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QA ~S 196301 pipl *gisi S"Sis. (Sci i-Aw. f %prmement of the HuL Workabi litf toolss by To Makumip et al. Tot's zgipm Val 490 Oct. 168146168bo 11 34DvD93 :i%~Smv ~td- ~.:Yuirjsx. lumirs. c"art 1, bw 1'. lq4 o1 31, #I0 Na-ko-N o JAC) studi~sj 6n Bi?'Lll Bearing Steele (11). (J-'~4~rect of Some, Ae-ta.Uu'' Cal Factoz% on the Life of Ball Besrixis'I,stee.T),.by mmsbu ueno, Tetsutare MitsWmshi,, Yutek~ lab JAPMW~3~ 0per~ Jourml of the Iram and Steel 1"Utute Or4apans, O*t 1955,9 pp .1102-IM. Tr Navy Tr No ih4p-/Buships/612 scientific -~!Mln/metmiz Oct 1956 am/&= tn Cereb' by F16- *.q, o -sh T APANO gwspaku I'mr"aerri Vol M, lfb~2, Feb 1957., PP 341 45' -7 TT-64-122D4 um~iy THR"tAL ANALYSIS OF PHENOL- 1. Nakamura. Y. UAALDHHrYDE RESIM. 11M] ep IT. A17S-26q73J er i ~ frorn1ATS$9.8 ATS-26Q73J TH. Associated TecMcal Services, Inc. , ft. or Kogyo Kapku Zanotti (japaTo 1961, v. 64, East Orange, N. J. 2. p. 392-395. 1! CRIPrORS: *PbCnO1-+JrTn yde resins, DrhWtry. terjah-risli,tics, W v. 11, am 4) ; Office of Technical 5-vices AaJ Imestpanu k6 smbkoe lj~*- WAN 1* A TZS a Ph6sphomm Metabolism in Erythrocytes and Iti ftsip''Jogical Sipificancv,6 by M. Na4ao,, 26 pp, JAOA4BSH,t~:prj, Soikagaku, Vol XXXV,, No 4p 1 11 19630 pp 1!87-107, NIH 9-12-63 Sai Bid14 Had No~ '63 NA AO, -48 ethods of hydrolyBis of organic Cate re, (~at 0 u 2 n~ f p tcation May 8. 1953, date of application Sept. 1, 195 (6pj 11 At P4 P 1"I'll ~ V )4,010CUUT Orieetation and tba Disomiation Pr6babLU''ty of the WdrWn Aolecvle by Electron kW*Ot,IIbY IdbUJI Sasaki, Twoneyo Nmkao; 5 PP. WAIM., rpt# Proceedings of the Muperial Aemldemwl~' Tol X 1941, VP 75-7T. AN UML-Tr-%9 (L) &.6 63 ust 74, -~2 1 1~11 -5, P/ Mole culait Orientation and the Excitation and N Dissociation Probability or the Wrogen Molecule by, ctron IvWtq by Nobuji Sasald, Touneyo 5 pp. Logo of the IrWrial AcadeW, .,935# pp 413-415. ABC UM-Tr-M (L) JM n~63 I- I list 74 On this Deyeaderao Frobabd 31 ty 10" rinstle Emr, ff~j M4UqiAe Tor'ard J:L by abi Aaadi~~, ct the lonJLz(LtLon P-2 -7 H il Er*, * e / UN We Orlentutl= of the the CoMftmg Ilactron., i p Tmpac Mk 4 Im. Ptoomamp of tba Mqwi&l q Val XZ.* 1935.p w 138-2-40. AND UMar-Tr..4347(L) out 6p 5773 L.tud&;(iO 1~ !Structure, de moulage des alliagos I ' li I I bitse ow~alw4 hium. by Y. Nakao, A, Funizawa. JAI*)&lc-"tlj%. to OpaNal, per, Light tkttals. Vol XII, II 11 No 53~~ ~1962~"' Op 170-185. Reverse Tnuislation CEA-X-551 to brothods of Detexudniag the Cas Exchange ~U m6ld Atmosohere, andL Cwrbon Dioxide it, in the,,' Soll Air, by B. N. flakarov. IRUBSTAn iper, ~o !dTA 9016915 Mar 58 No 2., Feb 1-955., PP 85-87. usm Peraws at RtSh Commtra, Ion 7. 00 laothms of the Tarnery AM b7 So So Mtmvv No go YM pp ~.W. CIA ID XUM OcamltonW Bmvix ftlentii" ChImIstry supple~tlta~ ClIvIcal, Findings oil Unig-Concers b 0 U~pm;;;40. 44toys-Is Vol 110,0 No 39 19S9 ~571 I 9SO* IM will A-6-0 sci SOpt 47 3410s,441 iis.1tgo, Yuj%mm, Shuji. and Nakajima, Et. k~~011170R TI-IF11P.REPARATION OF WELL -'ABLE MblIDING", 017 PROPYLENE POLYMER. 63, 7 " er rrX ',A~1-16.00 SA CA)& -P- 156 pu6ll~bed na. of Japanese 1-0 (42-b-12 ,)app1,.jjnb. 25 OCE 61 ' by Fil i-, CRIPTOR& 'Ft rs(Synthetic). itico. *P~o ~ 'a. ddith-m pe ne, enyl ~rs, *Pro patent 20376/1961, c1. 39328/1959, f~ledl8l'.X-c59, seki Co. *Polyethylene 0earboxylic acids, radicals, CWdee. v. 10, no. 6) 63-17940 1. Title: Polypropylene 1. Na"shige, S. 11. Yuyamg' S. Ill. Nakajima, F. IV. Patent (Japan) pub. 36-20 376 V. SA Code - P- 156 VI. Scizaburo Aoki (Japan) L Officl Df Tectmical !TRItel Olfts-"'Batolft-Treaed Sted. 1. Some fts Abomm he Umique Prodpitation .*UCB* by ShW K&MI&WA9 Akin NahWdmv4 AP6 Be part Val M No 2. 1963. Ipp 162-174. Tr-3W lp --.- ~ -- I & but 271,8V PApiOJ6jvciivr-lxutamtric Datermfination of I . I I Trac~ ilrort lin Boiler Watcro by It, liakashiwo, V.. S4,mi, i,~ JAPAiiESE. ~,~ir, buns"d K!Zaku,, Vol 11. No 1, ID62~ 1~Lj, 1101. 662.09 (4746) 10'ar 69 Is oa of Zme Ammmts Ork i 06pul Jw P. sambluap K. Owmi No 21o 1961, MUMMO! jaymn Analy"j, V01 Xt CUM 235U 74b 01 499 lpectruiht iClWtRisj, ftl Mib 6-3! i =trio Detenawtion or Ammts by F. N&MOINA, K. Sakai. rpts Jopm Analysto Vol Xp M. 21p ig6lo A -~ -2, P-756~ .1"1)0 _ReaGim for~Apprehensloa 4 pp. IEWS ~no P~rs IKIa,-izO--, Vol Oci Pl)~Wlcsj mtberatics i ll,p-, 56 Fbints -to Politicri, by XXMO No 1, Tokyo, CIA,/FDD UJ3182 0t 4or DID"lWa CtWg= Uning t,&-W Mactrods, br R. Otumbexm, R, POrp, JWXL&SjXtL Wd. 12, 40. .'. ?,U--4113 65n K, , 0 A t< fi ~))-j / ~ I-) t) n4l - ; 4lat all, :,, L~,; i. -qr ... I - .. wl-lourdioint o0 DUwaved 04you lbiw the *mbr:m ~I 1 11 llmoU~dibj byllE. Val.12, no 4, 1&6-ljp sci 'Lit 335.*Xf6 8tu4y I E. . - C VILSO. Report 11o 2. Production of 0 Flavita VithIMS0 Yeast by Ultraviolet Irradlation, by M* ybd~~, S.J~waohima, N. Iguchil 18 pp. Full :txan=s ition. JAPMW t 6r, V.1inistry of Education, Scientifla P. TeetinC,,Stud4es. Report of the Comdttee for the StU4 Of Ear'liched Foods (Reports for the Year 1931),, 1~ I-W ~9451, pp 26-33- j0??0?170V TUE Tr 619 Scientific Chemistry Oct 55 CTS/DEX I li I I !~ I: i ,i I ~ ; 1,. I ire . 'aswaft s& e"*xri=WA6 P. !,'P,# co, 1 ~ P: 1'. - 10"i i v li~ sqommw S.Vakmwam. `O . I . . 01 i *r 'I 9a 19% =,* ... p ~ amb vlo ' 1 : j~ I 111:ioklug at ITomorrow a 140thodz of S~teci Xanufacture. Do6crlptioa of the D:Lx-e.,-.t K--thod Prcduct-ion. rq "I~Ypci ;6tealj by S. kkash a,,, T, J'Appoamm, per, KimLzcku,, Vol M, NO 5, 1960, FE - Ecou c " 077 EkA ~- MIAlliffflit, Jul 611 Studies on Lignin On by Ishikava JAPAM GIC9 per., J Japan NO 4i Pp IbG-112. sci Chem-Letry, Sep the Reaction of HI04 On T. MakesbAna,, 11 pp. Foreetry Soc, Vol XXXVI, sLA Tr Ao6 F101) 6A N&I= T.. Ututia~~ya, N.; AsahL T.; lsogaw-a. Y. i STUDIES ON FUSARIC ~kCll) AND ANALYOGOUS COM- 1. Tlth~: Ant1bacterki POUNDS. VIL ANTIBiCTERIAL ACTIVITY OF SEVERAL ALKYLPICOLIKIC ACIDS IN VITRO. 5p, 10refs. Or,&r from Sl~&: SL101" TT-6S-13444 Trama. af Yaktinku Z"nkd (Japaz) v78 1)671-3 1956. MR 655 (FM 2~49) Selectlo Frl. "French Indochina,, Revised PM Editiohl chi.. 28 pp. by him Sol Naitet Mmum luftehim BOU.0 JAPANWE V02. 20-233P 245-153s, 167-180., 11 Tokyo I 240;, 496!p-4983' M-76X- alp CTA/FDD Tr 414 02d PE - izdochir4'a' Econ A'~ ic4ture., forestry, tra4z cTB 681MY 55 or 4 r b di dj6d 0 ~he BAs 6~ Tt6oesis of Biologioal Effeate of i " 74~- distic p 5 -p! q curlog rdvct4AMt-WGtw- Diu, 1,x rotent al9b/19A., 4:1 - 51I)g6 r, MW ~J`, pib. I jl~m- "i. , it ; Solt 11101r~.,-.Imas ioi CwIng PolWeVWlerm-System Resin, la~' yw Nakeab-1 Macao Watanabe, G-pp. Patent Lag'o/lg6l,, el. no'. 350' 19!~3p 1-0 Dee 5BO pub. 'd Jun :'I. CT fi~ C -P-3060 Sci D~i 11 07 li)y J, 0.47.U13t pK A a k at a. 17 pp jF;AR wi,fillu hL. VEPARTXENT GF DL-Fii;,N51~ 4,)~io'LY IJAPANL'S~ Jou'risol of tlic Instituto !of i*l,~Cirica"L C'*O*';-iGil~~-ai-1-4')-n'--Il'.-"A-,,-,*!"n"-c-c-'rl-% iof T- I T 5 5 5 - 6 7 3 4 0'a itbw kintivi of tm OW402 cww"aption Im M Lee I 63W"a Ld Fursamt P4um 2 of *Stu4y ~tlth* I' 'd PoLut CAutrol is the UasLc Oxygen 'Pr" ~391, by So liskatas at *1. A~Ak"Fiio por., Totsm to lipapp. Val sog af jap" tudy; o~ he terotranoplantAtion Into d .31 Bll-,Lneo 1~ 1-10 pp. "'Un tr, lat 417 ; ~per~,i 1101 ~20 9~".3 scient 1e No of M=n Cancer Guinea Plp,, by AlLizo Tanaka., io WalmlAni, M (Japwmoe Jourtal of Cancer Reaearch) Dec 1950, pp 233-236. icinev biolo(W CIA/FMA-778 CTS (n). now an Im ty is ,or ~Mls Ot vit"dw a 0 par* j Fmmtshj~n Teamacayespwo Vol go, 1953s, PP 72-7k- OW. Tr 5749~6 SCIL aca 1:58 Pf fe 6t! of ll~at cn the Tester-, 3: zu--f-~ 1"C, T. Waiatanl.'~, JAPAR~M.,.~,6r., Jammal of Aniny-r-d. Reproduction vol u.. No Ii, 1956, pp 11-14. CSIRO 5M- Jul 6? =ULM ("Ittlao ma N6-c*b*u- ;Um lint" of sulcou by T. kmti>i6hlra. JMAIlM..j Vbi AD 1954s, VP 3W3-*,35D- psaw Tim MY .4j;" A:Cp: ill 11, ar. s ori, 1,0 c C ftn ZI pApwlmtl= AbUlty CC &4bthYl- gtym3j~ andit-VotbyUbyrftep bY li'l- SakAtsv&av JOAN=, ispoup Vol VM, A- art 57-268D Bel A RO~i~rct ~pu the V1W1 Chloride Rhotopolymarizaticn 4A -- , n. 16. Kbt7umip R. Nakat'suk'a. FuU Uwt) Ation. CheMleal BOCICA* 0 pro Jourmimf ua~ Vol 110 ~Ta;cil. 1-hy )L951# pp 431ft431I-. DOW Sci Info Sv DIM Canada# T-33-J. Scionitifict: Chmistry Jm 53 -:d;~ the FalZrmeiIzation T 'vat, -f r the Us- olf `-Y 'JiLpAla,M) jx~.r) KjbunslA Yagpjm; Vol XV1, 1~0 I'[1., 1959., 453-4,155,, Sci q Ig .Tan 62 Vol -(r Ivo ~Ic,~ thellAction Mechanigm of Qhlortetraejelinej ,y H. Aratanix 14, Itahaship 30 PP- !J of !Pantibiaticso Ser B. 13* 1955s 'PP .33.-L45. SIA 58.01 Jull 59 973f 10 km Aaftwdlic A*Wj Remoglobinp Dried Egg. M I. AOM Oommtrate on P-DimthyLaidno- as ~rmx iiver Omww.( 2-Pagem) GaiMp Xl=p N". 20394,~ 1,948, X-554 W the Nat= im tat" of R"Ith ;I ~i Beths$6L A Carw af Ea~antial Hypopmtelaefttia, by j, Tak,~-uchi, HI.. Ishikava; 15 pp. JAPARMS,, per, Shinryo, Vol XUI, No 11, 1060, pp 143i,~ 71418. NIEI 4-12-61 Bel - Med Tui 61 Rep=% Pei~urrvst SuMAUS (Nmeburia, 1943),, ~~t6ikm-x JUJI sqmaj 18 pp. Fun trginm3atl~n. JAPAUMP per* ~i~bion-xaq*us voi no Manchuria,, Def soi Into Ur Camda T 25 J IVA 5~4 N set U-tic'' Opopbreleg" pownaftost WIZA In the Z~w ',,v A- alkwum. u 1j ft:1 Biological S~udles an Bacterial Aneurinase. IV. by T. 'Xishidn'', F. RaMyawa, S. Yamaguchi, 2 pp. JAPAMM Bitsmin, Vol V1, 110.3' Sep 19532 P. 76j-7b6P7r:-- SIA Tr 2'708 Sci st.01 ogy Oct 57j; JAMMESE, j!per, NG'1/2, log,, Sc I Bial Jun ~a in Flower Formatiors, 1., by 1. Nakayama. Jap= Bcolo&ical Review., Val XII, pp 48-52. csiRo 4557 7 A 12, li~avlkj~s Vol 4s -vo ~iTlt. LU t 411 '1, I'litsu Oll F leld, ""'y 1~. WAIESP4 per, j Japan Pcztrol~zum Insit, Vol 1956~ PP IP8-132. jus jj-i,t56 136~ Doi-- Studies on L'plue Fermatevioa. Report Fo. 2. 8 CLJ C-Dimi boDimelic Acid and Its Decarboxylase in ih cing Strains and Parent Strain) Ly~ by K-1 S. Kimshita, 7 PP. No 2.9: Sci Md F 6b 6 P. Por.0 Nihon Noselkamku Kaishl, Vol XXXV, J. 09110-113- Nn 1 -8 -62 70- Studies oi tysine Fermentation,. Report No. 3. a. ;0. 1 ~- -ID) -- OPi-Malic Acid Accumulation and D 0 i3 lc Aeld Decarboxylisoe, by K, 8- KID06hits., 13 PP- JAPAWN.; ~per.. Nihm Nogel M Kaishi, Vol XXV, No 2 ~ij 196~.t PP U3-U8- NIH 1 -9 -69 Sdi Me& Feb; 62 Studioal on~41sine Fermentation. Report Po 4. 1 1: Wture Conflition for Lysine Accumlation bya U-s-e-rine-TAms Mtant of BacLU.us Subtilis, -~' ~akm 1; , b y Am., S - Kinoshita, 6 pp JAPPI1163, pbr,, Niboa Nogal"Sakut Yuishi., Vol XXXV., pu 2.. -1961, pp 219-]M.. N331 a-l'-62 Scl bled Apr 02- Exparimutz in mitau oil 10 pp~ JAPAM IVIFp sokiyasom OTM 61D Vol X114; so FieIds, 'by K.. jakaya=,, Ka"hi [sic), Vol Is NO 1,17A T'luaftwzMtea Dpfect in Vacuium Mn-,,urcw-nt W'Itlb a ~?nftng a ~x im ~C B111troaen ix the blercury VeTwxr. IL,- 7 Kt, 16 pg. PAMEM per ben"d ~iallwn hu lbop Val IUV,, lvo 5je 61; plip,65:~,',k~* =355 nuea), Sol, 63 mtbod, tor tiie Ram1factam of a amg for the of Rmu&wms, by IOuiio NWmyvna: ipp. JAPPM13E.. patenot 30 AM Sol - 14acucine Rcrut 57~ applicatioU NO OW SLA Tr 57-840 - &zlArjmiHJ* Kochi mllubua~, 11-]'a Gat, I" KID i1*10/63. 967CA"9 5wth 3arr. ap Vora No 110711,~-73; t`)xO 'Yam 63 JAY1,41PSA., iwichi SAmbany Oet 1. 2, jail Selene10wil; JAPAMM ix 19599 (DC - 317,2- by MImyeatia Nor", 6AI., 26 -pp. j. Cak%Jutou Gew~,; VA XII, go 5,, TOkYO, im-t-1962-D sci ~sj~~e Has Dec 594 stoWtoli 41; ist Lipid 61 liceo by T, Aklylks ; 4~4 6! i 4g, FAA# 4 *1114! Obro "OkUMU K*Dkzjiyo..Iwki*u 3300 70 no- Add U pimoodo AdA 28 ppe Vi 62-177122 tCTROPOIAWDQXG- OF ALUNGNUM 1. Nakayama, T. IOSPHORIC XdD SOLLMON. Pt. 4 cif Funda- 11. Title: Fundamental... ,I studies 6n Ylbratioii Electropolishing. [1962) 111. ATS-31P611 IV. Associated Technical from ATS $12.65 1: ATS-31F,61J Services, Inc., East ~ Orange, N. J. of Keikjn zo6 (Japan) 1959. v. 9. no. 1(34) RIPTORS, OAluminum i*Electrolytic polishing, ' tion, Fhosphoric acids, Solutions. C 222714 62-17699 LICTROP6LISHING OF ALUMINUM I 1. Nakayama, T. IN PHOSPHORICI ACID SIDLU17ION. Pt. 3 of Funds- 11. Title: Fundamental... 6ental studies on Vibradon Electropolishing. [1962] 111. ATS-30P61j l5p. t I I IN'. Associated Tochnical Oider from ATSIS21.9V ATS-30P6IJ i i Smices, Inc., Es3t : I I Orange, N. Trans. of Kelkin,zoku (Japan) 1959, v. 9, no. 1(34) p.~ 53-63. D.FWRIlyrORS: *Aluminum, *Electrolytic pollshirg, I Vibration. Phosp~orlc ac lds. Solutions. r (Metallurgy- -1-ijon Metals, Tr, v. 8, no. 5) Offi- f T-h.i-l S-i- 61-16326 MAUyam"! yuklol! LECrRON, DIFFRACMON EXAMMAIEWN OF SUR- L Nakayama. T. ACE LAYHRS,~ OF STAINLI36S MEL CORRODED T HM M(MRATEMES (CORROSION IN AIMOS- RERE OP in GAS~! 1 [196111 Ip. 6 refs. rder f. or $1. 60' 61-16526 ilans. of Nibon Kinzoku Gem-i-Sid ()q=) 1936, v. 2Q 3. S. P. 289.991. !!: ESCRIFI'61t~ -Smtnies, steel, &eel, *CrrxMi,., An electron*~diffractI6 study was made of the surface iayers of 13~Cr, 18-01#nd higb W (approxbnatisly 7% of?&) Stainless stetrUlattacked by annosphare contain- ing NH3 ps sod a little air at 70DOC Mw relation was determined! beiween t66 corrosion-resisting natures and the behaviors of Or. ~Ii and h4o contained in these al- . 011;-f 1-1-i-I S.-r- loys. Iron idtildew (criainly Fe3N) and spdt;el type axtdet (hietallurgy--corroll6n, 7T. v. 6. no, 6) (over) Th-rCaibR Ohagci' Ortblcon 58M,* by Y, Hayawawat S. laynzchlro*~! X. Odagm-mj 19 pp. J~ JAPAAMRI, part ToWdba Reviev., W M; Ito 3-2j, 1959j, pp A2S-9T?A.'LT Apr 62 Vol :EV., No G .,-ud leau tbe I*asuremat of Colloidal Oamotic lessiWe In BU,oilWical Plulds, by AuCust Kroijb,, 1 , sakichi 26 pp. t hemische Zeitechrif Vol CT=V11Ij, 527, PP ~hl#-2 Def Sci Info Swc T 32 G zJcientif ic M~;diciae CU 2101314 bV 00 'n 'Ivan: $, owi "oil ka a-7,0'. Amz-'~ I~r pp 296-6 '201 Ct xmw 6 Iml;-nIc Autrbibtic Oubotwic;!~ :Lfe,us-!:L54--l by S. "kazzava, D'"Irplill p4r M= Sot JePm~ Vca =I:U? A" JJ-2259 -a,-W its OW Po fel to -3. cir.,01 and fali;iolo by 17.ql, Acty, I , ic)r;. of M Shin Acidop by YLO4C'b of crvel Pvyl. ul:e Icusuda j, 6 p - YokuPIM Zs$bhls 1954,, Vol IMCIV, JAPAIIEDIt.v PIPI~ pp 4w-,+~p f 4i; SLA 59-20329 Feb 66 V01,20, ED i ~ i $ or Od Sind (h7stal by ~Ax ~Wwau w jo maom=d. , ibm Jbiom - to- 19%S lvw i VCLL 59 3b , ML A,075 . i i 11) - i Aug 65.! 63-3 (on lom) 286,,48o studie`s~ on t~6 Applieation of .002,ypriwiphorio AC~.d a Condeva '!Agent. VITI% Acylatlan of Phenol by p by Koi'chi Ifeam9 Stu61tmted Denzoic Acid-a wakazqmf~p shigeo Babas, 10.pp. .;AFA=3,j por,, Yakugaku Zesshis Vol LXV. Ir.0 1.955 37(.11 381. &A 59-15(06 ~vz 591 Vol a Ifo 12' 63-16794 ObA)4 T., aM Katumurs, Y. DE"OCHLA)RINA71ON OF 'ME 1. 'ntle: Dehydrochlorina- I)ENZENE HEXA CHUDRIDE ISDMERS. Rept. 4 of tion ~t"es:on Aj~rk idturaljbwmicals by the Pblarographic 1. Nakazima. M. *dwd~ 11963 22p. ~ (figs. omitted) 8 refs. ff. Okubo, M. Order from SLA 42.60 63-16794 111. Katumura, Y. 1 11 IV. 'ntle: Studies.... of Botyu- Tra". . :~ J KapXu (Japan) 1949. v. 14. p. 10-19. ~ 11 ! DESCRWMAS- ~ i~ -Benze&-s *Chlorides, Molecular 61 ; loomerism. i I uehln cthexaoes. Crla..ene.. _ 0 ' H Wrlq~sc , ld, H *dea. Pblarotraphic analysts, cides.1 Tbe deh nadc u or benzeDe bexwmorsde I I rs In s~l ksljne r~,~Hum was studied by tbe lk~rapbk 6 edxxi. 171be InterwedLue decomposi- tion products, 4 -~ and 4 ~pentachlorocyclohemeoe. were I'sobited, and Wei vified. I Mv alkaline debydrubalopnia- Am of the re'lat6 d conilumd, T-beptschlorocyclo- Ofte of Tedakal Serflus (tbemiwy- -':,04 ganic. I Tr. v. 10. vo. 9) (over) 1 1 63-14938 M.. 0. 1 1.. T.. and Kruirntirs. Y. O T Wil INE DPIMROCMORIHAIICN AND 77113 1. Nakazima, K STRLCMREIS OF THE BENZEN13 HIMACHLA)RIDE 11. Okubo, T. ISOMERSI'ANI)'niE~it:RM~ATEDCCMPOUNW, IL M. Katurnurs. Y. 11963113N Srefq.~ ! Order from SLA $1. ~0, 63-14&38 Trans. of~ ryu-Kagaku Oapm* 19M, Y. 15, Ix 97-10& DESCRIFTORS: Ollerzenes, "orldes. ObSolecular structure, Molecula~, ikxnerion, Ilydrogm compounft, Reduction (Cherniairi). TIC Pape deals with alkaline, dphydrocUorination of the BHC isor'n~era a4ralated compoundle. Cenaln correlati" betwce~ ewwwre and mAva$w. or dehydrochlo'rination'ire discmn& 4 7 4 (Cberniarry-Organi 7r, V. 10, DM 5) so" d Todmkw *WvkM A Studylof tbe Odor of SOY Sawe (Parts 2-3)., I by S.K. H. .20 pp r4r I,r KI: AN= JAP part ohms am of iapm$ Vol LXX, No pp A,7-52. Sci C~Wutry i k'n 10~ S= Tr 505/56 ~ng 34 !d EC-trl"!4482(1~i-1100-1117) Uncl. KPERIMENTALjilSTUDIES ON THERAPEUTIC APPLICATION F RADI OACTIVE COLLOIDAL GOLD (Aules). ~ i i. Nakazuka and T. Kunai. P NSA ("onferer1cc, 01-1 -4 Syuthotdo oTj is MOW Wdo SloM.o Cryotal by t3ao Vwruu~li W~thbd, by JoUshu Nakaztmlp 20yy JAPAMMI qt~~.p Jotumal of the Chimdzal Souisty 011, Mummmi CoXL Rc-3 I mmg, Ctr E - T -- J - (53 - 3 Sol r,%m Jan 131 Produc~lou of 8111comanpime awl Forromangmese i I ii FrOm Pcquu*duu7e Carbomte Ores.,, by V. P. Wakhabin., 13 PP411 ot a4 MISSIMI.. Stalp No 12,, 19W, pp 1099-11,02. May 01 Of vo ad Qm* FUmmUen In WA Jultits am& sbm "=% v4p 4cl ]a* Doe lq~%s 276,060 Mmma RxpaulaD in Steam Pipes uelne the baractAwlatica of a ftdal. IV V-A. Uakhal-ov. I a Add 310- Val 35, go 11. 1964, PP 7-1~5 1965 37n Sol ji tiring, the M~Bwding Stressesin Austamitic- i ~ 11 ksuU4-,;,It 1 St6ka P194ap by Ve A* V. S. Dmb - ~il' w, jipcw,~ cht Stantaft.- Vol MMIP No 5, -241 UXM-Wladecale Tr-23 AvsUj&)6'l(m loan only 63 wculati"~ Therml Expamnalon I I t The!~ Eluatidity Mamateristieb Per. E19M. Sta.. Vol NLV9(~22- 0311.1965 371.1 E~ep 6T In Stivam Pipes Using Of A Model. by V.A. 35, Ito :11, 29&;, pp Ak h-A bO~-" 3 110, 037 LO (,2 -,)-o 11. L 1, 1 fto"" 40111aft 14 Cata2,ytic UAmerization of Hydrocarbons of the 1. 11 Cy banall Series, by bL JU. lzkina;, pe 9:a. a. V. A. Ovodova., B. A. Fazanskiy, 4 pp~ RUSSIM, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CXVIII, No 3, NX PP 567-5* CB Sci Aug 6o lo2 ~.j 'D 2-cytiobutyabutim aid 3- N. v+,-l- li. 44~ P"p IlL Ak rWAlk SM-Rp Otd0l QUIW Ne~y Sal - ClIflom 59 M-5319) Caxtain Results ce the Obu4y ct the EffecU of :Eanftina RmUstion an the Par=,-,MlItv of Tissues, by P. t. Miselev, Non" ImItaiRra, Z. N., 26 pp. RUW;I~V., *w., VAUt P.Miol., No ?, 3-960. im 76LT Sel Apr&