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TratMortationp by JUA, arup a PTO, 'ay X-INIS 53682 Pug 71 MaU7, AQU%V 14=4 *"U~sw or motaw yamm" q4#4 ft-00apol 14106 Dolt *4 ro Ilk abs OD,% an Proble-as of Loonomic Roforu FoWoralo by Zdanak, Jim, 6 pp. CZ.I,CH# pery fRop 0 Pragmep I'lo 46p 10-25 Doe 196S# pp 5-6. JFRS LOW Feb 6-9 375of-309 unipizz; r3dwation ana auiatnG,, Ly To sonc- I- ,ms 7 PP# "Wisf I npvj . 19 "IP-4 19,67P PIN 2-3-~ apm 41-4,3a To JTILV 07 Relalion rmttmen.V~Disturc content and PrchLating T PAI Charm and - I-Ity of co'tc, ~)y .anporature of C -"3 i jo ~ S - lag, T.- u1sw JAPANESE, per 2qtEu-to-iaf~Tano Vol 50. 17o !1. 1961; ,,P ~q2-1594 , CRL,/T- 2526 V- 391 Investigatioa of Upward mid lklfonward Livht Weasurormats in the Ocums and Thcir Relationsihip to Transparency Reasurements., by Joseph Joachim, 23 J)P. QP,AIM, per, Wutschu L.Cit's Vol 111"O"ro S/bs 1960 'r'5=O0OOU67 Wpt of Navy/0141 Tr Itio 2229 J-OS,E/~d IM Sci - Larth Sci. Ii C~ccanoVruphy Feb 67 Ci,PYRIOIT 3180820 trosident -Ion8o lutordezmd on ixoncctla Urcruth, 4 Paulin Joaabins 6 iv. perg ore ikwro flitromr, kovive Oat 1969o pp 12-15. Leon J,,m 70 399034? , bloo-,, in the Cabowsa 0-weramitp bi yuwr ~A pauun F M-1 1; 11 A 171, lzw IVG7, PD- ,, yar, Lal0i 211-27 ~ RfS U Ll N ~OA N H .ft,ftrlicu poi June 67 1,2905 i~cru Book. by Qieorgas Coj?det. RovictmOt by pp. Part CRaMore du C"mmlimm." ilarlso sopt 19699 ~rl I ja%113? 11,9113 kl~-Fm- lool Cat C-~ 3949 8913 cahlvr:~ clc 67, 64-67. 96() ter) rat rditor or ~rov 'r-l"ratleal 01T, 'TOUTMOSO a p by VlOt.OX' t r,!, vo.7 , P. c,,e-p 71, vino 71 ~."ritor clIMIce itrty olicys 1~'MOMrjl 5 !.434 196 Pro 64. j-Qq N -01 Sunlavy of CUIM-4 Political "ItmAtions by Joso Jw-,juln a Pp. PPx',:i pt drnm.k.ob Is,69, *151;9 rptg ~',.antiag - S p.p 4.6. 4-1514 1970 PreaMentid PossUnittoss m4yrad, by joso Joaquin anmwr, 5 m - Splullsill pert sm-daco, oot 1969', pp 459-461* dms 49165 U IA4hilo 69 395#011 ,,%akonirc of Christimi Usmocratic Party Iloteds -5-.1 by Joao Joaquin isvnwre 7 p:.),, SDAI-Odg par, ~~ Santiagot Jun 19699 pp 119?-1990 & as 469w LA-CIA10 j 0-~c Jccrry~,/Y" P-Y-LADY)cv- i-101 jull 69 '3 a (, I I ~, ~g) Proble-2a of HneraOllic Air at conr'=p "o 67 ROGETO J. and JOBER Chromosomes and radia J. Al e**d. Bordeaux'( ) (1967) (AAEC LIB/TRANS 274) New Equiptont fm,- M- Carl Zeiss JENA at t1w M6 Leipzig Todmical Fairp by R* jobst, 1. rautedmik. No 40 GERM). Por. Wage PP 15301570 *ACSI J-0300 ID 2204037866 Uk- 'TurAcca/Garmany Jul 66 %: Margi-nal Noma by No Jadl, CUCH. per, Utcrard hlovig, 22 Jan 1966, wook Rad Fr Eume Czoch 9ress Survey No 1751 (20a 21) EE-Clech Pol May 66 3009560 -[y m0, Sources of Czech Antidomocratism Eminod, bY droslaV Jed# 7 PP- GOURNI-a;NT USE (L"ILY CUCd,, npo jL,,,Vg Fraguet 20 Illar 1969e p 3. JPB QUU 3013 Pol 33-10?3 'U*S. Gon USE. 01MYS.-, copyRraall lublolwaTiod, =g Difrareatial Thermo"alytital Studios of Thermobonding )ROI.As...ty H.Joerdere ZUR-OPEANI, pai-p Vol 521, 1971j, pp 1088-10931-1 HT012-1i606-m June 72 ------------------- alluv intomifAmed by OrM, Of' K~ulxh try ams in?,cmiz Joerr 5 nr),. C'Otuen1ment 2 it'la, 19ill n" v0f~ ic -L"Hoe". o x xld! k- Vivo# Jlacbxv cu Z_ j o J~C-i ri Jo'.."ro, i,k:l-try mt i"ClUtiCUS 1A.-tvecil "'r;Lxiijr ul 1.11VI! ~y ocr Unit oi L(-w,,,t4 AUsoroej Uusus Korez wW L;X~,Osuro, lic~ltiuli tu QwI14'es oi, i'"iu"', by Ucien Paics, op. CEA-k,_5424j, Feb VU6, i~L- C/ ( [-14,1 L/,Ir- fib Sam ftwale= Or gydr-obloomia0avo by B. 0. cToom=. 12 pp. SWIM., bAo va oWifa 2EM12imov Ak Nauk Sff, NO 5p-- 19wt VP 117-lu3o Dept or 9&='" B=u e, Co==Iol Waborloll Mica oll ftcalgn Flahmlw A-P-JI4 66 on Loan coutribttuas on the Moltillag arld, Goudiwt1j; of vuewol., by r0 Joguterbo pw: h) M op 1967P PP 53-64- 5946 o 67 The Rolattims Botween 3)tsturo Untant and Preheating Tcq)oratum of tho Coal Ciarge and Coke Quality,, by H. Joh, et al. JAPANESE,, pera Totsu-to-14- 'an019 Vol SOS. Sept. V64g pp Is DISI 4772 Jul 66 306s470 F I . Johan Thin-layer ch"romatogral-div audi .,aper chromatography as controls in dic preparation of amides frOTII LIM, and oleic acid. WNISTA DE. GIDUE, Vol 17, I)p 6,".3-647, 1960 .7~- - - - .--. 72-15327-07C Injactloa Valvoup by Vxntwxd Jobamnlop GOVE"Ba"MOV USE CUILY GMM$ p,-rf C-01dat Ima pachnik, vo-I 32; no 5p 1960) pp A8:2,51. 4f ~/ MWAIT-23-467-60 C- 12 -,b ac. 14 () r0 ("', I -S ( .6- , ~ Yq P BUA.X,C,h liar 69 337,6458 AnchorinG or lbofal ITj H. Jolmnuonj H. J. Lara'am. SWEDEX) pors PA =,.Induotrilen, 110 W; 1966) pp 0,M-632. fILL limn 5296) (14-50) Oet 69~ 3951llill Stabilization and Ojtoft*lrvg, 0:? Vehic-10r. WrZ a PrC&Cl D-IsplW2 by D. Dey~) G. joba=eno GMUMO, -Lmrp Institut fftar r1 .. -:wur4?,mkd laftyerk-Or Techniacbe Univeraltatj Deelcbts 1513, Dapt of l7avy APL/,J'.IU T-25CQ,- Gr - ~'Tc k m t o t ~ s c 6 Apr-n! 71. Fish Pathology Activities In lorth J" -Irica. An Ovorview BzAvd on a Study Visit Durink~, 10.0. by Nils johamson, r4l t t Swc4sh NIT of inzorlFr T 1'r "CF/C.- A-36-Feb 1970-N-0 33 ("In LOn L ~1 "s C, r~j "CiAU, lo'ay 70 Ildrlim; Visene CaMel by Myxo:;Or-a Cerc-hl--klist by 1.119 JolignssOn. 5 ,)lq- suectisll Salo-un llvscorclh Iristitutoo I;pl 0 pp 1-4. 6f Ir, toriar DCF/OrF ,km30*Fob 197NNO A'6 Oq L Stil m R ,y 70 lu~ jol mv;mj lo Xxa=vmr Pyrophors and Pyrophorcity, by Stig, Joliansson, 62 pp. St."EDISH, source unknown, pp 55-127. ACSI-K-3022 l:STC-HT-22-147S-72 Apr 72 Article Dmilms OW C=ancy Stability umoptsq by Friodmr John* 17 pp* GM,111~ parg Einheits East EMU% V101 230 91 1900 Ras 46s798 68 354,477 of' Air FOLU# J~y 1),. John, 32 ;,T- T usE ONLY A per, Vol 18, 2S-33, of IML Tr 1204 Ifay 406,7P The Messuremmt of Surface Areas With the Ammeter,, by R, Johnop D. Smrin. /s-y,~ GMIANP Vrt., Mumig-Mvenieur-Toclaiks Vol 37j, go I., 1,C)65., Vp 57-61. syA TT-66-ioy~o k sept 66 W,074 Daily Fluctuation of Hatabolism and Body Tempera 7~~ I-L~ tures in Sobax Canditiou and Complete LluGeular Reatt by J9 S. Johns=. GO Pp. GOMI, per, Scandinavisches Archiv fuer PWiolv Vol B. 1G98$ pp U5-142, rMSA TMI P-12,875 SeL-=. I Jul 70 TLI. Tckioc~cm C. IQ , 'y'0 k t4 s o t3 llo& im 1-lethods of Specimon Froparation for Ught Illicroseopy , by 0, A, Jol=on GERI.Ali, per, SchumizarArchly fuf)r Arm-mimnche Ussenschaft imd Techrdk# lio 31 19651 pp 52-54 lm; 71-15276-1413 imr 72 Procos6 for flianufacturing carbonized 119 -tont ~',TC 69 A u 53~) .407 &-indomn rofessor Aasts U.:). Idm in ararkw. by -emnuth F, jollmson, 81 rpa tip's )CI 1, 4. WA-Arecatins r T oncc,t in -Africim Irlbea ;~~iiAY C I)y finy-nowl, p a I loc v 471673 600 3.?39067 Apr 6--,,, Oa the ~Wliag Industry 4bn Thailfuld aad 1,1314vsiap by Joiciliro koriy9pap lit pj)* GUMLSEIENT WE- WLY MANUS41 pore Tonon !Iixa Voi lit lie 41, 19651 pp 64-91je JPILS GUO 2426 raw Lastffhailad Leon JIM 67 li't,xtors in ~"ahimj IletIPtiOn N~Y 02f vy L~Aua Joitap 1~) ppo hu.M."'rIL"N' per, 2x-;'AGt.1 do Statictica~: 140 pp rT --ant t.-Fui a c oz. I Jan 63 - - - - - - - - - - a4-0 zX_Ray Skill Levol of Who Opor r "quipment in Yugoslav Hoalth Institutions, by Jovan 'Tdiclc 2 9 -PP SERBO-OR OAT 1AIT., per, Modicinski Glasnik Belgrado, No, 61 Jun 7T-l--p-1577917-2257~" JPRS 56202 .1m. 72 Batter loWi% et Xugoal= Arrv Discussedt by ciedeljko Joldes 9 ppe ;SUtDD-QI(ATIAflo poro Voino-olcopm-old Prog, BolgWel, i4o 119 11107 19699 pp 910-916, JPRS 49760 J e- L i~ 0 Lu libb 70 401o963 C~ Urged to Refjp'ah, Promot"- Frindples of InternaticnaUsm, by Upho Jolednen. 5 pp. MININDII, per, Ticdcn~Aa a, j,!elsSnhij No 20, L 17 Feb 1972o pp 3p 10. jius 5%,o6 1".ar 72 Deficioncid T-"r;n,o Jo":incn., rl"MISH, ~)Or, :,,o 9, 22 jan TPPS- ~5520;' ) 0 in CP Draft i,,rogran ~' -pp" Tleclonantaja, l7otcd, b7 -. K it r I'M JoUma and Ei,-vmto-. ECP Is a Party of r7rm. Macurmim md UnIted Action., by UrL~o M-Umn and -,ao zurrantoj, 6 n~. mmist"A No 1, B1,41, M., per., rm- PP- 33-35- JPrO 345D- Poll Mar 66 2 Tj 2 c,r,,IdLlr,uv An Firlandt r, ~",Odp-jjst Rovol'ItI.On is Evaluoted, by Urbo Jokinon, 6 p1). r,jl,FU,g I uUtIset., 19 Jul 1967. P~ jpBs 42424 T- e K S,opt 67 177 K. Jokl Influence of fleat Conditions of the Surrounding on the Work Output of a Person ARBEIT and-LEMMUNG, No. 1, 1966, pp 173-30. 331's1 fc 6~ Feb 73 ~~'M. - Jokl Minimal Work R6st' Regulation in Hot Plant. ARBEIT AND LEISTUNG. Vol. 24, 1970. AMR 1089T, Feb 73 A Hadiometric Study of the Diffusion of Phosphor in Si Single Crystals., by Z. Joks. CZECH, per$ Cs Cas F~s., vol 16, ig%j pp 419-425. VTIS Tr 71-56049 2. To V.-S JU1Y 71. Bohaviour of Zinc Electrodoa in Wmlino o1olutionc, by r, Jol-is. FRENCIT, per: EIOC~~Cltlnlca Actnl~ Vol 13, 1968, pp 2207-2221. NTC-71-10015-07D /V ,I, ~/ A) j ~, - ~ -: - ;TOv 71 Alkaline Prl=ry Coils, by Fernand jolus, (IMMIRITINT USLI aiLy (1,71"PUNS per$ Ucktrotechil-ische zoitschrift, sor e, Vol xvIITs7RT-~-.3,v-19660 pp 369-87S. 11200198267 Ccavorsiort Jul 67 Joliot, P. A New Model of System II Photochemical Centers. PHOTOGILEMSTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY, vol 10, pp309- 320, 1969 Vb L, 10 14TC-72-146V-07E I 1~.~ ~)~ N)q~P -UL, \,)\ - Jan 73 Auto-mated PeNter-liviation rf l.yz-ozy!jA, it- the Urine ui Fatiorts ildt!. Various Vorns of LuuLmiall. Clmracterintion and Ptu~ification of ;t Lysozyix Only in tl-.e 1"Itients ilith Acute 'Ilyelol-lastil: Letil"fulilL, 1-)Y per, I'CV T-MM: I'tUd (11.17i !dq V01 12, x,c) It!* C L 7w mWimmiat a at=iw AW1,13 m6ii-S'llealt //~ Tw4u Twta.. try Im 4XV, s Y), f1mmirl. mwca, r4r, Val 63P Doo. 106., Iv 4= 543r L. Jolly sci - tiodmam-l? 11awl"a""102 civa, mul Vw1m Eaw--Wrlm ibr 67 I~tsuring Flight Safety in LWII Civil Aviation,, q by I* V, Joludev. SNI'DISH, rpt, 27 April 1966. DIA 1607007666 JLUI 66 302,070 J. V - ~~ Avarltouml mausis TDW=Afio in t1w larant and tbo Umb=o by I B. J470 0. smult. GM=,, pwo Arobivw Ftnucalms da Podlatrlcp Vol 25s IOP eo3w=. SCI. MIll GODIt 0 39463D L9 xdv Ir-Ral Ic6act"BS Ila CE9 10A "Too 'JIM flad lim., m *e%;cQtrvfflA oa mwan raeas tIRM DUUM EMIP=M 30 4C==8Mj "Mm V.1 I Ica" X-.= 401 rp ~yf 6za 6113 Study of Lii.,e Sinter, Part 21 (6n the lklujitificiition of "-;ivcrzlcj;ical Composition of ldmt~ Sivitur by X-ray Diffraction) by Y. Jut-ato, jAPAUS1. FIT' Fuji Iron Steel Tvchn, Vol 16 1 DO, 1,1) 7.14. 'l-'IS1 G443 & lut 20 ,,c i-~ 379,7z Ay r 69 I-wtully of Hire Sinter, Part .3 (Rdation Properties of Lii-c Sinter anu its ~i!cvicralo,~-Jcal Co,lqwsitioii), by Y. Jcn,-oto. YOr, Fuji Iron SACO Techn. Itt!"'Urt Vol lbs Nt~ I 09 Uflugace of the PlWacal FMartles of Lim Cc its Reneuvity Uith Raatlon to a Steelvwka Slag: by M. Jca- pMag., rpt,* Revo FAtt Fab 1972p pp 93-114. BMI 10330 Jan 73 ioriueuw cif Pbyafmi, Pmpertles of Lim on Its Reaedvity With Repxd to Slag Frcm Steel Workop by M. Jon. mmons rpt, fnm IRSIDj, Oct 1971P pp 3.22. BIBI10788 Jm 73 i .. .reb 73, 1 p ~ ~ .". '. -.. . luil=ucc of tim Slag coaositiou an the bluat Yurauce Vroductiou of Ferrouaaganese, by ta. jQa. MituQ!, rpt. Loper Prescated at t4e Goaferance on ~~Hj; , Paris, 1-9 Juae 1969, pp 1-9. 4161 75di 102, JuDe 20 % 0 VataUurglcal Cumatedstica 0 Blast D. ameo slsgo,~ bi H. Jon E1.112Mt per. C.F)*S. CIMOS NO* lop 19G7v pp 2217-2233 Bisi 66o6 Scithst Ear TO 404;o47 of 'Materials in vie **.osjt of ~~o, 1 ni st [,'ur;,acc A 11a4OPI-inge, by 4. Jon, J. vigliengo. FRENCIi. itr, C,[)*Ss Circ-'a lie 60 19688 67270 To -u.-at ~':zir G.9 3770,32S st"y tl!c of the *Bosh and Tuyere tbe 11. j FtRuic,F, r:er, Rev. vet'. Vol 650 317.3" )2* 09 377,324 self.Roluv~e la the 1~~ to Our Victory, by jsA-~-r,~O 7 PP- IM=, up., Minju Choson., 9 Apr 1965., 1)o 2-1 JPW 30305 M. -1corea Pol jun 65 231,235 ZJ-. -30 03 'i~ fz Specificity of Antipolyamine Anti-bodies, by J. Jonaxd UUMMANO par, A24omie dos Sciences. Poxig.. Comp,teg Randw, Series Do Vol 265l 19679 1099-3102 ITTC 71-16452-060 mar 72 Laer"aOina the Productica Gf Wim Mla by Padming tao Mwto durlog Clattina Opmitlons,, by J. Jbwa IGMARP rerp Lu p V01 hp go 3s X67* pp 266-277. OBIST 6339 Sal-Materials Vob 69 Fathomorphological Exploration of Internal Organs in the Case of Experimental Manganeao Intoxicatlong by 0. Jonderko. GERMAN, perv 1njarn&tjonalgj--A-rch1v- 9)12X Q0X2rb2D1tth 1-0gjQ Gg"rhghjPjgpjj Vol 23P 1967, pp 106-116 NTO 72-12382-06T July 72 pi=cioi ami Teewaca Assistam Pro-=m fox- Urban Developmat to AlWea., by Rom Joww-up 9 pp, FMWJ,, per, Outremr, NO 4:34,, mar M.. PP- 50455- om (3- Ct u~ Africa rVoon Jun 66 30-1P575