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Mildiail Vasillevich Domonosov-the Outstanding Chemist of the Eighteenth Centuiy, by V. P. Barzakovskiy, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Zhur, Prik Khim, Vol XXXIV, No 12, 19961, pp 2589-2593. CB Sci Oct 62 214,357 Seventh international Cermmic Conaress in London) (MY 23-3B,1960)'by V.P. Barzakovskii) 3 PP- 7 mWIM, per, Zhur Prik Khim) Vol XXXIII, Vo 12, 19,50, PP Z(69-2m. CB ,Sr.i / 7 -,, J- e -2, Oct 61 TT-63-20772 kii V P TWMWM'v V'"rrY, ELECITICAL CON- 1. Barzakovskil, V. P. Dt=lVnY. iND SURFACE TENSION OF SOME 11 - RT-957 BINA14Y SALT SYSTEMS IN THE PUSM STATE (Plutaost'. Vyszkost'. Elekcropravodnoat'l Poverk- hnostboe Nxtyazhenie Nekotorykh Binarnykh Solyanykh SiNt"n V ROOP12VIennoin Sostoyanill. 11963) [13p) 9refs Order frorn On. SLA. or ETC $1.60 TT-63-20772 Tracs. of Akudemlya Nauk SSSR. (Otdelettle Kh1M1- cheaUkhNault]. Izvestiya, 1940, no. 5, p. 825-931. (AWaract available) Another trana. Is available frown SLA as RT-957, 11 MSCRIPTORS: *Electrochemistry, *Fused materials. *Salts. *Potasalum compounds. *Sodium compounds, *Calclurn compowds, $Baflum compounds, 01-esd compounds. *Chlorides. Dcnaity. Viscosity. Elec- trical conductance. Suslace tenaton, (Chernistry--Phyalcal. rr. v. 11, no. 4) (over) I-',cvon'h international Ceramic Con-vess in London, %.A (Muy 23-38,1960) by V.P. Darzakovskii) 3 PP. j .0 RUSSMI, per, Zhur Prik Xhim. Vol MIII, No 12, 1960, pp 2'(69-2770. CD P.q-i ,-~ 7 2, -Z-- Oct '63. ..UtjOjjG Of CZGCjjQGjOVaj:JZ4 1.707- ing 'tifiC lnotj~% 1. Gejon 11 in Qvu, Field of Silicate Chemistry and TacbnolcU, IJIII N, A. Toropav, V,. P. ranzakovsky,, 4 pp. ---------- MWXAVO. no per., Btaklo 1. rqramMa,, Vol XIII, 110 3t 1.1mr JW# pp 25-27., Corwultanta BureaU Scientific - Enginearina Feb !rj' CM an CaqMgb&Wty by PT ~ 1-A 14*ddmoo bW J&- X- D*rBMAP F k sm. Vol legs so 48 MMZWO pw. wk. Ake an mms. log, vp 69q-Tw7---- Am Vol 1% NO 6o 1969 %"~ MW 70 X- .\ k~) Decelerstlon mad Inelastic Bcattering of Electrms :L-a Thin Uuxupported FLIms of Copper., by R. Kaniche", B* Ts lhars&p 6 ppo zwmj, per., FAulks Twerdop Tolaj Vol V., Ho 9,v 1963), PP 2%1-2569 - hwr z"t Of Fbws Sov Phys - SoMA State Vol vj, no 9 SOL 4r 454 254,54,0 - . H 1"11WIIIIIIII, " ., ~, - . ANTI-RELIdi-CiUS--PROPAGANDA AND CADRES ATHE4STSy BY 1. BARZDAYTISj, A. GAYDISv 11 PP. RUSSIAN., PER., KOMMUNISTj, NO 9, 1962, PP 56-62% JPRs 17350 USSR soc JAN 63 2211043 Tmunity Study on Brucellosis of Agricultural Animals by tba Cytological *thods, by D. S. Barzenkov. RUSSIAN, mo per,, Veterinsriya,~ So 7, 1956, pp 61-63. --- UBDA scientific - Biology 1~7L '--~ Z57 9,'? Thernal EXPACKSimb mleary of Self-ACCOISTAting ROS"IMS. by V. V. SAUMhykinj, et &1s PMSSTPJQ$, per* Fit OmmiLa i Vsrj=.,, No 4& 1%6,0 pp 18.2i.-' *Depw of Navy/APL JIM J-1036 3CL-pro 4 Fuels A% 6 7 MAcas of prev4w- on at qYUMM I a system a voturadMU in Aut=si;L tative naubwow"M odl V9. w yo. Yku aff* room', pw) Uft- ank 8W, Ot&& !Ridhb W~.,Tmich aborMto No 3# VP 3BA5- 26336 oat 267 *7 50 (POD 21821) Investigmtions of Communism in Italy: Party 34enatureso by Luigi BsrzW,, Jr. 8 pp. MLW,p d up, Corriere Della Sera, Vol LUIX., No luo, Milano 7a WY- 4s P 3- CIA/rDD/U-6270 WZUr - Italy Pal - Coinriunist Party f 13 (DC-4341). Productlou of wide Oold-Rolled Mmet MMe of Alloy vT-1D, I)y v. r. Kaluglup V. K. Barzlyj S. 0. 01joumvp T. S. Kusim, B. N. p6i;6v7-,1 'is-ppe RUSSIAN., bks Titan I YeSo SpUvy,, Mst&Uurgiya Titmas no 20 1999, pp 133-144- ipBs 6050 Sol - min/mat Ott 60 IWO L""ICCU" Cj.~ FLO11LIS -71LLCUCe O~j 4"1,,L of Yot Rolled CFJ%,I) Pimming St.:!el P.Lntes,, by V. K. 3 PP - EM-SiAllp vm~.V, Stal, VO 11, 1959, PP 1-013-1015. BISI iy 6 / /ex!( 7 Sleel, 0y V. K_ &LrZiy, 14. 1. Vedn"hLok, V- P- 3 PP- BWSSUII, per, S=I,. NO 5, 1959, vp 456-459- BISI Sci jan 60 YAChWAM ot action at looopmv by C. IK- mermisms a. x. Ip Ai Ricardo# 5 pp. CbmUt y ZIMC01 UtUO-av* 30 ;,r5;69 105. SLA 58-395 Sol Avg 59 5 5 IrVoduatiou mv4 Proper-ties of Sheets of Nonagina Gteal, Killea by AlumInIum, by D. A. Litvinanko, A. 14 MrInov, To K. Wrzy, T. 1. YaLkushin. UIECL JAMIM, Vars StR1, NO 10s 1938o PP 931-93B- DSIR LW (loan) U.492 Soi - M.abot "ap 5.9 9-5~ V, 6 3 I A -- --1 -=, - lmopgoum* -admidl 6---Jksmddm- -- - - -Z,, NOWN ft a" 8 a oft-wil a -t'! 0 04 V%w 21.0 W MW IUMA A, old - OW sd "D 61 W31 sum ASd #M" Illm txmwieut tbaml ct th=7 of tberml fmalosimms tv V. V. barwkins at al. pp tca r4ml oil mmom) Mmea INVIonion In the UvAd Man Wlth Hut ftonetw IW Oom"tice Only* tv A. 0. MunduuMs Vo V*-ManrUno 3 Ff- awym, vw- Zhw Pis XwAp Vol XMLVS ]b 9S Mower-9m Pnss Ltd* fti ja 69 05049k Undnr FW~ely Coavectkve Tranz-for by V. I. Dubovitak:Lys V. V. Ba=ykij2, A. G. ioteramnov, 6 pp. --- M)SS=I., pero In Ak No* SM Otftl Kh' mouk No 6,, 3.960a Iv =24-11Z. 96709)2 ATIC MI-MA act - Chem ~Aa Q. Reue.ttilonc ol" C.Nvelohexane and Other R-~,cz;:::!P-rbons Uricler the Influence of 6()Co Ra&-atfomj, by H. Barzya*ki, 16 pp. ,p Z it AiTr Elektrochemie,, Vc IXV, aZWMN., per NOV 19~50, PP 1015-1019- AERE.. Rammll rip Tr-679 sci - MIC phya Sep 61 63 -1 R757 Bas, Lt R. A MM,' !"Mi-SILAM ELECTRON GUN WITIT AN 1. Baw, E R, IND11113--11-T-HEATED TUNGSTEN ROD CATHOOE AND 1,'ON S!WARATION. [19631 Sp. (figs. ornitred) 7 refs. Otter from M.A $1. 10 63-18757 Trams. of Ctpdk (West Germany) 1955, v. 12, p. M-384. DM",CRTP'rC1R!;: guns, 'Tungsten, *Cathodes, CAtb)de ray tijbeR, low, Separation, Electron bearna, rkalgll. C'Vkn.11tICwL Tbr eAdarcm Va differs In two eusential features froin conventional arrsogements: (I ) Use Is made of an indin,ctly-hotted tungsten cathode, the so-called rod cathode. (2 ) The arrungetnient enables the- positive I(xis %a be sophr-Ated from the electron boam. (Author) (BijonLering-Mectr(itic, IT, v. 10, no. 14 011ki 0 T'o." sr"IC., MrMetleation by the XL*ctx smigalon jaw~mcojm qf tho Carbtwl"tlon of Olyb#*" rr= %W ow Ps"O, by B. bmi W. %grecht, L. Prou", lit G"Mo POrs Z 3bt&Uk, Vol =In, 1957j, pp ~M-50. Simi - mu/mat 111-11,UVI, frlj fill I ~Iltll-tl 11,11 P I-a"% in lSp-kltwlac:;)Tdrcc---c of Ilick, by Joracio LkwuLa. ISPANIS&I, per, Sam Mod (11 Air),, .'o 42, 1935, Vp 1890-1894. N111i 4-52-G5 ,I~ay 65 280,769 *J--77/(;4 Hmm Castilla god the FJ.&-- of Peru as a ?IntJon,, by Jorem Ban mdra I-TAXISUp bky Chile., P*ru y Bollvia adiment-sp JL9481 pp 268-269j, ~,0~310x 313-317- 44~vs/ LA - r=th AmeAcs pal Jan 64 - --- --- --NY-5ciB6--- NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN FOREIGN TECHNOPOGYv BY YA. V. 8ASAYEVv 5 PP. RUSSIAN,v PERs VESTNIK SVYAZ. NO 5s 1957- JPRS 7029 SCI mov 61 173#175 Ground-Levelp Turning, Loading Wchine, by P. X. Kusactsov and I. M. ftsalayvv, 2 pp. MWIM,p pery )fttallurg,, No 7,p 1957j, p 38- cowuiws B=ew sci - ion Ii;.V i W& Sep 58 f7 6 6 I-W z or-/ A Vacuum Flov 1%terp by W. I. B'as.slayevp at al. HUMAN per.. Prib I Tekh ZbtWr., Bo 20 1958., pp 7~-7& Difosearch Ltd. Sol - Phys ftp 99 ftla" //// Lavestigation of Some Properties of Cold Magnestim Oxide Cathodes With Self Maintaining (Molter--~~Tc) Raission, by N. Ya. Basalayeva, et a -, 10 pp. RUSSIAI~', per, Radio-*L-.ekh i Elektron, lio LD, iSi6l. sci 203,0403 VoluUou of G" In Natal& Uged In V&Mw Tedmua., by iq. u. swoU - - , yvmp 6 W. mosupo Zkw Tom ms, Vol is NO 5p A~ ZWb oC Ffto am Mon - T** ftv Vol 1=0 No g's-g" Fab T4&trj-T.t%=Md*" -NotbOd-tcv- the IWQD%~Ucn Of Bw .pjmtj= DaIM W=JIL =A Aftlatic ftWeleftt 20-PP- moum', pw,,. Its Zkw am 1* 1. M. sedmmo Vol =V, No Oo VOP imp 77J-77J.- Pftwmm xUat c I'la'.a.'ariation of L~ h-~- '.ca-vou.; il'i Difailt"', Under ilattiral Conlitionc,, b~r -USSIL., i-cr, !Lhur Ily.,;sl,-c-. D2_--tlli-I llcnd 1. C. I-avlov-,,~ 101 X, lio 5, i~)6o, pp L~ocj-bo--:~. IT c 'in 6-2 f --- -- - ---, - - - - , -- -- -M walm c"mal% w =MN WAAMO IB PP OPOX401"s W* VAWKV q "M SAO r 4. .m $a" CM olmoms gm - 0263 W52813 '~-~Iuulation of Maev Tri=fcr in Galumu., by B. N. ramargiu 4 pp, RUSSIM., per,, Zhur Prik Nhin, V,l K'aTTI, rio 8, .1.06o, jpp 18o9-1812. CB 61 0?7 2,7-DicILlorochromotropic Acid- a Bew Reagent for the Photometric Determination of Titanium, by V. 1. Kuzne'usov, 14. N.-~ ~sargi~n, 5 PP. RUSSTM., per, Zhur Anal Khim,, Vol XVI, No 5, 1961, ipp 573-~ ~- ~--- ~- CB Sci jul 62 202,644 A ld mly m m-'Ll-A for the vok -- - ~ MMUR at oniftar In ORIMMIS Ifttersals Win a 3c, P. mvikira, ir. No Namnsixg 4 pt. zbw*hwl XMN# Vbl XM Ift 3.- YA-Im. 4va 6a TtecryiatrC,Lllizat~on of ta=luli- Slasle Crystalsp by- W. IGO'*, Dwpra and, J. C. Dwarts 20. pp. G&OWis. Z. Phynilrp Vol M. Ocat 1928.. pp 545-556*' set SL% Tr 57-2.135 Jul 58 ~ yl- d --t () .-I 'Die Roodatanoo of Cmcrete to the Action of Aggred- alve vate"s. by Pi.Upe C. Bemvllbwwoo P-1 PPO VAN=# par# X& RevLoU do la AGdaiotmcica lktcioml del Aquas, Vol CV p Jun 1946,, pp 429-435. S*LA. Mr 22 wftr " speft .3-2,, 7J & (DC-4449) The ToobnIcal He-Armumat of City Telephone cammicatiou't by Ta. V. bumy"jp 5 pp. MMIj wwp Vastulk SWSSIv 110 1t 1948P PY To 8- JFRS 65M set Fob 61 / ~; F1 4 ;~ ;~ ( N-Z -15107 33) Meeting Vladimir I-lyich, Jy Ya. V. Tasay,!v, ~f pp. per, Vestnik Sv-yazi, 1,10 4, 19,53. JP--r,3 7007 of Urban TelC-Phc:le C 07-7-u-ic Inty Ya. V. Bssuyovj 7 pp. RU3SIAII,, perp Vei3tnik Svy-azi) No I. 19~9,,. ,)p 9y, 10. JPf'S 5S".)4 Tramp Comm & El". Paver it the USSR Rpt no 14 UMSIS Trans. 1039 sci 5,eib 61 (NY-5220') News in the Communication Engineering, by Ya. V. 11 op. RUSSIAN, per, Vestnik Svyazi, No 12, 1955. JPRS 7095 City Telephone Co=ualcationc in th2 U-SE12, by Ya. V. EwDay-ow, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Veovnik Svyazip No 11, 194-1, Pp 0--ILI, ins 6-,;,o2 USSR Beall Sci Slootron Nov v SaperJmant on a Wev Application of El-c-Aic Dpo=', pl. Ban pp , ~?: t. PA A Wt~W-j ul, ;;ar, 1, Val 7=-L, 7,0 pp 20S-209. Morris D. Fricd= 13-13P, SeA Au y ~r;7 KvMeut of tba RepLtia Omtpd In VAU: Ch=Pa lm the Br9ado rkw Pro&Mod In Mot&Us# by lAdloli Ri"I Damoldooo 13 N. rwifall, vwo cows a Circolazlmep Vol ZU.- 1"To 0 U*-Us- MM 7-7-63 Skd - Mal A JW .717 ? gwy 63 YC/ 511~ 1 0 to t% by F. l)zz.,.=rte ~I-rj. onffM, rers Rev X.-r-an Y crrll~~a, Vol Xp A3tr W2-7,,- ZIA 571-22-982 qci S7 ion of n 14-,wardB the Datez-almt irl 011!3., 1:1y T. J. Base. 47 111IM-S,. pa r.. p., Ll,Ava s Vol =11 ~, 195 7 2 PP 3IU5 3f-15 C.SII.R,OI 1)1!1)1 60 09L the Relations or the yn 2MCBMUM to the Ana- VbylacUe Statej, by 0. Baftap 19 ppe GXHWj pw Verhandl Deut Patbol Gez,, Vol X3X, 't-i3l- 1923, VP 12 SIA 3147 Oka 58 I e ~, c e Hemt of Polywrphic TranstbrmtIons of Calcium Orthoolliestep 5 -tio-.-),by !. jt.~xenjpj MISMAN no perp DoVAk-Mut-EM, Tqpx ighk vp I;Mk -a. -- ~ --Vol LIX, Do T,, Sal W"M No 52/1639 Sclentifie - Cbmistry 1151, ~7.OV A STRLVIG IIVJSTRiAL 13ASE FOR IlVWTRIAL CONa StMGTION IN KAZAKWANO BY T. K. BASMVA A-pp. RUSSIA140 PERp PrMY&MOMYE STROITELISTVOO NO 100 (XT 19% pp 5.6. JPRS 16778 um CWN im 63 21805A A sqeotroac.~ic Btu4 of the Turbulent Flame by V. Ta. Baaairich.. 5 pp Rmjw.. nz mm vol mn., my pp 1077-30W- ACS1 R-2479 A Sol - Physics MW 60 ~!Q,11,1$ j., Accept Resentment, '&n open letter or the level of Yechanization in AFriculturel ly I)y L. Dzisctskiy, RUz.',L11,N, nj., EkonomIcheska-va- 1 Dcc 10,70, 71 2. *JPRS USSR 1~1'cnn - Fnrn ,.:,ichincry 7 Lr.- 11 I tI I - 71 fte Dlrwt 001-amtfle Titntuft at Bloafts now* am otbw Maui bv A. I* Vs. FM WMANj, bim Vws, Zkw TaM TMO Vo 5s 103* N cle"I"ato it a Do FAICWAM 0 aboolstry 80 54 M/M /Ifj 5Y6 OMR,"ic; 'T'-'~ on Mviritime Passenger Lines, by Basevich, pp. np, Vuinyy Transport, 9 Apr 1,-l)-,0, P 3. JPJIS 1402); Fcon Ser. "~~) ))YY -3.'l DD)))~) Is the Vaq to Prof itability., by 'Y . Bwevich,, 4 pp. RWISUX, uv, VadtWy Transport) 15 Sep 1960. JFRS 7999 USSR Boon IAIX 17.2y Apr 61 r TIW Straut of Pre-vaqwUation Ga the CaDplctwcn=G aMd Stability of CodaWtion of AtoniZOd toU, by V. Y&. beffievicho 20 pp. ymti MMMMj bko GM-Ont7e Pri PonishennM DMIenlyukh i N4botoryp VopzuW ft&WU%stxU Emma v OdnofawVkh I vakbAL D Siatsmkh.. Ko&oDvp X900 pp 71-0- 966M 63 Ou the Lurning Ve3acity of Atom' zed Fueld, by V. Ya. Beoevich; 12 yy - RU=AV,, bk,, Sgarwd4c i Smse6brazavaqiye v rAzoluvat, xnaww, 296o, pp ic-M 9667348 FMJM-W-1028 sai - chm Jvz 63 -: 2 / ; 9e " d Wimich, V. Ya., mvisliev, &I. I., and Koggarko, S. 1A - INFLUENCE Of-- AMVI: PARTICIES OF COM- BUM'10~ miorkic-rs aN-pa--. spim) pi, r-i-Ami: PROPAGATION 114 A TURRUI-I'M' FLOW, U. fly 11,1vid T. Williams. Jan 62 [411). 7 refs. Available In ARSIournal, v. 32, no. 1, $3.00 Trann. of AU.&rnlya N.-uk SSSR. Ordellenic) TeUi- InjOWSMIJ) N't1k. 17verdya- Lnergvtika I Aytt--tnatlka, 1960, no. 3, 1). 138-144. DESCRIPrOWS: 'rurbulent ~.ow, *Flame propogation, Velocity, Il)-Jr(Y,,cn, Combustim, Palliclos, Chkmnic4al ivactions, Flames, Gases, Propue, Fucli, Ignition, Prolmration. 62-12690 I ~ sasevich, V. Ya. H- Mwishov. M. I. Ill. Kogarko, S. M. IV- Florida U.. Glim--vill, V. American Rocket So:,cly. New Yvj 1, (M-mi.-ary-Physleal, IT, v. 7. no, 10i On the Burning Mechanism of an Atomixed Liquid Fuol J.a a 'Turbulent Stream., byL S. N. KoWko, V. Ys. pp. RUSH": Pors Is At NWA SSSRp OTRp Metal i ToplIvo No 4, 1961s PP 137-142. 9676296 pm-m-62-igo IV :L f 5- sci - Fw1d Apr 6e a woftX of C*WmatAon Zow in a TkwbWAmt Ftwo 1w S. X. mw*i*o V, YIL* Dummicho 5 3wo ntwmwj, W.0 zbw Pis mdep Val XMI No 8* L9,61p vp 3.79h-1.796- MmwarsHma Prass sd 4%4 26e 204*03 bution of Drops in the Combustion oi Difitri Puxtially Vaporized Fuel, by V. Ya. Base-vi.c-h, 4 rm. E-:USSMHp perj 1z Ak fiauk SSSRj, Otdel Kbin Nwik, No 12y 1959, pp 2=-2,115. CB 50. / Oct W Ignition of Gaces in the Reaction Products of a Flame, by S. M. Kogarko, M. I. Devishevo V. Ya. ~HsE.vich, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, perv Zhur Fiz Khim, Vol XXXIII, No 10, 1959, pp 2345-2350. Oleaver-Hume Press Scl A ur5 60 ~7 "2 v- d('101 Ar Turbul=% Dlrftzion and C=buztl= 0: A4"c---izcd Fuel In it Stramp by V. Ye. BasevidL. R=xw, per,, zhur Fix Vdn, Val MI, Vo 7, L9570 pp 1619-1w. Avaoc Tech Serv RJ.3.43:F 6OK23B eel .. Chem Ap, 59 .tu,L,o(jlj rf pmll!erjarf an ccmpl,ite-noss and Stability a Combus'"LDa of AtOZAZM (LiquIA) ieuel, by V. Vk~ 119T sxm., Ak Muk 131W, GWQI Toth 'go 2j, 1958,p op 26-32. ? o z/ R,:;k 7 MIR LLU M3 i22151 NOV 59 a:r 07-yZen At=s cm 000blIsti= eu T.PMT PI-Yr.smae's) by V. Ya. Banev:Lchj S. M. Ko~prko, 6 XI) - WSW,ljv per, Dok Ak NaWc F."XM,, V01 CM, fro 3, iv,61, pp 659-661. 9676336 Mi-TT-62-ag Sol - Chamt Pbys ifir q ,z/, / .// 4 may 62 rtektoircpn,,~Aia Mixtures, by V.-Ya., Raeerich, S. KOCIPIrILOP 6 pp. mn r*rs Ix. Ak Ilauk SSz-R:. Otdel '.~akh itlautp..' I lartc=tilm, No 2, Pp 13-20.1 Amrima Rocket zoalety Journal 0--t 1959s V01 XXJXx '40 XOr Pw~ I f. 1 -1) 1- L~ - / " ~. sci - Chem rov. 59 -The - linstio -Natm-a -of Autoignition im -Dleuel Eugimeor by A. S. Sokolik, V. lm._~dsevich _, RUBSUIv pw, Zlw FU KbIs, Vol 119 , No 13.j. 1954.p "PP 1936-1%9-6-- - __ ____ Asooo Tech Sv RJ-4W S.15.25 Sol .. ftsinming . . Jan 57 CTS Ila I; J/ 7z The Supply of Drinking Water In the Dobruja, by Dr Engr 1. ~~~,_J4 pp. UNCIASSIFIED KWANIAN3 mo per, Hidrotehnica, Vol III, No 1 B=haramt , Jan 1956., pp :U.~6. US JPRS/DC-L-323 33 - Rumania Soc - public utilities Jun 58 4~i~4 '/ -~7Y CII'-,.I'.LCtariaticc of Rumanian Petroleums by I. ') Ir , jp. U?VWSIF RLrs,SAIIIIW,, per., Oel und Kohle., no 4os 22 oct 194os Pp '393-394. Navy Tr 1021/BuShipe 560 - ~ r~ ~ - ~ , - -,,~ Sciemttfic - Fuels CMIDF.x CU D 44327 /61 / 3 .>- ~/ (IFY-a"u) ftedi for a Deepening of Values., by R. Ttzb., 4 I.T. RMW99, j3p, Davw, 19 Nov 1961, p 4. I JPRS 12M - AIA~ 0.~ MIU. 62 Y /J --& , , , t, ~4 pe! ~ A! III I I -III INIHII 114, 11111 It MIR H III I 1 '11,111111, 1 1 1 PrepamtIon of the C~m.Uc HydT-uzide of male* Acid =d of Some of Its DerivatIvess by Yu. A. Bw&akov., u. v. main:Lkmo 4 pp. rtxu txvwButdon. Hussums MO J?W, Zhur Obahch Milm Vol XM., Na 7) PP 1=42" 3=. = c 1~_ CionmatAnto Bure= Salentine -Ommistry Apr 56 =/&m Aviv, Z7 ME Israt)l MIC1. Ov 1; 152 (mc-61*1), The Yllitary Goverrunent Pusher. the lix-abs W,.o the Arma of Cammaism -- An Interview with Archbiahop Georgar, MaklUm, by It. Banhan, 9 pp. np, llalariv, 12 Jan, T) 10. JPRS !3k5U Israel ~2, Pol Apr 62 -- - --- Statistical - Ilvaluations -of Probability -of - Losses - and Otbw Cbar&aterl*Ucn of Com=tation Watems, by 0, IN Bufterin, 9 pp. =WUNs Pers, MaktromYss'.- No 3# 1962. AIM Sol 31by 62 917#931. ner, Dok Ak Sauk ESS31-1, Vol C, 1958,- 101-- in2l. cf' Sov Vol. IX!t 'No 1: Sci - PIWB Jul 59 On a Statiatioal Estimte for the Entropy of a Sequence of Independent Random Variables, by 0. P. Bash"in, 2 pp. RUSSIAN, por, Tecriya VoroyatnosUy i Yeye Prim, Vol IV, No 6, IM, pp 361-365. Sim Sat Feb 81 /- ~7 '~~ -1/10 Z/'^ Of "The Nmur ~Zwation". by G. P. !'n xkn It T- RDSOTAN, VOproBy istari.i, VC), VTT.- MO T, 196o, pp a6o-i62. U.PRS 80-(4, LTZJ,qR /Zx~ ClIq P03. /7. . ApT, 61 P-zml'taln, 10 pp'. RUBSTAII, per., Eicktrouvraull vo 2, 3.963. S-A - Nov 63 Pqll 777 On the Use of the X 2 Goodness-of-Pit as a Critm-rion of Independence of Experimental by G. P. Basha:rl..... RMSIM) per, Dok A k Wauk SSSR,, Vol CXVII.. No 2,, 1957, PP 167-170-.--- -- I= Lincoln lAb Sci - Plkys ,'P-T 58 7 II . .-- -l"Iffs -- UKHO - 000 w $t ~O~ as Pp. 0 WM1104 M* 044 10% or &."* ipm 1.9w um tm #AV 43 931-A51 The FuXj-.-,arolic Activity of the i3ezynianny Volcano on 1956-1957, by L. A. 6asharina. RL1,161AIN, per, bull Vulkwiologicheskoy StaXntsii, .No 29, 1960. NZDIA 6ci Dec 62 'ki tit - 23536 Risharinor, A Ye , Alex9androv, M. S and Chernyak, Yu. B. 1. Basharinov, A, Ye. qL-I-ECT!0t; 0 M71 . "%- PACK&TS QT1 RANDOM/\ It. Alexsandrav. M- S I~FNG-pi C* S ? NrliE ~,%RY~ 111. Chernyak. Yu. B. MACOINk.01' TION IV -DSIR LLU M. 26E8 P '~P DI 0"IRFIE1 STRIBUTION OF PHASE DIFFER- V .Tiric: Disrribution... 1'fi~&S tip 0SCILLATIoNs IN THE COMBINATION VI. Title: Iktecron. OF A FLUC-I'LIATING SIGNAL. NOISE-AND CORRE- LATED NOISr INTERFERENCE -I-DETECTION OF A SIGNAL OP UNKNOWN FREQUENCY AND ARBITRAR'Y INFrIAL PILASE ON A BACKGROUND OF WHrM NOISE. 1196111221p. 21 refs. IDSIR LLUJ M 2688 Order from OTS or SLA $2.60 61-23536 trans of 41tildictekhati4i Elektronliw (USSR) 1960 [v. 51 no- 3. p. 355-375. DFSCRIPTORS: *Radio signals. Detection. Radio intCT- ("unce. Oucillattons, Radio noise, Probability. 014- f T.6-.1 S....... Ikinharinov; %:vc.,ral allorisms for detection deyicca with (Hugincerin-I'lectronic. TT. v. 6. no. 6) (over)l wool III 00 MW d VSWA*j A. U. SUbWbWo �r e =0 =~ maim& f p ASUM 2hwl *d XLL no 4, n*16 Rwmakjw, SCIM16.0" T V *04w -84 & Amm & a I =OLT nowam I SMA" The Application of Sequential Analysis to Binar.v ComMunication Systems With'& Rayleigh Distribution or Sigma Intensity Fluctuations, by Bapharinov, B. S. Fleishman, 9 pp. .I.- RLMSIA11p per, RaAiotekh i Elektron, Vol IV, No 2, 1959, PP 155-160- pp Sci Sep 60 14.1 i. -!,41-c~. 909G379 Corp Problems in the Statistics of Automatic Pattern RoooiZnition by Multifraze Scanning, by A. E, Basharinov,, 5 pp, RUSSIAN., per* Radiotekh f Elektronj No 7,, i!~6i, !?/ 7:7X Oe Sol barch 1962 Ork the Accumey of tbo-- Logarithmic Method of Neasuring Fluctuating Sigwls Observed on a Background ofDaussian Inteirferenca, by A. 1C. Basharinov.,_5 pp. R=Ugj. por, Redlotekh i XLektron, Vol III, l1b 9) .1-958, pp -12W-12U. Pp Ck3t .99 Z41, No DanplDr of M121tarlem In 'fax-mel, by r"V-*-n-4--,iv-,1 6 nTm_. np.. rcuoth smyamm, 2o ocat iqft., 4. JM 12-179 ffemrAkst Afrlos - lu-sel Ma 7,5- 7 Am 62