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The Removal of awits From Gaseous Pluids by Means of Cyclones: by G. Danese, 32 pp. 1TALLM. per, L'InieSnere, Vol. MMII, 19511; L pq 1255-i26o.. -~-37440i. Dept of Interior Br of Bitumiums Coal Ret; Bur uf Mineo Sci - Geophys FDD x-4w7 j= 6o 1'~7 ~'; Fbotogmphia Parepectivw in Traffic AccidenUl by To Berlese. muamt . Romal vol M=, No 41 1957s ,P .33-34r.,rkj ; DOU 34005/CT sci - SW Mar 59 c~ d,-7 r91 - / Pressure Loss In the Lmdaar Flow of a Fluid Throu0i a Porous Bed, by G. Mnzoni,, L. Hattouzzi, et alva 20 pp. ITALIANO per, Ingegnere, AEC OINL-tr-377 Vol XXXVIII, No 8. 19640 fsl;) /- /.2- 2929681 Sci-phys Nov 65 lumtwlcm of AstalIJ4 cor Ion am Vioroblolqgiml Actl vitir to the Pr*s*wo of AUU-FV"XUW Agents in ftilver Odr&UIU Sptcmv by 7. Abvamos 0. awt. vamlwWnD MM.. pr, lWp ftwv# IW# pp 677-6p. . ... ......... DSV4"Aj5I/CT Sol - low# mobmdaa gap 58 The Calculation of SUmm Ju Fummroles~ by Oaaare Codegone., 11 pp. IMIM, per, lnp~Wia Ferr?!Y~i--&A Vol VIII Apr 1952,, pp 2TT4jS-p-'-' *---- " AW SCL-T-335 sci jun 61 ~ Dc) C) 6 -3 Eatural Rubber ad Synthatle glutaws in Fallvay AppMum p by Ao IbUcahla. MALIAN. "". 1AMOWIA lWmwiarls 3.9", rp 91749--- - alcl - I= / c7!?,, a .5v? Jtm 62 USE OF THE LE " NN GRAPHIC METHOD FOR THE TRACING OF FIELDS IN THE DESIGN OF ELECTRICIAL MACHINERY.. BY 1. G. GIOVANARDI. ITALIAN, PER, INGEGNERIA FEMVIARiA.- n& i961; PP 131-138. RAE 976 SCI - ENGR SEP 62 210,222 The Go, ; Rallivads in L962-1963& by Sair Intronaj, 3S Fps ITALIM,, per., Ingqg!2ria-Ferroviari!,Feb 19640 pp 121-137. DIA LN 2S2-67 EHur- Econ Jul 67 330#722 The Hollow Welded Runsara In the Raaction Turbiwa, of tba Turbo-Drkm Ship SS Amft-ca Dc-iat by Bori=dimo Coati-Bubaralao IMCUSSIFIED ITALIAN, perp Laeggria UU&NjUgj, No 7/8, Jul/Aus 1953. Navy Tr 1646/Bushipts :t 636 sci - EW ~-.q 7,~ ~z mar 58 t~2 7j The Integratea Steelvorks at Comiglisnos by Be Levio MLIAN', per# iqppm-is Moccanicas Vbl Mj No Up 1954,p pp 41-494 MS1 2290 mmo - Italy Ecom If q/ A.$-/ miar 62 Nem Apparatug Zor JbasurLng Surfo,%cm RONAMOSS: by N. 170-aadio'e. UNCL IMLINp porj Ingog loccanica, vol v. 1956. PP 5 ~-3 - -.. I. .. .. I DSIR 33226/cT Bw )%r 59 Plans for a ":iock Testino E-quilment Layout, by Giovanni Bianchi. GOVEIW~'IMENT USE 014LY ITALIMI, per, Ingegueria ~Ieccajdca, Vol 9, No 11, 1960. MUTT67974 9 7-68 Jun 68 357,177 Bongiovanni. G, and Cambardella, G, THE DRIVE KINEMATISM OF MOTOR N40WE-RS AND THE RELEVANT PROBLEMS OF O)MPEN- SATION. 11961121p. Orde r f rorn S17 $ 10. 00 Trans. of Ingcgneria Meccanica ( Italy) 1960, no. L 1, p. 19-29.-- DESCRIPTORS: Design, *Electric motors. 62-12190 1. Title: Motor mowers 2. Title- Mowers 1. BDngtovanni. G. 11. Gambardella, G. Ill. STT- 152-194 IV. SCIENTECH, Scientific and Technical Trans- lations, Cleveland, Ohio TF, v. 7, no. E) Italy - The Peaceful. Uses of Atanic Energy, ITALIAN, per, Ingeneria Nuclear, Val V, No 1, 1964, pp M 27-33. AEC/Risley Tr 838 On Loan Only Sci Jun 65 TYPE OF CONCRETE WITH VERY LOW C04W CONTENT USED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF "LA BOCA" DAM.. BY FEDERICO BARONA DE LA 0. SPANINM., PER., INGENIERIA KnM HIDRAULICA EN MEXI(;O ig6o, pp 1.i2. --------- ---- - . 11, ..." DEPT OF INTERIOR TC823 A358 NO 387 SCi -ENGR SPE 62 209j607 R-593 Concretos Con May Reducidos Contenidos d,~ Cemento &Tleados En La Construction de La Presa "La Boca, by Federico Barona de la 0, SPANISH, per, Ingenieria Hidraulica en Mexico, vol xiv (4), 196o, pp 67-78. *JPRS fpr Dept Interior 19 Jul 061 The Metallurgy of Silicon, by W. E. Remmers. SPAN=, per, Ingenieria F-Midustria, Vol 27j, 1960, pp 101-105. *RTISIMS TT 71-55141 Available M On3,y June Air Photograpby Rediscovers Cbile,, by M. Morris# 7 PP- SPANrBB,, per# --4erla --internwloml Construc- clon Vol LIj No 4s Em FW,145 V 51 so 4 &g Trl Araq Iftp Sorviae LA - Chile 0009 Nov 63 8367 t a nd 1) Ovel'..'ALI c.t. jj,~,t3,, by Pa Lion pp (Call TAY"", Itc, T.A x0v M-mahanica:11 and Mactrica EnglneerinSp 6 p*o,, SPAMR, rpt# XpZ%AiRria Newplaa.fZlectricaj, maxico, No vj?, 1963, miiiii6ia -of pp 10-12. (can NO V, 4 :r.48.. go 2.770 &g Tr) A.MU' ft Se-MICe Sol, - Meq'~~-m -209 jcz 64 ' '?o ~ Direct Mstance DIaLUS :Ln lftxico,, by Rzik Wa22ztenj, 22 W. maxsa: F- N PP O-W- (ball 1b OL 4 !48p No 14.T.. MS Tr) Amy ft Berriat Sci jan 64 . . 1. ~i ...... d :- : I II '. , mm mw, #_lid, Awlication of the Membimne Effect to Shlpa I I&il-Flates.. by Erich Vv3-lbrechtj, 13 PP. SPANISH., perp A%MWL No 245.0 Nov 1955) PY 744-752. CYP'~90, ACSIL Tr 9v sci - Rug ~-/ 4 -'/C~ Aug 57 j 1. . - - I ~ ft "CANCITY THEIR GMTM CtIGN WAY OUTPUT$ By MITO PAR"# 6 PP, VAN 1;2 FVA# IA NAVALs NO 3W* pp gM 111M MR I to 1 LA - SPAIN ECON Nov 6L 14AVY TR *WQNI 878 173,17-Y Llectronics and Statistics as Fundamental Factors in Automatic Quality Control in Spinning Mills, by L. Viertel, FRENCH, per, Ingenieria Textil, No 143, 19bO, pp 137-151. G6/39/110. 1426 Sci Dee 62 Oiling for Strength, by L. Hawl. ,, per.. Ugenaria TexUlp Vol MW , 1960, pp 215-;-Of. CSIRO 5423 Bel - Fuels Aug 62 .2 " 1,1,31 Direct Conversion of t1w Chemical Energy (11X Va 311) of Coal Into Alectriesl Sneray, by C. Caputo. -.ITALIAN, per) Ingwers,o Vol M=,p Jul 1955j, PP T63-775. Dept of Int UB Bur of XIMS central axper sta Pitts. I Pa. Tr 524 Sol - Chem, Electron J= 59 Ingenieros de Aviacion. ENGLISH to SPANISH, Training Manual) Aviation Engineers, TM 5-255, 19 Aug 1947. Sales Agency US Govt Printing Office Hq, USARCARIB Fort Amador, Canal Zone $2.00 Completion of V.To::Im Under Increased Air Pressure in the Building of a Traffic Tunnel Under the IJ River at Amsterdam, by L. P. Sikkel. DUTCH, per, De Ingenieur,Vol 77, Part 5, pp G53- G61 and Vol.-7-9, -No 17, part 6, pp G63,G67 NZDIA Sci - Jul 67 334,1w 7b* bleaburepent of TMeraturs iu Gazes a p1ming at Higb Speed, by Do Vlets, 1'. 1 QMWW,, per.4 IWaiew.. Vol LMI,, 18 peb,, ASM GB 17/444 my 58 6180?,a 6 1 r N~ Ueat-Tranafer of Solid Bodies cm Liquids of Turbulent Flovj, by F,~ K. Th van Iterson. D'- I- ;' .-I MEW, per, De 1ngsni2UXO 24 Apr 1926, 35 PP. Dept of Interior Bur of 10 Mines APr 58 rr-61-18255 Six. W., Snock. 1. L., and Burgers, V. G. A NEW MAGNETIC CORE MATERIAL FOR LOADING 1. Six, kl,. COILS (Ben Nletrw Magmetisch Materiaal voor de U, Snoek, J. L. Kam van P*nspoelen). (24pl 2refe. 111. Burgers, V . G. Order from SLA $2.60 rr-61-1825S Tram. of gLiggentM(Nether lands) 1934, v. 49, no. 52. p. E195-E200. (Engineering- -E low cal, TT, Y. 12, no. S) 1 0111'. f 7-h.b..1 S....... Phemomena Accompanying the StwItaneous FloW of Oases and Liquidej, by A. $. Ter Linden% 9 pp. DLYfCHj,_pr.j__Iugeuieur (Utreebt),, Vol LIV,, 1939.. pp 25-29, AM-tr-1783 Scientific Engineering //, 41 xf Errors in Static Temperature Messurementa, by A. B. Mibnjeer. I - I ~ I ONW, per, De lag, No 1,, 1945) pp 12-A. %ftmwmwwmmm-%%. TIL Tr 4821 Scl - Physics jz j~un 58 ' liryls- CondItlons for Reaqation of Nickel Hydroisilitatee, by M. H. Caron, 28 pp. DUM) psr.,.Ds-;WIe=j* Vol XXIV, 1947. SIA 11-3419 Sol Aug 59 ~15' ~W';? Bendegam, L. van. SOME THOUGHTS ON RIVER MORPHOLOGY AND RIVER UvIPROVEMWr (Eenige Beschouvingen over Riviermorphologle en Rivierverbetering) tr. by D. A. Sinclair. 1963. 28p. NRCCTechnical trans. 1054. Order from NRCC $1.50 14RCC C-4285 Trans. of de Inizenleur (Netherlands) 1947, Y. 59, no. 4 P. BI-BIL-.' DESCRIFrORS: Rivers, Offivercurrents, "dr Ica, Neterlandg, *Hydrostatics, Construction, NurnerIcalnwlysis. *Sand. Motion, N.Mption. 63-12BB3 1. Bendegam, L. van 11. NRCC TT- t(54 III. NR--, C-4285 IV. Ninowl Rese3rch Council o(Cawdi (Mechanics- -Hydrodynamics, 77, v. 9. no. 9) Offim d TuhWcW Swkn A Possible Cause of Destruction of Slide Bearings in Fast Motors, by B. C. Kroon ,U=4 Vol LIX, No 31 17 Jan DME, per, Do lng2n 1947, pp 1-8; V6'T2-, 21 Mar 1947, pp 25-56. Navy Tr 1361../BuS hips 614 Sci - Ebginearing Doc 56 OTS -W, / ~j r 61-l"63 Haag. A. K DESICN AND CONSTRUCTION OF FLAT SLAB L Hass. A. K PLOORS. [1961136p. Ord&. Order from SLA $3. 6D 61-18963 Tmns. of do Ingenicur (Netherlands) 1949, Y. 61, no. 10, p. BT 19-26 and rxL 13, p. BT 27-35. DESCRWMRS: *Floors. OReinforcW cowriete. Des1p, Construcdov, Beams, *Snvctin*l, Abdw- m.tkAI awlysts, &Notes. MMM". (EWneering-ChIL TT, Y. 6. rA 10) 70"44 someed 61-18999 Duyster, H. C. THE CONSTRUCTION OF AIRCRAFT FLANGARS 1. Title: Prestressed concrete WrM SPANS OF 164 FT. AND 377 FT. IN PRE- 1. Duyster, H. C. STRESSED CONCRETE AT THE MELS13ROEK AIR- FIELD NEAR BRUSSELS. [1961132p. 3 refs. Order from SLA $3.60 61-18999 Trans. of ALLn&enieur (Netherlands) 1949, v. 61. .' V no. 18, p 'ff DESCRIPTORS: *Hanpre, Construction, Materials, Design, Concrete, LAnding tields, Belgitun. (Enoneerinp-Aeronautical, IT, v. 7, no. 1) Office of Te"col Servicas 61-1"98 Hartmann, J. A. H. THE PRESTRESSED CABLE. 1196114p. I - Hartzmann, J. A. H. Order from SLA $1, 10 61-18"S 1 Trans. from de Ingenieur (Netherlands) 1950, v. 62. no. 21. DESCRHYrORS: *Steel wire, Tensile properties. 41keinforced concrete, Concrete, Processing, Wire. (Engineering- -Civil, TT, v. 7, no. 1) 1 OFA...f 7-4.k.1 $"C.% I Seals for Rotating Stafts, by So F. Boon) LY. //~ D=H, per, nvArd=;, Vol-IM-ONO 29) July 1950, pp 3- 0"Q.~ 409 OT/1219 Sci - Engineering -rhe C. If I . C vlj.,v.,4 Y 3 3 - Instability of Thin-VaUed Cylinders Mjected to Internal Pmourej, 'by J. A. Jkrinp- FfM=., mo per, Do loganUurs Vol 'TXM,9 No 29# 1954 P-P 39-41* Z- Hmy Brufther Tr 3a5 $4.65 .4y- ff !? 0 (0 sad - Engivaering Feb 1957 CTS TestW the Roundness of Shaftaj, by Doordift, 6 pp& UNCUSSIMM DUTCU, per, De Ingenieur, 8 Peb 1952, pp vl-w6. Navy Tr 775/BuBbips 524 CTS/DEX Scientific - EnglueerimS , 7 V* 6-0 O'l Oome Notes on Seals for Rotating and Reciprocating Shaftsp by 11. 7, Boon. '7=B$ pers Inpqkurp Vol LXIV,, No 12p 21 Mir 1952# PP 33-40. Hydromedbanics Research Assoc T 459 QT/1226 WEur - -Netherlands Sci - Engineering IV 0 //' 41111f Ftv~-tm-a Inflimcing Creep of Yetals,, by J. J. d* ~i-*%~,v 32 py - 1) , t Td-==, wr, Bgf#oi~r (11trecM.), Vol IXIV.. No 28,9 I'm, n- ge-101. Acc 3383 Sel - Kin/jbt lov 5 8 '7t~ ~/-?/ IIufluecce of AxIta BUde &I&t on the Theoretical Und of Radial Flwr Turbcmachinery (Pumps and Ventilators), by E. Iurzolia. 1TALIAN.. yerg In!~Eres", 2,0 pp 417-425- D B.I.R./27573 Sci - ftgineering 4r 57 CTS/d" ?bdern Galvanmeters, by 14. J. Reichert. DMEMI, pez-, Ingenieur, No 5, 1953, pp 20-23. ---------- R.A.13, (Farnsboxou&) Tr 580 Sci - ftgirieering 3r 1, ~ P, .5 Investigation of Asphalt solut&ons with the Contrast Microscope., A.P.F.Kist. DUTCH., per., de Ingenieurp 1953., vol.65j, W.10, pp. B43-W.- ATS-=TTDU -%V&6tal 307,P689 AMtel Brid~p at AMterd= In OMOZMWUt Zt*MW No 2 Cmstrvated Pardy With ftestressed Om- ante Doak# by Go yo Janssaubms 9 ]a* MM., per# do - Vol Lv$ ND 190 IM, pp STA 614MB sci ar la Ce / JP4 J4 u Vol Vns go 3 - Ical lit-380 POIT by ;t. C. r;. X -P -27. lrlzcnlcgl-' VOI LXV 25 a No 24p 12 Jun *53, --S L A -,~ Yo TPA3/'rjB T h249 Direct Generation of Electricity by Itans of Yuel Cells.. by J, KeteliBer. DUM, per$ InGenleurt Vol Xmv" 1954. ABLIB-OR125 Bei Au,g 58 7,4,, 'A/ ~7f Errors In statle tempemVmv - ev -ntsp by A. B. t1ijubews 5 pp. WWR, 130r, 671 no It p T-19 1955- MA 58-524 Sai Aug 59 AO!V,01 7'"ri Y 2 S The Applicability ot a Mathod of Precision Allgamnt$ by J. G. Doekes; W. do Bruin. DWICH per, Inpniegr PP 0.43-0.4&.- --- Ajol IXfII,, No 10,, 1955. D.B.I.B./27010 Sol - 9.1neering 6 a a Apr 57 CT ex Corona-HooloUng Lacquer in Rdh Voltap Machiness by F. 9. lkeqpro DUTRCXV peri, Inowdow, voi Livn, go 39, 1935; pi) 107-UG, CSLRO sai - Nnur P, zun 62 .2e1, 1.2 7 Bynpwlum an Cod"n lmd Conftmrsp IV. Water CcoW Cogdo=ers fer Befrigwatian Mautop by G. Befftags. LIU=* rwpBwmdcurA Vol Lvmj, 19560 ^---- cam Bel ; mbw / ? l?) 6 -,// AT 2 TT-64-12781 Jong, G. de J[oeeelinl de, WHAT HAPPENS IN THE SOIL DURING PILE I-jong, G. del. de DRIVING? 119UI 25p 11. ATS-23Q73DU Order from ATS $ 29. 85 ATS-23073DU III. Associated Technical SmIcem, Inc.. Trans. of Idel Ingenieur (Netherlands) 1956, Y. 68, East Orange. N. J. no. 25, p. 1377-1188. (Engineering-Civil, TT, v. It, no. 12) 1 Offite *9 T"hntcol Se~lc" Dimensionless-Diagram for Determining the Specific Siza and the Specific Spead of Various T3Wa of ftar. and Other Flow Yachines,, by 1. B. Bouvmn. DUTCH$ per, Tmanninur, Vol LXVIII, No 9, 1956p pp 23-271 Vol LIVIII, No 11, YP 31-39- ISIR/28700/CT sci - Env 'rk" 7'etZ6 Feb q The Measurement of Rapidly Bluctuating Gas Temperatures, by H. J. Diehl. DUTCHp per,_Ingenieur, Vol 68 E, No 36, 1956, pp, 91 95. ZILL Refi 3774.5 (1812) Sci-Phys May 69 380,688 Chimsy Cmetruction tw Scumo Pt. r Strtwtura Prinalples - Pt n 71 , " v , C 24 , I do mdc PrincipUsp bV J. H. GroU* Pt- T, A, Pt. 21. Dm, per, Do Val jx=1 NO 40). 19jQ14011 pp 51-W. - TP b Neu P" CO=cl1j' *M"A 72R Sol - Ugr Ywr 60 i The Uric cl' Heat P=p I-" Dia'Vllation, by D. 11ij=s. Z,I=Rs irigeni2ur.. Vol MVIIII, No 46.. Hav I :: L916 ~ pp 73 U.-- - " ASLIB-W39 Sci Aug 58 711SI-.5 DoUble XUU Faultap by C. 0. Nordeadorn. 1. r I -, alpjmjl y"* No 31# 306# pp 6W-". .1 C.S.I.R.O. Bel my 6o Zrl I Hulat. H. C. van de. *ME IMPORTANCE OF RADIOASTRONOMY. Pt. I of The Radjoastyonornical Observatory at Dwingeloo. (196115p. Order fr orn ATS $9. 2.5 ATS-OON54DU Trans. of de :ngenieur (Netherlands) 1957 [Y. 691 no. 3. p. 1-3. DESCRIPTORS: ORadloastronomy. OAstronomical observatories, Netherlands. 61-25639 1. Hulot, H. C. van de It. ATS-80N54DU 111. Title: Radioa stronorni cal... IV. AssocistedTechnical Services, Inc,, East Orange, N. J. (Astronomy. TT, v.6, no. 11) 0m.. .47-61-1 5CWr., H.J. T'iE NIE~.HANICAL CONSTRUCTIOIN OF THE 25-m A A D! MLL;~ 'SrOM. Pt. 3 of 'Me HadioaRtronomical Observatory at Dwingeloo. [19611 lip. Order frorn A'rs $17. 20 ATS-82N54DLJ Trans. of de Ingenteur (NethcrIands) 1957 [v. 691 no. 3. p. B-L4. DESCRIPTORS: Radio astrocomy, Radio equipment, *Telescopcd, Construction, Astronomical observatories. Netherlands. 61-25641 1. Scbor, R. 11. Title: RadLoastronomIcal 111. ATS-M54DU IV. Associated Technical Services. Inc., East Orange, N. (Astronomy, -1-r, v. 6, no. 11) 016- .1 T-60-1 Z-ft.. Hukarnan, W. THE FOUNDATiON OF THE RADIOTELESCOPE. Pt. 4 of The Radloastronomical Observatory at Dwingeloo. [196113p. Order from ATS $4.00 ATS-83N54DU Trans. of de Ingenleur (Netherlands) 1957 [v. 691 no. 3. p, 14-15. DESCRIFrORS: Radioastronomy, Radloequipment. *Telescopes, Design, Astronon-tical observatories. Netherlands. (Astronomy, TT. v. 6, no. 11) 61-25642 1. Huisman, W. 11. Title: Radios atrorAwd cal 111. ATS-83NS41DU IV. Associated Technical Services. Inc.. Fast Orange, N. J. 0M...4 T-6.1.A S-i- Schlerbeek, B. 8. THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE COORDINATE TRANSFORMER. Pt. 5 ofTho Hadioastronomical Observatory at Dwingeloo. [19611 Sp. Order from ATS $10.75 ATS-84N54DU Trans. of de Ingenieur (Netherlands) 1957 [y. 691 no. 3. p. 15-18. DESCRIPTORS: Radio astronomy, Radio equlprnent, OTransformers. Construction. Astronon-deal observatories. Netherlands. 61-25643 1. Schlarbeek. B. B. fl. Title: Radloastronotnical 111. ATS-941454DU IV. Associated Technical Services. Inc.' East Orange, N. (Astronomy. TT, v. 6, no. 11) OM90 Of T*AA4441 $WV1462 jobsis, G. H. 'ME ELECTRICAL DRIVE. Pt. 6 of The Radio- astronomical observatory at Dwin.ploo. (1961] 3p. Order from ATS $4.75 ATS-BSN54DU Trans. of de Lngenteur (Netherlands) 1957 [v. 69] no. 3, p. 18-If- DESCRIPTORS: *Radio astronomy, Radio equipment, Astronomical observatories. Netherlands. 61-25644 1. Title: Electric drives 1. jobsis, G. H. 11. Title: Radloastronornical . 111. ATS-85N54DU IV. Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. (Astronomy. 17, v. 7, no. 4) Office of Tothoical S~Icos 61 - 18982 (Leonhardt, Fritz]. RECENT GERMAN PRESTRESSED CONCRETE I Title: Prestressed concrete BRIDGES WITH CONCENTRATED TENDONS [AND] I Lconhardt, F. FAN ANC140RACES FOR LARGE PRESTRESSING CABLES. [19611 47p. Order from SLA $4. 60 61-18982 Trans. of de Ingenicur (Netherlands) 19K, v. 69. no. 20, P. BT45-BT53. DESCRIPTORS: *Bridges, 'Concrete, *Wire, Beams, Construction, Friction, Reduction. Girders, R,~in- forcing steel, Jacks (Mechank;s), Circular coils, Anchors, Germany. (Engineering- -Civil, '11', v. 8, no. 5) Office of UtIalcal Smims 61-22632 Yok. X A. ELECTRIC DRFAKIDOWN PIMNO.MENA IN LIQUID 1. Title: RrczWown 11;~_ULATORS. [19611 IOp. 1. Kok, 1. A. Order f rom ATS $14.95 ATS-44IN51DU It. ATS-44N51DU UL Associated TcchnIcal Trans. c( de In-enicur (Netherluds) 1957. T. 69. Senices, Im, no. 27. p. 87-02. E3 s t Orapge. K VESCRIMRS: "Lisulating Ma[CrWf, 'Llqidds, *El=rjc discharges J 0 44. .1 T.C6!Cj S.'"'" (E,-S'mccrlnS- -Electrical, TT, v. 6, Do. 3) Orlan and jr&vympt4= of mrvAue volt"No IV P, a* Proloosto /., 1, 71 ;/ Ammus pr ~4-~ r Vol =9 so her py 155-26.300 SOL . Ift Wy 6o 0660143604 //V*' 0~? x 61-22946 'Kok. J. A. ELECTRICAL BREAKDOWN PHENOMENA IN LIQUID 1. Title: Electrical INSULATORS. [196116P. breakdown Order from ATS $10-70 ATS-43NSIDU I . Kok. J. A. 11 . ATS-43NSIDU Trans. of de 1 etherlsndg) 1957, v. 69, 111 Associated Technical no. 50, FE179-HISI. Services, Inc.. FAst Orange, N. J. DESCRIPTORS: insulating materials, *Liquids, *Elec- tric Insulation. (Engineering- -Electrical, TT, v. 6, no. 4) ~1 The Dwingeloo Radio-Ai3tronomical Obearvatory, by D. G. Sooghouat, '.R. J. Schor, B. B. Schlerb-:,ck. DUTCH, per,-P! In LXIX,. NO 3, 1957. 4, Vol TIL Tr 4826 Sci - Electronics 71 Yar 58 Practical Flow Measurements by Means of Radioactive Substances, by W. Weeda. DUICII, per, No 9, 1957, 0.23-0-29. CSIRO Sci - Phys Nov 61 17V. 3 9'J0 Y Open Air Swimming Pools of Simple Design, by J.H. A. Hardeman, FRENCH, per, Ingenieur, Vol 71, No 2, 1959,0P 0 3-5 NZDBIR/Ref No 770 Sci - Aug 67 335,081 Specifications for Water used in 5wimming Pool&, by D.L. Kedde. PRENCH, per, Ingenieur, Vol 71, No 4, 1959, PP 0 11-19 NZDSIR/Ref No 771 Sci - Aug 67 335,085 R -971 -N A Continuftus Countercurrent Adjorption with Fluidized Beds, unsigned. DUTCH, per, De Ingenieur, Vol X)W, No 11, 12 June 1959, pp not Given. Sci - Pbys *JPRS/US Publ Health Ser Aug 62 Robt. A Taft Engrg. Cntr. 4676 Columbia Parkway Cincinnati 26, Ohio ATM: Library The Mactric Power Supply In the Nether3md by J. 0. vm Staveren., 92 DMH.. per. De Ira im'I NO up 1959# PP 1 3- (Call No- TA4 I59s Nag T=W) AzsW 16p Serw1ca 14 Sept 62 W. gmehinery Constructimck and Shipbuilding. 7. The Application of Vibration-Free (Isolation) M=ntiW for Noise Reduction Purposes, by J. H. Jaassen,, 10 pp. DUTCM,, per, vol ima, xo 12., 1959., pp 71-78. ~~- ,smn 1269 Sci - &V sep 6o / ",2 ~ - ~ -44:1, fl-22340 Hardebol. J. FLOW AND TEMFERA'WRE HFFCM ~[H M 1. HLlwb tubes VORTEX TLMB. [19tlj9p. Tempersture famrs Order from ATS $15. 10 XrS-OIMIW .2- Pluidflow-Anslymis Tmt& of delag-enleur Wedwrlan&) 19S9. v. 71, 1. tknkbA. 1. 17. A73-OIN5113U m 25. p. 2F-25-. M. Associated Techalcol Sm"Ces, br-. East Ora^ W. I I G0923 two of TOAMAW In 1- (Phyadcs, IT, w. 5. no. 12) ga Aixfoots A Now Method at OupswIft So"Ibly AppUcable to 1=& a& Uktar VeMdup by 1, J. iuebl.o Pe van S. 6 mc W=,, per,, Do M*minrp Vol =MS, lb 12.p 8 Nor Im New glavummm 7w ,,c- r The Use of Andlomie or Wgital Ccovat4mm In SOIVI" llea~7-Currimt Pxobl~s Put 11 - 21 pt ImMa in alwee Me" ZO&MUM materi, ty X. F. DIM- MIT%pr $ Ilb 9.5jp 1.7 i= 196D.- IN F.- -3.;0!** anx gm SOL - ftv 61 list, UO Management Developmeiat. Summary of the Workgroup 41 Report in the Section for Production Organization, by J. A. Borggreve. DUTCH, per, Ingenieur, Vol 72, No 14, 1960, pp A195-AI94. - NTC 69-12508-OSA Sci-Beh tj Soc Sci Aug 69 389,467 Physical 3 Aspects of 'the Heat Exchange Between the Hww Body and Its Surroundings, Especially by Radiation., by E. Van Gunst. OMAN, per,, --T,~nie~ur. pp 61-71. , zio 49, :L96o , NZDIA Sci Dec 62 The Use of Analogilp- or Digital Cc mputern in Sol ving Hca-rI. C- z--n- Prob1cm . TIJ ..,.r . U ~ ~ by L. Hannakam. DUNE, per, Dc_jNaniqgt_,Vol LXXII, 29 Jul 196G, PP F.67-E-7977~ Aug 11960, pp H.79-E-d~,- BISI 2298 3-~i - Engr 171 ~,/ a j- C~,,t 61 SIMULATION OF A SYhCH4I WHINE WITH AN ANALOGUE CQWUTERjo BY Po CGROLLER. OUTCHo PERv,DE IMUNIEURs, 16 SEP 1960* PP E.103-E.f0-q-,q"-o-y-7-"V sisi 24o6 SCI - ENGR Nov 61 172s,269 TT-65-12455 Field 7A Stemerding, S. PNEUMATIC TRANSPORTATION OF CRACICING CATA- 1. Stamarding, S. LYST IN VERTICAL CONDUITS. Paper presented At the U. Tftiei Pneumatic Symposium an Pneumatic Transport, Utrecht. 25 Nov 50. 12p, 2refs. Order from SLA: $I.FO as TT-65-12455 Trans. of dc-logenLeux-Metherlands) v72 n38 pCH121-6 1960. Another trw~s. Is available from ATS $18.40 as ATS-12N52DU, 12p. MR 633 TT-65-12456 Field 7A Wilthou. J. PHEUBIATIC TRANSPORTATION OF POWDERED CRACK- Ii. Title: Sympwium ... ING CATALYSTS IN FLUMIZED STATE. Paper pre 1. Wijthoff, J. sented at the Symposium on Pneumatic Transport.. Utrecht. 25 Nov 59. 5p. Order from SLA: $1.10 as TT-65-12456 I Trans. of de~~eur ~etherlanda) v72 n38 pCH126-8 1960. Mll 633 TT-65-12457 Field 7A Koppen, C. W. J. van. PNEUMATIC TRANSPORTATION Or COARSE MATFRIAL 1. Koppen. C. W. J. Van IN A HORIZONTAL CONDUIT. Paper presented at the Ll. Title: Symposium Symposium on Pneumatic Transport. Utrecht, 2.1. Nov 59. 18p, l2refs. Order from SLA: $1.60 as TT-85-12457 Trans. of de Ingenieur (Netherlands) v72 n3B pCH128-36 1960. MR 633 - --- ------ ---- 61-22919 PNEUMA71C TRANSPORT OF CRACIUNG CATALYST 1. Title: Risers IN VERTICAL RISERS. PE. 3 of Symposium fon) I . Stemerding, S. Pneumatic Transport. [ 19611 12p. 11 . Title: Symposium ... Order from ATS $18.40 ATS- MUM Ill. ATS- I2NS2DU IV . Associated Technical Trans. o( de ln&enieur (Ijetherlandt) 1960. v. 72, Services, Inc., East no. 38, ;F. 12 1 - 12b. Orange. N. DESCRIPTORS: *Pneumatic systems. OCatidysts, Hydrocarbons, Decomposition. OMeo of TocWcol 11"too -Chemical, T]r, v. 6, no. 4) OpUcal Precision Newura==U in the FIa3A of Civil and Wabanical Bu4nearing) by S. H. Mem, 34 pp. M=j, per, P!! MW Iba Vol umil, ,plaurjO No 81 1961, PP 33-42. #v08 XF T99) 2bg Ibr) ANS ior 61 A Metbod for Mm=IM tatwmi awaitivity of Malstan ftrMa ftWo# by H. Wlariaps 24 pp. D=., Pus M39Kdows Vol I p Xo 22# 1961j pp .103-109. ---- N&U Ba SUW Sol - SW Doe 62 M7) I if I A, iicw Developments in the Field of Prestressing r lilendons "iith Dir, Prestressing Forces According to Different Points of View (Parts 1 & 2)) by Bou'rf ~4) p e r De- geili=, Part I-Vol 1.10(111) 110 39~ 1961, PP 113-127; Part 2-Vol LXXIII, 11o 43) 1961, PP 131-152. UKtT,tA-Ri sle y -,rr - 4 it Available on loan aii-ly jul 63 Sci - phyz 7he Meetric Paver BuV94 of the Netherlanda iu ig6o, by H. Glosbugt 11 pp. DMp perp Do bpuleur4 Vol LI= .9 No h3,p 1961.9 pp 30--5-9-6,0- am not TA 1590 Army Wp Service Bel - &V We%r - Mw .&"An Ewu ,,2 a a , ~'q~l 19 J~m 69 KWer, A. GAS ANALYSIS IN VACLRJM SYSTEM. [19631 lip. Order frotn AIS $15. 00 A7S-75QM 0 1 -