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NTRY Albania
CT PA..)132.123E9-7--DiAllaanim
. 1
: Agpr~gilAqieatdrOgi02/19. ?,CIARDP83100415R00610020600-2,..9,: ,
DATE DISTR. 15 Septembe-r'1950
25)(1'. (LISTED BELOW) .
sf,4 rOj
25X1 25X1 REPORT NO.
eclass/Release Instructions On File* Declassification/Release Instructions on File
We are forwarding you for your retention the attached cop Y of A Survey
of Alban, compiled by the 17th CIC Detatchment, Trust.
? WCOld appreciate your Comments and evaluation of the above-mentione
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Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
- 1. Early History
2. Sociological Survey
3. Geoaaphy
4. Political 1447
5. How the Community Achieved Hegemony in ALBANIA 17'4.3
6, The Yuzoslav Allian.:e 3.3:2
T. The Conspirac, of General EON IOU 2er.24
S. Russian Interest 24-25
5. Structure of the Peoples Republic of ALBANIA 25..28
10. Statute of the Albanian Workeral Py 213-32
11. The Compunist Conception of the lour Preedons
1.2. Suppression of Religion in ALBANIA 3;:,
13. Albanian Political Parties in Zx.110 39..13
14. Nature]. Defenses
Section A. Defense Possibilities Wk.
Section B. Albaaian Natural Defense and Possible Invasion '350
Section C. The Coastline of ALBANIA. 50-52
Section D. Military Defense of ALBANIA
Section 3. Soviet Military Mission *-54
Section P. Ground Parcels 54-55
Section G, Rates c Pay and Rations of Albanian Arsw
personnel 5-56
Section H. Order of Battle 5617
Section I. Organisation of Armed Poroes 1!-
Section J. Technical Equipment 1-63
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TA! 07 CORTIXTS ( contd)
Section B.
Section L ?
Section 14.
Section i.
Section 0.
Section P ?
Maw 8.-td Cor.stal Defenses
Marino Infantry and Ocastal Defense
Coastal FortificAtions
Air Force
General Mobilisation for Pre-Military Training
Albanian Army Ins/pile of Ronk, and Uniforms
15. Mineral Wealth
Section A. The Basin of LieCT0--Dta11,
Section B. Basin of Law
Section 0. Tranc.portation, Storage and 013. Research
Section D. Minos
Mines. of Zuke. aad
2. Chromium Minos
3. B it11131311 Mines
4. LOU Area
Section!. Bydroalectric Power
Section 7. Miscellaneous Industries
1. lima
:? .P.111F.1.1
b? 1.012112
Jelling industry
Trans,?ortation and Traffic
1. Maritime Traffic
a. Railroad Comsamice.tions
3. 10?411bWcY Communications
4E, 44vallacts
5. P rincinal Bridges which were rebuilt. between
3.9411 end 1546
Section I. ACriculture
Section 3. Ports
Section G.
Section IL
3. Other Parts
Section I. General Economic Is:demotion
Section L. teed Ration quotas
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pao ro..i.
70.7 65-Ss
Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
TIL Z 03' OONTZSTS ( contd)
4.11banian Version of lorsign Intelligence Activities vithiii
Miscellaneous Information
Possibilities of Revolt
ANN= - A
ALBANIAN Military Information obtained from an Albanian
Refuges. idDI0 report dated 7 August 1950, Reference
No. M-.905
Possible Invasion Routes Into .ALBANIA ?
Exhibit I
Breakdown of Albanian and. Soviet Armed. Porces in ALBANIA
Exhibit II
Breakdown of Soviet Military Mission anti Albanian Wax Ministry
Exhibit III
Breckdown of Soviet Military Mission and Albanian National
Defense Division
Exhibit IT
Breakdown of Soviet Military Mission a.nd Albanian ITaval
Headquarters in Alma,
Exhibit V
Albanian Road and Rau System
Exhibit T1
Ports of Vigo* and. 2aggg2
Exhibit VII
Relief Map of ALBANIA and Division of the Territorial Surface
Exhibit VIII
Exhibit IX
Exhibit X
Exaibit XI
Agriculture and. Torests
Exhibit XII
Density of Pcr:4u1ation
Exhibit XIII
Po?ulation Statistics of 19111
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Page No. iii
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/atiltles Is bens le Par. V. TN 90 - 219 Mai
90 October tan. which primula that the Me-
aleeira of the mature, Boomed Si even the eels.
bow of Collator latMligfroce incymatloa, to
WINS Mat!mod in Cauniar lotsClmmo? Re-
ports, or to other penes* not noimaily eatttled
te arch informatics may In made only whim
bkarlY IgtbMild by tn. DIrscto of latibutiena?
aistral Staff. Utited ttates Army or higher
oothorlfy. Weatherly:6d disclosure it such lifer-
notigg va ho o...id.r,da yMtstisit of AR Soo4.
In presenting the following material on ALBArIA, three principal
objectives were kept in mind; (1) to give the reader a simple and
concise account of the historical background; (2) to present a cross-
sectional analysis of the Communist Party governmental pattern; and
(3) to submit added and timely information to those groups primarily
interested in this field.
In various instances, extracts were made from filed reports since
this information appeared beet suited to illustrate particular points
throughout the survey. Although far from presenting a comprehensive
summation of the subject, the practical utility of this report it..
in the coverage of the most important aspects of modern, ALUM,
An effort has been made to demonstrate the developMent of =ANIL
by the USSR for political and military reasons. Inasmuch as the Soviet
foreign policy has incorporated ALBANIA for the ultimate purpose of
providing the USSR with an outlet to the Mediterranean, it is reason-
able to assume that eventually Yugoslav Macedonia will have to be sacri-
ficed to realize this undertaking. In view of the intornational sit-
uation today, and of the aggressive attitude assumed by the UN., it
may be some time before this Russian ambition in the Balkans can achieve
fruition. The possibility that YUGOSLAV/A will do an about face and
return to the Comirform fold cannot be discounted.
ALBAN/Ms importance stems from the geographical factor rather
than any national accomplishments or contributions. Ru strategic imp-
ortance weighs heavily in the balance of power in the Ueditarransan and
the Near Best.
Per collateral reading Which coincides in part with this reports
it is recommended that the 17th CIO Detachment TEUST:3i-Weekly Intell.
igence Summarg, 1-17 Pub 50. page 5, SaceStraik, be consulted.
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History, Sociology and Gaogrdplly
1. Surly Histori
STRLZO, the Roman historian, mentioned that the Albanians
as a people settled in the trans-Caucasus flatland in the era before
Christ. The Romano had established contact with these people during
the century preceLng the birth of Christ. The Albanians, meanwhile,
had obtained. possession of the fertile valley of the Cyrus niver (at
present known as the Kura, in Amertaijan). By means of a militant
agreement concluded with the Albaniene, the Boman. used. Albanian con-
tingents during their were against MiTHR/DOUS, King of POMO.
According to STRABO, at that time the Albanians were al-
ready an important ethnic group, since they were able to form an army
of approximately 80,000 men. An excellent cavalry formed the strongest
component of this army. The people lived dispersed throughout the
Cyrus River Valley, and also occupied territory in sections of the
mountains north of the river. Various tribes had. a similar language.
but there were considerable differences in dialects. These tribes
were ruled by chieftane whom 8TRABO called ',kings", however, it is
difficult to empire this term with its contemporary meaning.
The Albanians were heathens, like the nomadic peoples who
invaded their territory, and they differed from these nomads by race
rather than language. Mb historic documents remain from that time,
therefore, it cannot be determine& at exactly what period Albanian de-
fense of taipir.on country became possible. /t is certain, however,
that pressure from the souiranreast became so strong that further
defense of their territory could not be carried on by the Albanians.
In conjunction with other racial groups from the last, the
Albanians began to migrate toward the Mediterranean area. By one route
they travelled across Asia Minor (0apadocia. Galatea, etc.) and the
San of Marmara, reaching Tracia (Thrace), south of the Rhodope Mountains:
and by another route the Albanians crossed the Aegean Islands and reecho.
ed luboea, Attica, and. Bootie. Vntil this day, strong Albanian racial
characteristics are perfectly preserved in the irlande which are now
part of MEM However, the northern wing of this migration, not hay-
ing found conditions suitable in Tracia, first turned to the north to-
ward. Macedonia where part of this original group has remained to the
present time. The remainder of the group gradually spread until later
it had reached the coasts of the Ionic and Adriatic Seas. The unsuit-
able conditions pointed out above concerned tbe inadertibility of these
people in cultural and. social fields rather than in any dislike of the
climate or environment.
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A Survey of ALBAITIA Page 2
In their new eountrd, the Albanians were mixed with other
racial groups and elements wMbh had attached themselves to the
main body of AThe.niaas tho process of mtgraUea, either by
mesas of protec.V.7e arrcm&ements or siAal contaC.4 Upon their ar-
rival in what I now knovn as ALPAITIA. the Albanians found PeiaBgie
remnants of a euper..lor celture and civilization, Which influenced
their own evolution consitterably.,, If...ether ox. net these Pelasgic
peoples who ha& preceded the Albanian ia their migration to the
Mediterranean had orig:nelly belonged to the some racial groups is
a problem which has never been solved.
While the ancient history of the Albanians cannot be estab-
lished, with certainty, ethnographers believe that they were part of
the large Indo-European group which had migrated from ASIA arriving
in Tracia and then Bottling during the following centuries in the
impenetrable gorges of contecrposaL7ALBANIA. In an ethnic sense,
ALMYLL occup!es nearly all of the territory surrounded by the bor-
ders of the country ane. also the areas which extend into the littoral
of erne. Gera (Moatenegro) (Rumija Mountain, Point 1593, TIMSLAMIL,
1:250,000, Sheet T-4. 090933)9 and from there across the Ibex River
into the &andjak Region near lievi Pasar (YUGOSLAVIA, 1:250,000, Sheet
Y-31, 810331), then to tho flatland R-kossovo Ptlje, well to the
other side of krIstina (YUGOSLLVIA, 1:250.000, Sheet T-58, 858273).
The ethnic border then fellow the Vardar. River, grazing
Skoplje (7UGOSIATLL, 1250,000. &est T-4S, 873903) until it reaches
Iltov Veles ( UGOreAVIA, 1:250,000, Sheet T-48, 300870). from where
it turns to the southwest toward Strnga (C-C, 18250,000, Sheet
0-1, 203C18) on the northern shore of Lake Ohrid. The ethnic border
then cress the political boundary of omon and AntaLA., following
a line between Str.ya, Grammes Mountain (Paint 2192, ME= 1:250,000,
Sheet G. 4, 21271D, 'Erie vicinity of 4eninrt(GRE2CE, 1:250,000, Sheet
0.-4, 202650), and the Greek coast at PEtrga (map not available).
Albanians living in the Albanian-Greek territory between
Ognokastre (onna, 1:250,000. Sheet 0-4, 146701), and Par are
mixed with Greek ethnic stook. Actually, it cannot be stated with
certainty that these are ethnic Greeks, but the cultural contacts
these people have had during the last ten centuries with purely Greek
elements have left their mark, since there is a great resemblance to
the Hellenic civilization. The Orthodox religion has also exercised
a profound influence, while the people in SOM8 of the valleys have
aisumed the Greek language as their own.
Southern Albanians also live in contact with ethnic groups of
Muco-llahsn (Roumanians) residing in the Pindue Mountains of angle
while there are ten of these ethnic groups living within the borders
of ALBAITLL itself.
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A Survey of asAnk cnonvo pegs 3
The Albanien lazzuno of i:oday preserves some phonetic
forms belonging to theeo peoples who had come from Trade.
This shows te conne3tion with the ancient inhibitante Of
Traci* while enroute during the migration toward the Adriatic-.
The BmvIn Zrapire had vlb4ugated ALBLYIA, but had never Sue-
ceeded in assimilulne hor population. The conquered Albanian
territory was organteally detached from the rest of the Boman !Sp-
ire. /t is a very significant fact that the Albanians were the Only
barbarous people along the Mediterranean coastline who had the
strength to resist national and cultural consolidation by the BOaant.
Albanians lived in the mountains and Boman civilization
*Dula penetrate only with the utmost difficulty, since it followed
411 the roads. Boman culture coated in influence where the roads
ended. Therefore, the Albanians remained in their priiitive 'state
ins to the lack of roads. In the maiS. oMan culture was established
along a narrow coastal strip and along the valleys of the lain Ain't*.
Since the Albanians had chosen mountainous areas in ihroh
to live (possibly due to a healthier climate) their Main :Within
obracteristics remained intact. tt is known that the /bMina Select.
eft the easiest routes of penetration for their politica int &am,
ercial activities. These routes did not cross 'broken giOna, as a
rule, except in cases where there were no better piseagia441111110.
Therefore, the Albanians had practically no relation* With
the 30mans. Bmman culture, which had left indestructible MonuMenti
in the form of public works in some valley areas of Argml
never succeeded in impressing its meet on the AlbanieniPitit,
language, and traditions. Due to this zealous nurturaef tftditien,
the Albanians have remained somewhat primitive gilled the Aiyi Of
the Romans.
Judging from the nature and character of these people, it
requires but elementary deduction to discover that they bail' not
been very progressive in advancing toward what t4 iialeideaCiUmeeit
of civilization. Undoubtedly there has been 's proaaroriiko" Innon,
but it has been quite independent, tithing its partial:if I? thin
this molecular cell of universal culture, and biol.& o? ien"Y ratio
h 1,
In approximately the year 395, which masjthe yea- S
ision of the Boman Mmpire into the Oriental and Obatetar
ALBANIA was assigned to the Oriental iplre SwiWi''
ation took place on paper and did not rap sea' itiMiiirre616, Rite*
AZBAITIA at that time was nothing mora than a feria if" I gU, Praia
domains which were more or less tribult - 0
swigs which were then being formed in ot r peal-art
Approved For Release 2004/P/1: cA110;33-00415R006100200002-9
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A Survey of ALBLIT/A (c07,420 Page
This situation was a result of the fact that both the Aalkn
and *Intern states aspired to the possession of the Albanian coastline
and the Straits of Otranto, either to establish protection for their .
camerae or to penetrate further into the Mediterranean. The ftret
large-scale barbarian invasions of AL2ANIA took place in the 5th cent-
ury, wheh the Goths invaded the country in 493. Believer, in 535 the
Goths were driven out 17 JITSTINIAEUS. Various invaeions of Auatit br
Slav tribes took place immediately after their arrival in the BalkVn
Peninsula. Turing the latter part of the 7th century there were sev6.
oral small Serbian principalities in ALRCIA, slicjects of the Byzantine
lapin), but independent to a certain degree. The Byzantines., who con.-
trolled but a narrow coastal strip, could only exercise a very limited
Influence and their power in the central parts of the country was of a
purely fictitious nature. The Albanian coast was ape divided into
two arise at that time: the coast or virus in the south. and the sone
in the north extending as far as Deka Ketorska (=MATTA, 18250,000,
Sheet Y-35, 080930).
The 9th century brought an event of great hpleerical importame
in regard to ALBA:TA. It was during,thie period OFI,;,trit IPPrO4444A
the country was made by any of the talien states, ,2610 1444w4 $4g
ginning of commercial traffic between ALBANIA ani tO,APP0444 et,VAN4p
and Atemiti. The lopubic of Amalfi established a spetX,deeein at
while the *notion Beriolic established a hold overakeder,444
(117008101A, 1250,000, Sheet Y-46. 423$94). The Norpans, Obe_hV COM-
selidatod the southern part of the ;Wien Peninoic ender thftr *404
also intervened as a consequence of family ties which connected t4Pm
with the Japeror of the Byzantine Tmpire, Vic:heel VQ4. In WA&
was succeeded by Alexis O0MZ3N0S, who Came to the 4440tanee Of I*
Republic of Venice and who was euccelefe In eliatlAWAS Ow...SOW" ?
from ALUM. Although the Norman attempt to settle
ed, it signified the beginning of their hegemony through the estab1i41.
ment Of the Kingdom of Naples.
4..-? ? 4 :
Along the coast, the influence of the yeheIta4 $01404; wwi !PP, .
arent. since the Venotiens wanted to safeguard their sea routes, 7The .
Albanians who were settled along *4e coes.t came into contact with W77.
Um/ institutions which the Venetian, hai imposed won theee4e0ple4 but
the greater portion of the population continmei to live in mo.mto
defending themselves from invasion.; by
people in the lowlands derived some benefit frOP,
ern world, but continued to remain. spite immune
The Venetian Reinb110 diintAict
the north, Using the Bepehlioe.;
Y-35, 035957) which was the
and which remained in oPntra4*:14
and oOltural exchanges., ?snipe,
kTAIL and Una during,tbk ?
influence was limited to the ,1
Approved For Release 2004/02/11 6R00610020060.4!'='
? ?
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A Survey of Anal.TA coet'd.)
Pace 8
Imring the Igth Centnry, the lipoleonic Impotial Invasion
occurred in ALBAMA, Enwevnr," this expedition was unsuccoseful, as
were a number of ?41v0.tii w1.t1lit the Albanian forces of the Turkish
Uwe% These revolts were ormiced 17 tribal chieftains who'were
desirous of expanding porsonha power. The most important of tease
insurrections was that lei by,Ali ?AS HE TEPELZDA, Lord of ;Mena.
After the and of the Napoleonic Sits, during which the
Turkish Government remained extramtly alet%, Mabee& n decided that
once and for always, the rebelling generals of the Albanian forces
would be forced into suhmiision. 10 managed to win the support of
the Christians and:Greeks, than began a long sand bitter campaign
which terminated ia 1S2O, when Ali PUNS T1P1LEIL was killed at
Janina. ,
Although Ali PURI cannot be Mowed to SildriltANIG in re.
gard to military and glory and noble ii** ht is undoubtedly ono of
the most remarkable personalities in Albanian history. Atter his
death, many Albanians migrated int, DUNCE and, valiantly fought ag.
ain't the Turks baring the Greek insurrections in 1821 and 1817.
The movsoent for the liberation of the Moll nations ralich.
composed the !amain pert of the Ottoimi impirs had started under
the leadership of MIS814, which are**, it that tine claimed to be
the 'Protector of the Slav Nations of the Talkanss and placed the
Albanians in a veryprecdrious polition. This was duo to the fact
that the Albanian population was made up of Moslem, Catholic, artd
Orthodox elommats. lerthernors, the convenient location of =ANIL
excited the inperialistic aims of the small lialkan states seeking
en outlet to the Adriatic, an& simultaneously expanding their tones
of influence. The Albanian struggle elver' had. an ant 1416v abaft*"
eT, litnco Slavin represented an eternal menaeo. This is the Amin
moo why the Albanians, who had fought betbioally against the Turks
it elMnber if insurrections and revolt* fought under the Turkish
flag against the Passion armies in the Cilmain Mir. 'Later they lepght
against the united Russian and 1u1gatian fortes.
In MTN Prank NU WIC Prince of the Mitata 'Vibe, who had
been defeated a year previouily by the Tema against whom he had led
an armed retolt, refused all effete by Widen agents and fought with
his fellowers (all Catholic*) in the teak* of the turkikhArmy, both
at pleven end at Sipka Pass. Pacts like these pteeent 091dmoce
that tfio national spirit of AlaCIA has telienetreted staititiens of
vitality elute unity. SW: bee tebognisell the. !Otte tavardhor own
interests independent of religion Whenever suCh-dualita was allowed
b7' prevailing conditions, eine* the religion* factor had, as it still,
has, a great importance in all of the lalkate.
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A Survey of ALBANIA (contd.) Page 6 ?
A source of this report is not of the same opinion. He claims
'with some certainty, sinco he has lived with these people and knows them
well, that the idea of nationalism has been fully reserved, although
restricted, during the course of the country's political strife, to areas
where invaders never were able to maintain themselves for long periods of
time. However, the particularist of individual groups is still very much
A combined survey of the medieval and modern-history of ALBANIA
reveals that utile the country vas always divided by conditions imposed
from abroad, it was also divided by disagreements between.individmal
chieftans. In spite of the factors, LIZ= has always been extremely
jealous of her independence. The survey also reveals that requests. far
assistance addressed to the small states of the Italian Peninsula were
always favorably received, particularly in Naples and Venice.
In 1230, ALBAYLL wi. conquered by the Bulgarian Omar, /van ...alien
II, 'who extended the Bulgarian Empire to the coast of the Adriatic. But
this invasion was of very short duration. The Bulgarians were forced to
withdraw because of an alliance formed between the Serbians. 311Yeautines.
Hungarians, and Tatars. With the departure of tho Bulgarians there foll-
owed a short period of Serbian domination. But this too, we. short since
the AMU Dynasty in expanding its power, invaded Luau daring the year*
between 1272 and 1279. In 1279 all of Aim1Tt4 was firmly held by the
Iingdom of the Two Sicilia,. The Serbians fought for years against the
ANJOU without achieving any success. Venice, however, succeeded in re-
covering the city cf Mauler.
Turing the latter part of the 14th Century, AZBALIA was divithS4
into a large nunber of miner feudal domains. Those waged permanent were
against one another and they would not be reconciled, even by the ToOkier
menace, which was growing increasingly imminent. Someterritoried, like
the city of Jenina, became subjects of the Ottoman 3mp1re of their ova
accord. NeWiii-i'Venice as anxious to save its territorial possessions
in ALIkink.
George OLSTRIOTA, better known as nSaNTME4Mall, bacons the natio*.
al hero of ALBANIA when he succeeded in uniting hie campatrioti in the
common war against the Turkish invader and defeating the Turks on several
occasions. In 1443, exploiting the victory Of :antug soUTus over the
Turkish Army in the vicinity of Ill (=Osumi. 1i250.000. sheet T-39.
923340), sumps= hadhimeelr nominated Govownewajuldg (IUGOSLAVIA,
1:250,000, Sheet Y-46,133662). In the spring of 1444U-formed the
'League of the Albanian Peoples* at id*, which was supported by the
principal ohieftans and the Venetiane Werner' of /1014 phkeder. and
Durres. SLOBBIBBE then began a series of brilliant?asagatigos against
the Turks.
STINDIRUG first defeated grosar avoriar. sh Throes on
29 June 1444. The fighting than ceased for a pori o it to.,'years when
it was resumed in VAT, ant lasted 'Gatti 1453. 4:!:
reOblve4 a
Appratild PUtakillSatiNVOZII/02009.48110:11WPM-IlegliedleaddpC0111108t-Iraples.
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A Survey of ALBAith (cont,d) Page 9
After the political events of 1878, ALBA= demonstrated
other proofs of an admirable national conscience. The Berlin Treaty
(June WS), in appeasing Russian denands,_assigned the Albanian
torritorios of Vranja (71100SLOLit, 1250,000, Sheet T.39, 3175)
and eursumlija (11,00SLUIA, 1:250,000, Shoot Y-38, 612325) to PIM:
Bar (11100SIAVIi. 1:250,000, Sheet r-46. 981932) and the districts
TPiav (11MOSLAVIA, 1:2,0,000, Shoot r-37), Trepca (TooSIAVIA,
1:290,000, Sheet T-36, 714296) and Ouminje (YUGOSISVIA, 1;250.000,
Shoot T-37, 749274) were assigned to CESA GORL (1:orTzmao), while
a part of the Moira* sons given to mum The ',Albanian 'Aegean vas
formed in protest against this division of Albanian territory. This
organization vas both political and military in nature. The "Leagues
decided to resist the occupation of these territories with aras,aad
was supported by Albanians of all throe religious areal who were
without any differences On this occasion.
The Turks, recognising the Treaty, withdrew their forces,
then these were immediately replaced by forces of the *league' and
who were ready to resist occupation of these aroas.Bavever, the
powers which had signed the Berlin Treaty, led. by GMT ammirs,
were anxious to conclude the political contest with RUSSIA, therefore,
they sent an ultimatum to the Turkish Court. In response, the Turks
sent a force of 30,000 men, led by Dervish PASHA, against the Luaus%
gents. The forces of the "League' wore defeated aad its leaders kill-
ed or exiled. The Mirdita Prince, Prenk BIB DODL, was retained se a
At that time. Anenianpatrietio publications began to appear
all over the world. Arberi / Ili (Free Country), the first newspaper
in the Albanian language, was printed under the direttlen of re *IC
the /talo-Albanian poet; Cakondar, published in Wia, under the direct-
ion of piste LAUBASI (a =saber of an old AnaniirifFunily fro* yirana);
the magazine Albania, published in Brussels: Bel I (The Sun), at
Beaten; and LdetIMISati, (The Albanian) publiehWITConstantiruzaa.
_ .
The 'Albanian Leagues appeared again in 1869 led by the 'tribes
of Roti, eastrati, and Skreli who revolted agliast the Montenegrin
occupation of the territory of Pe ri (TUOOSUVIA. 1:250,000. Sheet
y-46, 700265). On this o?ceiori citheIics clad Maoism* fought side
by side in defense of their territory. Movements of a similar chaz.
actor emerged during the events of the Greco-Turkish Mar (1897). the
FRASKERI Brothers, Abdyl and Smmi, gathered Albanians in a patriotic
movement based on a fedora program.
In 1906, the revalution of the Meng Turks" took place. The .
Turkish Government at gonstentineple again sent an expeditionary force
honied. by Shefket MOOD 15ASMi to pacify =AIM- The Albanians meld
have utilize& the unstable situation daring the revolution of the
"Young Turks". Paradoxically enough, the mahout demanded that the
Turkish aspire be preserved rather JIM destreYed. since 041e Balkan
states, in attacking the repira, wait have divided up ALBAVIk as a
Turkish province, with UREA, MOSIMICIM, and GR3n0.1 benefiting,.
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A Survey of ALDAITA (coat' d.)
In an efioze; to ?stabil:ill claims to areas of Southern ALBANIA.
GRZECZ used deliberate methods in confusing the issue. The Greeks
claimed that there were many people living in these areas Who were of
Greek nationality or of the Orthodox religion.
The Balkan War presented a great &Inger, since the Albanians
resented the treatment given them by the Turks, and were still per-
turbed by the memories of 'the acts committed by the Turkish expedition-.
ary forces under Sheiket PASBA and Dervish PASHA. Simultaneoasly, the
collapse of the Ottoman Zmeire would. cause ALBArIA torn to pieces. The
Catholic elements of northern Al3KCIA, formerly the vanguard of the
oAlbania: League' and, as such, suffered most of the inhuman methods of
Turkish oppression and reprisal, deserted the Turkich forces during the
Battle of ELIEsneve (YUGOSLAVIA, 11250,000, Sheet TaAl. 298917) and join-
ed the 0.?:11-2-1-g-arbian forces. Sko 1 e (YUGOSLAVIA, 1:250,000, ghost
T-48, 27 ??7) and Monastir (latol G CZ, 1:250,000, Sheet 0-1,255797)
were taken by theSerbian Army, ich also invaded Albanian territory
and reached the Adriatic Sea at rres (GREECE, 1:250,000, Sheet 0-1,
103044) and Shen Win (YUGOSLA :250,000, Sheet Y.-:48, 106873) by
menas of a Ain maneuver. At the some time, Montenegrin forces be-
sieged Shkoder (YUGOSLAVIA, 1:250,000, Sheet Y-46) uhidh, at that time,
was the nein city of ALBANIA.
Albanians ofCatholic, Moslem and Orthodox creeds then arrayed
themselves against the Serbs and. Montenegrins during the second phase
of the Balkan lihr. In 1912, an uprising took place in the Kossovo utder
the leadership of politicians and militawmon, each as: Rasan DMUS
ee ...vttnn12W...ATIO.Napywar-r. van:. ? r!e:.747_atee-LL4ote:
Isa BOLETIITI conquered Skoplja and Prishtina, and national independence
vas gained on 25 Uovember 1912. Although the Ottoman Zmpire WO app-
roaching its end, ALBAUIA was still in danger of the Slays.
Even though sovereignity was recognised in max:u, her ethnic
territory was cut nearly in half. The tribes of Heti, Gruda, and part
of the Clementi wore completely cut off Albanian territory. The flat-
land of Podgorica (Titograd), and the ports of Bar, andTAT.Iwere in
MONTWZGRO. The fertile flatlands of Pee (EnalETZUGOSLIV/ 1:250.000.
Sheet Y-37, 787200) and Nakovica (YU651a-rIA, 1:250,000, Shoot Y-47,
195553) had also been given to 11011747EGRO to enable her to maintain 411
independent economy, and in doing se, the ethnic and national factors
of the Albanians living in these regions were completely disregarded.
The flatland of Zossovo, with its cities of Prizren(YUGOSLAV/A,
1:250,000, Sheet T.-47, 218532) and Prishtina (YUG0309777:250,000,
Sheet T-30, 059273) were assigned t7711137 -for sentimental reasons
since those cities were reminders of the Battle of Leesovo, whieh had
dost the Serbians their independence. The right bac of the Black in
River up to and across the city of Debar (Ddbr.2)(YUGOSLOIA, 1:250.000,
Sheet Y-40, 4152 1948) was given to-117FLA, while all of the Virus
with the cities of Janina and ,Ciamurija, became part of G.
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A Survey of ,2:.,177A (contld)
Page 11
Three Albanian provisional governments were formed in order
to prevent more harm. Ono was located in /lono and headed by the
prominent /tuail quemal 7LOBA: tho second Zrreeated in )irdj%a,
and was headed. by Fronk (Prince) BIB IOU; while the third. vas fit
.;tranci, and headed by lead PASHA TOPTANI. the Defender of Shkoder.
During the course of the same year (1913), the Ambassador's
Conference was held in London under the chairmanship of Sir MY,
with the participation"MsTveral power,: ITALY, ErGIAND, AUSTRIA,
7BAVOE, RUSSIA and Mint The purpose.of the conference concerned
reaching an agreement et the Albanian .problem, By lanuary 1914, a
conmissiOn VMS established for the delimitation of the Albanian bor-
ders, /n March 1914, William WIWI a German wince, was sent to
ALBANIA as its soveroi4n. However Prince MID sae forced to abandon
Durres in September 1914 aboard AU Italian Vessel in order to escape
an insurrection provoked by lea4PASHA, an Albanian general Who was
assassinated in tot...is a few years later,
2. Sociological Survaz
As mentioned in the preceding section, the Albanians have
preserved almost intact certain social institutions which have be-
come quite uncommon and virtually non-existent in other Btropean
countries. 'While fighting for their independence. the Albanians
naintained themselves in their inaccessible mountains. There they
preserved certain traditions and characterisitics which may be Prim.?
itive and antahronistic: institutions which might bo unacceptable in
other countries: but which prove that the Albanians have remained
genuine and that their race has remained pure.
It is well known that the family is the basis of society.
and When the family ceases to exist, the nation itself is subject
to collapse. In the sopcific instance of AZMANIL, which was so
hard pressed /tun all sides, the state had to retreat leaving the
defense of individuals to small, collective groups. Althowill in
feudal form, which corresponded to the ttme, these groups mannged
to solve the problem by retreating into the mountains, organizine
Small groups, and subjecting them to a severe moral and military
discipline. The aim of this policy was to protect the primitive
cell, the family. /f the family had been allowed ,o disintegrate
and disappear, the Albanians as a nation would be nonmexistent to-
day. For example, the Btruseans disappeared leaving no doscondants,
only a few remnants and monuments of their civilisation.
Tho Berlin Treaty appeared to have boon largely affected br
the general belief that the disnito4ration of ALBULA was already a
completed fact, and that a division of her torritaTios eould_be made
without causing any difficulties% However, as events proved, just
the opposite transpired. Mainly, this was due to the extra:aft:miry
vitality of the Albanians, who, while giving ground to the secular
rale progressing in the valleys, preserved intact their ethnics
struetureittto 04- un-
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A Survey of (contid) pago 12
rosistanco, which corresponded to 65 tribos. At present, the most imp.
portant of those are; the Mati (25,000), and tho Lardita (18,000).
Tribos are ruled by an "assombly of fathers" (family chiefs)
in which a particularly fow chiefs who merit tho honor, hold places
of predominance. /n tho areas under Moslom influence, tho chiefs are
called "Bey" or "Beg", while the foremost carry the titlo of "Bajraktar".
These titles area carryover from tho days of SONlaRBEG, when
the titled wore called "Ddkos","Counts", and. "Captains". "Bajraktar" be-
',came a hereditary title, and is still in uso today in central and north,.
The authority of the chioftan, or Bajraktar, has remained un-
touched in tho northern areas, particularly among the Catholics, in
spite of tho fact that the Communists have tried to diminish or comp.
pletely abolish their personal and historic prestigo. However, there
is reason to believe that rosistanco to tho authorities today has not
yet cease& in the northern mountain areas, sinco the government has
not as yet been able to ponotrato tho territory. /t cannot be deter.-
mined as to how popular a successful resistance will be, since tho Com.
mumist regime uses deception to a great extent, which is a weapon never
employed against these people, oven by tho most violent of oppressors.
Tho "Canon of the Mountain" (Kanuni i Leko DMAGIIIVIT) which was
coded during the 12th Century by an obscure membor of tho great family
of the DUKAWITI, and widely spread during tho timo of salaam by an-
other member of this family, Lek (Alexander) =AMY!, constitutes tho
codification of the mores. Daring that period, all ALBArIA was undor
the influence of the law. It has been altered slightly by Turkish and.
Slav influancos, but basically remains the same.
The basis of tho Kanunl i /Joke DUKAGJINIT is tho law of "Blood
Revengo", which imposes upon tho next of kin of an assassinated person,
a ndutyw or "task of honor" to redeem to dead relative by killing the
assassin, or ono of his family who is "ablo to carry arms". Fuluded
from this law of revenge are women, children, and priests, sinew they
are considered unable to carry arms. Tho redemption of a human life by
payment of a sum of money is considered unmanly and is allowed only in
unusual circumstances, and then only by tribes considered as unimport-
ant. Tho Luria and Mati Tribes oxcludo this practice altogether. al-
though they maintain the institution of "spontaneous pardon". This
allows blood revenge to raapended by mutual accord, but not abandoned.
It may be suapendod in every instance whereby the assassin is
under tho protection of "hospitality", which is a sacred institution in
ALEArIA. Hospitality begins the moment the "Family Chief" allows a
guest to pass the threthhold of his home. The guest, no matter who he
is, is given all possible caro and attention, moro so if ho is a strong..
cr. A ny escorts of the guest are also immuno from twang? or inhospit-
able treatment.
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A Survey of At:cat:LA (cent' d.) Page 13
The woman le shown absolute respect. No man would Aare dis-
turb a woman. Women may travel unharmed, even though they travel
for several days, through variout regions strange to them. It is an
unwritten law which provides authprization for a woman to seek hos-
pitality in any village through Which she may be passing, and it is
the duty of all concerned to accept her and give her the utmost at-
tention and care.
Based upon the Salm& i /eke DUKAWIN/T is another important
institution, that of the oath given in the form of a word of honor. It
is known as the news (noses moans word). By taking it, one assumes
the duty to protect and to keep in safe custody a person, to defend a
locality, or to fight in the national interest. To break onols whose'
would expose the offender to the unlimited contempt of his fellowmen.
The judges or enforcers of such laws as those were the chieftains,
to whom the collectives owed blind obedience, particularly in the case
of a call to arms. Such tradition of command existed until the arrival
of the Columnists, although the authority of the individual Boys had
previously deagenerated somewhat since many of them had adopted the
Western wo.7 of life, especially after 1913. In wanting to give their
eons a more cultured background plum a formal education, they were sent
to various European capitols. There tho sons came into contact with
mentalities quite different from those they were familiar with, and re-
turned home with many new ideas. King TOGU was a prime example of a
dual education. Ho had spent some time as a youth at the Court of the
Sultan in _Ltir_mktConstar , and later was attached to the Court of 20110er
CARL in Vienna, thus providing him with the necessary ezpifirionca to be-
come a ruler. He had learned both Oriontal and Occidental principles of
government and montalitios.
It may be safely assumed that none of the Communist social in-
stitutions could penetrate the areas occupied by the Clamonti, &strati,
Kraisniqi. HUba, Bityci, DUkagjini, Ktumal Luma. and. Mirditi tribes.
Those tribes of northern ALBANIA, pressed between TIT on the
north and the Tirano government on the south, find themselves in an
identical situation as prevailed &Snag medieval times. Their resist-
ance, in addition to purely physical efforts, is maintained by a shrewd
political sensibility, Which is a result from the times when those tribes
wore forced to employ to the best of their knowledge, a sense of polit-
ical and nilitary intelligence in order to centinue their defenses.
In approaching thu center of ALBANIA, the predominance of ruse
over physical violence and overt defense becomes more noticeable. This
in particular reference to the tribes of Malakastro and Musacis. This
is trao of the Malakastro tribe more so because of their poverty 'din&
fortes them to bow to therCommunist authority in order to physically
survive. Tho Musacia tribe is the center of a Communist collectivizat-
ion experiment (duo to the stealth of this group), and is sypervieod
quite rigidly by a large nurbor of Owimuniets,
. ,.s.WM,.
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A Survey of ALBYLTIA (cont d.) Pogo 14
3. Geography (Soo Exhibits V/I, VIII, IX, 14 XI, XII, & XIII)
ALBA= is nn oxtremoly mountainous country, averaging more
than 3,000 foot above Ben level. Tho Dinaric Alps in the north and
northeast, and the Pinch's Mountains in tho south and southeast form
the walls of a huge amphitheater which encloso a marshy plain along
tho Adriatic Sea. Sevoral rivers cross the narrow coastal plaint
flowing rapidly because of their relatively short courses, sinco they
avorago 130 kilometers in length in their stoop doscont from tho mount..
ans. Tho most Important rivers aro; tho Bojana (tho only navigable
river in the country), the %bite Drin; the Black Twin; the Mati; tho
Xrsoni; the Vojusa; and tho Shkumbin. The last named river separates
ALBANIA into two separate regions, with the Ghegs living in the north,
and the Tbsks in the south. There are small, fortilo wallop and bas-
ins, and toward, the hinterland, there are wide valley' and plateaus
'which contain the centers of population. The Albanian climate is
Mediterranean; summers are hot and dry, and winters are moderate. Coast-
al tomperatures are higher than those inland. There are boeoh, pine,
and fir in the highlands, and large areas of oak, valnut, chestnut, and
elm in tho coastal plains.
Mineral resources, although relatively unexploited, are boliev-
ed to be considerable, and include aluminum, petroleum, lignite, iron,
bitumen, asphalt, gypsum. and copper. Only a small part of the inter.
ior is arabic, although nearly the entire population is engaged in a
combination of farming and stock raising. Chief crops are; corn, rye,
wheat, barloy, tobacco, oats, spelt, olives, and citeas_fruit.
4. Throe events have occurred Which, although external to exi.
ternal to A/BLE/A, are likely to have an important influence on her
internal situation. Diplomatic relations have boon rom,opened with
ITALY; the Greek Weals have announced that for the present they have
called off military operations; and MYGOSLATIA has formally denounced
her treaty of friendship with aum.
In more fortunate countries, the welfare of the people depends
mainly upon tho effectiveness of tho government's internal policy and
administration. In ALBArIA, to a quite unusual extent, the life of
the poople, oven dotal to tho adequacy or inadequacy of their rations,
is affoctod by the actions of neighboring countries, by their relations
with her, with each other, and with the Groat Powers. Wer since tho
final departure lf the Turks in 1913, ALBANIA has required the expend.
ituro or investment of foreign money to keep her tamodiately supplied
with consumer goods, and to carry through tho lonsAorm dovolopment of
her resources which may one day make her economically independent.
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A Survey -f (cont,d) pogo 15
Therefore, ALBANIAto foreign policy consists primarily of
tho search for a patron and a rmoal ticket". This is, in a most
literal sense, the trade by which she earns her daily broad. In
King ZOGUss time, ALBAITIA was functioning on Italian loans. A beg-
inning was made in the establishment of tho state framework and in
the dovolopmont of her minerals. But tho ITALY of MUS9DLINI wanted
repayment in tho form of strategic control, so tho indigenous MM..
archy was expelled, and. ALBANIAls-precarious indapendonco isises-
tinguishod. The now rogimo undor ITALY was not more noticeably op-
pressive than its prodecossor, its greatest handicap was that it mom
foreign. Economically, ALBANIS flourished as tho favorite child of
Fascism. Building and dovelopment wore emphasized, the people wore
furnished adequate foodstuffs, and tho shops wero well stocked. As
later developments rovoalod, tho prico of this investment and proe.
parity never had. to be paid. ITALY lost tho war boforo she could
either colonist) tho land, or recruit Albanian conscripts for her gar.
risons or ovoreoas armies.
ITALY had /lono and Bann Island (Sasono) under her dominat-
ion from 1914 On. "Mang tho First *rid War, she extended hon coo-
upation over to Eurres and control ALBANIA, whore /bad PASHA had for-
med a temporary governeent with Italian aid. Apparontly tho Italian
aim was to limit Austrian influenoo in tho Moditorranoan. /n 1915
AUSTRIA occupied !mt. Losh, Shkodor, and Durres: while Bulgarian
troops penotrated-te-labasan. ?071.7-Doconb7-1P0ox, the Ambassador**
Conference in Paris recognised the constitution of tho Albanian gov-
ernment. In 1f7C-ZOOU mado his ontranco in Albanian politics OA
Minister of tho Interior.
ZOGU was born at Burgajot on S October 1895. He is a descend...
ant of an old feudal family. Ho spent part of his youth at tho court
of William IVIED, and during tho First %bad War was appointed "colonel
ad honoromr by tho Austrian IMperor CARL. In 1922 ZOGU performed a
coup d'etat, and brought ordor to the country. Ho then became Prime
Minister. From 1922 to 1924 Albanian history depicts a chain of in-
surrections, with ZOGU having the chance to display tho characteristics
of an energetic statesman. In 1924 ZOGU failed to suppress the move-
ment of tho National Party led, by Theofan S. NOLI. As a consequence,
ZOGU was forced to escape to ol rade. Thestan S. NOLI then became
Prime Minister. ZOGUIs unexpott sit in Bel ado was a favorable
event in regard to YUGOSLAV/A's policy towar 741. Nikola PASIO,
a very capable Yugoslav statesman, gave ZOGU arms and money and asked
him to roturn to ALBANIA.
On 24 DocLmber 1924 ZOOU returned to ALRAIIIA and forced VDU
to escape to ITALY, from whore ho want to AUSTRIA, tho USSR, and later
to the UN/TED STATES where ho lives at present. On 31 December 1925,
ZOGU announced the constitution of tho Albanian republic. sp was then
elected president, and among tho first laws hs introduced was one which
called for six months compulsory military service.
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A Survey -f (contld)
page 15
Therefore, LIBANIA's foreign policy conoists primarily of
the search for a patron and a sacra ticket". This is, in a most
literal sonso, tho trade by which she earns her daily broad. In
King ZOGUIs time, ALBAITLA was functioning on Italian loans. A beg-
inning was made in the establishment of tho stato framework and in
the dovolopmont of her minerals. But tho ITALY of MUSg)LINI wanted
repayment in tho form of strategic control, so tho indigenous mon-
archy was expelled, and. ALBATIAls precarious indopendonco was exp.
tinguishod. The now regime undor ITALY was not more noticeably op-
pressive than its predecessor, its greatest handicap was that it was
foreign. Economically, ALBAN/8 flourished as the favorite child of
Fascism. Building and dovelopment wore emphasized, the people wore
furnishod adequate foodstuffs, and tho shops wero well stocked. As
later dovolopments revealed, tho price of this investment and pros.
perity never had to be paid. ITALY lost tho war before she could
either colonist) tho land, or recruit Albanian conscripts for her gar.
risons or overseas armies.
ITALY had Vlono and Sas= Island (Sasono) under her dominat-
ion from 1914 On. During the First World War, she extended. hor occ-
upation over to pumas and central ALBANIA, whore Egad PASHA had for-
med. a temporary government with Italian aid. Apparently tho Italian
aim vas to limit Austrian influence in tho Mediterranean. In 1915
AUSTRIA occupied ;raja. Losh, Shkoder, and Durres: while Bulgarian
troops penetrated to Inman. 7;717-tocaria;771?70, tho Ambassador,.
Conference in Paris reeognised the constitution of tho Albanian govi-
ernmont. In 15-17-ZOOU mado his entrance in Albanian nolitice as
ZOOU was born at Burgajot on 8 October 1895. He is a descend.-
ant of an old feudal family. Ho spent part of his youth at tho court
of William ZED, and during the First tbrld Whr was appointed ',colonel
ad honoraria,' by the Austrian Emperor CARL. In 1922 zoau performed a
coup dfetat, and brought order to the country. Ho then bocame Prime
Minister. From 1922 to 1924 Albanian history depicts a chain of in-
surrections, with ZOGU having the chance to display tho characteristics
of an energetic statesmen. In 1924 ZOGU failed to suppress the move-
mont of tho National Party led by Theofan S. NOM. As a consequence,
ZOGU was forced to escape tto Vo1va4o. Theotan S. NOLI than became
Prime Minister. ZOGUis unaxpotted visit in Bel ado was a favorable
event in regard to YUGOSLAVIAls policy toward. . Nikola PAS/O,
a very capable Yugoslav statesman, gave ZOGU arms and money and aaked
him to return to ALBANIA.
On 24 December 1924 ZOOU returned to ALBALTIA and forced NOL/
to escape to ITALY, from whore ho wont to AUSTRIA, tho USSR, and later
to the UN/TED STATES where he lives at present. On 31 December 1925.
ZOGU announced the constitution of the Albanian republic. No was then
elected president, and among the first lave he introduced vat one which
called for six months compulsory military *orrice.
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A Survey of ALBANIA (contld)
Pag0 16
When ZOGU came into power, he turned toward ITALY for assist,-
ance in solving his economic and political problems. An agreement to
this effect was signed on 27 NoveMber 1926 at Tirane, by the Albanian
Minister of the Interior, Eye= VBION/ and the Italian Minister
Pompoo A/OISI. This agreement favored a political, judicial, and torr-
itorialltetatue quo" in AIBANIA. ZOGU knew that a reciprocal political
interest could only be based upon a military alliance between ITALY
and ALBANIA. On 22 November 1927, a military agreement was signed at
Tirane. /t is natural to consider that zoauss policy was not dictated
by love for ITALY, but more because he was only too well aware of
YUGOSLAVIAls aspirations toward ALBANIA. On 1 December 192, after
having previously obtained tho consent of the National Assembly, ZOGU
was elected King of ALBANIA with the title of ZOO, the First.
Financial support was necessary for the reconstruction of the
country. YUGOSLAV/A and OBEE0.1-=re :In ao liosition to grant tho funds
needed by ALBANIA. Therefore, King ZOO again turned to ITALY. In 1925
SVIEL (Societe Sviluppo /Conon/co ALBANIA, Association for the Zconomie
Development of ALBANIA) granted a credit of 243 million lire to be re-
imbursed over a 40 year period. In 1931, although Malin, had not paid
the interest on the first loan, ITALY granted another loan of 100 mill.
ion lire under the co tion that ITALY be permitted to supervise the
finances of ALBANIA.. It was then established that this new loan should
be gradually settled bach time the balance of the Albanian government
exceeded 50 million lire. The Italian request sounded like an insult
to King ZOG, who then endeavored to find now markets, The Italian
government then wasted no time about the matter and pronptly dispatch..
?"be r9 navy sh1bsIMEMPINF0.931). Eirt6 II,I'T WA4 :44en advised to sfl..
tie the matter in a 71337ful manner. It is quite possible the Italian
MOW was initiated by the fear that King Zog night negotiate a secret
agreement with YUGOSLAVIA. Loyal pelitical and economic relations bo-
A/BArIA and ITALY wore virtually ended, and there began an atmosphere
of ',nerves" until April 1939.
(-1.,_t was then that tho moment of groat events began, and ITALY
thought ft-necessary to invade ALBANIA. Piton 7 to 17 April 1939,
Italian troops landed in Aussu while ZOGU fled to OBIEGE, taking
with him the national treasury. YUGOSLAVIA remained silent about the
proceedings mainly because of the agreement signed earlier in the year
between MUSSOLINI and the Yugoslav Primo kinisfer Milan STOJAIENOVIC.
Tho only resistance to tho Italian invasion was conducted by
Alas run, who led the Albanians in a brier novanont by utilising the
troops stationed at Durres and Vim). ITALY soon consolidated her
position in the country. It should bo mentioned that the Italian act-
ion has boon preceded by a (systematic preparation, Francisco JACONGUI,
Italian Ambassador to ALBANIA, very efficiently handled the diplomatic
angles. He secretly contacted antis-ZOGU elements who agreed to coll..
aborato with him, blinded by his promises (which, incidentally, were
never kept), of sharing in the government.
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A Surrey of ALBANIA (contld) Page 17
During the latter part of his reign, Mr indulged in a rather
dangerous policy, since he had closed all Catholic schools, and failed
to observe the formation of the first Comaunist cells in ALBAN/A. In
failing to see the infiltration of Communists into various promo:MI
departments ZOGU allowed a situation to begin which would have ultimate:1T
cost him his throne had the Italians not beaten the Oommunists in expel.
ling hin. ZDGC appeared to be more interested in ereatinc an antagonism
between the Christian and Moslem trill's of the country, in view of the
fact that the Italians weresupportig. the Catholics. He Swung his sup-
port to tic Moslems thereby creating a situation which undoubtedly would
have registered sufficient repercussions had. not political moves dowel..
?pod earlier.
5. How the Qemunists Achieve Hegemony in ALBANIA
The organisation of the first Oommunist eons, known asnommuaist
groups", originated in 1931-32. There were three groups and their res.
pective centers were in Shkoder, Tira and Ince. Iron those thi'ee
centers, branches wore oi571-4-in other towns and cones, PropagOada
material (books about MARX, =LS, mar and STALIN) was brought into
the country through various channels which included mysterious visitors
who came every week from 11100112AVL4 Contacts were made with Albanian
elements abroad. /n 104, ZOGUis adninistrattee policy wab ahtaken when
he decided to close all Catholics schools. This move brought about dis.
estrous psychological repercussions among the youth.. _A 60.1ete cheat
reigned in the Albanian State School Systeme. especially in 1- The
Minister of Public Education, Mirash /VAULT, was the Maur One may of
all Catholic Schools.
Taking advantage of this 'liberal policy", 111)anian officials
who up to this time were not known to be extremists, appeared on the ?
political meg administrative scene, Some examples are: Zef R/BDITA,
a high official in the Ministry of the Interior/ lenet TOTO, former
high official in Shkoder; Professor Skonder LOW' (at present a member
of the Agit-Prop in Tirane) who used to deliver long speeches on social
progressive theory to groups of his students after classes. The most
fanatical Albanian Communists graduated from LAUBASIgs school, 'cone
then: qemal STA7A, National Hero, killed on 5 May 1942 by the Italians;
Gjevalin LCZA, at present a Deputy; Xhemal? BIWA, at present an official
of the SIOURIMIT; lrok MO!. at present-in the Officers School in XIfesevaa
Vasil MUNI, at present a member of the Albania3w4oviet CultuxU
itteet Cin SOMA (killed in an automobile accident in the fall of 1949);
Vojo KUSH/, National Hero, killed in combat at Tirane,1944; Zija
at present the Albanian Consul in llacaue; Mark ULL at present lint Sec.
retary of the Albanian Legation in Paris. The following is a list of
those persons who collaborated during-We first years of the formation
of clandestine Communist groups at Shkoder and who have important pos-
ition, in Tirane at present;
a. Ink JAKOVA - a carpenter's apprentice in 19431 today he is a
Vire Prime Minister, Major Goma itabanian Army, sod a member of the
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A Survo7 knArIA (contld) Pago 18
b. Mark HIM - Member of tho Albanian-Soviot Cultural Committoo,
and nembor of the SWUM (Shognija Per Milne Ushtriso e Mbrojtjes -
Association for Aid, Army, and Defense).
C. Kolo JAEOVA TUkts brothor, a mambo:* of the Albanianp-Soriot
Cultural Committeo.
d. Arif 47YLI - ilomontary School Teacher, at present a high
Party official in Shkoder.
The group in Korea boasted such membors as: Xoxo ICON; Enver BOEHM
and Mottle Tho groups from both Tirano and Kora? had lesser idool-
ogical preparations, but had a more devonirrpolitraradhosion among
tho followers due to those factors:
a. Southern ALBANIA was particularly hostile toward EMU, who had
neglected their region, and had failed to include any southornors in his
b. A rather liberal, but not very religious Character of tho pooplc
o. The war, Which totally inpovorishod southern ALBANIA.
Although those Communist groups wore in contact with each other,
they wore pormeated with sectarian and opportunist fooling.. Tho Party
in ALBANIA is a Yugoslav product, and without tho aid of tho Yugoslays,
there would bo no Communist Party in ALBANIA today, Boforo tho arrival
of Milan FCPOVIC and Dusan HUGOSL, who wont to ALBANIA to organise, and
euide Albanian Communism, the existent groups were rathor insignificant.
There wore discrepancies in their policies and they indulged in
a continuous and bittor struggle.
The situation dominating these groups of Albanian Communists of
the time was definod by Milan POPOV/C in 1949, as follows: !NO had faun&
a roal chaos. Altogether thoro woro eight groups of Trotskyists. Zech of
them struggled for supremacy over the others. Frequently they cane to
sec us and accuse the others. Discussions with these groups lasted from
ten to twenty days. WO went from one illegal meeting to another. lb
discussed with the group in vorco in tho houses of Enver BOMA and
!Coco TASSKO. This group attenptod a rofusal in any admission of its err-
ors. They claimod to be wthe Party,' and considored the others as groups,
but we succeeded in persuading them that they should accept tho Consitut-
ion of the Party. The highest contributions from tho group in rare?
were given by KeCi XO XE and !Cristo PAIDIN.
6. The YUgoslam,Allianco
lexischis ruign, ZOOU showod pronounced. ability, and his great-
est success was the organisation of the police force :those connanding
officer WEIS a British Officer, Colonol BILL. t-
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A Survoa of Al*?ArTA (cont' d.) page 19
ZOGU kn.)w his people better than any other Albanian. He MMO
not loved, but accepted. His greatest ctiticiem would lie in the fact
that he did not exproos tho peoples will through a more representative
government. He hold a virtual monopoly of governmental poets, and ho
failod'in including representatives from all over the country in his
cabinet. Tho fact that ho developed the Mati area his own birthplace
and strictly Moslem, above all other areas in =ALA showed a favorit-
ism which rankled, in the South. For reasons such as those, tho eland-
?stifle groups of Communists were making rapid headway. They had. much
to offer in the way of propaganda even beyond tho ordinary Communist
The alliance with 7000SLAVIL was made possible because Albanian
Communism is a movement developed almost exclusively in tho South. Bad
the northern Ghoge been in power, they would have undoubtedly looked
askance at such an alliance: A few reasons Why there would have been
no such alliance are: YUGOSLAVIA is in possession of large tracts of
land Which aro inhabited mainly by Albanians, both in the wheat lands
of Metohija and Kossovo, and northwestern Macedoniat in 1912 tho Serbs
and Montenegrins endeavored to obtain possession of moot of northern
ALBANIA, including the city of Shkoder* and the way of life in the
North did not lend itself to the Communist way of life.
However, the Communists were recruited from the Tooke, whose
fear of foreign domination stemmed from the other direction, GAIZOTa
They turned to YUGOSLAVIA as the only available aid, since
ITALY had been beaten and was discredited, and GREECE waa taa spa..
tho Yugoslav Communist party was tho
channel through which directives from the Kremlin were reoioved, and
the two or throe sinister figures who briefed laver BOA during the
struggle for power wore all Yugoslav Communists,
Milan PQPOVIC, Dusan MMOSit, and later on, Svotosar VUXMANOVIO.
alias "Tempos, were tho creators and the ggides. They were in truth
the real loaders of the Albahian Commuaist party. They smoothed, as
much as they could, the conflicts, brevet discipline, organised die.-
tricts, appointed loaders, and issued orders. They Insisted that a
National Liberation Army be formed. As soon as the let Brigade was
assembled, Mehmot SHIM was appointed Commanding Officer While his
advisor was an MUCOSA, the virtual dictator. SHIM/ at present, is
the Minister of the Interior, bolds tho rat* of Major Gsleeral, and is
a member of the POLITBURO;
On a coatain occasion, Milan POPOVIC made the following state-
ment. "Before we left for YUGOSLAVIA, Dusan MUCOSA. was invited to the
Assemtly of the Central Committee of the Albanian Communist Party, and
it was at this time that ho announced that General Spiro wasru was not
adequate and that his place should be taken Over by !aver HOXA, Oemmm
issar of the Supreme Command, The Control Committee approved MOOCals
suggestion, and daring the course of tho conference held in Normal dtp.
lag May 1944, EOM was appointed Supreme Commandant, with raa-o? Col-
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A Survey of ALBAN/A (cont' d.)
Page 20
Yugn41av u:' 3t5. complotely dominatod tho Albanian Con.
munists. When MUGOSA roturned to YUGOSLATLA, Albanian Communists
correeponaed with him. A paragraph from a letter written by the
present Minister of Interior, Mehmet eeretT reads as follows, !We
did not have aParty, but merely a confused state of things. With
Yours and POPOVIC1 instructions we were able to form our party. You
helped us; you taught UA; and cured us as does a mother with her
child,. Major Genoral Bedri SPARIU, present Attorney General of
the Albanian Peoples Republic, wrote, !WO learnod from you, !Sale
(alias of MUGOSA), what was indispensable for as. Therefore, I
personally, with everyone else, fool something of you in ourselves.
Our lives as Communists are bound with yours!. Expressions
of servilism are containod in letters written from Enver EOM,
Zoci XOXE, and Ramadan CITAZU, which reached their peak in the words
pronounced by HURL at tho Assembly of tho Central Committee of the
Albanian Communist Party hold at Borat, in Novabbor 1944, !Comrade
Blazo (Blaso JOVANOVIC, dologato of Control Committoo of tho
Yugoslav -Communist Party for the Albanian Central Committee) contrib.-
utod a groat deal to the conference, 31azo was for UA as GOD from
Diving the Italian Occupation, Communist groups wore pass.
ive and thoir only action was the publication of a manifest on 8 Nov-
ember 1941, issuod on the initiative of POPOV/0 and EUGOSA by the
Communist Group of Shkoder, on tho occasion When HITLER attacked tho
Soviet Union. The manifest read, !The chances to start an armed re-
volution against tho Italian occupation IncreasoS with BITLERPs agg-
ression against tho Soviet Union!. Rowevor, duo to lack of politio-
al activity and organization, the manifest wont unhooded, Luring the
course of tho first conforonco for the formation of the Albanian Opm.
monist Party (8 November 1941), and in the resolution of the first
conference of the Albanian Communist Party held at liabinet. in April
1943, the passive attitude of Communist Groups was sovoraly admonish-
ed.. During the conference at Labinot, it was montionod that, !the
struggle among the various groups of Albanian Communists impeded a
favorable action during the following historical phases;
Occupation of ALBANIA on 7 April 1939 by Italian troops.
Other internal Albanian affairs.
Second World War, and during the war doclarod by ITALY on
In 1939 !Bali umbetars (Eationa Pront) was founded on the
basis of a ravtautionary program Which included* liberation of the
country from the Italian inscist Occupations and tho establishment
of a democratic regime with applications of economic and social re-
forms which were to bring real liberation to the people. Tho form-
ation of this organization was duo mainly to British policy Whieh
was designed in AIBArIA to harry and obstruct the Italian occupation.
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A Survey of ALBZIA (contld) Imago 21
In 1939.4D, tho British had daily contact with the exponents
of !Belli Nombotarig. During this period, Colonel B/IL (organizer of
ZOGIs Gandarmerio) was living in Tirane Whore ho had become very cog-
nisant of the political probloms, the people, and their language.
"Mali Xembetarw was responsible for propaganda which was off-
icaeious in promising to struggle for the wlreo and Independent AMMAR,
which was to have a republican governbent, with a social policy baba
on freedom for everyone under stato control. The policy further in*
e1mdai a "Greater ALBANIAN which meant the return of Metohija, Kessovo,
and Ciamurija, tho first two from YOWSLAVIA, tho lot tor from GCI.
It is quito Clear that tho political program of 'mem Kambetarw
had nothing in common with Communist aspirations. Tho following are
some passages written by Milan POPOV/0, published in.wYugoslav*Albanian
Relationship, pago 78: nThe leaders of the ',Bali Kombeimer, disregarded
(every other organisation and considorod the Central Committee of the
National Liberation Resistance as a typical Communist organisation. Bev?
oral discussions took place with members of tho *alio but these failed
to produce any results. Seleamegbers of tho Central Committee Of the
Albanian Communist Party, among Whom were Shyer ROXRA., attributed too
great an importance to these discussions and noglectod the activity
which should havo been perforaed among the masses of thenalliw and
aiming to disclose their reactionary leaders".
The Albanian Communist Party refused to apply the decisions
taken at tho General Conference in Labinot, regarding tho organisation
of a Communist Army or n National Liberation Army, without first hav-
ing reached an agroomont with wMalli Kambotae. Svotorar VUIMANOVIC
and Blazo JOVANOVIC exerted pressure on tho Albanians along-Obbinrliiveggi
because a few days after the Pirst General Conference, VUXHABOV/C arr-
ived in Labinot, where part of the Central Committee was gathered, and
in comPar7YEER :OVANDVIC, they urged the Albanians to examine the mil.
itary problem. VUEMANOVIC did his utmost to convince the Albanians of
the necessity of forming a ',Supreme Command of the National Liberation
Army" without waiting for the conclusion of negotiations with "Belli
KombetarN, which was organising its own army and intentionally daliging
tho discussions with the National Liberation Movement.
*Unless a Supreme Command is formed immediately, it means that
*Belli Kombetar, plans are being followed. Some of the members of the
Albanian Central Committee of the Albanian Communist Party did net under-
stand tho situation, among them being Enver Emit and. Dr. veer tassErca,
which clearly shows their lack of political intuition. Because of the
same reasons, some members of the Central Committee of the Albanian com-
munist Party were against the organization of mobile units. VUINANOTIO
suggested that field caapanins (which lid not load a military life) be
converted into partiSen detle%monts, with regular military discipline,
In a continuous offensivo status, and =say moved from one place to
another. /t was further suggested that larger units be formed without
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A Survey of ALBANIA ( cent' d.) Page 22
The Supremo Command was organised four months following the
Tint Sonoral Conference, and tho first brigades woro mobilisod fivo
months later.. Mobilo and assault military units were formed after
the intorvontion of Svetosar VUEMANOVIC, who in July 1943, whilo ra.
turning from GREECE stoppori at tho village of Eucako (in tho ricinity
of Estee) and submitted his opinion to the Con1761-Tommitteo of the
Albanian Communist Party.' "I ropoatodly insistod on the fact that it
vas necessary to immodtately convert field companies into partisan do-
tachmonts, which could, in turn, be convortod into larger and mono mo-
bilo units. Tao to tho fact that the organisation of forces in liber..
atod territories vas rather neglected., I urged thorn to form a military
authority in the hinterland, boforo the am& of tho discussions with
"Balli tombeeer".
Aftor his suggestion was accopted by the Central Committee of
the Albanian Communist Party, VUKMATOVIC left for Nacodonia. On 1 2
August 1943, the exponents of Milli Eombetar" gathered at Mukaj, whore
they met the leaders of the National Liberation Movement (Communists)
to decido about the policy to follow in connection with future military
oluorations against tho Italians.
It vas then that tho "Committoo for National Salvation" vas
formed and vas given full power to wage var., Ins toad of the motto
wfreodom to the PeopleaDeath to fascism", tho Committeo chose tho
words "Tooth or froodom". They drafted a progron for the Committeo
which contemplated tho organisation of a Groator ALBUM.
following instruction from high and official sources in
YUGOSLAVIA, TUENABOVIC dissolved tho agreement roaohod at and.
croatod a strong antagonism within tile Albanian forces, vh1Wlit that
timo, were struggling among thonsolves. Subsoquont to the breaking of
thoAgreement, Nohmot SMERUand DO= MUGOSA were leading a
num:iti troops in the vicinity of Zushn4a Whore they suraininded 16S
soldiers belonging to "Boni Kombotar", and massacred all of that. By
omploying all sorts of roses, doviations of pelicy, dishonest pract-
ices, and all other moans to further tho Party Lino, the Albanian Oomp.
muniste with the aid of tho fugoslav Communist., achioved hegemony in
the country.
Germany never administered the country. !or a year, and for
purely military reasons, sho occupiod ALBANIA with troops and held tho
ring while the Communists, who wore pledged to fight the Sermons, wore
liquidating antisuCommunist forcoo against the day of liberation. Tao
British wore instrumental in aiding this practice since their into:vet
was rofLoctod only in tho groups who wore capablo of killing tho most
Serums. Tho wLugalitoti" (Abas EUP/Is Nogiot forces) and tho
Xembotar" were not as wall organised or oquippod as tho Communists,
therefore it was the better part of British disorstion to rapport the
group who producodtho greatest results. To Complicatts matters a lit
furthor, tho Communists wore recognised as allies, since EMU was
fighting with tho United Nations as an ally.
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A Survoy of ALBANIA (cant' d.) Page 22
The Supreme Command was organized four months following tho
Pirst General Conferonce, and the first brigades wero mobilized fivo
months later.. Mobilo and assault military units wore formed after
the intervention of Svotozar VUKMANOVIC, Who in July 1943, while ro.
turning from GREECE stopped. at tho village of Kucako (In tho NIcinity
of Reece) and submitted his opinion to the Control Committeo of the
Albanian Communist Party: "I repeatedly Insisted, on the fact that it
vas necessary to immediately convert fiold companies into partisan do-
tachmonts, which could, in turn, be converted into larger and more mo-
bilo units. Duo to tho fact that the organization of forcos in liber-
ated territories was rather neglocted, / urged thorn to form a military
authority in the hinterland, before tho and of the discussions with
!Mani Itimbstssm.
After his suggestion was accopted by the Central Committee of
the Albanian Communist Party, VUKMANOVIC left for Macedonia. On 1 - 2
August 1943, the exponents of "Balli Kombetarn gathered at Mukaj, where
they met the leaders of the National liberation Movement (Communists)
to decide about the policy to follow in connection with future military
aDorations against tho Italians.
It was than that tho "Committee for Nationol Salvation" was
formed and was given full power to wage war. Instoad of tho motto
nTroodom to the People.Doath to Fascism', tho Committee chose tho
words "Death or Proodomn. They draftod a grogram for tho Committeo
which contemplated the organization of a Greater ALBANIA.
Tollowing instruction from high and official sources in
YUGOSLAVIA, VUKMANOVIC dissolved tho agreement ranched at Nu and
craated a strong antagonism within the Albanian forces, which at that
tine, were struggling among thonsolvos. Subsoquont to tho brooking of
tho Mukaj Agreement, Moot SIM and Lilian MUGOSA wero leading a
numbor of troops in tho vicinity of Lushnja whore they surrounded 165
soldiers belonging to nBalli Kombotarn, and massacred all of them. By
employing all sorts of rusos, deviations of Vilicy, dishonest pract-
icos, and all other moans to further tho Party Lino, tho Albanian Com-
munists with tho aid of tho Yugoslav Communists, achioved hogomony in
the country.
Gory never administered the country. For a year, and for
purely military reasons, she occupiod ALBANIA with troops and hold tho
ring while the Communists, Who woro pledged to fight the Germans, wore
liquidating anti-Oomrunist forces against tho day of liberation. Tho
British wore instrumental in aiding this practico since their interoSt
was rofLoctod only in the groups who wore capable of killing the most
Germans. Tho (Abas KUPI's &gist Porcos) and tho *Boni
Kombotarn wore not as weal organizod or oquippod as tho Communists,
therefore it was tho bettor part of British discretion to rapport the
group who producedtho greatest results. To complicate tatters a bit
furthor, tho Communists were rocognizod as allies, since 2U3S/A was
fighting with tho MAW Nations as an ally,
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A Itarvoy of ALBAFIA (cont d) Pogo 23
Had RUSSIA's policy domandod that ALBANIA should becone ono
of tho fedoral ropublics of YUGOSLAVIA, BMA and his associates would
undoubtodlyProt have objected! but as it happonod, RUSSIA was hoping
that ALBANIA isculd be admittod to tho Unitc4 Nations Whero another veto
would have boon added to tho Wetorn liBloc,la To nako quito certain the
Yugoslav Allianco would be accoptod by tho Partisan soldiery and tho
enthusiatio Communist youth, an intone() pro-Yugoslav propaganda was car-
ried on, complete with fraternal visiting, presentation of bronze pla.
quos of the Thgoslav dictator, and exuberant shouts of wEnver-Titow.
Economic cooperation with 'YUGOSLAVIA was not unfruitful for
ALBANIA, Evon if tho formor backward by Wostorn standards, she is
richer than ALBAVIA in technicians, and could hp in exploiting tho
copper and ohromo, and even sond groups of yiuthful voluntoors to 'work
on ALBAN/Als long-promised but never oonplotod railway. *et important,
YUGOSLAVIA sont wheat from tho Kossovo so that tho Albanians had anaugh
broad. Some of tho Albanians may have rofloctod that undOr the Axis
Yoko, that sumo *boat was coning from an Albanian province. But no one
racily worried about it just so long as tho Wheat continued to arrivo.
Tho entire situation %las oltorod by tho 7hgoslav broach with
tho Coninform during tho sunmor of 194S. At tho critical moment,
AMYL& did not align herself with her partner, but switchod to a moro
distant rolativo, STALIN. Iron tho standpoint of choice to tho Alban.
lane, the Russian appeared more attractive. At that time, T/TO was not
expected to make good his robollion. It was gonorallyacceptod by ovory-
ono (Communists includod) that oithor T/TO would bo forced to nako his
Irdiuu'inTh 1343
brought back into tho fold by a moro obodiont Communist loader, But
oven without this oxooption, any Albanian Communist politician would,
have boon strongly tempted to sots? the chance of freeing his country
from a patronago that is boginning to bocom axtronoly irksaao. Acoopt-
anco of outside influnonco inovitably brings withit a noasuro of for-
oign inflame in tho administration of a country, and this factor has
always boon resontod by xonaphobic Albanians. Thus, 21 tho first con-
stant element in Albanian foreign policy is securing foreign aid, tho
second is normally to rid tho holper of any influence in her affairs.
7. Tho Conepiracy of General Koci X0X2
The most dramatic incidont marking tho decision to stand with
RUSSIA, was the fall (sudden) of tho tftnistor of tho Interior, Gomm.
issar Lieutenant Gonoral Del NOKB. In view of tho assiduous pre4tgo-
slav propaganda, it is not strange that some of tho servants of the ro-
gin? had. adhered quito closely to a policy of cooporation with the
YUgoslavv. As a consquenco, when tho Party Lino changed., thoso poaplo
wore considered as politically mrolinble to carry on in their posts.Tho
persons who %%yr? most irt.otrlo-7711:7 ._,:,:n!.ttod had to be liquidated. The
switCh-over vas occompun',c1 by crops of arrests, which wore followed in
duo course by treason trials.
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0. 21
A Survey of AVIA-71.^. (conttd) P,13 4
In all this, tho principal casualty vas tho nan who had boon
alL.poworful as Ministor of tho Interior, and as Chiof of Mbrojto
Papollorolt (Political Police).. The fall of =XX is typical of polit-
ical life in ALBANIA. His liquidation cams as a rosult of outside imp.
tervention rather than any internal force. Howovor, tho conspiracy
which led to his undoing vas his own idea, and from an impartial view.
point, he earned exactly what ho had worked for.
In a Conmunist rogino thero is always an olomont of chance in
the selection of a supremo loader from tho list of Party bosses. In
ALSANIA, savor BOTHA was choson. But ho was not such a connanding pers-
onality as to rule out the possibility of a replacorent by a favorably
placed and determined man, ospocially when that man was already his
Deputy. XDXS was the only Lieutenant General inALBANIA, and as such, .
ho was the highest ranking officer under Colonel General SOW. 10XS
had presided over tho first treason trial of inportanco when 60 *war
erimiaal and anemias of tho peoples vero tried in 21m1 in April 1945
astor tho nmsinum amount of publicity. Sevontoon of thesetried were
shot. A. year later, XOXS suceoodod in elininating the veteran, Mann.
trained ComMuntst Elegulloh MAW:HOWL During tho first half of I9'8,
=XS succeeded in surrounding RCM with his own spies and police, so
that the nominal loader's real power was reduced to practically nothing,
and ECM was under what amounted to house arrost. All that was !meal.
ary was more tine and SCIBi could havo been suppressed altogothor, and
with no difficulty, succeeded. by TOXL
2: f$ that loci =XS failed, when success seemed within his
grasp, was not that he was insufficiently clover or strong, but that he
was ars-Yugoslay. Tho Russians !Loaded that they needed a reliable man
of their own ?Waco to suit their own purposes, to be head of Albanian
affairs. Unfortunately for =XS, ha wasn't selected since the Soviets
preferred IDSVA. Whon tho Dustin Mission gavo the word, IOU was arr-
ested., thus restoring EOM to his former power.
S. BUSSIA had :lover triken much interest in ALBANIA, except at cor-
tain, particular nononts. /t wao XOXIts mdefortune that his arrest was
one of those mononts. Tho Soviots attached oonsidorablo importance to
the harrying of OHMS by rebel forces, then undor tho leadership of
General MABXOS. Par this activity, they required unimpeded use of Alban.
ion soil. As the unreliability of =Ca= bacon? more apparent to
BUSSIA, the importance of ALBANIA increased, and it was from tho latter
that the Greek operation was conducted, General IIAXICOS had his rain base,
hoadvarters, armies, and wren his wireless station moved there. All this
was too valuable to the Massimo, since they could rt afford to allow
? ALBANIA to parullel the legoelav action. This was tho main reason for
ro.instating the docile =SA, eliminating the ?liable IMS, and re-
aligning AIMAXIA with tho Cominform countries, AT41tA represented to
STALIN exactly what she had represented to mum= a jv=pine-Off point
for attack on MEL Tho Yugoslav Alliance, for all practical paz.
poses, vas aide4.. ALUM*s now potTon was BOSSIA.
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A Survey of ALBAIRA (cent' d) Pago 25
Inver NOMA was received with honor in RUSSIA, and most imp-
ortant of all, Russian advisers were sent to ALBANIA in ever larger
numbers, Russian and Roumanian ships began to strive with greater
frequency at Burros and View Meanwhile, the Albanian and Greek
rebel amiss wore kept mobilised and supplied, and at convenient mo-
ments, the latter was sent across the Greek frontier to bring war and
desolation to the Greeks.
The Battle of the Grammes, 1941, cane and want. The Greek
Amy, in an ardums eanpaign, drove the rebels fron their positions
and *pacified, northern GRUM But the operation was not permanently
successful since the rebels retired to their refuge,. there to rest
and re-equip for the next season's campaign. In 1949, they appeared
once more in GRUM in the region of yltaij and driven from there,
they retired across the frontier, nove47iTrowkilemotors to the vest,
and again anorged upon the Gramme. this tiqp, however, they had to
contend with a fine soldier, Yield Marshal PAPAGOS, who in 1940, had
defeated another and larger invasion from the same direction.. The Bat-
tle of the Grannos,1949, was more decisive than its predecessor since
fewer of the rebels escaped. The Greeks moreover, adopted a much more
menacing attitude toward Albanian troops who used cover fire across the
frontier, and for a tine, it appeared that the Greeks night aron pursue
their enemies across the frontier into ALBANIA itself. Tirane Radio
ahnounced, as it had a year previously, and with equal trnth, that
arnod Greeks arriving across the frontier wore being interned.
Tho Battle of the Grannos,1949, was docisivounot only for the
Greeks, but also for ALBANIA. ler the time being, at any rate, it lad.
the Russians to write off tho Greek rebels as ineffective, and the sus-
pension of military efforts was announced by General VAMPS.
9. Structure of the People's Republic of ALBANIA
s. The Albanian Government and the Albanian *ricers' Party
(Communist) are constructed on a pattern familiar in all Oominform
countries. The structure may be described as vertical, with the Gov-
ornsont and Party forming two parallel and nominally independent cob.
umns. Although unrelated in theory, the leading positions in both the
Government and the Party are occupied by the same, small group of mon,
and the party exorcises a dominant influence over the Govermneut. Tho
various witont Organisations', are independent in principle, but aro in
fact subsidiary to the Party and constimte instruments for the furtb?
?ring of Party interests among specific aliments of the population.
b. The Presidium (Presidium) is technically the highest govh.
orning body of the Albanian Republic, and its members are elected by
the' People's Assembly. The President (president') of the Prosidiva,
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A Survey of ALBANTA (conttd) Pago 26
e. The Penplois Assembly (guvendi Popullor) is conposed of
deputies (Deputot) fron the ton Prefectures of ALBAKIA, The Pros...
tient of the Assonbly is Ymor MISEN/CA.
Tho Cabinet (Oabinoti) consists' of sixteen portfolios,
currently hold. by thirteen ministers. Those arot
BMW. laver
SIDEV Mohnet
VMS/ Gogo
=UZI Aldyi
ray= Kite
=MA Spiro
MEM ?ego
SSW Abodin
7/LI Karam=
SPAM' Bcdri
Premier (Iiryemitister)
Minister of National Defense (Minister i Mbrojtjes
Minister of YoreignAffairs(Minister 1 Punewet To Jash-
Vice4Premier (Nonpayeminteter) tone)
vice-premier (Nen-Bratninister)
Minister of Internal, 'Affairs (Minister 1 Panovet To
Minister of industry (Minister i ininstrise)
Minister of Finance (Minister i 31mancavet)
Minister of Commerce Master WOW:dial
Minister of :lade() (Minister i Drojtesise
Matter of Connunioations (Minister i.Xemunikao-
Minister of Agriculture (Minister i Itujosis)
Minister of Public Weeks (Minister i Punevet Beton))
Minister of Ziacation (Minister i Aresinit)
Minister of Social *Afore (Minister i Mimes Shopere)
e. Also on cabinet level are the Control Commission (Ibmisjoni
1 Pentetllit), under the PTesidoncy of phthi =SC, and the *commie
Planning Comnisnion (Ibmisonji i ?adult Skonemik), under the Presidency
of Spiro TOLIMA. .
f. Under the jurisdiction of the Ministgy of 110144eal Wiese
ie theAmv(Ustrija) under Chief of Staff Wrote? f Shtabit Meatier)
Mehmet SUM.
g. Undetthe jurisdiction of the Ministry of Pitternai Affairs
are the political Security Police (Siguibteit), the poiitical Direction
(Drejtorija Politike), and the following regional unites Prefectures
(Prefekturet); Sab?Prefectures (Nempitefekturat); Communes (Nenunet);
and Cities and Villages (Qytete Die Pshate). There ton Prefectures,
twenty-nine sub...Prefectures, and 161 Communes in'AilailA. '
h, The highest organ of the 'pikers* Party of AMNIA (Pertija
e pontorovet Shqyptaro), formerly thpAUtenian Communist Party (partija
"monist? Shaptare), is the.Secretarlot (Sekretarija), composed of the
following members,
. - NOM *war Seer, 404eral tfiokretai I roregthoban)
AVM Zak Seco 8oOtiotOt ti**Acretai)
illIEU Metrast Sec (8.**41,
8:001tr WA Secretary (Sekrotar
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Survey of ALSAIII. (contid)
1, 5211: 70,13,76;.aif.ag body
Politburo,(Politbluo, or EloTativa
has nine menbers:
HOKEIA Enver ?
:UM Tuk
SEIM Mehmet
NOLA Spiro
Page 27
of the Central Committee is the
Co:mitt:10 (Reniteti Eksfkutiv). It
Bil4SE0 liri
SUL= Begir
NUSE/ Gage t
j. Tho Orgburo (Orgburo), or Organisational Committee (Xemiteti
Orgenisativ), is the Central Committee body dealing w4th Party administrap.
tivo problems.
k. The Central Committee (Xemitoti gendreur) is the General
Assembly or regional dologates of the Vbrkors, Party. /t consists of
nineteen members today, tho twentieth, /SIAM! Stasi, was killed three
months ago:
EOM Enver
SEEM Mehmet
NUM Gogo
EOM/ Nesbnijo
mar Abodin
HES/ Toodor
EON= Manol
DUKE Potrit
PRIM Mihal
There are also nine Caaidate Members of the Central
LOSE Raxhi
1:31LNGOLL/ Ramadan
man NegtdP
OldiANI Salt
PANO Spiro
NUL= shawl
1. The Control Commission (Eamisjoni t ontrollit) is the bodr
of the connunist Party authorised to adjudge the correctness of measures
taken by the Port,? Whether by the Secretariat, Politburo, Central css.
nittee, or may other committee ? and, whore 1t coosfit, to condemn the
decisions. In this sense, it constitutes a Party supreme tritmnal, and
stands apart from the direct chain of command.
u6 A nuMhor of specialised committees exist within the Central
Committee inelueng: The Ihmenis Committee (Komiteti Pomnuar); the
Youth Corittoe (omitsti I 3inis)1 The Albanian Molar Cultural COO.
ante? (icniteti Nultura Popullore Shoptare); The A4itoqrep Committee,
1.0, the Committee for Agitation and PreEmSandd (Lgitimaro.P. cnitett
Agitacjan e Propaginde); and the Press and Propaganda Committee (IMaiteti
Shtypit /he Propagandist).
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ROMA layer
Colonel General, General Secretary of the Albanian Workers Party
since its foundation.
Born: 1908 at Gjinokastre
Iducation: llementary School in Giinokastre, and High School in Wis.
In 1931 he enrolled at the University of Montpelier (FRANCE) where he
studied Natural Science for a period of a year. Was expelled from MEW
because of immoral conduct.
tnrolled at the University of Brussels (BELGIUM) where he studied Law for
one year.
Was apointed as Professor of Prencn: at the High School in Korcg. where he
remained from 1936 to 1939.
?ecame a member of the Communist Group at Korea in 1937 along with IOCI X0xe
and Fan' Iristo.
During the Italian Occu?etion of ALBANIA. HOA managed a cigarette store in
Toward the and of 1942, he was in the sone around I.abinot. working with the
:3mmunist organizers from YUGOSLAVIA: POPOVIC Milan and MUOOSA Dusan.
In 1943. ROMA was in contact with the exponents of NBALLI KOKIIITARI with
a view toward bringiag about an aMeeMent concerning joint operations against
the Gorman*.
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HOXHA Inver (continued)
During the same year, he had contacts with Julian AWRY of the
British Secret Service. In the Fall of 1943, ROM met TUMANOTIC Systosar
alias "TEMPO", and JCVANOVIC Blau). These two were also Aity organisers
from JUGOSLAVIA, and they appointed NOM as Chief of Staff of the Albanian
After the war, HOXHA became Chief of the Goveramon reign Ma-
later in conjunction with being Chief of Staff.
In 1946, he went to Paris as leder of the Albanian Delegation which
attended the Peace Conference.
He has received the following decorations: the Albanian order,
"NATIONAL ROO"; the Soviet "ORM OF SOVOROV (1st Class); and the highest
Yugoslav order, "ZA HRLEROST" (ibr Courage) ts well as several other lesser
In 1947, he went to PSCOW for the first time.
In December 1949, he again went to *scow bit this this with a request, for a
peace treaty and a mutual assistance padt. Itp. to the ptesent, all negotiations
based on HOXHAls requests of 1949 have rommiaod wishful thinking on the part
of the Albanian Government.
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biti FET0415R006100200002-9
Approved For Release 2
Major General, Secretary of the Albanian Workers Party
Born: .1314 at Scutari
Education: Five elementary grades
Profession: Carpenter. Was employed by the "Vllasen Daija",
a carpenters enterprise, to December 1942.
Political and Military Careers:
1935 - Became a member of the Scutari Communist
1",;41 - Member of the Central Committee of the
Albanian Communist Party.
During the war, he was Brigade, Division,
end Army Corps Political Commissar with
rank of Colonel.
After the war, he held the following pos-
itions: Deputy at Scutari; President of
the General Albanian Syndicate
Union; Albanian Minister to Belgrade;
and Minister of Industry.
1950 - President of the Albanian Workers Party, and
also Vice Prime Minister.
Has been decorated with the Albanian order
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, 20.
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SHEHU Mehmet
Major General, Secretary of the Albanian Workers Party.
Born: 1913 at Corrush (Mallakastra)
Education: Soviet Military Academy "VCROSHILOV"
Military and Political Careers:
-1936 - A volunteer in SPAIN (International Brigade)
1943 - A crididate for the Central Committee of the
Albanian Communist Party.
During the war, he became a Bride Commandant
pnd Division Commandant, with rank of Colonel.
1946 - Chief of Staff, and Deputy at Tropoja.
ln4g - Minister of the Interior (holds same position
at present.)
Has been decorated with the Albanian order
"NATICNAL HERO", and several other lesser dic-
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.7.-6ii J415R006100200002-9
1-1,ajr General, Secretary of the Workers Party, AL7A7IA.
Born: 190g at Glinokastre
Education: Military School (Artillery) in 171 at Tirana
Military Career: 1935 - ApLointed as a Warrant Officer
Political Career: 19h1 - Secretary of the Communist Party,
1943 MemtE,r of the Plenum of the Central
of the Headquarters for the Zones of
Valona and Gjinokastre.
1944 - Minister of Reconstruction, an elect-
to the PCLITFURO of the Party Central
1945 Public Attorney, Special Trilunal in
14 Public Attorney, Albanian Pe:;le's
Republic -(Holds same position at
sent time.)
1949 - Minister for Social Assistant-e.
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I:ember of the POLITBURO of the Central Committee
the Worrs Party, ALBArIA.
T?crn: 1906 at Vuno (Himara)
cat norletri! rnronal
ITALY, and Civil 2ngineering Faculty, Pisa,
1--)litic-a1 Career:
(Date Unknown) - Deputy at Himara
1.47 - 1948 - Minister of Public
and Scientific Institutes.
- Minister Of Communications
1,50 - President of the Ste icon-
Ic Commission.
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KAPO Rysni
Major General, member of the POLITBURO of the Central
Committee of the Workers Party, ALBANIA.
Born: 1915 at Terbac (Valonl)
iducation: High School
Political Career: 1941 - Political Secretary of the Party
Regional Committee, Valona.
1943 - Member of the Plenum of the Party
Central Committee.
During the war he was a Brigade
and Army Corps Commissar.
After the war he was appointed
as Minister to Belgrade, and as
Aide to the Minister of Foreign
Became a member of the POLITBURO
of the Central Committee of the
Workers Party, and a Deputy in
1950 - President of Political Direction
for the Army.
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Approved For Release 2004/02/1
Member of the POLITBURO of the Central Committee of the
Workers Party, ALBANIA.
Born: 1926 at Mallakastra
Education: High School
Political Career: 1943 - Secretary of the Regional Com-
mittee, Albanian Communist Youth,
1344 - Member of the Central Committee,
Altantan-worKers rarty.
1946 - Political Secretary of the Central
Committee, Albanian Communist Youth.
1948 - President of the Albanian People's
Republic Youth, and a candidate for
the POLITBURO of the Central Commit-
tee of the Party.
1949 - Member of the POLITBURO of the Cent-
ral Committee of the Party.
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Major General, member of the POLITBURO of the Central
Committee of the Workers Phirty, ALBANIA.
7 1144 P1E,.141%
High School
Career: 1943 - Brigade Commandant
1944 - Army Corps Commissar
1945 -
Commissar at the Headquarters
of Hinterland Units, Division
aommandant and Deputy, Tirana
1948 - Chief of Staff
Approved For Release 2004/02/19 :da-RDP8K0i0AiR006100200002-9
Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP93-00415R006100200002-9
?TSAI Gogo
o? the POLITBURO of the Central Committee of
Wor rt Party, ALBANIA.
: at Vuno (Was)
/It Biirh. School
11 Carlin.: 1543 - Political Secretary, Party
Regional Committee, /ir*Ass
and later, a member of the
Party Central COMILi'. tee.
1945 - Deputy at Nimara
1947 - Minister of Commerce
19.48 - Miniatar of Indus t rr
1949 - Elected a member of the POL.-
ITEM? of the Party Central
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A SurvortfALPAUTA-(centta) ?go 28
The structu:o of the Albanian Workers! Party below the direetw
tonal lovol follows that of the Albanian Governmont, Prefoctura Exp.
ecutivo Committees (Komitoti Eksokutiv 1. Profokturos)smist on the
prefectural lovol, formed of roprosontativo fran the Oul?Profoctural
Committoos:(Komiteti i 1on4Prefo1cturos), which in turn arc ?looted by
the Communal Offioos (2yria o Komunevot). Tho Cell (Colula) constitutw
os the lowest lovol of the Party structure. Every Prefecture has in
its Party organization an Economic Committoo (Ibmitoti lkonom4) which
is composed of various soctiona (Sokcjoti) doaling with linances, 30ot*
omit's, Sanitation, etc.
n. Tho front organizations servo as instruments for CoMmunist
penetration and indoctrination of specific elomonts Of the 0:01,4a.n pop-
ulation. They are designed to gather into Party dontrolledorgAnisow
tions those parsons who aro not eligible for Party msbhorship.' Tho
structure of thoso organs parallels that of tho Vorkors8 Seri. pig
include; Ths Union of Albanian tbmon (I*.shkimi I Gravot Shqyptarslt
Tho Committoeof Albanian ler Casualties and Partisans (Tomitoti las
validet Shqyptaro dhe Partizonot); The Albanian Trado Union Amain!
tion (Sindakatat); Tho Union of Working Youth of ALBANIA (liaah.ilcimi
Rinis se Punos Shqiporiso), formerly tho Communist Youth of4211ANU
(Einija Komunisto Shaptaro); sdslaiary to tho Union of *?I tath
,of ALBANIA is tho Pionoors (Pionori), an organization for Chililtron
under twelve years of ago; the Albanian Pod Cross Coni 1.24:84yptar);
Tho Albanian-Soviet Union Coltural Association (Shocini3a Per $001hkapun1m,
in 'Cultural Shqypni.US); The Association for Physical iducotlon and
Sport (fisikultura o Sporti); The Union of Albanian Antt-Yaoeist Youth
(Bashkimi 1 .nisAmWshisto Shqyptaro), with a much broadarrumObori.
ship than the elite Wbrking Youth; Tho Professional Union (3ashki9st
Profesionalo); and The Association for Assistance to tho,AM to-4
tense (Shoqnija per Mime Vehtrise Dho Mbrojtjos) or SkNUN, an ore.
anization designed to proparo Albanians for military oervico and for
officiont national defense.
10, ittxtl....ltua'ALA1,1o1)04da,a Vbrkerst.Porty,.
Yellowing is the text of the *Statute of tho Albanian tbrkere,
Party", rePortedly approved by the Albanian Communist 06:nee's during
tho early part of 1949.
As Statute of tho Albanian Markers! Party:
1. The primary af,im of tho Statute ts tho astonishment of a
Socialist and Communist social order in ALBANIA.
2. The Albanian Vbrkorst Party, with record to its activities,
is guided by the thoorios of the founders and motors of Uninism and
Marxism, namely: Wine !BULB, Lome and Ale present stato
of devolopmont of Alamo the Albanian Ito ;WV' adbiliaas and
directs the class of 'forger', peasants and other typos of worker' of
4 ; p riaS? *
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A Survey of .."..72LII/A (conttd) Page 23
tho country in their struggle against the romnants of Fascism and
Yeudalisn; against tho mentality of the bourgoisio and of the re-
actionaries; for the dofonse of national independence and territ-
orial inviolability; for tho consolidation of donocracy and of the
might of the people; for the edification of the country by neans of
its industrialization and electrification: and for the odification
and development of the Statels economy and of 000poratives. Ity work.
ing toward these aims, it will be possible to achieve higher economic,
cultural and technical standards for the working class and for the
wholo nation.
3. Tho Party gives its full support to the development and
education of the Proletariat and of the generation. /t directs tho
democratic front (Pronti Denokratik) and all organisations of the
workers and of the Statets onployeos, also the efforts to inprovo
living conditions of all the workers. It fights for the strengthen,-
ing of the democratic cause, against warmongers, against racial die-
crinination, for a defense of the ethnic and democratic rights of tho
minorities, and for a consolidation of the international solidadtiry of
the workers of all countries,
4. The Albanian bbrkorst Party concontsates all its efforts
toward a closo cooperation within the democratic anti-imperialist
field and primarily toward a sincere friendship with the VSS24 tho
guide in this fiold, and with tho countries which have a Peoples
5. Tho Party donands from its members proof of their act-
ivity and self-dendal in tho performance of the work for the real..
ization of the program and the observance of the Statute. This is
necessary in order that the Party may effectively curry out the pro-
gram and insure unity among the ranks of the Party,
B. Duties and Rights:
1, pi is the duty of each member: (1) to fight for the pro-
gram of the 'arty; (2) to bocono familiar with the basic doctrines of
Marxill and Zeninism; (3) to observe discipline, unity and vigilance;
(4) to be an example of good conduct and moral(); (5) toact in accord-
anco with the norms of labor (planned according to tho Passion brigades
system) and of the States laws; (6) to become perfect (to improve) in
tho skill of h$p profession; (7) to strengthen the ties with the masses
and be sympathet$0 to their wishes and to guide thom and to elucidate
to them the Party line policy; and (S) to be a mombor of one of the
mass organizations or a labororst organization and to establish tho
organization Where it does not exist.
2. The member has the right to participate in discussion, to
attend meotings, and to take part in the activity of the Party press.
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A Survey of (cont d.)
Page 30
In the couvao of Party meetings, be has the right to critic..
ie the activity of any member. He has the right to elect or to be
elected into any of the party bodies, He has the right to refer any
question to any Party body, including the Central Committee,
C. Admission to the Party:
1. 4.910r0On cm u to namittod. to the party art,vw he has bean
a candidate for one year, In the case of indaotrial workors and
candidacy is only nix months, Tho candidates attend. tho Party meetings
and have a consulting vote. They are bound to respect the same rules
as the Party members. Nocossary ago to be admitted to the Party (mem.
berShip or candidacy) is eighteen years. Persons exploiting the labor
of others are not eligible to bow= nombors.
2, Admission of workers as candidates must be accompanied
by a recommendation on the part of tun members who have to their cred?
it at least one yaw of activity within the Party. Poor poasants need
a recommendation by one Party member whet has had one year of activity
within the Party. Moderately wealthy peasants (small holders) and art..
miens (handicraftsmen) mood a recommendation by two Party mombers with
two years activity within the Party. Intellectuals need a roOommon6.
ation by three Party members, each of whom must have had throe years
activity within the Party.
3. With regard-to the first two categoric., the members
recommending the candidate must have known the porton. for at least
six months, Ilth rogard to tho last categories, this teriod must lc
at least OW year.
4. Tho suggestion to admit a person to the Party is made
by the basic organization Of which the candidate Is a:member. His adm
mission as a Party manor must be approvod by the noarost higher comm.
5. Expulsion from the Party is usually decided in the baste
organization mooting and then approvet by the nearest higher committee.
Tho expelled members can submit an appeal against the
expulsion decision to any Party body, including the Central Committee.
D. Structure and Democracy:
1. Tho structure and organization of the party is based
upon the principles of democratic contralization. Tho Party loaders
who represent the various organs of the Party are elocted by secret
ballot aad are obliged to render account to the masses by whom ther
hare boon elected. Decisions are discussed liberally however, when
adoptod by the majotity, they aro to be adhered to by the minority
without question. The decisions taken by the suprdmo organs are comm.
pulsory for all subordinate organs. Local probldms are solved by the
respective organisations, according to the principles of autonomy*, with,.
out &taping the general course of action of the Party:
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A Survey of ALIMITIA cent, (3.) Page 31
Tho supremo body of the Party is the Congroes, Which olocts
the Central Comnittoe and tho Committeo on Revision. liar the cities
and their administrative sub-divisions, the supremo body is the co-
rrosponding Conference, which elects the eonmittee; While for tho
basic organization, it is the General Mooting, which elects tho Soo-
rotary Genoral or the Bureau, In cases Where the majority demands,
or Whoro the Central Committee wishes to verify its policy, political
iSSUDS of the Party cam to submittod for discusilion by all in tho Party.
E. Superior Bodios (National);
1. The Congress of tho Party gonerally moots evorY three
years; tho Central Committee may, however, convono tho Congress for Ivor
usual oases or by a one-third vote of the participants of the last Con-
gross, The Congress ratifies the work performed on the part of the
Control Committee, it modifies the program of tho Party and the Party
Statute, it elects the Central Committee and the Gommittoo on Bovision,
and it fixes tho number of their components,
2, Tho candidates of the Central Committeo attend all moot.
ings, having tho right to express their consultative opinion, The Cent,.
rel Committee elects the Politburo for the porformanco of tho general
work and it appoints a secretary for current affairs, The central Com-
mittee moots every three months. Every year itcalls a conference of
the representatives elected at tho plenary zwetinGs of tho Spocial Comps
mittoe for the purpose of deciding on important questions of the Party
aad it may call an additional conforonco if onosfifth of its mambos."
wore deprived of representing the Goomittoo, Tho Commission col 30-
vision chocks on the !peed and accuracy in which tho Party affairs are
being handled, as well as its financial situation.
F. Party Bodies within Citios, Districts, and City Districts:
1, In these Party organizations, the highest body is that
of tho Conference, which moots onco a year. Special nootings are hold
following a decision of tho corresponding (city,city district) Control
Committee, or the Committee or the delegates to tho Congress, The Goo.
mittee elects a Politburo and two socrotarios with at least throe yoarst
activity within the Party; their appointment to be approved by the Party
Central Committee,
2. The basic organization of the party is established in
every working cloister, military unit, public institution (organization),
or villago Where there are more than two members of the Party, The
basic osganization organizes the masses and conducts tho agitation and
propaganda activities according to the Party lino policy. The cell 04-
ucates tho membors and is responsible for the working plan bang cam-
nod, out according to the mission; it mobilizos the masses toward a.
realization of the working plan; it fights against deficiencies and
works toward the improvenent of tho material and cultural standard of
the masses
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A Surrey of ALBArIA (cont' d.) Page 32
Each basic organisation totalling less than 15 members elects
only one secretary, while those totalling a higher membership elect
their own Politburo, The *Were' Party directs the organisation of
the youth, and it provides for their education in conformity with the
principles of Marxism and Leninism.
3. A member who fails to obey orders from superior bodies, or
who commits actions considered as crimes in the opinion of the Party,
can consequently be admonished, with the punishment entered in the off.
onderls records, or he can be temporarily deprived of the right to occ.
upy a leading position with the Party, or as a further punishment ho
can be expelled from the Party. The members of the Central Committee
can be expelled from the Central Committee or from the Party itself by
twe-thirds vote of the plenary meeting,
4. The financial resources of the Party are constituted from
contributions and income from Party enterprises. The contributions
range from 5 lok to 3 per cent of the monthly income of the member.
'Peace, Bread and VOrkw
11. The Communist Conception of the Pour Proodons
A. Yellowing is a resume of a statement nado in the
Albanian Refugee Camp wRaxhi.Qirjakow in Piraeus, GREECE, by Mehdi BERM.
an Albanian Who escaped from his native country to GREECE in 19471
1. Wtor almost insumountable difficulties, / succeeded
in shaking off the Communist yoke and finally reached Piraeus. /t vas no
easy task to circunvont the Albanian Communist frontier guards. New that
I have regained liberty, I fool it incumbent upon no to reveal to the
world what is going on in ALBAS/A, and to disclose the hardships that a
proud and distinguished nation like ALBANIA. has to endure. Under pretense
of democracy she has been deprived of her liberty by the barbarous sup-
porters of the Bolshevik:program.
By April 1947, the jails of Eerat were overcrowded with
political prisoners who were serving sentences-argard labor. Guarded by
armed Red agents, any attempt to break away would have proved suicidal.
Those moral and material sufferings natured in us the
determination either to regain liberty or die. It so bepponed that about
forty of the internee had formed a group, and on 17 April 1947. When re-
turning from their work, attacked their armed escorts in the vicinity of
Beret. Eeying main() pistols and band grenades, these desperate men
wero soon engaged in an embittered handr-to.hand struggle with their guar-
ds. Only three of the prisoners survived and finally reached the Greek
frontier. / loss one of themP.
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A Survey of ALBAr/A (contd.) Page 33
2. The First rays of the Bed Regime After /t Had Assumed Power
"It was common knowledge that Communist bande had been organ,.
ised under the pseudonym "Nacional Olirimiar" (rational Liberation) head-
ed by two Slav agents from Belgrade, and known only by the names 1,34/LADIr*
and "EOM". They wore foilowed by fanatic Albanian Communists who blind.-
ly obeyed-orders thoy received. After a complete victory over the Alban-
ian democratic Nationalists, they entered Tirane and immediately comma-
ed carrying out the program of the Russian Revolution of 1917. This evil?
ent was marked by the mass executions of intellectuals, workers, merchants,
proprietors, and ecclesiastics. Persecutions and arrests ware a daily
000urence. The Red bandits justified their barbaroui methods by placard-
tug these crimes as a struggle against Nazt-lascist collaborators and
traitors. No time was wasted in establishing.a Democratic 'rent by moans
of intimidation, such as tortures and arrests, thus separating the pop-
ulation from a regime which had fought for the liberty of AMNIA with un-
remitting valor.
On 2 December 1946, an election day. I was jailed and deprived
of all my civil rights, Today, i am in a position to testify to the =AY
terroristic acts and measures that were reverted to on that specific date
to ensure amajority of votes.- It must be mentioned at this point that
not even the slightest opportunity was offered to the population to exp-
ress its own opinion or to vote against the solid electoral body of the
Red Regime. But, in spite of all that, there were many who remained un-
dauntedly true to their patriotic sentiments and either butned their bal.,.
lot-papers or Otherwise refrained from voting, The Red Government, in
order to complete the number of votes, forced minors to the voting booths,
with the result that on 2 December 1946, a regime was set up that bore
the brand of a legal, self-nominated government, constituting the basis
of the Peoples' Republic of ALBANIA, though practically built up on Sovw.
let Republican principles, Thus, 2 December 1946 became the date that
doomed the liberty and independence of the Albanian nation and actually
was the date of issuance of a death warrant for the population.,
Thus ALBANIA became part of the governmental machinery of
TITO (STALLIT) in a political, military, administrative and economic
sense. All orders and directives emanated from the Wrenlin via lielgrado,
3. The Disintegration of Albanian Culture and Traditions
"Under the now regime all existent laws were abolished and
substituted by acts dictated from Moscow. This was followed by burning
all private and public libraries and. otherbooks, which caused an irr-
?parable loss to national culture. New books published wore pervaded
by Marxist4eninist propaganda. Traditions that had been Bo jealously
guarded by the Albanians and respected by previous occupation forces
had to yield to a destructive opposition characterised by showy con..
ferences and theatrical performances. Where legal measures failed to
attain the desired effect, executions and arrests sealed the fate of
"reactionary elements";
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A Survey of ALBANIA (contsd) Page 33
2. The First Doors of the Red Roane After /t Had Assumed Power
nIt was common knowledge that Communist bands had been orgnn..
trod under the pseudonym 'Maclean]. Clirintarft (National Liberation) head..
ed by two Slav agents from 3elgrado, and known only by the nanos nIKILADIP
and 'TUSSAH% They wore followed by fanatic Albanian Communists who blind..
ly oboyed.orders-they received. After a complete victory over the Alban-
ian democratic Nationalists, they entered Tirana and immediately commeno-
ed carrying out the program of the Russian Revolution of 1917. This oil*
ont vas marked by the mass executions of intellectuals, workers, merchants,
proprietors, and ecclesiastics. Persecutions and arrests were a daily
occurence. The Red bandits justified their barbarout methods by placard?
ing those crimes as a struggle against Nazi-Fascist collaborators and
traitors. No time was wasted in establishing.a Democratic Front by means
of intimidation, such as tortures and arrests, thus separating tho pop-
ulation from a regime which had fought for the liberty of AMNIA with uxp.
ranttting valor.
On 2 December 1946, an election day, / was jailed and deprived
of all my civil rights, Today, I an in a position to testify to the many
terroristic acts and measures that were restrted to on that specific date
to ensure a majority of 414014 It must be mentioned at this point that
not even the slightest opportunity was offered to tho population to exp-
ress its own opinion or to vote against the so/id electoral body of the
Red Regime. rut, in !pito of all that, there were many who remained tap.
dauntedly true to their patriotic sentiments and either bullied their bal..
lot-papers or Otherwise refrained from voting. The Red Government, in
order to complete the number of votes, forced minors to the voting booths,
with tho meat that on 2 December 1946, a regime was set up that bore
tho brand of a legal, self-nominated government, constituting the basis
of the Peoplesi Republic of A/MANIA, though practically built up on Soy..
tot Republican principles. Thus, 2 December 1946 became the date that
doomed the liberty and independence of the Albanian nation and actually
vas the date of issuance of a death warrant for the population.
Thus ATZAITTA became part of tho governmental machinery of
TITO (sTato in a political, militapr, administrative and economic
sense. All orders and directives enanated from tho Kremlin via 041grader
3. The Disintegration of Albanian Culture and Traditions
"Under the now regime all existent laws wore abolished and
substituted by acts dictated from Moscow. This was followed by burning
all private and public libraries and. otherlooks, which caused an irr-
eparable loss to national culture. New books published were pervaded
by Marxist4oninist propaganda. Traditions that had. been so jealously
guarded by the Albanians and respected by previous occupation forces
had to yield to a destructive opposition characterized by showy cox.'
ferences and theatrical performances. Where legal measures failed to
attain the desired effect, executions and arrests sealed the fate of
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A Survey: of ALBANIA (conttd)
4. The Elimination of National Emblems
"Changes in this direction were begun by adding !pikes of
grain to the right and left of the Albanian bicipotal (two-headed) eagle
and adding a red star on top. The tombs of earlier martyrs that cam.
enorated Albanian history were done ay with. The Albanian nation had
been !pending a fortune on the maintenance of those sacred symbols _of
the past, but the iron heel of Connunism, with merciless indifference,
destroyed these shrines leaving no trace of monuments to those whose
nanes appeared on the national roll of honor. All this happened in the
wake of Connunism in which the Albanian nation had. placed its only hope
for justice and libertyl.
Pogo 31+
5. Destruction of the Traditional Honor of the 7amilY
"One of the most virtuous features of Albanian traditien
is the education of womanhood. These were customs anxiously guarded
by parents during the pest centuries in order to give to the nation
mothers capable of begetting a sound generation. /t was duo to these
mothers that the characteristics of the Albanian nation were preserved
throughout the past, turbulent centuries, One of the salient traits
was the practice of moral duties based on rigid. patriarchal principles. It
required all the cunning and intelligence of the Conmunist agents to unrp
domino these traditions, and in part, they surcooded. Albanian women
wore drafted to serve in Partisan units: some more used in the espionage
service: others, actuated by overindulgence in Communist doctrines even
wont to the extent of denouncing their own parents and causing their ex-
ecutions. Prostitution, which had boon unknown in the past, became ramp.
pant, being promoted by Communist comnisears. Brothels were later abol-
ished, and in their places cultural centers wore sot up whore conteroms
cos were supposed to be hold. Remover, those centers served as meeting
places of amusements. Drastic measures were in store for those parents
mho objected to their daughters frequenting these circles, for they wore
taken care of by the ROMA, police of both sexes. Marriage, a sacred mat*
ter in A/aAN/A and celebrated in accordance with ancient traditions, bor..
cane a thing of the past. Parents had no voice in planning the futures
of their daughters,
/n March 1945, on tho occasion of the demobilisation of Al-
banian women, Major General Bodri SPAM addressed his audience in a
!pooch. After having eulogized the active part taken by the Albanian
women during the war, and having *trailed their loyal attitude in emit..ice' situations, m6 bade farewell to the demobilised women, Who, as
he said, were returning to the domestic ftres$de, On this occasion, ho
promised every demobilized soldier or Gommuntst civilian 'filling to con.-
tract marriage with a demobilized woman alseqium of 6,000 francs, equal
to 60,000 bk. The number of women was conliderablos many of theolloing
conscious of the welcome they mould be accorded duo to their past mid,.
uct, refused to return hones The led Government was forced to cancan-
trato these homeless women at Durres, and later oompelled them to get
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A Survey of ALBANIA (contld) Page 35
In the village of Tatzat in the Delvina District, for instance,
a father shot his partisan daughterto vindicate the disgrace brought
upon the family. Similar occurrences took place in other parts of
ALBABIA and serve to prove the corrupt methods practised by the Communists to destroy the traditional patriarchal ties".
6. Public Instruction
wEducation as practised in the past has been abrogated. Sch-
oolsand educational institutions that had been conducted on national
principles and western mothods were adbstituted by Communist schools,
characterized by n revolutionary and politlitai program of action aimimg
at the individual considering himself as a simple means and not as a
factor of civilization. The Russian and Serba-Croat languages have
become obligatory in Albanian high schools. The educational prograin
of politics, economics, history, and socialism has been adapted to that
practised in the Soviet Union, with special regard to the biographies
of Yugoslav and Soviet personalities who took loading parts in the revm
olutions. national songs or hymns have been prohibited and intonations
on the Soviet Revolution have taken their p1a.0".
7. Agrarian Ream and. Expro riation of Land
"The promises made to the Albanians as a means of satiSfying
the demands of the partisans were not kept. On the contrary, they were
deprived of their principal tights. The Agrarian Reform was put into.pr-
netts?, thereby ignoring justice and the democratic spirit. The land
was simply taken from owners who were suspected of reactionary sentiments
ibutoitausuLig those who enjoyed the confidence of the govern..
mcnt. This procedure had a killing effect on the bourgoisio, and gave
birth to a new ideological class. /t was the mountain population that
was primarily and most seriously affected by,the now agrarian reforms.
They openly voice their discontent, ?specially of the fact
that they were not accustomed to the change in climatiticonditions; that
they were not housed properly due to lack of housing facilities and guf-
feted undue hardship; and that they had been deprived of their agricult?
ural implements. The Albanian press did not fail to give tho matter a
twist, in that it prominently displayed those reforms as meaoures taken
along lines of extreme, justice. The objective was to in the confidence
of the population and to throw sand into the eyes of foreign observers.
But as with all other jugglery, these tricks perfumed by
the government were soon unmasked.. Later on, all farm products were de..
clared as property of the state and had to be delivered to the authorit-
ies. The farmer, having been left with inadequate supplies to cover his
own personal demands, was compelled to bey products at cooperative stores
and at higher rates than those paid to him",
12. .....MESuSIEELELat_2211C12.4-1n-giWU
A. The following information WAX obtained from an Italian
AppregtrPhgelta t, ittlts 68O9 returned
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A Survey of ALBAN/A (cont d) Page 36
B. In 1944, after the Communists gained control in ALBANIA,
persecution of thn (.'hfllic clergy commenced. The Communists, aoo?
ording to the above=ntioned 0ource, have executed or imprisoned tho
following Catholic priests:
1). Franciscan Padre Anton RAPAR/ was given a trial in Tirane
and charged with being a member of the National Regency during tho
Gorman Occupation. In spite Of tho intervention of tho Catholic Apost..
olic Delegate, S. NIGRIS, in the Autumn of 1945 Padre HAPABI was convict-
ed and shot.
2) Padre Alfonso MOM, of German extraction, was sentenced
and shot to death at Shkoder in August 1946. The reason for his execut-
ion is unknown.
3) Don 'CURTI, of Tirane, was sentenced and shot after having
boon accused of collaboration with the German and Italian Occupation
4) Monsignor? Vincence PP31NUSRI, Bishop of Durres, died in
jail, February 1949, while serving a sentence for alleged subvorsivo act.
5) Monsignor? VOLA:, Bishop of Lesh, was shot by tho Albanian
Communist Government for reasons unknown.
6) Franciscan Padre Gjon SRLLAZU was shot in 1947 for having
disobeyed government orders. (Typo of orders unknown).
7) Padre Lek? SIRDANI, of 220., was slain in 1946 for having
refused sumort to Communist Partisans,
8) Franciscan Padre Franc XIX was shot in 1947 for having
allegedly concealed firearms.
9) Padre Anton KIRT was shot in 1947 for reasons unknown.
10) Padre Tome LAW was sentenced to servo a prison torn for
having sympathized with anti-.Communist movements.
11) Padre Mihel xoLicli. of Shkoder, was sentencod to 30 yoars
at hard labor after being tried for collaboration with the German and
Italian Occupation forces. HO is now in forcod labor near /lbasan.
12) Franciscan Pedro Agostin Asam was sentenced to 20 years
at hard labor for having possession of firearms.
13) esuit Padre Giacomo GARDINI was sentenced to 10 years at
hard labor in the concentration camp at PUka.
14) Franciscan Pedro Gasper SUMA, of Thothii was sontonced to
10 years at hard labor for having opposed Commuaa-7evornment orders.
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A Survoy of d) Page 37
15) jesuit aro li&BLPI Mark was sentenced to 20 years in
prison for ns o
16) 1:a.e r4cL Doutit is confined. in prison for
unknown reasolis,
17) Jesult Padxo GM:1n PAUTELL&i.en.s sentenced to 30 years for
collaboration vith the Germans ezd %'oaaic..ms. This prlest attompted an
escape from prison, but was unsuccessful and died of the wOunds recoiv-
e(1 when apprehended..
1S) Franciscan Padre Cook AMA has been jailed for unknown
19) Franciscan Padre /njac Mk= has boon jailed for unkaown
20) Luigi PIOI was an Albanian priest who was known to have
collaborated with a group of National Communists in 1947. Bbwover, he
was tried and executed by a firing squad.
O. The Source., of this report estimated. that approxbnatoly
forty priests have been executed since tho and. of the war:
D. /n the Spring of 1946, the Apostolic Delegate S. NIGBIS
was expelled from =Ara on a charge of having resisted government
orders, This action was in aacordance with an Albanian directive which
grants the police a free hand in the removal of strong adversaries.
Z. During. the Autumn of 1946, the Albanian Government issued
an order to close all Catholic sonvoftte and seminaries in the country.
On 20 December 1946, one group of nuns were told to vacate
their convent on a half hour :9 notice, and were allowed to carry with
them only a ainirrum amount of their belongings.. This convent, on ?la
Shen Mehilli 45, Shkoder, was then occupied by the D.M.P. (uniformed
police). In view of this action, the nuns had. no alternative bat to
turn to the civilian pypulation for hospitality. They were AO longer
allowed to wear the garb of their order. The Franciscans shared the
same treatment in having to vacate their seminaries, monasteries, etc,
Their monastery on Via Washington, Shkoder (now palled
Corso 1101B4 Inver), has been converted into a food ratioking office.
The Bishopts residence at Shkoder has become a tobacco
warehouse, The Shkoder parish house ler7es as a school for apprentice
shoemakers, while the Vomit Seminary has teen converted into a medioal
clinic. The Salesian Sisters were also evicted and their convent in
Shkoder, located at Via G1Th007 Shtjefea 411, has become a physical train..
ing center for the nPioneersT! (00munist ahildrens Organization).
movable assets of the Jesuit property at Bardhonlore have been requis-
itioned and are now state-owned lands,
7. Among the ecclesiastical properties which were confiscated
by the state. were the librariee of the Franciscans and Jesuits, and
'? ?f
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A Survey of =AMA (contld) Pago 3$
Padre PUHA, such as tho fflAhuta o Maoist! wore also destroyed. Those
books weno burned because there was no room in the Communist curriculum
for such consorvativo teachings, The Museum of the Itanciscan Padres at
Shkoder and the Physical Institute of tho Jesuits were also confiscated
by TErstato and declared government property. In addition to the above-
mentioned properties, the printing estaYishment of tho clorta Ddoc =W,
known as tho ffTipografia Nikajff; the ffTipografia Zoja a Paperlyemoff of the
Jesuits, and tho ffTipografia Prancoskanoff were all turnod into state-owned
G. Visits to hospitals and jails by are pormittod only
in case of doath or during religious holidays. Sisters continuo to por.
form their duties in hospitals but are compelled to year, stroot clothes.
The governmont has plazod no restriction on attondanco of the
Catholic Church, although this practice of attonding church is considered
H. Tho Albanian Govemont favors the Orthodox Church but 'it is
rumored that a purge of certain elements within this church is projected,
in view of objections raised in regard to tho states interference in re.
ligious mattors. The hoad of tho church has been substitutod for by an.
othor man whose nano is unknown at the moment, Tho Orthodox Church in
ALBANIA, is a national institution and the government is oxpocted to pro-
tect her since its follawors aro the most faithful in their attitudo to.
ward the state, rotoworthy to montion is tho fact that members of tho
Orthodox Church sinultanoously act as loading oxpononts of the Communist
I. The Popo ss ox.communication orders concerning Communists
have produced sensible moral repercussions among tho population. Truo
to form, tho Albanian press interpreted tho decision takon by the /Patio=
as an indication of fear on the part of the Church,and the Albanian
Communist Govornmont has disrogarded tho ban imposed by tho Vatioan and
will not permit any compliance with tho clauses contained in tho em.conmw
unioation ordor,
J. The following is a list of known Catholic clorgrnen who have
boon authorized by tho Albanian Communist Govornmont to pursue their eco.
losiastic works in that countrYs
Padre Zof sitRoi, a Josult
Pedro Etmesto 002A4 at Shkodor
Pedro Marin simmars, a Pranciscan
Pedro Pordinand PI, a Franciscan
Those priests rocoivo identical troatmont as tho gonoral pub.
lie in rogard to rationing of foodstuffs and clothing. /1-, is intaTest.
ing to note further that approximatay throe Igcr d?x.i.; of the A:bailian
Catholics hold government positons, and arc) ilza of the !.'ord7:nkst Par.
ty. Other than Padre luigj PICT, who linm cItcoutc,as Ss,4rce nc.111c1 nnmo
only Sister Margherita GjOEL as a known coliaLora the Albanbmn
Communist Party,
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A Survey of AL2ArIA (contsd) Page 39
K. Tho Albanian Mohammodans have also been subjoctod to pox.
secutions, but within certain limits. They form tho backbono of tho
Albanian Population (70%)s therefore, tho government is anxious to ayoid
reactionary currents among thou. Thcy hrxo ignorod tho ordinance against
the voil and fe7, have coritinuce. eibovf_,. their 'Mohammedan festivals,
such as the !Matron i Vogel% 1110 weaithy class of Moslems, the wBole-
tashis have boon affoctod most severely by the reforms of the now rogimo.
They have had to pay heavy contributions to tho state and
have had to part with their movable assets, which woro nationalizod. Tho
wShoherlitosn, who are tho poorer class, and chiefly inhabit tho north-
western regions of ALBANIA, have given full support to tho Communist Goths
13. Albanian Political Parties in Wlo
A. /n tho sPreo ALBANIA Committee tho following parties
in exile are ropresented:
1, Bali Kombotar (National Front)
2. ALBANIA Agrarian Party
3. Legalitoti (Monarchist Party)
B. Other parties in exile, but not bolonging to tho above
committee aro; the Bloku,Kombetar Independent (The Independent National
Bloc); and The Prizren League. These latter groups aro politically to
the =trace right and philo-Italian, in accordance with tho conception
that history and geography tie ALBANIA to ITALY and that without ITALY,
ALBANIA becomes a paralytic ethnic unit,
. 4 .
00 (Thief oxpononts of the Indopendent National Bloc are:
1) Dr. Ismail %MAC!, son of Shot:got VEREACI, Prim Min.,
toter during tho Italian Occupation of ALBANIA, presently residing in
Nome. Ismail VERIACI is undoubtodly pro-Italian, and he 'advocates tho
forhation of an anti-Communist front, regardless of the form of govern.,
mont, Mopublican or Monarchist. Be has considerable authority and finds
many followers, particularly among the youngor elements with 7.1hom he is
in constant contact. Consequently, ho is much feared by the present re-
gino in ALALICA, as well as bytc prospective candidates of a future
democratic governmont, Tho policy adopted by VERLACI to justify his prow
Italian sympathies is in substance as follows: 'Ono must seek support
from ITALY because the Italians are the least interested in the de.nationp.
nitration of our people and tho partition of our territory; the Italians
have only economic interests in our cautst114- and it is to their vital ire.
terest to advocate a united ALBANIA?. For those principles, /smail VZBLACI
has been math, the object of attacks from the Communists. VESXACI has been
and is still in touch with tho former prefoot of police in TIrE
PAPALILLO, an ablo politician, about sixty years old.
2) Narita Gjoni WW1, spiritual head of tho resistance
movement in Malta (Northern AIMAN/A) and prince of that zone. 0:0117
advocates tho formation of an united anti-Communist front, and several
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A Survey of ALBANIA (contld) Pago 40
times ho has contootod'All Boy KLIMA, the most prominent exponent of
Boll! Reactor, lg.. rn e2ort L;,7) a.:hieve this. According to GTONI, the
Monarchist issue ubLule7. -no &at.e4.th by moans of a public osferondua
aftor the CorculAsi:i, ?Remo been cn poutr. Eowcvers no positiyo
results wore reacd to the uncomrranisftg att..
Itwie of the Balii gombollaro vhich refusod to giw up it:, ropubilTan
principle?, alleging. that this weold mean a weroning of the *national
front* and. place KLISIM in the background. KLISURA is at prosont al.
liod with the Britioh, whilo WON1 ie onttroly devoted to tho national
cause of 'wan and does not approvo of British intorforoned in Alban.
tan affairs, GJONI is sonsidered by many to bo the most suitable pers.
onatity to bring about the overthrow of the Oommunisto in AMNIA, both
as a patriot, and a practical man. Several members of his family-wero
killed during an uprising in ALBAN/A, In regard to tho Greok torritor.
tel claims on ALBANIA (which are supported by some powors), GJON7
tains at alsolutoly uncompromising attitude in not admitting any torr.
itefial concessions of any nature.
3) Professor &neat KOLA!, during tho Italian Occupation vas
Minister of Public Rducation, President of the Chamber of Deputies, and
currently ix professor of Albanian Litoraturo at the University of
ROL= is the most educated and perhaps tho most Intel? gent
in the Albanian community in Rome, Politically5 ho is anti.Communist
and. ho has no pa7MInce botween a monarchy and a republic;
advocates only a free and independent ALBANIA, In this ho is uphold by
the Italianilloreiga Office, Which seems to give considorablo moral supp.
ort to the muse of an indopcadont ALBANIA. (withott, however, any pro.
cis? viewpoint on the question of Albanian frontiers). Becauso of his
world.wido fame as a scholar, =IQ; has much influonco, both in Romt
and abroad.
D. Tho best knout exponent of tho Prisron League is rooter MAI
who was Ministor of tho Interior during the Gorman Occupation. DM is
a violent chareuter, urging military action against tho Communists: it
is rumorod that he is presently organizing MNMO guerrilla Ilogionsff of
Albanians and. Macedoniane. it is tho general opinion that this is only
a bluff, for ho lee littlo authority and cannot rely on resolute in.
dividuals duo to tho vigilanco of tho Albanian Army along tho Grook
border, and also the activity of the 110j0 Populloro (Communist Popular
Militia), whiah, has many informants among tho Albanian refugees. It is
known that Ta7k has mado proposals to tho British aad4noricane for ob.
taming a supply of arms, 12Wit who is now an Iimptian citicon, is not
on good tome with ELISUBA and the groups of =MAU and KOLIQI.
Z. Objectively spooking, these Albanian parties wore all creatod
by political interests %latch sock contool ond hegemony over the Palkans?
Thus, the nations taking active interest in the welfare of the Tarim*
parties are as follows:
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Iegaliteti (Monarchists): ENGLAND
Balli tombetar (National Front)? =GLAND
Albanian AgrriviaL. Party: YUGOSLAVIA
Independent Aational Bloc: ITALY (and indirectly the
United States,)
The Prizren League? ITALY
The structure of the above parties varies as do the foreign
interests in the Balkans, and it follow that instead of any collaboration
among the parties, there is only suspicion, intrigue and rivalry.
111. The National Front (Belli rombetar) managed to gain the upper
hand in the "Committee for a Free ALBANIA" When this committee was formed
in Paris in August 1949, after a quasi formal consultation among the vprioul,
party representatives responsible for the policy of the committee. As the
dominant party, the National Front has been mostly responsible for the
policy of the committee, Within the ranks of this party it was believed
that Colonel Fitzroy MACLEAN had reached some accord with TITO in regard
to A/2AM. A few considerations bore out this belief. For example. TM,
had given some signs of a plan, the principal aim of which was to bring
pressure to bear on Enver =Ws Cominformist government - probably by
stirring up some activity on ALBANIA's northern border. Actually TITO
delegated this task of harrassing the Albanian government to Serbophile
Gani =Tau, head of the Albanians in KOSSOW and brother of Sail ENEEZI14
leader of the Albanian Agrarian Party. (The Kossovo. ethnically Albanian,
was assigned to YUGOSLAVIA by the London Conference of 30 May 1.91.!,) This
MACLEAN accord and Xossovo plan weigrgEer substantiated suffickinai se
that the National Front modified its policy within the "Committee" and in
Albanian circles. Fearing possible developments of the TITO-MACLEAN accord,
and fearing further isolation from the prizren League, the National Front
toned down its policy of domination and hesitated in making earelear de-
cisions and in taking any definite action. This has naturally hampered the
activities of the Committee,
G. Meanwhile, National Front exponents also fear that the British
may bring pressure to bear on ALBANIA through GREECE, who Claim a part of
southern ALBANIA (Eorce and Gjinokastre). TITO has had his own troubles
and has not been able to do anything on the northern border not even
through the Albanian exiles, Thus, the Albanian government, fearing the
threat from the south, has concentrated two divisions along the Galoak
border, /n the meantime, the Soviet Union, seeing ALBANIA thus isolated
and encircled, foments disorders in Macedonia, promising and intending to
set up an i:Aspendent Macednnian state,
/n National Front circles, it is known that roads are being
built in ALBANIA with the purpose of joining Abasan with the Greek-Yugoslav
border in the vicinity of Lake Ohrid, This mig4t be the result of a plan
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AL Survey of ALBA= (cont' d.) Page 42
nods by the Soviets to jcin BULGARIA and AIMAN/A. through a corridor in
Macedonia. ltLo.i toa:poi:nes tu be very diffieult it would solve .
the problem cf the by the Ge.-.10t if it
were to succeed, f-A Nathal c::.e.clee it is bOieved that in order
to-defeat this threat, V.i.LA j-ree;:s., -wexa on by the Alliee, might break
through the southeast l!oraer of AXIIAYIL and mnrch on 171one? thus cutting
the route of the Coa-inuniste. (:1:t .4.11 be remembered Trial; a state of war
still exists between ALBAMA and GRaCZ, since no peace treaty has as yet
been signed.)
I. According to these some ciecles, the National ?rent is attempt.
ing to infiltrate Albanians into the fatherland throuch GREZni in order to
spread propaganda the ranks of the Albenian exmy in favor of a free
=AMA. Other Maninn Parties, r3.0 of the Belli Kombetar, have not
shown nny enthustwel over this ventuee, These latter parties believe that
the hypothel;leal oerridt,-e of the Sovloes in Macedonia is nothine; but politie,
cal pressure and an atte7ipt to embarrase. Tl'LO he Sa0 JaVlotal. ?rent
(sources reveal that some mcmbers of the Datienra /ront (about 25 persons)
are present7y in Malta waiting to be sent to A:ABA:Mt, Although this type
of expeditien should firot of all result in information of a military,
political and economic nature, the members of this eepedition will probably
spread propaganda in favor of their own party, and nothing more, This is
another example of thellact that an effeetive collaboration among the par-
ties is impossible.
J. Members of the Belli Ibmbetar believe that a policy of patience
elould prevail, eines the USSR is daily seen to be In more difficulty in
furnishing suppliee to ALIALIA,, From information gathered in ALBANIA,
these members have learned that ncrale in the.X.brrnian Army is extrezaly low,
and that of the civilian population even lower. The economic situation of
the country is bad, inasmuch as the USSR, in exchange for wow materials,
sends an infrequent shipment of cereals and arms.
K. The National Erent-, in Committee circles, shows itself willing
to collaborate with the ronarchiots, only for opportunistic reasons and in
order not to be isolated. Ite,2ing ZOGU is perfectly aware of the intentione
of the National Front and does not fear them. ZOGU is represented on the
Committee by his trusted servant, Abas KUPI, who recently left Rome, to join
the Xing in EGYPT in order to discuss possible developments of TWAlbanian
L. The NatAharont members believe in eventual victory of their
own party in the Free ALBAN/A moement, because of their social and man,-
tionary ideology. They believe that King ZOGU is an English pawn, to be used
in case of failure of the Pepublicans (the Netional Front). Such a failure
they exclude on the grounds that the Yugoslays could not suffer the restoros
tion of the monarchy in ALBANIA because the ideological differences would
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A Survey of A-A.::" Page 43
be dangerous te the countries of poular democracy. AAA when the time
comes for the fuvaaing of a new Albanian government, the National Tient
leaders hope for foreign support (lheish and Yugoslav).
M. The most pri:minent exponent of' Belli Kombetar is Ali Bey
KL/SUTIA, now in exile in Ws. During the constitution of ALBANIA, KLIMA
was the closest collaborator of VUrredin Bey VIM, and with him held a
position of command within the provisional government of Vlone. Later, how
ever, he tried to undermine the prestige of VLORA, turning first to ITALY
and then to GERMANY. MIth the assistance of GERMANY, KLIMA mamoged to
set up the cadres of the Belli Kombetar at the very beginning of World. Whr
II, organizing a small army (which assumed a definite anti-Italian attitude)
In Zaneari 1943, KLIMA, and other members of the Balli Kombetar were cap-
tured. by General BOXRAis Communist Partisans, These partisans were organiz-
ed with the assistance of the British (Major SEYMOUR), However, Britain
was at that time still uncertain about the policy to adopt with tho two
Albanian factions; therefore, KUM% was set free. After tho war he vent
into exile, and is now the most influential representative of Belli Kombotar.
14., Natural Defenses (See Exhibit VII)
A. A rough topographic survey of AI MANIA might at first lead one
to believe that the Albanian defense position is good, since mountains
surround all of its continental borders. However, if examined in detail,
thp situation proves to be anything but favorable, since there are many
possibilities of invasion Which could all be fully exploited by enemies of
It is assumed that both YUGOSLAVIA and GREECE must at present
be considered enemies of ALBANIA. These two hostile bountries cover the
entire length of the Albanian continental borders and close ALBANIA entirely*.
If the military action of its enemies were to be conducted. simultaneously,
ALBANIA would be unable to put up a successful defense in the proper sense
of the word. . The Albanian territory in a very short time wOuld be reduced
to a few pockets, disorganized and divided, which could only continue to
molest the enemy forces by a more or less successful guerrilla esniaige.
By successfully performing the initial phase of their offensive
and establishine a single brealo-throughalong the easterh border of ALBANIA,
the Yugoslav and One* armies could essfIr reach the coast in a relatively
short time, not exceeding twelve days, and divide he country into two or
more pockets, even if such a maneuver were not aided by a simultaneous
amphibious operation along the coast. This would certainly break, or at
least greatly weaken, the organised defense of the Albanian Army.
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A Su.rvoy of 4ra..z:,.:6(cult I d) Page 44
The Aabanion Army, even if it were equipped with up-to-date
equipment and trained, which it is not, is numerically too weak
to resist blcw doll-fared at certain points where the enemygs reconnais-
sance would reveal a lesser resistance, :n the case of ALBANIA, the prob.
ing of the reeietance along the border and the following delivery of the
main blow at exactly the right point, still assuming that the enemy had
the initiative does not constitute a too difficult tactical problem,
This is partieilanly clear if one keeps In mind the fact that the nembetcal
strength of the Albanian Army, without considering its fire power, is so
small that it could not efficiently cover all of Ito long border line,
Boosting the Albanian Army tette maximum potential and rein-
forcing it with CominODW Wigades, Which would certainly aid' Enver NOZHAts
regime, a forec nnt elTnes!ing 200,000 men would be obtained. This small
force would have to cover not lees that 700 kilometers of border; Pen
if not one man were assigned to the defense of tholong coastline, this is
an unsustainable preportion. No army in the world could defend so vast
(territory with so small a force, from Which a large number of rear perseetii
and reserve troops must be subtracted,
Besides this, guerrilla forces, composed of Albanian regulars
and irregulars, would find in their enemies elements equally well suited
for guerrilla warfare and able to counter their operations with a comae?
pending counter-guerrilla operation. Such movements would, be conducted by
light and mobile units, quite similar to the Albanian guerrilla forces, but
B. The survey of the continental borders should best start at the
north (see Chart /), This part of the border line is extremely important,
since the most important .attempts to invade Albanian territory, eine? the
beginning of modern warfare, took:place in this area, This occurred during
the ?trot Balkan War and the attempted invasion of ALBANIA by the Algoslav
forces during World War II.
A.chain of mountains, usually called the Albanian Alps, forms
the border of YUGOSLAV/A (i.e? the YUgoelav National Republic of erne
Gora), starting from the flatland north of ghladaK* at the village of mg
Hotit (IUGOSIAVIA, 1:100,000, Sheet 138, l26), and. forming with its
peaks both the hydrographic and the political boundary, The mountain chain
rises steeply and reaches a height of 122g meters only about 10 kilometers
north of Lake Scutari* Towards the north it constantly rises, reaching the
height of 2173 meters with the peak of Glieva Glom, It than crosses the
Vile Mountain (Point 2093, YUGOSLAV/A, 1:100,000, Sheet 129* 303746) and
maintaining its general northeoouth direction, leaves the locality of
Guelele in Orna Gore (Nbntenegre) reaching a height of 2550 meters about
15 kilometersnorth of 94....103. (YUGOSLAVIA, 1:250,000, Sheet 7:)i6, 741255).
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A Survey of 47:14:k 1.cntld)
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Tho mountath chain then follows the boundary, at heights yams
mg from 2,500 to 2,600 metres, and ends in Idaravica (Mat 26561
YUGOSLAVIA, 1:250,000, T?37, 77326g), abruptly falling into the flat.
land. of Pee, in the :ietohija regilne This mountain chain, clwAng the
north side of Lake Scutari along a length of not less than 130 kilo-.
metres, is without any roads or valleys, with the single exception of
the valley at Vermoehe (YUGOSLAV/A, 1:250,000, Sheet Y-,36, 742270,
across the LitriiNc-r?,- Since this valley is enclosed in a circle of
high mountains, it possesses no strategic value.
Another mountain chain, also following a north-south direction
and forming an appendix to the abovementioned principal mountain chain
of about 60 kilometers in length, starts with theapixElloa and ends in
the 1,9g9 metres high BeshtriA (Point 1959, YUGOSLAVIA, 1:250,000. Sheet
Y.35, 200934). This mountain chain leaves open a valley about 5 kilo-
metres wide through .Which the White Prin River flows. A road runs along
the river through this valley. Immediately to the south of this valley
is another high mountain, the Koritilk, 2,394 metres,(Point 2394.
YUGOSLAVIA, 1:250,000, Sheet /?.47, 202919). Koritnik is connected with
the large chain of the Korab Mountains, but there is a passage for the
small, but fast river Luma, Which flows into the White Drin about 5 kn.
?metres east of Itkes (YUGOSLAVIA, 11250,000, Sheet Y.7, 159921), cross.
tug the road between Prizren (YUGOSLAVIA, 1:250,000, Sheet D.47, 189921)
and Makes, under the bridge of Uta Vezirit (YUGOSLAVIA, 1;250,000, Sheet
The encirclement of this area of defense, composed of imposing
mountain bulwarks connecteti by irregular heights, might be carried out
easily by launching a bi?lateral maneuver, of which one arm would take
Prizren, to be used as a jump-off point to follow the %bite Kirin valley,
cialinlo second would penetrate into the flatland of Shkoder from the
Montenegrin isthmus. Both directions invite fast movements by means of
excellent roads, of which the first connects Prizren, iNkee, Shenmrie
(YUGOSLAVIA, 1:250,000, Sheet Y.447, 176923), Leithiz (11160eLAVIA, It 250.
000, Sheet Y.47, 16$924) and Puke (YUG0SLA.V/Ar1M000, Sheet Y..47,
145920)1 while the second leads irrom Bar and. Shkoder to Bk.t. Both roads
were built by the Italians, are well suited for trucks and other heavY
vehicles, and allow fast motorized columns to maneuver rapidly by means
of which the Albanian forces, arrayed within the semi?circle of north
and northeast ALBANIA, could be encircled.
The second natural defense system of =CIA, closing the east-
ern border towards YUGOSLAVIA (mainly the Republic of )(acedonia) is come.
stituted by the Kora Mountain chain. This imposing mountain has a len-
gth exceeding 70 kilometres and extends to the bay formed in the locality
of Debar (Dibra)(ITJG',DSLANIA, 1,250,000, Sheet T.47, 194858). Its peaks
have heights not less than 2,100 metres, while the two highest, the
Koral(Pvint 2764, YUGOSLAVIA, 1050,000, Sheet /?47, 199557) and. Dost
(Point 2374, YUGOSLAVIA, 11250,000, Sheet Y.-47, 195871) reach heights
of 2,764 and 2,375 metres respectively.
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A Survey of
page 46 ,
The Ez:rab ts a veritable natural well, and if considered from
a military point of view, cquld7.epresent a considerable strategic ad.
vantage tc ./.01W1-7LL, rlinco th mnntain shortens the border to a de-
gree and 4,13v t: ops vaoh wrald have been necessary to defend the area
could be deployed. elsewhere. The numerical weakness of the Albanian.
Army would. mean that the border could not be defended equally, and the
usage of all natural advantages would be to the Allanianstbest interests.
In the event of a bi-lateral invasion coming from prizren and.
Debar, the Drab Mountains would immediately become a negative position,
glace: (1) it would fall automatically should. any of the two abovenention.
ed positions become indefensible (which is probable) and (2) since it
could not be evacuated in time by means of an organized retreat and
would become a rocket of annihilation.
A good road connects Debar, it YUG0SLAV4 with pshkon
(YUGOSLAVIA, 1:250,000, Sheet-Prf, 188877). This road follows the
Black Drin Elver. The locality of ToTojan (YUGOALAVIA, 1:250,000s Sheet
74.47s 187865), which is quite near the horder (12 kilometres) and easily
reached, and the locality ofIerean are connected with 3arra1iTUG0STAVIA,
11250,000, Sheet Y.47, 152871) by a road crossing the v=e7rof the
Mati River and running through ptloizee (GREECE, 1:250,000, Sheet 04,
169658), Prom 1=01 a good mountain road leads to Eruje, Terre (MEC&
1;250,000, Ahoe'T 121851), Tirane (GREECE, 11250,000, SEM-0-11
132642) and Durres.
,Thellac.k,Drin.River leaves YUGOSLAVIA to enter ATANLA. in the
vicinity of Debar:. It forma a valley about 5 kilometres wide, and this
valley aprearViiilt opening the Drab Mountain wall, This entry, if
used as a point of the main effort, would offer considerable tactiaal
possibilities to forces coming from the east, Another defensive will,
formed by a mountain chain, extends from II:Oar to /eke Ohrid, leaving
Stru 11250,000, Sheet 0.1, a3.8 in Yugoalav territory and
n GREECE, 1:250,000, Sheet 0.1, 199807) in ALECUIL. The mountain
chain is formed by the pecks of :ablanica (Point 2187, GVZIO36 11250,000,
Sheet 0.1, 186824) and Belies, (point 2257, Gann, 1t250,000, Sheet 0.1,
1918210 and is uninterrupted4 varying in height .between 1,260 and 2,180
metres, with the highest summit reaching 2,257 metres, it dominates the
road coming from rronstm, roughly following the western shore of
Lake Ohrid. The road ascends to a fair height, then descends gently
into the Shkumbin River Talley, crossing the important mineral zone of
9akee (ME(iZ, 11250,000s Sheet 0.1, 182810) and. gbrashd. (On2C14
1:250,000, Sheet 0.1, 172823).
A. penetration of ALBANIA with streng.forces taking off from
Strmga would not be too promising, Better possibilities are offera
to a potential invading army by proceeding along tho southeast shore
of Lake Ohrid. Although there is no ftrst Olibss highway in this areas
the entire region is flat, 4th a good community road connecting the
town of Ohrid with the Monastery of St Batsm (0 CE, 11250000, Sheet
A ittk;vica .2009g7forntragr
Vo;' ? .4,000 est O. 96769).
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A Survey of (If Pap 47
The area to the coutheast contains the best road net in all
ALBANIA. Durin7 the secona IIIVIPO of World War II, after the capiti.
lation of 11PLY, tLio G:,/lJant; ut:.ld this road not for their operations .
Which led to the oecuration of he country. The maneuver is conduct-
ed by the let Mountain Division (Erste Deutsche Gebiergsdivision) com.
mended by General Ton STETTNER.
The border area described above lying between YUGOSLIMA and
ALUM, is extremely unfavorable for the Albanians to hold should the
Yugoslays take the initiative. In. a case like this, the Yugoslays would
undoubtedly execute a pincers movement, with lower Orna Gora serving
as the take-off point toward Shkoder, and the White in Valley as the
route of the second. arm. Such a pincers movement would be an exact re.
petition of the first Yugoslav attempt which odeurred during World War II.
The only difference to the abovementioned maneuver was that the
Yugo slave sought to conquer northern ALBANIA without using both arms of
a pincer movement in a simultaneous flanking operation. Just one route
Of invasion was used since the Yugoslav General Staff, which should have
co-ordinated the movements, had disintegrated in the meanwhile. A series
of diverting operations could be conducted by the Yugoslays in the .L..1p.41
(Dibra) area. This would ease the conduct of offensive operations in the
naTE- and would offer opportunity for an advance toward the heart of
ALBANIA, and the Adriatic, itte advancing army would have already occu-
pied rrmia, Maim, and Tirane.
It has been pointed out, however, that all possible Yugoslav
offensive operations against ALUM would depend completely upon the
time and tide of events in the Balkans. The probable successes of the
Yugoslav Army on the Albanian front would be of secondary importance
if compare& with the main sector situated further east, ire, Macedonia, If
the Yugollav Army were to lose the initiative, then the chances of success
in this area would. be greatly altered. The Yugoslays would then be forced
to conduct a retreat along the lines of communications existing between
Lake Ohrid and the Kossove flatland. The matt effort in this instance
would have to be diverted toward northern =AMA if the Yugoslays were
to check any advances into their territory from that direction. It would
be to the vital interests of the Yugoslays to keep an enemy force out of
the flatland of Orna Gera, and also from reaching Boka Ketorska. The
best means of accomplishing this would. be for the Yugoslays to have an
alliance with MUD, and to oo-ordinate their military moves in such a
manner as to keep any offensives conducted against either or both, from
If such were not the case between YUGOSLAVIA and =mac thea the
south of ALBANIA would remain independent and poulii be used as a base for
more extensive operations against the Yugoslays,. The reverse would be
true in respect to GCE. The Greco-gabanian border, including the area
which crosses Lake Prespa. is 230 kilometres long, Within this distance
are high mountains and open valleys of the rivers which flow into ALBANIA.
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A Survey of (cent' d) Pago 48
The juncture of the Greek, Yugoslav, and Albanian borders
lies in Lake Prespa, The SeUhagara sector, wedging into the lake,
belongs mainly to MEG& The buttress of the mountain of Souhagara
with its slopes southwest of gorovo, does not represent a valuable
strongpoinf of defense, Point 172g of Soughara (031130g: 1:250,000,
Sheet 0-1, 21776g), however, protects the crossroad of the highway
communications between Stenja (MEM 11250,000, Sheet 0-1, 220790),
Resan (GRESCID, 1:250,000, Sheet 0-1, 230S06) and Bito1A(GRS3a.
1:250,0010, Sheet 0-1, 255797). This mountain faces north and is fort-
ified with infantry trenches and field fortifications, Its left flank
adjoins another fortified system, presently held by the Albanians.
This is the system of the Mali i That (Point 2035, GRISCE.
1:250,000, Sheet 3-1, 21777E) which peetects and controls the national
highway leading from Pogradec and joins at Gabravioa with a road fell.
owing the coast of lake Prove. The road then continues to Korea, one
of the most important centers of ALBANIA, This was the invasion route
used by the Germans during the second phase of Wbrld Whr /I, That in..
vasion was simplified by the fact that the Italians had evacuated the
area of Point 2035 on Mhli i That in January 1943, and limited them,.
selves to the defense of the locallttbse around Starove and pogradoc,
and in the flatland of 'Corm The Italian forces7E;;;Ter, mintained.
an occupation of Point Wor(GREECE, 1:250,000, Sheet 0-1, 213759)1
about 6 kilometres east of Mborja. This point was maintained and for-
tified with the solo intention of keeping the rEndattess Partisans,
commanded by the Greek General =VAS, under control.
The border, starting with the eastern corner of Lake ?renal
follows along the mountain of Kosik, its highest point of 1,549 metres
being in AIMANIA, then follows a line Which crosses the road coming
from the entreahhedrftbrig6f7lorina (GREBM, 1:250,000, Sheet 0-1,
260769), which belongs to the so-called MUTAXAS0 Line. The border
then descends across a gorge into Bilisht (GEBBOE, 1:250,000, Sheet
G-1,:22,755) an entirely Moslem settlement, and then into the upper
valley of the Devon River.
The border area south of Korce is defended by a mountain chain,
the Grammes, Which has become universally known by the important role
it played du2ing the recent Greek revolution and civil war. The
Grammes follows the border for about 50, kilometres, and protects the
valley of &sake (GREECE, 1:250,000, 194727) width is the most dee-
sely populated region of =AMA, The Grammos (G3SECK, 1:250,000,
Sheet 0.4, ranging between 205734 and 200723) has an average hetght of
over 2,000 mitres, with heights of 2,036 metres in the north, 2,519
metres in the middle, NUL, 2,041 metres in the south. A tributary of
the Vijose River, very rapid in the first 25 kilometres of its course
to Permet (MOS, 1:250,000, Sheet G?=4, 165717) but Which slows down
later at Kelcyre (GleXCE. 11250,0009 Sheet G-4, 15372g), has a source
which originates in the springs under the south peak of the OTOMMOB.
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A Survey of A/ZAMA (coat' &) Page 49,
The Grammes area is very poor in made, and it may be safely
added that no road communications exist between ALBANIA and GREECE
in this region. There are mule paths which are of no military imp.
.ortence and Which could be coverell by light arms. Touard the eolith
is the Sarandaporos River Valley, descending toward the bridge of
Perat. This valley contains an excellent road which begins at
Kanbaki (GAZECE6 1:250,000, Sheet 0.4, 186694), The Albanian terr-
itory in this region is entered by two roads, of Which runs in the
Vijose River Valley in the north, while the second crosses the Etaii
Bridge (GREECE, 1:250,000, Sheet a.4, 163681) to the met and pene-
trates the Ehrino River Valley. The two valleys aro separated by the
Nemereke and Luarleries Mountains (GRIMM 11250,00a, Sheet G.4, from
163713 to 181690, and the latter from 150715 to 167688). /he first val-
ley leads toward Petmet and ppolen. (GC!, 11250,000, Sheet 0.4.
1315726), while the second reaches t s important center of Gjtnokaster.
The border between the two valleys (both of Which are very fa-
amble routes of invasion) is defended by Ifacriewate Mountain reaching
a height of 1,671 metres (believed to be Point 1650, GREECE, 1:250,000,
Sheet 0.4, 162699). This area is the most dangerous point of the en-
tire GreelemAlbanian border, and the most favorable for a possible Greek
Xakavt is a fortified position which is reinforced with concrete
emplacements, and faces southeast. /t forms a unique defensive position
together with the Strugara Mountain system (Point 1601, GREECE, 1:250,000,
Sheet 04, 153672). About 10 kilometres north of this position there is
an aperture formed by a small tributary of the /trines River, which has
its springs below the Strugara, This opening offers particularly good
possibilities to enter the wide and fertile /brine Vnlley, where the
opportunity for the maneuvering of large units is quite good. It should
be pointed out that the thrill? River nearly dries out during the summer
drought. It banks form an excellent ground for maneuvering armored Ves.
.hides and taWrs. It is entered with comparative ease either from pikavi
or along the small tributary across from Doljana?
The population of the Petmet and Pored regions is composed of
Albanian Moslems, who have pronounced agnil:Mek sentiments. Conversely,
the inhabitants of the areas nearby Winokaster and pkav speak exclus-
ively Greek. The Moslem elements are attached to Mali i Ojer (GEMS,
1:250,000, Sheet 144691) on one side, and on the other to Mali User,
immediately above Libohov (ammo 1:250000, Sheet 0.-4. 157696). The
relationship between the two ethnic groups living in this region is far
from cordial. The Greek speaking population had suffered greatly from
Moslem gangs who were openly collaborating with -the Germans after the
capitulation of the Italians during the late war,
A penetration into the sector between G inokaster and Peraet
would not be too difficult since rolican (0 1t250,000, et
165706) can be reached by means of a provingial road starting at Ltbobov
Shikidpoptkdffar7ayKase 2 into the
an leripay4Cligliaeglig00121-
d wedging
Approved For Release 215/Fit RIEDRE3-00415R006100200002-9
A Survey of AlIV071.1 (contld) 'Pogo 50
Rstlyine (GRIME, 1:250,000, Sheet 0-4, 1)42688) is reached by
a road from 67.77gost (G2=02, 1:250,000, Sheet 0-4, 155685) cros7ing
the Murtine ;g:17E0M, 1:250,000, Sheet 0.4r 150(1) Bxidge
of gaillintIA.fGwn, 1050,000, Sheet 0-41 1476E:7). nx2
-anot-Eif-itird Aet-..enls toward. Saeanae. The StruzLlra IfouAtain zox:, just
west of the Greco-Albanian border, isdifficult to defent. Its mount-
ains are suitable only for a short defens), temporary in nature, and
would serve better as a tako-off point for an Albanian 'offensive laun-
ched against the towns of Oalamas and Tiliates (0RE3C3, 1:40,n0,
Sheet G-4, 156647). Point 1804 which Waraas the flatland below,
Would be particularly well suited for this purpose. This route was ?
used by the Italians in their attack upon MEM and even though the
Italian campaign proved disastrous to them, their defeat .e not due
to improper usage of the terrain.
O. Tae Coastline of ALBANIA
The coastline exceeds 350 kilometres in length and forme
a second negative factor in existing political and hilitary circ-
stances. With boraersand coastline to be defended, it will prove
quite a task for a nation of 1,180,000 population to handle. Considered
from this point of view, it is problematical as to how successful a de.
tense ALBANIA could establish. It is true that an excellent highWay
parallels the coastline from the Montenegrin border to Sarande. The
greatest part of this road is asphalted and would ennbl?pid. move..
ments of troops to be oarried out to any sector of the coastline in the
event of an emergency.
In spite of this, two important problems remainio be solved,
and these are: (a) the lack of equipment to supply defense positionsl
and (2) the exceedingly short distances from the coast to the highway.
The first problea needs no explanation since it is an obvious
and generally known fact. With regard to the second problea, it is
evident that the Albanian roads in the coastal areas ,were built primr
arily for econemil roans without regard for military considerations.
The fact that the Albanian defense strategy is under the sue.
pervision of the lusslans deco not alter the gravity of the situation
resulting from thelo c%ortconings. An enormous expenditure wo,11A be
requirol.to offset thsee shortoomince in improving the line of defense.
It is not expooted that t10Rtltsiain would bo willing tc carry
out any cuchrrogran at direct exmense to themselves, lt may be aseumed
that tny moaera army equkopea vith an arrhnious fcTne could effect land.
ings,in most sootors botwoen the tauth vf-the Pajama River ani the Vijose
R1.707. Uuttvng thc main hie.awny at laTiVile points woald coLtribute to
the tctli ci3oorganzaticn of cDastel I:Vienne; aria would revire the esti.
ablisTAcrit of now linos. rue to tha marshy?fIist te=ain of the country.,
the .eicleanse lines would prt-,brIt1:7 ?viva to be chg 11% the foothills
of the mrroupding nourtatns, In oiiiloitinz the valleys in thees
mountains, sono of the de2eneinc torcea could, be out off or by,4passed
foraIng thon to conduct a guerrilla ler rather than one of organised
Of9reff8?For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00_415R006100200002-9
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A. Survey of ALBANIA. (contid) Page 51
Soviet defence preparations in the southern sector, the areas
of Vlone, Bimar, tLnd on the fortified island of Sazan (which Ins been
taken over d!,roc,t4 the Soviet General Staff' i nuot be uonall.:Aed az
being of a pixmannt and stationary nature. Thesz fortifirb.tio. ,Jca-
list of woollens pp)rted by permanent positions, concrete emplazJms
and. undergrounl artillery opplacements, In spite of this, it is lzubt-
ful that a long defense could be conducted in this area, since the entire
area, although extremely well suited for defense purposes, is so narrow
that there is no possibility of a long defense after the adjacent areas
are attacked and occupied by tho enemy, The Soviet General Staff is,
without 'any doubt, aware of this precarious situation.
The Soviets have launched one of their usual political and mil-
itary maneuvers in announcing through the press and radio that the Sov6.
iet Military Mission is about to retire from AMNIA. The nature of
this withdrawal was not explained in detail. However, some otioorvers
attempting to ',read between tho lines?, of this announcement have came
to the conclusion that this act on the port of the Soviets is due to the
realisation that this advanced postm of the USSR cannot be success-
fully defended. One observer believes, however, that this statement
hides a fact that the Soviets are anxious to conceal, In .tho even, of
complications in the Balkans, the Soviets would take the initiative by
mesas of a large-scale offensive extending over the entire Balkan area.
The first blow would be directed against Yugoslav Macedonia
(provided tho 7Ugoslave maintain their present attitude toward BUSSIO
in order to permit Oominform forces to penetrate the heart of the Balkans,
to join forces with the Albanian troops, and by occupying ALBA= they
could relieve this southern bastion and supply though arms and amw
ition to carry on a defense, Meanwhile, should the Albanian coastal de.
fense fall to pieces, enemy troops penetrating from the sea, Montenegro
or GREECE would be confronted with Soviet armies. Ngoslav armies, Mr
vancing through the valley of the Vhito in and those advancing from
Debar would find themselves attacked from the roar by Soviet armies out
The poor defense possibilities of ALUM as explained previously
would, in this case, lose their validity. A situation such as that des-
cribed in the preceding paragraphs would also prevent any possible mils.
itary allianne between =Mink and Gnszcs.:. The Greeks would prefer
to maintain a state of watchful neutrality, hoping all the While that
the Western Powers would continue to preserve their bridgehead in GRZECE
from a Cominform invasion, by sending military assistance.
In the event of hostilities in the Balkans, the Soviets would
be anxious to prevent my Allied landings in ALBANIA? It would try to
prevent anything like this through the usage of submarines and and mil-
itary operations. Previous reportz that mention the construction of
secret submarine and torpedo craft baseu are true enough to the extent
that these reports should receive the maximum of attention.
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A Survey of ALBAYIA cont d.)
D. Military Drone of ALBANIA
Page 52
1. OrganIntion of the Ministry of National Defense (ArnY)
(See Wiibit I)
Under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of National De.
fonse is the Army (Ushtrija), totalling approximately 60,000 to 70,000
men, under Chief of Staff (Kryetar i Shtabit Ma/1hour) Mahn:4 SKEW. Under
'tho Army are the following specialized sectionsi
a) The Navy and Marino Forces (Marina)
b) The Air Porcd(Ajrit)
c) The Political Direction (Drejtorija Politika) is
supervised by Rysni EAPO. _A Political Commissar and a Vice?Commissar
are attached to the headquarters of each of the throe divisions (and
presumbaly to all other comparable groups). A Political Commissar is
also assigned to each regiment, battalion and company,
d) The Military Security Police (Sigurimit) is one of
the infantry divisions, and is widely distributed throughout the country.
The Sigurimit handles espionage and counter?espionage .
work in cooperation with the Peoples' Security Committees in each villo4f.
e) The Division for popular Defense (Divizjoni i )(brojtios
as popullit, or IMP) formerly was responsible for ccuttov0e5pionage, but
now constitutes an elite military unit, roughly the equivalent of the
former Nazi SS troops.
f) Tae Paramilitary Organization (ftraushtaraket) is
designed to educate boys of 14 to 1S years in the preliminaries of mil?
itary discipline and the handling of arns prior to their compulsory mil-
itary service.
The names and positions of some important Albanian military and
naval leaders aro as follows:
Colonel General Enver ROM ? Reed of the Government and Chief of the Army.
Ma3or General Mehmot 6721311.- Chief of Staff and former Commandant of the
Partisan Units (in the south).
Major General Spiro monru Chief of Operations of the Military High
Major General Muco ZIHNI Inspector General of the Alt/.
Major General Rristo TIMEIKO General Political Commissar.
Major General Mehmed TORMATI Chief quartermaster.
Major General Bajram SINAJMER/ ? Chief of Artillery,
Commander Terlani XTRDO Rich Naval 00Emand.
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A Siirve c. Page 53
Rexhep RAZ (rank "irk:1mm) - Ordnance
Ctaxim ANIMA (rank unknown) Ordnance
Teedor ZSIOTI (rank unknown) - Oommading Officer of the Air Pomo.
;smajl XBEVAR/J (rank unknown) - Military Engineers.
E. Soviet Military Mission
It is an established fact that this Mission is much more
than its capacity as an advisory group reflects, since it is a military
command charged with the following responsibilities:
a) Training and organizing the Albanian Armod Perces.
b) Preparing and maintaining the defense of the nation.
c) Exploitation of the economic possibilities of ALBANIA ace-
ording to the general pattern of Soviet military and aeon-
omic policies.
The Albanian General Staff, while seaming to maintain its
independednce, is subordinate in all fields to the decisions of the
Soviet Military Mission or ',Command*, The main bases of the Mission
are in Tirane, Vlone4asan. Himare, Durres and Shkoder. There are less-
er commands established. wherever there aro AlbaiTaTgladquarters, and
also minor supervisory personnel in some areas which aro considered of
intelligence interest. The entire system forms a tight not which is
operated by many capable Soviet agents using Albanians in various cap-
/t is estimated that there are about 12,000 persons att-
ached to the Headquarters of the fortification works which are being
developed particularly in the coastal areas, Those projects are repm
arted to be under feverish haste toward completion. There are entire
military units employed on nothing but construction of defensive posi-
tions along the coast.
It has been ascertained that the majokity of Russians in
ALEAN/A were shipped by sea to the Port of Vlone between January and
March 1949. Other unite have boon flown in from BUICIARIA, always arr.
iwing by night at either Shkoder or Tirane. These Russian units are
equipped with the latest in weapons and faultlessly dressed. The art-
illery batteries aro of the newest types. To the superficial observer,
the great difference between the Albanian and Soviet military personnel
in weapons, dross, and preferential treatment has been a source of major
discord between the two. rue credit should be given the Soviets for
purposely allowing the Albanians to remain poorly dressed and equipped
since this prevents any possibility of having them to contend with should
the Albanians decide not to fight with the Russians When the time came,
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A Survey of ,cd; Page 54
Tho lupremo Command of the Marine Infantry and Coastal Wong()
Artillery units has bee: aimed by a Soviet Navy adniral, whoso head-
quarters are on Sazan Island- The admiral is in charge of all island
and coastal defonso fortafications. However, ho is subordinate to the
Soviet General Hoadouartors of ALBANIA located at Durres, and commanded
by a Red Amy general. All armed forcos in the ceuntry are subordinatod
to this command: Soviet forces directly, Albanian indirectly. Most of
the Soviet forces in ALBANIA consist of Marino Infantry, Coastal Art-
illery, and Anti-Aircraft Units. There are also units of ground forces
belonging to the Rod Army. Strong contingents of civilian "tochnicians"
have also been obsorved, which, in addition to other duties aro the orig.
anizations of political security for tho military hoadquarters.
Tho Soviet Military Mission attachod its instructors to Albanian
regiments and delegates to the higher headquartrs. ladh battalion and
regiment of the Albanian Army has one such instructor. This instructor
is also the officer6-chargo-of-training, and is in charge of all Albanian
officers in the organization to which ho is attached. The Mission also
has assumed control of tho entire Sanitation Service of the Albanian Army.
F. Ground Forces
(1) General
At tho present time, the Albanian Array consists of 45.000
men trained for combat. The oxprossion "trained for combat" in the Alb.-
anion conception, means that a man has a more or loss proper uniform, a
few dayst food supply, and a weapon with some ammunition. The Albanian '
Army givos the impression of being well organized and that it is composed
of rerular military unite from plations to divisions. Althouch the Alban,-
Ian troops present a military-like appearance, sono are dressed in Mo..
slay uniforms. The Albanian soldier is inclined to bo dirty and disord-
erly. This fact is olto obvious When the troops aro in town on pass.
Draftees, When subjectod to rigid discipline, obey reluct-
antly. The draftees are in continuous training, with long and tedious
military problems generally being oarried out in rocky aroas of tho mount-
ains, or the exact opposite in the valleys. During those probloms, thoy
bivouac in the open with no protection whatsoever. Loading Albanian off-
icers are those who woro partisans in former Communist brigades. /t is
considered a rroat honor to these officers to kayo been a member of a
partisan brigade. Al]. generals in the Albanian Army havo been selected
from partisan ranks. Albanian high-ranking officors were not sent abroad
to YUGOSLAVIA or RUSSIA for military training bocauso of national pros-
tigo. Many still hold the ranks they held while neribers of a partisan
brigade during the Gorman and Italian occupations. Many of these high-
ranking officers are illiterate, and duo to tho basis of soloction, thore
are many high-ranking officers. Approxinatoly Goo lieutenants and etc-
tains woro sent to YUGOSLAVIA for short military courses. Upon their ro-
turn, they formed the core of tho entiro army. Many of then hold posit...
ions comparablo to those of non-commissiohed officers.
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Approved For Release 2004/61E GRFE3-76415R006100200002-9
A Survey of cent' d.
ego 55
Thor:, arc cases where a mall company is commanded by a 11010-
enant colonel, while the adjutant of a regime:Tit is a captain who, by
virtue of his attendance at a military course, rates this assignment. This
fact was quite noticeable at Eormeti, Where the 13th Infantry flogiment
Headquarters aro locatod in former Italian barracks: It is intorosting
to note that tho former Yugoslav Mission had oponod three month courses
for the inetrdction of low ranking Albanian officers prior to tho Yugo
sinV-Albanian Split. Before the conflict between TIO and. the Cominfotm,
praetically otery Albanian unit was commanded by Yui-mslav officers. Due
to the sympathy elicited from their troops and the people in tho towns,
these YugoslaV officers psychologically infiltrated the rank and file of
the popualtion and eon today, the mehories of tho Yugoslays are not com-
paratively uppleadaht.
Upon tho arrival of the _Soviet Military Mission, a,new atmosphere
Soon became apparent. The oompleto"assinilation of, command by the Euesi-
lane asserted itself ell down the ranks. There) are fiVo Soviet officers
&deigned to each infantry regiment, eild d SoViet counsollor bohind each
infantry commander where' once this pOsition was occupied by an Albanian4
-ruo to the fact that tholustian cothse1tor nUit use an intorprot-
or, understanding bOtiteon the 00Uneellor and the Albanian officers is
often quite difficult. RoweVor, tho Albanian Army has acquired a mueh
more normal pattern as a consequence of Eussian training, aad the att.
amont has boon' considerably improved. Tho Albanian Army in its present
condition is much bottor equipped to fight a guerrilla war than a rege.V.
ar military oporation. One main reason is the difficulty in moving troops
itea-one atality to another dao to lack of motorized oquipmont. It is
also a proven fact that the Albanian is a bettor fighter when be fights
alone. Ho is a stoic, coura;mous and resistant, but only when ho fights
alone. These, troops cannot be relied upon because they aro ond products
of an individualistic, sectarian socioty, and thoy fight for 'ghat they
coseidor their own territory rather than tho nation as a whole, There aro
some exceptions, and those mon aro from tho arms of the Zrino, Policani,
and Korea Valleys. Shoso mon aro more Grook than Altimian since they
practise the Orthodox religion, speak Greek, and think politically as
Greeks. During tho war, thoro wore many of these troops who were attach,-
ed to Greek:partisan groups. The mountaineer of Sho Shkoder and Mirdita
regions is not friendly with the philo-Greek of the 817LTERTailo the
Moslem from Malakastra distrusts his comrades from the Mhlissoria.
It is known that tho various tribes of ALUM consider the pre-
sent military and political situation as temporaty. A minor military
failure by tho Albanian Army is enough to make the average soldier desert
the army and roturn to his village, to take up arms thoro in defense of
his home aiminst the mom,
G. Irktes of Paul 1.t ions of Albanian Army Personnel
Monthly #:ttes of Pay - Albemian Army off /oars are paid accord-
ing to tho following rates; (Note): 1 leko equal 8, Italian lire)
Approved For Release 2004/0%19ECI61141-4.415R006100200002-9
Approved For Release 2004/?1 &-ggt3T0415R006100200002-9
A Survey of cents d)
_ 2nd Lieutenant
lit Lieutenant ?
Captain .
Major ?
Lt. Colonel
Colonel an
Monthly *A.tions for Officors
4 # Coo loko
5,500 s
10,000 11
12,000 tt
(All ranks)
7 kg, of peat 56 ligkO Pqr. kr.... ,
4 kg. of *ries, .,..-. so loke'por hg,. :
2 liters o:f oil 52 loko par liter
4 kgs: of pasta 36.140. per.. licc,
1.5 kg. of narrialado 100 161co.por ki..
3 lg.:. of sugar ,. 46 ldko per '
kr1 -
:' ?
As of 1 March 1950, the daily ration of broad for Albaniien
Army officers, as well as tho enlisted personnel, was decreased. fren foto
grans to 600 groxyli Cigarettes are not en the military ration nor s there
any free issuo of cigarettos. Albanian officers enjoy certain fa* PP?*
regarding the purehaso of various foods and articles of c1othtngwicl?.. Aro
obtainable by then in spacial military stores which are located. in
najor area of population, Every officer is entitled to purchase one n-
tor and one sunnor suit (nilitary or civilian) and a pair ef shoos 17.
H. Order of Mattlo (Seo ROchibit II)
It is reported that the present 4lbania/IA=1y is made UP of
four divisions, with individual headquarters and components located a0
Ike 0.,18p6r2.a.t.ail?w,ivision LrIlao
ls, antry ent AO
3rd Infantry Regtaent Tirane
13th Infantry Regiment Egli
let Artillery Regiment Tirane
rth d, /ntantg Division More0
Infantry Regiment KOTT7 '-
1h t Infantry Regiment Cil=ee
26th Infantry Regiment ?peradoci
3rd irtillory Th9gimont Korea
ft.1.24rA, vi
7th Infantry Iginent
19th infantry Regiriont
31st Infantry Regiment
3rd Artillery Regimont
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A Survay pf .ALBAINIA ( con.tt d) Pac-,o 57
Eq., Military and Political Dafonse Division Tirano
lit Infantry Ror,imont Tirane
2nd. Infantry Rocimont Shkoder
3rd Infantry Bpginont Korea
This divisicn reportedly has no artillory: the regiments,
however, have some armored cars and. protoctive units. There also is
a rogiment of Frontier Guards, with headquartors at Slikodor. Prontior
Guard. units aro located at Anioti, Vermoshot Tropoia, Bicai,
Piscopeia, and. Oboti.
Thu lit and 2nd Artillery Regiments aro composed of three
groups. The weapons are war booty 75= and 100 no caliber (mako un.
known). Infantry reginents aro composed. of 3 battalions. "la& batt?
alion is made up of 4 companies, plus a headquarters unit. A company
has 3 machine gun units (light machine guns). Each =chino gun unit
is composod of two weapons. Protecting weapon: 1 t65A17 gen (horse
carried), plus a mortar unit (Slmm, French typo) I Jar: mako; 2 mor-
tar units (45, Brizia type).
I. Organization of Armed Forccs
1. Broakdown
a) General Staff
Deputy Commandant Albanian Army
Political Commissar
Chief of Staff
Chief of Operations
b) Division
Division Headquarters
Three Infantry Rogiments
One A.rtillory Mgimont
c) _ant
Regiment Headquarters
Three Infantry Battalions
?? C4.104142 ,74neral
^ major General
Major Gonoral
iL Major Goncral
^ Colonol
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A Survey of ALBANIA (cont, d)
d) Battalion
Battolion Headquarters
Three Rifle Companies
One Support Company
Ono Signal Platoon
One Supply Plapong
e) Rifle Company
Company Headquarters
Pour Rifie.Platoons
One Supply Platoon
f) Artillery Ro,ginent
Regiment Headquarters
Throe ArtillerY Units (3 batteries each)
One Signal Conpany
One Supply Company
g) Artillery Unit
Unit Headquarters
Three Bettorios (4 guns each) NOTE: In ease the battery is
composed of heavy guns, it will
Signal Platoon have only two guns.
Supply Platoon
2. Armament and. Personnel of AIM Units
a) Army Headquarters
40 Officers - 35 ]Ton.-Coma - 120 Corporals and Privatos
75 pistols - 100 rifles - 5 machine guns-25 sub-machine guns
20 automobiles - 22 motorcycles - one radio station connected
with all units.
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A Survey of ALUM (contid) Page 59
b) Division Headquarters Armament
15 Officers 18 pistols
12 Non-Coms 20 rifles
25 Corporals and Privates 12 suboachihe guns
5 machine guns
Other- 5 automobiles - 8 motorcycles
c) Naginental Headquarters Armament
12 Officers 18 pistols
12 Non-Ccms 33 rifles
20 Corporals and Privstet 8 machine guns
Other 12 sub-.machine guns
2 automobiles - 5 motorcycles - 5 bicycles
d) Battalion Headquarters Armament
4 Officers 2 pistols
6 Non-Cons 4 rifles
6 Corporals and Privates 2 machine guns
Other 8 sub-machine guns
1 automobile - 2 motorcycles - 2 bicytles
e) Company Armament
5 Officers 15 pistols
10 Non-Coms $O rifles
150 Corporals and Privates 20 machine gums
Other 55 submaschine guns
4 automobiles - 4 motorcycles ? 10 bicycles
f) Support,CompanIr
5 officers - 10 no.coms - 120 corpotals and privates
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A Survey of ALBa/A (cont' d) Page 60
25 pistols - 50 rifles - 5 heavy machino guns 8 light mathine
Cults 10 sub-nachine guns - 8 mortars
2 carts - 20 horses - 6 riding horses
0 Signal Platoon .
1 officer 1 non-con 30 corporals and privatos
5 pistols ? 20 rif/os - 3 nachino guns - 5 sub-machine guns
1 autonobile 1motorcyclos- 5 bicycles 2 oarts - 4 horses.
tolephonos . 2 radios
h) Supply Unit
2 non-cons - 40 corporals and privatos
5 pistols. 20 rifles 2 nadhIne guns 5 sd14machine guns
autonotilos 2 motorcycles 4. /0 carts 20 horses
I) Artillory Bogiment
Sane as infantry Poginont
j) Axtillory Unit
Same as Infantry Battalion
3. Axmamont of the Albanian itrrly
The Llbanian Amy is oquippod with Soyiot, Gorman, and Italian
woapons, raring the ',ours? of this 'oar, nost of tho Gorman and Italian
weapons will be roplacod by now Soviet womons, Infantry units and mount.
ain artillory will ospocially be equippod with now Soviet weapons.
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A Survey of ALBANIA (contld) Page 61
Types of Weapons
150mm Gorman guns Simm Wretch mortars
120mm Gorman guns 80mm Soviet guns
105mm Howitzers "T` Soviot mountain guns
100m11 Italian guns 47mm Soviot autiltank guns
S8mm Gorman guns (AA) 37mn Soviot anti-tank guns
There are also no Italian mortars of different caliber. All
mortars and anit.saircraft guns are to be replaced 1001M by now Soviet guns.
Machine Guns
Soviet, Italian, and Gorman 9mm typo. Sono of these units aro
armed with British machine guns reooiVed by partisan groups during the wom:
Rifles and Pistols
Rifles for the most part aro German and Italian, with the lottor
only recently being replacod with now Soviot rifles. Most of the pistols
are Soviet and German, of various calibers.
Motor Vehicles
Most of the vehiclos used by the Albanian Army are of German
or Soviet manufacture which TUGOSIATIA dolivered to ALBANIA prior to the
Cominform disagreement. A considerable prmber of those vehicles are in
bad condition in view of the fact that there are no workshops in the count.-
ry capable of maintaining these vehicles, Spare parte delivered by Soviet
RUSSIA are being used only for the vohieles attachod to Soviet units. Thor()
has been sone dismantling of vehidlos which havo loon ott of order for
some tine due to the lack of spare parts.
Technical Rqutpaont
There is a considerable lack of technical equipment. Sven now,
old German. end British radios, which baraly oporato, ean be seen. The
number of radio sets delivered by RUSSIA is very small and limited. As
yet, there has boon no indication or any action on the part of the Soviets
to supply the Albanian Army with now oquipment*
J. Unite Directly SubordinatO theondcami
let Rom Artillory Regimont, partially motorised; guns of
100mm caliber or Larger are concentrated at Timm,
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A Survey of A/3'177k (cont,d) Page 62
let Armored Regiment; Tirane, has approxinatoly 130 ,arnprOft cars.
let Engineer Regiment, Tirane.
There are four motor pools, one oach at Durres, Shkoder, Korco,
and Gslinokaster, ?glinted with naterial from varlaTiburces, and. all
quite Old.
Organization of IMP (Popular Defense Division) (Soo Skilibit III)
Headquarters Tirane
Tank Reginent Tirane
Engineer Regiment Berat
Heavy Motorized Lrtillery Regiment YrRE0
1st Infantry Beginont Tirane
Infantry Battalion Tirane
Infantry Battalion Masan
Infantry Battalion Brat
2nd. Infantry Regiment Shkoder
Infantry Tattalion WOW
Infantry Battalion Durres
Infantry Battalion
3rd Infantry Regiment Kora?
Infantry Battalion Karoo
Infantry Battalion Vgicastor
Infantry Battalion llone
Transportation Contingent (Regiment) Tirane
Detachment (Battalion) Durres
Detachment (Battalion) Korce
Detachment (Battalion) G inokastor
TruCk Repair Shop (Regiment) Durres
b) 0.3. of Soviet Porceecin ALBA=
Soviet Milittry Mission
Military Delegates
Military Instructors
Soviet Medical Services Tirane
Headquarters, Mountain Infantry logiment Leskovik
Mountain infantry Battalion teskovik
Mountain Infantry Battalion Pode
Mountain Infantry Battalion Brzoze
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Survoy of ALBANIA (clout' d) Page 63
Mountain Artillery Ttorimant Ereeze
liarine Infantry Regiment Satan Island.
c) Military Radio Transmitters
The following is a list of known Albanian Army mobile radio trans-
mitting units which wore supplied by RUSSIA during may 1949$
a) lit Mobile Radio Headquarters is located on the Tirano Airfield
on the right side of the highway that connects Time with I:R=0*p
b) aad. Mobilo Radio Headquartors is locatod at Shkjesi, a locality
on Mount Taraboshi approximatoly 4 kilometres from Shiroka, on to Lake of
c) 3rd Mobilo Radio Headquarters is located in the immeidiate vic-
inity of qinokaster near the Convent BeIctaski (Moslcn Soot) Tegje Saba Salim
d) I:nowt fixed military radio stations aro located atWIL.ti in
tho iroujusa *non at Karoo; and at tho 3rd. Artillery Rodnont - quarters
at Gjinokaater, in tho arifenotian castle that dominates tho city.
K. Okvy and Coastal Defenses (Soo 21hibit
1, kyr and Coast Guard.
Tho Albanian Naval Headquarters is located at Larrof, and
is stiffed by and. Soviet navel porsonne4. .In addition to its reg-
ular duties, the Naval Headquarters is also in dhargo of Coast Guard
ations and of tho Merchant Marine,
The Albanian Naval Force in Durres is made up of approximate-
ly six or seven minesweepers (Italian typo) and about six motor launches. Al].
of the minowoopers have a displacement of about 50 tons, and. are armed with
3 maChino guns of an unidentified caliber and typo, and. hairo crews of about
20 nen each. Two of the minesweepors are ogripted with adlitonal arnamont
in the form of two cannons each (caliber and nako unknown). The motor
lainchos have a cruising speed of ton or twelve knots, tind are armed with
one machine run each, and each having a crow of six,
The coast Guard is not a separate branch of tho armed for-
des in ALBANIA but it is a joint responsibility of the Navy and the wag-
urimits, inpfar as every craft assigned, to a Coast ?card mission carrios
two to four sSigurimite agents in addition to the re(ular comploment. Tho
Albanian coastline is dividcd into four !ones, and those are as follows:
a) Zone NO.1 ? Shionds Prom Pulaj to Shen G in.
b) Zone Jo, 2 tenis from Siva GJtnto Durres.
0) Zeno No., ? Rxtonis from rcs to SaiarTiland.
d) ZODO NO.4 tends from ME-Island to Sarando.
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A Survey of A7rAriti, (conttd) Paco 64
Guard and patrol duties aro perforned by VO lounchos of the
-Albanian Navy. Those launches average an approximate speed of gem
knots, are arned with three machine guns of unknown caliber and Oak%
havo each has a complemont of fivo or six sailors in addition to two
or throe IlSigurimitit Agents. Theso craft are of various types hnd none
of them are equippoi with radio receiving an& sending sots. iuty Bohr
edules of these boats are not known, except that in Zone No.1, betwoen
Puiai and Shen G in, there are more patrols operating than in any of
tho other zones. o reason givon for this movo on tho part of the
Albanian Govonamont is the doeire to premont any of tho morchant oraft
or othor typos from escaping to YUGOSLOLL or MALY.
In bad weather or homy seas, Coast Guard duties are seamed by
the minesweopors in all four panes. The following particulars of theso
minesweepers wore obtained*
Displacement 2 to 4 tons
Armament - 1 hoovymachino can
2 light machine guns (German)
Maximum rpeodp-12 knots
Complement os 10 to 15 mon
2 to 4 ItEigurimity agents
Ono of tho minoswoopera is a seven ton craft and is ogaipped with
an AL machine gun of unknowm typo, and two light German machine guns. She
also carries a radio recoiming and transmitting sot. All of tho minosweop.
ors:used-by tho Coast Guard have been suppliod by 7DDO5IA.Vii after *rid
War II. The motor launchos usod by the Coast Guard wore capturod from tho
Italian forces after the italian capitulation on Soptomber 1943. Ono
of tho launchos, tho Mftho Uloinakult, is usai on runs of 24 hours duration
betwoon Pula4.and Sarando . Tho particulars of this launch aro as follows*
5 tons
30 meters
Width 5 meters
lnginos 2 U.S. built sNorculest, typo, 250 hp
' each
MAximum Speed 15 to 18 knots
Armament 1 cannon, typo and &Mew unknown
2 Germarrnado twin.barrol AA machine
Pins (probably 20mn flak 28)
Complement 10 to 15 mon plus 3 or 4 sSiguricitf
ntledio rocoiming and transmit,-
Sho has an iron hull and carrie
ting set.
Coast Guard rognlations prohibit Albanian Morchant Marino vessels
and fishing boats from 1aaving any Albanian port during the hours of dada.
nose. Soots belonrIng to the Coast Guard that loave ports during tho night
must inform thoir rospoctivo oommmads as to tho simals they will use to
idontify thomsolvos prior to departing fram port. important ports (iurros,
for example) aro off limits to all civilians not in possession of sigfa-7-
pormits issued by the sSigurinitft. Tho goardinc of ports and their inst-
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A Survey of N7ArIA (contld) Pogo 64
Guard and patrol duties are porformod by 20 launches of the
-Albanian Navy. Those launches average an approximate speed of seven
knots, aro armed with three machine guns of unknown caliber and Make,
havt each has a complement of five or six sailors in addition to two
or throo oSigurimitn Agents. Thoso craft are of various types and none
of them are equipped with radio receiving and sending sets. Duty Behr
edulos of those boats are not known, oxcept that in Dy.no No.1, betuten
Pulaj and Shen Gjin, there are more patrols operating than in any of
tho other zones. Tho mason given for this move on tho part of the
Albanian Government is the dosire to prevent any of tho merchant craft
or other typos from escaping to YUGOSLAVIA or /141a.
In bad weather or heavy seas, Coast Guard duties are assumed by
tho minesweopors in all four zones. Tho following particulars of these
minesweepers wore obtained:
Displacement.. 2 to 4 tons
Armament - 1 hoavymachino run
2 light machine runs (German)
Maximum speoa-12 knots
Complement ?? 10 to 15 non
2 to 4 ffSigurimitn agents
Ono of tho minoswoopera is a seven ton craft and is oquippod with
an AA machine gun of unknown typo, and two light German machine guns. She
also carries a radio recoiving and transmitting sot, All of tho minosweop.
ere:mood-by tho Coast Guard have been supplied by YUGOSLAVIA after *rid
War II. Tho motor launchos uood by the Coast Guard wore captured from tho
Italian forcos after the Italian capitulation on 8 September 1943. One
of the launchos, tho "Who Ulqindican, is usod on runs of 24 hours duration
between pulaj, and Sarando. Tho particulars of this launch are as follows:
Length 30 tons
With 5 motors
Engines 2 U.S. built, ',Hercules', typo, 250 hp
' each
Maximum Speed 15 to 18 knots
Axmament 1 cannon, typo and caliber unknown
2 German-nado twin?barrol AA machine
runs (probably 20mm Flak 28)
Complement 10 to 15 men plus 3 or 4 *Sigurimitff
She has an iron hull and carries a radio receiving and transmit-
ting sot.
Coast Guard rogulations prohibit Albanian Morchant Marine vessels
and fishing boats from leaving any Albanian port during the hours of dazb-
ness. Boats belonging to the Coast Guard that leave ports during the night
must inform their rospoctivo commands as to the signals they will use to
identify themsolvos prior to departing from port. Important ports (Durros,
for oxamplo) are off limits to all civilians not in possession of special
permits issued by tho oSigurimittl. Tho guarding of ports and thoir inst-
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allations is also a fun
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A Survey of ALBANIA (cont* d.) Pao 65
L. Marino Infantry and Coastal Dofenso
A Soviet Navy aeniral whose headquarters are on Sazan Island,
is in suprane command of Marino Infantry and Coastal Deans? Artillery
units, and also supervises all work concerning fortifications and coastal
1. It is believed that that the Albanian coastline is dividod
into 'sown coastal defense sectors, a garrison company located within each.
Centers of those defense soctors are as follows:
let Sector Durros
2nd Sector 'nen?
3rd Soctor Sazan Island
4th Soctor Porto Palorpo
5th Soctor Sarando
61h Soctor Butrinto
7th Soctor Shen Win (,)
Every contor of coastal defonso consists of tho following
components: 2 motor launches, armed with one machino run oach; 3 motor?
sailing craft, with one nftchino gun each; and one garrison company deployed
along the coastal sodtor. :Bach garrison company consists of 1 officer (con,
pany commander), and three platoons led by norrcemmissionod officors. A com..
pany consists of 60 men. Each company is equipped with one mountain gun
which is emplaced on the most prominent position of the respoctivo sector,
and two machine guns. Means of communication consist only of visual signals.
M. Coastal Fortifications
1. none ? This port is ocaupiod by a military force of five
to six thousand men, mainly personnel of a unit of Coastal Artillery.. The
troops are billeted between the city and the port of Vlono. Their barracks
consist of about 30 or 35 buildings, located approxinatoly two kilometers
from the port. Tho so ?aal/od "Central Barracks" are located about 500 yards
south of the port, and consist of throo or four buildings. Those barracks
accomodate about one thousand enginoor troops. A quartermaster dunp is lo?
catod in the immediate vicinity of the barracks occupied by the Coastal Art..
illory unit.
The area of Vlono has boon closely ruardod for the past two
years. Its population is subject to political security checks and many of
the inhabitants have 'boon removed, NO persons may approach this zone if
not in possession of a special permit issued by the Soviet Comnand or the
"Tochnioal Branch" of the "Sigurinit". Recently this zone was described
in an official document (proclamation) as a "Military Prohibited Zone". The
reasons for thil security arot secrecy of fortification works; loading and
unloading of munitions, armament, and other supplies arriving by sea. In
Vlono, there is a Technical Defense Comnand which draws the plans for a
defensive system of Linguetta Peninsula, Hinarol Sazan Island, and Vlone Day.
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A Survey of AIOAITIA. (conte d)
- Page 66
2, Sazan Island has a rocky and in some placos, 0. procipitous
shore line Which is quite conducive to tho construction of submarine
pens and. shelters for motor torpedo boats. Sono of these works are
being mended and improved at prosont. Tho-purpose is to add. towacd
making Vlono May a bulwark of defense as well as offenso. Tho island
is located about ton miles northwest of the port of Vlono, and is about
15 to 18 kilometres long, and about 10 to 13 kllonotros wide. Tho island
is rocky and mountainous, reaching an altitude of 400 metros. It &min,-
atos the entire Strait of Otranto, and its stratoGic value is onhancod
by tho fact that it is a defense position for the ontrahco to V1one 3ay.
Installations and sono of tho fortifications built on tho Maud
by the Italians during their 24 years of occupation (1919-1943), wero heav-
ily damaged'by the aozpans during lbrld War II. After tho war, YUgedlav
and Soviet engineers repairod the damage and incroasod the fortifications.
There are about yo buildings on the island which are used as
barracks, offices, quarters for officers and their familios a power plant
which was repaired. in 1946, and a radio receiving and transmitting station.
Those installations are located along the eastern side of the is-
land, facing toward none and the Albanian coast, The island has its own
port Which consists of a quay. 120 metros long, with a depth of 6 to B nom.
tree. The port will accomodate one ship not =witting 5,000 to 6,000 tons.
In the event of bad weather, vessels of the Albanian Merchant Nbamb.
me aro permitted to anchor out or tie up in the harbor of Sazan. Ilat it
is not pernissibleundor any circunstneos for crows of such vessels to go
ashore. Communication on the island is madd possible by moans of good
roads. Soviot tractors havo been observed from the port area of tho island
while boing.Ilsed in the maintenance of the roads.
There is one Soviet rogimont stationed on Sazan Island (reported
to bo either Coastal Artillery of Marine Infantry). Provious reports in.
dicated that there were MD Albanian troops present, all of thom having
been replaced about two years ago by this Soviet regiment.' In Potraary
1950, however, an eyewitness observed Albanian military personnel on the
island, and this source ostimated the Garrison strangth at &boat 1,000
nen. There is a Soviet frigate stationed at the island which may be used
as a torpedo boat or nine tender.
According to ono source,there are 70 artillory pieces defending
the island. Those gunz occupy omplacenents which havo boon built in the
rock in such a position that their fire covers the northern, western, aid
southeastern approaches to VlezezlatY, The greater part of the artillery
positions are concentrated in the soUthorn sector of the island in order
to cover the straits between Sazan and Kepi i Closes (Linguotta, Gama,
1,250,000, Sheet G-4, 0787)47). In addition to the hoary artillery, there
are Epplacements of 04121216110- at.d. AA machine guns. located along the bolts
of the island, forming a second line above the heavier artillory
ions. Thole are reportedly two 'batteries of AA artillery drawn bY treas.
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Survoy of ( ?outs cl) Page 67
The Sazan Island pArrison is also equipped with light AA guns
of tho nOorlikonn typo or similar. Strong nosts of Minn AA guns are
locatod in the southorn'part of tho island, with at:munition sholters
having boon cut out of tho rock. Machino guns havn boon emplacod along
tho ontiro coastline of the island, forming an advance guard of tho do-
fens? line. An observation post is stationed atop the highest point of
tho island, and is located in tho northern part of So,zan. A winding
road loads up to the OP. Southeast of Point 361, a rookot launching
station has boon constructed. It is bolievoi that thorn are 24 rocket
launchers on the island, and those nay be moved to any of tho stations
by moans of a narrow gauge railway. Tho lounchors are stored in sholtors
dug in the rock.
Tunnels which shelter submarines, fuel, and annunition have been
built underneath the island. All tunnels havo entrances facing east, and
have be built in such a nnnnor as to fully exploit all opportunities for
camouflage offored by the rockm. Since tho son in this aroa is about 30
net roe deep, submarinos nay enter and dapart without four of being noticod
except from the air. Thor? aro roportodly four tunnels: Nos. 1 and 2 aro
locate. in the northern part of the island, whilo Nos. 3 and 4 aro in tho
south. Each tunnol is supposed to be able to accomodate 15 submarinos of
medium sizo. /n addition, tho tunnols contain tho following facilities:
NO. 1 ? A Mesa oil dopot, built into tho wall of tho tunnel. It
is divided into eight tanks, each having a capacity of about 500,000 liters
with a combined total of about 4,000,000 liters of resort? fuel.
Nb. 2.. A modern workshop, capable of oxocuting all types of re-
pair as well as installations on subnarinos.
No. 3 ? A gasoline and diesel pil depot also built into the wall,
and divided into six tanks of which each has a capacity of about 500,000
liters, and a total capacity of about 3,000,000 liters.
NO. 4 . Supposedly an annunition storage tunnel. Possibly torpedr.
oos, nine's, etc., say be stored here. (NOTE: Nbt considorod practical to
store torpedoes or mines in such a damp aroa).
Amnunition for all kinds of weapons which are on tho island is
storod in undorground caves which aro toliovod to be in tho southern part
of tho island. Tho narrow mum railway groatly faalitatos the supply
of ammunition to individual opplacroments.
Tho island has no natural *Mgr springs, thoroforo, fresh wator
must be shipped from the nainland at Wi I /Motet, Food supplies, %tutor,
nail, equipment, otc, are all transported to tho island by noans of an
American built tug, which runs fron tho nainland to tho island six tines
daily. Tho tug is also used. for transporting troops. Tho tug has a die-
placament of about 50 tons, powered by a diosol engine, and suppliod to
ALIA'ITIA by tho UNRRA in 1946.
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A Survey of ALDAFLA (cont' d.) Pogo 60
3. Linuotta Peninsula - The hoights of Linguotta are boing
porforato& with tunnels. Largo emplacements of hoavy, lonr-range art-
illery weapons have been constructed along the windward side of the '
pehinsula, which slopes westward from the Earaburu Mountains. At the
present tine (Doe 49 - Feb 50) thore are, in a distance of not mom than
15 kilometros, over 20 batteries of 150nn guns. Tho zono of Capo Glossa
(Kopi i Moses) is particularly wail fortified. In woll hidden caves,
there are six battories of 100nm guhs of Soviet-Czech manufacture. All
those weapons are rapidl-firo pins. Thom are ammunition iholtori hidden
in the rocks. About 100 to 150 metros cloy? tho artillery emplacomonts
aro 20mn AA runs whoso task it is to dofond the artillory piecos below.
At present, a control ammunition depot is being excavatod to en-
sure an adequate supply of ammunition to all gun emplacements. In order
to soeuro wifficient amounts of drinking water for tho garrison, concrobs
water cisterns are being eonstructed along the loouard side of the pomp-
insula6 Food deposit* aro also being sot up. Special water barricades
with seCtot entrances will be laid botWeen ICapo Karlovet an& tho southern
point of Sazan Island. Those barricades will be protoctod by a nino field,
4. Minors Gulf.; (Submarine :Ate) Pour submarines of iirla ton,-
nage have been observed hero, Thoir exact location When in a theltor can,-
not be learned sinco it is felt that those shelters aro alit into tho rock
nt water love', in the northern and southern sectors of tho bay. These
subs are reported to bo part of the Soviet fleet of sixteen wdbs of diff-
erent types.
5. Sarando - Tho city is occupied by about 3,000 Albanian troops
which include: Infantry, Artillery, and Engineer units. Personnel of the
units are housed in barracks located 1 kilometer north of tho town. It
is reported that strong fortifications have been installed along the coast
south of Sarando.
6. Gulf of Durres - The Gormand of a Marine Infantry regiment
equipped with a larrv number of 150mn guns for coastal defenso is located
in Durres. The city is also tho pArrison for a, special artillory contin-
rout eqpippeA with rockot launchers which consist of seven 210mm barrels.
Those weapons are vehicle-drawn. The two battalions are lc.-
catod along tho coast from Oapo Pali south tillr Eurros (the center of de-
fense) and from hare on sotth to Cap? Cadi. Tho southern battalion,
which defonds tho marshy flatland of Dzung, is oquabod with numerous anti-
tank rifles, which aro also noant to be usod in tha event of an enemy land-
ing, A third coastal defonso battalion, armod as tho abovemontioned, is
stationed. between Capo Cadi and Eravasto.
N. Airforco
1. General
Tho Commandinr Officer of the Albanian Air Force is Col-
onel (or Major) Teodor =Tie a Communist of Greek ethnic origin Iron tho
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A Survey 0g17-:71A (contld) Pago 69
Albanian zone of Zooispolk. His functions are purely those of inspoct-
ion, since a prono-,. Albanian Air Force is not yet in oxistonoo. Thom
are five Italian aircraft, old and repaired, which woro left in Tirano
after hlving becin &mood after an Anorican air raid. There are-a76-
somo nrm3rioal1y insignifiemt Albanion Air Groundforco units in Tirano,
but their strength doos not oxcood 150 mon. Sono of those mon have boon
sent to 1700sIA for air training. Six Albanian pilots have returned from
Krasnodar, in tho Caucasus, arta from Poltava, whoro thoy rocoived train-
ing and bocano connissionod pilots. At the prosont tine, those six pil-
ots, together with Colonel Zan, form the comnand of tho Albanian Air
Tho Air Force Command. maintains close) contact with tho Polish
Military Mission, which is made up of four officers (two nald grade,
and two captains) with hoaaquarters in Tirano. This mission has four
nodern reconnaissance pianos. According to reliable information, tho
Polish nission will bo recalled to POLAND.(Jan 50). However, the air-
craft of the Polish Mission would ronain in Tirano, since they wore sold
to tho Albanian GaTernment. In addition to tho four Polish officors of
tho Mission, there are about eight non-cons who are oallpd nspocialisten.
In the near taturo, a shipnont of 18 pursuit pianos for tho
Albanian Air Force is expected to arrivo from RUSSIA as payment for ninF-
orals which had boon doliovorea to the Soviot Union, As a rosult. the
First Albanian Air Force Grow would be fornod and would be nado up of
about 30 pursuit and. roconnaissanco pianos. Thato would also be 12 hydro-
plahes (origin not givon) for coastal patrol and coati:al defense work. Tho
absonoo of a short or long? range bombor group in tho Albanian Air Force
will handicap any future air oporations of any sizo.
2. Albanian Airfields
a) Losh Airfield- located west of the Losh-Durres highway
on tho flatland of Gajusi i Zojnonit (YUGOSLAVIA, 17156,000, Sh 1454140846:
b) Durres Airfield - located in tho vicinity of the city.
o) ravajo Airfield located in tho vicinity of Kavep (GMEECZ,
1:250,000 Sh 0-1, 909828) along tho Burros - Lushnjoio Vlono hiehway. This
is an auxiliary fiold,
d) Libofshe. Airfield. - locatod near the town (GCE, 1:250,00(
Sh 0-1, 105790). This vas once an auxiliary field, but has since boon
convorted into a pormmnont airarone.
o) !Ism AirOold looabod near Vlono. This is the largest
pernanont airfid(an =AMA.
f) Einara Alrfind located. at Einar% (OEM, 1:250,000.
Sh G-4, 113710). This is an auxiliary field. ZICR-111 boing convortod
into a permanent field, and to be oquippod with nodorn installations.
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A Survey of ALDANLA (cent' d) Pao 70
g) Sarando Airfield - located at Sarando (GREECE, 1:250,000, Shoot
G-4, 133650). This is permanent installation a is used by tho Air Force.
h) Shkoder. Airfiold - This is a pornanont field and is oquippod
with goniometric and other nodorn installations.
. 1) PruJe Airfield - at Krujo (YUGOSLAVIA, 1:250,000, Shoot Y-46,
133861). A permanent field, usod by tho Air Force, and equipped for day
and ni(llt
j) Tirane Airfield A permanont fiold usod by both the Albanian
and Soviet Air Forces. Modorn equipnont.
It) Elbasan Airfield. an auxiliary field which is Icing ccnvorted
and having the runways extended..
1) Kucove Airfield... (GREECE, 1:250,000, Shoot 0-1, 135753). An
auxiliary field.
m) Urn Hasan :out Airfield- (Hasan Bout, GREECE, 1:250,000, Shoot
134750). An auxiliary field.
n) Gjinokmmter Airfield (GREECE, 1:250,000, Sheet A
.4, 146701)
is located east of tho road. between Gjinokastor and VLono, in tho Dhrino
River Valley.
o) Derat Airfield - (GREECE, 1:250,000, Shoot G-1, 137772) locatod
along the road leading to Elbasan, A former auxiliary field now boing con-
p) Dutrinto Airfiold - located on tho northern shore of Lake
Butrinto (GREECE, 1:250,000, Shoot 0-4, 133664).
q) Eukes Airfield . located at tho junction of the :lack in and
the White Drin Rivers, not very far from the Yugoslav bordor.
r) Igkop112:Airfield - located. near the town (TUGOSL4VIA,1:250,00
Sheet Y-47, 7 75) which lies near the Yugoslav border. A permanent field
which was in existence prior to World War It.
s) Korce Airfield. - a permanent fiold near the town (GREECE, 1:
= 2%
POO, Sheqmg1--206757)
vite agi!pped with darn installations which were 101T
py zhe Lie s'auring
t) Starove Airfield - (GREECE, 1:250,000, Sheet 0-1, 2)0757) near
the border junetion of AL:ARIA, GREECE and YUGOSLAVIA.
O. General Mobilization for Pro-Military Training
On 12 Deconber 1949, the Albanian Communist Party held a meeting
at Tirane for tho purpose of organizing an association for the aid of the
Albanian Army and to promote national defense moasures. This plan for
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A. Survey of ALBANIA. (contsd) Page 71
mobilizat,7. to te Ir.wn as oSbnoquija Per Ndihmo UshtriseDho Mbroj-
tjose (Tho Aowoir.tion for Assistance to tho Army and Dofonso). Tho con,
'Throne? was inaugurated by tho chiof of thc political direction of the
Albanian Army, Major Gonoral Hyoni HAPO, with 105 dologatos in attondanco
and roprosontinz 111 scotionr of tho country. Those dologatos toprosentod
1,305 Communist or ?i; oombinod monbcrohlp did not =coed
41,500 porsons. The nooting was also attondod by thc following officials:
Dr.Onor NISHAN/, President of the Prosidiun of tho Pooplosl
Republic of ALBANIA..
Tuk JAEOVA, Socrotary of the Albanian Workers' Party.
Bocar BULIMIC; Major General, Chief of tho Goncral Staff of the
Albanian Pooplost Amy.
Hysni KAP; Chiof of tho Political Direction of tho Albanian
Posplosl Army,
Gogo NUM, Chief of tho Contra Committoo of Profossional Un-
ions (labor unions) of ALBANIA..
Liri BEGISHOTA, monbor of tho Albanian Politburo of tho Control
Connittoo of tho Albanian Communist Party,
Tho Sh.N.U.M. will be open for memborship to all Albanian citizens
and has tho follewing program:
1) It will bo the honor and duty of the Association to aid tho
Albanian Army, promote dofonso measuros, and educate tho Albanian juvenile
massos for their future activity in tho Army.- Tho young monbors, prior to
their boing draftod for military service, must be trained in handling a
rifle, automatic weapons, maehino guns, and above all, mast be apprenticed
in a special lino of tho Arny, such as wireless operators, telephonists,
motor nochanics, and drivers of cars and tractors. In this naancr, tho
Sh.N.U.M. will contribute to the ?Moloney of tho Albanian Arm and will
become rosorvo forces.
2) It will also bocono tho tain task of tho Association to educ-
ate tho population in air dofonso and in anti-chonfal warfaro. In additior
to the members of the Association, an active part in carrying out this pro-
gram, will be porformod by the juveniles and by non and women of thc country.
Mapor Gonoral Hysni KAPO will give the roqpisito instructions
to tho population in rospoct to precautionary noasuros to betaken in tho
event of air-raids and first aid to tho wounded.,
3) Another important iton incumbent upon tho Association is to
promote the growth of military sports. In this connection, first consid.
oration should bo given to target practico, this boing the main rovisito
in educating tho massos for tho defense of thoir country, All mentors of
the Association mast bo trained in the use of fire arms. Tron their ranks
the boot Darksraen will be soloctod (snipors) "Snajpors-Shonjuss to dallourw.
IA addition., automobile and motorcycIo exports must be dovolop.
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A Survoy of ALBANZA (contld)
Pago 72
4) will also introduce military tactics into
schools and u?).11..1n ciyltcln of tho %Magas, and organizo tho training
in handling motors, radios tolc.graphic oquipmont and tolophonos.
5) The task of tho Association will also be to train their nenbcrs
in laying ninos, thus constituting oxcollont support to tho ninclayors and
sappore in case of war.
6) If circumstancoe pornit, the Association will educate their
nombors in handling sea and aircraft as pilots and mochanics.
In ardor to mako tho foregoing program operative, it will be ossont?
ial to obtain tho roquisito instructive matorial and moans of oduoation. In
the principal cities, circles of tho Association will have to be ostabliehod
At those clubs or centers, litoraturo or libraries of a military
character would be availablo, and oxhibitions ofylilitary significanco
should be hold. At factories, shipyards, at schools, in villagos, in pub.
lie and governmental institutions, mooting placos of tho Association should
be creatod for mcnbors pf tho Association, with material available for tho
accomplishnont of tho program of actin of tho Association . At schools
and educational institutions, tho handling and firing of arms should be
practiced: moroovor, cities, villages, factories, shipyards, and all enter-
prieos should have their own centers whore rifle and targot practice can be
carried out. At such cantors, nombors of tho Association should bo drilled
in oporating machino guns, automatic rifles and other firearms.
ThoAssoctttion will nothodically organize and introduce nombors of
tho Association into technical and military technical scions?. At tho moot
tug places, thoorotical training in tho use of firoarns will be givon. Tho
success of tho work porformod by tho association will depend on tho talon-
onto convoying tho instruction. Tho Association will, thoroforo, audit in
all ways poseiblo the educational olononte in their efforts to attain pork.
foction. As a genoral rub, tho Association will select inetractors iron
tho ranks of domobilizod soldiors.
Tho work porformod by the Association can show no pesitivo results
without tho active support of tho Albanian labor unions, tho juvonilo
ing associations in ALBANIA, Albanian wommas associations, tho Albanian
Rod Cross, and other mass institutions. In tho first instanco, tho A4800.
iation will have the support of the Albanian Labor Party, tho creator, ora...
anizor and lender of tho Association in Aid of tho Army and Dofonse. In tho
porfornanco of its work, the Association will bo guided by tho doctrines
Tho funclamontal organizations, in their ?ours') of action, will be
guidod by tho decisions taken at tho General Amsombly of tho nombors of
the Association. Tho basic organizations for directing the work of their
nombore will elect their executives for this purpose. In tho districts,
tho suprono organ of tho Association is tho District ?onion:moo, which ol?
octs tho Association District Council and tho various commissions on vb.
vision, which performs tho work during tho period botwoon conforoncos.
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A Survoy of ALBANIA (conttd) Page 73
Tho Association is basoa on a democratio-socialist structuro. Tho
?roans of tho Association and their chiofs aro olocted along domocratic
linos with tho right to voto boipg given to all classos. Thc aloctod will
be rosponsiblo to tho voters for their actions. /t will be incumcnt upon
tho diroctivo organs of tho Association to educate an. cooporato with tho
mombors of the Associations promote initiative, ana foster tho aavolopmont
of tho program. It will be thoir tin& to cultivate interest in tho program
by Moans of intoresting spoochos, loam n from positivo oxporionco, ana to
listen to suggostions of tho mombors. Mvory Albanian citizen be alio.
iblo for membership in tho Association in Aid of tho Arny and Damao.
During this conforonco, Colonol Noxhip VINO= promisod unlimitod
support on the part of the Pooplos Army to assist tho Association in poi...
forming the duilos assignod to them. The diroction of the Association con.
sists of tho following porsonalitioss
Haxhi MESH', Major Gonoral, President
Kolanoci TKI, Socrotary
Kahroman YLLI, Ministor of Education (Public Instruct*.
Sadik BM/ESE', Vico Prosidont of the Control Council
of tho Profoosional Unions.
Taal ?AMA
Masi LIPIVANI, Prosiaont of tho Committoo of Physical
Maucation in ALBOIA.
Mark =ODA
During tho noottn, Liri BELISHOVA, in seconding the program of tho
newly created Association.,strossod the many advantagos of this organization
and the many aids it will provido in support of the Albanian Army and for
tho defense of tho country. Continuing, she stated. that this institution
will promote sport and enable thoAlbanian nation to taco whatoror situation
may arise in caso of an amorgoney. With this and in view, tho creation
of this Association in Aid of Army and pofonso is of foremost importanco,
and it will be tho patriotic duty of every citizen of tho Pooplots Republic
of ALBANIA to take active intorost in this organization in order to promote
its growths Major Gonna KAN) then rose to speak. Ho commondod the init-
iativo taken by the Control Committoo towards tho organization of thoAssoo-
iation, whoso coming into being has boon wolconcd by tho enthusiasm of the
Albanian youth and 1 tho working classos. As all mass ori7anizations, which
in their foundation followed. tho principlos of MAMISMZENINISM, so ale&
tho structure of tho Association is basod on this doctrino, and will haro
its footing in Albanian inaustrial centors, in tho shipyards, enterprises,
and. govornmontal inititutions, in villages, and in oducational circles, and
in all gphoros of action.
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A Survey of ALBANIA (contta) Pao 74
P, !about= Armv Insitnia of Bark, and Uniforms
1. ()Moors ana soldiers sorving in tho Albanian Army arc
issuod two uniforms, one for summor wear, and ono for win4or. Thc follow-
ing is a doscriptinn of those uniforns:
Albanian ()Moor's Sunnor Uniform:
Whito cotton blouse with a high nock.
Gray trousors (Yugoslav Army stylo) mad.? of cotton
White garrison cap, with shiny black visor.
Low cut shoos, of black or brown color.
Albanian ?Moor's Vint or Uniform:
Dark gray wool blouso and trsusors.
Dark gray officer's avorcoat (Yugoslav stylo).
Black boots.
Garrison cop with rod star.
NOTE: In 1947 and 1948, part of tho Albanian Army woro Bulgarian uniforms.
Albanian Soldiorts Swimer Uniform:
Brown cotton blouso with a high nook. Tho blouso is
worn avor tho tronsors, with a loathor bolt around tho
waist. High black toots.
Brown cotton trousors, trousers aro worn tuekod into
tho soldiers boots. Yugoslav stylo cop, with rod star.
Albanian Soldiorts Winter Uniform
Tho Albanian soldiors now woar two difforont typos of
winter uniforms. Ono is of tho Soviot stylo in brown
wool, while mono wear tho Yugoslav stylo in gray wool.
Wool cap with rod star. Howovor, many soldiors woar
tho garrison cop instoad of tho avorscas cop.
Overcoats aro of tho Yugoslav typo, dark pTay.
2. Tho insignia of rank for Albanian onlistod porsonnol and officors
is as follows:
Albanian Army Enlisted. Porsonnol:
Albanian onlistod porsonnol wear thoir rank in the
form of cold colored ohovrons on tho opaulots of their uniforms. Bank is
not worn on tho sleeve of tho shirt. An Albanian corporal wears 1. strip?
(strip? is pattornod as follows:'-). All Albanian sergeant is distinguishod
by two stripes, whilo a motor sorgoant wears throo stripos.
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A Campy of ALBAITIA (conttd) Pogo 75
Tho opaulot worn by tho Albanian onlistod porsonno/ is of tho
ammo natorial as tho uniform (opaulot is of cloth and not stiff liko
tho ones worn by Aldhnian officers), Howovor, tho opaulot is of a
solid color according to tho soldier's branch of sorvico. InadAltion
to tho colorod opaulot, Albanian ahlistod porsonnol also wear a snail
irianglo on each Bid? of tho collar, and thoso triangles are the Ban?
color as tho opaulot, tho color indicating tho soldiorts branch of sop.
9. Moor Oadbtai
All Albanian offioor eadots are distingaishod by a solid gold
colorod epaulet, with two snail, raised gold linos running along tho
gth of tho opaulot, closo to its ?Igoe. The opaulot also has a small gold
star, on the socond gol4 bar near tho am. In addition, the branch of 110r
Vice is indicated (Army, Navy, Air Corps) by a small, colorod line near
the odgo of tho opaulot.
I. Albanian Array &floors:
2nd It, Solid gold opaulot, with ono gold star near tho arm.
Branch of Berrie? is indicatod by a small, colorod
lino around tho indido of tho opaulot.,
1st It, Solid gold opaulot, with two gold stare running park.
allol to tho opaulot. Branch of sonic() is indioatod
by a small, colored, lino around inside of epaulet.
Oaptata ? Solid gold epaulet, with three gold stars running
parallel to tho epaulet. Branch of service is id...
icatod by a snail lino, colored, around tho insido
of tho coadlot.
Major Solid gold epaulet, with throo gold stripes placed
at opal intervals, running parallol to tho epaulet.
One gold star on tho middlo gold stripe. Tho star
is worn at the half it of tho gold strips. Branch
of service is indicated by a snail, colored lino
around the inside of tho epaulet.
Oolonol ? A solid gold opaulot, with throe gold stripes placed
at equal intervals running parallol to tho length of
tho epaulet. A gold star on tho niddle stripe (same
position as on Major's 'Ansi) and a gold star on
tho first gold stripe, mar the arm. Indication of
branch of sorvioo is sane as provioutiy doscribod for
Albanian officors.
Colonol A solid gold opaulot, with three gold stripes (as
above). Ono gold star on the niddlo strtpo (as a Mad.
or) and gold stars on tho first and third gold stripe
near tho arm. Branch of sorvioo indicated as boforo.
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A Survey of ALBAN/A (conttd) Paeb 76
5. Color pesell-ption Indicating Branch of Sorvico:
Rod?Albanian "Sigurinit "(State Socurity).. Officers and agontr
of "Sigurimit wear a largo red star on tho loft am, half-
wny botwceu tho shoulder and the elbow,
Light Groan . Infantry
Tallow ? ?lima/ Belie?
6. Tho following aro awards now oxistont in the Albanian Ar':
SontIority Bronzo Modal
b. ocmrago Bronze, Modal
or Liboration. Silver Modal
d. National Koro ? Gold Modal
Tho first throo decorations (a,b, and o) aro allowed to
be worn at all. time. Nowovor, tho National Horo docoration is worn only
during national fosttvitios or nilitary parados. Tho National Eoro d000rh.
ation is &vat to very fcw parsons. -In fact, the last time) this docoration
was awardod was in 1947, to a corporal of tho Albanian Navy who killod two
Albanian soldiers who woro attoopting to oscapo in a small boat from ALBANIA,
15. MiumilizglAt
1. The najor industrY of ALBANU is constitutod by to exploit.
ation of underground rosouroos. Various foreign ontorprisos contribute, a,
groat deal toward tho dovolopnont of ninoral rosourcos sine? 1918. In that
year, S.I.M.S. (Sociota Itoltana Minioro di Solcnica? Italian Mining Indus,
try of Solonica) exploited tho extraction of bitunon (6.000 tons annually),
which was transpo7tod to Vlono by a narrow gaugo railway. In tho erudo oil
field, intense research was oarriod on by Standard Oil, AnglaZorsian Oil,
and Sindicat Iranco.albanais. All throe companios obtninod-importont con..
cossions, while other consossiont wore granted in 1.925 to S.I.Gat. (Sootots.
Italiana Giacinouti Lignite..., Italian intorpriso for Lighito), aniA.IrrrA.
(Amionda Italiana Botrolio Albania ? Italian Enterprise for Albanian Crud?
Oil). Thous two Italian companios had 164,000 hodtaros undor their super.
vision. A.I.P.Ar constructal a ptpolino (annual capacity 500,000 tans) 71.1
kilonotres long which connects tho oil well of Licove with tho port of now,
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A Survey of ALEASLA (contld) Page TT
S.I,M.S, $_7-xched for crude oil in thc zone west of Manic?
and Dovoll. 5.I-L. had the sono around pro? under its suporvisiom
for the production of lignito. After 1925-27, copper, iron, chrome,
coal, and bitumen were being, mined in the area of Mallakastra; 'bauxite
was coming from KruJa district; asbostos from ;orce; and ccmcnt from .
the area of Vlme.
2. Albanian oil wells have a monthly output of about 40,000
tens of crude oil. Crude oil is now obtained from two sources, the
first being the basin of.gnaoro Pcroll, which surrounds the city of
Nucor() (Gamcm, 1:250,000, Sheet G-1, 134784), whilr the socond is the
basin of Patos (GRZ20, 1:250,000, Shoot G_1, 111767). Thc most import-
ant nines in ALBAYLA are the bitumon nines locatod in Splonico ((RCB,
1:250,000, Sheet G.1, 110755), the copper and chrome mines located. at
Brubig fYUGOSUVIA, 1:100,000, Shoot Y-45, 320910), and the coal ninos
of :Prieco and Kraals (GR270, 1:250,000, Sheet 1.1, 148427).
Tho Basin of Zucavo. Poroll:
At present, then, are about 4,800 to 5,000 oil wells in op,.
oration within the (All field of Xucoro Doroll. Those wells are apori.
atcd by moans of electrical pumps, receiving their power from a powor
plant locate! at Poore. The op:Tom/mato monthly output of this basin
amounts to 13,000 tons of crude oil. Tho Kucovo- Dovoll oil basin en-
ploys about 7,000 to 8,000 workers, operating on a 24 hour basis, using
throe 8 hour shifts. Technical personnel of the fibld inCludo Soviet,
Roumanian, and Albanian nationals.
B. Basin of 2atopl
Tho oil fields of 2atos arc located ablaut 30 kilometros
southwost ofaaono, and. are now given a certain priority, since no o1.
octrical power is roquirod for the exploitation of oil. At prosont, there
are only about 200 - 250 oil walls in operation in this area, but search-
os from this point aro conductod daily in tho quost for new fields. The
Pates oil fields have an output of about 27,000 tons of crude oil per
month, onploy about 8,000 workers, operating in throe 8 hour shifts daily.
Those omployoos includes a number of Soviet, Roumanian, and
Albanian enginoors and. export:4 The best known Albanian engineer working
in this area is Bin(!inoor Namol =0I.
During the latter part of Navonbor and the early days of Poo-
anbor 1949, fire Soviet ships unloadod at the port of PUrT08, a total of
about 25,000 tons of oil well oquipment, mostly steel pipos about 12 to
18 metres in lon17th and unspecified diamotor, all dostinod for the oil
fields at Patois, nest of the equipment has arrive-1 at its destination by
now, although a small part of it romainod in storage in Durros. The oil
well oquipnont was shipped. to Batos by rail and by roadway, using trucks
and trailers.
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A Sarver of ALMAMA (centid) Page 78
C. TlEo8p1rtltion4 Storam and ArEesearch
Crude oil is leaded on 004 In the port or Vleno, by moans
of a special pipeline which has erdallZ leading capa.3ity of approximataY
10,000 to 12,000 tone of oil. The loading pier is located about 1.5 Tines
south of the port of Vlono and is known by the nano Uji i Itofot (Erionero,
OR=OE, 1:250,000, Sheet G.4, 0957)1.5). Oil is usually loaded on Soviet
or Roumanian tankers, of which one arrives weekly. Crude oil roaches Vlone
by means of a pipeline 74 kilometres in length, This is the pipeline that
originates in the KUCOVO oil fields. A second pipeline, about 40 kilometres
long, extends from Pates to Vlonq.
In addition to the 500 to 600 oil storage tanks located within
the ell Mild., there arc oil storage depots Located at Boskgree, (OREB02,
11250,000, Sheet 54. 117770 about 8 kilometres from the town of 116514
(GRICBCE, 1:250,000w Sheet 0.1, 104770, Seleroc, and nag, the last named
being an underground dump. Each of the latter four storage points has a
capacity of approximately 4,000 cubic meters.
Research for unknown oil deposits is now being earried on by
Soviet and Albanian experts in the areas surrounding ;wee, =AL,
(YUGOSLAVIA, 1:250,000, Shoot 1,46, 129809 and 127869) and Plastniftliti,
1:250,000, Sheet 0.1, 136756), the latter being located !bout 16 kilometres
from Beret.
D. Minos (Sec Exhibit X)
1. Mine( of Eukos and Krum
This group of nines is located in thc northoestorn part of
ATAMILL, in a vast area which is divided by the White Morin River. Tho tiro
groups of mines oan be roughly divided into those located north of the river,
with their center being the Viran Kale Mountain (Point 1)132, YUGCOLAV/A,
1:250,000, Sheet Y.47, 192929), and those located south of the river inside
a bend of the stream, and having thikr center in tho mountain eretem of
Suke o &mat (Point 828, YUGOSLAV/A, 1:250,000, Sheet Y.47, 1S7617). The
ere layers appear on the surfaces of the mountain slopes in the form of
rings. The clementine depositisform the basis for metal ere layers, while
the latter are covered with a calcareous deposit. Those stratums ato eon.
posed of brown hematite, in a compact form, with a variable quantity of
other oxides, especially mew:Alto. This ere occurs in quite an extensive
area, and there is a deposit ealy 2.5 kilometres from the Yugoslav border
at Marine (YUGOSLAVIA, 11250,000. Shoot Y.)47, 251927).
In'Ole region of km ORMOSLATIA, 1:250,000, Shoot Y.47, 188919)
located about 6 kilometres southeast of &grab the nouatain=of Sake e Mensit
contains a calcareous structure with horizontal stratums, resting on ser.
pontine, at a height of about 500 motors above sea lurel. Anmproximato
depth of 6 meters of brown hematite covers on mon ti. not less than five
square kilometres.'
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A Survey of ALBA,NIA (contid) Page 79
Arouncl Tru1:10, (Zoint 1007, YUGOSLAVLA, 1:100400, Shoot 1140,
U35145), about 3.5 kilomotros eoutbsost of Mount Suka o Mansit, there is
also a calcareous mass rooting upon serpentine. Ai about a height of
650 motors on the eastern side of tho mountain, facing the village of
Sorroi (YUGOSIAV/A, 1:250,000, Shoot Y-47, 165913), there is a vast sur-
face layor of oro lying botwoon tho calcaroous and serpentine deposits
montionod above. Await oxplorations of the vostoro slopo of tho mountain
have revealed a groat quantity of ninoral wealth. This indicates the.
continuity of tho minoral stratum on the entire surface of tho hillside,
amounting to about two square kilonotros. Tho thicknoss of tho notal oro
layer in this area amounts to at least 40 notors, of which moro than 10
are conposod of excellent homatito in a very pure and compact form, eon.
taming over 55% iron.
In tho :mono of MalkIres, thoro io a third layor of honatito loo-
otod. on the southern slope of Suka o Manoit Mountain about 3 kilonotros
from tho White Drin River, in tho immodiato vicinity of tho villago of
USW. Compact layers of hanatito, 7 notors in thicknoss, oxtond for about
2.5 kilometres at an average height of 700 nacre abavo soft lovol.
In the sone of Icruuo(INGOSUTLA, 11250,000, Shoot Y-47, 192933). a
:fortes of surfaco stratums of iron oro, extending fron north to southwost
at a height of about 570 motors, start four kilonotros southwest of the
village. In this instanco, tho ninorals aro also looatcd balsa= layors
of calcareous and serpentine, with tho latter scarring as a-Aaso. Tho nm..
oral in this area is brown hematite, with sono nagnotito wodgmd in. The con-
tent of iron is botwoon 62 and 64%. Tho ninoral oxtraoted from those nines
(tho exploitation is partioulatly intensive in tho nines nearest the road
leading frooLgakol to bird:. to Shkodor. Minerals are transported by truck
to spon Win, a small port, from whore thcy aro transported directly to the
Soviot ports in tho Plack and Baltic Seas, including Ileni
There are a group of nines located between (ikrO and Prealophi, and
this area is in tho central part of eastern ALBANIA near Lake Ohrid, be..
Wean tho sources of the Shkuntin River and the lako. Those deposits have
already boon intonstvoly studied by tho former %Ionia Mineral Motalto6
/talioni" A.M.M./. "Italian Walt? Minerkls Rnterprisels
Tho sone between rormadoo and mum contains mineral deposits at
a high altitude. Those deposits aro also located botwoon layers of caloar-
oous and serpentine rooks. Tho deposits axtond for a length oxce6ding 20
kilouotros, from Pooradoo to Rugamja(GRszaz, 1:250,000, Shoot G.1,190612).
This stratum is brown hanatito of "pisolition and "oolitic' char.
actor, and nixed with a largo pordentago of nagnotito. The content of iron
is between 55 and 60%, and oontains no harmful impuritios. Tho oro extract.
ed from sono of thoso ninos contains ohrono and niokol. The mining is fac-
ilitated by a thin Ianr of calcareous covor. lacilities for transporting
tho ore are good sinco tho minas are located near tho national highway
which connects with Slagacal, iron whore tho railroad runs into Durroi.
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A Survey of ALBANIA (contd.) Page 80
In tho zone of :1onlishto the nines are locatod six kilonotros fron
Pogradoo, west of tho road loading from Strugp, on tho slopo of Mount Mokrc.
Thoso deposits aro also conprossod botwoon layers of calcareous
and serpentine rock. Tho oro lies at a height of about 500 notors above
tho surface of tho lakc in this area. In tho Corvonaka Valloy, there are
sizaaho quantitios of oro lying very near tho surface, being covcrod onlY
by a thin Ivor of humus. Thoso layors have thicknesses of not loss than
4 rioters, while tho avorago thickness is much highor. It is bcliovod that
tho tIS nines which are presently boing qporatod bore contain 20,000,000
tons of oro rosorros. Tho oro is brown honatito containing 58 to 60% iron.
Tho Bbnoshi area is a continuation of the Corvonaka deposits. Strat-
ums of oro, six to nine motors thick and anboddod botwoen layors of oa1car6.
oous and sorpontino formations, appear for about a length of 2 kilonotros.
This oro is brown honatito with strong inlays of nagnotito and. comp.
tains about 60% iron. Tho Wonishto group of minos arc located about teo
kilonotros west of Lako Ohrid, consist of 6 nines. This group has an ost-
inatod reserve of 6t000000 tons of brown henatito mixed with chrono and.
nickel 9re. Another group of ninos are looatod about ton miles wost of
Loki) Obrid. Thoro are three mines in this area which aro being oxnavatod
and those arc estimated at having a rosorvo of 8,000,000 tons of brown hen-
atito. Tho deposit is about throo kilonotros long, an& seven looters thick.
The Promlos. and Ptolii group of mines forn an important mineral
deposit. They are locatod about two kilomotros south of tho highway con-
necting Liaand. Alma, Tho voins art about two kilonbtros long and one
kilomotor wide, and ostimatod at 3,000,600 tons of henatito. The oro ar11-
oars in a very puro form and contains about 55 to 60% iron. About two kil-
?motors further south there is anothoenineral deposit of onbadod honatito,
(F0203) almost on tho surtaco, covered May with a vorp thin layer of oarth.
This deposit is Tory puro and is known to contain approximatoly
5,000,000 tons of ore. In ordor to utilizo those supplios of oro, a rail-
road will bo built from =aim to Librazhd, following tho Shkumbin River
2. Oihroniun Minos
Chromium oro ninos aro also found in tho principal ninoral aroas
and usually quite near tho iron deposits. Some of those arc as follows:
a) Moja o Rind Mountain- this deposit is in the northeastern bor.
dor area of ALBAKIA, along the Yugoslav frontior, end. lies in a mountainous
area facing tho Statina Rivor, a tributary of tho White Drin. Tho area of
chromium deposits is not loss than 30 square kilonotors, with its contor at
tho villago of Zonod (YUGOSLAVIA, 1:100,000, Shoot 139, 828460), Research
for minorals has boon carried on in this area, nanely along the weetorn
slopos of Mount Maio Uristor (Point S57, YUGOSLAVIA, 1:100,000, Shoot 139,
7775111 the Kodra o Luxha (Point 1236, YUGOSLAVIA, 1:100,000, Shoot 139,
740524 ; and Maja Plounit (Point 1157, YUGOSLAVIA, 1:100,000, Sheet 139,
745514) mountains, with tho result that rich doposits have boon discovered
thxougbout the area. An ?valuation of tho ore contained in this area could
not bo nado, since tho layors are not continuous and lie in pockets of var-
ying site and contents, OP =iftsz
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A Survey of ALBANIA (contfd) Paco gl
This area represents an enormous reserve for tho futurc since
tho lack of transportation pakos the oxploitation of the oro on a largo
scab, an ippossibility. Howevor, according to experts, this area con.
tains the most important chromium deposit in all EUROPE, and perhaps, in
tho world. The ore is =chant, containing 4g to 50% chroniun oxido.
b) The Kukos KrunoATCa located north of Kukos and
divided by tho Wbito Drin River. The monthly production of this area is
around 2,000 tons. The oro is transported by road and on vory primitive
vehicles. Upon arrival at tho main highway, tho ore is ro-loadol on
trucks and shipped via Shkoder to Shen Win and Durros. Tho entire out-
put is transported to tho USSR or one of tho other Iron Curtain countrios,
particularly czrenosLowszu.
c) Lake Ohrld Area . A nine syston is being worked in tho MonlistO
area, a tow hundred motors from tho provincial road, and quite close to
tho shore of the lake. Chrono is also found horo in pockets of varying
sizes and content. Sono of these pockets may contain thousands of tons,
while others produce but a few hnndrod. There arc nines near Hodoristo,
which is also located along tho chore of Lake Ohrid. Other nines are in
the Pojska Valley nearby, and along tho Yugoslav frontier. There arc sono
important deposits near Pren.los, near Peshkonj., near Skrosha, and Imes. /t
is amavatod by primitivo nouns. The quality of oro in the Lake Ohril ro.
glen is slightly inferior to that of tho northern region. It contains
about 48 % of chroniun nanidridon. /,'
3. Bitumen Mines Important bitunon ninos aro located near
Solonicsu about 30 kilonctors northeast of Viono. Tho nines consist of
about 70 to CO shafts, with varying longths botwoon COO and 4,000 meters,
Daily production of this area is not known. There are about
2,000 - 2,500 miners enployod horo, including an unknown number of porsono
who havo boon sentenced by tho Albanian Govoranent to tarns at hard labor.
Prisoners have boon observed working hero for tho past throe
years. Tho mines are oporntod on an LI hour shifts. There is a rill which
transforms bitunen from its raw state into a finished product in tho vill.
ago of Solonico. Tho mill employs about 300 to 400 qualified workers, on..
orating on throo C hour shifts daily. An unknown number of Soviet and
Rounanian technicians supervise production at both the nines and mill.
A narrow gauge railroad running from So1cnico to *non? carrios the
entire output of the nines and mill. Tho monthlt production of tho nines
runs between 20,000 and 30,900 tons. From VIono, the total output is load.
od aboard Soviet, Polish and Rounanian vossols for delivery to unknown
4. Rnblg: Area An important location for chroniun and copper
ores. A smelting plant is also in oporation horo. Moth tho nine and
s7lolting furnaces employ betwoon 2,500 to 3,000 workers, on a throo 5
hour shift basis. Production figures for tho nine or tho plant are not
known. Coko for tho furnace is imported. from POLAND. /n February 1950,
largo quantities of snolta& copper, 70-00 continoters long, and about 50
kilos in wiight woro soon in purros awaiting shipment.
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Survey of ALMANIA (contld) Pao (13
f) 'Than ? a brio buildi ig conpany, and tho largost ontorpriso
of this to in the country. At t, ; moment, this company is engagod in
tho construction work at Dalti, oe tho largo pnwor plant proviously non..
tionod. This plant is in the vi ty of Tirano.
g) Miscollancous facto ) op a spaghetti plant employing 250 work,.
ors; 2 cigarotto factorios, or (ng about 200 porsons in oach; 1 oltvo
oil refinery, employing about a, workers; and 1 brick yard, using about
150 workers. In addition to these factories, there aro two power plants
in Tirane.
2. Shkodor
a) A conent factory, located on the bank of the Mojana River, 5
kilonotors outsido of town. Tho factory has a daily output of 50 to 6o
tons of conont, and opploya about 200 to 300 workors. Thoro aro throe S
hour shifts daily. Soviot and Albanian tochniciana diroct tho work hero.
Tho factory has oloctrically oporatod oquipnont in additon
to that powered by di000l onginos. Tho coko is shipped in fron POLAND.
b) Other industrial ostablishnonts in ahkodor include: 1 olive
oil refinery, amploying about 50 workers; 1 loatbor factory, 30 ? 140 work,.
ors; 1 alcohol distillory, about 30 workors; 1 porfuno factory; and 2 span..
hotti factories. Thoro aro also 2 soap factories, employing a total of
about 150 workers (ono of tho factories is tho nonuao which is tho laracat
soap factory in tho country); .3 cigarotto factorios, tho *lora", tho NDriniN,
and tho ffShkodrall, employing a total of about 600 workers; and 1 diesel oil
:oporatod power plant, locatod northeast of tho town.
3. ;Como
The town contains 1 browory, onploying about 700 ? COO workorsi
1 sugar factorY, annual production about 2,000 tons, onploying Itoo 5001
workors; 1 textile factory; and 1 power plant, also unknown.
4. liori
Tho industrios hero consist of 1 spaghhtti factory; 2 olivo oil
rofihorios; and 1 power plant, size unknown.
5. kUrros
1 cigarotto factory, tho 1Tolat Nom", onploying 250 to 300 work..
more; 1 loather factory, omploying about 200 workers; 2 spap,hotti factories,
omploying a total of 300 to 400 workers; 1 rico plant, 50 to 60 workers;
1 rubber shoo factory and tiro repair shop, 70 to 50 workers; 1 shipyard
with a capacity Of 4 smiling boats of 500 to Goo tons displaconont; and 1
powor plant of unknown capacity.
6. nal%
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A, Survey of ALBANIA (conttd) Pogo 04
a) ?Skanderbogn Distillery; 1 olito oil refinery and soap factory
in conjunction with the distillory. The distillery produces brandy, puro
alcohol, etc. Tho factory roccivos its power from its own 150 bp thorn?.
dkoctrie plant which gonoratos power of 250 kwh. Tho distillery omploys
about 2,500 to 3,000 workers.
b) Another power plant of unknown typo and capacity.
7. Dltasan
The industries of the town include 4 olive oil refineries; 1
opaghotti plant; 1 eigarotto factory; and 1 powor plant.
5. ;orat
Tho following industries aro located_ hero: 5 oil rofinorios;
1 automobile ropair shop; 1 loathor factory; and 1 power plant.
G. njaag.ludgmEd
Tho fisbing industry is an important economic factor, since
5,000 to 6,coo poreens are cogagod in this work. The fishing industry
was formerly an individunlly oporatod enterprise, but in 1949, the indust.
ry was centralized by the Govornment, bocame stato.owned and operated. The
main offices for the industry are in Durres. Tho Director Genoral of the
fishing industry is Muai 20DGOR/Oh. Affiliated officos, each controlling
4 :section of tho coast, aro located in: Sbkodor: 212L21124 Vlono; Sarando;
7.7orundoc; Butrinto; and ISmEtstax,.
Tho fishing floot is operated by the main office and its affil.
iatos, and the typos and numbors of craft are: 12 motor vessels of 60 tons
Oach; with Ansaldo, 0M, and diosbl onginos in than; about 30 craft of 5 to
6 tons each, poworod by gasolino and diosol engines; and about 100 small
boats without oaginos, displacing about 2 or 3 tons oaclu
Cold storago spaco and rofrigorators are located in Dnrros;
coder; 71ono; Zraqlq and ghgaAtta. The rofrigorators wore obtained In
1945, and wore part of the MBA supplies furnished to ALBANIA. In fact,
most of the fishing oquipment now being used in ALBAITIA was suppliod by
'MIMI with the =caption of 'what was purchasod fron YOOSLAVIA.
The daily catch amounts to botwoon 300 and 350 tons, but most
of the fish aro oxported to unknown destinations. Tho sale of fish to the
poaplo is quito limitod, as a rosult of this exportation. Deoplo can ii'..
chase fish twice a month on a ration coupon basis. Tho fish ration anounts
to 250 grams per parson cvory two weeks. Sea fishing is permitted only des,.
ing the daytino, and no boat is pormittod to fish more than 15 nilos off
shore. Each boat of any sire is accompaniod by two or throe "Sigurinito
troopers, who are armed, with se.nachino guns. Yishing an Sundays is pro-
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A Survey of ALBANIA (contid)
R. Tranaaortation and Traffic
1. Maritime Traffic
Page 65
During tho latter half of 1949, about 25 Soviot? 15o1ish,
and Roumanian ships oarried supplies into arm. The Soviet vessels un.
loaded ceroals, comont, coke, Zia tracks and trailers (5 to 10 tons), track
ors, and iron. Polish ships, which arrtved nost frovontly, brought Bopp.
lice of annunition, food and clothing for the Albanian Armed Porcos, and
during tho last four months of 1949, food and clothing supplies woro dol.
ivorod for tho Greek rofugoos in ALBANL1. Tho Roumanian ships dolivorod
supplies of sugar, conont, oats and paper.
None of those ships nado tho return journey without taking
'a cargo aboard. The conmodltios which taken out of tho country includes
chronian, copper, bitumen, wool, loather, crud? oil, tobacco, scrap iron
and tinbor. Sinco tho oaport colder for crude oil is Uoas, thowoekly
schoduled Soviot or Roumanian ship eallod there for a cargo. All ships
have direct ordors not to approach tho Yugoslav coast. Ship crows are
instructod that in case of an encounter with a Yugoslav patrol boat, to
dierogard Yugoslav oriors and try to prevent tho shipts capture by stab.
tug it.
2. Railroad Communications (Soo Exhibit V)
There are two main railroads in .A.LEASIA, ono is 95 kilometers
long and connotts Tirano with Darrow: while tho second is 57 kilonotors in
length connecting Darros with Vooin. The latter lino is of particular imp.
ortanco since it servos to transport chrono ore fron 2044 to Durros. A
narrow gaugo railway connects Vpno and Solonico, and is Land for tho trans.
portation of bitumen. Tho entiro railroad system uses a total of seven
locomotives, of which throo wore obtained. from CZEOHOSLOVAK/A, two from
YUGOSLAVIA; while the origin of tho romaining two is not known. There are
about 250 railroad oars, and those include let, 2nd, and 3rd class passenger
cars, and froight cars. A depot for railroad cars is naintaincd at Shkozot,
About 3 kilomotors south of Pam&
The train schedules aro as follows:
A combination passenger and fratght train loaves Tirano
at 0630 hours, arriving at Durres at QaQQ hours. Tho train, on its re..
turn journey, loaves Durres at 1700 hours and arrives in =am at 1930 hours.
On tho Durros ? kagia ran, a combined passongor.froight
train loaves Pecan at 0600 -hours, arriving in Durres at 0900 hours. The
return journey starts at 1105 hours, and arrives in ?coin at 1510 hours.
Any other regularly scheduled trains aro unknown, but it
is believed that in pito of tho daylight schodulos of the above trains,
that thoro aro trains which run at night.
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A Survey of ALBANIA (conttd) Paco 1.
3. Highway Comrnrications
The most important roads in ALBANIA arc dividod into three
a) National asphalted roads - those roads aro six and sono.
tinos seven rioters wide. Thero aro but fow instancos whoro thoy narrow to
five motors in width. Stades arc variable according to tho torrain, in
mountainous ariefothoy roach 7%. Por tho most part, tho ballast of thoeo
roads is composed of a base of 20 en pebbles or stones; above this 20en of
rubblo and 3 cm of sand; and the surface is 1 on of asphaltmititunon. Those
roads, for tho not part, aro in tho control areas and along tho coast.
b) National naciadoxiood roads . basin= width of thoso roads
is six motors, and at times they arc five motors 'Ado. Most of this typo
havo boon constrUoted in mountainous areas,
c) Roads built on natural foundations - thoso roads aro well
built, with a maximum width of four to four and a half motors. Tho nowost
road of this typo has boon laid through tho mountainous aroa botwoon
Burrolli and /mat. Most of this road has boon out into tho mountain
lidos. Tho road betweon goPliku and ,Okol has rocontly boon improved and is
now approximately four motors wide.
In gonorale tho condition of all Albanian roads is bad since thoro
has boon no maintenance during tho last fow years. Tho only road that is
reported to be in good condition is the one between Tirano and Durros. Tho
highway botwoon Shkodor and Tirano, 120 kilometers long and asphaltod, has
boon hoavily danagod betwoen BeltoA9 (YUGOSLAVIA, 1:250,000e Shoot Y-46,,
715920) and Litth (YUGOSLAVIA, 11250,000, Sheet Y-46, 723C94). Thoro is
another section of this road which is need of repair. This is a 30 kilo-.
motors strotoh botwoon hkalla Kakarriait (YUGOSLAVIA, 1:250,000, Shoot Y-46,
723,199 to 71(907). The portion of road near Uta oko (mum, 11250.000,
Shoot 0.-1, 129556) is in very bad condition also. ,No vohiclo may =god
a speed of 20 milos per hour at any of thoso points. Tho bridgo crossing
tho Mati River, formerly known as tho ZO(U Bridgo, was repaired in 1946,
but can acconodato only one vehicle at a time.
Tho road connocting Durres and Toro? (140 kilometers) has tho foll-
owing damage: 32 kilonotor strip botwoon Rrogorthina (GREMCB? 17250,000,
Shoot 0-1, licay) and Elbasan: tho road botwoon Librashd and Ilia (2C MI.
onotros) GREECE* 11250,000, Shoot 0.1, from 172023 to 199506) is also badly
,danagod. Tho road leading from ?oatadoc to tho Bridge of Mille (GREECE,
11250,000, Shoot 0.1, 200767) is in very poor condition. Tho 136 kllonotors
of highway botwoon Vleno and Glinokaster is in such poor condition that
spools of 15 to 15 mdlos per hour cannot be exceeded.. The road botwoon
Shkodor and Apt Eotit (SUOMSENVIA? 1:250,000, Shoot Y-46, 711257) a distance
of 32 kilomotors, is damaged between Vraka (YUGOSLAVIA, 11i00,000, Shoot T33*
152324) and:gm:14 (YUGOSLAVIA, 1$100,000, Shoot T35, 110430) a distance of
11 kilometers, and for a distanco of 7 kilomotors between LoglIK and Eastrat
(YUGOSLAVIA, 1:100,000. Shoot Y.3J, 0(5499).
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4. Survey of ALBANIA (contid) Page s7
Since ALBANU lacks an adequate railroad communications system,
travelling is done mostly by buses. Tho typos of vcOiclos usod on the
bus linos aro mainly Piat. Isotta, and Tatra. In 1949, about 10 busos
wore shipped in fran HUNGARY. A few of the bus linos arc: Tirano-Vlono:
Tirato - Shkodor; Tirano Glinokaster; Tirane - PoshkoPi - Pkos: Tirane -
Elbasan: Tirane Koroc: and Tirane - Borate It is believed that who'd-
Ules aro operated on a daily basis.
44 Louoduti
The following aqueducts arc known to oxist in ALBANIA:
AguedAd gamaitz (liters per second)
Tiranq 75
Shkodqr 36
Borat 11
Korco 50
ilga2 30
glipAcastor 10
Piori 15
5. Tho principal bridges which wore rebuilt between 1944 and 1946
pridLength (in motors)
Buono River 100
av.onci 140
Drini River 100
Irag_i_kplqi 150
Zech 120
Milott 52
parsluik (1) lo
21agill (2) 10
Kolal 25
3.111422112 6o
:aslant iso
Pru 412 45
01401 20
Lana 12
Dimuti 140
Daman 65
?Ikaakkxavaies 45
Durcti 45
Buno gage 30
iilleAm 45
Monk lmo
&am/at 100
RroRozhino 260
Sinal 25
Emil 100
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A Survoy of ALBANIA (contld) Fago
Xucit 100
U2a hasan Bout 110
Broe,ar 110
11 250
Dvatna 35
Konsilcop 110
Agriculturo (Soo Exhibit XI)
When the problem of economic reconstruction arose in 1924,
competent authorities woro appointed for tho specific task of dsvolop-
ing the agricultural potential of ALBANIA. This is not meant to infor
that the Government undertook an agrarian reforms, but simply proceed-.
ad. according to a rational plan ef amelioration. In 1925, an association
was founded and called (Sociota Sviluppo Economico Albania - Assoc-
iation for the Economic Development of ALBANIA), whose task it was to
supply tho hecessary moans to tho government to moot tho requiromonts of
the vast now program of public works. New Italian copporativos and ag6
ricultural enterprisos wore created, such as: nE.I.A.A. (Association of
Albanian Industry and Agriculture), which received 3,000. hoctaros as a
concession, for a period of 99 years. This grant was in tho flatland of
Shjak, in tho vicinity of parua. (Sociota Anonina Prodotti
Industria Agricola Society for the Industry of Agricultural Products)
retetva 200 hectares in the vicinity of Tirano. The GRUPO & BUPA=
Enterprise received 3,000 hoctaros in the vicinity of Tirano. S.I.F.E.
(Societe Italiana Forosto Albania - Italian Enterprise for Albanian 7or..
oats) handled tho exploitation of forests.
There are no oxact statistics availablo, but the following are
the approximate figures for tho average annual production in tho agric-
ultural field from 1932 to 193C:
Grain 450,000 quintals Cattle 2,500,000
Tobacco 20,000 " Horses 110,000
Corn 1,900,000 Chickens 1,000,000
Rico 10,000 Hogs 15,000
Wtapos 14,000 Bee Hives 47000
Olives 11,000
J. Ports (Soe Exhibit VI)
1. Purros - the most important port in ALTANIA, reportedly absr
inr 6o% of the commercial traffic. The port has two.hugo artificial pie
with a combined length of 2,500 motors. Following modern requirements,
piers wore built during 1927-25 by tho "MUMMA Co." The installatior
wore heavily damaged during the last war, and at present, only one pier,
160 motors long has boon complotoly repaired. Another pior, 250 motors
long, is under construction.
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A Sura y of AMANIA (contod)
Two wall cranes and two narrow gaugo railroad tracks wore in.
stallod after the war. At prosont, Soviet technicians aro handling tho
installation of a large crano at tho end of tho ropaired pior.
2) um& - the eity'is located a few kilonotors from tho bay. In
1949 a pior, 400 motors long, was conploted. It was constructod of re.
inforcod concroto and is aboUt 14 or 16 motors in width. Two 10,000 to
12,000 vossols can tie up at one tine. Oil is loaded with special ?quip-
nont at A;1040ro, south of nonce
3) Other Ports - south of Vlono aro tho ports ofPaco? and
?arando. Lack of piers or other docking facilities nocossitatos tho usage
of floating docks. Shen GAia is the only port in northern ALZZLA., Until
rocontlyi tho activitY in this port was vory low. It was used. mainly for
the dnloading of coal and naphthol for factories in Shkodor (mostly for tho
conont factory)s Two wood= piers, one 80 notors long and tho other 120
lotOrs long, were conplotod ih Jivoiary 3.950. Tho port of Shkodor is ro-
lativoly dninrottant since it can only be used during tho fall and Wintor,
401 oven then, it cannot acconodato vessels oxeoeding 1,000 to 1,500 tons.
Russian supolios for AMANIA havo been woefully inadoquato,
/ mon during tho period whoa tho country was being handled quito diplonat-
' iOtay wypaisi Soviets. Tho ships that passed through tho Dosphorous and
Paranollos, and rounded the tip of GREECE wore far moro heavily ladon
arms and military oquipnont for tho Greek rebels rathor than with
for. the Albanian people. What food was brought was, in a largo memo-
tostinoctfor tho Albanian Arny and. the Greek rebels, Tho sporadic
otpjf food which arrived for the people woro paid for by minerals
? *. ? -,,jiro4Uot,s which could bo spare. Sinco tho rupturo of ocononic
wilOUGOSLAVIA., those soaborno imports have acquired a dis-
P ... ? significance for the Albanian oconopy; and during tho past
s boon a drastic roduction in tho nuabor of ships calling
at Al.. -. ports. Tho people and tho government aro wondering anziously
about thoir economic position.
There sews to be no doubt that, at pros ant, ALOADIA. is unconfort.
ably short of food. Dread has always boon a problon, because without tho
Koesovo rogion, tho Albanians cannot grow sufficiont amounts of grain. Tho
mat situation is loss markoil lamb, goat, and fowl used to bo plentiful,
i.e. those with nonoy could oat as nuch as they wanted, while the pooror
classes could at last afford an occasional noal which included neat or
fowl. Tho main problem, from tho point of view of providing basic comm.
oditios and staplos for tho avorago person, is tho supply of such foods
as: pasta (macaroni); beans; rico; sugar; and olivo oil (which is univers-
ally used throughout tho country as a nodiun for 000king)6 Provided that
tho stock of goats has not been too greatly reduced, thoro should bo a fair
supply of goat's milk or "'Iwo".
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A Survoy of AL:ANIA (contift) Page 90
Tho general ocononic situation in ALLANLI is growing increasingly
worse. Tho ganoral poverty of the country is increasod by the fact that
the gosornmont centers its attention on the armed foroos, particularly
the "Sigurinit". The population is fooling the lack of food supplies sinco
the rations issuod for ono month are hardly enough for one week, while
articles on free sale are obtainable only through payncnt of exorbitant
Thor? is a particularly gravo shortago of nodicinos and nodical
supplies, A nodical proscription is iognirod to obtain a single aspirin.
The poreentagos of illnoss increase daily, and the hospitals aro
overcrowded with tuberculosis patients. This latter disoaso cannot be
combatted bocauso of the lack of nodical care. Streptomycin nay bo obtain.
ad at prices varying botwoon 7,000 and 0,000 lake.
Prices of Rationed and Froo Artictog:
Food Products Free Market ?rico Rationod Price
I kg of wheat broad
1 kg of corn bread
70 gr of hard bread
1 kg of pasta
1 kg of rico
1 kg of sugar
1 kg of marnalado
1 kg of noat
1 kg of coffee.
1 kg of butter
1 kg of potatoes
1 kg of honey
1 kg of cookios
1 kg of choose
1 kg of beans
1 kg of olives
1 kg of fish
1 kg of fish eggs
1 kg of peanuts
1 kg of figs, dried.
1 liter of wino
1 egg
1 kg of prunes, dried
1 Hoer of milk
60 loko 6 lako
30 loko 4 loko
10 lake
100 loko 36 loko
200 lako 50 loko
350 loko 46 lcko
150 loko 100 lcko
150 loko 50 loko
1,500 lake
900 loko
40 loko 25 loko
350 loko
500 loko
300 loko
60 loko 32 loko
60 ldko 45 lake
50 loko 50 loko
200 leko
100 leko 50 loko
200 loko 130 loko
110 loko
G loko 5 loko
65 loko
60 loko
Prices of textiles obtainallO with ration coupons or on the free
narkot, as of 13 March 1950:
Cotton, 1 motor of various shades
40% wool cloth, 1 motor, nadc in
Proo Markot Price
700 loko
5,000 lckc
liatjapod Price
36 leko
1,500 loko
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A Survey of 411=1 (contld)
10% wool cloth, 1 meter
Lining, 1 motor
Handkerchief, 1, cotton
Cotton towel, in x 30 cn,various
Raw wool, 1 kg
Hose, 1 pair
Woolen socks, 1 pair
Cotton socks, 1 pair
Folt hat, standard typo
Cloth cap
Pullover swoator, hone-woven wool
2,500 loko
510 loko
150 lokc
colors1,500 lekc
700 leko
1,300 loko
600 loko
40r) loko
Goo loko
350 late
1,500 loko
L. Food Ration gnoIal
1. 7.3abics, up to six months of ago: 250
Pagc 91
900 leko
96 lcke
30 loko
grans of milk daily.
2. Children, up to throe years of age: Childron under this catogory re-
calve tho following monthly ration: 1 kg of sugar
2 kgs of rico
3 kgs of dark flour
2 bars of soap
400 grams of laundry soap
250 grars of cookios
In addition, children rocotvo ono egg Emory day and 550 grams of neat every
3. Aftor children havo attained tho ago of three years, thoir rations aro
docroasod to 250 grams of sugar monthly; two eggs per weak; 250- grams
of moat per week; and 0.25 liter of oil per month. Tho quahtitios of
tho other food items ronains unchancod.
4. School children, children in this category aro classified, as light
workors and rocoivo the following rations: 600 grans of corn broad daily
500 grams of pasta monthly
400 grams of sugar monthly
Wo grams of moat or fish
(optional) per rook
4c,') r7sua3 of olivo oil-month
2 (r.,78 per wook
5. Elementary school childron also roceivo one cup of mak and 100 grams of
1road and butter, distributed daily in tho schools. This ration is froo
of charge.
6. Office porsoanel are classifihd in tho wino category and receive tho same
typo of rations (light workors).
7. Category "ordinet" includos all persons who have at least ono member of
tho family employod by a state agency. Tho ration for this category con..
sists of 4o0 grans of corn broad daily; 250 grans of moat or fish wools..
ly; 250 grams of olive oil per month; 500 gra& of pasta por month*
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A Servoy of AICANIA (cDnt!d)
Pogo 92
250 grans of sugar per month; 10) grans of soap per month; 2 oggs per
week. In 1949, .:ersonnel undor this catogory wore ismod threo notcrs
of wool cloth and three netors of cotton material freo of chargo.
0. Category of heavy workers, such as; port workers; railroad laborer;
drivers; nechanics; carpenters; etc.: 900 grans of corn broad daily
500 grans of neat or fish wockly
500 grans olive oil -monthly
1,000 grans of pasta monthly
500 grans of sugar monthly
4 eggs weekly
110 r7rans of soap monthly
100 grams of shaving croon nonth4
400 grans of laundry soap monthly
Previously, menbors of this catogory rocoivod ono suit of clothes per
year, froo of char.-o. Howevor, in 1950 th000 suits will bo sold for
700 ldko each,
9. Merchant Marino Category, valid only for personnel at sea: 900 grans
of wheat broad per day (prior to 1 January 1950, merchant soamon ro-
coived 1,000 grams of wbsat broad per 14y); 4,000 grans of at or fish
nonthly: 500 grans of olive oil per nonth; 1.5 kilos of pasta per nonth;
750 grnns of sugar per month; 45 os per month, 100 grans of soap per
month; 100 grans of shavinig soar per month; 400 grans of laundry soap
per month (marino onginorrs receive t100 grans of laundry soap per month);
250 grams of butter Dor month; 2,000 grams of rico monthly; 1,000 grans
of sausago por month: 1,500 grans of cheese pm...month; 600 grams of narnm
lado per nonth; 500 grams of cookios per nonth; 2,000 grams of boons por
month; 4,000 grans of potatoes por nonth; and 7,000 grans of onions por
month. With the excpption of broad ration coupons, sailors aboard ship
ham no ration coupons. Their issue of food is free of chargo. Soanen
have receivod only one suit of clothes sinco 1945, but are ontitlod to
purchaso ono pair of shoos annually at the prico of 1,0 leko.
10. Minerls Category, this includes minors and workors employed in ostablishm
ments attached to nines. Their ration ontitlos then to 900 grams of
corn broad daily; 750 grans of fish or neat weekly; 1 liter of nilk por
ftay; and a monthly ration of 500 grans of olive oil; 15 oggsi 100 grans
of soap; 100 grams of shaving soar: 400 grans of laundry soap; 1,500
(Tans of pasta; and 1,500 grans of rico.
The firs' section of this part of the survey is comprisod of inf.
ornation derived from an official source of this organization. The nator-
ial contained herein was published by the Albanian Goverment for dissenm
ination anongst various Party groups in foreign countries, Albanian loget-
ions, and for the obvious pur:,oso of informing foroign observers that osp-
ionage aetivitios in AL2APIA arc short-lived duo to the "socurity polico
and the faithfulness of the ;lassos to the People's Govermacnt%
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A Survey of =AMA (conttd)
? Page 92
250 grans of suoar per month; 100 gTors of soap per month; 2 cogs por
wook. In 1949, ocrsonnel uador this catogory worc issued throe notcrs
of wool cloth and throc motors of cotton material free of charoo.
Category of heavy workers, such as: port workors; railroad laborer;
drivers; nochanics; carponters; etc.: 900 grans of corn broad daily
500 grams of neat or fish weekly
500 grans olive oil'nonthly
1,000 grans of pasta monthly
500 grans of sugar monthly
4 egos wookly
110 grams of soap monthly
100 grans of shaving croan
400 grans of laundry soap monthly
Previously, nonbors of this category rocoivod ono suit of clothos per
year, free of charoo. Howcvor, in 1950 thoeo suits will be sold for
700 ldko each,
9. Merchant Marino Category, valid only for personnel at scat 900 grans
of whoat broad per day (prior to 1 January 1950, merchant soanon ro-
cotvod 1,000 grams of wheat broad per day); 4,000 grans of moat or fish
monthly; 500 grans of olive oil per nonth; 1.5 kilos of pasta per nonth;
750 grans of sugar per month; 1.1.5 oggs per nonth, 100 grams of soap pm
month; 100 grans of shaving soar por month; Iwo grams of laundry soap
per month (marine onginosrs receive SOO grams of laundry soap per month);
250 grams of butt= per month; 2,000 gra ra of rico monthly; 1,000 grans
of sausago per month; 1,500 grams of cheoso per month; 600 grans of narn.
lado per month; 500 grans of cookios per month; 2,000 grans of beans per
nonth; 4000 grams of potatoes per month; and 7,000 grans of onions per
month. With the =caption of broad ration COUV0118, sailors aboard ship
have no ration coupons. Their issue of food is free of chargo. Soamcn
have received only one suit of clothes sinco 1945, but aro entitled to
purchaso one pair of shoos annually at the price of 1,C00 ldko.
10. Miner's Category, this includes minors and workors apployed in establish.
milts attached to nines. Thcir ration entitles them to 900 grams of
corn broad daily; 750 grans of fish or neat weakly; 1 liter of milk per
day; and a monthly ration of 500 grams of olive oil; 15 eggs; 100 grans
of soap; 100 grams of shaving soap; 400 grans of laundry soap; 1,500
grans of pasta; and 1,500 grans of rico.
The first snction of this part of the survey is conprisod of inf.
ornation derived from an official source of this organization. The mator-
ial contained herein was published by the Albanian Government for digital.
ination amongst various Party groups in foreign countries, Albanian logat.
ions, and for the obvious purooso of informing foroicz observers that esp-
ionage activities in AL:AITIA aro short-lived luo to the "socurity police
awl the faithfulness of thc :lassos to the Teoplels Govornmcntn.
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A Survey of Aran& (cantle")
ra(? 93
The natoriel appoars hero as a vorbatin translation and in no
way has it boon altorod, with tho exception of grammatical dorroctions
of tho translation itself. (This report will *roar as SOI 9)3-33C)?
On 24 May 1950, throo spios, Eton CAKO, Kamen ZHUPA, and Linkman LUPTIU
wore triod in Tirana. Those non had been drorpod by parachute into ALBANIA
fron an Italian piano on the night of G July 1949. Tho loader of this group
of subvorstvos was Eton OAKO, a fornor small businossnan, who later bocarc a
corporal in tho police forco during the min() of King ZOO, and in 1942, join4
As a collaborationist of tho powor in occupationt as a chief of a group
of crininals bolonging to BALLI; and later in his capacity as polio? comm.
issioner for tho District of %Wino.; Eton CAKO connitto& many ?Tinos during
tho war. Atter having boon in tho oorvicos of SIM and GESTAPO, OAKO wont to
GERMANY toward tho end of tho wart elbsoquontly ontorod MALY and placed bin.
golf at the disposal of tho American intolligonbo sorvico. Thoso subvorstves
ogrood to carry on ospionago activities, followed a spacial course of train.
ing in ITALY, bocano activists of tho subversive party known as MALL' KOCETAR,
which servos the oronios of ALMANTA, and woro finally droppod by parachute
into ALZANIA with tho assignod tat* of sabotage :and ospionago works
Innodiatoly aftor their landing in ALnANIA, instead of finding support
fron the poople, thoy wore pursued by thon and by the polioot and capttitod. A
coppanion of theirs, Zybor LECA, was killed. Afpor tho eaptuio, they woro
forced to naintain connoction by radio with tho /talihn Socrot Service, under
tho control of tho State Polio?. /ho dofondants woro oontoncod to death IRF
tho High Court.Martiale
Crinos Committed by Theo Saes During tho War as Menbors of waa
The leader of this gang of Spice, Eton uro, admittod in court that in
March 1943, ho joinod tho connittoo of MAUI for tho Polvina, area and in Juno
1943, was appointed a nonbor of tho District Comnittoo for GAinokastor. Bur.
ing tho course of the trial, 0=0 related many of the critics, robborios and
nassacros committed by the BALLI groups under the protoction of tho occupier
during tho war. No described tho Glints Massacre, ordorod by tho Italian,
Colonel MURGIA, and approved of by tho dologato of DALLI for tho Olinalpstor
area, in which 26 peasants woro shot. Eton OAMO also statod that tho MALLI
ordered their groups not to take any action against tho Italians. "On the con-
trary, the Italians woro to bo aided in their fight against tho Partisans," ho
added. "Upon the arrival of tho Gornans,(relatod Eton CAKO) I booamo a batted.
ion commander. In January 1944, following tho order of the maaa Control COM.
nittoo, Ismail HAKI TATZATI told no that it was nocossacy to jotn the Gormans,
for tho Communist novonont of national liberation was gaining too much mound.
In compliance with tho orders of tho Central Connittoo, I was appointod
police commissioner for tho Dolvina District. During that ported, I adnit boo.
ing porpotratod robberies, tortured pooplo, and issuod orders of arrest. Hoy.
over, I deny having porsonally shot anybody".
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A Survey of ALIIVIA Pao 94
Tho prosecutor proves tho oxocution of pooplo with writton evidence
from which it is rovoaled that in tho home of Eton CAKO woro found rings,
earrings, and gold tooth which had boon taken by him from tho victims. Fur-
thor avidonco discloses that Mom CAKO, in his capacity as a ZALLI connandor
killed. Vase MARTO from Eakodbioi and tho brothor of Kanbor HAXNT, who diod
as a result of tortures. In addition, four more persons from tho village
of Taztat woro also killed by CAM, no also admitted to having arrested.
30 persons at Taztat, from whom ho took 1,000 gold napoloons: in ZUkovo
ho arrostod 4o persons and robbed them of another 1,000 napoloons.
Tho prosecutor read many statomants concorning tho robborios, arrests,
and attempted housebroakings committed by Eton CAKO. Most of those crimos
woro adnittod by tho defendant, Eason /BUPA also admittod that in 1943 ho
escaped from tho Fascist Militia and joined tho nazi KOM2EMAR groups with
the rank of corporal, As a member of DALLI ho participated, in conjunction
with tho Germans, in many operations against tho National Liboration Army
(Communist), such as; the action at Muzina, whero tho entire population of
the village was deported and 30 porsons arrostod; tho action of Sonica,
whore tho partisan Jashar LUCI and Pastor Hamli DERE wero murdored; tho
action at Eranosa, whore tho ontiro village was sot on fire; and tho action
at Shen Vasijos, whoro 400 persons wero arrested. and 6o of them shot.
Tho Dritish, Italian. Grodk and Yugoslav Socroi Sorvicos, Together
With ram xacrun and Other War Oripl.nals Under tho Cortland of tho Amerim
Intelligence Sorvico. Are Plotang Against tho Pooplols RoPublic of AL:ANIA.
After tho war, all these spies and criminals woro cotton together in
tho "Santa Maria di Louca" Capp in ITALY. There, the Anglo-American imper-
ialists attempted to roorganizo thorn, putting them in tougJawith onomios
operating inside our territory, and sotting up an armed force with tho ul,
timato goal of overthrowing the peoplols power in ALDANIA. At prosont, tho
crininals.at-,largo have become a small groups of agonts caring only to
serve thoso who pay then boot, even though apparently they aro dividod into
several dissenting groups. Tho Amorican Intelligence has direct contact
with :ALL' KOMBETAR; tho British with LEGALITETI (Monarchists): tho Italians
with moo MBE= IND/PENDENT: tho Titoists with PARTITOAGRARIO; and tho
Greeks with that small group of mombors of MAUI KOMZETAR which are lied by
tho subvorsivo Atas ERMENI.
During the past few months, in order to gain control directly over all
the abovomontionod groups, the American imperialists forme. tho "Connittoo
of Free ALMN/A", put Midhat MASHER' in as its loador, and subsoquontly
replaced him with Masan DOSTI. Tho spies dropped by parachuto into AL:ANIA
constitute only a part of tho criminal activities conducted by the Anglo-
American imperialists and. their collaborators against the Albanian Republic
and our people. The facts revealed in the course of this trial prove onco
more tho criminal intentions of tho Anglo..Anerican imperialists, their 0011..
aborators, and tho Albanian war criminals in their service. Tho loador of
this gang of spies, Eton CIKO, has oonfossod all those activities before tho
court, giving full details.
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A Survey of AL3AH1A (contid)
Anglo.anerican Intolligonce Activitios
rage 95
The patron of all tho intriguos diroctoa against the Aabanian
peoplo is the Amorican Intelligence Service, under whose guidance, all other
groups aro cooporating. Eton CICO nado tho following remark, "the Anorican
Intelligence Sorvico attempted on several occasions to oroanizo tho war
crininals assombled at the "Santa Maria di Louca" Camp, and failing to obey
tho orders dictated by the Americans, they throatonod us with handing us
over to the Albanian Governnont. A commission wont to tho Vatican to ask
an intervention in our favor, and was advised by Padro VALMITINI to accept
any order from the Americans, and to show then that we wore a political
force strong enough to bring about a chango in the Albanian situation. This
proved to bo an American move, becauso when I cane to know Hasan DOSTI, ho
told no, "'Montt caro about gossip, look at plain facts".
Subsequently, Eton CAKO explained how the num KCNBETAR was orp.
anizod by tho Anoricans under tho throat of deportation to ALLINIA: "In tho
courso of a meeting hold in Septcnbor 1945, Zof PALI suloittod a proposal
and appointed a mission which was sent to Rome to moot an official of tho
American Embassy, a Mr. .ANDERSON, who advised not to accept in tho direct-
ion of tho party pooplo who woro "much conpromisod", such as Eolo DIMAtota.
Later, Mr. ANDERSON sent a "British oxpert" by tho nano of HERBERT
to the "Santa Maria di Louca" Camp. This latter nanod sunnonod to tho villa
#45 tho following personalities; Hamm DOSTI; Loc =I; Vasil ABDONI; Prof.
PAPALIKO; Zof PALI; Soli MYFTIU; Xhonal MMCO, and gave then indications and
6uggestions concerning the organization of BALLI. A certain numbor of crin-
inals under tho leadership of Padre /TART' and. Eolo =IDA took tho advico of
tho Vatican; Shougot VERLACI and Ernest KOLIQI consulted tho Italian Min..
ister of tho Interior, SCBLDA; while zum asked the advice of the Italian
Foreign Office. Those individuals decided not to accept tho viewpoint of
.1:ALM and proceeded to forn tho party known as "BLOM ECUDETAR-INDIPENDENT".
Evidence disclosod in court clearly indicates that tho organization
of tho war criminals is nothing but an espionage ccntor supportod by to
enemies of ALflANIA, and socking to cono to powor in our country. After tho
organization of tho BALLI, tho Anoricans sot to work in order to join to-
gether all tho war criminals in a single connittoo. Consoquontly, they
schoduled a mooting in Tut, whore :ALL' KEMBETAR, LEGALITETI, and IL=
KONI2TAR INDIPEEDENT woro roprosonted. In Turin, tho discussions concerned
the problem of assembling all tho Albanian rofugoes who woro still at largo,
1,)rming a committoe to reprosont then and guide then in tho struggle against
tho Govornmont of Tirane. This noeting of criminals under tho protection
of the American intelligence resulted in the formation of tho so-called
"Comitato Albania Libora" -(Froo AL:ANIA Connittee). The attempts of the
Inerican ospionago not developed into tho expedition into ALBANL1 by tho
euavorsivo gang lod by Eton CAKO. This action was conducted with the direct
participation of tho Italian Secret Servico. Driofly oxplaining his arrival
in ALBANIA, criminal Eton can said, "In the ladt woCk of October 19141
was aunnonod by Easan DOSTI who told no that, following tho docision of the
Anoricans, some groups had to be fornod and sont into ALBANIA.
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Survoy of Arzzu (contld) Page 96
After having chosen tho olononts, contacts wore ostatlished in Manias
with an Italian, riotro GRILLI, and later with anothor Italian, DE AGOSTINI,
who was in chargo of tho ospionago training courses under Amorisan super.
vision. I subscribed to a declaration which was subnittod to no by tho in-
structor, DE AGOSTINI, under which I accoptod to work for thoAnorican
olligonco Sorvico for a period of ton yoarin.
After Piotro GRILLI had providod Eton =0 with false identification
under tho nano of Giusoppo PICK], Eton GAN? and. his companions connoncod
tho training course which was hold at Villa Linda, sixklIonotors fron ;ad,
Upon tho tormination of tho oourso, they woro furnished with two radio
transnittors, 300 gold sovoroirAs, and civilian clothes to be worn in
=ANIL. Bowovor, nano of those items helped then in their dosigns of tree.
son bocaueo our people know bow to dofond tho power conquorod with our blood,
and know how to retaliate when it cones to any attompt of tho ononios to
destroy tho indopondonco of our country.
Activitios of tho Italian Socrot_Porrico
Among the acttritios conductod by tho inperialist agonts agAinst the
Republic of ALBANIA, a proninont post is hold by tho Italian Soorot Sorvicav
Tho fact that tho gang of spies led, by Eton GAICO was trained in /TAU,
sent into ALBANIA in an Italian plane, and was linkod by radio with tho
Italian Ministry of the Interior, proves that IT= has bocono an inportamt
base for the aggression of tho Anorican inporialisn against tho Albanian
republic. Tho Albanian war criminals are not only oupportod. by tho Italian
Govornnont in their activities against our country; they Imo also farmed a
party of thoir own, lei by tho son of tho rich landownor Shougot VERLAG',
and known as tho mcw ima. .0 IND/PENDENT. About thoso old Fascists,
Eton GAKO stated, rTho nonbors of BLOCI =GSM INDIPENDIUT are paid by
tho Italian Garornmant according to tho functions which they porfornod in
ALBANIA; sono as ninistors, mono as police connissionors, etc. Many of
then have rocoivod largo suns of nonoy as an adjustment of arrow's. So,
for instance, Neshat HOLUM.; Hysaa LEPENIGA1 Ws= PRISIZTINA, each r000trod
1,600,000 lire each, while Eanbor ?ROGAN? rocotrod 1,000,900 liro. Menbors
of BALLI are not paid on a rogular basis, however, they rocotro rocomponsos.
in tho form of bonusos and subsidios, such as that of Mrs. EMRDERT who gar?
Midhat /MASHER' a van of 1,500 pounds in 1947, and which anount was appropii.
iatod by the loaders". Tho noroonarios of MALL/ and tho othor subvoriolvoa
sold to tho aaony, provo once again that for rrood of mown they are ready
to trample upon any intorosto of their country, as they did with tho Italians
and tho Gornans during the war.
The Italians also koop in touch with tho criminals of TALL! KOICEEIR,
in order to botttx coordinato tho action arAinst tho Albanian Republic and
use BALM information and other sundaes. In this rogard, Eton GAKO spatod
that Hasan DORI, Midhat 7RASEM11, ani other loaders of TALLI have kept in
constant touch with. tho Italian Minastor of the Interior, Mario SOELBA, with
tho Ohiof of Polico, NMGLIORI, and in sono instances, aron with Pronior
Alcido DE GASPER'.
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A. Survey of ALLIFIa. (contid) Page 97
Those intrigues cane to full light when, aftor tho oapturo of the
gang, Eton CAKO was forced to naintain liaison by radio with tho Italian
Ministry of the Interior, under tho control of tho Albanian State Polico-
In 110 cipher mossages oxehangod botwoon Sten 0= and tho Italians,
tho latter askod information ?oncoming the military strength in tho town
of Giinokastor; this, just before tho attacks launched by tho Grock Fas-
cists on tho southern bovdor. Information was also rognirod coneorning
the dovolopnont of those events: tho mono whore agents woro dropped by
parachute; the ornament of tho Albanian Amy; tho guorrilla bands, etc.
When Eton CMO roquosted batteries for his wireless sots, foodstuffs,
etc., two Italian pianos readily calo ovor tho scone and droppod tho re-
quostod items. Tho public prosecutor revealed, during the courso of tho
trial, tho existence of military plans given to mao by the Italian spy
in tho service of the Anoricans, DE AOSTINI. This fact was confirm:1d by
04110 himself. However, duo to tho secret nature of those docunonts, tho
court session was hold behind closed doors. Al]. thoso facts rovoal with
tho greatest avidonco tho hostile activitios of the Italian Gavornnont
against tho Peoples Rppulic of ALBLNIA. Tho Italian Govornment, follow.
ing the orders of tho Americans, and in cooperation with tho war erininals
and the British, Greek and Yugoslav secret sorvicos, attonpts to overthrow
Our powor.
Greek Intelligonce Activitips
In its wide not of spies, Greek intolligonoo also trios to porforn
its designs to tho prejudice of AIZANIA. Greek intelligence works in close
cooporation with the Amoricar4 British, Italian and Yugoslav agoncios, and
koops in its *employ, several criminals of aux KOICDTAR. Thoro is a cloar
indication that tho Anoricans have agrood to tho cossion of Southern ALRATIA.
to GREECE. Nov it is up to tho subvorsivos of tho AMI to work in order
to realize tho droans of tho Greek chauvinists. In regard to this, Eton
=0 made tho following statonont, "The loaders of MI TAT,TI woro consider.
ing tho Anerican project of coding Korco and Giineknetor to GREW'S, and
sine? this was tho American docision, wo had nothing to do but approve of
it. Howovor, for political reasons, this dooision had to be kopt secret%
"An exhaustive explanation about tho agroononts botwoon tho loaders
of 7ALLI and tho Greeks was given to no by Ens= DOSTI in 1946, when I
was destined to go to GREECEn. In his statenonts, Etou OSKO stressed tho
connections of mulla with tho Greek intolligonco sorvico. "Tho convor.
sations with the Greeks", said 0M0, "took place in no, at tho Greek Logp
ation, and in lithila with porsonalitios of tho Grodk Govornnont, anonc
when I recall one ririmas, of tho Foreign Office. Negotiations woro in.
itiatod early in 1946 and ammo to a conclusion in Sopteubor of the sane
year. At that Mina, a spocial envoy of the Greek Gavornnont by tho nano of
Kostas HIMARJOS, moo to the Greek Legation. His conversations with
MAdhat FR&SHEBI, Eason Dr)STI, and Loc USTI were conductod socrotly.
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A Survey of ALUM (contfd) Page
HIMARJOS accoptod tho following toms: 1) tho brook Govornnont agrood
to put at our disposal tho entire bordor lino for futuro aporations, undor
certain conditions, among which I ronobber wore thoso: all tho subvoreivo
activities of our groups had to bo controllod and sopervised V tho Greeks:
groups entering Albanian territory must refrain from any propaganda aepinst
tho intentions of tho Grook Government concerning southern /MIA: all tho
Albanian groups sent into Albanian territory through tho Grodk border plod..
god. thonsolvos, upon their return, to furnish tho Greek Secret Sorvico
with all available information concerning =MIA. As a counterpart, GREECT
agreed to establish bases at Korfu, Janina, Kostur, or Follonia, to bo ago&
by 2ALLI KCICETAR, Tho convorsations wore secret, howovor, and I lammed
their contonts from Hasan DOSE, duo to the fact that I was ohoson as tho
man in charge of tho base at Janina, arm added. that I was to collaborate
with a Major ZAHARIADHIS; one Miltiad.h HUN (who prior to 1939, was in tho
Greek Consulate at Winokaster), and sono other persons whose names I do
not rocall. HasanDOSTI explainod that tho task of tho Janina bingo was to
praparo and send agents into ALBANIA, whore they would carry on propananda
against tho Govornmont at Mama and spreading tho rumor that its days wore
numborod because it was not liked by the Anglo-Amoricans, and that it would
bo attacked by =BO soon. In addition, those groups had instructions to
,nardor proninont nonbors of tho Govornment, in doing so, ?mato a panic and
a stato of unoasinoss all over tho country: to porforn sabotage by dostroy-
ing dopots, bridges, etc.: sot firo to vital installations, etc. Purthcm-
morn, those agents wtro instructod to pick up any information on the nil.
itary, political, and ?canonic ritwations in ALBANIA, To secure false id.
ontification papers, they had. to kill innocent poasants and grab their doo-
For unknown reasons, Et en CATO was not sent to GREECr. Eton CAKO was
aware of tho fact that, in 1946, one Musa KRAJA had boon sant to ALBANIA
from tho baso at Korfu by Haki HUSHITI and MUZACIITIS, a.Grodk lioutenant
colonel, Musa KULA was given orders by Hasan DCSTI to moot ono Isot MUD(
in ALLANIA, who was at largo in tho region of Karzglsih. Once together,
their task was to sot up sabotage work. Howovor, this nision failed bocausc
Musa KRAJA returned from ALBANIA soon after ho net Izot VRAZHDO them.
Eton CAKO also related about another group formod by Bak/ =HITT,
MUZAQ/TI, Dhimitor MAKS& KULLI, and PANARIM; who wore salt to ALBANIA. This
group murdered Kieo Nicip, and wore attacked V tho Border Guards leaving
4 dead, 6 wounded, and 14. prisoners in our hands. Eton wo also oxplainod
about tho anti-patriotic activities of BALM KCMDETAH in relation to the
territorial integrity of ALBANIA along tho Grook bordor. Ho stated, 0Tho
Amoricans gemo us directives to obtain evidence against tho Albanian Govorn-
nont and report it Ogo tho Inquiring Commission. To this end, Midhat FRAMER'
assignod to no the task of proparing a docunont in which it stated that tho
Albanian Gavornnont shippod war natorial to the Greek Oomnunists. I acct..
ad this job, asking to know sono particulars ?oncoming tho concentration
of Grook troops along the bordor. Then What SITZal GM70 no a letter for
Kosta HIMARJOS at the Grook Lotion in ROMA% 0 wont on explaining how
ho not Jani GJKA and how they worked in tho hone of EMI= ?nits inportant
documont which bad to be subnittod to the ingaising ()omission.
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A Survoy of ALBANIA (contlid) Pogo 99
Other contacts botwoon BALL/ and tho Gronko occurrod in 1914, when
Midbat PEAS= went to Athons with a diplomatic passport issuod by tho
Italian Govornmont, In Athons, TRASEER/ mot an official of that Poreigl
Office, P/PINFMIS, and a liver, Vangjol qmo who was later sect to agu
by tho GToOk Ministry of tho Intorior. In anan, QIRK0 not tho Albanian
criminals and on 2C Novombor, ho dolivorod a sponoh to than full of hopo
in tho aliborationn of ALBANIA.
Tho roprosontativos of =LI in =EOM are led b' Alos MEDI, tho
e7oatost criminal of then all, Ho rociovos 1,500,000 drachmas por nonth.
Amtivitios of to rumgixay Intollikonco Service
Tho gang of Sten OW rovoalod once again tho links 'caisting totwoon
3A1KC/7/01s secret servioo awl tho inporialists. Tho revrosontattvo of tho
Yugoslav Intolligonco in this 'oup was Lluknan VUPTIU, who livod In GE=
since 1945, aftor having osoapod frongOssavo. Iron Gannon bo was aunt to
tho Italian oamps ty tho Anoricans. Thio camps woro whore tho othor
ion criminals warm confined. Thom, Liftman num joinmd tho ranks, of
MAUI xclozTa. in 1946, ho was ongagod ty TITO1s agont Bogir MALOCU, an
ox-colonel in tho Royal Yugoslav.Am, and iquostoroo undor tho Italians at
Gioova. LUPTIU signed tho contract of crigaganwrt, took tho cover nano of
itV and adopted tho password liZASTAVAN. Ho r000tvod a sun of money
and continued his activities in tho service of TITOts govornnont, In 1941,
Qonan arsu, a nonbor of MALLI, advised LUIPTIU to attend an intolligonco
training courso at the tornination of which ho would to droppod ty para.
chute into ALTANIA. 'Upon tho approval of his Titoist mastor? Lluk GUN!,
LUPTIU signed, tho contract bitting him to collaborate with the Amorioan
Secret Sorvioe for a poriod of ton years. Ho oopplotod tho training ?ours?
and in duo tine was dropped into ALBANIA in coppany with othor spies who
also bad mado arrangagonts with TITOts clique. LUBTIU stated that all tho
activities conducted by RANKOVIOts agonts along tho Albanian borders; all
the provocattsms4mAsso0aganda, aro croatod ty ardor of the Amorican mastorss
Tho trial also revealed tho actiVitiOs of King ZOG and BALM in thoir
combined efforts against the Albanian Ropablic, under tho ordors of foreign
powers. A conference was held at Opiro, where ZOG stated that tho Oro*
Goveranont had wood to tho concentration of Albanian refugees in Grodk
territory from whore thoy night start an attack against ALBANIA. Eton =CO
alsodSwiesitod tho kind of propaganda nado ty ULU and consisting of tali*
statomonts tondinc to prove that MALLI had fought the occupiers of ALMIIAN.
nil? discussions were in propxoss at tho U.N. concerning the acceptance
of ALBANIA as a nonbor, those falsitios wore also subnittod to tho Socrotary
of fho U.N., in an ati,enpt to dony tho entry of ALWIA into that mania.-
tion. Witnmssos at the trial furnished ample ovoidonoo of tho crime con.
nittod ty those spies during the war wbmn they fought agoinst tho people
in tho ranks of a= KOIC17aRp and for tho powers In occupations
The counsel for defense, acknowlodging tho guilt of the defendants, app.
oftlod to the court for clamaney, and so did tho dofondants thomsolvos, who
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A Surroy of AL:211A (contra) Pogo 100
ploadod guilty A;rolizted all their crimos and treason in dotailod stato.
moats. On tho basis of incontestable avidonco obtminod? and pursuant to
Articles 4emd S of Law No, 372, &Ito& 12 Docombor 1946, concenniag tho
orimos connittod aminst the pooplo and tht Stato, tho Eigh Couxt-Nartial
sontoncod tho throo spies to death by shooting.
The Albanian pooplo woro indimant against tho epics and thoir motors,
who are tho sworn onomios of our country, sinco this has boon confirnod .4Y
their crininal doodle.
* * * * * * * * *
2. Sono tine ago it was roportoa inATMLITLI. that tho Western Powers
had instructed tho Groeka not to cross tho Albanian frontior in their pum-
suit of Gook ratan. or a number of soldiore, this mado dosortion into
GREECE morally pormlssiblo and irresistibly tempting. It was pewnissibilo
bocauso so long as thoro was no danger of invasion, they no longer felt
bound to hold theasolvos in rcadinoss for tho dofonso of their country;
and it was tenpting bocauso tho prospoot of roma() from nnvor 111NBAls r(N.
gimo suddenly bocano moro rotate. Sono of those dosortora who wore quest.
Ione"! by United Nations obsorvors roportod that tho military authorities
aro having incroasing difficulty in preserving disciplino?
Tor tho Communists in ALDANIA, tho throat frogORMECE is =tram?.
ly convenient, booaaso it procures for thon support of antiACOmmunists who
hate tho Crocks more. Pron tho nationalistic point of viow, tho policy of
provoking WEDGE is disastrous, because it aIUnatos synpatby in tho mattor
of tho Crook clans in Southorn ALZOLl. Your time in forty yoars, intom.
national commissions established and confirnod tho frontier whoro it is now;
yot, all this nmy go for nothing if tho wholo Mostorn world sidos in with
GREECE against so 111-bohavod a noighbor. In ZOGis tine, when relations
with GREECE wore socuro in comparison to talky, Crook claims on what they
called wilottborn irue" appealed to a linitod section of the Croaks and to
no one olsi.
3. PeContly-a prose report of unknown reliability fron &mg states
that Marshal TITO is making his own arrangononts for tho *liberation" of
ALDANIA, and has sot up a rival "Liboration Connittoo" in Dolp.rmlo. Tho
Chairman of this comnittoo is said to bo Gani 1t233ZrUe brother of Said, who
=cc:may finished serving a five year prison sontonco for tho offense of
fighting tho Gormans in Kossovo without placing himself undor tho orders of
tho loon' Yugoslav partisans. It is roportod that anotter =bow of the
connittoo is Con Elosi =EU, who with his sixteen sons playod an active
part during tho war around Dibra (Dobar);_tho Germans bUrnal his houso, aftor
a battlo, for harboring Colonol Potor KEMP (a mo)*or of a Dritish Mission in
ALLANIA at that tino). If this report is true,it is interesting that a trib.
n1 chieftain floning from Connunist ALDAUIA shuld now bo avolcono refugee
in profossodly anti-Coninforniat YUGOSLOIA.
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A Survey of AL=ANIA (contld) Pao 101
At present, Envor EO- 1 is faced with starvation, incipient nutiuy,
and isolation, 'while his prospoctivo saccossors nako thoir proporations
on foroign soil. It was oxpoctod in Bono quarters that in thoso circum.
stances ho would make his peace with TITO: but this ho ovidontly could
not or would not do, for the Yugoslays gavo as their reasons for donoun,
cing tho Treaty of Mondship with ALBANLA last Novonbor that tho Albanians
had not only croatod border incidents,, but had rojoctod an offor fron
YUGOSLAV/A to rosune ocononic cooperation. 3:Ivor 20:01& has taken another
course, it appoars, and has sot afoot a roconciliation with ITALY, thus
bringing tho whoel a full circlo to tho situation twenty five years ago.
However, this tino it is a different ITALY to be dealt with.- dcno-
erotic, poacoful, and not entirely froo fron tho danger of Connunisn. It
nay be? of course, that the Rnssians aro purposoly allowinc; =AVIA to bo
maintainod at sonoono olses expense, but will want to mako uso of her at
a lator date. Meanwhile, EOXEA nust roach sone sort of arrangonont with
ITALY to procure aid as quickly as possiblo, in odor not to force tho
Soviot hand in domanding that they mond him supplios. AIOAVIA has much
to offor ITALY in exchange Cor hor patronage. Oil is boincproducocl in
iTroator quantities than boforo iron tho wells of rucovo: and tho chrono,
eoppor and coal are also bottor davolopod than they wore the last tino
ITAtY was interest ad. in ALOANLI. A bonovolont and unaggrossivo ITALY is
now indood, tho obvious and proper country to he AL:1ITI.4.01 patron, to
their mutual advantago. Tho two oountrios have alroo4y oxehangod Diablo
tors, and Count SIM= has oxprossod in tho Italian Parlianont his country's
disposition toward ne.intaininclaallilAls indopondoneos
4. Possibilities_of Rgyolt
It is interesting to spoculato on the chancos of a succossful
rovolt in ALOiNIA. Ooforo the TITO.Coninform split, it soonod qnito
vious than that any such anterpriso would bo suppressed by tho Yugoslav
Per a year aftor that, thoro was sono probability that RUSSIA would
1-onstir herself to protoct tho Albanian rogiao. It moons likoly that tho
000pio at large aro not so much intorostod in the dispute botwoon tho two
brands of Conmanisn? as the:, aro in getting rid of all Connunists whatovor,
.H)oth TITOta and STALINIs tYPos?
Tho taro possibility of a successful rebellion has greatly on,
.;ouraf7od tho Albanian oxilos. Sono of tho more naiivo, woory of oxilo, do-
-i to return homo, whore they wore pronptly arrested. Others, in accord.
with Albanian political tradition, reallowod their difforoncos and
.r1.171()(1a now movoment of liberation. The loader of this movomont was tho
Jiflortyl litorary man of Wostorn culture and unblemishod ideals, Midhat
At one tIno ha was Ministor in Athens, but olvo Up his diplomatic
7t1-c:or bocauso of a disacroonont wit-A Ktn. ZOG. Eo thou operated a bookshop
Ii rono, under the nano of "nuno =MEV, Ho mvo oncouragonint to young
-.11(Itmts. and his burning love for his country nado him an inspiration to
.111ntan youth. Dur1m7 tho war, ho foundod a republican rosistanco movonont,
KOW17TAR (Nntional Front), and for a tine, actually took to tho mount.
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Survoy of ALnkru (cont,d) Pogo 102
BALLY, which conbinod nost of tho best republican ?lancets in
tho country, was militarily defoatol by the Connunists (who usal weapons
and supplios given to then by tho Allios to defeat thoir futuro politioal
0110M10.14 although thay woro killing noro Gornans than tho 10tI), forced
into a moasuro of collaboration with the Germans during their occupation?,
and duo to this, they wore discroditod. Midbat TRLSEERI and a hundrod of
his followers retired into ITALY, where ho nover (mood to work for tho
well boing of his follow adios, and taward tho ovontual liberation of his
country. In August 1949, ho succoodod at last in forning a united nave-
YEAS= had four oollcagues in the lhoouttvo Oommittoo of tho novo-
mont. One of thomous Major Abae KUPI, tho nilitary loader of the Royalist
"LEGALITZTIN Parti. Another, Zof PALI, a Roman Catholic who was a teacher
from 8pkodor. A third, tho son of Mostar' ECM, one of ZOGIs prino ministorw
who died recently in a Communist Prison. nna117, sad larsznr lnads a Par-
ty calling thonsolvos Social Donocrats, combining tho younger and noro pro.
mosstre olononts among tho oxilos. Said Boy is tho youncor brother of
the bettor known Gant KRYEZI14 and also of tho late Cana Ley, brothor.inw
law of ring ZOO. Omni and Said fought tho Gornano on the Massaro frontier
until that wore sabotagod by tho Communists.
The Oorraittoo paid a visit to ;tondo; towards tho and of lataust 1949,
going on to Washington in Soptembor. Returning to ITALY, tbo Oonnittoo loft
its loador bobind to opon pornanont offices in thotmunD STATES* The novo.
;' nont then sustainod a torriblo blow, for the universally lovOd and respected
Midhat 72ILSEERI, who was sixty nine, died suddonly on 3 October 19h19.
What Does own party, MALTA EC1C3TA3, pronptly appointod as its
now loador, Eagan DORI. to was also tho MLLLI roprosontattro on tho hop.
uttvo Committoo. MOSTI, howovor, does not onjoy tho sane reputation as an
"older otatoonang as did. PRASHERI, and tho Oomnittoo was unwilling to accept
hinas its prosident. Yor the moment, tho Chairman/Wm of the Oonnittoo is
to rotate among its raombors, thus probably playing into 'ha kends of King
ZOO (now living in oxilo in Lioxandria), sinoo no other olomcmt in the novo.
Dont has producod as yet a loader of comparable standing*
As far as activo resistanoo groups within =ARIA aro concornod, it
is difficult to ostimato their strongtb4 but it is known that sone pockets
of rosistanco do exist. Macy small clashes botwoon guerrillas and Oommunist
authorities have boon roportod daring tho past few months (Jan 1950). Gum,.
alas aro reportedly carrying on armed resistance in the hills of tho so.
called Mirdita Zone (YUGOSLLYIL, 11100,000, Shod Y.45, from 300100 to
400090). Rumors 'proud anong tho pooplo have listpd Oon !UZI, Ran RCM,
Colonol Salo B&NUSHI, ant nano relatives of Primo? Ojoni Marko WONT as the
loadors of tho anti...Communist resistance. On 5 Maroh1950, a clash botwoon
anti-Communist resistance forces and "Sigmrinit" unite is reported to hawo
taken placo in tho vicinity of Milot. Allegoily there was a nunbor of cab.
unities on both sidos.
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A Sunray of ALZIVIA (contd.) Pao 103
/t is rmthor apparent that any succossful raiolt in ALZADIA today
must dovolop out of a combination of forcos rathor than sporadic outbursts
which servo to animist) tho main offorto An tInost impostiblo situation
=lots today in comparison to tho timos during 1943.44 wttn offorts wore
oxpondod in tryinn to consolidate a singlo nardmont *pint tho Italians
and lator, tho Gormmns? Then, there wore somblancos of resistanoo groups,
which, if brought togothor under a Singlo loador or groui4 could havo done
a groat doal noro than was actually,acompplishodt Today. it is difficult
to ascortain tho scope of tho rosistanco navonunti who ate tho loadors'in.
volvod4 where tho groups oporatoi and what claims oxist to Consolidato
thoml An, tindorgrofind marohont would roquiro h loader of leadoff; of such
staturo that anY ptoblWaS involtod in dovolopingfl sdacoset1 navonont
would have a fair opportunity for solution. It is doubtful that any such
rosistantd leadorb exist taXMITIA today4 Tho boot bldboati aro in mil*,
and thusi tho problens of revolion a succedgfill pit:molar? nultipliod.
Thoratoro, tho only alternative which could sorvo to olininmto tho
prosont rokino would bo tho roporcussion of a Third World War in which tho
Atlantic Powors woro succossful, Should a rovolution bogin in AT LA, it
is noro than likdly that Russian or Dulgarian troops would bo on tho scone
within a roasonablo time, sine? those troops would have to cross dither
break ar Yugoslav territory* Such a rovulution would than sorro as tho pre.
ludo to a third world war.
3IRTC11 30
Spacial a.t, 0/0
Spooina dgcmt, 01U
04' P A MIA
Opirat ions Office?
For the 0o=aelaing Officer
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A Survey of A7,BANIA contd)
7 August 1950
Ref. No. M.903-5
STJBJECT: MARA, Petrit (Albanian Refugee)
1. The following military information was obtained from
SUBJECT who is presently under interrogation by this Office:
2. Military Information:
The present strength of the Albanian regular army is
estimated approximately to 90,000 men (including the Sigurimit
division). This information was casually given to MARA, Petrit
by Major AMAMI, Bego from Veloric, attached to the general staff
of the Albanian Army in num. Same information has reportedly
been confirmed to MARA, Petrit by Capt. SELMANI, Nuri, a political
commissar. presently attached to a battalion stationed in yermert.
On 25 April 1950, a considerable movement of Albanian
troops has been noticed in ALBANIA; these troops came from
and Elbasan and proceeded to the following localities in neitella
eastern ALBANIA: Legg, aitt,kagal, and Opkoder. The strength
of these troops was approximately 15,000 men, all Albanians.
Immediately after the movements were completed, Major General
BALLUKU, Boqir, Chief of the Albanian General Staff. iroarlf..!
the troops bud their new quarters, together with a Aussian general.
The divisions of the Albanian Army and their respective
headquarters are stationed in the following localities:
let Division - Tirang (Barracks "Ali Rise" and
Spital Rd.)
2nd Division -Spree
3rd Division - Giinekaster
4th Division - phloder
(also SiguriMit units included)
The commander of the 1st Division stationed in Tirana
is Colonel CAR) Hito; the commander of the Alta garrison,
Major General MOISIU, Spiro; the commander o gar.
risen, Colonel SPAHIU, MUhamer. At least 80 per eigetrthe
equipment of the Albanian Army is Russian material, the remnant
Yugoslay. The type of uniform is the same as that of the Rustian
army: gray color; military tunic worn outside the trousers, with
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L. NO. M-903-5 dated 7 August 1950 (contd)
Page 2
belt; shirt, of Russian make; trousers of the skier type. This
is the summer dress, of cotton,. The winter dress is also gray,
with tunic and long trousers. The officers' uniform is ltke the
Russians: all wear black top boots. Rank badges are worn on
the epaulets, both by officers and enlisted men; the former wear
stiff epaulets and the latter limp ones.
There are no Russian units in ALBANIA; however, there
are approximately 50 Russian officers ranking from major to gen-
eral; they are employed as instructors of the Albanian army, and
belong to the Russian Military Mission in ALBANIA.
The Russian technical staff in ALBANIA may be estimated
to 3000 - 5000 persons, stationed in all major induetries, ship-
yards, mechanical works, etc. The headquarters of the Russian
Military Mission is located in Tirana, Durresit Street, neer
the Russian legation. The Chief of the Mission is General
SOKOLOV. TCHUVAHIN, Dimitri is the Soviet plenipotentiary in
ALBANIA. Russian officers are always active; they keep Albanian
drivers with them, armed with pistols; however, TCHUVAHIN's
driver is Russian. In each Albanian division, Or regiment, there
are Russian officers as "instructors"; they give orders and
supervise any activities of the Albanian army. Within the Al-
banian army there is also a Political Office, headed by Major
General KAPO, Hysni (Albanian). In the same office there is a
Soviet general who dictates all the policies. There are also
many Russian physiciaT1.1MmAkkpallagAmtaisiworktmftiatt.
,there are appr.xlmateif7707assian advisers among all the minis-
/ tries, planning commissions and control commissions in ALBANIA.
In addition, there are also an estimated 200 German technicians.
A German ex-colonel, who is an engineer specialized in repair
work and spare parts of plane engines, works in the plant "Enver"
at Tirang. Soviet technicians get a monthly pay of 13,000 to
25,000 lek; in addition, they are issued with special cards for
food and clothing. A Soviet engineer gets from 25,000 to 38,000
lek per month; a physician, 35,000 to 5040Cerle4 an Albanian
technician earns a monthly salary not exceeding 5,000 lek; an
Albanian physician 6,000 to 7,000 lek.
Tirana with scow with the regular air line
The airfields in full efficiency are: Vr8110 and is connected , e
-pfiq On the WNW airfield
always a heavyigber (Russ an, three-engines); this plane -takes
off from Tirana at irregular times and returns to the base within
the same day of departure or on the day after, at the latest.
The plane coming to lima from jescoy is Hungarian and so are
the pilots, who beloftto-the Civil Airlines. A Soviet civilian
plane also arrives in Timm) from Prace on a regular weekly seri,
vice. This plane carries civilian personnel. The runway of the
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Ref. No. m-903-5 dated 7 August 1950 (contd) Page 3
and /gm airfields is made of concrete and is 1200 to
meters -Yong; the airfields are provided with modern hangars,
signal and wireless installations. In =Am, the ground per-
sonnel number approximately 200 personti-WII-Albanian, including
the officers. There are approximately 200 Albanian pilots, all
.cfficers with ranks varying from second lieutenant to major. The
----uniform is like that of the Russian fliers. The Albanian pilots
have been trained, and are still being trained, at :tau, RUSSIA.
Albanian Army:
The Albenian army effects maneuvers once a month, em-
'gloying one regiment at a time. The localities where these dril-
lings take place are: 2gritut, Oate Sbtapbp, QfeKrale,
and along the Yugoslavfrontier on the northeastern
part oFALBANIA. The armament used in these maneuvers is a se-
condary one, the weapons being constituted of machine guns, sub-
machine guns, light artillery and mortars, anti-tank and anti-
aircraft guns. 80 per cent of these weapons are Russian, the
remnanA Germane Italian end Yugoslay. Maneuvers on a wider scale
occur three times in a year, involving the participation of the
divisions, in rotation. On these occasions, the Russian military
mission is represented by 2 or 3 high ranking officers.
New fortifications are being built along the Yugoslav
northeastern frontier, .recisely, in the localities of
Pres, aka and -z_5,., ; the reason: fear of YugosiWittacks.
Laborers employes ? ?ese works are all Albanian; the technicians
cre Albanian and Russian. The concrete used in these works comes
On the Island of Saseno, there is a garrison of approxi-
mately 2,000 to 3,000 men, all Albanian and belonging to various
branches of the army and navy. It is not known if there are any
submarine bases at Saseno. In regard to submarines, it has been
learned that, after the Cominform Resolution against TITO, some
Soviet submarines made their appearance in the Albanian waters,
and they even entered the ports of Durazzq and Algal staying
there for a short time. During the-current yeat4-from January
to April, Soviet submarines have also been noticed three or four
times in ValonD and Durazao. There are no new fortifications
along the coast, however, the existing installations are con-
tinually repaired and imprlved.
The sone of Porto Palerme has been placed off limits
to everybody, having been declared military area. Works are in
progress there; however, no indication as to the nature Of such
works has been disclosed. The possibility exists that the works
consist of submarine pens or installations for long-range weapons.
Approved For Release 2004/02/19 :SPee8RE151?006100200002-9
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Ref. No. M-903-5 dated 7 August 1950 (contd)
Page 4
gUlizA i Barracks) on Durresit Street; those of
In ALBANIA are large ammo depots; Source recalls
those of
the Truck Po-61, near e Tirana airfield, and the ammo depots in
- ? 4,; near the barracks). There are food supply depots in
4(near the tomb of the queen mother); in mingn (near the
p ayground); in (port area); in Maeda:if (behind the hos-
pital)i- and in oulevamd Emistokli-Geltonis at the end,
Conditions of roads are very poor; at present the con,.
struction of an asphalted road is in progress between ?hra and
pkoder; the road is presently completed to grj, and Zee 35 km
from Tirana.
Source is not aware of any amphibious maneuvers, past
or present, conducted by Albanian troops.
The Greek Partisans left ALBANIA in three groups., during
the nonth of March 1950. It is believed that the amount of men
involved did not exceed 10,000 men. They were concentrated at
Iihrlighgl, ure1 and CYrja e Elbasani%) with their families;
They all belongedto combat units and were equipped with ver
materials and cattle. They left .ALBANIA via Murarp on board
Russian and Roumanian boats. Before their departure, they were
disarmed and all their armament remained in the hands of the
Albanian government. At present, there are approximately 1000
Greel,:s in ALBANIA, including children and old people. However,
there are still some Greek Partisans, who are continually crossing
the border into GREECE and return to ALBANIA very often. The
exec; number of these Partisans is unknown; they are causing in.
cidehts and probably act as Informants; they are dressed in civi-
lian clothes. There are even some Greek Partisan officers left
In Tirena; one of them has often been seen at the Hotel Dajti in
the company of members of the Albanian Central Committee, among
Which is one ALIJA, Ramiz.
"Resistance" movements are almost insignificant; it 10-
rumoeed that Colonel BAJRAXTARI, Wharrem is at present in ALBANIA.
Approved For Release 2004/02/19SCE-GPM-541-5R006100200002-9
Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
Possible invasion routes into ALBANIA
RI Tt, AA/ ' ,
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Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-0 415R006100200002-9
Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
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(JANUARY 1950)
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Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA4' /8.-9061,00200002-9
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Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
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Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
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Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
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Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
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Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
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Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
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Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
OCHRIDA 10111031(0) LAU 51,100 "
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Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
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Approved For Release 2004/02/19: CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
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Approved For Release 2004/02/19: CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
EXHINiT )(1"1
Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
iron OS PIO OS NO.
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Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
Approved For Release 2004/02/19: CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
RFT16. ?tk.
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--BERATI PERATI 3,666 169,431 48,2
KORCI A KOWA ? 3,750 169,234 ? 45,1
. (22,80)')
KOSSoVO KUKESI 2,038 48,666 22,9
DIBRA PESHKOP1JA 2,151 83,491 38,9
OUR AZ7.0 [JURA:20 1,550 90,243 59,2 -
? (9,739)
EL- BASAN ELBASAN 3,549 ? 110,447 31,1
-SCuTARI SCUTARI 5,SGO 180,929 28,9 -
(29,909) I
? TIRANA TIRANA 911 59,190 64,9
(9,106) 1,448 1
VALONA 88,807 39,0
f28,143" 1.105,903 38,6
214.8 qradecI
.1899 Peon
ERAf 248060
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TIC Zarnon.
roowasio ?
...1950 wo,.,?.ICURITZA
Oafish \ .1/4.,
Gio % .2584 0 908, ? ?
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. .-)t 11 ..: 40.?????? 1,G.
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3.14 3
Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
CIO Austria
CIO Germfuly
CIC Greece
Approved For Release 200?1IAPA-alT3-00415R006100200002-9
613RM NC.
MAY 1949
444 Adiob Mill le
Approved 'r or Release 2004/02%19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
SUBJECT Communist Propaganda Material Distributed in
Sao Paulo
DATE DISTR. 26 Sept. 1950
NO. OF ENCLS. 6 (to ORE only)
ITS ru,',114ENT fS ENCI '1131i ATIAGNE04
Attached for your information and retention are copies of propaganda distributed
by the Communists in Sao Paulo during the month of August 1950. The first
four attachments originated with the Cruzada Humanitaria pela Proibi9ao das
Armas Atomicas,* rua WenceKauRraz, 146, Sao Paulo.
Enclosures: Porque e Urgente Assinar 0 Apelo de Estocolmo (pamphlet, 4 pages)
Cruzada Humanitaria (pamphlet, 32 pages)
Sheet for signatures against the atom bomb
Poster against the atom bomb
Appeal of the Uniao Geral dos Trabaihadores of Sao Paulo, with
place for signatures in support of the Stockholm Appeal (I page)
Leaflet entitled Brado de Alerta do Camarada Prestes (I page)
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Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt
Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
tes lacca eorajosarlente up_gaii e
t,r) cto part1LLookmAYIWYANWPIA-W41W
ipor vattatte uo pot.) e derrot'ar os
orresoi'es ex-tornaa,c internos. Ne ata
,t,cr cm que paire sobre o floss() pov0,0
2c118 tTrave porigo,A Guerra L Prestos, '.
coal firmeva o caminhc 4a
lut6 l'evoluoioneriassPela liberttgao
Sc n guerrn 'nos bnte 4 porta
ameaga a iiaa.de nossos filhos e
uturo da naoao. Que nos sirva de
exempla? heroism? do pow) Ooreandou,
}-rpfile 0 invasor de sua_potrlajos Impt?
)011stes ner1nos So 03 patroes de
itra que no querem,attrur no guerra
1:,(D2,tra as 1305s9s irmaos:flNem um solaado:
a Core;.a,e o gue devemos afirriar'
:N,7a luta e umt so,noSzo inirnigo e
40mo. Responaeremos a Liutra e a todo4
,t,ralaorse que Jamais raremos gUerra
u.potro que luta pox* sua ,libertavao,
3im cootinuaremos lutando pe/a nossa.-
res n r.nrt1117)-Jr1r,:111,-7,
).mper p ypte:r
opreores estro. 1r.
171.o.,ra em que GLA,
grave Per 4;0,a
ft-porta cQM firme9p, 0
lutas relioluciynario
Vaoironalo Se a guerrn nos
ameaca,P '.?!i de rK)5-0.-ti,fi
f,buturo 4a ne4R.o. Que nos sirv
ommplo,p 216%oismo do 1)0r9 rcr
repele'e 14ivasor de
r1r1,1Stas amerionnos.
que 400 quereal_A4td.--v4,
00/1trft 08 gOoja IrMW.J2
para a CerPP1,0 9 ve
IqU$sa,111-ta e uma
EflaPonare4100 P Ltr 0.
oa 0.7V,a0r8 oe 4,5, farem(
A limsOVO 11.10 Lan por
e dCcIltinUrremoo iutanapp.
ibertPga0Jeolltra 03 opressoreedenos" lip& nqa0-.?oOntra a3 recr
o po1:70,ue so Dutra sua d rcvolqUO sao Dutra e ;)L2F, CPna:
iP 0 M241 ifp s? de Pre s t eso programa de- 1,S;J mvit4 's '6) de ([1,
liibertaqa? que traduz os_angetios /40 P ber? que trpdt4 Os P%ac
k! , p r ,PaZ,rra e Z.,1,ber vqfpo Prz,Tor;r1( e
ffli$fareins guerrn P UniPn trami;.is farem(y2uer
:trin dos traballiPdores. VIVA 0 94/potrir dos P'71171't
e PRESTESt 7Rrste3
?27,, .., ,
' 'JA'74Te7g?liTE9P.corajTio ui-manifes ,t1Titen-laniV67.5r7Toiritc.---17z-z
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to o Partido Oomunista do Braall,para o co 1:Ifirti b 06munictn de 7(:)1
impor a vontaae do povo e debrotar or '...0p4ir P. vontnge LOP?V?
:preSs4rOa ext:pinos...s
$ em que.palia.aohre oilot??-i,
mais grave:peT1.0,A -T_O-;--"'-
_ poni,-a oc-)Li
4s ,12ta8 revolu-074,-
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Ilstro px1ri.oPrlos..a0 os Pa
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of:aa 414a e.uta..so,noso i-
MV.500.espronderemos a
91.40,1'ea que .11-11A1rj.faxcQ--
opressores eXtern106-0 int0r4015. NeetA
paira sabre o,nllaso palm:
o-mt7is grave perlgotA d.l.lerrgt ?rests
xpponts oom fl.riesa oopaminho 4a ,PaZ
. .
?-4 uta e revoluoloariasjpela Iibc?
-?OhiOrrl. f4p 4Uerria_nos bate a
0 ilnetnp A 1:.4t. de flosses
0 as ilf.".9.zlorv ;14o.'1108 131r1rt 434 -
herc4sm? .do,pon ocreanoique
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rialiS140 144404,q-artg,41.,$40...,na, patrte
Dutra 4'ut noS querem,atirar na gue ra
pntra os es59a irmaos:FINem um sC
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s trai4orOs QUO jamaAlt 4'ar0po Qzra.
um IN.N6 qu(.itita por SUa Ilber a-ao a ),ira povo que luta po
i- almie04tin4BOAos 141.441 pela nozaa .p stmlcoatinuaremos ',1utande ,p-.1-
1ibert4q",?P4;11 ne Rpreo_liWTs 41) floe?, ibertevo,onatra agi opressoo4a
so potto,que sap tiutti1',0 134.p c rItartEt. . lig povo , quo . aro Dutra e FrO
lelp 0 menifesto de Prestezjrcgrma teir o 1114,Inifeto ae Prost,-3 ,
libert%lao clue treduz oe rr..eios do 4,11bertn.Vo gun trndx-7
, ) p9yrs-rr Pvt7J,iTerrp C,.-
.,)ovo,por 7,,F-,o,Paz Terra e LibeEarlde.
t P,fpem guerrn tniao Sov1.6?
- l n
pmrl frx,ns guOrr
ptri (los trrbf1hnaorQ,91 vivA doc,
,P.TIFSTtS. c o C*13 OAMKR:ADA P11S3TE5 e ./
o ovo ND S?.PAULO LUTA R4 doNTRA 0
N1r0 DE Ziar1.45 BRASILLIEA..1 PARA A -
1:i0A.,AtiSIZTANDO.1P.,ELO .E$TOGOi...20
,,CON$.11.)EliAN:1)0 CRIMINC=_DE G'J RRA 0
App o -ed
004102113 -
IO vE TROPAS B 's . ?
XIGIMOS a proihicao
obsoluta da ARMA
,TOMICA, arma de
error e de exterminio
massa de poputa-
EXIGIMOS o estabe-
lecunento de um rigo-
.4- DSC) controle internaci-
para assegurar a
o9iiicac.ao clessa meclida
dc interdivio.
croverno que prirneiro
Aolizar a arma atomica,,
flao importa contra que
iSi cometera urn cri-
e contra a liumanida-
Ae e sera tratacio icomo
.iminoso de querria.
PEDIMOS a tocios os
aomens e mulheres de
baa vontade (10 mundo
inteiro que assinem este
Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : Cii-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
assine contra a
JA W ENCESL A NJ BRA2:, 146 - ANDAR - 5AL.A5 312-313 - SAO PAUL(..)
Assine e colha o maior ii rordeasassivataraiRli.8ficoncarrao emio de viagern a Europa
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Cruzada Humanitaria
EXIGIMOS a proibigiio absoluta da ar-
ma'atomire, arma de terror e de exterminio
em massa de populagOes.
EXIGIMOS o estabelecimento de um
controle internacional para assegurar a
/ 2
splicagdo desta medida de interdicao.
CONSIDERAMOS que o goy- erno que
primeiro utilizar, a arma atomica, no un-
porta contra que pais cometerci um crime
contra ?khumanidade e serci tratado corn?
criminoso de guerra.
PEDIMOS a todos os homens e mu/he-
res de boa vontade do maid? inteiro que
assinem este Apelo.
AU/kikAs TM11Af 25X1
*UA WENCt61.11.11 BRAZ, 146 ? 9.o ANDFIR ? 6191.949, 912 - *13
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Assinaturas Que Salvam Milhoes de Vidas
Ja no fina da grande guerra de 1939-1945, o rnundo inteiro foi aba-
lad? corn o bombardeio de duas cidades. japonezas : Hiroshima e Nagasaki
(Japao), Depois de tantos bombardeios, os povos viram surgir uma .nova
e terrivel arma de guerra ? a bornba atomica ? corn a capacidade infernal
de reduzir a cinzas, em poucos minutos, rnilhares de criaturas e construcOes.
Mae, pouco foi dito sObre os incriveis sofrimentos de rnilhares de pessoas
que nlorreram. Jentamente e dos que ficararn vivos para ver o que nunca
imaginaram ser possivel: o inferno na terra.
Urn sabio ingles ? P.M.S. Blackett que recebeu em 1948 o Fre-
ya? Nobel de Fisica como recornpensa pelos seus inventos e descobertas,
escieveu urn liVEO (*) que produziu grande lmpressao em todo o rnundo,
contando 6 que as bombas atennicas fizeram aos homens, mulher(!s, crian-
gas, edificios e instanCes daquelas duas cidades japonezas. Nesse livro, o
sabio ingles reproduziu trechos inteiros de relatOrios oficiais dos governOs
dos Estados Unidos e da Inglaterra, nao deixando diwidas sobre o que
aconteceu em consequencia da explosao das duas bornbas langadas sobre o
Depois e antes desse li-vro, apareceram diversas histOrias sobre a
bomba, Inas, 0 povo nunca ficou sabendo bem o que acontece nos bombar-
deios atomicos. No ano de 1949, surgiu mais urn document? iniportante ?
o relatorio da COM issao de Energia AtOmica dos Estados Unidos. A publi-
' oagao,deste liVrinho, entre nos, tem por fim esclarecer o povo sobre o que
1?galmente urna guerra atornica, mostrando que ela pOde ser evitada.
,k, I
? 3 ?
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.11ties Foi f"?ste o destino que sonhastes para vossos Mhos?
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Nests dias que correm, quando ?ada yes major o perigo de UM&
Stova guerra, a arneaga de urn diliivio de logo este', sobre a cabega de rtados
Os seres humanos, sem excecOes. Mais de urn pais no mundo possui bombas
TQ4QS sentem,que ?rgente evitar que a guerra comece, mas, pou-
. 9, QS que realmente sabem o que sera uma nova guerra, corn o uso
'rrnas atOmicas.
, Depois de ler.este,livrin.ho, sera facil compreender que ?recise,
epois c1esse inicio tragic?, os bombardeios atOrnicos entre os wises
erre, trans ormarao o mundo awns enorrne fogu.eira.
' ' ' As oriangas as mogos os homens e as mulheres de texlas as idades,
, ....es e n cional .
raps? rehgroidades, do nosso pais, por desgraga nossa, est-do
sob essa tertherl. aa eaga. 0 Brasil ?rodutor e exportador de materias
.pihns ,para a fabricagao de armas atomicas, e isso, alem do mais, nos co-
am dentro do campo de uma guerra que venha a se desencadear.
, Assim com.o foi proibido o uso dos gazes venenosos na guerra, assim
mho, sao fiscaaclos em todo o muncloja produgdo, o comercio e o uso de
oertos venenos (Opio, cocaina, etc.), tambem ?ossivel urn acOrdo entre
as 1,:iaiom prothindo a fabricagao de armas atomicas e fiscalizando a apli-
valao da energia atOmica, a fim de que ela seja empregada sOmente pare
o bern da humanidade.
, No passado, milhares e milhoes de pessoas, envolvidas no logo e
natleptrui0e da guerra, repetiram muitas vezes esta prgunta : Porque nao
?ertritarFnos41sto ?
, , 7 Agora poremt ?reciso responder COM rapides, porque depois de
corn4ada a guerra. sera dificil saber quantas pessoas poderao, ainda, fazer
es" *eNunta.
1 , Todos os 'lawns e mulheres de boa vontade, sem nenhuma ex-
? (*gaol tem em suas maos 0 mei? de evitar a guerra atOmica, condenando
desde j? govern? que seja o PRIMEIRO A UTILIZAR A ARMA ATO-
MICA contra qualquer povo.
oVniao priblica do Brasil e do mundo inteiro, unidas pelo sa-
ireit? a viola sem cogitar de politica, de religiao ou de quaisquer
oUXa diterFpgas, estao realizando,urna grapde eleicao, em que dirao 0
go ensam cia guerra atOmica, em que exigirao a garantia de que ela
?nuirica seja comegada, mas, desde A afirmando que amaldigoam o govern?
que iniciar tal guerra.
. ,
,,, ,
t ,,i'si3O cpumo veSt,e aro de 1950, em Estocolmo, essa grande eleigao
id inielada pelos Partidarios da Paz. MilhOes de pessoas, em todos as pai-
- 6 ?
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ses do mundo, estao votando pela proibigao e contrOle das armas a o
cas, pondo A sua assinatura nate document? que se chama
rxiarmos a proibigdo absoluta da arrna atOnvica,
arma de terror e de exterminio en massa de popula-
EXIGIIVIOS p estabeleeintento de urn contrale in-
ternacional para assegurar a aplicacO0 destci medida
de interdigdo.
CONSIDERAMOS que o goveAo que primeiro
utilizar, a artier atornica, no irnporta contra que pals
cometerd /on, crime contra a huntanidade e sera tra-
tado corno 'criminoso de guerra.
OEDIMOS a todos os lumens e rnulheres de boa
vontade do niundo inteiro qve asstne'rn este Apelo.
,Caela pessoa que nao vota nesta grande eleicao, tambem contribui
para tornar possivel a guerra atOmica. Nao e justo pensar, apenas na prOpria
vida. As crrancinhas, os nnocosL todos os que nasceram para viver e ter
tun future, nu heard? sabendo, talves, quern assinou ou no 'assinou pela
praibicAo. Mas, cada urn, no seu initimo, respondera a si mesrno sobre o
que fez pela vida de milheies de inocentes.
E" apenas uma assinatura, rnas, milhcies delas faro saber que a
humarndade exp a poibicao das armas atOmicas e que esta disposta a
Punir os carniceirs que cornecem e'isa barbaridade.
ttlos responsAveis pela sorte da paz e da guerra.
E' essa a =kr forca que tern cada ser human? ? a sua vontade
e a sua acao rras que Precisa ser levada ao conhecirnento dos responsa-
veis pela sorte da paz e da gruerra.
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Minha mcie? minha querida mdezinha...
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A gurnas das Milhares de Manifestagoes para Proi-
bigio e Controle das Armas At6micas
?EMBAIXADOR OSWALDO ARANHA, ex-presidente da Assembleia das
Nacoes Unidas : "A interdicao da bomba atomica' sera o pri-
meiro passo no sentido do desarmannento geral, sem o quai a
paz *era ameacada pela fOrca e pela brutalidade".
CIENTISTA CESAR LATTES, Fisico de Energia Nuclear: "Quanta
ener,gla atornica, acho, da mesma forma que a esmaga.c:tora mato-
ria dos cientistas ern todo o mundo, que ela deve ser utilizada
unicamente para fins pacificos".
IPROF DR. HA..lyS BETHE e mais doze fisicos norte-americanos : "Julga-
-mos que nenhurna nacao, tem o direito de empregar tal bomba,
rnesmo por uma causa justa. Esta bomba nao ?ais uma arma
,de guerra, mas um meio de exterminar populacfies inteiras".
'DR HERBERT MOSES, Presidente da Assoclaceto Brasileira de Imprensa:
,-"Quanto a bomba atomica, arma terrivel de destruicdo em mas-
sa, entendo que deve ser proibida".
IDEPUTADO PLINIO BARRET?, do Con gresso Federal : "Julgaria o pri-
]rrieire ;govern? que utilizasse a bomba attimica contra qualquer
? 9 ?
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outro pais como indigno de pertencer a comunhao clas nac,Oes
civilizadas. 0 minim? que Ihe devia acontecer era o fuzilamento
de todos as seus membros".
PROF. LUCAS NOGUEIRA GARCEZ, Seoretcirio da Viacdo de Sao Paulo:
"Neste particular, quero declarar que, desde 1948, quando Sua
Santidade o Papa Pio XII se pronunciou contrario ao empriigo
da energia atomica como arma de destruicao, me convenei, ain-
da mais de que a proibicao e controle das armas atOrnicas e urn
desejo profundo que esth no coracao de todos os homens de boa
PADRE JOAO BATISTA DE CARVALHO, Deputado Estadual de Silo Pau-
Io: "Sao arrnas desumanas, anti-cristas, cujo emprego e lesivo
aos rnais sagrados interesses da humanidade".
PROF. DR. THEMISTOCLES CAVALCANTI, ex-Procurador Geral da Rey.
p : "Proibir o emprego da bomba atemica ?arantir a
FREI ISAIAS RAYUSI, do Convento dos Capuchinhos do Rio de Janeiro:
"Nos somos homens pacificos. Amamos a paz elldesejamos a fell-.
cidade dos povos. Rogamos cliariamente a Deus que nos livre de
uma nova guerra. Mas, ?reciso que se peca tambern aos ho
mensde governo para que entrem irnediatamente em entendi-
mentos pacificos e nos livrem de uma nova hecatombe".
IRMA DULCE, Diretora do Circu/o Operdrio da Baia e do Co/egio Santa
Bernadette: "A bomba atomica ?ma arma de destruic,ao e
Cu penso que devemos tratar de construir e nao de destruie".
DR. FRANCISCO PATTI, presidente da Cruz Vertnelha de Sao Paulo:
"So facet votos para que o proprio Direito Internacional acabe
corn as guerras, Sd posso aplaudir, evidentemente, qualquer me-
dida de controle efetivo da energia nuclear e a proibicao da
bomba atemica-.
PROF. SAMUEL PESSOA, Catedratico da Faculdade de Medieina de Scio
Paulo e presidente da "Organizacao Brasilera de Defesa da Paz
? 10 --
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da Cultura" (Sao Paulo) : "A bomba atOrnica espalha a des-
truicao cega, o sofrimento atroz, estendendo o seus efeitos ate
sobre geracoes vindouras, por afetar, nas suas irradiaceies, os
orgaos geradores do homem".
FLAITIO COSTA, Tecnico futebolista responseivel pela seleccio brasileira nu
disputa da Copa do Mundo, a celebre taca "Jules Rimer : "As-
sinarei o Apelo Estocolmo corn muito prazer. Acho que a guev-
ra e o esikrte sao duas coisas antagonicas. A guerra so serve
para dividir os povos. 0 esporte, ao contrario serve para uni-los".
GENERAL: RAYMUND? SAMPAIO, do Exercito Nacional: "A major
energia descoberta pelo homem nao devera servir para a sua
prOpria destruicao, mas, para a construed? de urn novo mundo
de paz e de progresso constantes".
Tribunal Federal: "Totalmente contra o emprego da bomba
atOmica em qualquer circunstancia. Totalmente a favor da paz
e da solucao pacifica dos problemas fundamentals de todos os
povos, sem distincao de raca, de religiao e de credos politicos".
Outras manifestacoes favoraveis a prOibicao das armas atOmicas e aa
Apelo de Estocarno:
Gabinete do Govern? Finlandes, Associagao dos Cientistas da Inglater-
ra, Conselho Nacional da Uniao Nacional dos Estudantes, Movimento Repu-
blicano Popular (da Franca), Comite Internacional da Cruz Vermelha
(Genebra, Suica) , Joliot-Curie (Franca), III Congresso Brasileiro de Es-
critores (realizaclos na Baia), A.ssociacao da Juventude de Hiroshima e
Nagasaki (Japao), Selecionado Italiano a Copa do Mundo, Soviet Supre-
mo da Uniao das Repalicas Socialistas Sovieticas, Frades do Convent? dos
Franciscanos (S. Paulo), fl Congresso dos Estudantes Secundarios do Bra-
sil, Rev. Goncalves Pacheco, presidente das Igrejas: Evangelicas de S.
Paulo, Assembleia Legislativa de Pernapbuco, Camaras Municipais de
? Monte Alegre do Sul, Campos do Joraao, Guarulhos, Rio Claro, Salto
de It?, Tanabi, Mogi das Cruzes, Piquete; Sao Vicente, Nhandeara, lift,
Sao Caetano do Sul, Botucatii, Lins, Jaboticabal, Poa, Santa Adelia e
$anto Andre (Sao Paulo), -?- Ladainha, Car= do Cajurii, Nova Lima,
Sabath, lciberlandia e Cataguazes (Minas) ? Rcife, Olinda, Pau D'Alho e
Jaboatao (11rnarnbuco), -- Curitiba, Ponta Grossa e Londrina (Parana)
? 11 ?
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? Nova Iguassii e Sao Goncalo (Est. do Rio) -- Joao Pessi)a. (Paraiba.
-- Salvador e Bonfim (Baia) ? Goiania (Goias) ? VitOria (Espirito
Santo) ? Porto Alegre (Rio Grande do Sul) ? Fortaleza (Ceara) - -
Cuiaba (Mato-Grosso), Liga de .Defesa da Constituieao, Uniao Estacimli
dos Estudantes, Centro Aeademico XI de Agosto, Grernio da Faculdado
de Arquitetura e Urbanism') de Sao Paulo, Cornissao de Assuntos Exte-
riores da Camara de Deputados da Republica Argentina, Episcopado Ca-
toile? da Polonia, Dr. Torres Bodet, presiderite da UNESCO; alern dc
centenas de vereadores, deputados, escritores, jornalistas, professores, itn-
versitarios, eiemislas, artist as, rrilitares, diplomatas; estuciantes,
operariaos, etc. etc.
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Os Horrores dos Bombardeios Atomicos em
Hiroshima e Nagasaki
que aconteceu em Hiroshima e Nagasaki (Japao), quando explo-
clif arn as duas bombas atOmicas lancadas ern, agosto de 1945, ?xplicado
corn muitos detalhes em dois relatOrios oficiais, urn dos norte-americanos
e outro dos ingleses. 0 relatorio dos ampricanos chama-se: "Efeitos das
Bombas AtOmicas, Pesquiza dos Bombardeios Estrategicos, Estados Uni-
dos, U.S.S.B.S., 4 e 5". 0 ingles, tern o nome de "Os efeitos das bombas
atomicas sobre Hiroshima e Nagasaki", public:ado em Londres no ano de
Os ataques contra essas duas cidades japonesas, nao encontram outro
igual em toda a historia militar do mundo. Os aviOes B.29, carregados corn
bombas atOrnicas, partiram da ilha de Tinian, escoltados por urn ou dois
avines de observagao. Num desses avioes de bornbarcleio ia, o capita() Ro-
bert Lewis: esse aviao tinha o nome de "Enola Gay".
A meia noite do dia,5 de agosto de 1945, o capita? Lewis e sua tripu-
lava() receberarn, sem maiores explicacoes, a seguinte ordem: "Prepa-
re-se para voar". 0 coronel Tibbets, chefe da expedi,gao de bombardeio
foi inforrnado, apenas, do seguinte: "0 "Enola Gay" devera voar dentro
em breve. Que a tripulacao esteja a postos."
As duas,horas e cincoenta minutos da madrugada do dia 6 de agosto,
o "Enola Gay" levantava vooc corn uma tripulagao de 7 homens, sem
saber outra coisa alern de que a missao era arriscadissima. No coniando
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.111/310-0, PEDRO MANZINI FICOU rscapriv9Ano LE
C107ZADA:A MULHEA too rinmago DEU A IDEIA 1)5
2401 NIXAMO DIA o ontrpo no Jost DA sILVA ENTROU
sw *so ITO TRABALHO, coTHErtno AssurAmpits EM
itasf tip our SE IRATAVA MAR, 0 PESSOAL DO
56001055 NO 10GO DE FUTEBOL, LEvA AINDA, pOn Es
MICA 511011311)5.
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ia o coronel Tibbets. J?o ar, receberam pelo radio o rumo que deve-
riam seguir.
Ao entrarem em territOrio japones, receberam a seguinte ordern:
"Vde sempre a 5.000 metros de altura. Evite combates corn cacas ini-
migos. N?aterrize em terra japoneza. Seu aparelho deve voltar a base
intacto ou desaparcer por completo."
Depois de nove horas de voo, ouviram nova ordem: "Dentro de nove
minutos estara em cima de uma cidade; lance a bomba nUmero 1."
A primeira bomba, de acordo corn os relatOrios oficiais, foi lancada
a 6 de agosto de 1945, as 8 In)ras e 15 minutos da manh?sobre Hiroshima.
0 relatorio americano "I.T.S.S.B.S., 5" diz:
"A major parte dos trabalhadores j?e encontrava em servico, mas.
um grande nitmero deles ainda se achava a caminho do servico; quasi to-
das as criancas das cscalas e urn certo ntimero de operdrios, trabaihavam
ao ar livre, ocupados ria demotic& de predios bombardeados, para protecdo
contra o foga e enviamin o tinaterica aproveitavet para fora da cidade.
0 ataque realizou-se 45 minutos depois de tocado a sinal de perigo pas-
sado. Por cause da falta de aviso e da indiferenga da poptaageto em face
da presenca de pequeno3 grupoS de avioes? a exploscio ocorreu em condicoes
de surpresa quasi total, quando ninguem se encontrava nos abri,gos su-
bterraneos. Mai& gente se encontrava de fOra dos abrigos subterraneos;
out ras pessoas? na major parte, achavam-se no interior de liabitacoes tra-
gels ou em edificios comerciais."
Mais ou menos 11 quilornetros quadrados da cidade de Hiroshima fo-
ram com.pletamente destruidos pelo fogo.
"A surpresa, o desabantento de intimeros edificios, o incendio, fize-
ram urn nimero de, vitimas ,ate hoje nunca vista; 70 a 80 mil pessoas fo-
ram mortas, desapareceram ou foram consideradas mortas e quasi outro
tanto de feridos. 0 grande nim era de vitimas ?anto niais impressionan-
te si se corn para corn as resultados do raide sobre Taquio, realizado entre
9 e 10 de marco de 1945, na gual a neimero de mortos nab foi tdo elevado,
conquanto tivessem sido destruidos 42 quilometros quactrados da cidade...
Tres dias inais tarde, em Nagasaki, a cidade quasi nada sabia a res-
peito do que ocorrera cm Hiroshima, a nc-to ser umas vagas noticias do
desastre de Hiroshima que apareceram nos jornais de 8 de agosto."
? 16 ---
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Nenhum aviso, portant?, tinha sido dado quando, a segunda bomba
;atornica, foi langada sobre Nagasaki. Somente 400 pessoas se encontrst-
yam nos abrigos subterraneos da cidade, construidos para conter, mais
ou menos urn tergo da populagao.
As testemunhas de vista de Hiroshima stio unanimes em dizer que
,v1ram urn c/arcio brilhante e bronco no ceu, sentiram urn sopro violento
do ar ouviram um, trovdo seguindo-se o barulho da quebra e desaba-
mento de casas. Faiam tambem de uma eScuridclo crescente e de uma
nuvem de poeira densa que envolvia a todos. Pouco depois viram os
'ineendio.s que destruiam os diversos quarteiroes da cidade". (Relatorio
ingle" s, pdgina 2.)
Os nUmeros referentes aos resultados dos bombardeios atOmicos das
duas cidades japonesas, comparados corn os do raide incendiario realizado
sobre Toquio (Japao), em margo de 1945, mostrarri o poder de destruigao
das bombas atOrnicas.
O raide sobre Toquio foi realizado por 279 aviOes, que despejaxarn
1.669 toneladas de explosivos comuns e bornbas incendiarias. Essa capital
tinha, ern media, poi* quilometro quadrado, cerca de 50.000 habitantes. Os
' resultados foram ds seguintes: 83.600 niortos e desaparecidos; 102.0000 fe-
ridos; 2.000 mortos por quilometro quadrado destruidos; e 4.500 vitimas
por quilometro quadrado.
O bombardeio de Hiroshima foi realizado por 1 aviao, que langou 1
bomba atomica. A cidade era menos populosa do que Toquio e so tinha
14.000 habitantes por quilometro quadrado. Os efeitos produzidos foram
os seguintes: 80.000 mortos e desaparecidos; 70.000 feridos; 5.800 mortos
por quilometro quadrado; e 12.000 vitimas por quilometro quadrado (en-
tre mortos e feridos)
Os efeitos da explosao da bomba atemica sebre Nagasaki e Hiroshi-
ma foram muftp elevados, sem dilvida. Isso se deve,,em grande parte ao
fato de que os bombardeios atinnicos sao feitos de surpresa . corn ailment?
atual na rapides dos aviOes e outros meios de transportes aereo, o aviso
de ajerta ?uasi impossivel.
o que aconteceu em Nagasaki ?escrito plo governo arnericano, na
seguinte maneira:
"No moment? da explosdo deu-se uma libertacdo de energia sob a
forma de luz, de calor, A irradiagoes e de presseco. Todos as tipos de
rectos esgathararn-se cam a velocidade da luz, comprendendo os raios
e Garna,.os ultra-vioietas, os raios visiveis e os infra-vermethos, estes corn
? 17 ?
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seu calor irradiante. Uma gmda de pressiio, criada pelo enorme desloca-
mento do ar, formou-se quasi instantaneamente em torno do ponto de
exPlosdo mas espalhou-se mais lentamente, mais ou menos coin a velocida-
de do som. Os gazes super-aquecidos que constituem a bob a de logo iniciar
espalharam-se e subiram mais lentamente ainda... 0 clardo ntio durou
litaiS do que uma fractio de segundo, mas, fol tdo grande a sua intensida-
de que chegou a produzir queimaduras de terceiro grciu sobre a pelv hu-
mana n?protegida dentro do raio de um quilometro e melo... Nas
proximidades do panto zero (ponto do solo exatamente ern baixo do ex-
plosdo), o calor torrou os cadciveres e tornou-os irreconheeiveis". ("VS.
S.B.S., 4 ? pcigina 22).
0 desabamento dos predios, causado pelo deslocamento do ar, produ-
ziu uma serie enorrne de incendios, que se espalharam em tedas as dues
cidades e as destruiram quasi que totalmente. Asses ince/Idles, Clue foram
produzidos pelas radiacoes atomicas, por curto-circuitos e pelo proprio fo-
ga das cozinhas, produziram urn grande mimero de vitimas.
"A fOrca do solar? causado pelo deslocamento do or, que se seguiw
ao clarclo,,fol tab grande que afundou os telhados dos edificios de cimento
ormado e achatou totalmente as predios menos resistentes. A pressacy
maxima do sOpro, no panto zero, ncio foi muito elevada par causa da al-
iura.em que se deu a explosclo, Tido tendo sido maior que a de uma bomba
comum de alto poder explosivo; essa pressdo diminuia a medida que a sua-
propagagdo se distanciava do ponto inicial. Nelo obstante, a pressoo atm-
? uma distetneia maior e teve major durageo que a de ulna bomba comum
de alto poder explosivo; a major parte das construcoes de cimento ar-
mada foram danificados ou destruidas ate a uma distOncia de 200 metros
em Hiroshima e de 600 metros em Nagasaki. Os predios feitos corn tijo-
los foram derrubados, nuract distancia de 2.200 metros, em Hiroshima,
2.500 em Nagasaki." ("Ii.S.S.B.S.,4 ? pdgina 23).
Para se ter urns ideia dos efeitos das duas bombas atomicas sobre a
vida e o movimento das duas cidade, basta dizer que
Tanta em Hiroshima cbmo em Nagasaki, as proporcoes do desastre-
atingiram a um tab nivel quo reduziram a completa paralizagdo a vida
urbana e industrial. Os ataques classicos mais destruidores, coma as rai-
des de Hamburg?, no vertu) de 1943 e a de Toqitio, na primavera de 1945.
silo conseguiram produzIr efeitos compardveis, paralizando tada a toga-
/4=0o do comunittade." (Relatorio ingl? pcigina 3).
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Quanto a destruigao em Hiroshima, os efeitos da expiosao atomics
mostram o que podera acontecer cora cidades rnaiores e mais pequenas.
"Das 90.000 casas que existiam na cidade, cerca de 65.000 foram total-
mente destruidas e quasi todas as restantes foram danificadas, pa) me-
nos superficialmentc. As canalizagoes subterraneas ncio foram arreben-
? tadas, a nclo ser nos pontos em 4ue passavam sabre pontoque transpoem
as cursos dagua que cart am a cidade. Todas as pequenas fitbricas situadas
no centro da cidade foram destruidas. As grandes empresas, localizatlas
nos arrabaldes cia cidade quasi nada sofreram e, mais ou menos, 94% dos
seus operarios sairam ilesos. Quasi 74% da productio industrial local re-
sultava dessas grandes empresas. Calcula-se que trinta dias depois do
bombardeio, alas podericr.m recuperar o seu nivel de produgdo, si a guerra
tivesse continuado. As vias ferreas que atravessam a cidade foram COW-
sertadas e, dois dias depois do ataque, a 8 de agosto, estavam em =ads-.
gdes de funcionar novarnente". ("S.S.B.S., 4 ? pciginas 23).
Esses resultados mostram que a major destruigao causada pela born-
ba atornica 6, realmente a de vidas humanas, sendo que os estragos mate-
riais nao tem a mesma gravidade.
Em Nagasaki, das 57.000 casas da cidade, foram destruidas 20.000
Quanto aos efeitos Wore a industria, nessa cidade, eles foram os seguintes:
"Calcula-se que se a guerra tivesse continuado e si o abastecimento
de matey/as primas fosse favoravel a reconstrucao, os estaleiros de cons.-
truce" es navais poderiam ter recuperado pelos menos 80% da suck prodw-
cap maxima em 3 ou 4 meses; as siderurgicas teriam sido consideravel-
mente recuperadas no prazo de um ano; as usinas de eletricidade atingl-
riam novamente, em dois mesas, uma ba parte de stta producao e, em
sets mesas, vottariam a sue, capacidade normal; as fcibricas de material
belie? voitariam funcionar cora 60 a 70% da sua producao anterior, em
quinze mazes." ("U.S.5.B.S.,4 ? pcigina 23).
Tanto em Hioshima corno em Nagasaki, foram os edificios de cimenloo
?arrnado que melhor resistiram a explosao, aguentando-se, semi-destrni-
dos, no meio das cinzas da cidade. Mas, em contraste corn a sua apa.-
rencia exterior, esses predios estavam completamente queimados por
dentro e os respectivos incendios havia.m matado os seus moradores. Oa
predios destinaclos a suportar a explosao atomica, devem ser construidos
segunclo os modelos de seguranga contra terrey6tos.
t Os dados e informagoes reunidos e estudados pelos tecnicos e cien-
tistas, mostram que as bombas atOmicas de Plutonio causam grande des-
truigao e outros efeitos numa area de 20 quilometros quadrados, isto
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quasi urn alqueire de terraria Alem disso, o deslocamento de ar ocso-
pro produzido pela sua explosao e igual ao que produz a explosac, de
20.000 toneladas de rlinamite.
, A mortandade causada em Hiroshima e Nagasaki (120.000 pessoas
mortas) n?foi maior porque o mamero de pessoas por quilometro qua-
drado era relativarriente pequeno. Os relatOrios oficiais caleulam que
uma explosao igual, numacidade como TOquio, teria matado 300.000 pes-
soas e urn numero igual de feridos. 1st? quer dizer que, unra explosicy
atornica em cgidades como Rio e Sao Paulo podera mator de 150.000 a
200.000 pessoas de uina so ves.
Os estudos dos dois bombardeios realizados sobre as cidades japane-
sits, confirmaram clue os danos eausados a edificios, maquinas, instala-
coes industriais, etc. .foram relativamente insignificantes quando comparae
dos corn a destruicao e inutilizacao de vidas hurnanas. Alem disse, .os
efitos retardados da explosao atomica, sobre o organismo humano,, ainda
na,o sac) totalmente o..nhecidos e vao sendo registra.dos a medida que Sc
revelam. Isso demonstrou cue as armas atomicas sao principalmente, AR.
clio indiscrirninada de populac5es nao participantes das uperacoes mi.,
Uma outra concLusao -irada dos bornbardeios da duas cidades jape-
nesas ?ue a destruicao causada pela bomba atornica ?ajor nas zonas
do terreno piano (Hiroshima), mas essa "vantagera" desapareecria corn
o langamento de diversasn bombas.
Quanclo 0 capita() Robert Lewis', de volta a sua base, desceu do aviao
que lancara a bornba atomica sobre Hiroshima, seus chefes foram abra-
Co-lo, dizendo: "Ca-pitao Lewis, vac& lancou a primeira bornba atornica!"
A celebridade esperava-o. Jornais e radio passaram a ocupar-se do a-
contecimento ern todo o mundo.
Lewis referinclo-se ao que acontecera em Hiroshima, dizia:
no coronel Tilabets e pareceu-rne que tinha os olhos de ngue, conic ss,,.
todos os horrores da guerra e do rnundo o queimassem."
0 capita() Lewis, que era catOlico, pensando na catastrole de que
fora o instrumento, remoia: "Cern Mil mortos... Vinte mil. catolices..."
Hoje, depois de ter estado as portas do desespero, o capita? Robert
Lewis ja nap ?ais militar. Num convento dos Estados Unidos, ele
eaconde a sua desgracada sorte, a sorte do homem que apertando urn bo-
tic) de comando, abateu de uma s6 yes 100 mil vidas inocentes.
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Pao p Who. So eles Testa ram ...
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'Os efeitos dos bombardeios atOmicos ainda estao presentes em Hiro&-
liima Nagasaki. Os queirnados, os aleijados, o grande minter? de pes-
soas que vao se tornando cegas, o monument? aos milhares de mortos, as
sepulturas que se abrem para os que ainda estao morrendo, o campo de
einzas e eseombros que ficou no lugar onde antes estavam duas cidades,
,ainda estao presentes no espanto de tOda a humanidade. Mas, ja se anurt-
cia tima nova guerra, ja se faz alarde de poder destruir novas cidades
vela bomba atomica, calcula-se friamente quantas pessoas sera possivel
dirninar corn uma so explosao.
Hiroshima e Nagasaki cram duas cidades como outras quo existera
pelo mundo, apenas diferentes nos seus aspectos exteriores, na popu1a-
00 e nos seus problmas, Mas, eram habitadas por seres humanos, corn
as suas criangas, sua juventude, suas escolas, seus hospitais, suas fabri-
sua vida prOpfia. ?
Hoje, novamente, ergue-se sebre tOclas as cidades e criaturas do
do, a ameaga atomrea.
E' urgente meclitar sObre esses fatos e compreender que a luta pela
sobrevivencia est, acima dc tocias as difrengas. 0 que importa saber 6
quern esta disposto a impedir um novo massacre, sem indagar de onde
possa partir a iniciativa de novos ataques atOmicos, sem procurar thvi-
dir diferengas que necessariamente existem entre os seres huma-
nes, a grande crtizada pela sobrevivencia dos povos.
OS homens de bOa vontade do mundo inteiro, aos milhoes, declarant,
peick ALO DE ESTOCOLMO: ? Consideramos que o govern? que
prinzeiro utilizar a bomba attimica, nao importa contra que pais, tera
netido urn crime contra a humanidade e devera ser tratado como
llninOSO de guerra.
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"Eu vi os Sobreviventes de Hiroshima"
Narrativa 4 Senitora Tasiko Yuasa
Na margem do boletim que reclama a proibicao absoluta da arma ato..
mica, a senhora escreveu: "Espero de todo o meu corac5o que a bombak,
atomica nAo caia jamais s.:)bre nenhuma parte do mundo." E assinou;
Tosiko Yuasa.
Esta senhora 6 japonesa. Estava no Japdo em agosto de 1945, quando
a bornba atomica foi lancada sObre a cidade de Hiroshima. E' tuna das
raras pessOas, na Franca, que viu os sobreviventes daquela catastrofe e
que sabe, por experiencia propria, o que significa a "atomizacao" de uma
cidade. Esclarecet que a stta qualidade de estrangeira ihe impede qual-
quer julgamento politico, mas conta o que viu e ouViu.
"Antes disse ela you contar uma historia horripilante."
4`Na momento ern que a bomba caiu sabre Hiroshima, urn hornet(' es-
tava sentado num dos marcos de marmore da rua, diante de urn banco.
0 homem foi completamente volatilizado. Eneontrou-se, depois, sobre
rnarrnore, uma mamba Inuit? nitida, indelevel: a sombra da desgraca?
a imica coisa que restou
sOpro da explosao produziu estragos terriveis. Num grande ntimero
de 4rtimas, os olhos foram projetados para fora das orbitas. Encontra-
ram-se cadaveres cujos olhos pendiam das pontas dos nervos.
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Pode-se dizer que, praticamente, a vida cessou num raio de urn quit-
Iometro; entre uns dois quilometros, a morte nao ?rnediata, mas as Vi-
firms sofrern queimaduras atrozes. Geralaterite, nas pessoas atingidas,
aparecem tumores na pek; esses tumores se alastram cada yes mais pelo
vorpo, escurecem, tornam-se duros. Os membros, bracos e prnas, come-
cam a parecer corn pincas de carangueijos.
As criaturas perdem os cabelos. Mas, si chegarn a sobreviver, os
cabelos nao nascem rnais.
Outro detalhe ainda rnais horrivel: a pale cal aos pedacos e muitas
'yews totaimente 0 ser humano se transforrna ern urn n-dseravel Iran-
?gaiho esfolado, torcendo-se de dares.
Assim, pois, era iinpossivel socorrer a todas as vitimas. Os servicos
'sanitarios dividiram as vitimas em duas categorias. De urn lado, os que
pensavam poder salvar ainda; era para estes que se reservavam os -cuida-
chas .medicos; de outro lado, as que tinham sido por demaia atingidos. tstes
,cram atirados a urn canto, onde ficavam a morrer itentamente.
NUM raio de tres quilometros, a maior parte das pessoas nao liquida-
das pela explosao safreram hemorragias: o sangue corria de tOdas as
partes -- do nariz, dos ouvidos. Para esas pessoas era quasi impossivel
!comer, engulir. Podia-se introduzir urn pouco dagua na beta de urn doen-
te: ele nos olhava corn ar aparvalhado, a agua lhe escorria de urn 'ado
e de outro da bocia misturada corn sangue.
Os medicos verificaram qua mesmo nas vitimas menos diretamente
atingidas, o numero de globulbs brancos do sangue diminuia. 0 carpi*
comecava a se decompor interiormente e era assim que, em Hiroshima.
seres vivas comecavam j? sentir-se cadaveres.
A tudo isso se juntaram as vitimas do logo: o calor produzido pela
explosao da bomba pro vocou um incendio monstro em Hiroshima, que
.nao fez sena? agravar o :panic() geral. Uma ehuva negra corno tinta come-
vau a cair, mas o iacenctio continuou a se espalhar, enquanto os que as-
caparam tentavarn fugir, descalgos, sobre o asfalto em brasa.
Vi pessoas que se achavam tres quilometros do ponto onde a bomba
caiu. Tinham tido muito rnedo, mas estavam aparentemente ilesas: nao
tinharn queimaduras, nem feridas, apenas de tempos em tempos sentiam
uma impressao de ligeira vertigern, que atribuiam i ernocao. No fun de
um mes ou dais, 'estas pessoas estavam mortas. Os efeitos radio-ativos da
bomba agiram, lenta mas irnplacavelmente. Nilo se pode afirmar que
alguern tenha saido ileso do bombardeio atomico, mesmo quancto, aparen-
temente, nada tivesse sofrido.
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Em Hiroshima, os membros de uma mesrna familia, nao tiveram todos
a xnesma sorte. Conheci o caso do prefeito da cidade: achava-se all corn
sua muiher e tres de seus filhos, no dia do bombardeio. le e dois fi-
Thos foram mortos pela explosao. Sua muffler e un filho nao sofreram
mats do que queimaduras; acreditava-se poder salva-las.
Urn outro caso, de uma menina que nao estava na cidade. Entrou
em casa para socorrer sua mde e seu irrnao. Dols meses depois, os dois
reviyentes sucumbirarn, vitimas dos ferimentos sofridos; a men ma,
tote naci estava presente no momento do bombardeio, tambem esta mor-
la. 0 f? ontato corn as pessoas atingidas matou-a... a nao ser que tenha
pereeidO ?orne; nao se sabe ainda an certo.
'Pala-se. as vezes, nos livros de aventuras, ern- raids invisiveis,
rajas, de morte. A bomba at5mica ?rn pouco assim; nao provcrca des-
frufgoes incriveis aperia's pela explosao: semanas e semanas depois de
sua qtfeda, ela age ainda, misteriosamente, pela radioatividade e faz
? da agora, pertoILle Hiroshima, os camponeses contarn que quando
4:t1tivarn, a terra, tem tima impressao de vertigem e sono."
enhora Tosiko ..ltrasa, agora residente na Franca, mostrou an re-
ter do jornal urna pedra trazida de Hiroshima. Cinco anos depois, essa
pedra ?adip-ativa. Foi feita a verificacao: a pedra foi colocada sob urn
coitsdOr de Geiger, aparelho a que os tecnicos da quimica nuclear chamam
l'ascala"*e que parece uma especie de mesa de bordo. Quando o apare-
o foi Rost? a funcionar, feixes luminosos se acendiam, uns vas outros.
0 carater radio-ativo da pedra estava demonstrado.
Eis o que declarou essa muffler japonesa que viu os soterevivPntes
de Hiroshima.
Co Preende-se que nao tenha vacila.do um minuto em assinar o
41-11,1pTAS pAo 1.00.006 ASSINVIIMAS AO
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Urn interval? do bonthardeio...
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Havera Defesa Contra a Bomba Atomica
,Em julho de 1949 foi publicado o relaterio da Comisse-e de Energia
At puea dos Estados Unidos, corn rnuitas ,outras informa.cties sobre os
efe0os dos bombardeios atiimicos. Ou.tras publicagoes, da Inglaterra e
da rranga, trataram tamloem da questa.? de saber si existe defesa contra
os bombardeios atomicos.
?meu provado que, em caso de guerra, qualquer cidade, urn pouce
importante, podera ser o alvo dos bombardeios atomicos, porque essa
arnia de destruicao e destinada sempre as grandes concentraOes de po-
pulagao. Os portos, como Santos, por exemplo, entroncamentos ferro-
viarios como Bauru, centros industriais como SAO Paulo, Sorocaba ou
Santo Andre, as localidades importantes pela sua producao agricola, come
? case de muitas cidades do interior, incluem-se automaticamente na
lista dos alvos Provaveis no case de uma guerra.
0 que ,acontecei quando uma bomba ateanica explode sObre uma
Durante uma fragao de segundo, urn sol artificial, mais brilhante de
que o nosso, brilha a algumas centenas de metros de altura e uma nu-
vein em forma de cogumelo se eleva a 13.000 metros de altura.
Ern redor do ponto da explosdo, numa distancia de 800 metros, t8-.
da qs construceies que nao se am feitas de cimento arrnado ou de ago,
*Ito craz4das pelo sopro da explosde e 70% do restante e destruido. As
pesSoas que'n?estiverern muito bem abrigadas, sera() mortas pelo so-
pre da explosao ou perecerao sob os desabamentos e pelos escombros que
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sac atirados a grandes distancias. Quern nao ficar sot errado sob uma
parede ou nao tiver o cranio fraturado, recebera queimaduras tao pro-
rfunclas por todas as partes nao protegidas do corpo, que nao poderit viver
mais do que alguns momentos. A temperatura se eleva de tal manenra.
,que os objetos inflamaveis pegam fogo; os incendios se alastratn. earn
.gorande violencia, principalmente no sentido do vento. Alem disso, as
IradiacoeSN fazem numerosas vitimas, Milhoes de projeteis invisiveis e do
.ondas ultra-penetrantes destroem as celulas do corn?, mas a rnorte
.procedida de uma agonia horrivel, que pode durar de quatro a citice
dies. Algurnas pessoas durara mais tempo: sao as vitirnas dos hemorra-
gias genexalizadas. A eiestruicao das defesas do sangue*(glebuios bran-
vos) faz corn clue as pessoas menos atingidas morrarn pot causa de roc,-
lestias como gripe ou simples resfriados, doencas que as organist-nos nor-
mars gerahnente suportam e vencern.
As experiencias e os bombardeios de Hiroshima e Nagasaki demons-
traram que quando a bom.ba explode prOxima do chao., a radio-atividade
:lama perigosa, pot muito tempo, a zona afetada.
A bomba atomica sub-marina explodida nas experiencia.s de Bihar
evantou Urila coluna de agua de quasi urn quilotnetro de lateura e coin
,a altura de dois quilometro. Essa coluna de agua produziu uma chtiVa de
oelemento& radio-ativos que chegou a atingir pontes clistantes a quasj 4
quilornretros do lugar da explosiio. Esses raios quando atingem num pes-
soa. ela tern poucos minutos de vida. Tres anos depois da explosao? aincia
havia na ilha de Bikini uma zona perigosa por causa da radioatividatie
Mesmo marls tarde, os peixes ou plantas cIesa zona podia milduzir cancer
,a quem os comesse.
Qual a defesa contra a .bomba atemica?
Ern primeiro lugar d preciso nao esquecer quo os bornbarcieres
- micas cornceam sem aviso, de surpreza, e os sects efertos imediatos, tern a
:velocidade de poucos segundos. Nessas condieoes, a prote?eao do povo
,em abrigos subterraneos teria que ser permanente Isso naturalmente,
exigira: da parte dos governos.enormes despesas, quo se tornam ainda
maittres por causa da necessidade de proteger ta
moont as incilltatrois,
roeios de transportes e as instalacoes militares.
Quanta aos socorros as vitimas, ?recis() considerar quo, no caso tie
um hombareleio aternico, as linhas telefonicas, telegraficas e os cab's
vondutores de eletricidade sat) destruidos peIos desabamentos, incendios,
etc. Dossa forma, as ligaeoes entre varios pontos da cidade teriam que
ser feitas por urn servigu especial de radio-transmissao, corn gerador do
..AeOergia eletrica independente. Por outro lado, considerando-se o ocatoie
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laititragro de vitimas que os bombardeios fazern, elas teriam que ser tra-
? taa no proprio local do desastre, exigindo-se para isso urn treino especial
de pessoal rcsponsavel pelos socerros.
,Uma cornissao de peritos ingleses considera que no caso de serem
atingidos 100.000 habitantes de tuna cidade, somente 50.000 teriam possi-
bilidade de sobreviver, e desses, 20.000 ski casos graves. A experiencia
da ultima guerra demonstrou que num caso dosses, seria exigido o tra-
balho de 200.000 pessoas clurante 5 horas pelo menos, para que os socorros
zi&O fossem quasi inuteis para a maioria das vitimas.
Os carros de socorro teriam que contar, tambern, corn o bloqueio das
ruas:entulhadas de escombros. Isso tornaria preciso, antes de mais nada,
urn reconhecimento aereo para deterrninar as zonas de menor destruicie,
por onde poderiam penetrar mais rapidamente na zona a ser socorrida.
Por outro lado, as zonas afetadas pela radio-atividade teriam que ser
muito hem localizadas, pois, elas sac) extremamente perigosas. Em tais
partes da cidade os socOrros seriam praticamente impossiveis, porque as
turmas de salvarnento rporreriam corn as vtimas, ern major ou menor pra-
zo. Alem disso, urn medico ou enfermeira que penetrasse numa zona
ridio-ativa ficaria perigoso para as demais pessoas por causa das radia-
Ibes one Passariam a espalhar dos seus preprios corpos e roupas.
Nos subterrineos, aqueles que conseguem abrigar-se, devem verificar
eonstantemente, corn aparelhos especiais, si o ar que respiram nao esti
sendo portador da morte pela rklio-atividade.
Gs incendios que se iniciam em grandc nUmero de predios ao /TIES-
mo tehipo, se alastram como nas florestas. Em_tal caso, e inUtil utilizar
igua. Torna-se precis() dinamitar quarteiroes inteiros para evitar que o
foga se espalha, salvando, assim, o que ?ossivel do resto da cidade.
? No caso de serem langadas vitrias bombas aternicas selbre uma mes-
rna cidade, torna-se dificit prever as proporcoes da catistrofe e as possi-
bilidades de algum salvarnento ou de defesa.
? i'
A utilidade dos abrigos subterrineos ?uito duvidosa como meio de
defesa civil no caso dos bombardeios atornicos. Seria necessario, antes de
tudo, dar o alarme ern tempo, cada yes que se aproximasse urn aviio sus-
?eft?, enquanto que no caso dos bombardeios comuns, procura-se pri-
nt '7 o barrar o avano do inimigos corn esquadrilhas de defesa, Isso tor-
iThr a L'necessaria que a pop ulacao permanecesse quasi que todo o tempo
ribs' abrigos, o que desorganizaria completamente a produc5.o, j?ue as
pessOaL- teriam que 'hear inativas. A hipotese de se,instalar Coda a indUs-
I ,
? 29 --
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Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9.
tria debaixo da terra nao parece realizavel em pouco tempo, c por outro
lado, as problemas de defesa nil? se resumem em cuidar soraente das
0 sistema de alarme contra a aproximacdo de avibes inimigos deve
ser rnuito cerrado e atingido grandes distancias, por causa da grande ve-
lacidade que hoje tern os aparelhos a jacto. Mas, por outro lado, quanta
maior fOr essa rede de a tarme, maior 6 a zona em que a papillae:a? tera
que se recolher aos abrigos para proteger-se. No caso de redes de radar
que cubram milhares de quilometros, os alarmes teriam que ser dados
para regRies inteiras de urn pais, porque o curs? do aviao inimigo que se
aproxirna pode mudar constantemente.
A noite, a maior parte da populacao das grandes cidades teria que
dornair nos abrigos, mas, no caso de um bombardeio noturno, grande
parte do povo ficaria impedida de sair para a superficie: por causa da
enorme destruicao, dos incenclios e da formagao de zones de radio-ativi-
Em face dessas circunstancias, urn grupo de fisicos ingieses declara:
"E' tal a extencao dos problemas provocados por um bombardeio atorni-
co, que as medidas de defesa sao praticamente inUteis, si ndo incluirern
preparativos em tal escala quo, todosais detalhes da situagdo possain ser
previstos e meditadoa corn grande antecedencia."
Tudo o que se disse a respeito das medidas da defesa civil contra os
bombardeios atOmicos de:monstra que seria-preciso rnodificar, radicalmen-
te, a mod? de vida do homera. 0 pavor dos bornbardeios atornicos nao
dove ser encaminhado no sentido de fazer o homem voltar a situacdo em
que vivia no corneeo do mun(io: em cavernas on debaixo da terra, cora?
A soloed? esta, evietentemente, na proibicao e contrOle das armas
atomicas, pois, elas constituem urn perigo para todos os povos do men-
do, sem excecao. Mas, alem disso, ?reciso nao esquecer que, nestes das
que passarn, a paz mondial se acha seriamente ameacada e que nao ha,
portant?, tempo suf [ciente para modificar totalrnente o modo de vida da
humanidade, coma solucito para a sua sobrevivencia.
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'Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
E' urgente, portant?, que todos os povos, sem distingOes exijann a
proibicao e o controle imediatos das armas atOmicas. Essas exigencias
j?st44 send? realizada atrav?de mi1h5es de assinaturas no APZLO DE
? 31 --
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0 que estainos fazendo por eles`.!
Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA-RDP83-00415R006100200002-9
A BOMBA ATOMICA ?rna arma criminosa de exterminio em massa de po-
pulac5es. Assirn, se vier a sr utilisada em uma guerra, atingira principairnente os tra-
balhadores, que constituern a maioria da populacio das grandes cidades. Por isso
mesmo, e atendendo as recentes resolucoes da FEDERAcA0 SINDICAL MUN-
DIAL e da Conferencia Sindical do Sul do Continente, a UNIAO GERAL DOS
TRABALHADORES DE SAO PAULO apela para todas as suas organisacoes
aderentes, bem como para todas as comissOes de reivindicac6es, pan todos os traba-
lhadores sindicalisados e para o proletariado ern geral afim de que assinem e facam as-
sinar por seus companheiros de trabalho e por suas familias o APELO DE ESTO-
COLMO pela proibicao da 130M ba atom ica.
Deixando de lado todas as divergencias c diferencas de pontos de vista sobre ou
tros assuntos, TODOS OS TRABALHADORES devem assinar o apelo pela proi-
bicao da boinba atomica. Le tnbremo-nos de que se UMA UNICA bomba atomica
cair sobre Sio Paulo matara naais de zoo.000 pessoas.
semos em todas as fabricas e locals de trabalho COMISSOES amplas c unitarias
CONTRA A BOMBA ATOMICA, abrangendotodos os trabalhadores ! Unamo-
nos contra a arma criminosa ! Una rno-,nos aca defesa da vida de nossas familias ! Una-
mo-nos em defesa da humanidade !
EXIGIMOS a proibicio da arma atotnica, arma execravel e de exterrninio em
massa de populacoes.
EXIGIMOS o estabelecirnento de urn commie internacional para assegurar a a-
plicacio desta medida de proibicao.
CONSIDERA MOS que o gover no due prirneiro utilizar, contra qualquer outro
paiz, a arma atomica, cornetera urn crime contra a humanidade e sera tratado como
crirninoso de guerra.
Nome Bairro
Nome Bairro
Nome Bairro
Nome Bairro
Nitrrfroved-For-Release 2004/02/1.9 :.CIA-RDP83-0.04150041-002.09002,9
TO TAMB]eill ropg ACONTgCER,
T.Jk4A PO ,130,1415A AIC MICA ATIRADA SO13134
.003 mortos desaparer.41o's
.000 foridos gravemente
60.000 casas clo5truidos
Luto eau milhares de families do todo o Pais
_ T .
----- SAO PAULO,
Approved For Release 2004/02/19 :.CIA-RS3P83-00415R006100200002,-9
Aos Que Afirrnam :
i"Essa campanha pertence a urn partido politico"
"0 Ap6lo de Estocolmo fol kingado par diversas personalidades de re,
name mundial e pertencentes a correntes politicos as mats diferentes. A pri-
metra assinatura fat a do ginnide rdbIo frances Joliot-Curie. Corn ele assinarant
mats de cern pessoas de fc:ma internacional, tis coma Madame Cotton, pre
isidente da Federacao Internacional dos Mulheres, General Lazar? Cardona.,
ex-presicionte do Meitico, a ex-procurador coral dos Estados Unidos, John
Bagger, amigo e colaborador de Roosevelt, o escritor sovietico Illya Ehren-
burg, a abade catalio) Jean Botitior, a lider stridical mexicano Lombardo To
ledcrno, Pictro Nenni, presidente do Partido Soctalista itcOictno o o Deao de
Canterbury, alem de outros. Sac essas algumas dos personalidctdes quo com-
poem o Comite Permanente eleito no Primeiro Congress? dos Particlarios da
Paz realizado ern Paris e ern Pragci em abril de 1949, cujos delegados repro-
sentcrvani 600 milhaes de sores humcmos.
No Brasil, esse mesmo Apelo jd foi assinado pelo Ministro do :'ilupren,o
Tribunal Federal Dr. Alvaro Moutinho Ribeiro da Costa, General Leitao de Cur-
volho, bom como thip itados e senadores de diversos partidos, como c senador
Mathias Olirnpio ((MN), os depuiadcs Plinio Barreto (UDN), Gurgel do Amaral
CTB), sacerdotes como o Padre Joao Batista de Carvalho (deputado do PSD),
Frei Ludovico, provincial dos Franciscanos de sao Paulo, professores univet-
sitarios como o Dr. Euripedes Slinoes de Paula e Dr. ros6 Quirino Ribeiro, da
Faculdacie de Filosofia, a cientista Cesar Lattes, artistas como Mara Rubia,
Gregorio Barrios e YhO Totico, radio-atoms coma Leonor Navarro, Gassy
Fonseca, Mario Lugo e Lia de Aguiar. Alem disso, for aprovado em magi:5es
de 20 Cgmaras Municipals de Sao Paulo."
"Nao adianta proibir s6 a arma atOmica; ?recis() prolbir tOdas as arracts
de destruiccio coletiva."
"Proibir a anno atarnica significara livrar a humanidade da ameaca mars
grave e sera a mob o de acabar corn a "guerra fria:" e crier um clime ft:worm-el
a negoo acaes entre as gr(mdes pot6ncias, dando-se, o primeico pass?
para o desarmament) geral. Contra a bornba atOrnicia, que ameaca sem dis-
tinceies milhaes de liomens e mulheres, pode-se realizar uma campanha do
uniao do todos on sores humanos e, pot isso, essa campanha 6 main eficiente.
A it:Irma atOntica, quo extermincr cidades inteiras, nao se presto pare a
defesa de uma linha militar perque afinge as exercitos de ambos as lados.
Essa anna foi criacio para aterrorizar populag(3es de cidades inteiras e o ecu
ernprOgo produzida 1 gue:ra total. Proibir a crrma iatamica 6 a maneira de
iniciar a interdiVio de out:as camas."
"Ninguem ousat a utilizar a bomba afamica"
'A Comba atilltin'ita lob utilizacia em de agosto de 1945 contra Hiroshima
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fiptarl rescotitclas exOatheitte por c&xsa de dua densidade de populagab. Em
ctio 'deste `am o Presidents Truman disse em Pocatello o seguinte, referindo-se
cto primeiro bombardeio atOmico por 1e ordenado e possibiliclade de repe-
cao: "Eu o fiz enteio e yes digo que outra vez si for necessario."
? "1.16 crirninosos que nclo respeitarao a proibicao da arma atOmica"
"St centenas de milhaes de crictura humanas so rnanifestarem pela con-
enac8ro antecipada do govern? quu venha a utilizer a arma atOmica ern pri-
tneiro lugar, contra qualquer pais, isso dard a tal govern? o aos responsavels
Por" sse crime motistruoso a certeza do um castigo seven, do qual nao po-
derao escapar. Essa ad-vertencia, fe;ta por todos os 'Davos do mundo, ? mats
seguro argument? perra fctzer recuar os quo esteictm pensando em cometer o
inonStruoso crime do bombardeio atomic?. A histOria do mundo mostra que
iquando os`povos se op8em decididamente a urn agressor deshumcmo, a punt-
'gra? ?errivel."
lamais se impedirao as guerras"
"Nei? ?erclade que sempre haven't guerras. As guerras so feitas corn
as povos ?o podem ser feitas sem o seu consentimerito, si eles se ?poem
resolutamente a participar de tais cainificinas. Cada assinatura no Apelo de
Estocolmo uma voz que diz NA?i gruerra. Si, corn esse gesto to simples,
so uniclas as vontades de contends de milh5es de hornens e mulheres de todos
os praises, es str gigantesca uni8o, jamais alcangada, toma possivel fazer recum
a guerrct e salvor 4a Paz Si outras guerras de agressao ocorreram no pas-
sado 6 porque os povos nao estham unidos e decididos a punir os respon-
saveis per elas. M' as, na guerra 'contra o nazism? Ia vimos como o Odio dos
povos do mundo inteiro pode derrotar urn gov'erno agressor. No caso da
gv.erra atomica, rnilhoes de assinaturas no Ap8lo de Estocolmo 16 t,ginifica
urna condenagao pr6v1a do govern' o criminoso."
"Para que pode servir urea simples assinatura?"
"AB assinaturcts reunidas, de todos os pauses do mundo, traduzirac, a von-
lade irresistivel de Paz dos povos. Os mandatarios eleitos polo povo deverao
em conta. Os parlamentares deveralo preocupar-se corn ems. Os go-
vernantes Dies clever& prestar a major atenocio. Os fautores de g-uerra re-
clictrao diante desta reprovac_2810 de milh5es de sores humanos, pots cad?
assinatura 6 a 'arrieaga de urn cdstigo irnplacivel para aqueles que tontarern
contra a vida e o patrimeinio da humcmidade."
'i ? "Essa campanha? serve coo interesses de urn pais ou governo"
"(;) Apelp de Estocolmo limito-so a colocar fres questoes muito simples:
.., . . , ,
Approved For Release 2004/02/19 : CIA4RDP433-00415R006100200602-9
dena9a0 mato crirninoSo de Ouerra do govern? Clue PEIMEIRO
arrnct xi& imparto contra que pais.
A aceitaceio dosses printiptos corresponds antes di tudo aos anteresses
da Paz, isle 6, aos tateressOs comuns de todos os povos. 0 Apelo nao Impale
menhurrio escolha u favor deste ou daquele govern?, dOste ou dacuele sis-
terna palate?. 0 Ape lo corresponde iso asseio de tidos as povos de afastar
a terrivel