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MAY 1949
- 25X1A
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Transmittal of Publications
DATE DISTR. 19 December 1950
NO. OF ENCLS. 2 (51 pages)
1.1 * .Y I. W. ??1JC 1?N ? HI ??'
WW WM. go ?
The attached publications, Macnens and Commerce in France, are being
sent to you for your information and retention:
Attachments: Macnens - 10 November 1950 (11 pages)
Commerce in France - 15 September 1950 (40 pages)
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or Release 2001/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-01?atiumEa00,02-8
4,,r-vice for news and trade papers, published weekly in Paris Frankfurt and Berlin
John Mac Nair's European News Service
10 .:ovaabo!r 19f.;0
FRANKFURT room 117, Industrie Bldg,
PARISm 6 56 rue du Fe. St Honore
VIII .*T61. ANJou 19-00 52fTrLunusstrasse Tel. 3.2438
"Philipwhit Paris' "Whitcomb Presscenter Frankfurt"
BERLIN room A 207. U.S. News Bldg.
Argentiniache Alice Zehlendorf
Tel. 80.40.16 "Whitcomb Presscenter Berlin
What Do They Mean bv "Tou-(,oiloan Amy"
Germany 1950 2osemb1es a rov of Fifteen
Make Your Own Cements ?
30 '11;11 ?
HAY_ P.4.?Y;Y:.
European Jigsaw
-German steel output
-The new Polish Zloty
-The international organization
of white collar 1,,orers
-Tho Food and A7ricu1ture
-A change in tbo French
protectorate over Morocco.
...Lost of. the 1,3 Gernan atudonts
-13 German Thaiinc crews
-The Gorman votor,s o)inion on
-Sub ti rTbr.nrr 6CM-Vor--6. r oi=d-ed: e7S-Iii6:-13W?-.Tii.j.17..ils-Fir-laT -'66-FiqaTtWa?fo-
Ma mono (if written by Whitcomb it may e by-lined 'by Philip W. Ahitcorf
our special European Coes,.)endentl, if Preferred) and payment made at
usual rates, at the beginning of the month following publication, to an
Amorican ;cross Co office for credit of Account 711, American :Clcoross
Co Frankfurt el.r:t Zone." S-oecials must be ordered from tMacnonst Paris or
FrainlTfurt of-fco fc*Tritl.-7, an:A trarviraioopri..ind,icrAecl._..
?hat_De_They Mean by 'European Arme?
Philip W. '..hitcomb
(Macn en s
. -
It is easier to see what the
talkers and planners of Europe and the United atates do not moan by
the alcpression "'Auropean Army" than to be .sure of '(rhat they do mean,
They do not moan a repetition of anti-Napoleonic combination or even
Nearly all of the multiple
military-%lliances of the last two centuries have produced conflicts
and bitterness aLlost as serious ir their offocts as the evils ezainst
which the alliance was oriinally directed.
nven during the SHARP 1,)eriod
there were unhappy tolisions and outright disobedience. Details of
some of the incidents which involved Marshal Montgomery have been
published; of other incidents the full facts have nem: been made
10 Nove= pre
ApoverRelease 2001/09/10 .,?PIAFRDP83-00/ESTRiente02-8
p 1
Appprovecl-for Release 2001/09/10 : CI
Imovm4 (1Lobo(li.T.Me 11,,I.,.Gonoval Do Gaul to the 07:1,licit
-?orerS_of (.7roneralnhower rocordod in the Paris ovoniuv
nowy>aper Lo Londe, a cou-uo of 7oo,rs, afto to,.e.end oftne
? ? Most tixopeans and soto Anoricann have
'been invoiyed in tese tonsiens to soch an e;:.tont that fewiftheal
in using the term 'illure.oean AZ-lcry mean one of those coAbiations so
well1:ne7q :),Jto1:7 in v,nich each country retains its indopondence
. and,?without sayi so, rosorves In its own thol:L7hts the riht to -
- disobey at_ny?-meint.
. .
The recent damnd b7 the French
Prime. Mininter,.for tho.incomoratio-A of German .units, not too laro sic,) in a 7017.-opcan.Army, vas evidently political in its 7urposo
and not based en the rocomvaendations of French Jar Ministry. No
detafls wol-e_given as to ho'q the 2uropoan Army an a whole was to bo
If. the French. Pr.ime iAnisterls state-
ment woro interpreted litorany it would mean that anew hind of ara7
.Mri at least from to 7)01nt o'f view .- would be formed,
in 'Thich the citizons of different ceuntrics wealid bo in much the
SaTme relation to each othe as are the citizens of the different
-states of the United nates In the American Army. It in il7orobaile
that such was Mr. Pleven lo oinal intention; other indloations are
that ho meant at first that FrenCh, Italian, 3olgian, liollandish, and
'perhap6,Dritish divisions under the cImaand of Divisional Comuanders
of the same nationality shouid. each include ono or more small German
liut the fact that the German Prime
Ministor, Dr. Adonauor, has re-lied with a clear statement on the sam
subject suTTosts that the first, and mco lo7,ica1, interpretation of
the French proposal may adually 'income ada,lted,
Adenauoris statement wan ty-)icaI of
the traditional Gorman attitude as much as it was of his own or n?
character, reflecting as it did an emphasis on dinity and pr:stigo
before all other oonsidorations.
. "If the Federal..aepublic is to 21ate
troops at -the disposal ot an American-34ro:2ean Army," Dr. Adenauer
said, "there must be a basis of coplote equality between the Gorman
troops and all other troops. We will under no conditions share in
such an army e::.eopt on that basis of equality."
In mport of the idea that nothing
resembling a separate army will be accepted as the German contribu-
tion, two. facto have been cited ro-oeatedly in recent discussions.
The first is that after _each of uovoral wars the German rpvernments
of the. day have. solemnly assured the world that they would never
again bocoe 'involved in what .could be re3arded as agrToosion. or acts
Of rdlitary cononest. yet acts -which,. other countries have regarded
as.agonSivolloriod in each. case.
The second fact cited is that in
the last tar() wa:;2EI the C7rerman. roncraJ. L;taff, and Ger-man generals
on b.1.,7.1vc.ifJ, thouh a%Yoarontly boling.vi0;o;7y in their hands on
$(\r5anl ccasicn ended in surrender or ow:4tulation.. It seoin4
10 No.v0113.1),8.iikpri.kyoM For Release 2001/09/V) -RDP
2001/09/10 : CIA-RDP93-
. _
unlilz*lY.that 'Icopean countrionA t 'ilh.olo_wculd. care. to errupt .
their?safetT.to_of'ficers.,:iith rocord/ bo7ever.brillint_may be
tho la:cat.ono f:07 tho other
hand no .ZUrel,,2ean.7ill.queStion the bravery and the erficioncy of the
Gerr4an?.:77r:i-vt6 Selier, )1.on-colssioned,efficer,:er effiee's up to
6ttlinr:;.lic division .1vel.
In Korea, oven thoil...r0a
firri;few ..:Aonths of .th.
. .
. .
.?docTor...o.t.io7.1,!.2, of frr)--,A0
_ . . . . : . .
7,.7,la.r.s.te a de
The success or the eor,113:J.ned er)eratien
tho corlbnaton was not a very Iliac ono in the
at acton, is :.,)neeura-,inm r:Atroeans to .hope that
act 1)0305110 a reality, Should no Counter-
Mj,nter Pleven and Pine Einistor Adenauor brinc5
i.6;_oc:ft, the ,;(...utiori may be an army as truly
SI;d; os arry io Ai riean,
?4? /1??? 4,1 .41 4 40
a Doy or li'...ifteon
Nandc,11 FOSS
' Munich, Vevember.. Two opposing
thoughts dominate the political thinkin!7 of the man in tho German
street today. The contradictions in those two linos of thourA.1t
make oiItica1 talk oven, less than usually clear.
The:first thought . perhaps botter
described ap.a.MaSP pf Peolinm . is that .the ordinary man doe6 not
want to get back into uniforn in any kind of a revived. German army.
To borrow a3'.a.15hic street o=onsion, "his ..nose is full." of milita-
rism; he doosnii: w771.nt-ati- noro. Thc,:(7) is a .strango.kind..of. irony in
the fact. that the Socord:ZoIld. and the erfOrtP of the Allies since
thb.wa. hav so ofti7nIy ,.:les)c;:coyer1 the love of Military, pomp that. now,
who:D. :Ja.P.7 liLe to coo a (1.r.12n. army as part or2.'Urol.)0's defense
rellIctance on the part of tbose who must
fill 17,].:10
Tho second mass of tanmled feelings
revolves arol;n0, the paral7zing rear that the 'Jet may have arakenod
to tbe OV1O .6.r.,nor too late, v,Cho lie,)orts from Koroa of feeble Amerims
can m(1 od ITation rosJ.;Aanco ar.;ainst tho North Korean Commnists
has .conVThcod r1cr7 flat a sf711-11r attack from eastern Gprman7 would be
eo.uafly suoonprul in mr_orrilnnj_ng all or nest of western Germany. And
the orainar4T linows of no rc7_1 rear!on why the eastern part should
not try ameL ;]cycAo soon day.
The com7llicated Analyses of Soviet
,autTsiats inner difficul4es and 01 the learned writing about how
..311.saia is not yet ready P.nd cannot bo :fleaj:_y for about trro years .to
0,o7Le leave reador .-;'d rs 6)Ay no6s that there iS
.Z,,ttMe rf:t?.7, .r.)()aeb caid lii ),.:JL1 done to correct .LKis weakness
O No7rY.liber 19F")
Approved For Release 2001/09/1q : CIA- E0
For'Reiease 2001/09/10 : CIA-RDP83004
111110, the ordinary oitiz,on of wentern
Gorlany fino.o damandinri that somebody do soAothing to mond tho
do1701100L) and in the oamo broatidoclaring that ho 11,rsonally, doos
not want to don a uniforM
Somo, obsorvers attribute thin con-
tradiction to tho fact that Germany is not a sov,)reiln nation. or
noo than fivo years now thoro have boon restrictions imosod by the
on dormn Political docisions. And -hilo no ono soriously
quens the necessity of Allied controls on the remainn of Ilitlerts
.oich, it is nevortheloss true that a SOn30 of daaocrtic
nJP-ollstbility doe;, not 'row whilo someono olso to makini); the doci-
'Germany is like a boy of IS or 13
oar) win.so1P-detdruination and at the eare.time ha..Tyy to shove
?all d.l161.7:1,t.and 0:it'6Onsive decisions off on to father. And like boys t4f1, Wantin!i; 'to bo supllortod and ,irotectod.bUt not wantin!7; to
be 1LaIt0d in his 6JOi.oeo. by Iho 'idea that ilfathor knows boat." Bope-
oiall:y when he. Sobs -father getting Putbed around ? in a yilinor hra'A
beeauso father forget to hoop his knuOi:le duotorol=dy, ?
taal:o Your Own Commont
PoUr cr.)onin7,s- for dovor quipstori
offerod by John Maellair
In twolvp of 0:16 20 countrios renorted on in the ":!eekly Bulletin
?of the International Conioderation of free trade unions for 22 se,-.) 50
there ,:,.ore official domands for waro ineroases.
"Dlr dear comrade Maurice Tborez? sufforingl has had to interrupt
hi 9 .or several days' (Humanito? French Communist
daily, 220,000, p 1 11 oot 50)
O 0 0 0
The loadinr, article on p 1 of Humnpit4, French Commaist daily,
IT Oct 5o, Woit.W007 down with thj dirty war," This pago carried
the now that out of 5,000 aoldiors and GOO civilians who thould have
arrivckl after tho r9troA from the Indochinese frontior attacked by
Communist: only ldo survivors apnoared.
O 0 0 0
A return to tho 1915 Euronoan stool Iroulpinc, with Lorraine, Saar,
?Lux7:,ourg, and 'Ruhr stool under a Unitod Control, together with
Delijian stool,' as provided by the Schuman-Monnot plan, is a pre-
requi;i:ito to the organization of 10 German infantry divisions, accord-
tc a French Govornmont official viow. A second prerequisite, in
lc 0inIon 6r the aamo authorities is that Prench military strength,
blV:1 in ottomont and in numbers of mon must be hopt well ahead of
i.hL,ec? r ----
" - 1 0
10 1TovombA5pi.64A, For Release 2001/09140V8A-RDP93-00415R006900230002-9 P
Artproved For Release 2001/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006900230002-8
"S?_,Thov. Say
quotations nrow OD wIlat
are thinking
"The real tra of modern marrialte is tat tho movont the man
allows his wifo to filch his suorierity from him he loses his W.f..
rospoct; and from that -aamont no zarriago can be said to be at an
enda J.S. Chamonix, Franco, in a 1J)ttor to the Paris Daily Mail.
"The Americans boliovo that onlr the officors of to old Wohrmacht
can orgaw.zo European armies for the attack against the East". -
(Pierre Courtado, Editorialist of BUmanito, French Communist official
daily, 220,000 ciro.)
o 0 0 0
"If Mr. ChurChillis aevice had boon tal7on 5 yit[nns ago we should have
been that much further forward, and in this vital matter of European
defense., time is not on our sido." Brigadier General G.J. 5myth, V.C.,
M.C., British Lombor of Parliament.
O 0 0 0
"I know it is hard to bailey.? that the commuilists are as stpA as
they sem, but in fact their stupidity in pant belief. They havo
nothing in their favour but ruthlessnoss and Woctorn foars. This is
not enough ?.unless the Wost continues to bo afraid." -- Dr. Ernst
flouter, Mayor of Berlin to Edward Crankshaw, nov 150.
27 October - 7 November
27 oot 50 Fnch conscrip_tAon. Prolonged from 12 months to 10 months;
exceptions formorly amounted to about 72,000 each year
now cancelled. Of the oxcoptions 56,000 had boon for
rvanny reasons, 16,000 for occunational reasons. Another
02,000 were refused each year, on the average as unfit.
20 oet 50 Count Gerhart lchwerin resigned as .;ocurity Advisor to
rilmo VinIstWr gd-onavior of the Bonn Govormont; resigna-
tion bad boon roquoctod on grounds that 5chworin had made
militaristic pro )osals which ho had no authority to make,
for the formation of cfmleto Gorman divisions.
5 nov 50 Rooimontal co that; teams_ may he suggested to French and
0 1676711EX?eib:ralialY authorities as a solution of the
rronch -001itical domand for a mixed European army without
largo national units.
7 nov 50 Siro lios for tho U.S. Axially in EUranp. will soon be delivered
In paif through to FrenchATIET1lic ports of Bordeaux and
La Panic?, as was IlrovisJ.onally arranged last year. French
F-,)rojLp Office sz.ys that no American soldiers will be
allowed to tako in the policing of such movements
APPKVecMcfriRefiaa-tb 2001/09/00.1CIAARDPS, ofk, 4i :41 1002-8
10 Novombor 1950. V 134
Approved For Release 2001/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006900230002-8
by PhiIipW, *leitea,eb.
ppyrIp.n steal autvit is running at nearly 14 m tons -mer year end will
robabJy b'S.7-W:Mgrsteadily in connection uith rearmament proeraiirees
of Atlantic Pact nations. nritish steel cee-eorte in the nub!: in 1945
tee or three Aonths after the end of the fie)rtine eaid that little
effort. would then be required to enable Germany to e)reduce 16 m tons
a year from
A eha a in the Prmlph rrotootorato over Morocco SOMAS inevitable
and was proSalitTrOde145derinr; nti'posti-OP-Vbe io c nt visit of the
Sultan of , ?recce to President Auriol of Prance. Tho Protectorate
was established in 1912 by a treaty to which United States wao not a
party. In its broad lines th: French po3it-J.(1a is that liorocco should
become a demecratic state, indeeemdept, but lin ed to the leeench
Union, preforably as a =ether. Tho attitude of the -present .3ultan is
eft:ea to be based on the idea that bo should be a elorsonal ruler. Tho
idea of -versenal rule, aflelied at ?)rosent, for exan.-)1e, in Trans-
jordania, is said by the Jultan's eup,orters to be Ilore euitod to
Mohamaedan rays of thought.
The 11014. Polish Zloty is to be based on 0.222160 emes of fine gold
aild the value is supposed to be equal to that of 100 zlotys in use
earlier in '50; date of channo-ovor, 50 oct 50 to 0 nov 50,
The international organization of rhite-collar workers is to be
9.1mprove4" by a oonference under the aus,pj.cos of International Federal
of 55 Trade Unions, in Bruesols earlier in '51.
Most of the 46 German students, with an everaeo aeo of 15, who sleent
a year in the United States in homoe chonen by the Drothren Service,
aereed on their return to Gormany that American schools 7ere like life
or play, and not like German schools.
/5 German whaline crere forbidden by Potsdam to sail under the Gerian
flag, loft kiel on 20 oct 50 on whalers bearing the Panama flag.
O o 0 0
The rood and Agriculture orlanization of the UN will have its permanent
headquarters in :tome.
O 0 0 0
?The Ge!,:plan voter's oninion on re-armament began to be talked tout
c GOrMan :00iffiCalrEarera *do not welcome sug,Tentions that
particular subjects should be referred to the ,ublic by moans of refer-
andum and in fact it is imerolx,ble that much could be learned through
such votes. The German citizen likos to believe that ho is deity; his
duty by being loyal to one party and to the decisions of that party's
committee, regardless of the fact that these committees are in effect
self-eoeson end not tIncler no control of the voter at large in any way.
Nevertheless this ifloa of findine out what the nubile wants in re-
armament beeamo jmereasenely nopular throueheut October. It gave lenders
a way of escapine from the consequences of their 'Irevious rigid declara-
tions, Th.CARPirteSKATtRielfatetaMigoirkW :43A-RERMID415.1a0Cift900600.1124clint3 of
seitable verdine ane III0OG advisors do not agree that it cu?
to leave tbo wording of such a question to the politicians. IlEgaillififtil
Published weekly by, and world copyrighted by, founded 1932
DA AtermEctISRelease 2001/09/1
(John MacNair's European News Service) SKIMIRIALPHABETICAL
Bureau 6 : 56, Faubourg St-Honor?Paris(8e
Tel.: ANJ 19-00 Poste 6 ESTHICT I h. M
Bureau 117 : 52, Taunusstrasse, Frankfurt-s-Mal I
Tel. : 3-2438 ?
igs Leeci
CO Aluminium houses for Pakisten ordered from the
Aluminium Union
td., Nngl, will be shipped to Karzehi in oct '500
ustralla needs television equipment, which is not
made loally sufficient
uantity. A television network is to be established
oon. apaajaelaLJELtzmi (3 to 4 hp) are selling
n quantities to mantifecturers and merchants, who use
hem to generate emergency electricity for shops and
os small
art in Sen Salvador's cement imports
(30,894 tons in '49) from Belgium
? r,883 tons, Denmark 7,002 tons, Sweden 5,716 tons,
SA 4,326 tons and Italy 3,711 tons, disproves the
dee that US products are always priveleged in
entral America.
tat oi extraction in Br 1 by the Industrial
Company of Bituminous
ocks has begun at Pindamonhagebe (Sao-Paulo).
teresting by-products are s 32,000 cubic meters
t gas per day, 500 tons per day of benzine
exchloride, an insecticide used extensively by
offee plAnters.
ritpin kap4ot planned co_al esports to both Sweden
and Denmark for the 3rd
arter of '50 by 2501000 tons and may curtail other
xport orders, to have enough to supply home needs.
e present stock is 1.3 million tons in oct '49
t was 16 million tons. A total of 690,000 workers
ow employed in British mines is less that that
dies coke outpq is increaseft by 1000 tons per da
by a new Indian Iron
s Steel Co. installation at, Hirepur.
AA 41u5.01
tile CON' 10.29
11 oct 50
rile POW 15.09
11 oct 50
rile CON 20.81
11 oct 50
A 1,04
tile HE 10.08
11 act 50
?Ile RAW 31.83
11 oct 50
le AW 31.99
11 oct 50
rren Controls for Americans (declaration of holdings) en
are no Unger required
t French ports, nor when exchanging foreign Currency lo 30.51
r francs. 50,000 fra may now be taken out of France. 11 oct 50
Subscribers receive 2 copies. First copy: Pile chronologically, latest copy on top. Previous items on same subject may
be referred to after the word!' See " in right hand margin. Second copy: Clip into paragraphs and file by subject according
" icy"" sliAppievisdtkniciRtgene 01041Ef91113 t5thlt-1401*32iffiglthbalotig N-Tes.
Approved For elease 2001/09/10 :
483 3.3. October 3.950
import more s workers? ckthing
cotton and woolen
yarn and clothing, ties, jute bags, butter cheese and,
dried vegetables, as a step against inflation, and to
bon exports on some products on which a shortage in
Prance ,Would, increase home prices : cotton yarn, scrap
metal and paper pulp. France suspended duties 1 oct
50 on Cotton cloth, cotton, wool, jute, hard fiber yarn,
jute bags, tires and jhoes.
, 4
ALWest-derlaiaq4lrekil agreeMent provides for the exchange
. 175 million worth of goods
15er year German medhinery, edtomobiles, road making
equipment, serving machines, tools and textiles for
, Brazil's coffee, wool tobacco) raw cotton and hides.
An Anglo-German trade pact 1 oct 50 by which Britain
opens to West Germany ..01,
her open general licence list and Germany offers 6 p
free trade on foodstuffs, ran materials and many
) manufactured goods is expected to double German ye trade
with tritain and colonies. Both countries have widened
their import quotaa.
Mat to Buy -in' Prance, 'Row to sell in ttA": this is
,the title and subject of a new
monthly sypplement to be published With Commerce in
France. nleich supplement will include full technical
details on formalities Of licenses and customs, on
methods of fibance, on transportations, and on merdhan-
' dizing. A different industry will be dealt with each
tfs exports to Communist' areas 1,6se from $9 million in
, oun '50 to $11.6 million .
in jul 150. The Monthly average for jan-jun 050 was
$7.9 million. US imports from these countries rose
from $11.1 million in jun '50 to $12.5 million in jul
- '50. The jul, 050 average is 37 % above the '49 month-
ly average. '
A ocmeact garage for ,small cars, is a light metal case
which fits exactly
around' the car. It is lined with isothermic material
and has meta wheel-guides on the floor which enable
the der to enter the garage easily. Then the driver
Oen step out through a side door placed exactly out-
side the cat door. A French patent has been granted.
Series': manufacture has not yet begun. A different
'model' will be made for each type of small French cars
?_4?i t tithelivid
continue o e
an4 Include trade with
, - -
e ta'et 2 -'664 d with other O an S areas Tres,.
,4e with the _East Zone was spspended tsst recently re
loet? A. nevi"1 an
- year -agreement with Poland permits the
Dewed. A
( con t ' d) ...*
. ?...
".Approved For Release 2001/09110,..-?C14-.RID.P-83.-00415R0069
A 433.08
file INT 50.82
11 oct 50
SA -4-81.09
file DTP 80.84
11 oct 50
Exim ort
SA 0
file INT 80.83
11 oct 50
ntimpo rt
SA 4.1l
file 14T 50.72
11 oct 50
Eximport ?
file LIT 90.81
11 oct 50
file AUT 30.02
oct 50
IJT 80.84
11 Oct 50
Approved For Release 2001/09/10: ClArRDPV-Q0415RQ06900230002-8
483 11 October 1950
exchange of 273 m marks worth of goods -- over Mo in
-- The agreement with Egypt was renewed for a non-
disclosed amount. West Germany's adverse trade runs
far beyond what the country could endure if it dit not
have ECA and other American assistance; the jul trade
deficit was 463 m and aug A28 m. German manufacturers,
exporters and importers in general dislike the trade
agreement system on the ground that though it permits
the import and export of certain kinds of goods, it
gives no guarantee whatever that these goods can either
be sold or bought. On this point it differs sharply
from the Schacht system. Particular complaintehave
been made in the last few months regarding the "possie
bilities" of the import of cotton under agreements with
some South American countries; the trade believes that
no cotton will arrives or very little.
Irtk's plans for indUstry expansion includes a petrole-
um refinery) a bottle and
glass manufacture, a brewery, a flour milling estab-
lishment, a general spinning mill and a jute-weaving
factcry. Present ineUstry includes 2 cotton ginning
mills, 8 spinning and weaving mills, 2 oil factories,
4 shoe factories, 5 match factories, 1 noodle and ma-
caroni factory, 1 brewery and 1 cement plant. There_
are 20 19rick and tile plants, 4 tanneries, 6 flour
mills, 6 soap factories and another in construction.
Germany's iron-ore imports in '50 will be 4,6 million
tons, of which 3.5 million
will be from Sweden. Other suppliers are Spain,
grezil and Canada* Germany's iron-ore output averages
650,000 tons per year with 27 % iron.
gless.,_ele....setiLeszepzim, about 34,000 tons of it,
and 2,300 tons of US
electrolytic copper, which other countries are appar-
ently unable to supply. No European offers have come
through recent international auctions.
on ess of internal combustion motor manufacturers
:be held in Paris 8-12 may '51 coinciding with the Paris
reir has been organized by the Syndicat des Construe-
teurs de Moteurs a CeMbuetion Interne, Afterward, con-
gress delegates will visit French plants similar to
their own and will make personal =fleets. Reports will
be made from all West European countries and from USA,
where Diesel-electrie developments are of greet interest.
Address inquiries to the Syndicat des Constructeurs de
Moteurs a Combustion Interne, 11 eve Hoche, Paris 8
file SEL 10679
11 oct 50
5A 483.16
see SA 482.16
file RAW 11.94
? II oct 50
BA 783.17
file RAW 11.86
11 oct 50
SA 483,18
file SEL 20,02
I/ oct 50
Approved For Release 2001/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-0(1415R006900230002-8
For Release 2001/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-08415R006900230002-8
483 11.oct 1950
Chtles exports of plywood, chiefly to Britain and to
Argentina averge 4,200
tons per Year. Britain bought all of Chile's plywood
surplus in jan-apr '50,
Rayon manufacture is,paining in Australia: a Victoria
province factory to dye
and print fabrics will begin production in 2 years; a
weaving mill at Launceston, Tasmania! another at Sale,
Victoria are in process of construction.
The first expansion of Poland's steel output set by
at 4.6 million tons in /55 will be the immediate
building of steelmills at Nowahuta, and the modern-
ization of existing mills.
1 new sugar refineries in Germany representing an in-
vestment of 45 mil-
lion marks, partly by beet-raisers, partly by tCA
will be built in Schleswig-liolstein, Lower Saxony and
on the Main. They will reduce West-Germany's sugar
shortage -- imports are now 450,000 tons of raw sugar
out of the 750,000 tons per year consumption. West-
Germany beet acreage has been raised from 30,000 to
180,000 hectares.
2.7 million worth of British-made toys were shipped
to all world
markets from 1 Jon 50 to 1 sep 50. la 1 million more
toy exports are expected for Oct and nov /50. Most
favored in foreign markets now are non-mechanical toys
al 1 million worth) mechanical t 575,000; dolls and
,soft toys Z 353,000; pl,stic toys Z 290,000; and paper
toys Z 85,000. Australia is the best customer(Z 1
million) with USA next (Z. 282,700).
French ready made clothing for popular sale in retail
shops was exhibited by men-
bers of the Union of French Clothing Manufacturers 3:."
their third annual exposition, Paris, 11-17 oct 50.
Every type of garment was shown including a range si-
milar to that offered by the haute couture of Paris
though of course at far lower prices. Some exhibitors
claimed that they could undersell similar lines in USA
with designs that would be regarded by American women
as new and distinctive. The postwar development in
ready-made clothing in France is paralleled in the
same lines in Germany, where before the war several
houses specializing in rapid production had based their
lines on Paris designs and sold in large quantities in
Approved For Release 2001/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006900230002-8
SA 483,19
file RAW 20.8(
11 oct 5(
flay on
A 83.20
see SA 471.19
file TEX 05.06
11 oct 50
SA 483.21
file RAW 11.16
11 oct 50
SA 483.22
fAle 1'00 10.34
11 oct 50
SA 483.23
file SPO 10.83
11 oct 50
SA 483.24
file TEX 30.02
11 oct 50
ase 2001/09/10:
83-0 006900230002-8
11 october 1950
the RS-7 - which
takes all yarn-wool,
mixed, cotton and rayon is now manufactured in series
by Von Derschan, Oberkassel, Germany. 20,000 meshes per
minute is its Boal speed. Circular knitted goods,
stockings and underwear are seamless,
ilautaliaa44.2z4coor.,:a are valued at ZIA 30 million
per year. To increase home
tobacco output, now valued at only ZA 4 million per
year, the Agricultural Dept is backing extensive trial
plantations on the tablelands of New South Wales, near
the Queensland border.
2 reasons, for,ITS travel in Europe. are given by the ECA
travel development
section:- (1) 15 million US families have income bet*
ween 1S3,000 and 461000 per year; (2) 30 million US
citizens are European - born or childten of persons
born in Europe. Advertising to prospective tourists
was not seriously undestood'by par- countries. They
had spent during '50 only 2 million dollars in attempt
to persuade Americans to visit Europe; during the same
period individual states of the United States had spent
Z30 million to encourage taittists to visit them. One
single city, Miami, spent as much in /50 as did the en-
tire ERP area together.
VeneoleWp textile output has been increased by over
6 million yards of cotton
piece goods and 700 tons of yarns per year, now prom
duced by a new 9,500 spindle and 200 loam spin-
ning, and weaving mill at Boleita.
Up priority on purchase of 1st quality Australian wool
' is said to have been granted at the recent
London conference in return for a US guarantee to
Australia of a minimum price fixed for several years,
and US assurance to UK that British provisions will not
be compromised. A US-Australian agreement provides for
an increase of Auetralian yarn exports to Britain. Oct
,050 London auction prices dropped from 5 to 20 % below
those of aug /50.
tA 483.25
see SA 4/;2.25
file TEX 39.34
11 oct 50
see SA 482.32
file POO 50.89
11 oct 50
SA 483.27
file TEA 00.61
11 oct 50
file X 90.89
11 oct 50
file MX 12.71
11 act 50
Approved For Release 2001/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006900230002-8
Approved For Release 2001/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006900230002-8
A meeican C ',umber of
When you travel by S ADEN A,
Belgian Airlines, you not only
gain considerable time, but you
profit as well by these advantages
offred our passengers:
? connections assured towards
definite scat reservations (at
no extra charge)
reduced formalities
meals with service on board
at no extra charge
your luggage is well guarded
for you
SABENA 37 rue Caumartin
,.;_? PARIS 9 ? OPEra 28.40
5tathAT Of0#
Distributor for France
S. 0. F. I. A.
In France
ficotl Monad, Bulletin .1o, Metul,ers
, A venue Ge ors,- 17, loris - But oi
NH bureau and Adoert;s;ns.: - AN./ foot
The Month in
neo-Airwriean Trude
1.) p. Plot)
WISE C.1, PITA INV EST AI ENT, based on principles .painfolly
4,V ()kV(' by producers, traders and financiers &Hiring countless
centuries, has been believed b3,/ this Chamber attiring its fifty'
-years at the focal point of Eraneo-Anierican trade to be an
essential key to economic progress. Because of this belief we
giVe nearly half of this issue to concise explanations of how the
k(I ill Bank ? which, with its partner the International 'thnielary
Fluid, is, now hold/rag in Paris, its fifth annual meeting ? is
applying business principles in lending money to the world. 'the
explanaiion begins on pag:e 20
NEW S20,000 NI EXPENSE, foreed on USA by defence oblig-
ations, will be met from current revenue without additional
government 41(4(4.4. Secretary Snyder told pressmen iii aris.
Explanation on 28
FIttN(I)-ITALIAN TARIFF. UNION is to be approached slowly
and (.antimisly with compluzi, abolition of tariffs foreseen after
six Years h-oni ratifieation. See pae
THE -10 to 30 ()/c WOOL PIIICE RISE for Australian and New
Zealand clips brings doubt to the French wool trade regarding
retail sales next winter and spring, with fears that consiiin,a;r
demand will shift to rotton D i 4 .
etails on 8
FIXING OF EIRENCII Vv HEAT PRICES by the gov et-unwell has
been brought on because of the importance of bread to French
diet and because many rental and other payments are pi gged to
the wheat price. hill details on p..e..c
DROP IN FRENCH BUYING POWER, from investment aspect,
has continued since for gold and dividends; and since I I for
iotal issued banknotes. Analysis on ........ page 34
71 AVENUE DES TOP*Ved For Release 20041/def101itiA&Pth-Otlingkithtbki0i6OCW-8/Hige
PAWLS 17 GAT AAM 81-66
Automobile Show, Stand 50
Builders o altal Mt &A-RV 3Piii 55? WPM?of adverttsements
Pealers /nail principal cities of France
Approved For Release 2001/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006900230002-8
Approved For Release 2001/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006900230002-8
Wages and Labor
403 British labor disputes. were settiea by agreement reached
threugh, or with the aid of, the
Ministry of Labor's conciliation system during '49 -- year in
which 4,500,000 changed jobs or began work for the first time.
Half of another 100 voluntary arbitration cases finally
reached the Ministry's courts, and 247 dases were appealed to
the National Arbitration Council. Joint consultation ,> is
accepted in principle by most firms in 54 industries.
Brit Min Lab rep '49 Stationery Off 4 sh, ; Tim ion p 2,4 sep 50)
Fore will pay $50 m per year more under a new contract
d 7trp 50) with United Auto
Workers, giving 110,000 employees n 19.4 cent per flour wage-
pension increase. Base pay will change, with cost of living
index, one cent per hour up or down witi, each 1.14 point change
in Labor Statistics Bureau index. Pensions will be $125 per
month instead of $100, this including all receipts from
government social security. immediate pay increase is
13 cents per hour for skilled workers, cents for others, with
an additional 4 cents to be added each year for four years.
(nP ii NYHT p 1 5 sep 50)
US lobs increased and workless fell at the beginning of
aug '50, total at work rising
to over 62 in (3. 4 of a million more than previous record) and
unemployed dropping from 3.2 m to 2 m. (Fig p 5 5 sep 50)
Chrysler voluntarily raised pa/ at the end of aug '50. Some
observers claimed this
encouraged General Electric workers to prepare to strike, made
trouble at Ford's, and forced Packard to raise pay. About
200,000 important workers were out by the beginning of sep 50,
with more trouble possible on railways. (Macnens 4 sep 50)
Administrator's Notebooh.
The Chamber's Directors.
Cost Reduction Methods._
os Is F.5 Prices
Furopean Economic
ERP This Month
Vxplained 1 or Membrus..
Vxport - Import
1 8
1 This is
to assurG that loans will be used for productive purposes.
Before a loan is granted there must be a clear agreement as to
types of goods and services, and uses to which those goods axid
eervices are to be put.
The specific project approach has been criticised on the
:tiumotion that the Bank examines particular projects in,
isolation, without reference to their relation to over-all
development needs. The Bank does precisely the opposite. Its
iecks to determine what the investment priorities are, and
Lhen to adapt its assistance to meet priority needs. The Bank
encourages its member countries to formulate long-term develop-
went programs and is assisting several of them in this respect.
Ir the Bank were to make loans for unspecified purposes or
vogue programs not worked out in specific projects, there
would be danger that the Bank's resources be used for projects
economically or technically unsound or of low priority or for
economically unjustified consumer goods imports. Experience
of projects presented to the Bank has shown that this danger is
) no means hypothetical.
The proposal has been advanced that the Bank should make loans
:K general development purposes. ? It is difficult to
discuss this proposal without a more precise definition- If
ail that is meant is that the Bank should not confine its
assistance to individual projects but should finance groups of
inter-related projects, the proposal merely reflects existing
Jorik policy.. The Bank prefers to base its financing on a
national. development program properly worked out in terms of
the proieets by which the objectives are to be attained-
4Iernbers are asked to 'phone news and suggestions to A NJ 19.O() post 6.
o'i31.11ERCE i.v FILLN (Approved Pdt Releate '2001/09/10 : CIA-BDP83-004ARO
But the proposal has a different aspect if it is intended to
urge that loans should be made for programs consisting only of
general aspirations. Such programs provide no adequate basis
for judging whether investment will be translated into the
concrete substance of development.
Determination .of Projects to SeLleinanceu - Since the avail-
able resources of every country, including capacity to borrow
abroad, are limited, Bank financing must be devoted to under-
takings which contribute most to strengthening the economy of
the country. The Bank investigates the over-all economic
position to determine what should be -LLie goals of investment
program and to gauge the relative prodTctivity of the various
projects by the extent of their contritution to those goals.
There is no single test by which the relative urgency and
productivity of various alternative projects can be judged.
The situation in each country must be considered on its own
merits. There the project is intended to he self-liquidating
interms of local currency, the Bank wilt wish to satisfy itself,
that the enterprise is soundly conceived to achieve that
objective. Relative profitability of different projects will
rarely be a proper test of their reintive contribution to a
country's development. In many caeus, certain basic invest-
ments in public utilities, transport and ports, reclamation
and irrigation, workers' housing and similar projects will be
required before other investments in more immediately profita-
ble activities can be undertaken. The indirect Penfits attri-
butable to these basic investments may i.e very great even though
the direct earnings of the acttvities, at least in the short
run, are not high or may even be non-existent.
The Bank recognizes that by financing ene investment project it
may release resources already availapie to the borrower for
some other activity, but it does not regard this as relieving it
from the obligation of satisfying itself that the projects it
finances are technically sound and of a high priority nature.
it may be hoped that underdeveloped countries may thereby
become more familiar with the Bank'e methods and criteria and
so tend to apply the same standards to investment projects
financed from their own resources, its may prove to be a
valuable by-product of the Bank's technique.
loans for Local Currency Expenditures - The Bank's Articles
of Agreement make a distinction betwein two types of foreign
exchange expenditure which may be incurred in the execution of
an investment project; one, the direct cost of imported equip-
ment or services used on the project; the other, the indirect
foreign exchange expenditure on labor or domestically produced
equipment will usually give rise to increased demand for
imported consumer goods or raw mater. nin. The Articles
contemplate that the Bank should normally make loans to meet
y -uu.------
The most useful news is often foaled in the advertisements.
Approved For Release 2001/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00415R00690023
4915, West 67 lh Street
VVashIng to n New..York
Detroit ? Los Angeles
Buenos?Ayre', Rio-,:te?Janultur.
PARIS (13')
ruxottes Amsterdam - Oslo
t9ckho1ni Copenhague
Tui in -,Madrid
a cl
Birrlingh Ii Manchester
4YdneY" Cssajcc, etc..
W. W 1 Pi G App 1E
/Aroved For Release/2004/09/10 CIA-RDP/3/4)0411R1()900250002-8
established 1875
Rae ? d'Eughien
PARIS (10?) ?
Phone : PRO. 23-31
Agencies Throughout The World
Fast and Reliable Service
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Jointly with C.E.A.
very Friday
1s-111 ONTREUX
7.900 frs
Every Monday
25.400 frs
?TFL ELY 0(.. in-04 21
At all tourist agents
every tuesday, thurseltry
and satfirday
the first type of foreign expenditure; they permit loans for the
latter type in exceptional circumstances. ? This second type
of loan is often referred to as a loan to meet local currency
expenditures although, strictly speaking, it is a loan in
Foreign exchange needed because of foreign exchange require-
ments indirectly resulting from expenditure in local currency.
lt has often been argued that, to the extent that local expen-
eture on investment projects gives rise to additional demand.
For imports of consumer goods or raw materials, there can be no
logical reason for making this expenditure less eligible for
ho-ins than the direct foreign expenditure required for the
import of capital equipment. But the Bank is in agreement with
the view that many countries, particularly the less developed
ones, need to take more effective measures to channel their
limited domestic savings into the most productive investment
projects. it feels that it should assist these countries to
defray the local currency part of their investment programs
from their own resources. it has, for example, recently
assisted the Government of El Salvador in the flotation of
dmestic bonds by the Rio Lempa Commission in connection with
lbe Bank's loan to the Commission.
A country may be in position where its domestic savings are
reasonably fully employed in productive investment and where
the most advantageous additional investment would be in such
projects as roads, irrigation or housing which call principally
for expenditure in domestic currency. Provided such invest-
ment is in line with the natural growth of the country, the Bank
believes that a loan for local expenditures to tide the country
over a period of expansion without inflation would generally be
Cu other words, the Bank regards the local ,gurrency provision
of its charter not as an encumbrance but as a signal of the need
for inquiry and justification whenever application is Mad.0 for
a local. currency loan. There is nothing in the provision to
prevent such an application being approved if the circumstances
warrant it. The general policy of the Bank is not to finance the
whole cost of any undertaking, because it believes that its
fr:orrowere best interests are served if they have a financial
stake for their investment projects.
The Bank's policy is that local expenditures may be financed if
the following conditions are satisfied: (1) the project is of
such urgency that the country's ability to undertake foreign
borrowing is better utilized in this project tlein in financing
the direct foreign exchange costs of alternate projects;
(2) the local currency costs of the project cannot reasonably
be met out of available domestic resources; and (3) it is
apparent that, unless foreign exchange is made available for
the import of consumer goods or raw materials, local currency
hev to sources cited at end of each paragraph on page 3,
roved For Release 2001/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006900230002-8
.11 E 'E I,' It I (1
Approve0f,or,Releese,2901/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00415
oxpenditures involved in the project w II lead Lo inflationary
the Character of Bank Investigation lthough procedures
uecessarily vary from case to cn:aJ, ito )iAllk has developed a
eneral pattern of handling loan reqpt Normally, it
prefers to hold informal exploratory di ,,assions with pros-
pective borrowers before any rOPMli luau request. is filed.
Those discussions enable the Bank to ;R:tA cmtne whether the
projects are of a type which the Fiant can consleer and what
kinds of information it will neon. t. t prcspective borrower
a member government the Bank require: at, tiiis stage an
)ddication by the Government that wl L uarantee a loan for
the project.
The actual process of investigat
states, which may proceed more ur
ta a general examination of the e
determine: (1) the amount of add.
on us ally falls into two
C, acurrently. The first
onomv oi the country to
10MAJ external debt the
country can afford and the rate at whIcn L con absorb such debt;
the general priority of the projAcA 1 roil. inc standpoint of
tneir contribution to the country's deaiupweht; and (3) the
appropriateness of the governmu
nwro cc alemic wd financial
policies to further the developneni. pro
This first stage frequently i's c i i. nI study ut the
country's agricultural, industrial and w.inerl resources; its
manpower, transport and power sitaolub.; the state of its
external trade and balance of paymew,s, :bnd thu condition of its
Internal finances, particularly it ba
position. If such an inventigation na
the Bank, the inquiry will normaIiy ,c
occuring in the interim. After ti a
able at, its home office, the Bank ::Lmte
mission to examine conditions Jai tbo
ut and currency
already been made by
nfined to developments
tne information avail-
always dispatches a
4iiirv itself.
On the basis of the mission's repurc oae Bank s usually able to
form a provisional judgement as to tne amount of additional
foreign debt the country can safely -i two ;111(i effectively use
and also as to the projects most sita e los financing. The
Bank then proceeds in the second phase of it, investigation
wilha detailed examination of these projects. Staff engineers
or outside engineering consultants make a i,horough technical
examination of any important -echlii.eai problems invoved. At
Least part of the technical investiga-ulon must usually be
conducted in the field. if the inves[lgations result in a
favorable report on the project, .:orwal negotiations for a
loan are begun. As the Bank's mom or :iouhtries have gained
tyrcaCer familiarity with the provision of the Bank's loan and
guarantee agreements; it has often been pos'sibie to complete
the formal negotiations quite quickly.
1...'TE STA
11,08.13,..0116 NEW I!
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n ghtry gallings
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7 ,
ue de Ri)eroy
one . lrftu 72.81
Itrentlyers are asked to 'phone news mut sngpestnans it) ANI 19.00 post 6. 723 SeYei'll' Ave.
Approved For Release 2001/09/10 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006900230002:48 ew York 19
ted For RelesiiaCtOitiOtiiic?E
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EIECTOIIB, never gets out of order, has
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