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A New Case of Arhinencephalia, by Mirsalis, 11 9. Dept HEW, NIH, 8-46-65 Sci-Biol and Med oct 65 Tamara 290,327 Visualization of Aexodynmic Stremllm Flow Around Axially Symetrical Bodies Through the Use of a Flat Layer of Colored Gas j, by A. Yuzef ovich., D. N - 'n~v.' XS Tu. A. 2 pp. t4v RUSSIAN, perp DDk Ak Neuk SMp Phys See., Vol CVIil:., So l.. 1956.. PP 73- Amer Imt of FbWs Sov Ph" "DcAclo%4" Vol Ip No 3 Sci pbysics Aug 57 I-an is.Boiling, by F. Voloshin, G. 5 PP. PZWIM,, per, Kammwulst, No Us Pp 156-16o. ACSI B-9860 ID ZL74770 NE - T-Tan poi 16 4, ~1.2- 7 15 sop 63. Stuaje.3 ,at Lov Te-UP-orat'll*M's ammic colid 0-? the Reat Capacity of - and Liquid-E! B--tween 12 and 3WON, bj 1~ G- E, S., ttskevil Sam ilo-1, 21 pp. 14,01 EU~Siflrv P-7. 459-- ,,tr-c T-- a266 8 S ar) 5 G. PP ~'OSSIAI;j, MO Per, Zhur ELIO= I Teoret Flz -70i mw-.o rzo 4., oct 1955,, pp 496-494. Amer Inel, of Pbysics Soviet Pbysics., Vol n., Rld ~4~ 77d Feb 57 CTS Low Temperature Tbarmodynamic Investigationif. 3. I%at Capacity of Potassium Chloride Botirean 12 and 3000X- Eatropy of Potassium CUloride at 293.161"1" by P. G. Strelkov, E. S. Itzkevich, V. W. Kostryukov, G. G. Mrskaya, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Fiz Khim, Vol XXVIIII go h$ 1954, pp 645-649- Scl Mus Lib Tr 57/3675 Sci - Physics APr 58 CmIculatlon of the lattAO0 snexw of a Molo(mlar Crystal, X 1p by A. I. JCLtWgMVd9klyp K. V. xmh"s mmxmj, YWTP 8. Val VIO NO to., 1961j. 19 ~OT-5A- AIP ow piwo 6* CXY#taa VOL VIM Jb Jr Sal 23 Jia 62 203090 CMTIVE MMSH me Moun-W in HATtow LIGEPATION NEWWWRO M 06 f* oam4yl* 00 op WASIARO rm kiwvm OWMVA I OTNXMITA#, W 96 1,940 op I,"* POL JUN 63 Me Tventieth Centruy and Colonialiam, by G. !, Mirsk, . L. V. Stqpmov. XM RUSSIAN., per,, Voproey Iatorii., No 4,, April 1961, PP 41-a. cv4rm xjd68 World Wide Pol Jun 61 Isprovemirts in the Technique of Measuring the Q Factor of a Besonator in a Circuit With a Measuring T-l" . by G. Ya., Mr-skly 3 pp. -nmiAN per,, imeritei Teiffi, No 6, 196o.. pl? 47.9 46 - lu Sci /A/~, 1150q, 7 Apr 61 Me Effect of Alloy "itaucturiD on Vae Difftudon Process., by L. -M. 214-trakiy,, 17 yp - RUSSIAN,, per, la Ak ITauk SSM, MAol '."Voldi ruiuk, Vol xi, S 1956.. py 40-51. SIA R-3186 set Aug 59 ?6,' 6 Diffusion Processes in AU55ys, by L. M. Mirs -'-- - 24 up. 0 RUSSIAN, V&j, Frotseacy MMzli v SpIpilrakh, 1959, 122 pp. 96702T6 ATITC ML-4"/l Sai - Mn/Ylet .Tul 61 159,60T Noise and Health, by M. Itirsky, 2 pp. RUSSIAN, np, Trud, 25 Jan 1962, (abridged). The Daily Retiew vol viii, No 19 (428) Tuesday, March 6, 1962 Sci-Med Sep 62 1708earch Progr= of the Lenlik-;Ivd IngtjLtute Or Childr'en'B Illfect:EMW Criticized, by M. Hirskly, 7 pp RWIV, np.. Meatsioism mzeta., 17 N*v- 64,, pp 1-2* JPRs 29906 UWR Sc:E-B/M *w 65 279.t 392 Me FtapMUOU Of OyntAQUO VAOUtO rKIMMIar Sieves In the Fbrm of Abraslon-ftsistant Micrompberical ftrticlesj, by Ya* Yo Ittroklyp M. G. Mitrolawy, 3 Pp. RMSUNj, pw,, Ook Ak MUk BMI, Vol C=,. (=.X).o No 5j, 19610 py 1155-1157- ca Bel Now 62 gxT..960 Neelardam of Drylog of FelleW Alwdvdm 8111cate Crucklug Catalystsr by Ya. V. #u um , wwvjp "Wit 'sun I TOM T"UVA I Mmoli. NO 220 1.9570 VP "-%R. Dm un m URI, scl - chm R 40, /0 1. J Jul 59 CHMM we W-9-r WNW" To nmww w & "ifutro 5 wa amms, wt mo~ gm " 1963.. ipas Mot FT^,Mtt* usm cm Ga 63 MI&INERS H. Xuag, 0. ARaLIV EISEMR=31MEM., vol 15p 19h2 Constitution Uagram of Nitrogerl-Containilic- CbrOldIM and Chrome-Uangancee SteeUe Brutcher #1321.9 45*25 lid, La VA"Uram=to faud. Aut=Sticml TOY Bohtmdl NA90, 4 pp. ONM CZECH,, per Blaoproudy Obwr. Val xx,, Ift, 196is IV "~. alls 12699 BE - cze2h Few B&Sr 6R FSTC M-'al:fdr-o'-'Izcd C*Vutina AMPUftem, by BotMix1l PV 3~2-3~4i 3 99 ~:~z NOW ZIVLM Illi ",Wetm of Son-omducWe q:4rdow Dcwg,uttlan, p 30% 1 p OVUM ~~Gr -OVW piho~ on pmm 360 oWU:L-mml6 1 Ut cot fw- wo: e me aox=-a vit.4 Out 55. "'c" 391-W5-Wei- 1-7331. M 4pa" AGO* WOMON m bl vp C;L:L Of :,.CS.LStU,jCC in a ;-Iivci: WSI_~ r Eart'l -ci olicas Val C,,.LVII, 6, 19621 Gool List oci ;ov 64 2 6 3 143 s Before New Cosmic Flights, by B.'Mirtov? 1~ PP. RUSSIM, 4D, Sovetskiy Flot, 7 Apr 1960, p 4. IGC oTs PB 131632-122 Sci - Space Res Jun 60 '/ .,2 ")" /,z J/ On the Tbreshold of Interplatotary Flleftts by.p. Mirtav. RUSSIMv W; GraxbL Avlats So 31, IMs p 32. .V MM MVf-.233 Sci - SW& Res JUI 59 ?. ?I J; ~ Ile Gas of the R-*+,bta Atumapbam =& HaUxids or Its hmml.7sUg b7 B. A, A;!q!v 262 pp. BUMANp bks Gamovyjr Sontav Atmosftx7 Zmll I Wtody Foo AnalfZap 29a. )~= 61#.IiM PL-I9b sel mar 64 Disturbances of Gas Environment Caused by Satellite Flight, by B. A. Mirtav, 9 pp. UNCLASSIFIED RUSSIAN, papers presented at Moscow Conference of CSAGI, Moscow, 1-9 Aug 1958. US JPRS/DC-287 j C 7- P,- o al- Sci - Geophys 09 A 0 Y '-f Dec 58 ~L-teorjc Matter and Som Geopbpima P-140blew of the Upper Atmospherel by B. A.~ 211. pp. RMSIANP bk,, jsj=gFjftwuWp aplbmlki i, No 4, 1960. . igr-al Kem= Press In CTA Lib Sci - Space Res /57!~ '11'ell Jun 61 Study of tho Ion Cappodition of the Loyern of the Atmospbaro, by B. A. NJrtolrt V. 0. ZTb=in, 23 pp- ------ IMMAN, 1*r., TJgpo%h Piz NvA3k.. Vol L=jp 1957, pp M-235. cip/l.c7l'-p Amer jft~~ A? Casbrldlp Ban Cea"r ,T= 6o 16P 06" Z The mecbimiss of Formt1an of a meteor Trall, b.7 B. Aiiitta-v4 4 pp. RUSSXAM9 per, AStron ZhUrv Vol X=Ilv NO 3a 1960, 1-:)p 513-516. Alp G** Amtra*w Vol Zvi go 3 sai 1'~~6 & If" Fab 61 k4metional and Structural Peculiarities of the Cerebral Cortex in Relation to 11'rauma During Gatogenetic DeVOICIPmeat, by 'g. G. Zolc&am, L. K. Mr-tova, 13. PD. RMSLAN, per, 22iur v,.vfsshcy FemDeyate-3, imeni 1. P. Pavlova., Vol X, No 1) 1960) PP 110-119. r .2F / scl Feb 62 Dhe Present Status and Prospects of Hatiwal Gas Production in the USSRv by A._~~dgn 16 pp. per, Rita und Ebble-2rdaks-Petrodbende., Vol xin., No lo.. 196o.. YP 784-788. tc&u so ofto, '48j Eng Tr) ANS 59-SR Econ L6 Apr 61 tluall:-I'L~ vol. 1-3, -.:0. 1) ,-fluc,nce of '-'eltinc Practice on SUCCCD~L.L.,-Llll, IU 717k:!m- aid mlon-T~ietallic Inclitoll oric in ilo. 6201 -1.110. A of thz Loca-Lovol Paremtcrz F-ma Induced laf=red Xq?irity Photoemduotivity CM Single Crystalej by I. A. MirtskbiUva, R3:xZx%M R. I. Chilwyani., 5 pp. RUESTATH, per, fit Tnrdop Telaj. Vol Vj Fo 7.. 1,963,, PP 1769-1775- Amr lust MWo &M Pbys-r4ud state Vol Vs No T sci Jan 64 pr.T alizcd centers ariators of Loc, Ussia- Long-j)uratirxi Light kiluiavak 5 pp, j,j rt, U,* Fi7ika Tvardogo TOIRF Vol Vt wo 6, 1.963, pp 152" r Inst of PhYs Sv! Phys Solid Stnte Vol V, No 6 z c fj Thermodynamics of Coacentrated Solutione of Strong Electrolytes, Part It,. by I. A. Mlrtakhulava Full translation. HUSSIM, per, Zhur Fiz P Pp 39-47. Scientific - Physics Aliff 53 CTS/DzX o- E6-- V/ (::7 -? The Dependence of Resistance To Erosion of Cohemnt Soils on Cohesion., by To. E. Mirteklml vu) 3 mr), RUSSIAN,, per., Dok Ak Nauk 68M., Vol CXM., 1qo 1, 1959.- PP 165-167- AGI Sci Jun 61 /1-3 5 'Ve tc-rrosivr. of i;;jitata, ~., 7ivr, Apfcn kilmoltz t;ak-kili"hi Vol. 5Z I, 191M, p1, 7f,17 K k m P 37707.1t) Aquilmut far "Uduq "a auto* so Tau Crop VWsv CoMittow at nimbl-MA jfrlfaftl.~. tu"o, by 0. 5. NLVWMo 5 RMTANJP Para, Test allow" o"t so 100 I-VAi. v"% womm"timin Naugle ow Im Um Zoom Apr 59 Spect-roompic study of the It"40848 of vIbrational Saway Trawformation of Coujaw Holawass In Colliviom 1. On the Detavdmtlon of the Amotmt of &MV Trawfared and tb* IMaimicy at CoUi- sionso, by B. 3, Naparents S. 0. m .%r,wQvA".s 4 Ipp Russlus Pws Ovtlka I spdcwoo Vol. VMv �~ 5o 1960# pp 629-634 OBA A.-.n sci Al-o 7V~ May 61 7 =Oct of Foxvign Gues On the Intamity of the XLectromic Abwwpt:Lon of 34Amthylmdw-6-Ajviw- phtb&Umide Vaprs br ae 0. MLI Noments 4 pp RMSIUs pws Oatilm i SP*Wov Vol us go is 19wo pp 7 - le- 61 Spectroscopic Study of the Processes of Vibra- tional Energy Transfomation in Complex Molecules in Collisions, II. Effect of Foreign Gases on the Fluorescence Yield of 3-Dimethylamino-6- Aminophthalimide,, by S. 0. Mirumyants, B. B. T.Teporent., 6 pp. RIESIAN, per, Optika i Spektroskopiya, Vol VIII, No 6, 196o. Opticall Soc of Amer Sci lid oat 6o Investisatling Loftl 7berml Meet of BUctramm9tistic 3 am Waves on AnlmaU., by V - 1. Min**Wmj,, 21 =m=m., IND=, pw rLaologichay gbmnuai vol VM) No 3. Zun SM-389. 9667361 Sci - Ilia, VAd. Jan 63 wa tiio Uluctrouialpaic Piiivld out Vi icnvyy 'Liurnal Alwvimayi UkrayiLSLtlyi 1-:.St,, 101 X, NIQ 5, kA J. 64, 041-jki W44Y. 7 4 , V) 14 Nonlinear Generalization of the Dirac Spinor Equation, by D. Ivanenko, M. wrlenashvili, 3 PP- RMIAN, per, Dok Ak Ikuk SSSRm PhYO 60ci, VOI CU.- No 39 pp 413- Awr Lut of PbYs S" Phys "Dokledym Vol 1" so 1 Sci - Phys Aug 511 Perminvar Effect in Complex Xi-Zn-Cr Ferrites, by N. Z. Miryasov, S. A. Sorokina, 5 PP- RVSSIAN, per, Fiz:Uca Tverdogo Tela, Vol V, No 9, 1963, pp 2641-a346k. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys - Solid State Vol V, No 9 sci kor 64 254,555 P. Parsallo-v, 4 PP. Iz Ak 9f- 3, 1 5~, PP Columbia sci Apr 60 1%~vh by E -Z -01 IX If , ji ,-.1- ., , sev methcd or xwram=&m= investigating plautit: DtformtIon of FerrawguetIc Crystalep by So G. Almlowp W. Z. ldryascv. M=UM, per,, U..Z1.011., Vol mixt so 30 :L"8* py 389-394. 1 'Drutcher Tr 2T35 Scientific - ftsice $3.60 14 f 6,6 Oa the Problem of the Nature of the Dodble Yield Point, by Ya. R. Rauzin, A. N. kirza, 6 pp. RUSSM, per, Fiz Metal i Metallov, Vol VII, No 2, 1959) PP 259-264. pp Sci Aug 60 1,2,41 ';' 11 4. ~-Zin-cts Tf tao Va MAMAS, per, I~i~o de C.Ip 1 Dio 4,, Apr 1)66p pp, 10-22. JFM 3( OW ', M - R, Lr i a al a soc jul 66 3()4,T59 Is Telepathy -Possible, by Do Hirza '-OP 0 iuzn~~4 RUSSLAH., per., Ttkh ffolcdezU, No 2., 1961., pp 30-33. 9676532 Ym)-wT-62-163 Sci - Med 3 My 62 / 9 J/j .1,17 Patibiotic S-360stances of an Actimmycetee ASainat Phytopathogmic Meroorganism, by R. 0. WSSIAN.. perp Is Ak Smuk SSSR., Ser Diol., Vol Y,,XLVv no 1;, Janfteb 1959j. pp 103-110. CIA 904)6LI Sci - Medicine Jul 59 us" KineticB of the lAberation of Copper ivy th-a Diapbrasm Method of internal Blectralysla, by A. K. Zhdanov) V. A. Kfte-de7av, F. NLIzzab,ekcv, 3 ipp PZSSLAII., per, Zhur PrL% Xhim, Vol MT, Iro 4, 1958, pp 64o-a,2. CQnsultants Buram Sci - Chem i'm 59 7-rlui- 1!1-- I 'n c"R pp4 Deb A &&b=tar ter the thve ltznGAA X -3.2ca. vxAd Its Use: by N. L. MWADmkiya B G. ;Uvzebs~,~Csn, S. I:. muv=n. laMM., I=# Trady Pyo*mW YO vm-rc=m xos=a=Rs, im nam. AD= Sol - H~v I.A I, q if Ydb63 Fenetmtica and ft-eaermtioa of Activity of Antibioties In plwts In Testing Agalnat nytopathozenle MicroaripmIums by R. 0. HirrA K. A. Mm * kova. MMSUR# b1m per, Is Ak Nauk SMjp Ser Piol., No 6.. itav/Dw 195% pp 3.0-19. M 101 W7514 ~-r, jq I Lp UM Sclentiac - 13:LQUIW Jm 56 cTs/d" Antibiotics as a Measure f or DivInfeCting [Apricot I Cattlam, rrCM Interital Wecticup oy R. 0. HirmbekTm. RUBSIAR,, b1m perg Agrobiolo&t.,ap No 29 mar/Apr 1955., PP 23D-13k. M D YD'1507 376, / 91 Scientific - BlolqW jun 56 =/dm P-devo-bon-ADtag-onicto and Their Antibl-utIc "Oubuhanceu iu Coixtlrol of I-Phytapntho,,mn:Lc by R. 0. Mirz3bc'-'-Aan RDSOD-11, per, Clzr;M Fank IVO 2, Nar/flPr 1~53, pp 67-W. Ref If Sn~Z). USDA Scientific - BlcloMr7 Utilizatinn of Antibiotics in Scm Diceamea cd.' Plants,, by N. A. Krar.II'nikw,, R. 0, Hirzabeklam, S. Askarova. Full translation. RUSSTAN, Dch Ak Hauk SSSR, VoJE~% ~,Aua 1551, pp 1025-1027. *IMboaft 53.1 P44 USM Tr USSR Scientific - Biology Jul 53 CTS/bRX Wfect o:c AntaGmuistlc Microbes and Thoir Antibiotic Substances on a Series ok Causal ALyeate o:V Ilacterial Diecar,ea of A,-Xicultural Cropel, by R. 0. blirzateildau. Full translation. fW33IIANs perp Dok Vaesoluzn Ak Gel Ibut: Imni V. I. Lenim, Vol =I,, No 59 ff 102j, PP 34-38. 20 PI-I USDA V USSR Scieutific - Bioloey Jet 33 CTSX/ DZU LUboration of a Biolcglc%l lietliW, fo.- Uie Contro'l of Potato Warts by R.O. Mirzabekpns M-V- Olnitall3a) O.G. Belyakova. RUSSIA, perp Agrobiolg9no No. )is 1961p iv 566-572 MIllef C-4139 fl. 0 eqq,1,e.2 0 6 & k Y'A A) Scl - JUI-Y 1967 334-030 Displacea~--nlu O:r Ce-tc, by Watar in a I-orours Pladilk;'n A. Yh. Mirzadzhan2.adep.V- V. MUntafayev, 6 pp. RUSSYM, per, Xa Ak Hauk SSER, Otdol Takh Nauk, No 11v 1958,, pp 95-97. ATs 67L3oR Scl - Chem Sep 59 /,,7 Vol 2,, No 2 ?.%Ay to U. V. TyBb:Ln'G Artlele 'Vhe nou of We MmdscJbla Layem of Visoaplwtic Uquids In a CIrcmUw Plyes" by A. Rho Mllvmzbdtnawa#_A. A. Miraqjw# 2 :pp Irall tr UNUMs b1m n". MWIold Mwp lb~ IV= lb 31 3L9%# Im We set - Memistry abn 57 M ,,, ...I. : ~11 it , -,-, , - ,, , 6~11. - F11tration of C2anconilensate 14iztui*-j in PI Pomus 1,!~-eiiuyn~ by H. Mi. Up-mrramov, R.-A.Mirzadzharmada, 9 pp. p -PUSSLW, ipar, Prik Matemat i Ifekh, Vol xxLV,, No 6j 3960, w 109!~-im- sai 1v 1e, J~ 7 ~, z- Ang The Yovement of Two Circular Cylindrical UWero of a Viscoplastic Substance in a Cylindrical CircttLur Pipe. by A. Kh. Hirzadzbaazede and A. A. Uirzoyan, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, b1mo per, Kolloid Zhur, Vol -omp 170 kp 1955, pp 299-301. qIA C41023. Conslatants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry mar 56 cTs/d= DlaStiC Fluids, and by A. F. Kasimov, "It. Lav -of OydrodyDamic 631.milmxity~ IG3. M1.-Zadzl-AiuzPdo, RUSSIAN., per, Prik Pat i Wkh, Vol XIX, .1955., PP 348-352. CIA/FDD X-2752 scl-Math APr 58 611 Y#Z) PARTICIPAT(ON W WE OXIM. AM WKLM,.IN WAL Attie NUABOL191 loops TAM $M!W-X W. Ao O~i WRWARMOV4. T. Aw WAMWC40~40 00!4, 3Ct IML & OID JUL 63 11MICIPArfam warl. WN AW WWA-m w O"i, x i '. .. . .:, ~ 4crozoLl 94 WMG low An *a MEMS ws 3mm MWAT04 W Ow (L" ORUMIKWAS T. All. wmuowva~ to vrl U=IM4 PM%k WAOMY gKOLMOMY WX#4$' ft Vito No 20 SA963P OP AIL 63 UniversU l4asc-ably Jitp in Machanical &Uiueerings, by U., M. lUrzoev. RWgjl&li,, bk,, Uhivoroallnol6boxwu Prit .~goooblept. a v 1-julhinostl=nlep 2963., 140 pp- UM M 31364 (0a Loan) !S, g? , to ., ,~ -?- o e, V Au,4.,. 6 5 2i3(, Z'.'.:L --Rep4 -to 11. V. - T~zbin I (I Artielo - %bo - M.*v- o;V - Tuo -- - - Th-miscible Loym of Visoaplwtle LiquUU In a circular mpe#" by A. Sh. NLrs4drbmnfmAj A,. A. VP ran tr WBUMO bim "". Nollold Ours Vb~ XTMv Jb 3o 290p Vp iF*:3%-' .9402.".~2 041~ ad - Cbemsew an " C" The Movement of Two Circulw CylAndrical Layers of a Viscoplastic Substanm In a Cylindrical Mrculax Pipe. by A. Kh. Mirzadzhanzede and A. A. Mirzoyw.., 4 pp. Pro 4, RUSSIW,, biwo per,, Kollold Zbur, Vol -WWp 1955, pp 299-301. ;IA C141021 Consultauts Bureau Scientific - Chemietry 3 ;z j Mar 56 cTs/dex (F-DD 194-33) D-perimeAts'ln the Complex Rechunizatlon of Potato Growing* by 0. A. Dianovs,, A. S. lConacalmi, A. 1. "UrzoYan, 6 pp. RMSIANI, w perp -&&djLDga=jq No 5p Moaoovs 301.7 1953p' pp 54-56. CIA/PDD/U-P31 71M Econ On the A':-'-tu-,-a of Continuous rilmJxaic'n, by V, RMSIAN, per, Dok X& Nauk SSSR, Vol C=X, ITO 4., 1958, pp 667- Amer !net of P4ys Soy rhys - DOI-I'dy Lh~ Vol 111, No 2 Sal - Phys Jul 59 ~76 6-pecial Geadatile A301SMW2t- LV- APIM%mu AmtrOI&V-iog_qbgIM&toryjsj~12 PPO "Gil L. V. mmogmphp A3trVftSl- cheskaya Observatoripp, 3-30- RK aim-w6 Aatro 0-j;--a,aL-ng of Dlwakaaa Act-rophysical Obam"vwdc--~~-,- of ne P=avv of scicacea or the Armaime, smin Mcd Om CQn2OTQnCa CM BM-Statlowy Starup by L. V. glytoyamp MSZMj, purp Astrm Zhur,, Vol XKWS Ib P-8 19 Pp pp 305-309. Amr Imt of MWe Bow Astran Ag Vol 1, go 2 - Set - Astr= 13 Aw 59 On PbotomwbAc ftte.mlnatjm of uncalm in umma Using Ardanu*jIU IMBSOnt, by S. T- MlUMDo, 2- A- YArzorop 3 PIP- KWM,, per,. Z&Va Lob., Ta =MV 1b 7., 1961, mg 798-IDO- INA Sel xw 62 10o701 Analyds of Certain Alloys Baoad on Zirooaiiva, by S. V. Elinaon, L. I. Fobadins, No A. Arsoyan, 6 pp. RUSSIP.N, per, Zhur ru-al Xlnim, Vol XV., No 3, 1960, pp 334-338. CB / '!~ 1-/ 2 '? '-/ Soi Aug 61 Fine bug ArsdW CIMUMMMMS Fz - (MULPUXU- DwUmpteras Aradidse) in Azmozdap IV S. A - !g~.- ~ PY. pmm~p utcololAs 40wzo V6L 1111 1 "1 No 3.j 1958# . 9%. AM sai jam 61 AI 6,, a,242,7 Me Pharmcology of Preparutions Made from TcL-,r:Ltm Pollium L, by S. Aa Mincyan, T,, B~ Rwal", per, Fivimakol i Toksikel" V4M No 51 1958.. pp 20-33- Consultants Bure&u Sol - Hed Jun 59 Reflexes From the Receptors of a Rabbit's Ear Vessels Evoked by Sodium Nitrite and Platyphylline and the Mode of Their Realization, by S. A. tiirzoYan. T. G. Movsesyan, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Byul Eksper Biol i Bled, Vol LII, No 12, 1961, pp 54-57. CB Sci Sep 62 210,649 F-ivUappm-ant of t-be FAectrical Reaction of the RwUna C-atogemsis, by G. G. Damirchoglyen, V, S. _mwen, 8 pp. per., Dok Alt Nm* SM2 Vol XOx No 31 371-374- m ia-5-6o A - Mb d F:~b 61 I" , (NY-30w) Md AND COW AUMTIC, RECORDING AM CWTRUL DEVICES, BY YE.,:,M~IMYM~ 4 PPO RUSSIAN9 Mp M41 M"lls NNO to* 1961t PP 36p 376 JFM 13* USSR ECON SCI 4, ELECTONICS 197#463 The Elect-"ical Activity in the Cortex of YounE Children Vhen Fol I ing Asleep and in the Tniti-al Riases of -Natural Sleep, by N. S. KLrzolf~,ants, pp. RUSSIAIT, ~ per, Zhur Vysr-hey iferv Deyatel ir-,cni I. P. Pavlova, Vol XI, i1o, j0, 19,031, pp 4J-2-437- pp Sci Jun 6-2 198,950 Changes in the Electrical Activity of tb,& Brain in Ear~y Childboad In Response to a Flicker Stimulus By N, S- MirzqMRpts. pp. 6 RUSSIM. per. Zhur Vy9shey Verv Doyatel imerd L P- Pavlova, Vol X:[,, No 6. 1961. Elsevier Pub Co. -3 Sci Jun 63 (FDD 21396) Oriented Conditioned Reflwws in Infants During the First Your of We# by N. 1. Kasatkin,p N. S. Xlrsoyants,, ff. P. XboUb1tva, 20 Pp. RUBSIAN, bimo per, Zbmr VY*GheX We=nM Dayatell nosti Vol IlIm No 2# Hoacow, MRr/Apr 1953, py 192-202. CU/FDD/U-6255 USSR Sci - Medicine Thh Action Of -"thirior-11-hoformate on Diacet[I-ajid Acetyl- Acetone. Zhur Obs-ach Main, Vol XI, 19h1. Sci .-useum Librar7,r 5o/18ag NY - Yc ,rt);jyu.~~han, by Mirzoy,~! Lt o%ayc C.I. t" chr: 11C ;,c pp Ou AMITIVU fm INUAT114 AM LUENUCATICS OILSIP W V. S, IVA=,q E. A. *192MMt, WMADS Pqp DOWINS VOL lx# WD 50 $At$, pp 1846. ILL IL 6wo SO 0 rum w io **M