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Relationship Between Feltability of Loose Wool, Determined by the Aachen Felting Test and the Shrinicage of Woolen Textiles during Washing in a Drumtype machine. by G. Blankenburg, W. Keller. FRENCH, per, Federation Lainiere Internationale Comite Technique. No. 1. 1963, PP 1-15 CSIROINo. 6760 Sci - Aug 67 334-753 Effect of pH Value, the Addition of Salt And the Size of Sample on Felting-Shrinkage of Miitted Fabrics made of Untreated and of Antifelt-Treated Wool in the Washing Test, by G. Valk. DRENCH, per, Raderltion Lainiere Internationale, No 6. 1964, pp 1-24 CSIHO/No 7010 Sci - Aug 67 335,079 Influence of Inorganic Salts on the Felting Shrinkage of Untreated and of Shrinkproofed Knitted Wool Fabrics, by a. Valk, A. Yalta. GMIAN, per Fedn. Lainiere Int. No. 3, 1965, PP 1-15 asino/Ho. 7820 Sci - Aug 67 339-694 Influence of Peripheral Speed, Liquid Level and Liquor Ratio in the Drum of a Tumbler-Type Washing M-chine on the Felting Shrinkage of Wool, by H. Henning. GERmm, per Fedn. Lainiere Int. No. B. 1965, pp 1-21 CSIRO/No-7821 Sci - Ang 67 339-693 Preze,it State of Electric Clearer Technology. Char- acteristics Affecting the Effectiveness Of Clearers For the Various Types Of Yarn Faults, by J. Grignet. FRELITCH, per, Fedn.Lainiere Iriternat.Comite techn., No 12 1965, pp 1-710 CSIRO/No. 7823 Sci - Sep 67 -z~4o,114 Equideusitometry., A New Tecbaiqw- of Measurement for Science and Technology., by W. Krug, R. I&u. GRRHUO W., re +~mo%Unjlr- Vol 1', No 9, 1952, pp 391-3 - D.B-I.R-/27352/CT Sci - Physics +Z'er d .6~ MY 57 CTS/dex Table of Contents, 6 pp. UNCLASSIFIED GRRKkN, per, Feingerate Technik, Vol VII, Jul, Aug, Sep, 195~-- -- Ar 61o866 German Economic - Tool Technique CIA 2511520 Autc"tizaidon and Mcbmiza"--m ...: U-nasuring Technology' In the CzechoglovUk RM?ub~- - by A. 5VIMP OMME., per, reingeraete TechnU., No 1, 1955, Nic-rlli~, 92 Irfi, 18. Acn MOZA SC-~W% sci - MACtranics F& 60 /ar el fq f 7 Advuaces of lftdh-Frequency Cinamtoarn~y.- V- Tm=er, CMIMI PIW-P PWmgw*cte Tecbnik., No Ii, 1935..--Derlin, . pp 19-21. -.- UWrA 8Ca.)bj6o Sol - Imeot4!CUjca I%b 0 Y7.,4~ 7 Thread Testing and Measurewrit. Part 3. Thread measuring Methods (Conclusim), by R. Lebmann. GHIWM, pers relmomtetechwi. Vol IvS No go 19551, vp h2lArr. D.S.I.R./27139/CT SCI - Engineer.ing ./, f d L/O J/ my 57 cts/dex I Migh sap-Bitliji-ty, by j. j~ljbrzfsj,,,, 15 -9. p,--,,ry Fal of 'haik, 1955,, Vol IV, Ro 12, pp 556- SWA 5-9-17187 Bel Doe 59 1101 2, No 6 Coloured Glasses and Wtal Interference FIlters, by H. GunmIer. GERNAN, per,-Feingeraote Techni1c, Vol V, No 10, 1956, pp CSIRO P' 62 at, o FwsibiUties of Tmproving the ft-ecision and EKtmumg the Measurlim Paw of LTtegmt:Lmg Pneamt:tc Surface-MeasurimS by J. Mam4evskl. mmp Nero Vol VZp No 2j. 19710 pp W-6r. -- com Tr 5m Sol m sw 71, J:*~ Oct 6L .--, !;~ A.,-Loi ~., ,.; 1 ~!; o;. -, , 1~ - .. " ---, -.1- .- ~ - -- -- --- - - L ~ -- ; i ":,Lh~- -~, , - " 1 , , ---. -. . . ~ T : ~ . . I . . i . . -i~ - I . 11 1 ;; :1 . I ~ " ; ~ I I I : . I i I i . I . I . . i , Ptlaciples and Aplilication of Pneumatic Gaqgng,p by A. 'Riemer. GMwMp p", Feiapratsteebnik, Vol..V=s no' grp 1950" pp 5 - p No 3p pp 132-1389 CSIRD 4714 scl - ftw JvM 62 .12 awl 173 ~ / ....... Affifill"rillifflo tip 4p-U,5d UltvWO-nlaE;s by FArtin, -?-I GI=Wj per,- VezgweWbL~.. Vca No 6-, pp sel mmr 60 WOU Sc-:Lov/60 ilew rave3l6zantrs & the VIO F~ruec in ropmaekj ;I ff- m2msv "0' va vn, no 6t IF 7%e-r~, V~p,200~ij.- 958 , 2~ t MASTA 50.10b/60 Sat - .. R= 60 107. , , ~~A 'V e Jenoer Optical Glass for Rrixiiation Protecticn, by R. Fischer, 3 PP. GEMQW., per, Fe No 7, 1958, PP 500-503. CSIRO Sai - Phys Nov 61 / 7X 3 7? ~ep peoI&jajr,g io tba Tecim4=1 ihnum-rar in East oneomn In(Lmtryjj bY G. WelmsfIcCli, 3-1 PP- G&RIM3, per.. Pe2immerse Nov 1958, DaOrnij, 0 Reon Nay 59 Vol vii, 111371. go 2.1. On an OpUcal VAthod of Wasuring laterml ftreadso by H. NBas. GMMNI perp FeLagereet! m3chrdk, Vol vnp ED IMFU58.9 lyp 548-5W. ~ CSIRO Sol - a" jta (* C;l 0j/" va~~ le oz hay 1.6 (rssf~sm sc-11/6%) Obaervatio= on the Asseesmant of the Iftero-Textwe of &wgame.. b,.r D. Becker,. G4 Dornbelm.. e"w* HIS aMMMj per, ftingamete Technih, Val VMI ., pp ~2- - ~. 0832W Sal - Chen Jul 62 fd-~ ,'Mwg&wlsa lustrLw-ut Exhibition WV2An the I mmin, Ln 1958Y by Rubl,, OMM, per.. Pelnwzste Tedwlkp M) 5.t 1959, pp 219-221. - UMIA SC-12/60 801 - Feb.60 /09, Oorfte,~ (NY-2957). TaSIM of the VVB for Waban, ca in Relation to the Cbmical 'Industry Develprasnt Prceram, by H. URImfeld, 7 pp. MOM., per, roupractategim*., va vin, Tio 6, 1959.. pp JM-1938-11 Eaur - E~Lgt Oarmmy Boon - NuLufacturing, CbeWcal Production Equioment cut 59 1 V,', g-lz Ultrasonic Image Conversion Using the Screen Reflection Method,, by G. Spengler, 21 pp. GIMIAN., per,. Feingeraets-Technik. No 9., 1959., p FM/X-4042 umisiA sc-63/59 Sci jan 6o S=Fa Oly-3113). New Commaralal PlimUcal by He C;j,*eiui3rj 7 ppv GMM Vol viii, 30 9p ,,, per, f 1959j. Berlin,-ii 3W-392. JPAS 2338 NNW - MR soon - Cb=Aaal Industry mar 6o A New Diaphragm Colorimeter., by M. 1e Nasser: 18 pp. GERmAN.. pero Feingeraets-Teabnik., No 9,v 1959.0 PP 396-WI. *-----*----'* *--"-'-'-""- " * " - Fm.x-4-o42 USASIA SC-63/59 sci jan 6o The Development of the Precision Yke-chanics Industry Since the Ybumdation of the German Democratic Republic, 'by E. Wagner, 9 pp. 7 GERIAO., per, Feingeraete Technik, No 10, 1959., pp 427-429. Sci ~EE - Germany Econ jan 6o The Dresden Technical College Institute of Electrical and Mechanical Precision Instrument Construction., A Success of the GDRO by S. Hildebrand, 13 PP- GERMAN., per., Feingeraete Technik., No 10., 1959., pp 430-433- RE Germany Econ 60 (NY-4"7) Science in the Service Of EM.1tices, by R. Lebrann, A. Wiemer,, 18 pp. GEMM,, per Feingeratetscbn:V~, Vol V=,, No 10., 1959.. pp OM 5M2 Mur Germany Boon wov 6o Off-"47) Ten Years Work cxr the VID Carl Zeiss Jenap by R. Jobst,, 6 pp. GOMM,, pers J!IiWrutetec,41241 Vol V=., NO 108 19591,- pp 448-451. im 5842" Xgur Germay x - q 0,2- / Boon Nor 6o Yjayer-Optcisj, A World-Renowned Name for Products of the Goerlitz 4M VEB Precision Optics Plant, by D. Juetjens, 5 pp. GERMAH,, per., Feingeraete Technik., No 10., 1959., pp, 452y 453. Jm A Sci jan 6o ORR Ten Years Development of Automatic Measuring Instruments, by Eckerkunst7 GMMAN, per, Feingeratetechnik, Vol VIII, No 10, 1959, pp 458-4t7-'--- *JFRS EEur-E. Germany Econ 22 jun 6o, (NY-447) Machanical Industry Plants Work for-the Construction of Soolmlisrap by He Neubert, 3 pp. GMM Pe7! -F!RivjMr1~t,*tecbAJAp Vol VIns N010j, 1959p pp JM 5%2 Mur - Germany 3Com Nov 6o (BY-4353) Sme Problem of Soulallat *K*nstruotion Within the Vu OytIcsj by us O"GOA a pp. GMMN,, pars Faing!Mtst"baULb Vol VI36'Ij, No U,, 19590 pp -47-- , IMur - GermtW Boon iDec 6o IV,M-- with by M 1. Mmer, OHM=, Vca VM, Ito -11, 1959.f Ber3djas pp 30-A0. WAM SC-13160 EkoA - Meatmics Fab 60 /104C ly~ 7 x the W-3 Optics in Vle lc,~~Oj El. pp. einoq~eraetetechnijc, Vol F BRirlin, pp 2, 2ccn !i'anufact-ut-rin; u Ala,g C-0 S L"I'll" _; 12 Tasl~s of thle Hcahsnita~lndtlstrial Bmm--h in Second Year of the Seven-Year 'Plan, by H. 4 r-P. GEMM, -per, Feingeraetatechnik, Vol IX, No 1, 2-90SO, Be=3.in;--g;7 ~- 3~, JM 5L>62 EEur - Germaror Ecou - Manufaeturing Aug 60 SEETEL Off - 3-":',') Development of Measuring, Control, and Regulation Technology, by K. H. Trautmann, 3 PP. GM40, perA Feingeraetetechniky Vol IX., No 1, 1960j Berliny P 5- JPRS 5262 EL'ur - Germany Econ - ftnufaitturing AuS 60 S M 9_;' (NY-3847) Fer-Capita Production of Precision ftchinez7 in Both Germn States, by H. Schulze-Manitius, 5 rtr, - GERMN, per, Feingeraetetechnik, Vol XX,, No 1,, 196o, Berlin, pp 37.. JM 5262 Mr - Germny Econ - M=ufacturing Aug 60 W-4167) New Prealsion Measur-tr43 Instruments, by G. FAmsavep 6 pp. GMAN, per,, veyiprastattechnik, Vol IX, No 2, 1960, Berun, pp JEW 5852 Our - Germoy Boom Oct 63 (BY-4167) Bans Developments of the VM Carl &Lisa Jena,, by 3MW5 R. Jobst., 14 pp. GMWA7r, per., FaingeraetetechnLk.% Vol IK., So 2j, 196op Berlin,, pp JIM 5852 Wwr - Germamy 9--on q oot 60 /S /I Oma-4i67) Nov Objectives Pr Goarlits, by R. Ulbrichto 16 pp. GMWN, Ver,, Faingq~"""qbailt,, Vol IX,, No 2,, 1960s gerliap pp 66-71. im 5852 Ellur - -GarmW Bean Oat 6o (NY-4217) - Trainiag of Tecbniclem in the Precision Instruments.; Optical wA Electrical Za&mring Fields# by Stobel., 13 PP- =MS.. psr^_EtInMu%te Tedbaft., Vol ]X., No 1960., pp 8"10 OM %57 Saw Osrmw Boon Iftnufacturing cat 60 (Irf -4217,,,' New Procl%wts of %%. nemstWaphlc 9 pp. the People-Owned Camera and L2dustriesj, by G. Kwsaves UP"., perj, Ingeragtetechnil",, Vol IX; No 3; 196o.s pp lo5- im 59n 6(-s 4 -s,14 5 0- Mur - Germany Econ SEM (]NY-4185). The Meaning and Next Twks of Pftcision lostrm=ts Productloup by K. H. Schuls, 19 pp. ==N# persr- --c,, vol 3x,, no 4, 19wi, Pp I.-V 0 JM 5457 Yaur - oerminy Boon - Manufacturing /02f 6 R-0 O*t. 60 / %.../ Precision Meebanical Problems of the Conatruction of microwave Equiwents by G. A'1m By, 14 pp. GMM, per, Felagerate TORI~PUMI-4~~ql ]go 4, 1960, pp 154-.L:~G. UMSIA., *Off, SC-3WO Sci - Xlactronici3 Aug 6o /'-p- // ~14 0 Rmperiences With Air Bearings, by R. Lehman, 1S) pp. GMIAIT, per, F~ei,-n,,eraTte~,t~ecfhmni~,lrc ~No 4, 1960, T__ -l'T2. 9 773 pp 166 77 iW FTD-TT-61-398 Sci - -Digr io jul 62 202,201 (m -43'13) Standardization in the Centralized P:~%Auction by K. We'rlich, 23 Pp. Optical Induatry and the of StandaMized Components, GEM&M, per,, Feingeratetechnik, Vol Ix* No 5j, Berltup ' 1960; pp 194-199. JM 5829 Egur - Germany Econ 170V 60 0t '7 (IqY-4373) Evaluation of the Exhibition on Standardization in the VEB Carl Zeiss Jena, by R. Muller, 9 pp. GMNAN, per, F2L%~ratetechnik., Vol DL, No 5, Berlin, 1960, pp JM 5829 Egur - Germany Econ nov 6o IC5~11 '-) ;~ do (RY-4373) The Optical Industry of Czechoslavakla., by Jaroslav Irolrus, 11 pp. CZECH., per, F~Ingsra"techuixj AW. 1K, So 5j. 1960j, Berlin) pp 205-2080 ims 5829 Uur - Czechoslovakia Boon Nov 60 (NY-4V3) Foundation of Office Machinery Iudustry Aciantific- Technical Center, by H. j= Kohler, 3 pp. GERM, per, ?~%.~ratetechnik Vol IX, No 5, Berlin, 1960, p 230. JM 5829 Mur - Germany Econ Nov 6o (Nr-5m) I%V fOr C00"inatlogi of AxMmtiotk., by R. 0. Ke".1 6 pp. am"a pw;p val Mrs NO e$ 1960P VP 331Y 332. xkw an ( -77- S-~2 7,P "Weralloy" As a Shield Against Radiation, by D. Heuer, 1-2 'rP , GMWI per, Feingeratetechnik, Vol IK, No 8, Aug 1960, P 347- ,--*jl3RS zr EEur - Germany Econ - Metallurgy, New Alloy 17 oct 6o .(DC-5049/1) SisnUicaut of tbm Resolutions of the Ninth M) for Socamic Developmut in Ylemum ot t Eut Gar=W.. by S. Fmabse2..q 6 #pG OEM$, #or* 3% - NID 9$ 1960.. VP 377-379. J= 6677 rob Q. Nov Developments in the VRB VWwtrouikp Bartelfj. 8 pp. the ManufacturLug Program of Dresden.* in 1960/61., by G. GMMN& per. Felsoractetechnik., No q.. 1960., pp 30i--3u. - JM 6677 Raw - 08may Feb 61 MunfrAtures TestiW and On Of PA-8010iOD Gboo ScaUs - an lx=W at Antomatum in I= fteolmi= Mnowltg by Imm of raoto-MAGUIc MDUOU, br 0. M".texp J. Clabou. mo=p- -P W-0 yelummu Tedudko VOL ]XI 1b 20s 2wi-, w VZ%W.-- anso Tr 5ak S(d - mw 1-71, 33tY O*t 6L Design of Flat Air Bearxings, by R. Lehmann, GERMAN, per, Feingerate Technik, Vol J:X* IX, 1960, pp 476 419 CSIRO/No 5662 Sci Dec 62 (BF-1855) Iftia Problems of WB Control Migneerlng,, Imtrummts., and Optics in the 1961 plim.. iry K. E. TTautm=, 6 pp. GXUW, lmr,, Feingamtetedbulk., Vol X, No 1, 1961, ml) 1-3. JPFZ 4839 HIA2r - E. OMMEW Boon / ,,- ~, ~? C 7 Aus 61 03F-1855) Problem of the OffIce Machine Induotry in the German DamwmUm; ReVublIc WIth SpevIal Reference to the Ninth Plenary Meeting., by W. Lu. - robsumm.0 6 pp. GEWO., wj FeInanstatechna,. Vol Xs So 1, 1961, pp 3-5. JEW 4839 Extw - R. German Ift= Aug 61 (SF-1855) Problem to be Solved by the YAchanicaa b2gneering Industry In 1961, by x. achaut 4 pp. GERM., per., FeingeractetedbW j Vol X., no 1, 1961, PP 6-T. ------------- JMB 4839 Boca Aga 61 Capillary Depression in ~,Iorcury Barometers and Manometers, by K. Godeckc. GERMAN, per, ~q~iuwerk- ILechU.1k, Vol LXV, No 1, 1961, pp 25-30. CSIRO/No 5991 Sci-Phys Jun 63 (SF-1855) Tan Years of Production of Precision lastr=mto In the GMp bv R. Sabiaze-lbultluej, U pp. GUM per, FeingemtLtecbnlk, Val X., No 1" 1961, IV 43:45. MW 4839 Haar - it. Gemmy Bam A 02 AUs 61 (SF-1855) Klab RM010=7 Ulbricaut Molybdanite (Molbld). A Smrm7 of Propertles, Madmortrial ApIxIlcation and Proctleal NWrIences Gathwed in the GM,, by 0- SchetOUch,, 8 TP. GERMN, pars ?Wmgm*,wt"eebnQ_., Vol X, No 2, 1961, PP 73M - ass 4T89 Eshr - 11. oexwzq No= 1,e 91771 Ai* 6L (sr-1355) Quality Conference of the VVB Control Engineering, Instruments, and OPtics, 3 PP. GERM, per, Feingeraetetechulk, Voi Xx no 4, 1961, P.P 1)6-147. '- jpRs 11366 Mur - GermmW / 1;1 ~~A Econ Jan I'J2 (SF-185 Mechanical Industry Innovations Shown at The 1961 Leipzig Spring Fair, by:fAbr H. TTnn?e3d, 6 pp. GEM40., per, Feingeraetetechnik, Val X, No 4, 1961, PP 149-153. ipm n366 Haw - Germuq Boon jan 62 (SF-1855) MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL ENGINEERING AT THE 1961 LEIPZIG SPRING FAIR, BY K. DRESCHER, 4 pp. GERMAN PER, FEINGERAETETECHNIK, VOL X, No 4, ig6i, PP L~~i56v----- JPRS 12473 EEUR GEMANY ECON MAR 62 EE 183,159 (3F-1855) SONOVISOR 2: A METALLURGICAL TESTING DEVICH, BY H. TROWLER, 5 PP - GERMAN, PER, FEINGERAETET�CHNIK, VOL X, NO 4, 1961, Pp 157-161-. JPRS 12473 EEUR - GERMANY ECON - MAR 6-2 EE 183,167 (SF-1855) HIC4i-VACUUM COATER IN HBA 2: A NEW DEVICE FOR PREPARATION IN ELECTRONIC MICROSCOPY, BY H. ZAPFE, 4 pp. GERMAN PER FEINGERAETETECHNIK;, VOL X, NO 4, 1961, 'pp i6~-iq.. JPRS 12743 SCI - ENGR mAR 62 183,158 (SF- 1855) GROUP WORKING ACCORDING OT MITROFANOV, BY H. WEIZ, 6 pp. GERMAN,, PER., FEINGERAgLjLQNIK, VOL X., NO 5., 1961, pp I JPRS 12473 EEUR - GERMANY ECON , MAR 62 EE 183,157 :~blaua and Uader Series Mamfacturing Condl�tlonS~ by S. P. I'atx0fannow, 29 pp. GKI-MIAN, F2i 'o A&qrAetq.! c4a~4. 5, 2.96i, ic.- 726i4i la Dec 61 )SF-1855) THE MITROFANOV METHOD AND ITS INTRODUCTION AT VEB CARL ZEISS, JENA., BY P. BLUME, 5 PP. F GERMAN, PER, NEINGERAETETECHNIK, VOL X, NO 5, ig6l, Pp 12~ JPRS 12473 EEUR GERMANY ECON MAR 6 2 EE 183061 (SF-1855) MULTI-PURPOSE CIRCUIT UNITS FOR ELECTRONIC MEASURING INSTRUMENTS, BY H. BOEHMEL, 12 PP. GERMAN., PER, FEINGERAETE TECHNIK, VOL X, NO 7, 1961, PP _304=3TIr~-,t JPR5 12473 EEUR GERMANY ECON MAAR 62 EE 183,162 855) The Ariterial Couservation MOvelMat az L-he Carl Zeiss WorY-i in Jena., by H. Rummler,, Ho Dm~r4uFAnup 3 pp. ?eingerate-Technik, Vol X, -No 0", we- 6A., pp ins ip-4ri o r. 71-Y 62 N t E.. S .-,a n Dnc; 's i -a u GI-OXV7. plux,, Auz TO t S J &'an Me-- r'.12 Measuring Systems for Digital HcasureT;ient and Length Positioning, by J. PLIder. GERMi, per, Feingeratetechnik, Vol X, No 8, 1961, pp 35S-364. IKH CSIRO/No 5735 Feb 63 of thol "INTew; TeOlroIr-17-11"' C'ontrol En_crincerin- fl-n!ft Optics-, by E-aS i,~ z3p-i-~ss, iO pp- coatact-ir4ree lzaeazuremnt *--, D=JAG cattimS QIx-rations., by 1.. Szzom-batbya GMW, pert Vol X: NO 3-0 3-9-51.. im 461-A66. CSIM/No 5846 < - .- rhv-% -7--) :2, J'~Fy L 4. ~ NMdest=tlVe MBStU6 CXV MwWrlaU 2 by R. J. malJAs GEEWS pwo ta*&Lkp Val X., Na Up 2062.1 pp 0 ro am. 3356 2aw - om=MW /,F a, BOOM Iftb 62 mossummat of Tooth-Svxface gaftlatims cu Hd&W Predsion Go" Meelsi, by viou. NORM* per* ft"Pr"o T*"Ht, YAIXM Val xuto no 9. 'W ~~ pp 401-405, emmolve 9m 8444wv , 91 fyi, mw 43 Neue Erkentnisse auf dera Gebiet des Klimaschutzes Optischer Gerate, by A. Kaller. GEMAN, per, Feigerattechnik, Vol XI, No 1, 1962, pp 23-S4. Minis of Def 4229 Sci - Apr 66 297,856 javulnerablUty to went oermaW~ ip Q=Ms _ve:r,, FelnpreetetecbnlX.# Vol XIS Ho 21 1962m pp 49~-!b~.- Fm Sm 3,re7 WE= - West cez"m Rom vjw 62 Cvmrm, by W. TtyHiuft 19 M FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY POLSKoPer,ple M, 9698921 FSTC 381-T65-538 IW3 I-SM 10 2204048965 set - Ens Jan 66 294.488 1962. -at) 151 CsIp.,n/No 6917 jun, (i 3 A BarawtOr TO$tiug APPar6tus W'*~h "&Sser'nan Mmanater " a StabilizIng Dsvlcl& bY He IfilknOTO ,yeingerau Todmik. Vol XI, No 6, GEPi4m, Par, 1962, pp 258-T62.' CSIRO No 6342 Sci - PIWS & Zd C? 44 Doe 63 -c'7- -1, Influence of the Precis* Surtwe Porm an the Maual Approach of a Sphere Towards a Plans Subnitted to the Gu%ftg Forces by Go Hertele GER14Mv per, Felavratatechalk, Val Us No 6, L962m, pp 283--2867.- CS1110IND 607a Sci-pbys July 63 .Ii 1 .7 ? 00 ASSIGNMENTS OF THE SPECIALIZED ASSOCIATION FOR NE BUILDING (Z) OF THE CHAMBER OF TECHNOLOGY ft y~ AFTER THE THIRD CONGRESS OF THE CHAMBER) BY K. AHLGRIMM, 9-PP. GUMN., PER., FEINGERAETETECHNIK, VOL XI, NO 9, 1962., PP JPRS i584o EEUR-GERMANY ECON NOV '2 215,242 IbVest4ptlon of tho Wr9ace of the KiloGram Prototype 17r9229, bv n. ZAQ=.-te. GEMIV per Folvearato Tecludko Vol Xlo No go 1-962, in], 39L396. C a-W/YA) 6161 E"-Fbwo oct 63 ASSIGNMENTS OF THE VVB C014TROL TECHNOLOGY, APPARATUS CONSTRUCTION, AND OPTICS., AND THE PREPARATION OF THE 1963 PLAN, 22 PP. GERMAN., PER., FEINGERAE-TE. IKj VOL X!, NO 91 , TECHN 1962, PP 4?-2-wio jpRs 1584o EEUR-GERMANY ECONs. Nov 62 215,241 DESIGN, PERFORMANCE, AND APPLICATION OF THE SMALL PROGRAM-CONTROLLED CELLATRON SER 2 AUTOMATIC CALCULATOR, BY G. SCHUBERT, 12 PP. GERMAN, PER, FEINGERAETETECHNIK, NO 11, 1962, PP 487-'U0'. JPRS 16653 EEUR GERAANY ECON DEC 62 2181272 PROBLEVIS OF SAFEGUARDING PATENT RIGHTS, WITH SPECIAL EMPHASIS ON NEW DEVELOPMENT., BY HECHT, 8 pp. GERMAN, PER, FEINGERAETETECHNIK, NO 11, 1962, pp 522-525. - JPRS 16653 EEUR - GERMANY ECON DEC 62 218,273 DESCRIPTION OF 140DEL 6 NEK-L F 2 SIX-CHANNEL ELEC ROCARDIOGRAPHO BY H. FRITZSCH, 4- PP. GEPIAAN PER FEINGERATE TECHNIK., NIO 217 ;. J, PP JPRS 1&5[j9 scl BIOL-MED SCI llAy (t liko Tod-miquo of Obsorving Artificial Satellites, by 1%4 Steinbach,, 30 pp. umm, Fiom'gorato Tochnik NO 11j, pp SIS-321. Pli)-rX-64-831 sci-Eartil Sci Jul GS 26--0572 A p ,JERII,J~T, I CS.,. AUTOIAAT I 01111-~ THE :NATURE OF THE VK)RK, 13Y. -1, :K;LAUS,: 9 5 PP - 2,EPMA!,;J', PER) FEtNGERAETETECHNIK, N,.,o o, 1-)63, Pp R-W84-D Most Important Resull;z Conc~erning Units of Light Measure at';the German Bureau of Standards, by B. Fisher, R. Kronert. GIMMAN, per, Feingeratechnik, Vol XII, No 9, 1963, pp 4o54W. *J.PRS/Commerce/Bu Stand Sci-Phyr. may 064 Qt=OA,.Ftmcdous and Achiemnents of the Insdtute of, Ongo Me"Uremem of the Advantmd Technica 'I School f6r 0 Conotmcdon. ~'~,H..Trwnpold, 7 pp. I ~ - I. 7-77-1 in imen -A MRS 2%28 Scl~-Encrr: 251.513