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Now so No ~y cV%J,7 k), 0 v oftmmmmm~mo olkWO04 kaq &41 ft% W 041 Olb Dotreppe, N. Action of Ozone on the Crack:,.~ib; vf Rubber TRISUNE' CEBEOEAU, Vol 18, No 265, 1965, pp 594-595 -I'T-74-53115 *NTIS wMMMS S. F. //=V=Ti'rA AXADMI NAUX SSBRI, MXX4X]= ZRIBSOOTI T diw/ --/-/1973PV--,PWOW*p On the Influenoe of a Continuous Cumg* in rluid Density rA Wares Gazerat,ed by lbving surftce hbessur*O., 9 pp. PP 55-62,pf,U-X-790360 Dotsenko, S.V. Spectra of random scalar anisotrcpic hydrophy- sical fields. NORSKIE GIDROFIZICHESKIE ISSLEDOVANIYA, No.3 (53), pp. 95-92 1911. APL T-2772 I k : : .-i; *i lroox. ,,,a mlok as 1, , bwo wp-jmpq~ fm a *Wxifttbg :41M fl" Asr - A39a DAPIWOR *a$* 0 0 MM "Mwmna& sw- . I VIONW441000" 1 1: I i . . I k. V-- , q . rT( I Z . , . Ammillim =- I #A. 06aft" i am a 3p .50 Im sdlw IV I P:Imtv.. t w 0 IOAV04 No ti 0 ch6m DOUI;LSt v Pies 10 Cabore Bawaln Fate DepwWo on Frolino, 5~pp k ME -0 Parls# 27 May-2 Junio 1974, pp 56-63. JIM 62277 Doumenc, A. Influence of the strength of harmonics on voltmeter readings. FRANCE, DIRECTION DES ETUDES El RECHERCHES BULLETIN. SERIES B, n. 4, p. 29-48, 1971. NTC 73-11042-09C 2-May-74 Unr I [jRNI,-t r-2.759 Agh element content of e littoral %nd water plants of the Gorkov sturngj re3ervoi;-. DOWNYA, I.V. Translated t-V M. Gerrard from Biol. knutr. Vodg inform. Byull.. No. 15, 13- 16(1972). 4p. Dep. NTIS $3.00. 02 botanV; environmenta! studies; translatiors MN-11 p N S A 40 Dovgano, L. BRs4,c Conditions of MpwWed ToproducUon Consider- ad. 7 pp I QQV crew . Moscow. No 'j',1. 1973. pp 120-724. JPRS 60956 Admi Ago IOU Iwo KJIMOMJ Angular Characteristics of Undcrwater Pyranowters, I-)y ~ _j. - pqyg~xs 6 pp - RW,9-UN& per., PS&Uorol2sua i Ciidroj!!122~av MOSCOWS1 No 3,, 1973# pp 103-106. PRO 59052 mBar -13 Do%#.~ 01 S.P., g6p It Effe't ot~sejtjng on tho magnetic chawicter- ist4s iron, cobalt, and nickel. D"i DY ADEMII MALUX, SO, IET MMCS, V.212, 1973, 5.03-85. AIF Vi,qii)il-ft,i rmtjr in the prosenm (;, varioto metoorolo- 1-6' Jkl) (?~cr TRUDY ,LAV.Vil..YA ("7'OFI"J.(,IIRSKA.YA OL?S,:.I.",?VAT0RIYAjL Vot 153, 17,77'" pp Ir-loy t'I'A.-qA 7T F' 14,886 ratv( 73 DO "Vi Ao OT PIKA 1: ELECMXI'KAt I/ 00 of Oo plassit pa 6f a are Engl*B:h -1372-JL373 Rusi,mian op 2875 DDV&NWIO 0 TUO N. I FInItIl Autumates XMolirmc In Prablemp DS With 1,10MI"tIon or wn to Conationq 7 ~ pp. ERM 12-MIX W.MMIX-M NAUK SWR. 0-no >0 IVT3* PP 4004&V* :m 5%71 Jul 7 3 DQVXbWIkD r rd. M. Sme R*Atltlts of Aut=mUc Promnsing of 8phygmarems and KInOt;o6a:4Uo9ram6 Rooorftd DurIM FUwUwwI Loads art tba Cardlovantaular 37st4ap .5- ppe won= HAUX usup no !5 0 1 & VP 50-030 4m .5 1 Jul 73 Doulbokov, A. Form of A,gos for I-Inal output Introdmad in .1 Kirgiz S.Sill. 5 PP Lrl2s~lla SU'5,KWP 4110ZYAIbTvjl- IlPscOw, N-- 1973, Pp 53-56. JF,1;5 6053) 0., ,I i I *~ i. : ab.dal-bil, & ~ ~g 0owmaloot ftww .Pqw Ift"Mmn swa ~ ~ "I . ~T~ An lm&WhT . - VP. 43-5!6 Am- 19W M* M a. ? w bT-'IOV, I)n."tn !"eve'lorraent, T;rospocts of 71mforrots Motallurr',,-3 ~-; )p. I T " 0 ~-TOVT, T C 7111',3-71 -ITIVOT, So.'ilk, 30 MaY 73, T-,-.) 10- 171. -TIP'~:-I ti, D"Wo 0 J. wasp Am ow~etl~ Via lams 1 .600 hraft man to a* wftlpjir,/ at AWN-mdm. WAR ISO= jm* - P mms 0 ww~- 0 9 v w- 5"t a-, ;zWww- M. axy 73 A CdOtPil>Ution to -the Pxvbl,em of Mach' abili- in ty 4,44 Cuttings Power. StROJUENMI, 1972, NO-10, pp.604-606. 9=Ti_TlT6r_ A. Draber-Monk-o Flies-Diptera - Gasteroph.ilidae. Polskie Towarzystwo Entomcilo&-czne: Klucze 36 ?5znaczania 0 Wl' v,--iT7-Tf-,no-.7,5, 196q. 5 7 -p -p. *NTIS-TT-73-54024 may 73 OnAbikowska, Alicja K. Biological Function of Quinonns Pasupy i3wou."mils Vul 15, No 1, 1969, 1;1, 65-81 P nst-w0we Wydawn. NautwLs., *NT15-TT-74-54016 : i. :: P II. I . itiJ. 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MKT-AwKqXA$ 1971, Val.23, Mo.12, pp.773-?78. 5191 -104-0, SMSIM-w- = Aomrswt* 3-1 Ub--.IL-6-a fj~Mllo#.Ift 0406 or am ?ago$ of " bulb" at tom an M, ult2o, w k, "me n Mutims 2t m *a ,=Am= r"& 30, I Q%6.:Umwm in:.low moo// on sow 4w smauftwo fteowhim" ~ I , ii " go Awlstoft- ouftini,~,Uw lilk lkbldil~- 10 p Drag.", Investigation Regarding Propartici of Cold-Opawn an Ultraq-4~nic Field. M W ETAWAGIAs IS72. No.12t 9". f7rrff I Chwage -In Mechanical Carbon Steel Tubes in pp.812-014. D-.6 on ~0:1. et &I Invest,ig&,tions Regarding Prvasing of Alu*bd- um Oa4dw ~,'s in an Ultrasonic! rield. METAWRGT~, 1973, Vol.25, MAO, pp-628-630. 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RTS 7562 DW40"I* Cv. lk IsMob or an 'Use -in voterlawy . -T 8"tor mlmmqmmr~p 5 wo am Got 73 Gravity Ihurt of the Suuthern Andc5 and lnterj~rctatiml ul- GraviLy Anonulics od tentral Chile. by 1-1. Dra),icevic, 112 pp. DJ:PI%kTA:-iJ',-.NTkl DI: (-,L.*O['I,,)'ICA '.* I)EOVESIA (UNIVEkSIDAD W." 'IIILI', No 93, !,. t '' .IUI')C. 73 Dragoev, X.D. Tl,.eor!y of; the Advance of the Bit. Part 1, MROIL GAZE Vol. 23, No. 12, pp.723-7, 1172. A.- "'. "ITi-tr9*75 I)rFi rrosa v Fi c , "qi wq v 4~ .:. le Criticism of --)hilosor)hic Journal -:rr-xisv , 9 P.,!. ',rJF,'T7T',' fT SRTr-'I)Tj, 7sgreb, 19 Doe 73, D 5- 1 -TT-rAq F"TOIT 1~1 rob 74 Disag-4na6,, A. K. Corra,latIon betwe4n the spectral Darazaters Of t~* mi~(Ssbauer absorption of y-r-ays from To,-IZ$ in;t-amary samicondt-vtor compounds Cu2 XTeTO *~ Si,Ge,$n) and tbe anomalous change in he electronegativity of the series Si- .-I Vle-,Snll~ rizza I TEKRNXVA CLUPROVODMIZOV, Vol.7, goo. C -,-P 0 1973. 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Sop 74 Drecin, Jozaef Socialist Frzonmio Policy, Enterprise Manage- ment Examined, 10 pp. TT)ARGA"'DASAG, Rudapest, Uo :L, Jan 74, pp 3-5, ,nRs T-)'I 77r- ,Tun 74 -J-Ozsr,~ brr-c-tr) .1,gonamlo i,olloyt gain F"tures of 1973 "Dlan M44U"Odo by TOZB*r TV%010, U PP, mm-,Asulv, "r, IfludapoSts - r0 Vp F*b -[Jq pp ldV-.&37f. .PFF. 58601 A,Pr 7.1 IMODIVI-114 water PWPULWO for ftnering ?A ME.M."s 8449M 10 "llop -1~ Watert IW * of f- v "-At- fta, P* WIDWO 1w. a- an' -- M2=0 0 no go JL'ff.3* pp 4AD-JAVO Jammu Am 73 -)reesen, Tlaus ,-Irobloms of Colloctivf~ Agriculture Asetiss (1, 1 0 r, pp. ALU-,f,-,MFTN!-, lFranlrfurt/Main, le Jan T 1 -1 -P - 17. - JIPT!, ~')3,17c.) rot I# so pp YNT UOMIM Drsisise U.S. Stady of eMwrimmstal ra virus infoction in cotton rats. Virological and immmo-fluoroseest r*80areb. 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XAVXD=IYS Of 40d. t.,Ow 1 Illovins- on th* -Ji alX04 is of the MG-LI-4L 0 VP PIV oj,~ rat,'on at e-, levate.1 tcl ~oraturwo. T 'III A -e ;97", ld3-1.97 7 T 777777- 3 -1.7-7.3 z.,! 73 grits., M. Yo. The mechanical properties of alwmnum- lithium alloy. 10 pp- SPLAVY TSVETNYKH AETALLOV 1971 .IIRIFT,6-IIT-23-155- 73 =~ ., pp 187-192 wo , j 73 L)ritv, m. ye. silperligtt Structural Allo.ra. 171 pp svbpAAut; jj F108COW, MZo 145 PP- i 1 -.3 59"t yj -77"7777