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~-77- j ~ ~! . . :; I �r TI pwbua Old if Me CW.turia Situmt4txi in Mumn:Ut. by , .11'ranotAs Bontli, 13 pp, ITAUM , roor, ISLo PreoenU, pp 31.1a. JPR"$j 21,6301 Uim-Nw2gir-da Soc Ifw 6.5 277,01-4 Ifew Italian Ik)uk Discusoes Ph:miology of HLvvislonia% by Enzo Bett12a,. 13 PP- rMIAU, per.. T~n~m Presente. Vol XI., No 5, may -;p - 6 - 14 ~ JPRS 36633 UE-Ital~y Ecoll ji,k~ 66 3cr7,o3-6 Thill FMI; and the Rubp 6 pp F951,111ioli,p pv-t,,p Lee Iremps McklorzL(~v, Vol 20., lJo 224~, ,joixt 65P 1?1? .13-53-L)-60 ans W-Francel KUL Apr 65 'FTT, 39') LesImus '14odernass Castroism Utin AmeTteatfs tmV.,,, Nfnrch,, by Regis Debrityp 61 ',3p. por, Ims Tomps r-tadcorms. Jan 1965, pp 1172-1237. JPRS CUO 633 I,A- Cuba 1101 Nor (55 276,,646 1-ntftTrOtatlon of .1 tW '~`OqOw Teader. 4(.. 11 IMM kiajZ,ged, aRfil.-Ill, pere ppo '~'O "l-1340, Jill 0.6 krol 23, JPW) 42.663 irEtlpftpll~ ~110 . IntOrriational Pol (;c-t (. r~ SW^ Group CP-Uit for ftvoluti,on In Pronch CI'S by To Met B ppe, F1 UNICUO per, ig&r, X41 itm I go .0 Vol 23,, Mlay-Juno L968v pp .1"-VM. JPW 450919 Intmut POI Aug 68 3529660 Armed, Stri"lo lAscussed by Revolutionary Uroups, X I)P. G6VhIiW&-iW4'X Wv, WLI I,RdlChs per, Los Te=s Modemes. ,ar-is, liov 1~69. PP 59D-635* J RS/L 3VW LA-Rmzil .;.O1 Fob 70 400l,i '% Curraht Crisis, Revolution and New Left imdned, by Ural Atrtoselc, 10 pp. FRAWL0 port iod m ~LL S_qs., aria, Doe 1969, pp 792-8030 i i i~s ImpW L'L-cmcch pol Nor T () 403,422 -qmma! I, r-Irv ~ ; P~ I II I I ; 1 ,I I I ~ I i I I ~ M f to, kl 140040, Oct 19?Mi, I a m , -~7 A db' Sep Sep L'i ru ppl, ol u( .I I i Be'tweejI allp. loyer's) in by Crharles Bokc)ruga, 2,20 pp. F M, C Tll Teiidal-~ces Fondamentales De Vj-~~rC)-jjjtj On De S ReRL'iioil, - s Trava7-Loni", et-, En ILL"LO'Lle NTIS TIE' r'o-r--i,j)+c, avorAmlow vnpw It! m - 40 the Problm of NO "MUltiV at Ank"mUms ftxftatwiU 1A Dwqwuoml ftuadms by IL momep H. !bolvdw.p 17 pp. Gomp VMS Un" Vol 9j, so Ut 1965p PI.~ 36&3T3- N.I.A.-P 2v.lm 324#371 UIL - Mal & Md Mw 6T Technical Applications of Suvlact~~ts. P,-Lr ~ 11 . t I b'y A. chwal'-.1. G Tellsido 701 11, llo 12, lau-7 nn 3l',RHA'-T, ILr$ j - ; I -- -1 39j.t. 7 T T C- 7 1 - 1 1 -',; 24 - 11 "0v 71 Change of the Antiseptic Properties of Cat-Lon.1i: Surfactants In the Prosence of Non-Ionic SoArfactants. Part 11. Alkyl- dimethyl-benzyl Ammonium Chloride and Various lion-Ionic Surfactants, by A. Delmotto. GERMAN, oer, TonsIde, Vol 5, No 1, 1968, PP NTC 69-A,2644--060 Sci-B&M The Analysis of Alkanesulfonates by Measts of Ion Exchangers, by ". Mutter. GEIMAN, per, Tensido, Vol 5, No 5/6, 'T 19641, pp. 138 NTC 69-11552-07C Sci-Chem July 69 386,626 I -~ljctLvu- i-.*.;teri, catim of j.).-iautitol. i,m- p"Minti.a.'t ('.)f CI~C Jiji)OL-,.K)IA.wC-Ular ~k-i(Jlt F~Atty iyj, 1:1', (... ;~lawiv-)Oxxi. pert Vol 5,, .1c) 9,, 1968,r 1-~) 266-270 ('; 1 .163 sci/ d)ar-i!itry au-', 69 3 GO' , C, ~ 1 ATS~l ~at, of~ Alk4n0ionosulfonates and Alkane- ~iatq ndustr*ial Mixtulms, by W. Stuck. An pe~llen~ide, Vol 7,, No :Lj, 1970, pp 7-10. ~492~ 60~, liqln tho ftr4tlon of~ Water-An-Orudo--Oil- i VZO na!4 their Si~oiftoapcq) for Combatting Oilt on'~, e t' ;S 4, by HAl 3.1m jj~ I aanz t por 0~' dep Vql 7t N011 1970, PP 11-15. H6w 7 -7j F 71~ or Ltl6ih of thi Prateolytio ActiVity 4~4 0 061hoontrates sad 4utyme-Containing Os ansing 'Aputes amd Cleansors., by i',pers'.Teaside Vol 7, No 3, 19701 pp 125- C 4'-71 - f,2339-o 11 K 71 -Z3 IM er~~ --)!~9,ra,0zietrlc and Dif f arenti s 1 It er;imi,nallyvls 'studies of Condensed -cit. h ~:te by .8. Lora; RciOulp! i)erp ~tgnpjge., Vo* 8~ No I 471 9-17. litc 108 3,14,-073! Itly7 2' PZO--')'A--6 AUtaillatic Thoo-dolite, by Stanislaw Prichuta, 9 pp. POLISH, WL. Teodolit-Automatyczny PZO-TA-6, 1969, pp 471-473. ACSI-J-9820 FST(!-HT-23-7,19-71 Aug 71 Ojho and t1w Intoniational Sugar larkots by Avinitado Rnva, 9 pp. SPANISH, por, TMdg-,y Practi-ZU i'o 32. Jan 1.96xit Pp,). 56, W.640, jp,,jLs 411-23 Lfi..C4,.ba Eao-,n Jun (5? 3289516 The P"unilmnantal Emnoido lAtr of 03mandat, ~~,Aaety 4Kwl Its manifostation in Qiba, by lbatorto Peres. 13 pp. SPA1\1311P per, Teorelllw- EMcUiM, ;b 9-9# Aug we 4- 1966, pp., 1. and 11-20. JERS 41.1,23 LA.,Caba Ecor Jun (57 328,515 Cdticitilln of Use of '~anuala in ToachInp . :arx-liri 110fttoel, by 1hunborW Peres m,id Folix dn la pp. 3PA9131-10 por, Teorla y iTactica, o(-t 1966, 1-9* 39972- I-Am',:uba 1101 :i-air 67 31,11, 391-1, Tirsta MAide vul'i Culmn Siq7,ax- Cane Cutting blaciline for Co' action Centers IL , by Vilbext-o Diaz, 25 I)P- SPANISH, per, Ireorlay Pruc:~im~, Oct 19(k), P)P. 10-129. JIPKS, 41D049 luk-Cul"El Hcon Apr 67 321)074 AgriCilliAll'al ikydraulics, by Iormal Tamayu,, 1.1 pp. SPANISH, per,, Veorls y -Ping-tica, Oct 1966p PI, r 30-37 - n"Ps IKI,049 fA-Cuba Scl-Agric Ay.v 67 321,0T5 ftnameit Mmoy and Ibnetuy Circulation Discuased in Commetion with Socialimu in Cuba., by Andres VI'.UU-L-bo,P 28 YI). EXPIUMII,, per,, Teoris Z- Pract.1 No- 33., Feb lx)T,t IQ?# 2)45-0 Eeo JPIS 4A56 Lh-(%," Bowl &15r 67 329j,742 ftld Awelopmt of Bulk Su4pr SUpmento fthmlsted,p by ftm VmaUsp 5 j9p. GPAXM, per, Toorio I Practlc 196T$ pp. 59~a-- ~a w No - 33v Fet, JPFS 41456 LAoCuba soon iu:Ly 67 R9:743 Poltc7 moaftdasoa in the TocluXa0gicia )bve- mmtp bY IAODWI SQW* 33 PP- OPUM, iwr,, 2twaz E-rogtibno NO- 34-35,v Mar.-Apr :1,967# PP* 5-29- JFM 41~).p IAAuba soc July 67 330P027 Houhunlmmtlon of the Cuttlzg uWl Sta4ting of OmSpir-4ump 14r OiU*?Ao Diazp 22 pp. SPAMIk, per# bmu x bmweap No- 34-35P Mar-Apr 1967m PP- 40~-5-1- JPW 415 -.0 IA-Cubu Eccm ady 67 330*026 Automt4lUl in Cub% 12 pp* Ra No BPAMH, pero, I EMWA w 36p ft 190P PP,, 35s- W48- JPBO 41,538 LAPAlba Ewa Ady 67 330P025 Scae mittters Comeraing Cuba's Failro"s. i~y I fael del vallop )2 ppo ft BPMMI,r per.. MtWa z PmW Lab No 37,p 4hm 1567 PP 3141, im 4.9i9 IA-Cubm so= Dee 6T 3h6v268 IMe TatiWdeal Pxvp*ss wA TratnbW of the INOwm Workarp by Jmw PodrJgwaz, 9 pp, 6PAUSS, per,, UWM jr Mai !,, No 3Tt hze 1,9137.. pp 42.9 44-47 & 51-55- JPAS 43168 LA/Cubs 6m I*c 6T 346..269. Cuban Analywo Causes of PArmlutionary Fi%Lluresp by ToUx do is Ump 16 yp. SPANWIlp per., MEAg- I PrOMSE, 50 38j, JUY 1967j, YP 3-13 - JPIM 43254 .Uvcutlw P*1 Dw 67 346..326 *mmlot Method amd lumipleO by Xwftln Duarte and Nw:lqm Vlgderp .9 ppo SPAROH, per,, U94A Z - prkati ib 110 38s, -July A 1967p 99 77-82. JPIG 43168 YA-Ctiba POI Doe Of 34607 COw I a Deleaste Addresimos Lenlograd Confer- enoe.p by kAoiAo M"j, or pp - SPAUWj, tjLca No A JulY r r1& Z 1967, pp r4lpvr~ JPM 43254 IA/Cubm POI Dee 67 346*327 IXtotln CrIalt Of the boarstlea Dwk- groumd,p IW Xarew lamooo 12 ppe ikuwowv" per, -Y I Aug 1!~* pp 14-21o JPJ48 43285 LAoCift poi Nov 6T 344.. 1W lo *w)zdgw Prof - Dr. Ir. F. A. Vonln6 Metwiz, VW74!46., tw G. J. ik-uln-as ~DkOC16 pyr., Thr lbr4op4ga ;h-of . Dr - L- - F~ A - I "!dDQBN- W -1966. 1 0 A-I:Mto IWAar-Du"tch Ila-118 90"Asimss Pwvades MW an ftrtAes,, inr MWda son" oyarsm,, 5 pp. I I I Una= spa=# Rh I& JWM do ja ROM IT Sept 1070 p 50 JPJ6 OVO 2619 LA-ChUe Pol lam.68 346..414 C!TI.-IsMal'i Dvmocrat.ic OsrLy vivood, by Item Olivarec,, 6 per, Tercern de lalim&, Sell i i. L ica I 71T, i:04yeas t6 IA ql6roara t6 5117ft ri 71 mousing pp* In mumudht tdk$ U ppo WWI. allow 140do First smatisvio chiles ~ - ~ ~~t ~, sutiqp. Chus. 77 AwdoM I I Poxt, of 1:10c; uIll an Throo Arona ol 1!,Collov~y, si,ld6h, per, La Tercera de lzt-.I--,c)ra. Santiago, 20 Feb 1':)72, p 20. J 0:',S 55Y-lY A-or 72 Y,ablo Rociriguez Grez Discussw; Novoincint, by 0. 11'rancinco liaraonaL U. - 5 I)P,. '~I'Aiqlbli, pX)rt Tercoa de la Hol*a, 6antiago, 11. 1,Ar 19?2, pp 14-15- JHLS 55757 Apr 72 Agz-Aculture idnister Chonchol Discussos i,olicy, Outlook, by Ministor Clionchol, 14 pp. Si-kiLiti, np, Tercera de la hors, iantiago, 12 I-Ar 1972, pp 19-266- JPRS 55790 "AY 72 6enator, ',Iolodia Teitelboini calls. for tui vii(I t.() Chiloan Hates, by liaria 0 pp. JIA!,116;i, Tomlora do la liora, ;~axitiaEo, 15 Aor pp 2~~-. -- -,- -,-*- - J-~-Tls 5,59"I""f LaZ-- 72 hitcmici-j- 14.1ith j~a~'dcal Senator Anselmo L`jule, u'-' pp. np, Tercera cle la Hora, :;antiago, 22 Apr 1972, pp 20-21. Jili,~3 5611,.1 June 72 ftod,,x-or's PrIcers of 19-6~5-66 for Chops Orawn on Contract basis,, by Dr.% H. L... rl pp - RUPGARIAS., per., TenlaelostwetkS,uptek Tenme- f8a2jeo no 43, 1-9z;5-1 Y:B. JPPO 33135 ami 66 293., 6,35 N;rlmatmml and Fbod Ind"txy Rq?ort and Foreign Troafto PR pp. WN3A[MAI(,, rptj, Ter-IMIL)ssmetkamnak Tanacza42jv., l'b- 20P Xt )bY 1967s PP- 1-7- JPEG 41835 U-f-,tUJ39W:'Y Ikon AiM; 67 333.7354 A Visit to the State Institute for Vaccine Frodictiono by Smit-1vanji, HIAGARRAN, per, Temeszot Tudowwyi_Kozloa,K, No 2v 1967m _P_P 64-69. AQU J-2311 LE) 22(1,4017367 -81,14 Sci May 6 7 3260A206 i~acliation Ilrotoct-liOn I.D~f Urucjs , by G. Rooinley , 12 pp. i4o 7, 1969, i1csi-X-1121 pcr. Tornieszot Vilcp, Vol 100, Lip 307-310. -l,Iov 71 Thomic collditions of the Poriqlacial '.Vurtdra ln SW Spitsbergen, by Stanislaw Baranowski, 74 pp., POLISH, Ternij.ka Tuncla pf-Iniqlaclainej b---! Vd P-BVITf 7f F' - 7 ~ 5 0 6 1 sai/ear sci l4ar - 110 ol-..-.(l Oxides, ~.artddos, E i 'litride.13 Bnrides all"I Silicides in the Technology of ind Vor-~ Ash Tom.Povaturcs: Present State and Futiire Pros'oects; by F. Lubatt-is 1111MIOPEAll, per, Terniotecnica, Vol 20t 1966, PI) "-,I.Lo- 551 . 11 T -a -,7 1 - Ic2f-) 2 - I I Jan 72 Continuous, Control of Atmo Epharic PoLlution idth Indastrial AnaLyzers, by G. ~LutixmelLi. ITALIAN, per,, Temoteenica, Vol 213 No 10~ 1(1)675 pp 558-565. NTC 71-13722-13B Feb 72 Reliability in Thermal Plant, by C. Zanchi. FRENCH, per, Termoteenipjk, Vol 23, No 4, 1969p pp 193-202. CEGB Trans 471 Mar 72 F7 'T R, Dre~i Tqj~rat~*e Oscinations at Heat Transfer Crisis ~TwoilPhaso MAures. ,per ZeM&cnioa, Vol 24 No 5 1 SM., 72-1 3211-20M 6ep.~ 172 111APtion t attems in Rumnia lascribeKl . by j Are V. Catot, 7 pp. VIMIIAN, por, LorM. inicharostl, %ol 1. No 2# I-sar-14)" PP 12-17, i o is 4B241 sai-Agri JiLly 6~) .38) t 955 Nv6tornant of Geographic ,cience Traced, by Vo Cuou, A:L* iosu, n pp. RUNIMM, 1mr, Terre. Buchea-est, No 4. July- Aug L(;69,1)p 5-14. il-'RS 11,0175 SLI-1hr .,Ci Wav ~q 393031 I-Ajar Trmds in Goololo,cal fic-soRreh# 11Y-44-1969. by Vo lanoviol, 12 pp. !blWJMJ, 1;mr, Ler~A, Bucharesto !~'* 4, July-Aug 1969P pp Z?-31. J,-JZ5 4917.5 sci-Lw L;ci hov 69 393,830 Devolopent of Fweip Trade Swroyedg by If s"rup 9 pp. RUANW, Imrp hmp Odaharest. No 4p Jul-Aug 1969 o pp 32-4o, 4m 49008 F&-Rwianla Econ Oat 69 Y.~21,710 Dnelopwri-tv Stracture of Forawts Described, by C, M'oeamul, 10 ppe HUM&NIAiJ, per, TeM, Waharest,l Nav-Dea 1969s PI) 114-21. J1415 4-~?8? 3 Sci-Agri kbb ?'0 4020111 A40"09 L""bodo . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . kr 34, pp. i No 2$ Mr. 1 TVmsportjttj.0n, n4. Hot. lot;, p't$ 'ar. NO 11D h 22 .1 J Colmel. BDkesse, AdiLmses Ctmi~)ew of Com- meg,ce mad Didustry ig the Cttnt~,Itl African llWpqxbl.W..p 5 PP- VISWM., np., Term Al`ricaine Vol 4) No 109., 8-Vt jull W.57T-`~~ J.PBS 31sq.,ql At'x,lc&-Ctlmtr&l African ftublic ECOM Pub 66 295..806 Pll,~-Uidll!llt DDIMSE'S ViSltO 4xi(ultural Centor bi Loluotycu Prefectare., OutlineE rklucational, Hoalth and Foxvign Policies~, E pp, FI;W(.NC-ilp up., Terre Africaine, N~) .12S., V:~).l 4~ 21-28 May 1,,).66, pli: , 4-5- affi 3626o Af rica ju.L 66 305 2 ~)33 Central African Prositimt Aromoos lbuitive 110tollts of Id$ PblAclos, 59 pp RMICH, vil), Terre Afrleaine, '4',6 1 ov/2 Doc 1966, pp 11, 7.-M. PIRS, 39430 Afrioa Pol Far 67 319,276 Conter for Agronoudc lionearcli (Afritm), .5 pl). J*.-RJJCh, np, p 4. j,,i?s 4~655 i cb '10 1 :rorimtn Loscribod, BangAs 15 Dec 1'-,69t 100,623 UAL X;I;t Olq LOY por# Air .33. ~S lf.far AU": 267,p2 ~ij ,,mall Ifolos. Large 11oles - or the Art and Monitor e of ~Iqvinjt Earth Without Effort, ai Shwn by the 3rd Enginaers, by Be-,,-nard Attali. FRC-hIQI,,per,, Terre, Air,, Nor No 76, 25 October 965 0 pp 20-77. ",%,Aal J-0258 ID 2204035066 Sci- Rxxkkxftk WE/Fr/Al Jul 66 Activity at Fiervolatte Deocrilwd, by Hichol Choveact, 11 pp. GVVM,iW,.Ifr USL (fily Frenchl review, Terro.Air, Mer, Paris, No. 120o 25 Ok-t 67, pp. 26-30. JUS GUO 2715 Sci-Nuclear Sci. and Technology Velh 68 3519660 Rucloor Subtardne Woapce lAunchers and Thoir 14AOUC !ilipporto. 15 pp. FR U-40p par, Le_rjM_Ai_iL.LigEp 140 139, _ro.20 Sept 1968, pp 29~-32- DiA a 41*.69 Who mil Jan 69 372,694 73.