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Protection Against the Wans of Pbas W-atruction, by H. A. 14vin.. G. A. bblinin, V. I. Federov. RMSIARV rpt#'State Training Ndagogical Litmiure Publishing Rmoe,, Hoscov,, Ministry of FAccatiou, NW.,, Umcows, 19580, pp 120-135, Ikv.T Tr 1949/ONI 376 DOOR KU ftc 58 Problems of the Dynamics Theory of Propagation of Seismic Waves) by L. N. Melinovskaya. RUSSIAN, bk, 1957. *RAND Corp Sci - Geophys, earthquakes 22 Apr 60 (per tele con) morin fttional Use of Ferrous rctsa, T~ ~Jailla~tkj. i per, fletalurgia st Coaatuact'lle MeZ:Uld, V01 Ul, No 11, 1960, PP 1014-101T. am lon, - Raman'-& HCon .t,w,r 61 A SUdy of Low-Lying Exd:Ltc.-d stater. in mi% and H6166 by bLeasuring Cascade Quantm Coincidences,, by A. S. NbIlomskly, 1. V. ZatuUnj L. P. Malin ,. ROSIM., yer.. Zhur Rksper I Teoret Fiz., Vol XL., HO ij lKlj pp 64-71- AXP Sav Pbys - JBIP Vol xm.,- No 1 Sci Aup, U Tho fixrA zedstate of M1Q4____ , by AsS. Malior=skiy, Fe. Kallakin, vt al, IS pp, RUSSIANO &mom, 1963, (YTS IT"4-26112 /V~ /P- Iq N sk Jm 527,746 StabilitV of Spectrcmeter Photomultipliers at High Pulse Counting Mtesj, by A. S. Melloransk I --- - - T. V. risbullm, L. F* Kalinkint 3 PP TUjSSTAlo,, per,, Pribary I Tekh Flcsperl, No 3, 1960 PP 45-47 TSA Sai- V19b 6-3. Ebtcitad St'ates of CaI34# by AS. Melioramkiy., 1.V,, Estu3dn, L.P. Kalirkins B.S. Kudinov, RUSSIANO per, Zbur Eksper i Teorat FUs Vol XXXV731., No 3D 19601 pp 758-764. AIP Sov Pbye - JET Vol Us No 3 sci FP- 7 Nov Ib lwnuprks ofit tho RxCitCd States Of the Odd-Odd 1,1,uclci HoM 16c' md U1544 by Ljo 1,1~olioranskiy, 5 P14 UWAARg. pOr, IZ Ak NUuk SSSR, SCr FiZ, V01 XXV- NO V, pjs 1130-1132. M Sci Suitly 62 214,495 93 .71 NIT KO , Aij UO-LbTc)v b- L. r. ==vI=-j- .Pr,tulin, 6 pp. RMiMAJO. pvv2 ','b=, Vol =Z%t~, Irb 3(9)', 'Igr,,i3, F., 392-598. Awar Imat GOT FbWB - J= Vol VM(35), ED 3 fici 'E"Iya Sort Gan= lw~s Emitted by Nuclei in the Capture of Ther=3. Noutrons,. by I. V. EstiLlin., L. 1. Msillnl0m., A. S. ~Mlloxmnskiy, 11 pp. RUSSIU0 mo per, Zhur Eksper I ft-oret Fiz, Vol ==I, 3o 5j, 1957, pp 979-992. Amer Inst of Pbys sov Phye-JM 1701 vv zo 5 sci - Phyn Mr 58 Meliss, K.. Loschner, F., and Fischer, R. PROCESS FOR THE REMOVAL OF NONAROMATICc. FROM THE EXTRACT OBTAINED BY SELECTIVE EXTRACTION OF HYDROCARBON MIXTURES WITH S02- 1196215p. Or&r from ATS $6.75 ATS-39P59G Trans. of German printed platent application 1. 1 filed 18 June 60, pub. 9 Nov 6 1. DESCRU70RS: *Sulfur compounds, *Dioxides, carbons, Mixtures, Processing, *Solvent extri 62-12835 1. Meliss, K. 11. Loschner, F. 11. Fischer, R. V. Patent (Germany) 1 116 850 V. ATS-391`59G 11. Associated Technical Services, Inc., East Orange, N. J. c .3 6 7 (Chemistry--Physical, 717, v. 8, no. Haotings howxdM the tercentenary of the 1. Fmnko StaU University of Llvav. try 0, H.. M&Utavri, -------- RUSSIAN, 0 , per. 'dwiftm, No 3. 1962 GOO&M Sac sci Apr 63 .13 3, V. 7 ~ I RvBaz~vch an the Diatillatic-n P--ot:,.zz! in- a Gunl~xxif"jpl Molecular Vaty by Va -L. perp Chim Promyq 11.11-o 1p Sei-Chem my 60 a I"nam am emit" w MMNN 40 WMT^ SY S* P* tM ~,Lis "UpTAAjo PP* 010 VWVA I P"WM fillawm WaI40% mv# 0.9,0 1016 Ipp 74107W Solar Power Resources of the Gruzinskaya SSR, by G. T. bjqjj.;Laj 125 PP (Also could be G. T. Maliya) RUSSIAN, bk, Gelioenergeticbeekiy Reauray Gruzinskaya SSR, 1959, 9676310-V FTD/MCL-1364~i Sci may 62 tillylation of Ole aild -,henol Ethr-rs. a- The Allylition of Guaiacol 'An thp Presener. of CoMer, by S. G. Mellkpnovitskaya nnd Ya. V. pp. RUrSIAN, per. Zhur Obbhch Aibn. Vol XXXII, Do 7. 1q62, pp. 22?2.2236. CB Sci. illry 63 c ELI. r~-.a ~.Ikvlation C-C -,'I. of Bonzene, R'aphtlmd on-, r-,-:d -tAccla, by S. G. P. Tmict, F.Ua-3LUI, per, Zhur Ubahch Vol 1959, pr. 2032-2037. CB Sci -, ch'im 0::t 59 O,q 9r,ditcal nad Ion AMW2atlon of the Arantic -Rinz. VI " Rouctlo= of Di;bUyleblormathana x1th Toluem M"d Denzeae.V. G. rta2=, MMIAHO Dws 2mr Obobab MAX; Vol M-11i; izo i,, i938g pp n-14. Bureau 4, / -71 Apr Condensation of Allylacetate With Benzene in Preseiwe of Alc'31, by X. P. Toukervanikj, S. G. Idelkauovitskayao 3 PP. RUSSIO., mo perp Zhur Obshch M2" Vol xxing No lop IMSRs Oct 1953,, PFT63-5--1637- c Iq D /~S- 0 2, Consultants Bureau Scientific - Chemistry CTS 64/.Taict 55 ale C/,,o 9 v Effect. ioc OunsUtims offl - Ds-.mlcWwnt, an the Bp&CUMI smaltivity cam of bea-DWOMMA rhotogmAdo rim3l Ion., lyr U. ]~- Dolov"Ovas P. V. Halk4wo 32 M?m - RMIMA, poirs Zbur Nusab I PrM t PWto Kim# Vol VIlls lb 8* 1,963P PP IWIO). MAW ZI-162T W FORM= DIVANK UiBIB lhtesial uns oav 9169#693 '-Ihysical Basis of Design and Functioning of Aviation Instruments, by Y. A. Gorbachev., E. A. C13cobrod0vt p -,USSIRIp bkp publ by State Publishing House v2 ,)-i' the Defense Industry.. 1953) ChMP 1-3j, p 3-288~ Chap 5p pp 478-509. G V 64/ 77 ATIC F-TS-8495 Eal6ntlfla Aeronautics jan 56 =/jDEx r1hysical Basis of Working PrincIples and Functioning of Aviation,, by F. A. Gorbachev, E. A. 14elkobrodov, BUSSIANg mo per, Vest Voz Flota, Do 6., 1954p pp 67-79. ATIC F-TS-8653./I ;~f I ~41d- C-1,Z Ocientific: - Aeronautics Nov 55 CTS USSR - Hilitaw Da the Occurrence of the Tumiel Meet in Aftorption and Deeorption of the Hydrogen rmatcvAsp by Paul Hartockp G. A. Relkenian.,. pp. MMPM, per# Naturvissewc-haMas Vol =Ms 19500 v Air Ras and - Dev Ccmmnd 1316,13 scientific - Ph"Ics CM/M V.Anc Root Bystems in Variously Fer~~tzcC Stuony Soils ia tibe A=enlmn Soviet Socialist Republic., by A, Ydnagyan,, A. Uelkmym,, MMIAN., per., Vlaodelie i Vinogradarstvo SSSR., va n, No soq., i962~0 pp 36-4e. OSM/no 6307 sci-bicl D"- 63 3 9 6 t ~ ~ ki,y-'ouu) i~REAT STRIDES IN NONFERROUS blETALLURGY, BY V. MELKONYANJI 4 pp. --------- RUSSIAN, NP, KOWUNIST, 16 AUG ig6i. JPRS 12196 USSR ECO14 FEB 62 180,691 ", 1011,1400 . jm "39S . I "m /?1 C.- ftft rol) 0 4 0 "* *0, IX"m*lya Tyssbikb Ifthebmukh Topuft"Ye moulturalvas ft 4,0 1964, 2730964 Seamb for Uraatu, Deposits, -by V. G. ll,;z-317mv, L. Cla. Pukhal'alclY., 353 PD. 7 RMSIM, bk, Rdeld Mestow-,,hdenii Ur=a., lWfa. AIE Tr-4529 Sci - ku)vl*tsls xV, 6,-- Search for Uranium Depoolts, by V. G. L. Ch. Pakhallskiy, RUSSIUp bk,, 1957. Aw Tr-4529 Sci - min/Not jual 61 1F'7 _I ~1/~;L *.tllvxls of TTranium Prospectiug,, by V. G.-INIkev-P 6 PP ID I .WSSIMp per.. Atamays Bwrgiya.. So 1., 3-956., pp 83-90. coumat=ts Bamau Sci - Haelear Pbyoics 44 z0. a tMal 57 Kethods cKr Proopecting for Uranium Depxitoji by V. 0. Hol1wr* MWIMM zMa&M vox IV no 1'p ja=vAa or uuciear xnergy voi in, -No 1/2 Aug IM Porgum Press Y? lmdonp Not-7 Yoric 'o Sol - Lquo3z= ftoics/? . - - , - . &- '1 -;7 M . ': rtn- 1"JISSIAllp porp VO-'P-n)--y animl., va-, Vni, ro 1, 1962P iT 107-M-7. 9ao&rr~ =-T.r-56mjj- S(d - RLINI & Wd SOL a 63 Because We are Strong, by Melkwnov RUSSIAN, np, Red Star, Jan 17, 196o FBID Daily Review Mar 6o XCH-200 533 Field 13L 1. Safety In blines nese~rch Establishment, Niel ov , L. G. Burton (England) A U- rlt'T~IMENT TO PROVIDE S.,iFE WORKING CONDITIONS FOR AMIERS (Avtomaticheskaya Apparaturn Ebespecheniya Bezopusnosti, Truda Gornyakov). Tr. I*- L. I'doyer. Jan 1965. 10p. S.NIRE-Trans-5025. Order from NLL Tram of BezopaEnost Truds v 11-omysldcnnosU (USSIO v6 n5 p23-5 1964. Automatic Equipmant Provide Sttec Working CmUtions for ldner~, by L. G. Hel'Kuwy. per, D--zol> a V Pr-OmYs U-s Vol 8, No 5, 1964, pp 5-23 =4/8313.4 3~965 ~025 C-, 0 'K 0 Sci - Aur, 67 336,662 OF-19 (DC-3807). The Soviet Union Opans up a W&Y to the cosmloay by T. MeVkwaoy., 9 PP. RUSSLAN, per, Molodoy Komunist, No 2, 19620, PP 56--62. %-.-* JPRS 3252 Sci - Space Res may 60 1 ri, qo'7 swo Probum cc socutrif 4 ppo by To me )blgkmM., &"* g Wot V" lpiot, No 2jo 19A ' BLINOWO so VWO ,pp 79419. cyA 62OW, AM 9M.0 au J" % 167isAO 111mble ag Coatents of the Book "Theca-y of nigbnpeeed Self lgaitii~g Engiuc",p by W. 14. Molla=vp 10 pp. MICUSSMID RUBSTAUP EMI to UBW RePortip AT1-1239-54 Indwtl7p Homaosti. 1953- Navy Tr UO1/Ml A-590 Belowtific - Pbqsics Dee 54 MS/M 0 o " A-1- S-j~v 137; It'llI (DC-J4214) The Clinical Picture of a Unique Form of Vibration Discana, by A. S. MalIkumova., 7 PP. AUSSW, per, Giz Trud i -Frofeasional Zavoas 3ro 5,, 196o, pp 41-45. aw 6233 StA - Mad lRov 60 On the Fing1=512-e- in 3oclitle Pecterin of Luceyn-nn by T. A. Fellmm-c-imp 2 pp. - j Hih-rablologly"ev Vol Mli F0 3, 19571 per pp 313-3114~ CIA 901715 - Amer Xnat of Bioll Sci Biol A,r INF- 1A'-FNCI--* OF ANTIBIOTICS ON THE AC-I'IVFrN, AND VIRULENCE OF NODULE BAC-FERIA OF ALFALFA. 1196:11 1101p. 7 ref!;. FASEB manuscript no. 5 :301-2. Order from M'S or SLA $1. 10 63-19363 Tran.,. of AIaj=dx,3 NaUk Sr,,Slc Seriva 11~21~~ ichZ:skaya, 1962 Iv. 271 no. 117-121. I)ESCRIM'ORS: *Aniibiotics, Adaptation (Physioiogy), Viability, *1~icteria, *Crass", Sireptonlycins, Aurcomycin. Streptomycin in a concentration from 10 to 0. 01 jnit/mI has an inhibitory effect on the development of pure cultures of nodt~e bacteria. The addition of streptomy- cin in a concentra don from 10 units to 0. OODI unit/tril to Kovrovtseva's rnLdium inhibits the growth and de- (Biological Sciences- -Microbiolop-, IT, v. 10, no. 6) (over) 63- 19363 I. Melkumova, T. L. II. FASU; S-361-2 III. Federation of American Swictics for Expert- mental Biology' Washington, D. C. IV. Scripta Teclinica, Inc. , Washington, D. C. 'I '$ -4 Offict w feck*al Servicei L-1 i:i c '2 RITSS-- ANN Voyen-no Alled, 'D': per - , - , 41 co X , P P 7 4` 19 1 2 , 62- 1839", ON I'HE SEPARATED V-S7l-OSS. 119621[:17]p. (refs. 1. 'Fitle: Stos& omitted). 1. MelkUS, IL Order from SLA Q. 60 62-18393 Tranti. of [Ingenicur-Archiv] (Germany) 1951, v. 19, p. 208-227. DESC,Rljj'0RS: Supersonics, *Supersonic flow, *Aero- dynamic configurat ions, Bouncliary layer transition, ~Sliork waves, Compressive properties, Separation, Velocity, Distribution, Compressible flow. (NIL,cliaiiics--AcroJ5-ilaniics, -17, v. 9, no. 10) Office of Technical Services 0a the Role ot the Kervpmlo Reyort 3:1) Oy 7-1. 3 mssur I P:1- mo parp Zhur D71i =mobiolj Vo 51 Mccewp 1, 10, p 12 Be! - ~~Iiclnc, phyniolopy Out 56 VISC04TY AND ll-~ MEASUREMENT. [196-315" words. Order from TPIS $W. 00 MS NS-101 Warx.s. of Pitture c Vernict (Italy) 196_2 v. 38, jinic, p. 201-212. DESCRXFTORS: OVIscosity, Measurement. 1. ?,-,eUa. F. U. IMS-NS-101 M. Trartslation and Technical hiformatio,i Services (GE. Brit. (Materlmls-Finishen, W. v. 10, no. 6) Offimt Co TCCWCzl !w&es Absorptim of Phos]phortw by the Be=; W11-MmOt of Mtrogen and the DDSa 8nd Dlst37ibutlOu Of tllr-- pertilizero by L.~~p J- PuBrta-, et all _pt,, Aroocedlnga of Conference., on r,Mj5jW,0 r pM101gatopea in Soll-p3ant Nurbriticm Studies, Boubw.. Mo 26 - Yhr 2p 1962., iv 419-4Z., 196. AEC-tr-5993 SOL-Mal sci mmt 63 ~12 41 3K ep Existence of at Gaseous H~pLrlde of Thorlum, by Albart Klauberp JUlus Mrsll van MaUenheim, 8 P. G10, M. per,, Zeit fur Anorganisehe Chemie, 1920., Vol CMI, PP 0-316. SLA 59-2M31 Sol Mr 60 Vmt 2~p No 11 /err. Calculation of Longitudima Strength by Wans of the ZRk 1 Electronic Computer. by G. Welle GUMN, per, Schiffbautechnik, vol. 14, 19040 PP 456-4&~ Go im/1441 (9- MeA k e- sei - Aug 6T - 33T-158 I !_!I With the V"-VlcntUu 04 Ift OcRutall oomoate4 of ift Riga= Nypo*wU# by Ns A. VaLUr 5 3m. MMM,q pwp Ock Ak WWk 88626 VOL C== No 2# ig%,p pp W~-08. 9678601 RM Tr ftl or aNtik 71 S 63-20123 'Niellergaard, MoZens. A MA7HPMT1CAL MODEL OF CLV4CAL MG- I. McUergurd. M. PZM 11%31 9P CAP tabb 0-Ittea 63-2DI2-q Oz&x trom SLA $1. 10 TOM gr NgdWk Meocin (Swcam) I"Z, v. 68 (am 44] p. L413-1416. moft-is. Paychimy, uj"*wS, Medical &"POW, of mcmatu as"s"t in tre" v&ft=mdcsUyb7-P0*d VshwswthePwlam's ']2s. no-h* --w1V "un- ==tl= symptom accw&W to the dLeasse which dicy Indicate; IL e., symptom A may be more im- paran in djemw S don b disease T. If d1wase S V&kh old* And opgitans B and C Is Inclicstal the warnfois ow looks fox symptoms B and Q Symptogne Offics of lec6k&l Unkes Planocal sdeww--~W"Iogy &w PsycNatryi. -rr.. A Compafttive Zmm*Upticn Of Vw Wfwt at "W" Xm4Wew'bQ SMI DIMOUces by NOGM& X*U*nP3Fd# WrLoUlm 2boams 3,9 vv. DWMj. Vws Wgmokrlft fm tompr, M8. Vol 03M.. lb 47" pp I-P&M3. MA S-106kT m 1j, 32 ja 59 a%Ll CIrculatory F4zcSSM at Pq.'rLllaul4 B~Wl W~rU oork In tw- Lylus MrA sitt$jw, poaltiop,~, bir M JbUsr(xjUr,2 P. BroackL. om~m X*r# 4 URMIN&MQUO Vbl L., 19as jpp IOUL)6*1=. NAM Tr f6lotfiI4 W-Ramilm T =- OKIT SWI-M juir 67 Wj-330 4' C1LjJUrQ%jV4D - SZU440& - Jhj -F~QSJ)iratory ah$j Cireulatury Functiou In Physically fiqual fargofttric Work In the Standing& Sittink; 4ad Lying Position, by Won 11. NwIlermics, 11. 1.4macki. (am, per, Zeit fur Kreislaufforschung, Vol Lj 1.961, 'p"p*m *XA$A TT-10614 Sci - stal & mad Sci use 66 CXWYRlctiT ;rodl-o K%.toxwial in r,N4-j.datjcLjj P~roc,3zaj Yoport 11, by Q. !IVI., GrallIr-M41f., W, Z. fuar M4vL--OabwAe, Vol Im, 1934.~ pp TM-707. CM0 Sol - af-min'OD A?y Aug 6-% V 13. M30"Fl, ptur, Meaglm=* 195T) Vol XIll No 1, pp 1-6 %A 59.2061.0 sci jkr 60 Vdi 3; No Rlem"Its of a lbwry at Gliairm ConUctop by R. C. 34 IV. PRO=# VWj, RM Oft ZLftv Vca LMs 19579 ff 207-4230 9WA 58-1M7 Sal Avg 59 ~ 9~~,, vZ 5,6 r-I 3_ '71-7 Tim. Vae of do r-.rid C a -, I im, T'elecurle by 43 pp. OMMU, per, Atozapratxis,, Vol IV, no 6, Karlaruhiz:, 1958j, pp 212-227. M JnS/DC-L-10?2 Ual - Mad L"I Nov 5B 17~ Effectiveness of Sevin Against Boophilus RXK (Urobcophilus) MicxWlus CANj, 1888 (Ixadidm)s by Ja Quviroxj D. bbIlo. PDRUGUER, per., AvquLvos do Inst Biologico, Vol XXVIls, 1960, pp 67-70. CSIRO/No 6077 SCI-Biol JuLly 63 in Intoodevit-ton with Dl- CIN=Mrol, by G. 0, V:LUela and H. 1. MaUos 9 pp. SPAXM.p per* Bras.U Rev Dlolv Vol VM# No -1, Apr .1.948p pp 5(-.60. 8 TA Tr 2927 SOL jol 58 'I J. . , , 0.1, t. ion c Mztmcwo 0~. 1. Y;~"- a. ~37~ A '. :a Bicoc"a Gluixithione,,, by Gillbeito Guirawea x1il2elft-, I r~ ,S:Pnr'LS!r. per, Rev Bro-sil Biol, 194-1, Vol r, No -4, 1,vi) 4313*1z.. SLA 59-2D9,04 OtIl. A]w 6o Vol. Mp No 2 A"lowavation and Palletlaing of Ha=tita Con--an- trates, by F. Savioli, C. PhIlem 7RM3,, par.. LeL Doe --- on Hatallurgie, 15 Alp Iq56., vp 60-74. Broken HLU Prop Co Ltd (L CM/T. 229) sat - min/Mt lql, 6 97 Apr 62 Phtbwa7z iA the nonArA miterexrtion or large and f1mm"'I M2testi=sj, by' R. P. Ylollz=., B. 1. pp. -wa-M4 pwo wa BLVW BLOI i Wv Vol IV no Bjp 1960,f EICI 9,6 AVtcrlal. Anastomoses and Collatera'.!- ~;lrcu- lation of the Gluteal Area and Thigh in Man, by Ye. F. llallma? RUSSIAN, mo per, Voyenno Med Zbur, No 11, MoBcowt Nov 1960, pp 49-52 US JPRS 799-5 se, ~. CT-/ f n"', I/ 1-~1411 ~O w (EF-1119) All-UnIon Conference on Experimutal Wrpholou of the Seart wA Vessels# by W. A. D Its K. 1. Wtabltaklyp 1:VJWIU.,,lperg Arkbiv,, Anatadi,, Giatol%ii L ftbrjo34giij, Vol XaMls No 6s 1960a pp 117-122. ipm 4163 act - mea Ivor 60 Pzdr,et (Jet) Engines, by T. M. Mel'mumov, et al. ABSIM pp 1-139. *FID HII-23-1513-68C oct 69 S-5:3i4 Ze Status and Proupocts of Tralniag of Phtwmc~~'Jwa Cadres In the USSR, by VO T. Yermakov, A. Ke WlInichenkol Cra A. ropov., i4 pp. MMl=, per, knUcht, ye Dalo, rol- 11111, Nc; 1.9159., PP -U-33- jmS-L-am9-S Sci - )bd - Pbarmcology NOV 59 "1 41~'ff S-462/60 (r-C -1) Cr, 3) RecomkELendations for Drawing Up a 1961-1962 Research Plan'+0 Deal With Pharmaceutical Problems, by P. L. Senov,-A. K. nic 7 pp. RUMIANj por, Aptechnoye,.Delo, Vol IX, No 2, Hur/Apr 196o, pp 6-11.. JPM 3763 801 - Med Aug 6o Acceleration of Glass Melting by Activation of the Wvch, by L. G. Mel'nichenkol, F. Ya. Kharitonov, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Steklo, i Keramika, Vol XV, No 5, 1958, pp 18-20. CB Sci oct 6o / .0 !? " -~ P, 4 47 Is Glass a PeciLliar Fonn of Colloid-~, 1',y L. G. 141elnicnenko, 2 pp, RUSSI0, 110k, Proceedings of a Conference of the StrdctLire of Glasss, Academy of Sciences USSR Press, 1,loscm.-Lening-rad 23-27 Nov 1953, Pp 302-303, Q-042311 CB Sci - Chem Oct 59 The 'Meoretical Views, of D. I. Mendeleev on -*u-l-,e Structi-,re of Silicates and Glasses, ~-nd Their Significance for Mode= Science, b., L. G. MeIni- chenko, '( pp. RITSSIAN, bk, Proceedings of a Conference on the Struct-ure of Glass, Academy of Sciences USSSR Press, Moscow-Leningrad 23-2',! Nov 195-13, pp 1206-135. ~-o42311 CB Sci - Chem Oct 59 KUKOLEV-, 4.v. MEMICHIMKOj, L.G. ACCUEUTIW THE W GYMDIG OF RAW KATMMALS FOR CWW AND RWUCM THE MISfM2 CONTENT OF SLUM 11 pp. Rusm". Zhur PrIk MIS, V01- MVm No I. Mar 1951 ConmAtants bareau Translation Pr-..,;; cf Liquids of Variottz Kinds, by -;a -nicht;nko, 6 pp. ARM-SItN, per, Inhonerno Pi-. Zbur, Vol V% No 7, 1063, ppSO1vS3. KIJPRS 22715 S^; J--111 A New Disease of Horses and Nsup by V. G. Drobotj'ko, P. E. llkaumkop B. - IC. Aizenmaup N. G. KolesniL# D. G. %byzir P. T-1. Yatel-.. V. D. IL-l'nicl-n-riko. -1, MMM, perp MaiShelLuM Dalog No 3-4* 1946)., pp 125,*128, um Scientific - Biclogy le~,:I, ~~17 "L. /Dr.1 Chain )btrices and Substitution Cimults for Electrom8fttle-TZ)e Electram6chanical Transformers, .by A. Ya. uel-fachuk. 6 P. ---1.111-- ....... .-- -- MRSUM, per Avtmat i Telewkhp Val XXI No Is 1960, pp 791&. Instra Soo af Amer Bel Ila v 7 Aw 60 nqy6xlmwv Lt in Y'Winweing - Second Dorl-vativeo or tho Itfipatle Pot"=--blal oZ.rbUcsj by X. I* llallnic~uL": ,per,,.% I CM=a r.&,r, No 9., !958., VD Ock - Gooloviies ohr 5-9 or 6--7/ /,// g"-* 1).Y Pb 1# ml,0-33jgb*~ ;l*nSlU4 bXp VOPZUW PQX&ftvv gate-alLn-Gli ?*=C]Moatd Mwkwlmlova Au W-Wars lUstitute It i spouiallqrkh splavorp so 7# 2959s, w 35-38 Sol mov Ce DetarmInatiort of the Modulus of Blaeticity in Anoys of Chromium Carbide-Hickel, by P - I - Ve~,L,Inlchult, V. N. Klimenko, A. B. 14wheenko, HOSIM, per, Fit Houl I Retailov, Vol IX, no 19,60" pp 9:L8-ga PIP, jun Q The TIrIpw PUte -RoLUng MM a by V. G. W1 I nieba., 5 iv. RUSSIMj, perp Nbt&Llurg, Ift 7a 1939o PP Xt 35-37- kaft motel I nv~gjca Sal bkr 61 .." 4z 4t - ~ 4, f a, so" Problow of fteder ft"Uftsbut of * Vw4stlass la the TxWmphers, by jeb" nos a 11 po i=IAM,, per., T 4Tomtir*lsnoya Acro- Iftio."Wo pollosonyik* NOSM& No 57s ARM 19647 pp 41-M AFCS[ T-1413 Apr 46 111W ktIni"ifilbip ~!Mtkmdm Rader sigual Lstimotal, 1010 tbo Wckwdc Pmws"3 and microstructma oW the Itadar Moleavologital Target, by j~, C', Go"Ikka vu, V, melpickuk" at al'o ROBIJAfto -Imrs Twud TSW&fsl!tV& Avroluxiches- j L4 il r _&_q k Mm" -lie 41v 1%30 3*5$0' ]UUID22i"rA7"-Y- Aug 67 33S9493 V- jl:Ll:v 1959. Ci.k CS L.T--g9t4, czc,~,l GbIld Agr Aug 12 1-11111M]l' I THE STRUGGLE OF ARTILLERY AGAINST ANTI- TANK FACILITIES., BY A. MELINIK, 4 pp. RUSSIAN,p PER: VOYENNYY VESTNIK,, NO 1, t962. ACSI i-o424-A ID 2191530 - sci 17 JUL 62 2o3.,648 Helicopter In the Service of Geology and Other Unnehes of the Natlwad ftmomyj by A. A. Mallulk, 105 pp. RUSSIM,, Me Vertolot as Sluxbbe Geologii i Drugikh OMS19Y Maroftop Kboxygy3tvas 1960,, 83 pp. 9679173 PTO-IT-62-190 Sci-Aero Dec 62 11fNZact of Struoture of Flux on Porosity of Weld, by V. V. PodgayetskLyj, A. V. '4~aj*tak. UNCL RUBST^ perp Avtom Bvarkao No 4, 1955, PP 58-62. BrLtish Iron and Steel led 1336 (L2 58.Cd.) Sal - Hin/Met Sep 59 I Fla. 'bxiaral Fertilizg3r Ind-astr,- of the USSR By B~ D~, ILA" gul Pp.8 RUSSIAN, perv Zhur Frik KhIm,, Vol XXXV, No 10, 1962, pj).,2121-2130 CB Sol Amg 63 1 34 t4j G (" 0 ilikolay MWbaylovich Mavaroakov., (50th Birthdry), by 1. K. Zmarayev, B. D. Nollnn, L. A. Kvstandolv, 3 iyp - - '. - ~ 4 t. . ".- ~., . RMBLO, per, Kh'm Zmk I Frmp No 4, 19,58. JM -1971 -11 scl - HiBa UWR /0/ ;12 Blog Now 59 Held ,Nlelnik, B. I . DISCUSSION OF !NDUSTRUILLINIETHODS OF NUNERAL SALT PBODUCTION (0 Vekotarikh Teklmologicheskikh PrIemakh v Proizv(xintre 4NIlneralnykh Solei). 121) (foreign tuxt included) 7refs. Order from SLA: $1.60 as TT-65-14296 Trans. of KhtmicheskAya llm-yshlenno-~t (U.SSR) n4 p193-6 1956. MII 678 'AU- Causes of EXIAosions in the Purification of Hydrogm with li4pid Hitrogenj, by Bo U, ftel'nik., 12p9 RUSSIM., _merp Whimichelm PrccYguennost; 11962S no 9,o WM-573-0 CFSTI TT-64-19382, I~,) D. '~~,,2ZzZ ",,,~2-) ,0, 323*813 Sci - $ngincering Apr67 Empar1ratnta). Dysonteric Xeratoconjunctivitis, by V. D. GAikker., Yu. A. Balayao E. G. Fel'alk, 5 PP. RUSSLAR., parp Zhur Mikrobiol Epid=iol ilmmumbiol, Vol )C-(VlIlo No 7,p 1957,, PP Ilu-113- Pozy,,e=n last Sci - YAd Nov 515 Carvuls %riable, bv 1. movirl'r qwr~v ;Mmstz-va aww" lbig; mMl Ealm. VP Act MalUl Se-oc Vol rAM2 ~Lmr 2 JVwl lap 1(03 In lzo -izva-.~Fry --;s- by Is A. I-AWBU, ~?D P- lutwiat Val IxOrl), up, 139t4 t~ tkw 2 NOW TOPrilhXdcul 41~31U~XU U~ U%,v Zoary ~i Of aa a Motxu~n kurf am PA l'utill $*a VOI V=., FAM' 2'. 30. V~