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(IIY-6173) Regulation on Overhaul of Freight Carap 74 pp. CHMESS P bkr-J1%**-ctA-.GhUQ9,.baI3; "eA7-cs-t, Apr ig6o pp 1-92. im 9428 rE .. China Econ / 5- R- c" 0 (-- -1-1 jun 61 Vdiulu Luld Its 1'4 Prcklucts & I (Plants), by R. Soopardi. W ppo 4 1 IVIE-11,41AVIES117, ipt, Ilutan dwi illasiLija- Jaa.~! =U i-Itzib Winn)_, 1952, it L mWwn, I DIA b-111-302 ID ZrASOO-14,65 Sci - kMart:i Sci 287,535 Production of Nitrogenous Fertilizer, 5 pp. KOREAN, per, Hwahak, Kon.-op, No 8, 1964, pp 2-4. JPP%S 27213 FE-Korca Econ Jan 65 271,530 ~ N /- 636 7 ) Review of Scientific Research Conducted bY the Institute of Chemistry of the Korean :academy of Sciences During 195.0., KORE:UZ, per, Ewa-hakkwa Hwahak Yxngop, Vol 4, No 2, 7 Mar 1960, pp 47-49. Sci - Misc. RS 719-5- 7 Pov 60 'Rej~,crl c;n. .13ci eati N c Pub-i J c atJ and TIC' Aui~hars i*--l the EPRE') (SF-275-~ KOME'ViR-, I~cr, Hifahak 'll-wa Hwaliel. Kon~zo~, 1 2 5, C., 1~162; No 1, :~, 1963, *J-pr,s Sci - i'Ll 63 Report on Sgort Term Variations in the Kuroshio or Black Tide Current, by S. Yochida. JAPAIOSE, per, Hydrogr. Bull., TolWo, No. 65, i961, pp 1-18 CSIRO/ No- 7991 Sci - Aug 67 337-201 ies cmi C(-!)--dt ueacLency Llis--Era-~,s in stmL i1rdma-,its. 2. Variaticns in the U00d Plas-.----.a CcLqxx-sc-A-its in Test P=cbetim cif Cobalt Deficiency Diseases, by 111. Inme, Cnishi. JAIPIZET-3,. per, IIY210 lv~c. Udy. --bs. %bl 61, No 2, 1964j, pp 89-94, C:311U/i.vo. 9491 sc!L/ ba ~h m axuj 69 389,650 J-20/64 A BTief Modem History of China, by P I ei-hua Liu. P-I CIIINESEP bk, I-clilang Bookstore, Dec 1953. 71~j~-PRS/SPECIALIINY-7998 FE - China Pol, Geog Jan 64 MM rmu Irre "Llrustrilc Qativv~ti(m or Braot. 'APAMM.p Pero lpka no Avmlj, 194.- pp 3--E~2- UMMAPAC, FD Tr go 102727 ;ci - SJLOIOV C. a 61 / 67, i~71 A, Hiptochemic al Studies on fiuclevpho-s-pUmvmv-.-- ~-Aepo;~~ Ila 11. 7he, Histochemicia Distribution or *11milae and Acid Ribonucle-o- and Desoxyri- AgMXV-Pbovphatave in,Rabbit Tissuer., by Phiseru 1-!"u 36 pp. "as JAPAXWS# W., IgA)m X-e- -- (Acta Madica), Vol No 9v Sep 0 pp k5. S.L.A. Tc 1151/19516 Sci - Biology 0 .4 Oct 56 CTS Mlida. Seldo. EXPERDAP-1117AL STUDY ON I'HE INFLUENCE OF NICOTINE UPON 'ME HEART BY ELECTRO- CARDIOGRAPHY. [1962117p. Order from K-H $ 11. 35 K-H-3439-a Trans. c( lpku Kenkyu (Japan) 19.54, v. 24 [no. 81. p. 1531-1538. DESCRWrORS: *Nicotine, Tobacco, *Heart. *Electrocardiography. 62-22608 1. Milda. S. 11. K-H-3439-a III. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates, Detroit, Mich. (Biological Scienceii--Pathology, TT, v. 9, 1w. 2) Offits of T21 Sar*ts Milda, Deido. STUDY ON THE INFLUENCE OF SMOKING UPON BLOOD CIRCULATION. 11962) l7p. Order from K -H $21. 25 K-H 3490 Trans. of Igaku Kenkyu (Japan) 1954. v. 24, no. 8, p. 1539-1549. DESCRUITORS: *Cigarettes, Tobacco. Smokes, *Blood circulation. 62-22562 1. Mlida, D. 11. K-H-3490 111. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates, Detroit. Mich. (Biological Sciences- -Pathology, Tr, v. 9. no. 1) Offl" d TedWcjd Scrvkes 7he Blood Frassure-Fteducing Action of 33xtrac-t of the Pyloric Appendage of CartalLn Fish and the C=po.- sition of the Extracted Substance ao Determined by Paper Electrophoreeis, by K. Mindop U. Shigyo, K. Nomura, H. Innim, , 13 PP. JAPAMEP per, !&Lku Kenkyu (Acts Medic Vol XXVIIJ, -- - PVT ! No 3Y NBr 1957) Pp Z606.~ WM 12 -,B Sci - Ned Jon 58 CMDM FWM Ifrc An Experimental Study of Awt.1cular Lubrication, by Z. Fukuoka.. M1111IMSE, per, Igaku Kunky(). Vol 34, 1964, pp 100-110. IIEVI IiIII C-o-23-66 SCIIII&M Jan 67 317,966 V:-,- Accpsxiti= of & '-tzo.-.!,t! of -.-I. WalchU and Ito TbxLn-Fj-.od-ucinG by gahate !ftrata. JARLMMM-4, per.,- Zran to Selbtj-LtLu~, Eb j4j~ .1194:ao M 3-"53 st"d ." .131101Ata Sol ,T,,t.i 63 P30 /./-,/7 ChanS s In- the lnhibitox-7 ActivVby of Blo--:! _-a .P t2ie Gz,:~rtft~h ,)P Tear.--alosis lz-Zac;~;t by R-,prat-,d Qt-jrmtl=.. by 8:-n-Pmehirzo Otcn, . JAFAMOB.* jxw., Ir ,,,~ ~Ssibu~tmg~~Lp Flo 3,4~ 1948# = 3-3-6a sel - malmacl Sci 'Aft 163 -~,-? 7i~ (~~ A16 '7~mo In-flum-mc-a of -Rinokitioft on Anaerable Pt-a--t4:.IrJ.s,, I,y m7xLub.., M, Lmb-ara. JAPANCM,, par., 15ft to Be . E!Ri-, L~o 14,, 1948. NM a-7-63 &-,I - Bfmlfmd a-I ,ma 6S t/, / 5- 0-~v BBIW-L Gat"*.!Irzo (11) Ma2was---y 1~t. t~-.t Zor Blao~. Cataliuse: by XbichiTo Saito. z Bel P40:Lfm--& sei Jul 3 Clinical Rsmmnwstsi CbearraWmas cu the Injection of Sodlim AaWtal Into the Caratid Artery.. by JIM wadsmr .4 &&. .2imbial SalbubMaka JAPAMMP per$ - - to Neftelue and __Imx -- ftoloff)l Vol XIV., no vp-igrs pp tay =0 NIR 3-36-61 S*i - Ned 6AT YAW 61 tin lomtina-143m AMIM DUaoVeled In the Urinee o2 Patients UM Heloto-Combna Diseases of the 7juxw type., by & Makmb&dWL.% 31. M=morbm.. H. bf=IVMj, 4.vpo MENU=., era Thok to_S#bvb!uSoJw,, Vol XXW., I~ 'a 110 2., 195 pp d4-- AMB-5~M38Z Feb 62 Vr.,,.-L 3=., 170 3.1 stucUen W the Agmatine-TAke AmLED In tho Urine ot F-,ft=tm with Hepatic Ccos., 13' by Ke Ulmlmhanblp no IbM20top et a1'0 '~ W. Ver., to SeibutusuEpkUj Vol Mn,, t! ro 6, 19V~, pp Feb &2 vol 1:m;, No 21 A Nortawwrtby ftet About the Activation of 71:Tlm of Varlaus Aniual Species by V da=(Edarle), by Hs,)mahlp Tv4myoshi, xkutlmum' Shizue, 6 p. JAPAWIt, per, IG&IM to Baibutsugmku, 1955; Vol xw, mo 5 SLA 59-15438 Sci Dee 59 Vol 2, No 10-Y, 7f3 v Japanese B Encephalitis Virus. 2. Infect- ivity of Alcohol-Purified Virus Extracted with So-Called Non-Polar OrgamLic Lipid Solventso by S. Yoshikava. JABUM Pero lod% to BeiW;sugakup Vol 69., 1fo4o 1;~k pp 220-223. siA TT-65-17383 sci-Bw june 66 303.591 kWt"m W MmIloggeraus Leaemla in. tLe XIIF Moum by Oral Administration of 20~Methylcholantluvem smd Co-leukonxWnic Action of! Crown OH, by SbomD IrIna, Tatsua JAPASIREW, per ISI!m to Selbimugaku, WNLXVM, No 5, 1904, pp ZUD-ZL2. V23JLYII ABC-ORNL-W-901 sel - BILI Feb 66 295,479 %'97-233T)-- Surway of Ccmbl=d4h-aaU** (Chimas3 lative and momtern $bdialne) Cllulca and tmvoatlgatlcn and SMAy Ot Zolut Clialea In ftmosig, by Ka Esinge. Ymm,p 20 3M - CRIMM,, perp 1-b&uvh*eWk VOJL Ilo SO 3v ftl - Medg, pubUc bmath orpalwatLan NNY 59 S-26o/F3 The Recent Advancer, In Theory of Hete-rosis, by Naks=ra 11whiko. (--'o v'r L~S,[ off C) n~ JAPMEM, per, Dmshugaku Zasshi, Vol XI, No 2, 1961, pi) 27-31. 45~/DC-8510 Agri Mar 63 Generalization of the Basic Formula of Relativistic Mechanics for Some Non~lnertial Systems of FvactIcal Importance, by N. Kalltzin. ITALIAN, per, IL Nuova Cimento, Vol. 13, 1959, pp 173-185. csiRo/No. 6951 SOL - Aug 67 334-751 TypeB of Rice IKIi&t Fungi, by Dr Ituabio -1" 1 7 pp. FCIR MICIAL USX OINLY ID 2166 JAVAN=j, paqpblets im -W"ralto n:L TmIte'l 1953. --- '-Wlllal~- 500th )aGj, SIRA Tr'vQ 10336o Sol - Biology Ajpr 61 /'V 9j, (/v // Kinodita, T. and F%4W6 0. SrUDLES OF INOCULAT10K REM 1. THE IN- Klowhits, T. FLUE34CES OF MELTIM TBbGWATURE. CARBON U. Ft4its. 0. SILICON AND PHCSPHOR ON THE EFFECr OF ul. nele: udauewe... INOCULA11CN. 119631 125p] Vorelgo - iwludeo vreft Order f"= SLA $Z 60 TT-64-101114 Tranm~ ct Isnono 43&V#4 19S4i, v. 26, =6 11, p. 581-58L oAeuUuM. Tr. v. It. wx I* tn- f 1-h.l-l 5-1- Sato, Tadao, Hirooks. Toshio, Terarnura. Hideo, and Yoshikawa, Tomoji. FUNDAMENTAL STUDY ON INOCULATED CAST IRON. 119631 129p1 (forelp ten Included) 6refs Order from SLA $2.60 TT-64-IOISS Trans. of,lmono(japan) 19SS, v. 27. no. 1. p. 3-11. DEiSCRWrORS: Iran alloys. Castings, Manganese. Microstructure. *Coot Iron TT-64-10195 1. Title: Inoculation (Metallurgy) 1. Sato, T. U - Hirooka. T. M. Teramura. H. IV. Yoshikawa, T. (Metalltxrgy-Ferrotts Metals, TT, V. 11, no. 9) f T..h.l..l S-i Igarashi, Isamu and Ikawa, Katsuya. STMIES ON THE EFFECTS OF COOLING RATE AND INOCUL.ATION ON THE SOLIDIFICATION PROCESS OF Fe-C-SI-ALLOY. [19631 [15p](foreign text included) 2refs Order from SLA $1.60 TT-64-10187 Trans. of Imono (Japan) 1955, v. 27, no. 3. p. 137-142. DESCRUrrORS: *Cast iron, Carbon alloys. Silicon alloys. Cooling. Graphite, Eutectics. TT-64-10187 1. Title: Inoculation (Metallurgy). 1. lpraahl. 1. U. Ikawa, K. (Metallurgy-Ferroua Metals, TT. v. 11. no. 9) Offl- .1 T~h.1.01 S-i". Ikeda, Shigeru, Iwanaga, Hiroshi. and Ono. Hirostd. SrMY ON PINHOLF FORMATION IN GRAY CAS'l' IRON. fl.901 [25p] (foreign text Included) 23refs order from SLA $2.60 TT-64-10!24 Trans. of Imono (Japan) 1956, v. 28, no. 1. p. 11-18. (Abstract available) DESCRIVrORS: *Iron allWa. OCagangs. Melting. 'Additives, Hydrogen, Steam, Molding materials, Chemical analysis, 7T-64-10524 1. Title: Pinhole formation 1. Ikeda, S. U Iwansp, H. III Ono, H To Investipte the pinhole formation In gray cast iron, molten Irons were treated as follows. (1) as melt, (22) steam blowing-in. (3) addition of Pe-Si. (4) additloo, at Al. (5) after addition of Fe-Si or At, steam blowing-in, (6) addition of Fe2O3 and (7) after Fe203 addl.tion, Fiddi- tion of A L Ilene molten Irons were poured Into the! green sand moulds at 13250C - 14200C to make tesi (MeEallurgy--Ferrous Metals, TT, v. 11, no. 10'Aciverr) Offill It T~h.i-l 5-i- Ushiyama, Gosuke, Kita. Arno, and Shimojima, Sboji. EFFECTS OF INOCULATES ON INOCULATION. REFT. i. Fe-S1. Cs-Si. 119631 [24p] (foreign texx Incloled) 2refs Order frown SLA $2.60 TT-64-10186 Trans. of Imono (japax) 1956, Y. 28, no. 2. p. 63-70. DESCRIPTORS: tram uUoys. CaKUW. Silicon alloys, Calcitun alloys, Grala smertwes 04etanura). 'Cast iron. Tr-64-10196 1. Title- bmulation (M-auurxy) I - uddyama, 0. n - Kits. A. M. Shimajima, S. TV. Title: Fc-Si... (metall-ALY-Farrous Metals. 'rr. Ir. it. no- 9) 77-64-10520 Hbatstme, C:tdu)v and Ueda, Youisada. DESI.R.FtMIZZATION OF MOLTEN PIC IRON ',%Tlli L ffisatounp- C- THE AM OF CALCaMl CYANAi%ffDF- 11963][2(,p) rL. Ueda, Y. (foreign u= Included) l9ref a Order from SLA $2. 60 7T-64-105:20 Trans. at Imano, pan) 1957, Y. 29. Do. 6; P. 427 -4:Z:"(A=ct availabie) DESC?1PTOM- Olron alloys. OCastingr. Dcsulfuriza- tion, Melting. Colcitan - PoLmda, Cyan-aides, ne Ahg occurrIng in the dewdfurization of pdg Irrin witb the aid of calcium salts can be eliminated mwe easIly 0= tfiat occ=-Ang in the &-sulfurization cl pig iron wfth the ald of sodium wars. 71te desulfurlzbig activity of calcluna cyanamide is amnewhat inferlo- to that of caIcium carbide- but It is superior to t1at ef limed lfowevex~ calcium cyanamide has anodx.-r nierk (Mchdhagy--rerrms hictals, TT, v. 11. m 9) (o%-cr) 63-18623 Maruyams. Maauteru. TREA'MCEIrr OF MOLTLN IRON BY ELLCTROLYZIN,:; 1. Maru)~ffm, M. 117 WITTI WLTEN SLAG. REFT. 3. INOCULATION 11. ntle: Inoculation OF THE TREATED IRON, 1196311271p. (forelp ten included) 17 refs. Available f. SLA on loan 63-18623 Trans. cd linono Qei=) 1958, v. 30, no. 1. p. 37- 45. DESCPUqt)RS- *Irm *Slags. Melting. Electrolytes, Electrochemistry, Graphite, Iron alloys. Coatings, Electrolysis, Euxectics, Cooling. Microstructure, Calcium, Desulfuri2ation. Kish graphite apbcrtxiized in high carbon cast iron which was treated by elecrrolyzing molten slag. bur eutectic graphite In,". pletely coagulated and precipitated In ush graphite. a* that the treated iron had the mixed struc- ture of eutectic fine graphite wW pseudo flaky graphite. (Metallurgy- -Structural, TF, v. 10, no. 8) (over) 01FIC9 DI TtCbK21 kni=S AWtuewz, a..? Var-mur", ~doltimg QU Q,~ ~74'013j, by ild, -~- r. T 111 MO., V, 0 ; c -a t .01 2v.-L,, 410 ~, 1c":-3, FD TO, M, 4312 Sal, - -Y-hs, I-Ile- -.~-4:2-1 60 x Effiziet or ccka size in Cupola C~*ratioa Ou oraphite Structme of Cantingsa by H. IW~vmwp et al & UWL aPMM,v pert I==*,. 110 4o 1.958P PP 253., 2A. E3 48a Af,j) 7-11do Bal - rmls Jun 60 NRkRmws, KddcW ard others. SrUDY ON laCH-STRENCM CAST IROM REFr. 6 RELATION BRIWEEN THE STRENG-M OF CAST IRON AND 7WE MUCIURE THEREOF, AS VIEWED ESPECIALLY PROM THE POINT OF GRAFBITE CON- TAINED IN M 119631 (7pi (foreign tev includeO Srefs Order fmn SLA $1. 10 TT-64 -10578 Trams. of Imam (Ispdn) 1958, v. 30, m 4. p. 260- 261. DESCRIFMR&- *Cata Lrm. *MetaUograpt OTenalLe properties, Grain strwtum Tr-64-10578 1. ?4karnura. K. U. nclo-_ Reladon ... (MffjUuxW--Ferro" Metals, TT, v. 11. no. 9) DIV- f T..hM-1 S-j- S't.ady of Vacuuri Degasainr,, Proces3 Set-Up alld RuLIL~L-k`lu OL, 7t.--chi, ot al. -h ~iqpj__Y'02. MC, No 4, 1950~~ pli 28!j 2-32. -Tan 6o Maruyamn. Maeuteru and others. EFFECTS OF CALCIUM ON THE DECOMPOSITION RATE OF PEARLrrE. 11963117p) (foreign text Included) Order from S" $1. 10 TT-64-10530 Trans. of Imono (Japan) 1958, v. 30, no. 9. p. 667-668. DF-SMFTORS: *PeArlite, *Decomposition, *Calcium, Iron allofs, Carbon alloys, Silicon allafs, Castings, Quantitative analysis, Carbonlzatlov6 Calcium com- pounda, Sillcides, Ixad, High temperature research. TT-64-10530 1. Title: Decarburization 1. Maruyama, M. (Metallurgy. TT, v. 11, no. 9) rr-64-10533 Ototani, Tohei, hiaruyama, Masuteru, and Tokunaga, Youichi. 1. Ototani, 1. VARIOUS TREATMENT'S OF CAST IRON MELT 11. Maruysma, M. CONTAtNING MOLYBDENUM AND COPPER. 119631 111. Tokunaga. Y. rlgpj (foreign text included) Srefs Order from SLA $1.60 TT-64-t0533 Trans, of tniono (Japan) 1958, v. 30, no. I% p. 792-79&. (Abstract available) DESCRtPr'ORS: *lron alloys, 'Castings. *Additives, MolybdenLun alloys. Copper alloys. Melting, Micro- structure, Graphite, Hardness. The influences of various treatments, such as inocula- tion with ferrosillcon or calciumsilicide, vacuun. melting, addition of Fe304, and magnesium treatment, on Mo-Cu cast iron were investigated. It was con,- firmed that inoculations showed a tendency to promo~:e (Metallurgy- -Ferrous Metals. TT, v. 11. no. 10) (o-rer) Offi- .1 T~h,i-l S-i- T-r-64-10531 Maruyama, Masuteru and Chida, Hiroyuki. EFFECTS OF CALCIUM ON THE CAST IRON 1. Maruyama, M. MOLTEN UNDER VACUUM. f19631 t23p] (foreign 11. Chida, H. text included) t2refs Order from SLA $2.60 TT-64-10531 Trans.- oUlmono (jApan) 1958. Y. 30, no. It. p. 890 896. r0stract available) DESCRIPTORS: *Iron alloys, *Castings, OAdditiveii. Calcium. Melting, Vacuum furnaces, Microstructure. CIICMjL:al anal)-i~is- Unlike Mg. Cit Is one of the graphitizIng agents. The graphitizing action of Ca is due to Its direct effecEF and not due to the Indirect ones caused by deoxidation thereby. When Ca addition Is employed for the purpose of bringing about graphite spheroldization In low- carbon pig iron, It is desirable to keep the silicon con- tent of the iron as low as possible so long as It does not Dine. .1 T-1-1-1 S-i- (Metallurgy- -Ferrous Metals, TT, v. It, no. 10)(over) Sato, Kaoru and Yamamoto, Harutoshl. ON THE AGING DECAY OF THE EFFECT OF INOCUI-ATION. 119631 118p) (foreign text included) 3refs Order from SLA $1.60 Tr-64-10545 Trans. of Iniono (Japan) 1959, v. 31, i3o. 1, p. 20-7.5. (Abstract available) DESCRIPTORS: *Iron alloys. *Castings, *Additives, Melting. Aging (Materials). Graphite. Microstructure. Mechanical properties. rr-64-10--45 1. Title: Inoculatlon 1. Sato. K. H. Molten Iron of I00Kg was inoculated by 0. 25 to 0. 307, of calcium nilicide. The depth of chill after the Inoc- ulation N%a-not changed for about 30nitnutes, and thereafter it Incresned gradually with the lapse of time. The greaier the chill depth of original Iron was, the sooner the recovery of the chill became. 7be increase of mechanical proptmles by the Inoculation was almost Office 'f (Metallurgy- -Ferrous Metals, TT, v. 11, no. 10)(over) TT-64-10188 Hisusuae, Chiuyo. CAST IRON AS MODIFIED By CaCN2- 119631136p) 1. Wastaune, C. (foreign te3a included) Srefm Order from SLA $5. 60 TT-64-10188 Trans. of Imono (Japan) 1959. Y. 31, no. S. p. 498-508. (Abstract avallable) DESCRIETORS: *Iron alloys, *Caxtiop, Calcium com- pounds, C)-niides, NItroM, Mechanical properties. Mae mvedtanical properties of gray cast Iron were ln~- pr-ed by the addition of CsCN2 to molten metals, 01' which the nitrogen content, especially Insoluble nitrogen. was Inareased to abots IOD ppm. Tbo mechanism far modification of CdtCN2 to discussed and some procesning examples far these tMa of cast Iron are described. (Author) (Metallurgy-Ferrous Metals, TT. Y. 11. no. 9) Caldam SHIcIdoo by M. Mampkina, M. Tro. JAPANESE, per, Im Vol W!, No 4, Apr 196Q, pp 261-267. - HD 5459 FE-Jappm scillemm May 65 280,718 Caracteristiquess rlle-xploitation du cubilot basique, by S. Yamashita, JAPAXESE to FRENCH, per, Imono, Vol =II, 1~.To 4, 1,~60, I)p 266-279. CDS I.T-342~, Sci Nov 61 Nakamum Koldchi and Kawasald, Mfteji. INOCULATION OF GRAY CAST IRON: ON THE CON POSITION OF THE MOLTEN METAL, VOLUME OF INOCULANT AND IMASS EFFECT. [19631 10p (foreig text Included) 4refs Order from SLA $1. 10 TT-64-10577 Trans. of Imono (Japan) 1960, v. 32, no. 9. p. 35-37. DESCRIPTORS: *C~tst iron, Crystallization, Calcium compounds. Silicon compounds, Castings, Tensile properties. Hardness. Grain structure (Metallurgy)~ 77-64-10577 1. Title: Inoculation (inciallurgy) 1. Nakamura. K. U. Kawasaki, S. YR. Title- On the ... (hietkiturzy-Ferrous Metal- TT. v. 11, no. 9) Offi.. .1 T-hM.M S-i- Measurement of thermo-electromotive.force in cast iron and its application to the rapid determination of silicon in cast iron, by H. lbaral:i. JkPAIMESE, per, Imano. No 33, 1961, pp 24-718 CHL/T 1649 Sci - Sep 67 -,40,304 The S-curve Of molybdemm Mickel Cast Iron Co~tairdng Nodidar Graphite,)Dy Y. Tokunaga. JApANESE. per. Imono, Vol 3:X=. No 3, 1961, ppA90-2,*2bl. lbl ~ 3652 Set - ZDM M/M Atig 64 265,433 Takeucad, E. 7M WEAR PHENOMENON OF BEAT-TRFATED 7TrAMUM CASr IRON WIN BUTECnC GRAMM M-RUCnnUL 119621 9p. Ordar from ATS $10. 95 A7`S-SM8J Tmna. et Imono (;&W) 1961, Y. 33, no. 4, p. 271-27, DESCRUITORS. *Cast lrom writudurn. Candngs. Hear tredtfnamt, Prictim Structures, Crapb" Etmoctira 62-12BN 1. TakrAchL E. U. A7S-VMSJ M. Associated TechiLcia services, bw- 1 F4st Orange. N. -1 -7-S o (hietialurgy, Tr. Y. 7. no. 11) tx-.-icrii~ental 6tuudes oil tile lzclatiullsilill 6etwoc-41 Drvin, 1"Op'th of a "Iould anu rhe Tidizi.ness of 1 0 LIle 6tGU'l Castiji~;, by T. 11-its-:1. Allk,1SU, per, Imono, Vol XXAXIV, 1962, pp 601-610. *BISI E 3121. Sci - ".i/N Feb 63 -ijj&,L. 2feapurattwe Propertic-ii of tite ' 'L Lj EXOULOTmic and Self-41ardauhng -JI-Ould A th Sodium Silicate and Calcitua Silocan, by To Nishi#ama. JAPJWESE-,, per, I Vol M, Apr 1963, pp 220-229. BISI 3984 sci/1,141.1 Au g C-S :284.699 1hen Ralation Batt-teen Oxygen !Uowin.- and Carbol Content mid Gases in "olten Cast Steel During Oxidizing Period, by Y. '31.1ya-awa, H. Anami. JAMUSE,q per, locnio Vol 36p Jun 1964, pp 533-544. SISI 4388 cf, ~- 1 1, ), 17 3 02.-Japm sui/m&m J.,m 66 293,21S Fulfilling the Socialist Uri Paw Ilood Production, W1, par, Imon, No 9, pp 2.4. jPIRS 241467 W-F-Orma Econ rbb 65 Iwa of MstrIL-tttion, by Kl~ "Io-son[;, 12 no. 1964, 20 Sep 196-4., 273t985 JAPANEH VILITARY ADMINISTRATION 114 li;,,DC)i,!F-S!A, U,,-( PP. jAPANE3E ~BK, INDONESIA NI OKERL) NIHON -SEI i: KE!,~KYUJ ':j l,iAY 1,ct5c, PP I-b*30- JPRS 2U5c., 9E-JOAN POL OCT 63 345,24 The Mlountain Barbarians of the Chaine Ann=itique, 15 :PP. U14CL JAPANESE, --pt, Indo Shing Minzoku Sh (Indochina Tribes), 16 Ylar--i943,' .pp 450-45,c - ciA/r.DD x-4c,,24 Asia - Cambodia Soc - Tribes may 62 195,303 Politico-Social Structure of Indonesia (Investigation ana Research Report Series No 13).(DC-6850) JAPANESE, rpt, Indoneshia no Seiji Shakai Kozo, 15 Aug 1961, pp 2: i-ii, 1-259. Asia - Inaonesla - Pol *JPRS 1-icn-ease(I Rubber E&Tort to Shangl, lj:.*ULAS,3 PE JAPPUESE, yamplilet, hadoneshl.-I T'sushin, Seii 1 Pp. USACRAFA C J, FT3B !-To cl)&Dla FE - Indonesia Econ Oct ~18 llegulaticM Ccncerning Guarantee !.:oney fcr Business P-Intis Promulgated . 0 U.11CUSSIF. EID JPT-ArC-Svl, pamphlet, Indoneshia Tsushin, Sep l,')17,0. ---- - --- --- USACRAPAC, FFB iTc q8c4-L FE Indonesia Econ, Pol Oct 58 Irdoneft%lo lutornatlaml Fim3cUl B%)An,--a for ftecal Year 1957. tMAW DIM JAIPAXMP Lisp Indowsh" TOM&WN 3 ft 3-909 .v.v 3-5. VBAMVJWV m NO 9m*l It - 1140mota movil xg~-,qd-v Cie., 58 Hqsj=QlD ftw jjaa=jng zaapta;ry DcAoits- WOUAMM ,DRMwgo x me., IrAomama Tounblas 3 ftP 3-958j, vp 6-7., UUMWAK:s m ft 93chl Im - jnau 10cm out 58 '76 ) -9 -51V Plum ror Davao9mout or 1,,6o(i,oDo Recurs, Paddy plems. UMLAOSDM aPARM. mej. ln&xm&U Tv"IdAp 3 BOY 19581 VY 7.8 USAMMACs, FM Oft Out 7-:1, 1,ational Planning Council Bill to be I-resented tD Parliament Shortly. UNCLASSIFIED JATANIESE, pa-mphlet, Indoneshia Tsushin, 3 Ser, Pp 12-1D,. USACRAPAC, FFB a) ()8,-41 FE - Inaonesia pol Oct 58 Yweign Capital Inbm&wtiw Lau. bK-CM681FLED JAPAWM9, perp W- A Tmehin., .837-839, VFj 24 gksr 190,, PV 4,4,- UBMRADJ, m so 9w-76 vs- mmsm"XIS PoIL 00 58 f st'll, / ri6 "Hot Mlwwey" and Its Causes LHat Money is Boarded Ynney for the Purpose of Rvadiag Taxes and Used by Speculators in Operatiow Which Dist-uz-b the Economy], by R. J. Kaytin Adisumarta, :36 pp. ItIDONESIAN.p per, Indonesiap Vol X, No 12) 1959, pp 537-551. JM 5287 FE - Indonesia POI sep 60 # 56 (NY-4507). Vky and How to Study Warfare., by T. B. Simatupang, 46 pp. ff MOMSIM., per, Indonesla, Vol X, NO 12, 1959, ixp 552-572. JPRS 5287t FE - Indonesia POI Sep 60 / .2 AK, ~' S/ Or-uoO The TminLog Within Industries Projeat in ludondalm., by Uden MAmdlq *8 pp. MOCKA""S per* Industrip Vtjl To No 5/6, 196o, pp -18. JM 4229 ' 79 - Indonesia Boom 14 ,z/ Nov 60 Fcon M.-*tc Problems of Indu*tr- ard Rinirxg,, by SMSCIU ICaVtMaa=-!tU, 15 11MOESSIM, per$ Industri; Vol V,, So 5/6, 1960~, pp 20-30. im 415o FE - Thdonadids Scan ftv 60 s Cotton Cultivation-and Trade- in - Palembang, by A. Sof jazi, IDTDONESIANJ per, Industri, Vol V, NO 5to, Mayt Jun 1960, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37. *JPRS FE - Indoriesla Econ 20 Sep 60 ~ '5 ,- - ~/ -^ (-. Problems Involved in Establishment of Swasta Develop- ment Bank., INDONESIM4, per, Industri, Vol V, No 5-6, may- jun 196o, 4o-42. *JPRS FE - Indonesia Ecou 20 Sep 60 (SF-1852) The Task of Private En-texTrise Ulthin Usdek, by Ifl. Tfib~ip 5 We MMMMUr. per, Moftstriv 1 Bm, 3.960, 3p9 8, 9. MIS L1368 Asla - DAomesia -:3-4 -/ &on jen 62 SP-1852 Plan for the Smacutica of Bomwodc Developowitp by Adnan Koesomms 9 pp. INDM&UMD pw, Industris Noe 3-4# Apr 61v pp 4-So JFRS 13040 FE-Indonesia .Econ Kwch 62 &pj 4//0 SP-1852 Private ludUtry &Ud It3 P14we in the Proeesa ot InftwbrIaUsatIonq by Joss. Koesoemodirdjo, 4 pp. M=IANp pers, Induffbrij, No. 3-4s, Hu-Apr 61, pp 100 no JFRS 13040 M-Indeftmia Beall / J;,Pj -111d YAv*h 62 SF-1852 P Revienflng the Aetivities of Transistor Radio llanuXaetui-lng Co. LTD., 4 pp. IMIMM, per, m ~st No. 2-4, Mar-Apr 61, pp 20-ZL9 40- JPRS 13040 PD-Indonesla rem March 62 Political PrincipleB and Idelala of Socialium in Yugoslavia -- aa lndon-2slaLi V-Imf, by Subroto, Tr, Sadli, ->)- pp. II-OCRUZIAN, per, Induptri. Vol V-1. I - No 3/4, )~~-rApr i961-,p~'3'2-38. j-pRs n265 Aisia - Indonenia 7 POI. D---O 61 (s-v,-UO6)- Cotton Cultivation and Trade in Palembang., by A. sofj=o 9 py, XOMMIO., perp lodu tri Vzdjalab Ralarmaj, Val V; Ifo 5-6,p -1960., Pp J."m a n - indones !a D, con 23 Flov 60 Problems lavolvad in the Estxblish----nt of E33=- ta DewloPment Bank.. 7 PI). MEDW,91AS.. per, Industri MojLjalab Bulwmaz VbLl- Vp No 5.p 6. 15~66,yp ~40 12. JM 4151 JIB - TiWaneale. Eam do/ 22 vev 6o Proclamation of Ei0it Chapters of a Provisional Constitution bo the People of Peiping, Tietsin and Other Big Ctties, by Lin PiaD. CHINESE, bk, Industrial and Commercial Policies of the New Democracy,, Second Edition,, 1949, pp ME. PAW FE Pol Feb 69 37S,102 -1 i (PC -'-~ 500,111) - Table o, Content5, KOREATI, per, Inmin Kyo3nik, 'No 5, P'yongyanT . May 1959. 4--j-F?S FE - Korea Jul 59 Promote the Role of Educational Aunin-4-straton; in Preparal,,'."k-tion for the Inauguration o.~ th,-, CompLLI-sory Tachniw~L Lducat-i on Srstem, by 0 ", Sarig:,-4~-m, 6 DD. KCREMI, pcr,_Pj~a ~aY, 9~4k, r1c 5, P'ycnsyaag, 1959, JPRS -20-1 1~-N Fr. - North Korea Soc - Mucatioa, Jour.-imlism Doc 59 (W-3282) 0 Prob3A= in metbocis or Teaching C==nUm Urou& a Russian Lemaubae Tmiaftap by Kim T'BG-,vOa6,F 7 PP. KMMVOj, oyuk 10P 38-41 A, 30 7.v 1959 p q ina 3049 Pol - Lenml mar 60 F/0 (DC-3=)- T of C. KMMN,, per, Immin KYOY&.p DO 8., 9, 10, p I yonsyms) 1959. JPRS -L -1977 -D ps - Korea Pol - Soc Jan 60 (1)C-3568). For the UnInterrupted Advance and Reformation of tAie Task of the People's Education, 4 pp. X(Mal,, peer, Inmin Kyoy&, No 8, 1959p -pp ~-7. JM 3312 FE - Korea Soc - 13ducatiort j= 6o 117,20.2- I.euxn. Actively the Advr-mcecl Educntion 2-mmeriencrn of Soviet Flussia, by H. Pp7Ajp 4 pp, /lA K=At;,, poex, Inmin Kyojuk, No 9, lq~:q, -pp 53-61. JPRs 3312 FE - Kores Soo - Education am 60 117 0?-PY (DC -3569). TABLE Or' CONTENTS KOREAN, per, iminVoyuk, No 11, 1959. JPRS 33-56 FE - N6E!-rth Korean Pol. - ~-Oc Apr 6o Correctness of Party Economic Policy for Local Industrial Development, by Kim Honrj,-il, 9 pp. KOREMI - 0 ., per, Inmin KyoYuk~"Iqo .11, 1959, PP 16-19- JPRS 2917 FE - Pol oct 6o (DC-3569). TABU OF CONTENTS KOREAN, per, Inmin Kyoyuk, No 12, 1959. JPRS 3156 FE - Noerth Korean Pol - Soc Apr 6o (Dc -3569). MBLE OF CONTE14TS KOREAN, per, lnmin Kyoyuk, No 1, 196o. jPRs 3:L56 FE - North Korean Pol - Soc Apr 6o Topciac. sn-lves KOREAN per, 3ximin i~yovuk, Jun 1961-1, pr Dee 6:1. -th~- S"Dirit Of Of by EORIDAIN, ptl-, ixmin Kyoyul~.; 01.1-1 1.9b"L, pp J IL- .z-!! C!