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m): 13 lepol~ the tit I? let tsx ~Oovxch tfork of the AU- lhioo I t iti: or tal w4licina imani for 91 *00~1 p bi Gar 4yo russil H A .-beto t &u -0* slidovatal'okoy Raboto Be C110 at~ti noy Moditainy 2', ti*ta i ~ .=ni I! 33-1s ) ~ -.7 ---- ~~: .10, lip, CIA/M)/0-1857 cier be P:I.po arch (NY- i 84o) LtN I R I ZE 41N~ER BY S M. URES GORIKIY., 4 pp. RUBS NF VOD'NYY TRANSPORT, ,c!4 APR 1962. JPRS 14842 uss ECO N R~. AUG 2 209,028 Fixed S' Mine byA1.1 V. Gorkov, 6 pp. .'I melilh Ti Tyazh Itabots, Sept 1952y Pd W I= 53/0933 I 'ic Eng~neering 1~1178/DEX 0 h 195 3 C'n all sci 1" 11' c Cscillations of Ga6 Oolwiii 7, t, P. Gorhav C, pp. 11"i -liern5- Vlaw, Vol M) 5!r 7 =1 30~ 4*bi- 3atg~wtiw.' and the )Oligbt Mift in 3umv, M& lors by J,A.& Abrld6iov, L.P. Oor'lcov, owpor I Twket FIZ., Vol XLIIO ton 214,937 The -.-. - -- - - - - - - - - - id He3 11 n Of Liqu i o the Superfluid -a S 0 by L. P. Pitayevskiy, 5 pp. RUG, I Z hur ~'k per i Teoret Fiz, Vol i ;I,~ , 2,' 1962, pp 600-605. AIP Sou Physi- JH Vol XV, No 2 Sci 2ia,074 Sep ........... ... on t'h"" all! %ob Df ~tba:~MA&t ShiZ** iu SuperconcLuctora,, by A, Ab 1~ , pth am skovio 3 PP- wimm per zhur jftovw~ L Taaw~ Piz Vol XXXIX., pp! Vb& Mp No 2 Apr!'61~ I 1 14, All.oy;4 1.;~ o~i L sr -.7 flh,Ur Otsper i 'Daomt Filz Vol JUTS Cie) r'x 'Tar MEMNON Tha Cr al pe vooll* ne3A in Superoonductivity 17 pp- Thab RM ull IA skm I T*O"i; Fiz.0 Vol XMII.. No A91 195 VP 1031 lAwr lust Oir phr to) No 3 Sol 60 Foam i" ze~o-u6lund~ Oticillatiorw in Metals By ~L. Goi,. ov 4nd E;;, 14yaloshinsicii, pp. 7 Ru3s, I a Zhur' Skapar. i Tooret Fiz, Vol XI,IV,, No 50 L! 1650 3.660 3,o A r Inst of PIWe ov ?bye Jk-TF v 61 XVIX, 11c) 5 o 2-H 0 9'P- 6 Sa ~in III* M Al 3 !a FormtSyatem tLn the Prenence of Pair vith Zel,d An&ujm-jyzm)~ntum.. by L. P. GorIkov, V. M. iJ Cali 1;i Y'I pp-I Rus~l u Z*w E~sper i Worat Piz., Vol XL, NO .i96i AIP sov in? Vol No 4 6 CM )"). DII on of --the G- Lnzbu-i----L-.uau . , -.'I. V ]L t';.y F. 1:~tiapzx I 'Allcoj~ct Vol r;,-) p.r.' 1 18- 1 923 , Sov Jan u~i~. J.101,1 t~j~e '.Lheory ai dup~.,rconnoccirs M. fts 4611 P~ram~gnetic Impurities) by A. A. cis P. Gore koV2 11 pp. 'iz, Vol XXXIX, 3 11~, I kaper 1. Teoret li 100, ~P 1781-1796. AIP Soviet 1bys JETP Vol XII No 6 ~6 6 J1 11 ! 17-1- I u ,P* onductilig AlIvsa- ic~ Ili :44 SP at k~ A. of v . 1 44 ~qpp- Zh-ur Ek"r I Illeorat ?i%, V31 5%.' PP 1558 Amer Tm at of Pays E30V phya JKT V61 VTII(35), llo llh~ ;'!IT IOu X~~Cr,.,r 1 0171 0~ lov. p 'hur~gkzper i Teorat Fi,!,,, 'Vol r 0" 1;, 1"958, 735 -739 - rix.,. cif r-hys Vol VII (314)j, Nc -_i Cs 01 taln Scalar Electrodynamics., by PP.' K 31 LN P, Mmr Eksper i Teoret Fizj Vol Pp 359 T Amer Inat of Phyr. Soviet Physp XM JETIP Vol vj, No 2 J* lien O~ct statioit 1), Lvectlon in alPlane Liquid Layer nenr the Critic Ll t3 TzanoferjPbilat, by L. 1>. Gorllcov, 5 pp. RUBS XMSPO-*r :L Teoret ^z; Vol X)MR, 3.9~ pp~ 402,'407. ITO 2 Ai~er Inst of-Phys S~v Phyll-Jor V61 71 (33)v go 2 I El May 51P sal I ca r*4 of Ught In lle~.1-B&O'Kixtures, by L.F. 2 pp,~ :6ur M'o I Toorat Fizo Vol 13j, 7p Pip o3t7-636. d T=t Of1phys ATM iroi No 3 L ics~ of,charged Sea] Particles by to 1. Iil. _ivp 13 PP& Pe War Ickjawr L Teorst Fizq 6,,! Doe 19%o no 6j, mimE& 1o62 - Amer Mmet or Pbys 8m I"p JIMP VoX no 6 Os 7 ~coll, 131 I,UCT t G. A 1 S I NUE INTERDAS I C SCHEDULE, il~ GOR I I(Dv 11 po. m 51 kl,., !~lF VODNYY TRANSPORT., 16 JAk' 11,62. JPRS 1420"G us~~. EC J;u 202) Autoe a roil it Smis a i Y61i V, Gbr I It IRRUS N pe. Hadloto 19 "s o m oIf Rheniu1m) by M. 1. )v) 0. F. vasil'yev, 10 pp. th i.Sleatronj Vol III, No 3, 95, Ew-1465 First )a ~Cwl ectranielftlaslon, by V. A. igo 196op I XLoktrcm., Val V.. go JM 4453 Sol Jkr 0 Id Emisnion -t. High n r~ Pulpe !F~ie c tien. by M ,:1% Blinson V. A, Y-snopol 15 rww v Radioto'--kh:i Electron, Vol V, No oil- 31 -3L~~. o' Aut -*I irold 1: 7A pyt ote'll--linika i Elec troniko, 0 19 1 -pit, ci wall 8 cll (if AnI4 tou allc~aoUc V'ruen ~md of A-9corbic Activity in Rebl):Usl Gr6loneva, 3 pp. ya~=I*ca i Toksiludl, Vol LU: NO 6, 1958, pp ~3 CD d Ruqka !by L 14. Gim~lhova. V N* otr llo~d ~Aiur '96) ,ar III 'Otit )X ..Vj s drovich Priklonsk-Ly kMamorial) -arl I i ii by 1 14, Garlkova,,F. V. Kotlov, 3 PP. MW A p~ I~ Ak Iftuk SSSP.., Ser Geol,, No 91 r! 190 -121. AGI A ,st mati or c VEL 14 Russ (.1 1., k ,qo 2 .951) .4 in in )Urina p~ Ali flailk aWHj- Vol CXXT-11P -%05. T h i.PJ4. 011 O~ fc eIn Vitemini; on Succinic De- ~y ix, gal a Adtivity in Rabbits " Organs, by 1 06 ova,;, 3 1~11 er , i ftroiakol i TGk,e:Lkolp Vol XXIS. 1 Y pp 70, conkatauts Bwlau i9 T1 -M 10 mab i ut oidal Yam-leties y f FAnd-Coll luicksan4j.:by 1. Hplorkovap 14 pp. IN~~ per., Trudy AX Nauk S,9.SR,, Wo Gid- CA a. maklkh Problem. Dept of Xat, us 1 Bur of Ileclamstion Tech Lib Denverl Colo. Inv 3 1 on of Clxqo!'Witb -thD Aid of the Gone 'Pi .1 1 r I. x ia~ 4100 GorkDvp-, 4 pp. ta. mw per; RD3.:Loid Zhurp Vol XVIII., No 2., by A, V. G~rYqn-vf7l' 17) ,Lie Wo 5j 1,9-)6. the Sci U k4,- V04khtlavarotyahebonak DmpaiAtc tr- ~ionl by 0.1 P. GorWa., 4 rp. per, Do,k Ak Mutt Vol CIKTT~ F-0 Consultants Bmeau Tb~I ill, IUL iectiThO 6ry ~at Lov 164pemitureis, by lu. 1. Gorki 7 N'ahi T",rdop Toil&, Vol III, Rc. 4. MUM I J~t 1065- Umsu Tr-ja63 "lei 'sui itl Charap isti of the Motion of P"t current tLu js by TU 1. Gorkuns c4iriaa~i crya~U 070 PIP RUSSU 9 Ak Nabk &9SRj, Ser, Fix; Vol XXIVj No 11 0!00 FYI; p Columbda Toch F" 63. P4 ~11 1~ i t o fthe k"t, on Of Plast Cux~cr.L Carriers +Mlb y by IV. 1. Goekun, X. B. Tolpygo, Russ Ol Do~ AkIlRouk SM$ 'Vol CXK2 F40 32 4 Jul' 5 Lt Ory oriBreibdown of Ionic Dielectrics, S. Tol 10 py IV r.,~ is ~Ai *uk SSEW:,, Bar Fiz, Vol XXII, ColarMa Tech roul Lect 59 ;7 0 Ojat e iThc Of th6 Faet Polaron, by Yu. I. ry G S~ TV my8s 9 p Zhur *kh ~Fiz, Vol. Xxv 1 .0 e I II, No 8, ppil 6 -17,f Amer Imit or Phys Sov Physi-Tech Phya Vol 11, No 8 ,nm - lued ' aag weal, 0t Low-Moy StoW 16CISON) ilo i 40 mm by S. V. Yunger, 1b t i o ar neft L , 11 4 = b No 2,1964, 6 2 5737 ~264,922 1 JD sl~ml ~iuimed-ou~ ruses, anov- W:~ '41 3to B r%uis ..P R4dlq~! go 22v Doe 19510 31. ATIC T-TS-7812 us, IKCW&A ic aeo* dpvie4v broadmating,, mdto T~e rec YV, ab 240 pp Votir Contlimnts Tlook Corp NOV Twk. 3si Ify r 1 Oric, or orkian Rffcct of C ant Mnntrodn-s on the e .1 'i) 1,6gnctic Picldj by Yu, 1. 60 RUSSIA par Flz lverdogo Tolup Vol III$ Tio li 1961i 23~> # 2 Pi P Sov PtWs-6olid State Vol lllj~ No I cl. PF In aWc Open-Hear Si" the ju I or prc b, xM, 1963, Val LX GOU pp :ms Sd J~wj ! Atq 265,431 (Xi'dw k4dUbtft4t 16300C In d-a iv the lhvssme CC MeMWC , 1'% ~ A,.; -- il~. 1 ol~wp I , -. -. -P9 1, Arddv tuar k"wihutwnvmw ~11( J,orm~ Wn o Slgum In Top-Bloving Procews, bY 4 "i (one 1, K, Gq OEUIA 06 1 )i i i ri 1: c 4dAl UILO TOVOW ep! 3. alsi 3484 scl I d./b 251,687 flow S*d 1650 JA WO tome Irm, No S. x963. cl, ~1*~~Jojj of Crm 77,-T-t Lt lach, ~sig If icai cof Redox Conditiows in Regeneration D, 0 il,14 6 d lioots' of Bean Cuttings, by N. A. r ulov;~ pp~ I Ru 0 Er, Biofizika, Vol VI, No 3, 19'1, 3P pp Se 2--0,230 AA P tilt, - 0 A A,4: Sot v ~- Iv-31,17- V., U-',o 3.9 30- chara t, 6t Jnn~ges in the bio-electric Potentialc and: helq nsfer a~ Subutances During the Growth Of call is ti'i iio6t 116 Bean Cuttires Treated with :ix ~ I Het6r I i6l y 11. A.~ Gorlanov, 13 PP - RUS� INS Bic)fizika., Vol IV, No 6. 1959P pp 6ti, Pergamon Press Sc 11 1Z Jul Ias Va Ou eflexesand Respiration Va Ur R V.16 Fo~miiou 6f Positive and Negatlvc., 1. 1 cj til Re'flexee.,,by A.A. Rogovs T.T. N.T. rkrvaleva, a Pp R Bil N~ -~Wj Fiziol 7.1myr SSBH imani I.M. :CA i5c a .1.1 .Vol XLVI,, No 3 1961, '0 Om yp 284-290 PP 1,3 61 C-0 idti, by Id. OOAQII~ko. .......... MOP I vhhhd 0 -1 Vol Vo NO 7. Tui 1945, p t~ USDA Traus 315 USELIt I ncoil~z .6 r Igt Goods )a 4t MOOG - - --- ------ - -- -- or paradtm M~~ amugh ILO pp. V. Cic L t--,u o &W 69 17 INUISLW Fhy&:Lo*l o,,,r jAvere p~ His Birthj =& -Wac amomud., nit" r~ry 6f a Death)p by M. lr~ Gorleniz; I=i rp M T-hStmiy., Vol XVP FIG 1.1 3,~ 9T. AMXI Itwt Of, mol clai 57i l A , I cha 0~~ PP mi t~~d! 6f. Par4ol.-tiam DaterminatIon of 10, Oenera Alteftmwlii-, =d Cledooporium, by Ch:U=vj~ L. M, Levkina 3 PP. iDokijAk~Ysuk SMs Vol CVIP No 3~ 1957, Amer Inst of Biol Sci 7 1 it t)1 I ant 77 T 0 e"0 61-ij ELI Ole of I fb ;.9i6 Gorienko~ i V mytoncides of Highe tu Shreider 1 583t . . , aviper,.Zhur Obahch Mol, No 12,, Bep/Oct 51 30- 1 Her 442. 8 Z6. p USDA :den Lic Biology 11B K r, acu'it, ti . 4vall t Soil,p;!2 Groups of logelp, -'Belk.-terLtIj y M.~ Phytop, V."~ IGorlenkoj, V.i -Lh 1 RuskAf r,~ rill Moe 6ahch Ispy-t Prirody Ota Biol, vain 10 0 1940, pp'4"1'-46. Q60 M. i 7 USDA scienti I I0:101mr CTS/D#')I T 7'T et6s io Animle, (A r6k 0 M Ld a in',t. V.~Gorie;kov~2'ppi~ Full nal ju Lon,! Vol N07PHOscav# Ve~erimar x Tr sci~ni :Lc Medicine be 0' ;ov by M. V. GorjqAkc--,, 61.t by M. V. Cow' D L Euvirowmnt p 5er jbi, Ispyl.. Fr1rodyl. MOSCOW,, p USIDA yo xv Cell I Hu Orl zci~ez ic M ~m` f o!r Xtii Control,, by 3 S.Op 37 j ib za,1Z 1 0 1 0Moscowo' 9h8,, pp 37-38., USDA 1~*ne 333 ;rlcuitLvej~ cereva Dioioay~ 1 emra 1:1 or. (.;b,;i 3950- !of t-he stud- 0" Agoricultural by M. V. Gorlenka. h c I i. Isp Frirody Ottld Diol B. 511 11,65. USDA Trnns No 128 14 plnnkl, protectim, direases., t plant, protection, diseases 7F P, *o*Aoeb Mj~llhich Are Prevalent '~eC ni Ar~ ofj! a byJC~ V. Gorlenho. Dde'r, ~ir4~~Oa )S.St.. 1,,Soskvs,, 1949. r V 1) 0 3,- USDA Trans 110 155 r- z: ion I ko gly Olant,, proteo-tion ulture~ ~plaut,, protection I.: ~7 ij Infecti, i~ Ft r --r t i ev 6f D-maged Pliago, by L. A. Baas, T. N. C.T.1 MJ G.)i Id:Mrb, 2%. M- C-orlanko, B. N. ul ; i'Cl Ya3h, to, P llankina:l R. B. lolearn-, IMP. RUSS D(Ir ok Ak M0.1-11t SSSR, Vol CXXIX, Dio 6, 1959.1 -pp 1.4 Amer Inst oi* Biol. Sc i Sci jul 6o 1~ rculouis l4brbidity luad Mortality s , tudy a V&ccin~tedL!Witb Mi. comparinon A w, 1 0 01 oup by B. ~ Gorl6rot 5 PP - lit% 0 :, tPl~S11,11 H Roja Tisiologice.. Vol X~, No IV., No 4. I)elc 1, 21-1 425 Tr 25 20 Sal jin 5 I I I . ! : I: 7 ; , 11 . ~ f : i I i I ! 1 k i i I it , ~ - il :Ln iggg.. by IL Gorlif?,, 17 pp. * 6 ~ 4 ? - OfftaU Boron Additions Unalloyed !I t8 0 4% Ct by, K. porlic 0 0' 4 11. - -92" Avd4v Sloenbutt-tawasen., Vol XXX.. or t7-7420 BISI 3240 ILI- 7 ildl ni, th~ roothm'i 1 astrAegntion 04" Or Uballov" or lw to hw k-otdAng w4mmm .08=0 9 im ;ITM 90033 -------------- - A.i and others, P EM 44WB 17UMS AM Y FINNG THE I( BRAM AbIpu - up air. [19631 [181p. 9 reft. is iL6o 63,1460 telt'I'll ft WrAngewiuAoly Physlk Ocqt~ N57.1 i9l, no., 11. SW'566.~ ,771 i"ge asifft iI Bloc c lnag,e 3 f BW a 1y I diew, ior s~ or( oiij~r c' ne' rilmag a de4l 11 ISO, ~ ot a M 1 1~e u ibes. 6varns ARkonro- ftcrom46,Mj Btfinaveness. onlcs)'. Optkal equi iS, BW IS% &W SW 30QS uction are dttcussed.' In tubes 86 top dwAr efftiewy , lnvge~ tube constsm. the use o( Iffmage tubes W cribed. ptics IS des 63-1460 1. GOrlich, P. U. Xn*x. A. (Engtneerbig-Electron1c. TT. Y. 10. DO. 4) 011m d Tochm" SwAvoo Cloamrtax and the PGoolbiUty UI! 30 zl;p9 Asi'Padletled AmplIfication R. J. Pobil AbL&I I G* 12 90. Im M, wllft~ -lb"*; 'Iblvatallto ulli d1ol, I - -- - J obbdto aw Maralfterielerung ..bu*wmitLtftm& ime (81-9- 216W- 5 ot F L 10 .J." u stew Wewemv r Toh tilalo r P; Me; Aj~ L' ~ " C~ V; t I tv 4t IT op'l J24v S6"-5 5 pp 15- . (NY-1830) QUALI OF CTIO ND NEW INCENTIVES AT THE MWDSC 1TIR BY K. GOa.~j 10 PP - RUS~I rtt,., SO, I S I A L I ST I CH ESK I YTRUDy No 6., 9(~ JPRS 15 163 P-10*729 rat I jpu c TO 1k; c.f ilyrito Flotati(ml mcm :1 NO Cl* CIA 'xzb Nov! 11)." son Tes,ts o~n OooIULg of Chocolate ation 4~rd'by Gonvee -tion,by P. Gorling. c6rdian, Vbl~. 49, No. 1421, 196o, per. 91 ~Lq 1 10 4 2 337-1T4 Jae iTith Giwatim &3~3 Uklit 7,0,0 'W 7v Vestniks, No 4# 1963. Rip!I It!; womw ACS I 1-16U-0 ID 22OUZL D DW 63-IU791 RonGUC lffDRATH C6IJUn.M3 1. Oorltn& P. I COURSE OVTHB DRYING m llydrophiler GeMIm fts Troanno., Apr 62 1331p. S reft. 63-10791 tvimt Germ~ny) 1962, v. 16. -osu.~o~ -of". -rums" 2 0 SIM M-b-dod a Tr, T., 9., am i* MA d to*" lwdm .). or4 -w,, ~ Di ~7. 1