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Influence of Titanium on Sow Properties of Silicate Glasses,, by M. A. ftzbwodov et al. M3IU,, thrice-so perp Dok Ak buk No 6, 1955.. pp 1073-1076 MA-ft"gLjoi CII10 CO-OP Tram 8Cb Tr 292 ki. he. Sci - Chmistry 54 3~~ Feb 1957 CTS/dex ae th-C icausliar-, Ollubooeznlita I-C~, f'- UdInum-ilp pp. IAOSLAII.." tbrice-mo per,, -.Vol '1110 PP14 %J ITIO 69 3.9550 pill W1717-1000a. T 4~' Sci Tr Ctr RT-3V% Scientific - GeoplVoics 34, may 56 oTs/de.- Aboat the Role of Dolomite and Magnecite in Salt-Bearing Beds, by Y. Y. Yarzbemakij,, 5 py. RUSSIM,, perp Dok Ak Nauk 8SW,, Vol CIV, 1955. SIA R-,*X>W sci Aug 58 7.2,767 Table of Contents Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 104, No 1-6, 1955 Morris D. Friedman X-2326 A Case of Fission of a Uranium Nucleus into Four Fragments of Comparable Mass, by Yu. S. Ivenov. RUSSIAN per A Dok Ah lault MR,, Vol GIV# 1955, ;; 4 ;:~ 3 - AEC Tr 2363 Sci - Nuclear Maics, ldner~ls/Hetals 3 6" 94 lc 0u the D Uat of, OWMonduatorayo-by Xu., L. laimftovicho PP. . Fzauu,, tgrlAem pw# D& A Mim* SMj Vbl ON# vp 42-50 X - 1JJ oci - Physics Doe 56 cTo Renormalization of Meson Charge in Pseudo- scalar Theory With Pseudoscalor Coupling, by I. Pomeranchuk,, 3 pp. RUSSIAVO thrice-mo perp Dok Ak fiauk BSBR., Clyp 1955P pp 51-53. AEC Tr 2355 5 1- t4 s-3 0 () 6-3 Sci - Physics lealastieSeattering of laactrons In Mickeland Mplybdemut by A. R. Wmamnj, 1. 1. Farbmzttein,, 4 pp. RMILK9 tbrLoe-w perp Dok A #~*~Mjj Val civp so is, 1955S pp 55-W. ji,,R (. US Dept of INd Comras Nat 'I lmvau of Standar~U Scd - Nucaear Pbpics Doe 56 On Zzi 7'71,1y~~( lan==e of Swtam-Activt AeoutA om~ the Dimulms of Chip El ute., by 0. 1. lpifanoir, RMSIM, tbrim-no per, Dak Ak lauk SBSRI Vol civ, go 10 3L050 pp CFI~7 ( I T-- Q q - I M Ibnry Drdteber Tr 3719 scl: - wiveralefibtaus chm"try Maly $2.9o 1 's 5M 1 44 awl, )za,-.Z-4 gss~-P~ 6v //l -) , / '7'- -)~, / I/ / If 5-~& tlo- (,/ 0 , -51: / LlTdfS Inclusions in ArtificUa Wwrtz,, by V. Pe Butusovs N. I. Ikornikoft, 7 pp. RMSIM, thrice-no per,, DWL-Ak-AAU1.,SW, VAI Cly, 30 1, 1955, PP 76,, 77. SIA R.1206 my 58 ~ S, Rd,..i .00 The Crystal Structure of the Compounds CrBo VBq2 and NbBDj2j, by P. L.)[ripyakevich, IT, GladysheveRly. on RLTSWIM,, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSBR, Vol CIV,, Ro 1, 1955, yp 82-&-.-~-- UKBM GBI/.T/999 Sci - Chemistry Oct 57 Ch. e. New Ir-urnakoli-TM Cmpound Fe V In the 6yetem Iron Vwmdi=,, by L Koriailov.. V. "ey;;p RUSSDS,, per., Dok Ak Neuk BUR Vol CIV, 1955, PP Be-go. GB 4 UMON n"r 1000 sci - Chen 4 '44xl%~ -..w -r , I Feb 56 Darface Tensions of AlIall *tulo A=lgzma at WaitiaG Bllutiona,, by P. Pugachevich.. 0. A. Timfeevic-he-lap 7 PP- RMIM., per,, Doklay Akad Nauk SM. Vol C1V,, No. I# 1955* pp 98-1 - SIA R-1129 Sci - Chemistry 6 0.1 d j a- Mar 58 Kinetics -of Autoaddation of Cmene and Peculiarltios of Action of P"mwl Addii4ow, by D. K. Tolcpko. RUSSUN, ",hrice-vo pw, Dok Ak 39A SMV06, so l a 1955.1 PP 101-1030 Aseac Tcab 6v xM12M Sci - Chemistry pj-* Aug 1956 $5.20 The Clute alP Bcrylllum In Granitic PegmatitcLs, by Ao As Baus$ and So H. TedorcUuk~ 32 pp), Russiml per, Dqk1 sault'.2500 Vol C'-R*, q2Kj%4Y-A1W4- 1955, p 108-111. P)LA R A54 sci J"I 58 - - 3--" 4 g ,// on the 10-:ctle Of Decomposition of the linto- Planlxtonic Organic Wvtor in Tagun'rofj- ray? by T. 1. GorzW-ov--. UITCL ,qUSi3LfT,,, per, Dolt Ak 'Ilauk. SSSR, V61 CTV; :"6 1, 1955,, 6-1MR-1-ITi- j)SIR Tim wi,; (10-an) Sul - U01. 7 F eb 6o 't acoch=nical' Iron;zctlua I,--- 9r-ite Depositso by I. D SitdOvul 2 PP- f;U351AV,, ptr SMi, V01 CD', sci Jul 58 Macropolygonal Structure of Clay Plains, by B. V. Vinogradov. RUSSIAN, per, Doklady AN SSSRA Vol 104, 19555, pp 118-120. *AFCRL Sci-Ear Sci Aug 68 On Production oZ PhytopLankton in the LWQ-Wv,~stem Zone of the Pacific Oceanf V V. G. Sorprovp et al. RUSSTAN., Wrj, Ir Ak Noulk RSM Vol CIV, N6 1.- 1955,, pp i4i-14~. CSMD Sai - Geop%ys mar 62 61-18302 LYU11110woko, N, Ya, THE OUEXHON ON Till' ASYMI'MrIC STABILITY 1. Lyashchenko. N. Ya. 011' THE sowriONS TO NONLINEAR SYSTEMS OP DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. [19611(611). 6 refs. Order from OTS or SI-A $1. 10 61-18302 Trann. of 4ko-di mlya I Nauk SSSjLQj~kT1qy,,~-I95,5. Y. IG4, no. 2, p. 177-179. Di,sciturroKs: *Non-lincnrdiffcrentio[equationis, Integral equallono, Numerical nnalynim. 'k-vvra I 0,cm-mP4 ()11 the a"yiqlAotic Wabillty of certain P 0 solutions of nonlinear differential equationa are pre- sented, The innin hypothesis Is that the real parts of the characteristic roots of the time dependent matrix coefficient of the linear term Ix- nLgative. Other hypoEheacs relate to the size of the Upschitz constant (or (boolcally) higher order terms. (Translator) (Mathematics, Tr, Y. 6, no. 10) 0MC* of T.001col S-Also on the Study -of Syrzetric Boolean F~=tims Frm the Ita-lay-Switching-CircAt Tbejar; Viewpoint, by C~,_Jj. Favarov, ~ pp. 'v MiSSIM, CIV# No 2.9 1955, PP 183-185- .5 11-_-,~q 6 ~, - ~ ~_ 6 7 MP P-M , 3 sci - (It Jul 61 / C /1, -4,9-1 Tze v"In"fti-lby DiAl. on Rmation for Electrow :La a Variable Electric anti Ponstomt YApatic Field, by A. V. darevich) 5 PP- IUSSIO., thrica-mo par., Dok Ak UMlhg Vol CIV., 1,"0 2., 1955.o Sci V_ Ceatcr W-4,64-7 Scientific - Physiew JQa 57 MI Z,,V 7-Orv Irmatipti= of the MagmtIc Structum of I= ailicide Crystalis by the Povdor Diagm Nstbodj by Ya. S. Shur,, V. R" Ab.olts, 4 pp. RUSSM, tbrift-M p". Dok A lbuk SM., Vol CIVIs No 2. 1955, pp 2008 210, Nwris Do Frledmm $2. OD ~ -- / ~~ 801 - pb"Ics Doc 56 M 0 7-1 Influence of the Ratio of Areas of Friction Upon Wear, by D. N. Garkunov. RUSSD3,, tbrice-mo per,,_P-*,4 lEa 'Jol ON, No 2j 1955# pp 227., 228. M-utcher Tr 3764 Sci - Physics 7. 4z Aug 1956 Cyclic Relay Cirauits and Analytic Relations Therein, by V. I. Ivanov, IWSSIM, per, DDk Ak Nauk _SSSR,., Vol M, Ho 2, lq~~5., o w I-.uO 9092801 iiov 6i (ff -5592 Y )a the Tbeoz7 of Explosion Prooessesp by 1. S. kkulov, 10 pp. !TJSSUN. Perm DOk Ak lauk-.SM,* Vol U*, No 3, 3ep 1955, pp 316-379. im T969 Sci - rwjaicu fLpr 61 IJ14 / ~ f.4-10" Mm Preomm., Com7mosibility., and Straws Relaxaticu tu the NWID3-(m%)^ Pywbemp by 1. Mt. LeakDVI&O 5 pp. WSSIM., Par.* Dok Ak Vol CNo No 2,, 19550 pp M43 60-IT133 5a Aw 62 AP 7, 7J-J, VO:L 40 No 4 Participation of the Oxygen of Water and Atimaphe-ric Oxygen In Plant Respiration,, by B. B. Vartapetyan, A. L. lCursanov, 6 pp. RUSSIM, per, Dols Ak Nauk SWR, Vol CIVO 1955o pp 272-275. -*---'-- - - - - - - - SLA Tr R-1336 Sai Jun 58 6 4 fj'7 Investigation an the Effect of Hypoxia on Levels of Nucleoyroteius in Cell of Cerebral Cortex by Ngthods of Ultraviolet Microscopyt by B. 14. Krepaj E. Cenikeevaq 8 pp, RUSSIAN,, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, Vol LIVp 1955* pp HIE UQ7 8cl - Med Dec 58 ~7,71 Ristological Studies bf Auml Changes in Thyroid GierA of the Me and Seurosecretory Activity of the ftothalmic Nuclei Under Seasonal Manses Occurring In the Tb7rootropic ftuction.of the kmb~mlej by As Ve zalusys 6 we RMSIAN,0 WIce-w per, Dak Ak Wwk 8Mm Vol CIV# No 2., 1955a VP 315-0- Scl No Lib No 56/3069 Sci - Biology 4 ~ 0 I.-Of- 0 To the Iftv momlodcal Swory of gapnowVativilr by Yu. Lo Mlm=t*vUb.. RMSTMj tbrice-m parl Dok Ak Nu* SM Vol Wo So 3s Ms VP 384-00 morru D. Frudm /< Sol - Pbpios ,me 56cM Tho Diel;j(;tric Coiiatmat of P-arium Tita'antc, by lr~ r. Yxzlobayev. OCIASSIFDO RUSSM7., per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol CIV,, PP 367, 368. Sai Mus Lib Tr 57/2546 Sci - Chem SaP 58 7,3 /'~ ~ vapandence; ox the Megmtio visocaity!00 the Spolmn Dl=nsiow,o tq As No Rmi=* 4 YPS am 0* Ak Nuk BM# Vol CVj No 3., 1955.. pp 389, 39Di----- $2.00' got ;6ftvies Do* CTB Usova, I. N. DETERMINATION OF THE CENTER OF NARROW AXIALLY-SYMMETRIC, Y -RAY BEANE USING SEC- TORED IONIZATION CHAMBERS. 4p. I ref. TATWL: 1003. Order from OTS or ETC $t.40 61-17500 Trans. of Akademiya Nauk SSSR. Doklady, 1955, v. 104, no. 3, p. 391-392. DESCRIPTORS: 'Gamma rays, Beams, Synchmons, Ionization chambers. 61-17500 1. Usova, 1. N. 11. NVVL-1003 111. Stichting Mueffljk T nkelijke Wetenschap- j~Iik. Llteratuur Office of Tockpical S"ces On the Existence of Penetrating Pairs, by A. V, KhrImpn,, 3.1 pp. RUSSUN, tbrIce-w per, Dak Ak Nouk BWRq Val CIV., 19550 pp 393-396. AND Tr 2488 Sci - P40ics x, svpo jul 1956 Ta lumm of Tospmtwo Upon the Mphitisatlo~-' of Coke# t7 3. F. unin.. a. T. Shul"ov IMIANgi tbrioe-m pory Dok Ak Nwk B=p 5p -w- Vol Civo k ft 3p 195 '41335;404.01.. ftutaba Tr 3784 . Sol - xuvwotalAN $3.80 up 56 = OA the IntAawtAou of Tulne In Bi,, Zu w3d Sb,, by V. I. SUrtsev., V. U. Kweviahj., 4 pp. REMM Voice-= per, Dak Ak Nacko Vol Crv, 1955P v 413. CUAW/X-1982 CMAW 767 The Rewtion Between Orgmnie SuLf= CotWmda and an Irm Cwtact Catalyst., by A R. Basbkirov, N. L. B=baaov. RUSSIM, thrice-ow r, Dok Ak Nauk SM, Vol CIVI No 3v 1935y PP 415XTO Sci - Chami0try AUG 1956 Assoc Tech Sv 37, 7 $4.20 Them or-cd(~Um cc spa-mop in steady- nm M Sam* by T. a. Anul ww" Dok Akmd IM*, Val CITs 30 3a 1955a TXP Wig". be Bet aft aw Ims onown'l T 208R Scleutif Neotectanic MovamenU in the Arctic Regime# by. Do 0, Pawyj 5 pp* RUSSIM., thria-mo perp A* Ak- &a =5416,vol CIVO No 3j, 0 195, pp VR-V*. aci Tr center aT 3467 ." / 6 ~4 Scientific - Oeq$kwits 36 itme 56 CTO 0 R -,-~ -~-?- 0 (-/ K On the Pnmmtlon of Asp4Aotlc SUbility in Tranaition Frm Dirfmantial Xquations to the CWmapondin Diffft-enn EquaU=9v b7 K. A. sbaklft, 0 pp. REMUK,. tWasom per.. _Ddk A Nauk ~ 5MR._YAj_ CIT" 19558 pp 505-5m, ARO Tr 2687 Sol - Wbmtdox Jan 57 CTS YY on an lateptl bf th&'Dqfttlom* of Unstsaot Adiabatic "a Wtions by B. P. Prob"nl)wv, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, tbrios-m par# Pp~ Ak Nauk 3SMg Vol CIV, No 41 1wo pp 50965ur' Xbrrls D. Frle&wn, ,"% $3.00 Sai - Pbyslos g2.rl a -~~ 44raulle Usistance ot bUmd Qw-Liquid Stream in Bvizontal Pipes, by N. 1. Swenow. IMIAN, tbrIft-co Vwp Dak Ak Sauk SSUp Vol CVp go 4 195% PP Magi %64, Co-Op Tr Bch Tr 20 R1.1gs. Az .1 gel 6 Sci - Pbroics '74KI Results of Observations of Discrete Sources of Comic Radiation at 3.2 CH. Wavelengthp by N. L. Kaidanavki~ N. S. Kardashevp I. G. Shk1ovskif 3 pp. HUSSIMp perp Dok Ak Sauk SM. Vol CIV, No 4,o 1955j, pp 517-5 - NavY Tr 1289/ML 550 ,~/, q X Bel - Pbysics (part 1) Cobasion of Frown Soils,, by S. Be Vialov. th it ice - m RMOUS, per, Dak Mad NoA)ko Vol CIV,, So 4,, 1955p Dot Sci Into BY MMs CawAa~ T W3R 's Ige o On the -allAticra of the Sapetic OliftatUlsties -bt Soft Allop,to the Imlm~.Thlckzwasp' by 1. 1. Ourrichp B. KoodmWdylp 5 ppe MUM, Akriasom pap -Dak A lbukesti., v(a cr~i* No 4,p 1955P rp,530-532. morris"Do Triodmu $29" act - pbroics ~3 -L Kinemstic Scctveriag of Ejlzctrons by &--% Neel Monocrystcl, by S. Vainshtain. .WSSIPIT, parj Bok2zdy Akad H%ak SM,, Vol CIV; No 1955; pp 537-52n- U9,':':,M Rof So '1236 J= 58 -a W~6 IJ4'~ -ail Eiu L4 5, j Oxygenated Compounds of TItanium, by N. P. Bagoroditakiy. 'RWBIAN.t thAce-w per, Dolt A ftuk OSSR, Vol CIV., 30 4.t 19551 PP 543-545. Brutcher Tr so 3674 311,117 $2.45 Seientific - Min/weteas Chemistxy MW 56 Investigation of the Structure of Alloyv of Titanium With Riobium and Carbon Under the Ultra- Violet Microscope, by V. P. Blyutin, M. L. Bernshtein, Y. Pavlov. RUSSIAN,, thrice-zo per,,,,Dok ik Nauk SSSR Vol Cup No 4; 1955., pp 546 -548 . ...... WxNxWWRWA~I PBLID-GB Tr 4 Phys Sci -/Kim/ymt Dec 57 Investigation of Properties of the Hwb Moiecular Compounds of Petroleum, by S. R. Sergienkol D-IVY-d' lug /ON RUSSIAN, perj Dolt Ali Nauk SSSR, Vol CIV, 1955, PP 555-553 - ----- CCT-187B ce T- 7 T/v7 Sci - fuO., Dee 59 /0 .2 Role of Non-Protein Ingredients in the Forma 'L, -11 on of Structural Cojlagen~ by A. L. Zayd~aj et al. RUSST-404. ppr, .1'jok Ak Neill, SQSR 1,101 CIV, TO 10-55r pr, ~,63-5675-- NIL M. 2917 Thermionic En-in ion Frw Silicate and Alum- inosilicate Ion Exdmgors,, by G, M. Pauchenkov,, RUSSIAN, per,, Dokl!& A Nauk SSSR., Vol loss No 40 19550 pp 571-574. NASA TT F-11,367 sci-Phys Jan 68 Infrared Spectra of Phtbalocyanins and the Effect of Gaseous Compounds on Themj, by A. 9. Sidorov, A. N. Terenin, 6 pp. MISSIMO per, Dok Ak Ikuk SWR; Vol CIV, 1955, pp 575-578. - - - - STA Tr R-1338 Sci Jun 58 6 j - Coacerbates in Ferments - High Carbohydrates Coacerbates in Alf-a Amylase, by A. I. Oparrin, T. N. Yevreinova, et al, 6 ", RUSSIO, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, (Biokhimiya~ Vol CIV, No 4, 1955, PP 581-583. 'jk'~.:.., "?.5 - ~ I - - -TT-63-igi Sci - Biol, Chem F Feb 63 On the Rtchin3 Decomposition of Glassaa by Ionic Bw,barar-2nt) by G. V. Spivak, A. 1. Krokhina, L~ Vo la,.arjevap 3 PP, F.LTE*3jV, tbrice-mo per, Dok Ak Rauk-B=p Vol CIV, 1955s p 579. CIA/FD.T) X-n11 SCI - Fbyaics Feb 56 Coacorvates and Formau Albmab-Carbohydrate. Coamrvates and Alpha-Azyla"s# by A. 1. Oparint T. H. Yevroinova,, UK I= at. a1.$ 6 pp. RMSIM,, per, Dok_g gpMk-S9R,, voi av, No 4. 1=0 pp S82-S83. 96M29 FrD-TT-63-191 Sci-Biol May 63 .9.3,0, 43.1 to The Theory of the SattinS of Gypsum Bonding MaterialB, by 0. V. Kuitzevich, P. E. Aleksandrov, V. B. Ratinov, Tj 1. Rozecbtrg, G. Gq Dogautdinoval 5 pp. RIJISSIAW, thrice-mo per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR Vol CIV, No 4, 1955, pp 587-588 - ----- '-"" Sci Hun Lib Tr 57/3672 7) Sci - Pblaica Apr 58 7 Giant Carnivorous Dinosaurs of Mongolia, by E. A. mleyev. RUSSIAN., wo per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, vol av,, No 4, 1955P pp 634-637.--,--, UKSM C-2106 Sci - Biology j-W, a '9 / Oct 57 11-'stizltation of the Error Involved in the Numeri- cal hite6ration of Differential Equation5 by Cie .Adcus Extrap ul ation il.ethod, by N. S. Bukhvalov, per, Ook AJ, Nauk SSSR Vol 104, 1955, pp 663-66(). &IN-1c A.Eil' JUL L P ~ , ;z 9 ~ ~ F ( /;z sci-Aath J.U-1 6 8 Re at PotMUILI Smara by the pboses Sftttore& Moves* br V- A* MMrQbGWWm 7 pp. XMIAM apws, D* A DiA SM* %I CIVp 19551. py 695_40. Aw um-ftom-638 Sci - omp" my 61 /Solo 1190 y Spectrua aud Raergy Levels of the Polonium Atcmo by E. A. Vernyj., A. N. Zsjdel, wd K. 0. M:'.qbeIb1It. RMIAN,j,thrice-mo per, Dok A ftuk SM. Vol Clyp 1955j, pp 710-712. AJW Tr 24 Scientific Nuclear Physios jun 56 ms/dex The Enera Dependence of Cmplete Nuclear Cross 1-Y Sectiuns in the Heap of Neutron lner&ies From 380 to 630 MRV, bv V. P. DabelePOT, Y- 1. Satarov, ~f B. M. Golovin RUSSIAN, thrice-mo per, Dok Ak Nauk SSM, Vol CIVx pp 737-20) 1955. USSR Sci - Nuclear Physics Wr 56 CTS AEC,, UCRL-WaTIO-257 J~ -r ~~ We" Of" Pranaura on tba FlerLodic Proportion of Elements., by Tu. 11. Ryablain.. 8 -pp. PUBMATIT, pov,, Dok AJr- Vzuk SSERs, Vol ClVj, BO 5, 1-z5~-c 72-1-724. () -1-L 4, 3 - Is Set Hu Ub Tr 57/4324 SC& - Myc sup 58 2L oxygen isotope udlunge Oetwb6n Heavy Owgdii Water and Some Tmgstateso by VI I. Spitsyn,, R# L. Aystov" RZSIAN, per,, Dok A Nauh SSSR,, Vol CIVO 19550 pp 741-A3: 5732275 AL-C-IS-Tr-28 Sci - Chel; I'lar 66 298"505 gfftmt at Omm BM#tL= ftom. BaUmative - Cobalt on a by, Sh A. Rhenokbi, 7 MMOS VWO Bok Ak Dmk SMA VOI CIVS ND 5$ 19~5: PP 74&- 84 Tr 002ter Im" New Carnivorous Dinosaurs From the Upper Chalk In Mongolia,, by E. V. Naleyev. RUSSIAIN., mo per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol CIV, No 5, 1955, PP UXSN Ref C-2107 Sci - Biology '0 5?S Oct 57 1 scue- Rozaarks- on -the Problem of -the - Nummical Integration of Differential Equations b,%,r Finite Difference Hethods, by M. V. Lomonosov: 5 pp. RUSSIAN, thrice.-im per, Ook Ak Nauk SS-SITIO Vol 01-vt 1955P pp Tr 2688 Sol - Mathematics Jul 57 CTS j U '4 61-18303 Blekhman, 1. 1. THE QIJESTION ON THE STABIUTY OF PERIODIC 1. Blekhmen, 1. 1, SOLLTrIONS OF QUASILINEAR SYSMMS WITH MANY FREEDOM DEGREES. [19611[61p. 4 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1, 10 61-18303 Trans. olZ~~~k ~ 5adl-.d,~ 1955, (D v. 104, no. 6, P. W-812, DESCRIPMRS: 6Non-linear differential equations Equations, Numerical methods and procedures, A theorem on the stability of periodic solutions of a quasillnear system with a zero rout of multiplicity k and purely Imaginary roots is presented. (Translator) (Mathematics, TT, Y. 6. no. 10) Dogs OF TOCWOJ $"vice* Tba PolarizatIon of Electrons in the Decay of polarlsed /14 -Mbsons p by L. B. Oktm I 1 5 pp. RUSSIO, thries-m per Dok '&k Nauk 6,8% Vol CIV., 19550 pp ako:&R. ABC Tr 2469 Scl - Pbys:Lce 3W11 jr-rd Jul 1956 Correlation of the Planee of DA',sintegration or a VO -Pair and the Spin.or,$O 4iesou) by L. D. Pulkov, Y~. A. Smorodinakly MWIAN, thrice mo per, Dok A Nauk SM.. Vol CIVo PP 843-5.- 1955. :S,k, A 0 0 ABCj, UCRL-W~us-259. Morris D. Friedzmn LISM Sci - Nuclear rhys;cg Ku 56 =/DEX (Pat II) Crwp.mA lan-Tom Btruath of Pion BoLlso by vial" RussM ApWj Dak AkvA Nook# va owl no 6,p ig",p PP W43- W sai iafo By met Canda't wm Scientific - 0000plas jut The Reaction of Orguiic Sulfur Cocp=d3 Kth a. Reduced Iron Contact Catalyst., by A. H, BEwhkirov., N. L. Parabanov. RUSSIAN#!tbriaeftwo pers Dok,- Vol avo rio 6,, 1955j, PP 854-856-. Sci - Chemistry Aug 1956 Assoc Tech Sv RJ-355 q1; 4 0. v ObsulsorptUm am4 CxJ4*tUs at, BuIVIm DlazUe on Solid Catilpts at Rom Tespratinj by 0. K. DlLvtpu Ot &I. =BIAS$ tbria-m per Dolt Ak Imuk OW Lw~" VOJL -cv-s No 60 3-9350 Yr4W.- ATS 51? 00, TV&= 4fr 238 Bel - c3low"try j Al Tautmarism of Acid Buterv of AlkwIthlophosphenic Acids., by-A. I. Ubachnik, Rtal. RUSSLAN., tbrice-m pers Dok Ak Mauk,, Vol CIV~ No 6,. 1955* pp 861-VA. T.I.L./TA628 Set - Chendstry May 1956 DiPbwW-lb=*I= Salts (PROM48). by A. 11. Namwyuw T. P. Tolstaps L. D. losyms 5 pp, MUM r.. Dok Ak Nmk SMj, %1 OV.0 va 6,, 2955, Py oni,677. IC or MA w-looM Bet - Cbealstry Fab 59 /. c 0 yr/ YMaclaanima of O-Vgen Transfer ThrouGh Thip. Layers cf Blectro)yben, by 1. L, Rogenfelld, et a!. =81blip tbr~ce-ma p3r, Dok A SSSTI Vol cl-Vo No 6p 455j., PP- MV caci~' e;.~Iiemz Tr 2).3 ia c ia~. P-1 34J 7' 5 - -"'~ 7N -;-i jul 1956 We"urement of the Dynamic Modulus of Rubber at Very Us" AmqUtuftm of Deform- vwon With an Optical Noftlational Interferential Jbthod, by X. V. B=ovIt- skayal RMIU, per, Dok Ak Nauk SM, Vol CIV, So 5, 1936.9 vp 923-925. Jun 62 Milization of Seed %osybom Reserves for as-r-miratmioraj by Mov, Golubm. RML4N., yor., Dak A Nauk SM Vol clyx 1955P pp 929 CSZRO 4 I Sa - mol Ajw 62 IM !W Tables of Conteate. RMIANp mo per, DgkIgAy AWdemli Rouk SSORP Vol CV,, No 1-6. ---------- -j Amer Inst of Mysics Soviet PbYsicep Vol 313, No Feb 57 CM 1~4- -T X-d I e -rlle b, D / r - a. j 6,