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abonkm3k gfflclenq~ caa~l. Vdl XLJVI IPP ', I -R ftiWdi~ n ~ 4 265,282 WD* EdtmatioN 7 Vol ICLIV, Fts c kli :.64, 66,828 0l ~ftuft and the ~'e, by Ion Pacuraru, Upit Vol XIIV,, 2666762 ~l te I Al. Dckv opment of Agricultur v qx I mo# , : . I 3 M, "g 221pp; ~ i I IU i i AN r.11 "tde MssiL. No S. 1964, pp 60-7 (7 9 ci--~ 'A J; r 9 ec 269,848 , e~ 5. Development~! of FAucation in Rumania., by Stefan Balan.. 15 PP RUMANIAN, p6r, lgpt~a de Clasa, Bucharest, Vol XIJ:V, No 9. Oep i964,9 pp 3i~:-4'0 JPRS 27486 1 EBux.-RumanU SOC Jan 65~ Dpment of the L3 Pp. Vol XLIV, No 10, 272,727 Accumulations in Expanded Fcorwmic Aonv by Radu Manescw. 19 pp. per, Lupta do Clai;a, 111* 11, Nov 14-25. E Tar- R~Man i in ;r 65 k Ir 275,955 1re6a ical Progress and Product Quali ty in bie Ma ..ae B ldiaB Industry, by Virgil Actarian, 10 RMiZIAN )'per, Lm)ta de Clasa No 12 Dec 1964, pp. JPIU;~~ 28(-i?"b LE-Rumm a Feb765 275.176 aniParty Journal DISCUSSCS 113tional cide, C. 1,50vementl, by Ch. Vadrus, Mbmitl III M'- a ?Pp. lo F II do 11o 12, 1964, 1-api C L'I.p,-.!r, 'pIi P3-1.OBw Vol 'rob 65 275v129 The Vrencb Nuclear Electric Pover Program ~iSeek~s a New Dimension, by Jean-Claude ffuba~-t 20 pp, GQ-.r-Ek;~R;T USE ONLY FREMI, veekly, L'Usine Wbuyelle, Paris, Vol 123 v pp. 12- 17. JORS GUO 2708 Scili'Huclear Science and Tecf!~Iiology Feb 1'68- 350,317 Let U ~ight~~Against Pol Spies and Provocateurs, 48 pp. 81E., Lut--mos Contra os Espioes e Provocadores I lq~--21 20 pp. uT-644o 11 i,~ T Pal Aug, 164 tgainst JjentnI ilint.-ss., IA Luttle Contre la riolic~ !(?47, /2~ 1-133. /Special Tairananva Speech to Socialist Students, 14 per Lutt6b, No 15, Aug 1964,, pp 1, 4; 704~ k-T narive 268,817 Akylel Dny-l ~Ltbttins ss~-.udiec,, bv, T~ ZCL per,._Lux,,. Vol )OWIp Ho 20 1956,~ lislER/36513ATT liov 7L~-l ~Mal 'RI Vol roi rx DC pi I of tfi 16 MJferma RaUroad, L'1!4~4 -Mer, Paris,, 4j. 31 W 2-9. (Can No HES421 61-20244 jianu, ean and Biizoianu, GLorge. LERICH OPERhTION IN TRAUMATIC PERIPH- 1. Title: Leriche's oNration ERAL F (11 PXkALYSIS IN RELATION TO TI-il- 1. jianu, J. OTHHR'OPB1RA'h%t PROCEDURES. fl.96117p. 11. Buzoianu. G. Available cia loan fr~oin SLA 61-20244 Trans. of Lyon Chlrurgical (France) 1928, v. 2.9 .! - 21 1110. A' 0) p'i 10 DESCRIPTE! RS: *StIirgery, *Face, Nerves, 'Trigeminal nerve. 'Dx.umentaiion, Muscular traurna, Paiholog!% (Unannounced) Offl...f T.th.1c., S~[C.$ TT-b 1 -14483 Wertheim r, Plexve and Carcassonne, F. IN fEGAI'D'T0 Stji,GICAL Ti~EAIWENT OF PEjl-- 1. Wertheimer, P. PHE-ALTACIAL P.A,,AI,YMS. f19611 8p -tefs Carcassonne. F. Order from ~LA 51j''10 TT-61-14-48:1 Trans. of Lyon Ciirurgical (France) 1931, v. 28, p. 5(0-5~ DESCrJrM,~_& -Mlety-is. *Head. Sidn, *Nervcs, Therapy, Sairgery (Biological Sciences- -Surgery. TT. v. 11. no. 3) 0111m 0 TmhM-1 S.-I.- TT-61-14494 Orloff, G THE INFLU CH OF IN40 AIN IILDCIC ON 7118 1. Orloff, G. A. CURB OZEN IISSIJBS (E)WERIMBIM. 119611 top (figs. itted) 1~ Order frorn~ St.A $1. to 7T-61-14484 Trans. of 1_ (France) 1937, v. 34, ..Lon ChiL%kglQa p. M-26. DESCRUTORS: *L=al aneadwtics. M (Biology), Frostbite, LNervmm systm. (Biological Sciences- Pbarmacology, IT. v. 11. am 3) Me W Tech" 61-20246 Grabert-[ vernaj~, and Herbert, J. STELLECI MY FOR THE ACUTE ". MATIC STATE. [14 11 7pl 1. Title: Stellectomy I - Grabert-Duvernav, AvailabI6 on'loan from SLA 61-20246 11. Herbert, J. J. Trans. or 11yon Ch rurgical (France) 1938, v. 35, p. 353-3.qll DUSCRIMMS: Surgery, Asthma, Colds, Stellate ganglia, Nerves. Wnannounc~:d) Office of 7-61.el ser.1c.6 61-16494 CERVICOMIORACO-BRACIIIAL ALGIA WITH ANGINOUS dRISRS: ~LJRH BY STELLATE INPILTRATibiq. 19.5312p. Available on loan ir(im SL.A 61-16494 J~snw trans; of Jpo Chlrurgical (France) 1941, 7139. Y. 37, p. 3 DESCRIPTOR& OArnputation, stumps, *Patn, OProcaine, wNeuralgli, herapi, Countarmeasurea, *Stellato gangue (BiOWOCA4 ~Ioncos ~~-Nvumlooy, Tr, Y. 6, no. 4) i 1. Leclerc, F. P. sy-46u- and ~O'sallmros. A NEW.CASF O~ RADIAL PARALYSIS CURED BY LATE SML INFILTRATION. 11"11 2p. Order.tr ' SIA ~41.80, pb$1.30 61-14485 bin 12 Mrsnx~ Jim- Chirtwglcal (France) 1941. v. 37, P. ZW-WIU. 1~ 61-144&S 1. Radial nerve--PatholoU 2. proesine-11wrapetme effects 3. T'Itle: Stellate Infiltration 1. Syneptdas H. Vossilaros 1ISciewleis-Newology, Tr, Y. 3, no. 12) 00- .4 T.A." J~. : OKk Wp . of prmatim on& BWlnatLon Movement43,, by Des tol UNCLABS i ! i Framm~l psi# Lycm NO& VOI =I.- I"# PP 1- 3. NevY VM/MW 550 /-Vl 4Ta XeumIgLas Assoclated With Diaft, b3r P. F. Gimrd., (;"I, 73rette, 9 Voa, CI=3X,, 1948.. XM 22-23-60 Bel Me& ftb 63L lp!Uj 64 'A 'L~6 I OJ(M-1 :1) 1 Ull P"'N U,:I'A"I 10 lijo 1) J.lp-jo 'J", '111plill') 179611 *("10dl-l(xj) m( I ILI lp(l~ v oqq (i : 11 11A, 1 :10 ON111f)(I VIelb:) ,a 1pnetmV puv, . I f, i t-.09 1 -79 The A9tidiabetic Sulfonamides and their D~eriviitives in the Treatment of Diabetes Mellit us, by P. Croizat. EUROPEAN, perpLyon Medicalt Vol 190, 1958, pp 79-84. NTC-701-12871-060 Feb 72 i i~. I b2-22642 Nx-ninatu Lit [I-,. I and Rail, G. THE, NICO-jv;~ I.I..,13f IN POIALIBU AND MI YDIP- Polli ilia ul!'~' SIA SYNDROMES. !1962) 17p. I1. 13~!!i' C. Order fro-o K-H S21'. 25 K-11 &599-IJ Ill. K-H-S5Q;-b fram- of Ljon 1,116djcal (Uraitce) 19.58 IV. 2(X)j lio. .39, '.Jr ai P. *Nicl-:41ne, Tesis., *Urme, *Excreuon, Thirst, 4) 61-101" Cifir,11. F.. +,raeger. 1. andothers. EXPEit.wsmrsj~oN VASCULAR EFFECrS OF HY- 1. Cier, J. P. PERTENSIN. CLINIGAL TRAJL ON MEDICAL 11 Traeger. RESUkrTATIC41 (ttu& Exp6rimentale des Effete Vas"Ires de't'hypertensine. Essal cilltillostloo Chnlqv~,en Rioi~mstlon M"cale). 119611 115)p. (2 fige.1 omltted~ ~ refs. Order fz,ccn SLA'$1.60 61-1087? Trans. ~of Ljym IA6&q*l (France) 19W. w. 11, P. f6g7i70fl. 1 mscRiFrORS: *Hypertensic, OlYaunsatic Wvmk, *"Ypot~noion. Vasornotor drqp. OResuedtation. (Biolooclod sciftlees. -PharmmookiV, Tr, ir. 6. so. 1), ~~OtitiUs by A. Ikoe Uretto. 1FUOi io pL-r. L kitW le"p 'tio 420 J1 ~-7 r. -zip! 61-20256 Cler, A. ;FATIGUE AND *'REPARATIVE" 1. Cier. A. NUURO- U~oCULARi,~ M DRUGS. [ 'I i 9b ,& I 9p,1 Order f )LA $1. 30 61-2025t roln Trans. of Lvan PWA-nJaceuriqual (Frame) 1960, v. 9. Oct. p. 3- It DESCRIPMRS: OFadgue (PhsylolGgy), *Nervous eye - tem, $Muic1ts, SdTiiulation, *Drugs (Bialogica; c'~ciienc-eis,'--Pharniaeology, TT. v. 7. no. 10M of4i,. f i I Cai~~amjing C*de5nov bDr R* Finatels, at ale i I ETUPZH, per, lvcxi Phu= , 98403-410, MM, MM 8-19-6.5 i S S vl~-1401 & be(, cwt, 65 i i q i I 2QOs3OO EXPA ioujl6f an Lou Claud in t1he Earth's MagnstLc Fi~i by~!W. Pilipp. 186 pp.. GEM.No tq MI-PARaxtraterr-289 pp 1-190. NASA Tr F112,745 Jul 7b nvrer-lenoao IF-ith outdv~r Mofti Testo in Hydrnaic. -14'r-x-lng Projects., ~hy M. Famokom U-, 5 pp. per., Mm-im. I.*sUvJrAmtBJft, No 4; PP 50-54, (Cau No mw 3610491 Eag TO ANS 1~11 1- j AJ;, '(71 hqrfl, pwl 'Recoiii~mendations on Sprinkling Irrigation for IC L ~grz ulture, by G.F. SUEDISH, per, Maandbl. Ie-ndbvoorlJ:. Vol No - I1.1, 1~, 1, pp 438-44. GB/~' sci 8 3-?S' Aug . is d, ob Mhw~ 141M pp 454-w" 252,056 Schnuten j I RMARCjq I?JIDBLE.tOS problerneh'in Zandwi k Order from S or Trans. of Kjandbladivc -zoadheid (Netherliin`d-sy AT 'ZANt)I%FTJK:' Research- 16p. ENAF ND 003 F. Sl .60 T-r-63-26802 mz, v. 17, no. ilti, p.:zjy-z,)'z DESCRlffOR5: Psychiatry, Children. Medical exami- nation. Psychology. ~Crlmtnology, 31olcgJcal ScJimces--Nourology and Psychiatry. TT, . 12, no. 5).1 1 Tr-61-26RO2 I Sch(Niten. M. II. VI) W3 F. III, Excerpta \ILIic,! Voundatitin. :Xmrcr-J,mi (Nejherlandq~ '2tt~,- . . . . .". R~I, w by P. Jr Bott. n -*Mt6id P(,Vtorior A-Mcbnitle nm., 4 Iva DUTCH-1, per, Maendacbrift voor kliAergazieeslmnde., vol xJx po 41# 3-951., pp l4i-i444 NIB 6 -9 -61 Sol VAd; D" cular lmmnin- ThLI of Blindne8B in JVbar 'OY wal Zebenj H. -Verbiestv 6 pp. vol. k, pql~, Maandep#r U111 7-23 Sci saa, Te-!eng-r.,-L,-tattpi,c Ataxia, by C. E. V(Ln der Hocf,: J-~ 01'3~ 4M&II voor Kinclergeneenkunde, DUB"T.. ber, LkL4!~riclqcj Vol j: 1, 1959) pp NIH 4-20-60, L) Sci - Radicime! i-,m 60 Urrocvsoll~ StuOy iu 7Wjhus Degenerativus kri- StOodamilis (De Lanve*s Sync'~,-mm), by :'0 013 ke,, ot al. wh 4 1) r, ~"adschr Kinden~,pneesk, Vol X)LX1 , No m)q~, pp 248-2S8. j LAi 167 Trc~atwnt Of Patients witli 11heikylkewauria (fri'd tIIG ~[):'racticc of Pediatrics),, by F. J. Van"'q.jrmq~ at al,, pc~ f1anxidschr Kindargewask Vol XXXITI, C." 1-7 Tlit ldrich, '~yiidromw- - A Cliric-al P-tit! 6071K~,ic !,;ttkly of Some Efutda Faidlics.. L))r T4 WaL Dell DDSCII, Ot ")I. D tril per., Paar.&-cl= Kinder-c-n-cesk,, Jul !(is 20,727 ital 'foxoplasmosis, A. Pehmers. per, Mhandschr Voo:r ,;P,Cneesr. -Vol 32. f9640 irip -1 .i IVE, :i Sci/!O,&?!' Jul 65 28396563 I li - - .. . --- - mnftdM~ I -4oo? -,W~ IhIral Planning in the Bletherlands, by !a-vid Wiiala, FIJ,H~LSJI,~14t, Maamittaus, Vol x:.aiii, 3: *IJS JPRS Geogr - 15apping Fob 59 mt T. 4o;;1/60 Olre~-All! Planning of Official Finriis- Pl,olb'ectb'~ by Rafael E. Relin, ll);~ i7k,, Maammittaus, Vol =III, 1,,, -xus JPPIS iand Geo~~; - M.apping I I Feb' 59 10~ T IL400/160 The !4,app#iG, of Syria, Maamitutaus, Vol 0,'XIII 1~-'r- ------------ 'RJS JPRS -Og - m~p~ping Feb ~59 Thle Usp of AirpWAos fOr SMOL3.1 Scale Maps at the Survey ~'Office., by V. Brola., MIMMU., per, Msaumittaus, xo 1-4., 1960;PP 59-64. C~11 Wol~ QB 275-.MU-V- AM sti ?hys AM 61 /SY, S-5 6 i:!-Il, tj ji, 1;, W 5'j T.T- pit. F T- TI p-0 -I' (Call No ~al lrB.~'7- R15616j Are Tlel~ Map, of Finland Needed In Addition to the - iera qw.." Exist -- ing Ge Maps?,, by R. E. Rehn, nmi tj%us, Vol XXXVII, Helsinki, ISli, per, MaQ;2&US 1963.,~ ~P 1-1. ~',~PRs/Dc-86o4 W Eur Finland Geog -jMapp~ng may 63 -:I lcy 0 t.. co f; T3")i rl 37 ll(~) Q. I'Tj Tr !lov 51- L&ng Buxvey office Report Land Survey 42 PP. bkjV~taus Yaaxmjttausbal3.;LtukA 1%6' GA66 F5 1954 Axmy 14,1P service IMr! rial=d Geog, v Vo I A Tloc6k di the Omodetle Tw*Atiftls Activitiesp by V. *Qw~enp 9 Mori, vbi Lra, ILA- kca" no 001-iml, Anw Mp owvlco IS3 CollaboraLian Within the Private Sector, uy Stig liaggsLrora, 4 pp. FINNISE, 1.)er, Rliaanimittaus-Lnsinoori, 1962, i I pp 35B-359.~ Call N:, 's EnL Tr) A-,my Map Service WEur FinIdn Econ Pol May 6~ List, tit, -Helu'iaU,~960- i On 42! r"O'll Ta- -r,% Ice PLIIII [LIrburg Provincial cIa. 19DD-19S9, D'Aul, lier,, blaastriclit.,, Eloctric Power 1919, pp 4-7, 14-161, 65 W Of 4 P, OrL nf API -A -CF, NO pp 117~ ,,R- i6 6/6'3' Statistlics on Traxde Between Cortrunistu China and Macuo. PORTUW~mi bli:lts, Macao -- Come-,.-cio Exteimo 1)51--',, 1959, 1--! 17'13, 22-23; Comercio Extuerno 1-,,62 pi) -y-iJPRS/DC-(Y-,lC-" Fe- Ch~na Econ, Fore:Lr,.'m Trade A Prcees s. for Haxd~~-v.-.;Lng L,j:~Ul:A!jp Per., VC-1 Kill, "t Pill, Bls:f a1-40 S, t lDrw 61, 61-25665 PRACTICAL APPLICATION OF THE HLAMO BROWN IFOR TOA MANUFACTURE OF TOOLS AND DOPLICATE! I PIECES. 11961] 24p. Order fro';a S-IT ~is. 00 STT-173-190 i ii I Tram of ~Iwdw ~e (hoy) 1960 Iv. 13) Dec. p. 1097- 1107. i DESCRWWRS: nWIm, Manufacturingnmobods, *Elec ' ' ive aisc~ .troerog 1. Bandon, F. 13. STr-175-190 M. SCIENTECH, Sclentificand TachWcal Tran-'& iou, Clevelmd, Ohio Tr, v. 7. no. 2) Office 01T.Chalcoi S~lt.l 61-25674 IMPROVEWENTS 00 ELECTRICAL DRIVES FOR MACHINE tOOLS. I ~ [ 1961 j 28p. Order f r6m ~STT $22. 00 STT-186-181 Trans. of ~tuw' Italy) 1960 [v. 151 Dec, p. 1129-1147. DESCRIPTORS: 'Machine tools, *Electrical equipment, I I *Electromagiwtic (Engineering- Electrical, TT, v. 7, no. 1) 1. Figini, G. 11. ST-r-186-181 111. SCIENTECH. Scientific and Technical Translations. Cleveland. Ohio offi.. .1 T.Ch.1 C.1 S-i..% Inmac6 axtrUsion of Copper. ITALIAN, per, Madchine, 1962, PP 111:-7-1421 i - ! I (GB/3~)/'HO 2091 Sci Aua 6-t 339,939 4 -ing of Silocon Steell !71-ats i;JbIlusich, al?. S'. 70110. par, "Idecidne, i,4;r M63, p-p ~11451-4t;7. 3r , -iv Jut 4,16 21 1'1~~ 24S I TZ,le liulkstOetun and Export of Macidw Tools in -1;he by H. AMer, 3 iw- QFRjWN,p per., ftelilmnbautmom") Vol Xlp INVII Y., 16~58;0 PP 34r--- MW 1547-1. 62 Aerody~amid, Damping of Compressor Blade Vibrations, by H. Hilldr'. GERMAN, per., MacbinenbELutechnik, No 10, 1962 p 5j6-541. *FTD-TT.-63-288 Sci ~Fhys 8 mar ~63 . . . . . . . . . . a6dclty, by A. Barat, biamux, vi)i xx)a, 1947, 1 ftO.604ti~ 267,046 lubbodi3 and InatTump-iAs ,ula of Susifowen A 5 59 r J.'r;m~4 SLA A ~N#v I bl*lqtle Of Swf aft YAWMXW=t Bas 216m: I"ted with a Xaw Imtz ow to %a Ml- ~erjp Za VhehSm Noftuep 1956m pp SU Tr 57-204 jot 58 A lFrebah Tte,00mique of Ceramic Cuittin, Too2s, by !~Lhluft Md.90-12 UAW 1957) - AM OCL T 213 foci Iftv Feb 62-12193 Hartman ~1. A. GEAR DR lIjES FOR OUTER SPACE. 11961111 p. 1. Harman, M. A. Order from STT 561bo STT-146-305 11. STT-146-305 Ill. SCLENTECH, Scientific Trans. of 14gighiRe Moderne (Franccji 1960 Iv. 541 and Technical Trans- Feb, p. 41-145. lations, Cleveland, Ohio DESCRIPTORS: *Slxllce flight, Space navigation, *Gears. (Engince)-iiig--Aci-i)j)liulicaJ, '17, v. 7, no. 5) 0m.. of T"Wt.i S-ic.s 62-12183 DRILLING, NGLLING TAPE CONTkOL DktV CHANCE. ~ 106113p!~ Order frona ~TT $ 1. 60 Trans. of Machine ~od Dec, p. 24-.-i ---- - ---- . I D BORING UNIT WITH AND AUTOMATIC TOOL 1. STT-122-97 H. SCIENTECH. Scientific and Technical Tranalatione, Cleveland, Ohio STT-122-97 (France) 1960 [v. 54] DESCRIPTORS: *Drilling machines, *Millingmaciiiiws Machines, D~aign. Automation. (Machinery, ~Fabrlcstions and Accessory Equipment, TT, v. 7. no. 6) offi.. f T-W-1 S-i- T~b-' orl~~outents of "Knovler3V of*M-achincry.," by H~ Hid6tadt, 9 pp. UNCLASSEMD. pa, az MA, 1--t6AT 1-93.2-54., 11% U3=,, 2 Jun 1954. 1 Ar 624695 OR P a= sc6 1~:- "ber machinery CIA D-38266 I ludlistriiUzation i8implification and Improve. meat of Mmifacturing MbtJxxb) of Froductop by ma iaill%, ~j 3,0 ppe FRUWHs, D=-.t Lu MacbJ OutU, Francalse,, so 169.9 i9o,I~ pp ACSI 1-09a XD 2191520 16 Apr 6b I Irl La ?ora chine Ott t-il '-L~T,-, n,_- i.-; .:I.lr t L 1,~) ~tihee AiLtambile biduutry in b PI) - I ACSTI 1-14,35 ID 219S5',';',`: vem L, X! 6p '64 Lbittic Compression of a Gas ~Alen It is Sixddenly at a Higb Level, by P. Vernotte FROM!, pair La Machine-Outil Francaise, No lq-~ Dec 1963., IT 79P 61,, 83 - zlis /31'E' Cirk.L/I)c - 102 w SCj. alein Feb 61~ (D0-3269). ER '13oxt- -IftwinS EquIpaut ukd Autmotive ;'T ~60 WdblAes at lqo Haterlel sqr ii'wsi-ou Mondal" 1VA, JM L-2013-D Muctloo machinery ty/ udc; Situaticm in tbe Cworo Ai-c:a- by 0 * B"tionj, 17 19 ~er, as Rmvue do Geo ~963., lip. ucoa 65. 239.,723 ~ 'The Lfrican Labor, 15 pp. - ~ . , iBigration of North J IVIVNiul, per, ~Iaghreb ~~Y-June 1964, po 38- i I 1 1.45. ~;JPFIS~ 28217 1--far See 275,847 of Tamdm In Kmghrlb States,, 19 pp. , 9whisk Paris. Sept-oat 1968, pp 26- "a ~ i ~ I JM 147274 ~ i i AF-Dkoxl~ States i Feb.:69 EkKm : 1 374o486 i i J:11111111114 I 4CO 1 -01) 1: NZU 1 -09 f" V- is, -,?.I; 1.~pjo II(till IIulo qtIrl 1) NOW, U.0 :)I ')Nl)iVlq I'VIfJ (1'1:)IKIOHd SNIS"Ill AO N~jCINJI'lipy Nl--[N fivullo1v pu Icxi.wll:I TW IOWCM# by Uq ftib-9. DW b-%Mmtbd - ~ 19CA, GIVII! bko - 0 kddaw., 145 *,i! T ~' .Magnetism. H!, Bloch WaIls, GOVEIM%*NT US FR'ENCHJ% ~,Pt' j I'Eneraiie ded el Method of Measin-ing the Energy of Ibuis Neel, 7 PP. ONLY gnetisme. Nouvelle Methode de Mesure de larois de Bloch Acudemie des Sciences, .1 16, 1962, pp 289-1-2896. .1243-71. vlmdol~. I wo ~-C_M~ll1 An Emmy on CelemW wid 251,934 t ptic "rr Effect mid the Electron iy~ I Theo~ , of Magnetic Karr Eftict, by W. Voigt. Y, ~O , GE"i, p6i,~ Nhupetp-md Blektrooptik, 19018. Ch. 6 pp 262-298; Ch. 7s pp 2 233480 p AEC tr-~.i�o sci/hlect*ics Aug !66 a 306,324