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Fisher,, M. P - Terpugova, ?-. - - -T, Kotlyarevakiy'. k ]pp. RMSYAN., per.. Zhur Obabth Khim, Vol XM., *.to II.; 1959, pp 3717-373-9. CB Sel Nov 60 62-22790 Terracol, J. O~AND TOB&CCOL [1962] 16p. Order from K-H $20. 00 K-H 3641 'rrans. of Reque de] Laryngfologie, otologie, Rhinologle] (France) 1958, v. 79, Suppl. p. IM-1135. DESCRIPMRS: *Cancer. *Tbbacco. Cigarettes, Smokes. 1. Terracol, J. 11. K-H-3641 M. Kresge-Hooker Science Ubrary Associates, Detroit. Mich. (Biological Sciences--Toxicology, I-L v. 10, no. 3) Offka af Tecbokji Urvicas -Species of the G-,nus Brughabitonj, bY A- Terrvocieno. MUIZAN., per., Bolletino del r. Orto Munico di Palermo Vol 1, No 2, 2897j, pp 36z. a T293 ",!?, -F6 R x 4 c a /10 sci - Aug 67 335.t7'59 Smith's Disease (Acute Infectious Lyurgbocytonis): Review of the Literature and Presentetlea of Three Cases, by M. CrisaUlj At TexTagtra, 1.6 pp. MALLM., pw, MEnerva Pedlatrics, Vol X, No 35/36., 1958, pp 6h9--63. 3Z 2-35-62 /1741 -~(7W Sol - Ned Apr 62 The Acetylebollne-Molinestersee syntom in Entophalltic ParkUwoaLm# by L. Dustotos V. Terranas,,- 14 pp. ITAMA~j Ll Lavwo Nouropichlatricap Vol,Tll,, No 2j. 19500 pp 1-9. C, I AV9 X-601 scleutlflc - WGICIM r. r S. IgXraM, 12 pp. ITAUAN, per, EMISIA Nuclem Val V11f, No It, 1961, pp 701-706. 9224801 AEC-ORNL-Tr-141 Scl-Nucl Scl Oct 64 267,842 Me Coagulation Factor Jjd\the Atteabiwnt -of Neoplastic Cellules Intoodbeed Into the %N-roda- tory system., by T._Terranova F. ChICS6013., 3 PP- j_ MALUN, per,, societa itaUana di biologica sperimentaU ballettin0j. Vol XXV 19320 pp 12P-4.,L'n5. Sci - Wd SIA Tr 1694 &L(-- /fS7 Apr 1957 2 Studies of the Reactivtkity and Compressive Strength of Bituminous-Coal Cokes as Dependent on Coke Structwes by R. Twres, W. Raven. OMAN, per, Get- und Wasserfachs Vol C., No 39, 1959, PP 993-10M- - CSIMO 5123 Sci - -Fuels /C?/" ZW 14W 6 2 The Chemical Hature of the Products Obtained 'by Folywrization. of Olef im of Low Molecalar Weight With Phosphoric Acid and Aluminum Chloride) by E. Terres, R. Fbort., .10 pp. GERM, per, Erdol und Kohle, Vol XII, No 6, 1959, pp 467-471. S"~- A ATs-qe&36G //"., 94t 7 mar 62 Study of the Film 11~~sistanee of Lubrie~ation CrLI9 in Bearings in Dependence of Stress and R.P.M.., by R. Ter~et al. GEMN, mo perj, Erd Oel und Ywhle. Vol IX, No 11, 1956, pp 770-775. Tech and Cam $W.00 ,,~ 9 Z7 A-- Sci - Fuels Aug 57 Determination of the Genesis of Fwaina From Their Speciftic Rests (Die Entscheidung der Frage der Entatehung von Faserkohle suf Grund ibrer spezifischen Waerman)s by. ~.Tw~reyj_et al. G&I*W,p per,, Brenzwtoff Chan, Vol XXXV3:1,, No 17-18., 1956.. pp 20-M. Nat 11 Coal Board Tr A 1214/MM U. S. Eurew Of min" Cen:tral ExperLment Bution Pittsburgh,, Pa. 7 wl Sci - Chem 61 Concerning Reactions of Fuel Sulfur in D-evolatiliza- tion and Gasification Processes, by E, Terreav 21 pp. GERMU,O aemi--mo pers Brennstoff -Cbemier Vol XXXVj WO 15116, 3.8 August 1954s, PP 225-231. B.L.A. Tr Sci - Chemistry APr 1957 CTS/dex and-I Auallysim oft the Yaanol TvatAion Frcxn rl~-,r and Br=-Cc.-,L Ter. V-. investigo-ti-orm Conc~mnicg th* Bim-.7 Rolution SyRtmme of VAi-,A*r '4ith Fhewl and. Uml- valent Phencis wA Thair Critical Sclutiam Tam- parvu'urs5, loy vlao Texres. per, Mrewstoff-Mmie, Vol XXV-0 2 155155, 9.0 289-301- D--Pt of =, D;;r of Mi"a, Appalschi= EXP SUP Sel - cafifta Lav Tft~p Tar TAb. NOT 58 ryorputom,. R. Tafor=tlon on RVaico-Memi-ml Principlea for the Recavary vzd. Axftlysts of the Fb*nolic Fkaci- I.--Ii:-n cA' Low-Tomparntwe T-sra Fr= Ditmdnatav and Bratum Cm1s, by S. TwTsa. GWIW Pcr, Bm=staff-Chmiia, Vol MOM., 195% pp 1624i6q, 228-236., 299-3aL. NOV 58 Upt eL lat.. Bar of Hiras., LA~nrte ftperlmant au,, Grina P-6FRr;, N b,-,kcft. :5-7 -r/y 11/o 1-aform,141on on Fh3mlco-Mcmical F-L inicvlea tor thee Racovery and Analysis of the Phana V=c- tion Frc= Bitmino= Tar mid Ermm-Coal TA7,7- TempGrature Tvr. V. Difftillative Anal.3rain of the Fhenol Mmatiob FTom Bituminme Wr m:4 tbe Chrcmttogmphic Identification of lndlvift~L Ccuponentai by E, Terres. GEMN, Per, Brermatoff-Chomiz, Vol Ya M.., 1955, PA-, 275-2-30. Dept of Int,, Bur of Mues), AppaJAchinn En Stas ~7 Scl - Chcm L01, Temp T&r rAsu, rrov 58 V=g=Lwn, W. Va. knmaipl."5 fcT Vat RucccvQ7y &ad 0~--Iyaiz of the 7henol YA 7rcul BitumLnoua 1~~ eamd, B-M-fia-Ccaa twe T=. IV. Tha VaYar Prassuraof Pbam- A-nd I-hG=I Derivu:w'ivas., by B. Tm-ea. -,i-..-.-.-_ I - GM4.4-17'ger, Bran=toff-Chemic, Vol No 17-18, 1955Y pp 272-2274. DQ-*+. of Int, Bur of Mcap Law 'Lk=y Tar W)s mrswitumm, W. Va. sai - Chem 113Y ~a 76, 3 ~2- Study of the Film Resiata=e of Lubricants in BeaxIngs, in Relation to Tomd and R.P.M., by E. Terres Ho look Voelker, ~ 71 4-~g GMM, ma per, Fxd Oel und Koblep Vol IXj No 9j* 1956., vp Part I., pp 597-601; Part n., PP 690-69b- Tech and Com $90.00 Sci - Fuels Jul 57 ,fN The Chroimtognai-kile S,-,j-,qmtiorj of -'~ Oi-inolaj, by GPWAI.T. per., Brem2rboff-',fhc-mt,3,, Vol =-% Ito 15-116, -1955, PY 228-236- DWI, ef B= of Mlvoaa, [,.pp--IachL--a Exp Sta, L,-,: T=p Tur tab, Margantown, W. 7a. Vov 58 .2 1 6 Cii~ws,as Of Khoc"'- in Otto-Cicle and Dicoc:1 and its Restrictive Influence Upon Modern Develop- ment, by E. Terres, et al. GEMW, per, Bre-m-istoff -Chem, Vol XXXVn, 110 3-4, 1956, PP 33-41- ATE; 575 -W Sci - Smgr sep 6o / .2 4,-', '4' S f The Status of the Present Esowledge an the n-oduction and Composition of Concentrated Aromatio Extracts Froo Mineral Olls Obtained by Selective Solutions by Ernst Tdx!.eg.9 GEFMN# pe 4 Brems= Chemigo Vol MMIIs So 9AOj, 195's Pp 134-337. B.L.A. Tr Pcol Scientific - Chemistry CTS/M 61 - IW96 Terres, Ernest, Ebert, Raimund and others. THE CHEMICAL NATURE OF PRODUL-IS OBTAINED 1. ls,~outenes- BY POLYMER17ATION OF LOW MOLECULAR Poly inurizat Ion V:FIGHT OLEFINS IMTH PHOSPHORIC ACID AND 2. ALUIAM-N! CHLORICE, 111. R)!_VM:-~RIZATION OF 3. Aluminum chIoride-- IS061-TYLENE OR isoocTENE-1 ".~Trl-f ALUTMINUI&I ! ~!- '-- 'I. A CHLORIDE AND A HYDROCHLORIC ACID-ETHER- I .Hydrogen chloridc- AIC13 CONIPLEX (Uber die C!winj-:h!_- Na!,.Ir durch ~:hemlcal reactions Polvrnerisation vo,) Olefinen Niedrigen Molekular- I Phosphorsaure und Aluminiumchlorld 11- Ete-rt, R. Lrhaltene:~ Produkie. Ill. Dic Polvmerlsatlon von lsouutylene jzw. Lioocten-l Mit AluminiUM-chlorid und einarr Salzsaure-Ather-Aluniinium Chloride- Komplex). (19601 !161p. 8 refs. Order from SLA miS2.40, ph$3.30 61-10496 TranS~ of j7rjj1Gj u1nd] Kohle (West Germany) 1959. V. 12 [no. 81 p. 6,14-619. -no result of the polymerization of Isoactene-1 with Ofq- 0 T-N.4.1 5-1- complex shows that by suitable modification of the (Chemistry- -Organic, 1-17, v. 5, no. 7) (over) T t, Ernst, Felde, Ursula von, Hubbuch, Klaus, FranK, Hildegard, and Meyer, Wilhelm. INFORMATION ON THE PREPARATION OF LrrHlUM ALKYLS AND THEIR REACTION WITH ORGANIC HALOGEN COMPOUNDS, U. 119631 17p Order from K-H $17.00 K-H 10217 Trans. of [Erd8l und KoWe-Erdgas-PetrocheiWel (West Germany) 1960, v. 13 [no. 31 p. 160-163. DESCRIETORS: *Metalorganic compounds, *Lithiurn compounds, Alkyl radicals, Synthesis (Chemistry), Chemical reactions, Organic compounds, *Halocarb( (Chemistry- -Organic, TT, v. 10, no. 10) 63-224B-/ 1. Terreqt, E. 11. Feldd, U. von Ill. Hubbuch, K. IV. Frank, H. V. Nleyor' W. VI. K-FI-10217 VII. Krcsge-Hooker Science Library Associaws, Detroit, Mich. '2~ 1~ilo TT-&5--143y' Dffkr c1 TmkL-if kfikat I Terres, Errst. ch :-, Karl. and Sasse. Ernst. DEtIARAFFINA ri, 01 MINERAL OILS WIT-H 1. Terres. E. SELECTIVE _'Ol_~. N*r. . !19631 7tp (figs omilled) Ii. Fischer, K. Order fron. SLA W TT-64-10282 111. Sense. E. Trans. of Brennstoff-Ch^m!1ej (Utat Germany) 1949. v. 30 Ino. ! 7118) p. 2U- 299. (Abstract available) DESCRIFFORS: 'Oils. *Lubricants, OAlkanes. Separation. *-Iolvent extraction, Solvents, Llq-:--; flite 'Mineral oils. The lowest filtrate solidifying points ore obtained with all the solvents suitable for deparaffination by work in the phase region: thereby the paraffin residue Is very olelleroue. Oll-poor residues and unsatisfactory solidifying points are obtained only by work to the homo- geneous region. whereby the proportion of solvent with the rwo-solvent process is put in so that one can filter with as low temperatures as necessary Withoo pbese (Materials--Lubricants. Tr. v. 11. no. 11) (over) T4.14.6~sl 11-1- Photoelectric Observations with the r'Alchalson Interferometer, by J. Terrien, 25 pp. FUNGI. per, J PhysiSue et Radiumip Vol li~' No 3, 1958, PI) 390-396, ABC/SC-Tr-70-4022 Sci/ Sept 70 Pnoto :try, by 14. j. Tu . ......... p c -.30c le tc- Frcmc: a ise Oles EIC ca Vol i, No 10, i9a'o. csIR !94 phys 2 :-:Crcury in a ",laamiatur; iow lateriamatial Li;uia-.:etvr, by J. lerrien, li i-i'L-icls 4,ur# i~cv blyl~;tiqw, Vol 36, ."0 1, I!JS9. 2i~-37. USL- (dALY ju,10 U9 383,316 Lij,-erzos-ion Frinrcs for ODtical ~ .1. " - Etalons ei-ith Parallel FaceG, by N. Cabrera, J. Terrien. -r, Revue d'Optique, Vol XXj 194-L, pp 35-46. CSIRO 5oG-6 Sci - Phys Mar 62 (DC-5965) ExTeriences the ..-.&-jUmgjoaj ox"m Plant in the vzm - CWBJ, b;7; =d*r invich.. 3 pp. C"MIAL I= otw a W.~ a=., per,, Bxtzdkj, Vol Xp No 22,p 29WP :040 pp 467-V$- ipm 2oug m= - Czeaboslankl'.)L ECM nov 61 On -Che 02-ida-Uoin of Aluminum in a Dry Atwophere,, by N. Cabrera, J. Terrien, J. HLrwn., 7 PP- FFME, per, Compt Rend) Vol CCXXIvi Jun 1947, pp 1558-1560- MA Tr 57-0,63 Sci - Minermls/Mbtals Feb 58 Reduced Scale Model of Rotwy Kiln at by R. Alegre,, P. Turler 10 pp. --T!~ FM j, per.. PAn-me dies Matarlam de Conatraction et, de Tmva= Pablics, No 523Y 1959, pp 8"5. srA 6o-14557 aci P- as" ~J-vj jai 62 vol 4, No 12 Bej-uood scale mwea sotar;r UlEi at tbgl ftsearab cpa the Ybrration of RiMP tW A. AISPO, P. 7arrier - PRE=. per &3n pop mtegilm 22 2M11,1121120'' IVI - 51-23, 1959, PP 89-95 C*LI3/20. 7700 ~ . Te P- R / ek- 3o! - 8&P 107 339-721' 61-12642 Terrier, 1. and Eyraud, Ch. SrRUCTURA.L STUDY AND CHANGES OF ACRYLO- 1. Vinyl cyanide- NITRILE POLYMERS IN SOLUrION. [1960) Sp. Polymerization Order from ATS $8.20 ATS-86M[46F 2. Polymer--Molecular structure Trans. of SoclikA] Chim[ique del France - &Oedn] I Terrier. J. 1960, no. 2. p. 242-245. U Eyraud, Ch. ill ATS-66M46F IV. Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. 1. (Cbemistry--orgawc, TT. v. 5. no. 8) 0m" of T."_1 3-1~ Efroct4 cof noiew on visu=c as a rmeam Cie _fA .Vaojo,GLaej3, oleir ?jajoiCal OW 13~ - es, by A. VI C. Ttrrltwe. t:Z W1. _V4Ejr,&Sagcc jo 4v rA-Ak, Pp 1-'16 IL Vol 14, r amm"I"m c sci - AUr> 61 336#461 The ConqWwt of Pem by the ParavisMs by rerawdo Btl&wd* SPAVIEMp bks Ll PMEA M W- Lat Amer - Per-I pois ZO(mv S" J~31 63 New Testing Method for Precision Steel Tubes &(ultrasonic and edt4r cm=mt)., by D..I~~ GM" "per.. Bender, Blechtj Rchre, oat 1961, YP 49"9T. B= 2T69 Sol - p2wo -? wb 63 Q Q ', 6.19 :3 3 Peru as a Doctrine, by Fernando Bela~mde Terry, SEC=.T. SPANISH, Journal of Inter-American Studies, Vol II, No 2, 1960, PP 159-169- r.DD/J-548/60 LA - Peru Pol ju-,, 6o The Riemann-Hilbert Problem for a System of Equations D* at the Boundary, IXM S. A. Terse ~v pp. RLISSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Sov Math, Vol CLV, No 3, 1964, pp 538-541. Amer Math Soc Sov Math - Doklady Vol V, No 2 Sci- Aug 64 265,224 Tile Pathogen of Ornithosis and Other Representatives of the Chlamydozoa, by Jima I. I. Terskikh. 18 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Vest Ak 1,1edit Nauk SSSR, Vol =, No 3, 1964. jpRs 24814 Sci jun 64 260i3d in :F3-4- rds. and Its Aatu' -Ll- FOCO-l f 0--,*P--, u- - IS I ocur-i-ence, -0-- cheiltsov-up-julatov, 6 a 1-6i, MUSSLLT, Per, Voprosy VirusOlOG; VOI VI-I "To -pp 131-135. pp Sci Aug 62 aj6,b-'go T,ie Chamber for Wo&- With A2XOGCLI132 by 1. 1._Terak-l-" VWORY Virwologii, Vol VIP 743-745. 9088112 U.-DA Tv V-1,1*9 sci - chw- 62 1. Iferok-JI'mil 4 pi). RUSSIAN, peri, VOIX0113Y Virtiaol'. V03. V, 1.10 11 19GUi pp 76-3a. pp :p ,ian 6,1. The Actiology of Trachoma,, by A. A. Shatkin,, 1. 1. Terskekha,.5 Pp. RUSSIAN., per$ Voprosy Virusologii, Vol IV, no 6., 1959j, pp 6-*i3-6~7- Pp sci Oct 60 / a 9- tmm rrIU6) I-- BMT WOWY of matun"s in I%qmt by ans Anuba . 33519. MtOXASs UP ftdM_wb& "M=w a*-T- Ablm D" VwJL TOM% - 0 CTA/M U-8550 =/A - Im 3 f.., If? scom"a Polyene Compounds. IX. Condensation of Acetall; of Cinmyr-aldehydep.PurfuraldeWe and FurylacrylaIdehyde With Unsaturated Ethers, by B. M. Mikhaylov, G. S. Ter-Sarkleyan, pp. ROSSTAN, per, Zhur Obahch Rhim, Vol no 8, 1959, PP 2560-2564- Consultants Bureau Sci Aug 6o I Paiyenc Compounds ~'11 . Condenaation o 'Aryi. E-t.hcr Wi-th A-cotals of Aro-=tic Aldwwdea and Ketoncs, by B. 14. Mikhaylov, G. S. 8 pp. RUSSMI, per, Zhut Obahch IW-iaj Val '=Xp NO 5) r,-z) 1642-164-7. Cormult-aats Burcmu sci aa 6o :Folyeawo CQ=mleatiam 4. SyrithafAz olf Aryl '003genic Wdrocarbons With the JOA of OrganametalUe CCVCrQ!dzs bY B- K, ULMM11M., (6 So Tex-BaXkitVan., F- A- 51torskaomi, 7 PP wmtkU., PGr-, Iz Ak Eauk SM., Mel Wm Muk, No 5, 3959s in 831-838. OB 6,1 )./9 Pob-en�c -wTmmd5. Comunicatl onz 1. Synthagis of 5-DiaZ71-1,325-biax-atrienes, by BAL bML--hailwr,, R US S LA ., per :Ez Ak Hauk SSSR, q-el Ehim Maulk, No 9,, sep 195-7, pp 1079-1084. Conaultanta Bureau Sci - Chem Jul 57 Low TezperqtL,--e Absorgtio-nSi~entraof So-aw Wit'voger'- Containing 'Heterocyclic Oampotznds, by A. N. IMUdtIna, G. C. Ter-Sar 1 P. RUSSIATI.. bizo per.. Iz Ak Nauk BSSR, Ser Fiz- Vol XVIII, No .1 19540 OP 740. CIA c 4o6a' Columbia Tech Tr /I 2,vf- Scientific - Pbysics J Fab 56 cTs/Dzx ion, CS XII. nn cond-ensat c~-'-Ptntadienal vith Pxylacetic Acidss by B. m,. G. S. Ter-Sarkisym; 3 pp. per, Obsh--h Xhin, Vol W., NO Bi pp 25'al-2523. CB A~ 4 .911;r Sci 3 e ) 61 Polyanes. Cor-un'. cation llo Un*mmtrioal 1,6-Diaryl 1,3,5-H6x&trlen*s , by B. M. Mikhailovo G. 3, Tar-Garkisyan, 3 ppe RUSSIAHO per, Is Ak Nmuk SSSRo Otdal Rhim HiLuk, No 7, 1960, pp 1267-1271. CB Sai 8 ~- e Sep 61 Folyanic Compounds, Comaunic4tion 2* Polyamic Compounds Containing RetarocycUe Bubstituents., by B, M, Mhailov, G, S, Ter-Sarkleyan 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per., Iz Ak Mank SMp Otdal XhIn Kauk,. ifo 1l.. 1956,, pp 1448-ik5i. Consultants Bureau Sal - Chem Jun 58 Mae licact-lvil;y 0-1 the N2thyll GrOU135 UZ :j-:)=ZCJ Dwivwbivvs aff by 13. !l. Go So blmo r Iz Al: rr-ul-,- MR Otcl--l IC21M llmh, ITO 5s sc-D-Oct 9548 PPU46::853, CormIt=ta Dkwa= Scientific - Chemiata-y lbv 55 CTS/Da Condensation of Benzo Derivattws CC 94fattWl- acridiua. =* Candmustlow Ulth PdMW p-Nit:msodlwtka&uUlWv by B. M. Ulkh"lovp G. S. Ter-Sarkbiyen~ 6 pp. RLESIMp bim vwj, Is Ak Nauk M, 21ftl Xhim Miukk NO 42 map 19540 pp W&M. CTA D 151337 Scientific - Cbmdstry CTS 691jun 55 On the Eig4wmiuss and 3j&pmru=tionr. of tho oscillations of Cylindrical Shallep by ~S-.-Aa. Tersenov,p 9 pp. RLWIAN,j per,, Boobshchen Ak Nauk Gruz Mp Vol xv, no 9, 1w, rp M-Pl. 9 () ~,5 16*~ Harris D. Friedvan Scientific - Aws"W mathemUce M'S 73/Oct 1955 orsadnewa HwW fa tbit PCQONCd= OfftOctA RobtOrC" CONNNOAr G. TOCO, S W6 UMM, M Swaftd, GWCGM 20 Oct LW, P 26 cram* d ciatow us& Ecoa Feb " spits 2U76 249,4U trnf- m-2 Cb,-mber f or Wark With Aero3ols, by i. -rerskikb, V. No Bolotovsklyp 1. VoprWy VirWalog4ir Vol VI., 'io 6, 1961,- pp 7,43-745. 9M= 6P- (IN-1374) I J thos- s ,-.,per-imental DevelON-lent of a Vaccine An,,,qin-lt Orn.,L L ittacOSIS by 1. 1. T~g ~skh, L. 77. Kuboram, Y. M. E.31oto-vskiy, 10 pp. r- ,,JSSIAN, pee, Voyenno-Med Zhur, uo 6, 1~-60. JPRS 54134 -Od 6c) p (004670) THE CAPACMISTICS Or AVOM IMMON IN ORN17MISg BY 1. 4 V. OL OOLOI I To A. VU. PP. RUSSIANS PCRV VIXJSMMIIS VOL VIS NO 4# 1961# IMP Jm 13* SCI - No j LIN (9 197MV Cowtruction of a Cbm-aber for Rork With Viral =d Bacterial Aerosoln,, by 1. I~I_Te'rskikh., V., 1. Cbervouskiy, Ve U. Dolatovsklyp 8 6e RML4N.. per, 71mims" MikroblolosUp Epldemiologiij i Mmunobiologiis Vol M=, No 9) Sep 1958, pp 130- 133- SM No T-12 Bel - medicine Dec 1958 7/1 P.2- 11, Study of the BSh Streln of Free- 11-ving Leptos-pire From a G-wamp la the moscow Oblaz-'%.' aud the Pathogan4C S-V-_-&ng Strain Isoljwted From a Rat in lmd=est.%, by V. 1. _T~rslzikh, b- 5 -MP - RUSSLAM, per, Zhu-- lUkrablak, 4idemiol J L7=mobiol, Vol )MXI, No 9, 19W, PP 43- 5.3. pp Nc-- 'leafl, sci 7 clip reb s 62 The Regional Epidemiolo&r of Leptospirosi'~` in the ::~'. O'blss'V-, by V, L. TFRSKTK- , YU. G. CHM-11RUIA, 1. L. KOKOVIIi, 6 pp. RUSSIANt per, Zhur lUkrobiol Epidemiol i In=mobiol, Vol =, No 7, 1960, pp 123-127. pp 3 Aug 61 The Seprono"s (41sawas or Jba.wA Animus- qaused -by Organism -Capable - ot Ptoliferation OUtolds r.IW MAY In the ISLOrMl RmVlronMnt whiah is Their xwmi AwAtext); vv is Tirwkikhj, XMIAXP par# Zhur Jdkrob1oL 1hpide-fol I IMMUMbI0111,:V01 M=,, No-3j, 1900 PP Pwroulon Bei - -Jbd Apr (FM 27471) Mit Etioloa and BWemidlogy of ornAtbosir, (raittaoceis), by 3C. -1. Terskikh... 16 pp. HUSSUNS m0 jor., Zbmr Wwoblol, M Ewm2icl M=uwbiolp Vol No 1, tWwaj, Jan 195b., pp f39-7b. c:rAAmD u-ft6D s USSR SM - Mdicini33 crutboalm P, P 7 may 96 (FDD 26580) Psittacosis and Omithoais., by 1. 1. Terakilth, 12 pp. RUSSUS, no per, Zhu Hikrobial AvAesiol I T-inabiol,, No 10, Moscow, Oct 19550,pp 62-66. CIA/FJ5D U-7915 USSR 33 6e& Sal - Nedicim., VOM10" Yield Micd%s a Source of Wection of Uptanpirosis ,7,ype 11 (Y=dWwv) in a Mver-Dome Outbreek.9 by V. I. Terakikbt K. I. TdIukova, 1. P. Gmmbnikovm~. 3 pp. RUSSUR, mo perp 7-kn, Microblol, Spidemiol i Ima=biolo Vol XMI., No 4,, 1957.. PP 115-118. Pergwm Press .4-17 Sci - bledialne Jan 58 Peculiarities of the Regional-Ep-idemio-IDW of Water Fever, by V. I. Terskikh, 2 pp. RUSSIO,, mo perj Zhur Mikrobiol, Epidemiol i I=unobioib, Vol XXVIU, No 1,, 1957, PP 37o 38. Pergamon Press Sci - I*d Jun 57 (for MMI Disturbances in the Transfer of Excitation in Sclid Solution of Na.uhthacanc in Anthraccnaj by A. N. Faidy6h, 1. Ya. Kuchernov, A. A. Terskiv, 6 pp. RUSSLAN, per, Optika i Spal-,troskopiya, Vol 1,0 1956~ PP 1-03-hc6. 7 AEC Tr 3500 SLA R-3o66 S CIL - Phys i4Afteret",Ct Reaction" in ,e by 1. A. Terskmr, 6 T~YP per, i3iol-iz, Vol V, No 2, 2.960) pp sci U,ood as Shum iyy &-jthrogr,-mn,- by 1. 1. I- [~, 10 pp 4 PIUScOYAll, 11~xb1zW, Ge Mitol i r-ereliv KV0vip Vol. Vj, NO 5., 3-9lbU., pp 31-39 FP sci - I jan 61 The Dynamics of the Changes In the Brytbrocyten During Acute Radiation Sickness: Results of a Photoelectric Investigation x? the Kaftled Of Hhemolysis., by 1. A. T*rskov and 1. It- Giteltzoup 14 pp. RUSSIAN, mo per,, Blofiz,, Vol Up Nd 4s 1957s, pp 523-535. pargawn rust Scl -B101 Jul 58 7 60 A-ii Vot'Llad, by 1. A. tknesbw., 1. 1. oitev=.. 8 pp. FUS'SiMp 8 tims--:yr per,, Biofis,, Vol =,, Ro 2, 1957o pp 290,-266, ftzls= Fmcs I sai - cll~-StZ7 3 -1~ 0 ~ ~7 . we 57 Ifetbod of awUng Out and MmlniUS Y~rUtblologi=1 Bottom Sa%aesv by S. H. T-OrMUMVP 2 13yo z=M, perp Zool ZIMP Vol XL# 30 2s 1961s, pp M-OK - *ws 63-luM PL.Ift sei mar 64 ReBear,::!-- on the Mecha=' -1cm QZ Lt~_agimm% Vcrk in Foresozy Exploitation, by D. Tertecel, 10 pp. RUMMFUR, per, Revists Fadurilor, Vol LUV, No 6, 1960, PP 351-356. JM 7669 Rtzmla scan Pab 61 Efoastrosity in Black Flies (Diptera, Simaiidae).. by AL. Ye. Terterymn, -- 1 pp. RUSSIAN, per., Ratcmolog Obozreniye., Vol XL, No ly 1961., pp 1OT-108. ADS Sci sep, 61 Idiork Ornzni tionn; %bcbnical Hmme and Wages) (AF-69347o),, by A. B. Terberyan.. V. N. Alekseyevp 9 pp. RMSIAN., monograph; Operator po ocbiutke vx~ffieljv H-L 1952. ftcl to IR-nl2-%,,M ftb 1956. crA D-399m. j A Fc.,tv- "-72V40 UWR Hcoucwc - Petzolem Oiu&latry LubrlcatinL. Oils and Additives, by A. B. Tvrteryan, 5 PP. RUSSIMP bk, Operator go Ochistite 1%9a1, pp 44-46, .L36-138i Encl to lAl-344-53. AF 5$,2851 USSR 106111 50 Scientific - Fuels CIA 2ooBoM 9 10~0? -Z-bor Oreanizatioa; Stauftrdizatlou of TAbor and Pzvductlon Costs and Memn of Loveftag Them, by A.B. Terteryinp 6 mb RWSXAN,p bk, operator po Ochletke VAsolp 1952, pp 159-165, Ilpt IAI-363-53. 60=1 U3SR rZoamic - Petrolq%m Loustry CZA 2107736 CTB,/mx k,7;? _, ~v lr-lctioL ,~nd Al-aci-OCCUPIC b Djf~'-- cd c. or p-tificiall Oxid-r-tion Films Fom -jT rare Tin- and on 'Ilin Pl..-te, bi J. J. ,D~Illiot, L. TertiLn, S. C. Britton) 14 p1p. Fli-EUCH, per) ~jet--ux Corrosion-Industries, Vc-I XXXIIJ 1957, PP 475-481- su 6o-14126 Sci 7 11,3-- 5c. p61 Emx*,-:::~ '-Y �.~Lsztrcm L j - I i;l e,j;~~-oujc Difizz--tiony by.Yo ;J. Lt T-lertim X. Rihamm, 13 ppo Oezles 2j, Wa V=j. Vlo 3t 3.953, pp 64--o. m 7~- 26 59 Therml and Sydrotherml Trw=fbr=ticns of Alumim, by Rcbert Tertian, Dwais PaPeei. 36 P- FF4=H, per., .7mu-nal do Chimie Faysiquep 1958, Vol LV,, No 5., PP 341-353. SIA 59-IL7445 sal Feb 60 Vol 2., No 9 St-udy of the The-r4al Dacc-m-position of ilydr1i'v- gi-Uite and of the Co=titution of Aativatltd Alumina, by D. Papee and R. Ter Ltian, 16 pp. FMCH., pers, Bull Soc Chim France, 1955P PP 983-991. Sci Aug 58 U QLIE"" itdtivc Annlysir, of Alumina Ur1rate ?4Lvft=es by Hams of X-Rays., by R. Tertian, R. Houceemaine., 13 pp. . .......... FMCH., par, Chim Ann', Vol X=, 1954, pp :L82-i86- EUA Tr 57-1325 Sci - Chemistry Fab 58 6 6P1 :57 / ~ An X-ray Study of the Transition Anbydrides of Alumina, by Robert-Tg1lia -Pape"'e, .p, Denis Jacques Charrier, 3 PP. ,,R2WH, -per, Comptes Rendus Academie des Science, ?aris, Vol CCXMIII, No 1, 3-954, Pp 9.8, 99- sLA 6o-ioi8o Sci MS, Vol M, No 6 5~p 60 An X-fty SWAy of the Pz4odu*U ftsulting Won the Careful Debydration of Nydm-GUUts aW Bwarits, by Robwt Tertlm# Dwds Pap"j, 3 P. FF=Hp Para- COMPt" Rand=* 1953v Vol CC=U., NO l6., py 1565-1567. SLA 60-IM71 sci Apr 60 V01 In,, No 3 IMULIen-Ce o2 Oa)!mmizing Conditions on the Yield and C~Alallt'Y Of P~ri =17 Tar Froan Oil Mmlea mid f3ixproye.Lic Coals b by Staalslau TO-rtil., 29 pp. POTASHp per., Frwe Glovuego D3stvtutu Gornietva, vo &13,, 1951, pp i-a. 908T246 ' oTs 6o-2i365 PL-480 Elci - Chem., JW?6st ,Tun 62 by S. Teet;il, R. Zielcniuwsl--; , J. Grudzimi, Lx) pp. POLISE-7 Prace Cllovnego Instytutu Grjrni~:t,.fa, T ilo 111. -20. Oars 60-21y"RS) I-I,J60 S,A - Them '7 7 Ile Tertil, S., Zieleniewski, R. , and Grudzien, J. ........ Primary Tar Analysis of Sapropel Coals POLISH, per, Prace Glownego Instytutu Gornictwa, Komunil,mt nr 13-1, 1952, 20 pp. *~L 480 crTs 6o-2130,'6 lc~--61 s-'Igu , If -Fiel, cii, wuia if. a iI t ~' -1, -P T lulla -I - -f' fte U-- --- - - --.d- -- - ---- )e-~-ivatives. XYJII. 14-Aryllepidinium Salts, bj, 1. i. ArdaBhev, B. A. Tertov, 3 PP- IUSSIAH, per, Zhur Cfbshch Rhim, Vol XXIX, No 9, -959, pp 3050, 3051. CB ;ci ',ep 60 Q-ainolin-:~ Dellivatives. XII, "by '13. 1. B, A. Tortovt 6 pp. Furl. tr RMSIW-, =-.- mer, Zhw Obuhch Mdm, Vol =71, No 1, 1956, pp iiglpc 218-222. CIA gw"ol+ C, Reel 110 2:1 uu-,cau Sep .016 CIS Investigations in the MIA of Quinollne Perivatives. XI. Synthesis of Lepidine and Its Derivatives From Acetylated Arylami=., by B. t. Ardashevp B. A. Tertov, 3 pp. RUSSLAN., mo pers Zhur Cbshch, Xhim, Vol XKTYj, No 2,, U=j, Feb 1954s pp .9 1 C CIA D 15=70 314-316. Cownatiants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry 67/.&pr 55 Me ReBilience Problm in ffiem-Hardaess Deter- minatAms,, by He Twtsabs 7 PP. 0189M, perp News Jobrbwb finr Mineralogie, 1956X vp 241-M. ACSI I-M37 ID 2MM5 sci - N/M mw 6B .23 61 71py