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CalcuUtibn of PolArization of Hedium-Rnergy Neutroas., -by Po E. Namiravaldl, RUSSUIR, per., Zhup Slayer I Tooret Fit,, Vol X=(9), No 2,, 111T. VP It 6ft Awr Inst of PNm am sci Phys .9 , / r-il Sept 59 Couceraing the Interaction Cross Sections of Neutrour, With Vuelei., by-?. E* 14mirovskiy, 8 pp. RUSSIAIT., rao par., Zhur Eksper i Tooret Fiz., Val Mp go 3., 1956, PP 551-559- Awr I=t of Physics Soviet Myelm., J=P vol in no 4 isci - Physics Apr 57 MS kbdal Of 6 SeMi-traWparent Nucleus with a DLtTUBC BoUndSr.y. IIj by P- 3, NCM:LrOvskiY* ~ PP- RuWV.N,v mo Perm Zhur 20mper I Tvorat Piss Vol XXX17p no 5p 1957o pp 1143-1149- Amer last of Pbys Sov Pkwgi-jmp Sel - Myn Vol vj~ -NO 5 gar 58 j -,q W 7 Y. The w3wry or semd-Trauqpwmt Miclow With m DLM= Dmmdwys by P, We NaKLrovigd. msump pww of ])Mt*ZMU- Uwa Owrdxs~ ca posomm at Atafte RamW IbX at Onwous 8-0 Avg IMI Va Up Egb~=klktl 00a -- IN Aus 57 OU i-"9.9.jL62 InvestiGations on Conjugated Systems. CXLl- Addition of Efydro-cia Broraide to Butynone and Vinylacetylenic Ketones, by V. D. llemirovskiy, L. G. Chelpanova, t et al., 6 I)p. RUSSIAN, Ter, Zhur Obshch Ehim, Vol XXXI, No b, 1961, PP 2552-2558. CB Sci jui 62 205,261 Conjugated Systems, CXVM. Direction of Addition or Bromine to Vir4Ueetylene Ket=as, by L. F. Chelp=ava, V. D._VS=irev-- akiyj A. A. Petrov.. 4 pp. RUSUANs W* Zbw Mahch ChImy Vol MMp Ho 5j. 1960.p vp 1.445-144. S-7 jua 61 jmtheSis ;~-Lad conversion of d- e 4ftbylonejSeries, VI.Up C(mversion of 2.3- DlmetA*rljfpenterA-4-Diol-2,3, by L. P. chiv~yftrtovu, V. A. Normer., V.. 74ealrovskiy, 3 pp. IWSSIA]tj, perp Zhur Obsh& Ma, Vol Ro 5j, 1960, PP 1476-W78. CD Jul 61 -fimpisivas ftr C"op Based on the Critwdon of e maximmledumd Strom,, by Vue V, UmAnwzkli. RIMM, 'por,, livestim Akadvali Xxi SSSR Me W" ULL RTS $229 Sept. 67 340v3138 Eipglti~alus for civicil Zws&a A, is cn Vwj Criterica alf~ hmir-Am h pollad ISPUesso by Yu, Ve NoLdrovskiy. lklk~slnd* "Oro lave-sik.4 M, YU v /V f- "" /',q C) v 5 k 1'r fsa Aftorption in Fluidised Be-d.. by P. G. Romankov, V. N. Lepi I'l n, E. S. l9emit, 20 pp. 1 HIR30-1m).perj I%ln Hauka i Fran., Vol 1,, 1956; mi 3171-324- AWRIC Tr-13 Sad - Chem -im 62 Ust 60 A N&w Yat-hod of lbasuring Idgor V=,as, by G. Hemitz. GBRM., lpery Z. fuer Labenw-Untanuch Ubd Foracb, Vol CM, zo 4,-i96DO pp 261-272. CSIRO 5316X sci - )be[ Aug 6p- /(l -~/ InWrtenee of Moletwe for the Heat luwUvatioa of the AnTase System of ituc=atwes by W. Pftft=s (6 Neatz. I--- GERM, Dwp Z. ftw Lobumdttol- ghtwaucbM =d .7b"oh"gr Vol CX: lb 2s JIM59, 3W loq~-114. CBIRO 4775 q4l:p- Wgmsecpic ProrsezUes of Dried Foods, by 0. Nmitz. OM= j, perj. Z Lebanwittg4Lxft,2-F~m~ Und- Forsch .1 Vol 323j, No Is 1563., pp 1-5 OB a,- /V , " Tz-- 13 cl - AUg 67 336..M ( LTY-1374/24). Apparatus for obtaining Smp-Sucla, by M. H. Nemkin, 4 pp. RUSSIM,, per, Voyenno-Pled Zahn , No 7., 1959, pp TO -72. JPRS 2550 Sci - Ned I-Jay 6o 1/% 5-15- (FDD 31914) Dc-iioo- The Healing of Fractures During Various Stages of Radiation Sickness, by Ta. G. Rubinshteyn, M. N. Nemkin, L. 1. Shishlyann1kcrm, 6 pp. RUSSIM, mo-per, Voyenno-Med Zbnr, No 60 Moscow, JUn 1957, pp 33-37. US JPM/DC-L-518 Sci - Medicine 67~ 33-3 On the Question of March Periostitides of the Tibia in Service *a, by M. N. NeWdnv B. I. Zdorovyak. FLUSSM, mo per., Voyanno Ned W1 , No 1., Moncov., Jan 1958s YP 35-39- US JPRB/NY 4o6 SCL - Wdlclm NRY 58 J-Agbt-3=ItWlmg X-lbay Ymblue Chavber for Working in DayLUbt, by U. H. Reakin, V. A. Wxikcv, IMWIWO w Verp Voyanno Md Zhur, No. U,, Mocaovj ihm 1957a Vy 67-68 U3 JM/DY-2a9 6,~e 4 e 7 DUCOVWrIM Of PV&ViOUaY. VAkDOM OSDOM of Largp Ircramiultwo In the Paoo~me Books of the Bmtbem UM and emir Blodflemce, 'by 0. A-4 vea*ov., 4 pp- MSUN.. Per, D& Ak Nm* MWm Va CM 0 HD 5., 1958, 1w im-nm. sai - Goo" R4~~ -f-f 0 A, discovery or Palemew anwAlItAm in the fiantem 0 by 0. 1. NM&Vwp K. L. PhIOPDninp PP* IWWWp pwp D* Ak lukk MM# V62. MY., IsD6j. Ya-Zm IM# w 3.300-1301. IML - Geoftel" Aft 38 e, 9, f 7/ Oxidation of titanium nitride in dry and motat ai-r. by 1. V. Fedossev, 0. 0. Reakma. I pp. RlusnAR, per, zhur Neorgan Kam, No 5. 1962, pp 98o-962, Cs sci y -4 _q .3 F. - Apr 0 41 ~ v of com with J, voirs jwl" I 5~0, UM46-70. JAW 10919, 30 lWwww"MV Ira :Dlei"e of cc= Coboj, (Graysot of Odbio Cauft4 by Rhisopa -*dlaj, by Y. B. St 'MSMMj, vwp Selok I Somm 17(22)&169-70, Doc 1950. grL 61.9 Se5j, voo tM, =A Tr 360 1 .3 al-2 7..W soisatifle 0 MIM Diska"S of Maize and the bmdc Methods for gmo~ Cmft-ap by F.- B. T. A. MIUk. Rumump no pws fadedellej, Val Mj, No .129 D" Imp vp Tf-ft. OR D WM 56 cn/bix- Themplastic mterials for slidlog'beartno. ]b, V. PP. 7 lgj$Slo, per, p3Lmm%jvheak-W ftsay. No ii.. ig6o. pp. 23- 30. HAM SOL -;e0 ~,/ Aug 63 A Maohina for rTbatipg Heavy-Dut-y_ Sleeves., by V~c, As Nami; So A. Rilippovich, ppm RUSSIMv PW9 Zavod rabo Val MMI, No 3,, 1964 pp ,/7 Sol ~br 62 An Iavestigation Into Pressures and Stlim Acting on Ccuponents of Axial Flow Turbines Under Cperating Conditions., by G. E. RudaBhevakiyp V. A - Mem. RUSSIM, bk, Gidroturbostroenle, Vashaz,, 1957. DSIR LLU RTS 1530 Sol - Bw 41.2 Y, 8, q r Oct 60 Fine Structure or the PrIndip)CCL~K-Absorptivr- Mae of Transition Mtales of the Iron Group; 7heir kUOYB and CompmMs.9 by S. A. Nem=nt--, 7 PD. MMM.p pwp It Ak Nmik SSSR Ber FU., Vol =V., No 4, 196D., PP 447-4A. SOL jun 61 NEHNONOV, S. Character of Interitomic Binding Forces in Phases Formed by Transitional Metals with Light Metalloids. ZHURNAL TMNICHESKOI FIZIKI,, vol 18,, 1948., No 2, pp 248-252; 3300 words* oaoj Brutcher No 2201, 6,- X-ray Absorption Speatra in Compounds lath a Niobal-arsenide Struoturep by A., Z, Manlahikov, S a A* lemonov, 5 pp, RUSSIM& pore na metai. i matauov. Vol X& No 3, Imp Pp 390-3960 P? Soli Sep 61 Investigation of the Prl=ipal K Abzorption Edge Of Hicb--l in Nicb-,I-Alwaimm A-Uoys., by S. A. V~P~Mcn ~ 14. P - Baroklmj, 5 pp. RLWIAN., pary U Ak Nw& SM., Ser piz.0 vol mav, No 4p 1960, pp No 455J&. mv Sci jun 61 2-33 An X-ray Spectr-al end X-rkv Diffrau~,;-O~? laimstwuion of the Inter&tomic Bondir-,~i Forcw in Iron-aluminium Alloys, S -4 - L. D. Finkelsbtein and K 14. Koldbova, 5 pp. MWIMS 'WO Piz VA"I i iMaUbv' Vol I So 2p IWP PP 243-247. pp mm 6L K AbBorDtiOn Spectra of Ch~m-ium ---- Carbides, Nitr"iden and Other Compounds, by S, .4, Liemnonov, A. Z. Men'shikov,, 4 pp. RWS.UN,, per,, Iz Ak Hauk SSSR., Ber Piz, Vol TXIII, No 5F 1959, PP 578-581. Col=bia Tech Tr Sci Aug 60 / -2,:2~ ?,~ ~' Nature of Ee=goml Chromium and the Structure of Electro-depoalted Chroaduipp by S. A. 9 RUSSIAN, per,IZh Taft rims vol xyz p So 2,, 1948 PR 239 lbrutaber -Tr go 3493 $5.60 USSR Bei - Electronics fteits 01/// am"try K-ABSORPTION SPECTRA OF CHROMIUM IN BORIDESp CARBIDES, NITRIDES AND SOME OTHER COMPOUNDS., BY S. A. NEMNONOV, A. Z. MENISHIKOV, 17 PP. ------ RUSSIAN, PER: BYULLETEN' INSTITUT METALLOKERAMIKI I SPETSIALINIKH SPLAVOV, NO 5. 196o. JPRS 17446 SCI CHEM FEB 63 221,246 The KB x emission Band and K Absorption Edge of Aluminum .in some Alloys with Transition Metals, by ~j. A. Nemnonov, L. D. Finkel'shtein, 5 pp. JWSSIAIN, per' Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz, Val XXV, 140 8, pp 1007-1012. c T71- Sci Aug 62 214,544 S9 ODY K/k - Ws -7 '71Y "TIO-9EG d 't tit on "AIX TOA'VQACTTVAM I; Twm su tAraugm "Spnodwo al L vonvnma v= Hft9Rlww-Twm UMTBUW-U UT wTv"T armnesom so awma"m xxv DIU ZavesUgatlou of ZM AbscrAI60 BVwtra. - Of C&Ium -Ja Cffi=OAX*I~ AIIWj,-b-T So A- 1404UP 3 ~Mwkouv M80 Vol vis No 5s, %V 96q B6- S" AJW V~L Ma No 3 Concerning the B-f fect of Small Additions of Sulfur and Ile on tJie "Pinc Diffusion coefficient in Brasu, by S. A. Nemnonov, 14 n, ~. Russ-rim, mrp Akad. Nauk, SSSR, Ural. Fil. last. Fix. met ITudy.- No* III 1951), pp.- W~103-. *CFSTI TT 70-57080 sci/phym Jim 70 Study of Bond Forcer, in Solid Solutions of Iron and Molybdenum From the Fine Structure of X-Ray Absorp- tion Spectra, by V. A. Trapeznikov, ax S. A. Hemnonov. RUSSIAN,, per; Fizika Metallov i Metal.';.ovedenle. Vol 111j N 2, 1956, pp 314-320. Brutcher Tr h009 $8-85 3 e 601 7 Scl - Physics Mar 58 The fttwo of Atmio In the Dydrldeo-- or Certain TrwMAIM Notals, br S. A. N~m L. D. FJmWtaftelus, 4 pp RWSUNI pars FU NUI i Mftllj"v Vol 11, No 4s 1960. pp 53"34 Sol )by 61 P!P Wear Resistance. of Cbrmlum Platens. by V. 1. Aftbaravp Z. N. ZagrubmIdIp So A* 31021004ma. IWWIO,. per, Vestalk MUM,, Vol XX,, go 109 19kO.- PP 13-0- char Ir 1525 14 f Scientific - HIS/Owtals 0-45 France anii Africa, by Dew. MRCH, perp Revue do Defense Vationals, Dee 1959., pp 1939-1949. *m~-4-W3 Arrica - Algeria lei Aug 6-_'A 2-(4-Chloro-2-Phosphobenzeneazo)-1,8-Dihydroxy- naphthalene-3,6-Disulfonic Acid (chiorphosphonazo 1) as a Reagent for the Photometric Determination of SeAvalent Uranium, by A. A. Nemodruk, Yu. P. Novik-ov, 4 pp. e RUSSTWT, per, Zhur Anal Khim, Vol XVI) No 3, 1961, pp 292-296. CB Sci jun 62 201,84-9 A Quantitative Mlethod for the Deeteertdn tion of Uranium on the Basis of its Limdnescence in Phosphoric Acid, by A. V. Davydov, T. S. Dobrolyubskaya,, A. A. 'nemodruk 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per,, Zhur Anal Xhim., Vol Ms No lp 1961., pp 68-72, CB Sci. 7 sep 61 2.7-Bis-(4-Chloro-2-phosphonobemeneazo)-1,8- diWmIroxymphthalene-3 6-disulfonic Acid (GUoropbosphonaso M~, A Nw Reagent for the Photometric Determinatlon of Uranl=* bly A. A, Umodri*, Tu, PO liovUovo A. -M. Lukin, 6 -PP. RUSSJAN, per, Zhur Anal Mlim, Vol M. No 29 19 , pp 120-2B4. CB .0 a r 7-f-7 sci Apr 62 A Photometric Study of the Interaction of Tetravalent Uranium With Arsenazo In,, by A. A. 11 druk, 5 PP. RUSSIAN per Zhur Anal IQLim., Vol XVIII., NO 4., 1963., PP 480:W- '? CB Sci Feb 64 249.,306 A StuLV of the Reaction of Tetravaent Plutonium With Arseter-o 13:1,, by JL A. jff2RRLruk N. E. Koehetkavas 5 IV-- MISOMIs pw# Zbw Anal Xhlm,, Vol XVIII; Do 3j, 196% PV 333-338- as Sol Fab 6k .2,~ ~ 0.2* Byritheals kith CmWlax 0ouWamdat V. PrepamtIon of Pb,L'DolinftPhenol-3#3'-Di*a*OW.Uc Acids by V. I. MaWt*OV,p As A. 3620draks- k ppe RUBSU3, parilp Zhur Obsbab Vduo Vol M=,, So 3,9 1939p vp 3,OC�-WU*' sure" sci Apr 6o .2 %be Color of jnt,8rCWpjM and Cyc7Ac &atop by A. A. P=040*s 3.0 PP- ..."IL -,:; 1 ; ~. 11 ~1~ shw As" lbftt Vol Wv No 3# F 19"592 I Bureau 6".cbm / / f, isS- v jun 6D Determination of Microatnounts of Co .L pper in Water, Soils, and Biological YAterials by Mean of Nuckel Diethy1dithipphosphate, by A. k. 112T94ruk, V. V. Stasyuchenko, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Anal Kilim, Vol XVI, No 4, 1961, pp 407-411. CB Sci 195,781 may 62 Syntbenes vith Complex Compounds. III. The Preparation of Azo Compounds from Chro- motropic Acid and other 1.8-Dihydro4.ymaph- thelene SulfonJLc Acidep by Yo 1. Kuznetsov, A. A. v=adm*p 6 pp. RMSIM# no per, 9 Zhur Obshch Mliimp Vol MM, No 121 1956v PP 3W5-3290- Cowultents Bwesu Sai, - Chmistry 67) J~a 58 The Reaction of Nitrous Acid with Salicylic Acid in Acetic Acid Mediump by A. A. Hemodruk, 4 pp. RMSrMp mo pars Zhur Obshch Xhimp Vol XMs No 12j. 1956s P-D 3283-3284- Consultants Bureau Sul 58 /03 Determination of Smnll Amounts of Zirconium and Rafnim u Silicate Rocka, by A. M. Ttizova Wid A. A. lfeuiodruk, 4 -pp. MMIM,p per Zhur Anaa Rhim, Vol X3n, Wo 6, 1;)58j pp 674-676. Ccrasultauto Bureau sai Flab 6o /of 7 o,-.' H1.16,rous Acid on Cyclic Suit Of Salicyl.ic Acid. The Prapa=tion of 5-Diavo- mnliwjlic Acid., by Av A, Remodruk, 3 PP. RuBsW,, par,, Zhur Clbsheh Mimp Vol XMII., 1)o 41, 1958.. tp 1082-1084. ConsulUmts Burewa set - Chem aun 59 Z, 117 4 :Wprovod Spftoals of "Stilbaso" Roagent, bv V. I. Tumwtsav, A. A. Nowdr*., 2 ipp. Pan transistim. Nol xxv. No 1, 3t no PWI ow o"I Sen 1955, pp IMIpo OTA D InW CoAmat3ato Bare= Mm 55 mme structure of the Bloc-troll spectrum in Iron- Chromium Alloys p by 11. D. Sorigovj Vo V. RawsbUSIOU120 A. M. yefer, 7 RUSS10j, per, Dok Ak auks SWjs Wtv 1958# PP IM/1-3215 90, FAY" Sci " Jun/but Ila My 58 the ii~~gy dk X-.Kat-i-nozona DEEM end the Energy of Electron Levels X,, by V. D. Bwisovv V. V. Nemosbka1emkD.,. 4 pp. RUSSIAN., perp Is Ak Nauk SMp Ser Fizp Mvi, No 4.1 1960., PP 393-396. CTT Sol Jim 6L 7 .j Influence of the NJAkel ConeelbAration on the su%urture of the Eleetron Energy Spectr= of ra-C Alloys,p bar N. U D. Bwlwvl V. V. Nomoshkmi enbD A. Ks ft~, RMIM );ft., 1z A Soak SMO Eer PUp Val XXIV., 'No it, ].9**6-0.t pp "34"- CTT Simi Jim 61 Strwtum of tbe ID3ezW Spectrm ce 32actromn In and ft-Cr-&- ALUp.. bv li. D. Borlsorp V. V. Smoubkolwks 5 pp-, HMIAX.. Wp Fiz jiw'wa L M&tMmp Vol VMMp No 2. 1999if Vp 211-225. pp Bel / S,~4, 9 Z / lk-C 6D Struct-We of the Electron Chromium Alloys,, by N. D. A. M. Feferp 5 pp. Energy Spectrum in Iron- Borisov, V. V. Nemosh]kalenko., RUSSIAN, perp Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Fiz; Vol XXIIIt No 5P 1959P PP 573-577. Columbia Tech Tr Sci Aug 6o 1,92 / 9 d,3 --- &OCUVR MAU cc motau "A SLUMIP by X. D., awl"Ve 1. T. A. K. ftftr.0 U PP9. 0 -%=am* PWO sa &I mma ~j ow Viso Vol =r Ift Aws IMP colabis Tub ftl - MIP M " --- --------- jA toct oWtvaUen of the immfomtion fne 00 to a ftass Dwift fte"Picstles 191. an AIL-Ok Mwa by M6 MOU94 S. UdA6 JAPAWA4 pore Nihm Upasks CAW& V01,270 im4L ftfs sobwoo Am (4023) oil 302*24S _w~jwjjlltl j. III . ..... Utemetlcm or Via (Ml. Acid Blue IW) With Non-Ice -Activatcro.,t by Y. Nemotop T. Iml. JWAME,, Imrj, of Madustrial Chandstry, Iva* 62. 4me, JOUMAL , go. 9.# 2.9.99,p pp 106-1290. lZiml vo. 6a5 7-d Sal - July 2-967 3--4-677 Ovol-hemd I:Aodb-ic Sbzvr gstmwk, by orayw* iA. P. ftmv, -To. PIT. ostr*v*'y and Go 4 Wfreabskiwo PN jill"wUll'. tto pp. MRS 0153 UWIR A, P. NEM OV, '319* 535 (DO4486). 2he Teebalcal-BecoWe RestULS la UMCCWr by B. K. 17 VD, Wsna,, perj, Toploomrsatika, No 8, 1960, pp 9-15. im 6523 USSR I*= / 9 31 25 jam Q Mineral Rwo UsterIals In the Service of the Natioma Ec!==Wj, by To. !TM-9 pp. Fws,".. por", ftr" Xhm mm"hs No 10, 1961. pp 43-48- JIM um Zoo* peb Ce IZ-4; jxy ~DC-4600/3 Som Operational Problem of Therml Mactric Power StatLaus, by A. P. lbam.* S. Ye. Shitsiumaj, 13 Pv - MSIM.. V"N Tepimuerg"Umj, No U., 196op 3-8. im 70b 61 Rogarding t1c . Resolution of J6nwm Mounting Singla- Crystal Spectrographs, by Na D.,, Borisov, V.# V. almohKLIankol 4 Me RLISSIXN, porl, Iz Ak Nauk SSSR, Ser Piz$ Vol XXV, No 8, pp 943-946. CTT Sci Aug 62 2149555 Concerning tile Electron Configuration in metals Of 1.10 Iron -,-3-roup, by ,4, D. uorisov, v 9~ pp, RUSSIM, POV, Iz A Naa~ SSSIt, say Fix. Vol M. 1-10 8, pp 1002-1006, CTT Sci Aug 62 214v543 With Emolln, and of Per Os Tetvacyeline In theo of Tablets for the Treatment of Wluenra and Its Complications In Children, by Z. Vo Rniollevas M. R. Sukhareve, NewovauYa., 4 PP. RMXAN., par., Antlblotlki.. Vol IV.. No 1959j, PP O-W. CB Sai Aug 61 Stadles an Reactlow Produced by Partuss Is - Mphtberla Vm,-.elmv by 1. X. Matyrtsevas *1. A. :!T!MI"vkx A. 0. *t alt 6 lop* lwguw* Dws xbw -mawd" I I I I Mmm dblall Iftl =0 3b 4# "600 Ipp low 61 OD lo'l-laiDg, bj A. S. i~. T-1 ukhin B V. lamtinov w 3 pp RUSSIO, pap, Svaroch Prot%, No 4, 10,60, pp 240~21 MA sci PAy 61 (3 RE -fectiin nf the flamber )f Check Itnints )n an Instrument Scalat A.S~ Namtrcivr,.kiv,, V.-A.. Vo2ltonaldy., 8 pp, i 'I-ANP T.,i,,r, Immorit RUSS U-ol Tekh, No 1, 1961 i:,p,- 5-9. ISA IfY,, ~ 7-,?- smot"Outoofte Vo as ma wIth 94poug candde . ri=p %y A. T Umtmwp 5 so. mou"s Vwx A %omt awwbss up 30 19a# " V.&S Nm .1 Alw 62 900035 Comparisoa of Semi-Automatic Cpen-Arc Techniques For the Welding of Mild Steel, by A. V.- Hemtsev, 3 pp. RUSSIAN., per, Svaroch Proiz, No 5, 1961, pp BWRA Sci Jun 62 198,722 V. a. Itemow, 6 RUSWVs pwo At L%& 854A Vol Was NO X6 0 X-5$54 C"ll SO - Ft" mar 65 FOR OFFICUL M ONLY 273-~OM JL stx4v or the Secondary Products from the S~mthesie of lMmmbbWldio=n-,q by K., Yl. Trwkv, H. S. I Lem&~~M, 9 ppe IWSWv Port Zhur Prik M21ms V03. XMI, No 7,, 3-963v pp 1595;-1603* GB ..,Wp 64 %6#587 AlWi-De Cleavage of IsopropyUbanzene 1bdroperoxida M Reaction 'Iechanisn By V. A. Bslyaev and M. S, jUgUay pp. 9 RUSSIMI,, per, Zhur Obshch KtLt.i,, Vol MII., Ho 11, 1962D PP- 3483 - 3492 CB scl ,7o Aug 63 Chenical Processes to Beterapnews Systems, by M. S. Ikotsevj 9 JPPO - MBSIM, per, Zhur Prik Xhlap Vol XMM,, No 51 1960, Pp I-M5 -IOB3. I Sci Ap,k 61 CS /47, Of v Organizing and Pla=ing Topographic-Geodetic and Gartograpuc work., by V. P. ivauovo S. V. ftmtisevt 222 pp. RUSSIAN., mnographo Organtsatsiya i Planirovaniye Topografo-Geodeziebookego I Nartograficheakogo Proizvcdatvao 19561, pp 5-IB7. am 626a um Go 09 m0 60 got xLectri"I --_iz mnus emqhdw Was old Electronic Proparbies of Thin Garm=ium Films., by N. G. N~khodfnj V. P. ~~ _A_6 pp. y WJSMNj, per., ftAiotekh i glaktrau, Vol V, No 10., 1960j pp 1669-1671- pp rfti 1151 -. , 17 6 /~/ Aug 61 ~O On the Boundary Problem in Forecasting the Field of Pressure in the Atmosphere, by S. V. Nemtsinov. RUSSIAN, per, Tr Tsentr In-Ta Prognozov, No 102, 1962, pp 64-70. NU/5828.4 Sci jun 64 'UGe cf FOrMlit in TreStment OZ Foot and Mouth, by R. A. Ik-=tuov,, 2 pp. FU'll-"i iatiOn. BUSSIM, per, Veterinarlyas Vol XXIX, no .12, )bscowl Dec 1952.. pp 99, 30. USDA Tr CISSR Scientific - medieJaw CTSARX TM (DC-2800/15). For Cost Accounting in Dog-Breeding Clubs, by K. Nemtsov, 2 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Sovetskiy Patriot, !6 mar 196o, P 3. JPRS 3439 USSR mil jul 6o 'rr-65-22927 lba"Q16 L. D. 771-E-P-RUSPECTS OF HIGH-PRECISION GRAvrff L Nerntsov, L. D. PROSPECTING IN THE SEARCH FOR OIL- [19631 lip 11. A7S-92Q71R Order from ATS $14.85 ATS-92Q71R, W. Associated Technical Services, Inc.. Trans. of Prikiladnaym) Geofizlikal (USSR) M2, no. 35, East Orange. N. p. 142-156. DESCRIMRS- Oils, *Geopihysicai prospecting. Gravity. Precision eqtdpmnt. Mirth Sciences- -Geology, 7T, v. 11, no. 3) OF= d Tech" &Mices Kinetic Relationships in the Raact:,iori of A by 11. S. le Olerias With Sulfuric Acid .0 Russm,t per, maim Prm., No 6, 1960., PP 15-23. AT$ R,~-3967 Sel-Chm Dec: 63 02 7-r, A Study of the A2bs2lm Oxifttlm of 180propylbeasme. IV. bnmm or By-praftets at the Oxidatim Of 190propylbon"". a v. A. simmv and w. 9. Nes"ov ipp. 6 xosszwv pert Zhwml Obabdwi Xh4xd41, Val wris No 9p 19621, pp. M9 - 2924* Sol OB Jul 63 EFFECr OF PRESSURE UPON A CRACKING PRO- CE3S. [19621 19p. 44 reb. Oxder fmm OTS or SLA $1. 60 63-10412 Trans. of Neftyanoe Mzyalstvo (USSR) 1933, Y. 25, m 10, p. 41-45. DESCRIPMRS: *Pressure, *HydrocarbonB, *Decompo- stilon. Gsaollne. Swbility, Andknock. 1. Nemtsov. hl. S. (ftSinwring-Chmical. TT, Y. 9. mo. 12) Offks .1 Ytbkg Wk. Vin.-IN 'itillipps .,j W-11TO.IN 'Al v ,.I vurl"'Os 'A *J. '11 -S -IN -1 LIKE- N 'A 'VE(,j (11SCi I) !!Ilk jtfl~ftl )u 'stlckl, LION- 19 E(,' 1~ DJA 30 S_LO LU(JJj J01,10 61 JO XC)l_LVZI1l-l1YA-lO,1 -01XV1111.1. 'L I.ilVil -SNC)lJ.-_)Y.JU XC)l.lNS'NA(JN0:) NOMIN"DOUCIAll :10 PLIC "A -jj'rUtj.AOVljN: