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230 Million German Marks Saving as the Result of Automatic Welding Methods, IP' GERKO, per, Fertigungstechnik und Betrieb, Vol X, No 7, 1960, p 439- ,*JPRS EEur - E. Germany Econ - Yanufacturing Machine Building 10 Jan 61 GDR Machine Tool Construction to Establish Assembly Line Production, I r, MUM, per, Fertigungstechnik und Betrieb, Vol X, No 7, 196o, p 439. ~'JFRS EEur - E. Germany Econ - Manufacturing Machine Building io Tan 61 Off -4939) Socialist Teamwork and Plant Orgaulzation, by H. R. Lebmuns 9 pp. GEMM,p perp PeftAp-uggt*Obntk und 3etrjtbj-voI X. No 80 19600 p-p7"L-%"0 JFFZ 7596 z0ou Pr.7 rob 61 (W-4939) Devolopmat of OxIde-Carbide Oermic Materl&U f or Cutting Toole in East Germayp by Curt Agte,, 12 pp. GMUM,, per,, jsrtlgmSst!!!~hnlk w3d Betriabj, Vol Xj so 8. 190j, vp 4&-46'fs- JM 7596 33ur - Gerv&cW Baca Fab 6L Lowering Production Costs in Agricultural Machine Construction by Standardization, by H. Toepfer,,.2p P- GMOMU.. per, Fertigungstechnik und Betrieb, Vol X, No 9. Sep 1~1)~OJL%~# ,/'*JPRS _j EEur - Germany Econ - Manufacturing Agricultural Machinery 19 oct 6o (ZC-5052) The Tanks et. the 11whina-BuilAing Inaustry is Established by the Ninth Plenum of the M C-9-atral CoMitteep by Borst Xudnmky,, 4 pp. GMO=p VnItigun"too una Betrieb, Vol im 6665 Boon Feb 61 Standardization in the Manufacturing of Machine Tools'j by Egon Reppe, GMMAN, per, Fertigungstechnik land Betrieb, Vol X,, No 11, *jMS ZEur - :,,;. Germany Econ - Manufacturing 29 Dec 050- (Nr-%545/2) Cutting Ceramics for tbe or Nbebine Tools; bV R. ReInbolds vp 27. OWN., ]pwp. FqrtASqGwt;qqb;Wc mud ActrIO Vol Xj, NO ni, N6i 695-0'- im OMS NEW- oex=m soon Sazz 77- Avr 61 (NY-54513) Tasim and AUm of tbe. Veb Vogtland Machime Tool Wbwkss 14y Monfred PoUakj, 7 pp. MMNJ, pwo - - -aet4O.- Vol Xs no up NOT .9 72 0 JM 7948 =k,= - 003=a Mkxxi P ~-rl 9~~ Air 61 (Nr-565;k/4) Material Savimp swat%* -ions by Ew cloootomms, 6 PPO Tws - &Ro"mdw"LmvAj)mtrIsb IOU - _j VOI.X0 no lip 1960s pp 690-6w.. im 79W low ~ awmm 3f.~~ Raw ATv 61 Ulo "Ncni TeehnaoMr" PlaU cZd the Da~lcrpment of lbdern Tea=loap 8 pp. GEMUN, per$ Fertimpt JYM ZatE. "ab Vol Xl~ NO iv IIS&P pp 2-9i-. EEDur - GorwaW Moon Au$ 61 (W-GC*7) Contrilnrtloas of the Forging Lidustry to the Fulfillumt of State T"kaj, by Gwtav Tittle, 5 pp. GERW,F W i teahna und Betrieb,, Voirl, No -"'P 19ap PP T3-75 - JpEts an.1 Gftmany lj-1~7 /4~ 2 Xwg 61 (DC.60071N Some TediuimL-Economl a Problests In the Forging induatry., by J. Olbrich, 8 pp. GMUN, per Fe m3astAnchalk und Batrl. VOL xi.. No 2'. 19a.0 pp 75- - im 8711 Iccon / ,e ?j i, ~ Y Aug 61 (SF-1855) Anucation or the ULtrofanov Xbthod at VEB Ind=trJLewerke., Zarl Ilarx-Stadt., by, Warwr Orusdat, 9 pp. CMMO* vw, Fe Usmesteeb-I r. und petde'b.. Vol Ims-*- ZM 13137 ENV - Germaw fton / Opp", O~f Aug 62 (OF-1855) Cutting Toole at the 1961 rA:Liz;ig Spring Fair, by 0. Zell., A. Volto X. It. TeoWslhof., Ch. Nepplary 4 3;P- GEDM.. ow.- Fay tigm jptocbrAk mnd IfttrIeb., Vc4L xZ-o-w7r* -xw`s" pip 313- 316r'" JM 23137 Mbir - oft"W7 Beall Z/00/ Alw 62 17 r.bildmg ikwldms at the 19U IA)Lpdg S]PrLVZ Adrs, by G- Xmxt*gl D. NOWASP 5 Iv. GEW"j. cbvdk VDA.-- Bstrleb; VOI ipm iz-ow Goomw 4 2, ftDn AV 62 lm (sr-1855) Improving the Differentiation of Planned Cost Faduation.. According to Plants, by the Mj, by, Volfteng Marquart., 7 PP. QMWNP Ver jar taubWk und 44 W V Ila ip PP am jW 6e IM SP-1855 Planning Technical-Orgsdu4iona3 NeavAres in Machine Constrm:tjon tV volkswirt Dieter Obtenbor& 18 ppo aw"i pers -acbWk und Betrieb, Nod" 6s 7; Jun-J -Ipp Jim 1M6 Zkr-oemww Be= Af1p, ,lox&, fA Milling Machines, by Gottbard Bergert. aMKAN. per, PeF90witedbift imd BetTicb, 'Vol xi, No 7.9 MU., vp 453-437. Fm Sm 3183 333= - 0033FAW /, 6 6,0 Z/ ~, I f Flom Bev 61 T Prablms In the lVaufactu" of SwAml*9s,:,lFr"-F*rg*d Mapa b7 J. FAiUpp and Go Tittelit GEM". per, F!3mKmjggbM iad Betriebt, Val no No 8# 1961-s, pp 505~-3". BB 7z67 Scd.-IWth and Eqvip Doe 6? W*559 Group Working -in tho Forging Wdustry, by E. Sablowag, 7 PP. GERM, per, Fertigungstechnik und Betrieb., Val XI, No 9,, 1961.. Pi-5-77-580- - - JPRS 11366 EEur - Gft-znny a,,- ~ 1:7 7 1 ~F Econ y ,Tan 62 kSF-1855", Emmples ce Mechsni=ti= Facaera by IM "Carl Zeiss" Works at- 1961 Rasineora meeting in jem., 8 iv. und 12j. 1961. pp 15-822. _p2triab., Vol XI., NO JM 133115 EEur - GermwW ~71V Boon pr 6e Conducting Adhesives, by fi* woutzel. GERMAN, per. FortiRURPtach Betriab* Vol 12,.No 8. 19ftzo pp SZO-4,P ATS 1228,-GJ Sci - mat Aug. 67 338,296 DEVELOPMENT OF THE EAST GERMAN FORGIN INDUSTRY,~ BY GUSTAV TITTLE, 21 PP. GERMAN, PER, FFRT I a INGRI17CHN I K -UND RETRJ-0) VOL XII, NO lo, 1962, PP 649-653.~ JPRS i 64M EEUR GERMANY ECON DEc 62 218,152 j710 16357 ----------------- - ---------- Th6 !Need'for NeW Meth6ft of Organizing Production Prioc~ "'ises. in GDR Machine Bultding, by A. Roes2ler, 6 GEV~AM, per, Fertigungs-Technik und Betrieb, No t~ `1964v pp 469-472. rinim I llf."nA An Approximate Graphical Metbod for Determining Two-Dimensional Supersonic Flows, by L. Prandtl, A. Busemann. UNCL GERMAN, per, Festchr, PP 499-509. *TIL 5111 Sci - Math; Pbys Apr 6o The Option and Structure of Cathode Spattered IAWere with Special Reference to React;Ion with the Residnal Gas, by L. Blesinger, H. xOnig. GFMMS per, IFOstabr too Jaive Herneas PUtln:_~~ 376--391e Wr Ref, 5W9-9.5 (TIL/T.52D2) Sai-PbWa; Jan 69 372.6o2 Die Fcatigkmit der Apparate und Iftschinen fur die Qhemische Industrie 1955., by S. B. Nantorovitsch. Translated from the Russian edition, 1952. rm 6m-2 I=Aizzg Lib Wit rw~ G* 1222U Stability of Light-weight Structures, by Eberhard Schapitz. GERMAN, bk, Festigkeitslehre fur den Leichtbau, Deutscher Ingenieur Verlag, Ist edit 1951, 2 nd edit 1963P Duesseldorf, Germany. *RSIC Sci - Engr Nov 64 operating Instructions for the Zeis Jena Solid- State Laser ZFL 750-TS, 17 pp. GEDIAN, brochure, Festkoerperlaser ZFL 750-TS FDD X-5763 Dec 65 A 11A Die Fluoi-escence Fading of Somu Inorganic Scin- tillators at Vie Excitation byjy, -Particles, Protms ary -rays (electrons),, by 11. Neuert. GMUM, per,. FestkaenLar pp 239-259, problealr Vol 1j, 1962, *AEC EDC I Feb 67 Sci/Physics Jan 67 TT-65-12232 Field 20L Haasen, P. DISLOCATIONS AND PLASTICITY OF GERAIANIUM AND 1. flaasen, P. InSb. P*per presented at Physikertagung. PYrmnt. 11. Title: Physikertagung 4 Apr 63. 82p, 62refs. Order from SLA: $8.10 as TT-65-12232 Trans. of manuscript to be published in mono problems. v. 3, Braunselmetg, nd. NIR 628 Agency: Air Force R-10305-D P.O.-No. AR 8-0002 68-io 15 Apr- 69 Title: Halbleitung einger UbergangEmetalloxide in Polaronenebild. Author: P.Gerthsea and others Source: Festkorperprobleme, Bd- 5 Sonderdruck, 1-54 Language: Ge:mman 54-pp Special InstLlructions: Please translate & Type 1 copy The Semiconductor-Electrolyte Interfacej, by H. U. Harten., 889p GMM.. per., Festkorperlwobleme, Vol 3., 1964 srA TT-64-16575 Sci - Phy May 67 326~541 jagitock Robert. . . 63-14820 ON THE REACTION OF ROCK SALT WITH ROASr- 1. jagitsch, R. ING GAS. 11963119p. (figa. omitted) 9 refs. 11. Hedvall, A. Order from SLA $1.60 63-14820 Trans. of maw. PeatskrFift TiUlom&dl 1. Arvid Hedvall JGotbenbttfigY194B. p. 303-318. DESCRIFMRS: *Rock salt. *Sodium compounds, 00florlde~6 *Gamav, *Sulftw compounds. *Oxides. Temperature. OReaction Idnetics. In the absence of nwisture, the reaction between sodium chloride and romaing gas proceeds with the formation of sodurn sulfate and chlorine at a constant linear velocity If the temperature and S02 concentration are maintained conotaur. Le.. the velocif~ of the prvc- ess is determined by the rate of a pbase-boundary (Engineering- -C%emicaL 77~ process and to not retarded by the reaction products. v. 10, no. 4) The reaction velocity Is a function of the gas compost- ofts Ci Toda" S"Vkn tion and the temperstu. . (Author) 1 ptical ard StrL=tuvA- Prqmrtles Qf SpuVocrad 0 Mina; vfita~ special cgwiftmttolu of the Rem-Culoul With the ftsidwa fts, ty L. Rieoingar, Ev- Koezig., a V. GERDIM, wao,, W,,, a&, Herae-m--- 0 0. m. b. ff. Vmn~furt A. M. 1951, PP V6-392- SLA 59-17805 Sol Feb 60 A&P Holecular Order in Polycaprolactam, by it. Hendus, J. Schmieder. GERMAN, Ippt, Festschrift Karl Wurster zum 60. Geburtstag, 1960, pp 293-SI9. RTC 69-10807-07C Sci-Chem May 69 3822520 Fifty Years of Catalase -Research. Chemical Results =d Biological Probleim3, by H. von guler, 17 PP- bk; GMSW.. M, ft~~ ~94X-AnN~r~ s 2i tum Se_ ~b~~~ M~Li zi 8 Jamiary 1957, ikhauser, Bawsel. 1957. u-619. 57, pp 60.3 ffm i-2o-62 Sci - Iftd Fab 62 jagitsch. Robert. CN THE REACTION. CF RocK SALT WIT14 ROAST- ING GAS. [19641191) Onler from K -H $11-40 K-H-1303 Trans. of mom Fegtakrfiftl TUIEgnad 1. Arvid HedvaU [Godienburg] 1943. p. 303-318. Another tmns. Is avallehl fton SLA $1.60 as Tr-63-14820 [19631 19p. ,rr-64-22D(17 I - jagitach. R. H. K-H-1803 M. Kresge-Hooiuw Science Library Assoclatm Detroit. Mich. (Chemistry--Physical. 'IT, v. It. no. 11) DIM. f T-h"I'M S.-ic.0 Highly Unsaturated Acids of Ja:panese Sardine Oil (Isolation of Clupanodonic Acid and CorTection, of Its Chemical Forisula)., by Mitsumaru Tsujimoto., 16 pp. GEEMB, per,, Pette Seifen Anstricbmittel Vol xam.. No SIA 6o-lo451 Sci 9al OTS., Vol Mt No T Dee 6o Corrosicm Resiota=e of NetaUU Mpterials to lbt Fatty Aclftt bUr R, ftw2eckeuir 4 lp-V. QwmNs veril Pet" und Oe!iEens _Vol JlVt 29311s pp 220-M. -- 3)1 '31 jL S.L.A. Wo 155/i9% Scientific - Chendetry; BlueraU/ustaU true .if I C.- SOUb#c Abld Zatersav4 R=m Salto AcIA by Dr. A.. #Al~kUWj 13 Pps, .1mn=) amm, 4kGtdk ako& Asn ILVO NO ills U.". 1-938o VP v CIA D -993 -Q-9 1 r A av - Extraction Of Wool-Grease By Centrifugal Processes, by P. Stainacker. GMU-M, per, Fette Se~fen&, vol 47, 110 11 1940. pp 535-7 CSIRO/No- 7631 Sci - Sep 67 34o,117 13'.Aani' v. Ind '.. T; C;TI i T iA!ZCWI'.FY (Sclituz zliahi~,ex Aw-ii-nadl;~-~Iiol-?r!hj mmv~ C'