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Tr-64-14692 Shish;dl,' 56nsuieL MGH kept. 11 on [Electrolytic] Con- 1. SI"Iddo, S. ductiviiy &F:6sed S;Rt~. [1963] 18p (figs omitted) II. TItle: Flecrrol)Tic l0re6 Ord6r from'SLA $ 1.60 TT-64-14692 Traus. of! Ddnld Ka (Japan) 1948, v. 16, no. 114. (Chemist ~,YI-Fhyst 7T, v. I Z no. 1) Office of Technical S-1- 020ft WhI& P*WMB HL& or Ozodes'vbLtah Posseim Rtgh oustents (Seemd Repart)., by N=ly&i 'per,, Denkl Vol ,?3., 2wo 1~67 -*3s,9ffl 63-2D466 Nmikl~ Hlimbl. , :FUSED SALTS. PT. 3. ELEC- ELECT*Rx!YSIS OF I. Ilazam. H. TROI~XSiS!OF F LWORIDES OF ALUMINUM -AND It. Title: Electrolysis of SODIUMi~ 11963111 P) Fluorides... 1 Order, f .160 63-2D466 11-ans. [Denki Kagaku] (Japan) 1948. v. 16, 1571 P DESCRiPr6RS: -Fus6dmaperi.ls, Salts, *Electrolyufs, Sodlunn &61pounds.! 1 Alurnintun compounds, Fluorides., Chernicai riactio"! 2D46 (See I so6 (r!bpm'n -physical. IT, V. 10'~no. 12) ofts Cd Tochokal ter*As 63-2D465 Nou kii, ifiioshl. ELECTROL*SIS FUSED SALTS. FM. 1-2. 119&11 1 Nozald, H. [ISO] Order iro'mll SLA 1. 50' 63-2D#65 Tr MO.! bj~ [j~njd k~jpkuj (japea) IM. Y. 16. pl. 31-.116. msdwroRS,: -F,h edmaker"Is. Sake. OEloctrolyals, Al"Ifiun~ cx,n O)ddes. Chemical reactims, Electrochenistry. I etals, Mtxnwes. comeamil voha16 readion bet men a metal and its salt It dlsciwiic~ at the I' wtain effect in a mixture at a m6tal "d~ i 1 salt.~ i ~nd the relationAMP betwveo the Voltaic and ekkvolynis. Offlu of Tub& Semku (Chemistr.yl-Thysi 'I Tr, V. 10, no. 12) shIdo, Shpno :e. 1 MC;H VIS Rept. 12 on Electrol~tic Con- 1. Shishido, S. 4ctivity of Fusbd Salt J[1963) 33p (figs omitted) 11. -ntle. Electrolytic 2iefs. ., ~ ~2 m SLA $3 60 TT-64-14633 O~dcr fio C _I ztjl (Japan) 1948. v. 16, p. 47-54. Trans. of II)dnkq see alsoi Tr-64 2) -k4 S cliernist: i4jiVsical il-rr v 12 110 1) T-h.l..I S FY 7-' ectrolytic Bath , k~ 77-64-16434 OXIDATI& R I At OF MAGNESIUM 1. Tsucltlya, R. ELBCTROLYnC SDCLMON ID, O=ATION 13. Title: Oxidation EQU1L1BRh*1 OF T14E'MIXED SOLUTION OF EqdUbrium ... S dHLOkDE wrm POTASSIUM OR ~GN E ~ M JU ORIDF-j~ 1 lp (2 figs amittecO 2refs ord" troi~ sLA $1. TT-64-16434 N Trans. of tD, e1n,ld Ka (Japan) 1949, v. 17. (Chemin ;.4hysldal, TT, Y. 12, no. 3) Offim f T"hnic.1 Se,vlc~a TT-U-14151 6em a~d Takm iTHE OF FMED ELEC- 1. Nluk&Uxo, T. TROLYTES POR 'IME ELECTROLYTIC PRODUMON U. MatouDo, T. OF MAGNMUM [19,641 21P (fts ondmeM 6r&s M. SU-11-SO2 Order! fr06 SLA $2.60 TT-64-14151 Trans. of[Difid Kapkul (Japan) 1949, v. 17. P. 127437r ~) ~ ; Another trans. is aviRmMe from SUA as U-502. 2p. cmfstrj,,-,-Phyvic3 TT. v. 12. w. 1) Ottim of T~ftnl"l Semi.- TT-63-ZM64 Fu~~ ~aW OWM. KedchL TFiElMEASUREmwr op THE Dm4smas cF TuE 1. Fuse", a BINARYI~Epwrwcymc RATif ma-cao2. lig6s] U. omm, r- Up :Pit! '11 1 - Or,der f SLA $IAG TT-63-M4M 190. Y. 17. 106 254-MI DIRSCRWMRS: "orldes. *Sodl-- empowxh. *CaWlUin 6DMPMtM$, MOCtrOlYM, MIMUSM, M0144 Densfij,'Surfam ten-an EWcav1yxI& (Chemis MOW, TT, Y. It. Dm 2) od6 d T.6ki &.wn m SAW, Kaoru. PREPARklION OF 13INARY LEAD-CALCtUM ALLOY BY EL ' OLYSI OF FUSED SALM [1963) Sp FCTR (fip omit't 23refs 1 Order omiSLA $1.1116 TT-64-14665 i3s.:o T DLn . I Id Kagakul (japan) 19K Y. 18, p. 12-14. (Wtall ITT" VI 11. DD. 12) 7T-64-14665 I. Sakai, K. offl~ of T~hnl~l seml~ (YDjD 1 26MY 1 DiolimAile rties of Oxidood! Rare Metals., by Shigeya,ki )P. ZAPAM~53~ periDonki MgWm, Vol XVIlly Jan 1950. Za 54 7, ~F~"'.Uad Electrode f or the PL-s surem nt, of ium 1-D~4'kl Kagsku, by Fusso Ishikawap Suburo pp. perp Deaki Xapku i(Journal of the i Flip, c1tr J~ilhlemlcal'"S&Iiij Japan),, Vol XVIII, ~i3'6, JYJ n! 1950, PP 167-169- BIB Tr 95 sci L N TT-63-20762 5461. xji6ru ajid~, I. H S7tmwS ON 7M VRBPARA OF CALCRW- Sakai r 1 MAGNESIM ALLOY BY 7M ELECTROLYSIS OP . - , 11. Imal, H. ' PUMD ALIS. FT.;; ON M PREPARATION OF 1111. Title: Preparation ... )y FRbm Us FUSED HALIM MIX7URES luu t IV. SLA-AL-632 AiNm b%' 0,' BY MEANS OF ELK4 I HOLYTIC W mktous bpposmm - fi9631 19", refs ~ ~ ' 63-2(X'62 ordek Obt~ SLA! $L~ 10 7- Tram. Of P") 1951, V. 19, Mi~~ At bble) l.46741 ulc'6~ I I S. I's 6iflabli frm SLA as AL-632. tr 7p. (#AAJ",i av~ijlmmex DEWRUYMS: 0011clum Idloys, *Mgwsium &"v, iHslldes. Magwslum cmnpoutidii, Mlides,Fluodiks, husslum C*po~m'di.' Sodltiffi-~ pounds,' Hlydrog~m con pounds, Silicon ~*pound4l, Diwddes. Vused materials, Salts. It. no- 4) (6%,er) Office of Technical Services '17-64-14141 FA~ajcawla,', ~asumhsa and Kido, HidcWto. 'n-IE Sol-jlui~Lnt OF SUBSTANCU IN MOLTEN 1. Hayal-awa, Y. u.Lm I. THE SOLUBILnT OF MAGNESIA 11. Kido, H. AND LIMEAN MIbLITEN CRYOLrrE, [19CA17p (figs III. MIC: Solubuity... olnitteo) I !I i IV. SLA-11-331 Order from'SLA $,.Kilo TT-&-14141 rans of jDmild gak-ul (Japan) 1951, v. 19, 37it-37 r ran jari e . ms are available fzom SLA as U-331, 7p p andfrom! K-'Ii $4.26 as K-H-MM-d 119N) 7p. H (Chon~istry'.-,~-'Physt TF, V. 1z no, 1) Office of Technical services Stud ies on Various Modifications of Sodium A~Jzh"ga~.'j kept. 4. Inquiries into the Structure !oilSodiL ~Amalgam, by,Yoshiki. Inoue, Akira 0~~I~i, lakao Amoo Akira TAU, Kazutaka Adachi, Thkayasu Asafuji, lOpp 11P ESE~,Ijper, DenkfD,Kagaku, Vol 22, 1954, pp 121-126 S 11:- e m~ c S I j e 67 329,386 un glectroabi~rmlcal Study of CorrooLon Fbenamna. ri- -"& 1 h ~ 5---- 41-1- 'D--n4"-4-4evn M=n%nvullcm ftP Tv-nn t, i:, ~ ft I I . sa ; Jun ! i ; ] i I ~ 32TASI 1 ~, 1 i~ PO . i rto, jmd r 'Ln ht rf)L% rOR CA1710DES FE'CliNtl FOR ~ARTIM- Rr-cuanom ;'P. Onfer ficin A'I',-3ci6 85 ~uCT.-,rpan) 1957, v. 25, P. 126 -13 1. 61-22134' 1. Pol 1:c-~rnphlc anplysis 3. Oxidation-reduction rc~cu'oas--Analpls 4, Elcf.-lrcchcml;;Ery 1. Kato, 1. It. ',,ql--,i;nn, hL Ill. IV. Tcchnical '~-rvlccs, kic. . Eau Orm-,Z;c, N. ,TT, v. 5. no. 11) c. t I T. ~'-vl c.1 S-i c. i Onj the'~~ Potential of Passive Nichel y~ j Go0 Tetsuo Ta)misbi, et al. JAPAM M, per., 1 Kagaku Vol ~DWI, 615-619. *FTD-TT-6-e--l78i Met I M z THE PI.PVrROL"f4S OF BRINE WATEk W 1i 11 A 'let ---ILOIC~iefi 11, Title: mmldt-rk~l JET CAnjiODE; [1963jf2Dpj 1 1. Mizuno' S. Order'fr m A!j' ('0 77-64-143&) 1 11. Toshime. S. r4 en Tra ns. Eki KO a u 1959, Y. 27, P. 391-3'?4. (Ab;strac'pa IIII W IV DESC 'S- trochemistry, *Sea water RlFrQ R Elec: trn Pnpounda Chlorides, Impurities, -Ele~trol I Cath6d 8 1 es (Electrolytic cells) ason Liquid j 'a tAtr ic radiation. . eXE . ~ Brine was; electrolyied using the inercury cathode in which'm6rCury waullejected at high speed from a .PF.- lary to f( r " a colitinuoua stream. An abnormally high currentcinhltya~'t,, ~cahoder-ouldbeeat3ilyobtaine%J, ardIthe;c' Int enuiry wps controlled largely by tha me~lcury ilt6 rated 11 Elec4rolysis of purified sodi chloride s6iution Wis'performed, and It was fo=tjult electr6ly~i~' Could ~el Carried out at sufficiently high (ChemIs6y!]Phys!c1h1 17, v. it, no. 11) (over) JAPAMIR pp W. ~66 scq~io` Stu4ios 'of Ole S~rfhce ~6 okj~da~~m, 6ydroxide Ellintrodes, by i 9sili Z~' I~Ia, Zenicbiro Takehara, et al. 0 LA ! P, oei*i k~A*u Vol Z8, 1960 314,590 S'O: .5h: jN s 6: Fille StImucture of Oidmium Electrode 0 Various Discharge Dinaticnis, by YO.-t-LIMI'a, Unichiro Taeharv. SE: IvIer, Wnki Kagaku, V61 U, 11,4-c) 2,1960., (1~6-0751 314,588 62-10621 SE 1CONDUCTOR &RODE. 119611 [201p. M. M 18 ref fA Order fr()rjj'SLA $1."6 62-10621 Trane. of Wki KaL W Q a*) 1961, v. 29, p. 8-14. DESCRIPTORS: iijicondwtora, *Eic::troder,, se ElCctroi:h~'ini~iry. S6~~echarges, Reduction, Germa- niurn; 9614 66te phyp'168. Mhis~Bborti~sper exotins the difference when semi- conduz6orjl~iL~ad 6f 'Ieltals are used for electrode. (ph ~131oce-,FS611d Sta~e,~ TT, v. 7, no. 11) Offict 0 T.Ch.it.] S~;C.. 62-18322 Y6koyaira' Tatsiuo''. WTHE,C]JANGE: !b0 THE ESCAPE OF ctiLbRINE. 1. Yokovarna, T. AFTEk Tk,~.i DISA~~T'EARANCE OF FREE HYDRO- 11. Title:, Studies.. CHLOkIC ACID M-ME CIMORATE CELL. N. 2of Studies ca died Esca 'of Chlorine in the Sodium Chlor~teJ6'li. 119621 9p. 2 refs. Orders frbt-61 SLA $1 "1 10 62-18322 Trans. Denki k~galzu (Ja0an) j 19611 v. 29, p. 697-7 M. DESCRIFIT-CiRS: Fle trolytic cells, Chlorates, *llydro- chlork a It. *chIc -ine, Sodium compoun s, Ele,ctrolisl Th6 ekai)ciof chloin'"ne Is determined by the entire ~ . i ~ I i amount 8f V;as ev6ly"!ed from the bath and the pressur(!s of Cl~ an'J 1-400. ring e ectro ys; 19, the C1. pressure sometimd varies quite widely but the per- centageifq iatio 6f tfie, total amount: of gas evolved is small. b6j~,,'nding 6n the amount of hydrochloric acid 01ke 01 Techai-A senices (El gine ~-mical, TT, v. 9, no. 9) (ove r) des for a HIO-Taqmrature %..el abashi., A. Nomawav et al. DMM KsSaW., Vol :a=., No 11., =w- TT l?-8sw V-el C" C~art 11) - RreOmIdation of the Sintered 6 i~lduciivc Filuz, by Z. Sakzd' JAPMIESE Danki Kagakcu, Vol, XXK, B52, ~1 i '21 1~'71 .7 32 47 74 S."V r OPI 'Cily., r froni a. CI DC 2-566-.* hemicsi- 63-17772 b., and Ts uj -i BEH AVIOR OF NONIONIC SURFACE- 1. Ueda, S. co mbmul FROM MIE STAND- U. Watanabe, A. ~;FERMMAL DOLMLE LAYER M. T.,#, F. I 101~ TV. An-BBQ59J 46. 00 ATS-88Q691 V. Associated TwJvdcal L Services, Im., am) 1%2, v. 30, no. 8, agaku East Orange, N. J. Admr acdve, u1cal doable layer, ElectrochemfBrry~ ~al, 7T v. 10, no. 6) Offmc ot Technical Services ~vrcury Coll Ath qyuji Cal, Cathodes by S. Sawad6a, et al. JAPAWESE, 3r, Denki I p 1. 781. Ka,&4;u Vol XXXI, 196 p Cahlim SV No 2563 322 142 Ycnuz;~,,Oto A i~ via Opm 41trxxx ipA OWNWAMTemd "riment on Specific Resistance of ~-6fitaining Bubbles.. by Nazuo Takata., Ai~rol ihi)iorishta. Z !per., Denki. YAgalm., Vol 32) 1964., 176- 08 P 57 I? ~ - ~ TC-105 3 J~j Sbi Ch66 661' 303.,873 ~ h"'Clie", I ~ i Ii4 soon Ckaorine Bubbles in the Electric .01tion of the, PolarogMpbic Method to the Synthetic Phosphom With a Notie t: EsttmtIon of ALUedlump by Sbinichiro Takashi %shlroj. .12 w. pWj, Deukl Ksgsku Kyakadsh:L.- Vol 1.1, pp 15-1 ----------- Octill6o tbO 9V cow iderstion an the VArcury Flov in mlorlm Ceu (Pemt I) P=e wreury a Nm Opomted CeUj: by Suglno Twhiy&d., per) DaU Kag&a 7Awshij, Vol UP 19528 AEG LIM-Trans-515 of the Contact and Dumtion n7ap q?mrA ratus and the Are Duration of Silver CoMwti, by ~0. bktw=oto.0 S. 1612sra.. K. Nano. .A pm j, pr4qpsph, DeWd Unke'L GWdm:L Toboku A -63N5W TO 1101 2 I S. -- ----- AND THE h MATERIAL order1rom Trans. of T Research'v field 20C 1p (131 $12.50 Drts no. :N THE PHYSICAL TREATMENTS DPERTIES OF SOFT MAGNETIC If-tone figs not reproducible) s TT-65-14158 x1cyo-sho Kenkyu Hokoku (Japan) Jan 1963. Nei IMPI 7vans. moi X!L~A! (J&ilo Three fuiciiii DESCIRIMR1 (Ewn,9edng-; man%! Y-,, and Kitsidate, P. NT OF ROTARY SWITrHH& [1961) 3p. ITS $5-J1 50 ATS-61N501 cd the Tokyo OrencFe-soTT ales) Oct 52; p. 47. iry svdtches, Derign. irtr cal. TT, Y. 6. no. 6) 61-22382 1. Nagai, K. 11. Mnno. K. Ill. Kitndate, F. IV. ATS-61NSOJ V. Associated Technical Service, Inc., Sast Orange, N. VL Title: joint... 61 3 20 Offi...f T-64.1 S-It.. C St,"I Sbeet., by T. Katop Bi H jai wwd Be Vol 33$ Mar 2,961c~., 54~0 BM31 314.,519 Dimcbm4mlp IndustrIal., Ivil, 'and Marim RnsimWing Jin Oil T" TA Sdikb. Vol XMCCV, No 4, 71 11'1~the~St6ady State of Ionization in Weakly 0 lonizedlPlasma in the Non-equilibrium State, ~by~K. hatsuura. JAPANESE'I mono, Denki Shikensho Iho(Bulletin ~of 1the 'ectrot!e I ical Laboratory, Tokyo). in S Cu phy's 0 t ~64 P.r,5 De; 6 e CV'.17v-v en n 012 Mc',, -4 E. Y-ahagi D~ Yaniaslli j i shikensho ihQ, vol x-xiv,, ig6o,. 3~- i9093609 Tr-lr(93 7 7 Polm mmosAw to 41 per# W-3fAlo p p 338se 9 Aug fit tes rn Stmidurd Capacitor.;, r, Donk! Shikon-sho Rellkxu Hokbk4~1". 119,7* 1964, 124p. N1& 8732-B 1966 (1235) ei l ri Blectricw E-nrr S6j) t 313:9 , 5 4 7 P14011C 64' GB Aug!16 E!ntal Works on the Transfer of Electro- Latent Images, by H. Kii-Taki. ar, Denki Shiken-Shc Iho. Vol. 18, No. 12 1-886 33T-2o6 Cowxntftlblowo by Suglyams JAPARMa ! DWM 234th SJ90a Detacbmit (T*W) The 12 1, JAPANE3 58;1 Feb J~Ixng of the "llelecammurticatiom Id search Association Visits the SDF Communi- joi, 1 P. uncalssified. Denki Tsusbin,, hug 1957j P 40. USABIA Tr 9T,'/10 Elect- JAPAN IObb.:,9 Co S pt r Developmmt in To'-wo Shibaura lby S. Mita., K. Chiba.. TIMIASSITFIED Denld Tousbin I USASIA Tr 972P hudy~6njjilecironlc Computers in Fuli Comunication I PP5ra+.U-9,i,WF,:d0. tMCLASSIFIM Denki Tauehin Ga Z"Ai- erp USAGIA Tr 972Q ob 5~ Stu~~ JAPAMMI SciL.'-: Eldctroxi cm~la' ic Comouters in Nippon Electric Co., 'Al. UNCIASSIFTED ~enkl Tsushin Gakked. Zsuohi. USASIA Tr 972R ,h" Electronic Computern at Kyoto Ifteda, T. Sakei. T. Tanaka. ~~Itronic Ccoput-era at Toboku Ureive;osity', *,I UNCLASSIPM) t Denki 'fauehin GakkiA;k!,7444pLI. ~ip I I 0 USffiIk Tr 972T ot~,f n r~?,,2 Of I JAPAMH Sci, Felb 581 i~ comuter "N-1" by ".. Kiyaou, :Takashi=. URCLASSIFIED Denki TsushiRS.ftg ISPS IA Tr 972 U c2 S 5- e coe~ sci Feb 5 1~'rdmi .Computer Daveloled in Denshl Solski ion I , vt,,r,, Dhn i'* UNCLASSIFIED i'Danki Tauohln Galkad Zpaphi PC IMASIA Tr 972ir 2 3 r ter Developed at Osaka Cra ~h~*'~e'ct!!Onic C04U 11*e ly bj;'K. Jos S. YAkIniouchi: Y. YaGui. IFX D Jun IL957 JAPMSK~peil~Demki Taushin I Zoembi. UMIA Tr 972W sci; r"Inectram Feb. ivtoriz'e,id Electronic Cwputer ETL Mark Ill., ff. Nishino., 1, Wkitauzaki,, X. Yxndo~ UNCLP's61ipIZD JAPAME i per,! Donki Tsuahin GOftid Zasahi, Jun 1957, USPSIA Tr 972X lactrom Feb ~e,48~ On TAC Bel: rel?5 tq~p by A. Ammiya. UTUMIFIED Jan 1957 r,, ~Denki Taushin Gakkai Zey hi ISASIA Tr 9721' and 11,W Operation. Re~4 IT','p Y e Digital Automatic Computer, by IiI.!,Kpvd~ya. J1 ~UXCLASSMHD JAPAMLP~' pe':6' Denki Taushin Gakkii Zasehi. USMIA Tr 972H Sci~-jBlectrpnics .2 Feb ~58 LA Deesl-Wing Daley Clanults~ by M,.s tTA 4, E' VOI As, 1 504100 ISLA 59~-1747'6- j6b !o Vol F Sol Feb. bit i Mki Jun Tamiya, 25 P. rlo. Paz=. TQUZUU Gwzlzi Zasahul 1950P q -312. j 6p' pp 305 -D 0 9 9W. 59-17795 Endo,:KWd1d hi, MEDIUM ]PR FQL WITH UhIBR ELL eligi t ,finclljded~, er fro4i 8' Trans. of I Iv. 39, no. II2~ 1 1p. ~ I : H i! DESCRIPThRS- Antenna co6fturatl' radiation ~ahiei-m;, Desi~n, 16r~6iniicn. Accordiffigi,j 61, and ekzpiiii~e6is (JOKCR) and 1160cilddotroadcastizig (1014R), w6i,~ a cast antenna & umbrQa (Phy8jCs~--r'j6CjrMjC,~ YoWilda, Minoru and others. IENOY BROADCAST ANT`ENNAS A TOP LOADING. [1963][21]p. 4 refs. -18398 , $2,1160 63 rs [Zaslam (Japw4 1956 1 117. il ~~ I * 'III i broadcasting. enna Con4ments, Antenna wn fr y, Attenuation, 6aw. resdirs, of the antenna operations mdd6 by Radio Tokyo 50-kW Station Co. 10-kW Station fto~~,cd fxhadiuhi frequency broad- type Instead of disk- type has V. 10,:no. 12) (OVer) 63-18398 1. Title: Umbrella anterfma 1. Emd , K. U. Yoshida, M. Office of Technical Smices Jill I P(ACMI I128 R,e' -Type Cm*uter. UNCLASSIFM k Re e U Tsushin Gabhoi Zaoshi, Jun 19~7. USASIA Tr 9725 ci ect on 7 Feb 581 St~d3 L~dj'lt Scli Fob! Y'n' Di'ital Electronic Computer in Hitachi ~'S Nkada. =LASSIFIED .93 per Ble ctri Denki To jun USPSIA Tr 9720 r z ,no DF JAPAIM Pa j Econ ~6astlzg Business. UNCL&S-IFIED per :Dismk-i Tauahin Gakltai Zasoh-l Jan ICP USASIA Ty 972-2 n of fiej~ ~A'tc JAPAMSE, 11 '1 1957.0 P17 FE Japan Bci S c Feb 1 P,rogressing for JaPax"s Observation Lli~te Denki Toushin Gakohai Zasshi, Jul UBASIA Tr 977/9 AID- by T J:.NPA No'~ 5 S'Ci Feb )e al 1 Electronic Telephone Exchan.ce System, Isa-tahe, '.1. Akirnaya. E Dcnlci Tsus'llin Gahkai Zasshi. lJol XL, 957, GB/30 17L~Yasaj a.' I lisao a0d Suzuki, Tamiji. COND04 ')ER ~ R ric EWER. ( 19621 22p. 8 ref.. 11 ~ Order! fr~eri'~�LA $2.60 62-20162 Trails. OfG~41 ('rs ushinl Gakkai Zqsslli_~Lapan) 19.57, V- ic reccivers, *Capacitors, Wicrophones. munication Theory, IT, 62-20162 1. flayasaka, It. 11. Suzuki, 1'. Office of Tedmicel Senrim -F'6F~I C!t,, ~vvmM or, at Electrort Current Using Tm4oii~S-W.Avo Cothode-W$ by Horuto Maeda, Val l1957,1 1171-1177. AM Tr 3654 Sri!. lHiectrab Jun 59, S~46~land!,~ logical Design of the Para=tron Digit ~C itier. Mwmlno-lo by Suburo Muroga, 37 JAPAN 9_. x-DbaU Tauiftu Gaklml Zaaahio, 195.8oli *01 SLA 59-17793 Sol I Feb 60'iI j ~-jlidmjt Description of the Awamtrcu Digit 10 OJI aur TIQ=f-I'llum" ishida 32 J-011"i Dai*L Tauallin Galdmi zr-mehi., 195S, . : 9 Vd:V 110 1 114 PP SLA 59-17752 b1za-hat 6 a Memory of the Parazetron Digita.). asino-Is by ShIgehara Ym-ada., 'Tarlibiko IB3,b 6hop Tsuneori Xoahibus., 24 p. JAPAY UT DanId Tauahin ftkkai zasshi., Vol SLA 59-171794 sat Feb! Vol, 30 Amellotatio 'du YAiltivibrateur a Frequence "n It, M. Arai 31 P- its per,, Denki Tsuahin Gakkai Zasahi JAPAN tv RMq -7T---.E3M'---- lol, 11 161 A~ No Ilp pp 3:1 crA-,tr-.Y.126 Fob Vol 2. 1,001 NOW-1 I V WIL; 3,~ ansiti-ve Receivim Systm for Lgh V Vhves bY 1-1, lioriteLo S- ItO- Gaklmi 7 Taus pp U9.81 (2376) 3639661 Ifoshiko~ "~JN~Iioa N '"1y III I 0 f ro I "Tls,' of : ~v 43, no."IT $20 'n la ;Tsuk p' 146~ T-, and Oinori. T. ND DISTORTION DISTRIBU- !SSION us-rowrION IN A ~sys-rEij%j. Imi) i5p. A-)'.S-5(-N19j ;GaU-ai ZaL;tifyi,(Japan) 1960, 1c, 5, no. 11) 61-22137 1. Data iransniisiinvi systems-Errors I . floshiko, Y. 11. P.111mini, T. M. (-)11)orj, T. IV. WPS-5614-19] V , A';w(I'mcd Technical Scivices. file- East Ofange, N. ATS 'fifEbAy FOR F-11- Ord~r frc Trans. V. 4.3, 1110 11 !E~ P. 1E-13N'S1ILV APPROXIMATION DRK& f1961121p. 9 refs. .550 1111)1: 11%1-101 .20 ibin Gakkai Zasshij (J.1pan) 19(A), 280: ...... C61.1c, rl~ v. 5, rio. 11) 61-2211.1 1. Microwave Tic'..vorks- N- analysis 2. Mnd-pass filters- Mafhe:nitical analysis 3. Tirle: nicbyshav .1pprcxiin,-,, [on I . Watanabe, If. 11. NIDF W-101 III. I-ri-i,~dninji, Morris D., Inr., %Vcst Now;cm, Mass. )rz,7 jT7 62-20180 N Hayashi, T k NEW TY1 E. OF FIELD EFFECT TRANSISTOR. 1. Title: Field effect 19621:21P. 112 refs.! 1~ 1. Ilayasht, T. Dirder from MjA $ 2. k), 62-20180 rrans in Gakkai 7-asshl I (Japan) 1960, 43, DESCRIPMRS: *Tran Istors, Ultrasonic radiation, Meory. Dejign- rhis art c e, ses a new type of easy-to-make field Ifect tra 'rislift6e, and d,escribes its structure, theory if dest i er' of[production, the basic characteiis- ics of a trial el 11 ~s advantages and uses. The itruc -t~rerof4hkt '~A C~haracterizedin that grooves ire set verv'lcidse to t -4e junction part in the P or N ayer of A jro~ih-type junction. thus forming thin ayers bet%,6~enl the of r layers. ese are the chan- e ~'el&( I _ffe6 iels of th 2~ _ ,ransistor. In addition, the re Officr of Tedwical Senicts Engineerini- !JectiL 1~, T7, v. 10, no. 2) (ove r) ol, rr-64-14758 Kawamqra,' ~jirsuo.' ilCM CONVER91NG ~GUN. Tokyo Inst. of Technology. 1. Kawamura, M. Thesis no. 3222.1 [1 12P (figs tables formulae 964 &nitted.) greis Or der f&r 6~m LLA $ 1. rT-64-i4iss 60 Trans. oi Inki jTsutf fin Cakkal Zasshi (ISPILn) 19w, h 43, n 6: 7n--i (Eng1jWMnS--r'1CCrro~ic, TT' V'. 11, no. 11) Office et Technical 9-0c.. Vol Sep 62 rmlftal Reaki-Diodes (Maracteristic. Viet6od Of Esat-Diodes); by Toshlya lt,06'hio Sundbaft, 12 pp. :J* pgr,_De T oh gt,LTquo Ingakki zasshl., 19 hIn 1 lp pp -810. tron Navy Tr 3217MRL goo 62-18941 I~u idl-ddBAL LIN 1. Title: Lechur-Gohau Cl 11962] 21p. 4 refs. E (order from S 2. 66 62-18841 line 1. Urvehara, T. ,rans. ofiMiltiki TSUSK: n ~Gakkai Zasshij (Japan) 1961, 1 no.; _11i-~ % 44, 1 p ii 55 10 DFSCR [POOR' -~ !*Trzinsimission 1i 'e" ,Electro- magnetic ~6~ ~ ~*Prcql cs, Elec- I . ., j &ion, Dielectri Lromagn,etic f (Ads, Att, inuation, Electrical impedance. In order to impro've on, farious shortcomings of the Goubauline, Ong v, h are the scattering b% 1~ - 1 1 aacent objec'u,",1fan ind rease of loss tiN, earth,"and a I 1~rj ge radiki~n~loss fi~oiIn ~thc curved po*rrion., ond of the counter-measures propi;sbd is wherein Lwo G linesare piaced with ails M"Alt dis6rice between them, and the two I~nes, mut!-uajiy'C'xciEi6gjinverse phases, form a propa- ghtion line. JOYO!paraffill lines with dielectric covering. mqthoutthe res'e~ce of 1"TEM waves, are the line of s 611'r0paglitit3n, TT, v. 9. no. 9) (over) Office of Technical Services hysics--, at, 1T and Sunohara a ka 11 r Y 62-18096 ' . ., , , y THE fiEW.'IEFFECT' TRANSISTOR AS A NEGA- . Niimi, T. TIVE RP-�ISYANCt1jDP-VICE. [1962] 15p. 10 refs. 1 ~m'� e i It. Hayashi, T. Ord r n 60 62-19096 LA $1. 111. Sunohara, Y. Trans. oil [*iiki Ts~,shin Gakkai Zasshi Unpan) 1961, V-4,4,~ndj 5,jp. 8111~414. i 1~ ~~ ~ ~ 11 ~ DESCAIPT0hS: *Transistors, Resistance, *Switches, Fielde'mission, FkAi , manufa`cturing methods, . : .. 11 1 ' 11 *Negatives resistanc,- circuits. This ard~.16 deals %~iltii the structure of one typt: of field dffkt4iansiriw'r'as a negative resistance deviat; . I l ' ltion, method of design and its principie s of o ~r prod.666h,'Jilie bLE~1c;properties of the finished I rtiges and uses. This structure shc. pro~u~t,,~ts advan shows thk it, is idelitical with the very narrow base of an all6y"'gpe tr, kgiStOr equipped -with a ring base.. ' . mecl hnism of the negative resistance The produce I cliara'Icter'lAtics wh Icli app2 ar in the gate circuit is Office of Technical St"Ic.s , rngineer'ln~--Ele(tibnic, TT, v. 8, no. 9) (over) 0 T 62-16605 inwie, Hf~oshl. BLOCKING! PROBABILITY AND JUNCrOR CAPACITY 1. Inose, H. OF -A ~ THRES. STAGE TIMP-DIVISION SWITCMNG NHTWO~Kj,j [~9621 *.~ 6 refs. Ordef, from SLA $1 60 62-16605 Trans. of [DeW Toln Gakkat Zasshl) 0apan) 1961. . 11 6 li [ 1 .1 v. 44,~ no. p. 934-941. D13SC~iPT04:! OTelieptone communication systems, Telephone lind6, Panel boards (Blectricity), Load distri~otiojill ~Proba6ility, Switching circuits. In an 6xchangd system! composed of modules with time-divist6n~6witchii networks. tb Ie ttme-division network6 a~6 Assumed to be, connected by Inter-module t1me-divisi6n'junctor's'o'r inner-module junctore-, namelk. 'the'16finectioii,is made through the route of the ttme-dMii6n s\dt~hing network-time-diviston (Researc~'h Methods- L6ommunicarlon Tbeory, TT, v. 8, Offic. of T.chnicol S~Ice& no. 6),, (over) Salto, Nc RICIIARiX PAIR -TER Order fr~or Trans!~. of 1961,: v.'4 Richards' Bott and b termih.al: fi 'Me prese pansion of networkw. is'obtalria ing a four EOR I EXPANDED INTO A TVO- L NEfrwORK. [1962] 10p. 6 refs. $I.' 1b 62-14790 J Tsus6in Gakkai Zasshi] (Japan) I 7,:p.1 1033-1036. ElectrIcal networks, Synthesis, :-ix alj~~ra, Theory. CM i's ~alnous ns Introducing a key to ; method for the synthesis of a two- -k wlth~ut the use of mutual inductance. )er pr6.ves diat by treating the ex- irds! theorem into a four-terminal inatri4l an almost identical theorem the bdlils of this proof a method solv- inal hkwork Is proposed. This is an ~n the gynthesis of a coupled-line wave Uectiic'al, TT, v. 8, no. 9) (over) 62-14790 1. Title: Richards' theorem 1. Saito, N. Offi-f T.Ch.ic.1 S.-i-. 62-14789 Sid I. to, A COUPLED TRANSMSSION-LINE FILTER (DE- 1. Safto. N. SIONWHMOD]BY EXTRACTION OF COUPLED 11. Title: Design 2-, YIR'B' LINE04 9621:12P. 3 reff. X 60 62-14789 Trani T~sushin Gakkal Zasshi] (Japan) 1961,'.;v. 44, no'7, p. 1036-1040. ansmission lines, *Coaxial fil- Conxi*ation is ~given to the design of a coupled trkisj6ia'sion-il, F filter; with'distribuied coupled irkieWdAbn s as ~ Its main elenient.'Synvinerxi - ~ai i lpr circidwaro explained by~the i6l~ ell, 16d.tranamission lines from hl~- ;et ' 3 ~giiren cl~cdlt. there Is so'need . r I to Ise"Ais al function for the characteristic mlfig-~ ectrical,'TT, V. %,fio. 9) (over) Office of Technical S.Mces Pi Ka'W .1 Sugaha and Ishii H. A 62-16603 * ., , 4., 4 TRANSNESSION C A BRISTICS AND DESIGN 1. Kawazu, S. METHOD 6FIIBRANCI ~NG FILTER FOR hUCROWAVS 11. Sugahara, A. RADIO REE~Yi SYST IVL [ 19621 2:5p. 15 refs. 111. Ishii, H. OrderfitniISLA $2.'6 ) 62-16603 Trans. of (Depki Ta'uB ' Ln Ga~kai Zasshij (Japan) 1961, V. 44., no. 9,1p. 1207 -"1216. DESCRIPTOR IS-' *Ml6 b)vave relay systems, *Radio relay'~syike~'m','.~ Broa6 and, Frequency modulation, Microwavep. I ~Iectiid j filters, *Wavegulde filters, Design, !wave transm ission. The transrffl~sion cha idcteristleB of a inlcrowave branchitig ii ii~r', of~aj i6rm combining a hybrid circuit with a 2~-a~j filter iy o~m. are described In detail. The eff6ctdj of slight j . ifferences in djesecharacteristic~ (delay p6r16 dj iranan ' Aision lose, amount of coupling ' Offi.. F T.chM-l S-1.- (Eng1fie6rl~g-'-Elecir D ni,c, TT, v. B. no. 6) (over) no - SCI Ili Yasq~x~a, Yusuhik-o and odiers. S,Uj-3SCRiUE (A'RCUITFOR AN EXPERINIE N FAL 1. Inose, 11. -11INUH, 01VIE-16;-N EXC'111,11GE SYSTELM FE-ATurmc; 11. yasix1a, Y. DI':,UJ'A ~110egb t.,% 1,- 119621 19-p. ref.,. Order froia SIIA $i'60' 62-19842 ~I ~ 11 ~k ~ 11 Trans. of (DqWd Tsuidiin Gakl:ai 2-tsshij (jap=) 1961, v. 1117- A S-I *'Fbl one communication systems, P s6 in ',pln on, hone equipment, *Modulators, *0scLI to rcul 'ignal-to-noise ratio. As Is n cl 11 -u it was devised for the foHoxvin.- C., it 11 y, 50 kc/s; nwr.L--r of mlldn,,, chai s., i pripf s chronous channels, 1; the ~ ' I i yn time-, ot f(jri ch channel, 1 s; widdi of channel pulse, ; .5 11 1. s; ;Ie iij 0. 1 s. Each sid)scriber is I it ,n 11 LI :,.I nics v. 10, no. 1) (over) Office of Techrdtal Services (F !;iT IAltin Traps. H. 314 01 TIMUM D'UN SYM-AME DR COM~ ("t Working out of a Commutation SYI;- 11 r - - XZ248 4zg-in FroMb . M 6r;E'-rC $2.43 62-26305 v.~'44! no.'IU. A ~RS:, rnutators, *Telephone commu ne cables, Theory. 62-26305 1. Aldmura, H. 11. FX-1248 . 111. Cerar e National de la Recherche Scientifique (France) Office of Teclialcol Sorvices Part onSoci6tieo and Associations, JAPAN!;-S'E blc~ i Denko Tsushin Jigyo Yoran., 1957, pv~ ;0 71-illl?~ 500th kn By OP TT 9594h-G (Ew Jun 10~3 1958) FE Japan I' Eclon ~Outliale on Telecommunications Entorprine Doc Pp. 09 ,c 57 unic a tion A c a oclaticii (b!-lonbcnrGhip Roci t or) pamphlet Denki Tslusbki 4okal, Apr 1957~ 500th M. Sv G T.-o 95944-C Ly (EDC Jun 15Fia The Oki! 1910 tric's All-Electronics Teleph,:mo ,TAPAIW-=, Par., panki -publ by OMNI CIMPM zd~, 32 sap 1,957D --pp 1295F12 500th Ht Op 7- 95865 Sci ~Bkct.%j IC3 Dec: 57 62-18093 Miur SOM E CIRCLJII~S.~ [1962] 24p. 4 refs. Order!fro'm SLN ' 2.60 62-18093 Tra i S., 1 of De n ki pushin Gakkai Zasshil (Japan) 196 1 4, It(). 9, p. 1328-1336. DE~CRIIIFO'RS: *Communicztion equipment, Tulep~ont:-s, Cii,cufts, Boosters, Impedance Staitin'g'r6rn thdibasic circuit, an analvsis is pre- e .;" i ge and booster ntettof the br circuits in the case S Of Clenke'l ts ha%~it complex impedance. By the analvsL's~~ he desj gn for an anti-sidetone telephone circ~i( came"queli more precise than in the cast! NOIC.~rein z 11 the~c ~ments were cansidered to he PLU'C: I S. resiSLanc~ (Engineeptig--Electrical, TT, v. 8, no. 9) Offi-f T-W-1 S.M 63-14740 bases ult-oshi. AN APPAb;dmATE- ICALCULATION ON BLOCK1140 1. Inose. 11. PROBABIii#1CS OF A -IRLANGULAR ALTERNATE RIOU7MG ISTS-11 E [1963] 16p. 2 refs. Ordcr~ from' kA 60 63-14740 ML-wa- us - Zasshl] (Japan) - TS 2 1 . 2~sshi ~R~l 4M4 - ~l 1961, 11, ino, 01 P. 1450-1- 5CRWTr-)R DE. S: PZlienwitical analysis, *Probability. WF616hoifi'6!~IonunuAciadon systems, Comnitudeation dieory, biffarentiallequations. In a Enallull LI alcei -jime routing sytitem. where officos bafal at vertexe Ai B iind 1 C~ hie di s of a triangle, I '' t bloddlig pp lxlbilitks~ of calls on the A-B, B-C rouree. are dcia4bd~6nder' ~& assumption of "No, I Tole In the hjujrjTjle',', tl~c effccL of this asnumption on numerical rcs~lt'p o~ ji~(')Ibabiit'it-s Is discussed and finally a (Ilcsc~rcfl r",16d)OLISI-~-Coiiiil-iuiiicatiolI '11.1cory, 71-i V. 10, Office of TechakjJ Services ,no (over) 5~ q An 1 erimental. Push-Button Dialing System., 1 11 i ;: I; : Yakmamoto Y'iI I 1 1; , Toshikhiko Nakamura ' et al. E.I,Pqr, Denki Tsushin Gakkai Zasshi,, Vol W3 No 5S 1962, p 671_-W7_. Til SrA 1647 8603 Apr 323,093 i 'ii~ Ale-lephone airitching I'lan,, by Jim, 24 JAPAMM pwj, Danki Toushin Gak1ral Zaashi,, ~mv 11.1 1 J. PP 51-5 ACSI 1-4158 ID m4o0w64 Vith MI Bn -T U of a Speech Clipper to 0 Ta2sphone Usima VODAS.. by Yo -Wka perp Touehin Gakkai Zasshij 5P 9j, 1962,P PP 1211-2215 59 U-9- 68 3600838 Fj;