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Sr,eC4f-Cj~~ - ll~ 0 f t C 1, O)j 0 C t~ 7, - 0 epni:c ed r o c r o c c, c ~lu r, e RUSSIZ'11N. Der. Dok ic 1,,, p uS, S S -5 o c r, ei Voi ing o c t C, lb e " 17 1 c B 72 y .1P i t o-` 1/+ ('10 by 11'solpi'led lln'.Ju 2 c s lues Y. e t 11 C'V 7-SS I`," n e 2.2k A Npul- SSSR, -;'o 12 Octonor q,71 3-1 R 17c -~,- 7 2 ~,f the 0' a C', r 17"-..lo s o a Z 0 11-1 1 a 'n F H 1 RUSS T~. -,er, S .0 Ic,' T r)k !,.I- uk IA Vol. 2 ;l) c! o 1) e r 7 7n Po t at -'q I ex I i Ib e, t I I RUSS T A'.,, i-'er Dok A k %in 'uk 3SSR i 0 C I ien Uol 2001 o 0', October 1 ~1`71 4.70-1 4'~ 2 kl; t, r u , ", -~:r f -D A o a c h a i e e-, l7ro.,: the f S' c h er qh 1 .1 3 0 C, o 1 0 Zffect of Damage to the Root Meristem on Seed Recerve Mobilizations by A. A. Peshkova. HUSSIAN9 perp ka"4 JaILMR.-gPt Scisp Vc1 200, No 6, Oc"Ijober 19710 pp 1476-1478. CB June 72 li o ro r, r- 11 ~,,.L- f e c t o a P at- e olf V i ',-, ee i) o ss and Fecu.-dit,,y of Tilar)la 1 11 Peters, !,~. N. C~isuova. R I per, Ak i-~nul: 1 S C RussiANP -.L- Vol Ccto'ce-r Ffil p', 1,.a 4. U1, ,It-'021 of ti2e I - u ~ Pro i ect.-I oils af, the visi.1al C, c) r -,;, e by I t a, - i I u rva Lv rIc !~~ajv 7 2 infl-uence of intermedi;, u a elect-i-Ic Activity of Certua*L.-, ~,-uclai ,~f the e - r of tlhi~: 111,04 S 17-1 .~t, "0 Vol 2"0. c PR I%ay- Influence of Various Diets on the Absorption in the Intestine of Free Glucose and Glucose Formed in the Meribrane Hydrolysis of Ma.1tose and Starch, by Ye. Ye. Nurks. RUSSIANS per., Dok Ak Hauk SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 200, No 6, Oct 197i, Pp 179-0-Mg-P. CB MaY 72 S ta b i I --'. t -Y o f a 11' omi -) g a -, en I:- , H a " I. c a I"' ~.! 9" b o u t a 1-11 o t' s- t, i o n a 1, S 6 If - 7'x c i -u a ", 10 1 by T,. AlelKseeva. r RU IQ, S 1,11 per , Do k "Nrui- SSSP~ ~ Sc v Vol 2.01 -,~o 1 Al, Tr,,- of FhY,- v T I Y ay e e r n vj~ A L, U. 10 and the D11--CuF.4-Ion, Coe,Lf -y-, L it IT s s IL A I.', qSSR 112'riv Vol ~201 -7 -1 0 v eI a inq' of Th :-q vol y el a iii "an I Diotancfa~5 F, Q T 0 vcl. v o 1-.. e r , --r J- - - ~. S.1., ~ c-, -. -f 11) 1 o n, T , ~~ 1 ~ L, -, I C; . , by 'U', ' . i~ E ~.-- --- I - U Q T Z J ,s V 1. C- c n 7TSS New Data on the Black Sea Basin Anomalous Mtgnetic Field, by Ya. P. Malovitskiy, 5 Pp. RUSSIAN, per, Doklad-'r Akademii NTauk SSSR, Moscow, Vol 201, NO P 72-7, 1971. PI Rs 51L937 Feb 72 Magnetic Pluxes in the Tail of the Magnetosphere During Different Substorm Phases, by Ya. 1, Felidshteyn, 6 -op. RUSSIAN, per, Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSIR, Moscow, Vol 2017 -No 1, 1971, pp b2-b5,- JPRs 54938 Feb 72 ic"ening U f ect of the Contintnts Datar.0jd)jrr 130topic compoldtion of Atmospher-10 ;Oistra-e, bj V. liql. 6pyisr, V. V. R'Ormov" 7 pp. per& Lo~4~ A 1-ii 61 icof'12ika, vioscow, 2 w. vk -0 1, 1972., PP 7E--01. Jan 72 Optimum Bond Snergies Between the Catalyst and the Roactants a-ad Products of a Catalytic Reaction, by G, K. Boremkove RUSSIAN, per; R2j_Aj_2A - WE WM., Vol 201, No 1, Novembi*r 1971, pp 126-129 CB June 72 Reasons for Polymer-Polymer Adhesion, by S. S. Voyutakii. RUSSIANp per, I gauk U24-Ma 2"a .. Vol 201, No 1, November 1971, pp 130-132 CB June 72 Formation and Conversion of Radicalx in Glucose Polymers on Radiolysim, by S. 1. Goi'din. RUSSIANt p,&r, 22k_j,.k_ Ilk .~02. &I Chem. , Vol 201 , No 1 , November 1971 p PP 133-136 CB June 72 Magnetic Screening of F19 Nuclei in Tetrahedral and Octahedral Fluorides of Non Transition Slamentat by M. M. Gafman. RUSKIN, parp Pok Ik Na]A �55R, PhIL Ghem., Vol 201, No 1, November 1971, pp 13?-140 OB Juno 72 I Study of the Doformation Mechanism of Polypyromallitimide by the Thermodynamic Mothod, by E. G. Lu.-le. RUSSIIN, per, Ak H-rji4k - . E411 , -, ~~ SR J"a.t Vol 201, No 1, I'lovomber 1971, PP 141-143 OB June 72 Flame Propagation Through a Sun- Pention in a Gas2 by 8. N. RujAanov. RUOSSIANp per2 Dok Ik Nauk Sm. Phyx 111-0m-.1 Vol 201t No 11 Noverabor 1971, pp 144-147 OB June 72 Potential Dependence of Idsorption Psoudocapacitance in the Came 'Whore the Temkin Inotherm Applies, by A. I. Sotnikov. RUSSIIN, per, & gal" 5R. Ebro JILU.9 Vol 201, No 1, November 1971, PP 148-150 OB June 72 Now Method for the Preparation of .Aluminomagnesia Spimal and its Application in the Technology of Refractory Oxide Materials, by G. V. Kukolev, RUSSIAN, per, Ppk Ak Hauk 56Q2 Obell Tjoba, Vol 201, No 1, 19710 pp 151-154. CD June 72 Detection of Specific Aroas in Heterochromatin by Means of Sarcolysin-Acridine, by N6 S, Badaev, RUSSIAN., per, "I'll", --- k WE. giol 921. Vol 201, No 1. November 1971p pp 213-06* GB June 72 Histochemie,al Analysis of the Glycogen Distribution -A'.n the Frog Retina, by 1. L. Shabadash. RUSSIAN, per, Halak UPRI BL21 A21. Vol 201, No 1, Novomber 1971, pp 217-219, CB June 72 Reconstruction of the Autonomous Genetic and Protein-Synthesizing System From Virus RNA and Isolated Mitoohondriap by V, S, Gaitekhokie - RUSSIAN, per, Pok Ak jjUk P�SR._jL2L."(, 0.0 Vol 201, No 1, November 1971. pp 220-223- CB june 72 Structural Ilterations in the Active Center of -Chymotrypsin, by G. L4 Grigoryan. RUSSIXE, perp R2k.& a. DIORLYPI.? Vol 201, No 1, November , 11 pp 224-226, CD July 72 Oxidation-Redu3tion States of Rat Nerve Tisaue in Situp by V. N, Karnaukhov, RUSSIAN, per, Pok Ak jAg~t &L. ~Io 4". , , Val 210, No 1, November 1971, pp 227-229, /w' B July 72 Dark Transformations of Figreato of Postatiolated Leavee After Dij'ferent Periods of Illumination~ by IL, Bo Rudoi, RUSSIANt per# Pok Ak SS~Aj gigDhyso Vol 201, No 1. November 1971, pp 230-233, CB July 72 Localization of Mothylatable Adanine in the Folywwleotuida Ohains of the DNA of DO Phaes and of its Host C911 Eacherichia coli 09 by B. F. Vanyushin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok ?~k Vol 201, No 1, pp 234-1"J7 OB Juno 72 Phospholipid Metabolism of the Brain of Dogs (Arteriovenous Differenca) in Inmulin Hypoglycomia, by K. G. Karagozyan. RUSSIAN, parp Dok_lk.Nluk_SSSR, Diochem., Vol 201, No 1, November 1971, pp 238-241 CB June 72 SeParation of ITPance aad Rhodopoin of the Outar Layers of the Retina, by R. N. Etingof. RUSSIjNq per, Dok jk Sailk SUaL.- '02helmm.- Vol 201, No 19 November 1971, pp 242-245 CB June 72 Number of Adventitious Roots In the Structure of Meadow Ph.-tooenosivp by T. 1, Rabotnove RUSSIANq per, Rok &X Vol 201, No 1, November 1971p pp 246-249. CB June 72 Influence of Drought in Modifying the Soluble Proteins in Wheat Leaves, by T. V. OleinikoyaQ RUSSIANp perp Pok Ak Ha" k~gA. &2j_jgj.p Vol 201, No 1. 19710 pp 250-12152. CB June 72 Trace Phenciena In the Brain ir. Re- lation to Short-Term Hemory, by L. G. Voronin, RUSSIAN, per,, . asaaft giaL=,P Vol 201, No Is Noveaber 1971, pp 253-256. CB v'P,5 d~ro 41'? ~f "~ Ju,,2e 72 .- ogram Absorption in Diffemitial. Garies, by i r N - N. 12rasovskiy, 5 PPo . ~~ ~S- Hoscow, RU";SL41,4, per, Vol 201, No 2, 10/71, pp 270-272. JPIW 55366 I'Ar '?Z S~)-Ft, e-'s - 7 l 1, V V V el ss Il . : I LT, 7, 2 of T-arbulc,,ce I'i'lith Aialsot-ro'illv- a Vortex Clhraracterp by Yu. A,-~ Per. Dok -"k -V Vol 2,01 2 a~oveml-er lc)7'1 p 1)1-; F",Iyq Vol 1"', lic! I't 11"'o? '12 etlh,,)~ of I 1-o I u o &,, en, eoulm., "I one s f c Sol U-: 4 0,1 of c- n 1 i n e a r I'd I t i d' e,.,,: O.,na Problezn~ of ',,ass Trarsrort- in bi V, 74, Drjn-il.ov,; RUSSTA-i", DOk "J": 11'riAl., SSSR. ")v Vol. 201 ii~; 2, jovembc-r 1~-)71 , 1)-:~ I~Iu, "not of PILYS 1 (-~ 7 1~ V 01 1 11 ~ M P- y 7. ~ I'la y 7 2 Iransport Proce8ses i-ii Ghei~al.callv Reacti-nE :],. V" "I'Le"Irseev. RUSSIM,i,', pe-r, Dolc ~lk Naul: SSSP. Sov ---j -4.6. 1. PC 1 , 14, o 2 1 ber of Phys 16, ~qc !I, J"lay Y 1-1 -, j 4, e, ),,. D~ (, ~, o,- 2 '~.: I -. - , . SiJect'llal of a -"y v L- ;~ c i. liatural litbratio~is of a Shell oi` iltevo- lutiol-"~ by A. G, ltslpntyan. P,Uss IPT, , Pei, ; Lok '(k k Scy Vcl 2-01, 41~'o 2', 1-Invember 10,71 300-'10,3. Aw Inst of Phys Vol 1 '1"o 11 , 1'lav I 7 Parni~aet-l,--'.c icatlon of Stan6iiiL, ~,Pvns In Fluids, by Z. "I . Go! Idberg. jl'k '4alik S'S'91~ ..So-'.' `~-hv'p. Vol 201, Jo 2, Novewber 1971 -a ~ i. I 's c) h y s L V o 116, 'N'o 11, rs J, S Yi,,LP'U 0c B (3ha vi or of the Shadow Zone for a on a Convex Cylinder, R u 0 1 US S '41 D ok Ak S SS,-, Vol 20". , 2) Nove'.-aber AM In's-15 0 1 t7, r~ 71 V IS ffec-b cf DirectiDlaal Growti, on 'u 2, ec I-.. F. U S S !A 'Dn Aj~ S S ST o1 2 0 o v e lJo c-, 31 ' L Ll I ns ci Witi. L C'~, C o r ap ~ - b Tp 7" ev U TA C!,C,QD Vol 2-01 , Ph v 0 1 1 C, `7 u I, r G 1,4 t d Pl as tic RUSS ;,i,~ S S S 'St F h r, 201, 2, ir VC! 2 f v aa-, ui c n . 1.~Isls a D p o1 a Slit, 1,-.r 11A e _,ra ,jUC Or nc, y S l'i , per, 2A- ~lk !E ii k S) S T-) v V 201 h er I C/' 7 1 3 2, A', I:i t o f 'r-'h y s 1.7 V 0.1 ~* 11) 7 2 -kid -I-cu: 1, en ljo,- r~ es coomnan- ayer c .3. V0 -Phyo. o 0 v e n 1" e 1. Ali T~,-_,t V cl ~a i 19 Vacancy Formation in Filamentary Coppsr Crystals, by B. S. Bokshts-in. RUSSIA14, port DaLlk--Na MR, ghxf Chsm., Vol 201, No 2, Novomber 1971, pp 375-378 CB June 72 An Infrared Spactroocopic Study of the Chemisorption of Butenes on Cuprous Oxide Catal-xtj by of S. V. Gerei. RUSSIXN, pers k2jL_T"mj& SSSR. Ehyp ".) Vol 201f No 2, Nov*mber 1971, pp 3797382 CB JUDO 72 Theory of the Motion of Moderately Large Volatile larovol Parti.-lcs in Inhomogansous Gaaes, by B. V.,Xeryagin. RUSSIAN, pAr, awLA"auk SSSR. Phu JW.f Vol 201t No 21 Novomber 1971t pp 383-385 CB June 72 Now Method of Deteraininiag the Coefficient of internal Diffugion in an 11doorbent Granule Taking Into Account the Form. of the Idsorption Isotherm, by P. P. zolotarev. _h bxt RUSSIAN) parg k2k_jL 4-aS0'U.W- QW., Vol 201, No 2, Novembor 1971, pp 386-388 OB June 72 Triplet-Tripldt Absorption Spectrum of Phenanthrone In the UV ROgiOn- De'~ermination of the ExtinctiOn Coefficient of the Triplet-Triplat 1boorptionp by Yu. I. Kiryukhin. RUSSIAN, per, P2k_L"jUS$R. FLYN Q11., Vol 2010 No 2, November 1971, pp 389-392 CB Jan@ 72 N14 and C135 HQR Spectra in 1mides of Pentayaleat Phoaphorouz Acids,, by D. Ya. Osokin. RUSSIAN, per, Dqk g"e ., Vol 201, No 2, November 19711, PP 393-395 CB June 72 The Electronic Mechanism of Alkali P.-Omotion in Catalyzad Ammonia Synthesim, by L. 1. Rudnitskii. RTISSI7N, per, ph I WM.j Vol 201t No 29 November 1971, PP 396-399 OB June 72 Application of the Cluster Modol to Describe the Composition-Property Relation in Binary Liquid Metal Systems, by B. 1. Bergin. RUSSIAN,, per# 2 "a., Vol 201, No 2~ November 1971p Pp 400-403 CD June 72 GatAlytuie 10tivity of Nickelp Purified in Ultrahigh Vacuum, by M. S. Kharson. RUSSIINv perp 2ok Ik HAgX a�aRj Ph.Xg Qsm., Vol 201, No 2, Novemb*r 1971p pp 404-407 CB June 72 v Deoxidation of Low-Carbon Steel During Ladle Vacuum Frocavoing) by L, Mo Novike RUSSIAN, per, P Chem Tech., Vol 2010 No 29 1971s :~%P 408-4100 CB I June 72 Tha Iffect of Pressure and Tomporature on Some Type IIBII'02V' Compounds, by S, V. Popov&, RUSSIAN, perp &WL"_HAgk P5SRy Cbes legh., Vc.1 201p No 2, 19?lx pp 411-414- OB June 72 The Effect of Chemisorption on tht Strength of Dispersed Forour Structures of Catalysts# b'y S, F. Sladallts6va. RUSSIAN, per, Vol 201, No 2, '1971p PP 415-418. CB June 72 L. F. BORISENKO Gold Content in Ultrabasites in Gusevogorsk Massif ~Urals) AK-ADEMIYA NAITK SSSR. DOIKLADY, Vol 201, No 2, pp 450- 452, 1971, NRC C-11800. Mar 73 Time Sequence Of Zvents in Hepatocytee of the Irradiated ani 1jairradiated Regenerating Liverp by 1. B. Tokin, RUSSIANj, perp SSR. Biol- ~ I Vol 2010 No 2. November 1971. pp 465-468: CE 4 Jun e 7 2 .m'P eet of Differential Coiling on Liaear W and Relative Paremeters oe Chromosomesp by A* B. Iordanskii, RUSSIAN, per, ok Ik Hallk SsUs D121 51 - Vol 2011, No 2, KovembGr 1971, pp 469-472. CB June 72 Now Cobalt-Induced Puffs and the Effect of Cobalt on 'Enzyme&, by 1e A* Rapoport* RUSSIAN, perp Lk Auk UaRa-U-01 ~rai.f Vol 201, No 2t November '1971, pp 473-4716. CB June 72 Combined -&feet of Histoneo and the Antibacterial Igent Tubazide in Vitro and in Vivo, by I, F9 Ashmarin, RUSSIANS per, pQk Ak sau 5~aRj b121 SQJOO Vol 201, No 2p November 1971, pp 477-479. CB June 72 Special Mechanism of Water DecOmPOsitft-,a and Conversion of Algal Photoreduction to Photcsynthssis at Long Uavelengthep by V, K. Kutyurin, RUSSIAN, per, Pok Ik jauk Uh. glopby-2- Vol 201~ No 2, Ncvamber 1971, PP 480-482, OB July 72 Isolation of Coronary Dilating Hormones From Neurosecretory Granulel, by 1. .1. Galoyan. RUSSIANp por) Dok Ak -Nauk USA, giuka. Vol 201p No 2, Rovember 1971, pp 483-485 CB June 72 Role of Phompholipido in Activation and Retardation of Blood Clotting, Ly K. G. Karagezyan. RUSSI.XN, per, 22&_jL_hU U02"Inof Vol 201, No 2, November 1971, pp 486-489 CB June 72 Cytoplasmic Precursors of Poly- ribosomss, by V. L. Leitin. RUSSIAN, per, a9k, &k gAqk SSSR. Diogh2m.) Vol 201, No 2t Novembe:., 1971, pp 490-493 CB June 72 Certain Features of the Violaxanthin Deepoxidation Reaction, by I, A. Popova. RUSSIAN* perp !2k Ik jdiLk �UE, 9 Vol 201p No 29 November 19711, pp 494-496. GB June 72 Reutilization of Nutrient Mediua Pre- pared Mith Seawater During Cultivation XZ02LO L&I Rouch. of the Liga IJX.Lr Sp, Nov., by L, V. Spektorova-. RMSSIAN,, perp LQ" Hfilak U~ Q1 W-3 Vol 201p No 2, November 1971t PP 497-499. CB June 72 Seasonal Changes in the Thyroid Gland and Intensity of Rrythropoieaiv in young Atlantic Salmon (Salmo ealar Le) In the First Tear of Life, by M. F. Vernidub. RUSSIAN, perp Pok Ak Ralik 05A. 1191- "0 -) Vol 201t No 2. November 1971p pp 500-502. CB June 72 Now Facts Concerned With the Relationship Betwein Zlectrographic Immediate and Trace Procoases and Short-Term Memory, by L, G, Voronino RUSSIAN, perp ok Ak Nguk 3SSR. Biol S0161 Vol 201, No 2, November 1971, PP 503-506. CB June 72 Xffect of Gangliosides on the Cerobral Circulationo bv S- A. Mirzoyan, RUSSIAN, parp 20 - ARA p - p 4 n - - ' -I I Vol 2010 Lin 2, ovember 1971, pp 507-509. CB June 72 Recording of Changes in kmount of Blood and Povoibilit-y oZ Determining Total Blood Volume in Body by Measure- ment of Electrical Resistance of Human Body~ by Go Me Yakoviev. RUSSIAN, perp p2k Ak Na k SSSR. Biol QQI,j Vol 42,01p 11c 2, Novembsr 1971, pp :510-512. CB June 72 :~Ode'l of Fei-e-trating, Convaction c-l--* I C-aor es s e Gao in P Deep .1-ilopliere. b V - I Po, 1 e z h a e S S Tj~ T Per, Dok AISC Nauk SSS-i, C., v 7:) 3 C, v e yn"h e r inst o v s 0 Yay- 1'37- 7 2 4 2hec)r'-, -)f Dyna,.,*,,, 'ontact, b- V V b, 6 si I'k o 1-1 RUSS I!, ~T, per, D~ k I Vol. 20', 1 Nove;~bcr 1971, 1_-15-L of, vo i. 7-1 Dnrlijj~7-1()-~qls 1.~et~ u Ocj for S..~,SteLlsj by D* Zt ArOV4 "R. U per, DCL: Vol 1101 , 0 v ~~nb e r , I ~,. r, s -L -, 11 ~(i YS Vol 16, '72 th L4j C ur fGI a E S e sin the SystenI 0 6 va --~l 1, T-, ct c. Ss ~j LA D j t 1. 0 n Yll, D e t f t 11 ~' , of a Pleceiving rntenna by ',Ileakis r)'L a Source i-.-, 'U")e Fre'3~-10.' Zone usin- L and Opticpl D. lls!zl-,rakh# RUSSIA~,, per, Dok_~,!,-'LiL,,~ R -lv Vol. 2013 1"o 31 1~'cveibcr V~71, p-L) T-n5t of Phys V Y 1 2, Y Ht ea to s I i c! V a n P. I 4er a 1.3 ezine Z A k a i S' S2 inot of V,.) 11 011 D -~,- ch a rge olf a n !ndue tI.v e Go,' 1. High I-Resista.,ace, Yu. I p 0 r D Vol 201 iveT-ber I t f Ph y s Vol, ay 1972 Mechanimm of the Radiation-Chomical Oxidation of Hexavalent PlutoniurA to Haptavalent in Alkaline Aqueous Solutions, by F. 1, Zakharovm. RUSSIAN, per, Pok Ik auk SSIS FLY$ Chem., Vol 201, No 3p November 1971, pp 636-638 CB June 72 Structure of the Phans Diagram of the System In-Sb at High Pressure# by 1. 1. Kornilov. RUSSIAN, per, "., Vol 201, pp 639-642 CB No 3, November 1971, June 72 An Investigation of the Mechano- chemical Phenomena in Proceneos of Boundary Friction, by R# F. Kokhan. RUSSIAN, per, - - - -NIML_S;Sa A UZO fjM., Vol 201, So 3,, November 1971, pp 643-646 GB June 72 Influence of Nonretarding Molecular Forces on the Coagulation and Condensation Growth of Particles of Highly Disperse iarosols, by 1. G. Surugin. RUSSIIN, perp Pok "m ., Vol 201, Nc 3, November 10.719 pp 647-650 CB June 72 Measurejaent by the Jet Method of the Rate of Movement of Water Drops in Mixti~res of Air and Water Vapor Nonuniform With Reappet to Temperature and Concentrationp by B. V, Deryagine RUSSI&N, per, Obta jogh., Vol 201p No 3t 1971? P-P----Z ~1-C~4, GI3 June 72 Mechanism of Acetylanic Derivatives of Anabasins and Piptridiae in the Corrosion ot Carbon Steel in Acids, by 1. S. Salykov. RUSSIALNp per, Dok JLk ga,~,ILIQL Chas jagh., Vol 201, No 3? 1971t pp 655-657, CR June 72 liuOtics of the 11bitization of Microclins Uader SupercriticeLl. Conditiouss by N. F. Uhaliohahav. RUSSIAN$ per, DQk Ak xAjkj=j Cheyl Teghs, Vol 201, No 3. 1971, pp 658-660. C13 1 r. Juno 72