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d Ile I'mr n by III t 00 or: Acta., Vol !X, 7-7, C, PITRESSIN-RESISTANT DIABETES INSIPIDUS THERAPY WITH DIURETIC 6ALTj BY J. W. WEBER, E. GAUTFER, 18 pp. GEMRAN, PER, HELV PAED ACTA., VOL XVI.. NO 5/6, 1961, PP 565-585. -- NIH 6.15-62 A I SCI % MED 208.,753 ,~orolov-.;,Ical Invostij.',atioll on the ot-' %!yoxvirtis Ilarabir'luanzac. ltirse' o-jr: ;'cL;-a-ratory !;ii:lcctiu;Ls im i~hildrau, by '--A. Gc-moz- lieu;(, ot al, por, blvotica i~ucdiptxxica 'j"Cta Vol ."A'14 kio 3, 19620 1~7-2016-. ZI 65 2163, 634 Deryt an the larm"Boas 13va-imat of Amq FlumIft to Hombold RM In Wintwthur, by 2. ZIW30 . QMWp pwp Htlv Pandlat- -- - - No Igo 1964s, PP 343-354* BW NIH 2-7-0 sal/M Apr 09 380,200 Anomalous Dispersion in the Flold of Ra& iologya by R. Porstart GOVEMOU USE ONLY GERMM, per, Helvetica -Physica Act& Vol I. 1927,p pp 18-46, RSICO-(Al Sci-Phys Jui 67 330o672 The Dynamic CMracteristics of an Arc Rischarge Between Tungsten Electrodes In Nitrogen., by , P. Bachtiger, 66pp, GKRW, per, Helv ftys Acta, III, No 5/6, 15 Oct 19301 pp 335-39u.- SLA Tr 57-1571 Sci - Electricity '~ -Al' - a~ opt Get 57 Theory of Ine7cwtic Collisions Between Atoms, by E. C. G. Stueckelberg, 50 pp. GERW,, per, Hely, Phyo, Acta (BaseZ)., Vol 5,, 1932, pp 369-422 NASA TT F ~3,970 feb 72 R. Baer Certain Experiments to Demonstrate the Diffraction of Light by Ultrasonic Waves. Helv. Phys, Acta, v. 6, no. 8, 1933 p 570-S80. NASA TT F 13926 Feb 73 Spectmmlc Mmmt4oAun at 104na ;f%Q "d Soft Veorp by K- Webrl:La 9- Miasebme # 34 VD. QMWp PW., Hav PAP ACUt Vol VIIj* 19-*o im 20- Pm Tr-4356 fti - Phys my 61 /0 -4 V- 7 f A-W spectrwcoj;io Mmvwtigstim of wparaw Gallium Emildess by N. Ktwcbero X. Webrito 3D IV. OMM., per; ftly Pbp kofto VOI VIIv 193%v pq 33]L-3W- AM Tr -4A Sol - php 0761 /fo~ 137 1 62-20280 Huber, A. and Schmid, E. DETEIRMINA71ON OF THE ELASTIC PROPERTIES OF 1. Huber. A. QUASI-ISOTROPIC POLYCHYSTALS BY TAKING T111-7 11. Schmid, E. MEAN (Bestimmung der Mastischen Elgenschaften Quasilsotroper Vlelkrtstille durch Sitttelung). 119621 JIS)A (forelp text includp-d) 5 refs. Order from SLA $1.60 62-20280 Trans. of HeIvefica.Physica Acta (Switzerland) 1934, v. 7, p. 629--'6-27. DESCRWrORS-. *Crystals, *Elasticity, Measurement, Statistical analysis, Crystal structure. The moduli of the random, quasL-ismxopic polycrystal are calculated from the orientation dependence of the elasticity- and torsion- modulus of cubic and hexagonal crystals by taking the mean over the entire orientation range. (Author) (Physics--Solid State, TT, v. 10, no. 1) Ofto ol Todinkid Stakes On the Intensity Distribution in Band Spectra of Diatomic Molecules, by M. Vahrli GMIAN, per, Helvetica Physica Acta, Vol VII, XX 1934, pp 676-683 *Amer Met Soc. Sci - Phys june 62 On Quantization of the Scalar Relativistic i-I'm Equation, by W* Pauli and V. 11eisskopf, M-141M, por., flolvetica Physoca Acti, No 7, 1934j pp 709-731. Dept of Navy 5077/lk.PL T-1960 sci-Matil Dee 66 3158,540 62-20281 Boas, W. ELASTIC BEHAVIOR OF SINGLE AND MULTIPLE 1. Boas, W. CRYSTALS OF TIN (Zurn Elastischen Verhalten von Zinn- Ein- und -Vielkristallen). 119621 [101p. (foreign text included) 8 refs. Order from SLA $1. 10 62-2DZBt Trans. of Helvetica Physics Acts (Switzerlar4 1934, Y. 7, p. DESCRIPTORS: *Crystals, *Single crystals, *Metal cryotda. Onn, *Elasticity, Crystal structure, Statistical analysis. The orientation dependence of the elasticity- and torsion. modulus of the tin crystal is indicated. By taking the mean over the entire orientation range the moduli of the quasi-isotropic polycryatal are calculated and compared with experiew-, (Author) (See also 62-2D28% (Physics-Solld State, 77, Y. 10, no. 1) ofts of ?Och*31 14"kn TT c ~ ~-,,l R. Baer Conditions of Coherence in Diffraction Spectra Produced in Liquids on Ultransonic Standing Waves. Helv. Phys. Acta. v. 8, no. 7, 1935 p 591-600. NASA TT F 13925 Feb 73 the CaImb;tica of the Torslom Modulub of Quaaliao- pic fr= Iba Single Crystal Constanta, by Boaz~ 7 P.P. MAIN, per, Flelvetica Phyrica Acta, Vol MI, 1935, 674-661. SfA 59-10434 Sci ms 9 Jun 59 YY., Yt5 (a Concerning ReBearches an the Theory of Pmmn and NWndra Noth on Diffftetion of Light by Ultrasonic Waveny by R. Bar. G=M., per,. HeIv Phys Acta, Vol IX, pp 265- 284. Ila= - =8 Bel pj* % Oo / ),rd , 7~ r 63-1 "25 Ali. L- nE NATURE OF THE DOPPLER FREQUENCY S 1. Ab, L. IN LICIIT DIFFRACTED BY ULTRASOUND IN LIQUIDS. 119631 135hL It refs. Order from SLA $& 60 63-18928 Trans. of HeIvedca Pbysics Acta (Switzerku4 1936, V. 9. P. &T-'IT- DESCRIPTORS: *Doppler eftnct~ 4LISts, *Diffraction, OUltrasonic radiation, Liquids, Memry lamps, Tests, Measurement, *Freqwwy alift (physics, TT. v. 10, no. 11) 0"ke *I yed0kal W&IS 63- t0092 Exte rmann, R. 1C. ] and W annie r, G . THEORY OF DIFFRACTION OF LIGHT BY SUPER- 1. Title: SWersonic waves SONIC WAVES. FT. 1. 119621 12p. 3 refs. 1. Extermann, R. C. .Order from SLA S 1. 60 63- IOD92 11. Wannier. 0. Trans. of HeIvet ca Physica Acta (Switzerland) 1936. ! V. 9. P. 520-532 DESCRIPTORS: *Diffraction. *Light, Sound. Super- sonic characteristics, Theory. Numerical methods and procedures, Special functions, Electromagnetic waves. (Pbysics--11yo-oretical, TT, v. 9, no. 11) Me el 7ockitkal Stakes Extermann, Richard C. IREORY OF DIFFRACTION OF LIGHT BY SUPER- SONIC WAVES. PT. 11. (1962129p. 4 refs. Order from SLA $2.60 63-IOD91 Trans. of Helvetica Physics AcEa J_ Itzerland) 1937, V. 10, p. IW217. DE:SCRVrORS: *Diffraction, *Light, Sound. Super- sonic characteristics, Theory, Equations. Propagation. Spheres. Numerical methods and procedures, Elec- tromspetic waves. 63-1009L Title: Supersonic waves Extermann. R. C. (Physics- -Theoretical, 'rr,v. 9, no. I i) M d Tocinkm 31rikil lev Rochelle Salt Electrical SubotEmeeB, by 0, Buscho 53 ppo GEW.W., R"j lip-IV Map Actas Vol XII 1938.. pp 269- 298. -.- -...... .. - - SIA 57-230 J%a 58 dog 9 &- Y I APP11catj n Of tbo lJollow Coaductor VD the Mommri, rnnt of Relectric Condants in the RaW Of Centimeter Wavolongtbap by G& Pejer, P. Scharrar, 6 pp. GERWp per, Ifoly Aet4s, Val XIV, No 3, iq4ig p 141-1 . SU 57-2115 MAY On Sound-Sensitive Flames, by 11. Zick- endraht. GERMAN, per, Ilelvetica Physica Acta, Vol 14. No 3, 1941, pp 195-214. NLL Ref: 9022.9 (1143) Sci-Phys Mar 69 577,039 The Absorption of Light by Oxygen at the Wavelength Lambda + 2144 A as a Function of Pressure, by Walter Neilpern. GER11 AN# per, HeIv Phys Acta, Vol 14, 1941, pp 329-354. ITASA TT F-12F107 Sci-Chem June 69 383,220 The Long-Wave Emission and Fluorescence Spectrum 1,115700-3000 9)- of Na~qral lig CI and Syntheti- cally Enriched lig C1 GEWW4, per, Ilelv. Phys. Acta Vol 14, 1941. 420-464. AIU,.I/RSIC/Tr-880-68 GOVEWOMNT USE ONLY sci/Phy 375,310 Feb 69 A Three-Pbase liotating Field Transmitter for Ultra Short Waves, by W. Dieterle, 103 PP. ORMUt per, Hely Elbysica Acta Vol XV, No 2p pp 1.27-161, 42. SIA Tr 57-820 Scl. - Electronics "f-3, d 9 7 Sep 57 A Cyaotron Ion Source, by H. Bm=m tzar, P. 0. $ Gagel0t; P. Scherrer, 0. R. Mderm=t p. prejaverk., 3 pp. GMMR.. per, Heav ftM Acta. 701 XV., 1942, pp 333-334. AM UCIRL-9-twas -528(L) sci - 4 Pap Ilr -r-4 11"f 9 jan Q L:wt 46 The Mechunism of Voltage Dependent flesiiance,, by A. Wann) G. Buseb, 38 pp. GOYM., per, Ee1v Phys Acta, Vol XV, 1942, pp 571- 612. SIA Tr 22T3 Sci - Electricity ~P 4 3 I/ Aug 57 On the Measurement of Dielectric Conotants by Means of a Hollow CmAuotLng Pipe.. by G. Pejer, P. Sabomr, 67 pp, GERM., per.. Bely FhYo Acta, Vol XV.. No 7, 1020 Im SIA 57-2060 may 58 4 /, '3-J-1 Artificially Grcrm Kjjgo4 crjztals as nequeney Stabilizers,, by W, Bantlep 2 pp. GOW, perp Beiv phys Actao vol xvl,, 1943,, pp 207-209. SIA 57-2192 Bei usy 58 4~ 62 orl~, I,/ ~ Slectro-Optla Belavior ot IM2PO4 ud D2PO4 Cryat&Up by Benno Waker.. Pwl Scharreir, 3 PP- MOM pa BAjjqldc% Pb3miag Acta, Val XVI) 194% pp R4-216-0~ff'333 Sumnuel CoU Res L=g Ctr P.-T-0-63-20 sc:L - M/M, chm Nov 63 2" of tm biledw w4pt of Fr"IY V4WixLng ftrUel"r by 1. wtxg*r. am* pffs Jklyoug amft Aafts Val 16, 1,943t pp 323w420 AT&49~ /~ 7-,;~ / ~ -~? ~; - a,,- 331s 500 Sci -~- Chem V-1 AC-7 The Ele=o-W I . I ~ ofropardes-of Se%nette-Mactric xH2pO4-and.X3iUD2FO4,.by Benno Zodeker. Patd'scherrei,, 42 pff.. 6 ' el~qa ca ~Ajol XV14 1944, p:R6"-37j'?"9;P6jW Amer Metewrol Sac T-G-63-21 sci - phys Mar 65 275#053 Electrical Conductivity of silicon Carbide, by A. Braun, G. Busch., 2 pp. OMs .1 =7 -~ Act&, VAIII, 1945, 0 Pa., BSIV I= " pp 251 262. ---"KVOW" SIA Tr 2331 ScI - Electricity '~-dj ~ +/~ Aug 57 Concerning the CrystaUlzation of Thin Antimony Fil=j, by W. Lotmar) 29 ppo GZRMAN,, perk Helv P" Actap Vol XMI, 1945) pp 369 -388. -'-" AW UCM-Tmns-505(L) scl - phya A Oct 60 /.2 f, ?/ (0 Faectrical asurem=ts or 8maU Varlatims In Atmoopberlc Pressuress by Leonbard Suer,, 24 pp. wwo pro sel"tice Pbysica Actam Vol XifIlIv No 7s, pp 5W-550. - ---- 3 J4 6 W S.L.A. so 271/1956 Scientific - OeopbVeics _--miltivity of Counter Tubes With Lmdj Braea and Alumi- .a Cath~des for Gampa-Rays in the Energy -Range 0. 1 mev mv CO Gugelot~ 0. Heber,$ ff. Madi=,O s Iq H. Bradt) Pe Preleww~kp ancl P. Scherrer.. 'wrp Helvetica Phypica Acta., Vol XIXo A- A uzerlandp 1946. AW Tr 141 /6" -:.Al.cntific Physics. 2'ne Abnorntion Method of the Dotermlmtion of Beta aryl Gamm Rwrricay by Z. Bleulerp W. Untio GM.N. pr, Relvetica PlVaica Acta.. Vol =, 19W. AM Tr 44 Sci~.,ntif ic - Physics /-~. ff 6~ The Electric Conductivity of Silicon Carbide, by G. Busch, 52 PP- GERMAN _per., Jkly-phn- "C', Vol XXXt No 3m 31 VAY 546, Pp bIA Tr 2532 Sci - Electricity, Phis IC-S '. - .f a, :F 6 / Sep 57 Analyaia of an Ion Source With 60 XV Acaslaratica VcltApj by P. Huber# 1. Mtzpr) 4 pp. GEMN, per. ftIv Pbys Act&.. Val UK XXX.% - 19Mp pp aw-em. M~~- AM UMAA --," -5ft(L) Sol - phys 19 im 61 / 9 7,19 -f -I'/ HELU Effect* In Billom Cutift) by G. Wach., Be lAbhiwt; I pe MWO, per, HeIv P)Xm Acta. Vol XIXo 1946.o pp 230j. 231- .-.- 84.~L Tr 57-263 Sci - Pbysics it?, 740 On the Spectrum of Transitory Phonetic Elemats, by J. Dreyfus-Graf, 7 PP. GEFMN, per,, &1v Phys Acta, Vol XIXp Dec 1946., P 404. SLA Tr 57 -972 Bel - Physics '~ -':;~ a X// sep 57 On the mechanism ot the Electtic Conductivity of Silicon Carbide, by G. Busch, H. Labbart) 73 pp. OMMN, per., HeIv Phys Acta, Vol XIX., No 6/7, 1946.. pp 4 63 -4 92. "O~~ SIA Tr 57-0 Scl - Z16ctricity, Ph -/S I(:-$ , -,I- "36 Sep 57 ExWrimental Mossurownto of tkw Thermionic Emisclon or Grmphtteo Silicon and Silicon Carbide, by A. Braunjo G. Buchp 62 pp. OWMI per, 301v Pby Acts$ Vol XX., No 1. 15 Feb lS47# vv ' - '' SU 57-2373 my 58 6 g' B-Deceq of N16 . (B-Zerfan von 11".). by E. Blueler,, P. Scherrer., JR. Walter, We ?Amttj 32 pp. GERM,, per, Ha1v Pbp Acta,, Vol XX, 1947e pp 96-1o4. SIA 57 -1952 YAY St 58 6 SI gz~4 Cra the Mmry of P3um Eleatrou Oscillations,, by F. Borpis., 26 pp. mmx,p Pero Heiv Pbys Acts, voi xx,, No 2., 1947., pp 2DT-221. SGLVA. Tr 57-308 Sci --~ KwUlclty it g, '2 7,6 Yby 57 Sinae Cryotalo of Barium-Titanium Conpounds, by H. Blattner, D. Hatthi", W. Wro, 7 PP. GERMAN) por, MX &1v PbYpica Acta'j, Vol XX, No 2) 30 Apr 1947, PP 295 SIA Tr 57-981 Sci - Chemistry Oct 57 On YormtIon Ti=p Reaction mscbmmism ana Stability in Lm Pressure Diuabr-rgev With Smll C=ents,, by H. L, Gugolberg,, 49 pp~ GMUW,, per,, Be Vol XXP No 2" 1~47e pp 307-j4O. SUL 57-2269 Fay 58 49*1fT i.", of Respirwrory 'Effect Of -a' rU- -I"'. LLL-Oi ai~, -:ar." --acher, j p G Fi,2.Lv Physiol Acta, Vol V, PP !4P 4-20-.(--)2 oo/ ':c,4 Med jun L~2 Spectral Er-ergy Distribation of the R&Aiption of the Sky and S=, by F. W. P. MM Gotz, L. Schonwnn. 18 pp. GERMN., per, Helvatica Ica Actaj. V02 XXI) NO 2) 194d, pp srA 60-18184 'a -i Sci may 62 vol 4 no 10 A fiev Mactm Source wA Its Inversion as an ion Hourcep by Re Keller.. 4 pp. GNOW, pery Beiv,pbp Aets, vbl xxi, :L948,, p 1709 A= VOM-Traw-M(L) SOL - FC4vs 3,9 im 61 /6f ~~ S,~"7 Natural Uncertainity of Marge ~basure- wnt with Pulse AiVlifievs as a Ruiction of Pulse Frequency,, by D. Mwdcr. (IlMi,, per,, fielvotica Physica Acta, Vol 21, No 3-4, 1948, pp 174-176, *AEC 2283 Sci/Electronics ,,a 0v 6S Condenoation of Radioactive Ca&nium and Silver on I~etal Surfaces, by H. Frauenfelder., 0. Huber, et al. GEP111P,dT, per, Helvetica Physica Acta vol ai, 1948) pp 197-09. sci - IIUCI sci Aug 63 Ti he Rektive Bffective Cross-Sectiow for the (Ila) Process With Lithium-Oa= R*Aiation [Quantum EnerMr hv: 17.5 Mev),, by H. WaMer, 0. Hirzelp 5 pp. MOMp per, Rely Phys Act&., Vol XXI, 3U 194.'.'01, PP 200-203. - A.B.R.E. Scientific - Physico ers Electrical Conductivity aad Index of Refraction of Barium Titanate, G. Basch, 11. Flury., W. 9--re, 3 pp. GEMM., per,, D--lv Phyalea Acta., Vol XXIp No 2., 194,8j, pp 212-215. - - MA 57-1197 Sci - Chemistry Oct 57 '4~ '4z 6 0 A Naw gLectron Souree an& Its liversion as an I= Sourcey by Pe lcwralu.9 4 ppe MMI, perp Mlv Php A*tap Vol M, 19W., pip 4wi, 40. AM MM-Tmm -580(L) Sci - Pbys 19 :an 61 / t~l 7 s 44d On the Problem of the Unsteady Shock Polar, by F. Cap. =MAN., pars Rely Phys Acta. Vol XXI, No 6.. 19482 pp.50-512. TPA3" P 22037 T T 36% ftientifft - Physics iQ o, 3 3,? If-.'gb Resolution Apj-4rat,,Lu- for Cofnaidenct-, Wasarements, by F. Barar~jt.. P. Schurrer, !4 pp. COMM "0 nESCIT, per, llelv Pho Acta-, Vck: XVI, 1949, pp 251-253- CEA Tr A-.Jto3 &- P 59 Messurins setup for Recording infrared spec-tra, b,v R. Minden, 9, ftldinaer, Z. ftnz. GERK0,4per., j[a~a_ASaL._Vj XXIIO, No 4, 1949, PP 411 13- IMIR/31195/CT Sel - hvmlcB j-'r 9-6 iz Fab 58 Le tube de separation. VII. Concentration des isotopes lourds du xenon. Remarques sur 1e se- paration des melanges a plusieur3 constituants, by K. FMONOW Clusius, 10 pp. GEMMI to FRENCH., per, He1v Phys Acta, Vol XXIT, 1949, PP 473-478. Reverse Translatim X CEA-A-1388 Sci Feb 64 The Isomer of Wchnet-lum g9,, by H. Medicus., D, Yhederp H. Schuciderp 4 pp. GWM. per- Belv Fbya Act&, Vol Xnl,, 1949,. pp 603:975.7 ABC Tr 18h2 Scientific - Physics ifty 54 =A= /V llq4f Spinal MagnetIc Moments and Nuclear Structure, by 0. J. Dew* P. H. Denla, and R. C. Extermn, 4 pp., UNCLASSIPIM F=CR,_ptr# BeIv Phys Act&# Val W18 1949r pp 60640.' % AW Tr It46 Sclenilfte - Ruclear Pbyales Apr1I 54 CT8/DzX // PG4 6" Photoelectric Cells With Secondary Electron Ifultipliersy by N. Schaetti., 13.PP- GEUM.. per.. Helvattea Llbnica Actso Vol XXIIII 1950p PP 108-M~D-- ' - Air Res and Dev Ccomud 7- - P- X (o (; 1) Scientific - Pb~aica CTS/DZX / 3j 5-3c?- Contribution to the Study of Physiological Dead Spece, by J.J. Pitteloud, 30 pp. FRE-NCII, per. Helvetia Physiologica Acta, Vol 16, 1958, pp 223--2TG-. iJAV/STIC/'.'L'ran-3256-71 i.,ov 71 19643 23 June 1969 The Russians Have Left the Country DUTCH, np, Het Parpol, 30 Jan 1958 19643 23 June 1969 Netherlands Expel Three Russians. DUTCH, np, Het Vrije Volk, 24 Jan 1958. 'Pin. T --rYO v0 sat of' F-aD4-tiOLI;-- , '>Y Zoltan 3-idgyrir-to, 2A. pp. HM~GARIA.N., per., Ri&rologini KOZIOnY, pp jpRs iih6o 3ci - Geophyr, jan 62 0,Activities in Foreign Countries of Members of Our Society, by I. V., 1 p. IM'GARIAN, per, 4#ologiai-~, Budapest, YId-. (Call No GB651-1163 E 'h-) Vol XLI, No hA p !~' t' I I AMS Sci D"Ov 6-1 4-1-001U12I) un zpruvinp, T,aoc),-, IT iTf T 7,, 'N, n r 7 1 i - Sci Ey - --0 The Ibie of Stationary Vleuiher Kronto In Causing Awidont Precipitation DuMM the Autumn and Early Winter Period of 1960, by L=lo Aujeszky, 1.4 pp. 110GARIAN, per, Hiarologial. Koz1ony, No 4, 156!, pp 330-333.----- i-rRs n44o Sci - Ceophys Doc 6)1 !'mij Audy-"~ o c Iu J. Roccurch Labc'rtltC)-`0,-- _i.c T ~jl Kozlony, Ll Eo (Ctill ilo GD65*.L.HU'3-, I ap, E Enzr liov 61 ,)-I. Rewrt on the General 1-~--eting of the 11-ungarian Hydrological Society for Re-Election of Officials on 21i Feb 1061, 2 pp. 11MIGARIM4, per, Hidrologiai Kozlopy, Budapest, Vol '9I, No 4, Ap~i-r%l)- pp'--~~6-360- (Call No GB651A~) AMIS EEur Huqaary Soc 11ov (NY-10) The General Assembly of 10SLcal SoeietV (Haaar in 1961, 12 pp. the MuSarian Sydro- HidrologEsi Tarsaaag) MWARTAN, per,. wdroiogai !~O~r I va ani, so 40 MV1;-*-336--3w- im U968 Sd - Mee / p" / 7 ;f zan 6-o RI&VICOO cale"Imis With the Help Of Topom grgh4a CbuwterisUesp by Ddplew 1930tMUNIMS 20 3PP- Ell I v I 2tdrjm3f%Add Val Un pwt so hp Mo N cou No Iff 631 AOW OP BUTICS Jon 3 Hepatitides Due to Romolqpus Swm., by P., Puigs 9 pp. .:M$9bditos y ]As "enter- PAN=., bk, Loo hilp .MiL MeftftS dS 3A U19mmlons 3"IAM-S, 1914, pp 2470 CIA D IPM all Scientific' - maduine M 66/YjLr 55 oe2o-7 4t2jg~ O(av Wy ~ - l,'eport cn CUmatic Ccnditiais of I.Mwcbica ,.JDmtain,r by bozidar Kirigin. 74 pp. a-11W-OMINis bkr Hid.,metScroloski Zayod Sod- i ticke lopublike lirvatske, Posprave i Prikazx j'No 9# L'463,p pp 5-7?., (11WI Tr 67-58038 sci/atnusiAieric sci nay 69 3800174 on the climme of the S*u~n KIM Re&j, by Br*rJw mawc, YUGOSLAVIAN, rpt, Hldrcmgg2Mloskt Zavod. BW&ve j i Prikaw MB Bral B. 139 pp. wCPM TT 67-53037 Sd-Atmos Scl Dec 66 Fogs an the East Adriatic Coesto Iv Vlado Stipanicie. SHUD-CROATUND pwo IRM90429c"o ZaTed wro No 3-n CFSTI TT 67-3804D Sol./Atms Sol. ysy 68 336o713 R -14 10 Irrigation in Bulgaria. RUMANIAN, per, Hidroteknica, Jan/Feb; Mar/Apr 24/5/57 -1 The Problem of the People's Republic., UNCLASSIFISD Waters of the Rumanian by 1. Bernacki,, 12 pp. RUMOIAN, per,, Hidrotehanical_ Vol Ili No 3, Bucharest., */N~ 1957i pp 1.01-104. US JPM/DC-185 ZHur - Humnis Econ - Geographic General Considerations on the Water Economy of the Rumanian People's Republicy by Cr. Iftteescu, I. Vlaimireecu, J. Boisnewd, 34 PP- = UNCIANIFM MWAMA14 bimo per, Mrotebalea, Vol 3:1, No 4, Buebarest, JJWAug 1957, PP 152-164- US M/DC -M (DO-17U) ESur - Rumnia Icon Geog Jul 58 The Great Island of Bralle and Ways of Using Itr by Engr Oh. Mirica, 18 pp. UNCIASSIFIRD RUMANIAN,, mo per, Hidrotehnica, Vol III, No 1, Bucharest, Jan 1958, pp f -. US JPF!S/DC-L-324 EE - Rumania G" Jun 58 7-51 The Supply of Drinking Water in the Dobruja, by Dr Engr L Baegan, 14 pp. UwWsim RUMIAN,p mo per.. M#r9tebuicaj, Vol III,, No 1 Bucharest, Jan 1958, pp 21-2 US JPRS/DC-L-3P-3 Rumnia Soc - public utilities Jun 58 h- S;udy w t 11 i- P Li r. n c. ot 71 CT t -~u~' a -M, T7 Gt=-hyz DCC 62 t'v, f!:4~j Fydrau-k~ No 2y WhUr Sqply fer the My of Italp by L M&Urasup 10 pp. 1014hwo psrj, tlidVotchnica Vol III$ No 5., 1958.0 py 1.,063. AM Lft lour - Runaft m=a ff# 6igo Apr 59 pu=iea Pneatm or WoUr ftpply Construction ill tat Mp by D*V 1. ~J; 4, L- -1 11 RWAMN# Val al, ro .1"8p vp 238.24i. Ibli Ed ?M.RS3' AM Llb Mar 59 SCALE-VIODEL STUDY ON THE GATEWAY OF A RIVER PORT., BY D. CIOC., A. SPATARU, 12 PP. RUMANIAN) PER HIDROTEHNICA, VOL III, NO 11/12j? 1958o PP 415-419. (CALL NO. TC1 Hb3: ENG TRANS) AKS EEUR-RUMAN I A ECON. OCT 62 212,102 ON THE REFRACTION OF WAVES, BY A. SPATARU, 11 PP. RMANIANI PER, HIDROTEHNICA, VOLI IV, NO 11) 1959, PP 334.~-36.-T-5-LUXT. TCl .1-163., ENG TRANS) AMS SCi-GEOPHYS OCT 62 212,100 Ten Years Since the Initiation o" the ElectrificL-Iorn EU11YAND1.14, per, Hidrotehnica, Vol V~ No 112, IQC0, EEur Econ 23 Tbal Rydratnabnica Labrwatory Of the -ftly- Ynotitate.. FaCatY Of O=a*=Ucn$ in Tirliscwso by P*Tl]AU NIOOI=* 22 pp. IMANIM,, per, EUmtebnicas 1963, pk-1-7- I kcau NO =%30 WvTi-lb 1). AMS SOL Elect=A 19 PWI) 62 (SP-1857) HydrauUc - 9 - J! 1 14tles cc the VWw Birrava., D. Para, yi. - - p 16 ppo mumn; Par., as p Val VTO No 5* 19618 pp 3.53463o I.- I--- I- am MW6 &d - aw. / Ad j/,zd m 6e 67/ tudics and Rop-eurc~ Vr), 15, ci 13,coph'yz 6-)Pecific Researchy Duaing With 12m PmcesL) of Controlled Colmtage on the Eqnrimat. Station LTzlim., by Btaliam buzetum, 16 pp. RMONM., per, UU= em Bacbarest,, U61 pp 4391. R?~a-111 NO TMI IlLuBaniaj, 9 3., H63P Vol VI., & 12. AM Econ 30 APr 62 pjju,.,:~a of Ri, -,c rers Forming i~,e, 1, iacheu of thc, 13 -i~ Hidlatelxilica, Vol Viii., lio 21 j 9t 03) "all v. 8 "lo. 2 L --57 ArzW Map BervIce a3 &&r th 9 Sci & As t