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Th9rwamPhic StiildYof the Rrmoos for the Dz- k*-dmtlcm of Orthoboric Acid by V. V _WI;W 4 IYP . I yp RUWTM, rir, Dok Ak Mmuk SM, Vol oXn, .z 3., 1957., pr 974W 3M. Co=Ultanto Bureau Set - Chm cat 58 -1 -Y, .5, z eo Fl -izl'. I ",-, I rl 1, -- 1. - f 'DC-5050/1) improve Control Over the Activity of Fer6ou-~J. Sevulwaii Enterprisee and Taxation of Artisaams, by F. 99. RUSSIAN. Finansy 888R., NO 10., 3.960.. P; .1-4-17. an 6736 USBIR Econ Feb 6,%- Siam Phaoe In AustodtiC St"I HlWp by UrMIm, A. P. Mina. RMSIM W9 YAW I Obra Mot&Um# ito 6j, Am 79A. PP 37-41- Rmy Rrutchior 4252 Sol - VAn/Mat Oct 58 H-,QG0 (ra-1674) L r"achnical Data on Sov" Ywhine Too-Ia., Trm"ItaZ MUti-Spindle DrWting Wcblw., Wal by 14. Y8. Uanch. 5 UMUSEMIM RUSSIOp ?"-I's BVUU'A.C=-ZkOI3 TtlfOrMtStip M lp MaCM *407* VP 33# 34- US JHW/*-922 um loon jau 59 7, 6'1 -2, loco W-1674) Tracer-Ty" Mauna n~chlvwjp No5ol W2140 by 14. Yis. Uswh.. 4 pp. UMIMIFIRD Rmlos Dmrs Aval kvgccu.* 1957P pp 32* 33. va vm P.-Oa Jan 59 71 Eight-Millimeter Motion Picture Camera "Uran", by R. M. Gainullin, A. A. Usachevq 5 pp RUSSIAN, per, Tekh Kino i Televid, Vol VII, No 3, 1963, pp 73-74. CIA/FDD XX-1394 NO, FOREIGN DISSBtf sci - 'D 6-2 Jul 63 USIB Internal U3o Only Eight-Willimeter Potion Picture Camara "Ekran". by R-. 14. Gainullin, A. A. Usachevo 5 pp RUSSIAN, per, Tekh Kino i Televid, Vol VTI, No 3, 1963, pp 73-74. CIA/FDD XX-1394 NO FOREIGN DISSEM Sci - Jul 63 USIB Internal Use Only _a-vj in Flight and Chatl_lre lu Gravity, by B. Usachevj_3 pp. rJusslu, per, sovet AVIEct'siYaj, 1958) 22 AU9, p 3. cam 6o -235~~ / 9~~" 7 911,17, sc--; m--y 62 vol 4, 30 10 Usachev, D. N. and Vagramyan, A. T. CONDITIONS OF ELECTROLY71C PREPARATION OF ALLOYS OF CHROMIUM WITH OTHER ELEMENM June 60 [41p. (3 refs. omitted) 2 refs. [DSIR LLUJ M 31.55. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-27513 Trans. of #ZhW3-adl] Fiz[icheskoll Khim[lij (USSR) 1960, v. 34, no. 1. p. 229-230. DESCRIPTORS- *Chromium, OManganese, *Rhenlum, *Seleniusn, *Alloys, Preparation, Electrolysis, Electrodeposition. Portions of this report will not reproduce well. 61-27513 L Usachev, 11 N. IL Vagramyan, A. T. III. DSIR LLU M.3155 IV. International Nickel G-). (Mond) Ltd. (Gt. Brit.) (Metallurgy, Tr, v. 6, no. 11) Offk..f T.461-1 50"Ic.. Ilectrodeposition of Cbrcodumv by A. T. Vagrampas D. N, UsacbevA RMIANS Dok Ak Nauk BBSHs Vol XCVMs no 4. 1krr., 605-607. Brutebar Tr So 3441 Apr ficlentiric min/wou" ftv 55 cm It7 Throe Anc=-lics in t"he ILD-actrcdapasitiuv- ul- Chromium., by A. T. Vagramyun, D. RUSSTAN,, per, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR,. Otdel Khtm Mau"k, No 7, 1959, Pp 1207-1210. CB sci jui 63. 1S2,433 Effact Of surfwe Trestmat on the ProVertLas of COPP"-(kide FActiflars, by F. A. *kunkty and B- P- Utwwv, 3 R=rMp no pero Zhur Takh Irlsi, Ta XMv No 121, 1957j, VP 2786-M. Amr Ust of fts a" n" - "Ch Ph" Vol 11, No Igo 1957 sa I - Fbys Jul 58 41 The ?U=on=u of Arctle loop by P. 1. USUCINW. 317 93 pp. MSIUA, pars g~ Imt Vol 1949j. pp M6-9%. Dept or m*arior Buzesu Of Coccorcua Flubfirua omce of Foweign ndwrim A-30-JUIY 2969-11o in on Imn ,p U. t4aa~~ Sai-B&I uav 69 397.9293 71 pW.opUwjrt= of the llorW Volep by P. I. Usnabov. 23L pp. =SUN,* Palo 0 Traft Vws Old&-obi*l Obqlwb~ Val Up 39611, pp Dwt Of IntAWIOr Burs= of Cammrclal Flosharlee Offlow o:C F=Viam nabwleo A-33-Julwo 1969-No M On loan Nov 69 3DT,291 Sevorea begel Questico Disarma-Mat Ccntzol, by A. I. Poltorck, I. Cv. Usacliev, 16 Riusslu'r Petro Solivc, CGOSUP.,wetvo i Pra-.foj 210 O.P 1959, pp 91-101. uso - us - Our Pol; Mn - Disarmament NOV 59 /0/ (93 Colimycin in the Combined Treatmmt- -of Radiation Sickness, by N. V. Raevaw M. I. Fedotova, I. H. Usacheva, 7 PD. RUBSIM, per,, Antlblo~lkl, Vol IV, no 4l 1959P PP 50-56- Aug 61 Combined Actions on the Actual Mining Zone In Wdraulic Disr-aption of the Stmta, by 1S. V. r,keslyuk., P. 11, U L __gg2hff-*-A. A. Shevtsov. IMSIAN., mo per, Neft Khoz, Vol No 5, 1955, PP 37-41. Tech and C Tr 2135 Spruce St Phil 3, Fa Scientific - Gesohpysicl, Engineering 311 Feb % Mechnnism of the CatslYtlc SYnftesin of A=OUU, by BW P. V. Usebbev, 5 PF- u RUSSIAN pers, MV Piz milim" Vol x1v? 19409 pp 1246- 9. 1 OKA R-2960 sci Jul 59 $p ;~ ~t 3 49 Eoum. Basic Properties of Mwe Service jrywtwg With Ccnstant Productivity end Bivak4bums "Iceses"j, by 1. P* Padernoo Vo ke Unaeltiev 11 pp. BUSSM., _Pero Is Ak Nm* SMo OM Takh Kibonmetp No 12 IW4# pp 85-93- JPPS 24536 Sci My 64 Sorne Changes iti Hig'~er Di:-.ring Acceleratior~, 1'. 'IsClkov, V. B,, qsa.chev 7 Y) Nervous ActLvity by V.. 1. Malkin, V. V. RUSSIAN, mo per, Voyermo Med-Zhur, No 6. Moiscow, June 1961 -D 5,t!--59 US JPRS: /113-2-~- An Investigation on the BLoclectric Ac~*ity of Skeletal Muscle in Man Rispoeed to Radial Acceleration, by V. I. Balmahkins P. X. roakov,,V. B. Halkint V. V Uzachevo k pp. RUSSIMO pers Piz Zhur SW Im I. M. BachataDval, V01 aWs No lo 1958# PP 10-13 - Inst Sci - Vied Feb 59 Effect of Radial Accelerations on Motor- Conditimsed Refle-,ws., Irj V. V. Usucbp-i4- 3-0 -ap ~ MjSSIAH,, pc;,., Zhurz Vysishey Herv, Deyete). Im-ni I. P. Favlova, Vol X1, NO 1, 1961; pp 22-d.6. 2 JPRS 9,920 Bei - 14e!d 3 Aug 61 Respiration and Ommous 29chaop in Man Subjec U*d to Radial Accalerationp by V. I. BaunfUlng P. H. Lmkov,, v. B. mamda.. v. v. amcbevo, 6-pp. FOMLAN#- per# Fit Our SM In I. M. Sealwoovae Vol xmo No 4p 1958P -Pp 342-347- Imt Sci - Ned Feb 59 Infinite TiRame Formalism in Quantum Field Theory, by Yu.. D. Usachev, 6 pp. -- -,-- -1 ~ - RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Eksper i Teoret Fiz, Vol XLVI, No 1, 1964, pp 187-195. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - JETP Vol XIX, No I Sci- Aug 64 265,248 "Scalar" Fora of the Dirac Equation and Calculation of the Matri;-: Ele-lents for Reactions WiLh Polarized Dirac Particles, by Yu. D. Usache., U RUSSLIUIT, Zhur E:zsper -i Teoret Fiz, Vol XIj, 10 1T 2, 1061, pp 400-4(D9. Alp Sov Phys-JEITPP Vol XIV, 1111o 2 Sci 12 Jun 62 198,911 D-ccnnozition of leobutyl Z56b,24~-Yri;te U."Iel Oa L. Isoamyl locnalerate, by B. A. BolotDv, B. ri. 1)0190Y~ ll. P. Uuacheva, 5 pp. RUSSLAIN, pper, Zhur Pr�k- Min, Vol M, No 81 Aug 1957, pp 1228-1232. Consultants Burteau Sci - Chem Oct 58 J, 573 Survivability of Eggs of Geohelmintbs (Ascaridea) in Reservoire ana in Benthonic Depositaj by A* H. UBacheva, 14 pp. RUSSMIJ., mo per, Rj&_LSan; Vol XII, 1951y pp 12-17- CIA/FDD/X-719 USr4TJ ~cieatf.f ic - Bioloey, EMs of Ascarides Oct 52 CTS/M Synthecis of Cb1oro-Substituted Coppar Pht1uilocyaniner., by V. F. Porodkin, Yu. 0. Er,-4-pniov, K. V. 4 -pp. 5-W MOSLAR, Mo per, Zhur Prik KUM, Vol XM, Bo 10, Oct 1956, pp i6o6-l6o8. Consurtneto Bureau Sci - Chem ~- '1't Lt 7!5,- De c 57 chlorination of Copper Phthalocyaniae, by B. F. Borodkin, K. V. Usaciy va., 6 pp. FIMSIM, mo per, ZIm; Prik Khim.. Vol XXIXj No 9, Sep 1956, pp ' --' 138' 3-:,386- Consultants Bureau Sci - Chemistry J--~2 J-Z02- Sep 57 o/ ,A New YArket'Vehicle~.for.,-Use.~;~n..tllo,,Coutii;ryy,,~y. Rolf Usad;4,:2 pp. ID~ C-110 6613('~ per ~:Juvge -..Welt GERM -ACSI~ -M~1078 Mw - Germany Econ Jul 58 -7j HIstory of Ph.-ysiciausp by Mm Abi gaalbiahp 602 ppe, RUSSIMS rpt. OWS 63-IIIW PLJM sci mar 64 Af`;er t4e Passage of the New Law ou Opace Plannini Uy Eavard usakiewiczpfi pp. POLISH, per, Miesto, Vol X11. No 4, j.,q6i, pp 29, -4 30 JFRS 982L Mar - Poland Zoe Econ Aug 61 The Eff ect of Ionizing Radiation on Locn~qribonucleic Acid-Zletbylamine Complexes (The lYpdem of Radio- vensitives and Radiaresistant kol"= of V 'A),, b7 F. L Tseitlin and T. S. Ueakovskam pp. 9 RUSSIM-1. per, Hadiobio,99f". Vol lit No 3o 1962., 9269169 pp. 356-~~l 1Z AEC-Ti-54" Sci - Nucl Bei Aug 63 S-tlu,~ of the Lifluence of Roix-WrV 4-iltimila- tion upon Epesplmtionj, by 'MasamiMsgurd 13 91). ,I oc the JAPAIIE ME" per.., JOUTA lezuuLigaical smiety or jaPon V-01 LY,.Vt zo 5,, 1962j, jol CU!-671. 9225390 q.,:243.3Et) DRB T 84 JAPr 65 ZI8,, 756 1 62-16616 Us,~~. and others. _rNWCED murATIONS OF ASPERCILLUS NIGER BY I Ly6aml, S. NITROGEN MUSTARD TREATMENT. Apr 62. 6p. (7 figs. 2 t3bles omitted) 6 refs. Order from SLA $1, 10 62-16616 Trans. of Fiakko Kyokaishi (Japan) 1960, v. 18. no. 5. p. 7-12. DESCRIFFORS: *Mutitions, *k'Ioldr,. *Nitrogen inustards, C~-netics. Marpholog_v. Enzymes, Acetic Protcatzos. acids, From nitrogen mustard treatment of a T~arent attain, AspergilIus niger ~VU-22231_, which is high in acetic C2247535 acid- producing ability. about 370 artificial mutants werE obtained. Among these, there were some which were rnore powerful in the production of alcid and proteinase. No correlation was observed between the type of muta- tion and the physiological property, but it was found that office d 7telmlc3l U"Ices (Biological Sciences- -Microbiology, TT, v. 9, no. 3) (over) 63-tRR70 Usaini [Shoji] and Taketomi, Noboru. COMPARISON OF MOLASSES AND GLUCOSE MEDIA 1. Title: Molasses FOR CITRIC ACID FERMENTATION. [19631 [10p] 1. Usaini, S. 6ref's 11. TaketGmi, N. Order from SLA $1. 10 63-18870 Trans. of Kogyo Kagaku 2Asshi (Japan) 1962, v. 65, no. 10, p. 1603-[1.6051. DESCRIPTORS: *Glucose, *Citric acids, Molds, *Fer- mentation, Ash, *Culture media, Potassium, Iron A study was made of acid formation in citric acid fer- mentation using Asp. niger. in molasses (Taiwan molasses) and glucose media. In molasses medium, the consumption of oxygen in Elie early stage of the cul- tivation is fairly bigger and the starting time of acid formation is earlier than those in glucose medium due to the abundant nourishment in the medium. But the amount of citric acid formed is very low and oxalic Wks d Tnisksl Screlm (Biological Sciences- -Biochemistry, 'IT, v. 10, no. 11) (over) i~ossibie Solutim=s of 7nermadynamic Guo-Flow Equaticas In Case of a Flow of Viscous Gaa-With Hast Transfer, by V. V..qa_auovp 8 pp. RUSSIAN# per.. Insbonerna-Fis Zhurp Vol VI,, No 4,j 3963,, pp 2e-g6. im gi..age set m Oct 6-,,A , 114. rlZ2 Note ou Pmblem of Heat Excbange in a Pipe at High Rates of Air ~btionj, by G, V. Twiklsw~jj, V. V. Usamov, 6 pp. RUBSIANy perp Inzbenlin -Fixich Mar., Vol M,, 1,060, pp 4&51. 967M81 AT= =.-66811 The D-istrl-7b,,--'-tion of Different Tasced Componnds Within the OrScmism, Their Penetration qf Mother to Fetus and 25-:cretion in I.,laternal Mlilll bzi- M. T. Usanova, 9 pp. ~- f 0 I^Yl RUSSTAII, per, Trudy Kses IConf or Med Radiol Mssper Mea Reaioi, I-loscow, 1957, ap Y S AEC Tr 3661 Oct 59 Complexing Reactions of Antimony Pentachloride. 1. Carboxylic Acids, by M. I. Usanovich, A. K. Nurmakova, 7 pp. RU55IAN, per, Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XXXI, No 11, 1961, pp 3493-3500. CB Sci 213,254 Aug 62 11 Cryoseopic Titration, by M. Usanovich, T. Sumarokova, Yu. Nevslmya, 6 pp - 1. i 1. L - RIISSLW,p per, Dok Ak Nauk SOSS, Vol XCVIII, 19542 pp 617-618. ABC UCRL-Tr-573(L) Sci - ChBm 21 Feb 61 Structure of the Complex Compound SuC14*LCH COOH* 2NH CH COOH; by V. Mmov, T. Sum--rOL'Ove., 3 RUSSM, per., Mar Obahch Xhim, Vol MCK., Dfo 4t 196o, PP 13-Viy 1335. CB Sci June 1961 On "Deviations" From Raoult'a Law, by M. usanovich, 4 pp. --- RUSSIAN,, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR.9 Vol CXXV111s No 3, 1959, Pp 561-563. CB Sai - Chem Sep 6o '/ 'q ~1 ~1 S~' Vn~3or Pvegslare of the SnCl -003 COOP, IT P-d 4 2 5 0 H OC H Syotellus, by M. Usaxiovichp A. Die-zibitc-,'.idy 6 5 3 4 Zhu~, Mimi; Vol 6, Consultants Bureau Sci- ~Aemistry Vapor Pressure of Systems Formed lay Starmic Chloride With Esters loy M. U"-nov--icb-j A. Dmbitskiy, 101 wn RUISSIMT, per, Mur Obohch nim, vol xxzc.~ zro 6, -1.959, pp 1771-1730. Coi;sultants Dareau Sci - Chemistry / '? 'q '~ P- ~?-- 41/ Oxonium Compouuds, of Complex Est4ro With C).rg-Llj,.. Acids. IV. The Olf 3COOC4"q-CC13COOH-' CC]'3COOH and CCI CCOC..-)Hq-CC13COOR Systems, by I.I. Usanovich., K. Krasnomolov"R, 't pp. PUSESTAX., moper, Zhur Cfbshcb Xhim., Vol =., No 10, Oct 1956, pp Z72.3-2725. Con=lt=-t*c Direau Sci - Chemistry Mar 58 The ' I -'Dsviationa" from Rav Uxt 'a lAw Caused by Che-mleal Interaction Between the Componento, by M. Utwnoidch, 2 pp. RUSSTAN, per, Doh Mk NavIc SSM, Vol MM, No 6, 1958, pp CoasUtantn Bt=eau Sci - Chem- 2-2/6/59 The Vormatioa of Complexes by Stannic Chloride Wftlb Some Phenol Derivatives., by M. Usanovichp E. Piclxugins 6 pp. RMIAN., mo p--r,, Zhu Obahch KbIm. Vol XXVIX 110 q.. Sep 1956j. pp 24lo-2414. Consultants Bureau Sci - Chemistry .rf ~ 3 -L Feb 58 The viscosit';- P-ld De~-'-:UV of tte st=nic chlaridc..- -- - Anisole System, by M. Usanovich.. R. Pichugi=-, 4 pp. - - 1WSaNj wo perp Zhur Obehch Rhim) Vol MI. no 9) S---P 1956, PP P-415-9-417. Contill tants D=eau Sci - ChMIGU7 J-4 IY3 S Ftb 58 System Vomed by Stannic Cblorlde ilth Nitrobenzone and m-Dinitrobenzene, by M. Us=ovich, E. Fichugina, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, mo perp Zlnw Obshch 10ilm, Vol XXVI, DID 8) 19562 PP 2130-2133- $ ConmItants Bureau YU scq~ - Chem 19 61 5-C, Lt Dec 57, Concerning the Equations of the Liquidus andL the Solidus for Ideal Systems, by X. Usanovich, 2 pp. ........... Mmuff, thrica-mo per, Dok Ak Hauk BM,, Vol CXIY, No 4.. jan/Feb 1957, pp 714, 715- Consultants Bureau Sci - Chemistry 9"4-14Z Y Dee 57 Blectrical-Cunductivrity., Viscosity and Density of tb-- Sy-stem SnBri-CH DOE, by M. 'Usanavich, I 3C B. yakovIe-vay PPO Fall translation. BUS-SIM, mo per:, Zhur Obahch M21m, Vol )MVp Ro 7, 19552 pp 1312-1313. c.TA C 42(>51 Cowultants Bureau Sclentifle - Chemistry M.-A, % CTS/dex Tbe, Nature Ot the Conductivity W 0=44mmms salatiams by N. Ussnavichp 21 VVQ RUSSIAH., per, Acta Pbysicoehimlea OR , Vca Up No 2p 3.935p Vp 239-M. Set Mm Ub - 56/0303 A.ZoRoBo lu"U Tr 595 Scl - QMMUU7 4% my 1956 The Acid-Bace Fropertiei3 Gf I= Acetanitrile. Interaction of Acetonitrile With 14. Usmavich. V. Dal-ova, 3 PP. ---------- RMSIMj, per, Zh-iw Obshch Dim,, Vol XV11, Ito 4., 19471.. pp 669~67-2. Set Trans Center In-435 / 0" jlf Scientific - Chemistry CTSA =. On Acids and Bases,, by IL Usanovichp 29 ppp RUSSURO per# Zbw Obsbeh XhImp No 9# 1.939s pp 1W-192. /\,'' )-- ~ f, 17 ARC Tr No 2U1 01-/ Sclentiric - Chemistry MY 55 Cm Oxonium Compounds of Esters With organic Acift. I-j by 14. Usanovich, K. Bilyalovp L. Krasnamolova., 6 pp. RUSSIANs mo pers Zhur Obahch Khim, Val XXVA No 3* MRx Mar 1955* PP M-47-5- CIA-C 39388 Consultants-Bureau Scientific - Chemistry CTS 74/Nov 55 Me Stannic Chloride-o-ITitroanisole System, by M. Usanovich, E. Pichugina, 3 PP. RUSSM-1, per, Zhur Obshch Iaim, Vol XXXI, uo 6, iq 91 , PP 1759-1761 .I CB Sci jun 62 201,8453 -,,-2 -,cidlic krofflfties of Ez'nO4' by 1.. Ucan r-, (Zh, 2 p- YZA! tMnslatic!i. a-USSUH., peri, ZI= Obshch Maimp Vol Ma,, So 1L,, Nov 1951; pp XOMM'1964. d-VA 2) cancultanto Banvau 152 Weat 4ftd 91-trect rew York 180 IT.Y. Scien-flific - Chemistry Pby 53 CTS '20614, no Mom7 Systas Constituted by SUC4* SbCJL3' 1. so swircs2clCom 8y"814 by studoat V. WSSIAN so per ZMw Obdob Mdam, Vol Mo. ft 6 UMP Jun fm.-P-Pgmpjgr,,- Bureau Vol 21 Jun 1951 '6 The Binary System Constituted by SuC14 and AsCL Ii. Tke SnCI4-=3L.4 and Suclk-CHC12COOH SyStAMIM. by T. Sumarokova god M. UwAQMdckv 4 pip BWSIM no per Zkur ObsbrA Mda., Vol Ulp no 6 WSR, Jun 1951 pp 984-987 Consultants Buzmu Vol 21 Jun 1951 Cx;~- c 4,--Itlo. CIL, jj..2Gr Zhav Gbshch ICA-m. Vol 7-03:.a iiO 18M-1863 - -U 1956, The Binary Systems Constituted by SnCl4, and AsCl3' III. The SbC13-CH3 COOH System, by M. Usanovich and T. Sumarokova, 4 pp IRUSSLUT mo per Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol XXI, No 6 USSR) Jun 1951 PP 987-990 Consultants Bureau Vol 21 Jun 1951 ~" I I ~O $G, The Binary Systems Constituted by SnCl4- SbC13 and AsCl3. IV. the SbCl CH2 ClCOOH System by M. Usanovich and T. Km;~okova, 6 pp RUSSIAN mo per Zhur Obshch Khim, Vol M No 7 USSR July 1951 PP 12147--1219 Consultants Bureau Vol 21 Jul 1951 The Binary Sjstem Constituted tAy SnCI4. mod 3- V. The SbCl AxC1 a-CC&f= 8104614 by . MMMMIJ T. Sumarokars and . Ulammicks 4 vp RUSSIM no pw Zhur Obahch Mdap Val XXI ]b 7 USSR July 1951 pp 1219-U23 consultants Bwmu Vol 21 Jul 1951 P~ I I ~g~" On the Electrolytic Dissociation of Complex Cocwaunds of Tin and Antimony., by M Usanovich,, V. Klimov.. T. Smwrokovns 2 pp. I q RUSSIM, per, Dok Ak 11w* SMp Vol CXM, so 2,,,( pp 364-30. Consultan'to Bureau Sci - Chem Aue 58 a COWLEX COMM OF UNIVALENT COPM WITH THIOUREA. 1. COMPOUNDS OF CUPRM CHIJORIK AND 0J)ROUS MMOWs BY L. A. SIAMMAjo M. 1. USANDVICIix 6 PP. RUSS Mp PERs MM OBSNCH lQiff4l VOL XXXIIo NO 3! 1962, PP 643-6M. Cs 3CI Fm 63 22t9531 Effoct of Somm Electtro2ytees on Sollubl-U- ty of Acid im Water; by V. V. Strgeyeva,, M. I. Usm vic-li., Q-10 RUSST-0, p-r, &ur Cv-shch Vt ol =., 7zo 4, 1959, P.P 1393-'La96. Conmiltants Bureau sci Jun 60 7j 4 Conductem"ce snd Viscosity In the MH - K2CO3 - ffgD .1stemp by M. I. Udanovich.0 T. 1. Suabkmdeb, 3 pp. ussim, mo per, Zh= PrIk ELM, vol xxiv.. no 6.. msR, ,un 1951, pp 590-50. comultantis Bmeau Vol 24" Jfte 101 - Chemistry t4y-6479 DMITRIY VLADIMIROVICH SWOL SKIY - ON HIS FIFTIETH BIRTHDAYs BY M. 1. USANOVICHs, 5 PP. RUSSIANs PER* IZ AK NAUKv MUMMY SERIYA KHIMs NO 241Vt LOO., PP U.2-103- JPRs 10311 USSR 8 1 OGRAFM I C 172,,330 Nov 6L Dete=inatioa of Composition of MCI-M2304- 1120 System by Specific Gravity and Refractiw Ind,ex,v by M. I. Usamovich A. 1. Nun$ 4 pp. Russm.l no perp Zhur Prik Xhims Vol'MM, iTo 4.. Apr 1955., pp 436-439. M C 388M Consultants Biweau Scientific - Chemistry CM 73/Oct 1955 26o982 Photocolorimetric Determination of Silicon in Cut Iron and Steel, by Y. 1. Usatenko and Y. Y, Orlovs; 3 pp. MUM,, p--rp Zavod Labs Vol XV No ll,, 1949, pp 13657 1366. c.pq o,110 sLA R-2c6l SCI Aug 56 The Extraction aW Amperometric I-Itration of Zinc and Cadmium with So4r.= DiethyUithiocar- -bainate., by Yu. I. UsateWmv P. He TUIYUP%j, 3 PP RMSIMp per., Zavod Labq Vol XMs No 79 19601, pp 383-385 sci May 61 The Second Ukmlni= Confaeme Ca Chawbtd Control 1AUe Manurelea wad Hatol ftwwalag lalfluftA - - uwz4wp COOMed to ColabMU Us "M AMLVUWM of the Wan of the Mont= with A-, --A BOA 64. Dawl)" putmV.1 faw $am 5-80 Igur IV T;.% vautemko, 3 py. YOU tMUGIAMM. MISSTAN blw per. Zhw- A=l RhIs Sc V*IL Xp No 20, Mr/Apr'IL955, 01A D-L52W M"i"A- scientifto - Chemistry J!m.r*!raa--tric Titoublaa vitU 0-io:-14 to RWrMM Piparid UtU, oawb=%ta SoLztduu., i~y Yu 1. MWVZ Zama lab 1960: pp iL. '-1101, Vol X%lnj tic 2-0., MA Sci 'r 61 5- 2,4-Dithibbiuret and I-Phenyl-2,4-Dithiobiurat - New Reagents for Amperometric Titration. Cmvmnication 1. Acid and Polarographic Properties of Dithiobiurets., by Yu. I. Usateuko, A. S. SiLkhoruchkina, 5 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Anal Ehim, Vol XVIII, No 11, 1963, pi) 129-5-1299. CB Sci Aug 64 265,167 .TE'I~EO 3 YU. I. US.A Zavod.skaya laboratoriya, vol. 12, 1946, pp. 919-921; 2 tables., 1400 words. Determination of Calcium Oxide in Blast Furnace and Open-hearth Slags without Separation of Other Components. Brutucher Trans., Order No. 1973, $2.10 A YU. Zavodsimya Laboratoriva, vol. 13, 191~-j, 1' o. 12.. 1:.p. 14,30-14,34; 4 figures, 1 table, 2300 words. A Slag 'Glontrol '--ietuhod for Operd,,earth Furi--~aces. -L1 f1rutcher Irans, Order No. 2069, OP3.90. - - f ,, /~ / ~) ~j b / Rapid Method for Determinin.6- Calcium and Magnesium in Dolomites, Magnesites, and Open-Hearth SLage, by Yu. I. Usatenko and.O. V. Datsenk-o. RUSSLAN, Zavod Lab, Vol 16, 1950, No 1, pp 94-96. Brutcher Tech Tr No 2923 P. ja ~- S- r r USATENKO Yu. I RLOVAq Yue a ZAVODSKAYA LABORATORIYA, vol 15p No 11, 1949 Photocolorimetric Determination of Silioon in Irons and Steals Brutcher Tr 2485, $2.30 Larva UrcaAs Prodwto Vith a lush qp~l a--alstaum., by 0. 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