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62-18314 lTfEl7deT1bfrf OF HLECTROLY71CALLY 1. Sedbtachek TREATED nWZTEN (CWMATION NO. :0 1196216p. Order from SLA St. LO 62-t83t4 Trans. of Metallwerk Plansce Gesettachaft m. b. H.. Retitts, (Ausuia). ItAboratory Expertmatall Rejx- W/94/52. 1 Apr 52. DESCRwroRs: wrungstm MectrolytIc pollshlog. Docality, BriShtness. The use of its electalyze with bd*ftWAg effect, and ON d1rect Current, has demonstrated that an Increase ~74 in dw Actillty of tumpLes shapes can be addeved In the same manner " with dbe use of a sodium nitrate aclution and wM abernsting curreoL Mw Incres a in ductility Is retained after a 15 mism period o( awwUM at ftipraturos up to 13500 C. The sarfact am" d 1"b" &or*" WwaHaw-Noderrou MetalsX, Y. 9, no. 9)(over) I Itet or surtww Tnaums ~Ow the ~Ulllchlllaiaal opertAss ofluapten by No ------------- Omms Pgro pum"dw ra""WUalaw"t Vol To 3.957# Vp 27-32. 59 %='Lum kuoys ProducO PoWer4ktallursicany Acc"diag -Lo the lWrftwtioa lbtbWg 'by R - Xieffsr$ 1. SadU 22 pp. GRAM, port Plauseeberjobta faw ftlyarmtallurgitp Vol va, 90 3, 1957a pp U*-=. MA 39-10780 Sci Noy 59 /C,/, -PY Vol 29 No 3 y Blab V"mm AralbItIft of~.R*&aakw7,.Xwt4ss W. Wirth aMUq perp Dug- vnd RwtUm Vol ol ]b 7/8#19"t pp 219-=4- Efttabor Tr 3687. $4.80 Stli atwultdo SV 56 M (NY-6450) :1 j c, j, B c ot~Acj c c4 3~,Aqg in 11311, Lj., ,imrauvenake 'vj~ liov O.L 62-227,16 i1helm. STANDARDIZATION OF FILLING CAPACITY OF CUr 1. Sedlatschek, W. TX)BACCO. [1962129p. If. K-H4690-b Order from K-11 SM. 35 K-H 6690 b 111. Kresge-Hooker Science Library Associates. Trans. of Fachliche Mittedungen der 6sterruichischen Detrolt, Mich. Tabakregie (Austria) 1957, no. 2, p. 8-21. DURCRIPTORS: 'Tobacco, Cigarettes, *Standards, Proccssing, L (Chemistry- -Analytical, 17. v. 9, no. 2) offl. .1 The Pbwe of the Reflection Coefficient of a Short-Ciroulted Waveguide Containing Ferrite, by 11- 8- Sqdj-r-Uk&ya,, 5 pp. RUSSIANj r.1 Radiotekh i Slaktron., Vol III, No 06, 3-958, PP Q-830- pp Sci - Electron Oct 59 Frcm n ji(vitzer IV Direct Fire, Ify B. sadj---tloldyll .T-Ozf.~" per, VQyvrmyy 'Vestmlk, 14a 2, AGSI 11614-B M 22014 21 A / o 3 -2.- ~ . mill lits IMP, at PAN" $d*G- tV Jg- A* ftft*akt X. V. AOL- 6 W --- MW pw AbmmmW& am%tM lb Zg;. Sp sa Oct 64 i,lountm for NoaxmdM Lm AOUvitimp 1W* K. A. Petmbaks, R. V. ~~Wdyp 4 pp* RUSSM, lmrl priboW i %kh XwWp No 21 196D, P,p 34-37. in Sod Fab 61 /J-V, The Influence or the RMclency of Plasticizers on the Viscosity or Polyvinyl Chloride CouTAmitions, by 31.1. L. Lellclmk, V, 1. NWMls. 1--m-mm"00 RUSSIANt pert Ow Prik Dim., Vol MI, ND 9t 1958t PT 139T-14M - PM RJ-1639 Sol - Chem Xul 59 ?dj Cemps'tibility mVd Volntility'of Plostici2ers, nnd Generol Oonclusim, by %. L, Lellebuk, V, Io s PP - MOUN, per, Zhur PrIk Xhim, Vol XMa, roo 6, 1958, Pp 887-891. conmatnutis BmPu Jun 59 selatlooddp In the Iffbot ~ atz, pl"tlelson an PropwUes-W -PolywisWI CblmiAo. ftrt 3,, by sh. L.:, Ua tdmk,, T. 1. BOWS AMU# pw., Zbw Prik lUmp Vbl,X Mj, No vp Tgo-M. 841 - CNN Assm Toob Sav &T-1459 Apr 59 I NMUN,, pwo Zavadsksom labic VbL M=T ~ No - I - - I 195Ts pp W339. Asm To* 84rw. Rj6IMk a A "m Sol - Cb= Ajpr 59 fj -,j S/ r Water Permeabililty of Plasticized Goepositioup by Sh. t. LelcbukaM V. I. SedII!X 5 0( pp. RMSIAX,, per i nor prik was Vol mme X0 TP 195TO pp emoultants Sci - Chem Oct 38 lom GDVaLdffAbBld2"Q" of: 012 U yLvoln-lum at ~ IF04fvWl by Sh. L4. tal"s Vo L swims WP%Q* I Xbw hU,Xkiuo "I M06 So 3a Iwo pp,miasm am an AN CbaWs in the Liver of %to in Mrmic ftgwoit Poisoning at in Comparison With Liver TL==s Profteod by Butter-YeLlaw, 2. Comparative Studles oa Priwry Liver Tt=zol by H. 0 GMMN., per:' Zentralblatt fuer Veterluarwdizinp vol =~ No 1., 1963: P9 23-26. CSMO/No 6365 -qei-&d oct 63 w0, 0 id The Pros and Cons of the Use of Phosphates in the Manufacture of Sausage) by I Sedl-mlerp. L. Katterp 7 pp. GEMW., per., Vich uud Flelachvirtachafty Vol I~ No 22., 195'.. pp 9-U. su 6o-10143 sci .Tun 6o //Z, The Manuw=e of Agent (Vitmiu)T Feed Utu*tiou Graft of Chicks, by N. SadjUlto Pe IRA Yj,200 Sai Apr 6o Vol M o No 3 On.Certain Shortcomlin of 2renchleas Laying of ., Tabes by Pt=turlng MetW) by G. A. Segagb". M. Fridmm. MMUN, pers MmtazbnM i SpetelaUziro- VWMM Robot v stroltelletvV., No 101 1960) Pp T-9. uml, Pt Bolvoir T-Im sci - RM Jul 61 a3VUt*l1J4tt WSO Of -LA 4 26 pee CZL"S,o k,4-v,* AutL"~Mp VIDI so Ao 20 o4; 47,p eA/ b WSW (DC-59651 Survey of Computers, by Jan Sedlak, Menek Sedmidubsky, 4 Pp- vF'--/c--4L CZECH, R per, Autamatizace) Vol NO 3, 1963- , p 9,,,-. im n236 Mr - Czechoslovakia 174, q.~ Econ r-ec 61 Dc.6 Yams The Flue of MW People 1e In AVelculturis, by Danlql Sed*,, 5 PP. cmx,p per, Pradvo,, ft 36,v Rmusimat, Sep 1"S; pp 21, 22e 98 "/W-L-1317 saw - 0296h Xm - Agrimatwe Doc 58 Fifth Meeting on 8 February 1956,, Chairman Leonoid Sedov, 1 pp AF 10570). ft---*Mo GWAN, per, Mittelluugen A= Den Yoracbmsubstitu ?Var ftyeik Ur StrahUmtriabe E. V... Sep 1956., p 277- ATIC F-a-9125/V Oct 57 The Orbits of Cosmiz Rockets Towards the Moon, by Leonid I. S 18 pp. RUSSLUT Amer Rocket Soc per copy from Biacans 20 Nov 59 49rwwmwlp.,&" ~,4j IW:16. M AIIAW, 80ENNI%i wft!M am lb ~ m Is4m ~ L, m I sdm.cbm JW69 1- :1 . li I 39% Im 44W,:~ ", ~ M4% Iwdmtod plastics based an f1broglass. 11 Effect Of MMOmr G=Agnt Ou ths PnPWUOB of muturated palyester romins and of ftbrsdUao p3asties Ath a po3yester bindar,, bCr P. L Up Z. V, Xftailoft and Le No ~~# ]b a jp ROSSM, per,, Nuwp lb as Wof pp* 7-16 SOL &v 63 340.z..) 312. Synthesis and Investigation of PoIr-3., 3'!.1 djetVimdde, by 0. Ya. F*dotm.. X. A. Askrirov L. It. Sedgy 4 R=IM,t pwp Zbw Obohch Xhimp Vol XV No 3# 19589 PP 775-T78- Consultants ftmu Sci - Cbm MY 59 Protective Reinforced Concrete She2-ls It in Hydro- technic Constructions, by M. P. g!dovj 71 PP. RUSSIAN, bk, Zashchitnye Zhelezobetonnye Obolochki v. Gidrotekhnicheskom Stroitellstve., 1958, 9067316 oTs 61-31o64 FL-48o USSR Econ oct 62 PST 5,)4 214,836 61-31064 hi. P. PROTECTIVE REINFORCED CONCRETE SHELLS IN 1. Seduv, M. P. YFYDROTECIINIC CONSTRucTIONS, tr. by It. IIL-480 lot (61-31054) M. Caspary. 196'_1 71p. 23 refs. PL-490 Int. M. National Science Order from OTS $0.75 61-31064 Found3tion, Washington, D. C. 1'rans. of monk). Zashchitriye Zhelezobetonnye Obolochki v Gidrotekhnicheskom Stroitel'SEVe, Moscow/Leningrad, 1958, 1961p. DFSCRIPJ'ORS: *Reinforced concrete, *Structural shells, Concreic, Construction, Stru.7tures, Storage, Design, Construciion materials industry, Hydro- electric power sysacnis. C'2 1212 7 5 4 This twk sunimarizes exparience in the erection of hydrotechiic structures with applied protective shells. Tc,chnuiogicai problems in the manufacture of precast unit-, for protoctivo, rhells in specialized plants are dvalt with in d_!tail. Storage, J---sign, and erection offi" f 7-h.1 CA 3_1C.. (Engineering--Civil, TT, v. 8, no. 6) (over)i Electron-Optical Measurements of Electric and Dhgnetic Microfields on Surfaces, by N. R. Sedov, G. V. EM Spivak, et al,, 5 PI). RUSSIAN, per., Iz Ak Nauk SSSR., Ser Fiz, Vol M, No 6, ig6i) PP 725-729. CTT Sci jui 62 P-05,366 Bleetm-sOU4 BtWW of Owandva md SIUCM P-n MOUMOO lw No X. 42kvo a- To M4"lk TWO is At ft* op# swip Put Vol =it No no i0io"Pi 476 mV 63 m Eleatron-optical Cont-rast '-,a Observation of Patch Fields on Emitters, by Go Vo Spivaka I. Ac Pryamkova, H. Ka Sedov, 8 pp. RUSSIM11, par, Iz Ak Rauk SSSR, Ser Piz, Vol XXIVq No 6, 1960, pp 640448. OTT Soi 21 o" Aug 61 Uovelopsout of an Imago of Arbitrary Maguetic Microflolds In an slectroft mirror Hic"Scopo, by N. B. Sedov. RUSSIAN,.per, 1xv AN SSSRp Sor Pit, Vol 32, No 60 1968, pp 5-101S. (80)-69-84-RULL - MIT/Lin Lob Available from KTC m. H. S June 69 343,198 Observation of Ferrompetic Domain Structam Weens of Photoelectrous., by G. V. Spivaki T. No brovskaya.. N. N.% p 4 ppe, SIM, thrice-mo per,, Dok Ak Vauk S=j Vol CXUI, 1j, 1957) pp 78-81. Amer lut of Pbys Sov Pbys-Dokludy Vol II, No 2 1.1-** 0% Sci - Physics Feb 19 5% 1. The=al Masociation of AMMIUM Sulfatol by Z. P. Rozenloop, N. V. Sedors 1T PP. MSTANj, per., &= Neorpa Vol n, So U) 195Tj pp 2543-2552. Am-tir-4061 PLJM scl /3 r~3 Y~C jun 61 PsT 88 On the Training of Driver-FAchanles, by ,I General V. Sedov, 5 Pp, RUSSMW. per. Vaywzyy Vestnik, No l1,- 1962,. AM I-V+24-1 ID Z19WO set Apr 63 0 77 2q 3 r,roblems in ;~eonccdcs of cmtput liuality, by D, Llvov, V, Sadov, 10 pp. U~.- Omni ~ -, lsvtn., pert PAQ:~-~v Mo3cow, August 1960j, PD- 42-40p, T!13SV' con 36 Ot U o c t 6,~ V. V., Nowskays. 0. P., Ordw" N. I.. 'i_ffRs9deI'tmvs4. Ya. B. I. Two: low be4d EvALjjA,noN OF, NEW SOVIET PREPARAma" OF 1. sodw, V.V. BENGAL ROSE (RESULTS OP AN EXPERIMENTAL im - Nowakays. 0. P. STUDY IN NORMAL C0N=ONS AND IN RAMA- M. Ontako. N. 1. TION SICKNESS). ~ 119631 It 1p) 22rds FASU TV mawd%m*# ye. 1. Manuscript no.: S S6-3. V: FASEB-S-36-3 Order from OTS, SLA, arEMS1.60 Tr41-24W vi. radenuaia of Amorlm Trans. of Moftolusksys Ra;ljolcoya (USSR) 1962, I omostal 51'*V. v. 7. no. 10. p. 15-2t. (Abstract available) wimmmitim. 1). C. V0. Scripm Tecinks, im, DESCRIPTORS' NUCIVC81 Milo. gRadlisdam sidams, W"mostak, D.C. 0'rracar studies, Labeled owbounces, GUm tmwdm tons, rho ww Sadet propradonaf Bowl rm is "Jaw"Ir mccumulAted in the liver. Tim amm d dw rsa&. zed" of the liver of bulthy aniumils an mimilar is ' @mpg but @bow oartab ; pd differ" m is 0* em" 0 yedn" omm" (BiolVaLl Scisoces--Radiobiclop. Tr, v. 11, so. 6) The Fate of Orally Administered Shigella Antigen Labelled With 1311) by V. V. Grechko, T. S. Sedova, 7 P.P- RUSSIAN, per, Zhur Mikrobiol, Epidemiol N i Immunobiol, Vol XXXI., Ito 11, 1960) PP 117-122. ?p Sci may 62 195,14o G. V, Go'lrvbnikuv~ B. H. Dolpv,. V. F. Soday - -~ql (~ 1 p..!r, 2hur Ubckai Xh~W , Vol Mg., No 'I-0, !,160, ~n-o ~i352-3357. 71,' (Nr-=) ProapeaU for *e D&"aqPMt Of ftilrftd TIWIGMt,p by Ve Zo BMWs 3.0 pp, RMSDJJ, rr, :2,61 it Noll, ~Wuwwl nv=pwts 1961, pp 16-ao. am l3a3 um zom At-41 1)7 4r 6e The Change of Atomic MagrAt4a Moments in Parromagnstic Metals uWar OldnetatIc CM- pmssions tv Ha. Kondorwri V.L. Sedovi. 5 R'USSIAV# perp nM,HksperA Toorst Fix,* Vol XLXMI~ No 3,,. 1960p PP 773-7?9o Alp sov ~ Pbys - J M? Vol Mt No 3 sci NOV 60 A mobat em 90&b* modowdur I ;: I DPW"# 1w T* IL ftowe MOSS116. 1 MIS: ~m ml ~ WM %A Ift lb 50 ~ 4% It' agagv=.% *b an vat 96 lb 6# IW V.A)- Seclo\j No 69 maw Compamtivo Analysis of Coda Omtrol Systus for Ballm Foulto and LUht 8163ales, b;r V. N.. Stdov. %Wftmwmm~~ MWIU., per, Sb=M Liu2upvA Ord*= IAM:LVR InSt IrAboverovI Zbelenodmebop Tra=porta -iwtd Ak S. Obrut3mp 19FAt Val =i pp 301-mt, CO-OP Mr Bch Sr 393 um low 57 jm~ 417 47, too IL A TOW-M~Iawl NOW of a SmInda Vwqpid*,Wi+.h son Dow6irl"I by L W. ktmws V. V. lhomhowso I . V. V. Bedows 3,vp. Z~. - s, . Is A S" 8=9 Sw Godbo ft U) iwp,pp ift-ift. AW M Ar/. //v ;o MV 6L - ~. 11-1- The First AU-Mion Comforouce an Medical Radiolqwo by V. V. WOTL 4 pp 0 1 Fm tr i k I R=VJ# pwv AUmop amops Ito 2s W6j p go. /// .1-7& Consultants Bureau Bel - Nolor pbpu* Doc 56 CS IIC go W4 at ssfism" tan **W 06 w IXO op tw V, sow* W* 04 vigAmmow I ftlotwo sat Dotemdnation of tho st, neth of A.001 A. 66110r y Stools, bi me RUSSIATIO Pori I V0,1 11., Irto 7s HB 753" 353002 son 69 Tnte%%-ftWlch YbdAas Of Beacaude 6 A, A. SO&TA wo TV lt4 swh*%WANM PPV per, MWERMS i at= .odY, lb 4t JWL-Mg 196b@ ppt JM '360M u Wrl I oat 66 3139435 bodies of L Or4,o~ ja tuc a", r- ort~foy&, Ot 'A. I I I ~ i ~-i4tv-k. Fix. IlYCAUNI. "lata. -.1% -34 I C Pl. L1 JA DistribuUm of AlWiss In 144essic F*IdsW La lGraMtelds :of Diffeima CavAtic 1"6s v -by 1, S. sedOV16 MSIANs, per,, Dok Ak X*4 !M Vol 187,, ft 2a 19691, pp 4034s. AGI -f . '-s , :~; 4,1- d, C, V 0 Nay 70 40fix?" Crystallization Stagos and Compsition of Potassle Feldsrar In Granitoids, by 1, S, Sedov&, RUSSIA141, per,, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 1850 No 1, 1969, mu 178-280. AG I -f , 'S Z, . S e 4 0 v f4 Jon 70 3999998 Kinetice of the WAUtion of Mane In Presence of Ardrocen Bromide$ by M. 7. Sedow N H.- Fwnuel., 10 pp. === MSW.. w pw,. Iz Ak MuA. Ouiel Milm Nauk No 69 1956,p pp 658:Sd BMMOU Sci - Mwista7 4#j /ijr Feb 57 CTS The Preparation and Rropertioa of the I13l.Antigen of Dyseutery Bacteria., by V. V. arechko, T, S. Z.JQX& 7 PP - RUSSIAN, per, Bickhim, Vol XXIV) No 5) 1959, pp 858-865. Consultants Bureau Sci jun 6o I/ 7j WT The Emet of y4miatim an tu Mftvwpuic PraperUss of 26ateria ar the Matestimd Oroup, by No A. TWSOPMO A. P- - -liabehmp To 8- ft4aft MUtOt porl OW KUZ*blol BOA40W i UUMOblols Vol M=# No 4. 190j, pp 3-10. Gai - Ned rob 59 O=mdc bumlatim.Naborldle In the We& Cwrmt MACtrica bonbmdm for Vo 2MIcas by Jurej ,4-dgytgj A W. a i --- Vol Mr.. ]b B., 1950., pp MZ- - Adw MMA R-".i &d - lQP* M*CtrJAdiW 1,~4V Apr 63L 'I RoOf Planing on a Water Btwftosj, bw L. 1. 1sedw, 26 pp. VAKOW11, PW# W. F-S Ib %-50 Isko. SIA 040 Sol A,qg 59 9,T, Z ~,/ TT-6"3954 Field 20H Sedrakyan, D. M. STWYINO A CHARGED PARTICLE, INTERSECTING A METAL SCREEN. 28 May 65. 13p, 7refs. PM-TT-45-117-. AD-Ul 054. Order from CFSTI, SLA. or ETC: HC$1.00. MF$0.50 u AD-01 064 Upedited rough dr&ft trine. of AkadevAp Nauk Armysawwl SSR. Erevaz6 Izvestiya. Serlya Pisiko-Matemati beskikh Nauk. 07 n1 p113-211964. TT-65-63954 Field 20H SedzAju. D. M. STUDYING A CHARGED PARTICLE. INTERSECTING A METAL SCREEN. 28 May 65, 13p, 7refs. FTD-TT-65-117. AD-621 054. Order h= CFST4 SLA, or ETC: HC$1.000 MF$O.W to AD-622 054 1. Forelp Teeboolop Div.. Wright-Paderson AFS, Ohio Unedited rougb draft tr=s. of Akademlys Nauk Artayanskol SSR, ErevaA. Isvestlyn. Serlym Fizilw-Matamatf sk" Nauk. Yll al p113-21 IM. ,Ae~3yini-. It Ak U" Ar-IsSi-4 pp "Ci Before our Flotere Take Off I by mlsn.!~ 5 py. CZ=., per, Caskoslamsis Anw&p No 5s 1957., , pp S., 9s DWI to n 1354-57o APOIN-Ml. Ar 109W MIur - Czechoslovakia -~Z t 9/ _q mil Jun 57 a* FAma alat"tus or In alrilme awbritAss, l%ww K. mwWas CL Cl. So&do !a P. PWI UUA*WGUM bM�dAM2 Vbl X4 1%3# go ^ IV T3-al- WN it- A-Im 6'a, S,do; ic, a 67 317s 526 Csicastion of SOntial stmomm Dn*ing Metal Cdttin, ii-L. Seddw. - - - . . ~- amm, p"', XM%lys rjssx= Ymemm Zavedeniii X :. vol - io j, 1963 2 cm/ t-, Soj6KOL) sci - Aug 67 335-441 calaaation, of Taosentla Stnom During NOUI Cutting., by L. Bodokm. I tiaTnega M!M &_msdanU..)bAh- , , Gums Ims t inostroeik--~.- No 10s 1903P PP 21b"w3- ~ - 's 60ro L) sci - Aug 67 335A8 Dsn 339ever Sai - sw. mobinlas Jftr 59 V., 0:2 110 now W 1 Radiation Safety on Atomic Flames by A, Qedov,, 4 pp. tmLAsS7pZM GIMNI VeTs FlUP1 der Usimt, No 2j, loo PP 7* 8,9 EUCI to IR-1498-58# AYCIK-lAl. A? W3967 Sci - Nuclear Pbys Aug 58 Wbat Are'the Dwasm of T"tlM NwIsar Weagoot, bX_A. Sodays , ..I . Ve RUNUM,ol bko Atmap Surgip 1 12o%# Msaovj, W" Mary ftblUMM Bou"t IMs W 13k-146. am 3m USSR -43 mar 60 Protactir-n iu At=ic Lt Col; Apu~VeTM~! T-1 ova- A 2c Ot-t 1057. Tr 1591/osi lo6 -T'R - Swaq N4 1 j;au 5n a TO RAISE THE TECHNICAL STANDARD OF THERMOELECTRIC POWER STATION CONSTRUCTION) BY A. A. SEDOV) 5 PP. RUSSIAN) PER, PROM STROITEL, No 4, 1962) PP 2) 3. JPRS 1552 USSR ECON OCT 62 212,924 JY s=e pftwAw in NNUM, stmftaut DWIW, 9*~, Owaval KUwtric Pover MU=s v by A. A. Oeftws 12 pp. RUBBIO,p gwo SWAP Strawletm So 5s 1959,0 pp 6-11. USE Rom - amtruatlm so- Similarity and Dimensional Nwthbda in *ehanics,:,by A. -I. Sed ov. V RMIAN, bk., 1957, Metody Podobiya i Razmernosti v Mekhanike. Infoseareh Ltd. 242 KUeoden Lane Imam., I.W.10. Apr 59 (Nr-5wm) SPectrm ~ AnLI4%er for the 20-IM ma/B amps by V. A.: Vestum., A. P. ftdcwp 4 pp. RWUM,v 1 pwi, In Vynhft Mob Smods, M smil Hm4aWft* 'Vbl Ms, So I., 29(0j, pp JAGdAt Ug-la. JMM8 sai / X/W/ / '?, ~ -j Apr 61 aff'~~Cv, of tho %f=.jt!t-.j of t1w B3,11imtors and c'? F011ell AiXtUM,.3 On VP-riOUS PhY310109iCal PVOCCOSaS in r ,~Pplo zeedllmw, 3 i-,y 4'.. AWSLNX, per, Fiz Rasttaly" Vol vp S021 146, pp 193-195. Pmer lost of Biol Sai Jul 59 Prectiua Aerodynnics fbr the Mato 5. Speed and Altitude: by Go A. SadM. .8.-P. ROMM.p per, Vast Yoe. not,, No 8j. 1959s YPO-636 653797 ftl Apr 60