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'e", fluri--637,fl 'The Degi-ree of Perir.*%.,~die'k, R!nTe-tic,:: and, '~'ha~ Results Of Subtotal Perica-IdIeCt.07-Y in C()L-- atrictdve Peri,.-ardItOl', by Ye ~ 1~ Yu. 1. 131au,, 15 pp. a WMLI,~H,. piv; Vent DmIxurgii imv~ni 1 Grc';rc Vol WARM, No 30 19, ,11 pp 28-36. Mr-LIS 9574 Scil, - I-led 6 jui 6:1 f ITY - - G 5 3 '~ / 2 ') Study of the Pu3n=ar7 Circulation in Paticnto with Mitral Dafects, by Yo. lWtk*b4lL-j4- pp. ILISMUO pQr" str*el: Arkhlv., ~O:L Mall, r,0 4, 1961, -pp 13-26. 0/ Aug 61 u jin ar;.h(--s*a Wit' -t Lindt Meorms for. Markov Chaim With a Finite of Rates, by I". D. Mashalkin., 22 pp. MESIM, por, Teorlp VeroWunoutcy I yeya Vol IXIj NO 4o 1958. SIAM Bel 4r 62 on Approximations of Distribution Functions of Sums by Infinitely Divisible Laws, by L. D. Meshalkin, 20 pp. RUSSLE, per, Teoriya Veroyatnostey i yeye Primeneniya, V61,VI, No 3, 1961. SW Sci 2111-)()52 oct 62 Investigation of the Stability of a Stationary Solution of a System of Equations for the Plane lollowment of an Incompressible Viscoas Liquid, by L. D. 1~ ~s~n Ya. G. Sinai) 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Prik Matemat i Mekh, Vol XXV, No 6, iq6i~ I)p u4o-u43. Pp Sri oct 62 216,o45 -65313/2) Stud,,r of tho lllu~nx-j Glrml.,4tion in R-ttivits idth Xi-tnl Dofeots) by Ye. D. M5h8ajdnj 1. 11, Moshv2lfin, M. L. Ohik: 13 PP, F]SBU-20 perp lhrqvev~r Arkhtv" 61 XXXIII~ lio Z 9780 Eci Mcd V A,ig 61 / 6 First Attempts of Surgical Troatnent of breaddal Asthma with the Wthod of Lw& Autatransplamtso by E. N. ROWMIkin et al. RWSIAN, per, Aa.3 .P..XUr. Auest-0 Vol 9* 1964. pp 26-33. *DO,Pt of WC 66 5150574 T7-6~-17973-5 (p, Mcshalkin, F. N., Mcshalkln, 1. N., Kelin, U. P, Sumenov, A. A., and Yagafarov, L. M. 1 I. -fill" CIIANGFS IN PLTLKIONARY CIRCULATION DURING MITRAL COMMISSUROTOMY. 1963, 5p Me"haMn, T-. N. C):-J,-,i ffom FASFR in Federation Proceedings, 14;(.',,, 11. Nirshwilki', I. N. no. .5. pt. 2, $2. 00 Trans. of KI hi whL-ska va Medit sina (USSR) '902, v. ~0, 11u. 10, P. 1., 0 "1%; circulacioll, *Lunp, [1, 1 Ca,11HIL11.1tiOll, SUrj~ty, W(YA PrCF]SUrC, *MiMill s(CM-1 I! t A!it i miciLl reverlal of the rilho- lu"il. ci,tjwc, In I!](- hclllcxj~aanlics of the pulmorlary ~710'-~ZIQII 'Chile till' 1XIOM iS Still On tht' initifif 1(.VC1 Of (111~ ts, iiimmamt-d iii ih(- ~;vslvmic cirCL11.1110-t, ~l j~~ obst~rvvd In :~ie left attiuro, ow sciclic"F, fl-j" V. 11, no. 1) (w, e r) Beat Malting Practice for Boron-ftedied Structural Steolop by Moschortnova, UNMAWIPM RMSIM, per, Stal~ Vol XVIII, Jan 1958, Vp ?5-81. Henry Brutchor Tr sci - min/mot Apr 58 ~ -~ P.:2--gy k tJ I:le-.y 'Problems, by G. A. ma~~kov. 4 DP, RUSS:,'kil, per, Dolt Ak Vault SSSR, VOI =1, IVIJ~ pq 1026-1029~ Av.-~r Math So,- Sal n - , 1 6,-(. /(,' 0 ;"f -7 l 3,~,N 3 eE; Seen In the Defense Indmtry,, by Kc~tchi nasau~mm., 6 pp. JAWAIIEFS,,~'j per., LT-.=- ID 01 utsa,~ no Oj ig6l: PP 40.19". rmcl 140 1 to R-951-61) Tol;yo Japaao ACSI M 23,79-198 hi;Zh - i-ty 62 vi el- Uno ?.'~~L'brano Of '01c, Cn~~ -,I- T, mb~.-ynp , . 13 . 1! ~poi, kmaluAi, Giutolof~, 1. No 2o 1957 lip 42Jk6l'. B31F, ULU RTS 115:07 Sci Biol opt 6o 205,494 62-201411 -Merzhantan-A. A. ITT--COErFfC-IENT OF ABSOR1710IN OF CARBON 1. Mer-zhanion. A. A. DIOXIDE GAS BY WINE. 11962117b Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 Trans. of Vlnodelic I Vinogradarovo SSSR, 1950, v. 10, no. 5, p. 34-37. DESCRI17ORS: *Wines, GaHes, *Carl= dioxide, Absorption, NurnLrlcal analysis. (Food, TT' V. 9. flo. 8) Offi. d Ted,4a 1-i- A Wvu "Technique for the Mer-adnation of Labile Frmsy,horus In Boils 'I" Valvest Using Azoto- bmter Waturdly Presczt in the Sollp by K= R. A. (&elV-., et c.1; 10 pp. yb$ Prooemainp of coafe-cmee on Radiolco't,,:~*a In Soil-Ploat Ratrition 81md-lea; EmLavp Feb 1`5 - ?,,a-. 2p 196S's YP 3711-.~1822 M.C-tr-5992 rov 63 ol-i Cal P;rccpol'~ 'Les of "(PjjZjfjjLeC"k Gases, b~; K, Schucie,,~I, p ii cal nj:~ Q, U2 1 62-17521 ON CHICHORIIN AND T1-1E CONSTITUT ION OF 1. Title: Esculin ESCULI N AND SCOMLIN. (1962133p. 2. Title: Chichoriln Order from K -H $41. r-) K -1-1 11455 e 3. Title: Scopolin 1. Mlerz, K. W. Trans, of Archiv JfUrj Pharmiaziel u1nd] Berilchic dcrj 11. K-1-1-111-,55-e Djeuicschleni Pharm[azeutischen] Gesteilschaftj Ill. Kresge-Hwker lklence (Germany) 1932, v. 270, p. 476-493. Library k3swlw~ecl' lktrolt, Mich, DESCRwrORS: *Drugs, Pharmacology. C 7 (Btulozical Scctence,~--Marmacology, TF, v. 9, no. 5) 01~,:- c1 fichAl-1k Ser. ni by tho .1,11tra-8onix Acathod fn--- of Porcelain Cmtact Wire rs of the Swim Federal FailvWs, by II'L-r Z.. MV1,0% per, AGsociation SuIese des Vol L11, 1961, P'-O 345419- "-7DTA Feb 63 //. /V?C, R 7- ="mm & Bzdp SePt 69 391,958 OD tZV Problem of Kwtlclwr Wgratioup by Xp Alluvr ana A. pq - i QMM., pro awtatorfas Vol XLV,, So is 1955. rp 9-/a, SIA 57-ZV.,4 1~14 JVI 58 6 Affudm ol' Al in 2n, zn, awi Their AUoyso bv ~/ A* I G I. .RA-ij pors Ilb 12s 1933. pp 3U-314. ~ *.Ilai T*"* ?0-570 PJ16, 70 'j-) . ') -~ A e-, k 2- 62- 18,;16 _MSg, A. NEW METHODS FOR TTIE DRYINb OF LACQUERS. 1. Merz, A. 15 Apr 49, 8p. (figs. tables omitted). Order from SLA $ 1. 10 62-18416 Trans. of Archfiv) f[Url Metallkunde (Germany) 1947, v. 1, no. 10, p. 456-460. DESCRIPTORS: *Varnishes, *Dehydration, Electric currents, Induction heating. (Materials-Finishes, TT, v. 9, no. 2) single Crystm-Ls of Barium-Titanilul CojupoundGy by H. Blattaer., B, Matthiasp W. Mir"", 7 PP. .Z;-, ,-. GMIU1, par, M Heiv Physica Acta., Vol Y.Xj No 2~ 30 Apr 1947; PP 225-228- SLA Tr 57-981 sai - chemictry -3-W, Oct 57 Blectricoll Conductivity anti Di&,x of Refraction of Barina Tlimmtet G. PAIGOI-1, H- FlUrYi W- 145TZ, 3 pp. GMWI, per, 116,1v Pbysica Acta; Vol XU, No 2, 1948, pp 212-215. SU 57-1197 Sai - Chemintry Oct 57 J-:e/ // 6 0 .1 ',ctel,raininv, the 1*.nsity Bea SystueLm by M - , F, Fattinr7, 76 e_ Diotribetion in Gweoim X-Rayr,., by 9. pp. AM"4AN, par, Clwmical &,rdnecftn~; Sc-It.mice, Vol NL7, 1'/:"-74. 90,)828' 2 AEC Tr-h-976 Oci - ("In'm "'mr L2, MEZY L. Sio-1.11mis Zoitochrift, v1. 20; No. 1, 11 figuroo, li2OO words; 10,40. m Ilic Siciaciic Ctutting Force Meter Dovised 'b~, Schallbroch Lind Schamann. Bnitcher Trans. , Order No. 1.732) ~JI)6. Jo 4 -, F I J, I "t. A Rapid Method of bdembg Cftmdum in Stool, I,w K. 14vzg N. Sahwbel =PAN, Pws IbUUMIgist Vol Vp No 5. 1955t PP 163-165. Brutchw T-P 3789 Sai - P'31/1"Atfila 43.20 99-, 6-a0 Sep 56 MIS CCWWAOAI lo va ftfta ot pu"Uswr MM"04 1w 1* rAow# A. lb=p 140 OMP ms .... I v4 450 XO)~ 43 I't gp 9"V 4,s;-%k SA T,"4%,4X*9M ~~. Sai - flaz jhvl al 3!DsOa Brake-Testing &perience and its Implications, by H. Merz, 102 yp. OMM, per, VDI-Berichte, Vol XVII, 1957, pp 35-64. GIA 57-3337 Sci -v.A Aug 58 Y441# V7 by te, per: ,T=*Im YAoblG- I a Amapan dor Qnoplo.p Vol D=., 1900 pq 2o'4-,,vg. calpto Ed - Clim '7V-1 S,';~ End-Mr.rIdnG in Telepnonf., Switchin6- Tcduulque~ by G - I lerz. C. WTIJ par) Sel Uacliric"Itenp Vol 3.1) NO 4) 1963; P.p 9-a,,"D a 1P&&2 sci - i~uf? 67 )*16, Log J.A M,Ael of a FUly Mectronic Tapph=e Z=zhaz~lge foz 00 Subscribers., by G. Marz,, R. lhwu,, 27 lyp. GENAllp per, RadhrichtGateabnische ZeitochrLft, No 5, 1961j. pp 22T-Z34. ftt, Of Co=ema Patent Office Bel Idb Moatrm Jul 62 Two Sm COW or AbOMUla ftepanq at '71 2two Vith TAVU* Uft"jp, W 0- U= ot aL- 9p- rm=,, perf.I - . Mr. t 'V0', 39t 01*1 ISO Dept of mr., 4m/jw uw Oct Phamcolo,gical Pmpertiea of 2rafaril,, a Nov 141cotinic Acia Ester With Hyperattla-Produclng, Action, by F. Gross, E, Man, B~-,U tranala tion. GEPUMAU, per., Schuafteriacbe WdIzIniscIm Ilocheaschrift Vol mv-,II4 19'46, pp 3151--il66. Def Sci InTo Svo DRB Camdal, T-5.G. Scientif ic - I-L-dicina, pharn"zolo" to Jun 53 Cro influence of Silicon Content on Appearance and Behav of Hot Dip Colvanited Steel# by B, Bablickt A. Herz. GEWN, per# Metallvirtsebaftp Val XXI 1941p PP 1097-1100. Brutcber Tr 1030 Scientific - His/metels $1.00 /0?/ 9M High-rbloc Uiar Rater"Platlefterap Cloaolfica- tion Compooltionj Testing and Toobnological Properbiesp by Dr. K& Zolvery DTo Ao Mrro GMP-.N,, par, K=toffe, Vol XLVII, n 3p 1957., 10' 2-113- ASLn-GB3,q AUg r.8 .1 7 d,, STATE Or OEVUA*W4 till 14 FtUft OF HIGH TUVM"M MAUM AtAr BY C4 R%PWIOJ# Ao -N=,* 22 pp* wwws PERO om UMIV4 VOL "I I* NO 2v 1962; PP *754 "56 MT114e.;m t 4 % SO 0 Erm 207,A A, to 62 STATE OF OWDL~ W TW ff(W OF HIM 70VMTURE YAWAMLS* SY 0, mm"m A, NMI 24 pps wmo PER$, of E Tt= K, VOL xv I I s NO If IA FP 1743- 96" MMM03 SO 0 M AW 62 207#9M TT-65-12752 Field IIF U-65-1275 Men, A.; Katsch, U. 7 1. Merz, A. THE HLSIITASCE FO MOLTEN METALS OF NIE.T.M. 11. Y.IA'seb. 11, P,ORIDES, Es PECIALLY ZHICONIUM WHIM . 15p, 14re S. Order from SLA~ S1.64) as TT-6,3-12752 Trans. from mono. MatallIsche Speziahverkstoffe, pub, by A k, ademle Verlag, PorlIn, ID63. 1)68-77. UP r"I't DiffuglM of Sow I-JetaU In All Zns Sn 4W tbair Anovs, IV A* OW-All-lo Poo, memolkamo 12t 19no pp 295-2970 ,*NX TT 70-R361 lsol-i~mt 'A, ~k --z- Aug ?0 Algiers After the Elections,, by Jean 1-1--rde - FM VI, per, Pbvue ae Defense 14stionalejo Apr 197), pi) 588-0503 - *FTr-sT-63-8W Africa - Algeria M Au g " 03 Mlitary Considerations an the War in Aklglers, by Jeau ll~Lerje. FM TR, per, Favue de Defense Natiormle, May 195% pp 8UT-wi. *F-YED-TT-63-861 Africa - Al&mria I'Ll 1 Avg 63 61-10854 Meryakri, V. V. DIRECTIONAL C()UPLERS WITIJ TIGHT COUPLING 1. Waveguide couplers - - IN MULMODE C[RaJLAR WAVEGUIDES. (19601 Analysis 8p. 8 refs. 1. Mervakrj, V. V. Order from LC or SLA mi$1. 80, ph$1. 80 61-10854 Trans. of *Radiotekhnika i Elck-tranika (USSR) 1959, v. 4, no. 11, p. 1929-1931. Oifice of TochRical Smite% (Engineering- -Ele=onic, TT, v. 5, no. 9) Transmission of Ho, Wave Around Bends With Small Radius of Curvature, by Yu. K. Kazantsev) V._,-V. Meryakri) 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per) Radiotekh i Elektron, Vol IV, No 1, 1959, PP 133-134- pp Sci ~7 Sep 60 Attenuat'Joa Maasuremeat in Annular Waveguides, by Yu. 1~. Kazantsev, V. V. Meryakri, 3 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Radiotekh i Blektrony Vol IV) No 1) 1959) pp .131-133. pp Sci sep 60 /1-2)7 6 W-529-110 Theovar"O eel ProbUra d Price. Formation in Trade Ai~or,r, Soodp-Usi, CouatrbDa, by jansf Mervart., 42 pp. COFIC14L Us WZ CzEums Daro alux0ju,".=ka ip~~,ba; Vol MI, No 0., pp M,- & 591 M an's 71172 Da-o 6o C, 1. van acid Thi3c. P. A. TUMORS OF THE SPLELN IN RABBIT'S DUE TO 1,110ROFINCASY INJECTIONS (GczwcJI,,n vari de Mil: 13)j Kunijiivii dcp~.)i Thoroz rasunspuningcii) tr. I)v W. li. Evcrllardy. I I Mar 60. l8p. (3 fqgs. rcf,;. olillilcd). No. Order fi-om LC' or SLA mi's2.40, pl:$3,30 60-15710 'I raas. of NOdQr![J11Lk jTljtkClir[tflj %,foorj GennoskILIFRICI 10:39, v. 83, p, %22-5611 . (10 - 15710 I -NIvollknius- 2. Com ta,; i mudia - - effecj~ I mcf-veoll".'. C. 1. vall 11 Thije, P. A. M NIII-3-15-60 IV . N',mowd Wmitme,., W i1catth, Belliusda, Md. Offic. f T-chaical $-i,*% (Uriannounced) 1-13-01 An Electronically-CoatroUed Device for Coatinuous Wasuremeat of BuWwr Contents,, by F, pjF~ A. Kihm. GEMN, pers Gluckaufl Vol XMI, No 2t 1 Mar 1961,, pp 256-26o. NCB A.2004 8 a i - L? n Sep 61 On ut,~-6 Priec,s on tlh~- Vorld Soelallot 1;larlizot.. by .;-,4ef vlavrwe43 22 pp. yzr, riova tVjlg Flo 13 yo -,,3 12 SclentLUC C=fenmce an E=ozdc Relatiomhips flm,-nf,r [SOVIG14 MCC]q by josalli, ftrrar~. (Ulk Be= Rpt o= Mart 2A'i) NO !~Zr, Politieka FkonmAe,~ -prt'"no, ibn--b -Igr-,g, pp 212-276. CIAAMD S= =3 CzacboolovWda th~ n59 71;, IL Sca:a Re~Garks Coneorning tbLe Dav Foreign 5A-adm in tho Soolmlist Countrieo, 1-7 Jboof V' JL 0. - myg-t, 35 PP- GUMNERIPI LMM M Y CZr,,.;H, Excir, Palticka Mmcwte~, Vol X, TiO 1p 19052., 65-79. i FrIB i4m,"W" & m M, V'rx 62 (tiy-6,,65 hw Tlreoretica). Problems cT Price DeUrniuatIon Izi Foreign Trade Among Sodalint Countxxiem, 'by joar-f 3" PP ,L40rTart I - OW.14CIAL ME ONIY CZECEt Per., FOIIUCIM Ehonomle,; Vol Vill., NO 7,, Sep 1960y pp 561-593. 'M 9538 COFMIGN MIM - Soviet BIC-C Econ au 61