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um-Aoratory Tests t..ade with an Amalgram-Oxypn Fuel Coll for Saving Power in the kloctrolysis for Alkili Chloride. Part 1, E.. Gabler, K. scjlwabe. GEMM, per, Chem. Tech, Vol 19, No 7. 1967, pp. 421-424. cIvv 801 Sci-chem Atit- An IRO AINZ kUr*nst:L*n an Bast OOrmn Cbsed"I ProduoU, w W. sahaaso, 8 13v. GUM" w No 7. Julwn JIW 412.50 SolmQAW oat 67 340*755 Formation and Propert103 Of PhOXPhOrO3 Sludge, by D. Zobel, F. Hatthes. GEUIAN, per, Chemische Technik, Vol 19 No 8, 1967, pp 491-496. NTC 69-11296-07A Sci-Chein July 69 386,990 Iwa Pmeuvmmt Tram", 16 *age 196T* NO go Sept qwn 43%35 WRost GerAmw An 68 347o128 or PZWM~ 4md Uft or In but r# by GOMM and Xlm= Aopeqpr, Alfted Ck)etzo -420 8 pp. QmUk per, alk. . ASWL~b-.Ia 19670 M 525-W79 90 Sept JFM 43i6i ftj,pA8rjmdtum Vac 67 346,,310 Praftation of Pyrldime and A2kylnvldLtws,, by K. X- Mal pw Chovdaabe 2babalk =,% ;;& ~537- .* Vbl 19,0 XM Pef: W3-8k5 (203) SD:L-ChWd*tx7 jUr 68 360#9321 Crystal Microscopy as an Aid.in the Improvement of Paraffin Recovery, by A, Heymer SUROPW, per, Chemische Technik, Vol 19, No 9, 1967, Pp 560;-363- NTC 71~-16895-07A Feb 72 Production and Examination of SOme Paraffin Waxes from Soviet Oils, by J. W. Wosnesen3kaja, B. W. Grjasnov. GERMAN, per, Chemische Technik, Vol 19, Me 10, 1967, pp 617-621. NTC 69-12S63-07A Sci-Chem Aug 69 388,S17 Electron-Deposition Mass Spectrography of the Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Anastasevskaya Neutral 011. Part I, by R. Tuemmler. GERMAN, per, Gh-emi s eh Le clin i JJLJI Vol 19, 1967, pp 624-627. NTC 72-1121 2-07C May 72 Calculation of Heating Processes and Temperature Control of Stirrers used for Batch Operations, by M. Wagner. GERMAN, per Chemische Tachnik, Vol 19, No 11, 1967: pp 690-984. NTC 69-11481-07A Sci-Chem q July 69 396,006 cb go olo"fteaum Or swassm X~ft in as Folm"Choodftl J. Pastar. Zn&wtry of ORM6 &'Itmdno IW UNION* jw, awatedle Ispers vp , ~~~ va 29, lb u, ;~L~ ad/03M Rw 69 384002 A RM MUM for the m of Nitates W 10 mobafto J. 0 =me pwo am Todu6 Vol JL9* no m 29% 0 76f-. NXL ftf: 90ML9T (1030) ma/am . Am 69 30D.,9*5 Dimensionless Parameters From The Continuity Equations of Heat Transfer Through Falling Films, by S. Kattanek, B. Haase. GERMAN, per, Chem-Tech Vol 20, No 1. 1968. pp 26-29. GB 39/110 2894 Sci/chem July 69 386-857 The Disintegration and the Composition of a Microwax Originating from a Heavy Oil Slack Wax from Romaschkinsk, EUROFW, per, Chemische. Techn:Lk, Vol 20, 1968, pp 99-103 h= 71-16891-07A Feb 72 Method for Cementation with Zinc Powder, by R, Raudert. GEPJAN, per., Chen Tmh Berlp, pp 276-281, 22 Vol 17, No 3, 1969 MeW=tisally Activated Vol 20, No 5, 1968, July 69 385-218 .. ........I-------- -- Bar in Pxoamss 'LbdvuxlDV. 9bciwdcal Solid Wd Ai;or,*Icn, by D, (bIbin, GO Fiedmdu per, Cxxi6 Tedi. Vol 20, 1968, p? 321-328 G3 118 tMI 25M sai/ d3ma aug 69 388t672 C'^~~t'M Of RRaOSdAM2 H--ld. :1. ., 11 pp. GERM" Ch pp T5:0. " JWAMhL-Tt2kWk,, No 6. J,. 196a, JM 46s3J5 Sai/Chom Sept 68 365poiS Rtfmft of KieweIguhr an Carriow Catal"ta In B"peat of ftlpbxw datIono by F. Wolfs F. tom=. CWMN, per, 03odAcbe n-I k. 3,968s pp 348--3W-. XX Bef: 582BAF (m 13305) &d-Cben Oct 69 of Vanadim nLoxide Oad- Val 20, No 6, 395slOB Cbmionl Industry Goals Outlined to 1980, by Wolfgang schimar,, 6 pp. GERMAN, per, Chemische Tecbn1k, Berl1n, July 1968, pp-557-7W.- .Tpns 46647 EE/B. Ger. 369,210 Eoon Nov 68 Immstlgatftm an the Adlabatle Vsdzoam Chlorifto by B. N~ axsm,p nor. gb!!dgft PP T38-TW BIBI 7600 ScObt Nor 70 Aboorptlan or am ff. M)Ohp Val 200 Vm I" 401937 System Technioal Investigations on Comercial Bbhylene Storage., by W. Fratscher aid G. Oc-Wm. OMAN, per, Chenische TechnLk, Vol 21, No 3., 19693 pp 144-179-- NTC 71-13995-07A Feb 72 Future Use of Natural Gas, C&I investigated. bv Wolfgang Schirmerp, 21 pp, GERMANt, per* Qpadec4q. cleat LeLpsige Apr 1969, pp 193-200. _Xt_ JPW 48258 .Sed-Haergy Conv (non-prop) July 69 384,020 CpU=m Type& of Fortl3laer foir GDR Donerlbod, ber Poter Mwdlerv 20 ippe GEMWS 1wre Meadva a lodpxlgo My 1969o pp 258~~3- 94iJILORNOM JPM 48393 Sai.Aa2!&- JU4~ --1w,035 how CatalyAs of the Iswu Caddne Devaribedt bV Hwma= MX=v 19 pp. wau", Cra qjEj#qbq TOW=LIC Lou"dgr VOIL al. 0 jun 19690 pp y*-we im 4M5 NR NTC 72-60919-07A Sol-Chem Sept 69 389v32D Developwnt of Nw RefornIM Cata3,"U Repmtedt ,w NMI booker* Her== BXUMI, 17 pp, amume pwo samuft -W * IddPM6& Val 21, No 69 jun 1969# PP 3 -353- JPRS 48685 0 -Ie-, -) a -/ q ~,P- -? - 0 -2/4 ad-Cheu 3vt 69 389e319 Komarov, V. S. Influence of Synthesis and Treatment Conditions on the Properties of the Catalist. CHEMISCHE TECHNIK, Vol 21, pp 348-353, 1969 NTC-72-14827-07A Jan 73 kh9imeering lAterprise JA&bMty Ingur&nce Weigh9d, by Hans hoffmam, 10 pp. GM4UN* per$ ZMA80bg TtgMk LApsig, Avg 1969, PP 450-453. JPM 48969 EF-E Germ Bolan cat 69 392,171 Cummt, Future Chemical InduaW Tanks Out- lined# by 0. Wyeohofskyo 7 pp. GERNAM. per, ChemisWw ToobnAko Isiptigo Sept 19690 pp 514-518. JM 49248 U-N Geromw Bean Now 69 3%p266 Use of Amperometry and Rolated Mothoda of Electrochemical Analysis in Operating Measuring Techniques, by H. Helbig, GERMAN, per, Chemische Technik, Vol 21, No 9, 1969, Pp 5537-557. NTC-71-12307--07A #rs - &-T-lq F,/ Nov 71 Impurities Remaining in Precipitation of Manganeee Carbonate From Manganous Salt Solutions, by J. Harcy. GERIMN, per, Chomische Tochn5k, Vol 21, No 10, 1969, pp 627-628. ZITC-71-10792-07B Nov 71 :Z!!-" , ", . -. -- -:, 1 -~ , - - --- - -.- -I---- - - - --- - -- . F77---F_ - . .. .. -A! '. - j , - -- - . . I - I- ~~. -.9 oookwU to MmOt Ar 1-1111"ll"Ill"Iml - ~ - -- ~ _- --, t ~40 1=02""V014 G= To ftenert ro "PP, GOOMI, IM-1, ---- - p Ldvdgw lbr 19700 ~The Removal of Dust Particles From an rupure Stream of Gan by the Fluidized ,Bod Processp by We Jugel et al. per, Chemische Toohnik, Vol 22, No 7P 1970, p 403. GZGB Trans 5/208- Ae *7,6 mar 72 Flow i~haraotcmtstlbs cf Non*mAonian- Midds Parb -U1. Calculation of the Heat Transfer for a Laminar Flow in a Pipe, by E. -0. Reher and P. Tittriann GERMANs per, (headsche Tech'211~' Vol 22, No 8., 1970.s pp 472-47.5 NTC 71-14701-20D Feb 'Flowing of NOn-Newtonian ri.'uids by Ernst-Otto !~,~-Reb,ep by --Arnold _Z~nzin, 10 pp/ -T qic-I imik GEIUk~N per".-Chemische -Vbl--22:--N v-719v-71 .0. pp ~~ 6;S 8 - 6 6 :__ ~ACSI-K-1902 FSTC-HT-23-1161-72 Api-72 ROM W. Naidel :Technological Possibilities for the Combustion 6f Industrial Residues. dZECH, per, Chemische TechnJL, Vol 22, 1970, Vp 670-674- - NTC 72-i4o89-o7A Nov 72 Comparative Study of a Model Reaction in Various Types of Laboratory Repetors, :by A, Roethe. SUROPSAN.. per, Ghemische Technikt Vol 23, No 1, 1971, PP 13-16.- ..NTO 72-10880-07A May 72 Recoro-mendations of the Thermodynamics Working Group for a Uniform Utilization, by H: Schuberth, 5 pp. GERMAN, per. Chem Techn., Vol 23, No 1, 1971, Ac'~I+;K-2210 ,FSTC'HT-23-1646-72 May 72 Aluminiam Materialn of ConstrLiction for the Cbemical Industry, by J. Weller. GFAIM, per, Chetdscbe Technf~k, Vol 23, 1971, ATS 64Z127G. $ig.45- 72-60770-07A Jan 73 LHANGES IN PARAMETERS IN HOMOGENEOUS THERMODY NAMIC SYSIENS FLEISCHER L LANGUAGE-GE COUNTRY-GE CHEMISCHE TECHNIK VOL 23 NO 6 JUNE 1971 P 361 -363 FSTC-HI-23-2275-72 K. Backer T~e Development of Modern Hydrocrackin Catalysts In the VEB Leuna "Walter Ulbricht". Works. GERHU1, per, Chemische TechaLk, Vol 23, 1971, .pp 666-672- NTC 72-13513-07A Xov 72 Spalding, D. B. Calculation of the Coubustion and the Heat Transfer in!Coubustion Chanbers. CREHISCHE TECHNIK, Vol 23, pp 709-715, 1971. NTC-72-15039-21B Pub 7 3 As* Happen$ I t --w.- ckouc 6 '' ~ GERUM, per, Chestech, Vol 2, No 4, 1972, p 210, 01304 Bet~elhem Steel Corp. CR,19-197237, 8 May 72 May 72 8160'tric Powor--Via Marriage of Chemical and Aerospace, lud~stries, by F. L. Robsono 11 pp, GEOM,, per, Chemtech, Vol 2, Wo 4s, 1972, 013893 BethleFe-m -Steel Sorporation, CR!9-197237, 8 May 1972 May:72 . . . . . . . . . . Survey of --Prooedures,-~ Facilities for Air puriftoation, 16 pp. GEM4AN, por, Chemisohe Teelmik, Leilozig, No 81 Aug 72, pp Z02-466. JPRS 57150 Oct 72 Chandstryin rmtog%by n - Color Photograp1w. bF lit J, FIjn V&n "t, 12 pp. DUTCH. per Chodo and Lost& Rumne. vol 21. *W No 13, 3. 457-461, ACSI J-435S pp ID 2W4006068 Solo-Chem xv 68 356.243 CSO: 02273/70 w Sri 23 Jul 70 On cei-Lain chlorinated hydroxy and methoxy-3 phenoxy-wthylazaines analogous to hallucinogenic trypt.waines, by Marc Julia, &- Joel de Rosnay. Chimica Therapeutica, Vol h, No 5, 1969, PP 334-342. Special type B: translator's draft plus one copy. 2 C"IMICA F"EHAIJLUIICAB 196b va 0190.2ut lr"tk,~Pxur lout j 10-11217-060 Pharmacodynamice and Crystallino Sbrtxoture: Pheaothdzine and BarlAturio Acid Du~lvativesjp by P. Mareau., at al. WWFEM., per., Chimica Therapautlea: Cbjnie Tbarap2ita;ve NO 4. 1969p p 416. v NTC 71-14561-0W Fab 72 A New Process for MamLf acturing Methane- Sulfonic Doxivatives fxom Polypeptide Antibiabics, by F . Gantes., et al. FRENCH., per., aiimioa Therapeatioa: r.%'ni e Therapeatimue No .5j, 19693 pp 422-423. NTC 71-14562-06E Fab 7 2 W, Poster The Directed Synthesis of S3mthetic Fibers. OERMAK, per,, Chemle in Unserer Zeit, Vol 5, to 1, 1971, pp 19-23 NTC 72-13281-11E The DLfbwLon of Cu La PbS, by J. Bloom. WTCRv pors CbemLoch Ww*blad, Vol 53, 1967, pp 1-4. *CFSTI Tr 70-59038 SCL-Chem May 70 E. A. Thomas The Hypertrophy of Phosphates in Water: Necessity and Technical Feasibility of Re- ducing the Supply. DUTCH, per, ahemisch WeekbIad, Vol 63., 19679 pp 305-319 NTC 72-605o6-ou sept 72 x'.Utci, Tited - ,*iuaititatiw. (!as (3-trx-AIutc)L.rrapliy,, !)Y I I* * loar. WXCI, 1,A--r, Uian. tbdzbl. Vol. 64, No 1. 1968,, A? 13-17. CE 39 ',Icnd Div UID Sci/ CilelymstLy aug 6 9 388,679 Astatinc, the Fifth Halogen, by G. Samson, 11 pl). DUT01, per, Chanxische Weekblad, 11/7/1969, lip 27-31. AEC/JU4L-Tr-859-70 sci/calam Nov 70 Agency: WHHA/MIM P,Oo go. PID-1240-73 R-25393-D 13 Avg. 197 2 TITLAt CRMIM WBEUMRV ft- Sp 25 February 1972. AUTIVAt SOLIM: LANOME: Dutch SVRCUI IWT=CnOW: IPUwa trnw]L&te and type one copyo Kor lightly an original to PONC110. vAtwo original copy with temmlet"U. Further Development of Technical Procedure& for the Biological Tre nt of Sevage, with Surface Aeration., by K. R. Dietrich. GRRMAN., per, Chemische Zeitachrift., Vol 89, No 40 1965, pp 107-3.12. TC-918 Sci-Mech 3)2dus Civ Mar Ebgr Nov 66 313,387 The Mechanism of the Structural Vis- cosity of Polymers, by J. Klein. EUROPEAN, per, Chemiker-Zeituna/ Chemische ApDaratuj:, Vol 89, No 10, 1965, pp 331-338. NTC 72-10772-111 Apr 72 Mw OpOn"s of FbMp~ Modat" to RIO .-- ~ ~# %w 16 F. awk. OMN,p swo CONOW Ta 90o No 22,p IWO Ir MAVWLRM9w abon 2mm or am 3UVTW 64 a aboulavw Aar 6T KLectronic Data Processing in Chemical Ehgi- nearing., by K. Merschke. GMAN3 per$ Chemiker-Zeitung/Chemische Apparatur, Vol 90., No 11., 1966, I:p 359-366. NTC 71-14o87-07A Fab 7 2 Dioxy Diplionyl Propane - Production and Application, by A. Greth. GEMIAN, per, Chemiker-Zeitung, Chemische Ap_paratur, Vol 91, No 11, 1967, pp 357-361. NTC-71-11210-07A Nov 71 Lithium-Compounds In Aluminum Electro- lysis, by R. Dauer. GERMAN, per, Chomiker-Zeitung-Chanische Apparatur, Vol 92, No 1,6-. 1968, pp 57S- NTC 69-11494-07A Sci-Chem I July 69 . 380,007 ~~jt eatment of 'Waste Vatel~ From Film De*veloping Plants, by F,. Hahn. GERMAN, per, Chemiker-Zeitung, Vol 95, 1971, pp 467-471. 72-11078-07A May 72 Eyntb"ls and Blologiml Ptoperbles or Cartaln PAIRM COUVOWASP IW Pwrtmek. U pp. Cam, Vero Cbsplake ZvwUj. Vol 19s, 1965p PP 413-W. AM-J-7W PSW-9&23-449-70 Sol.Cb~M JIM 70 4Wp259 a-n-M,&-(MI4)2OD3-M3-MI4"-R20 Sy~tm' I- 7b& Solids Pr"LpLt&tLng from tba I"tes, by J. Geraj. 12 pp. CZEM, perp Cbma 2ftstL. Vol 19, 1965, pp 393-603. AW.-4A-tr-69-31 /Vre- ?.' - / -1 3 /.-1- 176 15 ScL-Chm Oct 10 Derivatives of Forrocene (X11) Ferrocene Analogues of ObAlcones, IW S. Tons@ 10 ]Mp. CZECH, por, Mamicke : OU, No go 1963, pp 703-710. P:LO0168768-V FTD-M-67-2,62 Sol/Cbem Au,g 68 364p767 mombership or slova oroAp of SionLk Acad- eW of 8ciences in Czechoslovak Cbemical SwLet'vp 16 pp. WAVAKj, per, MeWela Zventi 1965, pp- 865W9-- .$ No 11, JPFS 33641 in-C"Ch Bam jan 66 294..Wr The Influence of Sulphur Conpowds an the PalynwalsAlon of Vitwl monomers (1). by & Staudnere J* Berdeks. 10 pp. CZWH, per, Chw~Lche ZvevUq No it 19669 pp 18-27* AI.R/FTD/-hT-23-1:LW"? AD 845 2811 Sci-Chem F*b 69 372,975 fte AaMm or X=gWl Famalft an iwywsnns sma um mb*AN*j, bw J. awbms MOUP WW* SEIM MoMp %L 2DV VMS w 24~09- Gboa Tmoo bw SM fid to QwdAW 3M*766 Alo 67 Kinetico of the Reaction of Ethylene Oxide With Hydrogen Sulfide and With Thiodiglycolp by Me Repas. CZZCHp perj, Ghemicke Zvsg~i, Vol 20p No 7. 1966s PP 501-506 NTC 72-12377-070 July 72 c-xaa5uriae, uic idnetics of 'ritcrual wCoral'ositioll ut cuiciWil Calimiato oil ull Optically Recording Spiral Ilienjul salance, by 1. proks. CZL-*Qi, por. Memicke Zvosti, Vol XX, 1966, pp b91-715. IiASA IT F-iO,782 sci - BIH 4 i'-Iay 6 7 COVE. I-C14"ChT USE any 324,211 Crystal Structure of Tat racyunot ri ammine Complox ot Mono asid Divalent Coppor having the Formula Cu2 (002) CuCCN) (Nil)),3, by M. L)unuj-Jurco, 10 pp. CZLCII, per, &iem Zvesti, Vol 21. 1967, pp 241-249. AJ:C/L,k-Tr-0--28 IV re- 17 d - //1?/ .9 - 0 -76 Sci/Chopi Feb 70 400,240 Favlw at the AMVIUM ar Us wMak Cbwdoal !!!!tfw -to 21W tw vp VIOMDOV% 6 lppp uww=~V ~ mm,Ar. Vw, agaft -ftop lbf 5# *w 2967# Wo 39%-jgh arm GO sal-am Am 67 333.,W4 4(ANL-Tran"63) &INVESTIGATION OF NEW IN- ORGANIC AND HETEROORGANIC FORMS OF ASTATINE, gNoraeov. Yu. V.; Khallcino Vo A. loTranslated for Argonne Na- tional Lab., III., from - hem. Zvesti; 21: 602-10(1967). 1010p. n(CONP-660966-I)o UDep, NTL9. 26From Radinchernical Co rence, Bratislava, Czechoslovalcia. 26chemistry (inorganic); okemistry (organia); translations 2t 078007C 21~0[14-4 nP NSA A Contribution to the Nomenclature of Organic Compounds, by J. Heger. EUROPEAN, per, Chemicke Zvesti, Vol 22, 1968, pp 137-138. NTC 72-10002-05B Apr 72 A Rew Fluorluntric method for Do of 1311UM4020gPffil" Quentitles of MoMmesterase InUbitors,p by N. Matous". 8 pp. CWM, perp Mismicke Zvestio Val 22.- #0 1. 190P pp ACOX-4-7690 MC-ET-23-438-70 sci-chem Jon 70 4W.,261 Pzoblow 1n BolenUfle InfbzuMdon In MMdAt3rY and fteJ fiWnUcu- by T. Saskema. axon# pwi, amulabe sveaft vea wo no Uv xqwj, Pp 8TSF-tw. NO-69-19M9-00 841410h a am sort 69 354PID6 OU. Oxidation. XIII. Apparatus for DetenninIng the Oxidation Stability of Mineral Oils, by S. Korcek, at al. 9 pp. EZBCH, per, Chemicke Zvesti Vol 23, No 4, 1969, PP 301-306. AIR/FTD-HT-23-248-70 mar 71 Som Recent Ideas cNt the Prcg)lc;ii of Sorting, by C, Vicard, F1W.NCj1, per. (2tiffres Vol IX, No 1, 1%6, pp 41-46. HEW tqLit 3-2S-67 sci-U,%. Aq)r 67 324,715 Aay 11 AuVot IM (Report by tapamw sod Coqp=Wp rne-a DLVdLchp 31 AWst 1973 mikilchp oll":Wag 4 jaiv - 11, &wLmt Im (Slbor INOW und CO. JIG,, %,rJchp 31 August 1971). Ad The w I~ot PAU" M144ma jp2us an* Immewb Chin*'s Industrial Developuent. GERMAN, rpt, Chinas Industivielle Entwick- A?nj, 7 Jan 1969, Incl t; XR 27S4604869 ACSI J-6372 Far East Hcon Hay 69 380,918 I son i9m or Xv 112be 2bird world or CNat, UP "Odmim Bmtrlm Jlbr the "Ird World. WREMM ldchor. 911- IAVI Parl as, I& ebl" et 3A Tic" mm!!IgL, igrap PP 9-1hil Ad fte 6moa so iwt p4busk arlilmi Dim CPU* T.i IX A *web 19T2 I!j omrah 1972-1SP 1. Ikke OW mad the CoWmdoto 4W ToUn Anmrl*a - Oj&Wbw VI# by MblUppe Rlclwr- 90 1^" JWWIOB* awabor ols 1w Fblllpj?e Rtchw- parlop La adne ot 1e Tlwn NMI*,, IV1,9 pp 93-109,0 304-3i Adl8w 1b pubush W JLT.Uwdk 1972 Chino Is Twenty Years Old. FRENCII: La Chine a vinqt ans, Oy Jean-Pierre Brule. Fayard publisher. 1969. pp. 117-201. DIA LN 837-72 June 1972 If I loc C,I "I" oat 68 W OOMPON41W Olosevsklo I (Sauvw wt statmah, -CAROM Ludow (Chinn* ftcvLels am/swo vowba Im"r eft d3j^ 93" am Ift mpmj, but it* fraodes a Yhow mmtftvua mt MU&IM 400 PIAsUo of Extensive 3hfoeW Bar-no vith the US* of Mdno tW R., G. Tbiel4n am Reumt mots., GEWMs perg Der CbLvwK. Val 37,p Heft 21, NOV 19661, pp 502-W., DWL of Navyl)M U30 SOL-B Aw m jon 68 346o925 Diaphragratic Injuries and Their Sequelao, by F. Mmmmrle, 6 pp. GERHM,, 94mao, Vol 38o 1967t pp 399-405. NAVY/NMTI-.tbjLb Oct 72 A New Simple Table for Calmatibing Blood Volwaa and Ekbracellblar Space, ty P, Ibkorb md K. J& Paquet. WMPEAN., per, ZIMUZ Vol W., No 4., 1969, pp 169-171 * NTC 71-14613-o6p 14 OL, Sc~-' T- -F F / -?fS-/ C) Feb 72 W. Creutzfeldt The clinical syndromes of hormonally active pancreatic tumors: diagonosis and differential diagnosis. [Only the following parts of this article are translated: Introduction; III. Profuse ,watery diarrheas ("pancreatic cholera") -Verner-Morrison syndrome; V. Mixed forms.] Chirur 7 V 1 42 97-105, 1971 M. pp 0 Ra_v_5_,7WMTI-TR 1621 feb 73 i, i i- i Jul 72 i r i Immediate Treatment of Urinary Infections In an Infectious Diseaees Department. ROMANIANy per, Chirurg.a.-Bucaresti,, Vol 19, 1970s PP 397-401. NTC 72-10416-063 ;Apr 72 Topics of Methodology in the Radiologic Study of the Salivary Glands, by C. Macchi. ITALIAN, per, Chirurgia Italiana,- Vol 20, No 5, 1968, PP 932-951. NTc-?1-162q2-o6R Jan 72 Tho Ancociation of Thormographic, Scintigraphic, and Sialographic Investigations in the Pathology of the Salivary Glands, by A. Chiesa. ITALIAN, per, Chirurgia Italiana, Vol 20, No 5, 1968, pp 952-975. UTC-71-16293-06R Jan 72 Rxpez-~tal BaI721iwa Conducted Bone Tumors as a Model of Osteogenic Sarcoma., 1jr D. Komitowski. POLISH., perk Chinwgia. Narzadow Ruch i Ortopectia Paska. Vol 3% No 2. 19683 pp 237-242. NTC 71-14335-o6E Feb 72 Masculine, Gonophoric Pseudohexmaphroditism With.AL)domiual Cryptorchidism and Cancer of the Testicle, by L. Cornet. hirurgie, V 64 FREIICH, per, C ol 97, 1971, pp -73. 1ITC12-1428o-obu Je!n 73 Experimental Pemur Head Prosthemia I-lade From Ac3:y:Lic Derivatives, by E. Mronsld BUROPWig per, Phinwgja Nazzadow Ruchu i Ort22edjj~ Polska* Vol 351 No 2, 1970v PP 185-191 NTC 71-16589-06E