control of Material Flow and OptiWAR /0 ~r Production Control Allocation of Slabs by use of an gloctronic CoWuter, by He Pelzorp K. A. Ruth* GURMp perv Stahl Hism- Val 860 Jan 27,, IMI, pp BISI 4776 June 66 302g296 aboas at the pwwunat 0b" or as ampsattay t NrA IM it- Ismatow ftlt~ lu manum" ad the of It# ty D. L ponli at &I. DWO Bunt me& Vol 9-90 no 5" 30s w T-23. mw = L) , -Z, PC ~ sahm I 6C-. ))L - Spagnolytic Activity of Pentaerythritol Diparamethylbenzonaboronatep by A* M. Pene. JAPAHESEj per, Aggreagologle# Vol 7. No 5p 1966, pp 501-506 NTG 72-1145?-060 June 72 TvD Aal,$A*m .0ol- PMreosp by ilkwacto Pwros Dc ta 15 pp, cwMtww-T un am MOM$ WxKwjla Colon. I-kv 190~2 W4 U., -in Vol D'm 'Af. i~5 Placti-Scal il-aw~ 73-,-4 Z'A=Pwut Of UMMO Ikew a Mdolods kw Jmn I . Ponit 6 pp. AMSIM ? 1969, pp 14 15. HAS 478M n l1by 69 378&511 Via Unliou ComIttee kwt Be the DAvark of Our ftavoluti=t by Lazam Penat 6 pp. SPAMH., apt TAWbam SociaLieta, Jan 1)(-,6, p. 16. JPRS Y;926 U IA-Cubn. SIX Apr 03 3 5 PA*,MD for ~4612%cc i - tul f"'em Abram, 47.31,11 -ustur : IaLmoafx", Pol an "VpAar AcUon .Arty arxl tiwwlat ~,od&Uvmjj by Pam cabrome 1h)* rpt-I jzb Lines 31 Jan pp 17-18. 4,,?5,16 k ~q u L f.n r 374sIX)5 Intorvlov vlth Stolcoly Cw=Utwlo by euuw Pew, 8 Iva ONIAMs per, Olp '67o I?p 20-22 #a 34. ipfa Ae966 , 22 SePt 15 . Lik-Cubs v/ Pol. ft' 67 AsO35 u&ue cia" ftlaiml Attlulkso IV vtal~s Latorm Fkala Mi fbilul POW10244 30 P,')- mrgFnnw WS OILY AWi(m JA real MAW 11,40 Dtpa 1010-Ujo PAS M 1147 Pal ~kvvt'h ~3fc. luy --,Itv~jo 141t 7 co, Cr Auttlwlty ShmM Le Strwigthened cia All Loovals, by krantieuk Ponop 6 ppo CLO1,1 npo Zlyq S!En~ r 5" Frame IL Jun 19690 L.con Jul 6,9 Kmiolopmwt of sogmphic ttience by 7 pr)* afU, 6, '.o At~j par$ pp 1-16 Sel COWOMU-C Party Work in vie ministnj of Fiwmo~ by Borls1w pendw.. U ppli mwauffl.. per', rinwei i )11401ttl &I lbv 1965j, Wo RM 34M Feu 66 a 7 anort roblens in enc~hwv 0 15 by h1i; BU.-VIAPt POr, po 67-ils con I 40)9663 Gas Phase Polyzarization of Fvrnaidebyjo in ar, q!er, 5ystcv, by P. 1. Penchev. RUSSIA )vr Duk Ak Nmk SSSR, Vol %ti 1, 0 t 0 Sopt 19690 pr 7 0