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The Sbkft aul Hw4 bly RoWt PAdopwwwU4 " I I- I Milbililitillm saw-cawwo, pwo Vol 170 pp no-lud. 03TITT 67-,10W30 -R&-,Lj 4- adela-~Q4,1 Sol/aw a4& 41 Goo"" BW 68 356008 If Uwr--&aL--3 PaA3--md PasixmGor 'Faroa Prtxf.-Atee., pp* per* TMM!Vto Ate-SeSt 1968f pp 3 gov 368.130 x~z Joint Ivivastwnts by Dometic I'mterprises and C"aration With the Foreign Avanomy, by fStlilla Radmanovie, 10 pp. 4! SU-301-MIO&TIAN, per, A.Moslovenski Pragleei,, Del-gradc, lbv-Pec 67, pp. 483-486. MRS 45,419 I j- CL- 12- O-cl- c v ct- 1'1 0 \1 I (L.- "Myusoulavia) gCorlomic, I&ELY 68 357,9C* Experiewe c-todned in the a Of the Utograd AJxftel4p by Ibmilo Badmricjp 11 pp* M-WCI-CR=W,p parp 2t p no 4.. Apr 1966.. WM pp. 6ao-W~- JPBS 35424 /00 /0 R)9d 0 v /'a ES-Yugos3mria pol im 66 304706 i . I F AL unao Vol 250 So 4& (3. F~ '. -- - - --~ ~ --p a '41 Q Davelopwnt od' IlectrostatiC Spimings by B. Radovit&k:13r- Proagoblemost NO 10 FffBSrM,, pers Textilnaya 1 1 a, 6 11-1 1 pp 36A1. *NTTS TT 71-51020 Doe 71 VIM Mf~lt of Asylum,, by Patko H. 1-kLLoyno 3 P~ U=ARM,, per, Sotsialiaticheako LMvo, 10, Dec 2966, PP-, 10-17-, JFFZ 43301 A91~We V Influence *f U4*ide For"flam an the 76 Muhin*i1itf of Irreo-wMas Stools, by 1). Radtke, D, SWmlber, (MIMM, per., StAl Us* Vol 36, Jan. 27, UNW, lip 89*A. tb DMI 4775 eo-k~- ~< le- ",U TL Now SUge in G"ona lkbmtim Mmuswdp by I= T* Mft, ? pp. RU&AUM,p ywo 3 ft bLamia. amobwesto Sept 19wo IV, U-17. JMS 45412 / 70 -b"~ BE-RanonU law Wqol64 Doe 69 Of the Contar ror ho tj 0- I 'I. 2:0,~ 3, R ra dil 5 ','T Bulotin do Fobp~jzrnmptrin-,- 0-cardanog. Y 36"' cot Future &Wl;lv and Dmand fbr faoctria In tho Ehmanlan Power Grid, b7 S. Raft. 11 pp'? -WAA111A.U. Igor, i Vol 14. Jm 1966, Ipp. 241-2243. 66 311,824 Coultributicris to the Solution of the Probler, of Antivep,etative Protection for Rown.-nitin Z!aritivie S-hips. by lou Islitis, Viorica 'lladucanu, 9 jq~. GOVERININEINT LW-; ONLY RUSSIA,%, per, Levista Transpurturilor, Val IS, Nic 11, 1968, -pp 534-5-57. AT-Vf FTf C11 IT-23-2-65.69 V i, Q SciPlech Oct 69 395,214 ,Low-temperature Bahavior of Some Oils of Paraffinic Nature, by G.A. Radulescu, I. Stoicovici. 23 pp. RMIANIAN, per.. Petrol si GazeP Vol 19, No 2, 1968, pp 123-129. AIR/VTD-L-IG-23-431-70 ~b . G- . may 71 ftsuala NoWs Good Rocumdo R&3atiwms tv pp. RUMjVW. ;wrp LSM 3D YAW 1968v PP 10-V-0 aRS Aug 68 aumaniAls Rolip In -Iorld Analyzed, by Gboorgbe RadmIs8cuo. 6 pp. RUrA4ITAI'-I'p per, rz -May JL968f pp (--7* 23 JFRS If5o9V Er~' Rm%arda Ec=. -Aug &0, 362#635 ussioxiat Un ageor Vo gwwdm SWJSI-,~6 aftte., w nu awmimsvt4 35 lp. AWASIMp pwo 3b 3a M" 1966s Wo 30*2111 am e's d POI mw 66 .3w*m fimmd pAkudwe Bat"= soolaust listims i"! 0 Blmn*mbdo bar MU PaMomme 19 pp* Rmuimp pwp rnmm_ i2mmamo ambaftets so !Olp Sept 19589 vp 70-M. ipf ul* 469876 T L I'E )?,4, of L, L & .s c Li is/ftnala Eam Doe 68 35405M ftlen Aqwt of SOCI&Uet rAmoracy lOucussed a 1~6 by lUo Fadidlamup 28 a)* RUUAWI 0 pmp,* UUMAO-SAM& Bucobarests Apr 1969,o pv 34~0 it-w 4&n6 lif,tf. ,:idi Sept 69 3919M !~Ww in ,!L-UotUM Cie t~eLoL*41r- 17 iv Ab M t by nio lbihasomw 6 W* Fammall, pwv SD 42-092)s :url oat IsQ6 pp :G -S-9 Mills Ruju-Aes:cu, fRN Dm 65 Moclarato OxmtvWtlm of 111col2ol-j, by Ma rlm~~ 5 ppr ammas lops lik2m so 7024~ 19 bkw 19670 P. 3? ipis Boo Jul,v 6T 32908n Thr- - !~~rg -fie" Aroka -a in W-ifts t3a, comfoli's S. ALNUIMO -jors, StuALL at Camteri do kkwmlca N.OLACAta Ifol 06 516 IRS, Mr.107. GUMUMENT Usp. (WLY ScL-Awra Aug fi? lraxUlo lissoar-ah Institute AcUover antil aftd Five..Year Plan Perspectives In Iraswia, by or. Samor&4 Raftlesm end E2m& Ivan, 8 ppe MUMNIA14, P41r, Industals Vol -7. 'ib 9. Sept 1966. rp. 5!9-!i32. JPRS 33963 41-11--e- r%m 6( 315%035 Achlovements of the Famwdan Academy of Sciences, 11(v a. ReAlulet. 10 ppq rar, Lw!* do Clagg, No 99 Sent 19660 pp, 35-44o JFRS 3M?01 OZ CA ES-RwaanLa &wn -Nlbv 66 313v639 IT Ev~~Litlon of the EwrMr Basep by Fam. s Fmul~a-, and Hlools) Ohearghiu, 22 pp. RJBMUAN_, per Probl=e Eccmamice No 4, Apr Gllolt-"~~-~~-~"~-~~- 1966P pp. . JPFB ~P- Mod jui 66 304#678 Acilvitleo oiV I.-terg4atics Institute Fe"dPwmiv by Remus ftehilet, n pp. I'aw%Ava, Pelf. axA~k gA corectalri do. Fhorgetica At-AectrateIrAca, Bwh9i;6iWv-TA':f'~* 1;&'4* 1~~�* pp -6V ints 45,1883 - -P"~ - 74 L " L Z~, i-asoureeng CbjecU of Research vutlinW, by rialms limevlat* U ppe MrQuaAss pore EfteMrosto 1 Aug 1969* rip 20s U. ii as, 490?g -a~ 1~t~k 4 Scl-454 avW Sel Orgst Nov 69 3939M ', I WO heseamb in Elmer ,MgInaering Describou by ii~emus Fw1uleto 7 P.Ot itUIVIL-IM's npo. 1~21xllke '-Ay 1969~ pp It 7o kv 17 JK~.s 48,256 -scl-lbergy Conv (non-prop) July 69 384.013 A eQ,0 ~Y4 6- '7--' Ec-omwlc Unions and Via Law of Valie under Socialism, by Lalyu Rad"lOvy 14 PP- LUMARIAII, per, Planowo atomnstmo i atatts- tilia, Na-- 7j, Julv 1966., pp -P 23-33.~ Dee 66 314,07d Sooldlist ~-mperty, by- Lalyu Radulov, 10 pp. NA"GARIM. Petr, r-ollUoLooka Rros"ta, M3 11, ~bv 19-16. pp 2~Z3~- JPRS 3945.~ Fol Jan 67 315.129 Advances Noted In liwaftaLu" of fAdIdLng Alkto-A -1 - ~, bjr Mmr~ Podulave 6 Mv BUXA&MAlip q?,p ammake-A" RA260 Sonde Apr 19690 1):). JTS Ac: la_~ &-C- June 69 3M.704 The FattV Aidft- of the Glaaboupuu frm the Red A14P DW - -clams Nmaue____ and the Brown A4W immus Fang amtm. 8 PPS o WO Wlwl~ FAdt Air rv , amiall Cbsubbs Vbt 3WP IM 1091ADA'- swmc"rk I*wuw ammm As alummirs"a plabudum arriam or ptwmm ftsbarl" A-29 Jmv 2~1" 304 an low ftd4m New 69 396090 Mandlogimh PxqpWti" Ot hm =A spi=dig cwr nbus uwftvmv by B. Ve 06 Mugu", jowro %idft Vblokcao ft Ij* x966,p v9 wroag!"M am Tmw or 2110 B. V. Radushkovich 326#339 ria - CbmIxtry 14V 67 Aa~ 20 smattow rm 4MMAO oow#tsm in an Vaku ftwom: Imump zw V. P. -qouftmvj, I- V- ono - - nmvm Muk Ak VAUU gep Vb& IMP 110 Is. ~ Rw Saow W; ca L.V, 2,?clu6llkcv,'C'H ~ Ift,cip 3*wft IS the LoMaZ Still'Umacessoxijo by Kilenko Faduslaoilej 7 py. jr-r- Sra=-Cvimtl=p par', Komum No. 22,. Dec lgbbs PPO 8-114, jpfs 399,% M I L E N K 0 Rh POSINOV'C m-yugoolavis ikon Feb 67 317.,2W Possibility of Using Neutron Radiography for the Study of Inclusions in Magnesium Castings, by M. Radwan, D. Sikorska, 5 pp. POLISH, per, Zesz Probl Nauki Pol, Vol 26, 1.965, pp 1,19-156. AEC/AERE-Tir-1127 - ~: a '?)-I , (' .Jan 72 D ifu---ion of Fe and- cr in iLiloys of Pe-Cr, by -14. Radwon,et al 18 pp. POLISH, pex, Arclliwum Hutnictwa, 16"r 1965 PP- 337--~56. --- *CVST! TT 70-55079 S c i ", c h (!.-,I "ar 70 F[ - - - ---------- I j T-- cow . Ar'Al lif U! ~Rftdmns. 7 pp.*. POLISH sop Warawt 3,5 :Oct 72s~ j l IF - p . ~6 MLM- ill li k,rompwts fckT Uoal b--4~. Expansion Dlwuszed, Lw ~WLodvliuierm Amdzmno 6 pp. Imp, ~Usw Ci2,,*-d~, 9 Jm 1968# P 7. r W L Od i'M I'C:: WA IIJ ScIpt a 3650068 Pi-iblem of Investment Goods Export,, WlodzimU3,z FOAMM4 a PP. FOtJSEI,, per, &Mic 22m2gR=-ze-' NO* 1967.v P- 51- JPFS 403556) by 10j, 5 mar e A, Apr 67 324216 Clim-nuer, of inizitition in the -1-3vairtion of 14-an, by J. ,Illd E. ra&.mnska, 7 pop. POLIS-il, pc-r.. Czas Stomatol, Vol 22, No 11, MCSI -K-0845' Jan 72 -irc; 1 -mosome Dan, ages Induced. by 1-leasles V*rus C Vaccine Strain L-16 in a Culture of Human Px.mion Cells, by N.S. Radyshich and M.A. Levenshtami, 16 pp. RUSSIAN, pex. Tsitologiya, Vol 11, No 4, 1969, pp 476-4 5. ACS3:-K-1065 Jan 72 plo$m OorA"l ltbrk limportent for bV -- Bw-iyt).kq 7 pp. z R USSIAN* nps Er I-br, 19699 p jPr,s 47826 WSP 69 LeloruxaMq, 381,316 U-3m of Y'nn rL -i5atboaw -in -Itaua ztri-,e5 Qi~ structLan Vllaumlng- Urand, lay Re and 3. ftkyaohln,, 5 ppo MMA lpero jh,G&rgfta ~Mljs No* lo, 196T., Do 2* um PAM. jum 67 Solution of Probbuis of Piervinn and iiilbert T)I-ic for a Generalized Cauchy-Idemann System with shigular Lipe, by 14. haftabov. RLISSI&N,Iper, Duk- A 19auk- _SSSR, Vol 185, No 4, 1-069, pr 764-16-7. The An ~Iuth Sac Vol 10, No 2, jIIar-Arr 19W P-- f+ J 2- Oct 69 39S.4s6 basic I'cl:.,utwlros of 4atfir 6trcwtiuv iki t1w, liou."i Pacific ~ketui, by P A. 4":nd- 40 130 IVOS# pf. 41-4b. 71 =,.-t M;16'y Tt"zc~~ ,Sei-Eax Sci t ;:.4!r 6u of Radio Inturfaresicet ca causee, L-,V ~iv appanstum, by -Ft-J. Nutylo, J. ruk-Omimill, 4---t al., 16 pp. POLIBI!, ptvr,, Prace Insit. Flektrotechn. Vol. L4, no. *111-1 '1C-1-551).31 AVLI"D"~, OUIN Sk,A/trmv loan I J~puLnjng of OffLicers Discuwmts by,&., wz*, evaldys 6 pp. np. tjwam y'vesda ~bscmq 19 jvj~" 1-)699 p 2. y kJ1 0_ CL 7-1 Aug 69 390,686 Frolaratign end PropaMes Ct T=taluL-. Usul- fide, by Ir. r- wrich wA V. Padzlkov 4 pp. ma'ami sort 9.hwgwz ft, 3er mk~ 9* l9b4m " Avy"wai-23-ne"T 8"-ftter-Rsu lby 6pi 366t2w -? I S ~ V. 'C', -A x * -ap 41-460 of Wavy/SiM Tr 281 Basic Festlizos of Water Structwo io the North Pacific Occw,, by M. A* RadaMovskaya. RWSIAN~ poir, 9mmlD-l.Ojichqsk!Zo Issle& No 13, -464 19650 Vp 41, Dept of laosruff Fish and N1411fe Service HCPO sureall of Foreign nsherles Sci-Par SCj. J%d G necum TXW&* in fte PRO&Wtsm Stftla by 1. PAMMICidv PO]6=* ow. vlo&m__ooa * 1969a vp 47-4p *T= mr9ha or Electric Val 25v Do. 2o -,~ 3- owma N, Am TO EE INVESTIGATION OF THE STATIC STRENGTH Trans. 1932 OF CENTRIFUGAL MELLERS G.A. Raer and G.H. Bavelski Energomashinostroenia, Vol. 12, No. 9, pp. 9-12 (Sept. 1966) . I )Vt., I\); Scientific-Technical Resaarch for Cnergy ImIustry, by W. aaetacher, 5 Pp. per, m-JttejIUgM dos instj tut-q- fue 6. Sorlin, Vol. 92, 1967, pp. 81- $7. JrP.S 43,363 ('). Sct-i~nergy Cmveralon (Ron-Propulsive) uAy 357,8C2 . 68 Ways of Decrease Wear on 350 t/h Steam Gener- ators, by D. Raeubig, GERMAN, per. Energietechnik, Vol 18, Aug, 1968, pp 353-356. BISI 8130 % , Inveatit '19ation of the Chamoter of Destruction of Adheakre Bmids of Slastowers with a Caprolactsm Film, by V.Q. Raevakli. RWSXMI, per Izv. v7sah. uOwb. Zaved. Khlm. Khim Takh"L. vol. 8. No. 2. 1965. PP 305-309 rB [242 - 1000 I/ , & . k '~q e- U / / Sel - Aug 67 339-500 -Anoml-we Dierease -in T-lear 0-trangUi of -Po4qwa, ty V. 0. Ramakii., R. W. Tolmebova. SIAN, perj N=k SSSR.9 .M Dpklegg Almde Vol, Mp Uo Lt Doe 2,%7s pp 003-64 CB C, RA G VSi< "C1 oot 68 363s326 3nveistigmLion of the Surfam Of CajWOlaCtAM F'i)mj, by V., 0. Reevoklyo V. E- &a. EmBlai powl izvewuya yyssbm Ulcheloaft Zoffleftnii. adRu-i I manichesbya W! a, No 3.j, 1965j. pp M-134. ATS -22S%F, ..*pt 66 310,V357 Momestigatim ccr the CharactAw of Destrue- 'Elan of Adbesive Bona of glaffb=ers with aL CAW03WbUl 71113* V V- G. RiLevsklyp 8 'p. M=rANs 3?erp. IWMAIM I= mulya i 11 Vol -8$ No 2j, PP W3-319* RAPRiL-1242 ju 66 306j,332 ChiLman :?Iblic Chpinion Poll Finds 13IG Drop in Popularity of Nev GovexTmnt., by hafael Otero Eo,, 7 ppo 0CWTIUMIrr USE ONLY spimsa.. pero PsaL 4 mw 1966, PP- 5-6. JPW GUO 2251 0 LA-chile Pal Dea 66 315s-954 Egalingmtois Politicos Views Industrialization in Cuba, by Fafael Sierra T., 10 pp. SPANIMp ap, Doementos Politicos, Aug 1965, PP- 66-75,- JPRB 33413 LA-Cubs ECOM inn 66 .295sOOO DO= t2m. !Q&ticxw views :En Cubaj, ty RaMi WArra T-p .10 i3p. SPAUMP op, Aus 1965, vp-o 66-75 i JPIS 3YM "~JAJ zl'eflaiq T, LR-Cubs soon Jab 66 295,000 "b. - .6 5 37 4L, s -=A-ina o,' Fiolds of 00-100arb --IlAeRness too-maly i-ver the Rorthem iladaphero and Tenviem- tl-,-e !-~orccaftst ovor the Terrftoriem of the "*,dot Lhian, by R. H. Rftfailcm-a. par jxjt&Lmtt ro hv 'vol 3.-F4, lq,66. NIL Ref: -SaM4F (5719,82) Scd--~ar !.--al g. .Area 6a The Sequence and Association of Isanamaly Fields over Particular Sectors of the Northern Hemisphere anti the Fosecasting of-the Monthly Air Temperature Mean over the USSR, by if. H. Ra'failova. RUSSIAN, per, Tr.Len.Gidromet.N-i.Tsen!tr., Vol 21, 1968, pp. 3-15. NLL Ref., 9022.SSI (H.S62) Sci-Geo /7' July W) 387,466 aspot streivmV lqmtmve 416. ACtIVIU400 *Ety~ ra- - - - - as- 10 pp. FMMKO port ago Adddaup wroolms 9 ion 1069o Ipp . 39 5- JPRS 470609 Apir 69) 3?6a322 Whavior of Sulfur in llydrotlwroal Soluticnis, by R. P. paftllshiy. RUSSIAN9. perv Da- Ak XLiuk MR, Vol 187, ho 3, 1969, pp 658-660. AGI 9 , P. P- f~ -P ?- z ) ~s A~ / ~ May 70 407,061 lity of D-ate-rmininq rc~-,u Tj.--~e df Lumar Rock by a Haas S'Spectroirater Tult~acwd. Bq A. F. ii.tia"rnin, A. E. Pafollsott Issled., Vol, 7, 4, 1-94,9. -pp. 618-619 CIA X-7116. A 4 Nov 69 tic -C~~f unct-if-rz-_- Fouri-4!r-jacot"d sum&, .'ay S'. Z. s I a r o I x v te n a t i'y--. ar) Al ll,ept of 'Novy APL/JHTI"~La-3 T-573 Z, ~OA-) Sci-14atha J1.11V 69 385,261 Of :'Ulno-tions by I muwiox~- in0obi -M=g by 3. "'. R-rafelson. ISO :1zvllJKat.- .0 10 19601 rV D~ The Swggdlat Xipwbwnt In DA14 by Reflats 9 pp. ARABIC9 noMpoper, Al-JumbUrl C*"Vos 16 lJow 47.0 P. 7. JOU 43vW3 PoLLticd4 Doe 67 347,722 T a zA z Feb-:: 71 Yu. I. Rafes Therapeutic action of sorbitol in some digestive -diseases. KLINIGIESKAYA MMITSIMA, Vol 46, I\b 5, pp 132-309, 1972. NTC 72-1S225-060 (on loan) mar 73 Jamwolist D-oscribos conr-Utimo in Manol, bj, Joan Raff AsUi, 7 pp.! GOVM,-A UV, O~;Ly FRE:", pars 10.3~ Ibmervait-o". 19-26 Apr '1967, pp * I 5~ 17, JPAS GM 2 393 J-6 CIL Al P e. jum 67 323.3S0 AM a t9b- Ml 1371 4j 173 i t ~; . rp- . 12 Q- -P -& 1e O-V On the RnMem or StabnIrALtIon of Arcestic PblyWdes., by He 1. SukeWipas a. R. Rarikari, 6 pp. ,;MIMS per 4E!WLU M Us SSR, Ser Ms., No 6., 1969. W 77-AO. AWVMC/Jff-23-~USe-7:L Oct 7-1