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15 - /~ 4 MW306 90 Apt 66 Aaw-UMMM4 atAnw-domm Akw"X*# by ri RA$ 0t w I-it's Mad " Auto-Tuounity and Auto-Im=e Diseasea., by Yu Ho et al, 25 pps CHIME, bk., Tzu-shen FAen-i Yu Tzu-shen Iden-i-haing Chi-_pirg, 1965, PP- 1-370- JPRs 38455 FE-chim Sci-B/m sci Nov 66 313:953 Trial Productiou Status of Short-Distance Telemetering Equipment at the 5hanpJini Llectrical Mleter Plant, WINESE, per,, Tzu Tunz Ilua, Voi III, No 3, BO, pp 114-116. *I-TU-'rf-6(v-45 Sci - Elec Fob 66 First Nationwide Kinematics Conference. CHINESE, per,, Tzu Uzag Hun, Vol III, No 3, 19600 pp 117l 118. *VYD-TT-66-45 Sci - Elec Feb 66 7-z- u -I (j - C-A, J,5",d / V,j Z~,- / IN(, ~~. " ,- V-I::) 3 ''2). - ~5 ~,~ -,1 0- " s c I - I " :;2 .-J / A Critical Aualysis of CoVosite Contactless DyamAc. Systems,, by Wu Chi-shien. 11 pp. GaINESL per, Tzu Tung flua, Vol 3, No 3, 1960, pp 106-ilO, P100014266 FrD-TT-65-1444 Sci/Hodh, Indust,, Civil & Yhrine EngT. Sep 66 306,383 hitowtimi (Selected Articles). CHINESE,, per, Tzu Tung HuaO, Vol 5, No 3, 1960, pp 81-94. Pld(014166 rll)i-TT-65-1062 Sci/~bch, Indust, (Avil & r-hrino Ragk. Sop 66 5060382 Progress in Automation Rogineerings bor Ching-hmm Hmxhp 25 pp. CHIME,, per,, Tzu 41W Rus, Chi Slui Chin Chp* NO 1., 1963., pp 52-74. Plool32168-v FTD-aT-67-356 Bei-Electrordes 8, Mec BW july 6B 360j722 ,Iwalysis of Optimalizing Control Systwas Uader Rmdom InterfoTence, by Au-young King-diing, 25 pp. CP 011INESEP VO:r, Tzu Tung ilua iLsuelx Pao, V.61 It 116 20 1963, pp SO-79. 0699910 FTD-W-64-11W ~ic ~ _i - Ratli & DAtu Proc Jan 66 291,989 The Application of MDUfied Point Transformation Method in the Study of Nonlinear Impulse Systemsp by Hsueh Cblng-hsuan,, 17 ppe CHMUSE, per,* Tzu Tung Hua Hsueb Pao., Vol 2. NO 2, 1964, pp 61-70. PlOD340467 FTD-HT-67-244 Sci-BU-ctronics and Electrical Ews jan 68 346,466 A Computing 1140thod for the Linear Tirde Optimal Untrol System, by Tai Ju 'Wei and U Pow So,, at al. CHIME,, pers Tzu Tung Hua IL%ueh Pao, Vol UP No 3, pp 123-U5. P100080966 FTD-TT-65-3921 Sri- Jan 67 316g"5 A Low-voltage by adIt6TI.Ion (IIINhSE-,, per Vol II, Nlo 2: *I-TD-ilT-07-44 Analog-Digital Converter, Sa. Tzu Tung flua 11suah Pan,-, 1964, pp 90-96, 'ici - 11:2oct & Elec Eugr AFeb 67 317,666 (FDD 27980) Excorpts Frc.m the Iftpzim"Froadom rir.oat"' (Hong Kons)p 98 P P C,un=-,;,, -iik per, Tim-yu Cben-haieup T61 XXMI No UP Kwlom, Hong Kong: CIA/FDD U-4B741 M - Hong Kong -poi - Commism.. cm,"at events Aug 56 M/DEX (FDD C~Mmu-uist China's Great Distress, ed~.torAaai- CHIII,m, VOL XXVI, 110 6 R e CIA1FPD1 FE Ca'na Cal .,.U t (FDD 2798o) Eqypt Should Repent fox, Salvation is eTHand, by Liang. CHUMSE, per..21a::yu Chen-hsie Vol UVI, No 6, 1956, pp 4. 7- -Pj~' - m-~~ Pol CLA/FDD/ J-763 (FDD Dulles, Don't Make This Trip in Vain, by Yun. Chinese, per, Tzu-yu Chen-hsien, Vol 'XaVIL, Ro6, 1956~ pp h. `/`DD/ &,~ `I~ 7 ~Ll FE - China '34d~ f -/a Fol J-763 (-FDD 27c",130) 's Hcpe, by Pi; Don't Yo'u:-,;~lf, bY Vol `~;Nl CIA IF, DD/ Cn-':-a /-T P.d a 9 (-IDD 27980) A Frank 1-lord From Liang Sou-ming, by Ching-hsu. CHINESE, per, Vol avid LTo 61 1956, mak. tt) s- C IA/FDD/ FE - China Pol J-763 (FDD 27960) Purge of Stalin by the Soviet Comnunists and the Party's New Intrique, by Pei-Jan. CTINESE) per, Tzu-n Chen-hsien, Vol XXVI, No 6, 1956. pp 7-9. CIA/FDD/ FE - China Pol J-763 (FDD 2798o) Significance of the Soviet Communist Purge of Stalin, by Chlen Chung-hsing. CHIM, SE, per, jZyZya GhiSn-hsien, Vol XKVI, No 6, 1956, pp 10-11. CIA/FTD/ Politica J-763. (FDD 27980) The New Line of the Soviet Communist Party and Chine COMMunist FolitiCal Authority, by jtx Gheng Chu-yuan. CHINESE, per, T~2:yu Chen-hsien, Vol )MI, No 6, 1956, pp 12-11r.- CIA/FDD FE - China 4~ Political J-763- (FDD 27980) On the Switch in the Soviet Communist Ideological Line, by Chin Ta-hai. CHINESE, per, Tzy:ju he~-hsien., Vol MI., I-To 61 1956) pp 15-177 q CTA/1TDD/ FE - China Political J-763 (FDD 27980) On the Purge of Stalin, by Chih-yuan. CHIMSE, per, Tzu-yu Chen-hsien., Vol :aVIIV No 6j, 1956, pp 10-19., CTA/FTD/ U / ~p FE - China Political J-763- Ii (FDD 27980) How to Check the USSR's Economic and Diplomatic Offensive, by Jen Hsi-Pai. sien 'VI, No 6, Vol XX CRITESE per., Tzu-vu Chtn-tL 1956, pp MM 20-21. CIA/FDD FE - China Political J-763 (FDD 27980) Heart Sounds - a poem. CHINESE, per, Tzu-yu Chen ) Vol XXVI) No 6y 1956, pp 22 ia:ash~-~ y 1 1. CIA/FDD /,:'---'~ .1, ~// I / PR - China Ae Political 1 10" '~~ 112- J-763 FDD 27980) Sequel on Writings Must Be True to Facts, by Leng- yen. CHITME, per, Tzu-yu Chen-hsien Vol XXVI Dio 6, 1956, pp 22 CIA/FDD FE - China Political J-763. (FDD 2798o) Perverted Behavior, by Hui; The Struggling Lincoln, CHINESE per Tzu- Chen-hsien, Vol XXVI, No 6, 6 23 -2V. 1 95 PP CIA/FDD ".7 FE China Political J-763- (FDD 27980) In Memorandum) by Ting Ling-wdi. CHINESE., per, Tzu-yu Chen-hsien Yol XXVI, wo 6, 1956, pp 24. CIA/FDD ' ~ - '- -) ~ ~ I FE - China Political , ~ zal .1 -0- ?_ a J-763. )FDD 27980) Holy City - Part 24) by Fai-mu. CHINESE, per, Tzu-yu Iin-hsien Vol XXVI, iio6, 1956, pp, 25-26. - 1i) - %':.1 (-(, 1 CIA/FDD/ v 1: . FE - China '~Zj/ :~- Sco - J-763 A Test for Democratic OmstItutional Aldministration, 4 pp. WMASSU LU ww ftlpd 19- 0 0 lud to DW No 333f TMPGL: Jan 6 lark UMM of StAu Nor 55 On/= I - -OMMIR -r\lj,:.. ~. . 59-18432 Ohmura, Yasuo, Kawamata, Mizuo, and Oahlma, Masamitsu, eds. I. Ohmura. Y. SPACE MEDICINE 24 June 59 (77p. 2 refs. 11. Kawarnifts, M. AF 1255899. 111. Oshirna, M., Order from OTS or SLA $ i, 10 59-18432 IV AF- 1255 099 Summary trans. of mono. Uchu Igaku, Tokyo, 1959, 292p. DESCRIPTORS: *Space medicine, Literature, Abstracting. The summary translation consists of the tith! of the book, the preface, the table of contents, which lists 20 chapters by 37 authors, and the translation of 2 Japanese reference titles. 5-15-62 (Biological Sciences- -Physiology, TT, v. 8, no. 2) O#R- of T."Cal SwOcts A" - I - Terroristic Character of JaW Commaniat Party. =41383rm JAPAIME, per, Udors, 4th Editp 1957, PP 2-19, AWAOMW-Z"" 500tb MI Gp Tr 96291 FE - ADM S 77 Pol Feb 58 ACSI J-1231 B-7765-D 2 Dec. 66 DiOUMW7 of Moagallm Gooomphical Features P&JIsbed trj:Ministry of Education, vp rv~ Ulan Bator. pp 1-W Kwgoajan - eat for v4sp Tmw]Ate end type 1 =16twi md 2 cubou copies. Trwm3Utemte au nuaw in wcorawoe %dth tranaUtera sptep attached. .Zplng UuAxu&Acw-. lqpl bond, aLnae age=, doubla spa" betveea paragMbs., Arzw wvw sheet rom 13-1 Trona3gUon unbar J-1231 Up c=ter of each Psee- (translation completed Feb. 1967) The Soviet Float in the Age of SputnW~ nP3ZD pwoaet., Umi to acre, Feb 10. 6wkth Aiss Tr in M2-58 use Nil mar 58 ".D--- -5128) Constitution of the [Disaident 11 Fedeml- Perniblic of Indonesia, 66 pp. "FICIAL USE OW MONESIAN, monographj UudaugZ-Dasar, R.epq~tk Fersetuan, 30 PP. JPRS 8206 FE - ladonesia Pol 46 t)_y .Tun 61 1"o r1 QC Uw!rj=Aviou iaw iia :j2 ;,i (U4 FlotO. AppovtiftwifttA, ard LOW 190 1 of 1957, 1%sim-41 warwam): 89 pp. MEXASS]w - W-' mmopmph., UMSM-W- 10 --N ii)-Ipp f- 6 i by 1,4C.Uziam pAnistry of wm-mtiono Djakwtap 1957o 1-96. w 77,P (W-5903/1) Draft of the .1961-1965 Uird FIve-Year Iplan for geonomic Saj Cultural Development of the MOUSOlian Peoples Republic., 20 pp. MONGOLIPM, per NO 1M y 11 MMY 1961., PP 1-3- JFRS 8587 FE - M=gOIIa Econ Jul 61 (DC-3590) LET US SUCCESSFULLY CARRY OUT EARLY PLOWING OF FALLOW LANDS) 4 pp. MONGOLIAN, PER, UNEN, 27 MAY 1962, P 1. JPR3 0702 FE - MONGOLIA ECON AUG 62 205,925 (DC-3590) REGARDING MEASURES TO IWROVE THE WORK OF THE STATE UNIVERSITY, 14 pp. RKMONGOLIAN, PER, UNEN, 19 JUN 19621 P 1. JPRS 14702 FE - MONGOLIA ECON AUG 62 205,924 Mongolians Accus Chinese of Leftist Opportunism, 17 pp. MONGOLIAN, np, Unen, 27 May 64, p 3. 28 May 64, I)p 21, 3. JPRS 25501 FE-XX Mongolia Pol Feb 6S Labor Code of the Mongolia People's Republic, 53 pp. MONGOLIAN, np, Unen, 20 Apr 64. JPRS 25441 H-i',Iongolia Econ Feb 65 (SF-2269) FOR THE IWROYEMF.NT QF t-ABOP-AOUPIAN ORQM17A.- TIONS, BY TJUGIT0j 21 PP. 1, N, INDONESIAN2 PAMPHLET: UNTUK MEMPERBAIKI PENGORGANISASIAN BURUff-AGARARIA, 1AAR 19&1-- -rP 1-25. JPRS 14574 FE - INDONESIA ECON Jui- 62 205.,588 Fresmlt OtP-tC Of the Mechanization Of POrt Loa" and vAlQw"=G- JAPAMM2 pmpblet" Unyu Chosa A-pr 196o, pp 10-13. 50M MISIM Tr go lwT41 (EDC 31 jul 6Q par Bar /S-? .5v 4 Econ jui 61 Swvey on RationalizatAoa of Coal Transportation In Pbrts. JAPAIMs pmphletj, ~~n MW &no, Apr 1960, PP 57-58- 5Wth MIG.. SnA Tr so 102741 (M 'a JU 61) ftr a" PAM /.~-? 're 7 Jul a Rtmalmn tiong'Distame Motor Routes and the 21 Ratio of Paved Higtrnys; by Kbehm YsVwj 4 pp. JAPARMp pars, ftLa jp~izs~ Vol VIII, So 9, 3-VAS pp 3&43-- 0-3-V go TW, Ift AND 14b Um Ewa may 59 Trwoparbation Rua Econow. JAPAN=# porp Vap tQ,,rAjsajo ita 1959) 65 pp. URAMWAO, FD Tr 100249 ps a japm Econ Jan 60 / 0 -~" ~~-? I ORR (DC-3978) Development of North Korean Chemical Industry, by Kim Se-hwal, 36 pp. KOREAN, brochure) 9r-i-F�MLBAhwUwR%O-P-d.,- Palchon Chonma , 1959, pp 1-62. -wz ins 6oo6 FE - Korea Econ - Chem 5 Lop 60 Dwmlcpmt of Lme lu North Mmmi, 82 pp. Kam# bk3 Uri Nam Pop-a PalJonj ;uly 1960t POYOU67848, JM 15662 ,I J,57' .j ya? M - Nm*tb Kom sm Oat 62 Development of Love in North Mdrup 82 Ppe KaFMO., bk., U,rl Nam Pop-ul Paljmp July log FIYODOWSP JPSS 15662 FE - North Korea Boo Oct (t (NY-6399) Fomtiou and Gmft of the Smialist luteUcatuals in Worth Korea,, 56 pp. JCMMN, bodUct., Uri Nar"mm Pilhoninul Tnt'erilll HUODMong9va 30 *W 1966-j pp 1-68. ~Ongp JFRB 9594 FE - Korea Soo Aug 51 Table of Contents only of: Concerning Distribution of Productive Power in the Development of Our Industry. UNCLASSIFIED KOREAN, bk, Urinara Kongop Palchon Esoui Saengsallyok Paechlie Taehayo, publ by Academy of Science, Korean Democratic People's Republic, 25 Dec 1956. USARISC-ID Svc Br Tr 97115C Jun 58 (1-57-62) P-mm Of Lwn 1A Okir comu7,, (By-7932), UP -17 - 5-7 IqO- iS-7 q V IZ a rgwm m ~M, Lm 10 ftpt 62 Radioactive Minerals in Indonesia. INDONESIAN, papers, Usaha-Usha Prospeksi Mineral Radioaktif fi Indonesian. Status Explorasi Mineral Radioactif di Indonesia 3XR JPRS CSO: 20319 Special Apr 68 r mamr- . -,,"um and Pbloomm Cbnlmlg in the VM.' UMASM ~k -, MAESS, ~~tvW lb Kdxttm viv To Do" selhup 3 pp. -P -~ UMMWACS m Tr W 976OkA um r4= 6d 7AIJ 7~ (OC-5T59) indonesiale Right-year Plan (1961-1969)., by mmadjat DgnusapAro., 12 pp. INDDMIAN,, per, musan, vai n., so 1,, 1961., pp 22-34. - am 4916 Asia - Indonesia 14 7, 71.J &M ft 61 I 87-1852).. ( Mwation of the lWou sUm Bwlety and Itts Developmt.9 by Twtlb Previroftardiox 11 yy. INDONEW, p=p Wftmt No 4l 1961p p9 10-19. JEW 110 Asia - Indonesia am Jan 62 I , - . I m ~ I I V~ ..,. I. (SF-13T2) A Few Opixdons on Professional Training for the Improvement aof Art., by H=g O=g, 5 pp. V IE% 1w, No 1W.. 25 Nov 3.960,. IMME., per., V p 3. jpBs 465o FE - N - Vietnam SOC jun 61 (BY-6248) From the Plaine Des JlRrres to Dan Banp by Le Dams 17 pp - BVMMW=s Pwo 1961 pp 19 6s 7., pp N-14. FE - Vietnam POI Mil AM 61 Van HP~x No 12 135o 24 Feb IM-N-6 3.36,s 3 mar 1961., JFM 9307 The Third Congress of Our Party and the Arts and Letters Profession, by To Huu, VIETNAMESE,, per, Van Nghe, No 11, 1960, PP 1-7. -*M5 FE North Vietnam Pol Cultural 6 Feb 61 (/'Y- 3 ). Pham Van Dong's Speech at Artists' Meeting to Study the Decisions of the Third National Party Congress, by Pham Van Dong, VIETNAMESE, per, Van Nghe, No 431 D--c 1960, PP 38-48- *JPRS FE - N. Vietnam Soc 7 mxx 61 The Required New DIrectim for Artists in Vietnamo by P. V.0 10 pp. VIETNAMESE, per, Kno Mg 18 Dec 1964, pp 2, 39 & 19. JPRS 2BUI Asia-Vietnam Soc Har 65 275,564 (rM6-D) lbtobilshmut, of: state acum" GQ=issim In vutn=s 14 FPO IUMMM* - S Vft Ou MA, No 47v WOMM r We "!r 19580, pp I . A105-9 Is - North Vloto= Tom Sel - ago lbr 59 96. 1445' (NY-6430) Pigs and Oxen Diseases Caused by Dietary Defic~encips, by 17. Thar/m, 9 '-op- GEWN, per, Veterinary Resockrch and -Ardmal, XII, pp 4oh-4&~-.'- im 3-1888 ERur Germany Econ 7 q, Jan EE (NY--3507/1). Duties of Viet Bac Autommus, Zone la 1959, 10 pp. VMMMM, per, Viet Nm Doe 4o%; 12-180 19-25 Apr -1959s Tbal Ngmm,, PP 3j, 5- FB - NorQ Vietam Geog ft 59 history of auddust Struggles in Viet Nam , by *fw-Giac, S6 pp, VIE'D4A.F,ESI:, rpt., Viot-Nam Phat-Giao Trmih-Dau Su. 1964,, pp 16-77-',W8--4460 M I-784S A ID 2204037365 H; - Viet Na-M :-di Nov 65 2919M History of Bud&ist Struggles in Viet flmv by Tuo-Giuc, 213 pp, VIONX-ESE, bk,, Viet-Nam Phat-Giao Tranh-Dau Su, 1964, SUgon, pp 79-427. =1 1-78459 ID 2204037365 FE/viet/ul i~) r 66 298,,60S Vietnameso Culture. A General Outline. by Tac-Gia Chi. VIEWN-ESE, rpts, Vietnam Vv-,Jhoa su"culoing, 19380 pp 13-101; 167-19a; 01-729; 316-342; 230-315; 103-122; 343-347; 123-138; A-Es 139-166, ACSI 1-9242 ID 220400S866 FE/Viotnamose/Eem Oct 66 312,150 Vietnamese-English Dictionary, (All-Purpose). VIONMESE-MINESE. DictimM. Th-dien viet-410n, Covwrcial Press# peipmg, 1960, 1300 pp. *JPILS/DC 11676 EDC Apr 1966 Feb 66 Viet Cong Ndical Famis-I 1 Bacteriology. VIETNOSSEs rptv VI Tim= pp ?S-W, *ACSI J-4917 ID Inal to 222208196? *FSw-HT-23-V8-68 Scl/B & M June 68 Change in the Blood of the Rainbow Trout 'When Fed 'With Spratp by Is N. Ostroumova, RUSSIAN., per,, Veasoyuznyi Nauchno- losladovatelokii Iagtitut Qzernozo i Rechnogo R-TbaogQ Khogjaiatla. jjvesjj=p Vol 57, 1964s pp 261-266 NTC 72-12237-06C July 72 W:-. 11 north Korea's Electric Power Industryp 13 Vp. UNMANIFIED .;APAXM.o ywq*let,, Wagskuni, No Denryoku. XDaOp Jan 1958. "ft AIBS Tr IR IFE - North Korea Icon Jun TalecommicatLoap by Hum MikabuM, 12 Ma JAURMS US Ummbu BLieW no Kablud DOnShIAMOM-1 witakf , I yp 31 :ft TO Arwy ft ServIce FIC &PM 3 9 7 ftv 63 WAK!sZAVSKIL CZASfJPIWW L~KAHSiLt 193b V14 NO Pb86-bbg .70-23157 The VOC,813tu-2f.0 A-=rd 7)- be LAM Im TIVII Tr 19 APr 1958, publ by the Ministry of ewwras, Republic at Indorasim., PP. !85-185. UBACWAC,p IFM 150 98388 7~ Boom. Jan 59 Problem of Trade Relations Leadkng to the Industriali- zation of Indonesia. INDONESIAN, per, Warts Ekonomi, 28 Jun 1958, 1 PP. USACRAFAC? FM NO 96366 FE - Indonesia Econ .Jan 59