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Alta tryE :=a of "Ap V. vitiEgWiclip -Ve st 9 IL Spevbrolikhottowtry of Orcuospberic Fle=m, by E. R. HaStelp A. B. SeverMy, _,46 _my. umf RUBSIM, per, IS X*MfibW AftroM Obmm, Vol V, 3 C- . / - r. 19WP IV 3-21 3h-5 JTq - i Md - AotrooaW Apr -60 Ila 7 THE SPECTROPHOTOMETRY OF BRIGHT REVERSALS IN THE H AND K LINES OF THE SPECTRUM OF SUN-SPOT UMBRAE, BY E. R. MUSTEL',, T. T. TSAP., 9 PP. RUSSIAN, PER IZ KRYMSKOY ASTROFIZ OBSERV, VOL XXII, 196o, PP 7;zo. 9678202 FTD-TT-62-596 SCI - PHYS 11 ocT 62 212,370 Solna, carp.-loollso ani Um bv El - 'n. I&WUMIJA 14 Pp. pkr,~~ - --iy% XTVEg~~l 17~~,;, The ClIefinical Ccmposition of 1; Her 1934, by 'C. R. Haztiallp M. E. Boyardbuk, 4 PID. -_, .1 IWSIAII,, rpar, Aztron Zhur.. Vol VMrI, N. 51 1959, RP 762-765. AM Imt Of Pays Sov Astron-Ai Vol Irl, No Sai - jan 6o Mustel', E. R. and Vttkevich, V. V. M- IN1110,RY RESULTS OF THE OBSERVA*nONS OF iii TOTAL SOLAR ECLLPSE OF JUNE 30, 195, Predvaritel'nyye hogi Nablyuclenly Pairp,go Solnechnogo Zatmentla 30 Iltmyn 1954 Goda). 9 I~bv 60 1141p- MCL-72/2. Order froun LC or RLA mJS2. 40, phjI. 30 61-19365 draft trant. of Ak9demiya Nauk SSSR. Vestntk, 19,55, -- 25, no. 2, p. 25-32. (Artronomy--Astrophysics, Tl*. v. 5. no. 10, 61-19365 1. ScAar ecItpac- -Analysis 1. Mitstel', E. 11 V. V. 11, Viu:avich, 111. MCI--7^./2 INF. Technica! imorniatiL-3 c4raer, AFIR, Chto %'NY-3351';- 7he rgdu Source of SoliLr COrpnCU:Lar StreMMv bY B. -R. Hwtal., 7 PP- MMDX,, per, Doic Ak Ne-tA SM,,- Vol =Mlj, 3o 2., 19W.- VP 965-968. MS 243T ,vi" Axtrm -Alir 60 D~crement of the Balmer Seriee in the Spenra of Flocculip by U. 50 PP- MCL RUSSIAN per., 1z Krymalwy Astrofiz Oz5serv, Vol V11t 1951; PP 3-33- ATM IICL-314/111 Telecom 41775 ic Diutu-xlb Vol- Alp sov Vol I I. jwa 61) Z; ,a OT the Sun Pr ems of G~~op LhysJ-2s, by .11 tell, N. B. Yegorova, 5 pp. 'i Nu"S) S LUI ,p~~,, Vest Ak llauk SSSR, No 8,, 195j7, Sai Geophys jan 6o Xuvostigat4on of the Spectra of thp Gromt Vla--o ol 5 fim9=t PP, by F. EL mote.11, A. B. Bamimyi, 52 pp. RUUSXPN., per.,- lz X97malwy ,Astvo*iz Clbs*rv Vol VMp 1"2, pp 19-50. U-77 Azar Yateorol 43oc a Cubrifte Ron Cimter 47 J d - AeZ --14 / er Jon 60 .10 liho 11.1'eloa,16.ty Spectr= of Corpme-le in- Solfw Cor- puBcu3zT Stre=&, by B. R. Ristfil". 0. IT. ftkt-ropol-'9ktlYu.. 17 P--'P-- RUSSMI, yer, Aztroa 2bur, Vol MOM, No 11 1959, pp 9-16. AIP Vol 111, No I sci - katr= sict 59 citudy ot the Speem of a Largo O=,amsphe-ric Fim-a oa the Sm., by H. R. Matelt., A. B. Swmrnyyp 4. pp. NJ-,-VLM,t perk Dok Ak Uauk SSM) Vol I=,, No 6., 1951p pp L'67-M- M 644135 ATic lv-Ts-96Wv sci - pbYsics whr 59 Plagas and the Twenty-Sevaa-Day Recurrenoe Tendeacy ia Geomagnetic Disturbances, by E. R. 0. U. Mitropol'skaya, 14 pp. RUSSIM., per, Astron Zhur, Vol XXXV, No pp .194-207. 1, 1958, Amr last of Phys Sov Astron - AJ Vol - n, No 2 Sci - Astron Jul 59 Corpmoular Stmem During the Years Of Mimimim Solar Activity and Tmeir 13ropertles, by S. R. Nkwtell, 12 pp. RLto-SUN., per, Aotron Zbur., Vol XXXV.. 'No 3y 3.958, pp 351-365. Amr Imt Of PhYs Sov Astron AJ Vol n: No BcI - Astroa Jul 59 tx~vput~alarj In -~Un &-Ap-r Ravelope, by 14, iv M, Vozdeystvi~e ne. Verkhn,,Wu A 1 mferu t= "-Ii, Trudy ibnfa-.ontrjj r,=Jsai po JrriodovarIftyu Z *a, Zoyazz~m 1955 S, Moncow, ~,95-1. M-309/m lfttt:uz.:)l soc Av- Cmahridzu 1es Cento--n lo Aor tL03mc=m 41775 Solar Activity and Geomagaetic Disturbances in !9492-1944, by E. R. ~Wu~X I, A. B. DvorV&ahin, 14 pp. RUS,131A.113 per, Astran Zhur, Vol X%My No 2., 1Q.,r,8, iv Amer last of Ph3rs Sov Astron - AJ Vol n" no 1 Sci - P.9tron 0-fq Jun 59 RI8QtrG"wL*t4rI - 411-t-longm In a P6rubdLic Pipe an a PaMaular Com at %be IntenwUm -of Wo Cavities Tbrovab a Sands V N. R. )Wtol., 13 PP- mmrm, w YWO "wr Tew ngs Vol 1XV0 no .100 1.9550 VP IIWII"- C-(-T' - Iq ~ 7 8 an/go X4491 aA Sol - phr"ce Y'a I'm =mm The Radiation of the Oscillations of a Cavitr Through an Orifice as the Analogy of the Duct Effect. Rugsian,,Zhur Tekh Fiz, Vol MIT, (11), Nov 19L8. TPA3/17IB T-3730 P 23151T TL - CA- I w FiViclital Of thia Bstlft - Gawmagmtic Mvtu*-a-=cm of Sudden cmd 7icynalAdan Cm-mancamaetp by E. R. m3tall, 6 yp. RMISMI, per., Astron Zhur,, Vol XI)al,7) 110 1) 1957-, pp IM-32b. Amer Imt of Pbp Bow Astrm - AJ Vol is NO 1 Sci - Astrm 1 Apr 59 Investigation of the Chromospberic Flare of 13 June 1950 p by A. B. Severnyl, R. R. 16 Aqj&12, 23 lop - UNCIASSUPIRD RUSSIO per I% ErMkaa Astrof Is Obserystartic, 1955.-RO'l 9xtl-,,)pp 82-z. Amer Meteor Soc,, for GeopbW* Res bir, ASTIA Scl - Astroumq J= 58 s7s The Chrmompbore Above Sunspots,, try Ez. R~ Mustal, 11 pp* UICLASSIrM RMOUN, per, Is Krymkmya Antrofix Observatoriia,, vol XIII, 3-955, PP 96-102. Awr Xbtoar Socp for rAopbys Res Dir, ASTIA Scl - Astroamq 'Tun 58 PP - RUSSLAN., jlor~ Dult Ak Hauk SS~5R) VOI LMI 110 3; 1951j, pp 363-366- C 0'~l G 11TIC F-TS-9624/V Sci - Astron Mar 59 q~he Interuretation of Calcium and Hydrogen Spectro- heliograyna, by E. R. Rlus:tell, 8 pp. RUSSIANj pc-rj. Dolt, Ah Nauk SSISR, Vol U=II., No 1~ 1952., pp 2,.L-alt. C /A ATIC F-TS-9625[7 Sci - Astron v mr 59 2- vp !T-,. No 2, 1.955; pc_~:r, I "iti-on ~Zhllrp Vul- XYM pp 3 0 / RMC F-TS-0602/V Astron Mar 159 YIWSIIWI Dature ar calalua nocculli. tv E. R. i4uzte:L., 16 pp ullm ...... MWVJ, Pori, Is X*m&bW Awtroftz Cbwrir, Vol =, IM, 3W 2!f-W. C2/~; A= Mt-3:L6/IU - Sal - Astr=W A W r 60 - //,R, f~(l ;11 Coacarming tAur loch==s of the ImIumincti of .a,D31= Ylo*culasp by S. Re lbotellIp 8 pp. =3=0# yorm, Dolt Ak latik MW Zovaym BeAy,sp voll =M; No 19540 pp &5:w- Bel - Astrou Alm 59 (1) Ejection ce calcium X= from the Suit's surzaeJ6, (2) Resist=-.- to govewnt a At=* In SidU At=34wes as ApAled to the Stwe cf Vcaf-RW and to the 8=., tW B. S. ftbalswro 83 rp MM 9M.W* 3;*r TA MM=UW A"rceiz Obvenr, Vol 11U.- 19ih, YP 3-30; A-63- C TA A= MM-3U/M Sol - Astr=mW 02 lq,~Ia 7 Jkvr 60 Two-Circuttit Parametric Frequency Divi&trs, by Ye. R. 'Atels;IJ 8 pp. RUSSIAN., per, Radiotekh i Elektron, Vol VIU, No 7, 1963. Sci Ak 64 255,998 Novae as a Possible Source of Cosmic Rays, by Ye. R. Mustpl., 9 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Astron Zhur, Vol XXXIX, Elo 2, 19062, pp 185-1-797. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Astron - Ai Vol VI, No 2 Sci Apr 64 254,280 vlty lWoomto"; an gesenwate4bft Ca VMF B:DdnltWg.. V Te. R. *2StAl.. 0. le Jr. MNLU no 4,1962~ v Pei ImAktrons jbw 69 2LT,,go6 L z, D. Ell silul -p-D -241- 77 IF didA-laft- . poww'Arldlum o= "~ &samaination of Samples From Uranium Bar, P.M. Nc 653) by J. BloCh, J- P- MlSt--li D. -lardivon, P ". Puz-yl J. Blin;' ilvanGluted from note CEA--~nl., 1958- AM M--Ffj-*.kw-4.;L35 Bel - PbYs my 6o J/7j OY Testing of a ,,.b6met-Inductive Tecting Device, Constructed Iry Dr. Schrly., For Acceptance Testina of Ligbt Metals, by E. K. 0. Scbmidt., H. Water,, ' PP - G=Wp per$ LaMjaiump Vol XXVjj 1943, PP 110-112- AIE Tr 177f / J. Scientific - Hinerula/1-letALls CTBAM (rc-&oo) In C33-9" : From Objects to Active PartIcIpants, by 5 pp. ITALUN, per, Simealts, Vol x7M, No 3, 19610 PP 315-318- JPRB &M vmur - Italy pal '~ 41 " ? sap U (FDD 28105). Be V19LUat AIWW MA IveryubWas by P. INkslyalw7f 99 VD. RUSSMs n=agmobs ad# -va4tel Im . L vezas unamp 19%0 IPP I-7zii um MEL Aug 56 On/= an/m U4*! 3jr Y'93 Wl,um of Alu"lufte Solutions B"ad on the S-',Iudy of Th*lr Fhysical Ccnst&nU and Dlal"is, by N. Strokovo V, A. Hawyakovp 37 p. 1940.1 Vol X=.q PP95-n4.. su 59-16381 Sel Feb 60 Vol 2., No 9 I'm I -laticwhip-Bat6ear- lzc~a-annd-Gamral Iftzeular Reactions Depending on the Intensity of Stlnule+Aou of the Aeceptors of the Sma3l Intestlne# by V. A. Iavtov, S. S. Ymywbchikova, 6 pp. EJSBM., perp F:Lzlol Zhur WM lnmJ I. M. Seebwwm$ Vol xLvnp NO 122 i9cas Msevier Pub Co B*i Zm 63 231,068 AA lmvfttiS&tl= at this PArighere Nuwwl Inter- OctIms of the Vwculw S.Yotem in the &Wa Diwt-Um., b.V 3- S. loulysabohikoms 6 pp. Bussmip per., Byal Maw waa I mealt, Va Ln, Rb 9~,p 1961.- PP 18-23- My765 Ail 62 (FDD 21463) Extinction of the Vegetative Reactions During Excitation of Peripheral Apparatus o If 'faricus Anslysors, by S. Be AW Nusymsbehikova, 34 PP- RUNIU.9 bks Yop I Fixiol. InterotseasLi Vol. I., Moscov/Leningmdo 1952# pp 431 Ws. CIA/ nPIN-6361 UsIca Sci - Medicine r yantric Mecbanoreceptor Reflexes Before and After HemidecorticationY by S. S. Musyeshchikove, 5 P.-) RUSSIAN., per, Byul Eksper Biol I Med, Vol ZLITI., No 2, Feb 1957, pp 18-2-1 Consultanto Bureau Sci - M.--d MdY 5B f (FDD 17666) Catalysto for Analytic, Hydrogenatior of Uydro- caxbons by 1. A. -Mw3;upv,, G., D. Galperr, 5 pp. RMSUS, thrice-mo per, -rANLAjLRqp)LRM,. Ykiscov, Vol LMIXVIIIj, No 1., Jan'1953j, pp pp 71s 72. CIA/IPDD/U-5107 USSR Sri - Chem A PAYSICO-chealcal StMAY or the System: ledine CkIwIG"Obstituted AcId AN&A"j, bar Ta.. A. Pialhow &ad 1. D. 10 pp per, Zbw Obabek-Iblap Val 111,9 No 5 MRS MY 1953L pr a23-a33 ComulteoU barama Vol 21 1951 j 5 nAUMV, T. A.v aLmd 1. Lab of Gwrdination Cavq~oundvv Ingrt of (Wif-iWd Imorg Awd sci USSR Ivaim 1%loride-Dwnwmids 4yatem Zkw-Obshah Rhin# Vbl Xl~ So 3v 1950 (HaOs pp tw- conmatauts Bunm Timmiation luterftX Friation of the Iodine %loride-Acetamids and R-P-074 (DC-2129)- Tbe Structure of Income and Experditures of' TeachorsP Radlies (Polmd)p by C. ftmizaUld., L. Slkobczak, 32 pps in --A .10UMEP per# Prxesw Zagadnien Socjalnychj, Vol vlx$ No 70 Oai"Vo, -NI 1957v PP 23;-31- US JPW/DC-L-813 39ur POIAIA soc Family Incom Is*; psaawtIon . mg ppm of NK*Iuw bad ftdymut raw the "Katm mikift-Y sa ralmao l%r T- Moo-d'*, A W IN& am,o~ vwio ftwmaod MWMW6 2"v w alloo- -.-jmw-ft6 mor..49011" am sop a / t/, ~,, bl -;~ ~ T Cooperation in the Fuel aad Fbwer D2dustr4X--.. by T-Aewz Iduszk-ietp 9 Py. FOLM, per, Gos_rxxlarka Planowag So 8, 1962, pp 26-30. JM 15669 E&W - sov M.Odc- r4m mm 6P- 1.2 /'~ i~~ 3 t~ m - 6a-p: R) coal Industry Development in 1961-i965, by Tadeuzz Muszkiet, 18 pp. POLISH, per, Przoglad Gorniczy, V01 XV11, No 12, 1960j, pp 604-609. JM1 93-78 Mur - Poland E-ccM -J may 61. (Iff-5303) Coal Mining In Poland During the 1961-65 Plan Foriodp by Tudeues lWakLetp 10 pp. POLISH., per., Wisdamoset Gurniczesi EMIK Vol U., No 718., 1960s YV 236-239- JM 7228 JZur - Poland Eclum Doc 60 Investigations an Lodgiad of Grain Varieties, by Halina Rieaerowa, Kryatyua 14uzzynaka, 1-1 pp. POLTISLi., ;~=, A"lodmila Roslin Aklimutymeja Hasiennictlio, Vol I., Do 4, 1957Y PP W 527-539. 920-1020 oTs 61-31273 PL-hw EE - Poland Ma Scon c;I I C~ 1 R3 Jan 63 THE FOKIGN TR409 COWMTIVE COMISSION WITH DOMERIC UMIUS AND KCIFI[Mv BY Pp. POLIS"s PUS VANICINVO VOL VI Is No 90 ipm 16819 UUR POLAND am Jm 63 218*76D mda ct DL - BA'Dinumhearypheir A/ and of DL-J%4-Mcdn2=xUox"himyl) - N - -womyUsulazyben"" - 0by S. Bbdw,", E-0 1410mom I PP. PoLms pwp x Val M. 1,40 1, 196Z OTS 62-IIW6/5-6 PLO490 SCA-ID & m scl Juw 64 261,751 Dmelapmnt Trends in Dzilding Machim TDols Wtth Sectional ConstructAous by, StmAelow Iftowmids, 8 pp. POEMMS pOr.9 MOCAMM31cp VOI MLIVp RD 5j, 1962~, pp 2"-259. JMS 15362: EN - Polemd Rwn o*t 62 Minor Blemate in Minerals From the Rpitbermai Depositsp by K. Kinoshita, X. Nuts,, 33 Pp. %T.4PANM, per, Geological Soo Japan, Vol LV,-L, No 660,, 809 1950a PP 423-432. WA 5T-1&3 OW 58 of plumbs lbr Sh%Qftdldim2# tm*-Nw#v W by bad= N An DW 11631 10-11L gas am Cc,p%er Ore LwpDsit, Bur(;ma ML~, by Iv. lChri-p-ta-u-, 1vo Mit&Xchievp 22 pp. AUXIARIM., perp Kinno Delo,, Vol YUM., to 3,# !959j, pp 2-3-40. JM-2025-1 Mur - Bulgaria Ecoa - Itimrals and 1%tals Dee 59 /a, WZ If 7 01. Goals B-fore t1he 0,1- C-iii, ai Deipa-rtments of V-2q- Sclent-If ic Rescar-cla by Di Mutafovj ppt .1 olmo rc:r% Z.'Jrav-no Vou Vl., j.'!;, 6, 'rine tashs and irwti-~;Iut-lzi, (6 Megasparogenesis and the Formation of the J Wlr-bryonal Sac in Capkicum, by E. M. Autafyan 5 pp. RUSSIM), per, Negasporogenez i obrazovanie zarodyshevogg meshka u pertsa.--Izvestiya );Ya-d-wfmff--ffauk Armanskoi SSR. Bioloqicheskie llicl%"16A* WWA.9-;f --- df-F,T'-f TT 60398 Nuv 69 I pp. C': rl, -.tars of: the bevelo'--ent O'~ cu;ture In the 'J"eciadr, by nrai-,oslav 16 Belgmde, ilarch 66, pp. ,So The 74. 47 t,p3;Qu-%uwa of "PIPATI chain rbxmtion of 9=129lon P&rtlelon UWer the Influmce ckf an Alterrating Fieldo by ftwt MMs 8 P. W GZWN,, perp NOU00401to 1.92T0 Vol =# No 2 MA 59-IB233 x 60 // K 7 /,?"~z VaX 3j, No 4 x Da the ll~lrcblcm of Radim Poiaoning. 6. E=retion of Radioactive M;Wrlala From the B=, n BWY, (nccz-arch r..C:;ultc Of tlwro Of Radiwma Poisomin by B. Rajamsb;7v H, Mathy 24 ppe WITICIASSIMIM) Full t-vimlatioa. GM.ZN,t per, StraUenthengiq,, Vol LM=='.,, 1952p pp 261-2750 AEC %lr 2021 ScLautific - walcine MY 53 CTS vila=ml mod ,~Iuficw Rsdo Nac~ Im We Bkoplom aw the tk=M Orp4smo by U~ Owu CISRUJIN *IWO ho 2% Vp W-441s, 922W34 AEC SCI,-65-74D IIJ2 i1xit 65 290*M IrMUaUCC IUJ=7 bY IMIUM Radlatlms; Ivy Horns= wethp 24 pp, I;="# vW-j 00 Vol xarwo 19%v P,v ANC Tr 2222 sclentme - ljeaslmff~ may 55- PRESENT PROBLEMS OF THE DOSIMETRY OF IONIZING RADIATIONS, BY HERMANN MUTH, L4 PP. GERMANy PERp STRAHLENTHERAPIE VOL CIXIV 1959.1 PP 412-425- N I H ()..44-62 1. 1. SCI - PHYA. 1. ?-oB,-1,82 AUG 62 UgdHopn, W.. Weiss, L., and Metzger. Josef. EXPROMM TO PREPARE METALS OF THE RARE EARTHS AND EARTH ACIDS AND THE AFFLICATIONS THEREON. rV. ABOUT' CALCIUM METAL. 119631 2p. 0Xdev fx SLA $1. 10 63-16175 Condensed trans. of excerpts from (Justus Liebigs] Amoka der Cbemle (Germiny) [19051 v. &S5, p. 137-t43. 63-16175 1. Muffinum, W. 11. Weiss, L. Ill. Metzger, J. IV. Title: Abotr DESCRWrORS-. OCaldtan, A11kaline earth metals. Reductim (Chemistry), Votassluin, *Soditnn, Metals, Aluminum, Cblmldes. (Cbemistry-Inorganic, TT, v. 10. no. 6) efte of Thkal $m6= qoveramamt, Unit-0 Nov 1958, P:52's 759=743- cl,rllFm sum -waicei 59 7.f ?140 -- ---~ ........- New ly De~ow Oil Wmers for Wer.-Fielzib 14LU I'Atcess by 0. PjtvlJki E. Mudna, 0t al CZECH, per, Hun-d-k-, V& M: Ilo 10, 1963, pp 483-488. 13M 3898 f I ~w ' Sd-Ezw Feb 65 274,W koftwo *r WW= wi Aftwldm 2LUOSUB or 10 Ron" hom IW 4 111 AN 1' 11 - Ila asoUN4 w awe: sm, --. -,- m. - - 39 w 'I'man"o pwj, V~ amobLUMAG va Qli I. Uft w IT0011 Fumio MUTO 33609" at or RMIRM KUM Ki7othi, Dr Tokyo Immerial U-niv Yun 1029 Vibration of structures *The Theory of the Vibration of Structures'O R&STRICTFID Scientif ic 00-W-335. 21 po FDB for 0111 Concerning the Elastic Vibration of Structures Owing to the Blast Pressure, by Dr of Engr_Kiypt!hi Mato, 25 pp, (ID 1052197A). . - -.' ~-z~ JAPAME, publ Japan, 1949. iD Gum F-667!ik FE - Japan Scientific - FWgincering DEX Jun 52 CTS CIA 80M9 /I ,i"a J" The Transformation of a Wall in a Mledium Owing to the Blarpt Pressure Waves, by Dr of NaW rLwuibI-IAatq, lane We=a, Ybabio Sakai, 17 pp, (ID 1052:,.97B). JAPAIMSE, publ Japan, 1949. m osu3A ri-6675 B FE Japan Scl Enein-aaring DEX Jun 52 CTS CTA 8007?2 6,3 The Theoretical Study Pertaining to the Blast- proof Structure., by Dr of Bog UyO4bLXwto,.j IsaLL Omesura, 19 pp, (ID 1052197 CO). dAPAME, publ Japan., 1949. ID GSUBA F-W75 C Sci SWineering DEX Jun 52. Cm C.TA 800952 A Study Pertaining to Resistance or Reinforced Con- crete Wall Agairst Blast Pressure, by Dr of EW Ki oebi Hwto, Isae Uxemurs, 17 pp (ID 1052197 D). JAPAME, publ Japan, 1949 ID GOUSA P-6675 D n Japan Sci MnO oring DEX X Jun 52 CTS CIA 800952 )S 7 t A Thwretical Study PertminU* to the WAst-PrOof Structure (CoUce=jUg tjw Wan WMCh Ehe Double End Elastic Support), tar Dr or mw KixO&Uzwt-OI isae umemura., 24 pp.. (IV 1052197 DO) MPAIMS, publ Japm, 1949~ iD Gum P-6675a PR japau zei -'Sugineering DEX Jun 52 ON C LIL 8W2 The Vibration of Bo4 in a Medium Owing to the Blaut Pressure,, by Dr of Engr =yqA&jMqjq, Isak Ilmemura, Yoshio Sakai, 22 pp, (ID 102197 F). JAZZ.* pUbl Japaajo 1949. ID GBUSA F-66T5 F FE Japm sci ftRin"ring CIA 800952 11 A-w~-ics -ctu tho ryrojer. Test, is Af-ppiicsuap cf U,cictrical Tbors.-=*tar to the Pyrogaii 'Irextti), 17~y T. KwanuTu, Y. ~~ta. JAPAhESE.. par, Wlvtln of the fiattlopal InatiraEa of lliyzilpn* Iciell Q yor 04" ~j~p ID t2r-4004470 Avr 70 C Cop-densation Fhenomena.. by Yosbio Muto, 328 pp. IHR JAPANESE, Series of Chemical Fby4cs,, Vol IY, 1949. AMC F-TS-7093 '~ s ), & -~ Nov cts L, T311Per-fect Gases, by Taro rdhara, Book I. Condensation Phenomena, by Yoshio 'auto, Book 11, 122 pp. bm-d""w9wo JAP)01719E, Chemical Physics aeries, J,)j J-,'~, Asa!--LLisa BooKstore, Dec 19U. A11C F-TS-7093-R.E AF 232639 Oct cts Use of Autibiotics for Diseases RespixatAmy Orams, by _R--I---LFato-v-jA. RLWIMi pert Savim Wtody Primaiya Antiblotikov v Vaterlwitp 1958, pp,97.lo6. crA go45i4.*L Sol - Iftcucim 'tan 60 Applicatim or Antiblotics 1U Wterl=7 163dialm, bar V. 1. _!~~ amm. per, YeteriuriAp yol zmp soio, ig5e, VP T6-80. M 9038582 um ftl - K84udjw Apr 99 j'-~ - '~~ 6 Tj&e of Antibiatlcs3, by V. 1. HatoriU, A. 1'. ZDakor, UXCLUWIFM MMIM per TeUrborlys, Vol XMLVo No ri,, My 5ig, pp"M-104. 0U 9032984 Sci - Mom 17 Oct 56 (FJM 1M79) Trisatmatit of Equine lag IL thtowim., 7 pp. MW=., bk, Bolexul Lomha&y. Mmmdk FANAO OGU-ftl-tkbmLgi,&,r compU" by A. Yu. BmAzl)wa, A. Ya. Shapims HftcW, Isk7, pp 2L-.%. C.TA#M/U-"Q nw //.; 6d7 Infrariad Absorption Spectra of Various Phosphorus Compounds* 1. Alkall Ortho- phosphataup by As A~ztahi~nj, K. Naeunchain, 9 pp. 020M., I;zer,, Z fuer Analytisebe Cheadet Vol CM, 1957,, pp 241-248. sLA 6o-19168 Sol Vol lvp No 5 mar 62 WWT 6"~%MPW=iM2 HOME"" I-P 1 jBP 0 liglis Sir 16. AWSW Www So - "" $064 askm Extremal Control of Continuour, 1hati-Paraiiieter Systems by the Method. of Random Search, by Va. Matseriiyeks) L. A. Rustrigin, 14 p- .p. RUSSIO., per, Iz Ak Nauk MO., OTN, Tekh Kibernet, iio 1,, 1964-) pp lol-iio. JM 24536 Sci may 64 Vki :~, IT L-.jtrwvjVjot AbsurpliCol Spectra of -41trofarafts.. by Yal, vidwu, " "Utse"OfAtiles, IM51-Mas T*Ps 12V*Xt-kY& Akadwdi VwA La-tviiskvi $set V*1 Ila. 0640 rp f*-gz* 00 RT"gvs- 32si, ftL - Chao S"t. b? 340,369 Undere-t-'s-Fadi -the- - Do 1-1-17-za Syat--r-- 6--a Une Pmcti~.,-a of Awarding Bo=wes, by G. V. RM'87-43.. per., VestaUc Mbskovskop_o UMvia,sitaLa, Scalva Xs, Pravo, No 3, 1962, PP 15-21. -Mi 31.6191 J WER 'Mcon v-191, 62 7 mV 62 X A-3000 RUitary Education, (What lantructora), by Colowl Grinevokiya 5 pp. (DC-2300/1). Worries Military S. n~!Z-aov' C-01 V-. RUSSIO., np) Krasnaya Zvezda., 31 Dec 1958, mse". US JRW-763-D USSR Feb 59